#cult of Henry
92darkdragon · 10 months
I play ni no kuni cross worlds. In the kingdom you can decorate it with items you either buy in the kingdom shop or you find in the wilds. Anyone who plays the game knows that the kingdoms reset every week. On this particular day we had three scarecrows and I had this wild hair idea, and since it was Thanksgiving, I decided to mess around and luckily the decorator had no problem with me messing with the stuff. So, happy thanksgiving (or belated) to you all.
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Don’t worry I’ll take this down sometime in the first week of December. 
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twoshotsoffandom · 5 months
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The lamb likes to tell dad jokes. Here is a collection of some of its best worst jokes
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book-connoisseur · 5 months
girls don’t want boyfriends, girls want their fatal flaw, a morbid longing for the picturesque, to cause them to snap because “what could be more terrifying and beautiful to souls like the Greeks or our own, than to lose control completely?”
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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laidback-thrills · 9 months
CULT AU! Henry Miller
He was right.
Father thought he could play God.
Father Miller may be dead, but he is very much alive.
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99% of The Secret History is Richard Papen either high or drunk.
The 1% is Henry trying to manipulate Richard to join in a murderous plan.
And people ate that up (me. I’m people.)
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why is sammy not well liked? he's so silly billy!! look at his big ol anime eyes!
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You haven’t met him
- Allison
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marry-me-mello · 6 months
oh boy I am on a roll today folks
I feel so joyous so it's time to ruin the lives of fictional characters
With more Jekyll and Hyde headcanons
Featuring Einfield bc he's basically been forgotten
Utterson and Einfield have matching bowties. They're pink and sparkly and they never wear them in public but always when they hang out at Utterson's house or smth
Hyde throughly enjoys wearing dresses so he has a lot of those hidden away somewhere
(Like some bugs bunny type shit where he wears a dress and everyone's like 'where's Hyde and who is this lady')
Jekyll sometimes hides in corners at parties and stares ominously at people
Utterson categorized his Halloween candy as a kid by color, how much he liked it, etc
Lanyon and Jekyll kind of just ate all theirs the second they got it
And Hyde beats kids up on Halloween and takes their candy.
Side note-Jekyll's that bitch who hands out toothbrushes and shit on Halloween. Hyde takes over his body and gives out actually good candy. And then beats the kids up.
Lanyon was once attacked by a dog. He acts like it's some big bad pitbull but it was a shih tzu. It jumped out of the purse and tried to eat his face.
The shih tzu was Hyde's. Its name is Princess Badass and it gets along well with Whiskers.
Jekyll had a mullet when he was a kid for like a year or so.
Hyde keeps trying to grow his hair out and then sees something sharp and just cuts it again (like ME)
This turned into half Halloween ranting but whatever I fucking like Halloween. And don't know how to spell shih tzu.
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gavalaa · 7 months
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Two Faced Hare
Vanny/Vanessa from my fnaf au (dont be fooled guys, she’s actually quite nice.)
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rockytheluver · 6 months
Full Masterlist~
Criminal Minds
Outer Banks
Bands/Band Members
Others/Solo characters
If I think of anymore or you guys want to see some of a certain celebrity or character unmentioned, please let me know!
Message me if you want to be on my tag list!
Request Form can be found here
Rules can be found here
(Still getting everything situated so if you come across this post before everything is filled out I apologise!)
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shutupcrime · 1 month
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She was born to play Judy Poovey if you even care
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twoshotsoffandom · 6 months
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This is not a dig at people who draw the lamb with hands by the way, this is me admitting the creepy ass deer from Adventure Time had lasting damage on my psyche
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You know, Norman, you really are the sweetest man in the world, but I'm the only one who knows it.
On Golden Pond (1981) — dir. Mark Rydell
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flowersforfrancis · 1 year
Richard Papen: If I had stayed in California I would've joined a cult. Also, Richard Papen: Goes to Hampden and joins a highly exclusive greek class, with a teacher who discourages him from taking any other classes. Then proceeds to follow the plan of a guy who's never heard of the moon landing, and help him to murder his best friend.
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bendysinitiation · 6 months
Dude your au seems very cool! Tell me more about your chapter 4, you write homoherotic tension, so you must elaborate!
Completely fair
Of course, all this is subject to change, but for now, Chapter Four is literally “darkest hour” where Henry is dropped into the darkest part of the studio. This unfathomably large place hosts, among other things, a cult run by Mr. Prophet himself!
The entirety of this chapter is trying not to get brutally murdered and sacrificed to the ink demon, as well as a lore dump. Henry is in constant surveillance, so it is important to be sneaky.
Sammy gets an upgrade in this chapter, as you could probably guess. He’s now officially 7 feet tall and has taken and covered himself in countless of his followers’ bones. His role is the same as his role in normal Chapter 2 (to sacrifice Henry), but just in a bit of a different place, and he’s much more threatening.
Besides that, he has much more screen time whether you decide to talk with him or not: As said before, you have to sneak around, and one of the people that can find you is Sammy, which leads to an instant game over.
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As for the homoerotic tension, that’s mostly because he wants your blood and has even more time to wax poetic about his lord and savior in your face.
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