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Austria-Hungary Empress Miku
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sillygrossgirl · 1 month
The fact that after Dr Moumita was brutally raped and killed, yet to recieve a smidge of justice and evidence was even purposely destroyed to deter the investigation, people went to porn sites to search her name and find photos/ videos of her last moments alive. Recently found out this apparently happens everytime a case of someone being sexually assaulted/ killed goes "viral".
The thing is that its not exactly shocking to me, but it still makes my skin crawl. People are out here protesting and trying to get her justice, meanwhile others are doing this.
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senatortedcruz · 7 months
We need a tumblr legends where are they now special
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toesuckler · 4 months
sort of fallen in love with the trope of a scientist who thinks religion is totally ridiculous but ever so slowly their beliefs and morals creep into this odd obsessive larger than life scale.
Because of course we die for science, we were born FROM science so it can take our lives back. Of course i am happy to die, because that means i am embraced into the arms of my brothers and sisters, of course the bacteria beneath my fingernails will one day become my successor, because they deserve it.
But no no no, religion is stupid! makes no sense, for fools and laymen. I'm not religious, im not obsessed, my eyes have just opened and yours have not.
thats it!
that's all...
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sm-baby · 1 year
Hi hi! I really love your slice-of-life story, the concept is absolutely adorable! I'm kinda curious though, why is Denise living with Oscar? If you don't mind me asking, of course
Hehehe you never asked why Denise is enrolled at a wealthy school! Or why Oscar was able to be in dance classes with Wendy as a kid!
Even though they are "homeless" Oscar and Denise actually come from a wealthy background! Not to mention its VERY expensive to maintain a converted van!
Answer: Denise's parents work overseas :3 and basically just send them money so Oscar can take care of Denise.
I say Oscar can't work because he has some sort of disability. His sister doesn't mind supporting him tho. Denise also really likes to travel, and either has a tutor, or does modular work!
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da-riya · 1 year
Just finished watching openheimer on top of a rooftop
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lapislazuliacacia · 10 months
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Cementerio de Azul. Buenos Aires, Argentina
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jecook · 11 months
Not to say anything to bold, but everyone is so surprised and horrified at people being fired for not being pro-Israel as if hordes of people online haven't been very supportive of firing and hunting down even the mildest of conservative people. "How can they fire people for just expressing a different political opinion" as if we haven't cultivated an environment of firing people based on their political opinions.
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I hope you can unlock Mine's fighting style in time for Jo's boss fight... Here's How Sawashiro And Mine Can Meet IN SPIRIT
SURELY they wouldnt have the sawashiro fight be an early-game kinda deal… SURELY we’ll get time right—
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wyrmfedgrave · 3 months
CNN: Arizona is sending taxpayer money to religious schools — and billionaires see it as a model for the US
Why are taxpayer dollars funding private, religious schools that don't pay any taxes?
And, why are funds being taken from our public schools?!
The short answer is:
Republikkkan/megachurch groups 'standing up' for the kinds of moral values that their own leaders don't follow...
If they're so enamoured by such an education, why aren't the rich funding it all?!!
Why are they crossing the separation between church & state, looking to spend our tax dollars?!
If they get to spend such monies, they should be paying taxes as well...
Our tax funds shouldn't benefit un- regulated schools with no educational standards or licenses.
Maybe it's time to do something about that - along with the other garbage that the Republikkkans have put in our way...
Strangely enough, several billionaires have been quietly spending millions on universal education vouchers.
So, you just know that something stinks to high heaven...
And, here they are:
1. Recent studies found that these kinds of schools had a negative impact on student scores!
We're not talking about "Dead Poets Society" here.
No, these schools are actually run out of church basements!!
Without professional standards, they just follow the most basic educational curriculum.
2. The actual benefactors of these re- funneled funds are actually rich folk!
Wealthy individuals benefit from a new subsidy they weren't entitled to before this program existed.
Worse of all, families can spend these funds on anything that's minutely educational.
Things like kayaks, trampolines & even SeaWorld tickets!!
3. Most of the religious schools follow extreme beliefs or discriminate against certain students.
Christian schools for 1, have strict Statements of Faith & reject people with different sexual beliefs.
"It's not possible," they say, "to be a sexual 'deviant' & a Christian - at the same time."
Shouldn't they be teaching this lesson to their own leaders?!!
Nowadays, they even reject woke ideas & students of non-Christian faiths.
They've even fired an English teacher - for defending a pansexual student!
This is why they're now facing a LGBTQIA discrimination suit in federal court...
Democrats, of course, are proposing limits to voucher eligibility, mandating better educational standards & the use of background checks - for all private schools!
At the moment, there's no real accountability nor transparency...
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sparksinthenight · 7 months
I’m going to now take a moment to talk about Tena, a great prophet from Tatooine. She was born into the harsh life of slavery. Or I don’t know, maybe she was captured and sold later in life. Whatever the case is, she was definitely a slave on Tatooine. And she deeply cared about her community of fellow slaves. Her master declared that one of the slaves was to be punished by being denied food, because they hadn’t done enough work that day. Tena of course could not stand to see her fellow slave so harshly punished, and she illicitly snuck them food. Unfortunately, she was caught, and her master ordered her to be killed. And so her master’s overseers took her out into the desert, and detonated her slave chip, expecting her to die. Tena did not die however, as the Great Mother Ar-Amu saved her life and gave her her holy mission, which was to inspire the slaves in Tatooine to resist their masters. Tens accepted this mission, and she travelled throughout the planet, freeing slaves and inspiring rebellion and teaching the slaves that they were worth so much more than a life of slavery. Finally, the final showdown between her and the masters occurred. She was captured, and was set to be publicly executed for inspiring rebellion and resistance among the people. Tens was brave, and was glad to die for the freedom of her people. But as all the onlookers watched, master and slave alike, there came down a holy fire from the sky. The holy fire was sent by Ar-Amu, and it engulfed Tena, taking her to Ar-Amu’s land.
So the moral of this story is, you must be brave, and you must do whatever it takes to give other people their freedom, even if it comes at the cost of your own life. For those who die for the sake of the Great Mother, and those who die for the sake of the people who they love, they do not truly die but are rather set alight to be a burning beacon of resistance, rebellion, and inspiration to all oppressed people.
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Some people need their mouth sealed
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faededaway · 9 months
Only god knows how much I hold myself back from buying every red clothing I see.
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ndcultureis · 2 months
nd cultire is having a special liking/resentment towards very specific things because of their sensory experiences and having no way to explain to people who don't know what sensory issues are that you don't want to be the one who moves the pile of newspapers away because you hate touching them
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akutasoda · 7 months
I was wondering if you could romantic headcanons for Chuuya with a S/O who is Finnish but moved to Japan is trying to learn the language/culture? (Sorry if that's too specific) I think it would be rather interesting :)
far off lovers
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synopsis - headcannons for chuuya with a finnish s/o
includes - chuuya
warnings - gn!reader, reader is implied finnish, maybe ooc, fluff, wc - 407
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↪he had probably first met you by pure coincidence. he had stumbled across you struggling to communicate with others while he was simply walking past.
↪normally, he probably would've just walked off but he could tell that you were deeply struggling with any sort of communication due to you being a foreigner. and out of impulse he offered to help.
↪while he knew he the chances of knowing your language was slim but perhaps you knew english, his was limited but enought to communicate. and thankfully you did which allowed him to help you.
↪when you had thanked him afterwards you told him you only recently moved here and knew very very basic japanese. he couldn't help but pry into where you were from originally.
↪at a later date he would run into you again, still struggling with the same issue - he yet again offered help which you took from a now friendly face. however, rather uncharacteristically, he offered you further help by offering to help teach you some japanese.
↪he didn't know why and he only played it off as him helping you to avoid similar situations in the future. and so you soon found yourself receiving lessons at local café's from somebody who was practically a stranger but felt very much like a friend.
↪due to him helping you improve your japanese, you two had grown quite close and so you expressed to him your interest in the culture aswell. something he would note and look into helping you explore aswell, should you wish he joined you.
↪he also became increasingly more curious toward your culture aswell, sometimes asking you about your culture and maybe to teach him a few words in your language - it was only fair in his opinion.
↪your café lessons with chuuya became very much a weekly thing, pretty much whenever he had time off as he found time with you to be relaxing despite the fact that he was teaching you a whole nother language.
↪and so when a festival came up he didn't hesitate to ask if you'd like to go to it with him, telling you it would be a great way to explore more of the cultire - and spend more time with him, he may of developed some feelings but who knows?
↪chuuya wouldn't know why he offered to help you at all but he wouldn't regret it as he regularly enjoys taking you places to experience the culture of japan. except this time your language would've improved significantly.
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autism-culture-is · 3 months
mid needs autistic cultire is always being left out of autism spaces
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