#currently on my 4th watch in 5 days.
love-songs-for-emma · 5 months
new comfort film dropped (two decades ago): phantom of the opera (2004).
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tootiecakes234 · 3 months
Katsuki taking care of sick Y/N:
“Kkkaaaaaaaaattttttt…… katsukiiiiii…” you called out from your burrito roll in the bed.
“What?” He shouted from the living area.
You didn’t answer but peaked your head out to look at the door for his inevitable arrival.
This is your 3rd or 4th time calling him today and you knew he was starting to get annoyed with you but you couldn’t give a rats ass.
You were stuck in this room, on your death bed because that asshole refused to let you be more than 5 inches away from him while he was sick.
You knew it would turn out this was and now he was back to 100% but you were running fevers and hacking up lungs.
He barged into the room with an exasperated look on his face.
“What do you want now? And so help me god if you ask me to hand you the remote one more time I’m gonna blow the whole damn tv off the wall.”
He was currently wearing sweats, no shirt, and the apron you bought him for Christmas that said “ No idiots in my kitchen”. He loved that damn apron.
“What are you doing” you asked followed by a sniffle.
“I’m TRYING to make your soup because you haven’t eaten anything in 2 days. But you seem dead set on making sure I never get to finish making it.”
“But I’m lonely, and I’m not hungry. I want to you to come lay with me…. Hold me.” You say with a little pout forming on your lips.
“Y/N, you have to eat. Also I told your ass to finish that damn glass of water and it’s still half full. You’re never gonna feel better if you don’t do what I tell you.” He says in his stream voice.
“You’re not a doctor. I didn’t do all this when you were-“ then you choke and cough until little tears gather in the corners of your eyes.
“See look, you’re choking because your body knew you were about to spit out some bullshit. You didn’t do all this because I was cooperative.” He says as he sits on the edge of the bed rubbing his hands over your cheeks. “You’re being stubborn and trying to get under my skin by calling me every 5 seconds.”
“Well I wouldn’t be sick if you weren’t such a baby. I told you this would happen and look. Now I’m dying…. Did you do it on purpose? Are you trying to get rid of me??”
“Babe, I don’t have to put in this much effort to get rid of you. If I don’t watch after you, you’ll end up offing yourself before long.” And he chuckled.
“My pain is funny!?!?” You exclaimed.
He chuckles more, “kind of.”
“This! This is what I meant by shitty bedside manner. You’re so mean to me.”
He leans down and presses a kiss to your forehead and pulls back with a soft smile on his lips.
“Ok, ok, ‘m sorry. Just let me go finish making the soup and then I’ll come back in here and rock your whining ass to sleep. Do you want me to lay you on the couch while I finish?” He asks.
You nod your head yes and then he stands and sweeps you up quickly into his arms.
When you get to the living room he sets you down gently on the couch.
“Now you can see me slaving away for you in the kitchen. Are you satisfied?”
And you nod again.
He straightens up and starts heading back to the kitchen.
“Wait Kat” he turns back around to face you. “Before you leave…. Can you hand me the remote?” You ask and try to keep the laugh in that’s threatening to escape at the glare directed at you.
If looks could kill, you’d be a goner😭
Katsuki Masterlist
Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list🤗
Tags: @dreamcastgirl99 @xxvendettaxx @justbepeace @moonpieshawdy @theloveofnagiseishiroslife @mintsbubbletea @darkstarlight82 @anon-mouse223 @b134ch-m4h-ey3z @i-literally-cant-with-this @flowerbedbaby @kit-katsukii @blaize-hewwo @sweetblueworm @tippy-toes @superlegend216 @kxtsxkii @liliththeunqualifiedsimp @burgvndy @fluffismystaplefood
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mariposa-writes · 1 year
The Assistant - Travis Kelce Pt. 5
Kelce x Reader
Word Count: ehh, not sure
Summary: ...
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You've been staying with Travis for a week and a half. You weren't originally planning on staying this long, but Travis got you to agree to staying just 3 days and then he upped it to a week and now you've agreed to stay with him until you can start walking again.
You've still been working as his assistant, but only doing around 1/3 of your original duties. Even though Travis lived in a huge house, you were starting to get tired of being pent up.
You were used to constantly being busy, whether you were doing something for Travis or something for yourself. You weren't used to having this much free time and it was starting to get to you.
Maria walked into the living room, "Do you need anything sweetie? I'm going to start cleaning upstairs."
"No, I'm okay. Thank you Maria." Maria was Travis's maid and the one of the sweetest ladies on earth. Travis asked Maria to stay with you full time when he was at practice, since he wasn't comfortable leaving you alone.
She was constantly checking in on you making sure you didn't need anything.
You threw the book you were reading onto the couch, not even bothering to mark where you left off. It's not like you were far, considering you couldn't make it past the 4th page.
This was the 5th book you had read since staying at Travis's and although you were a fan of reading you couldn't find it in yourself to read anything today. You tried watching a show earlier, but even that was boring. So was tik tok and every other social media app.
You'd finished a puzzle Travis had in his house, realizing you were not a fan of puzzles.
You felt stupid for being bored in a house with endless things to do, but you just weren't used to being so still, you were a busy body.
Travis was due to be home in an hour and then Maria would be going home, you liked when Travis was here. He was pretty fun to hang out with and he would tell you about his practice and different things he would learn about his teammates.
But today you were kinda dreading talking to him. You had been waiting for your bill from the hospital to come, but it still hand't. You were having your neighbor check for you and she hadn't seen anything in your mail, from the hospital.
You decided to call up there today, only to find out that it had already been paid for. You knew there was only one person who would've and could've been able to pay for it.
Travis had already agreed to cover some of it, but you didn't want him paying for all of it.
Maria left as soon as Travis got home. You were waiting in the living room when he came into the house. "Hey, how was your day?" He asked, dropping his bag on the floor.
"Fine, how was yours?"
"Good, exhausting." He sat down on the opposite end of the couch you were currently sitting on.
"Travis, I have to ask you something?" His eyebrows furrowed and he turned to face you.
You sighed, "Did you pay for my surgery? I called KU medical center and they said it was already taken care of."
He bit the inside of his lip, "Yea, I covered it."
"I thought we agreed that you were only covering the portion I couldn't. I didn't need you to pay for the whole thing." You were frustrated, that he went behind your back.
"I didn't think it'd be a big deal. I have the money, so I figured I'd help you out." Travis didn't see anything wrong with what he'd done. He was only trying to help you out and make your life a little easier.
You grabbed the check out of your pocket and handed it to him. "Here, I'm paying you back." He got up from the couch and dropped the check in your lap.
"I don't want it." He simply stated, before entering the kitchen. You got up to follow him. Just as you were about to speak he cut you off, "Want anything to eat? I was gonna make some pasta."
"Travis." You frowned, leaning on your crutch.
"Y/n" He frowned, mimicking you but not for long because he broke out into a laugh. "I'm sorry," He said bending over and holding his stomach as he laughed, "I just can't take you seriously over this."
You didn't bother answer, opting to glare at him instead.
After he calmed down he saw you were still pissed. He sighed, getting serious again. "Please, let me pay for this. It's my way of saying thanks, for everything you do. You're a huge help to me and I honestly don't know what I would do without you."
"Travis, this is a lot of money. I just don't feel comfortable with you spending that much on me. Not to mention everything else you've done for me. Like you literally have given up your room for me." You weren't used to people being so generous and you didn't know what to think.
"If it helps its like pocket change to me." He joked, before heading back over to the walk in pantry. He came out a few seconds later, with a box of pasta in his hand.
"Doesn't help." You quipped, getting onto the stool as the kitchen island.
This was becoming a regular routine, you keeping him company while he cooked dinner. It was nice, you enjoyed it more than you cared to admit.
Plus Travis was a surprisingly good cook. "I don't know how I've been living without your food for this long." You said after swallowing a bite of his pasta. "You should go to jail for depriving me of your cooking skills."
He smirked, happy that you liked his food. After you guys were done eating Travis cleared the table, while you picked out a movie to watch.
He plopped down on the opposite end of the couch, "What are we watching"
"Den of thieves, I heard it's good. It has ice cube's son in it I think." You pressed play and pulled the blanket Travis had on his couch over you.
Travis enjoyed the movie and turned to you when the credits started to roll. "Good pic-" He stopped when he realized you were already asleep.
A small smile graced his lips, at the sight of you curled up on his couch.
He gently called your name, trying to gauge if you were truly asleep or just 'resting your eyes'. This wasn't the first time you'd fallen asleep during a movie and each time you always insisted that you were 'just resting your eyes'.
When you didn't respond, he realized you were clonked out. He debated over what to do. Should he wake you up? Leave you on the couch? At least it was a comfy couch.
He opted for carrying you to your room, hopefully without waking you. He carefully gathered you in his arms, and while you did stir a bit you never fully woke up.
He was half way to your room, when you nuzzled your face into his chest. His heart stopped as he looked down, to realize you were still sleeping.
Your hand was clutching his shirt, as he carried you the rest of the way. He gently set you down in his bed, on top of the covers. He went to his closet and grabbed a blanket, placing it over you.
He quietly left his room, turning off the lights and shutting the door careful not to wake you.
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The Assistant tag list: @talicat713 @livinginmyfantasies @amylouwho9 @burrowingkelce @kkrenae
Let me know if you want to get added to the tag list.
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simonnebethel · 5 months
Writeblr Introduction
Just learned what a writeblr intro is so I'm gonna make one before I go to bed lol
I've already done something like this a few days ago but that was when I had no clue what I was doing lmao, so might as well make a more in depth one
About me:
19, she/her, bi
I write mostly fantasy and urban fantasy, and honestly i dont think i've ever written a story that was non-fantasy lol
Started writing when I was 10, but it was mostly Warrior Cats fanfiction on Wattpad lol. I went through a writing slump for most of highschool but last year I decided to get back into it since I'm not doing anything else lol
I like to read fantasy and classic lit, also anything with vampires. I also have a soft spot for slowburn romances where the main characters dont kiss until, like, the 4th book heehee
In love with anything gothic, vampire, and wlw 👩‍❤‍💋‍👩
I think one of my more niche interests is any early 2000s fantasy/sci-fi movie with a nu-metal/rock/alternative soundtrack like Queen of the Damned and The Crow. They are just...*chefs kiss*
My current stories:
A Chant for Blood (Formerly known as Account of Calamity)
Account of Calamity is a gothic victorian fantasy about a Grand Marshal, Karliah Helisende, and a blood-drinking fiend, Yorick Gwynplaine, who work together to investigate the mysterious portals that spawn dangerous creatures into the city of Isarnan, all the while Karliah is being haunted by the mysterious ancient temple that watches over her every move.
I'm currently working on the second draft, and I may start looking for beta readers once I'm finished, although I know I'm not far from finished with this novel. I also plan to make it a 4 or 5 book series, and slowly add a slowburn romance.
12/30/24 - Second draft has been finished!!
Looking for beta readers! Look here!
Our Demonic Hearts - The Craven Pact Series #1
Our Demonic Hearts is a urban fantasy about a cambion woman, Ana Kravens, haunted by her past. Taking place in a small Mississippi town, a man she went through a traumatic incident with, Beau Motloe, shows up on her doorstep one day with a deal; help him find his missing mother, and he'll give back the memories she lost during the traumatic incident. Her father, a demonic creature of unknown origin, wants nothing more than the Motloes dead, claiming that they were the very reason his daughter was almost killed 6 years ago. Ana goes against her father's wishes and accepts Beau's deal, suspecting that her father isn't telling the whole truth about that fatal night.
It is completed and available on Wattpad and Royal Road!! It was just a small project I had done for Nanowrimo, and has been edited at least once before being published. However, I plan to make it a trilogy and maybe have some spin-offs. This story is fairly new, but most of the characters are at least 5 years old and I love them very much <3
What I plan for 2024:
Finish the second draft of Account of Calamity and look for beta readers(In the beta reader phase!)
Start the second novel of The Craven Pact Series
Write a short story/novella or two taking place within the Account of Calamity universe. My brain is currently exploding with ideas rn(2 are in the drafting process currently!)
Write a short story about Ana Kraven's mom and how she met Marchosias, Ana's father.
Plan something for Nano?? Idk where I'll be in November lol
I'm interested in following other writers and reading everybody's stories! I would also be interested in a beta read/beta swap ^^
Other sites I'm on:
Wattpad: LillithOfBees
Royal Road: SimonneBethel
Nanowrimo: BeeWitch
18+ Writing discord!!!
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A/N: Two chapters in two days, I'm on a roll! I hope you all like this, finally getting some of the show in this.
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
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Chapter 4
What the fuck
Grabbing another book off the dwindling pile in front of them, Caelwen’s shoulders slumped. This was the 4th day that she and Lucifer had been in the library. As much as she was enjoying the fallen angel’s presence, every book that wasn’t what they were looking for made her want to cry.
The news of the extermination moving up had come as a surprise and shock, Heaven truly was heartless. But it also moved Caelwen’s deadline up, she was too close to making Adam pay to wait until the following extermination – it had to be this one.
Lucifer tossed another book on the pile of useless ones, having given up on putting them away for now. Looking over to see his companion also growing weary, he checked his watch to see it was almost lunch time. Lucifer tapped Caelwen on the shoulder to pull her away from her current book. “Let’s pause and get lunch, we could both use a break.”
In the kitchen, Lucifer summoned ingredients for some sandwiches to the island, arranging them so they could both make their own. As Caelwen was going to sit, she felt her phone buzz in the pocket of her dress. Pulling it out, she noticed a message from Nia.
Nia: hope it’s going okay boss lady. We’re all good here, Velvette was a bitch but I handled it. Don’t forget about overlord meeting tomorrow. I know you don’t normally go but with everything happening…
Caelwen: Thank you. Yes, I was thinking this might be the time to go. I’ll go alone though, I’m more interested in seeing who still stands and assuring them I’m still capable.
Nia: let me know if you change your mind, okay? I’m here if needed.
Caelwen finally sat down, rubbing the bridge of her nose; she hated those meetings but with all the chaos of the extermination being moved up, she knew being present could make or break her company and position.
“Is everything okay? Your assistant hasn’t let your business burn to the ground, hopefully?” Lucifer asked with a chuckle.
Caelwen gave him a small smile *Yes, she was telling me that all is well. She also reminded me that there is an overlord meeting tomorrow. Despite not owning any souls, I rank rather high amongst the demons apparently. I’ve been considered an overlord for almost 300 years now, but it’s been a few decades since I last attended a meeting. With the extermination moving up, this is one I don’t think I should miss.*
Lucifer’s was slightly taken aback, he had always thought the sinners were only led by fear and power. This woman in front of him seemed so gentle, how could she have gained respect amongst heartless demons? Caelwen could see his confusion and chuckled silently.
*I can be quite scary when I need to be. Plus, I do have support from Beelzebub with my business. And that’s been a helpful bonus* Caelwen finished with a smirk.
Chuckling, Lucifer agreed with the Nephilim – not too many sinners would willingly try to piss of one of the sins. Though he wasn’t sure he could ever see Caelwen as scary.
Back down in the library, the two continued the cycle they had established on the first day. The 14th and 13th centuries had been a bust, nothing had come close to the symbol Caelwen had been branded with. Despite their lack of success, though, they were both smiling and laughing. Between sharing stories from their lives and making small jokes there were secretive glances, light touches that lingered on hands or shoulders, and faint blushes that they each did their best to conceal.
Caelwen had never felt so light in her life. In spite of how long she had lived in Hell, the Nephilim had always been more concerned with staying alive and hidden then with maintaining her company and image. She had never bothered with romance; she’d read about it, sure, but never looked for it. Still, here she sat, next to the strongest being in all of Hell, blushing and feeling as though her heart might beat out of her chest every time his hand brushed hers. And, fuck, if he kept brushing the feathers of her wings she might combust – she’d never realized how sensitive they were!
When night rolled around and they retired to their separate rooms, Caelwen lay awake, trying to sort through her feelings. Having been unable to speak for so long, she’d become well-attuned to her surroundings and reading people. She knew Lucifer was reciprocating her actions, truthfully he’d been the first one to start lingering when handing her books or moving her wings to a better position. The problem was that she didn’t know how to proceed or if she even should.
~ The Next Day ~
Caelwen was gone after breakfast, expressing her desire to check on the office and Nia as well as grab some clean clothes before the Overlord meeting. She hated taking a break from their search, but Lucifer assured her he’d keep looking while she was out.
After changing into a clean, sleek black dress and assuring she was consumed in shadows, Caelwen headed into her office. There, she saw Nia sitting in her chair with her legs propped on the desk with a phone to her ear. Plopping down into a chair across from the hell hound, Caelwen waited for the call to wrap up. From the eye rolls and the hand yanking at her hair, it was obviously not a fun conversation.
Finally slamming the phone down after a gruff ‘fuck off’, Nia turned to her boss with a grin. “How’s it goin’ boss lady? Any luck with the books?”
*Unfortunately, not yet. We’ve worked through quite a lot though and Lucifer is going to keep going while I’m out today.* Caelwen leaned forward then, peering at the spread of papers on her desk before looking back to Nia. *I assume everything here is still okay? No one has died or tried to get one over on us?*
Nia smirked, “Duh! I’m pretty good at this shit. You know, if you ever wanted to take some time off, I’d be more than happy to run this place for awhile!”
*Good. I may take you up on that; once this seal is broken, I’ll probably need some extra time to adjust and get myself in order before the extermination.* The two women smiled at each other then Nia began to catch her boss up on everything that had happened over the last few days.
An hour later, Caelwen was standing in an elevator of the tall building, and the overlord meeting would be held in. Consumed in shadows, she took a deep breath to center herself and mentally assume her alter ego. The elevator door opened, and Madame C exited and turned to walk towards the meeting room. Entering the room, she noticed Carmilla walking to the head of the table. Madame C looked around, taking note of each Overlord in front of her, a couple she didn’t fully recall, but most were the same. When her eyes landed on Alastor and his unnerving grin, a shiver rolled down her spine – she’d thought for sure he had died, wished for it honestly.
“Welcome Hell’s sovereign Overlords. I’ve invited you all here because you represent the controlling powers of our city. Together you own millions of souls, souls at risk with the new extermination schedule. We need to discuss what can be done to minimize the impact to our interests.”
As the tall woman was talking, Madame C made her way around the table towards her chair. Despite not being present for a few decades, the chair next to Carmilla and opposite to Zestial had always been hers, and no one had bothered to try and occupy it.
“Zestial, so good to see you my friend”
“Enchanted as always Carmilla” the spider demon said, summoning a cup of tea.
The arms dealer then turned towards the radio demon in surprise, calling his name. It seemed Madame C wasn’t the only one who had thought him dead.
“Oh, yes, I know I’ve been absent some time. I’m sure you’ve all been wandering!” How she hated the sound of his staticky voice, like nails on a chalk board.
“Not really,” Carmilla shrugged. “But welcome back in any case.” She turned to the shadow-encased woman beside her next. “I’m glad to see you as well, Madame C. It’s been some time since you’ve graced these halls.”
Madame C gave a short wave and nod of her head, eager to be done with the niceties and this meeting.
Carmilla snapped her fingers and was handed a clipboard. “This years extermination was brutal, far more even than years past. We have assessed that about 16% of the population was lost. With the Angelic legions returning twice as quickly, I think it prudent we-“
The door was kicked open by Velvette, entering the meeting late and on her phone. ‘Children’ Madame C had never liked the Vees much either, to brash for her taste. She propped her elbow on the table and placed her head in her hand, doing her best to tune out the youngest Overlord.
Madame C jolted back as a head rolled towards her before stopping. It was the head of an exorcist, golden blood leaking from where it had been severed from its body. Bringing a hand to her mouth, the shadowed woman looked away to re-center herself.
“Where did you get this” Carmilla asked Velvette.
“We found it during extermination day. If these Holy Rollers can be killed, the game has changed!” She hopped up on the table walking towards the center, “We can take the fight to them. The boys and I have come up with a full assault plan –“
Loud slurping interrupted Velvette’s tirade, thankfully. Everyone turned to Zestial.
“If it be true thee and thy colleagues desire to war with such meager proof, thou art far more foolish than I be thought.”
Madame C gave a subtle nod agreeing with the spider, one exorcist meant nothing in the grand scheme, no matter how wonderful the thought of eliminating the holy army was.
Velvette snorted, “’Meager proof’? It’s a dead fucking exorcist. I’d say that pretty fucking definitive. You goin’ blind, old man?”
“We know not how this perished. Mayhaps t’was not by a demon’s hand at all. If we rush to war without knowing, mightn’t they purge all of Hell for daring an uprising?” A round of agreements was heard from every overlord around the table, angering Velvette.
“Oh I get it. So, grandpa is too pussy to fight so I guess there’s no point. Right?” She got into Zestial’s face. “Oh what’s the matter, fossil? Too senile to make a real power grab?” Madame C clenched her fists to keep from throttling the girl, letting Carmilla stand up for Zestial.
The two women began to battle it out over showing respect. Madame C felt a headache forming behind her eyes, doing her best to not lose her mind over the shit show this meeting had become. She could have been with Lucifer - looking through the library, getting closer to actually flying, sharing more stories. Testing the boundaries of their growing friendship. Instead, she was stuck here watching a child argue for all out war with angels trained to kill sinners.
Madame C tuned back into the conversation when she heard Velvette accuse Carmilla of knowing why the angel was headless. If it was true that Carmilla had killed or at least knew how to kill the exorcist, she’d need that information for later.
Carmilla called for the end of the meeting abruptly as Velvette tried to get a confession, leaving the other Overlords confused and upset. They had all taken the time to gather, and the meeting had barely begun before it was over. Madame C had not missed the chaos these meetings could be.
Rising from her seat with the other Overlords, Madame C made her way to the elevators, avoiding any questions thrown her way. It wasn’t like she could answer, so why did they try?
Once out of the building, shadows consumed her and transported her to Lucifer’s front door; she didn’t want to bother with being interrogated by Nia after the disastrous meeting. Greeting the imp that opened the door, Caelwen dropped her shadows as she waited in the entryway for Lucifer. Less than two minutes passed before a portal opened in front of the green-eyed woman, a black gloved hand hastily pulled her through.
Stumbling, Caelwen was caught at her shoulders by a grinning Lucifer, his smile so wide it nearly split his face.
“I found it! It’s not the exact symbol, but that’s because he changed it to make it what he needed. I’ve spent the last hour triple-checking and I can’t believe I forgot about bindrunes! They’re very old, but powerful and it makes perfect sense for the timing and-“ he cut himself off, running a hand through his hair. “We can break this seal within the next couple of days, just need to get a couple things first!”
Caelwen’s jaw had gone slack, her brain silent, eyes wide in disbelief. When Lucifer said she’d be whole in just a few days, she couldn’t contain her body and threw herself at the blonde man, wrapping him in a tight hug. She felt his arms slowly encircle her waist, returning the hug slowly as his mind processed the action.
Pulling her head back to look Lucifer in the eyes, it took everything she had to not kiss him. Instead, she grinned at his shocked face before squeezing him tighter and then pulling away slowly. Caelwen grabbed Lucifer’s hand and gestured for him to show her the book, her headache completely forgotten as the two lost themselves in reading through the book together and making a list of everything they might need.
Whether they realized it or not, neither one made any attempt to pull their hand from the other’s, content with the connection as they basked in their victory.
A/N – Ahhh!! I’ve done a quick proofread of this, so hopefully, I didn’t miss anything. We got a little peak into Caelwen’s mind this chapter which was fun. I’ve been developing her since the season premiered on prime, and it’s so nice to get her written down. Hope you all enjoy; likes, reblogs, and comments are so appreciated. They’ve literally kept me out of a depressed funk this past week, so thank you all!
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just-misheru · 28 days
BLs currently On Air
A brief description of the BLs currently on air and my thoughts, in alphabetical order. I will try to keep this updated (May 4th). Contains spoilers!
🇯🇵 At 25:00 in Akasaka | episodes 3/10 on Gagaoolala
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Shirasaki is cast in his first main acting role, a BL with his fellow University classmate Hayama, now a big star. He soon finds himself confused and conflicted as he struggles to keep his emotions towards Hayama contained on screen.
Watching the first two episodes I wasn't sure if I would love these two. Shirasaki began as the typical awkward and terrified jbl character that's never had a relationship. Hayama was almost watching him from a distance. By episode 3 these two really begin to get comfortable with one another. I have high hopes with 7 episodes still to go.
🇰🇷 Be Brave Boys! | episodes 4/8 Rakuten Vikki
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Jin woo has a crush on Ki Sub and has managed to keep it a secret until they live together.
I'm really conflicted about this series. There are parts of it Ilike and I don't know if it's the dodgy subtitles but some of the dialogue is confusing. Why can't the main couple just be honest with each other? I will keep watching as I'm curious and I like the second couple.
🇰🇷 Blue Boys | episodes 3/4 on SukFilm YouTube
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Two friends from high school meet again as adults and get together. However there is a misunderstanding between them that threatens their relationship.
The episodes are short but these boys make those 10 minutes worth it. They have great chemistry, fantastic kissing and come accross very natural together.
🇰🇷 City Boy Log | on cityboy_log YouTube
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Vlog style scripted BL following idols Jaejun and Jihan.
I still love this chaotic duo and watching them in their boyfriend era. It's nice to have them back. Great chemistry and realistic acting.
🇯🇵 Living With Him | episodes 4/8 on Gagaoolala
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Ryota moves out for the first time and shares his apartment with his childhood friend Kazuhito. Their relationship develops as they begin to care more about each other.
If you want to watch something that is cute and honest then this one is for you. These boys are refreshing to watch as there is no messing around, no pointless side plots; it's just two childhood friends developing feelings for one another.
🇹🇭 My Stand In | episodes 2/12 on iQIYI
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Joe, a stuntman for a famous actor called Tong, meets Ming by chance. The two have a deep relationship but what Joe doesn't realise is that he is a replacement for Tong, who Ming has feelings for. Joe is involved in accident and wakes up in another body, a man also named Joe. Joe meets Ming again.
This series won't be for everyone, especially if red flag characters and toxic relationships are not your thing. I'm enjoying it so far. I can't wait to watch Ming realise what he has lost and for Joe to make him work for that forgiveness.
🇹🇭 Wandee Good Day | episodes 1/12 on GMMTV
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Drunk with a broken heart Dr. Wandee goes from darling to daring, entangling himself with Muay Thai fighter Yoyak. A one-night stand somehow turns into friends with benefits. However feelings begin to develop that neither will dare to accept.
The male leads are gorgeous with great chemistry. Are there cringe scenes? Most definitely, but it works with this series. I love their characters especially Dr Wanadee, and I'm looking forward to seeing how things progress. I'm a little annoyed we had all that spicyness and no kissing yet.
Not Currently Watching (On Air)
🇹🇭 We Are | episodes 5/12 on GMMTV
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daryandricky · 11 months
Chapter 1 PRIOR
Rick Grimes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Shane tells reader that Rick didn't make it after the hospital was overrun, causing reader to travel with her former military brother to find somewhere safe.
Summary of chapter: Reader tries to find a way to tell Rick of her pregnancy, but can never find a good time.
Warnings: Swearing, torture, pregnancy (I don't care if you hate this trope, I LIVE for it), really anything walking dead related.
(Lori is Shane's wife, and Carl his son.) Also, this is my first fic so I apologize in advance.
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July 21st, 2010 4:25 a.m.
Ever since you found out the news, you've been struggling to sleep. Not only were you constantly nauseous and lightheaded, but you weren't certain if Rick actually wanted kids or not. Sure, you guys talked about it, but never anything serious ever came out of it. You saw the way Rick was with his best friend's son, Carl, and you longed to have a little one of your own. You personally loved kids, hell you taught them for a living. But whenever you brought up the topic, Rick quickly shut it down and changed the course of the conversation to a lighter subject.
You think it's because Rick and his brother didn't have the greatest relationship with their father, and Rick was afraid of repeating the past. However, you knew he would be a great father, and you knew he would break the cycle of neglection.
A few days ago, when you first took the test and saw the lines telling you, you were in fact pregnant, you were over the moon. You were so excited when Rick came home from work, nearly jumping out of your skin. But instead, you were faced with a grumpy, tired man who had a terrible day at work.
"You ok?" You ask pulling away from the hug and looking up at Rick, the excitement wiped from your face.
"Yeah, long day." Rick sighs as he toes off his work shoes.
You follow Rick into the living room and watch him plop on the couch and rest his arm over his eyes. You tap his foot, silently asking him to move them. Rick moves his arm just enough to get a glimpse at you and raises his legs. You sit, bringing his legs to rest across your lap. You turn your body to face him, resting your head in your hand, with your arm on the back of the couch. Giving his knee a squeeze, you say "Wanna talk about it?"
"No." Rick shakes his head. He lifts his arm off of his eyes, and clasps his hands together across his abdomen and stares up at the ceiling, seeming deep in thought about his rough day. He tilts his head towards you and smiles when he sees you're already staring at him. He sits up slightly. "What about your day? Do anything fun?"
Your mind immediately races to the pregnancy test currently residing in your back pocket, but deciding now is definitely not the time, you smile down at him and play with a loose thread on his pants. "No, just went grocery shopping and read a few chapters of my book."
"Man, sometimes I wish I became a teacher, getting the whole summer off." Rick whistles. "Nah, instead I gotta deal with dipshits who attack cashiers because they won't give them a credit for half eaten food, which by the way, they ate."
"Oh, so you had a day?" You giggle.
"Baby, I swear to god, everyone and their mother was fucking on one today. We got so many ridiculous calls, we were running all over town." Rick cringes as he remembers one scenario where he had to break up a fight between a naked old lady and her neighbor. As soon as he got back to the station he took a shower. He's never scrubbed his body with more soap in his life. He shudders and looks at you with distant eyes. "You have no idea."
You smile at him. You have no idea either.
The next couple of days, you tried again but you never had a good opportunity to bring such important news up to Rick. You decided you would tell him today, as it is your guy's 4th anniversary and Rick was able to take the early morning shift, meaning he would be home around 2:30 instead of his usual time of 5.
So, you lay there at 4:25 in the morning, not have gotten a single wink of sleep, as you anxiously wait for Rick's alarm to go off at 4:30.
Rick's front is pressed against your back, with his arm wrapped tightly around your waist. You wiggle your way around to face him, expecting to see your handsome husband, but you are met with an open mouth snorer, drooling and fanning shit breath across your face. You scrunch your nose up at the smell and try to shove the bile rising up in your throat back down. You turn your body again, but this time so you are facing the ceiling.
"Jesus Christ." You whisper. You think of popping a mint in the man's open mouth, but you are met with the image of Rick violently waking up and chocking, so you decide you better not. Instead, you wait for the alarm clock to wake up the putrid man who sleeps beside you.
Your stomach falls out of your ass as the most annoying alarm clock, courtesy of Rick, goes off, reminding you once again of the news you plan to tell him today. You swallow thickly as the arms wrapped around you slither away. You act asleep, not really in the mood to talk in your current position.
"Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit." Rick loudly whispers as he practically breaks the alarm clock in half trying to get it to shut up. When it finally does, he looks at you and smiles when he sees you 'sleeping'. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and kisses your cheek, before getting out of bed and heads into the bathroom. Rick shuts the door before turning on the light. You hear the faint sound of the shower running. You sigh, and turn on your side facing away as much as you can from the light shining through the cracks of the door.
You've almost drifted off when Rick emerges from the bathroom with a towel dangerously hanging low on his hips. He forgets to turn the light off before heading into the closet to put on his uniform, successfully blinding you, even with your eyes closed.
"Rick." You grumble out.
He pokes his head out of the closet and looks at you confused by your crabby attitude. You glare at him, he should know by now that you are definitely not a morning person, let alone do you like being visually impaired so early in the morning. You angrily point your finger at the bathroom.
"I swear to god if you don't turn that light off right fucking now, I'm going to kick you so hard in the ba-" Rick cuts you off. "Ok, ok!" Rick puts his hands up in mock surrender. "Jeez woman, why do you always got to result to violence." He laughs as he turns the light off.
You turn your back to him. "Because it's the only thing that works with your stubborn ass." You say sleepily.
Rick looks down and smiles before he comes and sits on the edge of your side of the bed. He brushes the hair out of your face. "Happy Anniversary to you too grumpy pants."
You squint at him and whisper out a "Happy Anniversary." Before Rick pecks your lips. "I'll try to leave early today, have Shane cover for me."
"That man's as good of a liar as Pinocchio, good luck with that." You say smiling up at Rick.
"Hey, he owes me one after I caught him and Lori in the evidence lockup the other day." He says, causing you to giggle.
He looks down at you, before attacking your face with kisses, making you laugh as his lips tickle your skin. He grins down at you before standing up.
"I love you baby." Rick says as he heads out the bedroom door. You watch him leave, saying "I love you too, be safe please."
You hear a faint "always" before the front door closes. You turn your body again, finding it very hard to get comfortable enough to finally go to sleep.
11:00 a.m.
You slept for about two hours before waking up again. All you can think about is how you're supposed to bring it up. Should I just hand him the test and hope for the best? No, that's boring. Although this was a touchy subject, you still wanted to celebrate in a fun way, after all this is your first child.
In the end you run to the store and grab a newborn onesie that says, "I was Daddy's fastest swimmer." It made you cringe, and you thought it was very cliche, but who knows, maybe it'll lighten the mood a little bit.
You arrive home and grab the test out of your nightstand, wrapping it in the onesie before putting it into Rick's watch box that he insisted on keeping. The thought of him thinking you have gifted him another watch, after you had just recently got him one for Christmas, makes you giggle. You can vividly see his face scrunch up in confusion as he looks down at the watch that already resides on his wrist. You wrap the box in a pretty blue wrapping paper and but a gold bow on top of it. You place the present on the coffee table and decide to clean up the house a little bit, after you've neglected it since you found out the news.
1:00 p.m.
You sit on the couch hunched over, elbows on your knees, with your head resting in your hands as you stare at the box deep in thought. What if he freaks out? What if he leaves? You think and your eyes go wide. What if he never speaks to me again? What i- your thoughts are cut off by someone pounding on the front door, effectively making you jump and sit up straight. You stand up, wiping your hands on your jeans and make your way towards the door, swinging it open.
Your mouth slightly opens in confusion as you blink up at a sweaty and shaken Shane. "Sh-Shane?" You ask confused. "Is everything alright?"
Shane shakes his head, points his finger towards the living room, silently asking to talk inside. You swallow thickly as you stare at him, moving out of the way so he can make his way inside. Everything seems to be in slow motion as you follow Shane to the couch. You see him eyeing the present before lightly pushing it out of the way, to sit on the coffee table. You sit down on the couch in front of him, annoyed that he's beating around the bush and ignoring the elephant in the room.
"Will you just fucking tell me if my husband is alive or not?" You ask glaring at him. Shane looks at you shocked, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water.
"Y-yeah, I mean, yes, he's alive."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding in, before sighing and looking down at your hands. "How bad is it?" You ask through tears, glancing up at Shane.
"It's pretty bad. We missed a gunman in a chase and we were blindsided by him. I'm so sorry y/n. I wish it was me. I would do anything to trade places with him." Shane all but pleads.
You look up at him, nervously biting the inside of your lip, something Rick thought was cute when he'd catch you doing it. You run your fingers through your hair and say, "Will you drive me to the hospital?'
"Of course I will." Shane says as he grabs your hand and squeezes it.
"Ok." You whisper. "Meet me at the car in 5 minutes?"
Shane nods his head and gives you one more glance before heading out the front door. Tears freefall from your eyes, and you viciously scrub at them, begging them to stop. You stand up, biting the skin around the nail of your thumb and begin to pace, glancing at the present every now and then. Eventually, you pick the present up and throw it at the wall across the room, putting a dent into the corner of the box. You give it one last look before heading out to your husband's cruiser now being driven by Shane, slamming the front door behind you.
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mikrokcsmos · 1 year
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synopsis; in which you can no longer ignore all the signs of your husband’s affair.
pairing; husband!kim taehyung x wife!reader
genre; angst, marriage au
rating; PG-13
warnings; infidelity, not so much a warning but mentions of Yeontan to help keep you sane yw
w/c; 889
a/n; happy angsty reading! pls keep sending more if you enjoyed! <3 this is a repost from my old account.
song to listen to; evermore by taylor swift ft. bon iver
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It was currently November, though it all started in July, or so you think. Least, that’s when you first started noticing the signs. Who knows exactly how long this whole affair has been going on.
Gray November, I’ve been down since July.
Your whole body felt heavy due to all the bottled up anger, sadness, and despair you kept inside, selfishly trying to keep yourself alive amongst all the chaos and denial you dealt with daily.
It was the night before the 4th of July, you recall. You were supposed to meet up at the movies to watch the third installment of your shared all time favorite franchise. A movie that you booked tickets for together months in advance. Only to be left in the dark room all alone, the only light illuminated from the projector. Glancing down at your phone that emitted a soft glow, you let out a quiet sigh of discontent not wanting to disturb fellow movie goers around you.
From Husband:
Sorry y/n, won’t be able to make it. This meeting is going on for way longer than expected. I’ll see you at home later, don’t wait up for me, okay? Save me some popcorn, though! Can’t wait to hear all about it! Love you.
That should’ve been your first red flag.
Motion capture, put me in a bad light.
Not that he left you to watch the movie alone, but yes, that sucked. He’s done it before, though. When you know for a fact he was caught up in a meeting, or so you hoped, thinking back on it now.
No. No, it was a detail that no one would’ve picked up on besides you, and in fact, most people would just scoff at and say you were over reacting. He was probably in a rush to send that text, they would say. He didn’t have time. Yeah, okay. Sure, whatever. But you knew.
Especially since you made a pact not too long after you started dating that you would use your pet names instead of your actual names when addressing each other. Or, not so much a pact, but more so just an unspoken rule you developed out of a daily habitual use of said pet names. He literally hasn’t called you by your name in years.
I replay my footsteps on each stepping stone, trying to find the one where I went wrong.
It was engraved in you since you were a little girl to be the ever doting, ever loyal, ever loving, ever faithful wife. Whenever you so chose to be one. Lord knows you were never in a rush. In fact, it wasn’t until you hit your 5 year anniversary that he got down on one knee and popped the question. Yet, you were still surprised when it happened. Still not expecting it for another 5 years later, at the very least. But, Kim Taehyung had other plans it seems. Ever the hopeless romantic, you should’ve known. Him always being the one to talk about your future together, hinting at a wedding and a big family with a little dog. At least you were able to cross off two of those, you thought bitterly. Contrary to the gentle pats you were currently giving to the Teacup Pom, Yeontan.
As the months progressed, he became less subtle. The lipstick stains on his collar of a color that didn’t exist in your make up collection, the waft of perfume you would smell as he kissed your cheek upon coming home that you knew wasn’t yours. And yet, you were still in denial. Not willing to risk losing him, your heart suffered instead.
Writing letters, addressed to the fire.
The only solace you had, being to write out your aggression of the day onto a piece of paper that would then meet the kiss of fire you would ignite nightly in your fireplace and burn, each time hoping and praying for it to cleanse your head and heart along with it.
It never worked. And you always cried silent tears of misery so as not to wake your peacefully sleeping husband curled up with the Teacup Pom in the next room over who came back from yet another late night out.
You never thought you would end up here. Being that wife that would become the gossip of other fellow wives. Becoming the ever pining wife that would stand alone in the dark at two o’clock in the morning looking out the window and waiting for your husband to come home. Craving his words and his touch. Knowing you weren’t currently getting either of those. She was. Whoever she is. You had no clue.
And I was catching my breath. Staring out an open window….
You stared longingly at your husband who just pulled up in the driveway. Yeontan running around your feet in excitement upon recognizing the sound of his human’s car. As he went to step out of the car, an article of clothing fell out, one he was quick to recover and throw in the backseat. More importantly one that was very obviously, not yours. Looking around to see if he had been caught, he locked eyes with you in the window. His widening in guilt, yours crying unrelentless tears as you stared emotionlessly, arms crossed over your chest where your heart just broke for the last and final time.
Catching my death.
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watercolourferns · 4 months
The reason Hazbin Hotel (FORGETTING ALL THE CONTROVERSY AROUND IT, PLEASE THAT'S FOR ANOTHER POST) is NOT for kids isn't how crass and rude it can be. But it's the topics it touches, especially with Husk and Angel.
The 4th episode touched on Angel's problems, a bit of his background and his current situation, and daaaaaaaaamn.
As someone who survived almost 5 years of DA and rape and who has seen SW as their only way out sometimes I can tell you that that's just how it is. It's crude, and cruel, and cold, and painful, your body's never your own anymore after it until you heal, and sometimes you think you have healed yet you didn't... And the only way to forget is to SH and just do it all over again, and MY particular case was mild compared to so many others I've talked to...
Imagine a child, who cannot relate to this, who is innocent and inexperienced, watching Angel's story and listening to Poison and Loser, baby. Helluva Boss also touches in sensitive topics, but not in this way from what I've watched.
This isn't south park, where the messages it gave were lost in it's crassness and it turned into a whole different shit show that parodied and satirized these topics. Whatever Viv is her series is actually taking these topics seriously in a way ADULTS can relate.
Yes, it's got comedy, and yes it's animation, but we have to understand that sometimes adults need these things too. Especially now a days where the world is so goddamned grim.
I'm only saying this because my fiancée works with children and since HH has been out there's a plethora of parents complaining about how this shouldn't be aired because it's not for children.
NO SHIT SHERLOCK, IT'S NOT. It's for us adults! Can we have just THIS ONE THINGS THIS ONE TIME?!
And I've seen in other places purity culture advocates and it's just... it's giving me a headache, and since I vent a lot here I wanted to just let it out...
Life ain't pretty, some of us are losers... but at least this is helping people like me feel seen when the rest of society wants to hide us like some shameful secret they don't wanna deal with...
We're some losers, baby, some right on crazy losers, but at least we're not alone and we deserve to be seen! 🎶
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morningberriesao3 · 10 months
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MWMD - Kiss My Lips
Steve Harrington X Virgin!Eddie Munson
Summary: It's the Fourth of July -- Steve and Eddie have a bit too much to drink, and have some fun playing party games.
Word Count: 4.4K
Chapter: 4 of 6 CHAPTER LIST
Content Warnings: Explicit m/m sexual content including… Virgin Eddie Munson, Dry Humping, Coming Untouched, Coming in Pants, Minor Crossdressing (ahem, EDDIE WEARS A G-STRING), Oh no they’re both tops?! what will they do!!?!, Top Steve Harrington, Power Bottom Eddie Munson, Blow Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Nipple Clamps, Under-Negotiated Kink, Unsafe Sex, Creampie. Underage Drinking and Recreational Drug Use.
Tags: Eddie Munson lives, 5 + 1 Things, slow burn, POV Eddie Munson, Gay Eddie Munson, Bisexual Steve Harrington, Slow Burn, Sexual Tension, Caretaking, Massages, Sharing a Bed, House Party, Play Flighting, Bros Being Bros (JK it’s very homoerotic), Halloween, Boys in Makeup, Independence Day, New Years Eve, Friends to Lovers, Happy Ending
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Many Ways, Many Days, to Say ‘I Love You’
July 4th, 1986
Everyone’s a little drunk already.
By everyone, Eddie means the only adults the gang really knows. He’s brought along Gareth and Jeff, who are absolutely beside themselves that they get to hang out at King Steve’s house. Robin has brought Vickie as her definitely not date. Jonathan has brought Argyle who Eddie already considers one of his new favourite people. Or maybe his mortal enemy. He’s not sure.
Eddie half expects Steve to have some girl attached to his hip since he hasn’t exactly been getting lucky since all but moving into his trailer. It would be one of Steve’s only chances, seeing as his parents have gone on some fancy business trip for Fourth of July weekend and he’s offered his house as tribute for a (kind of sad) rager.
But there is no girl that Steve has invited, at least not yet, and Eddie is more than okay with that. This way, he won’t have to pretend not to be jealous. And he won’t have to think about Steve’s dick being inside whoever’s pussy the next time it’s pressed against his own in the middle of the night.
It’s the first time Eddie has been invited to one of Harrington’s parties, and he’d be lying if he said he isn’t a little bit excited about it. Maybe King Steve is falling from his throne, but Eddie seems to be climbing the ranks. Maybe they’ll eventually meet somewhere in the middle.
Steve is currently lining up shots on the edge of his fancy, built-in kitchen island while Robin watches over his shoulder.
“Ugh, I hate tequila,” Robin says, scrunching her nose while Steve gets the saltshaker.
“Then don’t drink any.” Steve slices a lime into halves, and then into quarters, and then into eighths. He scans a few faces, and then his gaze lands on none other than Eddie’s. “You’ll do some shots with me, won’t you, Eds?”
Eds. Eds.
He barks out a startled laugh that Gareth raises an eyebrow at. Eddie smacks him in the arm before joining Steve by the island. Drinking had never been Eddie’s thing, mostly because he can’t afford that and weed. But he’s at a Harrington house party. When in Rome and all that.
“How’s this work then?”
“You’ve never done a tequila shot before?”
“Of course I have, Harrington. I’m not fucking twelve.” Eddie scoffs. He’s lying. “I just can’t remember the order.”
“Lick, shoot, suck,” says Steve, pointing first to the salt, then to the shot glasses, then to the lime slices. “Lick the salt, shoot the tequila, suck the lime.”
“What do I lick the salt off of?” Eddie asks.
“That’s the fun part.” Steve takes the saltshaker in his hands. “You can be boring and lick it off your own hand. Or –” he peels his dumb, striped polo off from his shoulders. This time Eddie doesn’t even pretend to look away. He’s already had a few beers, “– you can do a body shot.”
Eddie stares at Steve’s bare chest, made of all muscle and hair and sun-kissed skin. He lets his gaze fall to Steve’s navel where – rhetorically – he’d be taking the shot from.
“I…” he makes a kind of choking sound, then clears his throat, “I never back down from a challenge?” It comes out as more of a question, but honestly, Eddie is just glad he’s able to form words.
Steve’s face splits into a crooked smirk. He cups his hand over his mouth and swiftly turns to face the living room where most people are loitering around. “BODY SHOTS!”
There are a few whoops that come from probably Argyle and Jeff (who’s clearly gotten comfortable with the other guests). And suddenly, they have an audience.
“Alright, Eds and I are going first, because I want to be the one to pop his tequila cherry –”
“I’ve had tequila before!”
“Yeah, okay, whatever, man. We’re going first because Eddie is an expert at tequila body shots –”
“You’re such a prick.”
“–  and we have to teach all you losers how to do it properly. Capiche?”
Everyone is gathered around the kitchen now. And to Eddie’s surprise, Steve heads for the giant oak table in the dining room. He steps onto one of the matching chairs, and then plunks his ass down on the tabletop. Steve twists to his back, his head propped up with his hands, and a shit-eating grin plastered to his features like it’s now a permanent fixture of his face.
“Go ahead, Munson. Show them how it’s done.” Steve finally shuts up when he clamps down on the peel side of a slice of lime.
Eddie is making a fool of himself already, and he hasn’t even started… whatever this is.
Robin saves his ass. She grabs the tequila bottle and flings the cap into the unknown. “I hope you washed your belly button, dude,” she says before pouring the liquor into Steve’s navel. It overflows a bit, dripping down his ridiculously pronounced obliques. “Where do you want to lick the salt from?”
It takes a second for Eddie to realise that Robin is talking to him. “Is his cock an okay answer?”
Just kidding. Eddie doesn’t say that.
Instead, he says, “I don’t know. Wherever is the least hairy. It’s hard enough not to gag on tequila as it is,” like he hasn’t fantasized a million times about pressing his face, his nose, his tongue, into every enticing patch of Steve’s hair, from his head down to his fuzzy calves.
Steve rolls his eyes and points to the dip under his ribcage where the skin is relatively smooth, compared. Robin wastes no time sprinkling salt onto that area. And then Steve is prepped, and all eyes are on Eddie. He kind of wants to die, but if he was dead he wouldn’t be five seconds away from getting his tongue onto Steve fucking Harrington. So in conclusion, he’s actually very, very thankful to be alive.
Eddie eyes up Steve’s body, plotting the easiest plan of attack. He decides he might as well commit since he’s already entirely mortified, so he hikes himself up on the table so he’s straddling Harrington’s thighs. Everyone starts hooting and hollering. Nancy is giggling behind her palm while Argyle is slowly nodding with a joint tucked behind his ear. Robin’s hands smack over her eyes but she peeks out from between her fingers. Gareth nudges Jeff’s shoulder like they know something, so Eddie throws them daggers with his gaze.
It takes Eddie a second to steel himself, but soon he musters enough courage to bend himself over Steve, who immediately starts giggling when Eddie licks a fat stripe over his salty skin. As Steve laughs, tequila sloshes around on his abdomen. So Eddie presses his palms into Steve’s hips to still them. He might be imagining it, but it sounds like Steve sucks in a sharp breath.
Which really just encourages Eddie.
He buries his fingers into the flesh of Steve’s hips (because he might as well while he’s here) and tucks his head low to suck the bitter liquid from Steve’s navel. He dips his tongue in there, too – he just can’t help himself – which makes Steve squirm under his body. The button of his jeans rub against Eddie’s chin and it takes everything inside of himself not to nip at Steve’s skin and trail his mouth lower.
He knows that’s not really body shot etiquette even though this is the first ever body shot he’s ever done.
Finally, Eddie crawls up the length of Steve’s body and hovers his mouth over the slice of lime that’s still being held between Steve’s teeth. But he pauses, because Steve is staring straight into Eddie’s soul, with lidded eyes and pupils blown. Maybe it’s in Eddie’s head but it really looks like Steve is turned on, but no, that doesn’t make sense because Steve is straight, and Eddie is pretty sure he’s not a girl.
Well, he does have feminine features, like his long hair and his big eyes, and his full lips which are actually kind of an insecurity because his upper lip is bigger than his lower lip, and he always thought that was weird. But maybe that’s why Steve looks like this – like he’s about to drag Eddie up to his abandoned bedroom – because he’s drunk and Eddie kinda sorta looks like a girl.
Whatever. Eddie will take it.
He brackets his arms around Steve’s shoulders as he bends down to bite the wedge of lime from between Steve’s teeth. It’s really lodged in there, and Steve isn’t exactly making it easy to pry it from his mouth, so Eddie seals his lips into the pulp, trying to suck the juice back from right there, in Steve’s mouth. The lime bursts sour liquid that squirts into Eddie’s mouth and dribbles down Steve’s chin, and Eddie nearly chases that with his tongue too, but ultimately decides against it since he’s already pushed the limits enough.
“It’s so wrong, but I can’t look away.” Robin’s voice pries Eddie from his revery. He sits back up, spine rod straight, to shoot her a look and point a finger into her face.
“Can it, Buckley.”
“Yeah, Eddie, how come you’ve never sucked tequila from my stomach?” Gareth barks a laugh, but then the girl that Nancy brought with her – Eddie forgets her name, but it’s some chick that ran the school paper – turns to Eddie’s friend.
“I’ll do it.”
That wipes the grin straight from Gareth’s face, replaced by a healthy flush beneath his cheeks. The whole group is then in an uproar, pointing to each other, and laughing, and separating into pairs to do body shots of their own. Only then does Eddie remember that he’s straddling Steve when he feels him wiggle beneath his thighs.
“Um, Eddie?”
“Oh, shit.” Eddie clambers from the table ungracefully as ever, lucky to land on his feet. “Sorry. Sorry, Harrington.”
Steve sits up, wiping his mouth of lime juice with the back of his hand before giving Eddie a mischievous look. “All good, man. Let’s get some more drinks.”
Steve grabs Eddie’s hand (like, he actually holds it for a minute, like he did in the hospital all those months ago) as he drags him to the counter with all the liquor. And there they do shot after shot until Eddie can’t down anymore without gagging it back up. But he does crack open a beer, and so does Steve, and they head to the living room while everyone else is screaming when Nancy sucks a shot of tequila from Robin’s navel.
Vickie looks a bit jealous, but Eddie averts his gaze before he can read too much into it.
“Holy shit,” Steve says, falling into the plush cushions of his parents’ couch. “I’m so drunk. I haven’t been this drunk in… forever.”
It’s not hard to believe, because Steve is slurring his words and each time he blinks his eyes it seems like it takes all of his energy to open them again. The room is spinning a bit, and Eddie realizes that he, too, is way more drunk than he’d been in a while.
“Same. But you know what would make it even better?” He pulls a joint from his crumby pocket and waggles his brows at Steve.
“Oh, man.” Steve slings his arm around Eddie’s shoulders. “I knew there was a reason I love you.”
Eddie tries not to think too hard about that, and instead drags Steve up off the couch and out the door that leads to his pool. He digs around in his pocket until he finds a fluorescent orange lighter, and then he sparks it up.
The first drag burns deep, calming the excited, jittery nerves that he’s had all evening for some reason (his crush on Steve). He takes one more, then hands the spliff off. Steve takes a hit and lets his head loll backwards on his shoulders as he hums a noise of approval.
“Fuucckk,” he moans, making the little hairs on the back of Eddie’s neck stand on end. It shouldn’t sound so damn pornographic, but it does. Eddie’s been fighting off a boner all evening and the noises that Harrington makes is what finally takes the cake. He wishes he could readjust his dick in his too-tight jeans without being obvious about it but alas, he cannot. So he just lets his cock fill out as he breathes through it, and hopes that Steve doesn’t let his gaze fall below Eddie’s belt.
“You make it sound like that joint is better than sex, Harrington.”
“Yeah, well it might be.” Steve opens his eyes as he takes another puff and then hands it over to Eddie. “Not that I can remember, it’s been so long since I’ve gotten any.”
Eddie snorts and averts his gaze, sucking back on the roach in his fingers.
“What about you?”
Eddie looks back at Steve. “What about me?”
“When’s the last time you fucked someone?” Steve asks, unabashed. “Or, I don’t know. Got fucked by someone.”
Blood rushes around Eddie’s body, not sure if it wants to settle in his ears, or his cheeks, or his dick. But there seems to be plenty of it, because all three are getting a fresh supply. “Oh. I – uh. It’s been – you know. A while.”
“Uhuh.” Steve nods. “So, when was it?”
“C’mon, man.” Eddie laughs nervously, snubbing out the joint on Harrington’s parents’ landing. “I haven’t – I mean. It’s been, a reeeaally long time for me.”
Twenty years.
Steve narrows his eyes, catching onto something Eddie isn’t sure he really wants him to. “Are you saying you’re like… a virgin?”
“No!” Eddie lies, crossing his arms defensively. He huffs out an embarrassed breath. “Well, maybe? When you’re gay, virginity isn’t exactly as black and white –”
He cuts himself off.
He just said that, in real words, out loud, in English. He just said he’s gay. And he also kind of admitted he’s a virgin, and Eddie doesn’t know which is worse. Maybe Steve is too drunk to realise? But no, he’s not, Steve still has his general wits about him and he’s looking at Eddie with such an intensity that Eddie feels like he’s about to get punched. Or maybe kissed?
Probably the former.
Steve doesn’t do either. He doesn’t even dwell on the elephant in the room. He just says, “Huh. So what have you done?”
Eddie feels the tension in his shoulders relax a bit. Maybe he’s okay, but it’s better safe than sorry. He tells himself that he’ll keep his words genderless, so he doesn’t out himself by accident a second time.
“I don’t know. A handjob here, a blowjob there.” The second thing is another lie, but admitting he’s only had one handjob seems more embarrassing than just being a virgin, period. He shrugs. “Believe it or not, when you’re a threepeat senior, and the Dungeon Master of a D&D club, you’re not exactly swimming in opportunities, Steve.”
Steve takes a step towards Eddie, which just makes Eddie believe that he really mustn’t have heard the gay thing. Because why would he be crowding his face into Eddie’s like this? Why would he be getting so damn close if he knew Eddie was into dudes?
“You’re a good-looking guy,” Steve says, cocking his head to one side and letting his gaze slowly trail down Eddie’s body like he’s appraising him for value. “Maybe you’re just not searching hard enough?”
Eddie makes a noise, something like a squeak, or a hiccup. He’s about to say something – anything – but before he can form words, Robin comes rushing out from the sliding doors. “We’re playing spin the bottle! Come on, it’s gonna be so fun.”
“Yeah, coming, Rob.” Steve takes a step away from Eddie. Smiles. “Maybe we’ll be able to get some action now. Let’s go.”
Eddie hopes that his blush isn’t all that visible, but he knows with his white-ass skin he’ll be stained up with splashes of pink watercolour. He kind of wants to sit this one out, because he’s sure that nobody wants to kiss The Freak of Hawkins High (even if they are all friends now).
He’s never once wished in his life to kiss Gareth or Jeff, but here he is, hoping that when he spins, the bottle will at least land on one of them to spare himself having to see the disgust in someone else’s face.
Everyone inside is already forming themselves into a loose circle. There’s enough space for Eddie and Steve to cram themselves between Argyle and Nancy. There’s an empty brown bottle in the middle that Robin is immediately taking hold of. “It was my idea, so I get to go first! And no copouts. Whoever it lands on, it lands on.”
She gives the bottle a good crank, and it ominously spins and spins, and eventually slows. The neck is pointing towards Jeff, who blushes, and Eddie feels a little bad for him because he definitely doesn’t know Robin is queerer than a three-dollar bill. He has a feeling he’ll be hearing Jeff talk about the pretty girl from the party for the next couple of months until he realises for himself that nothing is going to happen.
Robin grins and leans forward on her knees. Jeff meets her halfway. They smack a quick but playful kiss against each other’s lips right in the centre of the circle, and everyone cheers. Eddie catches himself grinning, too.
Jeff smiles his dopey little smile that Eddie kind of loves (but he’d never admit to it), and he grabs hold of the bottle next. It spins, and lands on Gareth. Eddie finds himself laughing aloud, clapping his hands together and chanting some sarcastically encouraging words.
Gareth grabs Jeffs cheeks and smooshes them together, and then plants a fat kiss to his forcefully puckered lips. Everyone in the circle laughs. “I know, I know,” says Gareth. “Here to rock everyone’s world.”
Eddie is still very much drunk, so he says, “Yeah? Make sure it lands on me and share some of that sugar.” He’s never said anything like that in his life, and as soon as he hears himself, he cringes. Beside him, Steve kind of furrows his brows and shifts around.
Maybe he is a little bit uncomfortable with gay things.
The whole circle is giggling when Gareth spins the bottle. It doesn’t land on Eddie, but the girl from earlier. Gareth looks all flustered again, and Eddie feels soft for a minute. He hopes that maybe something could come out of all this. It’s about time that one of them gets to start having sex.
The girl leans forward first. Gareth crawls on his knees and lets her press her lips into his. It’s a softer kiss than all the others – Robin and Nance coo while Eddie makes a dramatic gagging sound.
“Shut up, man!” Gareth tosses his empty beer can at Eddie’s head. The girl laughs and spins the bottle. It lands back on Gareth. The room erupts in cheers when they go in for their second kiss. It’s more confident that the first and Eddie feels like he’s witnessing something a little bit too personal. Gareth goes next, and it lands on Steve. “Pucker up, your highness.”
Eddie isn’t sure what he expects. Maybe for Steve to cringe or look mildly horrified. But he’s grinning a genuine grin, all crooked and happy like he doesn’t have a care in the world. Eddie is also ferociously jealous. Even though he knows both Gareth and Steve are straight.
Steve grabs Gareth’s head and smacks an aggressive but quick kiss to his lips. Gareth fakes a shudder. “C’mon, man,” Steve says. “Tell me that didn’t make you want to cream your pants.”
“That didn’t make me want to cream my pants.” Gareth rolls his eyes. “Guess I’m immune to the Harrington charm.”
“What a shame. Hopefully whoever it lands on actually wants a piece of this.”
“I’m pretty sure nobody here wants you, Steve,” says Robin. Steve sticks his tongue out at her, and she does it right back.
Eddie almost says that she couldn’t be more wrong, but he’s sober enough to keep his lips sealed.
Steve reaches down, grabs the neck of the bottle, cranks it to the side. It spins and it spins, and by some divine intervention or maybe some cosmic joke, it lands on Eddie.
His ears are ringing, but it’s not quite enough to drown out Robin’s laughing. “Part two to the show we got earlier!”
“Yeah, come on! Lay one on him!” says Gareth. Eddie whips his head to the side, hopefully looking at him with a menacing warning, but something tells him the only thing in his eyes is fear and want.
Eddie barely has time to think, let alone form a witty response, before Steve is grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and yanking him towards him. “Pucker up, baby.”
There are a few things that go through Eddie’s head in that moment.
First: Steve just called Eddie baby, and as one might guess, it definitely makes his dick jump in his pants. He’s embarrassed by how often that happens now, but there’s only so much he can do about it. And if Steve insists on always being so frustratingly sexy, it’s just something Eddie is going to have to get used to.
Second: That look is back in Steve’s eyes. The one that makes Eddie think he might actually want to be kissing him, like Steve’s glad that the bottle pointed towards him. Half-lidded gaze focused on Eddie’s lips, meanwhile his own tongue is wetting his, and fuck –
Third: Steve is kissing him. But it’s not like all of the other kisses of the evening, Eddie would like to point out. No, this one is very different. Because it’s lasting a lot longer than a second or two. It’s lasting – God – it’s lasting forever, and Eddie is vaguely aware that people are cheering. And then – Eddie shits you not – Steve’s lips part and Eddie just follows along, because what else is he supposed to do? So now their lips are slotted and moving together and Steve’s tongue fucking rubs against Eddie’s lower lip.
This is when Eddie realises he’s been holding his breath, so he pulls away from Steve out of instinct for air, not because he wants it to stop, and then everything kind of zeros back into reality that he’s at a party and he’s definitely trying to turn what’s supposed to be an innocent game of spin the bottle into a full-on make out session with Steve fucking Harrington. So instead of leaning back in to continue like he wants to, he just shakes his head and clears his throat, and says, “Jesus,” because it seems like an appropriate response.
“Wow.” Robin’s eyes are big, staring at Eddie and Steve with a sidelong gaze like she’s embarrassed for them. “That definitely bumped up this game from general audience.”
The whole circle laughs, and Eddie blushes, and he very pointedly does not look at Steve before he takes his turn. It lands on Nancy, and it’s a little weird to kiss her but it’s definitely not like the kiss he and Steve just shared. But he can see Steve staring from his peripheral vision and he battles everything in himself to look back because he knows he won’t be able to look Steve in the eye and not at his mouth.
The game continues for another fifteen minutes before people start getting up to refresh their drinks, and others get bored, and it just naturally fizzles out.
Eddie keeps sitting cross-legged on the floor next to Steve, who’s in some heated discussion with Jeff about six versus eight cylinder motors that Eddie knows absolutely nothing about. He toys with his empty can of beer, until there’s a hand on his knee.
It’s Steve’s.
“Can I get you another drink, man?” he asks, and Eddie just nods. Steve takes his empty can and brings him a fresh one, and Eddie decides that it’ll be the last drink of the night because his mind has been plotting about how to get Steve to kiss him again, which is a pretty good sign that he needs to stop.
The party wraps up at about one in the morning. Some people take cabs, others ride their bikes, some parents even come to pick up their children.
Eddie stays, because why wouldn’t he?
He and Steve half clean up, throwing the empty cans and bottles into bags, tossing the cardboard pizza boxes into the recycling after wrapping the leftovers and putting them in the fridge.
When it’s time for bed, Eddie eyes the spare rooms in the hall and wonders if that’s where he’s supposed to go, but Steve speaks up before he has a chance to dwell too long. “C’mon, man. My room is this one.”
Eddie follows Steve into his room, and watches as Steve strips down to his boxers. It shouldn’t be weirder than it normally is, but Eddie is very aware that this is an entirely different situation because at his trailer, his bed is the only option. Here, though, there are several, and Steve is still inviting Eddie to sleep next to him like it’s the only thing that makes sense, when really he’s having a whole internal crisis about it.
But Eddie tries not to think about it too hard, even though it’s kind of too late, and he undressed and follows Steve into his giant bed. Steve scootches closer and slots their legs together while they’re still awake. And fuck, they both have semis. Eddie feels like he wants to unpack that a bit, but instead he tells himself not to overthink it.
By the time Steve is sleeping, Eddie is leaking in his boxers, and he condemns himself for doing this but he really has no choice. He goes to Steve’s attached bathroom and he rubs one out, he comes to the thought of Steve’s lips and his tongue and his half-hard cock that he felt on his thigh. He comes hard, and he tries to aim it for the toilet, but it flies everywhere. So he spends a few minutes cleaning up after himself, ashamed. Satiated.
He crawls back into bed with Steve and hisses a bit when Steve’s thigh slots between his and rubs against his over-sensitive dick.
And maybe Eddie’s imagining it, he probably is, but it sounds like Steve huffs out a small laugh.
He really hopes he’s imagining it.
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foone · 2 years
Hi I'm Foone Turing. I've been here a while but never really did an introduction post, so...
Hi. Yes, that's my name. I'm an asexual trans enby (they/them pronouns), I'm married, and I'm both older than you expect and younger than you expect, depending on what you know me from. I'm a writer and programmer. I'm better known on Twitter, at the moment. I'm well known for being severely ADHD and I'm also on the autism spectrum, somewhere near ultraviolet. I live near Oakland, California, USA, but I grew up on a farm in the south. I'm a furry, but I don't have a fursona yet.
I'm big into retrotech stuff, especially floppy disks. 80s and 90s PC stuff mainly, but I have a passing interest in everything else. I loves me some weird tech that you have no idea ever existed. I'm also big into analog media. VHS tapes, laserdiscs, that sort of thing.
Fandom wise, I'm a Trekie from way back, primarily in the TNG/DS9/VOY/ENT era. I haven't yet gotten into the new stuff, and I have only a passing knowledge of the original series. I'm also a big fan of Babylon 5, Red Dwarf, and Doctor Who (4th doctor, and new who doctors 9,10,11). I watch a bunch of British panel shows: HIGNFY, Mock the Week, Nevermind the Buzzcocks, 8 out of 10 cats (primarily the countdown spinoff).
I am a Big Hater on crytypocurrentseas and AI art. I used to be famously mad at the JWST, but now that it's in space and functional, I've calmed down. They just need to rename it and I'm golden.
I'm currently splitting my social media presence across three sites:
* Tumblr, obviously. Shitposting, jokes, queer stuff, and queer joke shitposts are all going here.
* mastodon: I'm putting my tech stuff here. Teardowns, building new death generators, fun historical weirdness.
* Twitter: formerly my primary platform, but now I just use it to keep in touch with people and make fun of the impending collapse of Twitter.
Stuff I do and have done after the readmore.
(I'm on mobile now but I'll get back to this on the desktop and add more links)
* I run lettuce.wtf, a webcam showing a lettuce to see if it will outlast Twitter. (My money is literally on the lettuce)
* my long running site The Death Generator: a tool for making fake video game screenshots, with user supplied dialogue.
* I run some Twitter bots, one of which is more popular than me, and all of which will need to be migrated soon: Gay Cats, WinIcons, Print Shop Deluxe, and Every Clue Line.
* I got Microsoft 3D Movie Maker open sourced
* I got rickrolled so hard that it ended up on national TV
* I ran doom on a pregnancy test
* I have made many horrible and weird keyboards. Keyboards with hair, keyboards which write poetry, keyboards that take 5 hours to say "hello world", keyboards with randomly placed keys, keyboards with 7 toggle switches instead of buttons, and many more.
* I tear down random electronics and try to figure out and explain how they work. (originally on Twitter, but moving over to mastodon now)
* I pissed off the FBI on more than one occasion. They tried to get me fired, they delayed my wedding by over a month, and they mentioned my 4chan nickname in a federal trial.
* I used to work for 4chan. I was a moderator and coder, I created /rs/ and /r9k/, and I convinced moot to destroy the original politics board (for obvious reasons). Things went further to shit after I left, but I am still glad I left. Oh and I also inadvertently prevented the creation of the 4chan dating/meet up site by being too ADHD to actually complete development of it. You're welcome.
* I ran a windows 95 machine for the maximum amount of time. There's a bug where it crashes after 49.7 days of uptime, so I let it happen. I livestreamed the end on YouTube.
* I've done exhibits at the Vintage Computer Festival on the history of floppy disks and optical discs.
* I've worked with the Video Game History Foundation (and others) to preserve old games and game development resources (source code and such). I'm big into archival!
* I wrote a really famous Twitter thread about the surprising way our vision works, which is still circulating in screenshots (including on Tumblr!) something like 5-6 years later.
* I made my old apartment play the Zelda Ocarina of Time shop music when you walked I the door.
* I run the Tumblr animefloppies, collecting screenshots and GIFs of floppy disks in anime.
* I run several other sub-tumblrs for collecting weird things, but I'll have to link them later.
* I am technically a speedrunner. I did the TAS of Duke Nukem 1, episode 1, and a joke speedrun of Solar Winds, where I beat the game by ignoring every single possible objective and just flying to the end, which takes over an hour.
* I used to make games. Some of them are available for download.
* but it still do, too: I'm working on a (currently unnamed) game about managing a dairy farm. Both the developers have ADHD. This is going to take forever before it comes out, if it ever does.
* I'm currently working on three books. Two are compilations of stuff previously twitterized, one is a novel:
- Always Screaming Forever: non-fiction, stories about my career in the tech industry and various other tech/science/history stuff I love ranting about.
- The Other Side of Screaming: fiction. My short stories.
- Mundane Kaya Sona (placeholder title): a linguist gets pulled into an FBI investigation into a car crash. An unknown language leads to the discovery of a wizard living in a forest in Oregon, and an interdimensional plot to smuggle nuclear weapons to another world, and break a cold war stalemate we (the planet earth) didn't realize we were in. I've been working on the setting for this story since I was about 7 years old, and I'm excited to finally get it out of my head and into yours.
* I'm probably forgetting like 5-10 major things I've done but ADHD is a hell of a drug. I'll add more as they come to me.
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prince-kallisto · 6 months
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WAUGHHHH I finally started to watch the EN book 7 translation on YouTube (currently at book 5 in my game 🥲) and ngl I was practically rolling around and squealing when Crowley showed up to talk about the 4th year internships 😭😭😭 I’m so unwell over him BECAUSE IVE ALREADY HEARD HIM SAY THESE EXACT SAME LINES IN JP FAN TRANSLATIONS HELPPP WHCBCJDJD
Pray for me if Crowley gets new lines in one of the future book 7 updates, it’s over for me (NSBXBSJDJ I’m so excited to see the jp updates for December!! 🐦‍⬛💖🐦‍⬛💖 keeping my fingers crossed for a book 7 update, I will actively schedule to be sleep deprived on the day of the update🧍)
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HES SO LAME I LOVE HIM. Although maybe I’m just mishearing him, but his voice sounded a bit more high pitched during this meeting explanation? Idk maybe I’m just mishearing it. His tendency to sometimes have a higher voice when talking to the students is funny because you’d think he’d have a deeper voice to sound more serious. But he only does that for exaggerated drama like in the Culinary Crucible intro 😭 I love him his voice actor is amazing as always
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felizusnavidad · 4 months
how is watching cxg going btw? do you like 4th season?
ok, so i actually had to take a little break from this show cause i realized i watched s3 too fast (in like two days...) & i just don't want to say goodbye yet... if that makes sense? 🥺
i am currently on ep 5 & i only watch one episode once in a while. it's really good so far but like i said, i'm trying to control myself cause i'm just not ready for it to end! i know there are other shows to fill the void, but it's never easy so i'm just taking my time!
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(my favourite song so far)
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leonscape · 1 year
facts about me and leon i guess?
dunno i’ll just keep going until i run out of facts. inspired by mo, @kissmetwicekissmedeadly (ship mopoleon) she said she wanted to learn more and also because we’re just leos loving leos.
1. we’re both august leos
2. 4 (multiples of 4 too) always show up in my life and oh would you look at that- leon is the 4th prince
3. at the time of writing this, i have played leon’s route 4 times
4. my high school class mascot was a lion (and i must say, the crests look quite similar)
5. sleepy when reading (but i’m much better at reading without falling asleep hehe) but i will need to take a nap when i’ve been writing.
6. we both like meat dishes :)
7. we have a height difference of about 19 cm
8. i made this account because i was lonely at that time and also i couldn’t find much leon content
9. my first post was about going on walks with leon
10. i currently have 34 entries in my leon thoughts masterlist
11. i have a total of 36 saved stories for leon (12 from the main route and 24 from collection events and epilogues)
12. the game currently says i’ve been belle for 605 days so that means i’ve known leon since october 24, 2021 JST. but because of timezones, i’ve technically been belle for 604 days and started the game on october 25
13. ever since i met him in the prologue, i’ve liked him the most. there was no question of who’s route to play first, i knew i wanted to play his first.
14. my favorite parts of the route was when he told us his secret. i also liked when he saved us from that party with the creepy duke. and i also like what happened after that when he got us new shoes and comforted us.
15. my first 5 star card was actually yves but i didn’t like him at the time so i rolled until i got leon.
16. the leon merch was too expensive and shipping is no joke so instead i bought a lion plushie
17. i have a whole bunch of songs that remind me of leon but it’s too embarrassing to share so i won’t say anything about it
18. some things i find attractive about him is his kindness and warmth
19. i started watching lion videos because of him because yeah he’s the lion guy and there isn’t much leon content so lion videos are the closest i’ll get
20. i would never actually approach him if he was real because im very timid but if he did happen to approach me i would run away from him. but you might say “what if there was no where to run?” then i would just stay quiet and it would get awkward
ok that’s all i can think of so i’ll leave it there😀👍
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paperanddice · 4 months
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Apau perapes are dark-furred gorilla demons that serve the demon lord Mechuiti. Creatures of disease and fire, they revel in both domains, burning down the villages and crops of those who snub their master, and spreading disease among survivors. An apau perape will linger in an area once it's infected people with its blood or filthy claws, watching from a distance in the hopes that they suffer and die, and becoming incensed if they're cured or survive. Such a situation will often spur them to additional attacks, laying waste to whatever hospital or medic aided in such a recovery, and spoiling any medical supplies it can. They've also been known to spread their own blood into water supplies to cause greater infections of Mechuiti's Ichor, or even cut themselves open when fighting enemies too weak to threaten them, spraying them with its own blood before retreating to let them suffer.
Inspired by the Tome of Beasts 1. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
Apau Perape Creature 6 Large, Demon, Fiend, Unholy Perception +11; darkvision Languages Abyssal, telepathy 100 feet Skills Acrobatics +14, Athletics +15, Intimidation +12, Stealth +14 Str +5, Dex +4, Con +4, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +2 AC 22; Fort +16, Ref +14, Will +11; +1 status to all saves vs. magic HP 97; Resistances fire 5; Weaknesses cold 5, cold iron 5, holy 5, Cure Vulnerability The apau perape revels in disease. The first time in a round where a creature recovers from a disease (by a successful saving throw or magic such as remove disease), the apau perape takes 4d6 mental damage. Diseased Ichor (disease) Whenever the apau perape takes piercing or slashing damage, blood sprays from it in a 10 foot line. The first creature in that line is exposed to Mechuiti's Ichor. Speed 25 feet, climb 25 feet Melee bite +15 (magical, unholy), Damage 2d8+9 piercing plus demonic filth fever Melee claw +15 (agile, magical, unholy), Damage 2d6+9 slashing plus demonic filth fever Divine Spontaneous Spells DC 20, attack +12 ; 5th abyssal plague, translocate; 4th translocate (at will), wall of fire; 3rd fear; Divine Rituals DC 20; demonic pact Demonic Filth Fever (disease, divine) The sickened and unconscious conditions from demonic filth fever don’t improve on their own until the disease is cured. Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Stage 1 carrier with no ill effect (1d4 hours); Stage 2 sickened 1 (1 day); Stage 3 sickened 1 and slowed 1 as long as it remains sickened (1 day); Stage 4 unconscious (1 day); Stage 5 dead Mechuiti's Ichor (disease, divine) The target can't recover from the drained condition caused by Mechuiti's ichor until the disease is cured; Saving Throw DC 22 Fortitude; Stage 1 drained 1 (1 day); Stage 2 drained 2 (1 day); Stage 3 drained 3 (1 day); Stage 4 drained 4 (1 day); Stage 5 dead Spur Disease [1 action] (divine); Frequency once per round; Effect The apau perape attempts to accelarate the effects of a disease one creature within 30 feet of it is infected with. The target must immediately make a save against one disease it's currently infected by of the apau perape's choice.
13th Age
Apau Perape  Large 3rd level spoiler [demon]  Initiative: +7 Vulnerability: Cold Diseased Claws +8 vs. AC (2 attacks) - 8 damage. Natural Roll is Above Target’s Constitution: The target is weakened (save ends). Diseased Ichor: Whenever the apau perape takes damage from a weapon attack, it makes the following attack: [Special Trigger] Blood Spray +8 vs. PD (1d2 engaged enemies) - The target takes 4 acid damage. Natural Roll is Above Target’s Constitution: The target loses a recovery. Wall Climber. Resist Fire 16+. AC 18 PD 17 MD 15 HP 80
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mintx · 2 years
A Father’s Dream to Relax
Before you read it and continue, please check this form out when you can
Genshin Males x M!Dilf!Reader
(M/n) - Male Name  (L/n) - Last Name  (N/n) - Nickname  (T/n) - Title Name  (S/D) - Special Dish 
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Info about Papa M/n’s child
Name : Caelan (L/n) Caelan means Slender and Fine, Fair or pure” in Gaelic and Irish Origin Age : 6 and a half years old Birthday : 06/21/XXXX  Family : (M/N) (L/N) - Father - Faena (L/N) - Late Mother - Aniya Yimur - Aunt - Kollar (L/n) - Uncle - Unnamed grand-parents  Home Nation : Sumeru  Family Pets : A Hydro Fungi named “Bubbles Popkins” and A Spinocrocodile named “ Mx Paster”  * Currently no vision *  * Likes to play with slingshots and plays around with Bubbles Popkins*  * Does not like it when people attempt to flirt with their papa*  * Prays to the Dendro Archon to gift their father to give him a day just to stay at home and play with them and their pets*  Info about our MC, (M/N) (L/N) Age : Early 30′s  Birthday : XX/XX/XXXX (This means it’s your oc’s/your birthday)  Family : Caelan (L/N) - His NB child - Faena (L/N) - Late Wife - Aniya Yimur - Cousin - Kollar (L/n) - Brother - Unnamed parents  Home Nation : Sumeru  Birth Nation : Natlan  Family Pets : A Hydro Fungi named “Bubbles Popkins” and A Spinocrocodile named “ Mx Paster”  Occupation : Ex-Adventure Guild Leader, Currently a flower and snack vendor / merchant  * He withholds the vision of Pyro and a very faded vision of Cryo from his wife *  * He enjoys to read novels and teaching the companions new tricks * * Quite an oblivious type when it comes to romance, and I mean by flirty comments and the looks of interest romantically *  * He is a tired 9-5 widow dad trying the best he can to raise his kid right and to find a week to rest. *  * Also knows the 9th Harbinger, Pantalone, from childhood when his family visited Liyue *
3 years ago, The death of Faena (L/n) had occurred. It was 2 weeks before Caelan’s 4th birthday when it happened. Faena (L/n), who was 26 years old at the time, had been ambushed with her co-workers by a hoard of Fatui because of a debt made by one of those members. The news of his wife’s death left (M/n) (L/n) devastated and vulnerable. He loved his wife to an infinite amount of affection. They were each other’s sun and moon, and their child being the eclipse made by them. To have lost the sun, only the moon and the eclipse remained. 
M/n swore to his heart and soul that he would carry on for him and his child, Caelan (L/n). He knew Faena wouldn’t want him to mourn for her for a long time as their child was there. His brother, cousin, and parents supported him every step in the way as a single parent. Faena had no family as she was an only child and survivor of a fire disaster in her hometown. 
The widowed father had resigned and retired from continuing his adventure’s guild to take care of his child. His team understood his circumstances, but they were sad to see their leader leave. 
And 2 years later, he was currently a merchant and a vendor selling flowers and snacks he makes and grows himself. His child was now 6 and a half years old. Sumeru was a lively place when he and Faena had started their small family here. He would chuckle at the distant memory of her taming a dangerous spinocrocdile and his child befriending a hyrdo fungi. Like Mother like child they say. He truly missed his wife, but she is in a better place, watching over him and Caelan. The child was surely like their mother, like if the devil made a mini me.
“ Papa! Papa!” Speaking of Caelan, (M/n) stopped his though train and looked down to his child, grinning at him with Bubbles, their hydro fungi friend. 
“ Yes, my child? What did you and Bubbles Popkins need?” He chuckled softly and picked them up. 
“ I finished my homework Mistah hatham gave me! Can we go outside and play?” The little one asked and gave their best puppy eyes. 
(M/n) looked at the clock and smiled softly before giving his child a nod of affirmation they could go outside and play. Caelan let out a squeal of joy as Bubbles Popkins bounced with joy too, mimicking Caelan. (M/n) let out a laugh and followed his child and the hydro shroom outside to play. 
Caelan was being a burst of joy right now and (M/n) was ready to collapse. He knew he was supposed to rest up after fainting at Sumeru City after running errands for a friend. Tighnari surely would scold him if he found out he wasn’t doing what he was told, but he wanted to spend some play time with his kid. 
“ Caelan, let’s go back inside the house...” (M/n) panted and sighs, “ Papa is already getting tired...” 
“ Okay Papa!” Caeland says and headed to their father. 
They went back into the house and ate dinner. (M/n) gave his child a bath, put him in his pajamas, tucked him into bed, and read him his nightly bed time story, The Lonely Wanderer. Once Caelan fell asleep, (M/n) went to feed Mx and Bubbles. He then took his own bath, changed into his night wear, and before he could head to bed, some tapping was heard on his window. A falcon was gently pecking at his window, with a note attached to its leg, carrying a package. 
He opened the window to let the falcon in. The falcon dropped down the package gently and stood on it. (M/n) first took the note attached to read it. 
Dear (L/n) (M/n),             I am Diluc Ragnvindr. I like to thank you for taking my order of 20 lamp grass, 15 calla lilies, and those 10 pieces of Sweet Jelly under a day since I heard your stall has a very busy schedule. I was surprised to se it already delivered at my winery by an eagle under my expectations that it would arrive in a week. Take these 20,000 mora and bottle of grape juice as my repayment. 
(M/n) was clearly shocked and opened the package to see the bottle of grape juice and the 20,000 mora. The man he took the order from shouldn’t have gave him this much! None the less, he was happy and took his time to write a letter to the man. He sent the falcon off with the letter and watched it disappear into the night sky. 
The (H/c) male sighs and places the mora into a piggy bank for Caelan’s future studies in the Akademiya, and the bottle on the bottom shelf of his room. The father stretched and yawned before tucking himself to bed after a prayer to the archons. He lies down on his back and closes his eyes to let sleep take over his mind and body. 
What the widowed father didn’t know was that a tall figure was by his window after the falcon left, watching his slumbering body. . . . . 
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