#cursed nextgen au
eldritch-muppetshow · 10 months
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finally designing the kids for my tadc nextgen au, and i was more than a little hesitant to start with this one bc uh. i don’t ship jax/gangle and don’t like the idea of them together with what’s been presented in canon, but the mental image of this character was so vivid to me and i don’t imagine trik came from an actual union between them.
anyway. yeah he’s got some heavily repressed issues, and he’s just kind of wanders around the circus pulling pranks (usually unattended the entire time).
his masks can be broken by outside forces (ie. getting hit in the face), but usually they’ll just break on their own as soon as his mood shifts! this leads to a lot of moments where his mask will break mid-conversation.
their comedy mask can only feel positive emotions, and their tragedy mask can only feel negative emotions. he usually tries to keep his comedy mask on, getting super embarrassed if anyone sees him with his tragedy mask.
they’re deceptively sneaky and excellent at escaping any measures the performers take to keep him from pulling pranks— unless their ribbons are tied to something, then they’re basically helpless until someone unties them.
despite trying to keep his comedy mask, his tragedy mask is probably closer to his default mental state tbh.
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
Magic Hour by tuesday_piracy
Rating: T
Pairing: Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy live very different lives from one another, but when time and fate gets intertwined and tangled, they find themselves magically swapping bodies and on a journey to meet each other for the first time. Meanwhile, a star approaches.
Tags: Body Swapping, Soulmate AU, Your Name AU, Not Canon-Complaint, lots of longing and long distance bs. starts off light (Light Fluff, Light Humour, Light Angst etc) but i’ll put them through the trenches later on.
(Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
Chapter 5: “A good escape is what Scorpius needed. A good escape up in books, magic, maybe Quidditch, possibly even some nasty creatures. No more nauseating portkeys or small houses or embarrassing false traditions…
Why was he thinking about Hogwarts again?
Surely, the place wasn't as amazing as he was making it out to be. Then again, it wasn’t like he would ever know.
Strange how the universe works, sometimes.”
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catboymoments · 10 months
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Some various scribbles! Mostly nextgen stuff but Azrael from the swap au is there too hehe
I saw a cute pair of rollerskates on Pinterest and they made me think of Azura so now I’m making it a thing that she’s got a pair and likes to zoom around the isles… she’s got places to Be
Also, Bronwyn!! She really struggles with anxiety and panic attacks, which isn’t too great already but especially if you inherit a curse that gets stronger based on stress…
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zwy01 · 1 year
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Millennium AU!
Hi everyone!!! After three years I finally updated+upgraded my Millennium AU lineup! Now I have a total of 15 ocs for this AU instead of the previous 10! This is probably my magnum opus as a noblesse fanart/fan-content creator lol.
For context, this is an alternate universe where Razark is alive, it’s 1000+ years in the future, and everyone has kids.
Important note: this is not a happy AU. There are happy moments, but with the general settings of characters and their relationships with one another, and the way Lukedonia is defined by Lord Raskreia… not very optimistic. It’s angsty. I’ll explain more as this post goes, and you’ll see why.
On how nobles have kids in my headcanon: nobles reproduce asexually. To be precise, children are born from soul fragments. Soul fragments can be extracted at the cost of some of the parent’s own lifespan. Two soul fragments create a new soul, aka the child. Because how this entire process has lifespan shortening qualities, children are usually proof of true love or repaying a major favor/debt to someone. It’s a huge deal for nobles, so it is never taken lightly. If a clan’s last clan leader/pureblood dies without an heir, a new heir/child/soul is born from the mystic energy that the air/ground of Lukedonia emits. Kind of like a thin-air baby appearing out of nowhere.
How to read this lineup:
White text: character name
Blue text: parents’ names, if any.
Ring + heart: parents are in love & married.
Heart: parents are in love & not married.
Green diamond: parents are not in love. Soul fragment donation as debt repayment. Children do not carry their donor’s surname.
Eldest to the left, youngest to the right.
Now introducing the characters!
Alois Elenor: Male. First child of Ludis Mergas and Rozaria Elenor. Name means “famous warrior”. An introvert. Nicknames: Al, the hair guy, magic boy. Relationship with family: Ludis (father, good), Rozaria (mother, good), Susanna (sister, good)
Alois is the first born of the entire nextgen cast. He is very very shy, and almost never talks, and if he does it’s when he thinks it’s necessary. He doesn’t like eye contact with virtually anyone who isn’t family, so he usually has his eyes and face covered with his bright red hair. If you try to brush his hair aside to see his eyes, he WILL freak out and turn you into a frog. That’s reserved for his family and his crush, sorry. He’s usually calm, but has an anxious side to him that shows when he feels stressed out. He’s also quite sensitive, but people usually have no idea about what he’s thinking since he doesn’t talk, and they can’t see his face. His younger sister Susanna can always tell, though. She reads him like a book. Alois is a very big family-oriented guy and will do anything to make his family happy. The four of them have an extremely close relationship, and make a happy family unit. Though Alois being the only introvert in his family means that sometimes he gets overwhelmed by their excess energy. He may not show it in the way his family does, but he’s very very happy to receive their love. Dotes on his younger sister Susanna. Has a major crush on Luzia Tradio. Super big fan of Kei Ru, idolizes him.
Luzia Tradio: Female. First child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio. Name means “light of the day”. An introvert. Nicknames: Lucy, Cici, witch queen. Relationship with family: Kei (father, not very good), Claudia (mother, good), Jia (sister, bad)
Luzia Tradio is never seen to smile, and she always wears a frown on her face. She is a bit grumpy and standoffish. If you look at her with the wrong expression she might give you the death stare… or so it seems. You see, she has a history of casting curses on people and making them vomit maggots for hours, but hey it’s for a good reason. They annoy her too much. Just don’t get too close to her, or ask too many questions. She has inherited her grandfather Lagus’ talent, and is the most powerful in the entire nextgen cast. But what most people don’t know is that she is trying to recover Lagus’ legacy… specifically his research, creations, and abilities. Due to the Lagus’ traitor history, doing so has been banned by none other than Lord Raskreia. And even if it weren’t banned, Luzia trying to chase after Lagus’ research would make mommy dearest drop dead in anxiety. Luzia won’t actually try to take over Lukedonia; in fact she’s not interested in any of it. She just genuinely enjoys doing the same creepy/shady/illegal stuff gramps did. So she has an underground lab where she pursues Lagus’ legacy and conducts her… err, research. Just evil edgy witch stuff. No one needs to know. Hah. She has a great relationship with her mother Claudia and swears to protect her. She can’t stand her father Kei and sister Jia for… complicated reasons, so she avoids them and shuts them out. They try to reach out to her, though their attempts almost always fail. May or may not like Alois back… welp, she’s in denial. Likes candy.
Aretis Verja Di Reiner: Male. Only child of Razark and Erga Kenesis Di Raskreia. Name means “the deciding warrior that defends virtue”. An extrovert. Nicknames: N/A. Relationship with family: Razark (father, good), Raskreia (mother, very very bad)
Reiner is Raskreia’s heir and the next lord. Reiner’ story is a complex one. He is naturally very charismatic and shines in his own way, but that gets affected by his upbringing and now he’s just majorly depressed and too tired to care about anything. You see, his mother Raskreia isn’t the best at expressing her emotions as she is naturally stoic.. and has her sense of pride, even when it comes to loving her son. She believes her duties as Lord comes before anything else, even if it’s her family. So, she makes it to clear to young Reiner that he is her heir and subject before he is her son. Welp, that’s certainly very…reassuring to hear from your mom-lord. So even when Raskreia and Razark love each other very much, Reiner was raised almost entirely by his father Razark, whom he shares a good relationship with. Reiner has a very strong sense of justice and seeing how Raskreia’s ways are stubborn, archaic, even borderline tyrannical and how she is headed towards failing Lukedonia, he protests againsts her ways and seeks to abolish their system altogether in favor of a democracy. Reiner fails and proceeds to leave Lukedonia out of anger and helplessness and decides to never become Lord, though he had already made this decision long ago when he cracked under pressure to become the perfect prince. Raskreia sees his act as a rebellion, and deems him a traitor. Uh oh, his own mom-lord might be after his head. Time to run. He’d probably be way happier to stay away from all the trouble at home and work as a cashier in the human world. Sigh. Give him a pat on the shoulder and tell him good work. Too depressed to like anyone.
Jia Ru: Female. Second child of Kei Ru and Claudia Tradio. Name means “auspicious”. An extrovert. Nicknames: little tigress, bedrock annihilator, them muscles. Relationship with family: Kei (father, good), Claudia (mother, good), Luzia (sister, neutral)
Jia is an excellent martial artist, just like her father Kei, whom she absolutely adores. She enjoys sparring with others, often running out of people to challenge just because she does it so often and they’re all tired and want to rest. What do you mean you wanna rest, it’s only been the 8th spar of the day! Ugh, y’all don’t exercise enough. She has sharp canines that show in a toothy grin when she’s happy. She is on good terms with most of her peers though sometimes she may or may not offend others with her bluntless. She doesn’t mean any harm, she just doesn’t really have a filter and says whatever’s on her mind…even around their Lord. Whoops. Luckily Raskreia wasn’t too pissed. Be careful next time. She does get extremely shy around Alois though, whom she has a huge crush on. Her hair accessories (set of golden hoops) are gifts from her mother Claudia. Claudia wears the other pair. Kei isn’t the best with expressing love and he mostly only gives combat-related compliments that roughly translate into “I love you”. He does call his daughter “little tigress” when they are alone; it’s a nickname he gave to her as a child. Jia knows Kei loves her, and he knows she loves him, and they’re happy. She doesn’t like sweet food, and loves meat.
Susanna Mergas: Female. Second child of Ludis Mergas and Rozaria Elenor. Name means “to be joyful/graceful lily”. An ultra extrovert. Nicknames: Susa, teacup, cupcake. Relationship with family: Ludis (father, good), Rozaria (mother, good), Alois (brother, good)
Susanna might be the shortest and tiniest of the bunch, but she is jam-packed with raw energy. Fun energy. Chaotic energy. Loud energy. Just pure energy. She’s the ultimate definition of a social butterly. As long as something moves, she’ll want to befriend it. Hey you! You can be her 278th best friend! Seriously. She’ll love it and so will you. What do you mean you can live for tens of thousands of years and still haven’t memorized everyone’s names? That’s impossible! Lol. She loves hanging out with people and finding fun things to do. Tea parties is one of her absolute favorites, and she too has mastered the art of tea parties under the guidance and apprenticeship of her beloved daddy and the master of human traditions, Ludis. A day is never dull with her and her family. They just love partying. As loud and energetic as she is, she is actually quite good at picking up very very subtle cues of how other people are feeling, and will quiet down and approach you differently if you need it. Smothers her brother in affection, and loves being doted on by him. Arya’s girlfriend.
Kaelestis Blerster: Male. Only child of Karias Blerster and Rael Kertia. Name means “of the sky, heavenly”. An extraverted-introvert. Nicknames: Kaekae, dad, the no-fun guy. Relationship with family: Karias (father, good), Rael (donor, good) Raegyn & Arya (half-siblings, good)
Kaelestis is the most mature out of the bunch. Unlike his eccentric father Karias, he is very proper and does not engage in the former’s speech and actions. In fact, he’s probably closer to being the parent than the other way around. He often calls out Karias for his behavior and does not hesitate to reprimand his father for his inappropriateness. Karias just laughs, does a fake dramatic flop down the floor, whines to his son about how he’s just no fun at alllll. Kaelestis just shakes his head and sighs. Kaelestis actually got his nickname Kaekae from Karias because Karias gets okay’d by his son all the time. “Okay Clan Leader, time to act maturely like a proper noble”, etc. Even his friends call him “dad” as a joke. The only time he’s ever acted “improper” was when he called Raskreia “auntie”… but that’s because Karias lied to his son and told him daddy’s Lord’s brother. And Kaekae believed it. Never again for those petty tricks. Kaelestis is also an excellent painter and architect, and is responsible for Lukedonia’s artistic projects. His personality may not be romantic, but his crafts certainly are. Just breathtakingly beautiful and you won’t see talent like this anywhere else. Likes Izar.
Raegyn Kertia: Male. First child of Regis K. Landegre and Rael Kertia. Name means “little king/impulsive”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Ray, the genius, mr. Celebrity. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good), Rael (father, good), Arya (sister, good), Kaelestis, Garyth & Alethea (half-siblings, good)
Raegyn is a surprisingly good diplomat, as he is the smartest of the entire nextgen cast. Though, he is seen as a good diplomat and loved by all not because he truly is that way. He is just very, very smart and knows how to get things… and people to be the way he wants. At his level manipulation is quite easy, though usually he doesn’t need to do so as his natural charm does the job for him. He’s already everyone’s favorite guy #1. He’s snarky and witty. Sometimes, he might come off as arrogant because he expects people to understand things without needing him to explain and gets frustrated when they don’t. He doesn’t show this side easily, but he’s secretly very apathetic and loves dark humor. By human standards sometimes you’d wanna call him lil’ shit. Damn, it’s just lonely to be at the top. He has a good relationship with his fathers, and Rael often comes to his son for advice. They have casual debates sometimes and Rael always loses. So proud of my son. He’s the smartest. Yaaaaa. Likes Umbra.
Arya K. Landegre: Female. Second child of Regis K. Landegre and Rael Kertia. Name means “noble/air song”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Ari, Yaya. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good), Rael (father, good), Raegyn (brother, good), Kaelestis, Garyth & Alethea (half siblings, good)
Arya is the opposite of everything elegant. She’s actually quite cringy, in a good way. She’s loud, fidgety, and cheerful. If you brought all these kids to a fast food restaurant, she’ll be the one throwing fries around like confetti and convincing everyone else to join in. If it weren’t for the black stripes in her hair, you would’ve never guessed that she’s a Landegre because she doesn’t act like one at all. Truth be told, part of it is a show. She is sad to see Lukedonia so somber, and tries to cheer up others by putting on an act, thinking she can try to get others to feel a bit happier, if she pretends to be happy too. But mostly it’s for making her clan leader and father Regis happy to know that she’s “happy”, now that he has a really shortened lifespan and they don’t have too much time together. A not-so-healthy coping mechanism for her soon-to-be grief. Someone get this girl an oscar and some therapy. Susanna’s girlfriend.
Garyth J. Loyard: Male. First child of Regis K. Landegre and Seira J. Loyard. Name means “honest/tender person”. An introvert. Nicknames: Gary, angel, starlight. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good ), Seira (mother, good), Alethea (sister, good), Raegyn & Arya (half siblings, it’s complicated)
Garyth is the most beautiful child in the entire nextgen cast. You’d take one look at his face, and you’ll want to throw chocolates and diamonds at him. He has super long eyelashes that seem to flutter like feathers in the wind. He also has an angelic voice, and is an excellent singer. You’d get distracted and walk face first into a pole if you happen to stumble upon him singing. He is also the great-grandchild that resembles Gejutel the most out of the four that exist, despite being the Loyard heir. His mannerisms are also very Landegre. He’s very obsessed with being elegant, and while he is very dignified, he can engage in playful banter just like how Regis does it. Susanna probably handed him a sharpie once and told him to “color his hair” since Gary is just so obsessed with the Landegre side of himself. Smooth one, Susa. Gary is super embarrassed. Garyth does have a lingering sadness inside once he learns of his mother Seira’s trauma and past. He loves her very much and will do anything for her. For that reason, he absolutely hates Rael’s guts for his history of stalking and harassing Seira. He loves Regis very much too but is confused why Regis forgave his former nemesis and even married him. He avoids his half siblings for the same reason, since they remind him of Rael. Confused Garyth harbors a deep resentment and sadness inside for not being able to help. His sister Alethea knows of it, but wonders why her brother never talks about it. Has a lil’ thing for Reiner.
Alethea J. Loyard: Female. Second child of Regis K. Landegre and Seira J. Loyard. Name means “truth”. An introvert. Nicknames: Thea, bunny. Relationship with family: Regis (father, good ), Seira (mother, good), Garyth (brother, good), Raegyn & Arya (half siblings, good)
Alethea resembles her mother Seira so much, she could very much be her. Seira’s little clone basically. If you put her side-by-side with her mother’s younger self, you wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between them. Seira nicknames her daughter “bunny”, and Alethea blushes when her mother calls her that. Alethea is quiet and reserved, though not entirely due to being an introvert. She suffers from low self esteem. Being Seira’s second child she won’t get a soul weapon nor will she become clan leader, and she is fine with that. Her low self esteem stems from her feeling extremely out of place in this world. Everything feels so foreign even though she’s experiencing everything in her own skin. She just never feels like she belongs here, and often zones out because of this. She suffers from a lack of purpose. She is just observing this world, and prefers to not partake in it. She is very empathetic though, and shares a close bond with her family. She doesn’t avoid her half siblings like her brother Garyth does. Prefers to hang out with great grandfather Gejutel, just the two of them, in his library. That’s where she feels most at home. Nice safe space. Likes peace and quiet.
Bellona: Female. Gradeus’ clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “goddess of war”. An extrovert. Nicknames: Belle, Nana. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Bellona was born to be Gradeus clan’s heir. Gejutel names her in good will, hoping that she becomes a good leader, should she choose to use her powers in battle. Interestingly, Bellona channels her energy into dancing. She is a skilled fighter, though she prefers to let her energy out by dancing and her dance moves mimic those of battle. Intense and passionate. Fiery. A berserker of a different kind. She can feel it in her muscles, in her bones, in her soul. Dancing is her life. She’s that person who tells you working out will help with feeling sad. Often drags Reiner around and forces him to dance, much to his annoyance and Raegyn’s amusement. C’mon, it’s gotta help! Just shake the tension off. Feel your feet on the ground, and forget the thoughts in your head. Good friends with Cordelia Kravei. Ps she sometimes summons Messad and swings it around as dancing prop, because hey it looks pretty damn cool. Likes Garyth.
Izar Siriana: Male. Siriana clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “star”. An extraverted-introvert. Nicknames: Izzy, bookworm. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
To Gejutel, Zarga just… seemed bit lost. So in hopes that this his heir finds a passion in life and shines brightly, he names this boy Izar. Just as his name suggests, he develops a love for astronomy and the maths. Most nobles nowadays arent too concerned with being empirical aside from a few who also have an interest in these subject matters, but Izar takes it to another level. Having a passion that grounds him to the earth while he stares into the sky makes him happy. A neet. By human standards you’d be questioning how long he hasn’t showered. He’s not shy though, just prefers to live with his books. One day hopes to discover alternate universes and conquer the black hole, probably. At least he jokes so. Vomited maggots many times from Lucy’s curses from being too annoying and pestering her nonstop for a possible “research buddy”. Lucy doesn’t care for hot burning elemental cores or numbers. Leave her alone. Has a super smart pet ferret named Charles who acts like an assistant and helps him fetch his books and papers. Drinks coffee not because he needs it, but because it’s fashionable and trendy scientists do so. Right? That’s what you call them… scientists!! He even got himself some round glasses to complete his look. Sooo cool. Maybe he’ll ask Lucy for some of her eyeshadow to give himself dark eye circles. …You really wanna vomit maggots again? Likes Jia.
Asa Drosia: Male. Drosia clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “healer/morning”. An introverted-extrovert. Nicknames: N/A. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Edian had suffered from multiple unfortunate events prior to her death, so Gejutel names her heir Asa, hoping that he lives a peaceful, hopeful life. Asa is surprisingly good at talking and is quite diplomatic. Unlike Raegyn who only pretends to care and seems like nice guy thanks to his charm, Asa is genuinely nice. He is calm, and mentally and emotionally stable. He’s basically the local therapist kind of guy. He never judges anyone for their circumstances and is accepting of everyone. If you even just look at him in the eyes and see him smile, you’ll feel an uncontrollable urge to cry. Everyone (excluding funny Lord Rask) truly loves him and he’s glad to help. He’s pretty much the only dude in the entire cast not affected by depression. Just like how his SW is a pair of sharp rapiers, he’s good at pinpointing issues and digging them out from the source… though sometimes it hurts to bring out those old scars, even just to talk about them. Which is why Reiner even avoids him because. Cant hide anything from this guy. Ugh. Reiner’s pride. It’s okay, Asa won’t judge you. He has a collection of scented candles, and likes to do knitting in his free time. Likes Bellona.
Umbra Agvain: Female. Agvain clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “shadow/shade”. An introvert. Nicknames: Umbie, firecracker. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
In contrast to Urokai’s character, Gejutel names her in hopes that she’d be calm and collected, with shadow in her name also meaning she’d protect the ones she loves…instead of the opposite. Unfortunately, she isn’t calm at all. Just like her predecessor, she is quite explosive, but for a different reason. She isn’t angry, nor is she jealous. She is frustrated. She feels and senses everything much stronger than everyone else. If she loves something, she loves it to death. If she hates something, she hates it to death. Everything comes so strongly, she only ever eats plain food, and uses her powers to suppress light and sound around her. Avoids people. It’s just too much for her. Cries and screams often when she is alone from the overwhelming sensations and feelings. Ironically, her hobby is cooking and makes great food. Stress cooks. Doesn’t eat any of it though. Susa’s more than happy to help herself to Umbra’s cooking. Likes Asa.
Cordelia Kravei: Female. Kravei clan’s heir. No parents, born from thin air. Name means “heart/jewel of the sea”. An introvert. Nicknames: Del, Lili, fish girl. Relationship with family: Gejutel (caretaker, good)
Cordelia is the last one to be born in the entire nextgen cast, which means she’s the youngest. Since Lukedonia is surrounded by the sea, Gejutel names her Cordelia in hopes that her heart and soul feels at home. Cordelia is a great illusionist and magician. Not magic in the sense of Elenor and Tradio, but as in tricks and visual effects. She spends a good amount of time by the sea and teaches herself to manipulate aura into various shapes and forms outside of battle usage. She can conjure beautiful illusions of both marine animals and mythical sea creatures, and often works with her best friend Bellona, giving a great show of illusions while Bellona dances. She’s good friends with Kaelestis, with Kaelestis often getting inspiration for his paintings from Cordelia. A pretty chill person in general. Likes Alethea.
Annd that’s it! For a little end note, yes Gejutel raises the last five. Why? Because of bad examples. The Previous Lord kept dumping stuff on Gejutel without explanation. Raskreia observes her father’s doings, and concludes that that’s the way to go when she doesn’t know how to approach something. Just hand it to Gejutel. So when the five thin air babies appear…. Yup, she just assigns Gejutel to them and yolos. Not my business. They’re the traitor clans’ new heirs, and back then Gejutel took good care of Claudia and her clan so he can manage five more right?? Right?? And as of now she doesn’t want to associate with them so… good luck Gejutel. Sorry. Ehh maybe not sorry. Anyways grandpa vomits blood and says goodbye to retirement. But he does follow her orders. Now he has 5 more kids to raise. Ugh. Btw Gejutel names all of them too cuz Rask being the negligent paranoid Lord she is, she doesn’t bother with it either. Gejutel raises them and has a good relationship with all five.
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TMNT ideas that I’d love to write, though I don’t know how or when:
-Crossover between Rise and 2012 (and maybe 2003) where they all are stuck in Rise’s New York... and there’s a musical curse on the entire city. Cue shenanigans, incredibly unusual bonding activities, and of course, musical numbers. (All stolen from other musicals because I can only write lyrics once in a blue moon, and definitely not on call. Yet.)
-A classic ‘next generation travels back in time to the canon of the show’.. except the 12 and Rise nextgens both travel back in time and they swap dimensions while they’re at it, so the 12 Turtles interact with the Rise kids and vice versa. Also the Leo’s swap too because why not have even More chaos.
-The Mothman Festival/Competition, a Rise fic taking place about a year after the movie, where the boys accidentally strand themselves in West Virginia and then discover a hidden society of moth yokai and become bodyguards for the Annual(actual amount of times it happens unknown) Mothman Competition. Also Mikey gets a boyfriend by the end of it.
-Self-indulgent 2012 fic where I give Leo an enemies-to-lovers arc without raising the weirdness of his love interest also being Splinter’s daughter. And it’s gay. Also other things happen, because introducing a batch of OCs right smack dab in the first half of S2 is bound to change the timeline and course of history, but it’s mostly Leo Gay.
-A sequel (or several, if we consider the possible oneshots) to the fic I’m currently writing that I can’t talk about because oops, ~spoilers~.
-A series of oneshots for Rise, each focused on a different turtle (+ April, I’m sure) that’s essentially a summary of what happens to them over the years after the show and movie’s end, showing snippets of the trials and tribulations, covering both of the things I’m thinking out fics for (The Mothman Competition for example) and the ones I’m not/am not sure I’d know how to write (which of course could change), all of the fics ending on the same day.
-The Rise, 2012, and 2003 (maybe even the 87 crew) all gets stuck in a room and forced to watch stuff. What it is could be anything- AUs angsty and crack alike, each of their respective shows, or even a Lair Games-esque documentary by the nextgen kids. But shenanigans are abound.
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lockandkeyhyena · 3 years
i need more of the soulmate curse au. MORE I SAY
of COURSE my friend
i think the curse would only affect ponies and pony-like creatures. so a kirin or changeling would be affected but not say, a yak.
there would definetly also be a visual element. i’m thinking each pony has their respective soulmate’s cutiemark on their chest or somethin. if theyre paired with a non-pony the symbol would be what that creature’s cutie mark would be if they were a pony.
the more time you spend away from your soulmate and the further away you are, the duller your fur and stuff gets as well as both the marks beginning to fade. almost exactly like being equalised or sapped of magic by tirek. if you keep this up for too long (maybe a year?) you’ll get weaker and weaker and both parties will eventually die.
the princesses (or MOST of the princesses (; ) are furiously working on developing a cure.
+ bonus one of the ‘couples’ in this nextgen! i know chrystwi is a bit mainstream however this is just after they’ve met and they pretty much hate each other. a very fun dynamic for the mo. their song would probably no children. (also randomiser rules remember!)
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vaugarde · 2 years
im so cursed because i love nextgens and future aus i love melodrama i love cute fankids but so. so many mlp nextgens are just the weirdest shit imaginable
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untilourapathy · 7 years
Day 9 of H/D Slow Burn Recs: family
I have two recs for today! Given that yesterday I recced a Potters Live AU, I thought doing a post on family today was relevant. 
@greaseonmymouth‘s Don't Blame Me (It Was All a Blur Last Night)
"Stop moving, Potter," Malfoy mumbled from where his head was buried under a pillow. "You're disturbing my hangover. Also, why are you still here?"
"This is my hotel room," Harry told him.
I have the biggest soft spot for Draco being a good father/cousin/son/family and Draco is just so wonderful to genderfluid Teddy here
fantastic just fantastic please read
Somebody to love by khasael
Draco's life after the war is quite different than it used to be. When he finds himself cursed, with little hope for lifting the spell, he sets out to make the most of the time he has left. Getting to know his Aunt Andromeda and his young cousin Teddy feels like a good thing to do, even if it can't help him in the long run...or can it?
the slowburniest of slow burn where the realisation doesn’t happen until...after
I may or may not have read this twice in succession before reading it again the next day
v digestable fic
A selection of some other Drarry recs on family/kids with some very interesting premises, and great writing!! (not necessarily slow burn):
@writcraft‘s Crush (nextgen, makes you think)
@tryslora‘s Don’t Want to Miss a Thing (v v clever! timetravel!)
@aibidil‘s Luck is not a chance (empty nesters)
@femmequixotic‘s Black Coffee on a Lonely Night (single dad Draco, one of my all time faves, absolute classic) and Pocket Full of Starlight (parent trap - iconic)
among many others! If I listed them all I could go on for days :)
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4  Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8
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fth2018offerings · 7 years
alleyskywalker - FTH Contributor Page
See alleyskywalker’s works here!
To contact the seller before bidding, please email [email protected]
If you have a very specific prompt and are not flexible, it’s best to contact the seller before bidding, even if it fits within their listed parameters. If you are asking for a specific kink, always ask first.
Charities these auctions benefit: Bidder's choice of any of the listed groups
(See full list)
alleyskywalker’s offerings:
alleyskywalker Auction #1
Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): Harry Potter, War and Peace (incl. adaptations), Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812 Highest rating creator will work with: M (mature) Length: Min bid = min w/c 1k, + $5 for each additional 1k up to 5k, after 5k $10 for each additional 1k up to 10k, after 10k, + 20$ for each additional 1k. (eg: $20 = min 4k; 45$ = min 8k). Especially interested in: I will write any ship for W&P/GC except those indicated below. For HP, I write Slytherine, DEs (esp. first war), Blacks and Malfoys of any generation; I will also write non-CC compliant NextGen. Unwilling to address: For all fandoms: I will NOT write setting-changing AUs (college/coffeeshop, non-magic for HP, space, etc), supernatural AUs (warewolves, vampires, etc - this is a bit more flexible for HP), A/B/O, rape/non-com, cross-gen/age gaps over 15 years, adult/minor where minor is under 16, bestiality, kink-focused things/PWPs, mpreg, humiliation, torture and graphic violence, plots centered on revenge. For WaP/GC I will NOT write: Pierre/Natasha, Andrei/Natasha, Nikolai/Marya. I will not write Dolokhov/anyone for the 2016 BBC adaptation. For HP, I won't write ships with non-humans or ghosts, Harry, Hermione, James Potter, James Sirius Potter, Rose Weasley, Hogwarts teachers (except Snape and Lupin), Molly Weasley, Rita Skeeter, Tom Riddle/Voldemort, Patil twins, Dursleys. I will also not write incest. I will not write Cursed Child compliant fic. Notes:
Minimum Bid:
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
alleyskywalker Auction #2
Type of fanwork: fanfiction Subtype(s): N/A Fandom(s): Star Wars (all), Captive Prince Highest rating creator will work with: M (mature) Length: Less than 5K words Especially interested in: SW: I will write Kylux or Obi/Ani. CP: I will write Jord/Aimeric Unwilling to address: I will only write the ships indicated above in these fandoms. I will NOT write: supernatural AUs (warewolves, vampires), soul mate AUs, A/B/O, rape/non-com, adult/minor where minor is under 16, bestiality, kink-focused things/PWPs, mpreg, humiliation, torture and graphic violence. Notes:
Minimum Bid:
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
alleyskywalker Auction #3
Type of fanwork: fan labor (such as betaing, brit-picking, translating, etc.) Subtype(s): Culture picking, Translation Fandom(s): Any Highest rating creator will work with: M (mature) Length: For culture picking betas: min bid = up to 3k of text to beta and/or general questions/consultations, + 5$ for each additional 2k up to 11k of text to beta; + $10 for each additional 3k. (eg: $10 = up to 5k of text, $15 = up to 11k, $35 = up to 17k.) For translation: min bid = 1k. + $5 for each additional 1k up to 5k, + $10 for each additional 1k up to 15k. Cap at 15k. Especially interested in: Scope of culture-picking beta: Russia - post-soviet, 18th century, 19th century; USSR - 1970-1991. Also general Russian culture and language things (eg: names/nicknames/endearments.) Includes translations (English-Russian and Russian-English) of individual phrases and words, or bits of dialogue (up to 300 words total). Translations: Russian to English. Unwilling to address: I won't work on anything involving humiliation, rape/non-con, incest (not counting cousins), adult/minor under 16, graphic violence and/or torture, mpreg, bestiality. Notes: Translations can be for your own fics or someone else's, however translations for fics you did not author yourself will depend on getting permission from the author of the original for a translation.
Minimum Bid:
Auctions run from 8 January 2018 (Midnight, EST) to 14 January 2018 (Midnight, EST). Bids before or after this period are invalid and will not be counted.If you would like to bid on this auction:
Step 1: Check the bidding spreadsheet to find out what the current high bid is. (Note: It may take up to five minutes for a bid to appear.)
Step 2: Fill out the seller’s bidding form with a bid that is higher than the current high bid. If you want to make it harder for someone to outbid you, bid higher! You will NOT be notified if someone outbids you, so please bookmark this page and check frequently. You will only be notified if you are the high bidder after the auctions end.
Thanks for participating in Fandom Trumps Hate!
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millipop · 7 years
tagged by @struttinglikeapotter thank you so much!!
your hogwarts house ravenclaw
how did you first discover/become a fan of harry potter my sisters read them and i generally knew about them and I’d seen the first movie (and was really afraid of the troll) and I started reading them when I was like 7 or 8 and never looked back
favorite character(s) luna lovegood, the marauders if you replace peter with lily, ginny, and harry
how many times have you reread and/or rewatched the series many times originally (i genuinely don’t know how many times it’s that many) but it’s been awhile now. and i’ve seen the movies each a couple of times i guess
favorite/least favorite hp book POA/HBP and GOF
favorite/least favorite hp movie i don’t really have a favourite or least favourite they all have good bits and have bits that piss me tf off lmao
favorite marauder i love my boys but james
favorite next gen character tedddddy
character you would bring back to life either sirius (so he can live a proper life) or fred (you know why) but ideally everyone
if you could place the hp characters in another fantasy world (book, tv show, movie etc.) what would it be lmao idk parks and rec? that’s not really fantasy though
if you could place any characters from another story (book/movie/tv show) into harry potter who would it be the 100 characters obviously
favorite scene from the books wow um obviously a lot but...probably in OotP Luna narrating the Quidditch match
favorite scene from the movies Harry on Felix Felicis was pretty funny
thoughts on cursed child? I own it, haven’t read it but I’ve read the detailed synopsis and i’m pretty reluctant for it to be real tbh like......genuinely did jkr mean to make it seem like a bad fanfiction or parody??? honestly just rather keep my own nextgen headcanons
thoughts on fantastic beasts? i enjoyed it, excellent cinematography even if there were some continuity aspects i’m not a fan of. mad about johnny depp though get him away
favorite fan-made thing to come out of the series (like fan art, fan fiction, avpm, that sort of thing) avpm/starkid hands fuckin down. oh and also the jily fandom/the life and times, the modern au renaissance. and the funny hp meta posts on tumblr are great too.
one thing you wish hadn’t been left out of the movies one thing? oNE thiNG? ONE???? THING???? dude. i could fill a book with things i wish they hadn’t left out of the movies. marauders, peeves, dumbledore backstory, mortal voldemort, flawed hermione, genuinely funny ron, sass harry,  s o m a n y t h i n g s.
do you have any favorite memories associated with the series everything
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pretty sure my favourite part about the HP fandom is taht when writing NextGen fics that don’t follow Cursed Child, there’s no need to write “AU” bc everyone collectively agrees that CC is bad AU fanfic...
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eldritch-muppetshow · 10 months
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april n’ trikwire doodle
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eldritch-muppetshow · 10 months
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buttonblossom kid for my nextgen au!
she kinda has a romanticized idea of the real world bc of what pomni’s been telling her tbh? also she keeps her escape attempts a secret from her parents, bc they’d be worried sick if she got lost in the void
despite pomni and ragatha’s own issues, she probably had the least dysfunctional upbringing of the nextgen gang.
she gets very bad stage fright and doesn’t like participating in performances unless she has to, and convinced caine to put her on backstage duty instead.
despite being a clown, she can’t tell an intentionally-funny joke to save her life.
her design is based off of porcelain clown dolls! that means her face is smooth/hard but the rest of her is plush and soft. unfortunately she’s not much of a hugger though
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eldritch-muppetshow · 5 months
one thing abt all my jax fankids is that they’re all terrible, but i imagine them being terrible in ways unique from one another. like you can distinguish them by the type of mean-spirited asshole they are
- harlow has basically zero impulse control and will say whatever pops into their head with no thought for the consequences— until they do face consequences, in which case they immediately start groveling and backpedaling. they are more forgiving (or at least hold fewer grudges) than their half-siblings though, since their “nothing matters in the circus” mindset applies to how they think of other people too.
- angora acts super sweet in front her parents, but is awful to people (both npcs and former humans) as soon as she thinks her parents aren’t watching. even when she’s trying to act nice/helpful, she’s really condescending about it. the only fankid she kind of likes is melpo, but that’s mostly because melpo is apathetic/nervous enough to basically go along with anything angora tells her.
- trikwyre’s two masks are “basically jax if he was just annoying and not a danger to others” and “angry-crying and lashing out at everyone around him”. neither mode is very pleasant to be around. what doesn’t help is that their true “default” mask is actually their tragedy mask.
- we don’t talk about the jax/bubble kid. look at them, they make people upset just by existing and they’re pleased with that.
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eldritch-muppetshow · 10 months
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april redesign wip
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eldritch-muppetshow · 10 months
each set of my tadc fankids exist in their own little separate pocket au for now (except my cursed nextgen au kids and my sexyman descendants) aside from when it’d be funny for them to interact, but the jax kids have one thing in common and it’s that they’d be so mean to each other if you put them all in one room. all of them are individually thinking “wow these guys are losers, so glad i’m the Normal One”
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