#i might rework some of their designs (again)
ganondoodle · 19 days
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(totk rewritten)
finally, all the arm and spirit abilities- for the first half of the game (rauru) and for the second half with the shiekah arm replacing links arms instead and the spirit abilities gained through ganondorf
(please excuse my handwriting and sometimes repeated info on the first two, i lost motivation/patience at the end and couldnt get myself to basically redo it all from scratch just to make it a bit more cleaner)
note, the camera rune is unconnected to the arm, its the shiekah stone copy link has (zelda carries the one from botw, a copy was attempted to be made for link but it lacks all runes except the camera, the map and its teleportation, and journal/archive)
note for the heal effects of some spirit abilities- im also reworking the healing system, making it more like the older games, so healing isnt as easy and much more restricted, thus making those effects of spirit abilities more valuable ( lil potion icon on the d pad will act a little bit like in skyward sword, opens your limited selection of healing items and if chosen link switches to holding it and letting you consume it with -a- while walking around in real time- to avoid more pausing and mass healing on regular items while in menu)
additional note, the automatic recharging of the magic meter depending on the environment gives you a reliable but less abusable way of using abilities and allows for even more creative dungeon/challenge design by using it effectively- it works by absorbing magic from its surroundings, so if its an area with little magic it recharges slower, if its a very spiritual or healthy place it will recharge faster, it can be used to make things more challenging and also as subtle storytelling (example, theres a graveyard with the magic energy around being off the charts, even if there are no spirits to see, it could hint at the people buried not having died peacefully, no matter what their gravestone says...)
the usage of magic and how much the different abilities cost also allows for a much more dynamic fighting style for players to choose and try out, balancing them all out with their cost instead of a fixed timer, and the recharging beign affected by the environment perhaps forcing players that favor high cost magic abilities to use the lower cost ones for example, or not being able to charge one up bc the enemy is too fast and doesnt give you enough time to charge it
about half of the small overworld dungeons (not shrines) are also locked/inaccessible for the first half and new quests appear as the second half commences- together with the additional changes raurus return brings with it (sonau buildings, enemies being mostly cosntructs that he summoned etc) and whole set of new abilities giving you a fresh new way to play while (hopefully) not making you feel too restricted for the first half
... making these detailed concepts took me longer than id like to admit q-q
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kreachvera · 7 months
my son he has 73 diseases and turned evil .
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pwab au zappa. pwabba if you will
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demi-pixellated · 3 months
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//OC road work ahead
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eldritch-muppetshow · 1 month
one thing abt all my jax fankids is that they’re all terrible, but i imagine them being terrible in ways unique from one another. like you can distinguish them by the type of mean-spirited asshole they are
- harlow has basically zero impulse control and will say whatever pops into their head with no thought for the consequences— until they do face consequences, in which case they immediately start groveling and backpedaling. they are more forgiving (or at least hold fewer grudges) than their half-siblings though, since their “nothing matters in the circus” mindset applies to how they think of other people too.
- angora acts super sweet in front her parents, but is awful to people (both npcs and former humans) as soon as she thinks her parents aren’t watching. even when she’s trying to act nice/helpful, she’s really condescending about it. the only fankid she kind of likes is melpo, but that’s mostly because melpo is apathetic/nervous enough to basically go along with anything angora tells her.
- trikwyre’s two masks are “basically jax if he was just annoying and not a danger to others” and “angry-crying and lashing out at everyone around him”. neither mode is very pleasant to be around. what doesn’t help is that their true “default” mask is actually their tragedy mask.
- we don’t talk about the jax/bubble kid. look at them, they make people upset just by existing and they’re pleased with that.
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witherrosealliance · 1 year
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(id: three shoulder up drawings of duni, uni from season one, and uni from seasons 2 and 3, all from the hardcore quest. duni is a grey pug with a tuft of hair dyed red, wearing a purple button up with flowers embroidered on the color and an eyepatch with a D on it under a unbuttoned red jacket with a giraffe pattern on the sleeves. who is smiling as he faces forward. uni 1 is a beige curly haired pug with orange eyes and a tuft of hair dyed blue, wearing a button up with pink thin leaves under a yellow zip up hoodie with a giraffe pattern on the sleeves and hood, who is huffing and rolling his eyes. uni 2 is a beige pug with less color contrast, yellow eyes, and a tuft of hair dyed light blue. he has a yellow hoodie with circle patterns over a red shirt and glasses. he looks surprised /end id)
now i know theyre supposed to look the same. but have you considered.
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idolomantises · 2 months
First question, will we be seeing Asmodeus and Lilith again soon? Second question! Do you have a favourite redesign and who was the hardest to redesign?
I think my Beelzebub redesign is my favorite. I really love drawing bugs in general and it was really fun trying to rework her design to look more bee-like and less… furry. I actually liked the design so much I decided to repurpose it for my own character who’s Beelzebub’s daughter. She’s not as nice as Helluva’s Bee, very Regina George lol.
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I actually got really excited working on her. I just love designing bugs and demons so getting a chance to do both was very enjoyable for me. I actually had even MORE sketches planned for her but I realized I was getting way too involved redesigning a character, so some concepts just became my own thing. Like I was like “I don’t mind that Beelzebub is nice, but she doesn’t feel like a Sin at all”, so I had some bonus sketches of her being like that really cool but toxic friend who just keeps enabling you.
Hardest to redesign though? God. Maybe Angel Dust? In fact even after my most recent redesign I’ve never really been fully happy with (it was very rushed compared to nifty). I enjoy doing Hazbin/Helluva redesigns but one major issue I have with these characters is that they’re WAAAAAY too bloated story wise, and Angel dust might be the worst example of this. Like fitting a drag queen, sex worker, celebrity and mafia boss into one character is a bit of a challenge because you basically have to look at Angel dust and understand all those things about him.
Maybe I’ll do a fifth one if I ever do Hazbin redesigns again LOL, but likely not. I always planned to stop early but the fandom kind of solidified it. These stop being fun knowing that there are people who monitorsmy account waiting for my next redesign to drop so they can harass me and tell me to kill myself. Not fun! I’d rather draw other things.
(Also to be clear, even if the fandom was really nice to me, I still would have stopped. The creator’s constant controversy was the main reason I quit and only did Nifty and Angel Dust after a request. But the fandom meltdown was the nail in the already deep and buried coffin)
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new-revenant · 29 days
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Dannymay Day 24: Electricity
She’s back! A redraw-and redesign-of Dani as a Batman vigilante, Bataze! Why did name her Bantaze before. The bat theming was right there. Also Battaze is a good variant, can’t decide which is better.
The story I was writing for her, “Only God is my Judge in Wayne Manor” is on indefinite hiatus, like my other dp x dc story. I just tried to juggle too many characters with no idea of what I was really doing, which gave me massive burnout. If I were to start over the story from scratch, I would have Duke meet her and have him take her in as her sidekick. And by that I mean Dani would force her way into becoming his sidekick. I honestly should’ve focused the story on him more, I don’t think I even mentioned him much in the fic ha ha. I love you Cass, but this wasn’t supposed to be your story. Anyways, design notes, the original drawing, and a link to the original drawing is under the cut. Oh, and an alt version of his outfit with split color is also under the cut. I dunno, I just like these colors better personally, but you might like the alt version!
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This is what the original looked like. While it’s not bad, I still kinda like how it looks actually, there are some noticeable anatomy mistakes. What are those legs. I’ve gotten better but I’m still not perfect. But I am better. Also I don’t know why I drew her boobs like that, idk it just looks weird. And while the fit does look good on her, it also doesn’t look superheroy enough. Which is where this new design comes in:
I made her look more like Danny with the suit. I know I have made a ghost form suit for her before, but I wanted her design to be more simple. Her logo is based on Danny’s and Robin’s, more specifically the fact that Robins have logos on them, so it wouldn’t look too out of place for Dani to have one. The logo looks like a D, P, and B, all in one. People-and probably also the BatFam-would be a bit confused as to why her logo looks so weird, but she knows what it’s supposed to be, so she doesn’t really care ha.
The whole suit is rubber like Danny’s suit, with stainless steal tips on her fingers and the soles of her shoes. I also changed her mask to be more in line with the other Batfam’s masks. And her hair is more symmetrical, it looks like she has little devil horns haha.
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Here’s the alt version! And here’s the link to the original drawing -> here. I’m glad I came back to this design, I’ve gotten much better at character design since I first made it. Maybe I’ll came back to again, but it’ll be more like deciding with version of this outfit to use than a total rework.
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Ghost!Robin Part 4
Here's your next part of the Ghost!Robin fic for WIP Wednesday. I'm gonna start putting fic designation in the title field rather than WIP Wednesday because I think it makes it easier to read.
Also, everyone came out in numbers for last week's segment! Damn! Thank you and I'm glad so many of you are enjoying this little fic of mine. We'll probably get one more week of this before I go back to Bring Me Home, but it'll depend what I feel like. I want to rework some of what I have written next.
First, Previous
1.1k words + a 464 word Omake (cut scene)
Tim asked more details on the specs of the PDA which Danny happily answered. The things he built with Tucker were always his favorite inventions.
“So are you in school to become an engineer or something?” asked Dick who’d gotten Damian calmed down and sitting. The boy had gotten his knife back and was spinning it in his hands. Bruce seemed to be fondly exacerbated by the scene. Robin had pulled out a ghostly weapon and was trying to copy Damian’s movements, though he wasn’t quite as adept.
Danny shook his head to Dick’s question. “Nah. Hard to get into engineering school when you fail high school.” Danny narrowed his eyes as Damian’s mouth opened, but Dick whispered in his ear again and the boy didn’t say anything.
“I ended up dropping out of high school and getting a GED,” said Tim. “It can work just as well.”
Robin was nodding along and pointing at himself, too. Had he died before he could complete his schooling, too?
“I’m sure. It’s just not a priority for me right now. I don’t need one for my job and I can’t become an astronaut because of my accident when I was fourteen.”
Dick was nodding, but Tim looked confused and asked, “Fourteen? I thought you had your accident when you were older?”
“Why would you think that?” Had he or Jazz made any reference to when his accident was? “No, it happened when I was fourteen. A few weeks before I started my freshman year of high school.
Before Tim could ask anything else, Steph called out from the other side of the room. “Did you say you wanted to be an astronaut? Totally awesome. What made you pick that?”
“I honestly don’t know why everyone doesn’t want to be astronauts! Space is so cool. We can learn so much about the universe by studying it in closer detail. And with how many aliens are now living at least part time on Earth, it only makes sense to explore and see what else might be out there.”
Bruce nodded at him. “I am sorry you aren’t able to become one.”
Danny just waved a hand in the air. “I came to terms with it a long time ago. And my current job is fine. Might not be what I would’ve chosen, but I’ve made it work for me.” Deciding he should change the subject before someone had the brilliant idea to ask more about his accident or job, he asked, “So what is for dinner, anyway? You’ve all talked about how amazing the food is, but what are we having?”
Someone tried to speak up, but Jason held up a hand. “I’m the one who helped Alfie cook. Demon-brat is vegetarian so we have a vegetarian curry. If you like meat, there’s a prime rib roast. Then a half dozen different sides—vegetables, rice, potatoes. Huge salad with all the fixings and a dozen different dressings to choose from. And dessert after.”
“Damn, that sounds amazing. I haven’t had a good home cooked meal in ages, so I’ve been looking forward to this.”
“Has your Grandpa been keeping you that busy?” asked Jazz.
“That, but also getting things in order to take this evening off. There’s just been a lot. I’m spending the night at yours, by the way.”
“I’d be offended if you didn’t.”
Danny knew he could rely on Jazz.
“Ooh, do you have any good stories about Jazz as a kid?” asked Jason.
Laughing, Danny said, “So many! But I don’t think we’ll be able to get to those tonight. I’ve a feeling you’ll be interested in other things by that point.” At his words, Robin grinned and pointed at himself. Danny gave him a slight nod to confirm that yes, they’d be talking about him.
Before Jason could ask for clarification, Alfred came in to announce dinner was ready.
Robin cheered and flew over to sit on Alfred’s shoulders, hand extended, to lead the way to the dinning room. Danny couldn’t hold back the chuckle and Jazz shot him a look which he ignored.
“There better be a place setting for you, Alfie!” called Jason as they followed.
“You made your opinion quite clear, Master Jason. And as I wish to meet your young lady and her brother as well, I have set myself a plate at the main table.”
Tim leaned over to whisper to Danny. “Alfred considers his role as butler very important. He rarely eats with the rest of us unless we join him in the kitchen.”
Danny nodded to show he understood, but had no idea how to actually reply to that. It seemed needlessly complicated.
Once they made it to the dining room, Danny grinned as Robin did a flip off of Alfred’s shoulders and landed sitting down on one of the place settings facing the associated chair. He bit his cheek to keep from laughing as Jason sat down at that same place. Jazz took a seat next to him and Danny sat to her other side. Dick ended up sitting next to him.
The scents of all the food wafting off the table made his mouth water and he closed his eyes just to breathe it in. “This smells amazing. Thanks Alfred. And Jason.”
Even Robin had moved to look over every dish, reaching out a hand to try and take something and sighing when he just phased through it.
Even Jazz looked a bit overwhelmed at the quantity of food. “This is so much effort. You didn’t have to do all this just for Danny and me.”
Bruce smiled at her. “It is so rare for all of us to be together for dinner so we make a spectacle of it any time it happens. And this is the first time Jason has ever brought anyone with him which makes it an even bigger event.”
Danny nudged her. “So, Jazz, what’s it like living with someone who can cook?”
Jason laughed. “Jazz isn’t allowed in the kitchen. You know, I caught her grabbing my chef’s knife before going into the fridge the other day!”
Danny furrowed his brow. “Of course she did. It’s a fridge.”
“Wait, is that a family trait? Why do you grab a knife to open the fridge? There’s gotta be a good story behind that.”
Before Danny could make the obvious statement regarding attacking food, Jazz elbowed him. “We’ll tell you later. It has to do with our parents and that’s a large topic and not one we should get into now.”
Before Danny could ask any questions about what the big deal was, Dick nudged him. “Which do you want—curry or beef?”
Ignoring all of it, Danny shook his head and answered Dick. “Nah. Hard to get into college when you fail high school and are legally dead.”
Multiple people, including Jason, exclaimed at that statement and he looked to Jazz.
“Did Jazz not tell you about that? Our parents swear they saw my ghost and had me declared legally dead. I was missing at the time so the coroner agreed. Sighting the ghost of a missing person is all you need to confirm death in Amity.”
Under her breath, Jazz added, “You were only missing because they had you.”
Danny elbowed her and quietly chirped a Safe now.
Bruce was no longer smiling and was looking at Danny with narrowed eyes. “Your parents had you declared dead.”
“Yeah. It’s fine, though. I’ve an amazing doctor if I get into trouble. My grandfather is watching out for me. I’m financially stable. My partners are able to rent an apartment large enough for all three of us. I have other places to stay when I’m traveling. Honestly, it doesn’t impact my life all that much. Just means I’m not gonna go to college. And only reason I wanted to go to college was to be an astronaut, but my health makes that impossible.”
“Hn…” Bruce hummed.
And Danny had no idea what that meant, but Robin was now laughing, and Dick was exchanging grins with Tim, and Steph and Cass were whispering together. Damian was glaring at him even harder, blade hilt gripped in his hand. These people were strange.
Danny looked over at Jazz who shrugged. Jason was glaring at Bruce and said, “Don’t you dare.”
“Look, it’s really not a big deal. I know it’s kinda a messed up situation, but ghosts are generally treated really well in Amity. As well as any living human, at least. So long as you avoid the Guys in White and my parents that is. So outside of interactions with them, nothing has changed.”
“If you are ever in need of a place to stay or a meal or anything, you’ll have a room here,” offered Bruce.
Robin landed on Danny’s shoulders and was sending out happy-celebrate feelings. Steph handed Cass a few bills. Tim and Dick mimed giving each other fist bumps. Jason put his head in his hands and groaned. Duke was grinning at them all.
Damian half stood and said, “Father—!”
But Dick was at his side and pulling him back down to the couch with an arm around his shoulders, hand over his mouth, and whispering into his ear before he could do more than say the one word.
“Seriously, it’s not a big deal.” Trying to think of anyway to change the subject, he asked, “So what’s for dinner, anyway?”
And for the Tag List! (Which absolutely exploded this week. Holy shit.)
@addie-lover-of-stories, @justwannabecat, @gin2212, @amercurio, @regonold, @overtherose, @readerzj, @sjrose1216, @echoednonny, @deeterzz, @blu-lilac, @number-one-jew, @rowanaway-fromthisbs, @vythika96, @tired-yet-awaken, @themirrorghost, @all-mights-asscheeks, @darkhinauniverse, @blep-23, @phandomhyperfixationblog, @larkcoe1, @thegatorsgoose, @job-ross-the-second, @britcision, @lenacraft, @bubblemixer, @androgynouslordofescapism, @purefrickingspite, @leftmiraclechaos, @lizisipancardo, @starlight-sparks, @miraculousandmore, @gildedphoenix, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @letmesayfuxk, @phoenixcatch7, @skulld3mort-1fan, @abaowo, @dhampir-princess, @idkmrpianoman, @sarina-elais, @ballzfrog-blog, @undead-essence, @spookytragedyshark, @emeraldcorpral
The celebration post for 100 followers will be going out in another day or two! I've just had a really busy few weeks and didn't do as much writing as I was hoping for. But I hope to finish writing today and then I'll just take a few hours to edit.
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pyreofsunflowers · 2 years
How to make the Sims 3 look its best in 2022
so simming is a long time pastime of mine, and I've - in my humble opinion - perfected the look of the game without turning it into a yassed out modeling agency. (if you've ever looked for cc you know what I'm talking about) so in this first of probably many posts - here is a complete list of all my graphics mods!
Firstly, though, I should note that I have a very strong pc with a very strong graphics card. Please please please don't overload your computer, and explore options that will work best with your specs. What looks best for me might not look best for you.
Ahem, with that out of the way let's start with my default graphic settings.
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This keeps my game looking beautiful while running smoothly (hence the low reflection and edge smoothing)
Now let's get into the mods!
Lighting and Environment
Burnt Waffles' Moonrise Kingdom Lighting - Self explanatory, textures for the skybox, weather overlays, and general lighting. Make sure you pick the water that matches your world!
Simsi45's Reworked and Improved EA Lights - tones down the brightness of some lights, fixes directional lighting for covered lamps, light colors made more consistent, and other such fixes.
dDefinder's Outdoor Lighting Tweaks - removes that nasty blue hue at nighttime, adds more dynamic shadows, adds new weather types and can make nighttime darker!
Neim's Sims Blog's Default replacements for Garden Bushes and Orchard Trees - Replaces the textures for plants like tomato vines, apple trees, and onion plants - creating a much more lush looking garden.
Aminovas' Plant Retextures - softens the bright, garish colors of EA plants to be more appealing. In two parts, and available as non-defaults.
CAS + Create-a-Pet
Kurasoberina's Primer Skin + Buhudain's You are Real - my skin mod and a default replacement pack with upped realism. The skin was designed to be used with You are Real, just a heads up.
I don't use any nudey mods out of personal preference - but I hear good things about Cmar's and Geck.o's work. Here is a link to a bunch of nsfw sims stuff, if that's what your into. I also don't really use sliders outside of the hat slider, a glasses slider and a height and posture slider. this is again out of personal presence, as I am generally making an entire neighborhood's worth of sims at a time and don't have the energy to be nitpicky with sliders on every single sim. That being said, OneEuroMutt complied a really nice list of CAS sliders AND a list of animal sliders if your interested in that.
Bloom's Sexy Feet and Cyo's Cute feet for children - realistic foot retexture, the op is long gone so this is a forum post. May not work unless sim detail is set to high!
Shady's Loney Eyes - subtle eye retextures available as both a contact and a default replacement. I'm currently not using any eyelash retextures - mostly because I haven't found any that work. If anyone has suggestions, let me know!
MaryJane's, Firefox's, AND Agnelid's Hair Replacements - replaces defualt hair with much better looking CC from other creator's - I mix and match between the three. Note that these are far from complete, and I still work with pleanty of EA hair.
I like teh Sims CAS overhaul - less shine, and hides rather than deletes mostly unused items (i always have this weird paranoia that deleting them form CAS will delete them in gameplay...)
One Euro Mutt's Less Shoe Shine - self explanatory, fixes that weird shine that's on so many default shoes.
Simple Life's Lipstick, Blush, Eyeliner, Beards, Eyebrows, and Age Details - Simple Life is my go- to for facial updates, do note however the textures may look funky if your sim detail isn't set to high. (They don't have individual pages for each item, so you'll have to scroll - my apologies)
Ketheira's Freckles and Moles - self explanatory, more realistic face marks.
Eternal 2nd Kira's Insect Wing Replacements for Fairies - replaces the EA textures with high-def insect wings, I just think it looks neat mostly.
Brinwood's HD Dog Coats and Eyes - Also includes more colorable options for dog coats, such as inner ears and individual paws.
Lazy Duchess' cat and dog addons - adds whiskers, primarily, but also edits some face textures and adds more facial markings
Kale and Traelia's HD cat skin and eyes - better meshes for cats.
Dimitri Dane's and Elin Fredriksdotter's EQHD - a FULL retexture and remodel of EA horses with better textures of coats and eyes, and optional stallion junk if that's what your into (I'm not... lol). you will have to download custom saddles, bridles, tack, and poses as EA meshes will be incompatible - but I will probably make a separate post with all my horse CC... lol.
Misc. Textures
Pretty obviously, I use the No Build Sparkles and No Intro mod that everyone gets when they set up there CC folder for the first time. These little details make a big difference!
JustMiha's Clean UI reskin, which is currently still in development (hence the default graphic menu... lol)
Velocity Grass's remove stencil tool to remove any unwanted stencils from cabinets, beds, or toyboxes.
Simsi45's Tileable Items Fix - you know how you go to place a row of bookshelves and there's the lighting gets all messed up on a few of them? yeah this mod fixes that.
Jane Sambroski's Wood Grain re-textures - fixes a lot of the EA woods to have much nicer looking grains, and fixed an issue that caused the grain to become pixelated when zooming.
Plastic Box's Doorway Lighting Fix - fixes lots of the broken lighting with doors and archways, so now all glass doors will cast light through them and all arches of similar size will cast the same amount of light through them
Aminovas' Cow Textures - retextures the cow in the Milkin' It Corral store item to be more realistic. That's it.
And that's it! Yes, I know it's a lot, but I like my game GOREGOUS.
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thecoffeelorian · 15 days
Fandom Friday: Crossing The Fandom Streams!
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Hello again, everyone…and welcome back to another Fandom Friday.
The purpose of these entries, if you have not yet heard it, is to bring more visibility to art and stories that might otherwise go unnoticed on the Tumblr timeline, as well as to help the creators of such fanworks achieve more followers in the process.
Today is also the day where, so that I don't stray too far from the Star Wars fandom, I start bringing in some Crossovers material in order to keep things interesting.
And third, since "The Acolyte" has just become available for streaming as of 2 days ago, this will now become a sub-category for future fanworks, as I've already found a few nice pieces so far in the fanart section, and am looking forward to discovering a lot more as time progresses.
Therefore, with these thoughts in mind, I now bring you my picks of the week!
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Star Wars Fanart--By @thora-sniper:
The Acolyte Fanart--By @hermesdoesthings:
The Prequels Moodboard--By @redroses07:
The Clone Wars Fanart--By @chiliger:
Tukk Tales Fanart--By @nevermindigotthis:
The Bad Batch Fanart--By @locitapurplepink:
TBB Arts And Crafts--By @dreamingfoxproductions:
The Mandalorian Fanart--By @tameowzerzz:
Call Of Duty/Star Wars Fanart--By @journen:
Star Wars Rebels/Warrior Cats Fanart--By @spacefinch:
In conclusion, as part of my mission to poke around the Star Wars fandom and, on Friday every week, highlight those artists and writers who might otherwise go unnoticed…I hope you will check out the links I have included for yourselves and like, comment on, and reblog them, as well as also giving the artists and writers a few more followers to their Tumblr pages.
Please also like and reblog this latest installment so that these links can be spread around to as many other fans as possible, just in case not all of them can tune in at the same time.
An additional thank you goes to @djarrex for making the divider I used earlier in this post, but still want to give credit for.
And finally, so that I do not forget…thank you to my friends, thank you to this fandom, good morning, and good luck.
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The No Pressure Tag List: @musicalselaw @gun-roswell @callsign-denmark @melymigo @saphiranishimurashan
@theosb0rnway @hastalavistabyebye @vaderkin-is-a-lightning-rod @vincili @tlmtwelve
@bbtechsimp @thatflatfrog @algo-o-nada @ankossss @tazmbc1
@yeehawgeek @tech-aficionado @exquisitesarcasm @korribanarchive @msknight10
@sharpasanaro @that-gay-jedi @badbatchposts @quietgingerfangirl @sunshinechildskywalker
@universitysunflowers @littlefeatherr @riverside-of-neverland @pastasmoothie @cyberscorch
@ilovemedia @cinnamonsugar-pretzel @brownielocks69 @here-comes-the-moose @skellymom
@lilithastar @maxims-multifandom-corner @serinzatravel-blog @rott1ngbra1n @snap-my-kneecaps and anybody else who might be on the lookout for new and interesting works around the fandom.
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sergeifyodorov · 2 months
draft lottery opinions
im pretty sure any team that hasn't made the playoffs can win it but only the bottom 11 can pick first overall so let's go there
s tier:
sharks. obviously. they've suffered a lot over a long while and they deserve something good out of it. will macklin be The Answer? no. will he Help? yes. that teal is beautiful and he'd look charming in it! Let The Pacific Be A Nightmare To Visit Again
blue jackets. a little bit further along in their rebuild; primed to Actually Go Places with a bit of determination, a sacred child, and some luck and head office competence
a tier:
utah hc. only didn't put this in s tier because i'm sad as fuck about the yotes but they're basically on the precipice with a little bit of reworking of the dcore and another piece up front. logan cooley/macklin celebrini flagship yaoi of the late 2020s who says no
ducks. most of my ducks opinions are filtered through a lens of "jersey 2 ugly" TEE BEE AITCH... get some graphic design in there... those teal and purple thirds were excellent lean into that... also they're really trying something interesting with carlson and mactav and gauthier and mintyukov. like this is going somewhere. mack might make it scary.
b tier:
sens. i think a relatively competent goalie and a true 1c in mack could actually solve their problems and end their rebuild. like im serious if they win this they're actually a playoff team by the end of his elc. but also that will make tickets more expensive and they're the only team i can viably commute to :(
habs. probably won't improve the team substantially but it might create some interesting vibes
c tier:
kraken. this is a thing that could happen i suppose
sabres. actually no let's investigate let's consider. the youngest team in the nhl could get even younger, gain what may track to be a true 1c (im sorry. tage is not that girl), and in that vein get, like the sens, the final piece of the puzzle they need to make The Jump and finally exit their decade of darkness. only reason it's here is bc like they've already had 2 first overall picks in the last few years and frankly i think we need to torture The Blonde Man (rdahlin) a little more
flames. it would NOT make their organization understand what was going on more and it would NOT give them a positive or negative direction but it WOULD give nazem kadri and jonathan huberdeau a son to raise. so i don't hate it
d tier:
devils. hischier-hughes-celebrini as centre depth is simply Too Much and they certainly do not deserve it. i hope luke goes to the rangers
f tier:
blackhawks. i want connor bedard to be a hockeyblr top ten tragic figure already
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I was wondering if you could do something of a Monsters Reimagined for Luthic. It always struck me as odd that even though she is a deity of childbirth and fertility and motherhood she is evil simply because she is an ORC deity.
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Monsters Reimagined: Luthic, Cavemother
There are no easy births: it always a matter of blood and broken bones and shit and curses and pain in the desperate hope of getting through it alive and maybe bringing something good into the world in the process. It would stand to reason then that the god who claimed birth as her domain would have to be strong, hopeful yes, but tough as old boot lather and not afraid to get her hands dirty.
Luthic is that god, who lends her strength to those who bear life as the process threatens to rip them apart, who councils with midwives, grannies, bonesetters, and village witches who keep the hardwon knowledge of the fever-herb and staunching poultice.
It is said that before she took her current form Luthic was a god of the dark and secret places of the earth, who first encountered mortals when they sheltered in her caves from the bickering of other gods and their aims during the primordial dawn age. The mortals were new, not yet knowing the design of thier own bodies, and when it came time for the first generation to give birth to the second, someone had to step up and help them through it. Like any mother Luthic encouraged them through their explorations, as playing with sticks led to spears and tools, and painting on stone walls led to art and language. When they were ready, she brought them blinking into the light, and then retired to a well deserved state of distant reverance as her adopted children took their place in the world above.
Adventure Hooks:
Like the great bear that is her crest, the cavemother likes to keep to herself much of the time, unless some idiot stirs up enough of a ruckous to wake her from her hibernation. This time it's some upjumped priest king that's convinced that if he can just impregnate the right woman he can sire a word redeaming chosen one. The only problem is that he's not giving the "right woman" much of a choice in the matter, and has decided to invade the party's homeland to search for and capture her. Luthic isn't going to stand for it, and appears to the party in the form of a local medicine woman to set them on the right path and patch their wounds along the way. Once they've earned her trust, she'll put an ancient bone knife in their hands sharp enough to cut through an army of zealots and imply that they should use it to feed the priest king his own cock. Something about a lession in not sticking it in where it's not welcome.
The caves marked off as sacred to Luthic are wellsprings of primordial power, resounding not only with the wisdom of previous generations but the energy of creation itself. Its said that if you pilgramage into their dark depths one might emerge remade, free of illness or debilitation, or reborn into a body more fitting of who they truely are.
Seeking the holiest of holy places to consummate his marriage to his longtime rival and off again on-again flame, an orcish champion has sought out a long-abandoned mountain temple dedicated to the Cavemother. His dreams of altartop honeymooning has been shattered however as he's discovered that the temple and surrounding highlands are overrun by the brood of Shub-Nuggrath and her cultists. Having perhaps bitten off more than he can chew, he requests the party's aid in ousting the "goatfuckers" from the region.
Titles: Cavemother, She of the Bitter Roots, Bellycarver,
Signs: Unnatural darkness, Rumbling in the mouths of caves, clawmarks in stone, particularly angry bears.
Symbols: The Orcish rune for cave entrance, The Cavebear, or the Jawbone of one.
Despite not being one of the more widely published deities Luthic has been one of my most requested gods to rework, and after I published my take on Gruumsh my inbox I got even more. Normally I won't go into the racial sub-pantheons more often than not because of how conceptually thin most of the entries are, but the asker (and a few others) rightfully noticed the oddness of having Luthic be marked out as an evil goddess despite her domains being centered around fertility, birth, healing, and the earth... all classic mother goddess stuff we could imagine any good aligned druid talking about.
It took me a little while to understand that Luthic's evil was strictly rooted in the idea that she was helping more orcs be born, orcs being a primary enemy of all good people and thus contextualizing a wholly unselfish and natural action as something counter to the forces of good. Remember kids, dig too deep into d&d and you WILL find genocide apologia waiting somewhere under the surface. The same goes for her healing aspect, which is repeatedly brought up as being crude and inferior to the medicine of other races (Her priestesses carry dirt to rub into the wounds of those they care for, because even though it's healing it needs to be gross and inferior because they're orcs and orcs are a standin for anyone the writers subconsciously think are gross and inferior).
That said, removing the one conceit that Luthic is evil ( and all the misogyny baked into her original writeups) we're actually left with a very interesting addition to our pantheon: A goddess who presides over the unpleasant and frequently gruesome process of pregnancy and birth, a fact of life for the historical-ish settings that most d&d campaigns but one that is seldom touched upon. I can easily imagine Luthic's acolytes being the ones to hand out herbs that deal with unwanted pregnancy or to be called for in the difficult case of a breach birth. Luthic likewise being the god who presides over caves because most of the more well-known deities that deal with the underground are specifically mining related, and there's a delicious tension there between between places below the earth that exist to be exploited, and others that exist as sacred, liminal spaces that we merely visit.
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Sentences or Sketches or Something... Sunday
Hello strangers! It's been a long time since I last did a progress post of any kind - thank you everyone who's continued to tag me so I don't get left behind! And thanks to @noblecorgi, @alexalexinii, @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @blackberrysummerblog, @thewholelemon, @mooncello, @monbons, @prettygoododds, @shrekgogurt, and @youarenevertooold for tagging me, today. (I feel so loved! <3) I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone's up to.
It's still Sunday in my neck of the woods, though just barely. And yes, I've used my "sentences" banner, but... It's a bit more chaotic than that. Honestly, I wasn't sure about doing a post today because I'm a bit all over the place, but then I figured... eh, why not? I am all over the place LOL.
So here's your snippet from the collective efforts of Jo's creativity, lately, under the cut. (Because I ramble...)
On the Haunting of Simon Snow... I haven't forgotten about it! Nor is it abandoned. As I keep telling anyone who will listen, I have a rough draft, which basically amounts to an outline, meaning I have way too much figured out to just let the story fade away. XD I attempted to work on Chapter 2 earlier this month, and ran into some roadblocks - of the architectural variety.
So I've started to research manor houses and English estates like mad. I'm going to do the thing. I'm going to figure out Pitch Manor. Why? Because my brain won't let me gloss over paltry details such as the location of Simon in the grand scheme of the house, or how and where the roof attaches and where that tree is going to be. It's annoying, but I figure... This is a fun puzzle, too. One I hope to be able to share with the fandom at large once it's complete.
This little snippet is from an early design I've since scrapped (but you never know what might come around, again.)
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"That's great, Jo, but how about some sentences?"
Okay. Ahem. Here's... some Simon sentences... that have just been scribbled out. *cough*
I sit there and listen to the man on the other side as he blathers on about extra fees associated with estate deliveries due to distance and blah blah bloody fucking blah. I wish he’d just say it. Just say 'this is the Pitch Manor tax.' No one ever does. But everyone charges it.
Okay, moving on...
The other thing I'm working on is illustrations for @mooncello's beautiful fanfic, "Lost Boys." I just posted art from Chapter 1 here, and I'm working on art for Chapter 2, now. The story is stuffed to the gills with absolutely gorgeous imagery, so choosing what to illustrate is a challenge. Hopefully it all works out, and in the meantime, here are a couple doodles.
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(I was telling Heath last night... this morning...? about how all illustrations start out as baby sketches XD These are the little babes in the creative nursery, basically. Also I have never posted baby sketches before and I'm kinda nervous about it. But. Well. >.> )
THERE YOU HAVE IT. A couple of my reasons for being so entirely absent from all other aspects of the fandom. (Also I got hit with the flu super hard, but doing better now!)
Tags for future wipsdays/hello's! @leithillustration, @artsyunderstudy (thank you for listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor), @erzbethluna, @nightimedreamersworld, @cutestkilla (thank you for also listening to me ramble about Pitch Manor sorry I'm reworking it again XD), @angelsfalling16, @fatalfangirl, @hushed-chorus (thank you for being my secret-garden-enabler XD), @rimeswithpurple, @best--dress, @whatevertheweather, @ileadacharmedlife, @scribble-tier, @imagineacoolusername, @brilla-brilla-estrellita, @alleycat0306, @ivelovedhimthroughworse, @tender-ministrations, @katmiscellanious, @anxious-m3ss, @bubble-gumhead, @ebbpettier, @facewithoutheart, @bazzybelle, @theimpossibledemon, @aristocratic-otter, @ic3-que3n, @palimpsessed, @raenestee
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shuttershocky · 2 months
Alright done with 7Rebirth, I'll look through whatever clips I got that aren't being restricted by Square Enix that might be fun to show here later.
I liked it! Much better than 7Remake. Rebirth also does the dumb cosmic destiny/timeline stuff in the last chapter like Remake which really feels out of place with FF7's original themes, and some of the changes are strange (I know the finale will be controversial) but I did enjoy all the little ways they expanded on the original by connecting the dots the original had.
One good example is Yuffie going from Steal Materia and get Motion Sick: The Character to the excitable little sister figure to Cloud with a traumatic past as a child soldier during the war between Midgar and Wutai, who's always out to grab Materia because Wutai needs weaponry to be able to defend itself against Shinra, who annihilated it last time with its mech army.
The combat feels great, unlike Remake's. It can still get frustrating when playing glass cannons like Aerith that get bounced around by enemies, but the addition of parrying (real parrying, not that dumb dodge roll in Remake) and air combat as well as speeding everyone up and designing enemies to be more interactive with attacks you can read and dodge/counter rather than waves of constant damage like Bahamut in Remake make this a game I would actually play again for the sake of playing it and doing the hard mode challenges, as opposed to just being there for the story. Cait Sith, Yuffie, and Red XIII are all fun and creative designs, and Cloud's rework made him way more fun to play too. Cid and Vincent are going to go wild in the 3rd game, especially after the two secret characters in Rebirth are so damn cool to use.
What didn't upgrade in gameplay were the minigames. God there were too many minigames, and most of them felt awful to just okay to play, with the exception of Queen's Blood, which I found highly enjoyable and its Yugioh parody storyline to be real funny.
I'm a fan of the Remake trilogy now. I'm excited to see where the third game goes.
I'll do Rebirth all again in Hard mode, I had that much of a good time. If they announce a Cid/Vincent DLC like what Remake did with Yuffie, i'd go for it in a heartbeat.
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campbell-rose · 9 months
RWBY Rework Blake Belladonna
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Black the beast who descends from shadow is supposedly both the Beauty and the Beast but I feel like other than being a cat girl it never comes through in her design. In her more recent appearances, she’s strayed from being black and has taken over Weiss’s spot as white, which is very annoying. So I went back to the source and looked at some of her concept art for inspiration. I found myself adoring her mismatched eyes, so I stole that for my design. I also liked the cutesy dress she was in, though I do like the slimmed down final of her v1 look. 
I think a big issue with her design is that Menagerie has no defined aesthetic. Blake’s kind of like a ninja, but has this gothic lolita type thing going on too, so I decided to design Blake and then design Menagerie around that – which turned Menagerie into a fairy tale island full of magical human/animal hybrids that has different areas based on specific animals – which I’ll expand on later. Blake took on a frillier look, but I made sure she didn’t step on Weiss’s toes because in this rewrite I’m bringing the fact that Blake is a princess into this, which is another play in my decision to make her and Weiss partners. Blake is a princess in hiding, the daughter if the dead king of the Eastern region of Menagerie after an attack from the White Fang (which have been overhauled). So when she returns to Menagerie she’s got nowhere to turn to and is instead trying to regain control of her house that was stolen from her. 
I’ve played up the beast aspect of her, making her a sort of chimera faunus. (in this rewrite, Faunus can have a variety of traits and actually look part animal) While this would be harder to hide, I’ve come up with ways she did it – Her ears/the bow, her horns/her hair + filing them down (painful but effective), the tail/tucked very uncomfortably in her tight clothes. Essentially, she was hurting herself to try and hide her faunus traits, something that will play into her character – she is willing to suffer just to avoid conflict. Also i took away her human ears i hate that design choice.
Her outfit is modeled after a tuxedo cat and this adorable fit I saw on Pinterest once. I’ve also taken to Twiins iink’s idea and taken away long sleeves, which gave room for some cute gloves. Her hair is long again because that mop cut is grotesque in both her concept art and in the show. I gave her a braid though, simply because I want a lot of flowing parts on this with her tail and hair and ribbons and it looked super cute on her amity arena summer skin. 
i think it might just be a little too similar to her og design, so I'll tweak it a little more after i finish Weiss and Ruby, in a whole team spread with their final designs
Also Adam is the rose with hints of the fairy and Salem is the fairy (in this Salem takes the place of a lot of Fairies and Evil Witches)
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morguemaw · 4 months
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hi tumblr i redesigned Angel Dust (again but tried staying closer to canon instead of doing my own thing that often ends up becoming a oc smfh)
I dont hate Angel's new look but i am a fan for the old one- Basically lost interest in Hazbin but his design will always have a iconic face across the internet for years to come LMFAO
His overall personality is more crude, alot more crass, more of a prankster, p much his gen 1 personality of being a huge douche that has a love of drag, drugs, & booze w/ a occupation of a Mobster!
Not saying this was all ignored with current Angel- I dont keep up to date on Hazbin (nor care to) but if gen 3(current design) Angel met gen 1(roughly first design) Angel, Gen1 would obliterate that twink with some fisticuffs
Hrm heres most of my nitpicks tbh for his new design tho that i added to this;
Gave him his smoker blinds white back/the fact his 'fur' gets lighter when he is more sober (could be a good mood indicator)
All pink gloves again !! i feel like pink gloves with small white details + white lower gloves is p silly
His Z legs are back, no more nearly just normal legs for this spider demon
I wanted him to have all 6 arms, i wish i moved them higher bc i do like how they looked on just the torso :3
Totally feel better with the tux being just his body colors of white/pink - The two pinks didnt look right :(
its basically personality of first design and mixed color palettes of the first and second (pilot) designs !! This is as far as i got, no plans on really doing much from here-
Might rework abit again after, very pleased with this outcome tho :3
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