#scorbus au
scorpsposting · 11 months
mermaid!albus and prince!scorpius (sighs dreamily)
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rewritingcanon · 10 months
Magic Hour by tuesday_piracy
Rating: T
Pairing: Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Summary: Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy live very different lives from one another, but when time and fate gets intertwined and tangled, they find themselves magically swapping bodies and on a journey to meet each other for the first time. Meanwhile, a star approaches.
Tags: Body Swapping, Soulmate AU, Your Name AU, Not Canon-Complaint, lots of longing and long distance bs. starts off light (Light Fluff, Light Humour, Light Angst etc) but i’ll put them through the trenches later on.
(Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4)
Chapter 5: “A good escape is what Scorpius needed. A good escape up in books, magic, maybe Quidditch, possibly even some nasty creatures. No more nauseating portkeys or small houses or embarrassing false traditions…
Why was he thinking about Hogwarts again?
Surely, the place wasn't as amazing as he was making it out to be. Then again, it wasn’t like he would ever know.
Strange how the universe works, sometimes.”
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cursedchildsupremacy · 8 months
my personal favorite edit i’ve made
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relovaaa · 28 days
Percy: Pack your bags, we leave at noon. Apollo: ...Why? Percy: Demos fell back into his Harry Potter phase and he's been crying about how Scorbus is Drarry 2.0. for the last hour. Apollo: Oh fuck... Apollo: I'll grab the bags, you grab the kids? Percy: On it.
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shrimpalbuspotter · 2 months
ahhhhhh I simply MUST ask! Whats scorbus like in the dark au? I like to think scorpius is still kind at heart in that world, but how would he and albus even meet?
Also, aren't delphi and scorpius cousins?
OK using this as an excuse to make a Scorbus cc dark world au post... this got longer than I expected but I really had to tell you all EVERYTHING about them. (From until they are 15 atleast.
So let's tackle 2 questions at once. Aren't Delphi and Scorpius cousins and How did Scorpius and Albus meet, as they link together
So originally I was going to make it so Scorpius and Albus met whilst Scorpius was in his first year of Hogwarts, and Albus was sent by Delphi to give a message to Headmaster Umbridge. But then I thought... why wouldn't they meet beforehand? The Malfoys are incredibly close to the Dark Lord, and now their family's are interlinked! (Just processed that Voldemort is Scorpius Uncle. Holy fuck)
So I changed it up a bit...
For quick context, during the first few months of Albus being taken by Delphi, he was very stubborn on not doing what she wanted, but eventually he gave up and began to become much more pliant out of fear. At this point. He was never allowed to be alone in the Manor or leave the Manor without Delphi being there with him. In this au, we will conclude that although Lucius is extremely unhappy with the marriage of Draco and Astoria, he will not kick them out of the family as Scorpius could still be an amazing Wizard and useful asset to the Dark Lord when he grows older.
SO! Then comes the day where Delphi goes to the Malfoy Manor with her mother to visit her Aunt Narcissa. Albus comes in tow. Delphi is extremely excited to show off her new pet to her relatives and hopefully get dowsed in praise of being so good at training the little thing. With an added Bonus of rubbing it in her little cousins face, who she likes to tease for being soft. Now she has her own halfblood pet, and he doesn't! (What a spoiled and terrifying 15 year old girl)
We cut to the introduction. Delphi is hyping Albus up to high heavens and Lucius Is just gently asking her to PLEASE keep the mangy thing off his furniture. Her protests would be silenced by Bellatrix, and she'd storm off to finally find her cousin so she could have some fun.
Scorpius, 8 years of age (he turned 8 just last month, Albus still has until August), would be in his room, ofcourse, tearing up some book pages and crumpling them into balls so he can play a game of "No broom quidditch". In the universe, Scorpius is indeed vindictive and cruel and would find pleasure in watching others suffer... But he has something in there. Much like Draco, who was a terrible boy, but still clearly had doubts on joining the darkside, a reluctance to kill anyone, and slithers of empathy. This was thanks to his mother, who would always treat him so much sweetly than anyone else would. She was soft and kind and encouraging, but she wasn't able to turn him away from the real world for long. Draco shaped Scorpius into the villainous Bully he is in Hogwarts, because he knew it was the only way he could survive. He didn't want Astoria turning him soft, he knew what would happen then. Despite this, Scorpius was hardly physically punished unless by Lucius. ANYWHO. Delphi bursts into his room and shakes Albus about infront of him, laughing to herself and talking about how she's so much better than Scorpius now, because SHE has a pet and HE doesn't! Scorpius does feel some jealousy but mostly he doesn't care, and just tells Delphi to not let him touch his things, else to leave any halfblood grime on it.
Albus thought the boy was rude, but he'd experienced worse and was just glad they didn't start taking turns hexing him. His eyes lingered on the boys platinum hair, which is messy infront of his eyes, before getting quickly pulled out the roon by a still angry Delphi.
After this they only meet a handful of times, as Albus gets trusted to be kept locked in a room by himself when he finally turns 8 in August. Never speaking besides a small nod from Albus and a scowl from Scorpius. When Albus begins his training at 9, they don't see eachother again until they are both 11 and the first part I mentioned happens.
Scorpius thinks the halfblood looks fairly different now. His hair is still slightly greasy, lanky where it looks like there should be volume, coils loose where they look like they should be tight. His face is just barely visibly sallow, which is still too sallow for his age, but his skin looks clean enough and he doesn't carry a unwashed stench like the rest of the servants he's seen while in the Dark Lords Manor. But the part he notices most is the fact the vibrant green eyes from before, the only thing he truly took notice of when they met at age 7, are now a deeper, murkier colour, and seem to be sunken from lack of sleep or stress. (Okay Scorpius kinda weird you remember that much about the guy you claim to not care about.)
For Albus? Well... Scorpius looked more or less the same. He still had that platinum blonde hair and fair skin, a single mole blemishing it underneath his eye. He tried not to look alot as he passed the hall, as he was sure he felt the familiar sensation of someone staring at him, and didn't want to possibly make eyecontact with the boy. But... Well Albus was a little curious about him, and decided he'd try talk to him at some point.
Even so, they never actually talked, Scorpius just looked at Albus alot more whenever he could, and Albus did the same. He was alot better at hiding it ofcourse, Scorpius seemed to have no care for the people around him and just did what he wanted, but Albus knew he could get in trouble if he looked too hard at a Malfoy.
Delphi... Well she took notice. See, she was 19 now, and took pride in being the so called "Augurey". Her little Munin though... he had been off. Asking her questions about her cousin and if the Malfoys were coming over to visit anytime soon. Delphi, never one to get in the path of love (wow, she's so romantic), decided she'd give her pet a new gift! A playdate in the summer with Scorpius!
It went.. uphill??? From there??? See, Lucius was really not a fan of leaving his grandchild alone with Harry Potters child, but Draco seemed to have limited qualms, and Astoria was rather supportive. Bellatrix and Voldemort... Well they didn't care what their daughter did with her pet, as long as she cleaned up whatever mess he made afterwards. The actual playdate seemed to be a hit, as a few days afterwards she caught Munin reading a letter from her cousin. Delphi was such a good pet owner!
In reality, Scorpius had spent the whole time talking about Hogwarts and making off handed remarks about Albus' blood and his father, before going on a long rant about the Mudblood one of his older friends allowed him to take a swing at ("I broke its jaw see, a Muggle way of fighting, but Nott made the winning blow by stomping on its head! There was blood all over my robes, and all my friend were jealous."). Albus, well he didn't mind. He was used to being around purebloods talking about him that way, and was even more used to seeing the murder of mudbloods up close. When Scorpius took a breath midway through another speech, Albus decided to throw that fact in, and Scorpius was INTERESTED. He kept asking Albus for details and then going off on a ramble about how HE would've done it if he was there. In the end, Scorpius finally let Albus touch him for a small handshake, and he swore he'd owl Albus at some point with more questions and story's.
As time progressed, they got closer! Albus would find himself taking a few hours longer on messages through Hogwarts to visit Scorpius. Sometimes he'd just leave the Manor without an excuse to go see him. In Summers, he was sneaking into Malfoy Manor or they'd both meet up at Hogsmeade. Their topics of conversation went from being purely about blood status and murder, to being Albus helping Scorpius study so he doesn't have to keep asking for people to do his homework, and them talking about the funny things they see Delphi do, or spilling secrets ("I've never actually killed somebody before" Scorpius would mutter, as if embarrassed. "It's okay. It isn't really all that fun" Albus would reply). There was even a time where Narcissa REQUESTED Albus' presence in Malfoy Manor to try calm down their grandchild, who was having a panic attack upon receiving the news of his Mother's death. He never actually confirmed it, but he's pretty sure Draco might have whispered a "Thank you." whilst he was passing the dining room Albus and Scorpius were gorging all sorts of deserts in.
So yes! Thats the answer to that... um. A bit long. My apologies. But onto the MAIN part where I just jabber about their feelings.
Scorpius doesn't actually understand that he has a crush on Albus. He knows he feels differently around him from other people, and especially different from when he's around other halfbloods, but he figures it's just him being grateful of the fact he has a real friend. And so what if most people don't get unbearably jealous upon seeing their bestfriend blushing around their unbearable cousin? Scorpius is a Malfoy, they don't have to explain themselves! But even then... He just can't stand it. Sometimes he thinks maybe he wants to hurt Albus, as he's used to getting butterflies in his stomach when he is out hunting Mudblood with his schoolmates. But these butterflies seem different. Like they are all on fire and that's why he finds himself turning an embarrassing red when Albus bumps his shoulder whilst laughing or rubs his arm in encouragement. And hey, don't say you wouldn't also feel some way about the guy who comforted you when your dear mother died, and taught you that useful trick for breathing. But Albus is just a pet, Scorpius knows that, and he knows that he can't let anyone besides his own family see him around the halfblood. It's shameful and he knew if well... there was a universe where he DID harbour feelings for Albus (which he doesn't, thie ie hypothetical he swears), he would never be able to pursue it. He'd be a blood traitor, doing more than meerily fraternising with Potters son, he'd end the Malfoy line, get kicked out from his family home. It simply wouldn't be worth it.
Albus on the other hand knows he has a crush on Scorpius, but is unwilling to do anything about it. He is solely dedicated to Delphi, and holds silent resentment for Scorpius despite his feelings. Scorpius, although grown calmer and shown Albus how vulnerable he can be, is still a bad person. And he has grown from the 11 year old boy who told him he was scared of killing anybody. Albus had saw Scorpius in his cruelest state firsthand, saw him laughing as he dodges the squirt of blood that came from whatever wixen that had been rumored to be a muggleborn sympathiser. But still, he's in love, and he curses himself for always falling for people he knows he really can't have. Delphi... Well she was his master. He knew she only viewed him as a pet to spoil and do her bidding. Scorpius is different that way. Maybe Albus is just imagining things but there a way Scorpius looks at him which is different than how he looks at others. It's like he actually sees him, and you can't blame him if that makes Albus' heart flutter. Albus, much like Scorpius, knows a real relationship between the two wouldn't be possible. Delphi wouldn't allow it, Voldemort wouldn't allow it, god knows the Malfoys wouldn't allow it. But still. Its... Well, Albus doesn't think he'll lose feelings anytime soon, even if he trys .
OK YEAH THATS IT. THEY DOOO END UP TOGETHER BUT JUST WHEN THEY ARE OLDER, LIKE 18. They elope. Scorpius pulls an Andromeda and they both run away with the help of the remaining order and they elope. Um... speaking of, the remaining order don't actually enjoy this whole marriage thing but they are just happy Albus is out of The Augureys grip (after a whole lotta shit happens inbetween). I'll make another post about when they actually confess at age 16 and the actual main stuff that happens from when they are 15-18.
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hoomandoescosplay · 5 months
Checking You Out | Albus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy Oneshot
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Albus has been observing the blonde haired man for weeks ever since his schedule got changed.
This was mainly due to the fact he was unsure of how to approach Scorpius, so he would keep himself busy at work and keep glancing over at the boy whenever he wasn't dealing with other library patrons.
Albus can't help but get distracted anytime Scorpius is within his sight. His coworker keeps telling him that he should go up and talk to him, but Albus always gets too anxious to do so.
The most they ever talk is when Albus is lucky enough to be the one checking people’s books out. Even then he mainly stays quiet in fear that he’ll fumble over his words.
Albus feels bad for not being talkative. Especially on the days Scorpius tries to engage in light conversation, asking him about any books he recommends, the weather, and even about work.
The library’s doorbell jingles, pulling him out of his over complicated thoughts as he turns his head towards the door and notices Scorpius walk in.
Albus gets all flustered at the sight of him. He can barely breathe as he watches him walk inside, a bit nervous about talking to him. He's never been good with talking to people, especially when it comes to people he likes.
He just stays behind the desk, hoping that he doesn't have to talk to any other patrons so he can keep an eye on Scorpius.
Today was a lucky day for Albus for two reasons. First was the fast that today was a slow day for the library. Second, he’s working at the counter today which means he’ll get another interaction with Scorpius.
Albus takes a deep breath and waits for Scorpius to come up to the counter. He can feel the heat rising to his cheeks and the nerves in his stomach as he waits for him to get there.
He can hear the sound of footsteps approaching, and soon he spots Scorpius walking over to him. He feels his heart beating faster, but he tries to stay calm before he greets him.
As Scorpius gently places the books he collected on the counter Albus can’t help but stare at him. This guy is hot. Really really hot. Albus can’t help thinking to himself.
The more Albus looks at him, the more he begins to think to himself that this is the most attractive person he has seen in his life. He can't help but notice every little detail about him, from his piercing grey eyes, to his blonde hair, and even his hands.
Albus is getting so lost in thought that he barely realizes that Scorpius has said something.
"What was that?" he asks quietly, shaking himself out of his thoughts. He clears his throat a few times, trying to calm his nerves before returning his gaze up onto Scorpius.
“Are you checking me out?” Scorpius asks the librarian while taking a mental note of his name on his name tag.
“Huh?” Albus’s face immediately turns red. “Oh no, no I’m not. Nope definitely not.” He begins to tap his fingers on the counter nervously.
“Oh? I always return my books on time. Is there a specific reason I can’t check these out today?” He asks clueless.
"Oh no, no no it's not that.” Albus stammers, his face still flustered. “It's just... uh, it's just that…” his voice trails off as he thinks of what he’s even trying to say.
“I just…” he stops talking as he finds it hard to finish his sentence. “I’m so sorry. I um- I made a mistake. You’re all good to check these out today.”
Scorpius gives him a smile as Albus begins to quickly scan all of his books. “Thank you Albus.” After collecting all of his books in his hands Scorpius adds one last thing before leaving the library.
“Too bad you weren’t checking me out, I thought you were cute.” As he walks out all Albus can do is stare at him with a flushed face.
Albus's face turns red as he realizes what Scorpius had said. “Wait, what?” he manages to get out, but he's too slow to catch him.
He can only stand there, his face still flushed with embarrassment. But as he watches him leave, he can't help but feel a bit of a silly, dumb grin on his lips.
Luck must have been on his side however because as he looks back down at the counter he notices a small piece of paper with a number and name on it. Scorpius’s name and number.
Now today was a lucky day for three reasons.
─── ☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚ ───
Thank you @rewritingcanon for the prompt idea!! I loved writing this oneshot! :)
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taurusmoonchild · 4 months
Instagram AU of my next gen trio
(might post the individual picture and their captions too if ya want)
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kendodante · 9 months
— ★: Fears Before and After of the Scorbus duo in Dark line:
★ Scorpius: being alone / Screaming
★Albus: being hurt / Dark
★Scorpius: Torture, screaming, being alone, hurting others, darkness, death eaters, darkness, dark magic, dead people
★Albus: Adults, Physical contact (except Scorpius), Torture, screaming, being alone, hurting others, darkness, death eaters, darkness, dark magic, dead people
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iloveolivegarden · 2 months
HP next gen The Office AU
Jim: Albus Severus
Dwight: Rose
Micheal: James Sirius
That’s all I’ve got so far
Feel free to share who you think other characters would be or if you would change anyone
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itswalen7 · 5 months
Hello! I’m new in the community and I wanted to introduce the fandoms I will be into and introduce myself.
ENHYPEN (engene)
BTS (army)
IVE (dive)
HARRY POTTER (potterhead)
BTS Taehyung
IVE Wonyoung
Jaywon (Jay & Jungwon)
Taekook (Taehyung & Jungkook)
Jangkku (Wonyoung & Sunghoon)
Scorbus (Albus & Scorpius)
Percabeth (Percy & Annabeth)
Dipcifica (Dipper & Pacifica)
Byler (Mike & Will)
Destiel (Dean & Castiel)
I will sometimes write about them, don’t take anything to personal, I know three of them include real people, doesn’t necessarily mean I think they are a couple in real life, I just think that they could work like one but never going to ask them, make them uncomfortable or tell them so it’s not a big deal.
If you don’t think same as me it’s okay, you can skip the post or block me, I don’t care, but don’t spend time trying to make me change.
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scorpsposting · 11 months
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whoops my hand slipped
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rewritingcanon · 8 months
ok idk if this is a popular movie or if no one knows it but that one taiwanese movie about that cop who’s forced into a marriage with a dead man he accidentally tied himself to? this but scorbus au.
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strawberryscorp · 2 years
thinking about scorbus rn
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shrimpalbuspotter · 3 months
More tidbits on my CC Dark World Timeline au. Some Scorbus stuff but again I'll make a seperate post just to go in depth about them. (FYI I wrote this at almost 2am and was barely keeping my eyes open, so apologies for any mistakes).
Yes, Albus Potter has killed muggles. Never willingly, always because Delphi has told him to and he doesn't want to get any more crucios sent his way.
On that topic, he isn't actually cruciod alot. Maybe 20 times since he's been taken in by Delphi (which seems like alot but it is spread out over 7 years)
Since he isn't able to send unauthorised owls due to the fact Voldemort presumes his whole family dead, he passes his letters to the remaining order by Snape.
Similarly, Snape and Albus both attend Death Eater meetings when they are held (or any event that means Voldemort needs Snape to come to the manor). This is what relieves the remaining orders stress as they know he is alive.
DELPHI LOVES TO PLAY DRESS UP even when Albus is 14. She takes alot of inspiration from the clothing of Muggles they slaughter or throw in the Dungeons (often just stealing their clothes and cutting it up to make fun pieces. She loves the spikes and the denim.)
Scorpius is still awkward and anxious, but he knows how to hide it. He was raised surrounded by people and told he was superior than everyone else at Hogwarts because of his blood and connections to Voldemort by his grandfather. (Draco never told him anything like this, but he never denied it either. He made sure to keep Scorpius in line)
Scorpius is still cruel and evil despite this. He takes a sick pleasure I'm seeing others squirm but always keeps a straight face and never provokes a fight with people (unlike his father used to do). Although when he's out hunting for muggles to round up for one of his friends games, he will laugh along with their jokes because he finds them genuinely funny.
He and Albus got along rockily at first. Even now, when they consider eachother bestfriends, Albus still gets queasy everytime he goes on one of his rambles about whatever muggleborn he got to torture in the Dungeons the night prior. Albus hates it, but Scorpius is his only friend and he doesn't want to lose that.
Scorpius only brags because he thinks it's what Albus would like to hear, due to his affiliation with The Augurey. Scorpius isn't book smart like he is in the original timeline so it's harder for him to carry a conversation if the other isn't replying to him.
Albus hates smalltalk
They will not get together until they are slightly older teens. It's a unhealthy relationship, Scorpius is selfish and arrogant and demands respect whilst Albus is anxious and terrified and so hopelessly stubborn despite the facts, but they are absolutely in love.
Picture Romeo and Juliet
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yannfredericks · 5 months
yannfredericks please i have to know
will life after ever be updated again or is it dead in the ground i need to know to sleep peacefully again
i’m ur biggest fan i just need to know
this made me laugh :'))) rest assured it's definitely not dead in the ground!!! and it's been plaguing me for over a year now about updating it, but unfortunately the 30k+ words that I currently have sitting in the doc are nowhere near up to scratch for posting and, tbh, are not very good/from when I first started writing it and aren't particularly true to the fic or where it's headed anymore, so i have A Lot of work to do.
I just moved home last week after a year of living interstate (which, frankly, did an unexpected number on my mental health and put a complete stop to any mental energy I had for creative tasks such as writing) and so I'm in the process of settling back in atm. The good news is that even a week being back at home has already reignited the writing itch and i've managed a thousand or so words so I'm hopeful my inspo and ability will come back now that I'm in a better space!!!! AND THEN!!! I hope to be able to update and finish this beast of a thing <3
I hope you can sleep now!!! thanks so much for caring and not pressuring me <33 here's a little snippet of what I've been working on if you were interested:
“I really didn’t mean to upset you. I promise I haven’t told Alexa anything, I mean, she wouldn’t judge you even if I did—”
Gobsmacked, Albus hisses, “It’s not about her judging me, it’s my private business!”
James goes wide eyed and hurriedly steps inside and closes the door behind him.
“Sorry, of course, I know that.” He tries to placate. “Of course it’s your business, but you do know everyone’s seen you guys hooking up at parties, right? You don’t really do much to hide it.”
“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Albus spits, the heat of embarrassment engulfing him. As well as the remembered heat of Scorpius’s mouth, his breath against Albus’s face, his roaming hands. The way he hadn’t been able to stop laughing the last time they’d kissed. “That’s not—that’s not even anything—”
“No, no, sorry,” James attempts to backtrack. It’s the most Albus has ever heard him apologise to him—to anyone. “I’m really, really bad at this. I guess I just meant that even though I haven’t said anything, she might still have guessed. Or seen. And that’s not a bad thing. It’s really not a big deal.”
Albus chews on his lip. Tries to breathe. Slowly. How is he supposed to…
“It is a big deal to me.” He says after thinking for a moment. “It’s… it’s a really big thing for me.”
James’s pained face shatters further. Albus rubs a tired hand across his own. This is exhausting. Still, he knows what it’s like to constantly make things worse. Merlin, does he know what that’s like.
“Fuck,” James sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “of course it is, Albus, I didn’t mean it like that. Can I just—can I give you a hug?”
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kendodante · 9 months
Harry Potter and The Cursed Child (Dark Line AU) it's made by me, It is also published in TikTok.
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