#custard apple recipes
pluckksocial · 11 months
Savouring The Seasons: When and How to Harvest Custard Apples
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Are you a fan of delicious and exotic fruits? If you're nodding yes, then you've got to try custard apples, also known as sitaphal! These Indian natives are a visual and taste sensation with their green, bumpy skin and soft, white flesh. But do you know how to pick them at the perfect time for maximum flavor? We've got you covered in this blog. Let's dive in!
Fun Fact: Custard apples are a low-calorie sweet treat with natural sugars that can fit into your balanced diet.
When to Harvest Custard Apples:
Custard apple trees bear fruit between September and November in India, although this might vary by region and climate. Look for these signs to know when they're ripe:
Color Change: When the skin turns from dark green to a lighter shade or yellowish-green, it's time to harvest.
Aroma: Ripe custard apples release a delightful fragrance.
Slight Softness: Gently press the fruit – if it gives slightly and feels soft, it's ripe for the picking.
How to Harvest Custard Apples:
Now that you know when to harvest, here's how to do it without causing any harm:
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Twist and Snap: Hold the custard apple gently but firmly and twist it clockwise or counterclockwise until it snaps off from the stem. This ensures a clean break without damage.
Use Pruning Shears: If twisting doesn't work, you can use pruning shears or a sharp knife to cut the fruit gently, leaving a small stem attached.
Handle with Care: Custard apples have tender skin, so be gentle to avoid bruises or drops.
Avoid Overripe: If you spot overripe custard apples with mushy flesh or dark spots, it's best to discard them to prevent fermentation.
Once you've harvested your custard apples, the real fun begins! Enjoy them fresh, scoop out the flesh, and savor them as a healthy snack or dessert. The creamy texture and sweet taste make them perfect for smoothies, milkshakes, ice creams, and even salads!
Bonus Beauty Tip: Mix custard apple pulp with honey and aloe vera gel. Apply it to your face for 15 minutes, rinse off, and say hello to soft, hydrated skin.
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To Sum Up:
Harvesting custard apples at the right time ensures you enjoy their unique flavor to the fullest. Look for signs like color change, aroma, and slight softness to know they're ready to pick. When harvesting, use gentle methods like twisting or pruning shears to preserve the fruit. Ready to indulge? Visit Pluckk for fresh custard apples and more! Experience doorstep delivery and choose from a variety of premium-quality fruits and veggies. Happy harvesting and happy munching!
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fullcravings · 6 months
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Easy Irish Apple Cake With Custard Sauce
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vegan-nom-noms · 2 months
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Vegan Apple Custard Squares
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throneofsapphics · 5 days
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Excuse my photography, and that this was my first time making cinnamon rolls and they’re a little ugly, but thank you for the recipe @erisweekofficial
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clatterbane · 11 months
Currently in the oven, and the smell is driving me crazy. I am also planning on having this more or less for supper, so I was already a little hungry when it went in.
Didn't really follow that recipe, but it looks like a pretty good one. I did use the easy melted butter approach for the oaty crumb topping, and part brown sugar in it for extra yum.
Did we have any great need for a pan of apple goodness? Possibly not. Am I glad that I finally threw something together with some of the particularly good apples waiting in the fridge? You bet.
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Not sure what variety these are, but they are some kind of very fresh Swedish-grown red apples! And seem to be good for both eating and cooking, like I was hoping. This is one of the varieties with eye-catching reddish pink flushing inside, so I can probably narrow it down to try and find more of them. These will probably cook down pretty pink overall, and I do still want to turn some into just cooked apples.
We are in an apple-growing region here, which probably makes it easier to find more varieties even from supermarkets. I sort of missed that after growing up with a better assortment of apples around, even without hitting farm stands. Still enjoying trying different Scandinavian types.
(I did stash the peels in a baggie in the freezer, btw, to throw into some storebought juice cider and/or another batch of vinegar for extra flavor. Seemed kind of like a waste to just throw them in the compost, especially with apples that tasty.)
Anyway, already waiting to go with it:
We don't have any ice cream like I prefer, but Mr. C really loves his vaniljsås with anything like that. Seems to be the classic thing here too. We also didn't have any of the storebought kind but did have ingredients, so I said fuck it and made some. We do have some more cream left, in case I decide I'd rather have that. If I want to, I could even have both.
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lookashiny · 9 months
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(via French Custard Pie - with apples (Flan Parisien))
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askwhatsforlunch · 9 months
New Year's Trifles
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The beauty of a bountiful Holiday table, is that you can build up festive desserts with leftovers into the New Year! And why shouldn't you? Christmas may be over, the New Year rung in, you may have returned to work but Winter celebrations linger until Candlemas on the 2nd of February; there's still time to be merry, jolly and bright, just like these New Year's Trifles!
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 large stale Cinnamon Dinner Roll
Luxury Praliné 
2 tablespoons sweet white wine or white Port
1/2 cup Apple-Cranberry Sauce
3/4 cup Ginger and Hibiscus Jelly 
1 cup thick Vanilla Custard, warmed and allowed to cool completely at room temperature, before it sets
1/4 cup silvered almonds
1/2 cup double cream
1/2 tablespoon Icing Sugar
Cut Cinnamon Dinner Roll into thick slices, and spread them generously with Luxury Praliné. Arrange laden slices at the bottom of two serving cups or glasses. Drizzle a tablespoon sweet white wine onto each.
Top with Apple-Cranberry Sauce, and then, with Ginger and Hibiscus Jelly.
Gently pour thick Vanilla Custard onto the Jelly. Place in the refrigerator, and allow to set completely, four hours to overnight.
In a small frying pan, toast silvered almonds until golden brown and fragrant, a couple of minutes; set aside.
In medium bowl, whisk double cream energetically until soft peaks start forming. Add Icing Sugar, and continue whisking until just a bit firmer.
Top trifles with whipped cream and toasted almonds.
Serve and enjoy New Year's Trifles immediately!
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bhglivebetter · 1 year
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Easy Apple, Pear, and Blackberry Crumble Whip up a late summer dessert with blackberries, apples, and pears topped with a simple crumble topping. Serve warm with vanilla ice cream. 3 pears - peeled cored and cut into wedges, 1.5 cups lowfat margarine, 1 cup white sugar, 2 cups whole wheat flour, 1 cup blackberries, 3 apples - peeled cored and cut into wedges
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Stars in Her Eyes
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Eleventh Doctor x Fem!Reader
Written for an annonymous ask. I hope you enjoy it!
Synopsis: When Y/n prefers to stay in bed instead of going on an adventure, the Doctor does everything he can to cheer her up.
Word Count: 1,275
A/N: Taking requests for Eleven fics!! xo
“So, where to next? Eh?” The Doctor bounced on his toes as he flicked switches on the console, “I know a great planet in the Mutter’s Spiral where the grass is pink, the sand is crystal and the sea is purple.” 
He turned to face Y/n who was sitting on the glass stairs, she was looking down at the ground her hand held her head as she wrested her arms on her legs, her eyebrows were furrowed, lips down in a frown. 
“Why is your face like that?” he frowned. 
Y/n was broken out of her thoughts, “What?” 
The Doctor wiggled his fingers at her face, “You’re all scrunched up. It looks weird. Stop it." He comes over to her and grabs both hands softly, “Come on. Anywhere in space and time. Where do you want to go?” 
She thought for a moment before slowly standing, “I think... I want to go to bed.” 
The Doctor stopped, “Bed? All of time and space and you want a nap?” 
She nodded and turned to make her way up the stairs, her movements sluggish, “Yeah.” 
The Tardis dinged and he span to look at the console, “I didn’t do anything!” 
She then whirred harshly and the Doctor raised his hands in surrender, “Alright. What do you suggest we do?” 
With a final mechanical whir, the Doctor grinned, he clapped his hands and kissed the glass, “Oh, you beauty.” 
He turned and ran down the glass steps, clapping his hands while running to the kitchen, “Okay. I need, I need, I need recipes, a large chef’s hat, a green whisk, an apron that says kiss the cook and Mary Berry. We have work to do.” 
With Mary at his side, they baked up a storm; cookies, brownies, apple tarts, jelly babies and a large box of Jammie Dodgers. He did get the side eye from Mary when he made fish fingers and a bowl of custard. 
Mary smiled as the Doctor led her back out of the Tardis again, “You know, dear. I’ve never seen you so smitten before.” she took the Doctor’s hand and patted it with her own, “She must be very special.” 
The Doctor grinned and kissed her hand, “The most special girl in the world.” 
“Until next time, Doctor.” 
After Mary left, he leapt round and ran to the console, “Come on then, old girl, let’s show our girl some stars.” He flipped the lever with a hyper, “Geronimo!” as he trusted the Tardis to guide them to the perfect spot. 
Y/n was curled up in bed, not sleeping, not thinking, just lying there. She felt so silly. Lying in bed moping when there was the most amazing man out there who was ready to show her things that she’s never even dreamed of. An alien who owned her heart as she owned both of his. Someone who would do anything for her and instead of being with him she was lying in bed MOPING. 
She was startled out of her pity party by five swift knocks on her door before it opened and the Doctor poked his head in. 
“Hello!” he grinned. 
His smile was infectious and she couldn’t help but smile back, “Hello.” 
“How do you feel? Better?” 
Y/n sat up, “Yeah a bit.” 
The Doctor clapped, “Good. Put a coat on and let’s go.” 
He grinned and booped her nose, “If I tell you, it won’t be a secret. Coat. Now.” he clicked his fingers and like a whirlwind he was gone again. 
Curiosity got the better of her and she got up, pulled on her trainers and a jacket before running out after him. 
He was standing waiting for her by the door of the Tardis, leaning against the door, arms folded and a smirk gracing his lips. When he saw her running down the stairs his hearts skipped. 
“What are we doing, Doctor?” she smiled gently as she walked over to him. 
He held out his hand, “Trust me?” 
“Always.” she reached out and placed her hand in his, feeling him squeezing tight as he pulled her out the door of the Tardis. 
Y/n gasped as she looked around. They were on the planet that the Doctor told her about. The crystal sand, purple water, the grass on the hills were bubble-gum pink and she stared in complete awe. The moon was high in the sky which made the crystals twinkle like stars. 
“Oh, my, Doctor.” looking around she saw he was standing a few feet away. A large blanket at his feet and a wicker basket. “Doctor?” 
He waved her over enthusiastically before sitting cross-legged on the blanket. 
Y/n walked through the grass and sat next to the Doctor on the blanket. “Is this... are we... Doctor is this a picnic?” 
The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Of course it’s a picnic what else could it possibly be?” He gave Y/n a look up and down, “Are you sure you’re alright.” he took out his sonic screwdriver and scanned her up and down before Y/n slapped it away. 
“I’m fine, Doctor.” she shrugged, “I just didn’t take you for a picnic kind of... alien.” 
The Doctor fidgeted as he took out things from the basket, “Well, this isn’t for me.” 
Y/n frowned, “What?” 
“I know you love stars.” The Doctor whispered. 
Y/n’s heart almost burst, he took her here to try and cheer her up. She smiled as she pointed to the sand, “They do look so much like stars.” 
The Doctor chuckled, “No, darling.” He slowly leaned forward and gently placed his hands on her cheeks and he tilted her head up. 
She gasped. 
The sky was impossible. She could see galaxies, the swirling of colours, the stars. Oh, she’s never seen anything like it. It was like she could reach out her hand and touch the sky. 
And that was the feeling you always have when you’re in love with the Doctor. 
The Doctor was smiling as he watched her eyes fly around the sky, trying to take everything in at once. Committing it all to memory so she could never forget it. 
The stars reflected into her eyes and they sparkled like the brightest galaxy. The Doctor’s jaw dropped as he realised that he was gazing at the most beautiful thing in the world. The most beautiful thing in every world. 
“Oh, Doctor. It’s beautiful.” she breathed. 
The Doctor never looked away from her face, “Yes, it is.” 
Y/n looked at him and chuckled. “Doctor! You’re not even looking.” 
He gently rubbed his thumbs against her cheekbones, “I don’t need to.” 
“Because you’ve seen it before?” 
The Doctor chuckled, “No. I’m already looking at the most beautiful thing. It’s sitting here, right here in front of me.” 
Before Y/n could stutter out a reply the Doctor leaned forward and pressed his lips to her ear, “I’m going to kiss you now.” He whispered slowly, his voice deeper than usual. 
He pulled back and leaned into Y/n’s space, capturing her lips in a deep kiss. The feeling of her lips against his own made him want to give her the sun if she asked for it. Even if she didn’t, he would still give it to her. 
He tangled his long fingers into her hair, the other stayed cupping her cheek as she clutched the lapels of his jacket. 
That’s where they stayed, neither of them sure how long. 
Kissing under the stars. 
Sharing fish fingers and custard. 
Eating Jammie Dodgers while lying side by side, hand in hand, to stare at the sky. 
The Doctor and Y/n. 
The greatest love story in the universe.
Y/n moaned as she ate a brownie, "Doctor! This tastes amazing! There is no way you made this!" she giggles.
The Doctor grinned as he took his own bite, talking with his mouth full, "If I told you who did, you wouldn't believe me."
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fullcravings · 2 years
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Apple Oatmeal Custard Mug Recipe
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cocoa-rococo · 4 months
Koopaling Headcanons: Larry
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Larry | Morton | Wendy | Iggy | Roy | Lemmy | Ludwig
Everyone's favorite little brother and general pest for plumbers! He's just a lil' rascal.
Right handed.
His love of tennis originally started as a way to stand out from his siblings, but eventually, he really enjoyed the sensation of playing.
He became a big fan of a Horse Girl animated show after the Olympics, but is super embarrassed about it and won't tell anyone because he thinks it wrecks his ‘cool guy’ image.
Red-green colorblind.
He likes painting with Bowser Jr, and he's a decent comic artist, but he's pretty shy about showing people his work, partially stemming from feeling inferior to Ludwig.
Hypoglycemic. Combine that with his age and his tennis hobby, this boy burns through glucose like a powder trail. It's also partially why he eats so much.
Very much a visual learner, as he tunes out if people tell him things without example, and gets frustrated if asked to try and do something on his own / with his hands and zero instruction.
A frighteningly good pickpocket. He once had a conversation with Bowser and managed to take off all five of his spiked cuffs in three minutes. It's only when he returned them did Bowser even realize they were gone.
He's a big fan of milkshakes, especially chocolate ones. Also a big fan of blowing his straw wrapper at his siblings before he drinks, and blowing bubbles in his drink if he's thinking.
Favorite breakfast food is waffles, with butter, syrup, chocolate chips, and fruit.
Can beatbox almost anything, and he's learning how to breakdance, too. He likes looking up tutorials and practicing in his room for both the space and privacy.
He does gaming streams in his free time, mostly online team-based games or RPGs that let you sink hours of play into useless but fulfilling sidequests. Gaming companies love him because they’ll get guaranteed sales if they offer a trial.
Has a pretty good head for directions, but only for cities. If you tell him you need to find a building from a particular place, he'll give you precise instructions on where to go. Highways and roadmaps are a completely different story.
That said, he got lost so often as a kid that Ludwig gifted him a compass, and he carries it with him constantly.
Not really a flower person, but ever since he got an anonymous bouquet of them, he's got a small appreciation for forget-me-nots.
He's a big fan of punk rock bands, and would love to attend a concert (and be a professional rockstar).
Favorite fruit is either strawberries or pears, but one of his favorite treats is caramel apples.
He’s got a leather jacket that's got a big star bedazzled on the back. It’s his prized possession because he thinks it makes him look cool (and it does, marginally).
Saw a flyer for a new DJ at the Electrodrome and applied on a whim. He got hired (much to his surprise), and greatly enjoys his work. In fact, his time learning the electronics is what inspired his light company.
Likes watching baking and cooking shows with Morton, but while Morton watches to improve and get ideas for recipes, Larry watches to yell at the contestants, because what the FUCK, Michael!!!!! Don’t put your custard on a high temperature, it!!! Is going!!!!!! To curdle!!!!!!!!!!!!
Legitimately has a very good palate for food, and can point out individual flavors where others can't. He will also visit a five-star restaurant and order chicken tenders off the kids menu.
One of his favorite things to do when he was a kid was hiding around the castle and pretending he was a spy; listening in on conversations and writing them down, coming up with codes, always carrying a walkie-talkie, the works. It started his earlier pictographic babble, and what lead him to being such a sneakster later on.
Can and will cheat outrageously at any card, board, dice, or wheel game. Not at video games, though. Those are sacred. That and laser tag.
Looooves chocolate, especially fudge. Do not let him get anywhere near fudge.
He was a shark kid growing up. He dreamed of visiting the aquarium for his birthday, and when he finally got to do so, came home with an armload of various shark plushies and memorabilia.
A big fan of giving and receiving nicknames. Bowser once called him ‘blueberry’ and he cried about it for like seven minutes.
He’s got an admiration for Princess Daisy, for both her fearless attitude and tennis skills.
Favorite candy is gummy worms, but is really fond of sour stuff, too, along with super sugary energy drinks.
Loves sci-fi books / comics and mecha anime with Iggy, but personally loves the adventure genre with pirates and treasure hunters and wild westerns.
Has a private stash of snacks he keeps hidden in rotation for both late night munchies and keeping away from his siblings.
Genuinely likes cooking, but baking feels too precise for him. That said, he's more then happy to taste the end results of both.
Likes going skating with Wendy and Lemmy. He keeps trying complicated moves and keeps running into the walls.
Runs a recipe blog that doubles as a restaurant critique and rating site. It's gotten surprisingly popular.
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snootyfoxfashion · 1 year
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Autumn Foraging Themed Embroidery Kit from CraftpodExtras
The theme for the Autumn 2022 Craftpod is ‘FORAGE’. You will receive two cosy stitching projects to nourish you as the nights draw in. The design of the first project is of a foraging basket, and the food and foliage which has been collected in it. This project uses appliqué and embroidery which is stitched in a 6 inch hoop onto organic printed calico. We’ve included colours and textures for you to cut out to arrange on your foraging table and in your basket. You can have fun with this and come up with your own designs, or follow the suggested pattern shown. In addition, you could stitch little pieces of found twigs or dried foliage onto your hoop. The second project is a handy little lined zip-up coin purse made from printed fabric designed by Immi especially for this box. It becomes just the right size for coins and a payment card to fit inside. We’ve also included a recipe card for a yummy Hazelnut, Fig, and Apple Cake. This is a deliciously moist and nutty autumnal cake. You could add a teaspoon of ginger if you like a little extra warmth, or swop the figs out for pears. The recipe uses a cream cheese frosting, but you could alternatively enjoy it warm with custard, or a dollop of Greek yoghurt drizzled with honey. You’ll also find a gorgeous vintage Chanterelle mushroom postcard, and of course tea to enjoy with your cake!
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traffic-light-eyes · 1 year
Pie. Pie was the compromise. It fits with Cole and Lloyd's adoration for sweets, Kai and Nya's hatred of sweets, and Jay's family roots. It was always pie. Zane, not needing to eat, whips it up for almost every event. The recipe just gets crazier and crazier.
At first, it was a simple apple pie. Then it was pecan. Then it was banana, then avocado, then custard until it finally got down to the notorious cheeseburger pickle pie. That was a day that went down in history.
Zane was very, very proud when they all had to run out of the room gagging.
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lookashiny · 1 month
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(via French Custard Pie - with apples (Flan Parisien))
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hetalia-club · 5 months
Hetalia Stardew Mod Summary Hot Link
Characters (Will be updated as it's posted) America Canada
Mod Details (Note all of this only exist inside my head unfortunately)- All Characters are Romanceable. They have no rival love interest and they will not lose their personality or hobbies after marriage so you don’t feel like you ruined their lives or stole them away from anyone. They will for the most part carry on as usual just with a bit more favor towards you New Events: Firework Festival- Takes place on Summer 4. This event is only attended by The Hetalia characters living in Cindersnap Forest. You Enter Cindersnap Forest at 10PM-12PM on Summer 4 to Trigger the Event. Brew Fest- A mock Octoberfest held at the Café where they all drink coffee instead of beer Enter Cindersnap Forest on Fall 6 at 9AM-3PM to trigger the event. Must be downloaded alongside the: More Crops Mod and Even More Crops Mod to get required ingredients for recipes & Stardew expanded for the space upgrade. The town of Cindersnap can function as your main source of shopping & Conversation Much like how Ridgeside Village & Stardew Valley operate. The characters do converse with the Main Stardew folk but for the most part do their own things. New Buildings: Houses with secret rooms, locked doors and Easter eggs. Maybe you click on a globe in someone’s house and it says “It’s a circle, that’s the earth”.
Cindersnap Coffee House: This is a Café/Bakery that is directly contributed to by each member of the Cindersnap Forest dwellers. Their Role with the bakery will be listed within their bio if they have one. Here you can buy coffees, Latte’s, Matcha, Mochas, and espresso shots along with few new Items like: Croissants, Tiramisu, Pretzel, Apple Pie, Cannoli, Blueberry Scone, Custard, Sugar Pie, Bee Sting Cake, Red Bean,  Buns and Cheesecake that are nods to the Hetalia character’s origins and their recipes can only be obtained from befriending a certain character. The Café/bakery is Owned and Operated by multiple characters.
Brew House- At 7pm all the Characters of Cindersnap disappear into the back room of the Coffee House. Where a Speak Easy is hidden and they will stay there hanging out until 11 and then will all go home. You can only get an invite by getting at least 6 hearts with everyone in town and then you will get an anonymous letter giving you the password saying you have passed the vibe check. Inside you can buy Alcohol from Romano who works the bar because the Coffee House does not have their liquor license and they have to operate this underground.
The Ranch-ery- Owned and Operated by Alfred & Matthew. Matthew runs the counter on Thursdays & Tuesdays and the store will operate as a Nursery and sell only trees, fruit trees and berry, herb bushes (See More crops+ mod) You can buy singular fruit here but the prices are steep you are better off just buying the sapling itself. Alfred operates on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Open from 9am-5pm Monday-Saturday and the shop will operate as a Ranch selling full grown cows, milk, milk buckets, hay, and heaters. The store is closed on Sunday.
Mystic Brews- An oddities shop located inside the wizards tower ran by a shadow creature that you can only gain access to only after befriending England, It focuses on gems, mushrooms, potions and some very rare items like the magic wand for a hefty sum. Seeds n’ Such- a general store with all your seasonal seed needs operated by China. Not much to say about it it’s a pretty straight forward shop.
Paella Stand- in the summer/spring Spain comes to town from Calico dessert to run his street food cart he will live here in town for these two seasons but he doesn’t like the cold so he will go back to Calico in the fall/winter. He sells churros, paella and spiced hot chocolate. All these foods give major speed and energy boosts but the catch is you can’t buy it with money and similar to the trader in Calico to have to trade him for gems.
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aisling-saoirse · 1 year
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Finally found a paw paw tree on Campus!
Asimina Triloba - aka the Paw Paw is North America's largest indigenous fruit typically found throughout Appalachia, the eastern Midwest, the Ozarks and reaches as high north as southern Ontario. The tree itself is closely related to the custard apple, the flavor of the fruit is very similiar to banana/papaya/persimmon. Although people often rave about this amazing fruit you cannot find it in stores, quite like many forgotten foods, they only last about a week. This short life span makes trasnport difficult and cuttings are almost impossible to propagate. Essentially, all new Paw Paws must be grown from seed or transplanted from young seedlings, making consistency of a cultivar questionable.
The plant itself requires very little light making it one of the rarer understory fruiting trees. Ecologically the seeds/bark/leaves/and roots all contain a natural insecticide so the tree is rarely subject to herbivory. The most common method of propagation is clonally via root sprouts. Historically fruit was consumed by megafauna, however with most species absent in its range new plants rely on bears and human distribution.
All this being said it is a wonderful fruit which has a variety of uses, nutritionally very high in manganese and iron. You can eat paw paws raw or use the pulp in baking recipes similiar as you would a banana (I know a farmer who loves making ice cream with the fruit). Keep an eye out for them! They're not endangered and could use some attention to reenter our local food systems!
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