#custom candy bar wrappers
baerdesignstudio · 1 year
This is such a great way to have custom chocolate bar wrappers for any function! This blog article includes printing instructions, supplies and designs in order to make your vision come to life!
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aayakashii · 4 months
I wrote this in like 2 hours so I apologize if it's bad but!!! I was struck with inspiration and had to write it + I am a sucker for fics abt dancing because I'm a dancer so ✋️ ANYWAYS
Pairing: Romeo Lucci x MC
Tags: PINING; romeo doesnt accept his feelings; gender neutral MC; the song that is mentioned in this fic is this one
the house never loses
The casino had closed for the night.
Fragments of life were scattered on the floor – pieces of glass, candy wrappers, dirtied pills, crushed beer cans.
Romeo curled his lips in disgust.
Everyone was distasteful. Brute, graceless little things that only served to be his source of income. Couldn't even clean up after themselves, the mindless sheep, blinded by the possibility of being rich quickly.
He wasnt really one to judge, but at least he was smart.
He knew he had to win. He had to be the dealer, the house, no matter the situation. He would never be the customer.
That was how things fall apart.
You lose control, someone else pull the strings of your life and then you trip – and fall. And lose, lose, lose. One bet after the other, golden coins falling through the cracks of the floor underneath you, forever out of reach.
No, he couldn't be anything else besides the dealer, he wouldn't allow otherwise. He had his family as a bitter example of steps he should not follow.
Still, under this position of power, he saw all the grimy beings that walked on this godforsaken place – traitors and hypocrites that tried to hide their greed behind a mask – and he hated them all.
"Dirty pricks that can't even pick up after themselves", he thought, kicking another empty beer can.
He wouldn't clean it, however. Obviously. He had his pawns to do that for him and today, specifically, he had the worthless honor student do that job for him.
He sighed, massaging his forehead to ease the wrinkle between his brows.
"Honor, my ass", he mumbled, remembering how they messed up yet another prototype order earlier that day, which landed them the merciless job of cleaning the casino after it was closed.
Romeo clicked his tongue, remembering the faces of the rest of the staff once they realized they would have a night off at the expense of someone else.
In the end, it was a dog eat dog situation. He wouldn't be surprised if people started sabotaging them just to get more days off. He put this sudden conclusion at the back of his mind, patting himself on the back for being so smart and way ahead of everyone around him. Then, he stepped on a cigarette butt and stained the burgundy carpet with its ashes.
"Where the fuck is that basic bitch?" he groaned, kicking the cigarette butt under one of the poker tables, maneuvering faster between all the stools, readying himself to give them the scolding of a lifetime.
He expects excellency from himself – it's only natural he expects the same from everyone around him, although this habit always seems to leave him disappointed.
Romeo's ears perked up as he stomped his way towards the back of the casino.
It housed the bar area, with a small stage for (now rare) jazz performances – after Sinostra was banned from leaving the campus, it also meant people from outside were also banned from coming in. Believe it or not, there aren't many jazz musicians among university students.
The bar stood behind matte glass doors that kept the sound muffled for those that wanted to drown their sorrows away after losing one too many games.
Romeo made his way to the entrance of the bar, as his ears picked up a few stray music notes coming from the inside of the place. He readied himself to scold whatever student was inside after closing hours – after all, if they wanted to use the space, then they should pay for it. It's only obvious.
He opened the door quietly, in order to catch them by surprise, squinting as he tried to assess who was inside despite the permanent mist of cigarette smoke that hung in the air.
The song came from a phone that stood on the bar counter, the words too jumbled and distorted by the busted speakers, but with a melancholy that touched him still.
He opened his mouth to call out whoever was inside, yet the words stuck on his tongue like cheap candy.
The first thing he saw were the arms.
The arms moved slowly, as if they were swimming in honey. Fingers grasped the thick air that surrounded them and seemed to mold it into a silk veil that surrounded their body.
Then, he saw the legs.
Softly, silently, they carried their body through slow twirls. They lifted one of them up, bare foot en pointe, landing it graciously to once again turn around themselves.
And finally, he saw their face.
Eyes half lidded in pure concentration, they saw nothing but the world they created for themselves as they danced.
The words died inside Romeo's mouth as he saw his worthless honor student dance to the song.
He gulped harshily as he watched them grab their own chest, suffering silently for some estranged lover they were probably seeing in their mind's eye as they danced.
Romeo felt his own heart race, his purple eyes going red and teary as he tried not to blink, so he wouldn't miss any moment. His stomach twisted inside out – or, at least, it was how he felt it – as he wondered if they were thinking of anyone specific while they looked so desperately in love.
His breath hitched at the thought and he discarded it in a pile of things he would rather not think about, on the corners of his mind.
They threw their arms out slowly, as if they wanted to hug the entire world – or fly away from it, only to lose it all while they bring their hands to their face, in theatrical despair.
Romeo wondered how it would feel to be the one in between their arms and loved so desperately, and the thought was too big, to persistent to be put aside.
His hands twitched as he tried to take a step inside and ask who was it that they thought of as they ran their hands on their lips and body, but as he heard the song grow into its highest peak, Romeo instinctively closed the door, before he could see whether or not that secret performance would have a happy ending or a sad one.
He rested his head against the glass, feeling the coolness of it spread on his flushed face.
Romeo put his hand against his heart, feeling the fast beats in contrast with the muffled and slow ending of the song inside, and breathed deeply, realizing he had been holding his breath like a predator does with a prey on the wild.
"Romeo?" their voice sounded shaky and scared, as if they had just been caught committing a crime. As if they were his prey.
Romeo cleared his throat and opened the door once again, this time fierce and quickly.
"Ah, there you are, you BB." they winced as he yelled the insulting abbreviation "I was looking for you. Didn't you see how dirty the casino is? You are supposed to clean everything, not just this place."
Romeo saw as they pursed their lips, looking down, an expression of annoyance and sadness making itself clear on their face.
"I- I know. I was just finishing here." They lied, dejected.
"Well. I expect this place to be spotless by tomorrow. I don't care if you need to spend all night here. Just do your job!"
"Yes, Romeo." they sighed loudly, picking up a broom, and then walked briskly past him, frustratingly avoiding him as much as possible.
Deep inside, however, he knew he couldn't possibly blame them. Not with the venom he spits on their face at every single encounter.
Romeo kept looking inside of the room, staring at the phone they left on the bar counter, consciously refusing to observe them as they walked somewhere else inside the casino.
He refused to look at them as they moved graciously between the tables; refused to think about the faint scent of vanilla mixed with cigarette and sweat on their body; refused to acknowledge his racing heart; and refused to look them in their eyes for too long.
Romeo refused to lose control of his own strings.
After all, he was the dealer, he was the house.
He wasn't supposed to lose.
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fuck-customers · 4 months
This is more of a "What the fuck, Customer". Possible content warning.
I work for a store chain that used to be known for winter weather wear, but now is predominantly clothing with some home decor stuff often thrown in. Most days I work the fitting rooms at my store, generally nothing too exciting or strange, I mostly just keep the rooms tidy and make sure the go-backs are tagged and ready to put back on the store floor after customers are done trying them on.
I should probably note, though, a lot of the customers in this town are kinda trashy. Sometimes quite literally (I have honestly lost track of how many times someone has left things their drive thru coffee or candy bar wrappers behind in there).
Sometimes the trashiness is more figurative, like in how they talk.
For example, today I had one likely-boomer-aged lady come in to try a bunch of clothes on. Everything goes fairly smoothly until she comes out and expresses her disappointment at how some of the clothes did or didn't fit.
The way she conveyed this?
"I always feel like I've been molested in there!"
In what universe do you say that to a stranger?? To ANYONE???
In what way is your experience with clothes shopping comparable to that??
Posted by admin Rodney
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Long-time reader, first-time asker. Huge fan of your writing!
If you're still taking requests for the comfort prompts, can I request #18 for Borracho? I love the thought of reader having a terrible string of days at work (maybe they work together and aren't quite yet together) and Borracho (of course) notices and slips her favorite candy bar/treat into her jacket pocket to cheer her up?
Aw, thanks nonnie! Sure thing :D
Warnings: Light angst, tired reader, ends in fluff
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It has been a shitty, shitty week.
Your car broke down on Monday. On Tuesday, your date with the guy you were seeing, Ben (his friends often called him Borracho) had been cut short when he'd gotten called into work. On Wednesday, you found out that the repair costs for your car were going to be outrageously high. On Thursday, work had been absolutely slammed—but you'd had a brief bright spot when you managed to see Borracho for dinner between shifts.
Your Friday has, so far, been less than stellar.
You have to take public transportation to work, and to your chagrin, it's insanely delayed. When you finally reach the store that you manage, it's absolutely slammed with customers—and they just keep coming. You can't take your break when you'd like to, and when you finally make it to the break room, you're so exhausted and frustrated that you're on the verge of tears.
You glance at your phone's battery, huffing in annoyance when you find it nearing 5%. You walk over to your jacket, and begin to go through your pockets, looking for your wireless charger. You go still when you feel the wrapper of something crinkle beneath your fingers. You frown, drawing whatever it is out. You're perplexed still as you find yourself looking at your favorite candy bar. What the heck? You don't remember buying this. You spot a little arrow drawn on the corner of the wrapper, and turn it over. Your confusion melts to a watery smile as you eye a hastily scrawled, slightly-smudged message:
Take a deep breath. You got this. -B
You draw in a deep breath, then push it out after a few seconds. You grab your phone charger and plug your phone in, settling down. You open the candy bar, eyes sliding shut and groaning softly as it practically melts in your mouth. You sigh softly, feeling your tension dropping away just a bit more. You open your phone, swiping to Borracho's contact and opening it. Your finger hovers over the text field before you raise it to tap on the call button.
You raise the phone to your ear, listening to the brrrrrrrrrrr of the phone ringing. Frankly, you don't expect him to answer, but you'll be just as happy to leave a voicemail—
You perk up at the sound of his voice, gruff as it is.
"Hey," You greet, looking down at the candy bar. "Is this a bad time?"
"Ah—No! No."
You can hear the creak of his chair, and the scratch of his pen on the other end of the line before you hear it drop.
"You okay?" He presses. You can't help but smile.
"Better now," You admit, "Since I found the little treat you left for me."
"Oh, yeah?" He chuckles. "Good."
"When did you even put this in my pocket?"
"Grabbed it when I was getting cigarettes last night, put it in your pocket while you were texting."
"You sneaky little so-and-so. This is how you're putting your skills to use?"
"What else am I supposed to do with 'em?"
"Don't let your boss hear your say that."
"Don't worry about that."
You smile, biting your lip.
"Can I see you tonight?" You hedge.
"Course you can. If your car's ready, we can go pick it up."
"You don't have to do that with me."
"I don't mind. Besides, I can check what they did, make sure they're not padding your bill."
Your smile widens as you shift the candy bar in your hand.
"I'd really appreciate that," You agree.
"I'll come pick you up. Your shift's up at six, right?"
"Alright, I'll wait outside."
"Thanks, Ben."
"You don't have to thank me."
"Yeah, I do, I—" You stop yourself, feeling your emotions swelling again. "I appreciate it."
"...I know," He murmurs. You close your eyes, pulling another deep breath in.
"I'll see you tonight."
"Yeah, you will. Try to take the rest of your shift easy, baby."
Baby. It's a first from him, and it makes you flustered and warm.
"Don't work yourself too hard either," You urge.
"I won't."
"Okay. Bye."
You draw the phone away from your phone, eyeing the contact again. Baby. That felt nice. Sounded good, too, especially coming from him. You raise your candy bar, taking another bite as you hit the edit button on his contact information. You consider for a moment before you tap on his name, edit it, then hit save.
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autisticempathydaemon · 11 months
EJ, you look so good! Damn, I didn’t know the UK goes so hard for Halloween, gotta add that to the bucket list heehee~
Let’s look around and see what flavor of your cute, beta boy in the candy bucket doododooooo- oh heck yeah, a special, Bartender wrapper for Halloween!
So in my little unempowered, aforementioned Occupation AU, Asher is a bartender- specifically the fancy kind with a vest and some good tricks up his nice, cuffed sleeves.
He’s the kind who likes to play around and through ingredient in a glass, pretends it’s going to be awful, dares customers to try it- psych, it’s literally always fucking awesome, he has a gift.
If Asher were to do that game where bartenders do a blind pour, like where they pour an ounce and see how accurate they are, he is SPOT on, scarily so.
Bäbe is a local accountant who comes to the restaurant and eats at the bar because it’s faster, and Asher makes it his mission to make them smile and try a new drink every time, always on the house.
Later on in their established relationship, Asher would definitely let Bäbe stay late with him while he does closing duties and get on his knees to give them oral in the keg cellar.
Milo never forgives him for this.
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anneslovegood · 10 months
ok my brain randomly reminded me of this (possible) continuity error in supernatural the other day and I wanted to talk about to see if anyone else has thought about it as well. cas has said multiple times he doesn’t eat because as an angel he has no reason for it AND when he does eat it tastes like molecules. however, one angel seen eating in the show is gabriel BUT they only had him eating until his true identity is revealed. in tall tales and mystery spot he’s seen eating or it’s implied he has, and in the beginning of changing channels sam & dean realize they’re dealing with him because sam found candy bar wrappers at the victim’s house, but all these times sam & dean still think he’s the trickster. now somebody correct me if I am wrong, but I don’t remember it being seen on screen or the writers implied gabriel has eaten anything after that. not in hammer of the gods, he sees donuts (or some kind of sweet) in metafiction but doesn’t consume them, and I don’t remember anything about him eating in any of the s13 episodes he’s in. which leaves a nagging question in my mind: did gabriel taste molecules like cas anytime he ate or is there some weird loophole where he actually can taste the food cause he’s an archangel or something to do with parading around as a pagan god. I know it’s something weird to be hung up on and the logical answer outside the setting of the show is “angels weren’t originally going to be in supernatural but they got added because of the 2007-2008 writers strike, so the writers probably never intended for this to happen.” but in the world of the show how does it work? he did actually enjoy eating or was something he became custom to as his fake identity?
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rotworld · 2 years
27: Strictly Business
what do hitmen get up to when they aren't on the job? you know. you wish you didn't.
->explicit. contains noncon, organized crime, gore, implied murder, graphic descriptions of corpses, workplace harassment, emotional sadism.
“BODY IN SUITCASE IDENTIFIED AS POLICE INFORMANT,” screams the biggest, boldest font on the Tuesday front page spread. The photo is quietly unnerving, an artsy still life shot of waterlogged, conspicuously stained softside luggage sitting on a pier, sunset sparkling on the metal zippers. Hazel’s fingers are blocking the juiciest bit of the story as she ignores it entirely to scoff at the opinion column, her gray hair twisted into a bun and her flour-dusted apron crumpled on her lap. You drift by with a washrag to tidy up the crumb and spilled pop remnants of an eight year old’s birthday party. The evening news plays at an inaudible level above the bar. 
“It’s nothing to worry about, hon,” she says. She’s been watching you scrub at the same spotless corner of the table for a minute straight. There’s a reporter on TV gesturing at a dock blocked off with yellow tape, and a blue-striped police boat cruising through the harbor.
“That’s close to here,” you say. 
“Anything worth talking about happens close to here. The Waterfront District’s a busy place.” 
“Busy,” you scoff. Busy is standstill traffic and half-hour restaurant waits, not corpses that have to be fished out of a lake or blood and brain matter on public restroom mirrors. You wipe down the bar counter in front of her, glancing at the newspaper with a tight frown. “I don’t know how that stuff doesn’t scare you.” 
“If I got scared by every old thing, I would’ve died of heart failure by now,” she says. She folds the paper so you stop looking at it, fishing another candy-wrapped wad of gum from her pocket. She’s trying to quit smoking, gradually replacing the ashy tobacco scent of her clothes with Dubble Bubble. “You a narc?” 
“What? No,” you sputter. 
“Then don’t worry so much.”
Easy for her to say. She grew up here. Her face is smiling in the faded photographs along the back wall with the original waitstaff from the 70s. You just got here a couple years ago for school and it feels like somebody’s getting killed in new, gruesome ways every time you look up. Things go in cycles. It’ll be uneventful for months at a time and then it’s like the city gets restless, churning out half a dozen bodies in just a few days. Last month, your biggest concern was finals, and now four bodies have turned up in the Waterfront District in a little under a week. 
“It’s business, I’ll bet,” Hazel says absently, glancing at the TV. “That’s why it always picks up around the same time of year. Their version of downsizing or something.” Her response isn’t all that unusual. Most people are either completely numb to it or relishing in it like the shock jocks on the local radio shows. A few weeks ago, it turned out that some abandoned shack on the north side had been converted into a torture chamber, complete with drawerfuls of surgical equipment, chains and shackles affixed to the walls, and something so unspeakably bad in the bathroom that even the crime scene photodumps that ended up online came pre-censored. 
You came into work a little jumpy and sleep-deprived Hazel had been sitting at the bar with her pile of empty gum wrappers, glancing over the story in the paper with no more perturbation than someone who’d smelled something mildly unpleasant. 
“Customers,” Hazel tells you. She calls it five whole seconds before the bells over the door jingle. 
You smooth out your apron and march to the front with your best customer service smile, happy to have a distraction. “Welcome to the Goldilocks Tavern! Are we dining in toni—?” Your voice catches behind a lump in your throat that refuses to budge. 
The man is a regular. He looks absurd standing in a family restaurant wearing a tailored designer suit that belongs in a board meeting, slipping off his sunglasses and glancing at the TV in the corner. Mid-length wavy hair tickles the base of his neck, slightly tousled from the wind outside. He smiles at you and that blinding enthusiasm, the cheerful little wink, makes your stomach twist. “Evening,” he says. “Table for three, please.” 
It’s Valerio fucking Burke and he brought friends. 
“Mr. Burke! Where’ve you been lately?” Hazel calls. She sees you floundering and swoops in to the rescue, ambling over to make conversation as you collect yourself. You collect three menus with numb, shaking hands, completely on autopilot. You’re not ready for Valerio on a good day, let alone a day when the news cycle has been nothing but mob atrocities. The problem isn’t that he’s a bad customer, because he’s not. He’s perfect. He’s patient, he’s polite, he tips great, he’s all smiles the whole night, and it bothers the fuck out of you because you know. You know and you have to pretend you don’t.
“Oh, you know. Always a little hectic this time of year,” Valerio says mildly. “You’d be surprised how cutthroat it gets. Hard to find company loyalty these days. Lots of employee overturn, lots of new hires. I’ve been putting in a lot of overtime.”
Yeah, you fucking bet he has.
Hazel keeps him talking while you fumble for the silverware and napkin sets, and you sneak a few glances. You’ve never seen the other two before. The guy on his left is massive, taller, wider, eyeing the tavern with a nasty scowl like the place owes him money, dark hair tied in a low ponytail. The guy on his right is shorter and the only one dressed remotely appropriately in sneakers and a striped jacket and pants from mismatched tracksuits. Sandy bangs hang in his face and there are freckles on his cheek and across the bridge of his nose. He’s got a round, boyish face, admiring the kitschy tavern decor with a small smile. 
You’re completely unprepared for his gaze to flick to yours with magnetic speed, like he knew you were staring all along. He stares blankly for a minute, sizing you up. His eyes move down and back up again, a smirk slowly creeping across his face. 
Hazel’s stalled as long as she can and she’s jabbing her elbow into your side as subtly as possible. “Right this way,” you tell the men. Valerio smiles. The big guy looks at you with something you can’t quite call a glare, but it’s intense and uncomfortable and makes you feel threatened. The other one flashes you a grin. The same instinct that would warn you not to turn your back on a snarling wolf kicks in hard but you make yourself walk, leading them to a quiet table in the back. You’d love to get through this as quickly as possible without a lot of chit chat, but when you get to the table, Valerio’s got that look that tells you it’s not going to work that way.
“I don’t think you’ve met my coworkers,” he says as he slides into his seat. He’s graceful like a trained dancer, dextrous fingers quickly unrolling the napkin and arranging his silverware in a few blurred movements. “This is Ezra Doroshenko. We’ve been in the same department for—has it been a decade now?”
“A long, long decade,” Ezra mutters. He’s still almost-glaring as he studies the menu. He cracks his neck so loud that it makes you flinch. He lets out an amused huff while skimming the specials. “Could never get Miguel in here. He’d have an aneurysm over the pizza.”
“Miguel can suck a dick, they’ve got Neapolitan on every fucking corner around here,” the other guy snaps. He flashes a smile that is, admittedly, disarmingly cute and rests his chin against the back of his hand. “Nice to meet you,” he says, his eyes flicking down to your nametag. He purrs your name in a way that makes your face feel as hot as the sun. “Val’s been holding out on us. I woulda been here months ago if I knew the waiters were cute.” 
“Brooks Macbride,” Valerio introduces him with fond exasperation. “He’s new. Apologies in advance, he’s mouthy.” 
“Shut the fuck up, I am not.” 
You inch away from the table just slightly and freeze like a deer in headlights when all three of them pin you in place with their eyes. “How’ve you been?” Valerio asks smoothly. “How’s school? You’re almost done now, aren’t you?” 
“Oh, uh.” You glance from him to Ezra, who seems to be making an active effort to ignore you, and Brooks, who’s way too interested and watching your every move. You’d rather they know as little about you as possible. “Um…well, it’s going alright…”
“Hazel, can you turn it up?” Ezra calls across the restaurant. You’re surprised to see her at the bar still. Normally, she’d be in the kitchen already, but she’s fussing with the counter that you just cleaned, watching you with muted worry. Your heart skips a beat. You’re not in danger, are you? Valerio’s never done anything particularly threatening, but you don’t know the other two from a hole in the wall. Hazel nods and grabs the remote from under the bar, cranking up the TV volume until you can hear the matter-of-fact tone of the newsroom anchors. 
“…statement this afternoon said that while this is unquestionably a homicide investigation, they believe that the murder is ‘unlikely’ to be connected to organized crime. This is the second body to be recovered from Lake Michigan and the fifth found in the Waterfront District…”
“Unlikely,” Ezra snorts.
“Well, Chief Davis said there’d be fewer mob murders on his watch,” Valerio muses. “Wouldn’t look great if that wasn’t the case, now would it?”
Brooks groans. “You guys need fucking hobbies. Can we not talk shop over dinner?” 
They’re distracted. You try to make your escape as casually as possible, but you’re speedwalking by the time you get to the bar. “They’re talking about it,” you tell Hazel in a hissed whisper, “right in front of me!” 
She pours three glasses of water and pushes them across the counter. “Ignore it,” she says.
There’s no time to strategize. Valerio’s waving you back over with a sickly sweet, “Excuse me!” and Hazel frowns tightly but sends you back to their table with the water. “You’ve got to try Hazel’s onion rings,” he’s telling the others when you get there. “Could we get a large to split, please?” You scramble for your notepad and pen. “Are you alright? You seem a bit frazzled.” 
“Yeah!” you say quickly. “Yeah, I’m good. Right, onions rings. Anything else to get you started?”
Say no, you plead silently.
The news has shifted to an interview with a terse police detective begrudgingly giving up a few details on the recent murders, and all you can hear is an unentused murmur of, “…broken bones, partial flaying, trauma to the groin area, and we know the victim was alive for the majority of the time…”
Valerio lets out a long, thoughtful hum, perusing the menu way too long for someone who has it memorized front to back, and finally, finally says, “That’s all for now, thank you.” 
You give Hazel the order and hide in the bathroom. You just need a minute. You take deep breaths until your pulse is back to normal and slump against the sinks. He’s toying with you, he has to be. There’s no way he can’t tell how uncomfortable you are. In all your time at the Goldilocks Tavern, Valerio’s never threatened you, pushed you around or even made thinly-veiled threats. But he loves seeing you squirm. He pushes for conversation more on nights where you’re already stressed and run ragged, and you’d assume he was trying to make you feel better if you hadn’t dealt with him so many times. He knows he isn’t helping. He doesn’t care. 
“You okay, cutie?” 
You nearly jump out of your skin. You didn’t hear anybody come in, but Brooks is standing right behind you, impish smile reflected in the mirror. You lunge for the bathroom door but he’s faster, yanking you back by the wrist. If Valerio’s a dancer, Brooks is a fucking assassin. He has you shoved up against the sink, the hard counter digging into your back, and a pocket knife right up against your throat faster than you can scream. He presses his index finger to his lips and you take that as your one and only warning to keep your mouth shut. 
“Pants off,” he orders. You swallow hard. His smile is absolutely frigid as he moves the knife right under your jaw. Trembling, you do as he says, holding his smoldering gaze as you lift one leg out, and then the other. The fabric puddles around your ankles. Brooks turns you around, shirt and apron still on, and bends you over the sink. You let out a whimper when you hear a zipper descending and the knife comes back against the side of your neck.
“Valerio gets off on it, y’know,” he murmurs. “When you look all scared and shit, he fucking loves that. But he’s not gonna touch you. He’s gotta keep up his reputation or whatever.” Brooks chuckles, grabbing your ass and squeezing so hard you’re sure it’ll bruise. “I sure as fuck don’t, though.” 
He blankets himself against your back and knocks your legs apart, grunting as he wraps his fist around his soft cock. You can’t do anything but sit there and listen to him pant and moan as he strokes himself, the knife hovering dangerously close to your flesh. You try to keep your gaze down—on the sink, on nothing, but Brooks stops jacking off just to grab your hair with his precum-slicked fingers and force you to look in the mirror. 
“Uh-uh. You’ve gotta watch,” he says, laughing at the tears pricking the corners of your eyes. He likes that, you can tell, because he starts fucking your thighs with his half-hard cock from the sight alone. “You and your big fuckin’ doe eyes. You can’t go around looking like a prime cut of meat like that! Somebody’s gonna come along and take a bite.” Inevitably, he ends up grinding against your sex and you’re hyperaware of the twitching veins along his length, how they feel rubbing on your sensitive flesh. A miserable noise that’s almost a moan slips out and you hear a cackle before he sets the knife down on the counter.
“Yeah?” he coos. “You like that? You want it in you?” He grabs your hips with both hands and you start squirming when he lines himself up. That earns you another harsh, scalp-burning tug on your hair. “I’m going easy on you,” he says. He strokes the knife handle with his index finger. “Okay? So calm down. If I did what I really wanted to do, you wouldn’t be walking out of here. But I’m gonna be nice, because Val said I have to be. I think he liiiiiikes you.” 
He sees the desperation flicker across your eyes in your reflection and the knife is in his hand again before a cry for help can slip out. You don’t doubt that he’ll stab you and leave you here to bleed out, no matter what Valerio said. Brooks seems satisfied by your soft, stifled sobs, tears gathering on the counter under your cheeks. He doesn’t prepare you. He holds you at knifepoint while he shoves his cock into your clenched entrance, forcing past your resistance with hard, violent thrusts. The slap of skin echoes in the bathroom and your nails scrape over the counter, desperate for something to hold onto and get you through the pain. 
“Fuuuuuck, you feel good,” Brooks moans. He brings his free hand down across your ass, the slap as sharp and startling as the sudden, stinging pain. It’s humiliating to see your tear-streaked face in the mirror, gasping and flinching in time with Brooks’ punishing thrusts. He’s utterly shameless, a crooked smile on his face as he pumps his hips and squeezes your ass, digging his nails into your flesh. “When Val finally works up the balls to fuck you, be sure and tell him I broke you in first. Goddamn you’re tight.” 
His pace is breakneck and absolutely merciless, no buildup, no slow easing, and he keeps changing it up without warning. Just as you start getting used to the constant pounding, he suddenly surges forward and keeps you pinned and still against the counter, his thrusts slow and deep. You can’t hold your voice back anymore but he doesn’t seem to care. The knife is just part of the experience, prodding and scraping dangerously against your throat. He stops and you’re shivering, gasping, trying to catch your breath, as he runs his hand down your back in a mock-soothing gesture. 
“Fuck yourself on my cock,” he murmurs. You don’t want to. You lie there shivering, crying silently against the counter. Brooks drapes himself against your back again, his lips hovering beside your ear. “Wasn’t me, y’know,” he says. He thrusts shallowly, making you whine. “The suitcase? Not my gig. See, ‘cuz I’m not—how the fuck does Val say it? I’m not in their department.” He snickers. 
His hand slithers between your legs and he touches you for the first time. He’s mean about it, too hard, too rough to really feel good, but a jolt of pleasure shoots up your spine all the same. You see yourself, your watery, miserable eyes, and Brooks hovering right beside you, smirking. “I work the warehouse,” he says, and your blood runs cold. He watches the expression you make through the mirror, his smirk widening. “Yeah. You get what I’m saying. So when I tell you to do something, I think you should suck it up and fucking do it. You don’t want something bad to happen to you, do you?” 
You shake your head frantically. Brooks coos and kisses your cheek. 
“You’re so fucking sexy when you’re scared,” he says huskily. “So…fuck yourself on my cock. Don’t make me ask again.”
It’s a struggle. Your body is timid, unwilling to go further than light, fleeting passes that just barely kiss his tip. Brooks makes an unimpressed sound in his throat and taps your cheek with the knife. 
“Like you mean it,” he says. Your hopes that he’s just bluffing, that he won’t risk leaving a mark, are dashed when the blade digs into your skin and blood bubbles to the surface, dribbling in thick beads down your chin. “C’mon, cutie. You’re not gonna make me do something messy, are you?” 
So you do it, burning with humiliation. You move your hips and take his cock the best you can, clumsy, shaking, spearing yourself on his length. Brooks is finally satisfied and you’re rewarded with a sensual caress up and down your side before he’s touching your sex again. This time is better. He’s actually trying to make it good and you’re ashamed that he’s succeeding, working you with his fingers in time with your movements. You’re not going to cum, but he is, and that’s all that matters. You just want it to be over. 
Brooks takes over when you start losing pace, your exhausted body drooping against the counter. “Guess I picked on you enough today,” he says. He drops the knife and suddenly he’s gripping both of your arms, tugging them behind your back. You’re dragged upright and straight into his unforgiving, jackhammering pace. You hear your bodies meeting, the rhythmic slap of his hips against you filling the bathroom. You look like a wreck and Brooks is utterly blissed out, eyes half-lidded as he bites his bottom lip to stifle a moan. He pounds you into the counter and you know there’ll be bruises all over your thighs and stomach when this is over, maybe even your ass with how hard he’s thrusting into you. 
You don’t get much of a warning when he cums. His thrusts get uneven and then he’s groaning, yanking you back against him hard and holding you there, squirming and gasping, while he fills you. You end up with your face against the counter, shoved forward with such hard, punishing movements that you’re driven onto your toes. He doesn’t stop until he’s spent everything he has, and then he staggers back, softening cock slipping out of you with a trickling ooze of cum. 
You can’t move. You can’t really think, either, except that it’s over. It’s over, and the counter is smooth and cool against your sweaty skin, and you lived through that somehow. Brooks snatches his knife and you don’t look at him, don’t want to know what the fuck he’s doing. He zips his pants up, washes his hands, and then leans against the counter. He doesn’t leave. 
“Soooooo,” he says, hands in his pockets. “What nights do you work?” 
He’s out of his goddamned mind if he thinks you’re going to tell him that. You might fucking quit. 
“Fiiiiiine, whatever,” he sighs, like you’re the one being an unreasonable brat. He unlocks the bathroom door and you hear him mutter, “Bet Val knows,” as he leaves.
You’re dressed and vaguely presentable in seconds, rushing back to the table to catch him before Valerio says a fucking words. But you’re too late. You know it just by looking. Ezra looks vaguely amused while Brooks and Valerio are bickering, louder and more aggressively than you’ve ever heard either of them speak. Brooks catches your gaze and winks. Valerio turns and you expect—you don’t know, maybe his usual cool, calm demeanor, a little self-satisfied smirk, maybe feigned concern.
You don’t see any of that. His lips are parted. His pupils are blown. He looks hungry. It takes him a second to collect himself and smooth his expression over with something more approachable, but there’s a sharp edge to his smile that wasn’t there before. 
“I think we know what we’d like for dinner,” he says, his voice noticeably lower than earlier.
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blaacknoir · 1 year
Marius and Armand for the ask meme :*
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(Descriptions in alt text.)
Marius is not allowed to give candy to children, next question 😭 In an AU where he's not a massive creep, he makes his own candy and hands it out. He's even got custom wrappers for it, and spends the week before Halloween prepping everything. It's different every year--sometimes it's fruit, sometimes it's chocolate, one year it was marshmallows. He's got a reputation as the neighborhood weirdo, but the kids still love him anyway.
Armand... doesn't know what Halloween is. Once Daniel explains it though? He. Goes. Apeshit. He loves everything about the holiday, and does a full on Clark Griswold-but-it's-Halloween decorating the house. (Daniel wouldn't mind so much if he wasn't the one constantly being sent out for creepy crepe paper. He's also the one that picks out the candy, of course.)
Lestat and Louis don't just hand out candy, no no no. They run a fucking haunted house out of their home. Or maybe (probably) he rents a building. He's Lestat, he has infinite income, no sense of chill, a superb sense of aesthetics, and is the most extra bitch that has ever lived and died on this earth. 😭 Louis couldn't protest if he wanted to. There's a guy taking tickets out front, flyers around town, it's advertised on the radio and television. It's a fucking event. As people leave, they get very classy goody bags full of fancy candy. While he's doing this, Louis stays at home and hands out full bars of regular candy to all the kids who come by. (And he throws in extra for the grownups.)
(Ask meme)
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sweetnzaki · 1 year
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👾 🍭 🍬 🍫 🛼 🥇 🏎️ 💚 🎩 Positive traits: friendly (usually), passionate, ambitious, creative, smart, curious, open minded, easy going
Negative traits: self centered, tough, sassy, perfectionist, manipulative, vain
ESTP * 24 * Human * 5’6 * Candy Maker / Sugar Racer
Little Details:
if the world has its early birds and its night owls… than mindy is an all day dove. this girl goes and goes and goes. she doesn't like wasting daylight or moonlight and often crashes hard whenever she decides her day is finally done.
nicknamed her neon green racing car the veloci-wrapper. she even painted little candies on the back of it as well as her zaki's snackies logo.
obviously mindy is a huge sweets girl, but she's also a big foodie. she adores anything with interesting flavors. 
she was 1000% that kid making ‘potions’ at the table in restaurants with random drinks and sauces. 
grew up doing gymnastics. don’t ask her to do a flip… because she will.
has a little brother! he's one of the few people who knows about her nerdy side. 
a shrieker. screams when she’s happy. screams when she’s scared. yeah she’s one of those girls. 
may or may not make some... 'special' candies here and there for her and her friends… when supplied with the proper ‘ingredients’ of course... if you catch my drift...
this girl always has business cards on her. you'll never catch her slacking on an opportunity to promote her candy.
will just pretty much anything once!
open minded but also judging you at the same time.
really good at partying but also really good at staying in.
mindy dabbles both on the mass production side of candy as well as the more deluxe side. some of her candies she creates with the mindset of accessibility in mind. for example, her signature pitaya-guava lollipops could easily be sold in various convenience and superstores. however, some of her other confections are too fresh and fragile, and therefor are exclusive to her own storefront, special orders and commissions.
has a small tattoo of a chocolate bar with the wonka ‘w’ flipped upside down to look like an ‘m’ for ‘mindy.’
Dive Deeper:
When you grow up a creative, energetic child with an overactive imagination and a very supportive family… you get someone like Mindy Zaki: a girl who’s childhood dream bloomed with her. Like many children, Mindy had a pretty wild sweet tooth from the get-go. Candy was such a spectacle! It could pop like fireworks on your tongue, make any party level up, and was the perfect way to seal any celebration. She loved how much emotion could surround such little delicacies. Her fixation on sweets and confections grew from easy bake ovens and junior candy making kits to taking over her parent’s kitchen with state of the art supplies. Even now, Mindy is still astounded by the variety of candy from country to country… but there was still so much more to be explored! Aren’t people sick of the same tired flavors? Grape, orange, cherry… sure they were classics… but where’s all the creativity? Her drive and passion are truly impressive… and she won’t quit until her candies are blowing Hershey and Mars out of the water.
On the outside, people look at Mindy and see a pretty girl all dressed up and reaping the rewards of a lifestyle that comes with the ‘popular’ crowd. Sure, that’s all true… but Mindy is actually a secret ‘nerd.’ She’s always had a special appreciation for the creativity that Japan had with its candy and snacks. Delving more into their culture and customs, Mindy found herself getting really into anime. Then came manga… then comics.. then superheroes, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and even video games. Naturally, no one really knows this about her. She makes sure that side of her is well hidden… especially from Tiffany and the other Sugar Racers. 
Ah, the Sugar Racers… sweet like sugar, of course! But sugar can be sour, too. Mindy understands this about herself, which is why she gets on with the crew the way she does. Compared to the other racers, Mindy is more on the laid back and open minded side— though she knows she’s by no means a saint. Mindy can be quite self-centered. Everything she does, she does for Mindy. All of the ‘do gooder’ activities and events she participates in around town… yeah that’s just to promote her business and paint her in a good light. Even when it comes to picking on Vanellope… Mindy knows its mean. She knows the bullying isn’t actually benefiting the racers. But it neither hurts nor helps herself… so she just lets it happen. Besides, it’s much better for her to be in with the Sugar Racers than out with the glitch.
Mindy is no stranger to being underestimated. The girl is well aware her niche and colorful little dream is bit outlandish to some… but she’s working her ass off for it. It’s not often that one person has both the creative and the business side to bring a brand to life, but Mindy does. She’s a whirlwind of a one-woman show. One minute she’s rolling out numbers for budgeting, supplies, goals, quota… and the next minute she’s brainstorming new flavor combinations or imagining if candied ice cream drops would be possible. Maybe candied freeze dried ice cream? Her mind truly never stops… and don’t even get her started on packaging! In truth, running a business by herself can get overwhelming at times. It’s not uncommon to catch her speeding a few laps around the track whenever she needs to let off some steam.
Fashion is a huge outlet for self expression for Mindy. She’s definitely the best dressed candy maker you’ve ever seen. Not that there’s probably much competition in that department… Who’s she got to beat anyway? Mr. Wonka? Please. Either way you’ll hardly ever catch her in an un-styled outfit. (If you do, something is seriously wrong. Be prepared to handle her tears.) Mindy is always dressed to the nines and is one of those girls that can pull off anything. Girly, edgy, preppy, street, classic… she does it all! It’s so much fun for her to style hop! However, while Mindy does love fashion, she doesn’t so much care for brands or labels like some of the other Sugar Racers do. She likes what she likes… and it makes no difference to her whether she found something on the Chanel runway or in the corner of a thrift store. She knows she looks good and feels good regardless.
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abookishdreamer · 1 year
Character Intro: Thrasos (Kingdom of Ichor)
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Nicknames- Hellraiser by his mother
Tank by his friends
Age- 12 (immortal)
Location- Sparta, Olympius
Personality- He's an athletic active young man who's quite the risk taker- almost never passing up a bet or dare! He prefers to keep his social circle small, relegated to family & close friends.
He has the standard abilities of a god except shapeshifting. As the god of boldness, insolence, recklessness, & courage his other powers/abilities include courage inducement (temporarily in others), having an innate sense of a person's greatest fear, heartbeat detection, fear immunity, enhanced touch (hypertactility), and even unbreaking sight (can go for long periods of time without blinking).
Thrasos is the youngest child and only son to Atë (goddess of mischief, ruin, blind folly, delusion, & downfall of heroes). He has two older sisters- Lyssa (goddess of rage & frenzy) and Mania (goddess of insanity).
He lives with his mom at their loft apartment in the state of Sparta. His bedroom walls are covered almost entirely with posters of his favorite sports teams, bands, & deities in the pantheon. Thrasos' brand new drum set is at the far corner of his room with various candy wrappers strewn about. He has a single pet- his companion, a dragon named Thorn. He has yellow and brown scales, bright green eyes, & winding horns that remind Thrasos of bare tree branches. The dragon hatched some time after Thrasos' third birthday, so they have an undeniable bond. Thorn is usually his mode of transportation (especially to school which is in New Olympus). Thrasos loves the feeling of riding on dragonback whether it's on his custom made dragon saddle or even bareback (which he did a handful of times)!
Thrasos has ADHD (attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder). He think it was inevitable, considering his start in life. He was born after the pregnancy lasted three weeks! He likes to think that during that time, he was always moving around in his mother's womb doing backflips & headstands. He's one of the few cases in the pantheon with early heightened development- like being able to crawl while barely being a month old, walking at six months, and saying his first words before his first birthday! He sometimes takes medication to help with his attention & focusing, but he mainly uses behavioral therapy.
His favorite go-to drink is the mega twisted flavor of the OmegaDash energy drink! He also likes fruit punch, blue raspberry flavored soda, chocolate root beer milkshakes, and black cherry cola.
As much as Thrasos likes living in Sparta, he finds black broth (their most popular delicacy) to be unappealing. No amount of wagers, bets, or dares would ever make him eat a morsel.
He has a close relationship with his mom. He appreaciates the fact that she lets him decompress in his own way whenever he's stressed out or feeling overwhelmed. They often ride their dragons together and they're HUGE fans of monster truck rallies!
Thrasos has a good relationship with his older sisters, hanging out with them whenever there's a chance to. He likes playing with Lyssa's dogs (with Machete being his best dog pal). Thrasos has traveled to the Underworld to visit Mania- with ice hockey being the main activity for them. He was once dared to procure some Stygian Ice for her which she used to make ultra frozen pomegranate slushies, which gave Thrasos the most bone chilling brain freeze ever!
The Hearthside Diner is a frequent stop for him for a go-to order of a spicy breakfast gyro with a side of home fries. More often than not, his usual go-to breakfast is either a frosted granola bar or a bowl of sugary cereal (his favorite being Grains of Olympus).
Even though he has a parent, Thrasos feels like his mom's longtime girlfriend Limos (goddess of starvation & famine) fills the paternal role in his life. He likes her no-nonsense attitude, the fact that she helps out with his homework, and the other activities they do together when she stays over. Thrasos especially likes the gift she gave him for his 11th birthday- a dragon style ring forged from Stygian Iron! He wears it often on his pointer finger!
His favorite snack are spicy cheesy jalapeño flavored chips!
One of his favorite sweet treats are the assorted "candy" doughnuts from Hollyhock's Bakery- one in particular being the vanilla frosted doughnut topped with popping rock candy, chocolate covered candy pieces, & mini sour blueberry gummy bears!
Thrasos is currently on break from school. His two favorite classes are gym and earth science. He thinks his earth science teacher Athos (one of The Ourea) is awesome! He's also looking forward to an upcoming class trip to the state of Thrace. Thrasos' friend group includes Thespios (god of acting); sometimes they race their dragons afterschool, a cyclops named Cleon, & Deucalion (Deuce). The two of them have especially gotten close with Deuce dealing with his father's punishment and his step-mother's very public mental breakdown. Thrasos finds the teasing and sarcastic remarks from some of the other students to be annoying. An idea that's been shared back & forth is for them to sneak into the Underworld where Prometheus is being held so Deuce can see him, but a serious concrete plan hasn't been made.
Thrasos doesn't really talk with the other godly students in the school like E.B, Pompe (goddess of rites), Anaideia (goddess of ruthlessness, shamelessness, & unforgiveness), Krysothemis (Kristy), Pandia (goddess of the full moon), Achelois (goddess of the moon & comfort), Philia (goddess of friendship), Telete (goddess of prayers), and Dysis (goddess of the sunset), but thinks that Epidotes (god of purity) has no idea what the concept of fun means and that Calocagathia (Aggie) (goddess of nobility & goodness) is the smartest kid in their entire grade.
Sometimes afterschool he'll spend some time at a trampoline park. He recently signed up for breakdancing classes at the dance studio of Terpischore (muse of dance).
His favorite basketball team is the Sparta Spears!
In the pantheon Thrasos admires Horme (god of energy), Epimetheus (Titan god of afterthought), the messenger god Hermes, and Koros (god of surfiet & disdain); especially his punk rock band Dissonance Machine. He has no idea who'll be his upcoming mentor. Outside of school Thrasos sometimes talks to Deuce's little sister Aidos (goddess of shame, modesty, humility, & respect).
He's not looking forward to the boy/girl party he's gonna host in a few months. His mom wants him to "expand his social horizons."
Thrasos' go-to thing from Olympic Chef is the double cheeseburger (with extra feta cheese) and loaded gyro fries!
In his free time he enjoys a wide range of activities like cloud surfing, lava surfing, reading (comic books), skateboarding, roller blading, mountain climbing, watching TV, listening to music, football (soccer), basketball, ice hockey, swimming, playing video games, baseball, and doing graffiti art!
His all time favorite meal (which is mom makes) is wild boar steak with spicy roasted potatoes.
"Underestimate me. That'll be fun."
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gemstone-gynoid · 2 years
We received this fancy wrapped candy with custom message from a party. Inside the message wrapper is a gold wrapper. But revealing underneath its actually a regular Hershey bar still in its wrapper lol
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A good system
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customweedbags · 2 months
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vimalpackaging · 4 months
The Science Behind Durable and Sturdy packaging material online
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Packaging plays a crucial role in the storage, transportation, and presentation of products. The science behind durable and sturdy packaging boxes is multifaceted, involving materials science, engineering, design principles, and environmental considerations. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve order packing materials into the intricacies of packaging, examining the factors that contribute to packing bags online the creation of packing shop robust packing solutions. Whether you are looking for food packing, custom boxes, or seeking the best packaging supply store, this guide will provide valuable insights into packing boxes the world of packaging.
The Role of Packaging in Modern Commerce
Packaging serves multiple purposes: it protects products from damage, provides information, enhances shelf appeal, and facilitates transportation. In modern commerce, effective packaging can make the difference between a successful product and one that fails to reach its market potential. This is packing boxes  especially true for online shopping, where the unboxing experience can significantly impact customer satisfaction.
Types of Packaging
Primary Packaging: This is the packaging that comes in direct contact with the product. Examples include bottles for beverages, blister packs for pills, and wrappers for candy bars.
Secondary Packaging: This refers to the packaging that groups primary packages together. It provides additional protection and packing shop makes handling easier. Examples include cardboard boxes and shrink wraps.
Tertiary Packaging: This is used for bulk handling, storage, and packing bags online transportation. Examples include pallets, crates, and large shipping containers.
Materials Used in Packaging
The materials chosen for packaging boxes significantly affect their durability and sturdiness. Let’s explore some common materials and their properties:
Cardboard and Corrugated Board
Cardboard and corrugated board are among the most popular materials for packaging boxes. Their popularity stems from their strength, lightweight nature, and recyclability.
Cardboard: Typically used for smaller, lighter items. It is made from thick sheets of paper pulp and can be easily printed on.
Corrugated Board: Consists of a fluted corrugated sheet sandwiched packing shop between two liners. This structure provides excellent strength and protection, making it ideal for shipping and storage.
Properties of Corrugated Board
Strength: The fluted structure in corrugated board provides rigidity and strength, making it capable of withstanding packing materials near me  heavy loads.
Shock Absorption: The air pockets in the flutes act as packing boxes cushions, protecting packing bags online the contents from shocks and vibrations.
Lightweight: Despite its strength, corrugated board is lightweight, which helps reduce shipping costs.
Plastic packaging is versatile and widely used across various industries, from food packing to order packing materials electronics.
Types of Plastic: Common plastics packing materials near me used in packaging include order packing materials  polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
Durability: Plastic is resistant to moisture, chemicals, and packing material online  impact, making it ideal for protecting products packaging material online from environmental factors.
Customizability: Plastics can be molded into various shapes and sizes, allowing for custom boxes tailored to specific products.
Environmental Considerations
While plastic offers numerous benefits, its environmental impact is a significant concern. Recycling and the development of biodegradable plastics are key areas of research to mitigate this issue.
Metal packaging, such as aluminum cans and tin boxes, is primarily used for food and beverages.
Strength and Durability: Metals are highly durable and offer excellent protection against physical damage and contamination.
Barrier Properties: Metal packaging provides a strong barrier against light, oxygen, and moisture, preserving the quality and shelf packing bags online  life of products.
Glass packaging is commonly used for food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.
Non-reactive: Glass is inert and does not react with the contents, making it suitable for sensitive products.
Transparency: Glass packaging allows order packing materials consumers to see food packing the product, enhancing its appeal.
Design Principles for Sturdy Packaging
Creating durable and sturdy packaging boxes involves more than packing boxes  just choosing the right materials. Design principles play a crucial role in ensuring that packaging can withstand the rigors of handling, transportation, and storage.
Structural Integrity
The structural integrity of packaging boxes is paramount. This involves ensuring that the box can maintain its shape and protect its contents under various conditions.
Reinforced Corners and Edges: Adding extra material or using packaging material online stronger materials at the corners and edges can significantly enhance a box's strength.
Interlocking Flaps: Designs that incorporate interlocking flaps provide additional support and prevent the box from collapsing.
Load Distribution
Proper load distribution is essential to prevent damage during transportation.
Even Weight Distribution: Ensuring that the weight is evenly distributed within the box helps prevent deformation and reduces the risk of damage.
Partitioning and Inserts: Using partitions and inserts can help distribute weight more evenly and provide additional support for fragile items.
Ergonomics in packaging design enhances the user experience and ensures ease of handling.
Handles and Grips: Adding handles or grips can make it easier to carry heavy or bulky boxes.
Easy Opening Mechanisms: Designing boxes that are easy to packing boxes open without compromising their integrity can improve the packing material online user experience.
Innovations in Packaging Materials
Advancements in materials science have led to the development of innovative packaging materials that offer superior strength, durability, and packing materials near me environmental benefits.
Biodegradable and Compostable Materials
With growing environmental concerns, the demand for biodegradable and compostable packaging materials has increased.
Plant-Based Plastics: Plastics made from renewable resources like corn starch or sugarcane are biodegradable and reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
Mushroom Packaging: Made from agricultural waste and mycelium, mushroom packaging is packing bags online  biodegradable, compostable, and offers good protective qualities.
Nanotechnology has opened new possibilities in packaging, providing packaging material online materials with enhanced properties.
Nano-Coatings: Applying nanocoatings to packaging materials can improve their barrier properties, making them more resistant to moisture, oxygen, and contaminants.
Lightweight Nanocomposites: These materials combine lightweight properties with enhanced strength and durability, reducing material usage without compromising performance.
Packaging for Specific Industries
Different industries have unique packaging requirements, and packing boxes understanding these can help in designing optimal packaging solutions.
Food Packing
Food packing demands materials and designs that preserve freshness, prevent contamination, and comply with safety regulations.
Airtight Seals: Ensuring airtight seals can prevent packing material online spoilage and extend shelf life.
Temperature Control: Insulated packaging can maintain temperature-sensitive products at the desired temperature during transportation.
Packaging for electronics must provide protection packing materials near me against physical damage, static electricity, and environmental packing bags online factors.
Anti-Static Materials: Using anti-static materials prevents damage from static electricity.
Cushioning: Foam inserts and cushioning materials protect delicate electronic components from shocks and vibrations.
Pharmaceutical packaging must ensure product integrity, prevent contamination, and provide tamper-evidence.
Child-Resistant Closures: Ensuring that packaging is difficult order packing materials  for children to open helps prevent accidental ingestion.
Tamper-Evident Seals: These seals indicate if a package has been opened, ensuring the product has not been compromised.
Custom Boxes and Their Advantages
Custom boxes offer tailored solutions that meet specific product packaging supply store requirements and enhance brand identity.
Branding and Marketing
Custom boxes provide a canvas for branding and marketing efforts.
Brand Recognition: Unique and attractive packaging helps in building brand recognition and recall.
Product Information: Custom printing allows for the inclusion of detailed product information, enhancing consumer trust.
Protection and Fit
Custom boxes are designed to fit packing materials near me products perfectly, providing better protection and reducing the need for excess packing material.
Reduced Movement: A snug fit prevents the product packing material online from moving around within the box, reducing the risk of damage.
Optimized Space: Custom boxes can be designed to packaging material online  maximize space usage, reducing shipping costs.
Packaging Supply Stores and Online Options
Finding the right packaging supply store or ordering packing materials online is crucial for businesses looking to secure high-quality packing solutions.
Packaging Supply Store
Visiting a physical packaging supply store allows businesses to see and feel the materials before purchase.
Expert Advice: Store staff can provide valuable advice on the best materials and designs for specific needs.
Immediate Availability: Products can be purchased and taken away immediately, reducing wait times.
Ordering Packing Materials Online
Ordering packing material online offers convenience and a packing shop wider range of options.
Variety: Online stores often have a broader selection of materials, sizes, and custom options.
Ease of Comparison: Online platforms make it easy to compare prices, read reviews, and make informed decisions.
Sustainable Packaging Practices
Sustainability is a growing concern in the packaging industry, driving innovations and practices aimed at reducing environmental impact.
Reducing Material Usage
Minimizing the amount of material used in packaging without compromising on protection is a key sustainability goal.
Lightweighting: Designing packaging that uses less material while maintaining strength reduces waste and shipping costs.
Efficient Design: Optimizing box designs to fit products packaging material online precisely can eliminate unnecessary material usage.
Recyclable and Reusable Packaging
Promoting the use of recyclable and reusable materials helps in reducing the environmental footprint of packaging.
Recyclable Materials: Using materials that can be easily recycled, such as paper and certain plastics, supports circular packing shop economy practices.
Reusable Packaging: Designing packaging that can be reused multiple times extends its lifecycle and reduces waste.
The science behind durable and sturdy packaging boxes is a complex interplay of materials science, engineering, and design. From selecting the right materials to employing innovative design principles, every aspect packing material online contributes to creating packaging that not only protects but also order packing materials enhances the packing shop product and brand. Whether you're looking for food packing solutions, custom boxes, or sustainable practices, understanding packing materials near me  these packaging material online  factors will help you make informed decisions and achieve optimal results.
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exquisitexagony · 8 months
closed for @nyctcphiliacs
"This part of town isn't a very safe place to be at night, you know..."
His voice came from across the store, cutting through the dead silence like a knife. The overhead light flickered slightly, barely carving out his silhouette against one of the shelves. It was a 24 hour place, full of snacks and liquor, a couple gas pumps out front that worked some of the time. The silence in there was quite eerie, though, no one to be seen at the counter and certainly no customers in the store.
Poking his head out from around a corner, Arthur gave a smirk to the stranger who had just unknowingly wandered onto his current hunting grounds. Luckily, he had managed to clean the blood off of his face and scrub his nails before they had walked in, the only trouble being that the body was tucked away somewhere in the back, not fully cleaned up yet. They had to keep the person's attention to avoid having them unknowingly stumble across the scene. Funny how easily people ignored signs saying an establishment was closed...He had flipped the sign to discourage stragglers. Course, he also thought he had locked the door...
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"Usually I find myself in these kinds of places alone. Needed to grab a few things and it's the only place open at this hour..." A slight widening of his eyes for emphasis. He tore into the wrapper of the king sized candy bar he was holding and took a large bite. Slowly, he began to approach the other. A pause, leaving space between the two of them, but also obscuring their view of the checkout counter.
"Guess the management stepped out for a smoke break." A shrug, eyeing them a moment before adding,
"If I was you, I'd come back in the morning."
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luna-3-clips · 1 year
luna-3-clips' Candy event!
For the rest of October, starting October 5th, I'll be customizing different types of candy! So far I only have a chocolate bar.
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(Uncolored vs colored)
How the event will work is I'll be accepting customization requests (so far) for the chocolate bar. You can request the type of chocolate, the color of the wrapper, the text (25 characters max), and the background color is optional. Feel free to get as specific or as vague as you like!
I'll be tagging 'l3cce' under all the posts related to the event.
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foodpackaging04 · 1 year
Get Specially Designed Food Packaging Supplies Sydney
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Selecting the right kind of food packaging is highly crucial for the health and overall well-being of the consumers. Food packaging supplies Sydney providers recognize the importance of quality food packaging. The manufacturers provide a wide range of food packaging options such as pouches, spouted bags, custom bags, boxes etc. The food packages maintain high standards and provide protection, keeping the food fresh with their chemical, physical and/or biological factors intact. Along with price tags and bar codes, food packaging supplies Sydney contain nutritional facts, labels or symbols or any other information about the food item being offered. Available in vibrant designs and colours, food packaging supplies Sydney industry is a flourishing one. 
Types of Food Packaging Supplies Sydney 
Food packs can be divided into primary, secondary and tertiary types. Categorization can be done even according to the components or products. In most food packaging companies’s the following types of packages are available in terms of their shape, design and size:
Stand up Pouches- These are food packages with a gusseted base that enables them to stand erect either for display purposes or simply for easy use. Usually, stand up food pouches come in varying sizes, weighing smaller to bigger quantities of up to 3kgs. Different kinds of spicy or non-spicy snacks, coffee, tea, beverages, pet food, baby food, powders, dry fruits, chocolates etc come in stand up pouches. Their colourful and designer packaging are great for marketing and display purposes. 
Boxed Bottom Bags- This type of packaging is primary. The bags have a flat base and its bottom is square-shaped enabling the bags to stand. Rippa Zippa makes such bags re-sealable. For cereals, spices, flours, grains, snacks, cookies, powdery substances etc, the box bottom bags make an ideal food packaging choice. 
Paper Tin-Tie Bags- Tin-tie tops of such paper bags are best for reuse. They can be easily opened and re-closed. For raw ingredients like agricultural products, powdery substances like tea, coffee, juice, nuts, cookies, candies etc, these air-tight bags are very useful. You can even use it for gifting people chocolates on their birthdays. 
Corrugated Food Boxes- These fall under the primary food packaging type. They are effective in keeping cereals, frozen pizzas and other food items in these boxes. They can be used for packaging drinks like milk, wine, juice or any other beverages. They can also be used as cereal cartons, pharmaceutical boxes, biscuits etc. 
Retort Pouches- For ready-to-eat food items, retort pouches are ideal. It is a cost-effective alternative to canned food. Retort pouches keep the food fresh and tasteful for an extended duration. To pack military meals, rice burritos, bean or non-vegetarian food items retort pouches are used. 
Other food packaging supplies include cans, trays, pallets, plastic bottles, paper bags, dip and squeeze pouches, cartons, wrappers and huge storage boxes. 
Functions of Food Packaging 
Food packaging supplies Sydney manufacturers design a variety of  packages satisfying the following functions:
Providing physical protection
Safety and Public Health 
Information Transmission 
Transport and Shipping
Barrier & Protection
Agglomeration or Containment
So, get clean and hygienic food packaging supplies in Sydney at cost-effective prices with colourful designs and labels.
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