#cut to the nurses coming in w the syringe
the-acid-pear · 6 months
You know i've come to realize the guy i keep calling Joe most likely ISN'T Joe but until the real Joe shows up i'll keep pretending that's him because IT LITERALLY LOOKS JUST LIKE HIM. THAT'S MY MAN I KNOW IT'S HIM
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alcinaslittlemaid · 6 months
Sick Doll🌡️ + Bad Dream💤
Papawise x fem!reader
Warnings: emetophobia, sickness symptoms,
Fluff, papa being a sweet old man, but a little suggestive!
Summary: You have a sick bug, papa takes care of you❤️
“Bleughhhh” You retched into the toilet, your mouth had been spewing vomit all morning and most of the night. You were exhausted, your vision was spotting, your brain was being smacked constantly with a frying pan, your stomach was twisting into a pretzel, not for the right reason this.
You gagged, kneeling by the toilet bowl with your shaking hand over your mouth,
God I wish papa was here…. You sighed and stood almost downing bottle beside you.
Does Babydoll need her papa?…..
You shook your head, thinking the voice was your brain hallucinating. You lurched carelessly back to your bedroom
“Hmmmn I wonder if papas home?” You pondered hopping down the stairs cautiously, almost smacking face first into the wall beside you.
You could hear papa talking to someone, his gruff voice an almost immediate comfort to you
“Yeah, but what happens when that kid gets away pen? Huh? You have to keep your eyes and mind on the prize and another thing-“ He stopped, noticing that you were stood in the doorway listening.
Papa was sat in his caramel brown, arm chair, puffing on a cigar, propped up by pillows for his sore back. Last of the summer wine was playing on his tv.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to evesdrop sugartits” he puffed on his cigar blowing the smoke at you, your peered away coughing on the fumes, noticing another familiar clown looking at you in that usual vintage clown suit “Hiii Y/n~” penny squeaked giving you a tight hug, a thick alien purr rumbled in his chest.
Papa was looking at you intently “Buttercup? Are you feeling okay?” He hummed “Y-yeah I’m fine”
“Mutton chops we know when you’re lying” they both chimed together “Back in my day, you know where lying would get you?” Papa growled lowly “W-where?” You swallowed hard slowly backing away.
This man was unpredictable. “A spanking”
“You’re not too old to go over my knee sugar~” he teased making you blush slightly.
You glanced up, a thick drop of Drool from penny’s cherry lip “eugh pen”
“Don’t change the subject doll” He stubbed the cigar out in the ashtray “Come here~ Come to papa~” he patted the silky thigh of his clown suit, You nodded, wondered over and sat on his lap. He smiled and scrunched his clown nose, pressing his hand to your forehead “Awhhh my little kitten is sick”
“Your forehead is cold and clammy dolly”
He cooed
“Penny~ Looks like we’re gonna have to play doctor-“ papa opened his eyes, there penny was stood in a nurses uniform, holding a needle with a sharp syringe “Pennywise loves to play….” He huffed “Doctorrrrr”
You stared at him in disbelief and shock
“Woah woah woah penny! No!” Papa held you close to his chest “sugardoll shhh it’s okay”
Papa lifted you into his arms, cradling you “papas girl aren’t you doll” he cooed kissing your nose “come on, let’s climb the wooden stairs to Bedfordshire” papa chuckles at his little joke before lifting you bridal style, carrying you up to your bed, pennywise following behind.
“B-But Papaaaah I’m not-“ you were soon cut off by your own yawn, you body and mind betrayed you “Come on doll~” he carefully tucks you in “Papas sweet little girl” he kisses the top of your head and tucks you into bed, placing some ibuprofen on the bedside table.
Later that evening, You aggressively tossed and turned in the blankets, kicking and squirming in the sheets. Your heart was racing, your body sweating.
Your vision distorted and blurry, the room was spinning violently
“Ahh-ahhh Uhh” you glanced over at what was once your chair, but not sat a 6ft creature staring back at you.
Your about to scream when it crawls towards you, prowling and screeching, it’s slender black arms and pointed teeth glare at you, it’s sharp claws ready to rip into your flesh, it suddenly pounces on you.
“Ahhhh! Shit-“ You woke up in a cold sweat, your mind drowning in terror and your head spinning with a throbbing
The door swung open briskly, papa was stood in the doorway “Babydoll? What’s wrong I heard screaming?” Papa rushed in, he was donned in a silk dressing gown “My dear? What’s wrong?” He asked
taking a seat beside you placing his hand on your forehead “Oh sugar doll your sweating profusely, here drink some fluids, keep hydrated” papa stroked your head, nuzzling his hand into your hair handing you a glass of water “I just- I had a bad- I had a horrible dream, where a creature was about to rip me to shreds and and and” You practically chugged the water from the glass in pure thirst “Then I remember floating- fuh- floating towards a bright yellow- no three bright yellow orbs of light I felt my body floating off my bed-“
“Pennnnnyyyy” Papa huffed looking over at your wardrobe, penny’s glowing yellow eyes burned from the darkness “Whhhhhaaaaaat?” He giggled with a sadistic smile “Did you?” He snarled “Mayyybbbeeee, oh come on old man, a little fear never hurt anyone” he chuckled causing a thick glob of drool to spatter against the floor, you saw papa rolling up his newspaper, thrashing penny over the head harshly with it “You Stupid courteous fool!” He snapped “Aghhh! Ow ! Ow !ah” Penny hissed looking over at you “Your gonna pay for that bitch” He growled again, a playful tone in his voice.
“Pennywise the dancing clown! Apologise to y/n right now” papa growled
“Ughhhh fine” Pennywise approached your guest bed “I’m sorry for frightening and tenderising the little lambs meaty flesh” Pennywise drooled over you, his teeth sharpening “Pennnyywiseee” Papa lifted the paper again “Ugh I’m only kidding” pennywise joked wrapping his arms around you “I wouldn’t hurt a thing” He purred, his mood changing almost drastically “Good boy” Papa smiled sitting on your bed again “You feeling okay doll?” Papa asked, looking at you as you lay curled up in the blankets.
You nodded, another yawn leaving your lips “You want me to stay with you until you fall back asleep?” He asked stroking your head to which you nodded again, resting your head on his pillow “Alright sweet doll” He smiled,
And with that, pennywise snuggled up next to you and you both fell asleep, papa watched over you with a warm smile, staying by you all night.
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highwaywhump · 2 years
Surgery, part 2
This is a series! Masterlist is here and the first part of the surgery arc is here
so i lied, i rewrote the second part and the whole thing is now closer to 4.5k. enjoy
TW/CW: former pet whumpee/extremely conditioned and dehumanized whumpee having a panic attack, being forcibly 'restrained' (by caretaker!) during said attack, and forcibly drugged with a needle/syringe. brief scar mention, blood mention, very brief description of a cut. discussion of professional misconduct i guess.
Aaron stops dead in his tracks in the doorway. At first, he can’t even see Joey - all he sees is Becca, the red-haired nurse who had helped them get Joey’s x-rays, handpicked by Dr. Perez. She’s clutching her arm, blood trickling out between her fingers. Next to her are two more nurses, both tall, broad men, unknown to Aaron. He can’t see Joey at first, all he can see are the three people, two too many, the red blood staining Becca’s scrubs, and a puddle of water and broken glass on the floor. 
And all he can hear is Joey’s desperate sobs and Becca’s voice, trying to communicate something to the two other nurses, who are focused on something behind the bed. 
Aaron doesn’t think, he just acts. In three steps he’s in front of the two nurses, blocking their path, and finally, there’s Joey. He’s all curled up and has tucked himself into the corner formed by the bed and the wall, his skinny arms wrapped around his head, his whole form shaking as he incoherently begs and pleads. Something about being good and behaving and please don’t drug him. 
“We’ve got it,” one of the male nurses says and attempts to move past Aaron, but he holds up a hand, blocking them. “No,” he says with determination, knowing that a pair of huge and institutionally dressed men is the least thing Joey needs right now. 
“No, I’ll take care of him. Help your colleague in the meantime,” he says, if only to stop the two of them closing in like predators. They’ve stances like rugby players, slightly bent at the knees and with their arms out to the side, ready to pounce. Even Aaron, who is perfectly healthy and capable of rational cognition right now, is a little intimidated by them. 
“He should be sedated,” one of them says. “We need to administer pre-op medications,” the other chimes in, pointing to an IV bag laying on the bed, and the pieces fall into place in Aaron’s head. The broken glass of water, Becca who was supposed to be the one administering the medications but who now was bleeding from what looks like a gash in her arm, one of the male nurses who’d dashed past him in the hallway. 
He could see it all playing out. Becca coming in with the IV bag, maybe saying something about medication, reaching for Joey’s arm with the needle in her hand. Joey, still holding his glass of water, already worked up and on edge, losing it at the sight of the needle. Defending himself, in his own hazy, red rimmed eyes. 
And now, having worked himself up, not thinking rationally. Not thinking at all. Panicking because he had defied orders, or hurt someone, or broken a glass. It wasn’t good to say.
“I’ll-” Aaron pauses and breathes out, taking a step backwards from the nurses, towards Joey. “I’ll calm him down, okay? He needs someone he knows. Not…” he doesn’t finish his sentence, only moves his gaze between the two men. 
They seem reluctant. They probably have a responsibility here, handling patients who act out. Only, Joey isn’t acting out. He is just scared, and a pet, and Aaron isn’t sure how much the men know about the situation. Or what they’re even thinking, taking all of Joey’s scars into consideration. It’s as if they’re peaking out everywhere now that he only wears the patient gown. 
“He really needs sedation, for his own safety,” one nurse states. Aaron discerns the unspoken for our safety in his voice. 
For a moment, he considers arguing. He doesn’t want to force anything on Joey that isn’t strictly necessary. Aaron is his advocate and breaching his trust like that while he’s in this state, forcing him to take a needle he clearly doesn’t want, would be traitorous. 
Then again… he weighs the other outcome. Whatever these two nurses think is going on, he can’t let it extend past the patient is unwilling to comply, into the patient isn’t supposed to be here, patient is a pet, patient needs police pick-up. As well as the fact that he could never make Joey come back here after today, even if he managed to reschedule the surgery. It would be like taking a victim back to a crime scene, making them relive the trauma all over again. 
Maybe sedation is for the best. 
“Let me hold him, at least,” Aaron tries. “He can’t handle… this, right now. Give us a minute. I’ll help you.”
They hesitate, but back off, one of them turning to help Becca while the other stands by, looking warily at Joey. Still, he keeps his distance. Aaron exhales and turns around, crouching down in front of Joey. In front of his ward, his responsibility. Christ, everything here is his responsibility. Becca’s injury, too. Does this clinic have a pediatric program or some other heartwrenching project? He’ll donate. 
“Joey?” he ventures, not sure if he can even hear him over his own cries. Okay. Deep breath. 
“Joey, it’s me. Hey, little one.” He goes from crouch to kneel when his knees start protesting, moving as close to the boy as he can. Gently, he reaches out and touches Joey’s shoulder. He flinches violently and his sobs intensify. “Please don’t, please, please, I’ll be good, I’ll be still, please,” he whimpers, over and over again. Aaron hopes the nurses can’t make out the words.
He’s all curled up, tucked into himself as best as he can, trying to disappear. All the while, he’s sobbing and begging desperately, completely gone in his own head. Aaron realizes he can’t talk him down from this quickly enough tonight. They’re on a schedule, and the nurses are growing uneasy. 
He’ll just have to take the plunge. 
“It’s okay,” he mutters as he leans forward and envelops Joey’s bony frame and hugs him close, as tightly as he thinks he can handle. He is petrified, his whole body tight and stiff, and he lets out a scared and confused wail as he’s pulled into the tight embrace.  
“It’s okay, you’re okay,” Aaron continues, both to himself and to Joey, as he finds the back of his head and tucks into the crook of his own neck, hoping to provide some semblance of warmth and safety for what he has to do next. 
With his other hand he finds Joey’s, squeezing his fingers to see if he gets a response, if they might be able to communicate nonverbally like that. A squeeze means I’m here, I’m listening, trust me. When Joey is too shaken up to speak to him, he’s usually able to at least squeeze back. 
Not now, though. Joey’s fingers are curled up into a hard little fist. Aaron sighs and hugs him tighter, mumbling apologies into his hair as he clasps his wrist and pulls it away from them, extending it towards the nurses. He watches through the corner of his eye as one of them removes a sterile cannula from its packet and takes hold of Joey’s hand.
“I’m so sorry, sweetheart,” Aaron mumbles as Joey whines when he feels the foreign touch. His face is still hidden in his sweater. He pushes even closer and Aaron can feel him trying to pull his hand back, out of his and the nurse’s grip. It catches him off guard - Joey has never, ever opposed anything Aaron has ever said or done. This is completely novel.
“Please don’t do it,” he sniffles into Aaron’s sweater. “Please don’t, don’t make me, I don’t want to, please,” he repeats, over and over, and it breaks Aaron’s heart, forcibly holding his hand away from his body like this, holding him still. 
A part of him lights up with the thought that he still has some semblance of volition. Everything wasn’t beaten out of him. At the same time, right now, Aaron has to disregard it. He has to hold him still and force him to endure it as the nurse feels around for a vein. “Small pinch, now,” he says, as he pushes the cannula through his skin. 
This is all Aaron’s fault. If he hadn’t left the room, if he had been there when Becca came in, they could’ve worked it out together, undramatically. This whole episode could’ve been avoided. Surely, all traces of trust between them must be gone by now. 
Joey moans, in pain or desperation or maybe both, as the nurse attaches the tubing and picks up the saline bag, hanging it on its stand. He collapses in Aaron’s arms. Still, Aaron doesn’t let go, keeping him close. “You’re okay, it’s okay,” he repeats, over and over again, hoping some of it reaches past the walls built up inside Joey’s mind. The nurse picks up a syringe and pushes its contents into the injection port of the IV tube. Then, he, Becca, and the other nurse leave the room. 
They sit like that for what feels like an eternity. Joey calms down after a while, now leaning heavily into Aaron. His shoulders flinch from time to time, but he’s stopped crying quite as audibly as he did. 
Aaron guesses this is the result of the sedation. It was normal, right? Giving a weak sedative before a surgery, just to calm any nerves? Had Becca brought in the sedatives as well as the IV bag or had the male nurses brought it when they heard the commotion? He wonders how much the two of them know. None of them were supposed to be here, he thinks. What did they think had happened? Who did they think Joey was? 
He glances to the side, where he still holds Joey’s wrist. Gently, he angles it - and there it is, the ugly barcode tattoo. His blood runs cold. He didn’t think that far when he took Joey’s wrist to hold it out for the nurses. Did they see it? If they did, had they cleaned up Becca’s sliced up arm and then gone to call the police after? 
He’s left no time to ponder or worry any longer as the door opens and Dr. Perez enters. She seems unfazed by the sight that meets her - blood and crushed glass that hadn’t been cleaned up yet, and the two of them sitting in a corner. Somebody must’ve informed her.  
“Are you okay?” She rounds the bed and crouches down in front of them. “Becca told me what happened.
“I think so,” Aaron answers, gently shifting Joey to get a look of his face. He’s drowsy and heavy in his arms, his eyes puffy and red rimmed as he blinks them open and tries to focus. Aaron smiles at him. “Hey, you,” he mutters softly, pushing his hair away from his face. 
“I hope he’s still up for the surgery,” Dr. Perez says, eyeing the IV bag to see how much of the liquid inside has been reduced. “What happened was… I won’t say normal, but it’s not unusual. We never know how they might react to what we do to them.”
Aaron nods. “Is Becca okay?” 
“She is. It looked worse than it was.” She looks over her shoulder, where the glass and blood still hasn’t been cleaned up. “Don’t worry. She knows that what she does for a living isn’t risk-free. And she knows that we don’t know what kind of trauma our patients carry with them. It’s nobody’s fault. Least of all his.” 
“I have to ask… do the other nurses know? The other two who were here.” 
She looks down. “They know about my situation, what I do. They don’t know about him, per say. They’ll probably make the connection, but I don’t think it will be a problem.”
Aaron’s eyebrows knit together, still not convinced. “How can you be sure?” 
She exhales in a puff, a slight chuckle, even. “Everyone in this industry knows somebody who knows somebody who does this sort of thing.” Illegal surgeries. The words are unspoken, but still clear as day. “I am far from the only one, believe me. If they didn’t like it, they would have quit and reported me a long time ago. And then they’d start working at the next hospital and have to do the same thing. There’s always someone.” She gives him a minute, knowing smile. “This country would run out of healthcare workers if they revoked every license from one who has treated a pet or ex-pet.”
Aaron doesn’t quite know what to say. He’s relieved “So… we’re good?” he asks eventually, for lack of better words. 
Dr. Perez nods. “We’re good. Now, let’s get going before the anaesthesiologist gets tired of waiting.” 
She helps him support Joey up to his feet and then to sit down on the bed. He’s swaying, gripping at the bedsheets to keep his balance, so Aaron gently guides him to lay down instead. He’s completely still, only breathing. His eyes are large and round as he finds Aaron hand, holding onto it with startling solidity. 
“Was… was I bad?” he whispers shakily. 
“No,” Aaron says immediately, not leaving it up for discussion. He doesn’t know what Joey knows, what he remembers of what had happened. Still, he won’t let Joey go around with doubts in his mind. 
His other hand finds Joey’s cheek, stroking his cheekbone with his thumb. He leans into it, still keeping that intense eye contact. “No, sweetheart,” Aaron says, softer. “You weren’t bad. You were just scared.” In his head he adds It was my fault, I’m sorry, thinking the statement might be too much for him to make sense of now, in his delirious, drugged state. 
Joey dips his head slightly in what might be a nod. Aaron tries to smile at him. “Come on,” he says. “Let’s go get that leg fixed up.” 
tags <3
@simplygrimly @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @briars7 @hackles-up @doveotions @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @kixngiggles @firewheeesky @maracujatangerine @nicolepascaline @whumpthisway @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumping-snail @pumpkin-spice-whump @pigeonwhumps
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jougogo · 4 years
tsukki, iwa, daichi, kuroo, sakusa, akaashi, and shibayam with an s/o who’s afraid of needles getting a flu shot
a/n: wrote this in honor of me getting of me getting my flu shot yesterday and NOT CRYING FOR THE FIRST TIME WOW WE LOVE GROWTH
characters: tsukishima kei, hajime iwaizumi, sawamura daichi, kuroo tetsuro, sakusa kiyoomi, akaashi keiji, shibayama yuuki
tw: mentions of needles
"kei, i don't like needles," you whined
"well, you still have to get them. are you really this weak? i thought you were stronger," he responded nonchalantly
ok that pissed you off
but once you were on the seat with the shiny syringe right in front of you?
all that confidence was g o n e 
"remember, you said you'd prove it to me." he smirked
you gulped and shut your eyes tightly
you could've sworn you felt his hand rest on your thigh as the shot was administered
you don't know what you were expecting, but the sting was only momentary and within a couple seconds, you were finished.
"ouch." you quietly yelped.
"see, you were just being a dramatic. tsk, weakling," he flicked your forehead
nurse looked kinda concerned ngl
but afterwards he'll carry your bags for you and open the doors bc he's proud
"good job, my weakling,"
"tsukki istg"
iwa knew about your fear of needles
he found out when he noticed you grip the pushpin tightly between your fingers everytime you have to pin sticky notes to the corkboard you had above your desk
so when it was flu shot season, he'll def volunteer to get it done together w you
iwa bby being such a gentlemen gahh i cant
i can see oikawa as someone who was prob also afraid of needles, so iwa knew how to handle situations like this
"iwa-chan but they're pricking my arm and i'm gonna be numb how am i going to practice volley-"
 b o n k 
"get over it brattykawa"
jkjk he'll be so gentle and patient with you
"hey hey it's okay, dont look at the needle. look at me" he turned your face towards his, cupping your cheek to prevent you from seeing the syringe from your peripheral vision
you gazed into his pretty green eyes. 
oh, how they resembled a lush rainforest, full of tropical plants and-
before you could even realize it, the needle jabbed into your tender arm
"ouch," you groaned, leaning your head against his muscled chest.
"see, you did it!" he congratulated you, his lips curving into a small smile as he patted your head
he rolled up the sleevs of his t-shirt to reveal gloriously toned beefy biceps as the nurse administered his flu shot
ok this view is def worth the pain
as expected, he took it like a champ. manz didn't even tense up
afterwards he'll take you out for ice cream hehe
when you confessed to daichi about your fear, he was so confused
"but i see you sewing stuff all the time?"
"dai that's different im not sticking the needle in my body bro"
ohhh ok ok now he gets it
he'll be so supportive the entire time!
"hey, i know you'll do great, okay? you're the bravest person i've ever met. you dont think a little thin piece of metal will get to you, do you baby?" he whispered reassuring words into your ear and brushing a stray piece of hair away from your face
when it was time for the nurse to give you the shot, you curled your body towards him ever-so-slightly
but he noticed and he thought it was the cutest thing
"hey, i'll protect you, don't worr-" he was cut off
you were gripped his shirt tightly in your fist and wincing at the pain
"ow ow ow" you mumbled into his shoulders as you felt the sting
"you're doing so good, sweetheart," he ran his hand up and down your back, attempting to sooth you
when it's all finally over he'll drive you over to his place so he can cuddle and "protect" you from the scary movie he very conveniently insisted on playing.
"babe, you know you have to get your flu shot. what if you accidentally pass a deadly flu to my grandpa? you'd have to stop coming over to my house,"
your loving boyfriend kuroo was currently trying to get you to release your tight grip from the front door of your house
"i don't want to get your grandpa sick, but i don't want to have a needle poke me," you wailed, tears flowing down your cheek
he got tired and just carried you in his strong arms to the car and drove to the hospital, despite your protests
he just whistled and rolled down the windows so everyone can hear
ofc, you shut up right then and there
"i'll get you back for this," you hissed
once you got to the hospital, you had no other choice but to oblige to kuroo as he dragged you through the halls to the vaccination rooms
the nurse was kind, but your heart was pounding
"te-tetsu, will you hold my hand" you whimpered when the nurse went to retrieve the tray
"of course, babygirl", he replied, putting his hands on top of your trembling ones
his large hands completely enveloped yours
when the nurse pricked the syringe into your arm, he squeezed your hands
"see, that wasn't too bad, right?"
"yeah, whatever" *sniffle sniffle*
also the type to take you for ice cream afterwards.
"you may not come near me until you have received your flu shot," your beloved boyfriend declared
"omi omi but i need you. and also we were just cuddling this morning bruh" you pouted. "please please please will you come with me" *cue the puppy eyes*
"fine" he grunted. 
at the hospital he refuses to sit next to you, insisting that he stands def not bc he's concerned abt the germs on the seat
when you froze upon seeing the needle, he put one of his big hands on your shoulder
"you can hold my hand," 
"don't make me take it back"
you put your other hand on top of his, your arm draping across your body
his fingers intertwined around yours and clasped it when you winced at the pain
he'll draw you a bath when you get home and wash your body for you!!
so sweet and loving 10/10 experience
you were currently hiding under a desk
specifically, the doctor's desk
"my love. it's no use if you hide, we're already here," akaashi sighed
he spent the last 2 hours dragging you to the nearest clinic for a flu shot
"you need to protect yourself so you don't get hurt," he had explained calmly
only for you, his sassy s/o to retort
"so why are you dragging me to a clinic just so i can get punctured by a needle? isn't that like, pain? which im supposed to protect myself from?"
someone help this poor bby boy
but somehow he had managed to lure you into the clinic
"alright. this is the last level i have to conquer. and then everything should be fine again" he thought to himself.
just the shot. just a lil pinch. right?
w r o n g
you were hysterical and sobbing
frankly, he felt really bad. but this had to happen at some point, right? after all, your fear of needles had started since you were a child. he was bound to have experienced something like this, as your dutiful boyfriend
he actually felt really bad
so he turned to the method that has worked for him time and time again to sooth his anxiety
"here, play with my fingers, it'll distract you" he reached out his hand to you and helped you out from under the desk
it worked!!
when the nurse came back, he rubbed the back of your hand,  a silent "im here for you"
definitely lots of comfort and cuddles afterward!
"see, that wasn't so bad, was it?"
the syringe was right in front of you and the nurse was currently disinfecting your arm with the alcohol wipe.
when he saw you tense up at the touch, he'll whisper lots of reassuring words into your ears 
"hey. you got this, i promise! it'll just be a little sting, and the pain is only temporary."
when he saw tears welling up in your eyes, he'll swipe them away with his thumb, caressing your cheeks.
"make me proud," 
how could you say no to his puppy eyes?? 
"i'll try, yuuki," you sniffled
he put his hand on your shoulder, gently drumming his fingers to the tune of your favorite song to help distract you
his other hand rubbing your palm
after everything's done, he'll give the bandaid little kisses!! 
awwww he's trying to kiss ur pain away my sweet baby
he wants you to know that even through pain, he'll be there by your side.
will take you out for ice cream pt.3
tags!!: @aka-a-shii (anna thank you for getting me into writing i hope i did akaashi justice), @toshisgarden (ily big sis mwah) @gigis-galaxy(bc ILY GIGI)
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deathonyourtongue · 4 years
They Would Try
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Summary:  The color has washed out of everyday life, and it’s the routine that keeps him going. Pairing: Henry Cavill x Reader Word Count: 2.2K Warnings: HEAVY angst. Description of some palliative care procedures. A/N: You know the drill. Sorry in advance. Bring the tissues. The song for this one is The Wisp Sings - Winter Aid ____________________________________
Let me sleep I am tired of my grief And I would like you To love me, to love me, to love me
Men deal with grief in different ways. Some choose the path of anger and violence, lashing out at anyone and everyone, bringing about their own demise because they cannot release their hearts. Others choose to martyr their feelings, vowing never to love again, forever shutting the door in the wall they’ve built around their hearts. Rarely, a man will choose persistent kindness. 
Having suffered the great blow to his heart, he will treat others with unfailing gentility, understanding that everyone has their plight and that everyone, in some way, is grieving. It’s the sort of kindness that makes it clear the man providing it is permanently broken, his heart shattered. Most who are privy to it, are able to feel the anguish coming off such a man in waves; I’ve been hurt before, please do not hurt me again, for I cannot take another blow. The kindness in and of itself is a shield, a way of pretending to be okay when one is clearly not. Of all the ways to cope, it is the most heartbreaking.
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His days are routine now, a small comfort in a world that no longer truly holds any interest. The color has washed out of everyday life, and it’s the routine that keeps him going. Knowing the things he must do, make it possible to get out of bed every morning. 
When the alarm goes off quietly, he rolls over, eyes still closed, willing himself to make it through the day without tears. Happiness has long since removed itself from his vocabulary, and it’s rare that he does not find himself wiping his eyes either due to constant, dull ache in his heart or at the sight of something that sparks a memory of a time when he could laugh and smile. Mostly, the tears come in the quiet hours, when there’s no one watching with concern pouring out of every fiber of their being. He does his best to cry in private, but sometimes it can’t be helped and he finds his shoulders shaking as he nuzzles into your shoulder, the tears always silent. One of the doctors said it was best to not be upset, lest it aggravate the situation, and it’s something he’s taken to heart ever since. 
A quick shower is the first must on the to-do list. In and out only to maintain basic hygiene so as to pass the inspections he knows are always being conducted, even if he’s told to the contrary. Fresh clothing completes the ritual, leaving him free to take care of more important matters. 
The curtains are opened along with the windows to circulate the air lest the room grows stale and once a week, the sheets are changed. The birds singing help him remember better times and often, he has to stop in his tracks and curl in on himself, heart aching for what it can no longer have. 
His hair’s grown substantially since that first day, and though he’s perpetually asked to take a day for himself, to go get a cut and a shave, he can’t bring himself to leave. His full attention is required and nothing can get in the way of that, least of all something so self-serving. 
It’s been two years since he came home to find you in Nightingale. Two years since he learned the horrors of what you went through on your own. Two years since he came home to find the bed soaked in your blood. 
Two years since he last heard you speak. 
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Henry’s best friend is growing impatient. It’s been long enough. Too long, if you ask him. 
“Don’t you think it’s time you moved on, mate? I mean, you’ve given up your career, you rarely leave the house, and at family things, you’re a downright stick-in-the-mud! It’s time for you to let go, to let her be taken care of by professionals somewhere, and go on with your life!” He vents to Henry one morning, having barged in shortly after breakfast. 
Henry looks stung, words unable to describe what he truly wants to say in his heart of hearts. He doesn’t need to speak, however, as your nurse, Kathy, hears the whole thing. Incensed, she has to take a moment to collect her thoughts before stepping into the room. 
“Pardon me, Jonathan, but did I just hear you ask Henry to let go of his wife so he can, what, go back to whatever life it is you approve of better? Shame on you. Have you no heart?”
“Of course I do! I just...He’s wasting his life laying here next to her, crying himself to sleep and wishing for things to change, when it’s clear they won’t. She’s not coming out of this-this catatonia or whatever it is. She’s a vegetable that can breathe, that’s it. He...I just don’t want him to spend the rest of his life moping here next to her, willing things to go back as they were. It’s not healthy.” 
“Would you say the same if it were your own wife, sir? Or heaven forbid, your mother or sister?” Kathy asks, eyes wide in disbelief, her hands shaking in ire. 
“I would, yes! It’s not like he’s even doing anything. He just lays there all day, gazing sadly at her. All her care is provided by you, is it not? He’s wasting the prime of his life, all because he--” 
“Actually, sir,” Kathy interjects, clearing her throat and blocking what she knows will be too painful a sentence for anyone to hear. “Mr. Cavill does 99% of her care on his own. I only visit once every two weeks to update her chart and help with certain dressings that are hard to manage on one’s own.” 
“Dressings?” Jonathan balks, not understanding in the slightest. 
“She gets bedsores, despite...Despite my best attempts,” Henry finally speaks, his voice hoarse from lack of use. There’s shame in his eyes and even as Kathy rubs his shoulders, it’s clear that it’s a touchy subject. 
“Mr. Taylor, why don’t you sit a while? Keep your friend company so you can better understand what he does all day,” Kathy suggests through gritted teeth, her tone making it clear that it’s a demand, more than an invite. Henry manages a small smile of thanks to Kathy, hoping this will put any protests as to why he’s chosen to put his life on hold, permanently to rest. 
“When you’re ready, son,” Kathy nods, watching as Henry moves to your side, kneeling next to you on the bed. Tucking his head down, he whispers to you tenderly, his tone apologetic and full of regret. 
“We have to change your dressings, love. We’ll be as quick as we can. I’m so sorry.” Henry’s snuffles, his voice pinched with emotion and when he lifts his head again, tears fill his eyes, though they stubbornly refuse to fall. 
Jonathan is appropriately horrified when he sees what’s beneath the old dressing on your lower back; Your groan of pain certainly doesn’t help matters. 
“Looks much better, Henry. It should heal completely within the week,” Kathy says softly, her smile encouraging and understanding. Henry only nods, his breathing shallow and erratic as he waits for it to be over so he can tuck you back in. 
“Everything’s in order, love. Do you need me to stay?” Kathy asks, eyeing Jonathan with disdain, not trusting him to open his mouth and say something utterly heartless after she’s left. 
“We’re all good on this front, Kathy. Thank you, as always.” Henry shakes his head, giving her the same smile that breaks her heart each time she visits. Kind but filled with anguish, the feigned happiness never reaches his blue eyes, and she thinks of her own son, vowing to check in with him when she gets home. 
Henry smoothes your hair away from your face with a gentle hand, a soft kiss to your forehead following after. He takes a moment to collect himself before moving off the bed and around to the side closest to Jonathan. 
“W-what are you doing?” His friend asks, leaning forward in his seat, trying to see what Henry is pulling out of a mini-fridge that now serves as your nightstand. Henry doesn’t say a word, knowing Jonathan’s question will be answered in time. Two syringes, one pre-filled with saline and the other with a pinkish-brown liquid, are set on top of your sheets, and Henry pulls a chair close to your bed, snapping on a fresh pair of gloves after pulling the sheets down far enough. With the utmost care, he inserts the second syringe, the procedure becoming apparent to Jonathan by the look on his face. 
“She can’t eat on her own. We tried assisted feeding for a bit in the beginning, but it didn’t work,” Henry explains, his tears gone as he focuses on pushing the contents slowly through the tube that had long ago been inserted directly into your GI tract. When your meal is done, Henry flushes the line with saline, and covers you back up, albeit momentarily. 
By the time he’s done your morning routine, which includes two more procedures Jonathan couldn’t imagine doing, not even for a loved one, Henry’s friend is beside himself, tears of regret streaming down his face. Henry takes it in stride, knowing that no one, save maybe for Kathy and now Jonathan, truly understands what it takes to keep you alive and relatively healthy. 
“I’m sorry, mate! I’m so-so sorry!” He blubbers, hugging Henry tightly, his initial stance shattered by what he’s seen. Henry cups the back of his head, offering comfort to what he knows is a shock. 
“To answer your question. I couldn’t let her stay there, in that cold place, where the staff just go through the motions. She’s my wife, she’s my responsibility. In sickness and in health. I love her too much to let her waste away in a place like that, Jonathan. Even though...Even though life is not like it was before, she’s still my love. Still the other half of my heart. Do you understand?” 
Jonathan nods hurriedly, sobbing quietly and knowing full well he’s never had that type of love, nor given it. It makes him feel ant-sized and foolish for even thinking that Henry could just give it all up.
It’s well past lunch by the time Jonathan leaves and having skipped breakfast, Henry eats only because he must. It’s the bare minimum, but enough to keep him going another day and that’s all that matters. 
He tries not to look into mirrors much lately; the man that looks back at him is foreign. Gone are the muscles he’d been known for, the bright eyes and beaming grin. Gray creeps further and further into his beard and hairline now, and the hollows of his face are far more prominent. His sallowness always spooks those that visit, and if he’s not ready for it, it scares him a little too. Today, he looks, tries to find any remnant of that man that once was. There’s always a bit left, but as time goes on, it gets harder and harder to find. Today, he doesn’t see it, and it terrifies him. He has to keep hold of that man, if only so that if the day comes that you should wake from your condition, there may be something familiar for you to grasp onto.
In the small hallway that gives way to the room the two of you still share, Henry slides down the wall and curls up, sobbing softly, closer than he’s ever been to giving up. He allows himself a meager five minutes to wallow before wiping his eyes with the inside of his shirt and padding back into the room, knowing there’s more to be done. 
He bathes you, washes and combs your hair, and sets to work on your physical therapy, intent on keeping as much of your muscle tone and mass as he can. By the time he’s finished, he’s emotionally exhausted and physically worn out. 
Crawling into his usual spot at your side, he holds you close, sniffling. Today is one of those rare days, one he knows may do you more harm than good, but Henry’s always been honest with you and despite everything that’s happened, that will never change. 
“I miss you, my love. I miss you s-so much,” he stammers out, the tears coming easily, pooling on the pillow next to your shoulder as he reaches for your hand, lacing your fingers together. Henry lets go of the burden in his heart, knowing full well you wouldn’t want him to keep it in any longer than he has to.
“I lo-love you so m-much, darling. Please-please, come back to me. I n-need you here wi-with me!” His sobs soft, he shakes more with each rattled inhale; it’s a condition that hasn’t gone unnoticed by him or Kathy or indeed his own family, but one he’s willing to ignore so long as he can continue to provide you with care. 
It prevents him from feeling the first sign of hope in two years; your fingers slowly curling around his, squeezing weakly.
And so the day goes on, Henry’s list of musts growing smaller with each task he completes, until, come dusk, he finally finds himself curled up again, this time to sleep what few hours his mangled heart and tortured mind allow, hoping for the strength to wake another day and do it all over again. 
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
The Longing For A Familiar Feeling
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: Cal sustains a grave injury while going against a Jotaz in the chambers of the tomb. You obliged to tend to his wounds and nurse him back to health.
A/N: This basically counts as a backlog because I eventually ended up getting requests on the fly. The outline has been in my notes since April lmao so here I am fulfilling my compulsiveness to have everything ticked off the list.
Though, I hope you guys will enjoy this fic as you enjoy my other stuff! Your support has been an awesome impact ever since I came back here just to write a single oneshot last January ;;w;; I’m emotional again, I should stop now. Please enjoy the fic! ^w^
Also posted in AO3
Other reference: This one
Tags: Soft! Cal Kestis, Affection Starved! Cal Kestis, Intimate! Cal Kestis
The Tomb of Miktrull was unexpectedly more crowded than either of you expected.
Not only did the Tomb Guardian preoccupied you and Cal, but so did the Stormtroopers, Purge Troopers, and Probe Droids!
This day just can’t get any worse, can it? You thought, imagining yourself saying it out loud through clenched teeth.
The now-malfunctioning probe droid closed in on you and you timed the exact second before it self-destructs and Force-pushed it towards that trio of scout troopers coming at you. They instantly die in the explosion.
Cal rushed to back you up after defeating the Guardian. The Purge Trooper may be dead, but there were still two more scout troopers remaining. The odds are even—which may not be so bad, at least for you.
“I hit her! W-Why did I do that?!” the scout seemed to have regretted his action for pommeling you in the stomach.
You sent a clean streak of lunges at the scout trooper, your strikes were strong enough to break his defenses—after all, what good’s an electro-baton if your enemy’s a Jedi?
Cal easily took down the scout commander, he winced when he tried to stand up straight but he hid his pain from you when he gestured on taking on the lead.
“Look, there’s the gate,” he pointed out, Force-pulling the rope and then latching it onto the mechanism.
“Be careful, there’s that Jotaz,”
“It seems to be too busy with the Stormtroopers,”
“There’s the Jedi!” a Stormtrooper pointed out and signaled some of his men to fire at you.
“Not anymore!” you blurted, immediately deflecting the blaster fire and sending it back to their direction, leading some of the projectiles to the Jotaz—however, the mindless animal thought that it was still those soldiers who were still hurting it.
All that’s left was you and Cal against the Jotaz. The fat creature roared and lumbered towards the both of you, springing itself with its feet positioned for a flatfooted kick at either of you. Luckily, the two of you were quick and then dodged in opposite directions. Cal attacked it from behind while you drew its attention in the front, dodging its backhanded swipes by sliding against the flooded floor and searing its fleshy legs in the process.
While hunched and still coming at you, Cal took the opportunity to run up on its back and pith his lightsaber into its skull. Just when the moment seemed right, the Jotaz suddenly retaliated, feeling for Cal’s next movement and smacked him hard with its claws when the creature spun to face him.
The boy was sent flying across the other side of the chamber, lying flat on his back and partially submerged in the water. You were taken aback about how suddenly this animal became perceptive—at least, just this particular one—and had to up your game. While the Jotaz asserted its dominance against Cal, you afforded that moment to finish it off; it was close to dying and so you had to do the deed, sending a flurry of attacks, denying it as chance to attack you, and a succeeding Force-push made it stagger—finally allowing you to use your finishing move against it.
“Cal!” you ran up to him, kneeling down and ignoring the water seeping onto the legs of your pants. “Cal, open your eyes!”
A metallic smell wafted in the water, even though the chamber was quite dim, there was a noticeable red tint swirling over the back of your hand underwater. The source was from Cal’s body, but you searched for the actual wound—the Jotaz had cut Cal’s back and he’s bleeding out fast.
Promptly, BD-1 popped a stim for you, you caught the green syringe and injected it into the flesh of Cal’s bicep. His eyelids shot open when the viscous green substance packed a punch in his bloodstreams. You helped him sit up and searched for something—anything—in your person to press against the wound to clot the bleeding.
Lying right next to you is the corpse of a Stormtrooper, underneath the armor plates the dead soldier wore a black, cotton undershirt; you scrambled towards the body, tore the arm plates off until the entire sleeve showed—you gave it a good, harsh tug for the seams to pop until you’ve torn a considerable length of cloth for a compress. You dipped it in the water before putting it on Cal’s wound.
“Here, just keep pressuring on this, okay?”
The ancient elevator was there at your disposal, you supported Cal on your shoulders, hobbling towards the large cylinder and used your joint weight to trigger the pressure plate. The tube rumbled and felt it rising back up to the surface.
“[y/n], I can… I can walk,”
“Are you sure?”
There wasn’t any harshness in his tone, but the firmness of his voice made his point clear. The two of you managed to get out of the Imperial base and made it to the part of the cliffside where there’s a pack of Stormtroopers waiting.
Cal pushed himself, still being able to fight but only utilizing half of his power; due to his growing weakness, the most he can do in combat in banking the shots, barely engaging in melee, and he couldn’t even use much of his Force abilities even if he wanted to.
“Bleeding’s stopped,” Cal mumbled under his breath.
“Keep it wrapped then,”
The healing stim could only do so much for the wounded Jedi. Cal’s pace was slow, traversing the obstacles suddenly became strenuous for him, but he pulled himself together until both of you came out of the mouth of the cave and caught sight of the abandoned village from the top of the slope. His body felt heavy and every muscle around his wound felt like tearing, he still thinks he’s doing a good job putting up a brave face.
“Come on,” he led on, walking ahead of you.
The trooper standing by the edge was startled by Cal’s entrance, barely having a second to stance himself, the soldier was easily subdued by the boy. The trooper’s companion eventually appeared and defeated him in less than a minute.
“This way, the path’s shorter,”
The two of you circled that house and climbed up the metal bridge where two more scouts are waiting on the other side. The commander was evidently more powerful and stronger than his subordinate, but that didn’t faze either of the Jedi, another Stormtrooper heard the din of the skirmish and pulled the trigger—to which Cal had skillfully deflected and sent back to the soldier.
Cal’s deflection became a window of opportunity for the scout commander and made an underhand swipe of his baton against the redhead’s torso—submitting the boy to his knees—and when the commander was about to finish him off with an overhead swing, the Stormtrooper’s body jerked at the impact of a lightsaber lobbed his way and fell limp to the soil.
“You okay?” you extended your hand in front of Cal, he gladly takes it and you pull him up carefully.
“Yeah, I’m good,”
The sluggishness in his body was apparent, his legs dragged to the direction he wanted them to go but it’s obvious that he cannot carry himself anymore. He stumbled back on his knees again seconds after he planted his feet on the ground.
It’s not plausible, you thought. What stood between you and the Mantis is a hangar that’s probably guarded by Stormtroopers and their KX droid or Haxion Brood hunters waiting to jump on you. The only solution you can find around you is take shelter in one of the houses. You became Cal’s crutch as you led him into the bigger house in this section of the village, BD-1 spliced the door controls and the door hissed open.
The little droid spotted the fusebox and overcharged it so all of the lights in the cottage flickered to life, revealing that the house is only one, large furnished space; you settled Cal on the couch to let him relax and catch his breath, while you searched for medical supplies. For ever cabinet you rummaged, you muttered an apology—supposedly for the absent residents in the home—you’re only apologizing to the wind. You came back to the common room, dropping all the supplies you’ve collected on the table.
“It’s not much but I think it’ll be enough to get you patched up,”
Cal proceeded to undo the top of his jumpsuit, color flushed in his cheeks when he saw your eyes counting the cuts and bruises on his body. Droplets plopped back into the bowl as you wrung the towel tight, he winced occasionally whenever you carefully dabbed the towel on and around the wound.
At first, you dismissed the occasional spasms of his body as pain reactions whenever the water from the towel seeped into the wound.
“I’m gonna have to put some Bacta gel on everything, okay?”
He nodded and you proceeded to scoop a pea-sized dollop of the healing gel for each injury you see. The translucent mint green gel partially obscured the redness of the cuts and the bruises—both old and fresh. Cal flinches whenever your finger presses onto his skin, rubbing the cool substance in circling motions on his injuries, but his muscles gradually soften a few seconds later.
Her hands are so gentle… He cooed in his mind. Secretly, he wanted you to find more of the wounds just so he can continue feeling your touch.
“I’m sorry, I…” Cal stammered.
You blinked, taken aback by the apology, “What are you sorry for?”
His head hung low, his eyes jumping from one bruise to the next, his lips parted to say something.
“I’m too much trouble to bring with,” he murmured.
A somber smile curled along the line of your lips, Cal’s shoulders jolted when he felt the center of your palm press against his jaw, the muscles of his face twitched when you ran your thumb across his cheek.
“No, you’re not,” you cooed lovingly. “Besides, I like taking care of you.”
Your words somehow made all the tension in his muscles disappear, his eyebrows furrowed, and he released a big sigh as he placed his forehead against your shoulder. Initially, he hesitated but he still gave it a try—his arms snaked around your waist, locking his hold on you by clutching his wrist with his free hand, and allowing himself to savor this feeling. He buried his face on the crook of your neck and his eyelids fell when your fingernails massaged and raked his hair—this prompted him to pull you in closer to him until your thighs sat over his lap.
It was a pleasant feeling for the young redhead. All of a sudden, his courageous Jedi demeanor morphed into that of an innocent child. This was something he lacked for a long time and he was glad to find it in you—the person who cares so much about him, the same way he does for you.
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luvdsc · 3 years
Hey Cat!! I hope you're doing well as always ! 💖 AHHHH huhu I closed the form last Sunday since I've collected enough responses dy! (NOOOOOOOO ToT) I got a total of 221 responses at the end of the week, which is 3x the amount I initially needed! :o I'm beyond grateful and appreciative ToT I've cleaned the data and have proceeded to run some data analysis, but I ran into an issue whereby the scores on the subscales are equal (it has never been reported in past studies! :O) so I'm waiting for my supervisor's feedback on how to proceed. Hopefully it's nothing too serious ToT
Hehe finance is interesting indeed! I just started reading a book on finance for young adults (Rich Dad Poor Dad) and I look forward to learning more from the author's tips! The Coursera introductory course has also made financial terms a lil more familiar, even though it's just the basics and it's really helped w my financial literacy 🥺 I can push myself to study but it's also the numbers and calculations I'm worried of cuz I am rly a nong (idiot) when it comes to numbers * - * it runs in the genes I guess AHAHAHAHA my mom and sister aren't good at numbers either keke
Aww I'm glad yr professor made financial accounting enjoyable and a fruitful experience for you! Some lecturers / professors rly just have that spark in them to inspire ppl and I'm blessed to be surrounded by a bunch of em in the psych department!🥺😭 it truly makes a difference and I'm sure we both are living proofs of that!
After debating for a while, I've decided not to take a minor mainly because I'm so tired HAHAHAHAHAHA and I'll just do my own self-studying and exploration whilst working! Go out and explore the world, live life! Whilst ironically still staying in my room because of the COVID-19 situation in our country (cases are abt 20+k every day :') ) My proposal has been finalized and it's been accepted! It's just that some elements of my proposal is also part of my actual report, so I have some guidance to refer to in terms of structure! :3 and yes don't worry! I got plenty (sometimes a lil too much) rest during the sem break whilst remaining productive! Plus, I got to catch up w some friends and had game nights (maybe too much of game nights hehe) and movie nights w my friends which was truly refreshing! Also cuz I might not see a lot of them again after we graduate so we gotta cherish every moment 🥺😭
I'm a freelance graphic designer for my uni's newsletter! Occasionally, they'd ask us to create both the content and design! I'll place the link to my recent work below if you wanna check it out! UwU I'm trying to incorporate the same practices during sem break in my last sem (current sem) too! cuz yes mental health is so so important and I'm just tired of being academically tired you get me? :(
What makes me most trilled abt learning abt psychology is how to apply it in daily life too! I find it so fascinating and awestruck at how relatable and within reach these things are like wow we can be influenced in such ways?? :o can be both good and bad but imma stick w seeing it as the development and evolution of us humans UwU
Also, the vaccine has fixed my sleep schedule HEHE (another perk of getting vaccination :3) I got some rly good rest and managed to reset my usual sleeping time, thank you science ToT oooo I see I see, we've had cases of nurses injecting empty syringes hence the recording :( but GHIOGHWEOGIOHW I could never do that, I can feel the liquid entering me as it is so that's good enough ToT (* plays Love Talk * I can feel it coming)
OMG YOUR ART PIECES ARE SO BEAUTIFUL, ADORABLE AND ELEGANT! 💖🥺🥰 it must've required a lot of hard-work and effort AHHH thankiew for showing me yr work!! it's truly unique in its own manner despite it's simplicity UwU is there a reason or backstory to yr chosen theme and objects? :3
I just Googled Somi Somi and omg that's such an UwU ice cream AHHHH 💖🥺😭 ice cream is my fav food of all time and it looks like an ice cream haven omg imagine eating it after a loooong hard day's of work ToT and OMG THE SATISFACTION OF EATING THAI MILK TEA ICE CREAM ON A HOT DAY YASSS 😋🤤 hehe if you get the chance to try milk & biscoff, do try it! It's amazing !😍 and ooo i haven't tried alcoholic ice cream before but I will one day!! :3 my alcohol tolerance is rly low though, will I get tipsy over alcoholic ice cream? We shall see UwU (i can only drink half a bottle of apple cider before my face gets red and I start getting a lil tipsy + headache)
and lovie....knowing yr school schedule now...OURS IS DEFINTELY BRUTAL OMG a 3 month long sem break huhu that's only the total amount of sem breaks we get in a year ToT i thought uni was hard but not that hard ToT
Always glad and honored to have you onboard! and AHAHAHAH the contractions about to start soon 👀 I enjoy talking to you huhu you're such a sweet and supportive person 💖🥺🥰😙 huhu for my period cramps, I've been having them since I was 12 ToT my doctor prescribed me some panadols but sometimes I can't even swallow them cuz I'd puke them out ToT I've settled w heatpacks to reduce my reliance on medicine, but I finally got some upgraded and safe to eat medicine from my gynae! She said it's fine to take it every month to keep my womb healthy and apparently my ms. lil uterus is suffering from inflammation, hence the super crazy bedridden cramps :( the upgraded medicine worked for a while, but after time it kinda didn't help either :/ but I realised that exercise rly does wonders to reduce the cramp too (gynae also recommended exercising) so i take walks and do my back stretches more frequently now! my period in the previous months (2 months ago) have been almost painless and bearable, it's so weird not seeing my bedridden ._. when I was in high school, there would always be a day in every month in which I don't attend classes, and that's solely because of my cramps. It just isn't worth suffering in school, plus we don't have a sick room :/ I hope the pain continues to subside! ToT
And ayy internship is also working experience, yr advice would be of great help to me regardless! 🥺 oh yes, I always remind myself that interviews are similar to the speaking test I took for my Cambridge English exams! That kinda help calm my nerves down a lil, but w nerves comes bigger smiles, so I guess it takes on a rather practical form of coping mechanism (sublimation) AHAHAHAHA
WAAAA WHAT A QUEEN you got an offer from every interview?? I aspire to be like you! 💖🥺🥰 huhu skill wise I believe I have lots to prepare esp in terms of case studies, and I perform rly poorly on certain assessments (*ehem * esp those concerning numbers) so I took the chance to study a lil during sem break too ToT but noted on that! I will work on that too and try to maintain that me element in interviews and overall just be myself keke
That's all from me for now! Imma wait for my supervisor's feedback and journey on w my last semester. Bon voyage! Link to my recent work: https://www.instagram.com/p/CTBqGzjr6sN/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link Other works: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPpv-IyM7Gi/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link https://www.instagram.com/p/CL55EG-MbL2/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
hi hello honey bee !!! 💓 omg i'm so sorry for the belated response, i finally got on my laptop 😭 i'm gonna put my response under the cut since it got a little long 🤧
omg 221 responses !!!!! that's so many 🙀 congratulations aaaaa it's amazing that you were able to get 3x the data you needed !!! was it difficult to run data analysis? were you able to solve the issue with the equal scores on the subscales? i hope it didn't create too much additional work for you ):
omg yes finance is really interesting! i enjoyed the classes i took for it :') how is rich dad poor dad? did you learn a lot from it? i know it was a book my prof recommended, but i never got around to reading it 😶 did you learn any helpful tips? and ooo i'll have to look into coursera! yeah, there's quite a lot of terms for finance, and it can be a little intimidating paired with all the math formulas and such, but it's pretty useful imo! how are your financial studies going so far? 💕 omg nong is such a cute word?? i would never think it meant idiot asdkfhlkajsdf omg my whole family is good at numbers and really like math, but i didn't like it 😭 my mom made me study it a lot everyday though rip are the financial calculations getting easier for you as you practice more hopefully?
yessss omg i absolutely agree with this!!!! like you can just feel when a professor loves to teach and is genuinely so excited to talk about their subject, and it just makes the most boring horrible subject into something you learn to enjoy and hate less :') and i'm really happy to hear you have tons of professors like that in the psych department 🥺💗
that's great to hear!!!! 🌷🌷 i'm glad that you're prioritizing yourself and your health, which is so much more important than taking on a minor. what fun subjects have you decided to explore and self study so far? 💞 oh my gosh, the rising cases are so high?? i hope it's gotten better there for you ): are you able to go outside yet?
big congratulations on your proposal being finalized and accepted, lovebug !!!! 🥳🥳 i'm very proud of you and hoping one day i can read your published studies in a scientific journal :') aaaa i'm so glad to hear that you got to rest and enjoy your time with your friends!! i definitely feel that omg i regret all the times i skipped out on movie nights or game nights with my friends because now we're all scattered across the country and the only way we can have them again is over zoom calls 🤧
I SAW YOUR DESIGNS AND THEY'RE GORGEOUS OMG I LOVE THEM SO MUCH !!!! 💖 I'M IN AWE AAAA IF PSYCH DOESN'T WORK OUT, I HOPE YOU BECOME A GRAPHIC DESIGNER 🤩🤩💖 and yes i totally get it ): i really felt the academic burn out when i was in college and it was really difficult at times 🤧 but i hope it's going better for you nowadays, sweetpea 💝💝
omg yeah i absolutely agree !!!! whenever i read about psychology, i keep it in the back of my mind and then when i see something irl that relates to it, i'm like :O amazing. it's so cool to learn about different psych tricks too and see how it works when you test them out yourself and whatnot. and it's really crazy to see how the human brain is so easily influenced at times ??? it truly is an amazing subject !!!
ah what a great side benefit of the vaccine - a better sleep schedule 🤩 i'm happy to hear that your schedule has been fixed 💘 and omg what ??? they're injecting empty syringes wth ????? 😭 that's absolutely horrible, are they getting sued?? lmaooooo that love talk reference askdfhlaksjd
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR KIND COMPLIMENTS 😭😭💗💗 there were many late hours spent in the art studio to finish them, but i'm really happy with the end products :') i thought light bulbs are an interesting subject to do, and my prof said that cutting out circular objects or sculpting them is the most difficult since they're made up curves and not straight lines and i was like ok bet i'm gonna do it aND I'M SO GLAD I DID BECAUSE I REALLY LIKE THEM 🥺 and i love honey bees !!! that's why i decided to paint them and we were supposed to paint them in a combined style of two artists so i tried monet's impressionist style with the short brush strokes and pop art triptych style like marjorie strider 💕
somi somi is sooo good and i just had it again a couple weeks ago :') omg ice cream is your favorite food? :o and YES ice cream is so satisfying after a long day of hard work, like it's such a nice reward to look forward to at the end of day ✨ aaaaa i have to try thai milk tea ice cream one day now !!!!! it sounds amazing 🤩 and YES i must look for places that sell milk & biscoff ice cream !! i have milk ice cream from somi somi, but i need to try to combined flavors 💘 i don't think you'll get tipsy over it !!! it's a really faint taste of alcohol, like i didn't even notice it at first, and i don't think they put very much of it in there! aksljdfhals omg you're a lightweight :o at least that means you save money on alcohol LOL i need like nine shots to get drunk 🤧
your school is too hard 😭 you need more than just 3 months of break !!! 😡 we get a week off for thanksgiving in fall semester and a week off for spring break in spring semester too and then the month long winter break and three month summer break. and we have the one day holidays off too like labor day, memorial day, etc. i can't believe they give you so little time off after working so hard???
asdfhlkajshdlksja loool are the contractions over yet? has it been born? what's the current status, doctor? 👀 i really enjoy talking to you too !!! i'm very sorry for the late responses, work is really taking over all of my time, and i never have enough time to get on my laptop to reply to my asks 😭 and thank you for saying such kind things about me 🥺🥺💝 oh my gosh, i'm so sorry to hear that you have such terrible cramps 😭 i can't even imagine going through that - mine are nowhere near as horrible 😖 do the heatpads help a lot? i'm relieved to hear that you were prescribed better medication though! but yeah, your body does eventually get used to the medication and you have to continue taking stronger meds for it to work, but that's not a very healthy solution /: but i'm really glad to hear that exercise has been helping out a lot!! 💖 hurray for almost painless and bearable periods 🥳 i'm sorry to hear that you had to go through that in high school ): that sounds absolutely horrible 😭 periods are just awful, but it's like i'm grateful that i have my period because that means i'm not pregnant, but also please go away aslkhdfaklsj
omg what was the speaking test for the cambridge english exams like? :o it sounds so formal and a lil intimidating askdjfhalsd do you know of any psych tricks that can possibly help calm your nerves? :')
aaaa yes i did !! i was really surprised that i got an offer from them all because at the time, i was not in the right major and i think i was one of the most underqualified applicants 🤧 one person who interviewed me asked why i withdrew from my engr physics class and i explained it in a kinda funny way but in my head, i was like "oof i'm not gonna get this offer anymore" but then he laughed at my response and told me about how his prof told him he should drop a guitar class he was taking because he was doing very poorly and we bonded over that aklsjdhfkals omg how do interviews for psych jobs go? do you have to discuss a lot of case studies? do they give you a list of possible case studies they'll ask about? :o what sort of assessments do you have to do? good luck on all of your interviews, honey bee 💛 i'm rooting for you, you're gonna do amazing !!!! 💘
omg what did your supervisor say about your case study? and how is your last semester going? are you almost done now? 🌸 (also how have you been? what have you been up to? thank you for taking the time to leave such detailed messages for me, i'm really excited to see all the fun updates in your life, lovebug 🌷🌷)
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jay-and-dean · 5 years
Rescue You  Chapter 2 : October 28,29 and 31.
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Dean x reader
Summary : My name is Y/n. I’m the outcast of my witch community. This is the story of how I rescued Dean Winchester, the story of how he saved me.
Serie Warnings : Swearing. Injuries. Smut. Fluff. Angst.
Chapter warning : Injuries.
Words : 2.9k
***Rescue You Chapter 1***
***Want to read more ? => MASTERLIST***
October 28, 7am.
           Something hurts badly on my back and shoulders, it wakens me.
           I open my eyes and my heart races. I fell asleep in the cabin ! Shit ! I spent the whole night taking care of the man they call the king of hunters while they were celebrating his death like it was an equinox. They made Ophelia the youngest member of the Coven and talked about how they just changed the world.
           I just left. And spent the night here.
           Suddenly a pain hit my chest : Is he dead ? I turn my head to check on him, really hoping, everything was not for nothing. But my breath get caught in my throat and I jump.
           His eyes are open.
           I crawl back as fast as I can in a held back scream. I was just within easy reach, he could have killed me just like that. How could I be so reckless ? How could I feel comfortable enough to fall asleep just there, on the floor, beside my mortal enemy ?
           I look at him for an instant, he takes a labored, trembling inhale. His swollen piercing green eyes are full of questions, and drowned in pain, I can’t even imagine how much suffering he must be feeling. But he doesn’t talk, or move his face at all.
“H-hi… My name is Y/n” I say, trying to sound calm. “You’re badly hurt… I-I tried to heal you but you… you need medicine, and to drink something.”
He tries to talk but his mouth barely moves so he sighs in a discreet whine of pain and frustration.
“It’s okay…” I raise my hands in a sign of peace. “Listen, I have to take this opportunity of you being awake to give you something to drink, and painkillers. I gave you anti-biotics with a syringe but you need… W-will you kill me if I try to sit you just a little to make you drink ?”
Still no answer… With shaking hands, I put a palm on his forehead and sigh, he’s still burning with fever.
“I will check your wound now, don’t move… Please.”
Saying that, I push the blanket down to reveal his chest and stomach ; he tries to move, like he was afraid, but the ties I used and his extreme weakness doesn’t allow it. I move the bandage a little and frown, there is a huge inflammation but the bleeding stopped thanks to the magic ointment.
“From what I know… you have a knife wound on your stomach, broken ribs, a badly broken leg, a bruise almost the size of your back, cuts everywhere, but that’s okay, and your head has been hit hard, I really hope you don’t have head trauma…” I list, trying to help him stay awake. “You may have other things but I will only know when you’re able to tell me where it hurts, okay ?”
His lips says “yes” but no sound comes out.
“I’m sorry I had to tie you up… I just… don’t want to get killed” I sigh.
Once again, his lips move, but I can’t understand what he says, so I come closer, knowing the risk I take. I kneel close to him.
“Same ?” I ask but he keeps going. “Sammy ?”
He closes his eyes in relief.
“No Sammy here, I’m sorry…” he sighs in pain. “Is he friend or enemy ?… Friend. Okay… Your phone is dead, but I’ll try to contact him.”
He weakly nods.
           I stay here a few seconds, watching his swollen face. Then I slowly untied him, my palms sweating.
“I do this because I want to give you something to drink, please don’t attack me, you can’t go anywhere, for now you need me…” I keep talking.
After the ties are undone, I take all I need before I come sit behind his head. Lifting it slowly, I put it on my knees and move them to have him a little higher, his head almost on my belly, and my legs on his back to make him a little straighter. He grunts in pain.
“I’m sorry” I say sincerely. “Okay, you need sugar and painkillers and water… So I’ll mix the three. This is high-calorie drink, and see, I put powerful painkiller in it…”
I let it melt and stir it with the straw. Then I give it to him. He refuses it, closing his mouth so I sigh and lower my arms in defeat. Of course he doesn’t trust me.
“Mister Winchester” I say softly. “I will do my best to keep you alive, but if you don’t heal soon, they will find you, and kill both of us…”
I put my hand on his forehead again and decide to add paracetamol in the drink to lower the fever. I show him what I do, really hoping he will drink what I give him.
“Please…” my voice is exhausted, but I won’t give up so easily. “At least try.”
He lets his lips part and I thank him in a sigh of relief. When he almost chokes on the first sip, I try to comfort him by touching his sweaty forehead, stroking it a little while the cough with his broken ribs makes him almost faint in pain.
“It’s okay… It’s okay… You need more, just a little more for me M. Winchester. Please…”
           After a few minutes, he finishes it, it was a very small glass, but this is victory. I stay a little beneath is back to make sure he doesn’t choke.
“You’ll feel better with the painkillers… I-I’m sorry, I didn’t manage to put you on the bed but, when you’ll be able to move, I promise I’ll help you, the wooden floor must be horrible and cold… I’m really sorry, do you need another blanket ?”
His mouth says “no”.
“I have to go M. Winchester. If they look for me too long, they will be suspicious. Just don’t move or try to go out okay ? We’re in the middle of the forest. And don’t call or anything… I’m the only one who doesn’t want you dead for miles. I’m sorry… I’ll check on you tonight, I promise…”
October 29, 9am;
             Sweating, I look at my watch. Shit. I had a lot of deliveries to do this morning, and, even waking up early, I didn’t manage to finish yet. I was asked for two different mushrooms and at least five plants. I can’t believe people calling themselves witches can’t go in the woods themselves to find ingredients… But at least it gives me the best opportunity to wonder without anybody looking for me.
           While I look for the required ingredients in my way to the cabin, I think about yesterday evening. The hunter still didn’t talk, but he was awake again. I cleaned his wounds, checked his leg, and gave him something to drink again. I really hope today he will be able to eat something I brought.
           I’ve never felt so alive in my entire life, my senses are in alert, my brain works quicker, and I do my duties so faster. The only thing obsessing me is making him survive, and the pain he feels.
           I know who Sammy is now, his brother. Sam Winchester. I hear they are really close and literally went to Hell for each other. To actual Hell. They are all the community talks about lately, from my mother to the witch of the post office. They sent Sam a magical untraceable message, saying his brother was dead, with the rest of his blood and a picture of the car that still lays in the forest, under an invisibility spell.
           I don’t know that Sam-guy, but as they celebrate his older brother death, and keep rewarding Ophelia, they seem really afraid of him, they reinforced security. I wish I could contact him, but none of my calls can go out the town since I tried to contact my father years ago, and I have no idea where to send a letter. It wouldn’t be such a good idea anyway, his brother can’t be moved for now so I’d better keep him with me a little more… At least that’s what I tell myself.
           When I finally see the cabin, with already almost all my ingredients for later, my heart races a little as usual. I push the door and see his eyes are closed. I rush toward him to check his pulse.
Thank the Goddesses, he’s alive. But there is something wrong… the blanket is wet… But not blood. Oh !
           I get up and put my face in my hands, how could I have never thought of that. He’s a human being. Good think he’s unconscious, because I wouldn’t have wanted to face the look on a warrior that peed himself’s eyes.
           I rush to the bathroom and take towels, soap and a basin of water. Please don’t wake up… I think pushing the cover. With a sigh, I push his boxers down, trying not to look at him. Now what… I take the little towel and soak it, rubbing the soap on it to make foam.
           The instant I put the wet towel on his stomach, he wakes up in a deep inhale. Cold water.
“I’m sorry” I wince. “It’s cold…”
“No…” he painfully whispers, trying to move but the restrains keep him still and he’s completely paralyzed by weakness and pain.
“You can’t move…” I sigh. “It’s okay, see me as a nurse” I try.
I keep my eyes away when I wash his chest, just looking enough to avoid the wounds. I wash his arms and shoulders, better do it all at once. While I rinse the towel and put more soap on it, I notice the look on his face, jaw clenched, eyes shut in a frown. Dignity must be pretty much all is left for a man that went to actual Hell.
“I told them you were dead” I say to catch his attention on anything else.
With the fresh foam I start washing his legs, careful with the splint.
“They will kill me when they’ll know… If… If they know” I wash his thighs. “But they already hate me so I guess that will just give them an excuse” I lift my head to look at his face. “I guess I deserve their hate though… Hiding a mortal enemy.” I stroke his hips and finally wash his intimate parts, trying to look at it the less I can, and I keep casually talking to distract him. “You must be asking yourself where you are… It’s my cabin. I mean it wasn’t mine but it became, so don’t worry, no one comes here, except me.” I push his hips up a little to wash under him, his butt and lower back. “And the cabin is invisible for humans, but also for demons and angels… So just me. Here you go…”
I go to the bathroom, I come back with clean water and another little towel. As I start to rinse the soap on his body, he looks at my face intensely, like he was trying to read me.
I never saw a body like his, and I really try to be indifferent to him, but every scar is a mystery, a story I will never know. He’s so strong and manly and… I surprise myself comparing him with Aiden, the only other men I’ve seen naked, and it’s like they weren’t even of the same matter.
           When I feel myself blushing, I decide I have to distract myself too.
“Okay, now I’ll dry you, but I have no clothes, and I can’t give you the blanket, so I’ll give you my hoodie to hide, I quickly go find something for the cold, don’t worry okay ?”
I take off my oversized hoodie and shiver at the feeling of cold air on me. After wiping the floor where he lays, I put it on him and notice he passed out again.
 October 31, 6am.
           As usual, I get up earlier, take a quick shower and breakfast and go before anybody wakes up at home. Tonight is Halloween, and if I’m not allowed in most ceremonies, I have to attempt the Halloween rituals, even men do. It means I won’t see the hunter tonight. It will be the first time in four days I don’t visit him at least twice and I’m terrified.
           Yesterday he said two or three weak words to make me notice wounds I haven’t seen, like his dislocated shoulders… But this time I had at least painkillers to give him. He can’t really sit, but he moves just a little more now his shoulder is in place. He will soon be able to go to the toilets and on the bed.
           I go out of the house with a big bag full of stuffs for him and cross the empty streets to join the woods. I go through the neighborhood, rushing when I cross Aiden’s garden, because I know he wakes up early. But he’s here, taking the mails.
“Y/n ?” he stops me with a surprised look.
“Hey…” I sigh involuntarily.
“In a hurry ?” he asks with that kind sad smile he always have.
“Yeah… Halloween…”
“I wanted to tell you… I’m sorry they sent you after Dean Winchester alone… This pisses me off, you could have died. Ophelia got all the rewards and…”
“It’s okay” I cut him. “It’s really okay, I didn’t kill him so…”
“Still, what if he had still been alive ?”
“We’re not allowed to talk” I say coldly, thinking about the hunter alone in the cabin.
“I know, but I really miss you” that sad smile again.
I miss him too, and usually I tell him, but not today. I nod and tell him to have a nice day, which is pretty ridiculous to answer. Then I leave hoping he won’t notice something is wrong with me, Aiden knows me too well.
           When I enter the cabin, I smile seeing the hunter is awake. I put the bag on the floor and kneel, as usual.
“I will untie you for a while” I say, already doing it. “Today you will try to eat something solid, I brought mashed potatoes with pieces of chicken…”
He looks at me and tries to sit but fails. It’s strange, seeing him in those clothes ; I gave him the sweater I had kept from Aiden and bought boxers in the store, careful to not catch attention.
“Wait, I’ll help you but first…” I inject medicine on his arm, trying not to hurt him too much with the needle.
           After I cleaned his wounds and checked the fever, I sit behind him, helping him until, this time, he’s almost sitting, resting on my chest between my legs.
“The good news are, I don’t think the stabbing touched any vital organ, or you would have died already, and the fever is going down… Bad news are…” I put the bowl in front of him and propose him the fork, he takes it weakly. “I won’t come back today. It’s Halloween and it’s a big deal in the community. Not fun Halloween night like in movies though… Sacrifice of a goat, never-ending rituals and powers demonstrations.”
He tries to take a bite but his arm won’t carry his own weight to his mouth so I just push under it to make it easier, without making him feel like I’m feeding him.
“They will bully me again…” I sigh falling silent.
“Who ?” he whispers after a little while, making my heart race at the idea of him actually listening to me.
“Everyone.” I push under his arm again. “I’m… I’m not thought highly of them… See… I have no powers and…”
I shouldn’t be telling him that. I stop talking and help him eat until he doesn’t want anymore. After a while he sighs and almost passes out again.
“Wait ! M. Winchester, I haven’t given you your meds yet” I say, touching his cheek from behind.
“Dean…” he grunts.
“Dean” I state with a shy smile. “Is your valid leg working just a little ?”
He moves it and shrugs, immediately wincing.
After half an hour, he’s finally on the bed, he’s sweating from pain but I couldn’t stand seeing him on the floor like that anymore. He’s so brave, so silent. The fear is fading, even if I still feel like when I rescued that wolf from Ollie’s trap, knowing he could kill me, just hoping he will understand I’m trying to cut the ropes for him.
“Look what I bought !” I smile with an old remote in my hand. “It has a shitty image and only three channel but that way you won’t die of boredom.” I turn the old TV toward him. “This is the bottle for… you know, this is a bottle of coke, just don’t mistake them” I try to joke.
Half a smile appears on his face and it’s like I saw a whole knew him.
           I give him covers and make sure the pillow under his head is okay. I put a pill of painkiller in a little bottle next to him, and make sure he can reach everything. Then I look at him one last time hesitating for a second. How am I supposed to say that I will miss him… Because I sure will.
           I turn and open the door in a sigh.
“Y/n” he says, letting me hear his voice clearly this time. “Thank you.”
Forever Tags : @parinarain @animegirlgeeky @mogaruke @masterof-agony @rainflowermoon @tftumblin @deans-baby-momma @roonyxx @animegirlgeeky @paradoxical–intentions  @thefaithfulwriter@parinarain@vicariouslythruspn @emeow1496@daryldixonandfrogs @holylulusworld  @cocklesbelli @sandlee44 @mogaruke @masterof-agony @mogaruke @screenchingartisancashbailiff @donnaintx @hawaiianohana31 @akshi8278 @magssteenkamp @sister-winchesters99 @neii3n
Rescue You tags : @thatgirl1456 @acklesterritory @divadinag @blackrockshooter78 @stilltoomuchafangirl
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otomebois-bb · 4 years
Kiro Month, Day 20: Soulmate AU
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Title: I Promise
Pairing: Kiro & MC (Emci)
Notes: The long-awaited (for me anyway) Soulmate AU day is finally upon us! Due to my current circumstances, I wrote this many days in advance. I feel bad for not being able to participate in my own event too much, but I told myself I'd definitely do this one no matter what, so I did!
Before you begin, a few things you need to know:
1. Despite the Soulmate AU title, this is a bit of an angst! Nothing too bad, but proceed with caution.
2. There are slight spoilers from Kiro's backstory with the MC (I think from chapter 10? I really don't remember tbh).
3. I mashed together 3 different Soulmate AUs into this! They are:
Your soulmate leaves colored footprints only visible to you (for this, I added a little twist where the color changes each day.)
Your soulmate's first name on your wrist.
Meter of how in danger your soulmate is, below their name on your arm.
With that said, I hope you enjoy!!
Tagging: @producer-miss-chips for the banner ^^
Kiro's POV:
I stared out the car window, lost in thought while Savin, who sat next to me, ratted off the day's schedule for the third time today. I sat up straighter when I caught sight of the neon pink footsteps on the sidewalk, leading up to a tall building.
So she works inside the LFG building, huh...
I rolled up my left sleeve and stared at the engraved name on my wrist: Emci. I slipped it up a little higher to reveal the semi-circle meter below it, going from green, to yellow, to red from left to right. Currently it was all the way in the green.
I learned the hard way a long time ago what that meter was for, and ever since then, I always prayed to never see it go that far into the red again...
Savin's yelling snapped me back to reality, and I quickly hid my arm underneath my sleeve once more. "Sorry, Savin. What did you say?"
He opened his mouth, only to shut it again. His expression conveyed annoyance through his furrowed eyebrows and the deep scowl etched onto his face. Finally, he spat, "You realize your monthly schedule right now is too busy to fit in chasing down your soulmate, right?"
My heart sank, and my shoulders sagged. "Yeah... I know." I had asked him about it not too long ago, and his simple response had been showing me this month's calendar and telling me to find some free time on it. Of course, there wasn't any, unless I was willing to sacrifice sleep for it — but with the way things were, I couldn't even afford to do that.
"Then let go of that fantasy. If you're that desperate, why don't you look her up on social media? Everyone has a Moments account."
I scoffed. "I only know her first name. Without her last name, it'll take forever to find her."
"Well, guess you'll have to wait until your schedule clears up," he said, typing something on his phone.
"Yeah, with you as my agent, that'll never happen," I muttered.
"Without me as your agent, you wouldn't be where you are today. Be thankful," he shot back.
I wanted to retort that I'd have been just as well off without his help, but seeing as it was difficult to go from nothing to something without a good agent, I bit my tongue instead.
I sighed, resuming my blank stare out the window as the car kept going, the LFG building long behind us.
Four days after my argument with Savin, I managed to sneak out of an interview I really wasn't interested in, wearing a black hat and a dark gray hoodie for good measure.
As I mingled with the crowd, I caught a glimpse of a few seemingly painted footsteps on the sidewalk across the street. I smiled, and muttered to myself, "So, your footsteps are light blue today, huh?"
I headed for the crosswalk, fully intending on following her footsteps in hopes we'd be reunited today. As I began to cross the street, I decided, just out of curiosity, to check the meter on my arm; though I was sure it would still be in the green section.
I stopped dead in my tracks halfway across when I saw it, though.
The little arrow was in the yellow, slowly moving closer and closer to the red area.
My mind suddenly flashed back to several years ago: her screams echoing through the thin walls, while I was strapped to a cot, powerless to do anything while the meter stayed as far into the red as it could go — not to mention the countless experiments I was forced to endure as well...
When we were finally rescued from that hell hole, we were separated. "I promise I'll find you again! I'll protect you, I promise!" I cried as the police officers gently tugged me away.
No. I won't let that happen again.
I ran the rest of the way, shoving people out of my way once I was on the sidewalk, and they protested at my actions — but I couldn't care less if I was being rude. At that moment, the only thing that mattered to me was following those footsteps and fulfilling my promise.
The footsteps led me down an alleyway and through a rusty door. The room I stepped into was pitch-black, but the pale blue footsteps glowed, allowing me to continue following them without needing a light.
Heading down a set of stairs, I gasped when I reached the basement floor, which was dimly lit by a few spread out light bulbs. The footsteps on the floor here were splattered together, then drastically spaced — indicating a struggle had occurred before she was dragged off to the next room.
The meter on my arm now rested in the center of the red section.
I quickened my pace as much as I could without making too much noise. My hand reached out for the door knob in front of me, when...
A female's voice shrieked from a distance behind the door, and my blood ran cold. It took every ounce of will power to refrain from panicking and recklessly rushing in there, especially after glancing at my arm just in time to notice the arrow spike up as far into the red as it could go.
I managed to keep calm enough to enter the room, where the only light was coming from the far end of the room, behind a white curtain. I could see the shadows of two figures standing by what looked like a table, and another person writhing around wildly, seeming to be strapped to the table. Since the increased amount of panicked, struggling footsteps led all the way behind the curtain, my only guess could be that the person on the table was my one and only soulmate.
My hands balled into fists.
I won't let it happen again.
I quickly searched my surroundings for anything that could be used as a weapon or as a distraction, finding a hammer and a knife among a table of various tools and a fire hydrant behind a counter closer to the curtain. Clinging to the wall to stay shrouded in the dark, I slowly made my way to the fire hydrant.
"Please, stop," the girl begged, her weakened voice fueling me to move a little faster.
"Aww, doll, don't worry. It'll be a quick pinch, you won't even feel it!" A man cackled, and I could see one of the figures holding a syringe, moving it closer to the person on the table.
"No, please!"
I finally reached the fire hydrant and tipped it over, causing it to lang loudly as it hit the stone floor and echoed.
The man with the syringe paused and pointed at his helper to investigate the sound as he continued what he was doing. I got into position as the other person, another man, emerged from behind the curtain. When he passed me, almost completely oblivious, I swiped my leg out and knocked him down just as the screaming began. Before the man could recover from his fall, I swung my hammer at his head, and he stopped moving. I couldn't care less whether I killed him or rendered him unconscious as I searched his motionless body and grabbed a gun.
I stood and aimed the gun carefully at the man's syringe hand, pulling the trigger when he removed the syringe and no longer had his hand near the girl, since I didn't want to risk accidentally hitting her. The man, startled and in pain, stumbled away from the table, clutching his bleeding hand. "W-who's there?!"
I pulled my hood up to hide my hair before stepping into view, aiming my gun at him. "That was a warning shot. If you value your life and know what's good for you, I suggest you leave before I decide to use you for target practice."
"Why you—!"
He lunged for me, and I didn't hesitate in pulling the trigger again, and he fell at my feet. "I warned you," I muttered bitterly.
I traded the gun for the knife in my pocket, discarding it on the floor and facing the table. The Emci I saw laying there, struggling to stay conscious, looked mostly the same as I'd remembered her — only more mature and grown up, and, if possible, more beautiful. Her sleeves had been rolled up, and she had a small dot of blood and what looked like a yellowish substance on one arm, and on her other arm — her left, like mine — I could see her meter going down from red to yellow, and above it, I could make out my name engraved in cursive on her wrist: Kiro.
Using the knife, I cut her bindings and lifted her limp body in my arms. Carrying her while I followed the exit signs, she softly mumbled, "You came back..."
"I promised I'd find you again, and I promise you, I will never leave your side ever again."
The moment I rushed into the hospital, someone said, "Oh my God, is that Kiro?!"
"Yes, it's me, Kiro," I said, a bit irritated that that was the first thing they pointed out. "Now, can I please get some help over here?! My soulmate's life is on the line!"
Immediately, a few nurses hurried over, one calling for a doctor, and soon after, I was following as they led Emci to a room on an elevated stretcher. Before I could get through the door, a nurse stopped me, holding her hand up. "I understand she's your soulmate, but please wait in the lobby. The doctor can't be distracted while trying to treat her."
I sighed. "Fine, but what should I do in the meantime?"
"I'm sure your agent would like to know where you're at," she said before leaving to catch up with the others.
I dialed Savin's number, and he immediately picked up. "Kiro, where are you?!"
"I'm at the hospital," I said, walking outside.
"The hospital?!" Shuffling could be heard on the other end. "Are you okay?"
"Yes. I found my soulmate."
Savin paused before groaning, "Seriously, Kiro? This was an important interview, I can't believe you—!"
"If I had listened to you, Emci would've been more hurt than she is now, or worse!" I cut him off, and he fell silent. "Look, I'll see you later and apologize. Just wanted to update you. Goodbye."
Hanging up, I walked back into the hospital just in time for the nurse from before to spot me as she entered the lobby. "Good news, Kiro, she's going to be okay." I let out a breath of relief I didn't know I'd been holding as she continued, "The doctor just needs to flush the chemicals out of her system. He wants to hold her here overnight to monitor her for a bit, just in case, but you're very lucky you brought her here when you did." She smiled. "Anyway, I'll come back in an hour to give you another update. Hopefully I can bring you back to see her by then, too."
I nodded, taking a seat and anxiously waiting for an hour to pass.
Two hours later, Emci finally woke up.
"Kiro?" she asked, her voice shaking me awake as I was about to doze off. "Is it really you?"
I gently reached out for her hand. "Yes, it's me. I'm really here." I squeezed her hand, and she smiled.
"I was beginning to wonder what was taking you so long," she admitted, giggling — the melodic sound like music to my ears. "If you weren't such a popular public figure, I would've lost hope."
I chuckled "I know. I'm sorry, I got busy."
"Don't apologize." Her thumb softly caressed the back of my hand. "I'm just glad you're here now."
"I have so much I want to tell you," I said.
"Me too," she agreed, "but now is a bad time."
"Can I at least say one thing?"
"Of course." Her smile was like a ray of sunshine, brightening my mood instantly.
I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "I love you, Emci."
She giggled. "I know." Upon seeing my dejected pout, she laughed and added, "I love you too, Kiro."
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marvelatthisfanfic · 7 years
In Cold Blood (Loki x Reader)
prompt: Reader is captured by Hydra, and has been in captivity for a very long time. Hope begins to dwindle as the time passes by, until their rescuers come to their aid. 
a/n: I felt like improvising here. who doesn’t love a little angst, enjoy warnings: angst, blood 
word count: 2,088
You awoke with a gasp, trying desperately to shoot up from the leather restraints binding you to the cold, hard steel table. Thin layers of sweat and dirt covered your tanned skin from the amount of time you had been missing. How long has it been? Thoughts and memories of your friends and family flashed before your eyes as you tried to remember how long you’d been here.
            Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months until you finally lost any sense of time. Why me? What had I done that was so different than any other S.H.I.E.L.D agent? Oh yeah, that’s right. Hydra had captured you, didn’t they? That fact almost slipped your mind; almost. Your memory was dwindling as each day passed, and even then, you weren’t sure how long was a day.
           Shattering glass and clattering tools resonated from behind the locked room you were being held in. You silently started reciting prayers that torture was not in your plans for today. The thick metal door clanged open, revealing a woman clad in nurse’s attire holding a beaten-up aluminum tray with some sort of instruments.
           “Hello Mrs. (L/N),” she spoke up after clearing her throat, drawing you from your trance. “I’ll be performing some tests on you today per request of Dr. Zola.” The brunette nurse began setting up a table next to your table, and your mind started racing. Needles and tubes littered the tray, signaling that’d you’d be subject to giving a generous amount of blood today. As she began attaching the needle to the syringe, you immediately began trying to unfasten the bonds around your wrists.
           “Hold still now,” she snapped as you wriggled around, attempting to escape her grasp. Pain shot through your abused arms as she stuck you again. Bruises littered your skin in just about any place that was visible. You watched as the blood travelled through the tube into the glass container, making you woozy. Your hands were clammy, making it a bit easier to slide your hand from the leather strap.
           “W-what’s your name?” your throat ached from the dryness of it, reminding you of your thirst. The nurse eyed you warily before answering the simple question.
           “Katarina,” she huffed while replacing the blood-filled tube with an empty one. “Now shut up. You’re distract-” You swung your freed arm at her, cutting her sentence off. Her body flew backwards at the impact, and she began tripping over her own feet, and she collapsed on the concrete flooring. Hurriedly, you unstrapped your other wrist and rubbed it slowly. Your nerves were shot from lack of sleep, and your frantic movements were not helping. Shaky hands flew to your ankle restraints, attempting to un-restrain your legs.
           Buzzing alarms suddenly sounded throughout the building, making you look over at the woman on the ground. She had dragged herself to the wall, reached up, and pressed the red button. Your eyes started to water as you made the destined realization that you wouldn’t be getting out of here alive. The unnumbered days of your containment would eventually come to an end; right in this very facility. No more Avengers. Just as you hopped off the makeshift bed, the door flew open, revealing a team of HYDRA agents armed with semi-automatic weapons–all aimed at your weak figure. No more friends; no laughter and memories. Standing up so quickly made your head spin, but you had to try to get out, at any cost. No more Loki. Gripped within your hands was the syringes that had laid on the tray next to you table. No more life.
           “Ch ch ch,” a clicking sound came from one of the men at the door. “How foolish of you?” Dr. Zola’s short shadow grew larger as he walked through the men trained to kill you. His face looked worn and tired, lines passed over his forehead and dark circles colored his eyes. “Did you really think you would escape that easily?” His thick German accent tainted his words which were dripping with malice. Zola stepped closer to you, hands clasped behind his back. “No one will come to save you.” Screaming, you raised the tray above your head, running at him to knock him on his ass, too. Just as you stepped towards him, a piercing pain shot through your shoulder.
           “Sorry for the problem, doctor,” the nurse who had started this mess had injected you with some sort of sleeping drug. Your body collapsed to the floor, head hitting hard enough for you to see stars. She bowed before him before scurrying out of the room.
           “Nighty night, (Y/N),” his evil voice cackled. “Take her to the chamber.” He turned to walk out, and the armed men closed in on you. Their words and voices began to slur as the drug coursed through your veins, taking you under.
           Beeping sounds drew you from your induced slumber, making your heart race. Slowly, you opened your eyes, squinting when they were presented with a bright light.
           “Sincee you want to act like a child, I will be the one performing experiments on you,” Dr. Zola announced from above you. It took a moment, but you eventually spotted him walking on the balcony surrounding the testing room you were imprisoned in. Clanking of metal rang through the lab as he stomped down the stairs. Finally, he stood next to you, snapping a pair of rubber gloves over his hands. You turned your head, feeling a surging pain radiate from your neck, causing you to wince. Your eyes found torture instruments lying on yet another aluminum tray.
           “What the fuck is wrong with you?” You spat venom as you spoke, wishing he could feel all the suffering you did. Zola’s insane laughter filled the concrete chamber, as he picked up a scalpel.
           “Everything darling,” he smiled before cutting into your exposed abdomen. Blood curdling screams ripped from your chest as he dug deeper into sacred skin. Relentless tears dripped from your eyes as he reached from another sharp, prodding tool.
           “Just kill me!” You screamed in agony, feeling your throat clench from hoarseness. His laugh filled your ears again, making you want death more than anything. Just as he started to poke at you with the metal instrument, the doors flew open.
           “They’re here,” the agent shouted breathlessly. “They’re here for the girl.” Yelling and crashing sounded from the hallway leading to where you currently resided, causing hope to shoot through your mind.
           “The Avengers think they can save you,” he chortled, slamming the metal tools down. “How cute.” Loki was going to save you. You team was coming. Zola ripped you from your restraints, dragging you to your feet. He threw you in front of him, your hands slamming against the concrete harshly, the pain knocking the breath from you. The screams of HYDRA members subsided when gunshots came echoing down the halls. Natasha, kicking ass. How you were able to make a joke at this time amazed you, but you didn’t have enough functioning brain to think about it.
           The doors flew open yet again, revealing your friends. Tony was clad in his suit with Natasha and Steve behind him, ready to fight. Loki stepped out from behind them, his emerald cloak flowing behind him.
           “Let her go, Zola,” Steve snapped angrily from the doorway. His shield was held tightly in his hands as he stepped closer. A clicking noise snapped behind you, making you turn around slowly. The cocking of a gun, a noise you came to grow accustomed to.
           “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you.” It’s aim on you felt like a hundred eyes, waiting and watching. You suddenly felt very hot, and shivers ran down your spine as death was a few inches behind you, hovering and waiting to pounce on you in an instant.
           “(Y/N),” Loki’s voice sounded like heaven after being surrounded by evil, German accents all day every day. “We’re going to get you out of this damned place.” His eyes darkened with rage as you watched him devise a plan in his head. His eyes shifted around the room, looking for any advantage, only to come up short.
           “(Y/N) has been here four months, and you all just now come to ze girl’s rescue,” Zola paced around behind you, making your uneasiness skyrocket to unknown levels.
           “We all know you aren’t getting out of this one,” Natasha growled, sighting her pistol in on the evil man. Tony walked closer, with his hands held out in defense.
           “Can’t we negotiate here?” Tony’s entrepreneurship skills came through like a freight train, making you laugh. Zola obviously didn’t find this funny, and he lodged his foot between your ribs, making you wheeze and cough up blood.
           “That’s enough,” he snapped. “This is over now.” The revolver exploded behind you, and everything started going in slow motion. Loki yelled out, lunging forward towards the evil, German doctor. Pain blossomed through your back as the bullet pierced through the half-exposed flesh.
           “(Y/N)!” Steve shouted, rushing forward to your limp body. Clashing of metal rang out as Tony and Loki slammed Zola into the medicinal cabinets surrounding the room. Your ears started ringing and your eyesight began to blur slightly.
           ”Come on, (Y/N),” Natasha soothed next to you. “You’ve got to stay awake.” You nodded lethargically, feeling like you were moving through molasses. Loki came rushing to your side, a sickening squelching noise occurring. Slowly, your eyes found the culprit of the noise; your blood pooling around you.
           “Oh (Y/N),” Loki sighed. “Please stay with me, love.” You tried moving towards him, only to feel lightheaded. “We’ve got to get her out of here.” Loki tried explaining desperately. The others looked on with sadness in their eyes as they, too, recognized your fate. You smiled sadly at him, reaching your hand up to caress his cheek.
           “I’m sorry, Loki,” you started coughing again, blood gracing your lips as you spoke. “I don’t think we’ll be ditching this joint together tonight.” His eyes frantically searched your face for some sort of sign that you were joking. His cold hand rested against yours, rubbing small circles.
           “Please don’t do this to me,” his blue eyes watering. “I can’t do this without you.” Your head began to pound harder now, letting you know that your unnumbered days, were soon going to be numbered. Natasha knelt at your side, placing her hand in yours. Her eyes, too, filled with tears as you laid in your own blood in the middle of a torture laboratory.
           “Send my regards to Fury,” you coughed out. “And to the rest of the team.” Steve stood above you, watching, side by side with Tony as you spoke.
           “We’re going to get you out of here,” Loki was pleading with you, trying to convince you. “I promise.” I smiled weakly at him.
           “I thought we promised not to lie to each other,” you sputtered as black dots filled your vision once more, not leaving this time. You closed your eyes, feeling as light as a feather. Euphoria came to you, and it was a strange feeling after so many months of pain and suffering.
           “Open your eyes, darling,” his hands brushed your hair from your paling face. But you couldn’t, a powerful force was keeping you from moving or doing anything. Death.
           “I love you, Loki,” you gasped out as Natasha tightened her grip on your hand, letting you know that she was still there, and that you weren’t alone. “Thank you for showing me who you truly were. It has been an honor to know you as you; not who people said you were.” A smile graced your face as you felt yourself slowly drifting away.
           You couldn’t understand what anyone was saying, but you heard the jumble of their words as they tried to speak to you, but it was too late. You had ascended to something greater than life, and there was no turning back. Memories flooded back to you like rushing water, sending a warmth through your soul. Images of you and Loki from your first date flashed by; snippets of you and the team on missions and hanging out after flourished by.
           Euphoria was the only way to describe how you felt as you drifted further away, your mind going blank. No more Avengers. No more friends; no laughter and memories. No more Loki.
No more life.
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thatbluegibson · 6 years
CH 67
Liz squeezed her eyes shut and tried to run her tongue across the roof of her impossibly dry mouth.
She tried to swallow, but it felt as if she had a mouth full of sand.
Forcing one eye open, she stared at the water-stained ceiling tile above her head. Her other eye opened and she took a minute to focus her vision before trying to lift her head.
“Oh fuck,” she groaned as pain exploded inside of her skull. There were a few monitors, an IV bag and light blue curtains in her peripheral vision, but she was alone in the space just big enough for a bed.
She held her hands up in front of her face, curiously eyeing the bandages wrapped tightly around each palm and silently thanked every celestial being she could think of that her arms still worked.
“Oh fuck off,” she whispered before ripping off the oxygen monitor taped to her finger. Tossing it aside, she looked back to the screens and watched as a peaked line went flat. She moved to sit up, the pain in her head so intense that she had to shut her eyes and remember to breathe, but it felt like warm, comfy hands were gripped tightly around her neck, preventing her from filling her lungs. She reached up and clawed at the thick foam neck brace, finally finding the little Velcro latches that held it together and tore it loose, letting it fall open on the pillow behind her. As soon as she regulated her breathing, she slowly pushed herself upright, trying to ignore the intense pain as she stared at the blue curtain at the foot of her bed. Taking inventory of her remaining senses, she could hear a television though it was quiet and muffled, and then the sound of footsteps. Again, they were a ways off, but they were quick, a running speed and then they stopped with a squeak, reminding Liz of an NBA game she had been dragged to with McCartney. Then there were clear voices.
“Sir, I can’t let you in here.”
“No, I need to get back there-”
“There are no visitors beyond this…”
The voices faded in and out as Liz tried to focus on them. One was English, the accent northern and the other was American. The latter was so familiar that she was immediately annoyed that she couldn’t place it.
“Look, I know you’re just trying to do your job, but she’s alone back there and-“
Liz was suddenly conscious of the way her body reacted to the voice. She felt her shoulders relax and her breathing calm, she felt a little bit safer than she did a few seconds ago.
“I still can’t let you back-“
Jesus, lady. Just let the guy do what he wants, she thought.
“She’s my girlfriend. Please just let me see her.”
Girlfriend? Once again ignoring the pain, she looked around before throwing the flimsy blanket off her legs and grabbing her IV tower for support. She shakily stood up and, vaguely reminded of her first steps after giving birth to Jack, used the tower as a crutch to shuffle her way past the curtains.
“She’s my girlfriend. Please just let me see her,” Dave pressed his hands together in front of him, begging the nurse to let him by. He was considering just making a break for it, but he had no idea which curtained room Liz was in.
“Sir, I’m very sorry, but I can’t even confirm the name or… names that you’ve given me,” the woman looked exhausted, but she really did seem sorry.
He knew it wasn’t her fault the privacy laws were insane, hell those same laws protected him when he was there just a few years prior and Taylor so many years before that, but he had to get back there. By some miracle, probably in the shape of beloved tour manager Gus, his schedule had cleared for an entire week and he had immediately booked a flight to London before anything else came up. A quick text to Travis put him in contact with Andy, who had sworn not to tell Liz and had also let it slip that she was missing him fiercely. He was just settling into his hotel room when Andy had called in a panic, asking him to meet in the emergency room where he was still trying to get specifics from someone, anyone on the movie set. They had run through a maze of triages and hallways before stopping in a ward ominously marked “Trauma”, where they were intercepted by this nurse. Andy had taken off with the promise that he would get Dave back to Liz, but he hadn’t returned yet. Dave sighed deeply and raked his hair off his face, turning away from the woman to think for a moment. Who could he call? Her parents needed to know, but he didn’t know how to contact them. Krist probably did, he could call him. He scrolled through his phone and found his number just as he heard the nurse gasp sharply. Pressing his phone to his ear, he looked back at the sound of her running footsteps and saw Liz halfway down the long hallway, leaning against an IV tower with a half grin on her face. She was wearing the customary blue hospital gown, her head was wrapped in thick white gauze and she gave him a weak wave with a bandaged hand just as the nurse carefully pulled her back behind the curtains. He let out a shaky breath that sounded a little like a relieved laugh and ended the still ringing call. Only Liz would get out of her own hospital bed after a major injury just to stand in a fucking hallway and wave at him. The nurse appeared again and motioned for him to come back. He didn’t hesitate before sprinting towards them, his worn Vans skidding to a stop as the nurse pulled the curtain aside. She smiled warmly at him and patted his shoulder. “I’ll go find you a chair,” she said, leaving them alone.
He stared at Liz as she sat up against some thin pillows, her half grin still on her face. Her red hair seemed matted, though it was pulled into a knot at the top of her head, surrounded by crisp white gauze and an angry bruise was forming on her left cheekbone. She had gained a massive foam neck brace and she shifted a little, clearly uncomfortable that he was staring at her.
“Guess who’s concussed?” she asked, trying to sound cheerful and pointed to the top of her head, “It’s me!”
He felt a smile pull at his lips before hurrying to her side, reaching out to gently hold her bandaged hands. “What fucking happened?” he asked, looking her over again.
“I… oh,” Liz paused and looked down at her lap, a small laugh escaping her lips. “I actually don’t know.”
Dave felt a bit of panic rise in his chest. Her eyes were darting around like she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words.
“Blunt trauma to the left side of the skull resulting in a minor skull fracture, concussion and deep laceration to the scalp,” an American man in a crisp white lab coat appeared with a plastic chair, setting it behind Dave before stepping up to the bed and helping Liz lay back onto her pillows. “Hi, Elizabeth,” he called down to her, far too loudly for how close they were, “I’m Dr. Michael. Do you remember what happened?”
“No,” Liz replied, squinting into the penlight he was shining into her eyes.
“Are you nauseous?”
“Um… No?”
“Well, you arrived in an ambulance with a pretty nasty bump on your head,” he walked around the bed checking her reflexes as he moved, “It seems a light fell from quite a high elevation and connected with your poor skull.”
Liz only grumbled and Dave frowned, noticing her words were getting less and less intelligible.
“Not only that,” the doctor went on, pulling a computer screen towards him, “but a piece of the light sliced up your scalp and then busted all over the stage which you promptly fell on, causing glass lacerations to your hands. You, Miss Colbert,” he finished with the computer and turned to her, “are having a bad day.”
“So now what?” Dave asked, tearing his eyes from Liz to sit in the chair.
“Her fracture is linear, which is ideal when it comes to breaking your skull,” Dr. Michael turned the computer screen towards Dave and pointed to an x-ray showing a dark, blurry line on what was apparently Liz’s skull. “It’ll heal on its own in about four or five months. Her MRI looks great, just a minor concussion that would equal a rough football tackle. As for the staples in her hair, those can come out in a couple weeks.”
“And her hands?”
“Superficial, no stitches necessary. We glued one or two cuts, but the bandages can come off tomorrow,” Dr. Michael turned to Liz, leaning over so he could see her face, “We’re going to keep you for a bit, just to make sure you’re tolerating the concussion, okay?”
Dave watched her nod once and squeeze her eyes shut. Recognizing she was in pain, he jumped up from his chair and held her shoulder while the doctor checked a box on her IV tower. “I’ll get her some pain meds,” he said quietly and left them alone.
“I’m having a bad day,” Liz repeated her doctor’s words and slowly opened her eyes again.
“Yeah, babe. You definitely are,” he muttered, trying to hide the horror he felt when he noticed her hair was completely matted with blood.
“You’re here,” she slurred, her words were getting shorter and less Liz-like.
“I came over early to see you,” he said, lightly dragging his fingers across her bruised cheek.
Dr. Michael stepped through the curtains holding a syringe and plugged it into a port on her hand while watching her face. “You don’t happen to know when her last tetanus shot was, do you?”
Dave shook his head. How the hell was he supposed to know that? “She’s not…” he started, looking between Liz and her doctor.
“We can talk out here,” he said, finishing with the IV and leading Dave into the hallway. He snapped off his gloves and leaned into the wall with a heavy sigh. “She’s the luckiest trauma patient I’ve seen in months,” he said. “Had she been a fraction of an inch to the left, we’d be having a very different conversation right now.”
Dave swallowed hard and stole a glance at the curtain Liz was behind. “She’s not herself, though. Her words aren’t…,” he trailed off, not sure how to explain what Liz was normally like.
“It’s a mixture of her pain tolerance and the concussion. It’s new, so new that she won’t remember anything for a few days and then once her brain heals, the memories will probably come back. And if they don’t? Well, who wants to remember a thirty-pound piece of metal falling onto their skull?”
“Can she sleep?” Dave remembered something from his distant past, maybe lacrosse practice, maybe that time Krist smashed himself in the face with his bass at the MTV awards, but someone with a concussion should stay awake.
“She should sleep and the pain meds will force her to do just that,” Dr. Michael paused as Dave looked down at the floor and sighed. “You’re welcome to stay with her as long as she needs. I can put in for an extra bed in her room.”
“Yeah, that would be great,” Dave replied, thankful he didn’t have to leave her alone.
Michael gave him a kind smile and pushed off the wall. “We’ll move her upstairs as soon as we can. Until then, try to relax.”
Dave sat in the darkened hospital room, staring blankly at the pillow under Liz’s head. A soft whirring noise indicated the wraps around her legs were inflating again, trying to prevent a blood clot from killing her while she slept. Andy had undertaken the undesirable job of notifying her parents, then talked them down from dropping everything and making the flight over the Atlantic until they knew more about Liz’ condition. Dave wasn’t thrilled with the idea of meeting her parents in a hospital hallway, but he understood their need to be with their daughter. His phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it free, swiping his finger across Taylor’s name to answer.
“What the fuck, dude!” Taylor yelled, causing Dave to pull the phone away from his ear. “Is she okay?”
“They say she’ll be fine, but she’s a fucking wreck right now,” he said softly.
Taylor was quiet for a moment and Dave could hear Ally asking questions in the background. “It’s all over the fucking news here. How did this even happen?” Taylor finally asked, his voice much gentler now.
“I have no idea,” Dave replied, pinching the bridge of his nose. “All I know is that the ambulance fucking dumped her here and she was alone for who knows how long until someone decided they should her management know.”
There was a scuffling sound before Ally’s voice came through the phone, “Dave, sweetie, we’re on our way.”
The line went dead and he stared at the picture of Liz and Paul McCartney arm in arm on the famous zebra crossing outside Apple Studios he had set as his background. She had sent it to him the day before, just as he secretly confirmed his plane ticket to England. She looked so happy that he found himself smiling in spite of the chilly and depressing hospital room they were now in. He shoved his phone into his sweatshirt pocket and leaned forward, resting his head next to Liz’s arm and closed his eyes.
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dw-writes · 7 years
could you do a scenario w/s76, reaper, mccree, genji, hanzo and lucio (separately) where they think their s/o is dead but they arent and when they meet up they despirerately make out with them it can be nsfw if you want
So, nonnie, I didn’t make them NSFW?? Only because, as I was writing each little scenario, I realized that I was doing them in a way that didn’t really prompt NSFW ouo;;; Um. Yeah. If you want, I can do some NSFW requests for you if you’d like!! Especially now that the ask box is back open! :D
Just a note, I kinda wrote all of these with the idea in mind that they each take place during a mission of kinds. Genji’s and Lucio’s are the only ones that are Pre-Recall? The rest take place sometime Post-Recall. So. Yeah.
Reaper, McCree, Genji, Hanzo, and Lucio under the cut after Solider: 76 because the totality of this work is kinda long ahahaha.
Soldier: 76: He didn’t want to answer the Recall. He knew youwouldn’t be there, knew you wouldn’t be waiting for him, holding your breath ashe walked through the doors of Watchtower: Gibraltar. He knew you wouldn’t beorganizing the missions with Winston as you all struggled to pull Overwatchfrom the ashes of what it used to be.
But he did. Because he knew you would have answered the call. He knewyou would have wanted him to, too.
He watched the doors of the Watchtower slid open with a wave of refrigeratedair. It hit his overheated skin and drew a shiver from him. He didn’t want todo this. He really didn’t want to. He stepped through the door and winced as itslid shut behind him. His head tilted up and he froze. There used to be apicture of you there, a memorial to you, to the sacrifice you had made duringthe mission that was thought to have taken Ana. But the picture was gone. Sowas the plaque.
“Thought it was tacky.” His eyes darted further up the wall to the overhangabove. You were there, leaning against the rail, a smile on your face andwrinkles framing your eyes. The breath fled from Jack’s lungs just like it hadthe first time he saw you. You shrugged and his heart fluttered. “You know,since I’m not dead and all.”
He was twenty-five again, young and energetic and staring at yourgrinning face at the top of the rock wall as you shouted, “Gotta move quickerthan that Strike Commander!”
He had laughed and shouted back, “That’s husband to you, soldier.” Yourlaughter spurred him to move faster.
All that energy came back. The pulse rifle fell to the ground as helaunched forward and up the wall, gripping the rails to propel himself up untilhe was sitting on the one you leaned on. You arched a graying eyebrow at him. “Showoff,” you murmured. His hand ghosted over the back of your neck, tugging youclose until his forehead pressed against yours. You were warm. You were there.
You mimicked the motion and he felt the cold metal of your wedding bandon your finger and he released the breath he was holding.
Reaper: Your last words still rung in Gabe’s ears, imprintedthere like a burn: “Do you remember why we joined Talon? To work together to dothe things Overwatch couldn’t. That includes leaving someone behind.” You hadripped free of his grip, his claws biting into your skin and drawing blood, andyou bolted into the building. He stared after you.
The building exploded then, a counter strike from a government afterTalon. Your name tore from Gabe’s throat then, your real name, your code name,every name he had ever called you. Shadows exploded from every dark crevice inthe area. Akande dragged him away before the wreckage could reach them.
“Let me go!” Gabriel snarled. Akande silently refused, staring at therubble. He knew Gabe could get free if he really wanted, could phase through orshoot him point blanket. But he didn’t Gabe’s shoulders sagged as the dustsettled.
A voice piped up behind them, “Why the long faces?” Gabriel’s headsnapped around, the cold stare of his mask landing on a blank space. The groundrippled purple as Sombra appeared. Her arms were slung around your shoulders asshe grinned. The two of you were dusty, but unharmed. Mostly. “Broke my ankle,”Sombra said with a shrug.
Gabe’s chest heaved as his eyes scoured your face. You looked up at himwith a small and tired smile.
Amelie’s voice crackled through the comms in your ears. “Enough of thelooks. The police are on their way.” Her shadow darted over the road you allstood in.
Gabriel’s cold gauntlet gripped your elbow, his claws digging into theunderside of Sombra’s knee. “Don’t do that again,” he growled. You could seehis eyes clearly with how close he stood. They were wet and red.
You started to nod. Instead, Sombra stretched her hand out and splayedher purple gloved fingers across the owl mask. “Aye, get your hands off my savior,pendejo,” she drawled. You rolledyour eyes. Gabe released your elbow.
McCree: McCree was one of those people who couldn’t keep hishands off you.
You were stretched out on a bed in the hospital, staring at the dull,off white tiles above you. Angela was talking, but you weren’t payingattention. You just wanted her to give you the medicine she promised. You heardher stutter and looked over at her. She was staring at your face, mouth screwedup in bunch to the side.
“You didn’t hear anything I just said, did you?” she asked.
You shook your head. “My leg is shattered. Not to be rude, but, I’mgonna rude. Give me my meds, Angela.”
She walked around the side of your bed and pulled a capped syringe fromher coat pocket. “I told your nurse I’d give it to you personally,” shemuttered as she flicked the cap off. It hit your nose. You scowled at her. Shesmiled as she ensured there were no air bubbles in the syringe. She looked upat the fluids hanging on the IV pole next to your head.
There was a thunderous sound in the hall that caught your attention.Someone poked their head into the room, a person who had come in when you hadwoken up to introduce themselves. They were red and flustered. “Sorry, Dr.Zeigler, but there’s someone here who wants to see your patient right now.”
Angela sighed. She pushed the pain killer into your line and steppedaway. You sighed. The coolness in your arm warmed for a beat and your bodycompletely relaxed. You dropped your head back against the pillows. Angela’svoice floated away. It was replaced by the sound of metal on tile.
“You wear those regularly.”Angela’s voice was incredulous.
“They’re comfortable!” The protesting voice drew your attention. A coldhand covered yours while a warm one brushed against your forehead.
He leaned down, cowboy hat falling off his head and onto your pillow,and pressed a relieved kiss on against your mouth. “Don’t go scarin’ me again,”he murmured as he pulled away.
Genji: Genji looked around the battlefield as the smokecleared, twisting his katana around to pop his wrist and rid the ache there.The mechanics of his body hissed and released steam as they cooled. There wereOmnics lying everywhere in front of him, ones that had gone rogue, had tried tokill people, had almost succeeded in wiping out a large city in Europe. Panicstarted to settle in the longer he looked around.
Where were you?
He called your name as he stepped over a fallen Omnic tank, an OR14, andsheathed his katana. He heard the electric snap of frayed and broken wires, theattempts of limbs of Omnics trying to move, the faint cries as they started topower down for good, but not your response. He weaved through the fallenenemies, eyes growing wider, welling with tears, heart pounding. He screamedyour name as he stumbled over another fallen Omnic.
“Genji?” The reply was small, almost nonexistent, and very broken. Genjiturned on a dime, feet sliding across the dirt and sending him sprawling. Hescrambled up and bolted towards the sound. “Genji!” you called, louder thistime. Your voice cracked with a cough.
He ran past you, past the OR14 that had fallen over you. You reached outand grabbed his ankle. He shouted, surprised, and turned. You quickly pulledyour hand back as shuriken sank into the ground. You slowly reached out again. “Genji,I’m here,” you wheezed. He disappeared for a moment but you could hear himswearing. The OR14 rolled off you, pinching your leg painfully but you heldback a scream.
Genji dropped next to you as soon as the Omnic flopped to the ground. Hebrushed his hands over your face. “You’re alive,” he wheezed.
You grinned up at him, nodding, coughing as you took in greedy gulpsof fresh air. “Yeah,” you agreed, “I’m alive.
He bent at the waist to press his forehead against yours, eyes squeezedshut as he hugged your body to his.
Hanzo: He was still as a statue as he watched you fall,bow taut, arrow aimed for the man that had struck you down, but he couldn’t move.He couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t hear anything. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from youas you collapsed to the ground. You head bounced against the concrete and thespell was broken. Hanzo released his arrow and dropped from his perch, notwatching to make sure that the man was dead. He knew he was. His arrows alwaysfound home in his victims.
Hanzo looped his bow over his shoulder and jogged over the terrain of LijiangTower to you. You were sprawled out on the ground in front of an empty foodvendor. Blood pooled under your shoulder.
You weren’t moving.
Hanzo knelt and reached a shaky hand out to your neck. He felt the warmth radiating from your skin. As his fingers brushed your pulse point, you gasped,struck out, and buried a knife deep in his clothed shoulder. You couldn’t tellif the look that shot across his face was annoyance or pain. Maybe both.Probably both. You gasped again, this time in horror, and struggled to sit up.
“At least this means that you’re alive,” Hanzo groaned. He reachedaround to grope at the handle of your knife, eyes fluttering as it moved insidehim. He couldn’t remember what kind of knife you had. Would it hurt him more ifhe pulled it out?
“I thought he would have come to check if I was dead,” you whispered. Yousat up carefully, favoring your left arm, and reached for his shoulder. Youtugged Hanzo towards you as you checked to see just how much damage you caused.His head pressed into your chest, his ear flush to the blood soaked part ofyour shirt. He would have moved but…your heart beat a steady, strong rhythmagainst him. He looped his uninjured arm around your waist and squeezed.
“You scared me,” he murmured. You looked down at him, good hand restingon the tender skin of his shoulder.
“I’m sorry,” you replied. He moved away, wiped the warm blood from his cheekand ear, and looked up at you. The color was returning to his cheeks. Yousmiled at him. “We need to take you to Dr. Zeigler, I think. Only doc I knowthat won’t turn either of us in for vigilantism.”
His relief at your wellbeing was dashed away at the thought of dealingwith Overwatch. He grunted in annoyance, which made you giggle. Hearing thatsound after the brief moment of thinking he never would again made him smile.
Lucio: Your name was shouted over the cheers of people as the last of theVishkar Corporation was torn down. He couldn’t find you. Lucio was starting topanic when your face hadn’t appeared in front of him.
He skated through the crowd, gently nudging people aside with a soft ‘excuseme’ as he did so. You’d been close to the building, hadn’t you?
Someone screamed near the front. The crowd surged forward. Lucio pushedhis way through, almost losing his balance as he forced his way between people.When he finally reached the front, he saw your shoe sticking out from the rubble.Someone was nearby, hands on a large piece of the building, screaming into asmall opening.
They were screaming your name.
Lucio shot over, dropped to his knees, and peered through the hole. Yourleg wasn’t connected to the shoe. There was nothing there. He patted hispockets for his phone and lit the screen up, using it to illuminate thedarkness underneath.
You looked up from a cavern the rubble had created, your back pressedagainst sturdy iron beam. There was a small child cradled in your arms, theirdust covered face streaked with tears. You held his amplifier a few inchesabove your head. He patted his belt, finding it gone and stared at you. Youmust have used it to keep the rubble from falling on you and the child. You pattedthe kid on the back and pushed him towards the light, whispering that he shouldget out now. You moved after him carefully, slowly, until you were in reach ofLucio.
The man grabbed you and hauled you out of the rubble, pulling you tightto his chest. You wheezed and coughed. “Hey, gimmie a chance to catch mybreath, yeah?” you asked.
He chuckled and squeezed you tighter. “Don’t scare me like again,” hemumbled. You leaned back and pressed the amplifier against his chest.
“Yeah, sure I won’t,” you teased. You pushed one of his dreadlocks overhis shoulder. “Hero.”
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gaiyofanfiction · 7 years
Save Me
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Chapter 1: Second Time? - Chapter 2: Awake - Chapter 3: First Love - Chapter 4: Mama - Chapter 5: Reflection - Chapter 6: Lie - Chapter 7: Stigma - Chapter 8: Begin - Chapter 9: Taken - Chapter 10: Torture - Chapter 11: The Plan - Chapter 12: The Escape
Reader X Jungkook
Mental Hospital AU
Disclaimer: This story is pure fiction. We did take their personalities and match as best we can with illnesses, however we do not claim that the boys from BTS have these mental illnesses! Also, we did as much research as we can on each disorder. We are not meaning to offend anyone who has these illnesses at all. ALSO, WE DO KNOW BTS CHANGED THEIR ENGLISH NAME TO BEYOND THE SCENE BUT WE’RE USING BULLETPROOF BOYSCOUTS CAUSE IT FITS THE STORY BETTER.
Trigger warning: Mentions of mental illness, hospitals, self harm, suicide attempt and abuse. Both Gaisho and I recommend, if you feel like you need to go to the hospital for ANY reason, please don’t be afraid to do so. It can help. If you EVER feel like you need to talk to anyone, vent, or need advice on anything, please do not hesitate to msg us! We’ve been through it all.
Chapter 1: Second Time?:
        “The Ambulance is on its way,” your foster mother sighs as she sits down in front of you.
        You look out the window of the living room, your body shaking as you hold the blood stained towel to your arms. The expressionless look on your face tells her you’re either not paying attention or you don’t really care.
        “Hunny, this is the second time this week you’ve done this.” She looks at you with worry.
         You don’t even glance her way making her sigh again. ‘Second time this week? What is she talking about?’
        She stares at you when suddenly she yells out in frustration, startling you. “Why do you do this, Y/N?! You always act like you’re not ever here! Like your mind is somewhere else and then you go and do something like this! Don’t you think that after every other foster family passed you off, you would have stopped by now?!”
        You stare at her wide-eyed, but continued to stay silent. Why argue with someone you weren’t even sure was real? Your head turns back to the window, making your foster mother throw her hands up in defeat. You hear in the distance the sirens from the ambulance. Suddenly your vision starts to turn black as your consciousness fades.
        You start to regain consciousness. Loud sirens go off as you are jostled around. You try to look around and figure out where you are.
        “Ahhh, there she is! Thought we lost you for a second,” says the front driver as he gives a smile in your direction.
        “W-what?” you stutter, completely confused. You lazily look around trying to refocus your vision. You are able to make out a bunch of medical equipment and you feel yourself strapped to a gurney.
        “Yeah, you lost a lot of blood back there. But, luckily we were able to control the bleeding and you should be alright,” says the driver, as he stays focused on the road.
        The other man in the passenger side leans in to whisper to the driver, “Dude, this is the second time this week.”
        ‘Second time this week? What do they mean?’ You blankly stare outside the window of the rig. You’re not sure what to think, there are no other words on your mind. However, you start to slowly doze off.
         Time passes. You wake up to the noise of beeping machines around you. You shift your heavy body to sit up and see where you are. ‘The hospital? Why am I here?’
        You see a man and a woman talking to a doctor outside the doorway of your room. Disappointment filled their eyes as the doctor walks away. They quickly enter your room and the woman gets uncomfortably close to your face.
        “Seriously, Y/N? This is the second time this week, let alone how many times this MONTH! You realize how much of an inconvenience you’ve been?” says the angry woman. ‘Who is she and why is she so close to my face? Are they…Are they my parents?’
        The woman sighs and crosses her arms, taking a step back. “Stop giving me that look! You look really stupid right now. You know what, I’m done. There’s a reason why you’ve bounced around so much in the foster system. I can’t do this anymore.” With those words she storms out of the room. The man that was with her looks at you with sadness and follows suit.
        ‘Well, that was interesting’. Confused by her statement you cock your head. Just then the same doctor as before comes into the room. “Hi there, my name is Dr. Samuels. I am going to ask you a series of questions and then we’ll go from there. Is that okay?” You give the man a small nod.
        “Good. Do you know where you are?” You nod your head, not speaking, although your eyes wander.
        “Do you know why you’re here?” You start to nod, but you end up shaking your head fairly hard and start to clench your eyes closed.
        “Y/N, you attempted suicide. You had cut your wrists pretty badly. It seems like you knew what you were doing with the way you cut. You also left a note for your foster parents.” You start to nervously scratch your neck and with your other hand you clench the railing of the cart, not making eye contact with the doctor.
        He notices the beginnings of an anxiety attack, but continues anyway, “based on your history of suicide attempts, chronic depression, bipolar behavior, derealization disorder and dissociative amnesia, I had recommended to your foster parents that it would be wise to put you in an inpatient facility to get you back up on your feet. We’re working on you getting processed right now. The psychologist will be coming in to talk to you soon. It’s going to be alright, Y/N.”
        Your face shows no sign of life as you slump into the stiff mattress. ‘Who am I? Who are these people? Attempted suicide? I don’t understand! I can’t remember a damn thing!’
        You start to scream and thrash. “NO! NO! NO! GET ME OUT OF HERE! AHHHHHH!” Nurses immediately rush to your side and try to hold you down. The doctor quickly hands over a syringe to the nurse and orders for you to be sedated. Though you fight them, you feel the pinch in your arm and the room around you starts to fade away into darkness.
        Once again you slowly come to, but this time you’re in a wheelchair. You try to move your arms and legs, but they’re tightly strapped in. You sigh in defeat, clearly not getting anywhere. You look up to notice a very unusually happy woman.
        “Hi there! Welcome to one of the best behavioral facilities in the nation: ‘Be Free Behavioral’.” The woman speaking to you is quirky and extremely smiley. It actually annoys you and slightly creeps you out. You just give her a grim facial expression as she continues to talk to you.
        “At ‘Be Free Behavioral’, we encourage all of our patients to freely express themselves during the process of healing. Hence our name, ‘Be Free’, hehe, get it?” She says with an intense smile.
        “Yeah, I don’t feel like I’m ‘free’ here,” you raise a brow as you look down at your restraints.
        “Haha! You’re so funny! C’mon now, it’s time for proper introductions!” The lady pushes you into the lounge where you’re surrounded by several other patients. Your hands clench the arm rests of the wheelchair as your eyes rapidly survey the room. You try to relax your breathing. You are not usually around this many people at once.
        “Alright everyone! We have a newbie here with us today! Hehe. Let’s all go around the room and state our names. Remember, no last names!” This lady is way too perky for your liking. “Let’s start from the left side of the room and work our way around. Shall we?” She motions to a cluster of seven good-looking men.
        Something about their presence makes you feel at ease. Your eyes move to the first one.
        “Hi, I’m Rap Monster, ah I mean Namjoon, haha. You can call me either name!” the purple-haired boy cracks a sweet smile. His dimples make you blush.
        “Ah, I’m Yoongi, but everyone calls me Suga. It’s nice to meet you,” his eyes smile, though his face remains fairly expressionless. His skin was ivory soft, and it paired well with the black hair with blue highlights.
        The next boy with light brown hair with salmon pink highlights butts in with a lot of energy, “Hi! I’m so happy to meet you. My name is Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi. I hope we can be good friends!” The very smiley boy was full of life, but that didn’t turn you away. Actually his demeanor made you feel more light-hearted.
        Next up was this cocky boy with darker brown hair. “And my name is Jin! I’m the good-looking one of the bunch. I’m really the only one you should try to remember, HA, HA, HA!” ‘Wow, this boy really cut to the chase about how he feels about himself’. His introduction makes you giggle. You also notice the others shake their heads and roll their eyes.
        “Jin, you ruin everything. Ah, my name is Jimin! I hope we make you feel more welcomed here,” he smiles and puts up a peace sign. It was very adorable.
        Coming down to the last few of the group, a light brown-haired boy speaks next. His voice is a bit deeper like the first two, “Hi, uh, my name is Taehyung, but you can call me Tae or even V. That’s what my hyung’s and dongsaeng call me.” He smiles more so with his lips without baring his teeth. His smile was sweet and comforting.
        Finally, it was the last boy to say his name. All of a sudden he became really reserved and shy. He didn’t even look at you when he says his name in a low whisper, “J-jungkook. That’s my name.” He hides behind Taehyung like a little boy. Your lips crack a smile for the first time since you arrived and chuckle at his cuteness. ‘He must not be too familiar with talking to girls’.
        There were others sounding off their names, but you don’t hear the rest because you’re so focused on the first seven boys. They stood out more to you out of everyone else here. Your memory is still foggy, you still don’t understand the events that lead you to be in this situation. You barely even knew who you were, who your parents were, or anything really. But even with all of that, those boys seem to have welcomed you with no issues, making you feel slightly more at ease.
        The overly happy woman claps her hands. “Wonderful! Now, why don’t you tell everyone your name and a little bit about yourself,” she motions to you.
       At first you weren’t really sure what to say. You bite your lip and start to tap nervously on the armrest. “I-I…I don’t know who I am…Can you tell me?”
        The lady nervously laughs, “Why, you’re Y/N, of course!” a bell dings as the clock turns two, interrupting the woman. “Well, will you look at that? Everyone, it’s free time! Please ‘be free’ and productive! Hehe.” She finally exits the lounge. ‘Jeez, how annoying can you possibly be.’
        The seven boys slowly gather around you, making you nervous. Rap Monster notices and gives a small comforting smile. He proceeds to speak calmly, “the restraints are only temporary. If you at least show that you’re on good behavior, they’ll eventually give you more autonomy.” Again he smiles. ‘Ah! Those dimples!’
        You let out a small peep and say, “I don’t… know why I’m here…” your eyes start to water up, suddenly a hand reaches out to touch yours, making you flinch slightly. It was Suga, though his face still remains expressionless. He looks off into the distance, but says to you, “don’t worry, everyone needs someone, right? We’re here for you. They call us seven the Bulletproof Boy Scouts”.
        All around you the boys smile in agreement, even Jungkook, who is still hiding behind V, smiles without looking directly at you.
        “Everyone, it’s time for medication. Please head over to the nurse’s station for your timely medications. No exceptions.” A man says, standing down the hallway at a distance. He wore a white coat and was jotting down notes on his clipboard. He was very stern and authoritative. ‘Why do I get this terrible vibe from him?’
        “W-who is he?” you whisper to the boys.
        Rap Monster lets out a shaky breath and swallows the lump in his throat, “that is Dr. Seung Ho Choi. The founder of Be Free Behavioral.”
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jrubalcaba · 7 years
Precious Cargo Ch. 19 - The Birth
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Precious Cargo Chapter 19 - The Birth
author: jrubalcaba
featuring: OFC Guinevere “Gwen” Adams x Bucky Barnes
word count: 2714 words
rating: PG
Warnings: cussing, discussion of child birth
A/N: So this is the only chapter from Bucky’s POV. Gwen is going into labor and he is in over his head. He’s a 100 year old former assassin who’s wife is going to have their first baby and everyone else is out on their way home from a last minute mission. Once again, special thanks to @avenger-nerd-mom for her beta work!
What the hell is going on?
I heard a sharp intake of breath so I quickly reached over to flick on the bedside light.  Beside me, Gwen is hunched over in pain. “Babe, what’s wrong? It’s 2:13 in the morning, is everything ok?” I asked her, reaching out to rub her shoulder. She nodded her head while fisting the bedsheet. After a few seconds, she exhaled before turning to me.
“Relax Buck. I'm just having contractions. They hurt so much that they woke me up. I’m fine though babe, go back to sleep,” she whispered, patting me on the shoulder. She laid back down on her side facing me, so I could see when she grimaced again.
“Babe, you sure you’re okay? I’m worried about you. Do you need anything?” I felt so bad. She looked like she was miserable. All I wanted was to make her happy. “Do you want some water? Or some Tylenol?” Gwen opened an eye and peered up at me. I think if looks could kill, I would be dead about nine months ago.
“Bucky, the only thing I need from you right now, is to let me get what sleep I can. I’ll wake you up if anything changes,” she growled.
God, she’s scary. Wanda and Nat have nothing on Gwen while she’s pregnant.
She rolled over onto her other side and got comfortable. “Bucky, please. I’m ok really. Just go back to sleep. I promise I’ll wake you if anything major happens,” she reassured me. I sighed before turning off the light and laying back down. I snuggled up behind her and wrapped my metal arm around her and our son. He doesn’t like me touching his mom, so he kicks every time I lay my hand or arm on her. “Buck, move your arm. He’s kicking me,” she groaned groggily. I moved my arm away and I hear her resume her light snoring. I focused on it until I fell asleep.
“Bucky….” I heard her call from our bedroom. Gwen has been calling for me at every moment she could, asking for anything and everything. I love her to death, but if  I have to fluff her pillow again, I might just scream. It's almost 3 a.m. and we've managed a whopping four hours of sleep since her contractions started over 24 hours ago. All I want is to relax and try to get a tiny nap in before we have to head to the medical wing. My leg started to vibrate as my phone rang in my pocket. I pulled it out and after glancing at the caller ID, I answered it.
“Hey Wanda. Whoa slow down. What do you mean I need to check on Gwen?” I walked into the bedroom to see Gwen sitting with her knees bent and feet flat on the bed, peering down between her legs in horror. I glanced down to see what she was staring at.
“Babe, why is the bed wet?” She looked up at me, her lip quivering.
“Bucky, my water just broke,” she stammered. Time literally stood still. I could hear Wanda and then Nat yelling on the other end of the phone, but I couldn’t make out what was being said. Gwen was starting to tear up in fear. “Oh my god, my water broke. The baby’s coming.”  The phone slipped from my grasp as the gravity of the situation began to sink in. I bent down to pick up the phone to quiet the girls down.
“Uh, girls, Gwen’s water broke. I gotta go. What? Wanda, what exactly do you want me to do? Push it back in? I’m sorry, but I’m not making her wait until you get back before she has our baby!” I hit end and threw the phone down on the bed. “What do I need to do Gwen?” She grimaced in pain for a few seconds before looking back up at me.
“I need to get to the medical wing. Now. These contractions are getting closer and stronger.” I nodded before grabbing the phone and calling Dr. Waller to let her know we were on our way down. I was shaking so much, it was hard to reach down and pick Gwen up. She had pitched a fit to stay in our home instead of getting all settled into a birthing suite, so we have to rush down there. Those fucking contractions have been horrible for her all day. She could be talking and one would come up and she wouldn't be able to breathe or talk. Gwen tended to hold her breath and ride out the pain.
“Ok babe. I'm going to carry you there ok?” I asked her. She gritted her teeth and nodded before she bent over her stomach, crying out in pain.
“He doesn't like this. He's kicking too hard. I can't breathe,” she moaned. I picked her up the gentlest way I could and walked through our apartment. I'm so thankful I got her to move into the other penthouse in the Tower months ago.
“Hold on babe, we have to go down just a few floors and we'll be there. Just hang on the best you can,” I tried to soothe her, but she kept stiffening in my arms. I could feel him moving through the taut skin over her stomach as I held her against my chest. He was kicking up a storm in there, so I could see how uncomfortable she felt. The elevator finally dinged open on the medical floor and I rushed to Dr. Waller, Gwen digging her nails into my shoulder.
“How far apart are the contractions?” the doctor asked, directing us to an open med bay.
I laid Gwen down on the bed and was gently moved out of the way as the doctor and her team of nurses swarmed around her. I stood back as they hooked her up to various machines, one of which had a belt that was wrapped around her stomach. All the beeping and machines made me think about all the times I was brought out of cryo for a mission. I had to remember to breathe and remember that it wasn’t going to happen again. Gwen yelled out in anguish and I snapped out of my reverie.
“Babe ,what’s wrong?” I asked, stepping closer to the bed. She had her eyes screwed shut and I could tell that she was biting the inside of her mouth to keep from screaming. A nurse grabbed an oxygen mask and put it over her nose and mouth.
“Honey, you need to breathe. Holding your breath is hurting the baby. Just take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth,” she explained. Gwen’s head lolled forward, looking for me.
“James, James, please,” she gasped, holding her hand out for me. I pushed through the crowd of hospital personnel until I was by her side, giving her my metal hand to hold and place against her flushed skin. She let her head fall back against her pillow, taking deep breaths and sighing in relief. The doctor came to us, giving a play-by-play of what was going to happen.
“She is dilated to an eight. If she wants an epidural, she needs to get it now. If not, we have to wait until the baby is born before giving any pain relief. Once she’s fully dilated, we can get this show on the road. Mrs. Barnes, do you want the epidural?” she asked, turning to Gwen.
“God, yes. Not sure how much longer I can stand the pain,” she groaned.
The doctor nodded then left, the anesthesiologist then came in with the syringe, and after holding Gwen upright and as still as possible, she was able to inject the medicine. They taped the IV line to Gwen’s back in case they needed to give her more, before they laid her back down and waited for it to take affect. After about five minutes, the anesthesiologist tapped Gwen’s foot.
“Can you feel that?” she asked. Gwen opened her eyes and tried her best to focus.
“Feel what?” she slurred. The doctor smiled before turning to her accompanying nurse.
“That’s what I wanted to hear. I’ll let Dr. Waller know the epidural has been administered. Good luck,” she wished as she left. I looked over at Gwen when I saw that she was out like a light.
I kissed her forehead and tried to relax. Before the day is over, I will be a dad. I’m 100 years old, and I’m about to be a father for the first time. The thought filled me with an odd sense of terror and joy at the same time.
About an hour later, a nurse came in to wake Gwen up to see if she had dilated any more. The nurse checked and popped her head around the sheet that was covering Gwen’s lower half.
“We are at a 10. It’s time to start pushing,” she exclaimed. Gwen looked at me with fear in her eyes. I know that this has been real to her for the past nine months, but I think it’s just now really hitting her that we’re about to have a baby. She clutched my hand to her chest, and I could feel her heart racing.
“Bucky I’m scared. He’s going to finally be here,” she whispered. I leaned over and kissed her, giving her hand a squeeze.
“Everything is going to be okay, babe. I’m scared too, but I know we can get through this together. If we can get through that mission, then we can do this.” She nodded as Dr. Waller came in with her nurses. They pulled the stirrups out and got Gwen’s feet propped up on them. She made sure that everything was ready before speaking.
“Alrighty Gwen, it’s showtime. I’m going to count to three, and I want you to push. I need you to push as much as you can and as long as you can, okay?”
She smiled brightly, waiting for Gwen to nod.  The doctor winked at me.  Time to do this, I thought.
“Okay, one, two, three, and push.” Gwen shut her eyes and pushed. She started to squeeze my metal hand, and it was a little painful.
“Good Mrs. Barnes. One, two, three, push.” More pushing and even more squeezing. I was actually uncomfortable for once.
“One, two, three, push.” Dammit that hurts. How the hell is she hurting my METAL HAND?
“The head is crowning. You’re doing great Gwen! Push!” Holy hell! This fucking hurts!  
“Head’s out! One more good push Gwen. C’mon!” SWEET JESUS! THIS IS FUCKING TORTURE!
“He’s out! Time of birth, 5:40 a.m.,” announced the doctor.
Gwen slumped back against the pillow. I looked over and there he was. “Mr. Barnes, would you like to cut the cord?” I kept my metal hand in Gwen’s grasp and I grabbed the scissors and cut where the doctor indicated. The doctor stuck this bulb thing up his nose and sucked gunk out and then did it to his mouth. He started crying and it was the most amazing sound I’ve ever heard. Gwen released my hand and sat up, her eyes wide as she held her hands out for him.
“Gimme,” was all she could mutter. She leaned forward and grabbed him out of the doctor’s arms, pulling him to her chest. “Hi baby,” she cooed.
He opened his eyes and stopped crying. They stared at each other for a few moments, and it was the most beautiful moment I’ve ever witnessed. Gwen smiled at him as she stroked his cheek while he rooted around on her chest. A nurse came over and asked if she could weigh and measure him. Gwen reluctantly released him and the nurse placed him on the scale and pulled out a measuring tape.
“Seven pounds, three ounces. 20 inches long,” she called out so F.R.I.D.A.Y. could record these stats as well. She brought him back to Gwen and he fed at her breast, his eyes fluttering closed. After a few minutes, she turned to me.
“Do you want to hold him Bucky?” she inquired.
I was frozen. Of course I wanted to hold my son, but not with these arms. I’ve killed dozens of people in all different manners. It doesn’t feel right to hold a tiny, innocent, newborn baby in my arms.
“James, you need to hold him. C’mon,” she insisted. I sat down on the bed next to her, incredibly nervous. She sat up and held him out to me. I gingerly took him into my arms, awkwardly finding a way to hold him. He finally settled into my chest, his tiny hand grabbing onto my metal index finger.
I heard quiet snores and I glanced over and saw that Gwen was already asleep. I smiled and took the quiet time to study my son’s face.
He had a shock of dark hair, so fine it felt like silk between my fingers. I could see that his ears stuck out just like Gwen’s did, and it looked like he also had her nose. Everything else though, was all me. It was like looking in a mirror. I wonder if he’ll end up with my eyes or Gwen’s. I pulled the blanket that he was wrapped in away and looked down at his feet. They definitely aren’t mine, but they were still pretty cute. Suddenly, my phone rang. I pulled it from my pocket and answered it after seeing who was calling.
“Hey, Stevie. Nah, everything’s alright. No, she’s fine. Both of them are sleeping right now. Yeah, he’s here. Steve, he is perfect. I mean literally, he is incredible. I can’t wait for you to meet him. Oh, you guys are passing over California? Great. I’ll see you soon then. Bye.” I hung up the phone and set it on the table, the sudden sound startling my little guy. He opened one eye and I could see one of my own peering back at me. I shushed him, swaying back and forth and he went back to sleep.
“Looks like your uncle and the rest of the team have arrived,” I announced to the baby snug in my arms. His arm was wrapped around a bear that Romanoff had found. It was, as she explained, a Bucky Bear. It was dressed like me in my Winter Soldier days, complete with metal-looking arm with a red star on it. Gwen didn’t think it was appropriate, but it made me laugh. I heard a groan and looked over to see Gwen stretching. “Morning. The team just arrived,” I informed her. She smiled and held her hands out for him.
“I think he needs to eat, so let me feed him before everyone gets here,” she stated. I nodded and handed him over, watching as she placed him at her breast and he latched on. “Bucky he’s amazing. How did we get so lucky to have this little angel given to us?” she asked. I didn’t have an answer, so all I could do was smile. “We still need to decide on his name, unless you’ve made up your mind.” She looked at me expectantly, waiting for my answer.
“I did yeah. But how about if we switch them around?” I suggested. She mulled it over before nodding. “When the team gets here, I’ll go grab and bring the two of them in here first to get their approval before we bring everyone else in,” I offered, looking over as my phone went off again. I walked over and read the message, chuckling at it. “They’re here and they’re throwing a fit because no one will let them back here.” Gwen laughed as she shook her head.
“I think he’s just about done if you want to go get them,” she started. “You know, before they get kicked out.” I laughed and nodded before leaving the room. I walked down the hall towards the waiting area, smiling at everyone as they noticed me.
“Yes, he’s finally here. No Wilson, he does not have a metal arm. Gwen and I do need to talk to the two of you though, before anyone else comes in the room.”
I pointed at the two men closest to me.
Wanda began to sputter but I didn’t stop to listen as I grabbed the guys and led them down the hall. “Let me make sure that she’s decent before we go in. She was nursing him when I left,” I told them as we neared Gwen’s room. They nodded as they paused at the door. I didn’t miss the confused and concerned expression that passed between the two.
Chapter 20
@avenger-nerd-mom​ @bad-wolf87 @bolontiku​ @brighterlights​ @buckyappreciationsociety​ @buckyywiththegoodhair​ @caplanbuckybarnes​ @delicatecapnerd​ @disappointedwithchrisevans-post​ @donnaintx​ @etts21​ @ghostssss​ @handshugging​ @imsecretlyromanburki​ @jhangelface0523​ @just-call-me-mrs-captain​ @kimistry27​, @liz-pbnz​ @magellan-88​ @marvel-trash07​ @melodyhiddleston​, @papi-chulo-bucky​ @pegasusdragontiger​ @ryverpenrad​ @sketchbookthingz​ @suz-123​
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vixxpirational · 7 years
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Inspiration: HAPPY WONWOO DAY! Thank you @squishywonu for requesting. Group: AU!Seventeen | Wonwoo (featuring Joshua and Woozi) Warning: Death Words: 787 Note: I’m so sorry this took so long. Once I got out of my head today, I couldn’t stop thinking and rewriting. A lot of these are inspiring me to write more. I think I might with this one too. Definitely will.  
4. Hold My Hand 5. Tongue-tied 41. Assassin
Clearance level: 10/10 Operation: Hold My Hand Assignment: Assassination Target: Jeon Wonwoo Reason: Novel Timeline: 1 week Attached: Coordinates, wire transfer, transportation arrangements, disguise receipts. Notes: Be discrete, be quick, be thorough, leave no witnesses, amnesty from all crimes committed for this assignment.
Releasing a new book is as exhausting as it is thrilling. The tour, the readings, the monotony balanced with the swell of pride from such an accomplishment and the adoring fans who appreciate his words as much as he does. But it is still tiring going to another cookie-cutter hotel room drained of any energy to see more of the city he’s in other than the local bookstores.
“...schedule for tomorrow... 9 am reading...both Diamond Life and Hold My Hand...” Wonwoo rubs his eyes as he half-listens to his agent drone on as they take a car back to the hotel. People always insist on hearing excerpts from his first novel so often that he practically has Hold My Hand memorized. It’s his worst published work to date, in his opinion at least, and yet it remains the most popular.
“... flight to Osaka departs at 11:25 pm… cut close… from the studio.” All Joshua can talk about is the damn schedule and planning the next book. It’s never about the event they just left or a bit of time off to rest before sitting behind a computer for hours with a pot of burnt coffee and protein bars.
“... lunch at the studio before the interview... Yoon Jeonghan will be talking about... representation in Diamond Life...”
“The politician?”
“Yes, him, he’ll be talking about how you--”
“I heard you. Are we at the hotel yet? I would like silence and some sleep,” Wonwoo snaps, his forehead pressed against the window, vision blurring at passing city.
“You need to go over your talking points for tomor--”
“Can it wait?”
“And when do you suppose we should talk about it?”
“When there is no time to prep—” The car stops but everyone else lurches forward. Wonwoo’s hands fly up to cover his face as he feels the scrape of glass across his cheek. His ears ring with the screech of tires and the smell of burnt rubber. The sickening crunch of bones breaking and Wonwoo looks over at Joshua before he passes out.
“Wonwoo-ssi. Jeon Wonwoo-ssi. His vitals are good. Brain scans positive with a concussion. Minor contusions.”
Wonwoo couldn’t move anything but his eyes. He blinks them open, blinded by lights and the sterile stench of a hospital. He grunts to gain the attention of the doctor at the foot of his bed.
“You’re awake. Call his nurse to run vitals.” The woman in the white coat pulls a flashlight from her pocket and shines it in Wonwoo’s eyes, moving quickly around him.
“What happened.”
“You were in an accident.” A nurse appears, short but fierce, like he wouldn’t take any attitude from a patient, a doctor, anyone. His blonde hair is far too perfect to be an ICU nurse.
But the words are all that matters.
“J-Joshua? Is he-- What happened? How-- he okay?”
“He’s stable. The driver is as well. There is no need to worry, Wonwoo-ssi.”
“What day is-- the book-- interview-- tour.”
“He’s disoriented, Jihoon. Let him bring himself here naturally. Remaining tongue-tied like this will continue elevate his heart rate and blood pressure. His brain is still healing from his concussion.” The nurse shoots a nasty look at the doctor but nods. He fastens a blood pressure cuff around Wonwoo’s arm.
“What is today, J-Jihoon-ssi?”
“It’s Sunday. You were out for two days.”
Two days. He missed the interview. He missed three readings. Did the press know? Is his career ruined because no one knows where he is, that he just appears to have bailed on his obligations?
“Don’t worry, Wonwoo-ssi. There has been coverage of the accident.”
The doctor leaves the room as Jihoon finishes taking Wonwoo’s blood pressure. “You’re a little high, 125 over 90. Probably because you’re in shock. I’ll come back in an hour after you’ve eaten and relaxed to check again.”
Wonwoo watches the small man, taking him in. He’s dressed in scrubs, neat and clean with a stethoscope around his neck. His shoes seem as if he came from a party. The nurse moves over to the monitor machines.
“He’s stable. He’ll be okay.”
“The driver?”
“The same, Wonwoo-ssi.”
“Will I be okay?”
Jihoon looks at him with a too-bright smile. “Of course.” He reaches up to turn the dial on the medicine drip up. He closes the curtains around the bed, ensuring more privacy. The nurse pulls a syringe from his scrubs pocket, needle covered, tube empty. The medicine takes quick effect and Wonwoo’s limbs fill with concrete.
“W-Whatare youdo ing?” he slurs as Jihoon opens the needle and fastens it to Wonwoo’s IV and pushes air into the injection point.
“With you alive, Hold My Hand is fiction. With you dead, it’s a conspiracy that might work.” Jihoon works quickly to put the syringe in the hazardous waste bin, hiding all evidence of what is about to happen.
“You can hide in your words but you cannot hide behind them anymore. Quick. Discrete. No witnesses. Sleep well, Wonwoo-ssi.”
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oracle-sisters-blog · 8 years
It had been a day since Hanji and Mike had seen Levi, Eclipse, Erwin and Arcadia. The two figured that they were just having fun, but once they didn’t show up for breakfast, they began to worry.
“Mike, do you think that we should look for Levi and the others?” Hanji asked the Commander. He thought for a moment, and then nodded his head. As the two stood, Armin came bursting into the dining room.
Squad leader, Commander! Captain Levi was just found unconscious outside. Blood was found around him.” Armin told the two of the adults.
 “Where is he now?” Hanji questioned.
 “The infirmary.” Armin led Mike and Hanji to the infirmary. Levi was on his bed with nurses around him. Eren and Mikasa were there as well.
 “What happened? Is he okay?”
 “He was bruised pretty badly and there is a mark on his neck that shows that he was injected with something.” A nurse responded.
 “Where is Eclipse? She was with him yesterday.”
 “She wasn’t there.” Armin told Hanji.
 “I have a bad feeling about this. Find Erwin and Arcadia.” Mike told Hanji and Armin. The two left the room, but instantly returned with Erwin. He was wobbly and dazed, but still awake.
 “W-Where is Arcadia?” Erwin mumbled, as he almost fell over. Hanji and Armin helped him into a bed before he hurt himself by collapsing. “Where is Arcadia?”
 “I have a feeling she was taken. It seems that Eclipse was taken as well.” Mike told his friend.
 “Erwin also has a syringe mark on his neck.” The nurse said after she checked out the former commander.
 “Erwin, do you remember what happened?” Hanji questioned. Hanji could tell that Erwin was having a hard time staying conscious. He was beginning to fall unconscious.
 “…titan…shifter…Ber…tolt…” Erwin could only mumble as whatever he was injected with took affect one again.
 “Bertolt? He was here? He must have taken Arcadia.” Armin said, thinking out loud.
 “If he was here, could Reiner be here too?” Hanji questioned. “We need to wake Levi and Erwin up.”
 “I’ll do my best.” A doctor told the squad leader. The doctors began to work on figuring out how to wake the two men up. It took some time, but they managed to wake the men up. It took an hour for them to be fully coherent but once they were, they remembered all that had happened. Levi told them what happened to him and who attacked him. They turned their attention to Erwin once Levi’s explanation was done.
 “Arcadia and I had fallen asleep in my bed after talking. I wake up during the night to see a man hovering over me. I could only see his face for a moment. I knew it was Bertolt. I couldn’t even react before he stabbed me in the neck with a syringe.” Erwin told the group of people.
 “So they got Eclipse and Arcadia. We need to go after them.” Hanji told Mike.
 “I agree. Levi, Erwin, are you two alright enough to join us?” Mike questioned the two. Both instantly said they were fine. “Alright, Hanji, Erwin, Levi, Eren, Mikasa, and Armin, are you ready to go and fight for those two girls?” Mike questioned, shocking them with all the words he just spoke.
 “Yes sir!” They all agreed.
 “Good, get ready. We’ll move out in an hour.”
 “Commander, you’re coming with us?” Armin questioned.
 “Yes, I am.” With that, the seven of them left the infirmary to prepare for battle.
 After the hour was up, the seven of them were in their ODM gear and on their horses. They quickly made their way to where they thought they would be taking the girls. They made their way through the gates of Wall rose and began their journey through the country of Wall Maria. They weren’t sure if they were right in going that way, when they ran into someone they never thought they’d see. Annie Leonhart, in titan form was standing in the path they were going down.
 “How is Annie here? I thought she was still in crystal.” Hanji said, though the answer would do no good. The Female Titan already spotted them and began to run at them.
 “Switch to ODM gear, attack together, but do not die!” Mike yelled and the seven prepared to do just that. “Eren, do not transform!”
 “Yes sir!” Eren responded, though a bit annoyed he couldn’t help in that way.
 The seven attacked Annie. First Hanji and Armin blinded her by shoving their blades into her eyes, then Levi and Mikasa were able to cut the tendons in her legs, causing her to go down and Mike and Erwin cut the tendons in her arms so her arms dropped. Once she was laying on her front on the ground, Hanji and Armin cut Annie out of her titan body. Eren was upset that he couldn’t do anything to help. He was used to turning titan and attacking like that. Though he was glad that his best friend actually got to show he could do something helpful with fighting.
 “Now that we have you, you are going to answer a few questions.” Erwin told the girl, who had her legs and arms cut off.
 “Ask what you want. I will answer anything.” Annie responded, clearly done with fighting.
 “Where did Reiner and Bertolt take Eclipse and Arcadia?”
 “To the ocean, Zeke will take them to Marley.”
 “We’ll need to tie her up or something. We can’t just leave her here.” Armin said to Mike.
 “Don’t bother, I’m dying. I can’t heal in my weakened state.” It was clear that she was telling the truth. They nodded, and left, heading towards the direction Annie pointed them to.
 “Armin, we’ll finally get to see the ocean!” Eren said to his best friend.
 “Yeah, I just hope we can get to them in time.” Armin responded, happy, but concerned.
 “Let’s hurry! Go as fast as your horse can go!” Erwin yelled, sounding like a commander. The seven of them began to go as quickly as possible. Each of them hoped to be able to save the girls, but for Levi and Erwin, it was more personal. They needed to save the girls they were falling for.
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