#cuteeee :((
swarahlx3 · 6 months
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happy monday :D
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hautepng · 22 days
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no.6 charm :: excalibur ::
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herigo · 1 month
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adabird · 24 days
Going to the bar with Katsuki is like walking with a guard dog 24/7. He’s always touching you in some way. Having an arm around or a hand on your hip. That usually helps bystanders know you two are together…What also helps people catch on to the two of you being a couple, is his not so little friend, hiding not so inconspicuously and very much promanatly in his pants.
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slaybestieslay946 · 7 months
if it's not much can i request something else? like a 5+1 thing where it's like 5 times luke and reader didn't realize they were acting like a couple, and one time reaized it and made it official!
I sorta changed it a bit so Luke is down bad and reader is the one who doesn't realise they were acting like a couple.
You Didn't Realise?!
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summary: 5 ways Luke acts like your boyfriend, and the one reason you realised and made it official
word count: 2800
pairing: luke castellan x apollo!reader
warnings: minor swearing
I : He always looks for you first
When Luke returned from his quest, bloodied and battered, stumbling down half blood hill with a scar down his face, you were the first one he looked for. 
He quickly spotted you, your hair shining in the sun. The sun always found you, like a magnetic tether, a trait inherited from your father. 
In some ways, Luke could relate. He too also felt constantly drawn to you, and as soon as he caught sight of your face, all the humiliation from failing his quest melted away. 
You were laughing with one of your half-siblings, playfully joking like you always did. And then your sibling nudged you, pointing up at Luke, and the smile dropped. Even in his dazed state, he noticed the way your face contorted in worry as you began to sprint up the hill towards him. 
He wanted to wipe the sad expression away and replace it with the bright smile you usually sported. 
You continued towards him, only slowing from your sprint when you were just metres away, coming to a stop directly in front of him. 
Immediately, you took his face in your hands, inspecting the slight cuts and bruises that covered it. 
“Not even gonna say hello?” He panted, suddenly out of breath, partly from his general exhaustion, and partly from the way you were holding his face. 
“Hello Luke. Now tell me where it hurts.” You asked, moving your hands away from his face and running them down his sides, carefully watching his reaction to the pressure. 
“Nothing hurts. I’m all good, Doc.” He chuckled to mask his wince as you skimmed over the patchwork of bruises. 
“Like hell you are. We’re getting you to the infirmary. Where are Beckendorf and Rodriguez?” You asked, wrapping a hand around his shoulder to help him down the hill. 
“Just comin’.” Luke said, jerking his head back in the direction he had just come from, and when you looked back for yourself, you could see the other two boys at the top of the hill, looking in significantly better shape than he did. 
“Alright. C’mon then, we gotta get you patched up.” 
“Yes, ma’am.” He answered, the same dazed smile 
“You’ll be the death of me one day, y’know that?” 
And as the rest of the camp looked on at the pair of you, they couldn’t help but wonder, when would you finally get together?
II : He always saves you dessert
Luke watched as you walked into the dining pavilion late, and as usual there was a patched up camper trailing behind you. 
You turned to give the boy a stern talking to, more than likely chastising him for being injured in the first place, before striding up to collect your food. 
Of course, when you turned up 20 minutes late to dinner, the dessert options became severely limited, and by the time you arrived there was no cake left, only a few pots of yoghurt made from the strawberries in the field. 
Luke watched as you screwed your nose up in disgust. You hated yoghurt, he knew that (obviously). 
You sighed, cutting your losses and retreating to the apollo table, a few end slices of bread and salad items being the only things on your plate. 
“Hey man, how’d you get an extra portion?” Chris asked from beside Luke, and he snapped his gaze away from you and back to his brother. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s for Y/N.” 
Chris rolled his eyes, “Of course it is. You gonna give it to her, or are you just gonna sit here staring?” 
“Shut up.” 
“Y’know I’m right.” 
“You’ll be right when you admit you love staring at Clarisse in capture the flag.” Luke replied quickly, standing up to walk over to you. 
Chris mumbled something slightly incoherent, but Luke didn’t pay him any mind as he strode towards the Apollo table, plate in hand. 
“Hey. Long day?” He asked, smirking at you while holding the plate behind his back so you couldn’t see it. 
“Ugh, you have no idea Castellan. And I missed dessert again! Can you believe that?” You complained loudly, waving your crust of bread around like you were conducting an orchestra.
“Hmm, sounds rough. Lucky for you, someone saved you an extra portion.” He dramatically produced the plate from behind his back, revealing the extra large slice of cake he’d stolen from one of the nymphs. 
You gasped in delight as he placed it before you, “Thank you!” 
Luke couldn’t help but grin as well as you tore into it with glee, “Well, I know vanilla's your favourite, couldn’t have you missing out, could we?”
You sighed, “You’re the best.” 
“I know,” He preened before softening his voice slightly, “Just don’t overwork yourself, ‘kay?” 
“Alright. That goes for you too, hero.” You bargained, gazing at him intensely.
“Whatever you say, Doc.” He smirked, before turning around and leaving you to it. 
You continued eating your slice of cake, unable to fight away the bright grin that invaded your face. 
“You two are disgusting.” Will Solace remarked, the similar smile on his face not matching the tone of his words. 
“What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“You- He- Ugh! You’re so hopeless!” 
III : He always calls you up for demonstrations
“Hmm, I need someone to demonstrate…” He pondered out loud, surveying the archery range for someone suitable. And, as usual, Luke’s eyes were magnetically drawn to you as you walked past his group of students. 
“And who better than my favourite daughter of Apollo! Hey, Y/N, c'mere a sec!” 
You spun around to work out who was calling you over, rolling your eyes fondly as you realised it was the son of Hermes, as usual. 
“What do you need now, Castellan?” You asked, striding over to the group. 
“Just a quick demonstration from the best archer in camp.” 
You sighed yet again, but gave in, just like you always did when he was involved. 
“Great! Now, kids, let's see how a professional does it.” 
Luke then led the group around so they were parallel to you, and they could inspect your form as you fired. 
You held up your bow, removing an arrow from the quiver slung around your shoulder and notching it into position all in one fluid movement.
“See, look how good her form is. Perfect posture. One foot forward, torso turned to the side,” Luke whispered, as if narrating a nature documentary for national geographic, “She pulls the string back to her cheek, breathes in, and releases!” He cried, and you did just that, sending the arrow flying into the centre of the target. 
“A perfect shot.” Luke declared, smiling at you in pride. 
You shrugged, “I never miss.” 
“Alright kids, have a go yourselves, see if you can replicate Y/N’s form!” He said, sending them all rushing forwards to collect bows and have a go for themselves on the archery range. 
“You need any more help? Or am I free to go?” You asked teasingly, placing the bow and quiver back in the right spot.
“Hm, I suppose you're done. Although, your posture could use a little work.”
“Oh, I thought it was perfect?” 
“Did I say that?” He mused, although he was unable to hide the amusement in his eyes. 
“Bye Castellan.” You sang, flicking his shoulder as you walked past him. 
He turned around to watch you walk away, a tinge of blush coating his cheeks. 
“Is she your girlfriend?” A small voice piped up from beside him, and he turned to see that one of the kids he was teaching hadn’t yet begun archery. 
“No!” He said, all too quickly, before ushering the girl towards the bows. 
VI : He’s always watching you work
“Ok, so, you’re going to need to keep an eye on that cut alright? And try not to get any mud in it this time, we don’t want it getting infected again, do we?”
The kid you were currently treating nodded vigorously, probably thinking that the more engaged he seemed the faster he would escape the infirmary. 
“Alright, you can go back to training now.” You sighed, silently praying that the young Ares boy would at least try and be gentle on the lines of stitching in his arm, although you didn’t have much hope. 
He thanked you quickly, before running off out of the room, grabbing his sword and nearly slashing through a bright-eyed Luke Castellan on his way. 
“Oh, god. What have you done now?” You asked, hands on your hips. 
He held his hands up in surrender, “Nothing, nothing. I’m all good. Just had some free time and thought I’d come see my favourite Apollo kid.”
“You know you’re allowed in here unless you're injured or visiting someone, right?” You reminded gently, hiding your bright smile behind an exasperated expression. 
“Actually, I’m both of those things.” 
“Yep. I’m visiting you, and my heart is awfully wounded by how cruelly you treat me.” He smirked, and you rolled your eyes, walking back to the drawer you had been organising before the arrival of your most boisterous patient. 
“Does that mean I can stay?” He asked, following you with swift strides. 
“I can’t exactly stop you, can I?”
He chuckled quietly, giving you shoulder a quick squeeze before looking down at the drawer full of bandages you were sorting through. 
“D’you want some help?”
You shrugged noncommittally and he immediately knelt down beside you and began rolling several bandages up and sorting them into their proper sections, humming happily under his breath the whole time. 
And that’s how the pair of you continued for the rest of the afternoon. If you needed something of a high shelf, Luke was reaching up to grab it for you. If you wanted a specific item or tool, he was already beside you, holding it out as if he had read your mind. 
And the only reward he wanted for his hard work was to see your face melt into a smile when the pair of you locked eyes. And of course the lollipop you offered him at the end of the day for being so helpful. 
V: He always saves you a seat a campfire
Luke was well aware that, as an Apollo kid, you loved the campfire. Despite the fact that you weren’t as musically talented as your siblings, it always brought a smile to your face to see them perform. He loved watching as you clapped along in earnest, cheering loudly when the song finished and loudly demanding another. 
So, he always saved you a seat (right beside him, of course). 
But, on this particular night, he’d caught wind of the fact some Demeter boy had been sniffing around, saying that he was going to ask you to sit next to him, instead of Luke. 
“Aw, is Lukey boy getting jealous?” Chris jeered, following Luke’s gaze as it landed on you, conversing with the boy from Demeter. 
“No. Not like she’ll sit with him anyway.” He proclaimed, his voice filled with a certainty he did not feel. 
“You sure?” Chris asked, watching as you laughed brightly at whatever joke the boy was making. 
“Oh, I’m so sure. Certain, even. So certain.” Luke said, drumming his fingers on the wood of the table, while trying to reassure himself. 
This evening, you got to the campfire before him, and as he began to walk towards where you were sitting, he caught a glimpse of that boy making a beeline to you from the other direction. 
He quickened his pace, only slowing slightly to revel in the way your face broke into sunshine when you caught sight of him. 
Unfortunately, that momentary lapse in concentration was nearly his undoing, as only mere moments later, your attention was arrested by the boy from Demeter who appeared to have magically materialised right in front of you. 
He sped up until it felt like he was running, sliding into the seat next to you right as the Demeter boy made his move. 
“...do you mind if I sit-”
“Sorry man. Seat’s taken.” Luke smirked, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. 
“Oh, uh, sorry. Didn’t realise it was like that.” The boy looked between the two of you, the expression on his face torn between bitter and disappointed. He then made a quick exit, leaving you to try and digest the situation. 
“Sorry I’m late.” He smiled, not moving the hand from where it sat on your upper arm. 
“No problem,” You said, a look of bemusement on your face, “Gonna tell me what that was all about?”
“And why are you so out of breath? And-”
He was saved from further questioning by your siblings starting the first song of the night. 
I: He always worried about you
“How much longer are we gonna have to walk?” Luke whined, although it was pretty obvious he wasn’t really annoyed by the bright smile on his face. 
“Not that much farther!” You called back, practically skipping ahead as you neared the edge of the strawberry fields. 
“Good. I feel like my feet are gonna fall off. Y’know how to fix fallen-off-feet, Doc?”
“Are you doubting my skills, Castellan?” You gasped, spinning around to face him, your hands planted firmly on your hips. 
“Hmm, maybe?” He mused, smiling wider as you skipped back to him. 
“Well, don’t. Or I’ll hit you over the head with the picnic basket.” You responded, before linking your arm with his, and leading him to a small spot that was free of the strawberry plants. 
“Happy now?”
He sighed, placing the basket down gently before slumping to the floor, “Overjoyed.” 
He stayed like that for a minute, watching out of the corner of his eye as you spread the blanket across the dirt floor, smoothing it down gently and unpacking the various food items you had prepared. 
Luke cracked a small grin as he watched, marvelling in the way you glowed in the sun. Everyday he thought you couldn't get more beautiful, and everyday he was proven wrong. 
He sat up to tuck in to the picnic, admiring the way you rolled your eyes at him with fondness as you also moved to sit down. 
“Finally decided to- OW!” You exclaimed, cutting off your own statement as you cried out in pain. 
Luke was immediately by your side, asking what was wrong as you tentatively picked your hand up off the floor, shaking it side to side. 
“Holy shit that hurts.” You murmured, looking down at the thorn that had lodged itself into your hand. 
“You're gonna be ok, don’t worry, I’ll get it out for you.” He reassured, although he seemed much more worried than you. 
“Luke,” You laughed, “I’m all good. Camp’s best doctor, remember?” You reminded, before reaching into your palm and pulling the thorn out in one fell swoop. 
As soon as it was out, he was grabbing your palm, cradling it in his hand and inspecting the tiny wound carefully. 
“You're sure you’re ok? We can-” 
“I’m perfectly fine. Why are you so stressed about this?” You asked, confused. He had always been protective, but not usually to such an extreme. 
“Oh, uh, I dunno, just don’t want you to get hurt.” He muttered, still running his fingers along the palm of your hand. 
“So I can’t have a thorn in my hand, but you're allowed to wander into the infirmary with massive gashes up your side?”
He chuckled, his voice low, “Yeah. I guess that’s right.” 
“You’re impossible, Castellan.” You whispered, and when your eyes met once again, you felt a shift in the air. 
Suddenly all the events throughout your friendship made perfect sense, and it was like you had finally found the missing piece to a seemingly impossible puzzle. 
Luke had clearly seen the realisation in your eyes, as he raised his free hand to cup your cheek, your face warming slightly under his touch. 
"Please tell me I'm not reading too much into all of this." You sighed.
"You're not. I don't know how you didn't realise." Luke chuckled, "May I?" He asked, and you nodded, both of you moving forward to meet the other’s lips. 
And you couldn’t help but wonder, how you hadn’t realised sooner. 
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proud papa
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bryanbozzi · 3 months
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Charles: “Ollie is an extraordinary talent. In his first year he must not put too much pressure on himself, he must be able to make mistakes, he must gain experience and he must grow. If you need advice, I'm here.”
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countingstars-17 · 1 year
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maxverstappen1: "it's fixed 🇭🇺🙌"
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cerastes · 6 months
The Ambience Synesthesia 2024 Web Event provided us with an extremely sacred artifact:
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Ines’ Smile…!
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elaindolly · 13 days
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bigbangjustified · 1 month
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hi equius
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swarahlx3 · 6 months
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need sum new shoes ('ω')
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kirkhammettz · 5 months
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herigo · 10 months
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astroz0mbie157 · 11 months
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😭😭😭 her face 😭😭😭
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ichikopotato · 7 months
I hope I’m not disturbing you but can I request a maybe..bill smut? 2009-2010 maybe 😭 where he’s just saying such sweet things to the reader and the reader just goesss absolutely dumb from it , thank you and I love your writings soo much ♥️
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✮⋆˙ pairings : 2009 B. Kaulitz ᡣ𐭩
✮⋆˙ warnings : smut (obvi) softdom! bill, sub! reader, reader is a cutie patootie, sweet bill, praising kink, begging, implied second round, overall just a soft, sweet bill. ᡣ𐭩
✮⋆˙ a/n : yall, this is mfing hell week at school. I have this fuckin project due at 12, currently writing this at 10:24 PM!!! ᡣ𐭩
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-> IT WAS A COZY AFTERNOON with your boyfriend, Bill. You both were snuggled up together in your bed, watching TV. It was the first act of affection you gotten for the whole day, ever since your boyfriend was gone off to the studio working for a new album.
You were snuggled up in his chest, your leg’s tangled up together. His chin rested onto your head, as he kissed it softly. As the credits rolled out, you felt something hard on your lower back.
“Baby, is that the remote?” You smile, asking him. He smirked, turning around so you straddled his waist. “Nein, honey. Wan’ me to show you sweetheart?” He muttered, smiling as his voice got lower.
You stutter, blushing softly as you realised what it was. You nodded, biting your lower lip. “Ja, please baby.” As he pulled you into a kiss, smiling softly.
He groaned, unbuttoning your pajamas. He pulled away, removing his pajamas as well leaving you both naked. He moaned softly, rubbing your clit. “Wan’ this, schatz? want me to make you feel good?”
He chuckled, kissing your cheek. He slowly inserted his fingers into your sopping wetness, whispering sweet nothings into your ear. “Feels good, Hübsches Mädchen?” “Willst du mehr? Ja? Coming right up, honey.” “My sweet girl, Das ist hübsch für mich.” “Want me to kiss you? s’cute.”
You felt your stomach flipped around at his words, as the coil in your stomach got tighter. “m’close, bill..” you moan out, holding onto his shoulders. You whimper, releasing all over his fingers.
He cooed, kissing you softly. He slowly pulled his fingers out of you, licking it clean. Bill slowly positioned himself at your entrance, before pushing inside, groaning. “C’mon, baby. Ride me, kay?” He smiles.
You nodded, slowly riding him. He groaned, grabbing your hips. “Go faster f’me, sweet girl.” As you obeyed, riding him at a steady pace. You moan, your breasts bouncing up and down, as he massaged them gently.
“Such a good girl f’me, baby.” “Doing so well, fuck— keep riding me like that.” “Gonna make you ride me more often now, baby.”
Something occurred in your pussy at his gentle words, making you ride him faster than you did before.
As you ride him faster, you tighten around him, moaning n’ whimpering. “You close, pretty?” He grunted. You nodded, whining as you came all over him. You moaned, your legs shaking as you rode out your highs together.
He panted, gulping. He pulled you into a passionate kiss, moaning softly. Your hands tangled up in his hair, as your tongues danced together.
You both pull away, panting and flustered. He kissed your neck, leaving a little hickey.
“Can you take more, Mein hübsches Baby?”
guess you won’t be getting any sleep tonight.
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