#cuz i'm sorry but neither of these two people know each other at all
problemswithbooks · 1 year
God can hori be any more heavy handed with the "DONT YOU WANT TO BE NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL" bestie, shes drinking other kids blood, thats not just "not normal". This weird retcon thing is annoying, Idk why hed bother putting her backstory in when he didnt give much of a shit about it 😭
The thing is, I actually don't think trying to say Toga's blood drinking is normal is necessarily bad or something that can't be done well. Quirks are a major part of the world and the story overall--it's not that far fetched that blood drinking might be a normal thing a person with a Quirk would want to do. If people can accept people that can make explosions which could also be dangerous to kids and people (and very much was for Izuku) then it's not a huge stretch to accept that blood drinking for Toga is normal and she should be accepted as such.
The issue is that Hori didn't really make that the issue. I don't think he really sees it himself given how he wrote Mineta, but Toga's main problem and why shes not accepted is a matter of consent not because she's seen as a creep.
This is why her backstory doesn't work very well, besides the fact it's way to late and very short. Yes, her parents freak out about her Quirk and obsession with blood. The problem is that they don't freak out for zero reason and are the only ones who reject her.
No child should be drinking the blood of birds. Whether she killed it or not, birds carry many diseases and parasites harmful to people. Her father shouldn't have hit her (because, I guess he did even though it's poorly conveyed), but the shock given what she's doing is understandable. Especially if they think she killed it (which is weird, and suggests she might have done something they found disturbing before this or were bad parents regardless of her Quirk).
Then they yell at her because she's biting her finger bloody. That's self harm and something you would want to send a child to therapy for. Sure, the counselor didn't help, but it's not like they can give Toga what she wants.
That's hammered home when they yell at her again when she drinks another kids blood. Hori messes up and doesn't show us what happens so we don't know if she hurt this other kid, or if they were scared of her or if they were fine with it.
Just giving us a look at her parents reaction doesn't give us any idea how she was seen by her peers. Because of that it's hard to make the case that she was only rejected for her Quirk alone, rather then her actions. In fact the only time we see other students they say she was popular and well liked until she attacked a boy in the class.
Given how young she looks when her parents yell at her for sucking another kids blood, and the fact she fled school after she attacked her crush, it appears these were separate events. If that was the case people in her school might have already heard about her sucking a kids blood earlier, and clearly not cared. In the very least we have to assume they knew her Quirk involved blood because Hori doesn't make any suggestion that it was hidden.
And that's why the theme of acceptance and Toga being normal because blood drinking is a part of her falls flat. No one ever said shit about her Quirk ever, except for her parents in sparse flashbacks. Ochako never thinks her blood drinking is gross nor do any of the the other Heroes or class 1A students. Hell, Tenya doesn't even bad mouth Stain for drinking blood even though he hated the guy so much he wanted him dead. This doesn't make it seem like the world rejected her for her Quirk.
No, the entire problem is that Toga doesn't understand consent or boundaries. We never see her ever ask anyone, even as a kid if she can drink their blood (that would have been a better scene then her drinking birds blood imho) and get rejected and told off and bullied/ostracized for her desire. Which if that did happen would explain why she never asks again and feels no one will accept her.
And, you could blame her parents and the therapist for this, but I'd just wager Hori doesn't really grasp that consent is the issue here. Mainly because Ochako never addresses it in anyway, even though she does bring up Toga's crimes. She offers her blood to Toga for life, but does not say that difference between Toga drinking her blood as opposed to anyone else's is because she is giving permission.
In the end Toga doesn't learn anything and just gets what she wanted given to her. Maybe Hori will address this next chapter but it really should have been brought up sooner. That or he should have had Toga actually not be accepted what-so-ever and shunned by all her peers for her Quirk even before she attacked her crush.
And this is part of the reason I really don't like the queer reading of the chapter is because by doing so it is suggesting that queer people are dangerous. If we read Toga's blood drinking as the same as kissing--which she seems to say (though her expression while drinking blood suggests something more...problematic) then she has been going around kissing people against their will to fulfill her own needs. If we read this as queer, is the story not saying that repressed gay people will sexually harass people because they can't understand consent when they inevitably snap?
I'm not saying this was or is Hori's intent. I think it's pretty clear he just didn't see how big an issue of consent there was with Toga and her Quirk. He wanted it to be all about how she wasn't accepted as normal, but didn't put in the work of showcasing that well. He has a lousy track record with female characters getting way less attention and with his rush to finish on top of that, Ochako and Toga got screwed with a half baked climax. Unfortunately that's also left it with less then great implications if you think about it for a coupe of minutes.
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happy74827 · 9 months
I came to make present you a proposition: Gideon and Reader but they’re enemies to lovers, you know sexual tension, can’t be away from each other but are always butting heads, ironic but maybe not that ironic flirting completely over the top but neither want to swallow their pride and admit they wanna fuck
Yeah I think that’d be neat
Burning Rage
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[Gideon Graves x Female!Reader]
Synopsis: You swear you hate each other, but you can't help but find yourselves drawn to one another, despite all the arguing.
WC: 2701
Category: Enemies/Lovers, First Kiss
I'm so sorry this took so long. Life has been HECTIC, but I'm finally getting these fics done. Anyways, you’re absolutely right. This is neat and hopefully you like what I wrote (despite the fact that I am not proofreading it cuz I’m lazy 😁)
You and Gideon… well, let’s just say your first meeting isn't a pleasant one.
He was a pretentious, egotistical prick with the personality of a bag of wet shit, and you absolutely despised him.
Not only was he an asshole, but he was an asshole who had the most infuriating ability to get under your skin and push all your buttons, no matter what you did to prevent it.
The man was like a disease; you tried to keep away from him as much as possible, but if you weren’t careful, you ended up coming into contact with him, and no matter how much you washed, you couldn’t quite seem to get him off your skin.
The worst thing about it all was that everyone was in love with him. He could do no wrong, and no matter what he said or did, the people around him hung off his every word and were practically tripping over themselves to do what he said.
He was so smug about it, too, the absolute bastard. He knew he had everyone in his clutches, and he reveled in it, basking in the attention and praise he got.
The man thought he was god's gift to humanity, and he made sure everyone else knew it.
It was sickening.
You were the only person he couldn’t quite break down and mold into his perfect little doll. No matter how hard he tried, no matter what he said, you never gave him the satisfaction of seeing your cave, even just a little.
No, you were stubborn and headstrong, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get his claws into you.
He'd be lying if he said that didn’t intrigue him.
You were the first person who had ever given him the cold shoulder, and it was frustrating him beyond belief. He'd always been able to make people bend to his will, whether it was through his natural charisma or by using the information he'd gathered on them to make their lives miserable if they didn't.
But you... You were a challenge, and he hated and loved it all at once.
It was so different. He had no control over what happened between the two of you, and while the concept was strange and unknown, he found himself becoming obsessed with trying to break you down and get a reaction out of you.
And so, it began.
The flirting started out as a joke. He didn’t mean anything by it at first. He just wanted to get a reaction out of you, see those pretty cheeks flush a deep shade of red, and hear you stutter and struggle to come up with a retort.
You were good, though; you always had a quick-witted reply ready to fire back at him, and he had to admit, it was fun.
It was a nice little game for the both of you, even if it was just to let out your frustrations with each other and try and gain some sort of upper hand over the other.
But then... The lines became blurred, and things got messy.
When you were alone, your words held more weight. Your insults weren't so lighthearted, and the way you said his name had his heart racing. He wondered if you realized how your voice dropped and sounded more breathless when you addressed him.
It was like you were whispering a dirty secret to him, and something about that excited him in ways that made him feel guilty and ashamed.
Your fights turned from petty squabbles to something that was almost... sensual in nature.
The way you stood so close, faces inches apart, the tension between the two of you almost palpable, and the way you looked at him... You were looking at him like you wanted to devour him, and that alone was enough to make him weak in the knees.
Your conversations were filled with hidden meanings and implications, and there was so much sexual tension he could have cut through it with a knife.
He was addicted, and he was certain that you felt the same way, from the way your eyes roamed his body, lingering on his lips, and the way your hands would ghost over his arms and chest whenever he was close.
He wanted you, and he was pretty sure you wanted him, too.
The only problem was neither of you was willing to admit it or give in, and so, the dance continued.
“I swear to god, Graves, if you don't quit following me around like a lost puppy, I'll break your fucking legs," You growled, glaring at the man trailing behind you, an unreadable expression on his face.
"Why, darling, you know you don't mean that. After all, I'm sure you'd miss my presence and my company, wouldn't you?" He hummed, and you fought the urge to roll your eyes and scream at him.
"I think I'd be able to find a way to survive without your charming presence," You snarked, turning on your heel and facing him, "Now, go and bother someone else because I have places to be."
You brushed past him, not sparing him another glance, and he chuckled before reaching out and grabbing your arm.
"Don't be like that. I just want to talk. Is that so wrong?" He murmured, his tone low and his gaze dark.
“Yes. Yes, it is. Let go of me, or I'll rip your fucking hand off," You tugged on your arm, trying to pull yourself free from his grasp, but his grip was tight and unyielding.
"You know I'm stronger than you, sweetheart.” He whispered gently, “Don't waste your energy.”
“You—” A sharp yank cut you off, and before you knew what was happening, Gideon was dragging you away from the busy street and into a dark alley.
He didn’t let go of you, not until the two of you were out of sight and away from prying eyes.
He stood with his back to the street, keeping his eyes trained on you, and you mirrored his actions, glaring daggers at him.
There was an uneasy silence, and neither of you dared to speak, too afraid that the wrong words would be the trigger to set the other off.
Finally, Gideon sighed and broke the silence, his tone tired and exasperated, "You never make things easy, do you? Why can't you just let things be easy?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. Did I hurt your feelings, Sweetheart?" You sneered, and he shook his head, "Maybe if you weren't such an arrogant, narcissistic bastard, I wouldn't have a problem with you."
"Maybe if you'd just let me talk to you without throwing a hissy fit, I wouldn't have to resort to drastic measures," He shot back, and you glared at him.
"Why should I? Everything out of your mouth is utter bullshit." You stepped towards him, and the two of you were chest to chest, his head tilted down, and your eyes locked on his.
"You're so annoying," He grumbled, and you grinned, "Why can't you be like the rest of the women around here? They’re the ones with some common sense."
"Common sense? If they were smart, they'd stay the hell away from you."
"I don't know whether to take that as an insult or a compliment," He mused. He had a smug look on his face, and you were overcome with the urge to punch him.
"Shut up. I don't want to hear another word from you."
"That's a lie. You love hearing my voice; it's like a beautiful melody. It's what keeps you going, day after day," He drawled, and you could feel his warm breath tickling your face and making the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. “A soft lullaby, a beautiful serenade, that has the power to captivate any audience. I bet my voice plays in your dreams every night, keeping you awake and leaving you wanting more."
"Shut. Up." You repeated, but this time, your words were much less convincing, and he chuckled, his eyes lighting up.
"You can deny it all you want, but we both know the truth. I could tell you what I know about you and what goes on inside that pretty little head of yours, but that would spoil the surprise and ruin the mystery," He leaned closer, his lips hovering above your ear, "And we can't have that, can we?"
"You're delusional, just like the idea that G-Man Media is the best there is. You're the one who has the delusion and fantasy of thinking the world succumbs to you. You are nothing, Graves; you are a pathetic, spineless, weak-minded man-child who can't even face reality.”
“Listen here, Buddy—”
“Oh, struck a nerve, did I? Do I need to remind you that no one, and I mean no one, wants to work with you? They do it because you have money, and if they want their business to succeed, they have to kiss your ass. But once that money runs out, and it will, you will be a nobody again, just like you were when you were a sad, lonely little boy, sitting in your room, crying and whining, and wondering why no one would play with you."
Gideon’s smooth expression fell, and for a moment, he was stunned into silence, his mouth open and his eyes wide.
"How... How dare you!" He snarled, his voice rising.
"How dare I? You're the one who dragged me down here and forced me to talk to you when I told you multiple times I didn't want to. If you didn’t want the truth, then you should have stayed away." You spat, and he scowled, his face twisted with rage.
"I know. I'm an awful, terrible person, but at least I can admit it. Can you?"
He froze, his mouth open, but the words stuck in his throat, and he looked away, avoiding your gaze.
"That's what I thought," You smirked, "Don't worry, Graves, I won't hold it against you.”
You took this as your time to leave. He didn’t have a comeback, and he didn't seem interested in talking anymore. So, with his head turned away and his back to you, you started to walk away.
You were barely five steps away when you felt a hand on your wrist, and your heart jumped into your throat, your fight or flight instinct kicking in.
In one fluid motion, you swung your arm around to strike him, but he caught it with ease and grabbed the other one, his grip on your wrists strong and unyielding, no matter how hard you struggled.
No words were spoken, just a few pained grunts and strained gasps and the sound of shuffling and scuffing feet as you tried to pull away and escape his hold.
But you failed and gave up when you noticed that he wasn’t glaring at you anymore. Instead, he looked conflicted and lost, his eyes filled with a myriad of emotions and a troubled frown on his lips.
The two of you remained in that position, standing mere inches apart; the only sound filling the air was the sound of your heavy breathing and the occasional whimper or grunt that escaped one of you.
"Let me go, Graves." You whispered, and his grip tightened on your wrists, and his eyes met yours again, the look in them almost pleading.
"Let me go," You repeated, but your words were softer this time, and your tone was less forceful and more imploring.
He didn’t speak or make a sound, but his grip loosened. If you tugged just a little, you would be able to slip free. He would let you leave.
And yet, you didn’t.
Your body was telling you to leave, to put as much distance between the two of you as possible, but your mind and your heart were saying something else entirely.
His touch burned your skin, and it left a pleasant, tingling feeling wherever he touched.
You felt his breath on your face, and it made you shiver and your stomach churn as your brain tried to decipher what was happening and what it meant.
“Gideon…” You mumbled, and his eyes widened a tad, but he still didn’t say anything.
It was the first time you’d called him by his first name, and you didn't know why, but the atmosphere had changed. It was less hostile and more intimate, in a way.
"You're so infuriating," You whispered, "You're a smug, arrogant, conceited asshole, and I can't stand being around you."
"You're not exactly a joy to be around, either." He said, his tone lacking the usual venom and arrogance. His voice was soft, like that lullaby he'd mentioned earlier.
"But you're so..." You trailed off, unable to find the right word.
"I'm so what?" He prompted, but his question was more like a plea, and his eyes were hopeful and shining, a hint of something you couldn't quite identify hidden within their depths.
"You're just... So..." You bit your lip and looked away, unable to meet his intense, piercing gaze, "You're so..."
"So...?" He pressed, leaning in closer.
He was close, so close, the tips of your noses were almost touching, and the distance between your bodies was nearly non-existent.
He was waiting for your answer, his eyes searching yours, and his body frozen in place. He wasn't moving, not an inch, and neither were you.
You were at a crossroads, and no matter which direction you went in, there was a chance it would come back to bite you in the ass later on.
So, you made a decision.
You surged forward and crashed your lips against his, kissing him hard.
He was stunned for a moment, his hands releasing your wrists and his eyes wide, but after a moment, he seemed to relax and kissed you back, his hands gripping your waist and pulling you closer.
It was rough and messy, teeth and tongues clashing together, and lips and cheeks being bruised and bitten, as the two of you finally let loose and indulged in each other.
You didn't think and didn't stop to consider the implications of what was happening or how things would change afterward.
The only thing on your mind was Gideon, and the way his hands were roaming your body, and the way he tasted, and the way he made your skin tingle and your insides burn with desire.
You could only focus on the present and what was happening between the two of you as his tongue danced with yours and his teeth nibbled on your lower lip, sending a pleasant shudder through your body.
He broke the kiss and buried his face in the crook of your neck, pressing open-mouthed kisses to your neck, and his hot breath against your skin was making you dizzy and lightheaded.
"Gideon," You whimpered, tangling your fingers in his hair and tugging gently, on the dark locks as his lips sucked and nipped at your skin, and left a trail of dark red marks in their wake.
His glasses were pressing into your cheek, and he pulled away, his breath heavy and his hair a mess.
"Hold still," He said, and before you could respond, he reached up and pulled the offending articles off his face.
His eyes were a stunning shade of hazel, and they were filled with lust and desire, his pupils blown wide and a deep, dark look in them.
You were mesmerized, and he smiled softly as he brushed a stray strand of hair from your face and tucked it behind your ear.
"What did I say? I knew my voice would play a part in your dreams, one way or another," He hummed, a smug look on his face.
"I will break your nose and put you on your knees.” You spoke with your usual amount of venom.
To most, it would sound like a threat, but Gideon was able to read between the lines, and with that familiar smirk on his lips, he pulled you closer, his hands cupping your cheeks and his face inches from yours.
"Is that a promise?"
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impactedfates · 1 year
Hello! Is it alright if I request platonic headcanons for Dan Heng, March 7th, and Welt with a teen!reader who’s really calm and chill? They don’t cause trouble/chaos, has a really calming presence, easy to talk to, is mostly mature for their age, but they aren’t cold or blunt. They are nice but not naive, and they are quite observant + smart when they need to be, so they’re good at solving problems (reader is kind of like the calmest one on the Astral Express lol)
Please remember to take breaks and to stay hydrated! Your health comes first :)
A/N: Yes it's alright :D Thank you, I'll remember to take breaks and drink water, you will too alright?? I'm so sorry if this came out so late :sob: I didn't mean to make you wait for so long!
Genre/Trope: Platonic + Found Family (Express Family)
Format: Head Cannons (Separate)
Warnings: None
Extra: Reader slightly of taller then March despite being younger // Grandpa Welt <33 // Reader was also found in ice along with March
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Dan Heng admires how calm you can be, even in stressful situations and is thankful at how observant and smart you are. Likely helping the group get out of certain situations due to it. You're rather different to the girl who was found floating near you in ice and he noticed quickly how you two were almost polar opposites.
He enjoys having another person on board the express who's calm and he's thankful you're easy to talk too. And that you don't mind how closed off he is himself, he's also thankful you don't cause trouble on missions or the express and rather you help defuse them.
He sees you as a younger sibling and makes sure you're being taken care of as well. Everyone on the express is his family and he will ensure all will be protected. This means you have to eat your vegetables, hydrate and sleep.
I see you two relaxing in the archives as you help him with adding things into the Data Banks when neither of you can sleep. And when you do ultimately fall asleep, he carefully carries you back to your room and tucks you in before continuing working himself.
Also, despite being younger then most of the express, you're more mature then a good few of them which are adults. And he's unsure if he should be concerned cuz of that fact.
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March 7th is older then you, but she considers you her twin! Simply because you were both found on the same day, and even though everyone knows you're a teen so younger then she is. People go along with it.
She complains a bit about being shorter then you, one of the times she doesn't call you her twin. But she means well, all her little annoyances and complaints with you slightly being taller is a joke.
Anytime she's stuck on a puzzle she always call for you (And I mean like, those puzzles you buy in shops) and always watches intently as you figure it out.
She's of course aware at how calm and chill you are, and honestly. When you two first got to know each other she wanted to see what would change that. Pulling pranks and attempting to annoy you but not too much. Yet you still stayed calm.
She's very interested at how you're so calm in nearly every situations, now a days. She accepts it as you and won't try to break the calmness you have. If she's ever having a bad day, she comes to you. You oddly have an aura that helps her calm down.
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When Welt saw not one but TWO ice blocks containing people in it, he was shocked. However wasted no time in saving the two of you. Just like March you seemed to have lost your memories and he's determined to help you find out your past.
He sees you as his grandkid, and was even a bit protective of you at first. However seeing your calm nature and how smart you were in many situations calmed himself down. He's still worried if you go on missions but he trusts that you'll be protected.
He's not that surprised you act so differently to March when you two were both in ice however he does find it amusing in a way. You're still a teen so even if he does trust you now to go on missions, he wants you to update him.
Just like Dan Heng, he's thankful you're not only chill but don't cause problems, also you're rather mature for your age, if you were older then he'd definitely consider putting you in charge of the train if Dan Heng wasn't able too take charge. Considering you're age currently, only Dan Heng is in charge.
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DIWNDJFEHW. Hopefully I'll be able to finish the next requests in the following days, I feel so bad for not being able to write them yet :,)
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lionmythflower · 6 months
Headcannons. Alastair and Chase Redford.
ily rhakdbakdnw ty for the ask :D
Ok ok
Let's do this (this is based of the show plot line bc I can't remember the book plot line and I don't even think Alistair and chase were in the books)
Pausing my music for this
Ok so first how Alistair came to wonderland for a bit of background info
Heard sm1 say that smth bad was happening where he lived and his mother told him to follow a white bunny cuz she was the Alice before him
And blah blah blah he goes to wonderland and such but then he doesn't go back to where he came from bc of whatever bad is happening
I hc that he was from like our world so there's no magic from there
and he meets everyone in wonderland and becomes friends w Kitty, Maddie,Lizzie, bunny and chase
And probably at some point Alistair realizes he has feels for chase and most likely goes to Maddie to talk abt it
And Maddie is completely normal abt it cuz shit like this is normal in wonderland
but anyways when chase realizes he likes Alistair he goes to Lizzie and Lizzie is js like bro idk js ask him out?
Lmao so he does and Alistair is like gnskfbskfbns
And then they date
and they'll probably like middle school age when they start dating
(Bunny is js casually in a qpr w the rest of their wonderlandian friends (Lizzie, Maddie and Kitty))
The land gets cursed by miss evil queen aka raven's mom lol
And the mad hatter, Lizzie , Maddie and Kitty escape
But bunny Alistair and chase don't
And the three of them basically js form a very close friendship (besides Alistair and chase) and help each other deal w their friends being gone
Alistair mostly comforts bunny when she's sad abt not being w her partners
And chase and Alistair help eachother get through it
And one day a few years later
bunny and Alistair are being the sillys that they are and exploring Wonderland for the 5th time that week
And they find the story book of legends and such, blah blah y'all know what happened w that and the Cheshire cat kitty's mom
And cue them trying to figure out ever after high bc this place is so weird
And people hitting on both Alistair and bunny and their oblivious asses js not noticing 😭😭
Anyways everyone thinks they're a couple bc even tho everyone in wonderland acts like that w their friends it's not normal in ever after
But bunny gets reunited w her partners:D
And now Alistair is separated from his
And they're co-dependant on eachother so neither of them take it well
I'm sorry ( no I'm not) but Alistair would 100% go off on headmaster grimm for being rude to him or any of his friends
Alistair is just going of at grimm with a bunch of wonderland cusses and our world cusses (lmao this is the real reason why grimm doesn't like Alistair)
But anyways
Alistair seeing darling and being like oh hi darling! 🥰 bc darling has 100% caught Alistair almost getting killed by some of the cards and helped him out lol
Anyways the rumors that bunny and Alistair are dating went away when Alistair mentioned his boyfriend and Maddie kissed bunny in the cafeteria lol
But then imagine w the wonderland episodes
They would probably go differently lol
w/ chase helping the girls bc that's his bsfs
alistair would be so happy to see chase again when raven broke the curse on wonderland
But anyways
They all lived happily ever after
Alistair is a very fidgety person and also has anxiety and ADHD (and panic attacks)
And chase has sensory overloads and anxiety attacks (he has autism and anxiety)
(Cuz I said so got both of the last two bullets)
Alistair gives asexual vibes and probably js gay
And chase give demiromantic and maybe bi??? Idk
Chase is indecisive as fuck and Alistair is impulsive as fuck
They balance eachother out
Alistair rambles so much
And he doesn't think most of his friends listen
But then Chase will remember smth he said in a ramble a whil ago and alistair is ill js be like :D
Chase calls Alistair, Ali and he says he hates the nickname but he secretly loves it
Alistair is lalalala and chase is okokokok
Alistair gets sick so easily it's not even funny anymore
Chase takes care of him when he's sick
Alistair is the friend that has a bag w literally anything and everything in it
(Lizzie made it and Maddie somehow made it like her hat where you can take anything out of it)
Alistair is an introvert that acts like an extrovert and then he goes and hangs out w chase and is silent for like 3 hours as he recharges w his bf
They take naps together:) <3
Alistair steals chase's clothes bc chase is taller so they're rlly baggy on him and he likes that lol
Chase more often than not has earbuds or headphones on to block out noise
chase is the kind of person that you'd think would be rlly scary and then you see him curled up on a couch with Alistair and it's js like oh!
Also the kind of person that everyone things is homophobic and then it turns out he has a boyfriend
Alistair makes playlists for all his friends and has made so so many for chase lol
Alistair gives trans vibes tbh like ftm yk?
idk what chase is but there's no way he's cis
Alr that's all I can think of
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hyeahgaku · 7 months
I sympathise with Slur's gang's backstory but that don't mean I condone their acts. And they're far from being "good" people but they have a tiny bit of good in them too.
Slur's cause has always been targeted at anythin related to the JAA. Early on in the series we were shown that Slur & Gaku k1lled either JAA members, those workin for the JAA or those w deep ties to the JAA -and yep this, unfortunately, includes the JCC. But then Slur had two innocent kids (Mafuyu & Nao) abducted & forcefully recruited them to serve in his cause & even implanted b0mbs in their bodies without their knowledge. He planned to use them as sacrificial pawns & that's fckin insane so fck you for that, Slur. Prior to this, we actually never saw Slur & Gaku k1ll innocent bystanders, at least i dont recall. Until Kumanomi's battle happened. But that's also because she was exploitin her opponents' weaknesses by involvin innocents into their fight. That was dirty play & so fck you for that, Kumanomi. Movin on, when Haruma was sent to find Erio, he did not attack the waiter whom he asked for mineral water & by the end of the chap we saw the hostesses are all alive too. He did destroy the helicopter which they arrived in at the museum but i'm certain that Carolina flew it so there was nobody left inside when Haruma blew it up. So on Haruma's part, Ig zero civilians casualties count.
And then there's also the issue w Kanaguri; who was w the JAA/Order at the same time workin w Slur..? He claimed he's on neither's side & he obviously only cares abt making his movie so he pretty much falls into the grey area, kinda, but he did k1ll a number of people, Satoda-sensei being one of them.
So all in all, the only time we know innocent civilians lives are really at stake is during the current museum exhibition -cuz Slur intends to blow up the place. (If there are any other instances Slur or his gang have k1lled innocent civilians in the midst of their fightin, it must be that I've forgotten, so sorry abt that.)
Now, the Al-Kamar backstory.
Didn't the statement Kumanomi made abt how they never asked for their powers, lives, etc., when they were taken into Al-Kamar, strike yall as important? Slur & his Al-Kamar family were innocent children to begin with -literal ORPHANS- who I belive were born ordinary & has no innate superpowers. Most likely, they were lied to & forced into goin to that wretched facility which was disguised as an orphanage, only to later be abused & experimented on, indoctrined to become elite Order super-soldiers. Natsuki's dad wanted to send Mafuyu there -a perfect example of a kid with no superpowers- proving that any ordinary child could be admitted to that facility. The JAA operated Al-Kamar, cleverly using "orphanage" as its facade -for what? So they could transfer innocent orphans from other orphanages & bring them in to Al-Kamar. Since they got no parents, no kins nor relatives to check on their well-being, right? And even if these kids die, they give zero fcks about it. As Natsuki's mom said, they didnt even report the deaths. The lives of these orphans mean nothin to the JAA so it seemed.
The only thing we're still unsure of is *WHO* was behind this Al-Kamar project. Asaki was still a mere JAA Exec when it was shown that Gaku was still in Al-Kamar but based on Slur's dialogue in chap 153 it sounded like it was Asaki who created Al-Kamar. Does this mean no one else, especially Soichi (ex-JAA Chairman) & Yotsumura-san, knew of its existence? Cuz I find it unthinkable if they let Asaki go on w it.
Now as stated I DO NOT condone Slur & his crew's acts but I also wanna look at things from their pov. Growin up in such a horrific & harsh place, instead of a nice & cosy one which could be called "home"; where you only have kids your age to depend on to protect each other from insane adults tryin to do shit to ya every day of the week or every week... must be pure madness in there. And I sympathise. Because Slur & his little family here, as well as those other kids in Al-Kamar, were literal innocent & helpless children. Given their upbringing back then, does it not make sense that their moral compass will be askew? Plus the mentality Kumanomi has -only friends & enemies exist in her world view- I like to think that it may be attributed to regular brainwashing/conditioning in Al-Kamar or somethin. After all, these orphans were trained from young to k1ll. It aint a stretch to say that the Al-Kamar staff have brainwashed them into thinkin that whoever they have in the orphanage are their "friends" & anyone else who try to hurt them are to be considered "enemies". But over time myb this brainwashin wore off & these kids eventually learned that the real "friends" are the other kids just like themselves, and the staff that performed experiments on them are just not it.
Which still left me wonderin if the arson was done by Slur himself, or was it someone else ordered by Asaki? I like to belive Asaki ordered it in order to remove traces & evidence of the heinous activities performed on those orphans. But how could Slur get there on time to save Gaku and the rest? So it's most likely Slur's doing, right? I rly need answers, Suzuki-sensei.
Just so yall know this post is not to force or influence anyone into thinkin that Slur & his little family are not "bad people" cuz they ARE -judge it by the scope of their crimes & ruthlessness. Its also not to make anyone sympathise w them & be in full support of their cause. I merely wanted to share that they do have 1% good in them too since they look out for one another as this is what's left of their family & what they're set out to do rn is to make Asaki pay for robbin their lives & otherwise good futures. And myb also, indirectly, to pay for what he did to the ex-JAA Chairman & Yotsumura-san. It's just that Slur's chosen method is way too extreme.
As a reader, I want the truth & just like me, Slur & his little family, Akira, Nagumo, Sakamoto & even Shishiba deserve to know or reveal the truth. Which, I belive, lies with Asaki.
I'd also like to add that I can understand if people dislike villain-sad-backstory trope but imo it's common theme in most fictional stories. And if that trope isn't to your liking, that doesn't mean that it's lame or bad writing on the authors' part.
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vacantgodling · 10 months
Genji Shimada, for the send a random character headcanon asks?
(I'm only on the second chapter of Cage, so sorry if you mentioned this info later)
(haha no worries i don’t really mention any of my “specific” headcanons in this story cuz i’m more worried about the plot lol—but thank you for reading actually i’m touched 🥺🥺)
Sexuality Headcanon: bisexual or pansexual — perhaps gray or demiromantic cuz before cyborg-ness i can’t see him wanting to be tied down to anything, after cyborg-ness i feel like finding someone he can connect with on a deep level due to this whole situation is more precedent for him wanting to be with someone. he’s down to fuck tho; maybe a little less eagerly than before but in general he’s dtf in my mind lol
Gender Headcanon: cis boyo but i feel like being a cyborg does like. affect how he feels about himself generally so i’d almost lean into calling him slightly nb because of that, if that makes sense
A ship I have with said character: for genji i have varying ships but the two most prominent tend to be genji/baptiste or genji/lucio. neither of them appear in cage properly but in a different fic that’s on hiatus, storm chasers, he and bap are a thing (i also just ship bap with a lot of people LMAO)
A BROTP I have with said character: him and cassidy! from canon they technically have a more ambiguous relationship. it’s said that genji didn’t communicate with other blackwatch members after he went into regular overwatch (so this would include cassidy), however i Highly Doubt that the two of them would’ve had a completely terrible relationship the entire time he was in blackwatch. plus, with the recall i feel like it’d be a chance for them to sort of reminisce about the bullshit. so idk—in my mind they’re better friends than canon maybe wants them to be but just because they’re best friends (to me) doesn’t mean they don’t butt heads.
to expand on this, i feel like cass is the only person genji can be completely candid with. with zenyatta he’s focused on healing and being a better person and being one with himself (with occasional teasing), he and angela have a complicated relationship (**to me), and he’s not very talkative towards other people now that he’s older (and he’s much more serious). i feel like cass would be able to break down a lot of his barriers and they’d appreciate each other’s dry sense of humor and in some ways they hold each other accountable to things.
this was a whole rant and a half but their bro-hood means a lot to me.
A NOTP I have with said character: gen/cy. i don’t ship anyone with mercy (for the most part. i’d really have to think if i wanted to ship someone with her but idc that much) but i specifically hate this ship because like. idk. it’s the doctor/patient power dynamic that i don’t like. like she knows his cybernetics, she built him and saved his life and i just feel like that uneven ground to start a relationship at all. i feel like in general, the canon and most people don’t develop angela enough and i feel like she’s kind of an overbearing type but also extremely certain and stubborn of her own morals and values and kind of thinks she’s right over everyone else. i feel like at a certain point she and genji wouldn’t be able to connect or relate to one another—between him wanting to reconnect with hanzo, to finding enlightenment with zen etc etc. so like idk i feel like people who ship this are kind of in a fantasy land where the characters are just perfect and happy and don’t actually like. take into account potential friction.
plus the savior complex is just 🤢
A random headcanon: it’s small but i don’t think genji likes sweets. i got hella headcanons about his tastebuds and how they don’t work (which does show up in cage—chapter 5 i believe). but i think it’s funny the juxtaposition how genji is viewed as more of the sweet/open/fun brother but his tastes are more umami and bitter, but hanzo is seen as more cold/standoffish/mean but he really likes sweets :3
General Opinion over said character: it’s thanks to @valeffelees that i actually have a more nuanced opinion of genji. ngl i used to HAAATE him back when i first got into overwatch because the fandom was so hostile towards hanzo and hanzo is my fucking blorbo so that it irritated me that genji got preferred treatment. however, these days, i don’t think you can have one without the other and i think he’s a really deep and interesting character that people don’t actually put effort into exploring. like even though cage is about han and cassidy it’s also VERY MUCH about genji and putting some goddamn effort into exploring him and his emotions in a way that i’m satisfied with
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hotchs-big-hands · 1 year
I don’t think it’s petty! Like you said, everyone is free to have their own opinions and to follow/unfollow people as they please (unless they remove you as a follower first) :)
I will say that it kind of sounds like we’re on the same side, though? Aaron could have tried to figure out the work/life balance, and Haley could try to see his side of things/assist with finding that balance. Neither of them called it sooner, because they didn’t stop loving each other at any point and they just kept trying to make it work. No one is saying that either of them are 100% innocent or 100% guilty.
The problem is in people loudly hating Haley; not hating her as a person. Rather, hating her as someone who wasn’t content to play ignored housewife for the rest of her life while constantly worrying about her husband getting killed at work or something, and someone who spoke up about being unhappy with the situation
Everyone’s got their opinions. Mine is that Haley has the right to want a present partner/husband/father of her child, especially after having him be present for literal decades before that, and I’m simply against the opinion that she’s some godawful bitch for asking for that
Omg noooo I didn't expect you to see this :((( I'm rly sorry abt this! I'm embarrassed now KDKDKD
I get your points tho! I think like you can either love her or hate her, the two of them weren't made to be together in the end which is sad cuz they obvs were extremely and deeply in love. I just think they really shoulda had a big talk abt what he wanted and what she wanted long ago, way before marriage. Maybe when he was going to law school. He was never going to have an easy lifestyle with the job he wanted, he shoulda been more firm abt this fact. And Haley shoulda been more forward and kind to herself with the fact that she wants more time with him, someone she knows is going to come home at a reasonable hour, and eventually when they had Jack, someone to be a parent too. But it just didn't happen. And so idk I just think that they were both wrong in the end. Aaron isn't a bad person for wanting to do what he's doing, Haley isn't a bad person for wanting what she wants. Both are bad for not communicating and staying in this marriage.
I guess what bothered me was calling fans misogynistic for hating her ? I suppose maybe some of the extreme haters could be but it's not really something I should get into.
Anyway tho I didn't expect you to reach out and now I feel like a clown unfollowing sksksksksk I'm sorry about this! I really hope NO ONE goes to your dms/asks/mentions or the op of the post's to send shitty comments and just generally be a cunt abt this. It's all fiction, we shouldn't attack one another over it. Differing opinions is just how the world works!
Anyway, I hope you're having a good day and again I'm very sorry about this!!!
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bcbdrums · 11 months
For the Headcanon ask board, can you do number 3 and 5?
Thanks for the ask and sorry for answering so late!! Uhhhh.... Uhhhh... You gave me tricky ones!
3. Romantic headcanon for fave ship.
Okay so my fave romantic ship is actually SoMa. You probably were hoping for another pair from me though heheh so I'll do two for this one.
I'm realizing that I'm not good at thinking of romantic headcanons for SoMa, because I see them as kids and not getting too romantic till post-canon... So I guess these are more just...intimacies? I like the idea that Soul helps Maka on and off with her boots. Look at those things... They are HEAVY. And I honestly can't tell without going back to look at screenshots but it looks as if the metal? Is an external thing, kind of like the spikes you put on snow boots to walk through ice? It looks like the metal may be its own thing altogether that she wears just for combat's sake. Which...well man, her legs must be strong. But yeah... I feel like Soul helps her on/off with her boots. Which is quite a personal thing. And then Maka, I feel like she does Soul's laundry and specifically hand-washes his head bands for him. Rich boy don't know how to do laundry when he first comes to the academy, fight me... And rather than make fun of him, Maka just...helps. And with the head bands specifically she takes that extra care because they're important to him, to the look he's after. And she never says a word about it, and he probably only shyly and guiltily tells her thanks every other week or so. They don't talk about it. It's just something she does. And then...I like to think he lets her hear him play. Like if he's sitting in his room, writing a new song on his guitar... She creeps up to the door to listen, peering in the crack... He left it open to let her know she's welcome. And she just sits there silently listening to him compose, knowing that in itself is a gift. And he lets his soul be seen in that way, cuz that's so deeply personal.
As for Spirit and Stein, which is who I assume you were really asking about... Shockingly I prefer them platonically, but on the romantic side... And this is all post-canon thoughts for me, for these two, btw.
I think they're actually absurdly gentle with each other, when it comes to physical things. Too much past baggage for both of them individually and together, so they are extremely cautious together and make no assumptions. And if ever things heat up they take a step back and make sure they're both okay. They take things at their pace, neither rushing ahead of the other. Also, Spirit is the one in charge lol. Also I think they spend a lot of quiet time together. Spirit reading some deep book about the history of witch-kind, Stein next to him on the couch studying weapon soul anatomy on his laptop. Till one of them falls asleep against the other, and then oh well trapped forever now guess it's nap time. Just...quiet intimacies like that. They've been together so long that words aren't that necessary; just being together is enough. They already know what the other is thinking. Apparently I'm not creative with romance lol.
5. A crossover related headcanon.
Ho-boy. I don't care for crossovers, lol. But here we go...
Guess I'll pick Kim Possible because it's the thing I have spent the most time in for the last four or five years. (My gosh who let me do that oh it was me oops.)
Mental image of Stein looking at Dr. Drakken, the two sizing each other up, noting each other's similar scars... (my gosh I have a type and that type is mad scientist apparently) and Stein privately thinking to himself... Why is this guy blue? Why's his girlfriend green and have these crazy powers that def aren't soul wavelength? Gotta "befriend" these people and then dissect them.
Meanwhile Dr. Drakken is looking at the screw in Stein's head like, boy you got a screw loose for sure if that's in fact real and how are you still alive? Are you a zombie? Feeling a little scared of him.
Until. Spirit just de-transforms out of Stein's hands and Drakken is like....human weapon??? Okay time to "befriend" these people and figure out how to get my own human weapons.
Basically, mad scientists figuring out how to manipulate the other toward their personal goals.
I'm not creative lol I'm sorry. Crossovers are just not where my thoughts go. Hope it was entertaining enough anyway.
Thanks for the ask!
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valyrou · 2 years
Hii! Could I get a romantic match up for BSD?
About me
- pan but would like a match up with one of the guys cuz I have hard time choosng the best match (+ no minors of course)
▪︎astronomy, stargazing- special interest of mine since I was like 13
▪︎running&gym - a) u gotta stay healthy b) u gotta look good
▪︎sudoku, rummikub, puzzles - i'm old
▪︎history - huge on ancient Greece but also obsessed with my country's history, i'm always happy to share my knowledge about it with ppl
▪︎making plans/spreadsheets/list & organizing things in general (things in home, papers, even parties u name it i will do it)
▪︎cleaning- u don't understand how much i f**king love it good lord nothing better that a nice, deep cleaned house
▪︎cloudy and rainy weather
▪︎ cats
▪︎long walks especially at night
▪︎energy drinks- basically living of them
▪︎cooking/baking - pretty basic but i love making food for friends and loved ones
▪︎flower arranging- really random but who doesn't like a nice bouquet
▪︎music - Lana Del Rey, Mitski, Hozier, ABBA, TV Girl + playing violin
▪︎ cozy places with homey atmosphere
▪︎loud noises, intense smells, bright light, big gatherings of people, places with high humidity - i'm autistic so yeah
▪︎coffe - never grew to like it, don't think i ever will
▪︎childish & know-it-all & argumentative & reckless ppl
▪︎ dramas - let me just stay in the back and mind my buisness u don't have to get involved (as long as it doesn't involve someone i care about cuz if so then u better know that i'm stepping in)
▪︎ not keeping your words
▪︎ cheating
▪︎ snitching
Personality traits (kind of):
▪︎loyal, dependable, caring, devoted
▪︎i have hard time making close friends so i get into one relationship at time and stick with them for ages (I'll help u get out of even the worst situations, if we're in it we're in it together there's literally not a thing i wouldn't do)
▪︎ acts like the coldest b*tch on the planet but is actually a softie
▪︎always ready to help, give an advice or gets u out of trouble (after spending 30min screaming at u for how dumb u're and telling u that there's no way i'm getting out of my house rn)
▪︎random punching as love language
▪︎either loud af and joking 25/8 or won't say a word for a week (same goes with texting), but generally much quieter and calmer in private
▪︎uses xD unironically
▪︎kind of a control freak + can get bossy and rigid at times
▪︎always doing like 5 things at a time cuz i won't let myself catch a break but will demand u to rest after a one task
▪︎stress cleaner - mopping floor at 2am is a weekly occurrence
▪︎indecisive- just tell me ehat to do and i'll get the job done don't leave picking options to me cuz i will just tell u that neither of them is optimal
▪︎ I have a habit of calling everyone sweetheart/sweetie/sugar/hun...
▪︎ I often see beauty in things that others might not notice and really enjoy the beauty of nature
black mid-back straight hair that i always wear in a pony tail cuz i hate when it gets in my face blue eyes + glasses
i wear only black + lots of chains and heavy boots/platforms (i gotta add some hight u know)
Hope you're doing well, have a nice day!♡
-bandages girl
(yeah it's me again sorry to spam you inbox so much this week :// )
A/n: HII!!! Sorry for the wait! Also don’t worry if you spam my inbox, I’m always super happy to get requests and messages!!
I Hope you‘re doing well and enjoy who i matched you up with! <3
I‘ll match you up with….
Tumblr media
You two probably found each other because you have much in common!
You like puzzles? He‘ll write a story for you to solve, with the help of his gift!
Like an escape room date!
Gentle kisses on your bandages…?
Not necessarily a hugger, but if he hugs, he hugs you like he won’t see you again
Very gentle and patience
You will be his muse and inspiration for novels
Date night stargazing? Meteor showers together?? (Captures the moment in one of his novels for sure!)
Captures all his favorite moments with you together in his books
Forehead kisses frfr
Poe tends to overwork himself, so you telling him to take a break from time to time is nice
I mean you like cats.. a raccoon is close enough to a cat… right?
Karl will be your cat, don’t worry abt it
If you punch him lightly he will chuckle a bit, but be INCREDIBLY GIDDY
he is a goofy lover
He gets flustered easy, but sometimes can be a little dominant and has the balls to caress your cheek or Something
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squirsquirrel · 3 months
Birds of a Feather - BBS
For context, Moo and Vanoss are teens while everyone else is an adult (let me know if this is a wrong thing to do, I honestly don't know. Also, it might change so that everyone is a teen? I haven't thought about this much, honestly). Moo has been sheltered quite a bit and it's implied he and Vanoss like each other. He and Vanoss have special abilities and the following drabble is a random event that occurs in the life of the group (most, I think, will be Moo-centric). It's likely others will also have special abilities, I just haven't figured out what yet.
"So, what? You're into dudes?" When Moo didn't respond, Wildcat shrugged. "Hey, it's no big deal if you are or not. I like men and women, but unfortunately got stuck with that idiot over there who no longer gives a rat's ass about me."
"What about me?" Nogla asked when Wildcat pointed at him. "What did I do?"
"You and your 'Christian values'. And gay people."
"Hey now, I've got nothing against gay people. I just don't wish to partake in those activities."
"And by 'those activities' you mean when I fucked you so good you were moaning and cumming non-stop—"
Nogla made a bunch of sounds, all gibberish, then covered Wildcat's mouth and going red in the face. "That! Was the old me. This is the new me and if you didn't know," he spoke while addressing Moo, "I have a wife and a soon-to-be child of mine."
"Wow congratulations, Nogla!"
"Thank you, Moo."
"The poor kid!" Terroriser shouted from another room, Wildcat nodding in agreement. "I feel sorry they have you fer a father!"
"Well that's not very nice of you, Brine."
"And neither was your comment about faking love to me, twat," Wildcat spat.
"Not like you cared either, focker!" For a moment the two locked eyes with one another and Moo thought he saw a flash of guilt cross Nogla's face. But all too quickly Nogla turned away and huffed. "Forget it. I'm leaving."
"Yeah, whatever," Wildcat muttered. Thinking that was the end of their row, Moo flinched when Wildcat shouted, "See you next week you fucker!"
Recovering, Moo asked, "Next week? What's next week?"
"Pancake Tuesday. We may have broken up but we always have time for Pancake Tuesday."
"Oh. But I thought Tuesdays were for tacos?"
"Why, just 'cuz they start with the same letter? Then why is Taco Thursdays not a thing?"
"Because, uh…"
Wildcat snorted. "Forget it. It wasn't something you were supposed to think too hard about."
The conversation seemed to die there, but neither made a move to leave. Wildcat was about to reach for his phone when Moo piped up with another question. "What about Pancake Puesday?"
"No! Puesday! Like, replacing the 'T' with a 'P'."
"I don't know," Wildcat responded half-heartedly. "Sounds too much like 'Pubesday' to me."
Moo nodded, fidgeting with his hands and trying not to laugh at the misheard word. Though he must've let out a soft giggle because Wildcat looked at him funny before chuckling as well.
"Puuuubesday… Maybe instead of Pubesday it can be Poosday."
"Ew! Gross!"
"Are you telling me poo grosses you out but not pubes?? Actually… nevermind, DON'T say a word. I realise you are correct in this situation and I don't need to be corrected."
0 notes
teaveetamer · 2 years
Sorry to be inundating you with Fates stuff today (this is my first ask to you, but I mean, you're being flooded, so... sorry), but it really is kinda wild to see people arguing content levels in Fates vs 3H. Like, you can argue about the quality of the overall outcome (and why that is cuz I mean who knows, 3H could've had a tighter budget than Fates that forced them to reuse assets, idk), but Fates really put a lot into keeping things unique. There's maybe a handful of maps reused across all paths (and those that are are, well, pretty justified by it being the same location, like Birthright and Conquest Izumo - compare to how Felix and Sylvain share paralogue maps, or every non-CF post-TS story having the exact same location for their first four chapters), the stories diverge greatly across all routes (with maybe a handful of shared events with different contexts, like Kagero getting kidnapped by the Kotaro, which even then still happens at different times and play out slightly differently as a result on each route), and while neither of the other two routes wrap it up quite like how Revelation does, both end on a conclusive enough ending (you don't know everything, and it sucks Azura died, but you *did* deal with Anankos's agents and ended Nohr's ambitions of conquest that he was manipulating, so the threat is more or less dealt with). There's a lot to reasonably argue about whether the decision to split the routes is good from a "how businesses handle this sort of thing" perspective, but it'd be like arguing that FE11 and 12 are rip-offs because FE3 had both in one game - it may have been an iffy choice to split a very interconnected story into different games, but every Fates route was still the exact same in terms of level of content and told an overall full story within each route (with a number of levels comparable to prior Fire Emblems), its not like they cut it off after, say, 15 chapters and went "Oh well, the war is still ongoing and we didn't resolve everything fully here, please buy Revelation and you can see the end of this story."
I honestly wonder if some of it is just, like, Time making people forget what exactly was in Fates. If you didn't like it then I doubt you played it more than once (if at all), and the game came out like 7 years ago at this point (6 in the west). Content-wise Fates is probably the absolute densest FE game we have ever gotten. Each route is the same length as PoR. A singular route is the same amount of content as an entire FE game.
If someone came up to you and said "hey, I'll sell you PoR, RD, and Awakening for $80 you'd be like "fucking SCORE!"
From a pure business/marketing perspective, I do think it was a massive miss to sell Fates the way they did. Primarily because, well, obviously not everyone is going to think about this as logically as I have. People see three different games with one overarching title and their immediate reaction is "why should I pay $80 for something I should be getting for $40!"
I'll admit, when the game first came out I thought it was a scam too! It's only after a few years and seeing how Fates's content compares to most other games (and especially how it compared to 3H) that I realized, actually, it's not that bad. Because I'm not paying $80 for something that should be $40. I'm paying $80 for something that should be $120.
It probably would have been better to bundle them all together and charge a higher price, but that wouldn't have flown either. Because then you'd have people saying "why should this 3DS game cost $80 when the rest of them only cost $40???" the sticker shock would definitely put prospective buyers off. Especially if those prospective buyers are people who have never touched the series before and just see it on the shelf at their local game store.
I don't think there was ever really going to be a perfect way to get what the games were worth out of them without putting off some buyers, but the avenue they chose was probably a compromise made out of the desire to not put off prospective new to the series or casual buyers. Better to get them in the door, and then if they really like it they'll be willing to pay for the rest. And if they don't like it and don't buy the rest then hey, you still made the $40 sale.
I don't know if anyone remembers this, but I'm pretty sure thats why they staggered the release of Rev in the west by a few weeks even though it was fully completed and localized when BR and CQ came out (since it had to be, it was included on the 3-in-1 cart). To give people time to beat the first two, yes, but also to create time between the original release so people didn't get such sticker shock when picking up the first two.
Also, as a side note, I'm pretty sure most of 3H's budget went into the voice acting. Voice acting is not cheap, especially when you need to hire two full casts. Fates saved a ton by not having super extensive voice acting and by reusing many English actors for different characters (e.g. Roger Rose does Takumi, Niles, and Hisame, or Dave Stanbra does Xander, Kaze, Shura, Siegbert, Kilma, the Rainbow Sage, and Sumeragi).
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destinyc1020 · 3 years
Ok look im not saying z stans aren't bad its just that they're not as bad as toms. Yes there are a few really bad ones here and there but overall toms fans are so much worse. Making literal hate pages just to shit on z, im sorry but unless u can name a z stan that has done that, toms fans are worse. (im a stan of both btw this is just the difference i noticed between the 2)
Yea I haven't seen any Z stans making hate pages dedicated to Tom, or even calling Tomdaya "PR" honestly. Aside from the Jacdaya fans in the past, I haven't even seen any large Zendaya fandoms recently routinely putting Tom down or calling him names. If anyone has receipts of this, by all means being it to my attention so that I can retract my statement lol.
Look, I'll be honest.....there's definitely a segment of Z's fandom who just wants to see Zendaya date a black man (or maybe even date a woman), or who don't trust white male fandoms that are super popular (because of the typical racism that most woc in these rlshps unfortunately get). I'm just being downright honest about how some fans have felt.
This is precisely why a lot of Z stans were "OKAY" with Jacob (even though he's also white), but not okay with Tom. It's not really about Tom per se, but more so about how many of Z's stans perceived Tom's fans to treat Z for years while they were dating. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I think that's why some fans were happy (and relieved) with Z dating a guy like JE (even despite his shady record🙄) who was a lot less famous than her honestly. It might also be the reason why some of Tom's stans would prefer that he date a woman who's not as popular as Zendaya. Sometimes it might not even be a race thing. Sometimes it's just that SOME of these fandoms that are really huge get super possessive and weird, and some fans don't want to see their faves dating someone from a large fandom because they're afraid they'll get hate/racism/bullying from that person's respective fandom. It's sad, but it's true.
But imo, that's an issue with the fandom, NOT with the two individuals themselves. Instead of hating on the ship, or the two ppl being together (esp when they both really love each other), the disappointment should be focused on the segments of the fandoms who are rude, racist, mean, intolerant, and toxic imo. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Not on Tom and Zendaya as people.
It's funny cuz I've received angry asks from Z stans in my inbox claiming that I hate her, and then the other day I got angry asks from Tom fans claiming that I hate him! So, apparently I must hate them both equally if I'm getting the same complaint lol 😆 🤷 🤣
I just think that some fans go way too hard in the paint at times for no good reason. Take a deep breath lol.... Get some fresh air.... 🌥
Anyone who reads my blog thoroughly will know that I love Tom and Zendaya. I just don't suck up to any celebrity, nor do I worship them. I'm honest (sometimes brutally so) about how I feel on certain matters. It doesn't mean I love the person any less. I'm just not looking at ppl from rose-colored glasses all the time. I can recognize that the person I stan is a wonderful, flawed human being, just like the REST of us (myself included), so I'm never expecting perfection from anyone.
I just take a very objective view on things. If that makes me a "hater", then oh well.... 🤷🏾‍♀️
This "who's fandom is worse" discussion is ridiculous because neither fandom is really awful imo. I've seen WORSE tbh lol 😆 😅
And anyone who follows me knows that I don't like comparing or pitting one fandom over the other. That's exhausting.... 😓
Can't we all just get along??? 🥴
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The Outsiders (pt. 1)
Zed Necrodopolous x reader
Z-O-M-B-I-E-S Fanfiction
Summary: When you moved to Seabrook to get away from the drama of your past, you meet a sweet zombie who you can't get enough of.
Word Count: 1999
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When you moved in with your aunt and uncle, they warned you that Seabrook was different. Your two cousins had also made this seem very important to know. It was a perfect place with perfect people, who scorned the ones that didn't fit it. Not that you cared. You were used to being different.
They also told you about the zombies. When your aunt spoke about them, it was with with pity, while your uncle talked about them with disgust. She was a clothing designer, and he was a zombie patrol policeman. It was partly her job to make the zombies' special clothing, and it was his job to patrol zombietown at night.
In all honesty they just peeked your interest. They just seemed like normal people that weren't recognized, and you thought about what it might be like for them to be outsiders as well.
Your mother had taught you that life is too short to care what people think, and that being mean to people was useless. So you put a smile on and tried to be happy with your new life. Maybe something good awaited.
You put on your white t-shirt and dark red skirt, and walked to school. As you headed to school, you saw your uncle on the zombie side of the fence for the school entrance. He got reassigned to watch over them. One of the zombies were looking at their class schedule, when it flew out of his hands and slid on the floor and through the fence. You picked it up, smiling at him as you went on your tippy toes to give it to him. "Here you go."
"Thanks." He smiled, and looked very handsome in your opinion. "I–"
Your uncle banged on the fence. "No trying to grab humans. Don't make me have to take you downtown."
"No, officer I was just trying to–"
"Zip it zombie. Leave the humans alone."
"No," you said. "He wasn't doing anything wrong. I was just handing him his paper."
"I don't care, get inside." Your uncle stared daggers into you.
"I know you're new here, but I'll only say this once. When an adult tells you to do something, you do it. No questions asked. Maybe you weren't taught that where you're from, but things are different here." Your smiled quickly faded as you put your head down and walked inside. He didn't have to say that.
Zed watched you leave with a frown on your face. He didn't know who you were, but it still hurt him to see your smile leave like that. "Little piece of advice." The guard said. "Don't talk to the humans. Don't try to be chummy friends, because you can't. At the end of the day, she's normal and you're not." Zed didn't say anything as he went inside with Bonzo and Eliza.
As you walked with your head kept down, you accidentally bumped into a blonde girl. "Oh, I'm sorry!"
She kindly smiled at you. "It's okay. I'm Addison."
You nodded and smiled. "Y/n."
"So, are you gonna try out for the cheer squad?" She seemed very excited.
"Um, no." You tried to say kindly. "Don't get me wrong, I love dancing, but cheerleading isn't really my thing." She frowned and looked confused. "But I'd be more willing to help you out if you need a partner to practice with anytime."
Her smile perked up again. "Oh, that's so sweet. I would totally love that!" She excitedly took your hands. "Come on, you should meet Bree."
Into middle of first period, an alarm started to go off, and everyone began to panic. On the wall it said Z | ALERT and was flashing red, but you didn't really know what that meant. When you got out to a hallway, the zombie from before came running up in a panic. "Can you hide me somewhere?"
"Um." Was all that came out of you before you looked at a zombie safe room, grabbing his hand and you both going in. It was pretty much pitch black, and you led him to a wall for both of you to sit down on the floor. "So, I'm guessing the alarms are from you?"
You heard him let out a sigh. "I didn't mean to scare that girl, she just freaked out when she saw me. This wasn't really how I wanted my day to go."
"You mean you didn't want an angry mob of people after you?" You asked in a playful sarcastic tone.
"Well," he said. "Not like this."
"What?" You laughed out.
"I'm trying out for the football team today." He felt you get closer to him, and felt calmer. You didn't fear him. "I don't know if I'll make it, considering how my day's gone."
"No, I'm sure you'll make it! Everyone's really excited for the cheer tryouts, so pretty soon there'll be a whole swarm of people cheering for you when you make it."
"And what about you?" His voice became a little softer.
"Well, cheerleading isn't for me. I was hoping they'd have a dance class, but they don't. But hey, I wouldn't mind cheering for you at your games. Just in the crowds."
You turned your head to his dark figure. He chuckled, before saying, "I'm Zed."
"I'm y/n."
Just then the lights came back on and you saw his handsome smile, causing you to smile back. He was about to say something, when you both heard, "Y/n! There you are!"
You turned to see Addison with four other cheerleaders. "Gross!"
"Zombie germs!"
One of them tugged you away from Zed. "Look here Zombie, if one of my cousin's friends are caught around you again, it's going to get ugly. And as you can see, that's not in the cards for me." You looked at Addison, who said nothing. They then tugged you out of the room and away from Zed.
They dragged you to their trophy room. "Listen new girl," the main guy said. "We don't support freaks, and neither should you. You could maybe be cool if you tried out for the cheer squad. And lose that outfit. It's a little too dark for Seabrook. Speaking of outfits, you look like you could rock a cheer outfit."
You didn't want to be rude, so you responded with, "Um, that sounds pretty cool. I'll think about it."
The cheerleaders began to laugh. "Oh new girl, I like your humor. We'll see you there. C'mon cuz." They all then left.
At lunch you began to walk towards Addison, but she was bombarded by more cheerleaders, so you decided to not go over there. You looked around, and saw that someone had spilled their lunch all over the cafeteria floor. Principal Lee saw and groaned. "Can someone please go tell the janitor to clean this mess up?"
"I can!" You said eagerly. "I really don't mind."
"Well," she said, smiling as she looked you up and down. "It's nice to see such bravery for this school. He's in the basement." You smiled and nodded, heading over there. You walked down the stairs happily with your lunch tray.
Zed was excitedly telling his friends about you. "Yeah Bonzo. She even said she'd cheer me on at games. I'm really pumped right now, and I think she likes me."
"Yeah right." Eliza said. "It's just because she's new. Once she figures out that humans don't like zombies, she'll probably stay far away."
Zed gave Eliza a look before their teacher said, "Woah, there's no human students here."
Everybody turned to see you nervously standing there with your lunch tray. "Um, there was a spill in the cafeteria." You quickly set your tray down to hold the door open for the teacher. You then brought your tray over to Zed and his friends and smiled. "Hey."
"Hey." He looked surprised, but eventually smiled back.
"Is it okay with you guys if I stay here for lunch?"
Zed was about to speak, but Eliza cut him off. "You should probably stick with the cheerleaders if you really want to make the squad."
"Oh, I'm not a cheerleader, and I don't really wanna be one." You said as you sat down next to Zed. "They're a little too much for me. I probably wouldn't enjoy it. You should do something because it makes you happy, right?"
Eliza stared at you, but had a small smile on. "Um, yeah."
You turned to Zed. "So, I never apologized for the security guard."
"Oh, yeah. Did you know him or something, cause he was kinda being a jerk to the both of us."
You looked down, and felt heat spread onto your face. "Um, he's my uncle. I just started living with him and his family over the weekend. He's a bit stiff with me since we don't really see eye to eye on, um..."
"Zombikas?" Bonzo asked.
"Yeah. Sorry." You quietly said.
"So what if he finds out that we've been talking?" Zed asked.
"Then we'll just make sure he doesn't." Bonzo and Eliza gave each other a look as you and Zed smiled at each other. "So, I could go to your football tryouts after school. Maybe walk home together afterwards?"
You shrugged. "Yeah. I don't have much going on after school anyways."
"Yeah, that sounds awesome. You could see me do thang in person."
You giggled, and the bell rang. "Okay, I gotta go. But I'll see you at the football field after school." You waved to all of them and hurried up the stairs.
As you were about to go to class, your cousin pulled your arm. "What were you doing in the basement?" She asked.
You shrugged and grinned. "Got lost. Oops." You then walked into class.
After school you walked to the football field and found him waiting for you at the bleachers. "You came." You nodded. "Okay, now I have to be extra awesome." You giggled and sat down as he grabbed your arms, gently squeezing. "Wish me luck!"
"I will." You then watched him play, and he was actually pretty good. He was good at dodging people, and was pretty fast as well. He excelled at the drills, though he dropped to the ground and rolled in a fit of dramatics. You laughed, yelling out, "You can do this Zed!"
He was still on the ground, but gave you a thumbs up. After a bit everybody lined up to see if they made it. The coach talked, and everybody looked pretty happy. You saw him and Zed talking before Zed walked over to you. You smiled and offered him his backpack, but your smile faded as you saw the disappointed look on his face. "I didn't make the team." He said. "Principal Lee thinks I shouldn't even leave the basement for school."
"Zed, I'm really sorry to hear that."
"Don't be. It's the story of my life." He said frustratedly.
You gently hooked your arm around his as you both walked together. "I'm sure at some point you'll be on the football team. Once people see how awesome you are."
He smirked at you. "Yeah, you're right. Well, I guess for now only you'll get to see my awesomeness."
You chuckled. "I guess so." You both fell into comfortable silence until you said, "I thought you were pretty good, by the way."
"Thanks, but I kinda wanna see you in action."
You laughed. "Um, I don't think I'd do all that good in football."
He laughed too. "No, I meant dancing. You said you liked it, but I haven't seen you dance yet."
"Yeah. We'll go dancing together at some point. It's just a matter of time." You looked down with a flushed face, grinning. "So, why did you move in with your aunt and uncle?"
"Um, they're the only family I have left now." He stared at you. "I'll explain another day." He nodded.
You both then made it to the border of Seabrook and Zombieland. "Well, I'll see you tomorrow. Maybe we'll even have a day where people aren't trying to pull us apart."
You chuckled. "Wouldn't that be something."
He grabbed your hand and spun you softly. "Until next time."
You smiled and began walking the other way. As you buried your hands in your face and hopped around to calm yourself, Zed was silently jumping and fist bumping the sky. You thought about what he said, and decided that you would do something for this school, and it involved dancing.
Author Note: Please let me know if I should keep going with this, or if you maybe wanna be tagged if I end up making a series.
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juminsmysticmc · 4 years
Request for when requests are open! :D Can I have the RFA + Saeran and V who hurt mc kinda badly(mentally and/or physically) and they feel absolutely horrible and she just smiled and said shes not mad and then they feel so much worse and just want you to break up with them cuz they feel so bad but she just refuses and I have no idea where I'm going with this I just want some angst that dosen't end angsty so a happy ending please uwu thank you in advance!
RFA + Minor Duo with a Mc who is feeling horrible because of them but is just smiling it away (TRIGGER WARNINGS) 
Woah, this hit me hard, haha. Don’t misunderstand please, hahah. Like, Mc is totally me. I like this kind of angst with a happy end, hehe. Okay, now, please enjoy!
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He knew how unsure and bad you felt going to business parties with him.
Your husband knew perfectly well how uncomfortable you were between all those women who were dressed as if they’d never seen comfortable clothing.
You simply didn’t fit in, but you still gave your best.
With the presents he gave you, you always tried your best.
Your hair and make up was always done by a stylist to look the best and your clothes were only the finest.
But still, you didn’t fit in. You and other wives of high businessmen noticed.
And so it came that you stood in around a lot of gold diggers while one of them laughed at you.
One of the most powerful wives.
Right next to Jumin.
They hurt your feelings and made you feel miserable.
Your head began to spill as you thought about her words.
A panic attack was rising inside and you felt your breath becoming hastier.
You just waited for Jumin to defend you, something that never happened, making you feel even worse.
Why didn’t he defend you like he always did?
The horrible feeling of betrayal came over you.
,,Mc, I’m sorry for earlier-’’ Jumin began, but you cut him off immediately and smiled at him.
,,It’s okay,’’ you lied.
You thought that you were actually good at lying to people, but you weren’t good at acting.
The trembling lips, watery eyes… everything showed him that you were just lying.
Days passed and you were slowly losing yourself in solitude and pain.
You wanted to talk to him and build your relationship again but you were hurt.
You weren’t mad, but instead hurt.
And even though he asked you about it and you kept smiling it away, you wished that he would care about you a bit more.
,,Let’s divorce,’’ Jumin’s deep voice made you look up from your black screen on your phone.
,,What?’’ you asked him.
,,I hurt you. I caused you pain and I noticed. And since it’s my mistake and you don’t seem to trust me anymore, I want to make you happy and free you from myself… I-’’ Jumin was stopped by you hugging him and looking at him with teary eyes.
You didn’t want to make the mistakes you kept repeating.
You kept losing connections because of your feelings.
You began to explain what made you feel hurt and that there was no need for a divorce for that. You told him what you wished for.
You explained the issue to him and he understood.
,,I promise, I will stay loyal… I’m sorry that it hurt you so bad…’’ Jumin said on the couch and stroked your arm.
You kept pressing the heart on your phone on the bottom right of your phone.
Your handsome boyfriend was live on Instagram at the moment and you were more than proud to support him.
Suddenly everything went way too quickly.
A fan asked something mean about you and Zen laughed it off.
More fans began to add something mean and Zen just began to read them out loud, without trying to stop them.
Your heart was aching to the point where dizziness overcame you, making you feel cautious.
You turned off the phone and tried to control your breathing.
With all your might you tried to stay calm.
With your head pressed in your pillow, you tried to swallow your tears.
Zen never noticed.
Days passed and you began to act more distant towards him.
Zen tried to approach you a few times in a row, but you always smiled at him and turned away.
All you did was your job with him and cook.
Afterwards, you fell asleep next to him, not making him feel any affection or love.
,,Mc, is everything alright between us?’’ he asked you.
You nodded without saying anything and walked into the kitchen.
,,You sure? Are you mad?’’ he asked you, following you to the kitchen.
Now was your chance.
Now you could tell him about your problem.
But all you did was smile at him and shake him off.
However, a few days later, Zen began to feel bad.
It was as if it wasn’t right anymore.
,,Mc,’’ he spoke up.
,,Mc, let’s just stop it… I can’t handle it anymore,’’ he whispered, tears in his eyes.
You were sobbing too.
,,No…’’ you tried to tell him.
,,I’m just hurting you. I’m not good enough for you. Yoosung… and Luciel told me what may have caused you to feel like that and… they were right. I’m sorry… how could I hurt you like that? All I just wanted was the discussion to die down so that no one would attack you, but instead I was the one who attacked you... ‘’ Zen sobbed harder.
Now the two of you were crying messes as you hugged each other.
,,I’m sorry!’’ you cried.
,,Sorry for not trying hard enough to talk about it…! I was just so hurt and thought that you needed a little payback, but the more I kept ignoring you, the more I felt hurt and actually thought about your actions and… gosh!’’ you laughed as you tried to dry your tears.
,,I love you, but you hurt me. It was a shitty thing to do!’’ you hissed in tears.
,,I know,’’ he mumbled and nuzzled his head in your neck.
,,I know, I am so sorry…’’ he apologized.
,,I will do better. I promise.’’
The soft-touch of your husband made you close your eyes as you enjoyed the loveable feeling.
Suddenly Yoosung commented something, causing a stabbing pain in your heart.
Your feelings were hurt.
,,I wish I could see Rika and touch her like this again… why can’t Rika be here?’’ he asked you.
You felt as if you had a lump in your throat.
You tried to tell yourself that he didn’t mean it like that; that Yoosung was just missing an important person to him.
Yoosung wasn‘t in love with Rika, but amazed by her. You tried to tell yourself that his words had no romantic meaning.
However, it already happened and you felt hurt.
As if you had no value, Yoosung was missing someone else, not you.
,,I need to tidy up the kitchen,“ you spoke up and tried to get away from his comfortable embrace.
Yoosung just looked back at you.
And even though he would have liked to stop you, he didn’t do anything.
And you walked off even though you would have liked to tell him how you felt.
That’s why the two of you began to live with loneliness because neither of you dared to speak up.
With a throbbing heart and too many emotions to handle, your daily life was hard to deal with.
As you had the feeling that you couldn’t handle the loneliness anymore, Yoosung spoke up with a bag in his right hand and a sad smile on his lips.
,,Why?’’ you asked him. Your voice was trembling and your heart was breaking into pieces.
But you were still alive and you could still feel the throbbing pain in your chest.
,,I realized that I may have hurt you with my words… and I finally came to understand that I am just hurting you. I am a pain to you. I treated you as if you were the second Rika in the RFA and then I wished for her with you by my side… I’m no good for you,’’ he told you and was about to leave when you grabbed his sleeve and let a sob escape your mouth.
,,I love you. You hurt me. I’m sorry. I felt bad. I felt as if I wasn’t good enough for you, I was sad and angry. I am sorry for not telling you but… if you leave now… I won’t be able to keep going… I will smile but I will break apart from the inside…’’
Yoosung quickly hugged you and begged you to talk to him and so you guys sat on your couch and talked about the issue.
The coffee shop was her holy place.
Accidentally, you left the water flowing in the bathtub, not noticing how the water flowed down the stairs from the apartment into the coffee shop.
The accident was done and the damage was way too big for the two of you to handle.
The fire department came as quickly as possible to help you guys while you tried to save what you could.
Jaehee just kept mumbling weird things, angry about your mistake.
,,I’m sorry, Jaehee,’’ you tried to tell her, but these words didn’t mean anything to her.
,,You know, it’s really shitty,’’ she kept hissing.
,,You know, Jaehee, it’s true that it was my mistake, but talking in such a negative way won’t help with the damage. Let’s just work and then look at the damage together, okay?’’ you tried to stay positive and happy.
You tried your best to not make her angry and just calm her down.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work out at all and the two of you began to yell at each other, fighting as if there wasn’t an end.
,,You don’t know a thing! You didn’t work hard all your life! You can’t handle anything!’’ she yelled at you, making you feel deeply hurt.
So that’s what she thought of.
You smiled and nodded, picking up something from the floor and just ignoring her comment.
,,Sorry, Mc… I didn’t mean to-’’
,,Don’t worry, Jaehee. It’s okay,’’ you lied.
You kept smiling, but you still somehow managed to lose contact.
Jaehee and you didn’t talk a lot anymore and never ever touched each other after that day. It was as if you were strangers.
This was until Jaehee really felt that she was going to lose you.
The daily request was making her sad. She didn’t want to care anymore as long as you were still lying that everything was okay.
,,Let’s break up. I’ll give you half of everything,’’ she told you.
Shocked by her words, you looked up.
,,Why?’’ you asked her.
Another argument erupted between the two of you and suddenly you began to cry, ,,You hurt me with your comment even though I just made a mistake! You could have done the same as me, but I would have never told you the words you said to me!’’
,,Okay! You’re right, Mc, but I apologized but you-’’’
,,JAEHEE, THE WORDS YOU TOLD ME CAN’T BE UNSAID!’’ and finally, she realized too.
,,I’m sorry… Let’s handle the issue...-’’ and you guys finally talked it out.
,,Let me see your phone,’’ your boyfriend ordered you when you once again began to cry with the phone in your hand.
,,No…’’ you mumbled, scrolling through the messages some people were sending you.
Your boyfriend was already getting pissed that strangers bugged you, but the annoyance grew when you tried to hide it from him.
He just wanted to help you.
And so he just took your phone from your hands and read your messages.
,,You know, you shouldn’t answer these things in the first place! You should have acted differently! This is your fault!’’ he hissed.
His words hit you hard as you tried to register what he just told you.
Was he being serious? 
Your heart began to break into thousands of pieces as you grabbed your phone again and vanished into your shared bedroom to let go of a few tears.
Sadness was hitting you hard.
It hurt so much. It was your fault that people attacked you? This was really his opinion?
You were scared, stressed, and worried and all you did was try to protect yourself, but instead of helping you, he kept criticizing you?
For yourself, you decided to never ever share something like this with him.
You always smiled and hid your sadness just to protect yourself.
A few hours later, you smiled again and when Saaeyoung asked you if you were alright and tried to apologize, you shook your head, telling him that everything was perfectly fine.
But it wasn’t.
Your boyfriend kept observing you.
You stopped talking freely, you didn’t mention the texts anymore and stopped telling him some stories.
All you did was live together with him and whenever he tried to approach you, you smiled and told him that you were alright.
One day, after Saeyoung saw you sobbing in the bedroom while you thought that you were alone, he decided to hack your phone and check all your messages, finding out that you were still bothered and that you were actually in huge pain.
He was angry.
It wasn’t with you, but with yourself because he knew what triggered you.
Guilt overcame him.
Why did he do that? Why did he say all those things…?
,,You really want to break up?’’ you asked him while he was looking at the floor.
,,Yes. I can’t handle seeing you like this,’’ he whispered.
,,Saeyoung Choi, for God’s sake tell me what you want from me,’’ you whispered.
,,You said it was my fault so I changed whatever the trigger was, but this still wasn’t enough for you? Now you want to leave me?’’ you asked him, laughing ironically.
,,No… I didn’t mean it like that… I… I’m sorry. You were in pain and I hurt you even more. I didn’t help you and I didn’t support you. I’m sorry,’’ he finally looked up, seeing that you yourself began to cry.
,,I’ll forgive you, but we need to talk again… You hurt my feelings and you triggered me…’’ you whispered.
,,I’ll do everything for you as long as you’re happy,’’ he nodded and kissed you.
You and Saeran were stressed.
Saeyoung’s whereabouts were still undiscovered and his father was still free.
There were still so many things you guys had to do or change.
But of course you guys shouldn’t leave your own health out of your eyes because of that.
And so you tried your best to take some time for Saeran and prepared a relaxing day.
You changed some things in his room, thinking that it would make him happy, not thinking that he would totally hate it.
So the time came when your boyfriend Saeran came home from Jumin’s place and saw what you did. He began to flip out.
You tried to explain why you did it and that you really meant no harm.
But your words weren’t heard.
,,TELL ME THE TRUTH!’’ he yelled at you.
You hated it when someone yelled at you.
You just couldn’t stand it.
,,Tell me the truth that you’re trying to sabotage me!’’ he hissed.
You felt hurt by his assumption.
,,Why should I?’’ you asked him, shocked by what he was trying to tell you.
,,Because you didn’t want me to find him. You want me to stay alone with you! Tell me the truth! That’s what you’re trying to do!’’ he hissed at you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but stopped and instead closed it again and smiled at him. ,,That’s not true. This is all inside your head, Saeran… Let’s calm down, mh?’’ you calmly asked him.
When Saeran finally calmed down and realized what he told you, he tried to excuse himself. However, it wasn’t necessary.
,,It’s okay, don’t worry,’’ you lied and patted his shoulder.
He actually trusted you the next three days until he heard you sighing in another room.
,,What did I do to make him say that?… I… Am I really so mean that he makes these assumptions? Am I really such a bad person?’’ you mumbled to yourself and got on your knees to lay down your head on your knees.
Saeran observed how you desperately tried to find a reason for him to say those things.
And while Saeran observed you, he realized that he was the mean one all along. 
He realized that he was the bad guy in the story who held you back from living your life.
It wasn’t you who was holding him back from finding Saeyoung.
Thinking of what to do next, he opened the door and entered the room, making you shriek and try to dry your tears.
,,Oh, Saeran, what’s up?’’ you asked him and smiled at him.
,,I hurt you again… can we break up?’’ he asked you.  
Your eyes stayed glued on him until you began to tear up again.
,,Why…?’’ you asked him, sobbing a bit harder.
,,I’m no good for you, I didn’t mean to say those things and you said that it was okay even though it wasn’t,’’ he told you and grabbed your hand.
,,I am… you’re in pain again because of me,’’ he finally told you.
But you quickly hugged him and sobbed into his shoulder.
,,Yes, your comment hurt me deeply, Saeran. Why did you say it? I just wanted to help you, why did you hurt me so much…?’’ you asked him again.
,,You hurt me again. It hurts, but at the same time I love you… that’s not a reason for me to break up…!’’ you told him over and over again until he began to cry too.
,,Okay, I’m sorry… I was just angry and stressed out… I said that out of rage. It’s okay now… I’m sorry…’’
You couldn’t remember the reason for your behavior anymore.
All you knew was that Jihyun, your husband, said something hurtful to you in front of your adopted daughter.
And all you saw was black.
You saw your daughter looking at you and then going to her own room while you stayed back with Jihyun who acted as if there was nothing wrong with what he said.
And so the days passed.
Ever since it happened, Jihyun apologized to you three times.
And even though you accepted his apology, you were still off.
You were smiling, but at the same time you were in pain.
Whatever you did, whatever you were about to say, you thought back to that moment and tried to think about whether your action was okay or would lead to something bad.
But instead of telling him, instead of telling him that you were in pain, that you weren’t sure how to handle everything, you stayed silent and smiled at him.
Whenever he asked you how you were feeling, you just lied.
At some point, you and Jihyun both noticed that something was off between the two of you and after two weeks of lies and pain, you finally began to talk to each other.
,,I want to break up or at least take a break for a bit. You aren’t feeling well because of me,’’ he spoke up first.
,,That’s true. I’m feeling bad because of you at the moment, but I believe that if we take a break now, nothing will get better… Instead, we should talk. Now,’’ you firmly told him, trying to stop your lips from trembling and your voice to crackdown.
Well, when you looked away from Jihyun and then glanced back at him, you already noticed that you failed.
Suddenly, you were sobbing uncontrollably and you couldn’t stop yourself from panicking.
Jihyun suddenly hugged you. Tightly in his embrace, he whispered some comforting words and begged you to calm down.
,,I love you… I’m sorry that because of me you feel like that… I know that it was my mistake… I don’t know why I said these words. Please forgive me… I am sorry… but please don’t be in pain because of me anymore… okay? I really need you… I need you to stay happy…’’ he whispered, letting you cry all the sadness away into his shoulder.
30.06.2020// 22:34 MEST
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gvf-imagine · 4 years
Greta Van Fleet Preferences
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How you meet
“Ill be out here when you're ready to show me” your friend calls , knocking on your dressing room door. You give a simple “ok” as a reply and begin to undress. You're going to a wedding this weekend and your friend is helping you find something to wear, she found her dress weeks ago, you struggled in the fashion department. 
Your eyes fell on the dress your friend had picked out for you. It was a very gentle pink color and came down to your mid thigh, it was tight not flowy which was far from your normal attire. It looked nice enough but the price tag frightened you. You pulled it off the hanger and shimmied into it. Honestly, you thought you looked great, perhaps you should step outside your comfort zone more often when it came to clothing. The dress hugged your curves , which made you feel insecure but it's a wedding so no one will be looking at you, all eyes on the bride, hopefully. You fix your hair and pose for yourself, it was comfortable, surprisingly.  Ok time to show her. 
“So what do you think of this one? I kinda like it!” you say as you swing the changing room door open, your gaze looking down at the dress. 
“Yeah you look great” a man's voice responds, your heart jumps and you lift your head quickly. Your face burns red as your friend is nowhere in sight. In her place is a tall dark haired man casually looking through some belts. Your shoulders drop as you curse yourself. Idiot. 
“Oh i'm sorry! My friend said she'd be waiting out here for me” you reply with a smile, trying to pretend like you didnt feel like throwing yourself off a bridge. The man chuckles “oh yeah she left , said there was a cute guy that walked by” he answered looking towards the front of the store. God that is just like her, chasing after some dude. 
“It really does look nice on you” the man says again. You smile and look down at yourself “you think so? I usually don't wear this sort of thing, but i'm going to a wedding”  you explain with a chuckle. He nods, his eyes have not left you. 
“Yeah you look awesome, I think you should get it” he speaks reassuringly. 
“Holy fuck!” you exclaim then quickly cover your mouth, you didn't mean to be that loud. The man laughs and steps closer to you as you look at the price tag hanging from the hem of the dress. 
“This fuckin thing is 400$?! Jesus christ , I could make my own dress for 50$” you joke. Your shoulders sink, you really wanted this dress. The man laughs loudly.
“You're funny,” he chimes. He looks at your face, painted with disappointment. 
“Hey I could - I could buy it for you” he offers. You look at him in awe. 
“Its…….400 dollars….Why would you do that for me? You dont have to do that its just a stupid dress im sure I can find a cheaper one” You respond waving his idea away with your hand. 
“It's ok , I can afford it, I want you to have it” he insists. You don't know what to say , you just look at him. 
“On one condition though” he adds with a smile. 
“Yeah what?” you ask. 
“You have to take me as your date” he says shyly
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Ok just breathe, you're fine , everythings fine. You tell yourself as your heart pounds in your chest. You were at an amusement park and about to go on the biggest roller coaster they had due to a dare from your friends, who were watching safely from the ground. Some random man is sitting in the seat beside you as two people had to share a cart. He didn't seem nervous and you wished you could be as relaxed as him. 
“Hey are you alright?” he asks , as if he knew you were thinking about him. 
“Oh um yeah im-im ok” you lied your mouth going dry. He smiles at you and watches you for a moment. 
“Are you though? Cuz your leg is shaking pretty vigorously there” he points out, his eyes falling to your body. You hadn't even noticed you were bouncing your leg anxiously. 
You stop.
“I'm sorry , I'm just a bit nervous I suppose, I'm kind of scared of roller coasters” you explain with a sheepish smile. 
“Kinda weird to go on the biggest one here then right?” he responds you chuckle at his remark. 
“Yeah my friends dared me, they are down there” you say pointing in their direction. He looks down and sees a small group of people looking up at you. The wind blew and you looked up at the clouds in search of comfort and solace. 
“Well My Name is Jake, and i've been on this ride a million times, you're going to be ok” He says with a reassuring tone of voice. He could sense how scared you actually were even though you tried your hardest to shrug it off. 
“Thanks Jake…..that helps. I’m (y/n) by the way its nice to meet you.” you reply smiling, feeling slightly better. Jake was a good distraction, he was gorgeous, chestnut brown hair that fell to his broad shoulders. Enticing eyes that made you wanna know more about him and his voice was sweet and soothing. You couldn't help but wonder what he thought about you. The feeling of the ride jolting under you ripped you from your daydream like state. 
“Oh fuck” you mutter , feeling your heart rate rise again. Jake smiles and grabs your hand gently. 
“It's gonna be ok” he smiles
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Finally it was time to go to study hall, your last class of the day. You used this class to get your assignments from the day done. You headed to your desk but something catches your eye on your way. You look down at another student , you wracked your brain trying to remember his name. He was reading one of your all time favorite books, which surprised you , most people hadn’t even heard of the book before. You had to say something.
“Hey! I love that book” you say with a smile. The guy looks up at you with an equally excited facial expression.
“Oh yeah , it’s a great book, this is like the third time I’ve read it” he replies. You laugh, and nod.
“Yeah it’s such an awesome book, I’ve never met another person that likes it” you say.
“Sorry what was your name again?” You add.
“I’m Sam” he smiles.
“I’m (y/n)” you introduce , you both look in each other’s eyes and appreciate that moment. His eyes glinted with interest making you blush.
“Uh well maybe we could get together some time and talk about the book” he says stuttering slightly, moving his hair from his face gracefully, you watched it as it fell to his sides like a curtain.
“That would be awesome, here I’ll give you my number” you say quickly fishing for a piece of paper from your back pack. You jot your number down in neat hand writing and handed it to him. He looked so happy, he thanks you as he takes the paper.
“Alright class sit down” the teacher announces as she enters the room. You look to her and then back down to Sam before gesturing towards your seat, Sam nods and winks at you before you take your seat.
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Your eyes scanned the shelves looking for Almond flour, you were going to try your hand at making home made macarons. You loved to bake , you did it whenever you had free time and you never made the same thing twice. You smile when your eyes land on the last bag of almond flour , you happily pluck it from the shelf until you see the ridiculous price tag. Why is healthy shit so expensive? You shook your head at the thought and made your way down the aisle. You looked up seconds before a man was about to bump into you, neither of you saw each other.
“Oh sorry” you say taking a step to your right , you laugh as he takes a step to his left thus getting in your way again.
“Oops” he chimes stepping to the other side the same time as you.
“I’ll go left you go right” you giggle , he thinks to himself , eyes looking up to the ceiling before taking a step in the wrong direction.
“No your other right” you laugh. He smiles “sorry” he says palming his forehead.
“No worries” you reply stepping around him.
“Oh hey!” He calls a second later.
“I think you dropped this” he adds holding out a package of frosting bags.
“Oh thanks” you smile grabbing them from him, his eyes fall to your basket of items.
“Oh thanks” you smile grabbing them from him, his eyes fall to your basket of items. You tuck your hair behind your ears and look down at your basket as well.
“Uh well I like to bake yeah - I- I don’t know if I would go as far as to say I’m a baker” you chuckle.
“Do you bake a lot?” He asks simply.
You nod.
“Well that sounds like a baker to me” he smiles with a curt nod.
“Yeah good point , you got me there” you reply , you could feel your cheeks warming , you were blushing but you weren’t sure why.
“Are you a baker as well?” You ask.
“Oh no I should not be allowed near an oven” he jokes “I’m just lost, you wouldn’t happen to know where the Oreos are would you?” He asks gesturing towards the store.
“Oh yeah they’re in Aisle 12” you chime pointing in the general direction.
“Cool thanks” he smiles.
“Ya know I actually have an event coming up for a friend, I don’t know if maybe you’d wanna bake a cake for him? It’s for his birthday , we’re having a surprise party ” he explains somewhat haphazardly.
“I’d pay you” he adds.
“Sure I’d love to!-“ you begin.
“Ok cool, so should we like exchange info?” He asks , his pointer finger gesturing from him to you.
“Yeah that’s a good idea , that way we can over specific details like size and flavor of the cake” you nod as he pulls his phone out. You recite your number to him and his eyes flicker up to you
“What’s your name?” He asks softly.
“Oh sorry! I’m (y/n)” you answer.
“(Y/n) cool ,I’m Josh” he smiles.
Later you’re in your apartment, the delicate scent of raspberry macarons fills the air as they cool on your counter.
Your phone beeps in your pocket and you slip it out.
“Hey it’s Josh from the baking aisle, there is no event. I think you’re super pretty...and that’s why I wanted your number but I wasn’t sure how to ask. I hope you aren’t mad , I just didn’t know how to ask” You read the message and smile, and honestly you were kind of relived he was fibbing. Catering events made you nervous.
“Thanks Josh! Of course I’m not mad, I totally understand being nervous about stuff like that” you reply.
“Oh good, if I ever do need a cake you’ll be the first person I ask” he texts back , you smile.
“Ya know I actually just took some macarons out of the oven, wanna come over and be my taste tester?” You send back. Your heart warms at the thought of making a new friend , and a cute one at that.
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nikosomething · 4 years
Heyyyy! I'm back again. Sorry it took a while to send this ask! Mmm I'd choose the lan sect cuz I need some form of structure in my life lol. I'm not too bad with rules either. But I'd definitely hate their food. I eat wwx levels of spicy and hence I'd like to join the jiang sect haha. Also, their sword forms look nice? YASSS We'd LOOK SO GOOD! 💙🖤 ooh I like what you read. I like reading pining, arranged marriage aus, crack fics, post canon fics, missing scenes, I like canon divergence aus that concentrate on characters other than wwx and lwj. I also like fics with sad endings haha. (1/4)
I'm a big multishipper, too! There's no ship that I don't like? My favorites would be wangxian and sangcheng though. I'm always up to reading these two ships, but I'd read anything really. I feel yah, I do. I can't pick a junior either. I love them all dearly but I tend to get bored if lan jingyi isn't there in junior fics? I need Jingyi to be a major part of the fic if I'm to like it haha. (2/4)
I loooooove Asian cuisine. My favorite is Indian! All that spice, you know? I hope you ate good food since you made yourself hungry answering that lol. Your answer about the seasons is so detailed and beautiful? I love?? Mmmm my favorite season is the rainy season. It's the best. I love the melancholy, the cold and the sound of water tapping against the windows. I'd rather stay at home than venture outside in the rain tho! Winter is the most comfortable time for me, really. I hate the summer! I love the cold and end of the year is my favorite time! (3/4)
Now questions! Have you read any other mxtx works? Also, if you could change one thing is mdzs, what would it be? Do you have any post canon wangxian headcanons? Oooh, what's your favorite wangxian moment in CQL? General questions- do you celebrate Christmas? If you do, are you excited and how do you celebrate? Do you drink coffee or tea or neither or something else? What other shows have you watched except CQL this year? Aight, that's so many questions haha. (4/4) See you soon- 🐰
Heyyyy my dear bunny! I missed ya! But don’t worry, life gets busy sometimes, so take all the time you need <3
Whoahhhh so cool that you can eat intensely spicy food!! I am trying to get used to spicy stuff, but I got a looong way to go haha I detect every gain of pepper or chili or whatever so I am only making slow progress, but I do enjoy spice - up to the level I can take without ending up all red and teary-eyed haha I enjoy good food a lot, too. I like to have some variation so I’d probably be unhappy if I had to only ever eat the Lan cuisine, too hahaha
Ohhhh arranged marriage, people keep recommending it to me - I shoudl really give it a go at some point! Any good fics you wanna recommend? And omggg sad endings!!! Whoah, I bow to you! I’s always pick a happy ending but then again the ending has to fit the need of the story, so I suppose if a happy ending would feel forced then pls gimme a sad one, perhaps even one we can all learn from And yessss, there are so many amazing characters in MDZS I totally get why you’d wanna read about them!! <3
Ah Sangcheng! It’s quite the popular ship I feel. I think it’s cute and a close friend of mine really loves them, too. I bet they’d be excited if I got into that ship as well haha What do you love about Sangcheng? (sell it to meh hahaha, get me hooked) JINGYI!! Yes, he’d the spice we need in the junior fics! He is just so much fun! I think all of them together make such a perfect and well-balanced mix! Perf flavour hahaha What’s it with all the food references here. Am I mildly thinking about food again? Whaaaat Ohhhh Indian!!! (here we go again w the food hahaha) Damn I love Indian food! I cant take the spice so I always go for the noob dished, but they are amazing,t oo! What makes you hate the summer? Do you dislike sweating? You make it sound so cozy ahhh, I am happy we get to spend your fav season together, then, my dear bunny!! I love these timeless days between christmas and the beginning of the new year. It feels like everything is catching its breath and makes whatever you can think of become a bit more possibe
MXTX-related Questions
So far I haven’t read any other works of MXTX, but I think I wanna get to the one with the demonic guy in red and the white soft one next. What was it called? Heaven something? Now TMI tells me ‘City of Heavenly Fire’ which is absolutely not helpful. Uhm.. I could look it up, but then u wouldn’t witness my absolutely entertaining struggle of trying to make my brain work. The Scumbag Self Serving System (did I get that one right) is the first novel if I am correct. And then there is the Heavenly Helper... No... uhm Mysteries of Heaven... Heaven’s Helping Hand... I don’t think it’s getting any better here. I even watched the Donghua trailer wtf why can’t I remember hahaha... Voices of Heaven (that sounds like an American Singing Contest) Okay... imma look it up now.  HEAVEN’S OFFICIAL BLESSING! that one. I was so close Have you read any other works? <3
If I could change one thing in MDZS, what would it be? I would want for XXC and XY to not die, thank you. But then again how about non of my baes die? Okay, lemme try again, to get an impressive and seemingly deep reply... Have Meng Yao realise what kind of a horrible butt his dad is early enough to prevent most of the bad things that happen. I am not sure - but what’s your idea on this one?
My favourite WangXian moment? In CQL it’s the one where they are both at the Cloud Recesses, watching the snowflakes dance through the air. Their bond feels so deep there! Or the one where they are at the lantern thing and WWX get’s LWJ the bunny lantern. Just... the pure happiness. Or the one where they are bold husbands and run away from Carp Tower. Is it even humanly possible to pick just one moment?? Which one is it for you?
General Questions
Do I celebrate Xmas? Yes, I do! I go to my mom’s place for Xmas, where we have dinner and then her boyfriend puts on his super old, super old and worn-out Santa clothes (which is very endearing, cause he is always having the time of his life). Then he hands us our presents which are gathered under the decorated Xmas tree and we have to cite a poem or sing to earn each present. Afterwards we all unpack together, excitedly thanking each other, have dessert and then watch a movie or a video of our past christmasses someone put together It’s all very wholesome. How about you?
Coffee, tea or something else? I like Moccachino, cause it’s an amazing hybrid of coffee and cocoa!! It’s best with coconut milk! That kind of coffee makes me feel all cozy and comfy, but I handle it like a treat. I only drink one, while a close friend of mine drinks several cups of milky coffee a day. I also love cocoa, but I drink it like others drink espresso. I tiny highly concentrated cup. No more. Like a shot of chocolate hahaha I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but sometimes I crave it. As for tea, I looove herbal tea! Peppermint and Fennel Caraway Anise are amazing. Also freshly brewed ginger tea. And green tea with jasmine/flower blossoms or white tea. Big love for these. All of which without sugar so the flavour comes out to speak of its very own beauty I also like mate tea to keep me awake! Otherwise I love water or - omg - freshly pressed apple juice! The! best! Try it if you aren’t allergic! AHHHH that is honestly THE TREAT for me. Rare treat. I don’t even have it once a year. More like every four years or so. But dang. The. best. How about you? <3
Which shows have I watched this year? Many. Lots of cooking shows (on Netflix), cause, you know, food. xD By now I probably know almost all of them. There was a time when I was thoroughly up to date with ALL cooking shows on Netflix. One of my big dreams is being wealthy enough to hire a cook. To cook for me every day. Yes, yes. Otherwise lots of Asian shows. I can recommend:
Hotel Del Luna (omg, do urself a favour, judging from what I know about your taste I think you will like it a lot) also The King Eternal Monarch (good one, very good one)
I also watched Eternal Love and Eternal Love The Pillowbook, which were okay, but they aren’t my favourites Cinderella and the Four Knights was sweet Accidentally in Love was fun but has some major plot holes in my opinion I enjoyed She-Ra Who Are You moved me quite a bit ahhhh Extraordinary You was quite the ride, too!
What are your 2020 shows?
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