#and the last chapter just pissed me off
problemswithbooks · 1 year
God can hori be any more heavy handed with the "DONT YOU WANT TO BE NORMAL NORMAL NORMAL" bestie, shes drinking other kids blood, thats not just "not normal". This weird retcon thing is annoying, Idk why hed bother putting her backstory in when he didnt give much of a shit about it 😭
The thing is, I actually don't think trying to say Toga's blood drinking is normal is necessarily bad or something that can't be done well. Quirks are a major part of the world and the story overall--it's not that far fetched that blood drinking might be a normal thing a person with a Quirk would want to do. If people can accept people that can make explosions which could also be dangerous to kids and people (and very much was for Izuku) then it's not a huge stretch to accept that blood drinking for Toga is normal and she should be accepted as such.
The issue is that Hori didn't really make that the issue. I don't think he really sees it himself given how he wrote Mineta, but Toga's main problem and why shes not accepted is a matter of consent not because she's seen as a creep.
This is why her backstory doesn't work very well, besides the fact it's way to late and very short. Yes, her parents freak out about her Quirk and obsession with blood. The problem is that they don't freak out for zero reason and are the only ones who reject her.
No child should be drinking the blood of birds. Whether she killed it or not, birds carry many diseases and parasites harmful to people. Her father shouldn't have hit her (because, I guess he did even though it's poorly conveyed), but the shock given what she's doing is understandable. Especially if they think she killed it (which is weird, and suggests she might have done something they found disturbing before this or were bad parents regardless of her Quirk).
Then they yell at her because she's biting her finger bloody. That's self harm and something you would want to send a child to therapy for. Sure, the counselor didn't help, but it's not like they can give Toga what she wants.
That's hammered home when they yell at her again when she drinks another kids blood. Hori messes up and doesn't show us what happens so we don't know if she hurt this other kid, or if they were scared of her or if they were fine with it.
Just giving us a look at her parents reaction doesn't give us any idea how she was seen by her peers. Because of that it's hard to make the case that she was only rejected for her Quirk alone, rather then her actions. In fact the only time we see other students they say she was popular and well liked until she attacked a boy in the class.
Given how young she looks when her parents yell at her for sucking another kids blood, and the fact she fled school after she attacked her crush, it appears these were separate events. If that was the case people in her school might have already heard about her sucking a kids blood earlier, and clearly not cared. In the very least we have to assume they knew her Quirk involved blood because Hori doesn't make any suggestion that it was hidden.
And that's why the theme of acceptance and Toga being normal because blood drinking is a part of her falls flat. No one ever said shit about her Quirk ever, except for her parents in sparse flashbacks. Ochako never thinks her blood drinking is gross nor do any of the the other Heroes or class 1A students. Hell, Tenya doesn't even bad mouth Stain for drinking blood even though he hated the guy so much he wanted him dead. This doesn't make it seem like the world rejected her for her Quirk.
No, the entire problem is that Toga doesn't understand consent or boundaries. We never see her ever ask anyone, even as a kid if she can drink their blood (that would have been a better scene then her drinking birds blood imho) and get rejected and told off and bullied/ostracized for her desire. Which if that did happen would explain why she never asks again and feels no one will accept her.
And, you could blame her parents and the therapist for this, but I'd just wager Hori doesn't really grasp that consent is the issue here. Mainly because Ochako never addresses it in anyway, even though she does bring up Toga's crimes. She offers her blood to Toga for life, but does not say that difference between Toga drinking her blood as opposed to anyone else's is because she is giving permission.
In the end Toga doesn't learn anything and just gets what she wanted given to her. Maybe Hori will address this next chapter but it really should have been brought up sooner. That or he should have had Toga actually not be accepted what-so-ever and shunned by all her peers for her Quirk even before she attacked her crush.
And this is part of the reason I really don't like the queer reading of the chapter is because by doing so it is suggesting that queer people are dangerous. If we read Toga's blood drinking as the same as kissing--which she seems to say (though her expression while drinking blood suggests something more...problematic) then she has been going around kissing people against their will to fulfill her own needs. If we read this as queer, is the story not saying that repressed gay people will sexually harass people because they can't understand consent when they inevitably snap?
I'm not saying this was or is Hori's intent. I think it's pretty clear he just didn't see how big an issue of consent there was with Toga and her Quirk. He wanted it to be all about how she wasn't accepted as normal, but didn't put in the work of showcasing that well. He has a lousy track record with female characters getting way less attention and with his rush to finish on top of that, Ochako and Toga got screwed with a half baked climax. Unfortunately that's also left it with less then great implications if you think about it for a coupe of minutes.
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kelin-is-writing · 3 months
Fuck you Endeavor. Fuck you All For One. Fuck you to all the Pro-Heroes. Fuck the Hero Society and FUCK YOU HORIKOSHI too 🥰
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dreamspring · 25 days
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im really not saying this with any real hate in my heart but. sanji pissed me off so bad for doing that to robin i literally don’t care... if the intention was meant to be ‘oh he relies on her and isn’t afraid to ask for help’ that would be sweet and cute if he literally had just called for her from the BEGINNING. instead of calling her only AFTER black maria beats his ass so bad he can’t bear it anymore and then out of desperation calls her for help. it just. does not make the point i think is trying to be made.
furthermore its just sooo hypocritical that it makes it impossible for me to like this. sanji refuses to fight black maria because of his chivalric code that he would never hurt a woman ok fine! (or not. whatever not the point). but he’s totally okay asking his female crewmate to enter into a life or death situation where she will have to fight for her life because HE got himself into a death trap he refuses to take care of himself because of… his ideology. his ideology that hurting women is bad. which is why he calls robin. a woman. to fight to the death for him. because he won’t take care of his own mess. which he only got into bc he entered a room upon seeing naked women. ok girl.
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scalproie · 5 months
*shaking and crying* where is Urizen
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cashew-milkk · 4 months
why has jjk manga gone to absolute shit. it’s so ass. i’m reading it for the sake of completion, but i’m not enjoying any of it
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misspickman · 2 months
Finished ship of magic and i cannot tell if this is a part of wintrows characterization or just robin hobb being fucking stupid but she sure has some takes on slaves in the last few chapters
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timesnewreader · 11 months
Warning discussion of the recent JJK manga chapters and previous arcs. MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD (and I’m sorry idk how to do the read more thing on here)
I’m dissatisfied and worried by this weeks chapter of JJK. The sentiment of “I like it when a character steals the show” is one thing, but just having a character take center stage out of the blue is a different story. I’ve been burned before so I hope it doesn’t end up like this, but I’m worried this is going to turn out like the last season of Game of Thrones. Like you do all this plot and character development and then abandon it at the last moment just to defy expectations which ultimately just makes your story worse. In this case I don’t think it’s about defying expectations intentionally, but I think Gege just genuinely hates Gojo so much that they’re nerfing the story. From my perspective, JJK has always been Gojo’s story. Like he’s not the protagonist but he’s the central character to the narrative. His relationship with Suguru, and now with the shade of Suguru that is Kenjaku, is what made all of this possible because of the Star plasma vessel mission. I genuinely don’t think that Gojo should have been brought back yet or at least that he shouldn’t have fought Sukuna. I kind of think the manga would be better if he never fought Sukuna now or any other time. I hope this fight is good, at this point anything could happen and I’ll keep my fingers crossed that I’ll like it, but I’m not excited for it. In fact I’m kind of angry because to me this should be Gojo’s fight. It still could be who freaking knows at this point, but to me this should be Gojo trying to reclaim Suguru’s body and finally give him rest and have closure for himself. Like I know I’m insane for Gojo but I also just genuinely think that’s what would be most narratively satisfying. Which would make Sukuna a fight for Yuji and the Jujutsu tech kids. I don’t know if that one would hold up in court but I’ll stand by the Gojo stuff. I don’t know, I just hate to see potential go to waste and it’s starting to feel more and more like that’s where JJK is heading. I genuinely, desperately hope not. But I’ve been hoping they’d say sike for months now and it feels less and less likely each week.
Watching the anime makes it even worse because there are so many moments that could pay off so well or lead to excellent parallels that just… haven’t. They still could, but with Gojo “dead” and showing no signs of return, Megumi in Sukuna purgatory, nobara in eyeball purgatory, so many characters forgotten off screen, and Yuji just having no screen time I’m just having trouble staying invested. Gege made me care for these guys!! And for the potential of a plot with them facing what Kenjaku had planned!! But the culling game was so weird and confusing and what’s happening now feels like they’re pulling at straws!! Like did they just not have it planned out this far?? Ouhg. Like I said I hope I’m wrong, I’d love to be wrong. I just needed to vent about this because the Shibuya arc is genuinely an excellent piece of writing. It’s devastating and sets up so much room for potential consequences and growth. And, so far at least, the results have not met up to that excellent set up. I wish them the best and I hope they stick the landing, but I’m not nearly as excited or invested as I once was.
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localgardenweed · 4 months
About to lose my shit over my shitty Algebra teacher cause i think he’s the devil incarnate cause he doesn’t respect kid’s 504 plans, there is this kid who may not always show up to class on time for some reason im not sure why but they try their best to catch up and work hard and they asked to send over and take the recent test they missed in a certain classroom and he was like “No you cant, you have to show up tomorrow in here to take it” when literally in their 504 plan says they can take it in that room no one can force them to take it in their classroom, but DOES HE CARE??? NOOOOOO. I think he was just trying to be tough or smth god knows what cause he has a huge ass power complex like dear god dude we get it you were a army guy but is yelling at teens really what you wanna do to feel that high of power again?? The kid then complained to the school and he got a ass whooping but sadly not fired and then the next day was pissed as hell and took it out on all of us 😍
he doesn’t care to actually help students at all, he just gives up on them if they don’t understand the first or barely the second time and tells em to basically fuck off and find someone else to explain it and i get it teaching is hard you might not be able to get everyone to understand BUT ITS LITERALLY HIS GO TO RESPONSE WHEN YOU DONT UNDERSTAND SMTH IN HIS SHITTY RAPID FIRE EXPLANATION WHEN HE JUST JUMPS FROM THING TO THING WITH NO VISUAL OR EVEN SENSE CAUSE WTF HOW DID YOU GET THAT ANSWER HELLO?? SLOW DOWN?? We were going over the study guide and he started doing a question and then realized half way it was “too hard” to do on the board so he gave up and kept going to the next question and a kid at my table who didn’t do that part pf the study guide cause they dont know how asked “Can you go over that please i don’t understand it” and his response was “im not going over it just to fill it in” and the kid said “im not asking to just fill it in im asking cause I DONT KNOW HOW TO DO IT” and guess what. HE DIDNT DO IT HE JUST IGNORED THEM AND KEPT GOING. YOUR STUDENT IS ASKING FOR HELP AND YOU AINT DOING SHIT. HELLO??? AND THIS ISNT THE FIRST TOME HE ALWAYS PULL THIS SHIT ALL THE TIME, GOD FORBID YOU ASK A QUESTION MORE THAN ONCE THATS TOK SCARY AAAHHHHH.
I hope all his classes fails and they fire his ass cause omg there has never been anything positive said about this man that isn’t from favorites/people who already are godly at math. The average student who’s had him HATES HIM.
Im really debating like cussing him out Thursday after my final cause i cant just walk away and act like it was a okay class no he needs to get fucking humbled at least see what he does is harmful and shitty and douchey. I dont care if i get in trouble im not gonna go down like this so many kids in that class have struggled cause of his ass not doing his job. And sure some of there are rowdy and sure some are a bit off task but that doesn’t give you the right to abandon them. If i ever kicked my own bucket he would be 5 of my 13 reasons why.
#localgardenweed#the weed is rambling#i wish upon his downfail almost daily cause like i feel like a death wish isnt good enough thats the easy way out#i need his ass to think and contemplate what he does and reevaluate his lfie#he needs to get off his fucking imaginary throne and look at what he actually does as a teacher#i know teaching is hard and now pays next to nothing but he just doesn’t do his job and if he wants to keep it shit better start changing#there are other teachers in the same topics that do swimingly not to compare but i have to for him#they are patient they give their kids resources like idk FULL WORK ON ANSWER KEYS#that was my biggest ick with him he never posted answe keys with the work hust answers#i know he probably did it to avoid ppl cooying but also screwed over kids who need to see what went wrong with their work#also minor complaint but he used the math textbook for ‘notes’ and YOU KNOW HOW SMALL THE SPACE IS YO WRITE IN THOSE???#WHY IS ALL THE WORK IN THERE WHY DO YOU DO THIS#HE SAID HE DID WORKSHEETS LAST HEAR AND I TOOM A SUGH OF RELIF THINK WE WOULD TO BUT NAHHH HERE IS THE GIANT ASS BOOK THAT WILL GUVE YOU#BACK PAIN AND ALSO IM NOT GONNA SAY PAGE NUMBERS IMMA SAY TOPIC HEADERS#WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT#Thats also a minor complaint but i knew shit was gonna be rough when he said the chapter names and not page numbers#so much time was lost trying to find the oage in the book#also kinda important not really but there were only 5 girls in that class including me#in a room of like 19#…IM JUST SAYING#he did treat my table a little shit which was coincidently all girls#coincidence? yeah probably but ya know.#he mostly ignored the girls unless they were the 2 kids at my table cause they actual spoke up#but he ignored them too so ya know#i may be over thinking it but if he did get fired for sexism ya know i wouldn’t be surprised#school if you’re reading this know that yeah im pissed at him and yeah i do want to talk in student services i think its for the best
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sheliesshattered · 5 months
I think my tastes must just vary wildly from most people's, but I feel like the last several fanfics I've read have gone on for five or six chapters too many. I'll take an open-ended happy ending over wading through 15k+ words of a dense cloud of cotton candy overly sweet denouement in which every aspect of their perfect life together is explained in excruciating detail, and pet-names and 'I love you's are exchanged every other paragraph
#also. like. getting married and living happily ever after doesn't mean having no problems at all#there's always problems. the point is that you face them TOGETHER. stories about people with no problems are boring#idk I just feel like reading 100k+ words of really great plot and character development#only to faceplant into the literary equivalent of a vat of high fructose corn syrup for the last 15k+ words#really doesn't feel true to the rest of the story that came before it#it's also a huge contributor to why I leave so few comments these days#I don't want to comment chapter by chapter as I go along and then suddenly stop commenting when I get to the saccharine ending#and by the time I've waded through all that corny sweet syrup I don't particularly feel like commenting anymore#so the fics that I comment on are the ones that stick the landing. and sadly that feels like such a small percentage#whereas I'll leave kudos if I read all the way to the end even if there were things I didn't like about it#Jack suggested maybe I should just stop reading when it feels like I've reached the equivalent of an open-ended happy ending#and just leave a comment then about how much I liked the actual plot. then just walk away and leave the sugar rush for those who like it#and he's probably right tbh. I'll have to try that in the future#honestly this might also just be me transitioning out of my reading phase and into a writing phase instead#when other people's writing starts to piss me off it's time to get back to writing the stuff I actually want to read lol#tagtalking#fanfiction#fandom life#writing#2024 mood#about me
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stormxpadme · 1 year
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Year of the OTP July - Stars
A new oneshot in the RING OF FIRE collection is online.
In which Logan is on his way back from Alkali Lake and another call home reveals that the useless trip has left unpleasant scars.
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charmac · 7 months
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fratboykate · 1 year
Listen. Absolutely make tomato war 2.0. We want the pain. We want the fluff. We want it ALL.
Also I feel like as soon as Kate's kids are unhappy, she tells her vagina to shut up. The babies are always her priority. She will NOT let them feel less than the most important things in her life.
But also like... they're used to Yelena being a workaholic? Like school events get missed here and there, and yeah, it hurts, but they're used to it? And Kate HATES it. She's had talks with Yelena. She's had talks with Alexei about it because Melina has some similar issues.
Give us tomato war 2.0. Give us the kids wanting to see mama, but she's staying with grandma and grandpa for now because her and mommy need to figure some things out and Kate's angry crying because Alex is so calm through all of this but then Kate hears her sobbing in her room one night.
I have zero will power when you dangle angst in front of me so here's a five minute pain blurb you basically forced me write at 2:30am :) lol
Yelena trudges into the dimly lit bedroom she shares with Kate. To her surprise, it’s unoccupied. No trace of her partner. Weird. Yelena just walked by Kate’s office and the light was off. Their kitchen and living room are empty too.
She tiptoes into the kids' rooms, where she gently kisses their foreheads without waking them up. Still, no Kate to be found. WTF?
Despite feeling the weight of fatigue bearing down on her, Yelena decides to check the guest room, the one that is often used for naps or quiet reading. There she finds Kate lying in bed. Yelena is more than familiar with the sound of Kate’s breathing when she’s asleep and that’s not what she hears, so she turns the light on.
"Babe, why are you in here?" Yelena asks, puzzled. Silence. Yelena prods, still not realizing anything is wrong. “Kate…I know you’re awake.” Yelena knits her brow and steps further into the bedroom, sitting on the empty side of the mattress. Now she can see that Kate’s eyes are wide open, but she’s perfectly still and quiet. Yelena chuckles. “Are you ignoring me?” Kate says nothing and instead flips around, turning her back to Yelena. Yelena scoffs, starting to lose the sliver of patience she has left at this time of night. “Real mature, Kate.”
"I'm trying to avoid an argument." Kate snaps, voice low and strained.
“An argument about what?”
“What day is it today?" Kate’s words carry an undertone of anger.
“What’s circled on the calendar in red marker on this Wednesday? What’s been circled FOR WEEKS?”
“I don’t know, Kate. I haven’t memorized the calendar by heart. It’s on the fridge for a reason.” Yelena retorts, her frustration rising.
“Yeah, it’s on the fridge, so we all know where we have to be and when. That's the entire point.” Kate bites back.
Yelena falls silent, feeling the tension between them thickening. She allows her fatigued body to fall against the headboard.
“Is that all you’re going to give me?” Yelena’s voice is softer, almost pleading.
“The calendar is still on the fridge.” Kate remains cold and distant.
Yelena petulantly hops off the guest bed and shuffles over to the kitchen. Kate stays, immobile. Moments later, Yelena slowly tramps back into the bedroom but doesn’t move to the bed this time. She closes the door behind her to keep their voices contained and once it’s closed, she presses her back against it before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Why didn’t you call or text me?”
That sets Kate off and she lifts her head to glare at her wife. How is this HER fault?
“BECAUSE THE CALENDAR IS ON THE FUCKING FRIDGE! I shouldn’t have to chase you to show up.” The silence and tension grow even heavier. “He was sad you weren’t there. He’d never say it, but I know he was. You could tell.”
“Wasn’t he a tree in the background?”
Kate sneers.
“Jesus fuck dude, how do you make everything that’s not about you sound so unimportant? Yeah. He was ‘a tree in the background’, but he was damn good at it. Not that you care, apparently. You didn’t even ask.”
Yelena hangs her head.
“I’m sorry. I am. I should’ve looked at the calendar more closely...I had a breakthrough. It was a mistake. Wrong beaker into the wrong burette which...could’ve gone terribly, but...it didn’t.” Yelena becomes animated, excited even over what she’s about to share. “Turns out the altered residues in the polymerase are solvent-exposed and…”
“I don’t care. I don’t. You probably could’ve come to the same conclusion tomorrow morning. It’s not an excuse.”
Kate cuts her off, weary and exasperated. Yelena allows her words to trail off, realizing that Kate isn’t interested in her work. The quiet lingers.
Yelena can sense she’s let Kate down but doesn’t know how to make it right. It seems like she’s perpetually asking for forgiveness lately, but it also never seems to be enough to make up for anything. It’s like nothing she does is enough. For any of them.
“You’re right. It’s not. But I can’t do anything about it right now. It happened. I’ll apologize to him tomorrow. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Will he? Because to be honest, I think we’re all a little sick of your apologies.” Kate’s words are laced with bitterness.
Yelena feels a lump forming in her throat. Deep down, she knows Kate’s right, but the surge of anger and frustration those sentences trigger inside the blonde stop her from being objective and level-headed.
“You’re being unfair.”
“I’m not doing this with you right now.” Kate tells her flatly and with finality.
Kate lies back down and covers herself with the duvet completely. Yelena can only see the shape of her under the covers.
“Doing what, Kate?” Kate says nothing. “You’re insufferable sometimes. You know that?”
“Must’ve learned it from somewhere.” Kate mutters from under the blanket.
“I tried to talk to you, tried to fix it. Remember that.”
“I don’t need to remember shit, dude. That’s you.”
“Good night, Katherine.”
Yelena shuts the light off and steps out of the guest bedroom, a surge of emotions and the weight of her mistake coursing through her. Kate wipes the single angry tear that escapes. It’s not worth it.
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torterragarden · 2 years
lord help me I have started a new wip
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starlooove · 1 year
This fic just pissed me tf off bro gn ☠️
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just opened the google doc for chapter 6 of wafwaf for the first time in like. 3 days whoops
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narugen · 1 month
i do think it’s a bit laughable that if it had been any other character (ESPECIALLY IF MALE!) they’d probably have more close up shots and maybe more pages of them in action but because it’s mina she gets this
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and . that’s it. thank you matsumoto once again for letting me down #CONSISTENCY 🙏
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i will love you when no one else will
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