#cw kidnapping implied
whump-in-the-closet · 1 month
dialogue prompts for traitor whumpees
(cws in tags)
the betrayed:
"What are you doing? Why did you lock...why did you lock the door?"
"No! Stop, you can't do this!"
"You don't have to do this."
"I thought I could trust you."
"When I get out of this-- when, not if-- when I get out, you're going to wish you were dead."
"Fucker. I always knew you were trouble. No one else listened, did they? They took in your sob story and swallowed it whole."
"Oh, you're sorry? You're sorry? Why don't you run back to your master like the dog you are?"
"Fuck off."
"I don't want to hear it. I don't!"
"We should have never trusted you. We should have never helped you."
"You're going to regret this, I promise you."
the betrayer:
"I'm...so sorry."
"Its for your own good."
"This was the only way, you don't understand."
"I'm sorry-- I had to, they forced me-- please, please forgive me."
"This would be much easier for you if you just held still."
"Oh? Are the handcuffs a little tight? Do they pinch? My bad, let me just cut off your circulation here."
"This is very satisfying, I have to admit. And just the tiniest bit humorous."
"Someone gag them. They never know when to shut up."
"You really should have known better."
"Why on earth did you think I ever needed your help?"
"It was me or you, old friend. And I really prioritize survival over any relationship."
"It's nothing personal. It just had to be done."
"I may regret this, I may not. At least I'll be alive to regret it."
"You don't understand what they did to me. You will though. Soon."
"Oh shut up, this isn't even the worst part."
"I had no idea some of the most brilliant minds in the world were so... gullible."
"God, you lot were stupid. You...followed me into a basement. Seriously, what is up with that?"
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amostnobleyandere · 1 month
Yandere! Nanami Kento x GN! Reader
CWs: Kidnapping, implied stalking, obsessive behavior, possessive behavior, domestic fantasies i.e Nanami wants reader as a domestic partner (“house spouse”), slight mention of death
thinking about yandere! nanami kento who is so incredibly lonely.
nanami, who is used to the solitude, never having made an effort to get close to any one after the death of his best friend. nanami, who was stuck in an endless cycle of work, sleep, eat, and repeat. even after he had quit his corporate job and dedicated his time to hunting down curses and exorcising evil, there always seemed to be a perpetually empty place by his side. he was bereft of companionship, and the place inside him that longed for it had grown numb after years of being repressed.
but then suddenly you’re there. in that empty spot, filing it up like it had always belonged to you. his neighbor, who he had met by chance not long after you moved in. well, technically not his neighbor, as you were renting the place out for only a year. he had met you when one of your packages ended up on his doorstep, which gave him an excuse to introduce himself. he would often catch you going in and out of your apartment, and you always greeted each other, making polite conversation before going your separate ways.
you had spontaneously invited him over at a time when nanami had struggled through a particularly bad day and looked as if he had been through hell. with him sitting in your living room and drinking the tea you had prepared, you sheepishly admitted that you didn’t know many people around this area. it was a bit lonely, you explained, not having anyone to spend time with after work, as you could only contact your friends through your phone for the time being. you smiled at him as you asked if he would like to be your friend and get to know each other better.
to say that nanami wasn’t somewhat shocked would be an understatement—he had never had one of his neighbors reach out to him before. hell, even his coworkers had always steered clear of him, as he knew that his reserved nature came off as unapproachable. but you were different. you seemed sweet, and your offer was genuine. and it would be nice to get out of the house more, he thought—
at his considering silence, you hastily backtracked and explained that you understand if he felt uncomfortable with your proposition. he shook his head, assuring you that he would be delighted to spend time with you, knowing that he would benefit from getting out of the house more himself.
and being lonely? he could sympathize with that.
he begins to feel attracted to you as he spends more and more time with you, bringing along many new feelings with it. a sense of protectiveness, a craving for intimacy, and the novel urge to get home quickly and safely for reasons over than avoiding overtime—or worse case scenario, surviving till the end of the day. he keeps your apartment floor—at this point it was probably the entire building—void of curses, destroying flyheads the minute he sees them.
from then on he observes you relentlessly, even outside your frequent chats and hang outs. he ends up falling for you hard. this is the first time he’s ever been in love, and the warm feeling that fills up his chest every time he sees you is getting addictive.
he finds himself getting antsy whenever you work late or cancel on him suddenly because you can’t avoid overtime from your boss. he’s never minded you working before, as much as he loathes it himself, but he hates to see you stuck in a similar position that he was in the past.
fuck—he wants a house spouse, he realizes. that’s what he wants you to be. not only would it keep you safe, tucked away in his spacious apartment, but it would also fulfill his new desire of wanting to have someone waiting for him when he got home. nanami had never thought about marriage before—his job was too dangerous and he wasn’t selfish enough to expose someone to the pain and suffering that would come with him dying from a curse.
but here he is, acting completely out of character, blushing while thinking about what it would be like for you to send him off with a kiss each morning and greet him with a kiss as he walks through the door every night. it’s borderline insane, but the idea becomes more and more appealing the more he thinks about it.
and, well. all of that working wasn’t for nothing now. he had plenty of money, all that he had managed to hoard over years of soul-sucking labor that made him trade a generous paycheck for peace of mind. he thinks now about how he coveted it so much, and yet there was no one to share it with, no greater point but to collect it and maintain the facade of stability it granted him.
clearly, he was lacking goals. he sees that now, when he realizes that what better way to spend it than on the person most precious to him? it would be best used to spoil you, to keep you safe, and there was so much that he could give. so much that he could use to keep you healthy, safe, and happy
that’s why, the next time you come over to his place, you don’t end up leaving.
A/N: my toxic trait is forcing my readers to make and drink tea even though I hate tea 😊✌️
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black-aurora-nora · 1 year
Sibling Squabbles | Yandere!Superman and Jon x Teen!Reader
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“Jon, please get out the way.” You demanded in an even tone.
The younger boy didn’t budge from his spot in front of the door. His gaze held firm and he shook his head, “Dad said you couldn’t leave.”
“Clark doesn’t hold authority over me.” You reminded him matter of factly, “He’s not my father and I’m not your sister.”
Jon frowned deeply at your words, “Dad said you’d have a hard time-“
“Move, Jon!” You demanded again, louder.
You moved up to him, trying to shuffle past him with your backpack filled with a few essentials.
“Where would you even go?! You were homeless before this!”
“And? At least I wasn’t stuck in some house with creepy men!” You rebutted angrily, grabbing for the doorknob.
Jon grabbed your wrist, gripping it tight, “I’m not creepy! And neither is my dad! Take that back!” He knew that his dad told him to be gentle with you since you were still settling down but you were going too far.
“No! I mean it! You’re creepy!” You repeated sharply, trying to wrestle your wrist from Jon’s grip. “Ugh! It’s no wonder your mom left-!”
A sickening crack sounded from your wrist and you saw it crinkle in a way it wasn’t supposed to then a horrible pain that left you screaming from both the shock of what happened and the pain.
Jon stood frozen, breathing uneven.
He looked from your crumpled arm to your snotty face.
He hadn’t meant to hurt you. His father had warned him plenty of times to use his powers for good and here he was hurting you because you said something hurtful.
“I-I’m- (Y/N), I’m so-!” He reached out to you and you jerked back violently with a yelp.
“Stay the fuck away from me!” You snapped, opening the door with your good hand and running out towards the trail that led to the city.
Jon decided it best that he not follow you.
He knew you wouldn’t escape now anyhow. You were far too hurt and in too much shock to get far enough. And no one would allow a young teen like you to walk around with a broken arm if you did make it to the city.
The next time he saw you, which was a day later, his father had brought you back home with a blue cast on your arm.
You looked exhausted, pissed off, and every other negative emotion that people could feel.
Clark had you both in the living room and glanced at the two of you sternly. He looked at you first with an expectant gaze.
“(Y/N), apologize to your brother.” He said, arms crossed.
You kept your gaze on the cast for a moment.
A deep breath in, “Sorry.”
“You can do better than that.” Clark wasn’t one that took apologies lightly. You had to put your full heart into it. “Remember what we talked about at the doctor’s.”
Another deep breath, “Sorry for saying stuff about your mother.” You gritted out, “And about you… I didn’t mean it.” Your voice was incredibly monotone but Clark knew that was the best they were going to get from you right now.
He knew there’d be plenty more altercations in the future to teach you how to apologize properly and honestly.
He turned to Jon, “Be more careful in the future,” He reminded him simply, “And apologize to your sister.”
Jon’s lip wobbled as he gazed at you and you wished great harm upon him. How dare he act like he was the one that had been victimized? Like he was innocent?
How dare Clark make you apologize first when Jon had hurt you? Now you were stuck in a cast and had been set back.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). I won’t do that ever again and I forgive you.” He gave you a teary smile, “I know you’re having a hard time and I should’ve kept my anger in check.”
Clark smiled warmly, “Try to keep the sibling squabble to a minimum, okay, you two?” He patted you both on the head.
He then stood up and made his way to the kitchen, “Who wants breakfast?” He asked, tying an apron around his person, “I’m thinking waffles, eggs and bacon!”
Jon licked his lips, “I’ll have some! Can I help?!” He asked excitedly, running after his father.
“Of course you can, Jon.” You heard Clark answer from the kitchen, “(Y/N), come join us.”
God you hated them with every fiber of your being.
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sour-sailin · 1 month
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Dude... What the flip...
Gets more torturey under here vvv
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amehell at the mercy of these two. ame abused girlfriend. cute :3
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abbacchiosbelt · 9 months
New Year
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Pairing: Yandere Mahito x GN!Reader
Notes: i wrote this while high and didn't edit it so sorry if it's funky
WC: 792
Notes: Yandere, implied kidnapping, implied death (not of reader), nonconsensual kissing, Mahito being a menace.
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“Look what I got you!”
The words that left Mahito’s mouth instantly have you on guard. You warily turn towards your captor, narrowing your eyes at the generic bag that he excitedly shakes in your direction. Anything Mahito gave you was never what it seemed - there were no gifts without strings, nor was anything given to you without purpose. Whether it was to terrify or to sicken or to make you beg for him to stop, there was always a reason.
Mahito ignores your expressions and bounds over to you, dumping the bag out all over the couch cushion next to you. It takes you a moment to register what you’re seeing, your eyes darting between Mahito and the pile on the couch.
Next to you sits a pile of various items, the one thing they had in common being their reason for existence: the celebration of 2024. The new year…? It couldn’t be. It’d… there was no way it had been that long. Mahito kept the time and date from you, but you swore you’d been somewhat accurate in counting the days that had passed. You want to ask him if this is some kind of joke, but no words make it past your scratchy throat.
You look up at him, mouth parted - and the unnaturally large smile that seems to span his entire face answers the words that refuse to pass your lips. Mahito’s hand comes to your face and for one millisecond you think it’s all over before he simply squishes your cheeks together with his fingers.
“Are you so happy you can’t speak?” Mahito presses his fingers into your cheeks upward to push your lips into a crude smile, only stopping when he presses so hard that you whimper. “There you go. If you can’t speak, you can at least give me a smile after I went to the trouble of getting you this stuff.”
Mahito grabs one of the accessories from the pile - a party hat with a generic New Year quote - and places it on your head, adjusting it so that the band under your chin is just so. He grabs a noise maker for himself and startles you by leaning forward to blow it in your face, leaning back to cackle when you jolt away.
“You know, this is one of those human holidays I don’t really get.” Mahito waves the noise maker as he speaks, specks of glitter falling to the floor. “All the humans I took this stuff from seemed to be having fun. Especially the couples.” 
The humans…? Your blood turns ice-cold in an instant. While Mahito rambles, you force yourself to look back at the pile. You hadn’t noticed it before, but there was a faint, metallic smell in the air. It was different than the sickeningly sweet stink of rot that clung to Mahito.
It smelled fresh.
If you looked hard enough in the pile, there’s no doubt that you’d find several things spattered with blood.
Mahito startles you out of your shock when his hands are suddenly on your shoulder, the icy cold chill of his skin biting even through your clothing. “Hey. Are you listening?”
You nod, still unable to speak, but Mahito doesn’t retreat from your space. He presses in forward until his lips nearly rest against yours, and you struggle not to recoil at the scent of iron that clings to his mouth.
“We were supposed to kiss at midnight, but since you don’t know what time it is, now is as good as ever.”
Mahito places his lips against yours, surprisingly chaste, and pulls away. “I forgot to tell you. You’re the only person I’ve kept long enough to see a new year go by with.” He gives you no time to react before he leans in again to capture your lips in a domineering kiss, ignoring your groan of discomfort when he wrenches your mouth open with his inhuman tongue and licks the inside of it. He stops again, pulling back in full this time.
Mahito places his hand on your shoulder like you’d seen him do before to the many humans he’d mutilated and forced you to watch. Paralyzed by fear, feeling ridiculous with the hat on your head that had most definitely belonged to a now-dead person, you finally manage to squeak out a plea for mercy. “Mahito, please don’t hurt me!”
“Calm down, cutie. I just wanted to wish you a proper new year for our first time together.” 
Mahito lifts the noise maker he’d shoved in his pocket to his lips and blows it hard, giggling like a child when he pulls it away from his mouth.
“Happy New Year! And if you’re lucky, you’ll be here next year too~”
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gothghostiie · 4 months
Wesker coming back into his/your room from getting ready in the bathroom, only for you to squeak and hide in the pile of blankets and stuffies in your cage because you’re still a little on edge from the punishment he gave you last night :(
aww :(
poor little thing is so scared it breaks his heart:( hes slowly crouching down next to the cage, asking you if you're okay and to come out to him :( coaxing you into coming back to his arms, holding you gently and petting your head, telling you its okay now, he's not mad anymore, you're okay now:((
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screeblees · 10 months
Hi! Do you think angry!yandere would be more lenient or more annoyed with a darling that's really scared or even potentially paranoid about everything? Love your work!
Hii!! Thanks so much!
Angry ! Yandere Headcanons here !
Find my Masterlist here !
Please enjoy!!<33
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It would definitely depend on Angry ! Yandere's mood and how this fear and paranoia presents.
If this intense unease is due to him then;
If this fear comes across as bundling up with blankets and pillow in a safe space such as the bed or a specific spot, like in a cupboard or behind a chair that’s against corner - then as long as Angry ! Yandere knows where you are then he’ll give you your space, at least when initially settling in. It’s almost cute, really, and means you’ll likely be too scared to act out and break any rules.
Unless he’s feeling particularly stressed, then his need for you comes before your need for comfort. He’ll ask nicely - though his tone will be tense and demanding - for you to come out, but if you don’t then he’ll have no qualms reaching over and dragging you out, or joining you in there, if comfortable.
If this paranoia shows as shaking and trembling, flinching and jumpiness when he’s near, then Angry ! Yandere's patience will quickly dwindle and his expressions will twitch in annoyance. He’ll just be made angrier and angrier the more you act like a scared prey animal.
If he’s feeling especially nice, he may attempt to help you calm down by forcefully pulling you into his lap and petting your head and face, although this would occur exclusively when you are first brought home.
Once Angry ! Yandere's tolerance starts to seriously fade then he’d forget all attempts to soothe you and instead resort to taking his anger out on you; yelling and handing out punishments left and right for every disrespectful reaction he interprets. 
On the other hand, let’s say you’re not scared of him but an external source.
Even if you don’t go to him for comfort, the moment Angry ! Yandere figures out how you’re feeling and what’s causing it, you’re being pulled into his chest and not being let go for at least a few hours. He’ll even bundle you up himself, creating a pile of blankets and pillows for the two of you to share whilst he cuddles into you, whispering comforts of “You have nothing to worry about” and “Nothing outside of this basement can reach you”.
Even if Angry ! Yandere had an extremely irritating day, having a reason to snuggle up to you always brightens his day, especially with the excuse of getting to be your source of comfort for once (if you actually find this comforting or more frightening is irrelevant).
Everything comes down to his needs in the end, and if your fear means more comforting feelings for him then maybe he’ll need to make you afraid more often…
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van1llam1lkk · 9 months
Gift Wrapped
[ nsfw | CW ; Implied kidnapping, Shibari, strap on, fluff, brief angst(?), threats (not directed at Darling), Yandere Content, Jealousy, Dacryphilia, Dubcon, praise, Lack of proper foreplay, Fem!Darling]
Female yandere x Darling
a/n ; Got the idea for the pose from this , I'm gonna pass out it was the 24th when I wrote this and I was STRUGGLING because I made a different version but realized it wasn't really Christmas theme nor in character— and rather then going back and editing it I just scrapped it
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Summary— Aizu wants nothing more for Christmas than to see you all tied up- So why not make it a reality?
word count — 1.9k
You watch as Aizu crawls into bed, the mattress dipping in beneath her weight. “It's been getting cold out.” You mumbled, resting your head on her shoulder.
“I know.” 
You stay quiet for another moment, waiting for her to continue— To tell you what you want to know without actually saying the words.
"It's been six months." She finally relented, shifting her position so shes rested on her side and was facing you. Prompting you with the question "Are you really still thinking about that?"
"How could I not?"
"Because you have everything you could ever want here, why are you so focused on the little things like what's happening out there— or if your friends kiss you?"
"Not freedom."
Quiet befalls the both of you, the weight of those unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. You could feel Aizu's gaze piercing through you, searching for any sign of weakness or hesitation. She leaned in closer, her warm breath tickling your skin as she whispered, "But what is freedom without love? Without someone who understands and supports you?"
"Do you? Do you actually understand me? I mean- can't help but wonder if you even actually love me, if all of this" You sit up and gesture to the modest bedroom around you, its familiarity suffocating. "Just some attempt to covet after me." She doesn't respond, at least not immediately. A soft sigh escaping her as she let's a hand cup the side of your face and force eye contact between the two of you, dark brown eyes piercing through your own.
"Whether it's love or some deep rooted obsession I had since the moment I found you, I still care about you." She mumbles tempted to say more, but instead choosing to hold back.
"Please don't get all sappy with me." You groan, throwing your head back against the pillows. "You know I'm only stuck here because of you." You shoot back, though your tone not as hostile as your words would suggest.
"I know." She scoffed, "You don't always have to hold that against me, I mean- Can't you lighten up at least a little? I mean, I don't think that's something you want going into Christmas."
"It's already Christmas?" You practically shout, sitting back up in your bed. "I thought it was October-"
"But it's not October, like how it's not Christmas... At least not yet, Christmas is tomorrow." You stared at her, mild frustration building up in you. "And you didn't think to tell me earlier?"
"I saw no reason, as to why. And I figured it'd be a nice surprise." She shrugged, "Plus I waited last minute before buying gifts so... I still need to wrap them up." She shrugged, "C'mon, just go to bed you won't miss anything and I'll wake you up early. Promise."
You stare at her for a moment a little frown in your face but eventually relent and lay your head back down, Letting your eyes flutter shut as Aizu's gentle touch on your face lulls you into a peaceful slumber.
The next morning, you woke to the sound of soft music playing from the living room. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you followed the sound and found Aizu sitting on the couch, surrounded by colorful wrapping paper and ribbons strewn about, Her hands covered in bandages and a pair of scissors sat next to her. It always amazed you how horrible she is with cutting things but has no problem with them during training.
"There you are." She huffed dusting her pants off, "Sit down, you can eat later so just- sit." She ordered, practically shoving you to the mat on next to the Christmas tree with her light little pushes.
"So... What's up with the amount of gifts?" You prompt, it wasn't a stretch to believe all of them we're for you— God knows how much money this woman has from the weekly donations alone— but it was still worth asking.
"Variety, that and my sisters are coming over tonight and I want an excuse to show my lovely pet off." She nonchalantly says slightly shrugging.
"C'mon, open them any one will do." She purred, Huffing a little sigh, you pulled away and refocused on the nearest present to your right. It was long and thin, but larger then a box that would hold a necklace, so you weren’t sure what could be inside. While you were distracted by the gift in hand she was more focused on something else.
Sitting behind you she let her hands wander beneath the dark red shirt you wore, letting them rub comforting circles onto your sides. You couldn't help but lean into her touch, even as your mind was preoccupied with the mystery gift in front of you.
"Open it," she whispered, her voice barely audible against your ear.
Maybe today could've been normal. As normal as your life could get with her. With a slight smile to your lips you tore open the wrapping paper, When you got a look at what was inside the box. A small chuckle escapes you which slowly transformed into a loud, cackling laugh. “You got me a dildo!?” you asked, half amused half frustrated and maybe even slightly disappointed.
In the box, nestled in a pillow of soft satin, sat a long, thick dildo, with just a hint of a curve to it. But to answer your rhetorical question she simply hummed, gingerly taking the box from your hands and placing it to the side.
"C'mon, you have more." She simply said watching as you pull over another box.
And that would be fine if the same act didn't repeat four times. It wasn't the same thing, thankfully, but almost all were sexual in nature— Vibrators, ball gags, flavoured lube—
Admittedly though, when you got to the fourth one face slightly flushed from the 'gifts' and her touching growing more adventurous, you were confused— Mind slightly hazy as you stared at the red and white rope, barely able to focus on anything but the way she traced circles just above the spot where your clit was in your panties.
"What's— what's this for?" You stammer out, at this point you don't even think she's paying attention to opening the presents any more instead she's more focused on groping your breasts with one hand and making you twitch with the other.
"It's f' me." She simply stated, "I didn't have time to wrap up my gift after all." You swallow your saliva, and try to take a deep breath, but her fingers are still moving in circles, and your entire body is tingling with desire. You can feel the wetness seeping through your panties.
Doing you the favor of pulling your shirt off she tosses it to the corner, not paying attention to your confusion as she ties the strands of the rope around your hands. Pulling them taught that you wouldn't be surprised if you got rope burn from the tightness She must have planned this for a while, the way she looks at you, her eyes filled with lust and anticipation. You swallow again, trying to steady your nerves, but your heart is racing, and your breaths are shallow.
"Your just so pliable when your like this." Aizu mumbles, from your position you couldn't see what she was doing only the sound of metal clicking against itself possibly alluding to what she's doing.
"Aizu..." you managed to whisper, your voice filled with just as much anticipation as it was fear. You could feel your heart pounding in your chest, Aizu shushed you pressing a soft kiss to your neck, "Be patient f' me, you'll find out soon enough."
It wasn't until you felt her pushing your panties to the side and the blunt tip of something press against your taught opening did you get an idea, "now stay still for me, I have to do something and I'm sure you don't wanna get hurt." She cooed, slowly pushing the fat girth into you one-inch at a time. Ignoring the way you wriggled in her grip, the lack of proper foreplay making the intrusion slightly burn.
Finally when she bottomed out, your ass pressed firmly against her pelvis. She leaned down to your ear whispering soft praises "Good girl, did so well f' me." She murmured.
Leaning back up she grabs the rope and ties it to around both hers and your waist, taking the time to comfort you into relaxation as she finished with tying your hands behind your back. Leaving barely any space between your pelvis.
A satisfied hum leaves her as she slowly pulls out, the rope binding you two together only giving her enough space to pull out a couple of inches before she's fucking it right back into you. Forcing air out of you with each slow- but rough thrust,
Mindless and breathless moans leave your lips, your nails digging into the flesh your palm. The pain slowly giving way to pleasure as wetness cover chubby cock.
“Look at you,” she coos, “such a cockslut, I wonder what everyone else would think if they saw this.” you clench around her from her harsh words, slightly shifting her position she leaned over you, pushing her weight down “As if I'd let them ever see you like this” She panted.
You could feel the heat radiating from her skin, the smell of her perfume, and the sound of her soft moans filling your ears.
"Id— I'd kill them all before I even think about sharing you." She stuttered. "Fuck you in a puddle of their own blood." Aizu mindlessly rambled, her fucking picking up pace
Your body convulsed at her words, her cruel fantasy arousing you more than what should be appropriate. You could feel the heat from your arousal, the wetness coating her cock, wet squelches coming with each heavy and the sensation of her thrusts deeper and harder than before.
Your squeals and whined became more louder, and she leaned in closer, her tits pressing against your flesh. Her words dripping with lust, "You're mine, sweetheart. No one else will ever touch you, understand? They'll all fuckin' die trying to take you away from me."
You cried out, unable to form a coherent response, your mind lost in the haze of pleasure the way the curved managed to grind against that gooey spot inside of you that had you drooling all over the hardwood floor.
Snaking a hand between you two she played with your clit, leaving you a panting mess drenched in your own juices. "M' gonna cum," you slur out tears sticking to your eyelashes and flowing down your cheeks.
Her finger tracing sloppy circles over your clitoris, giving the sensitive nub mean little slaps. With a grunt of effort, she pulls back, the echo of the taut rope stretching between you both, and then thrusts forward with a brutal force, the fat tip of her cock finding purchase and sliding in deeper than before. It's like a vice grip, and your entire body screams in delight at the new sensation.
With a high pitched shriek your walls clench around them, your body tensing up with each wave of pleasure that washes over you. Aizu's pace slowly regresses into slow fucking, eventually stopping with one last thrust. She softly panted as she untied the rope, kissing your wrists that were sensitive. "Did so well f' me." She cooed, peppering your face with kisses— taking extra time to pick away any tears on your face—.
Effortlessly she pulled you onto her lap, Her delicate touch lingered on your skin, soothing the remnants of your restraints. "You were such a good girl, let's go get you some breakfast yeah?" She prompted, cupping your face in her hands.
"And then we'll bake cookies... Watch movies, and if your lucky maybe we'll go into town for the festival." She cooed, lifting you up and heading to the bathroom.
"But let's get you cleaned up first."
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mrdrhenwardhykle · 2 months
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Various FNAF related doodles I made while probably not in the right mindset
Various inspo
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villainsandheroes · 1 year
Hi Hero
Sidekick sat tied in the chair. Taking deep, shaky breaths. “Y-you don’t ha-have to do this-“
Villain breathed in the fear, giving them a toothy smile. “That’s not what I asked you to sayyy. Why don’t we try again.” They stopped the recording. “Fifth times a charm~ Am I right Sidekick?!” They laughed manically before retuning back to a smile. “Now you can do It. Just need you to say: hi Hero. And can we try for a smile too?” They cooed gently.
Villain pressed record.
Sidekick couldn’t look up. Instead keeping their head don and squeezing their eyes shut.
“H-hi… Hero.”
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whump-in-the-closet · 2 months
prompt idea: Whumpee with daddy issues accidentally calling Whumper ‘Dad’ which leads Whumper to mock them for it.
okay so this one was hard to write but here it is
cw: implied parental abuse, implied abuse of a minor, beating with a belt, manhandling, kidnapping, implied torture and some actual torture, implied forced captivity, begging, creepy/intimate whumper, failed escape attempt
The basement door swung open and a swath of light fell down the stairs.
Whumpee threw their arms up to shield their face, curling up against the wall, desperate for any semblance of protection.
Whumper's footsteps dragged down the concrete steps and stopped a few feet away from the pile of limbs and bruises that made up Whumpee.
Whumpee trembled. The cold seeped through the wall and from the floor, pulsing against their skin. Their comfortable clothes had been taken and traded for thin basketball shorts and a shirt that belonged to Whumper, and it did little to keep out the cold. They glanced through the gap in their arms at Whumper.
Whumper stood above them, arms folded, dark hair pulled back in a low-swinging braid. They frowned, their mouth cinched in a downward expression.
Whumpee recognized this look. They were far too familiar with it. A deep pit opened inside them, a threatening hole that gaped in wrenching fear.
Oh fuck.
"I'm-- I'm sorry," Whumpee started to apologize, their teeth chattering.
Whumper lifted a hand, silencing them. "Shut. Up."
Whumpee ducked their head, swallowing hard.
"You thought you could escape? Really, Whumpee? I knew you were stupid, I just didn't think you would fuck up this badly." Whumper was calm, their voice measured as if they were talking to a child. If anything they sounded disappointed.
Whumpee's hands spasmed, head suddenly spinning.
And Whumper went on, "Are you unhappy here? Is that what this is? Do you think you have it badly? I have been nothing but kind to you."
Whumpee stiffened, something flashing in their eyes. "You-- you kidnapped me! You took my clothes, you sick fuck--" Their hands flew to the metal collar around their throat and yanked on it. "What the hell-- you chained me in your basement-"
Before they could get any further, Whumper slapped them across the face. The blow left them dazed, ears ringing. Whumper grabbed their chin, forcing Whumpee to look at them. They crouched next to them to hiss, "So you do think this is bad. Ungrateful, tsk." Whumper's grip relented, only to stroke Whumpee's smarting cheek with calloused fingers.
Whumpee's skin crawled under Whumper's touch.
Still, in that soft voice, they whispered, "I guess I'll have to teach you a lesson, won't I?" Their breath was hot against Whumpee's face. "And you're going to thank me for it."
Whumpee flinched back. "No, no, no! I'm sorry, I am!"
Whumper straightened, "Yes, you will be."
A wave of nausea enveloped Whumpee, induced by spur-of-the-moment terror. They fell onto their hands and knees, shaking. Half-formed words fell out of their mouth and onto that cold concrete. "Please--"
They heard the soft clink of Whumper undoing their belt and dry-heaved, a gut reaction they had no control over. They begged, half-senseless and desperate. "Please, please, nonono-- don't-- please no--"
Whumper wrapped the soft part of the belt around their hand and snapped the buckle over Whumpee's shoulders.
"Sorry! I said sorry--"
The belt buckle cracked against their hand and they yelped, collapsing in on themself. One of their nails had been ripped loose from its bed and dangled, barely attached. Whumpee sobbed, holding it tight even as blood squeezed its way out of their hand.
Whumpee looked up at Whumper through tear-stained vision, distorted and fractured into a hundred pieces. "Please," they begged, voice cracking, "Dad, please--I'm sorry--"
Whumper exhaled a breathless laugh, pausing with their arm still in mid-air. "What?"
Whumpee shrank back.
Oh fuck.
"Aw, does this hit a little too close to home, Whumpee?"
Whumpee looked away, flushing a brilliant red. Not ashamed, not ashamed, not ashamed--
Another thwack of the belt against skin.
Whumpee bit back a scream, squeezing their eyes shut. They clenched their jaw until they tasted iron blood pooling in their mouth.
"I asked you a question."
The belt flicked through the air.
Another flinch.
"Yes," Whumpee spat out. "Yes! Happy now?" Silent tears still blurred their vision.
Whumper smiled slowly. "Very much." They wiped off the belt and put it back on with slow, exaggerated movements. They bent over Whumpee, who trembled at their touch. Whumper yanked their head up by their hair, throat exposed and vulnerable.
With their free hand, Whumper spun a small knife. They traced its tip down Whumpee's jugular, watching how their Adam's apple bobbed in apprehension.
Silver blade tickled Whumpee's throat.
Whumpee inhaled shallowly, eyes locked on the ceiling, even as Whumper smiled down at them in their canine-sharp way.
"No more escape attempts, alright?"
Whumpee swallowed, something dying inside them. The light drained from their eyes. Empty blue, aching with dilated pupils. "Yes."
"What do you say?" Whumper prodded, the blade moving in small circles up and down Whumpee's throat.
"Thank...thank you," Whumpee whispered.
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st1mmywimmy · 5 months
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🍭tag you're it by melanie martinez stimboard🐺
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🍭 🐺 🍭 - 🚐 - 🚐 - 🦷 🐺 🍭
might make this a series as i'm low on ideas rn, making every melanie martinez song into a board would be fun :)
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anyways who wants a vengeful spirit?
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Hongqi is the ghost of a serial killer that was executed by the state. Spends his afterlife by offering his services to kill someone's object of jealousy for a price.
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dinkflocculent · 4 months
Old Prey - Chapter Six: Raven
“Get in the bath.”
He closes the door, leaving me alone in the bathroom. The tub is filled with warm water, and he left new clothes on the toilet. Despite his mood, he added bubbles as if I was a cub. Maybe Soleda liked bubbles.
I put a paw in the water, feeling it dampen my fur and warm my freezing paw. Baths always calmed me down. The feeling of the water on my skin, my body warming up… it was just so relaxing. But it’s hard to relax when you’re in the same house with a lion that’s furious with you.
I undress and step into the bath, wincing at my frostnip. My pads have reddened and are painful when applied pressure. It hasn’t worsened to frostbite but is hell to deal with.
I stare at the ceiling, going deeper into the water. I failed. My one chance to free myself is gone. I don’t know what he will do to me, I fear he’ll hurt me.
The longer I stay here, the more my chance of freedom decreases. Leo will never change his mind about me. He wants to shape me ‘back’ into his beloved, molding me into a completely different identity. Making me forget who I am, who I was.
I can’t sit here and let that happen.
I jump out of the water, quickly drying and dressing myself. I open the door, getting out when seeing he isn’t there. I hurry to the window opening it and feeling the cruel cold. I don’t care if my frostbite turns permanent this time, I just need to get out here.
The sound of an aggravated growl fills my ears. The next thing I knew I was being roughly grabbed by my shoulders and turned around, faced with Leo’s seething expression, teeth bared.
He’s furious.
“You’re trying to escape again,” I try to run off, but he has a tightening hold on my wrist. “You could’ve froze to death, or suffocated yourself in that snow!”
“I’ve been so lonely without you, it’s been so hard living my life like this. You make me feel complete,” he lets out a shaky breath. “Yet this horrible thing has happened to you, making you forget all of your memories, every memory of us.”
“No, that isn’t—”
“Your father isn’t a rhino. You aren’t friends with a wolf. You don’t even go to Claws Academy. You went to Deer Valley,” his voice cracks. “I don’t know why this happened. Why did you leave me? Was I too clingy? Did you not like lions? Did you lose interest in me? Did you ever have interest in me?”
I’m the one being held by a violent, mentally unstable lion. But he is the one with tears wetting the fur on his face. He won’t break eye contact with me, looking deeply.
“I-I don’t know,” I try to reason. “I’m not her. I’m Beau Barrese, and I was never in a relationship with you. We’re nine years apart, it can’t be possible that we were in high school together…”
“We’re only two years apart…”
“You’re Soleda Anstead, you could’ve been Soleda Santifelon…”
“But you look so identical to her, you have to be her!”
“No! I am Beau Barrese, I never loved you nor knew you!”
He grabs my shoulders, his claws almost digging into my flesh as they protrude.
“I kidnapped a young, defenseless beast… my life is over, I’ll be seen as a pedophile. Oh, God.”
“It-It’ll be okay,” I lie, trying to calm him down. “I’m sure you won’t be accused of—”
“I need to get rid of you, I need to get rid of you. Every trace of you.”
My body freezes. My mind went into a complete state of panic, but I couldn’t move. All I see are his pupils constricting, his fangs baring and salivating. All he has to do is devour me, clean the blood, and bury my bones. Then I’ll just be another unsolved missing beast case. My father would never stop blaming himself.
He just looks at me with those wide, predatory eyes. Hesitating. Not lunging and biting my throat, killing me. He doesn’t want to do this. He thinks this is the only thing he can do to reverse his dreadful mistake, by committing a horrific act.
I spent every day of my life worrying about a fate like this. Always being told that it’s rare for someone to devour a bear and that all of my anxieties will leave me once I grow big. But they were wrong. I was right. I was right the whole time.
I don’t want to be right. I don’t want to die like this, I need to escape my fate. With everything that’s happened to me, I realize that my father’s words weren’t just worried ramblings.
“I pray this will never happen,” he began. “But to stop a sick beast from devouring you, you must calm them down. Look within. The largest beast always has the softest place inside their heart.”
I dread that I have to do this…
“I remember when we used to share tongues!”
He stops, his face going blank.
“Isn’t that what cats do with their loved ones..?”
“You… You were the only one who appreciated my felidae body. Not like my father who only liked my fangs, claws, and deep voice.”
I try to have the softest voice I can muster, to act like Soleda. “You’re deeply soft and sensitive, you only need love.”
“Oh… Oh, yes! I’m just a small kitten, like you used to call me…”
I want to rip my fur off. I have to act like this so I’m not eaten alive? God.
He lets go of my shoulders, handling my wrist like glass as he guides me to his bedroom. His room has clothes and other random objects scattered across the floor and bed. It looks nothing compared to the nicely cleaned room that I was kept in. It was like he made it just for me. How long has he been planning to keep me like this?
“I’m so glad you finally came to your senses, Soleda. We can finally be together again. You’ll be a Santifelon!”
I give him a smile, internally screaming.
He brings me into bed, bringing the covers over us. He brings his arms around my body, holding me so very tight, not any possible chance of letting go. He begins to lick my forehead. It isn’t as disgusting as I thought—it makes me feel like a cub again. It makes me feel as defenseless as a cub. Trapped in a house with someone who would kill you if you tried to leave.
The gentle lap of his tongue makes my eyes droop. I allow them to close, hoping to wake up to this all being a dream. But it’s something I can only fantasize about.
I am his, and I can’t do anything about it.
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whumpbump · 1 year
Cw: implied future SA, mentions of sobriety from drugs and the effects it had, stranded and abducted at gunpoint
Whumpee hadn’t even realized how low their gas was getting until they saw the next rest stop wasn’t for another 35 miles and it was too far to turn back.
“Ugh. You did it this time, Whumpee.” Grumbling under their breath, they tried to see if they had cell reception. It was a fairly traveled road, but it was late.
As time dragged on, Whumpee slowly went through all their contacts. No one was awake, or answering at least. Whumpee felt like they deserved that. They’d just gotten clean and they were attempting to start a new life away from the town they grew up in so they could stay clean. Everyone was used to Whumpee’s antics and reaching out hysterically at random hours so one rarely picked up when Whumpee called.
As hopelessness set in, a spark of hope flickered. Headlights! Whumpee waved their arms while standing a safe distance from the road near their car.
The van came to a halt a couple feet ahead, and the driver rolled the passenger window down.
“You alright?” the shadowy figure asked.
“Not really. I’m about out of gas. Would you happen to have a gas can with you? I, I could pay you! I have some cash on me!”
The figure chuckled darkly. “I can think of other forms of payment that would work.”
Whumpee’s stomach dropped. They backed away slowly. “Oh um actually I think I’ll just wait for my mom to pick me up. Thanks for stopping though.”
The voice changed from a sultry smooth to a grating harsh. “I don’t think that’s true, and you no longer have a choice. Get in the van.”
Knowing better than to argue after hearing the click of a gun, Whumpee tearfully entered the van. The tears began to roll when they saw a dirty mattress in the back. From their experiences, they knew enough to know they were in serious danger.
Upon seeing what was in store for them, their heart surged as they tried to jump back out. There was no lock to be undone on that side of the car. They were trapped.
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wxnheart · 2 years
𝐇𝐀𝐔𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃 - Konrad Curze
You stared in shock and wished you couldn't see. You stared in shock and wished you couldn't feel the abject terror wash over you in humid and cold waves. You stared in shock and wished you couldn't smell the lingering scent of death. You stared in shock and wished you didn't fear the darkness as much as you did.
You stared in shock... for the Night Haunter had struck again. The maimed body of your would-be assailant was displayed for all to see, for all to know that they incurred the wrath of the Night Haunter, that... that they―
The bile rose in your throat. You wished you hadn't seen it. You stumbled into your home, small, and cramped, but yours regardless. A sanctuary from the smothering darkness. You stumbled into your home and wished sleep would cover you and your mind would forget. None of your wishes came true.
Konrad saw you once, unsullied in a sea of filth, innocent among the guilty. He saw you once, he of feral nature and death-blessed claws, and thought you fascinating. Fascinating. The word tasted different―lively―in the polluted air. Nothing like him. Nothing like the others. You weren't like them, not like the weak slime that called themselves leaders and workers and humans. An enigma wrapped in a mystery covered in smog. Fascinating.
Konrad saw you once, unsullied in a sea of filth, innocent among the guilty... and he hasn't stopped seeing you since. And with his gift, you would be unsullied still. Protection from the night, light penetrating the haze, it would be yours. Konrad hasn't stopped seeing you since and with the body of your would-be attacker, shock and fear the last traces of humanity on his face, he never would.
You stared in shock and wished you couldn't see. Unrecognizable even to you, this... this person lay trembling, scarred and broken, at your feet. The cries of a being slaughtered invaded your ears like a cacophony and oh, you wished you couldn't hear, wished you couldn't smell death lingering―"H-H-He... He's―He's watching you..." And you, who would rather be blind and deaf, who would rather dream under a blanket of smog, you, who would stare in the mirror and berate yourself later on for opening your mouth, for being so damned curious, squeaked out pathetically, "Who...?" "Th―The... Him." "Who?" "The Haunter..."
The Haunter. The Haunter. No. No...! You stumbled away yet again to your home, small, and cramped, but yours regardless. Stumbled away in the midst of the person's aching cries. Stumbled and wished you could sleep and dream it all away. And again your wishes went ungranted.
Konrad sees you again, unsullied in a sea of filth, innocent among the guilty. He sees you and sees the fear and pain etched in every corner of your face, sees the grimace you try so hard to disguise as a smile. He sees the filth corrupting your wary gaze as your eyes dart to and fro and he realizes that it won't be enough. It won't ever be enough. The slime keeps coming back and he's determined to keep you unsullied still. To let justice shine in the smog. Konrad sees you again... and swears to make it enough.
You don't dare open your door for fear of the night. You don't dare open your door and wish you couldn't see. The sounds of a man broken, of cries unyielding, assault your ears again. "Go away!" You scream into the aether. "HE WILL DO IT FOR YOU." The sounds of a man broken, of cries unyielding, reply. You wished you could wish no longer. And still, your wishes went ungranted.
Konrad sees you again, unsullied in a sea of filth, innocent among the guilty. He sees you blanketed by darkness, seeking refuge from the light, and bides his time. He sees you, fascinating and lively, and thinks the filth is corrupting you more. He sees you and makes ready to bring Nostramo to its knees. He will do it for you.
The night is quiet. Deathly still. The night is quiet and ripe for dreaming. You wished sleep would cover you like a blanket of fog. You wish you could dream and let reality drift among the currents. You wished you didn't see the tall, imposing figure, bathed in darkness and death, eyes as dark as the night, staring at you, his expression unreadable.
You wished you couldn't smell, couldn't feel death and darkness and fear wrap pale arms around you and easily hoist you into the polluted aether. You wish you couldn't hear him say it will be done, that they would all fall to him, and you would be unsullied still. You wished, oh how you wished―
And still, your wishes went ungranted.
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