#cyberforming au
transingthoseformers · 9 months
Oh yeah. I'd say the transformers baring the beastformers ie Maxamals, Predacons and Ravage their food web is N/A. In a world like TFP they're basically all n/a except for Predaking and he drinks cubes. I'm leaning TFP since i know it best.
Orcas, Dolphins, and fricken octapi would definitely terrorize any Cons in the water. As would the larger sharks.
And humans being omniverous we could get energon from cyber plants, other cyber animals and just cronch the crystals raw as well as drinking cubes of refined energon. There's evidence even as far back as two million years ago our ancestors were hunting megafauna to extinction. And being turned into robots to serve Deceptacon overlords? People would be Pissed. Homo Sapiens techni would be a terror to the Deceptacons as would most megafauna. Scraplets with a vendetta that wouldn't eat you alive just chase you untill you colapsed untill you were too tired to run anymore.
Can you imagine a herd of bison or moose? They will ef up a mofo, and his vehicle. The poor vehicons wouldn't stand a chance agains cyber-ungulants.
Tarantulas where ever he is would be over the moon though. Here you have mechanical organisms retained their organic body plans. And now their easier to fix! Surgons being able to remove and replace wonky organs more easily. Even in the Pit, he'd be swooning with joy. Shockwave would also find this intriguing.
This isn't even getting into the whole Unicron at the center of the earth thing. Would that make us resistant to Dark Energon or more susceptible to it?
Do you think Homo Sapiens techni would be able to transform? Cause in the cosmology Primus is a benevolent diety. Would he adopt the Bastard Children Unicron abandoned? Especially if Optimus did something with the matrix to intervene?
Yeppp, so they absolutely are not prepared for this :)
Goddamnnnnn technoorganic cephalopods would be terrifying, and honestly giving them longer lifespans as a treat WILL probably mean they get to learn more— not necessarily more intelligent, sure, but they'll get more time to apply it. This Will Have Consequences
Also consider: cyberformed dogs. And I don't mean the little yappy fuckers, I mean large hunting dogs and sheep dogs. Imagine how fucking cool they would be, and they too are persistence hunters.
Nopeeeee, ohh. Oh they are in for such a time. Moose are so much bigger than you would anticipate, and I feel like cyberforming would make a lot of these larger herbivores even more bold.
Also bears, don't forget bears.
Tara would be! I've been thinking a lot about Tara but in tfp, and I imagine his little technoorganic spark would be in love with this place regardless of which characterization we're rolling with here. Hell, in this situation, I can see him turning against the cons if we're rolling with a more beast wars style. After all in BW didn't he try to overthrow Megs?? If we're going for Earthspark Tara I feel like he's liable to just fuck off into the CyberEarth woods to study it all. Shockwave's gonna be stealing ideas from Mother Nature: enhanced addition
ooo ohhh adding dark energon into this shit will be interesting as fuck, because we KNOW that shit interacts in interesting ways with energon and if it interacts with the technoorganics... It wouldn't be a surprise if some of the CyberEarth animals that die don't stay dead. zOMBIE SHIT Y'ALL
Adding transforming into this gives us so many more fun things
Not even just including your typical humanoid to vehicle or animal, but being able to transform different weaponry— technoorganic humans and animals alike. Can you imagine if a wolf could have a form more optimized for damage and one more optimized for speed? New opportunities for amphibious lifestyles?? Taking retractable claws and fangs to a whole new level?? I'm staring at a Curious Archives video on "The Future Is Wild" so I might be in the same spec bio heaven mode as Tara is. It would be so goddamn fun if Primus did intervene for the sake of his brother's wronged children, if he (and Optimus, to some degree) wanted to give what's here of humanity and nature a better chance.
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witchofthesouls · 7 months
Soundwave strikes me as the type to get baby fever and get it with it HARD.
I think TFP Soundwave might be more susceptible to intense baby fever (G1 too but that’s another thing) because he has lost so much and has given more.
He just wants this one thing, it could be during the time where the Cons were fighting on Earth and it seemed like they had finally won or in an AU where the Cons do win, either way Soundwave puts his plan in motion that may or may not lead to bad times (implying that he may kidnap and/or force a human or bot to either be his personally broodmare or stud)
Also, I don’t see Soundwave really caring if his future offspring are biologically related to him or not, or if he sired or carried them; he just wants a baby (or, babies), but I can see him imaging that him carrying as a sort of miracle, a sign that all the pain and sorrow he endured was worth it (may end up with a pregnancy kink, but who knows).
Omphh, this has Cyber!Earth written all over it, so I'm going to do an AU of Cyber!Earth where the Decepticons managed to cyberform the planet to its Nightmare-Metal mode and meet Others.
Plus, I'm in the mood for some Soundwave x June.
There's implied dubcon.
Soundwave has never claimed anything in his long vorns of service. Not in the gladiatorial clades. Not in the inception of the rebellion. Not after the Exodus. Not even when Megatron returned to this planet.
But he claimed a sparkling that was once human, so it isn't too much of a jump to claim his mother as well. Especially after all the work he put into bringing her back into this new reality. A monstrous alt-mode into a femme root-mode.
Soundwave knows Megatron, and he knows June Darby. They would eat each other alive until one of them was dead because Megatron couldn't stand anyone that didn't fit his viewpoint, and June has lost too much to yield now.
I know you, Soundwave doesn't say, careful to settle into the berth with its newest occupant. Jack doesn't complain when his mother keeps him against the wall, blocking him with her bulk as she curls over him.
In the dreams of your memories, Soundwave keeps to himself as he leaves a gap between them, you worried over Jack's ability to form friendships with constant moving, that he would have no one else should something happen to you.
The tips of Jack's wingspan are visible, flicking before settling down, encased in June's arms and her steadfast field that refused to let anyone else access him. Mine, it beats, territorial and sharp. Mine. Mine. Mine.
June Darby loves her son.
Viciously. Savagely. Ferociously.
And he worked with that.
Soundwave unearthed all the personal details from her dreamscape before she snapped out to shift into her root-mode. He knows her comfort food, the way she off-handedly hums with housework, that she opens the windows when rain falls, and she misses having a lemon tree and a dog.
He knows the lullabies she sang to her son when nightmares came, the smell of her blankets, and how there are sticky notes to remind her to floss or get groceries and supplies. He knows exactly how she tastes, the way her hair spreads over the pillows, the warmth of her skin under the blankets, and how she giggles when he moved her beneath him.
Soundwave entwined himself in her memory-dreams, so a part of her will subconsciously remember him and relax, and they can go from there.
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artobotsrollout · 2 years
TfP AU where everything is the same except when Megatron goes to cyberform the Earth it's the Eggman pissing on the moon bit.
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gggoldfinch · 7 months
brrrrrrr art dump for the tfp self insert oc my childhood self could only dream of 🤯 I drew these back in July but have been thinking about them again recently. This is so embarrassing but I'm so proud of how these character sheets came out, but I can't post them without context so here we goooooo (oc info at the bottom!!!!!!😭)
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Embarrassing au & oc info time!!!!!! (tw for vague discussion of non-human self-harm in 10th bullet point):
Okay so basically to preface: in my wip fic (wip is a gross exaggeration), everything remains canonically accurate to TFP except for the fact I use my Magic Fanfic Writer Powers to incorporate ridiculous Cybertronian mysticism canon into it for the sole purpose of furthering my self indulgent plot armor via cyberforming (cyberforming being when organic material becomes that of Cybertronian-make through means of mysticism and/or science)
Marian (unabashed tradgoth self insert) starts off as human. She gets picked up by the Cons while smashed drunk one night bc they think she has info on the Bots (found her bc she was lurking on online forums asking too many questions about big robot aliens bc she once saw them brawling and wanted answers), then she just ends up being kept alive and kept around as a pet/team mascot/ emotional support human, because hey if the Bots have one then maybe humans can be of some use
After a while Marian ends up forming a bond with Starscream (and KO to a lesser extent) after they both end up treating each other with compassion and respect (wow! trauma-bonding!). She kinda definitely falls desperately in love with him (and thinks it's unrequited but jk!). Angst & hurt/comfort abound! Gratuitous usage of mass-displacement device for nsfw purposes! You didn't hear that from me...
She is accidentally killed during the Battle on Cybertron (ca. season 3) by being hit with a stray plasma blast.
Here is where AU material comes in lol!!!!!!!
With the Well of AllSparks alive once again, in an act of desperation SS leaves her body at the edge of the well and actually prays for once in his miserable life. Through a mystical act of pity or mercy or whatever, a fresh spark combines with her own approximation of a soul and cyberforms her corpse and resurrects/ reincarnates her. She's herself, with all her old memories— but also something new, with all-new potential. No one knows wtf is going on lol
She becomes the first mech created on "New" Cybertron. "Cyberform-forged" is the term used for her, making her something of a new race (in the same way the Terrans are a new race), and is more of a mystic anomaly than anything (largely because there is no opportunity to recreate the event).
She's formed with a Vosnian Seeker frame and Cybertronian alt mode. Her frame is weather resistant: built to tolerate and fly through high winds and dangerous weather (Cybertronian and Terran) and relies more on brute force than grace in aviation. This means she is bulky rather than slim and aerodynamic like SS. She's a revival of the (near?) extinct class (if we're going by Prime!canon then Starscream is the only confirmed Vosnian Seeker left). Why Primus decided that cranking out new Vosnians would be a good idea is beyond everyone; everyone is too busy wondering how tf cyberforming works and what the consequences of it are to really question it.
Physically, she's not overtly femme— more androgynous, which is on brand for her Vosnian build. She's top-heavy with large pauldrons, shoulders double the width of her hips. Her new frame reflects her old human body in a very rough, vague way— only enough to be noticeable to those who really knew her before. She applies face paint by hand like her old makeup, and paints one servo red to match how she used to wear her nail polish. She's shorter than SS, around 30-ish feet tall (whereas he pushes 35'). She doesn't have a very good grasp on how her wings emote, therefore anyone who can read Seeker body language can always tell exactly how she's feeling.
She suffers with severe ptsd, depression, and body dysmorphia/ dysphoria as a result of the cyberforming and her human death, and semi-often has moments of panic and distress wherein she self-harms in an attempt to undo what's been done. In a potent mix of lingering human neurodivergency & the jarring biological shift, she often gets overwhelmed by her new body, notably her biomechanical functions: her optics cause a significant amount of stress on a regular basis, to the point where visual "notifications" and all other miscellaneous visual obstructions have to be disabled in order for her to function. This means no scanning data, etc, without purposefully reactivating the internal procedures required for the task. She also has a lot of trouble coping with the lack of sexual dimorphism. Shortly after her "awakening," she brutalized herself due to severe confusion and psychological distress (see the second to last image :( ) and KO had to sedate and mend her.
Every who encounters her and knows her story kinda assumes she just "came back" with a processor malfunction (or if they don't know her story, think she was just traumatized by the war), which isn't totally wrong. Knockout is one of her major supporters thru this and professionally thinks she probably needs a mnemosurgeon to fix her, but can't find any to contact so soon post-war.
She's rather clumsy, and takes a while to acclimate to such a different body (it also doesn't help that Seekers tend to have disproportionally long limbs, as well as cumbersome wings). She smacks things and other mechs with her wings, crushes things in her servos, basically she severely underestimates her own strength and size
One perk to her new body is that she can stream music directly into her processor, which is a function she abuses often to drown everything else out. There are functions she couldn't even dream of before: she can disable pain processors, turn off sight and hearing like throwing a switch, disable various biomechanical functions. She doesn't need to breathe like a human, or expel waste. Energon tastes like battery acid and firecrackers, but hey, she can turn off "taste" processors too.
She's afraid of herself at times, and by extension is afraid of intimacy too. She's afraid she's too different now, in a foreign body she can't seem begin understanding. She feels burdened by expectations; she's not a real Vosnian Seeker, she's not even a real Cybertronian in the way that counts— she is a freakish amalgamation of human memories and a soul stuffed into a shell made new especially for her, despite her having had no say in the matter... Or, at least, that's what she thinks. Those closest to her think she's a miracle and are thrilled to still have her, indefinitely now. Before when she was human, SS had been frustrated and genuinely afraid of feeling anything remotely positive towards her, because of how tragically short human life spans are (and his fears had been proven valid when she was killed). Now he has Marian forever, and while coping with his own problems post-war, he cares for her and teaches her how to be a noble Seeker.
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mychlapci · 1 month
Writing an au were Hot Rod and Blurr are spark twins who were hot spotted on Earth due to a failed decepticon attempt to cyberform the planet.
Now Megatron has to deal with Hot Rods constant joking he wants to take them on the Jerry Springer show to see who his dad is
oooh Megatron's technically Hot Rod and Blurr's dad now. what a deadbeat
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mikiusol · 10 months
Hi there,
I’m curious about your Predacon AU, How did that happen?
I mean what’s the Origin story about this?
I wasn’t sure how to phrase it😅
Hi! No worries about the questions ^^ I'm glad to answer them. The predacon AU of the kids that I'm fond of drawing is based on the fanfic of De Spatio Inter Astra on AO3, written by FictionalDragonMother (also known as @/thicctails here on Tumblr!) If you're a fan of reading, you'd want to read the story for the full details.
But if you want a short summary: Due to a series of unfortunate events (including kidnapping and a whole bunch of questionably immoral stuff), Jack and the others are forced to change into cyberformed beings. Again, the fanfic itself has more juicy details on this, and I don't want to spoil the fun of reading for you!
I hope I've answered your questions 💫
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rawmeknockout · 6 months
IMO cyberforming organics beings would be much promenient and common in this au than canon.
What's more acceptable among decepticons? Having an organic (ew) soulmate or a FORMER organic soulmate, who got lucky to "ascend" to a better existence permantly? Plus, more mechs to join the cause.
cyberformed organics are as common as i want them to be bc IM the writer 😔
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i-mean-technically · 1 year
I once had a dream that is becoming a fan TF continuity about how gods from different cultures (mainly greek and Mexican because I only knew more of them when I had the dream) were so angry at Cybertronians for destroying parts of the earth and killing humans/their followers that they started to terrorize both Autobots and Cons.
My dream was so wacky, literally, OP and Megan fighting and slaying mythical creatures right and left. Until a god (I don't remember if it was Zeus or maybe Mictecacihuatl) literally made a jump scare to both leaders and say to their faces...
"This earth is not yours! And neither is yours!! We do not welcome soules metal beings"
And then... fucking Megatron screamed at the god and don't know what happen next because someone turned on the light in my room and woke up.
But the thought of how Cybertronians would act/react to higher beings... if they exist in the TF universe of course.
Hope you can understand that my dreams are weird...
Dude my dreams are also insane i feel ya! I once had a dream were i was a werewolf and started a revolution, was tortured, then died lmao I am no stranger to those!
You make a very interesting point.
In my Primus Lite AU.... One of the reasons why humans and Earth changed (besides being descendant of THE Chaos Being) was bc of how much of a hotspot Earth is for the supernatural. I hadn't got to that part yet.
And it wouod be interesting to have the gods of world deny Megatron everything bc "Our world does not belong to the likes of you."
But the 'bots and 'cons being fucking terrified of our forklore that has turned out to be true (either before or after the Cyberforming) is tickling the Brain activity.
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transingthoseformers · 9 months
Optimus is crying with elation and scooping everyone back up when they start stiring and talking. Like the human's partners have to gently steal them from OP's arms. And Ratchet is insisting on giving everyone health checks the moment it's safe. Ultra Magnus is showing up and is very confused.
Miko proudly has the Wrecker's badge to Wheeljack's delight, Bulkhead's "You still gotta get an education, " and Ratchet's horrified constarnation.
Ohh aww yes, it's like they're passing through the eye of a storm
For now, let Optimus be thrilled. Let Ratty fuss over them. Let the Wreckers be happy for Miko
For now.
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TFP AU idea
Set after season 3, the Dreaded and the Dreamed happened.
Earth was now in a unreversible process of getting cyberformed as the Omega Lock was restored and Cybertron is slowly getting rebuilt back to life.
Bumblebee, falling in the cyber-matter, only sank and burned down to earth.
After a year, Optimus found himself decaying slowly and allying with two decepticons in Hell, Knockout and Breakdown, fighting to try and at least stop the cybertransformation of Asia, Europe, Africa, and Australia 
(A longer version of what happened before below. !! WARNINGS IN TAGS !! ) 
Megatron kept hold of Optimus, making him watch as North America and parts of Central America were mutilated ; metal growing from a newformed Dark Mount like rotten roots. Trees and wildlife nearly died on impact as dirt was molded into metal and trees curved into unholy shapes of daggers and metal arches, some just falling and melting into mush before sizzling into toxic gas. The cries of cities and forests could be heard from the live video. It was like Optimus was shot in the spark it ached so hard. He was then kept in darkness and solitude, allowed to come out every few days to watch the new progress, Megatron watching each time as the screams filled the room.
Ratchet was kept, locked away in the medbay from any contact beside Knockout and Shockwave. He worked -forced and threatened- on medical advances for the newly growing Cybertron or whatever gadgets and chemicals Shockwave beckoned. After using his one chance at another contact (a prize as a dog treat would be for a dog), picking the human children, he opened a groundbridge to the edges of Europe and pushed them through. He was put in a forced solitary confinement, only visited by KO if he needed absolute medical attention and was taken by Shockwave for any growing experiments he ‘desired’.
Bulkhead was kept in ‘order’ by Breakdown, separated and working to gather remaining energon-bearing caves in the molten west. Sometimes he’d get a longer break or Breakdown would sneak in a visit with Wheeljack before Starscream would notice, for morale sake. However, he was never allowed out of the mines, either transported by elevator or groundbridge to and from the Nemesis. Breakdown was a merciful captor and Bulkhead was grateful, some days even working harder if Breakdown visually fell victim to Megatron’s outbursts.
Wheeljack was kept by Starscream or KO, depending who needed what to be fixed or made; military or medical. If he was lucky, he’d get a visit from Ratchet or Bulkhead, but like the other’s, it was a solitude prison sentence. Living day to day, working on bombs, missiles, energon blasters, or more and praying he didn’t explode in the process. Once he tried to get a layout of the ship in pieces over a month. It didn’t work and he was thrown into the medical bay by Soundwave after he was found in one of the side rooms, beaten.
Arcee was practically unheard of, locked in Shockwave’s lab for chemical experiments on smaller cybertronians or put in stasis when she was not needed. The only update she got on the other was when Ratchet bumped into her in the lab after a tougher experiment, promising her he’d get Jack and the other to safety. She hadn't seen him since.
Ultra Magnas was kept to try and pry any information out that revolved around the Autobots. He refused. As months passed, it became clear why he was a commander of the Prime’s. Unmovable and unphased by torturous methods or the threat of death. He was left to his own devices, locked away in a unchecked room on the ship. No one has heard or seen from him. Most have forgotten.
Smokescreen was sent with the STEVEs, locked away from the relics with tracking software forced into his processor, having warning spring onto his hub if he traveled to far away from his group on ground. Shocks and burns if he disobeyed. Only him and Optimus knew the state of their new home and it broke them multiple times.
Then Optimus got out.
Without a medic or a base, he became a nomad, traveling and fighting by day, staring up at the stars by night, tending to his own wounds in ways war forced you to learn. He became a dangerous burden and crashed multiple energon mining plans. Sometimes carrying water and scraps for the rare survivors he came across.
- One was a wounded human, wrapped in a cloth similar to his. Claimed his name was Spike and he needed hospital. Optimus traveled with him, letting him sit on his covered shoulders, drinking and eating in a makeshift bandage small enough. The Prime then woke up alone.
He continued on, refilling his jug of water and staring up at the stars, watching them shine and paint the sky before the metal curves of earth broke into view.
He was stuck here, once again.
During one of the mine crashes, he found Bulkhead on break, unbothered by the alerts and more worried about the energon exploding in the conflict. He took some energon and a friend with him.
They rationed the cubes out and shared stories, hearing the horrors of their past few months.
After days of travel, he and Bulk ran into the squadron Smokescreen was in. Most of the vehicons were allowed to leave in the end, keeping one or two so Smokey doesn’t get caught in the trap. It took a few hours but they got rid of most of the tracker and it’s punishment, along with the Vehicons who were left to roam.
Now rebuilding what he had, he was no longer alone after months. Their human allies no longer had contact with them, as Optimus begged them to agree to before they left for their Final Battle. So, Optimus, Smokey, and Bulk had to try and track the Nemesis down themselves.
It was filled with ignoring their collected trauma and Smokey ignoring his newfound chronic pain. Instead, Bulk and Smokey rough housed most evenings. Optimus kept watch, embracing the sun before feeling his chassis lighten as Smokey played, giving an out to Bulk’s strength and his own pent-up energy.
A few weeks passed and they got an anonymous message with a set of coordinates: 
   - Arcee was found offline in a incorrectly filled stasis chamber in one of Shockwave’s abandoned labs.
Smokescreen quieted down since they arrived and left the lab, holding part of a gift she gave while they were still at the old base. It was a sarcastic congratulation gift he held onto in his sub-space. Optimus tried to reach him but got nothing, either hearing his slowly walk behind or seeing his march in the front, filled with quiet wrath as his plating flared.
Another week passed and another message came through with coordinates:
   - Wheeljack and some Vehicons exploded. Mine lands and a defective energon blaster took it’s final victim.
Bulkhead took his days mourning and became less motivated with each Vehicon he ran into. 
Optimus could only watch as his family disconnected once more, refusing to talk to him, to vent and rage. He kept trying and slowly started to chip away at Smokey, but just barely.
They kept wandering, days turned into weeks and then months as the middle of South America was starting to turn into metal. One night, Smokescreen and Optimus looked up at the stars, telling tales of Cybertron and their favorite constellation. Bulkhead scooted over, helm on his knees, and he looked up. He pointed to Kantur and smiled. Optimus sighed and felt his shoulders ease. Perhaps he was rebuilding the bridge. They spent the night in silent but huddled by each other.
As the moon rose and his team fell into recharge, another message popped up on his HUD, breaking him out of the start of his own light recharge.
Optimus left, leaving Smokescreen written instructions on how to survive if he didn’t come back.
Waiting at the coordinates, he watched each shadow before a big bust walked out. Breakdown, guarding KO, walked out with skiddish optics and a hammer formed in his servo. It dragged dirt and metal sparks before KO looked past. He had pity before apologizing for not doing more. 
Optimus, flicking his battle mask and readying his busted yet somehow still working machine gun, pointed it towards the cave. KO yelped, throwing his servos up in the air before Breakdown swung his own hammer as a warning. They all watched before KO walked back, grunting as he carried something heavy out. Ratchet’s frame, thin platting with a sickly color of red and gray. It came into the moonlight and was gently set down between them.
Before Optimus could acknowledge what happened, his frame was cradled in his servos. KO lingered, watching Optimus bathe in a new-found grief. Asking what happened, he only got a “lab experiment frag up”. Breakdown watched KO walk back into the cave before he sighed. This type of fear was rampant in his own helm each day, every near encounter Autobots and Decepticons have, the more furious Megatron gets. He lingered and pressed a servo on his arm. “He saved the kids, OP”. Optimus only looked up and stared.
Left alone, he mourned, feeling as if he just lost another central part of himself. First his sparkling, his pride, joy, and hope of future generations, and now the mech who kept him company on late nights, who gave him space to relax as he was patched up, and who helped raise Bumblebee. Perhaps something more.
He returned to the forest, emptyhanded and exhausted. The sun was slowly starting to rise and Smokescreen was still sleeping beside Bulkhead, peaceful. He sat down, his frame sending the summer bugs into a fit as they flew out from the drying grass. He only stared up at the sky and felt his frame shake.
Another month passed, another battle, another quiet, starless night. As the sun started to set in their camp in southern South America, Megatron jumped in, calling Optimus into the open. Optimus turned and burned red. Ignoring the warnings, he launched into the fight and followed him into the darkening sky. Plasma was fired and exploded into the ground below before the Prime was forced down. Wings first into the dirt floor, one snapped, breaking in the middle and sending the Prime to shrivel in pain as delicate sensors were ripped open and burned. Dirt and bushes, ones thrown up in the impact, fell back down and only covered his energon wounds, painting his cuts and frame in brown and blue. He heaved in the ditch, hearing nothing but static as his processor worked overtime with all the new data: wounds, Megatron, and his remaining team.
Turning to the murky command above, he only saw purple smoke.
The rest was lost.
He blinked back to reality and found himself surrounded by ravaged frames and pools of blue. He flexed his wings but felt nothing. Two sections were completely ripped off and the other was pulsing from a nasty wound. As he limped over and tried to find some sort of shelter, he spotted familiar frames.
Bleeding and seething, he watched over his lost team as the day went passed, refusing to look at the stars. A few Vehicons ran into him before swiftly running away at the sight of all the bodies. The night finally went by and Optimus only cycled his optics, feeling his frame cry; wounds healing in the wrong position or getting worse as the Matrix whispered commands he tried to ignore.
As the sun slowly rose and the time of blue skies casted on the land, two familiar frames reappeared. KO and Breakdown stood beside him, sympathetic. Optimus only glanced up before looking back down. His body hurt and slowly pushed past the dried energon, staining his chipping paint. The matrix became background noise for most of the morning as he felt stuck.
KO squatted down, sitting in silence as Breakdown sat by Bulkhead, gently brushing the dirt off and closing his optics. KO soon broke the silence :
“Optimus Prime.” He got his attention, hearing gears grind and shift. “You’ll sit. Sit here and not move so I can at least fix some of this dents”.
And he did.
Another week passed and Optimus found himself, once again, in KO’s good (annoyed) graces. Breakdown sat with him, telling stories before Optimus asked about the new dents in his own frame and the small shake in his servos. “Megatron”. Optimus only nodded and gestured to continue his story. Something about a rabbit he found while out on patrol and how… innocent it looked. Optimus hummed and told him about Spike, a human he ran into ages ago. KO spoke up, telling his tale on a snake he found on the metal ground. He put it under the nearest shade and left. Mutters of how ‘this wasn’t how it was supposed to end’ filled the air.
They stayed together, splitting a cube, as the sun set and said their goodbyes at the first star started to shine.
It was by the 3rd meeting that KO offered his permanent services. Optimus refused as he laid on the ground, holding his pulsing side. KO squatted down and shook his helm :
“No, no. You misunderstood. I, we, are now your problem since you keep throwing yourself into this kind of ridiculous meetings! You can’t even fly anymore!” KO just grumbled and continued to work. “You could’ve just asked if you wanted company.”
Optimus shook his head again before trying to get up, feeling metal stab into softer platting. KO only rolled his optics before forcing the Prime back down on the ground, taking the shrapnel out and patching him up... again.
He thanked them but left. The two grabbed the medical supplies and followed behind, Breakdown watching their hind ends as KO tried to convince him to at least not go on a suicide mission each time.
Optimus sighed, exhausted in too many ways, and watched KO raise an eyebrow. He limped to some shade and sat down, offering KO and Breakdown a seat.
The three spent the next few hours talking, explaining why they do what they do and why they want to help. The Prime added his own crumbs on why he won’t stop.
In the end, Optimus glanced at KO then back at Breakdown, understanding the urgency. Scars and rapidly fixed dents riddled the mech’s frame. He agreed under one condition.
“If you stay with me, you will not be bound to me or treated as a replaceable mech, but as similar allegiance I had with Team Prime. Turn and run back to the Nemesis afterward to sell my location and plans out, you and your conjunx will be the first I target. I would rather not have to go through that betrayal again.”
Breakdown looked over at KO, seeing anxiety on his face and feeling hints of irritation ripple in his field. Optimus only stared off into the metal landscape. They agreed to think about it.
The next two weeks passed. After a rather brutal fight with Megatron, KO ran into the ruined battle field and quickly agreed as he patched Optimus’s torn frame. Breakdown, guarding the field, also agreed under his own condition :
“You will stop running blind into battles. You now have two mech to look after, join, and celebrate with you. Act as if you are planning to wake up the next morning.”
Optimus stared off, foggy minded and pained. KO snapped his digits, getting OP’s attention once more before he nodded.
While they were back at a campout, Breakdown clarified again before offering a cube. Optimus looked down before nodding and agreeing to his conditions. While KO walked over and started to nurse his cube, Optimus pointed to a nearby shining constellation, explaining what ancient humans thought it meant.
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Speaking of the Pretender AU, I meant to ask this awhile ago but I forgot
Can the parasites in the pretender au infest other species or just Cybertronians. Considering their currently on a planet with an ever growing population of squishy humans to pick from I feel it would be a legitimate concern
Can they? In theory, yes.
Megatron is very very concerned about Optimus infecting anything, which is his main reason for hunting the Prime down across the galaxy despite the fact that he fled Cybertron. He refuses to allow the Pretenders to adapt and spread.
Upon arriving on Earth, Optimus would begin efforts to see if the native life forms are compatible. He wouldn't take any joy in bringing new species into the fold simply because it would be seen as disgusting. He is a failsafe meant to preserve Cybertronian kind, not other species. So his attempts at infecting would likely end up partially Cyberforming whatever he is messing with.
Will he infect the species on Earth to get a better idea of the land? Yes he will. Will he take joy in it? Nope not at all. He would want to keep it all contained to a degree. For this reason, he's fine with the children being around. They are good test subjects. Not that they are aware of course.
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witchofthesouls · 2 years
Man, something tell me Jack Darby would be terrified by potential past life memories from Megatronus Prime? How would Team Prime and June Darby handle that mess?
Oh, no. The Darbys wouldn't even know they're descendants of Megatronus "the Undefeated" Prime and bonafide alien-fucker unless some really buck wild events happened, such as:
Ingestion of Dark Energon which may awaken some superpowers that are reminiscent of said Prime and/or a direct link to Unicron (the God that their ancestor was created to destroy and was a reflection of said god)
Earth got cyberformed by either the Decepticons (they were really close) or the Quintessons (a planet with Cybertronian relics, Cybertronians, Energon, and a workforce where a majority could survive the massive upgrade: insert It's Free Real Estate meme), and now they are integral to the Cult of Megatronus within the worshippers of the fractions.
Cyberformed Earth with the Cult of Megatronus, but now Earth has reverted to its primal, savage state of ancient mythos. The Decepticons fucked up. Earth isn't ready to move in. The Quintessons are salivating, but Grandpappy Prime's Titan is sleeping under the unfathomable depths of the sea and reawakes to kick ass, mentor, and help these knuckleheads.
(I imagine this Titan would be absolutely upset by Megatron's audacity to take their Prime's name, bastardize it, and fucking drag in all the melted, crumbled slag; and by Optimus, because it's another Prime and ancient Grandpappy didn't have a good relationship with other Primes. They will shut the gates at the Cybertron's Cybertronians and seethe at them until June coaxes them to begrudgingly let others in.)
If anyone is going to be the direct Prime of Chaos, it will be June Darby. This would be a fucking roller-coaster because it's not a reincarnation, it's actually the Goat himself.
Unicron is a petty SOB, he would remake his brother's distorted image of Unicron's nature and keep the Prime/Primordial deity on Earth.
AU where Magic Exists but it's limited to past events that wiped out a lot and/or holey separation of the physical and the Other lands.
Perhaps June had been deep asleep in the Abyssal zone for millennia and finally woke up in the latter half of the 20th century.
Cue a half-feral, very tired mother that's trying to remember human tongue, needs to play catch up, and keeps a low profile with a full-feral, magical toddler.
If anyone checked her rental history and cross-referenced it with local news, ohhh the things that happened for June to keep her boy safe.
June would keep it to herself, especially with Prima's revisionist history of what really happened...
The very few things would change her stance: Jack's living status, the Decepticon Omega Keys plan, and the return of the Quintessons
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missiva12 · 8 months
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A drawing for one of my characters, who was a human in the past. This is a kind of sketch where she - Ayash - died in the siege (AU) and it is she herself, to be more precise, her soul, looking at herself - at her cyberformed body. Someday, I'll get my hands on more of her and more (She has her official Conjux Endura on me)
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I made this drawing of the earth and unicron au
This version, the Earth does not have a relationship with other Titans, this is because the Cybertronians when they arrived began to terrorize his children, which caused him to distrust them and he does not like how they also belittle him and try to cyberform him.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 10 months
Timeline of my AU TFP "The Polar Star"
Age of Harmony: 
– Unicron and Primus are in harmony and get along well. Unicron contains his negative energy and emotions.
- Creation of the first Prime: Megatronus (creation of Primus and Unicron), he got the Capacity of the Traveller
- Creation of the other Primes: Vector Prime, Solus Prime, Micronus Prime, Alchemist Prime, Nexus Prime, Onyx Prime, Amalgamous Prime, Quintus Prime, Liege Maximo, Logos Prime, and Autonomous Maximus
- Solus Prime's constructions: The Forge, Tenebris, Omega Keys, Phase Shifter, the Matrix
- First interaction between Unicron and the Quintessons
- Unicron's anger grow more and more towards his brother 
War of Chaos:
- War between Primus and Unicron
- Solus Prime's constructions: Lair of the Primes, the relic capable of defeating Unicron (unnamed), Apex Armor, the Star Saber
- Sacrifice of Megatronus 
- Banishment of the Spark of Unicron 
- Invasion of the Quintessons 
- Death of other Primes, enslavement of Primus 
Age of Enslavement:
- Enslavement of the Transformers by the Quintessons 
- Creation of other forms of life: flora and fauna (induced by the Quintessons) 
- First appearance of the Predacons
- Fight between the Quintessons and the Predacons (the Transformers being the prey) 
- The Quintessons try to get rid of the Predacons by sending them to another planet (thanks to a space bridge): Earth (those sent there die of hunger)
- The All-Spark continues to create Predacons
- Great Cataclysm (a meteorite crashes into Cybertron) 
- Extinction of the Predacons 
- First appearance of Scraplets and Worms of Rust 
- Appearance of the first Awakened (Transformers endowed with a conscience) 
- Primus create a new Traveller : Alpha Trion, thanks of the remain of Unicron's energy
War of Warth:
- War between the Awakened and the Quintessons
- Primus choose Nominus to be the next Prime, and tell his story to him
- Nominus tell everything to Sentinel
- Death of Nominus after saving Sentinel
- Sentinel tells the story of Primus and Unicron to the Awakened (hiding parts, such as Megatronus Prime being a creation of the two Gods) 
- Sentinel is named Prime 
- Victory of the Transformers against the Quintessons 
Age of Rise:
- Creation of the Senate, composed of the first Awakened: Sentinel Prime, Alpha Trion, Shockwave, Dai Atlas, Jhiaxus, Tyrest, and Proteus
- Composition of a temporary Caste System
- Creation of the main City-States: Kaon, Iacon and Vos
- Studies of the plans of the ground and space bridges of the Quintessons
- Vos creates its own system and becomes independent of the Senate
- The Slaves are the criminals (not indefinitely, with exceptions)
- Miners are Slaves and Workers (alternative mode: Drill)
- Creation of other smaller City-States: Praxus, Tarn, Helex, Delphi, etc. 
- Colonization and cyberformation of planets: Velocitron, Caminus, etc.
- Earth is discovered and is named: E-147
- The Transformers discover on E-147 (Earth) a Transformers Graveyard used by the Quintessons during the Age of Enslavement
- Appearance of Techno-Organics: Evolved form of Cybertronian fauna 
- The All-Spark no longer spawns bots with the Drill alt mode
Golden age :
- The Caste System becomes permanent 
- Slaves are criminals, abandoned Sparklings, orphans and handicapped
- Creation of the First Generation of Cold Constructions
- The Transformers come into contact with prehistoric men
- The first humans transmit the legend of the Transformers until Antiquity, before being forgotten
- Creation of Synthetic Energon
- Discovery of the first Cold Construction with a conscience: Soundwave 
Silver Age:
- Creation of the Gladiator class 
- The Seeker Quake becomes Vos' favorite (the favorite being the robot most likely to become Air Commander, chosen by the Nobles)
- Creation of the Second Generation of Cold Constructions
- The Seeker Skyquake hits a noble who insulted his brother
- Dreadwing and Skyquake are sent to the Colonies (place of banishment)
- Creation of the Latest Generation of Cold Constructions 
- The Seeker Quake is accused of having murdered his conjux and loses his title of Favorite
- The Seeker Quake is sent to the Colonies
- Most Cold Constructions become self-aware 
- Primus create another Traveller, thanks of the remain of Unicron's energy, but the Sparkling dies after being out of the All-Spark
- The Constructor of Cold Constructions create an Hybrid, with a Spark of Cold Constructions and the body of a Sparkling stillborn
- Thrust is named Commander and Prince of Vos
- Sentinel Prime is looking for the Hybrid, but the Constructor tells him that the Hybrid is dead
- Slavery of Cold Constructions 
- First Purge: Massacre of the Cold Constructions of the Last Generation (the Generation which least follows its program) in a hangar, after the promise of a change 
- Revolt of the Cold Constructions, led by Soundwave 
- Massacre of most of the Revolutionaries, Soundwave is sent to the Arenas 
- Megatronus and Soundwave meet
- Cold Constructions are placed below Slaves in the Caste System ranking 
- A crane named Hook becomes a doctor: first robot that does not respect the function of they alternate mode 
- Creation of the IDS: Institute for Deviant Studies (Cold Constructions that don't follow their program) 
- Discovery of the first couple between a Transformer and a Cold Construction (deceased) 
- Start of Decepticon Ideology: Initiated by Megatronus  
- Seeker scientists at Trypticon Station create an energon which is supposed to multiply, but it doesn't work on Cybertron
- Send this energon into space to hope it multiplies on other planets
- Acceptance of a disabled person in the Seekers class: Skywarp (Teleportation ability, extremely rare)
Bronze Age:
- First non-scientific vehicles accepted at Iacon Academy: Starscream and Skyfire 
- Encounter between Megatronus and Orion Pax
- Death of the scientist Skyfire during an expedition to planet E-147, murdered by his partner, arrest of the latter 
- The Hybrid is found and send to the IDS
- Conjuxion between a Slave and a Citizen: Megatronus and Orion Pax
- Destruction of one of the main building of the IDS, a level 7 Cold Construction escapes 
- The Decepticons have a symbol: The face of a First Generation Cold Construction 
- Megatronus and Starscream meet 
- Starscream joins the Decepticon ideology
Age of Rust:
- Rust Invasion on Colonies 
- Massive Infection on Velocitron 
- Closure of Space Bridges to prevent a potential spread of Rust on Cybertron 
- Dispatch rescue ships to impacted Colonies 
- Emigration of Velocitronians on Cybertron and Caminus 
- Space Bridges are destroyed
- Seeker Starscream becomes Vos' Favorite
- Rise of Decepticon ideology, Senate concern 
- Establishment of an anti-Decepticon Propaganda
- Megatronus adopts the name "Decepticon" used by the Senate in their Propaganda 
- The Decepticons are persecuted, but Megatronus does not give up 
- Second Purge: All identities of the Cold Constructions are revealed and the Senate asks the people to destroy them 
- Seeker Starscream challenges Commander Thrust in a Duel Wing, Starscream wins the duel
- The Winglord presents to the Senate his new Commander and Prince: Starscream 
- First declarations of the Prince about a Cybertron without Caste System, intention to go in this direction when he will be Winglord 
- Assassination attempt on Prince Starscream 
- Terrorist acts during Megatronus' speeches 
- Orion Pax is declared Prime by the Senate
- Orion Pax is a spy for the Decepticons, tries to help Megatronus from the inside 
- Shockwave captures Megatronus for scientific research
- Starscream creates a rescue team to save Megatronus
- Megatronus offers Shockwave to join the Decepticons to continue his scientific research and help the cause at the same time
- Shockwave and Starscream's relationship doesn't improve
- Sentinel Prime discovers Orion's double game
- Sentinel Prime turns Orion Pax against Megatronus: Orion Pax leaves the Decepticon cause
- Attempted murder against Megatronus 
- The Decepticons hideout is discovered and the members are arrested 
- Starscream helps the Decepticons escape 
- Purification of Kaon: The inhabitants of Kaon are massacred by the Enforcers, the Senate seeks to permanently eradicate the supporters of the Decepticon cause, most of the Techno-organics are killed there. Megatronus and the Decepticons intervene and try to save as many civilians as possible.
- Wrath of the Decepticons 
Age of Vengeance:
- Megatron retaliates violently against the Senate infrastructure 
- The Autobot camp is founded by Orion Pax to intervene against the attacks 
- Starscream is against these acts of violence and leaves the Decepticon cause 
- Vos becomes Neutral 
- The Senate tries a new Purification against Tarn which is intercepted by Orion Pax
- The Autobots cut bonds with the Senate 
- The Decepticon symbol changes, expressing their anger 
- The Decepticons destroy the Senate: Sentinel Prime and Alpha Trion are the only survivors 
- Alpha Trion and Sentinel Prime join the Autobots (both are presumed dead) 
- Recruit Smokescreen is assigned to protect Alpha Trion and the Archives with the Elite Guard in Iacon 
- The Decepticons declare war on the Autobots 
Great War:
- The City-States of Iacon and Kaon enter in the War.
- Praxus, Delphi team up with the Autobots 
- Tarn, Helex and Thesarus ally with the Decepticons 
- Neutrals move away from large Cities
- Shockwave creates the incendiary bombs that will be used on Vos
- Bombardment of Vos by the Decepticons who make it seem like it was the Autobots 
- Prince Starscream joins the Decepticon cause again, the Vossians follow him 
- Iacon is destroyed by the Seekers demanding revenge 
- Starscream is named Second-in-Command of the Decepticons 
- The IDS is destroyed by the Decepticons during the attack on Praxus
- Ultra Magnus discovers that Sentinel Prime is plotting behind Optimus/Orion's back
- Shockwave creates the Tox-En
- Starscream is kidnapped by Overlord 
- Starscream sends Energon data from the Trypticon Station into space to prevent Overlord from gaining access to the Dark Energon 
- Starscream discovers the truth about Vos, Megatron and Starscream's good relationship is destroyed 
- Starscream attempts to join the Autobots with his Seekers, until he discovers Sentinel Prime is on their side
- Shockwave creates the Spark Extractor
- Orion Pax finds the Matrix, Sentinel Prime tries to kill him to steal it, but fails 
- Orion Pax really becomes Optimus Prime
- Primus asks Optimus Prime to bring back his brother : Unicron
- The Autobots chase away Sentinel and his followers 
- The Sentinels faction is created
- Shockwave creates the first Vehicons
- Slaughter of Neutrals by Decepticons and Sentinels 
- Soundwave and his minicons are captured by the Sentinels, Soundwave and Laserbeak are the only survivors
- Sentinel Prime seeks the All-Spark to reformat the Decepticons 
- Starscream is captured by the Sentinels to find the All-Spark by using his energon radar
- Starscream escapes and slaughters the Sentinels on his way
- The Decepticons capture Sentinel Prime
- Shockwave creates the first Insecticons
- Arcee and Tailgate are captured and tortured by Airachnid, Tailgate does not survive it
- the All-Spark is found by Autobots and Decepticons
- Optimus and Megatron fight for the All-Spark, Megatron intends to do the same as Sentinel
- Both Starscream and Optimus refuse to allow the All-Spark to be used for evil purposes
- The All-Spark is hidden in Theta Scorpii
- The Decepticons discover that Alpha Trion is alive
- Shockwave creates the Immobilizer
- Alpha Trion sends all the relics, and destructive inventions of the Decepticons into space before being captured and killed by the Decepticons. He also hid the last Omega Key in the body of the rookie Smokescreen.
- Shockwave is thinking of a way to recreate Space Bridges
- Sentinel Prime dies under torture
- Airachnid quits the Decepticon cause and goes renegade
- The incessant bombardments weaken Primus who has already been sick for a long time because of the Quintessons
- Energon becomes non-existent and great famines hit both sides
- The Autobots send groups to seek the energon sent to other planets, Optimus' team finds Earth
- Cliffjumper and Arcee are captured by the Decepticons
- Shockwave and Starscream find the location of Optimus, who invites the Autobots to join him on a planet with energon
- Shockwave is presumed dead after the explosion of the Space Bridge
- Arcee and Cliffjumper join Optimus
- Primus, exhausted, goes into stasis, most of the Cybertronian fauna and flora starve to death
- Megatron goes after Optimus
- Autobots and Decepticons scatter through space
- Cybertron is left to his fate, dying
You can discover the next of this story on Ao3 and Wattpad ;) : "The Polar Star" (TFP)
Wattpad (french)
Ao3 (english)
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Ok so if Ashlynn was cyberformed or somehow changed species by artifact (looking at earthspark) would she end up looking like her seeker-esque design in the lost chapter or something else? Sorry if this was a dumb question lmao
Not dumb at all!
I actually do have Ashlyn undergo a few cyber formations in a few runoff AUs, but yes, she does tend to swing between a seeker and a predacon design. Some versions might lean stronger to one side, but typically she will carry traits from both. Part of that is because I find the looks so pwetty, but it also does play in a little with Ashlyn's characterization.
The flight orientation is primarily because that's where Ash's mind typically is, ready to run, or fly, away should it be necessary. She is forming emotional connections with Team Prime, but she's still hiding the truth of her situation because she doesn't completely trust them. Whether that be from an external source or her own internal fear, Ashlyn is keeping herself from being fully "grounded" by her friends. Instead, she is ready to physically split should it become clear that she is a target instead of a viewer. Additionally, it also helps illustrate some of her personality since flight is traditionally a Decepticon capability. That doesn't make her a con, but Ashlyn does have some not-so-pleasant traits and impulses. Survival is typically her priority, if she has to play dirty, or act preemptively to protect herself or others she will do it, and if violence is the tool employed she'll use it until she doesn't need to. Ashlyn does have a minor sadistic streak, one that she actively tampers down, and she does have a manipulative side that will become more active later.
I love my little gremlin, but there is a legitimate reason besides "bad luck" for why specific cons are terrified of her. Constantly being on edge, seeking methods of control, relatively desensitized to canon violence, and fully capable of emotionally closing herself off to "characters," Ashlyn could give M.E.C.H. a run for their money if she wanted to. She's just actively choosing to play nice.
The Predacon aspect comes in for similar reasonings. As she is, Ashlyn is "a creature of potential" in a few different ways- some very literal. But she does have the potential to take on a predatory role just as much as she could be trapped as prey. Ash's already tapped in on this with one con, and that interaction is partly why the Spider was interested in her. Likewise, Ashlyn technically also hails from another age of Cybertron. Her lore, the explanation for her existence, is rooted in those pre-cataclysm days. Under that logic, she could be considered a revived remnant, similar to Predaking. And like Predaking (and what I'm inferring for common Predacon dynamics) she will always want to protect her "pack." Biological, adoptive, or found family, she will fight for the people she considers hers. Additionally playing into the whole predacon aspect, Ashlyn is a very wild character. She acts unexpectedly and flips situations on their heads, but she's also an individual who refuses to be tamed against her will (which may or may not be important).
Either way, Ashlyn would never fully fall into either subclass. She'll always have a mix of characteristics, being too sharp and armored to be seen as a regular Seeker or too small and fragile to match a true Predacon. She will always be shifting between the two whenever I write her in a bot form because it's a physical manifestation of her shifting priorities and mindsets. Prey or predator. Provoke or protect. Leave or stay.
And again, it's also really dang pretty in my personal opinion. I'm mean enough to this girl; she deserved to get pampered!
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