wackulart · 10 months
Neorade.... kinda like gatorade.....
we'll be uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh idk cyberkinesis bc its machine and a magic powers
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dooniichez · 2 years
Meet Plasma! M.U's sister. Her abilities are Cyberkinesis and enhanced speed. She's quite bratty but it isn't as bad, that M.U is used to it. But they care about each other tho.
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Old design (originally owned by my friend, Moon)
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moshi-roulette · 1 year
Happy Little Guys Au: Proxies
I finally came up with a proper name for this au!
Though I don't exactly know what I want this au to really be about.
But I can tell you one thing: These bois got some cool superpowers now
Might as well start with these guys first
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Name: Spring
Real Name: Leo Floraison
Nicknames: Sprig, Flower Lad, Lil Bloom
Age: 15
Pronouns: He/Fae
Likes: Flowers
Dislikes: Mean People
Hobbies: Gardening, Playing the Violin
Info: As you can imagine, he doesn’t speak all that much. He would rather speak through his hands rather than his mouth. Which is perfectly fine with those around him. Fae is known to be a bit curious of the things around faer, mostly enjoying the scenery and likes admiring any plants that he comes across. He can be a bit stubborn and can come off as a bit rude, but he is quite nice. He enjoys creating flower crowns and beautiful bouquets for faer friends.
- Has the power of Chlorokinesis (Can control plants)
Theme: “String Theocracy” by Mili
Extra: He has a whole garden full of different types of plants
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Name: Carnival
Real Name: Charlie Karuzela
Nicknames: Carni, Clownie
Age: 16
Pronouns: He/They
Likes: Horror Stories
Dislikes: Studying
Hobbies: Drawing, Collecting dolls
Info: A very mischievous fellow. He loves to pull harmless pranks and enjoys trying to make people laugh. He can come off as very flamboyant as well as being overly dramatic. They are what you would call an entertainer. He can also come off as extremely annoying to some people and is just as hyper, having a hard time sitting still. He is extremely talkative and will talk nonstop for a very long time. However, he is quite friendly and likes to play games with their friends.
- Has the power of Imagination Manifestation (The user can bring anything from their imagination into reality; from structures, objects, weapons, creatures, elements, or any fictional or non-fictional material that the user can think) (Search it up)
Theme: "Parade" by Susumu Hirasawa
Extra: He has a large collection of plush dolls that he cherishes
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Name: Looky
Real Name: Nino Viola
Nicknames: Looksy, Purple guy (he doesn’t like that one)
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Video Games
Dislikes: Spicy Foods
Hobbies: Playing Video games, Playing Guitar, Programming
Info: He can come off as moody to some people, even a bit rude or irritable. Though, he is known to be very chill guy and can get very passionate about the things he likes. He enjoys talking about his favorite shows and video games. He is surprisingly good at sports, despite his appearance. Sure, he can be a bit hot-headed at times, but he does mean well. Of course, he acts as an older brother to Carnival and Spring and is fairly protective of them.
- Has the power of Cyberkinesis (Can control Technology)
Theme: “Reckless Battery Burns” by Ghost
Extra: His wings appear occasionally, mostly appearing as some sort of hologram.
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Name: Tick Tock
Real Name: Tobias Gedicht
Nicknames: Ticky, Poet Boy
Age: 18
Pronouns: He/Him
Likes: Tea
Dislikes: “People who don’t appreciate fine art!”
Hobbies: Writing Poetry
Info: At first, he may come off as very pretentious or prideful to those who don’t know him very well. However, he’s not all that. He’s very passionate about his poetry and wants to share his writing with those around him. Sometimes he can get a bit emotional over something that’s really peaks his interest. He can be very polite and is very well spoken, having a tendency to speak in a sort of posh accent. And yes, he is still very jealous of Looky.
- Has the power of Lexiconicy (Writing Manipulation) (Also search it up)
Theme: “Tea Errors” by Jack Stauber
Extra: He also uses his cane as a weapon
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amestamaqueen · 1 year
True Name: Camelia Toussaint
Nicknames: The Arcade Demon, Ms. Veda, Our Intel Gatherer (Velvette)
Sinstagram Handle: gaslit_games_top_gamer_girl
Date of Death: 1995
Cause of Death: Alcohol Poisoning
Likes: Modern Technology, Drinking, Video Games
Dislikes: Old Technology, Not being popular, Anyone who threatens her
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Sinner Demon, Human (Formerly)
Gender: Trans Female
Age: 31 (Biologically)
Abilities: Cyberkinesis, Teleportation, Data Manipulation, Information Transference
Status: Active
Occupation: Overlord, Social Influencer, Owner of "Gaslit Games"
Family: Mother, Father
Friends: Valentino, Vox, Velvette, Veronica
Romantic Interest(s): Velvette (Crush)
Enemies: Alastor, Cinderhella, Sir Pentious, Lady Betlinde
Others: TBD
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Visual Writing Prompt #223
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hotimaginator · 3 years
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I posted this on Instagram around last week and I forgot to put it up on here. I keep forgetting that I have Tumblr for some reason??
Anyways this is the third of the Kinetics series. I’ve finally got a base idea for what I want to do with all of these characters, since I’ve come up with a rough idea for a backstory for how they all met. I do want to make an infodump post about it at one point but it does contain a lot of spoilers for my OC lore in general, as I’m still in the process of worldbuilding. Hopefully all will be revealed in due time. :”^)
Basically, Diva is a technokinetic/technobender, meaning that she has the ability to manipulate ALL kinds of technology, new and old. While Erika is a cyberkinetic, which means that she can only manipulate and control things relating to hardware, computers and screens etc. Both of their power types are similar and broadly overlap, but are different nonetheless. They are on the “electrical power types” spectrum after all. :)
I also have many new ideas for different designs I want to do for this series, though I am currently taking a little break on this to focus on other projects. These two were actually what got me motivated to do the series again since I kinda lost interest until I came up with these designs.
Also, please don’t ask me why they’re both visibly disabled. There doesn’t need to be a reason.
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wcnderlusts · 8 years
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aesthetic ;; R O S E  L E R O U X
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thesoulspulse · 3 years
Ghost In The Machine (Daniel’s Unique Powers)
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I’m using @kennymayovo​ wonderful rendition of my final version of Daniel Masters for this post since I’m very much looking forward to him reaching this stage in his story! I will never stop gushing over it! As for the rest, I’m mainly just sharing an updated version of his list of powers from when I still had my roleplay discord server for Danny Phantom oc’s.
It’s really a shame Daniel never got a real chance to shine once I fixed some major characters flaws which I’ll admit were pretty crippling at first. But I’m glad I’ve gotten the chance to fix them in a full story setting at least!
Anyways, potential spoilers for “Ghost In The Machine” ahead so you’ve been warned! Read the rest down below if you dare! lolz! Note that some of these ideas might change in the future since I don’t want Daniel to become too overpowered, I just want him to eventually become capable enough to stand on equal footing with Danny and Vlad eventually.
Daniel’s Unique Powers
Name: Technopathy/Cyberkinesis (aka the ability to connect to and perceive the technology around him both physically and mentally)
Ability: Basically Daniel has all the same powers Technus has with some variations to his powers and exceptions since Daniel's different. So no giant robot bodies for him sadly, although he can create weapons and such.
Setback: His ghost powers are still weak so he has to rely on the boosts Vlad has given him until he gets a stable form of his own.
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Name: Telekinesis
Ability: Since we actually see canon Danny use this ability once in “Boxed Up Fury” that’s why I decided to give the same ability to Daniel. Plus it makes a lot of sense given how much control he has over the digital world he inhabits which will eventually translate into reality with some of his powers.
Setback: Moving/stopping larger takes lots of concentration
P.S. Sorry the image quality is so bad, this happens so fast I had to split images from a gif to find the exact moment we see Danny use this power.
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Name: Machine Summoning/Creation
Ability: This is for summoning things like turrets like what Valerie can do with her battle suit upgrade or other types of shields around himself. It’s very Tron-like visually although when Daniel does this it’s more like stars aligning.
Setback: His powers are more based on what he can do on his own thanks to his programming so Daniel powers are mainly related to him physically somehow so he can't summon anything he hasn't already taken control of through hacking or using his powers like Technus can. At least not at first. It’s more in his nature to fix things, not control or break them. He’d rather create something new anyway but this takes more time so Daniel doesn’t use this power for combat.
Name: Tech Overshadowing
Ability: This is pretty much the same thing Danny does in the game Doomed only for Daniel he can overshadow any electrical device like Technus too.
Setback: He can get kicked out of a device if it has some sort of anti-ghost firewall which is usually only a problem with GIW secret files or something or files Vlad doesn't want him accessing. It’s kind of strange the Fenton's don't really have anything like that.
Name: Electrokinesis
Ability: He can use electrical attacks and self-generate electricity which can really come in handy, Daniel can even use his own energy to recharge electric devices through a transfer.
Setback: This can be hard to control if he gets too emotional since lighting is hard to predict anyway.
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Name: Touch Screen/Tablet Summoning
Ability: Daniel can create touch screen tablets out of his ecto-energy to make it easier to either share info or play back videos or his memories in a similar format. He can also summon holographic projections of those events or of himself to serve as a distraction similar to a duplicate only this is purely visual and can’t be touched or interacted with.
Setback: The tablets and screens have a limited range and will vanish after a while unless he creates an actual tangible device to carry around.
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Name: Superhuman Intelligence
Ability: Daniel can access information from anywhere in the world through the internet as a whole as long as its not fire-walled against ghosts in which case he'd have to hack into it. He also learns a lot more quickly as a result and can recall any memory of information he has stored in his data banks.
Setback: Sometimes he repeats back too much information when Daniel gets "in the zone" so to speak as a side effect of originally being a program before a ghost. This can be a bit unsettling at times for Vlad especially since he’s afraid of Daniel losing his sense of self entirely when this happens, but in most cases it’s more like Daniel is focused on relaying the data back and not stumbling over his words.
Name: Data Manipulation
Ability: Aka he can hack into and change any files, documents, or codes he wants to almost instantly.
Setback: Just like the real Danny he hates cheating and only does this as a last resort or if there's an important reason to change information. This can also be very mentally taxing if the files or code are super complex or heavily encrypted.
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Name: Tracking/Ghost GPS
Ability: He can track any electrical device provided it's still on and he can track ghost signatures too.
Setback: Daniel doesn't have a traditional ghost sense since he’s not a halfa like Vlad and Danny to start off with, so instead he uses his powers to scan for "possible threats" based on the energy readings of the ghost signals in the area which he can match to a profile if Vlad has one in his data banks. And when his programming alerts him to the presence of another ghost, Daniel can send a distress signal to Vlad. However, if there are too many ghosts around him at once it can be very confusing for him, like hearing nothing but white noise.
Name: Reverse Engineer
Ability: Daniel can recreate anything from memory as long as he has a digital blueprint.
Setback: This power is extremely time consuming and has limits.
Name: Datascape Creation
Ability: He can create his own digital world inside any computer as long as he has the right software to work with or create one inside his own mind once Daniel ends up with a physical body with nanobot technology and other cybernetic tech to stabilize and contain his code, aka his ghost core.
Setback: The dangers inside these virtual spaces can be lethal to anyone else who is brought inside, especially if something or someone is controlling Daniel via hacking which is always a risk.
Name: Nanobots
Ability: Daniel's unique DNA as self-aware AI turned ghost requires him to have some sort of technology fused to his "body" to integrate his program and one way this is done is through special nanobots in his ectoplasm which allows him to transform parts of his body into weapons as a trade off of not being a halfa like Danny but a hybrid between a program and a ghost, so like an actual ghost cyborg.
This also works as a healing factor to repair his body which depending on the point in his story is either a pure ghostly body or a clone body his consciousness was transferred into like an empty avatar since his ghost form is pretty weak on its own and still requires a lot of energy to maintain. And again, in either case Daniel needs some kind of technology fused into him to protect and regulate his cybernetic ghost core.
Setback: Having a low nanobot count is just like having low blood sugar and can make him especially weak. So Vlad has to make sure to increase the nanobot count in Daniel’s blood occasionally.
Name: Electromagnetic Manipulation
Ability: He can pull the classic ghost move of communicating to others through various electronic devices like the static on a TV or through a telephone.
Setback: This is a tricky method to use and not an easy one if he's not directly connected to or overshadowing said device, so this method is mainly used a last resort to try and reach out for help if he's unable to communicate with anyone otherwise.
Name: System Upgrade/Fix
Ability: He can upgrade/fix any device like Technus can
Setback: This ability is very draining and must be used sparingly depending on how advanced the tech is.
Name: Ecto-Energy Constructs
Ability: He can make more advanced ghost shields and such around himself or others using his electric based ghost energy.
Setback: Breaking the shields physically hurts him too since their an extension of his core energy crystallizing in the material world.
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attollogame · 3 years
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The Vakili Sisters
Because you get to meet one sister at the gala, I thought it best to introduce the 4 women who raised everyone's favorite Arc leader.
Cassia Vakili
The eldest of the five siblings and one of a set of twins, Cassia is the head of the Voiceless and the matriarch of the Vakili family since the passing of her mother.
Upon taking over the Voiceless, Cassia utilized her powered abilities of mimicry in the most horrific of ways. After carving her own tongue out, she realized that she can take the voices of other victims by replicating the gesture on them. Circe often carries the tongue of the voice she is using in a packet around her neck.
She's a tall, thin woman with dark hair and a veil that covers the upper half of her face and skin that has been described as a 'sickly color'. She often wears a long black skirt, a blouse, and white gloves.
Medea Vakili
The second eldest of the five siblings, Medea is Cassia's twin sister and a member of the Council of Ash.
As a member of one of the main five organizations in Attollo, Medea is heavily involved in the dealings of the Under City, much like her other siblings. It was by her hand that the Crowes Court was forced to pay the Council for their cooperation and to prevent them from interfering with Court's plans. Her powered abilities of telekinesis also assist with the Council's plans.
Medea is tall and thin, like her sister, although her appearance resembles that of Gasper more (looks actually alive). She often wears pantsuits, sunglasses, and a wide-brimmed red hat.
Avra Vakili
The third of the five siblings, Avra does not associate herself with any of the organizations of Attollo, including the Arcs.
Having taken a disliking for her father's method of approach to things, Avra split herself off from the rest of the Vakili's to strike out on her own at a young age. She has since gone on to garner a reputation as one of the best mechanics and modifiers of vehicles in the Under City and has serviced countless individuals, both criminal and not. Avra's ability of mechanical intuition allows her to quickly understand and work with any and all kinds of machines.
Avra is a tall woman with a prominent muscle definition due to her field. She has long dark hair she often keeps tied back and under a ball cap. She often wears cargo pants and a t-shirt. Avra is known to be Gasper's favorite sister.
Sibyl Vakili
The second youngest of the five siblings, Sibyl is also another of the group who doesn't associate herself with any particular organization, instead choosing to run her own private business.
Having followed Avra's beliefs in a disliking for her father and his methods, Sibyl was another of the group who struck out on her own at a young age, only coming back into the family upon her father's passing. In the meantime, Sibyl built up a reputation in the Under City as being a technological genius in her own right, often selling her services for hacking into bank accounts or blackmailing. Her ability of cyberkinesis is one that's shared by with Operator, with who she has worked in the past.
Sibyl is a short woman with a softer build. She keeps her hair cut short to her chin, and often wears a leather jacket—which Gasper picked up on—and jeans as well as a pair of glasses. Sibyl also had the most involvement in Gasper's upbringing next to Avra.
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potato-with-hair · 3 years
Fake News
First tumblr Story Ever
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As the newest Avenger it seemed that Tony Stark and Captain Rogers were more than comfortable sending you out on all of the shit missions, granted, you could use the time in with your new teammates to learn their little quirks and start working to meld your abilities with theirs so that you could start working together seamlessly, but it was getting ridiculous. You were half expecting to start getting told to go out and help the NYFD rescue kittens from trees and helping the NYPD direct traffic on Broadway in Manhattan during rush hour. Y/N was a technopath, which was a fancy name for someone who could control technology and anything mechanical with their mind, or if you wanted to be technical about it, according to the official S.H.I.E.L.D. dossier:
Y/L/N, Y/N: Main Ability: Technology Manipulation
User can manipulate technology, the sum of techniques, skills, methods, and
processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment
of objectives. However, most users only can exert control over technological
constructs, such as computers, robots, hardware, and other devices that can be
termed as "technology", in any way. Manifested as a special form of electrical/telekinetic manipulation, a special form of "morphing" which allows physical interaction with machines, or even a psychic ability that allows mental interface with computer data.
Also Called:
· Cyberkinesis
· Cyberpathy
· Mechanokinesis
· Technokinesis
· Technopathy
Pretty cool, huh? Anyway, spring was coming to a close and summer was just around the corner. Tony asked me and Sam Wilson, you may know him as Falcon, to head to midtown
Manhattan because there were some “unsavory” characters hanging around Grand Central Station.
Turns out it was some low-level HYDRA minions that were basically trying to see what kind of trouble they could cause, they had planted a pipe bomb in a waste bin in the middle of the station and it was a Friday when thousands of people would be traveling through the station heading to and from work and school. I think that HYDRA was more or less just testing us Avengers out to what abilities we had and see if there are any hidden capabilities we possessed before they come at us for a full-scale attack.
Sam and I arrived and were able to find the pipe bomb relatively quickly, part of my ability is being able to read the signatures of different technologies and mechanics, and if you don’t think that a bomb countdown timer throws out a red flag, you are mistaken. Anyway, we found it, and rather than call bomb and arson with New York’s Finest, I was able to manipulate the mechanics myself using my mind. I shut down the detonator without ever touching the bomb and made the whole thing inactive within a few minutes time.
Easy peasy, 10 minutes, another fast sweep which took an additional 30 minutes, and Sam and I were finished and ready for our close-ups from the media that always, inevitably followed. We had a small group of media that always showed up whenever a call went out that an Avenger was “working” and there was almost always a small fan base at Grand Central or where ever we were working who would come up to thank us, like we were some sort of rock stars, and as per usual some of the younger men and women took the opportunity to do some flirting with us. Tony told us, unattached Avengers, that any publicity and light flirting and playfulness with the fans was good publicity and would help for the public to relate to us and see us in a positive light. I am not going to lie, I may or may not have had a little thing for our resident speedy Sokovian, but our little flirting in the compound never seemed to go beyond that, flirting. I thought there was a possibility he liked me also, but, so far, nothing. Although I did catch him staring at me quite often and Wanda and some of the guys were always talking to him and then immediately looking in her direction like they were just discussing her. Pietro did seem to always try to be around me and sit near me as often as possible as well. Also when the “fans” would flirt with him, I noticed he never really showed much interest in them, always watching to see what I was doing.
Oh well, time to spend a little time with the crowd before Sam and I headed back to the compound. The New York Times was talking to some travelers about the pipe bomb that was found in the wastebasket and what their thoughts were and how they felt about us being there to “save the day, yet again” when an overzealous “fan” started to get a little handsy with me in the background. He had followed me around and asked me to dinner a few times, flashing cash and his business card a few times, trying to press it into my hand multiple times. I explained I was really bust and thanked him but said I was not interested or available, but he kept perusing me. He was leaning over my shoulder with his hand around my waist from behind, body pulled directly flush with my back and he was in an excited state if you know what I mean, and he was whispering in my ear about some of his fantasies and things that he has dreamt of doing to me. Of course, the camera flashed right as he started to kiss my neck and I had a smile on my face because I was focusing on a sweet 10 year old in front of me asking for my autograph and telling me I was her favorite avenger. If the camera had waited all of 5 seconds more, they would have caught me performing a minor assault on the prick and another 5 seconds would have caught Sam pulling me off of him and flying us out of the station and back to the compound with his hand over my mouth because I let lose a string of explicative’s that would put Wade Wilson to shame.
The next morning I woke up and took a shower, went down to the kitchen and made my normal toast and juice and bowl of fruit, and could not help notice that the Avengers that were there were looking at me strangely, I thought it was because I was still in a sour mood because of that jerk from yesterday and the icky feeling he gave me that I was assaulted by scum. I knew that Rogers, Wanda, Sam, and Nat were on their way to Lagos on a mission. Thor and Banner were MIA since Sokovia, which left Stark, Rhodey, Vision, Pietro and I still here.
“Y/N, so, how was the pipe bomb incident yesterday?” Tony asked seemingly hinting at something
“Uneventful aside from a slight annoyance in the crowd, is there coffee left?” Y/N responded looking at him while rising to get a mug and pour a hot mug to clear the remaining sleep from my head.
“Nothing happened? Nobody special you want to tell us about?” Rhodey chimes in.
“Not that I am aware of or worth mentioning now that it’s done and over with, is there something you would like to tell me about?” Y/N asks looking back and forth to them. “Hey, where’s Speedy, he’s usually down here eating everything that isn’t trying to eat him first.”
Tony looks at Y/N and smirks, “It is strange that you should mention that, he came in about 20 minutes ago, I assume you were in the shower or I am sure you would have heard him, saw the cover of the New York Times, flipped out and, well, here you are, please take a look, we are on pins and needles to know what you think. And I hope you know that all suitors must meet the full team before you becoming an “item” and pass Avenger inspection, and Rogers is particularly tough.” He slid the paper across the kitchen island to where you sat, both he and Rhodey watching your face for a reaction. You unfolded the paper confused and looked at the front cover.
There in black and white at you was a close up of the stranger with his arms around your waist from behind, you leaning slightly forward smiling and the stranger kissing your neck, the little girl you were smiling at was covered by the person being interviewed in the foreground. To someone who was not there and did not know the story, this definitely looked bad, like a very intimate moment caught on film, the headline read ‘Newest Avenger Moving Fast With New York Wall Street Trader’ the article went on to talk about how you just met the guy and did not bother to get his name, but just let him put the moves on you, yadda, yadda, yadda. Apparently, after Sam got you out of there, the “gentleman: in question decided to make a name for himself and gave a short interview making it sound like you approached him and started the whole flirt fest, lead him on, and then abandoned him, with the promise to return. You looked at Tony and Rhodey with wide eyes and a sick feeling in your stomach, “This is the biggest load of shit I have ever read in my life, this is not anything at all what happened. About 3 seconds after this picture was snapped, I basically slapped the taste out of his mouth and would have continued to do so had Sam not gotten me out of there. Flirting? More like this guy assaulted me. This was not consensual or wanted. I told him multiple times I was not interested and refused his advances and invitations to dinner and he kept bothering me. I was talking to a little kid and he pulled this crap when I had my back turned to him.”
Tony went from joking to serious almost instantly, “Okay, we were just going to bust your balls on this a little bit, but this has just become a non-joke. I’ll have Pepper contact someone in Stark Industries legal department to get in touch with the paper to track this guy down, he’ll have had to sign a waiver for publication and we’re going to go after him for liable and harassment. If he tries to come after you for battery for the assault, well, we’ll call that defense, Avenger or not, no one gets to touch you without permission. Y/n we really didn’t know, we were just going to play around with you about this a little, and we had no idea. He didn’t do any weird stuff, right?”
“NO, I mean, I slapped him and Sam pulled me off of him and flew me out of there, anything beyond what he did to me and you would have been getting a call from New York’s finest about bail or my court hearing for homicide. I was shocked, but if it had gone beyond what it was, I would have raged a lot harder than I did. The headline in the paper would have read a lot differently today.” Y/N responded.
“Alright, I know that yesterday was weird and I know that Nat and Wanda have had to deal with crap like this from time to time, unfortunately being an attractive woman on the team seems to let the guys out there think that it is open season to treat you ladies like meat. It is unfair and it sucks and if any of the men on the team are around just say the word and well step in and make sure the guys know it’s not okay, or step back and let you take care of it yourself, whatever you feel more comfortable with. In the meantime, take the weekend off and go to a spa or go shopping or to the movies or whatever you need to do to feel better, charge everything to Stark okay. Just let us know if you need anything alright.” Tony hugged you with one arm and kissed the top of your head. “One thing though, Lightning Legs. He flipped out when he saw this. He thought it was true and got hot and bothered. I would suggest finding him and letting him know what is really going on because the last thing you need right now is a crazy Sokovian kid acting like a jealous boyfriend right now.”
You look us at Tony and across the island to Rhodey, “What is that all about, what is he flipping out about, he brags about all the women he is into and dated back in Sokovia all the time, what does he care about what happens to me?”
“Y/N are you serious? That kid has been crazy in love with you since Sokovia. I swear I was coming close to sending you both on a mission that involved a tropical island and a case of rum soon. If he’s not staring at you, you are staring at him. It’s sickening.” Tony finished with a sarcastic eye roll. Go relax in your room, we'll take care of this. Just try to put it from your mind and well talk soon. With that, you left and headed to the elevator bank to the sleeping quarters level, feeling shitty, but better because you knew Tony would do what he could to help.
You were only in your Bedroom Suite for about half an hour when there was a somewhat frantic knocking at your door. You got up from your bed, put down the book you were currently reading, and made your way to the door, opening it, you found a seemingly tormented Pietro, he entered your quarters without an invitation and started to pace the length of your room, looking at you, Y/N could tell he needed to speak, but he was not sure where or how to start.
“Y/N, I ……. The newspaper, I saw the picture and…… Who is he? Do you like him? I mean does he make you happy? I want you to be happy……… I know that no one will ever be able to………. Not like I do………” Pietro kept starting and stopping sentences, never actually completing any, and getting agitated. You had never seen him this disconcerted before, he was always so unruffled when he would flirt with you before and this was a whole new side to him that you had never seen before. It was like he was unsure of himself and it was not something he was sure of how to process. You walked towards where Pietro was walking seemingly carrying on an argument with himself and reached out for his hands.
“Pietro, please stop, okay, please. It is not what you think, I don’t know that guy. It was fake, it was false, I don’t know him, I did not ask for that, I did not tell him it was okay to touch me or kiss me like that, I was not alright with that, He did that without my permission, and the photographer took a picture and they wrote some fake story to make it seem like I was into it. I did not want that. I don’t know him, I feel disgusted by that.” You start to rub your neck where the creep kissed you, sat down on the plush cushioned ottoman bench at the foot of your bed and start to curl into yourself to make yourself as small as possible as Pietro looks at you taking in your words.
“Wait, moja bohyňa (my goddess,) some guy you do not know came up to you and started to touch you and kiss you without your permission? No, I will not allow this, who is this man; I will go fight him right now. Žiadny odpadok sa nemôže dotknúť mojej bohyne bez jej súhlasu. Nikomu by nemalo byť dovolené pozerať sa na ňu bez toho, aby sa poďakoval bohom, že bola stvorená. (No trash can touch my goddess without her consent. No man should ever be allowed to look on her, without thanking the gods that she was created.) Are you okay?” He sat on the bench next to you giving you plenty of space, not wanting to crowd you. “I will kill this man, why would he think he could touch you, Bohyňa (Goddess,) if I had been there, I would have stopped him immediately, I am so sorry I was not there with you. “ Pietro sat staring forward with a look of disappointment in himself. You leaned over towards him putting your head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around you pulling you into him. You snuggled your face into his chest drawing designs on his stomach and chest with your finger as he kissed your head and held you close.
“Tony is going to get the Legal department of Stark Industries to look into the paper and find out who the guy is and get him charged with harassment, and I may or may not have given him a good slap as soon as I got over my shock and realized what was happening, so I figure I should let the cops know everything in case he decided to try to press charges later for battery saying I attacked him. But I promise Pietro, there is absolutely nothing at all going on with that guy or any other guy in my life because I was sort of waiting for someone I had a sort of thing for to maybe make a move, but I didn’t think that he was interested, so I had basically given up hope and just accepted that we would only be friends, and that was okay, but I really was hoping he would let me know he felt the same.” You continued tracing symbols on Pietro's chest with her fingers nervously
Pietro put his hand gently under Y/Ns chin and raised her face so that his clear blue eyes were looking directly into Y/N/E/C, “Do I know this guy?” He asked finally deciding to go with the advice the rest of the team when they told him that Y/N was definitely into him, and Wanda assured him that yes, Y/N thought about him often and was only too nervous to make the first move, but if Pietro would, she would be receptive.
Y/N looks from Pietro's eyes to his lips and back to his eyes again and states “I am sure you have seen him around here, sometimes he’s hard to spot because he’s pretty fast, but when he stops or slows down and doesn’t try so hard to impress everyone he’s really an amazing guy. I have to say to, he is sexy as hell too, and he has this accent when he talks, uggghhh, it does things to me.” Y/N just smiles at him teasingly.
Pietro chuckles and smiling leans in but says softly before he kisses you, “Prednesiem vám básne a texty, ak ma chcete počuť hovoriť, poviem vám všetky veci, ktoré chcem s vami a s vami urobiť, ale nikdy vám nebudem môcť vyjadriť, ako veľmi vás milujem a uctievam. Teraz si môj, ako ja tvoj, navždy. (I will recite you poetry and lyrics if you want to hear me speak, I will tell you all the things I want to do to you and with you, but I will never be able to express to you, how much I love and worship you. You are mine now as I am your, forever.)” He then lays the softest and most soul-baring kiss on Y/N that she has ever felt. It was as if all the passions in the world could have been transferred to her through that kiss and as he softly caresses her face while peppering gentle kisses on her face, Y/N thinks that maybe this stupid picture is not the worst thing in the world to ever happen to her if it is what FINALLY brought her and Pietro together, she figures if nothing else, this will be a brilliant story to tell their kids someday.
Slovakian substituted for Sokovian
Y/N = Your Name
Y/L/N = Your Last Name
Y/N/E/C = Your Eye Color
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So I was thinking about how the Afton virus would work and idk a whole lot about the cannon on this but what if Y/n had an equivalent "virus" ability? But more "alive" then the Afton variant?
So bare with me for a sec as I try and explain my 2am brain baby here
Afton is a "zombie" that's being kept alive with "murder child juice" or "remnant"
So I'm thinking that makes his virus
(that also somehow affects humans?)
50% "soul magic" the dead child juice and him being kinda dead so ghost logic
20"power influence" mind control ether through trauma, fear, subconscious implanting?
and 30% "sci-fi mumbojumbo" the actual computer codes and such
So to rival him on this power front what if
Y/n was the opposite and ya know not a overcooked murder rabbit
50% "living soul magic" the ability to create life in a non organic form or even to influence it through osmosis aka staff bots become increasingly more reactive and sentient through there continuous interaction with y/n (staff bot mom y/n?) Maybe it gets stronger the more joy of living is around them like happy children or something
20% "positive influence" building bonds with the animatronics and even vanny encouraging them, being there for them, treating them as people and not just children's entertainment getting them freedoms and kindness that previous staff couldn't or wouldn't give them
30% "sci-fi mumbojumbo but to kick Afton's ass" I think this one speaks for itself maybe they could have something like cyberkinesis through touch(I think there was a spiderman costume that could do that idk)?😂 But only if the tech has no soul or consciousness it's already playing host to? Or there just as good with animatronics as Afton
And the cherry on top of this magic techno showdown?...
Y/n has no fucken clue they have these abilities at all
let alone that a crunchy floppy eared murder bitch wants to throw hands with them and that pisses him off the most because it goes something like this
"why are my child-napping bots not doing as I tell them?"
Or even
Sometime in the future after character building, angst and shenanigans
Afton"so we meet face to face my nemesis"
Y/n"...*Dile up sound*.... who's lost sassy old man-rabbit is this?"
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starry-skies-116 · 2 years
Gregory's Darker Side (Previous Post Continued):
Additionally, one very disturbing thing I’ve noticed about Gregory is that his intelligence is highly of that beyond what a normal ten or twelve year old would possess. 
For one thing, he possesses a significant amount of technological knowledge to the point where it’s straight up odd, being able to hotwire a car, recharge Freddy with a car battery, and also being really savvy with computers- something of a phenom, as a certain therapist in the tapes would say. 
This might be because of the nature of his creation and rebirth as a synthetic android vessel, hence in my AU extending it to flat out slight cyberkinesis, but it is still pretty disturbing.
Gregory also has immense creative and intellectual abilities, being able to take what paltry information was given to him in the emails left by the S.T.A.F.F. and piece the clues together to reconstruct scenarios and plans. He was then able to efficiently gather materials for said plans to decommission the animatronics, ruthlessly and cruelly using underhanded tactics to enact the constructed scenarios with near-perfect accuracy and impeccable execution.
And, interestingly enough, despite all his pent-up problems, despite all the emotional turmoil and obsession, anxiety and suffering and agonizing self-hatred eating away at him thorughout the game… he’s not insane while doing such things. 
No, Gregory’s the opposite of insane when crafting and executing these plans. He’s… sentient. Tactical, intelligent, even, despite his inner rage. Ruthless and uncaring- indifferent and dismissive of the suffering of the animatronics whilst he is deliberately inflicting pain upon them. Even acting as downright cruel, saying something along the lines of:
“They get what they deserve.”
Of course, it was all in self-defense: but this, to me, shows something fundamentally non-human about Gregory, despite all his very human qualities in the masses. He has moments like those where he’s smart in areas where he shouldn’t be- truly robotic, dutiful and… terrifying. Like some force of nature.
Willing to do anything to carry out his mission. To fulfill his destiny, and to bring his dream to life, to fruition- and to eliminate and neutralize all obstacles that stand in his way.
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lassieposting · 3 years
I hope you put in a really interesting and detailed background dump about how cyberkinesis interacted with growing mortal technology (especially electronics and computers...) over the last few centuries. Did you decide how disciplines are devised? Like how a sorcerer rocks up and straight invents a new discipline
I have, and the answer is usually neotericism!
Sorcerers don't sit down one day and decide to make a whole new discipline. This kind of evolution usually happens in one of two ways:
1. A sorcerer with an established discipline learns a new ability. Let's take Billy-Ray Sanguine as our example. However many centuries ago, an Elemental sorcerer discovered that he could walk through walls. At the time, this would've been considered an Elemental ability, not a discipline in it's own right. But it's a difficult ability to learn, so young Elementals who really wanted to be able to do that started focusing on it more and more, neglecting the other aspects of Elemental magic. Centuries go by, and over time, the Surge starts locking those young mages into only this ability. BRS can't access any of the other Elemental powers, because all he ever learned, cultivated and developed was his mole magic. So eventually, while mole magic is still technically an Elemental ability - remember Skug learns to do it - it's also become a discipline in its own right, and the only people who really care about the distinction are like. Magic taxonomists and magohistorians.
2. Neoterics. A child is born who has magic, but doesn't know the magical world exists and never receives any formal training. If that child is sufficiently powerful, their magic will start to present at a young age and will develop, to some degree, on its own - Skug, for example, was a perfectly competent if highly unsafe little necromancer as a child, despite never having any actual tuition. And because the child doesn't know about the rules of magic, the Sanctuary-approved health-and-safety-focused teaching methods used on young sorcerers, or what their magic even is, it's got completely free rein to develop however it likes. Usually, it will adapt itself to twine in and around the child's talents, needs and instincts, and sometimes, this just happens to produce a completely new discipline.
Take my OC, because she's the only example I can think of with a really modern discipline. She's good with computers. She's grown up scavenging tech and repurposing it in a world where that's been essential to her survival. She spends a lot of time tinkering with electronics. So as her magic began to assert itself, it also spent a lot of time with electronics, and that affected how it learned to behave. Hacking into a computer? No, now you are the computer. It's helping!
Another, older example is Handbook!Larrikin. He grew up in a travelling show. A huge part of his childhood was spent perfecting his sleight of hand, his patter, and his ability to make his audience feel how he wants them to feel/convince the audience that they saw what he wants them to see. He's mortal-born, so nobody is teaching his magic how to behave - it's learning from watching him. What does he grow up to be? A Sensitive - specifically, an illusionist with a compelling voice. He's far from the first Sensitive, but his "method" wouldn't be the same as a Sensitive who was formally trained - it's looser, more free-thinking, more open to new ideas or new ways of doing things. Neoterics are more likely to think "But can I use my ability to do X?"
One final example: Vile.
Val is taught by Wreath - who's not, generally speaking, a rule-follower - that Necromancy needs a channelling object. That is so fundamental to the rules of Necromancy as a discipline that even Wreath sticks to it rigidly.
But Vile/Skug doesn't. We see him use Necromancy without the armour in TDOTL. He doesn't need his channelling object.
Now, I have a lot of thoughts about Vile VS The Necromancer Order 1852-1854, but the main relevant hc is this: the armour is a full body disguise in a pre-facade era, and it's one he'd honestly rather go without.
Channelling objects take a highly unstable magic and lock it down, dampen it, and make it safe to use for the weak and the stupid and the unremarkable. The temples teach that to master the discipline, you have to control death, because they're all bloody terrified of it, right down to the high priests.
But Vile is a neoteric. He grew up using raw Necromancy with no channelling object, so that's his baseline normal for what using his magic should feel like. He's not afraid of death. He's? Used to letting the current carry him, and these idiots are all pussyfooting around refusing to even get in the water. With the armour, it feels dulled and clunky and graceless. Vile in the armour is toned down hard, and he doesn't like it at all.
So he's? Regularly doing something that not only doesn't follow the traditional teaching methods for Necromancy, but actively flouts them. Raw Necromancy is so unstable that it's illegal in most first world countries, but because he grew up without that limitation being drilled into him from the word go, he's developed Necromancy in ways no one else ever has, and pushed it further than most have ever thought to go. He's pushed it so far that he's broken down barriers between Necromancy and other disciplines - in Lardo's canon, he's some kind of fuckin dimensional shunter for dead universes, and in mine, he's figured out how to accurately recreate his dead body to funnel off excess magic (which is a form of vitakinesis - life and death are two sides of the same coin). He hasn't personally created a new discipline, but future generations pushing the limits of the new abilities he's discovered might gradually separate from mainstream Necromancy until they're a branch, and then a closely related subdiscipline, and then a totally different discipline in their own right.
So yeah it's. Mostly down to baby neoterics' magic being really interested in that thing they're always doing because it's understimulated and wants to help them.
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ivybucky · 4 years
wired - s.r. x gn! reader
Request by @tinyviking707​: i would like a steve with an s/o that has cyberkinesis
a/n: i accidentally posted this to my main i’m so sorry! it turned into more of a drabble but i love it! let me know if you want more out of this pair!
Add yourself to the tag list
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author: abby <3
words: 504
warnings: cussing, cyberkinesis, pranking
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“Y/N! I’ll kick your ass!” you heard Wilson’ voice echo throughout the halls of the compound. As quick as your legs could carry you down the hallways to the first unlocked door you could find. Deep breaths left your chest as you flipped the deadbolt of the door. 
“Doll?” What are you doing?” your boyfriend Steve walked into the bedroom with a smirk on his face. His ears perked as he heard Sam’s voice yell out once again. “What did you do this time?”
“Nothing!” Steve stared expectantly at you. “It wasn’t anything bad, it was actually really funny.”
You chuckled to yourself as Steve crossed his arms over his chest, then you sighed. “You’re no fun.”
“What was it?” he huffed out, a tiny smirk still resting on his face. 
“Ya know how Sam was talking about that cute girl from comms?” he nodded. 
“I may or may not have tripped him with some wires and made a lewd sound play from his phone when he tried to talk to her,” you twiddled your fingers, looking down at your shoes. 
“Steve,” you dropped your arms to your side dramatically. “I only did it cause he kept being mean about us. He kept calling me jailbait.”
He chuckled deeply as he walked up to you and wrapped his arms around you. “He’s gonna kill you, baby.”
“Well, he deserved it,” you huffed. 
A knock on Steve’s door made you jump. “Hey Steve,” Sam’s voice echoed from the other side of the locked door, making your eyes widen. “FRIDAY said you were in here.”
“Steve, baby, please,” you begged. He rolled his eyes and nodded, motioning for you to hide behind the door. 
“Hey Sam,” he greeted, a smile plastered on his face. “What’s up?”
“Have you seen Y/N at all?” Sam said sweetly, a bold faced lie to what he was actually feeling. 
“Sorry, pal,” Steve lied with ease you hadn’t seen before. “Not since this morning.”
“Right,” Sam sighed. “If you see them, will you give me a heads up?” 
Steve raised his hands up in mock surrender. “I don’t want any part of this.”
“Right. Thanks man,” he said beginning to walk away. The door shut and Steve turned back to you. 
“I love you, but you can’t stay in here forever,” you pouted. 
“But why not?” you whined. “I practically live here anyways.”
He smirked, pulling you to give a kiss on your forehead. “We’ll talk about this more when you’re not in the middle of a prank war. Our apartment will be off limits.” 
Your heart fluttered at the use of “our”. You gave him a peck on his lips and a “I’ll see you later.”
Exiting his room, you saw Sam’s frame at the end of the hall. Your fingers came up and curled, sending electric wires to wrap around his ankle and trip him again. You took off once more, Sam yelling your name behind you. Steve chuckled from the doorway. 
“Steve, you liar!” 
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all character tags:  @avengers-do-it-better​ @maisondumepris​ @hamiltonwrite12​
steve and bucky tags:  @fab-notfat​ @mcueveryday​ @nanners-the-great​ @mcubuckyandsteve
steve only tags: @patzammit
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vicecityhq · 3 years
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WITNESS(ES) SAY HE REMINDS THEM OF: the flow of a tutu, baby pink gaming set ups, pink satin ribbons. With a slight resemblance to HWANG YEJI of/the ITZY.
Last Name, First Name: Noe Dal-nim ALIAS: Evelynn Kang, Saja Realm of birth(if earth, nationality):  Korean Age: 19 Gender: Cisfemale Preferred Pronouns: she/they Species: Gumiho/Cyborg Lvl 1 Occupation: Chaebol/Streamer/Influencer and G.H.O.S.T. member infiltrating Ivory Lotus as an assassin Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (questioning) Any Associated/Owned Businesses: Heir to the Noe family tech empire
Skin Color: Tanned  Eye color: heterochromatic ( left eye a muted, warm, green tone, and the right a honey golden/orange ) [ reference ]  Scars: A long scar down her sternum from heart transplant surgery  Piercings: dainty piercings, double in both lobes, small pink diamonds in both cartilages and one helix  Tattoos: a few dainty tattoos [ reference ], g.h.o.s.t bar code at the very top of her thigh  Hair color: Dark black roots that fade into a smokey grey [ reference ]  Abnormalities: her  heterochromia, she has a bionic heart  Horns/ wings/ etc:  Transformed form: she turns into a black and grey cross fur fox with nine tails [ reference ][  reference ] [ reference ]
RELIGIOUS BELIEF:  not really spiritual but practices a bit of witchery
SINS:  greed  /  gluttony  /  sloth  /  lust  /  pride  /  envy  /  wrath
VIRTUES: chastity  /  charity  /  diligence  /  humility /  kindness /  patience /  justice / temperance
KNOWN LANGUAGES:  Korean, Japanese, Cantonese, Thai, English and is learning French
SECRETS:  She’s a member of G.H.O.S.T and one of the younger Noe siblings
SAVVIES:  Doing her own acrylics, gaming, tech, ballet, violin, gymnastics, and contortion
Powers & Abilities:  Dokkaebi Physiology (Korean), Sleep-paralysis Inducement, Supernatural Beauty, Possession, Shape-shifting, Illusion Manipulation, Insanity Inducement, Dream Manipulation, Nine-Tailed Fox Physiology, Cyberkinesis
Traits:  shallow, diligent
Date of Birth: November 14th, 2003
Date of Death: [ if applying for an undead character ]
Crime Record: Her fake profile says that she had some petty theft and was charged with running away from home.
Background/Biography: tw: gun violence, blood, injury
Noe Dalnim -
An entire life of simply existing, an overbearing mother and a captivating family, being one of the youngest of the Noe’s was shrouded in secrecy, and experiencing near death at every turn.
Noe Seok-bin and his wife were the picture perfect parents, one a girl could only dream of having. Even in the midst of six little foxes there was still room to treat Dalnim like a princess. Behind the masks and tipped down heads as she held the hand of her twin, taking on the vigorous flashes of cameras and wailing paparazzi, she got everything she could have ever wanted, even a partner for life.
Dalnim’s relationship with Heomasu was strange to those in the outside world. The twins were inseparable all the way through their years, clinging to each other with fierceness as if the only way they were guaranteed  survival was if they were at each other's sides. Sleeping in the same bed for years to refusing to split their rooms up until they were well into being teens, it was comfort to have the smokey haired foxling at her back, as facing the world without him would surely result in her death.
Her room had been filled to the brim with plushies and tech galore, things she’d tinkered with behind the families oldest and failed toys of her own only for it all to fall victim to the angry licking of flames. It was in this fire that a piece of her heart threatened to sever itself from its connection, where the  Noe clan had been reduced to seven, her other half lost in a sea of smoke a soot, her life line, ending just before her eyes. But it was once again the leader of the fledglings, bearing the heaviness of being a father to children who hadn’t belonged to them, returning him to her with an arm charred beyond repair.
Things changed in the Noe household following, as Hyunjae buried himself in his studies, Dalnim found herself clinging to his side just as much as the one she’d shared a womb with. Dainty pigtails always wafting  over her older brother's shoulders as he tinkered away at his creations. He was a protector of the two, she could sense it, but just like her parents it had become suffocation, the young twins treated like delicate lace, unable to face the world on their own. But Dalnim craved more than half of her room, more than masked faces and family outings as her only triumph over the world.
It was when she was just twelve that she couldn’t shake it anymore, the craving to be independent, no longer wanting to be hidden underneath the veil of her families woes;
“Can I at least just go to the mall by myself?” She’d ask her mother, who stared at her dotingly, another baby of a noble family knowing how it feels to live behind a veil.
She was to walk the streets as just a regular girl, she’d already created the story in her head if anyone had wanted to ask as she shopped. Her name was Evelynn Kang, she was from some other country she’d make up on the fly and had moved to Korea to be with some family. It was perfect, being able to explore and keep the secrecy of her family's empire, but Agdoeg’s dark fog tended to take the most vulnerable, and she’d never been taught to just let things go. So of course she fought back, with the feistiness that lingered in her fiery soul, only for the criminals who dared to take her things to be just shy of rookies, the shot  from their gun accidental, read all over the way they ran in fear immediately, leaving Dalnim in a sputtering heap of shock as her heart simply pumped blood from the wound that sat in her chest. She hadn’t had time to recognize the dark figure that seemed to be there right when she’d needed them most. A sentiment of her mother who couldn’t truly let her darling baby out on her own at such an age, the driver they’d grown to love like an uncle had been in her shadow her entire trip.
The time in between felt like an endless void of darkness, one that even as she swam, up and up and up she’d never come from it, never gather that air in her lungs all over again unaware that the one that had protected her the entirety of her twelve years had been giving his all to make sure she’d see the sun again, see the world that she ached and craved to see.
It was a new leash on life, but a new fear of the world, she’d made her imprisonment in her mind and her shared space a career, accompanied by the sound of Heomasu’s gaming and the red light signalling her state of the art camera had been recording. She had made a friend and fan base online, beginning to use her skills in gaming to become partners from Twitch, to EA, to SONY.
While she became a big name in the digital world, her family had began to become a name in the underground. A place she hadn’t even known they planted a seed, only for it to entangle the family in it’s venomous vines, taking Seok-bin and the love of his life with him. As if they’d vanished into thin air, their six children the only thing left to prove their existence. It is here that Dalnim refuses to stand by, refuses to let the parasite that had been draining the life of their family for generations she hadn’t even met. But if Dalnim was to join the fight…she was to escape her own fear in her mind. The task she was given had forced a wedge in her connection to her family all together, unable to meet unless it was in secrecy or through hidden chat pages and phones. She had to become the woman she’d always wanted to be, the one that took her knowledge of languages and her love of ballet, splicing it all into a picture perfect box.
Evelynn Kang -
If you were to ask Evelynn any questions past the early rememberable years of her life, there wasn’t much she could tell you. It was a cycle of poverty and misfortune as she lived with a pseudo family. Where she originated she couldn’t say, as she hadn’t ever seen or met either of her parents, not that her father was around much in the first place, or at least she inferred as she couldn’t imagine both of them wanting to give her away to a family who could barely feed themselves. Her entire life had been one of independence, finding meals and clothing were up to her and her alone, but even then the heaviness of another mouth to feed was a tough burden to bear.
They were spiritual people, the new family,  whimsical in nature, opting to follow the stars for stories, and not just the stories. Forcing the universe to pick their paths, and in turn showed Selena how to do the same. In everything she did, she looked to the night sky, tantalized and hypnotized by the moon and the stars, the galaxies and the planets, envisioning herself to one day be the goddess of the night sky in her childish mind.
The woman was a medium of sorts, dressed in long pretty skirts and jingling anklets, she’d paint pretty mosaics and hum springtime songs. Her lover was just as eccentric, a woman with valiant strength, though you couldn’t tell on the outside she was able to out lift most men, with just a little help from her vampiric bloodline. Even in their quirkiness they traveled with their little caravan of sideshow performers, Evelynn teetering right along with them. They’d dote on her as much as they were able to, money wasn’t always plentiful but the support of the young performer was more than enough of their riches. Her mothers would applaud her half stumbling terms, and oo and ahh at her bumbling splits, gasping at unfinished flips, just waiting for the moment that they could harbor her talents officially.
And when the time came, after traveling the world, she excelled in every class she attended, ballet, gymnastics, boxing, self-defense, she was perfect, just as her mother’s saw her as. It wasn’t long until they incorporated her into their act, she’d spin and bend in the air, be thrown from terrifying heights and caught in dangerous nets. Even at a young age it was she who’d draw in the crowd that kept them fed. But the circus fad slowly faded, even as a world class gymnast joined their ranks there wasn’t much they could do in empty seats, only so many  bills can be paid from championship trophies.
“Well sweetie, women help women,” they explained to her as they settled inside ‘The Salon.’ But it was here that she found the connection between her and her mothers being split between a life and a life above it. She’d decided to rid herself of that heavy feeling of the darkness that seeped to the surface…only for her to return to the women she felt had taken her mother’s from her, dirtying her hands with the blood that they shed.
INTERVIEW QUESTION (para sample): “Just run us through what happened that night”. - Officer
Her lashes fluttered close for a moment, a gentle smile over her cheeks. “Well,” she ran over the memory of the evening in her head, the familiar scene of her smokey locks falling  over her bare shoulder as she looked over the water. The yacht  drifted slowly through the harbor. Further and further away from the shore line as he handed her a glass of wine.
They’d spent most of the ride with him talking about himself, his accomplishments in the building of his company. Dalnim giggled and talked along, trying to make it seem like she cared much more about him than she truly had.
She was simply here to take on the information she could, and get rid of him for the simple fact that he’d saw her face. Nothing more, nothing less, and with the knife she had strapped into her garter burning a hole in her skin it was as if she was aching to end him.
“So you’re like a streamer girl right?” He’d said reaching his hand up to brush  her hair behind her ear, “you don’t seem like the type, what do you play like Animal Crossing or something?” He teased.
She shifted from his touch at the comment, “um no. I can pretty much play anything, I’ve been doing that my whole life.”
He laughed anyways, “right,” dismissing her, hand now gliding down her arm to her waist, a vain attempt to pull her closer to him. “What are you doing?” Dalnim pressed her hands against his chest, trying to keep the gap he wanted to close. She could only laugh uncomfortably as he threatened to pin her against the banister of the ship.
Mismatched eyes flicked over to the officers faces, delicate fingers twisting her wet hair. “I’m not sure, I went for a quick swim and they just left me, so I just swam over to another yacht to call my grandma, she sent the boat out and that’s really it.” The officer showed the pictures to her, worrying his bottom lip, “So you have no idea how this happened to him?”
She scanned over the photos, unfazed at the gore that was captured on them, at her hand, “hmm, no idea.”
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velathetanager · 3 years
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Evolution Elite, an extremist group in an upcoming MHA fic. Their entire goal is to force quirks on the quirkless because they think it’ll fix a serious issue in society
From left to right: Fixer, Disruptor, Cyber Cure, Maggie the Magician, and Professor Parlous
Professor Parlous is a high schooler who happens to be a TA for a university theater professor; she loves anything involving acting and shows, and when she was given a quirk (allows her to alter the lethality of her attacks and those of her allies) and offered a spot with EE, she decided she could portray a villainous character while at work and now works with Maggie on missions.
Maggie is just a random girl who likes doing magic tricks and now can do in real life what she used to only be able to do with stage tricks and sleight of hand. As a thank you to EE for giving her a quirk, she works for them.
The guy, Disruptor, was given the ability to disrupt power in vehicles and pretty much just stayed with the group because they were nice to him.
Fixer, the Fist of Evolution Elite, is the daughter of a superhero (Doxan the Time King) with a dark secret: his time quirk can either damage reality/spacetime or scatter him across it if not suppressed with medicine and drugs. Hers was the same way, so he and his wife started her on the stuff he took, letting her believe she had no powers because they figured she would have it easier than he had. Which backfired hard for various reasons. This came out when she agreed to do an experiment to give her a quirk, and it just enhanced the one she already had, allowing it to overpower the blockers. Then she found out what happened, ran away from home, and joined the group as the leader’s most loyal agent and someone feared by most anyone who’s had an encounter with her.
Cyber Cure is shrouded in mystery. Nobody but a very small number of EE members know what she looks like or has talked to her directly. They just know that she’s got such powerful cyberkinesis that she had to stay in hiding for years. Fixer handles most of her message deliveries.
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