#cycle 2: upper structure
ask-suns-pup · 10 months
hey spears have you you met any other slugcats before?
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sonicasura · 1 month
Goliath Virus
Here we are folks with some Resident Evil stuff! This time it revolves around Leon being infected by a modified G Virus that I will call Goliath. I'll be going over both its creation and how it infects our protagonist. Let's get started.
Goliath is an evolved G Virus that unknowningly develop inside Leon Scout Kennedy after injuries inflicted by William Birkin. Unlike other viruses, this strain occurs naturally over a span of time. It lays undetected as the genetic structure is different enough from the G Virus to avoid destruction by vaccines.
Goliath remains dormant at the beginning of its life cycle. It feeds only on viruses, parasites and germs that are detrimental to the host. This strain is symbiotic in nature as it can't survive should Leon perish.
Goliath will continue until it's large enough to enter Stage 2. This is the stage where subtle mutations will occur inside the host. Effects include slow aging, slightly boosted healing factor, minor decrease of cell death in skin, and minor increase in muscle growth.
Goliath would remain in Stage 2 indefinitely for the rest of the host's life. Unless a pretty potent virus or parasite is introduced such as Las Plagas for example. This will cause Goliath to go into Stage 3 and where the true horror takes place.
It takes approximately 4 hours for the virus to enter this stage. Signs of Goliath entering Stage 3 are: heightened aggression, increased appetite, pituitary gland doubling in size and start producing growth related hormones. Only when the virus truly reaches this stage does mutation begin.
Some potential traits of Goliath mutations depend partly on the catalyst (virus/parasite) that triggers Stage 3. Las Plagas generates aspects related to insects or reptiles such as exoskeleton w/o wings, chitin carapace, segmented/jointed limbs, scales, etc. Average traits for Goliath are similar to its progenitor such as multiple eyes and increased growth.
Unlike the G Virus, hosts fully retain their identity albeit with slight feral behavior added in. The need to reproduce is still present within Goliath but it's watered down into a mostly harmless base instinct. Infection only occurs if the host choses to do so otherwise physical contact and bodily fluids are nonviable. Although offspring of a Goliath Virus have a chance at being carriers with varied levels in dormancy.
Should a host fail to take proper care of their body then Goliath will possess them and perform the task itself. The virus has no qualms when it comes to feeding as even rotting meat is on the menu. Whether it's dead or still moving doesn't matter. Further mutation are plausible through introduction of more potent viruses/parasites.
There is a Stage 4 to the Goliath that only activates should the host be under extreme distress. How fast the transition is depends solely on the cause with near death(mortally wounded) occurring within 30 seconds and fear/rage induced stress being 20 minutes. The transformation from Stage 4 is more extreme that the host's mentality degrades to near primality.
Regression can be undone with proper mental therapy although it's heavily advised that those close to the host be present. This is to prevent potential attacks as behavior in Stage 4 is similar to a wild Grizzly Bear. (One wrong move could trigger them.) Stage 4 is a temporarily evolution which will become permanent if overused.
G!Leon stands around 10'3 in height when his virus is at Stage 3. Half his body is covered in a dark blue carapace with a thin grey layer of hide that extends 6 inches outwards from underneath and knits into his flesh. It mainly covers his entire enlarged left arm, upper torso(includes shoulder blade), lower waist(down to the kneecaps), back.
A long spindly dark blue segmented tail comes from his lower back that ends with a two prong stinger. He has a total of 8 different sized eyes across his body that range in size from 2.3 cm to 10 inches in diameter. Three can be found on his left arm, two at his left upper chest, one in the left shoulder and last two hang across the tail.
Leon's left hand has been reduced to large dexterous finger like claws that extend from a 'stump' almost if the carapace eaten his palm. While his face seems untouched, the man's jaw can disconnect and widen grotesquely similarly to a snake. Leon has razor sharp long fangs that function similar to a pen, the points can retract to mimic normal human tooth.
He tends to crave sugar and meat very often. This has led to hunting or foraging to become part of Leon's routine as how much food he needs to consume daily has tripled. He can eat normal human food although the man might dump an entire box of sugar over it if you don't have a sugary condiment.
Due to his unforeseen mutation, Leon has developed a vagabond lifestyle after RE4. He spends his days trying to find a possible cure for the Goliath virus. This has often led to Leon breaking into Umbrella or other bio-research facilities.
He is hunted by people from all sides with their own reasons. Most obviously mean harm to Leon since he's a carrier for an unknown yet powerful virus strain. Whether it's for weaponization or destruction is a mixed bag.
Although he makes it very difficult for any allies to find him either. Leon rather not put the few people he cares about in grave danger. Especially since Goliath would coerce him even harder to stay by their side for his mental health.
Saying goodbye was already difficult enough.
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haggishlyhagging · 2 months
Fathers in societies with exclusively masculine origin symbolism are distant, controlling figures who are inactive both in the care of infants and in the socialization of young children. The Amhara, for example, trace their origins to the magical actions of a Supreme Being. It is the Amhara woman's job to conceive and the man's job to control and dominate. For the first 2 years, the Amhara baby is never out of touch with the body of the mother or some other woman. Fathers rarely fondle the baby until it is weaned. After this it is only a "special occasion" when the father lets the infant ride on his shoulders. Fathers, whether natural or adopted, expect complete obedience from their children. It has been said that "reverence for one's fathers is perhaps the key legitimating principle in the structure of Amhara morality. This is the outgrowth and foundation of a social system which makes children devoted servants of their fathers and keeps men under their fathers' control until they are fully adult." Amhara men consider all women to be biologically, intellectually, and morally inferior. Amhara women, however, do not necessarily accept this judgment. In the case of some types of women, such as upper class or older women, men admit that their judgment concerning women may not be valid.
Suspicion, competition, sexual antagonism, and rigid sexual segregation characterize many of these societies. The disassociation of the father from children is in large part a disassociation from women. Masculinity and the male collective are often well developed. Among the Comanche, masculinity is expressed through the military complex, which colors all tribal values. Comanche law is described as a struggle for status among individual males. Competition for "bravery ranking" is a major male pastime and includes, among other things, stealing women from their husbands. Males are too busy proving their maleness to spend time with children.
The Azande are not much different. The person dearest and most loved by the Azande male is himself. The Azande are jealous of skill and talent, competitive, and frequently suspicious that witchcraft is working against them. Family life is characterized by the inferiority of women and the authority of elders. Women play no part in public life and are looked upon as childbearers and servants. The father exercises great control over his sons, who treat him with the utmost respect. Daughters are considered inferior beings, not to be admitted into companionship with their fathers. They are part of the background, where they work and eat separately with the female members of their father's household.
The cycle for Mundurucu babies is one of initial total dependence on the mother, followed by a period of care by several women, displacement by a new sibling, and the awakening of interest by the father. Mundurucu fathers show little or no interest in their children until they are able to walk. Very little solicitude is shown toward the mother, who is considered to be in a state of social marginality from the onset of labor until a few days after the child is born. This is because children may be stillborn, deformed, or may die after only a few hours of life. Infanticide is practiced if children are born with serious birth defects and if twins are born. Since animals have multiple births, twins are killed, because it is believed that they are a reversal of man's differentiation from animals.
To summarize, in most cases in which fathering is absent or barely stressed in behavior, maternity is absent in the projection of the beginning of things. The nurturant father, on the other hand, is buttressed by the female creator. In these cases the reproductive functions of women are celebrated both in myth and behavior. In the absence of the female creator, fathers are involved with children in infancy and early childhood either as disciplinarians or not at all. When their major role is to discipline and control, fathers are not unlike supreme beings. They are distant, controlling figures who are removed from biological processes.
-Peggy Reeves Sanday, Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of Sexual Inequality
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liesmyth · 11 months
Jockposting :) Lifting progress under the cut 💪
the tldr is that i a couple of months I put 20kg on my deadlift, 15kg on my squat, and I am SO close to benching 35kg for reps I can taste it. If I was in a frame of mind to optimise for recovery and nutrition I'd be unstoppable but as it is I'm just really feelin' myself
I'm on week 9 of GZCLP, a reddit-bro sorta program that's IME extremely effective. Once again, I maintain that reddit is phenomenal for solid fitness knowledge
It's a linear progression program, meaning that you increase the weight on the bar week by week, and it's ideal for novices who're still in the "beginner's gain" stage of weightlifting. It's also great if you're returning to structured programming lifting after a break (me!) but I probably won't keep at it after the first 12-week cycle is over, there's only so much linear increase I can aspire to.
Programming: GZCLP is 4x week, built around big compound lifts in the "strength" range (low reps, higher weights). They're complemented by a medium-rage amount of reps of a different compound lift than the one you're practising that day. So basically, you do big lifts twice a week, but at a different weight/range (called Tier 1 and Tier 2 to tell them apart). Every session also includes isolation exercises in the hypertrophy range, starting at 3x15+.
Jargon: that + symbol means that the last set is meant to be "as many reps as possible" or AMRAP. So if I'm doing 3x5+ squats, I'd do 5 reps for my first and second set, then try to aim for 6 or 7 in my last set.
Progression: You add weight every week to each compound lift; if you fail, the rep scheme changes keeping the volume the same.
T1 (main lifts) go from 3x5+ >>> 4x4+ >>> 5x3+
T2 (medium range reps for compound lifts) start at 3x10 >>> 3x8 >>> 3x6
T3 (back work and accessories) are 3x15+, only progressing when the AMRAP set gets to 25.
The T2 lifts especially are brutal. Because they go up every week but the amount of volume is A Lot. Doing sets of 10 reps with heavy-ish squats or deadlifts is extremely demanding.
Sessions! Basically, each week looks like this
Day 1: Squats (T1) + Bench press (T2) + Back work and leg accessories (T3)
Day 2: Overhead barbell press (T1) + Deadlift (T2) + Back work and upper body accessories (T3)
Day 3: Bench press (T1) + Squats (T2) + Back Work and upper body and core accessories (T3)
Day 4: Deadlift (T1) + Overhead bar press (T2) + Hip thrusts (T2) + Back work and core accessories (T3)
I start every session with dynamic stretching AND core engagement exercises (deadbug, planks, renegade row, suitcase carries) and usually end with an abs + kettlebell swing circuit. KB swings are SUPER FUN, btw. I do them every minute on the minute with a timer, starting with 5 swings then working my way up to 12-15 reps on the minute before I go up in weight. Currently I'm using a20kg (44 lbs) kettlebell.
💪 Weight on the bar! ✨
The whole point of this post was to blather about my lifting numbers so here we go. I started 9 weeks ago a bit conservatively, which imo is better than starting too heavy and going up too fast. I've failed every lift except squats, and that's only because I'm not consistently breaking parallel like I want to — a goal for my next training cycle is to work on lower body flexibility, go lighter on squats and with better form. This cycle is mainly to get more weight on that bar.
T1: 37.5kg >>> 52.5kg (116 lbs) for 3 sets of 5 reps
T2: 32.5kg to 43.5kg (96lbs) for sets of 10 reps
Overhead press
I failed multiple times here! Why is it so hard to build stronk shoulders, I ask you
T1: 17kg to 22.5kg (50 lbs) for 4 sets of 4 reps
T2: 12kg to 18kg (40 lbs) for sets of 6 reps
Bench Press
Veeeery proud of how this one is going
T1: 25kg to 33.5kg (74 lbs) for 5 sets of 3 reps
T2: 20 kg to 30kg (66 lbs) for 3 sets of 8 reps. Veeery proud of my progress on this one.
Bit frustrated because DLs used to be my strongest lift and I feel like I should be further ahead but that posterior chain needs nurturing
T1: 43kg to 62.5 (134 lbs) for 5 sets of 3 reps
T2: 33kg to 53.5 (118) for 3 sets of 10 reps
What's next?
3 more weeks of GZCLP then we shall see! I'm thinking an intermediate bench program + less volume on lower-body lifts, especially since I'm going to get more serious about half marathon training next month.
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paperanddice · 13 days
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The most powerful of the known inevitables, the lhaksharut is a massive, looming figure. A humanoid upper body made of stone, with six arms and metal wings, rises from a collecting of interconnected, spinning metal rings. These wings aren't the source of the lhaksharut's flight, instead stabilizing and bolstering its agility. Very few of these immense extraplanar constructs exist, as the factories that produce inevitables must spend many, many cycles on a lhaksharut, time that could produce dozens of lesser inevitables, so they are built sparingly. They are also expensive to equip, typically carrying three to four powerful magical weapons with which they fulfill their duties. Four of the lhaksharut's arms are usually armed, while the last two (the lowest) carry metal spheres that crackle with energy that it uses to launch bursts of energy.
What are these duties? As with all other inevitables, lhaksharut are built with a detailed list of rules for a specific factor of existence and police the status quo as outlined by their creators, and for the lhaksharut it's the stability and separation of different planes. Travel between the planes is of no concern, but perpetual gates, or attempting to rip a portion of one plane to another must be addressed wherever it is found, and the lhaksharut's method of dealing with such issues is very simple and straightforward. It will smash and destroy any person or object involved in such an issue without a concern over the specifics. The reasons for the infractions do not matter, but rarely they can be negotiated with. They are dogmatic and strict, but not completely mindless, and if presented with a greater threat that may require a temporary open gate, it can defer momentarily to resolve the greater planar threat. In such a rare situation, it will find a compromise in standing guard over the gate, prepared to destroy it as soon as the larger situation is resolved.
Lhaksharut typically work alone, like other inevitables, though they will have some kind of information network to update them on major planar issues. These kinds of threats are rare, either well hidden or coming into existence under extreme confluences, so much of a lhaksharut's time is spent in wait. Some create strongholds, others just find a deep void and meditate within it, but all are ready to spring into action the moment they are made aware of a planar breach of any kind.
Inspired by the Pathfinder 1e Bestiary 2. This post came out a week ago on my Patreon. If you want to get access to all my monster conversions early, as well as access to my premade adventures and other material I’m working on, consider backing me there!
Pathfinder 2e
With the aeons bringing about their Convergence, the inevitables have been on a downturn. The aeons oversee the sorts of caretaking that inevitables were created for, and so their presence is no longer required. They're not being retired directly, but their numbers are shrinking over time, and the creation of new ones seems to be grinding to a halt. Lhaksharut in particular are fading, as they were already uncommon and they're being replaced within the structures of Axis by bythos aeons.
Lhaksharut Creature 20 Rare, Huge, Aeon, Inevitable, Monitor Perception +36; darkvision, truesight Languages Cthonian, Common, Diabolic, Draconic, Empyrean, Utopian; truespeech Skills Arcana +32, Athletics +35, Intimidation +34, Occultism +32, Religion +32 Str +9, Dex +3, Con +8, Int +3, Wis +6, Cha +5 Items +3 greater striking longspear, +2 greater striking longsword, +2 greater striking morningstar AC 43; Fort +36, Ref +29, Will +34; +2 status to all saves vs. magic HP 350 (regeneration 20 (deactivated by spirit)); Immunities death effects, disease, emotion, poison, unconscious; Weaknesses spirit 20 Multiple Reactions The lhaksharut gains 5 extra reactions each round that it can use only to make Reactive Strikes. It can't use more than one on the same triggering action. Reactive Strike [reaction] Speed fly 60 feet Melee wounding longspear +38 (magical, reach 20 feet), Damage 3d8+19 piercing plus 1d6 spirit and 1d6 persistent bleed Melee wounding longsword +37 (magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 2d8+19 slashing plus 1d6 spirit and 1d6 persistent bleed Melee wounding morningstar +37 (magical, reach 10 feet, versatile P), Damage 2d6+19 bludgeoning plus 1d6 spirit and 1d6 persistent bleed Melee fist +35 (magical, reach 10 feet), Damage 3d6+15 bludgeoning plus 1d6 spirit Ranged energy bolt +31 (magical, range 100 feet), Damage 10d6 acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage (lhaksharut's choice) Divine Innate Spells DC 42, attack +34 ; 9th banishment, detonate magic, divine decree; 8th disintegrate (×3), pinpoint; 7th interplanar teleport (×3), planar seal (×3); 6th scrying (×3), wall of force (×3); 5th banishment (×3), dispel magic (at will), locate (at will), sending (at will); 4th clairvoyance (at will), planar tether (at will) translocate (at will); Constant truesight, truespeech Energy Pulse [2 actions] The lhaksharut makes two energy bolt Strikes, each against a different target. These attacks count toward the lhaksharut's multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks. Multiweapon Mastery [2 actions] The lhaksharut makes a Strike with up to four arms, each against a different target, and using a fist or weapon as appropriate. These attacks count toward the lhaksharut's multiple attack penalty, but the multiple attack penalty doesn't increase until after all the attacks.
13th Age
In the Dragon Empire, lhaksharut police the bounds of the Overworld and oppose any attempts to create a permanent bridge between the two, whether physical or magical.
Lhaksharut Huge 12th level blocker [construct] Initiative: +16 Wounding Weapons +17 vs. AC (3 attacks; can target nearby enemies) – 75 damage. Natural Even Hit: 30 ongoing damage. Miss: 35 damage. R: Energy Bolts +17 vs. PD (2 attacks, each against a nearby or far away enemy) – 120 acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage (lhaksharut’s choice). Miss: 30 damage of the chosen type. R: Dismissal +17 vs. MD (one nearby or far away enemy) – The target is banished (save ends). While banished, it’s removed from the battlemap, and cannot be targeted or harmed by any attack or ability from another creature or vice-versa. Any ongoing conditions continue while it’s banished, and it can take actions that affect only itself on its turns. When the banished target saves, it reappears in the same spot it vanished (or the closest available spot if that spot is occupied). Limited Use: 2/battle, as a quick action (1/turn) when the escalation die is even. Mechanical Reconstruction 90: When the lhaksharut has been damaged, its mechanical body self-repairs 90 hit points at the start of the lhaksharut’s turn. It can repair 5 times per battle. If it heals to its maximum hit points, then that use of mechanical reconstruction doesn’t count against the five-use limit. When the lhaksharut is hit by an attack that deals lightning damage and overcomes its lighting resistance, it loses one use of its mechanical reconstruction and it can’t regenerate during its next turn. Dropping the lhaksharut to 0 hp doesn’t kill it if it has any uses of mechanical reconstruction left. Perpetual Flyer: The lhaksharut is always flying, even when skimming the ground. It doesn’t ever walk anywhere. Reaching Interceptor: The lhaksharut can attempt to intercept an enemy while engaged with other enemies. When an enemy moves nearby, it can roll a normal save to attempt to intercept. On a success, the lhaksharut engages the enemy without disengaging from any enemies it’s currently engaged with, and the enemy takes 30 damage. Teleport Anchor: As an interrupt when a nearby or far away enemy attempts to teleport, the lhaksharut can force that enemy to make a hard save (16+); on a failure, the teleport fails. Resist acid, cold, fire, lightning 13+. AC 27 PD 25 MD 25 HP 920
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hurjy · 1 year
First post WooHoo
Thought of some vulture stuff for Rain World that would be cool for a mod or smthn
First up are Vulture Fledglings: Young Vultures that aren't as good at flying, but make up for it with ground speed and persistence. They aren't as good at sudden entrances as they're larger, darker colored elders, making their shadow clearly visible in the background for several seconds before arriving on screen. Once they identify prey (or simply wish to stretch or play), they drop to the ground upon their wings and reveal a high run speed, being slightly slower than miros birds, but also a bit smaller, giving them their most terrifying ability. They can move through pipes, meaning they can follow you indoors and possibly into shelters. They chase prey in hopes they are either slower than them, or that the prey will make a mistake. This persistence comes at a cost however, as they tend to grip anything in front of them with their wings to propel themselves forward and also get pretty bad tunnel vision. Ambush predators such as Pipe Plants, Dropwigs, Stowaways, (to an extent) Worm Grass and camouflaging lizards easily snack on them and with gusto, as the Fledglings are big enough to be a hearty meal and small enough to fit in a den. There could possibly be king variants that need to stand still to use their harpoons.
But that's not all I've got for vulture ideas, i also have an idea for an area centered around them
The Nest, as i'm currently calling it, is a tall structure standing taller than the communication arrays, ranging from in the clouds to even above them, and is where all the vultures go to nest after hunting lizards and scavengers. It is essentially a vulture-centric version of Metropolis, being a difficult late game area centered on one enemy. It would be separated into 2 halves: The upper half above the clouds and the lower half nestling deep within them.
The upper half is where the adults stay, using The Nest as a vantage point to watch over the land and plan hunts. It can get rather windy up there, flinging loose items and even smaller creatures clean off into the distance (Slugpups beware). Miros Vultures can spawn up here, but are quickly chased off by king vultures, being shunned as bastards. Even rarer is the appearance of Centiwings, which are quickly swarmed by vultures looking to keep them away from their young and to grab a quick meal. Pearls in this area reveal that vultures wear masks to ward off rival groups as they are highly territorial, to the point of killing those they cannot identify.
The lower half is where the young stay, taking cover inside the structure from the weather conditions within the clouds. The dense clouds causes a strong fog effect, making it too dangerous to fly, perfect for fledglings who prefer running over flying. There is also a small centipede population. Pearls in this area reveal that before being claimed by the vultures, The Nest used to be a Meteorological Array used to research the steadily worsening storms. It consequently was heavily charged with static electricity, which centipedes guzzled at greedily before the vultures showed up.
Cycle endings are also quite unique here. Normally it starts raining to the point where everything not in a shelter is washed away, but how does that happen above the clouds? The answer is another question.
Where did all these vultures come from?
Mama Bird starts her patrol at the end of each cycle, making sure The Nest is pest free for her children. This queen vulture is almost double the size of a regular vulture, and about that much more deadly, relentlessly chasing you and slinging harpoons in an aggressive attempt to either kill you or drive you off the tower. However, she cannot reach the lower half of The Nest on account of being too large to fit indoors and the poor flying conditions within the storm clouds.
While there is a drizzle, rain is not the main end of cycle threat in the lower half. Lightning strikes the area constantly, attracting many centipedes and possibly striking you. The electricity also gives some power to the Array via numerous lightning rods, causing flickering lights and jittery machinery as everything receives and loses power repeatedly. Combined with heavy winds causing the structure to lean, possibly sending you out of windows, and getting to a shelter is highly encouraged.
Shout Outs to @dustyfandomtrashbin for encouraging me to post about my ideas and getting me into Rain World in the first place. Holy Slugcat (Saint) is this game fun to talk about.
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my-throwaway-tbh · 1 year
The Omegaverse has abstract premises for which it could be considered a fantasy genre according to the conventions established by Todorov, but the high specification of its characteristic elements suggests that it could also be considered a literary genre in itself.[3] Its main peculiarity is that characters have two genders: a main one (male or female), decided by their external sexual organs, and a secondary one, that manifests during puberty, determined by their internal reproductive system.[4][5] It's usually chosen from one of the following, each of which also corresponds to some distinctive character traits:[6][7][8][9]
Alpha (α): socially (and in some interpretations, even biologically) dominant, physically built, short-tempered and a natural leader;
Beta (β): depending on the story, they are regular human beings, or have a mix of Alpha and Omega traits, or their own unique traits;
Omega (Ω): submissive and gentle, calm and a peacemaker.
Reproductive systems in the Omegaverse:
Omegaverse fiction typically focuses on wolf or other canid-like behavior in humans, especially as it pertains to sexual intercourse and sexuality, which is described as instinctual, responding to animalistic physiological stimuli.[1][2] This includes rutting and heat cycles, pheromonal attraction between Alphas and Omegas,[12] penises with knots (used to "knot", or tie, the partner to an Alpha during copulation, an action known as "knotting"),[1] scent marking,[13] imprinting,[8] breeding, mating rites, pack structures[14] and potentially permanent psychic bonds with a mate.[6] Between Alphas and Betas, only females can carry on a pregnancy, but male Omegas are often envisaged as being able to become pregnant via a uterus connected to the rectum,[14][15][16] and Alphas can impregnate regardless of their main gender.[17] To make penetration and impregnation easier, male Omegas often have self-lubricating anuses.[9]
Since Omegaverse is a type of folksonomy, some of its aspects are included or excluded at the discretion of the story author.[8] Sometimes Betas are absent, or other intermediate designations such as Deltas and Gammas are added.[17] The genre often features other fantasy elements, such as the presence of werewolves or other fantastical creatures.[1] Some works introduce a rigid caste system, where Alphas are depicted as the upper class elites while Omegas are at the bottom tier and face discrimination and oppression because of their physiology, creating an example of biological determinism.[7][18][19] In darker stories, this results in non-consensual or dubiously consensual intercourses, forced pregnancies, Omegas kidnapping and sexual slavery.[20][21]
Omegaverse works are most frequently focused on male-male couples composed of an Alpha and an Omega,[6] though heterosexual Omegaverse works have been produced,[13] and by 2013, about 10% were labeled male/female.[8] Some subvert the genre tropes, telling stories about illicit relationships between Alphas, Omegas who hide their smell using chemical pheromones so that they are not a victim of biological prejudices,[22] or dominant Omegas and submissive Alphas.[2] Non-traditional couples are often featured in Japanese Omegaverse works.[23]
While the terms "A/B/O" and "Omegaverse" can be used interchangeably, the first one often refers only to the sexual dynamics, while the second one is preferred when the story is set in a new ideological world.[12] Some prefer to avoid use of the term "A/B/O" as its spelling resembles a racial slur towards Aboriginal Australians.
Professor Kristina Busse has described Omegaverse as a "seemingly perfect storm" of tropes that already existed in fandoms.[22] For example, the 1967 episode "Amok Time" of the American television series Star Trek introduces the concept of pon farr, the Vulcan mating cycle wherein Vulcan males must mate or die. Pon farr became a popular plot concept for fan works in the Star Trek fandom, particularly fan fiction focused on the Kirk/Spock pairing. The concept of mating and heat cycles among humans was subsequently adopted by other fandoms, and later became a staple of the Omegaverse subgenre.[24] Ursula K. Le Guin also wrote, in her 1969 novel The Left Hand of Darkness, about an extraterrestrial androgynous world with hermaphroditic characters and mating cycles named kemmer.[2]
The origin of the Omegaverse is typically attributed to the fandom surrounding the American television series Supernatural, as a fusion between werewolves and the male pregnancy subgenre of erotic fan fiction.[1][25] Another source of inspiration could have been the science fiction drama Dark Angel, where Supernatural actor Jensen Ackles plays a soldier with feline DNA, and female characters go into heat.[25] The first works recognized as A/B/O were published in mid-2010:[6] that year in May, a writing prompt was shared on a LiveJournal community dedicated to Supernatural, mentioning "alpha" males having knots on their penises, and "bitch males" without the knots, inspiring user tehdirtiestsock to write I ain't no lady, but you'd be the tramp, a real person fiction work focused on actors Jared Padalecki and Jensen Ackles as an Alpha and an Omega, which was published on July 24.[2][19] Despite not using the term "omega", the story created many of the characteristics later associated with the Omegaverse genre.[2]
Over the next few months, other anonymous authors shared similar stories, until on November 9 a new writing prompt mentioned Alpha, Beta and Omega men for the first time, spurring the creation of three works. By June 2011, the term "Omegaverse" and its dynamics had become commonplace; the following month, the first femslash Omegaverse work was published, and the first use of the tropes outside the Supernatural fandom was recorded.[9]
The genre subsequently expanded in popularity to other fan communities: first to those focused around Sherlock and X-Men: First Class, then it quickly reached other fandoms like those of television series Hannibal, Teen Wolf, Glee, Doctor Who and movie The Avengers.[1][9] A Chinese translation of an A/B/O Sherlock fanfic posted on website Suiyuanju around October 2011 introduced Omegaverse to Chinese slash fan circles, from which it spread to danmei original novels.[26]
In 2012, the notion of "fated mates" was introduced.[27] In 2014 it gained strong traction in Japan,[23] acquiring market value with the publication of the first A/B/O manga in 2015.[28] In 2016 the discrimination and power dynamics between Alphas, Betas and Omegas began to be outlined, and the idea of the mark or bite that chemically and biologically links couples together was created,[29] while in 2018 the concept of the "inner wolf", an animal instinct guiding Alphas and Omegas, arose.[30] Through her work Kanraku Alpha Enigma, manga artist Shinshi Nakai subsequently tried to add the "Enigma", a new type of character who can mutate their secondary gender, but the novelty was resisted by Omegaverse fans and had no impact or continuity.[31]
Omegaverse has become both extremely popular and controversial in fandom circles. Some condemn it as revolting and sick, affirming that it reinforces patriarchal values and a rape culture,[32] objecting to its roots in bestiality fiction and the power imbalances between genders.[6] Conversely, others appreciate how it deconstructs bodies and gender roles, offering subversive social commentary on queer identity and oppression.[32][33]
Academic opinions are equally divided between those who believe Omegaverse shows a new type of gender essentialism combined with homophobic and heteronormative elements, and those who see the space to give it a transgender reading.[6] Delgado Díaz, Ubillus Breña and Cappello do not believe that the Omegaverse is linked to queer theory or transexuality, despite containing allegories to gender identity and the female condition (Omegas, both male and female, could be considered embodiments of the traditional role of women as housewifes and mothers), whose purpose, however, is only that of frameworks to plots ranging from melodrama to horror.[34] According to researcher Milena Popova, "the features of the A/B/O genre allow for the exploration of themes of power, desire, pleasure, intimacy, romance, control, and consent in a variety of ways",[35] and it's used by writers and readers "as a tool to articulate and think through consent issues in unequal relationships".[36] Similarly, Laura Campillo Arnaiz argues that dark Omegaverse works serve to gain control on the feelings of helplessness and humiliation that characterize it, creating a cathartic experience.[37]
Angie Fazekas wrote that "[i]n the omegaverse, fans use traditional tropes of gender and sexuality to imagine a universe where queer sexuality is the norm and normative gender roles are often skewed and upended",[33] but that they fail to offer real progressiveness since, like most of the other fan fictions, their works are predominantly focused on relationships between white men.[38]
The Omegaverse exploded in popularity in 2017, quickly becoming a frequent subject of fan fiction writers.[30] As of July 2018, over 39,000 Omegaverse fan works had been published on the fan fiction website Archive of Our Own,[9] and over 70,000 as of 2020.[1] In addition to these derivative works, Omegaverse has emerged as its own genre of original commercial erotic fiction: roughly 200 Omegaverse novels were published on Amazon from January to June 2020.[1] It has also become a subgenre of both commercial and non-commercial yaoi (manga featuring male-male couples).[23][39][40] Given the positive reception in Japan, South Korea started its own production of Omegaverse manhwas, as well as China, although the censorship applied in this latter country has limited the genre popularity.[41]
Beginning in 2017, the "Dom/Sub Universe" subgenre gained popularity, particularly in yaoi works in Japan; it uses BDSM elements, positing dominant and submissive as secondary genders, and draws inspirations from Omegaverse in its depiction of caste systems.[42] In the Korean "Cakeverse", a small part of the human population is divided into "forks", who have no sense of taste, and "cakes", people with a particular flavor that makes them irresistible to "forks".[43]
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lexlaine · 11 months
Excerpt 2 from Paragon Parting
After the Fall, nature’s reclamation was swift. In the cement laden cities where more than half the world’s population resided, verdant greenery and roiling waters overtook the streets and highways within months. Ground level streets were the first to crumble under the colossal weight of nature’s rejoice. Then, water and wind corroded the skyways and roadways of the upper echelon. Millions of tons of pavement, cement, and steel rebar collapsed with the burden of disrepair. The unrelenting force of water, spurred by the expanding system of roots and mycelia, widened the cracks to make way for the liquid onslaught.
The first 5 years after the Fall saw the violent decay of humanity’s creations. Glass windows shattered, steel rusted and crumbled, and millions of miles of single family homes ruptured their siding and wooden frames to the burgeoning breath of the living Earth.
In the next 10 years, dams ruptured and flooded hundreds of miles of valleys. What few people remained boar witness to the roaring waters, and were inevitably doomed to their own circumstance. Entire coastlines of stilted structures were consumed by salted seas. In the cycle of freezing and thawing, pipes burst. In the spring and summer, soils and natural ash from cities foam to the top of every surface, collecting mini ecosystems that attract larger wildlife like birds, rodents, and even larger mammals. Within a decade, some cities are completely reclaimed. Skeletal steel structures jutting out above verdant green lushes.
And yet, for the few rural places still maintained by human hands, it would appear that days passed without change. Temperate rural pastures, overlooked by looming farmhouses tended by survivors, were beacons to a time that only existed in memories. The only indication of the event of the Fall was the slow march of entropy upon the most ingenious of man’s creations: robotics. Without the constant production of replacement parts and software upgrades, Guardian Automatons began to show signs of their age. Those unlucky enough to be absent of the careful attention of human hands eventually succumbed to moisture, rot, or rust.
Once the pillar of civilization, the Guardian Automatons all over the United States began to fall to the relentless barrage of passing time.
In downtown Seattle in Washington state, the forces of the Taiga rainforest climate overcame most of the western part of the state. Pillars of the city like the Space Needle fell within the first few years. Waterfront homes long ago collapsed into the water on Puget Sound, Lake Washington, and Lake Union. Wildfires, blown over from the east of the state, ravaged the new construction mega structures all over the western part of the state. Unchecked, fires devastated most of the rural parts of the east as well. However, small enclaves of humanity managed to remain.
In the once thriving Pike’s Place Market, the lower levels had long ago flooded. The gum wall stood below several feet of water, the acrid sweet smell of mint and strawberry just a distant memory long faded. The waterfront, having endured many years of renovation and remodel, was now completely submerged. The anti-gravity viewing deck still hovered just above the water, mere feet above its launch pad powered by an inaccessible but infinitely renewable energy core beneath the water. The massive skyscrapers that once capped this technological marvel of a city now sat upon waterlogged foundations. Whole structures began to moan and buckle. However, protected by the sound, many parts of downtown Seattle still remained.
Around the historic Pioneer Square district, where Seattle’s founders first established their roots, great thickets of moss and vine consumed the venerable brick and stone architecture. The old totem poles stood in solemn watch as ferns and lichen made a feast of the paving stones and sidewalks. The wild, natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest had returned to reclaim the ground that had once been tamed by human ingenuity.
The splendorous glass spheres that had once housed Amazon’s headquarters were now great terrariums of nature’s own making, harboring entire ecosystems that hummed and buzzed with life. Ivy had overtaken the façade of the spheres, their tendrils creeping into every crevice and nook. Inside, all manner of wildlife flourished, from scurrying rodents to songbirds, their chittering calls echoing within the confines of the structure. The previously manicured vegetation had gone feral, creating a labyrinth of greenery thriving in the generous light the spheres provided.
Further north, the University of Washington’s sprawling campus was all but unrecognizable. The iconic Drumheller Fountain, which had once been the heartbeat of the university, was now a verdant wetland, where ducks nested, and frogs croaked in symphony. The imposing Gothic spires of Suzzallo Library had surrendered to ivy and moss, their once proud, stern lines softened by a generous green blanket.
Amid the ruin, humanity was not entirely absent. On higher grounds, where the rampant greenery was kept somewhat at bay, survivors had established enclaves. They had transformed remnants of the city’s past into fortresses against the encroaching wilds. The iconic Pike’s Place Market, though its lower levels had given way to encroaching waters, was a bustling hub of trade, where people bartered goods, shared stories and kept the spark of community alive.
At the city’s outskirts, where the Starbuck’s headquarters had once stood, small agricultural settlements had sprung up. Using the skeletal remains of the corporate behemoth, the survivors had built greenhouses, harnessing the resilient spirit of the Pacific Northwest to cultivate crops and rear livestock.
As nature spread its green fingers across the remains of the once thriving city, these pockets of humanity kept vigil, proof of mankind’s indomitable spirit even in the face of great change. Amid the ruin, the once proud city of Seattle was a testament to both the destructive and healing power of nature, and humanity’s relentless will to survive.
A few miles away in Pioneer Square, a thankful few feet above sea level, Slade stood on cement pillar. Aged pebbles, crumbs beneath his boots, crunched as he leapt down to the bed of verdant moss just below. He moved among the tin sheets, makeshift siding of constructed buildings made by hand over the last decade. He made a winding path through the multi-story buildings, the foundations of which were built on steel storage containers brought here in the early days when large gas-powered machinery was still viable. Now, they relied almost entirely on the few reserves of solar power that could be stored during the limited summer months of full sun. Long trailing wiring hung from the tops of nearly buildings, their roof covered with panels upon panels of solar sheets.
Nearly 200 people lived here now, he reflected as he continued his path, trotting up stairs made from old fire escapes. When he came here with his brother Gavin, it had just been the two of them. Two kids, scared and alone after their parents passed from the Sick. That’s what they called it here. In other places, it had other names: FI, Fry, the Wake. He’d heard it called a hundred names from travelers.
They had more than a few of those. Mostly come looking for the Guardian Automatons. It wasn’t hard to see their usefulness. Built to repair infrastructure, communicate emergency messages, and respond to citizen alerts, these hulking machines were the crowning glory of modern Seattle before the Fall. Even though the progress of decay in the city was faster than they could maintain, they were still clearly coveted.
People would kill to get them. Slade had nine. He knew there were close to 20 in King County, and he had nearly half.
Most of them were here before he was, assigned to various parts of the downtown area. After all, it was Seattle taxpayers who funded their creation and maintenance.
Slade called this place the Maynard District. Actually, it was Gavin’s name for what they built here. Slade didn’t have the heart to change it.
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strugglinguist · 1 year
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Disclaimer: It should go without saying, but all the views here are my own and do not represent any other person or my institution. We're just having a bit of fun and talking about Linguistics and Academia. Also, cannabis is legal both recreationally and medicinally where I live in New York State. I am also not physically at work nor will I be including identifying information of anyone involved [Please include any and all caveats you can think of here. I checked the university code of conduct and everything.]
Hey, Internet! Welcome to Episode 1 of High Linguistics with Taylor, which is when I... Taylor talk about the linguistics I am doing that day. I've got 3 big things going on professionally at this time. Let's talk about the first one: The Campus Visit. *cue dramatic music*
I have an upcoming campus visit after which I may or may not receive word that I have been hired as a tenure track (TT) faculty member of Linguistics and TESOL at my current institution. I have worked there for the past 5 years but as a Visiting Assistant Professor, which is a temporary year-to-year contract and makes approximately 10-15k fewer dollars a year. I teach 4 classes a semester (often times 2-3 of those classes that semester are instances of the same course: Introduction to Linguistics. The other 1-2 are upper-level electives like Syntactic Structure of English; Articulatory Phonetics; one of our core linguistics courses about phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, or semantics; or fieldwork/investigation of an unfamiliar language. I COULD essentially be let go at the end of every August unless they renew my contract. They like me, but also... they could take it away. So a TT position would mean I have job security, more money, support for my research, and maybe even opportunities to write off courses and teach a little less. I even qualify for teaching sabbaticals where I would just write papers and books and focus on achieving promotion/tenure for a semester or even a year.
At this point, I have applied with a portfolio earlier in mid-April. This consisted of a three page cover letter and a diversity statement (which is way less than for other jobs I've applied to). The cover letter addresses my research program, teaching philosophy, status in the field of linguistics, and how I am prepared to teach both linguistics and TESOL classes even though my formal training is in theoretical linguistics only. My diversity statement is a one page summary of how my research and teaching contribute to the overall diversity of the institution but also what I see the role of professional academics is in promoting diversity and inclusion in and out of their classroom.
Then, just last week, I sat for a 45 min Zoom interview. At this point, I was likely in the top 12 applicants. Most institutions will receive approximately 100 applicants for a tenure track position. Typically these applications open in the fall, however. In fact, most of those tenure lines are decided by this time in the year. So ours is late in the cycle. I honestly hope that gives me a better chances because there may be fewer applicants overall. Or... I've hurt myself? I don't know.
The campus visit is taking place May 30-June 1. This is the final round interview for the TT position. There are likely 2-3 candidates. I don't know. They legally probably cannot even tell me. Even though I've been there 5 years, the search has to legally be a national open search. So I could have worked there for 5 years, apply for this, interview, and STILL not get it. 🙃 At this point, this means I am hireable, but they need to decide who is the best fit for the department and university as a whole.
I have not received the official agenda/schedule yet, but on the evening of Wednesday May 30th, I will likely have dinner with the faculty search members. There are four on the committee. I met them on Zoom, and I know two of them VERY well because I have worked closely with them for the 5 years. Then on the 1st, I will have individual interviews/meetings with interested faculty, the dean, and maybe a provost. I'll have lunch with people who are interested. Then I'll give a job talk in the afternoon. This covers my research program and is geared towards an audience of Education/Curriculum & Instruction Department people (the tenure home for the position). Does everyone know what a tenure line is? Maybe that should be in another post.
Anyway, I need to do several things to prepare over the next 11 days including today. This is just a bit of what I need to do:
I need to draft and practice that job talk. I'll need to talk through the process and what I include in that.
I need to purchase a professional suit. I haven't needed one since early 2020 pre-pandemic, so I definitely don't fit anything old. I need to feel like a hundred bucks. I need it to give "bow down bitches." I need to feel pumped up and ready to take on the world.
I want to experiment with new makeup stuff, so that means I need to stop at Sephora.
I need new shoes that are both professional and comfortable that match the new suit.
And I need to prepare some questions/things to mention to have with me for all those individual interviews.
Okay, I need to go because we are ordering Chipotle for "lunch." I eat breakfast at like 10 or whenever I get up, we eat together at like 3/4, watch TV until 5/6, and then play a video game, putz around, or whatever want after that. Summer break routine is GREAT! I will be doing my prep between having a GREAT TIME! I don't want to burn myself out on the way to needing to be at top form.
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susantaylor01 · 6 days
How to Remove Upper Belly Fat
Upper belly fat, also known as visceral fat, is a common concern that affects many individuals. This type of fat accumulates around the abdominal organs and can pose significant health risks, including heart disease, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Additionally, it can be a stubborn area to target when trying to achieve a leaner physique. To effectively address upper belly fat, a comprehensive approach involving dietary adjustments, regular exercise, and lifestyle changes is essential. This article provides practical strategies to help you remove upper belly fat and improve overall health.
1. Adopt a Balanced Diet
A well-structured diet plays a crucial role in reducing upper belly fat. Consider the following dietary strategies:
Reduce Sugar Intake: Excessive consumption of sugary foods and drinks is linked to increased fat accumulation in the abdominal area. To combat this, minimize your intake of sugary snacks, beverages, and processed foods. Opt for natural sweeteners like fruit when possible.
Increase Fiber Intake: Soluble fiber, found in foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can help reduce fat. Fiber aids digestion, keeps you feeling full longer, and helps regulate blood sugar levels, all of which contribute to fat loss.
Choose Lean Proteins: Protein is essential for building muscle and boosting metabolism. Incorporate sources of lean protein into your meals, such as chicken, fish, beans, and legumes. These foods can help with muscle development and overall fat reduction.
Opt for Healthy Fats: Instead of saturated and trans fats, choose healthier fats from sources like avocados, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. These fats support overall health and can aid in reducing fat accumulation.
2. Engage in Regular Exercise
Exercise is vital for burning calories and reducing upper belly fat. A combination of cardiovascular exercise and strength training is particularly effective:
Cardiovascular Exercise: Activities like running, cycling, and swimming increase your heart rate and burn calories. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio each week to help reduce fat.
Strength Training: Building muscle through weight lifting or body-weight exercises can enhance metabolism and promote fat loss. Incorporate core-strengthening exercises, such as planks and Russian twists, to target the abdominal muscles.
High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT): HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by rest periods. This method has been shown to be highly effective in reducing visceral fat and improving overall fitness levels.
3. Prioritize Lifestyle Changes
Making positive lifestyle changes can significantly impact fat reduction and overall health. Consider the following:
Manage Stress: Chronic stress can contribute to fat storage, particularly around the belly. Engage in stress-reducing activities such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, and yoga to manage stress levels effectively.
Improve Sleep Quality: Poor sleep patterns are associated with weight gain and increased belly fat. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to support fat loss and overall health.
Stay Hydrated: Adequate hydration is essential for digestion and metabolism. Drinking plenty of water can prevent overeating, as thirst is sometimes mistaken for hunger. Ensure you stay well-hydrated throughout the day.
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Tasty Tea “eats through” 57lbs of thick flab
Removing upper belly fat involves a multifaceted approach that integrates a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy lifestyle habits. By implementing these strategies and staying committed to your goals, you can effectively target and reduce upper belly fat, leading to improved health and a more toned appearance. Remember, sustainable changes are key to long-term success, so focus on gradual and consistent improvements rather than seeking quick fixes. Embrace these methods, and take proactive steps towards achieving a healthier, fitter you.
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michaleideas · 20 days
Discovering Latisse in Australia: The Secret to Longer, Fuller Lashes
Are you struggling with sparse, short, or brittle eyelashes? You're not alone. Many people face issues with eyelash growth, whether due to genetics, age, or the daily wear and tear from makeup and environmental factors. Fortunately, there are effective solutions available that can help you achieve the lush, long lashes you desire. In this article, we'll delve into the top three eyelash serums that have proven to be game-changers in promoting lash growth. Our comprehensive guide will help you choose the best product to enhance your natural beauty.
Anatomy of Eyelashes
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Eyelashes, like the hair on our scalp, are composed of keratin, a protein that provides strength and structure. Each eyelash grows from a follicle located in the eyelid. Eyelashes are arranged in two to three rows on both the upper and lower eyelids. The upper lid typically has around 100 to 150 lashes, while the lower lid has about 50 to 75 lashes.
Eyelashes grow through a cycle similar to the hair on our scalp. This cycle consists of three main phases: anagen, catagen, and telogen.
Why You Need to Know the Eyelash Growth Cycle for Serum Application
Understanding the growth cycle of eyelashes can help in addressing issues related to their length, thickness, and overall health. It is key to getting the most out of your eyelash serum. Here’s why it matters:
1. Anagen Phase (Growth Phase):
This is when your lashes are actively growing. It lasts about 30-45 days. Applying your serum during this phase can be most effective because the active ingredients can stimulate growth right where it counts.
2. Catagen Phase (Transition Phase): This short phase, lasting 2-3 weeks, is when your lashes stop growing and are preparing to shed. Applying serum here helps maintain the strength of your lashes and supports the transition without premature breakage.
3. Telogen Phase (Resting Phase): This final phase lasts around 100 days. Old lashes fall out, and new ones start to grow. Serum application can help condition and prepare your lashes for the next growth cycle, ensuring that the new lashes that come in are strong and healthy.
By aligning serum application with the natural growth cycle of your lashes, you can maximize their length, strength, and overall health. Knowing these phases helps you apply the serum more effectively, ensuring that you’re boosting growth during the most productive times.
Using eyelash serum consistently and understanding when to apply it according to the growth cycle can lead to noticeably longer, thicker, and healthier lashes over time. This approach ensures that you're not just hoping for results but actually timing your application to get the best out of your serum.
Why You Need to Know Factors Affecting Eyelash Growth When Applying Eyelash Serum
Understanding the factors that affect eyelash growth is crucial for optimizing the use of eyelash serums.
1. Genetics
Genetics play a significant role in determining the length, thickness, and growth rate of your eyelashes. Knowing your genetic baseline helps you set realistic expectations for what eyelash serums can achieve. While serums can enhance your natural lashes, they can’t change your genetic potential.
2. Age
As you age, your eyelash growth rate naturally slows down, and lashes may become thinner and more brittle. Eyelash serums can help counteract these effects by nourishing the follicles and promoting healthier, stronger lashes. Understanding this can motivate consistent serum use to maintain lash health over time.
3. Health and Nutrition
Your overall health and nutrition significantly impact your hair growth, including your eyelashes. Nutritional deficiencies, such as a lack of vitamins or minerals, can hinder lash growth. Ensuring you have a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients like biotin, vitamins A, C, E, and omega-3 fatty acids can enhance the effectiveness of your eyelash serum.
4. Hormonal Changes
Hormonal fluctuations due to pregnancy, menopause, or conditions like thyroid disorders can affect eyelash growth. These changes can lead to thinning lashes or slower growth. Eyelash serums can help mitigate these effects by providing necessary nourishment and support during these times. Being aware of hormonal impacts can guide you in selecting serums with ingredients that specifically address these issues.
Criteria for Choosing the Best Eyelash Serum
When selecting an eyelash serum, consider the following factors:
Ingredients: Look for clinically proven ingredients such as peptides, biotin, and hyaluronic acid.
Effectiveness: Choose products with positive user reviews and clinical backing.
Safety: Ensure the serum is ophthalmologist-tested and safe for sensitive eyes.
Ease of Use: A convenient application process increases the likelihood of consistent use.
Now, let’s explore the top best eyelash serum in the market. Latisse stands out as the best eyelash serum due to its FDA approval, proven effectiveness, trusted active ingredient, high user satisfaction, ease of use, and safety profile. These factors collectively make it a top choice for individuals looking to enhance their eyelashes.
Why Latisse is the Best Serum for Eyelash Growth
When it comes to enhancing eyelash growth, Latisse eyelash serum stands out as a top choice. Here's why:
1. Proven Effectiveness
Generic Latisse is the only FDA-approved treatment specifically designed to grow eyelashes. Its active ingredient, bimatoprost, effectively extends the growth phase of the lash cycle, leading to longer, thicker, and darker lashes. Most users start seeing noticeable improvements within 8 weeks, with full results typically achieved in 16 weeks.
2. Benefits of Using Latisse
Lengthens and Thickens Lashes: Latisse increases both the length and fullness of your lashes.
Darkens Lashes: It also enhances the darkness of your eyelashes, making them more prominent.
Clinically Proven: Backed by clinical studies, Latisse has been shown to be safe and effective when used as directed.
3. How to Use Latisse
Using Latisse is straightforward:
Ensure your face is clean, and remove all makeup and contact lenses.
Using the provided sterile applicator, apply a drop of Latisse to the base of your upper eyelashes each night.
Consistency is key. Apply Latisse every night to see the best results.
If you stop using Latisse, your eyelashes will gradually return to their previous state over a few weeks or months.
Availability of Latisse in Australia
Latisse is available in Australia but with some specific considerations:
Prescription Requirement
In Australia, Latisse is classified as a prescription-only medication. This means it can only be obtained legally through a prescription from a healthcare provider such as a general practitioner (GP), dermatologist, or ophthalmologist.
To get a prescription for Latisse, you need to have a consultation with a healthcare provider who can assess your suitability for the treatment and discuss potential side effects and usage instructions.
TGA Approval
Latisse is approved by the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) in Australia, ensuring that it meets the necessary standards for safety, quality, and efficacy. This approval provides assurance to users about the product's reliability.
In Australia, Buy latisse in Sydney can be purchased with a prescription from a healthcare provider. You can obtain it through pharmacies or via online telehealth services, which offer the convenience of virtual consultations.
Latisse stands out as a leading solution for those seeking to enhance their eyelashes, thanks to its FDA approval, clinically proven effectiveness, and the trusted active ingredient bimatoprost. In Australia, its prescription-only status ensures that users receive professional guidance and monitoring, enhancing safety and efficacy. Despite the out-of-pocket costs and the necessity for ongoing use to maintain results, Latisse's ability to deliver longer, thicker, and darker lashes make it a worthwhile investment for many. Whether accessed through pharmacies or specialized clinics, Latisse offers a reliable and effective option for achieving desired eyelash improvements.
For more details checkout our website here: https://belleish.com/
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ask-suns-pup · 10 months
Suns how has eating been like, do you have a favorite food yet?
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mikeo56 · 2 months
Molten-salt reactors (MSR) are the promising next-generation nuclear reactors that will be able not only to produce electric power, but will also allow reburning of fuel, deep burning, and nuclear transmutation of radioactive waste. Similar concepts have been considered for the blanket in some fusion power plant designs. The MSR and fusion blankets may operate at temperatures up to 1300 K. Hastelloy alloys are the candidate structural materials for the use in the systems, where they are subjected to intense radiation. The presence of hydrogen isotopes in the structural materials may deteriorate their operational characteristics, and the processes of release/retention of tritium isotope are of importance for the fuel cycle in fusion blanket applications. The situation is more complicated if atoms of helium and hydrogen are both present in the structural materials. This has made the researchers concentrate on studying the combined effect of hydrogen and helium on the embrittlement, thermal behavior, etc. This paper presents the results of research into the influence of previously implanted helium on the temperature range of retention of hydrogen isotopes implanted into a Hastelloy-N type alloy. The dose range of implanted helium was from 1 × 1016 to 1.2 × 1017 He/cm2.
The Hastelloy-N type alloy used in the present experiments had the composition given in Table 1. Before irradiation, the samples were given a short-term vacuum anneal (prolonged ∼1 min) at ∼1350 K and pressure ∼2 × 10−5 Pa to degas and clean the surfaces. The samples were implanted using the 25 keV beams of He+,H2+ or D2+ ions, or in a different order, with He+ first, then D2+ or H2+. Helium was implanted at ∼300 and ∼900 K in the range of doses from 1 × 1016 to 1.2 × 1017 He/cm2. The samples were cooled...
Irradiation with hydrogen isotopes
Typical spectra of thermal desorption of deuterium, demonstrating the evolution of the process with an increasing dose, are shown in Fig. 1. At a dose of ∼2.5 × 1015 D/cm2 the thermal desorption spectrum has an elementary structure having a single peak with a maximum at Тм ∼ 380 K. As can be seen from the figure, up to ∼2 × 1016 D/cm2 the spectrum retains its structure with only one peak at Тм ∼ 370 K. With an increasing dose the spectrum becomes more involved. The spectrum gets complicated on the...
The implantation of helium before implanting hydrogen isotopes in a Hastelloy-N alloy extends the temperature range, in which the hydrogen isotopes are retained, with the displacement of the release peak to higher temperatures. The displacement of the upper limit of the temperature range of deuterium retention has a step character caused by the phase state of the Hastelloy-helium system. The increase in the temperature of helium implantation has had a tendency to extend temperature range for...
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alpharegiment · 2 months
Physical Fitness Tips for SSB Interview Candidates
The Services Selection Board (SSB) interview is a rigorous process designed to assess the suitability of candidates for a career in the Indian Armed Forces. Physical fitness plays a crucial role in this evaluation, as it not only reflects a candidate's overall health but also their discipline, determination, and readiness for the demands of military life. Here are some essential physical fitness tips for SSB interview candidates to help them prepare effectively.
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1. Understand the Physical Requirements
Before diving into training, familiarize yourself with the physical standards required for the SSB interview. These typically include tasks like running, push-ups, sit-ups, and obstacle courses. Knowing these requirements will help you tailor your training regimen to meet specific benchmarks.
2. Start Early and Be Consistent
Physical fitness cannot be achieved overnight. Begin your preparation well in advance of your interview date. Establish a consistent workout routine, aiming to train at least 5-6 days a week. Consistency is key to building and maintaining fitness levels.
3. Incorporate Cardiovascular Training
Cardiovascular endurance is crucial for tasks like the 1.6 km run. Include activities such as running, cycling, and swimming in your routine. Start with moderate-intensity sessions and gradually increase the intensity and duration. Interval training, which involves alternating between high-intensity and low-intensity exercise, can be particularly effective.
4. Strength Training
Strength is vital for tasks such as push-ups, pull-ups, and carrying heavy loads. Focus on exercises that build core, upper body, and lower body strength. Incorporate exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, and planks. Use free weights or resistance bands to add variety and challenge to your workouts.
5. Flexibility and Mobility
Flexibility helps prevent injuries and enhances overall performance. Incorporate stretching exercises and yoga into your routine to improve your flexibility and joint mobility. Pay particular attention to stretching major muscle groups and any areas that feel tight or restricted.
6. Practice Obstacle Course Techniques
The SSB interview includes an obstacle course that tests agility, strength, and endurance. If possible, practice on an actual obstacle course or simulate the obstacles using available resources. Focus on techniques for climbing, jumping, balancing, and crawling.
7. Proper Nutrition and Hydration
Nutrition plays a significant role in physical performance. Maintain a balanced diet rich in proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid junk food, excessive sugar, and caffeine.
8. Rest and Recovery
Rest is as important as training. Ensure you get adequate sleep each night (7-8 hours) to allow your body to recover and rebuild. Incorporate rest days into your training schedule to prevent overtraining and reduce the risk of injury.
9. Mental Preparation
Physical fitness is closely linked to mental toughness. Practice mental conditioning techniques such as visualization, positive self-talk, and stress management. Build a resilient mindset that will help you push through physical challenges and stay focused during the interview process.
10. Seek Professional Guidance
If you're unsure about how to structure your fitness program or need personalized advice, consider consulting a fitness trainer or coach with experience in military training. They can provide valuable insights and tailor a program to suit your needs.
Preparing for the SSB interview requires a holistic approach that encompasses physical training, mental conditioning, and proper nutrition. By following these physical fitness tips, candidates can enhance their readiness and confidence, significantly improving their chances of success. Remember, the journey to becoming an officer in the Indian Armed Forces is demanding but incredibly rewarding, and being physically fit is a vital step in that journey.
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lawbernard24 · 2 months
Worldbuilding log part 2
Ok so for this one I wanted to flesh out some worldbuilding about things like the planets weather patterns and how human tech has influenced it, as well as native fauna and how and earth fauna interacted with it.
weather patterns were one of the first things that the Oracles had to deal with, due to their... interesting nature. basically, the planet has all four normal seasons and all that (although its a bit warmer than earth in general), but every so often massive rainstorms will sweep over the planet causing sever winds, lightning, and flooding (sorta like highstorms from the stormlight archive, or the rain from rain world). at the north pole, where they start, rain is constant and severe, like an ongoing hurricane. gradually, the rainstorms have larger and larger breaks between them as you move further away, as well as getting milder. While the Oracles were still in power, this was kept in check with large structure that pulled water from the atmosphere to use as a hydroelectric energy source. However, with the oracles destroyed, the weather patterns began to revert to normal over thousands of years.
The unique weather cycle of this planet has led the lifeforms on it do adapt in interesting ways. Almost all animals are partially amphibious or entirely aquatic. others spend their whole lives airborne, drifting over the more permanent storms in the upper atmosphere. As for plants, many have hard shells to prevent them from being crushed by debris. Some float on long stems, and drift back down when the flood ends. A few rare varieties have even evolved to draw energy from lightning instead of sunlight. Unsurprisingly, earth life did not deal well with this weather. Most plants were wiped out, save for kelp and other waterborne plants. As for the fauna, they didn't fare well ether. Certain ones were kept around by humans who sheltered them (eg cats and dogs). some evolved quickly enough in response to the changes in weather that they survived. More often than not, native life outcompeted earth life on all fronts.
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mykollege · 3 months
Medical college admission in india
Medical college admission in india
1272, BTM 4th Stage, Kodichikknahalli,
 Addischetan Layout, BDA Layout BTM 4th Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka 560076, India
PHONE            +91  790341285
Exploring Clinical School Affirmations in India: An Outline
Medical college admission in india is profoundly pursued, with various hopeful specialists competing for a spot in regarded organizations. The method involved with acquiring admission to clinical universities is thorough, and understanding the complexities can be critical for progress. This guide gives an extensive gander at clinical school confirmation in India, with an emphasis on the fundamental perspectives one should consider.
Placement tests
The doorway to clinical training in India is fundamentally through placement tests. The Public Qualification cum Entry Test (NEET) is the most conspicuous and required test for undergrad clinical courses (MBBS/BDS) in India. Led by the Public Testing Organization (NTA), NEET is a solitary window entrance test for admissions to all clinical schools in India, with the exception of AIIMS and JIPMER, which have their own placement tests.
Groundwork for NEET includes a profound comprehension of subjects like Material science, Science, and Science, as well as major areas of strength for creating and critical thinking abilities. Various training habitats the nation over offer particular NEET arrangement courses, and numerous understudies start getting ready for NEET as soon as their secondary school years.
Qualification Models
To show up for NEET, competitors should meet explicit qualification standards:
Instructive Capability: Up-and-comers probably finished 10+2 or comparable with Material science, Science, Science/Biotechnology, and English as center subjects.
Age Breaking point: The base age limit is 17 years at the hour of affirmation or by December 31 of the extended time of confirmation. The upper age limit for NEET is 25 years for general class competitors and 30 years for saved classifications.
Application Cycle
The application interaction for clinical universities starts with the NEET application. The application structure is regularly accessible web-based on the authority NEET site. Candidates need to fill in their own and scholastic subtleties, transfer required archives, and pay the application charge. Post the assessment, applicants are expected to take part in guiding meetings for seat distribution.
Directing and Seat Distribution
Post-NEET results, the Clinical Directing Advisory group (MCC) conducts guiding for 15% All India Standard (AIQ) seats, while the leftover 85% state portion seats are overseen by individual state advising specialists. Guiding includes a few rounds, including mop-up rounds to fill empty seats.
During guiding, competitors need to enroll, fill in their favored selections of schools and courses, and lock their decisions. Seat allotment depends on NEET rank, decision inclination, and seat accessibility. It is basic to explore the schools, their framework, staff, and situation records prior to securing in decisions.
Reservation Strategies
India follows a booking strategy in clinical school admissions to guarantee portrayal from different social classifications. The classifications incorporate SC (Planned Positions), ST (Booked Clans), OBC (Other In reverse Classes), EWS (Monetarily More fragile Segments), and PwD (People with Handicaps). The booking rate differs and is essential for contender to figure out the classification explicit shorts and seat accessibility.
Admission to Private Universities
Aside from government universities, India has countless confidential clinical schools. Admissions to these schools likewise require NEET scores. In any case, the charge structure in confidential schools is significantly higher contrasted with government organizations. A few states likewise have considered colleges, which lead their own guiding cycles.
Acquiring admission to a Medical college admission in india is a profoundly serious cycle that requires careful readiness, consciousness of qualification measures, and an exhaustive comprehension of the guiding and seat portion process. Hopeful clinical understudies should remain refreshed with the most recent data from solid sources, for example, the authority NEET site and individual state directing gateways, to explore the intricacies of the confirmation cycle effectively. Earnestly and the right direction, getting a spot in a trustworthy Medical college admission in india is a reachable objective.
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