#da bebe...
pollyannawog · 4 months
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kurohaai · 10 months
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Ofi & Das - mine | Ievahn, Konnor, Pavnis - @theartisticapparition | Eti & Yleeda - @heuristicallyinclined | Barrie - @cornerofmybookshelf | Minnow - @shadowdemon101
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askmafiabobvelseb · 19 days
grompy >:[
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adaricruz · 1 year
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corpse bride au i came up with last year . inspired by my backstory for connor <3 connor is emily , tate is victor & violet is victoria . connor is wearing tate’s ring . nothing seems more fitting than connor suffering even in death .
original concept under the cut .
switched the lack of nose for an open skull & i added little maggots + a boutonnière to the new drawing .
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audiojunkyard · 4 months
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vermillionbedfellow · 1 month
Can we please, finally, admit to ourselves that the problem was not immigrants, or asylum seekers, or black and brown British people. It was never their fault, and historically, if we're being honest with ourselves, it never has been. The British fascist terrorists (and let's call them out for what they are, thanks) and the disgusting complicit UK press took a horrendous event and monopolised it as a means to do what they do best, sow fear and division in already petrified communities, drink cans, chuck bricks into holy buildings and rob sausage rolls from Greggs. Brave martyrs to the 'British cause' such as they are, clutching imported beers and novelty £1 cupcakes. It has been clear from the start that the terrible actions of one young black man acted as a catalyst for pogrom like behaviour from some of Britains finest advertising for corsodyl, already angry and indoctrinated crowds looking to scapegoat communities already in a vulnerable position in the fabric of this weird, very weird island.
The issue, the repeating factor in all of this violence, is men. Misogyny in the UK is killing us. It's killing our boys, destroying their lives and warping their brains into hateful, spiteful, twisted rage machines , and it's killing us. Age won't protect us. You could be six years old at a Taylor Swift dance party, eleven years old and visiting Trafalgar Square with your mum, 33 and walking home from a quiet drink with friends, in your 60s and at home with your two daughters. You could be dressed in a tutu, a raincoat, a hijab, pyjamas. You can fight back, you can comply, you can run and you can dance, but you will always be at risk of a man having so many feelings that he just might have to kill you about them. We can't help but exist in the vicinity of men, and it's becoming increasingly clear that there is very little being done to stop them from destroying us for having the audacity to be visible. Today, authorities deemed violence against women to be at epidemic levels, but ask any woman living her day to day in this country and she could have told you that years ago. It's scary out here, and it's getting worse. I bartend for a living, and at least once a day a man says something so harmful and rude and repulsively sexual that it makes my eyes sting. Mostly it's more than once a day, often it's more than words. With the insidious surge of right wing populism and their major macho bullshit talking points creeping into politics, news media and daily vernacular, I don't have real confidence for the future and for womens safety going forward. No wonder the birth rates continue to decrease in the UK, I don't want to have to raise a girl in a society that will fail to protect her, nor do I wish to raise a little boy in a society that might just turn him into a 'red pilled' knife wielding maniac.
What's more is that it's women of colour who are so much more at risk of being victims of femicide. These women are being attacked on two fronts, on the basis of their sex and on the basis of their race. We also know that crimes against women in these demographics are woefully underreported due to a lack of trust in policing institutions, with police often mishandling reports of violence when they are brought to their attention, causing further risk of harm. In London last year, 62% of the victims of femicide were black women (not that one would know that from a glance at the headlines, crimes against black women may as well be invisible to the uk media). And yet, where is the outrage over their safety from the bald headed pricks bellowing 'protect our women' and waving stolen crocs? It's almost as if only one form of compliant white woman is worthy of sympathy, but again, further than that, seeing as these brave protectors of woman have often been found to have had previous dv charges themselves, it's almost as if it was never about protecting women at all.
There is no conclusion to this post. Sometimes you just need to get thoughts out of your skull. Especially ones such as these. They make my teeth hurt. I don't have anything else to add. Just sad and apoplectic and feeling pretty powerless.
(In the tags are the names of some of the women and girls killed in the last year in this country. Just a few of them. If you have the strength to learn about their stories and honour their memories please do so, and if this isn't something you can face right now, they remain in our world even after death as long as we continue to share and speak their names, so share news articles and posts when you are able)
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lettherebemonsters · 1 year
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It's Munday somewhere lol. Here's a rare photo of me and the baby.
If I look like I'm high....I'm not. I'm fucking exhausted lol.
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eaudavie · 1 year
Huso beni ankara yazim diye zorbaliyo imdo
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thebekashow · 7 months
More Sophie content because itty bitty ghost trying to be spoopy
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Don't worry sophie, you'll scare someone some day
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Blue x Blue🌀
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catgirltoofies · 2 years
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sunnysideprincess · 5 months
statement: you're cool
question: how are you so cool
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Like this ☝️😌✨💖💖💖💖
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midnightfire830 · 1 year
It’s a short fic of how Mono and Six meet and it’s so fucking adorable I’m sobbing!!!😭😭😭😭
Please take a look at it and help support my friend @that-demon-child. They’re awesome!!!!!
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askmafiabobvelseb · 1 year
The Baby be like: >:3
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cat-brrr · 5 months
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