#dabihawks university au
atomra · 1 month
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Happy to finally show the dabihawks piece I did for the @divortium-zine project! 🔥 Featuring my AU look for Dabi!!
Please check out the leftovers HERE!
It's only open until August 30th, so get your zine stuff before it closes!
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urcrowley · 2 months
college au because I’m very delusional
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his smile is so 😭😭😔😔🙁🙁🫶🫶
Ok will start rambling after the line…
⿴ Keigo is literally the campus crush, I think we can collectively agree on that… (because I’d 100% have a crush on him if I was going to college w him.)
He has a whole fan club and everything 😔
⿴ For Touya, I think he’s a 50/50 case.
It’s either people think he’s a loser , he’s intimidating or he’s hot… honestly, bro is all of the above LMAOOOOO
⿴ they’re those type of best friends that’s always at each other’s throats (me and my best friend fr)
“you can die in a ditch for all I care (pls don’t)”
“I hope you die first (I hope we grow old together)”
They’re dumb like that
(You can take this as platonic or romantic, I don’t give a shit.)
⿴ Keigo is either a volleyball player or a badminton player because I can’t see him as a basketball player… imagine people call him ‘Hawks’ because he can jump really high 💥💥💥
⿴ Touya, however, I’m still debating.
I’m leaning towards like filming or music despite Enji wanting him to get a course like medicine or accountancy (wow crazy, so stereotypical I know)
Anyways bye thanks for reading allat
Might add more or something..
(Aka, might turn it to a fic)
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moonsvillain · 6 months
hotwings au where hawks is a vampire, dabi is a human, and they meet through the vampire equivalent of doordash.
dabi shows up at his door, scruffy and woozy (guy who's been doing this as a full time job and is not coping with the blood loss very well)
hawks is (rightfully) concerned and is ready to cancel his order but dabi immediately disagrees because "that'll fuck up my ratings sooo bad dude don't be an asshole"
hawks: "???"
dabi: "i really need this job man"
hawks kinda shrugs and asks if dabi's up to anything for the next few hours and dabi doesn't have anything going on so hawks invites him in and immediately sits this guy down on his couch to feed him and let him rest for at least four hours so he's not indirectly accused of manslaughter
one must imagine the disposition of an alley cat encountering canned food for the first time: internal battle of mistrust versus yummy treats
dabi goes down kicking and screaming
(the day he goes over to hawks' place it's raining so hard you can barely see and all dabi has is a cheap plastic poncho. hawks' place has heating—he very 'reluctantly' curls up on the couch)
hawks is probably the worst cook on earth but when he tells dabi this, he refuses to let hawks order food for him; dabi would literally rather die than subject another minimum wage worker to the storm outside just to come to this rich asshole's home
which ends up with dabi in hawks' kitchen, making himself a meal
(which, he probably wouldn't usually do this, but the blood loss is kind of getting to him. dabi's decision making has slowly trickled down to the average level it is when he gets drunk)
when he's fed and warm and hawks has forced him to watch two animated movies dabi could not give less of a shit about he finally turns to dabi like
"ok i know we're having a great time but also i really need to eat something. like. you. preferably."
dabi shrugs and offers up his arm, getting progressively more sleepy while hawks finishes his meal before falling asleep pressed against hawks' side
wakes up the next morning with a blanket pulled over him, cheek pressed to a throw pillow with a littleee bit of drool staining the fabric under him
sits up and looks around, armed only with blurry memories of the night before
("did i... sleep with this guy...!?!??!?")
finds a note on the table and unfolds it, trying to figure out what the hell is going on
(lovedddd hanging w u yesterday :P off at work feel free 2 make urself breakfast before u go. U should know where everything is. tip on the counter 4 u. xoxo hawks)
dabi, slightly mortified at the implication he rooted around in this guy's kitchen when he was out of it yesterday finds the tip
it's literally, like, $500 dollars
dabi scribbles down his phone number and sticks it on the fridge with a magnet
(half because he really needed that money and is pleasantly surprised that he got rent money a week earlier than he was expecting)
(half because he might not remember yesterday entirely, but he remembers feeling safe and warm and being addicted to that rare sensation)
hawks is very happy when he gets home, even if dabi isn't there, when he finds his little gift on the fridge
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autumnmobile12 · 2 months
Hawks: So I'm being dispatched to New York to assist against the Humarise threat and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me.
Touya: *stares blankly, slowly sets down the tea he was drinking* ...I have chronic and terminal health issues and experience alarmingly frequent medical emergencies that have landed me in the hospital twice this year already, and it's only February...and you want to bring me to a nation known for its atrocious healthcare costs?
Hawks: It can't be that bad.
Touya: ¥190,000 for a ride in the whoo-whoo wagon. The only reason I would even consider a trip like that is the financial hit my father would probably take on my behalf. Emphasis on ‘probably,’ and on that note, I'm pretty sure he's expressly forbidden me from ever visiting the States for that exact reason.
Hawks: Sorry, I'm still hung up on the fact you called an ambulance a 'whoo-whoo wagon' and how adorable that is.
Touya: *starts throwing random foodstuffs*
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hella1975 · 9 months
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martian-writes · 5 months
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thesakuragarnet · 11 months
Grand Gestures
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Summary: After six months of dating, today is the day that Toya introduces Hawks as his boyfriend to his parents...at least...that's what today was supposed to be. (Another oneshot in my Civilian Social Worker Toya X Pro Hero Hawks AU timeline)
Tags: DabiHawks, Civilian Toya X Pro Hero Hawks, swearing, sickfic, hurt/comfort, fluff, established relationship, vomiting, caretaking and cuddles
Word Count: 2,348 words
AO3 link
Maybe it was for the best…that’s at least the first place his mind went to. 
‘Thank God.’ 
That was his initial reaction when Toya Todoroki woke up feeling like he’d been run over by a bus and thrown in a blender for good measure. The flu had been going around the office, but Toya rarely got sick, so he hadn’t thought anything of it. Today was the day he was supposed to take his boyfriend to meet his parents. They’d been dating for six months, and Hawks hadn’t even mentioned it to the press. Initially, the thought of Endeavor finding out shook Toya to his core. His coworker dating his son…his male coworker dating his son. Moreover, the Number Two Hero dating a social worker…who took Quirk medication …how would that go over in the media? 
Toya shudders as he shuffles back into his bed, stomach growling from the sudden, unwarranted emptiness. His whole body aches, he feels like he’s on fire, and the nausea won’t subside no matter how many times he finds himself doubled over. It’s time to call Keigo. The white-haired man sighs as he grabs his phone off the nightstand and flips to speed dial, clicking on “Kei <3”. The phone rings once. 
“Morning!” Hawks’ chipper voice sings sweetly through the speaker, pulling at Toya’s heartstrings. 
“Hey…,” Toya rasps, his lips pulling into a disappointed frown. Keigo specifically requested today off of Hero Work for this, and now it was ruined. He’d been looking forward to seeing him. 
“Something wrong? The connection sounds kinda choppy,” Keigo remarks, and Toya sighs. 
“Yeah, we’re not gonna go to my parents’ place, today,” He sniffles, rubbing his temples. 
“Did something happen? I swear I haven’t told a soul, T,” The Pro drabbles, but he’s cut off when Toya starts sputtering into harsh coughs. 
“Are you sick?” 
“Flu,” Toya groans in reply. “Sorry, Kei. Enjoy your day off though. Do yourself a favor and don’t call back in. You work too hard. Love you. I’ll talk to you later.” 
“ Whoa , there. You’re not getting rid of me that easy. I’m gonna march my ass over there and take care of you. You sound like death,” Keigo demands, and Toya rolls his eyes. 
“No, no, no. I don’t wanna get you sick,” Toya insists, his voice cracking. 
“I’ve got the best HPSC docs loading me up with shit so that I have no sick days. I’ll be fine,” Keigo shrugs, and Toya’s brow furrows. 
“Takami, I can take care of myself. I’m fine ,” Toya growls despite the fact that he feels horrible . 
“I’m coming over. You shouldn’t have given me a key to your apartment if you didn’t want this to happen,” Hawks chuckles, and Toya can hear the sound of rustling papers. 
“What do you want from the store?”
“The store ?” 
“I’m gonna stop by on the way there. Now spill .”
Toya blinks. He’s never had someone take care of him before. When he was little, his Dad always told him to just “tough it out”...insisting it was good for him. This was totally new. He chews his bottom lip, lost in thought. 
“Just…uh…just get me…some Gatorade…and…y’know what, just Gatorade is fine. Just that,” Toya croaks before going into a coughing fit. His throat is all scratchy, and his eyes start to water. 
“And cough medicine, got it,” Keigo sneers, clicking his tongue. “Be there in a flash!”
Toya jolts awake to the sound of Keigo opening his bedroom door; he passed out shortly after the phone call. 
“Pro Hero Hawks to the rescue!” Hawks grins as he struts into the room with each arm loaded with grocery bags. “God, you look awful, babe.”
Toya rubs his eyes. His boyfriend ditched his Pro suit for a pair of gym shorts and a black compression T-shirt. 
“All I said was Gatorade,” He mumbles in surprise as Kei starts setting the bags down one by one at the foot of the bed. 
“Yeah, well. I took the liberty of treating you like a king, so…” Keigo trails off as he digs into the first bag. “First, we have…”
He pulls out two entire cases of blue Gatorade. 
“Gatorade!” Hawks gasps dramatically, turning the cases around as if they’re on display before setting them to the side. 
“Kei, I meant like two ,” Toya stammers, but the Pro completely ignores him, continuing to brandish each item like a host on a game show. 
“Cough medicine. Peppermint tea WITH honey. Tissue boxes. Mint Chip ice cream. Chicken soup. Popsicles. Not one but TWO kinds of cold and flu syrup. A new soft fuzzy blanket. Aaaand,” Keigo trails off before turning around, and a swarm of feathers suddenly darts through the open door before gently placing a vase full of white roses on the nightstand. “Just a little something.” 
“Wow,” Toya mutters, eyes widening, and his chest feels tight. Keigo was always the grandiose type, which is why he was concerned about something leaking to the press. After all this time, Toya still isn’t used to the grand gestures. It makes his heart twist in his chest with aching relief. It makes him wonder how Keigo could value him enough to do something like this…he doesn’t know how to respond. 
“Too much?” Keigo asks sheepishly, and Toya bites back a cough. 
“Ya think?” He sniffs before wincing at the pain pulsing throughout his body. Keigo’s smile fades, and he taps his foot as he stands at the edge of the bed. 
“What…what do you need me to do?” Keigo blurts, almost like he needs direct orders. Toya turns his head to look at the flowers and then back at Kei. He didn’t have to do all this. He could’ve easily just said “ok” when Toya told him not to worry and went about his day. Part of him enjoyed being alone when he didn’t feel well, but…now that he has Hawks…
“I don’t want you to get sick,” Toya repeats his words from earlier. 
“I don’t care if I get sick,” Keigo responds almost instantly. A few moments of silence pass between them, with the exception of Toya’s ragged breaths. He feels cold. Cold and achy and helpless. He hates feeling like this. He curls up into a ball, wrapping his arms around his legs as he tries to get comfortable. He doesn’t want to say it. It’s gonna sound so overwhelmingly pathetic. But…the thought continues to circulate the longer he looks at Keigo. 
“What do you want, T?” The Pro repeats, crossing his arms over his chest. If Toya wasn’t so pale, he’d be blushing from embarrassment. 
“I want…”
He hated that the idiot made him say it out loud, but that was all it took, and then Keigo was snuggled beside him in bed, acting as the big spoon. The red wings wrapped around Toya like a crimson shield. A safe haven where the outside world would never touch him. The moment the feathers brush his face, Toya silently lets a few tears fall from his eyelashes, and he’s grateful that Keigo can’t see his face. He feels so fucking physically awful, but, emotionally, he feels utterly at peace. Maybe it was okay that he didn’t close himself off this time. Maybe it was okay that he was receiving all of this attention. A chill runs down his spine, and Toya’s body shakes. Keigo whispers sweet nothings in his ear, gently pressing his lips to the nape of his neck and squeezing him marginally tighter. The sudden warmth on his skin is comforting...soothing...almost enough to make Toya forget everything. That is, until he's hit with a sudden wave of nausea. In a split second, he's shoving away from Keigo, scrambling to get out of the bed and almost tripping on the comforter as he darts into the bathroom. Keigo cringes when he hears him getting sick as he climbs out of bed to follow. Toya feels pathetic, his knees scraping the tile as he leans over with his head in the toilet. 
"Unghhhh...ffuck," Toya moans in discomfort before lurching once again. Keigo gently squats beside him, gently rubbing circles on his boyfriend's back in an attempt to provide comfort. 
"I'm right here. Just get it all out," Keigo huffs, squeezing Toya's shoulder with his other hand. Finally, Toya lifts his head, tears streaming down his face as he frantically spits and coughs, trying to get the nasty taste out of his mouth. 
"I don't fucking feel good," Toya wails, slumping to the side to lean against Keigo. The Pro immediately wraps his arms around him and kisses the top of his head. 
"I know, baby, I know," Keigo murmurs as Toya whimpers into his neck. Toya feels utterly vulnerable and helpless, and it's turning him into a blubbering mess. A few feathers fly in and out of the room, whisking back a can of ginger ale with a straw and a dripping, cold rag. 
"Here," Keigo hushes, and Toya weakly takes the can, putting the straw between his lips as Keigo blots his forehead with the rag. Toya hums as he closes his eyes, slowly sipping as his wooziness fades. 
"Thank you," He croaks out as Hawks scoops him up into his arms. 
"No thanks needed. I love you," Keigo trills with a half-hearted smile. "I'm sorry that you're feeling so shitty."
"You're helping me feel a lot less shitty," Toya smirks feebly, nuzzling into Keigo's chest. Keigo helps him get back into bed before pulling the soft blanket over him.
"I'm gonna cook you some of that soup to see if you can keep something down. Are you okay with that? I can leave the door open so you can call if you need me," Keigo offers, briskly kissing him on the cheek. Part of Toya melts at the fleeting contact, and he nods, still lost in the blissful reality that Keigo cares so much. He watches Keigo leave before reaching over and grabbing his phone. He still hasn't let his family know they aren't coming. He presses the number and lets the phone ring. 
"Toya? I was just about to call. Are you and your boyfriend still coming for lunch today?" Fuyumi's voice crackles through the speaker, and Toya sighs. 
"Raincheck. I'm puking my guts out," He mutters flatly, and he hears a sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line. 
"Oh no! Do you need me to get some stuff from the store? Are you gonna be okay?" 
Toya pauses, lifting his ear away from the phone as the smell of soup wafts into the room; he can faintly hear Keigo whistling a tune as he cooks. Toya runs a hair through his hair as he feels warmth blooming in his chest. 
"I think I'm gonna be just fine." 
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wander-wren · 2 years
thinkin about post-war (or during-war, even) cnc (ish?? like. kinda mild imo) where hawks asks dabi to physically fight him down bc he’s afraid of himself
he’s such a powerful hero and trained perfectly to take dabi apart and i can imagine hawks needing the reassurance that dabi can fight back, that hawks won’t hurt him. can’t hurt him.
even if it’s not true, he wants to believe it for a little bit?? that he can love dabi?? he’s a weapon and all he’s ever known is battle. i’m not sure he trusts himself to love anyone.
tbf it doesn’t even need to be sexual i think they would just as easily spar with each other normally. but also *gestures at Them* yknow
i have SO many feelings about the paradoxical reassurance in knowing if you tried to hurt someone they would be able to hurt you back, to stop you. in any ship. but dabihawks especially.
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nowayyeet · 1 year
Chapters: 1/5 Fandom: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks Characters: Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Todoroki Shouto, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Fuyumi, Todoroki Rei, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Takami Keigo | Hawks's Parents, Takami Keigo | Hawks's Father, Takami Keigo | Hawks's Family, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Iguchi Shuuichi | Spinner Additional Tags: Dabi is a Todoroki (My Hero Academia), Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Protective Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Dabi | Todoroki Touya Needs a Hug, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is a Little Shit, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Not a Villain, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is Bad at Feelings, Dabi | Todoroki Touya is So Done, Good Sibling Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Takami Keigo | Hawks is a Little Shit, Soft Takami Keigo | Hawks, Flirty Takami Keigo | Hawks, Takami Keigo | Hawks Needs a Hug, Soft Dabi | Todoroki Touya/Takami Keigo | Hawks, Inspired by 10 Things I Hate About You (1999), Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - High School, Popularity, What Have I Done Summary:
Touya and Keigo never talked to each other. Touya is the antisocial-freak the whole school makes fun of and avoids. Keigo ist the Star-Quarterback at their school, known and wanted by everyone. There is no chance their paths will ever cross.
Keigo "dates" Touya so Rumi can rizz up Fuyumi.
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clayberry24 · 2 months
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Quirkless University AU - Dabihawks
FarrisWheel Pt. 2/2
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samthehyena · 4 months
sam's togachako fic rec masterlist
So the tumblr thread with togachako recs from the other day inspired me to make this post that’s supposed to be a masterlist of my togachako recs. I’m sure I’ve forgotten to add some of the recs I’ve included in my ao3 author’s notes before LMAO. Also, I’m planning to update this list with any new togachako recs I want to add in the future. Atm I don’t feel like self-reccing since this list is already so long as is XD
"The first one to stay" by iceandfire13 | G | 1.8K | Hurt/Comfort | Greek Mythology Fusion | Grief/Mourning
A lovely fic with lyrical prose in which Himiko is Medusa and Ochako is her blind GF. It explores Himiko's profound grief over Jin and her relief of finally having human connection be attainable again.
"An Easier World" by JajaLala | T | 3.6K | Reincarnation | Childhood Friends | Open Ending
A nice little fic from arguably one of the best femslash writers in that fandom. It checks off all the boxes for everything I could want out of a Togachako fic: a theme of acceptance, exploring what could have been in another life and SO MANY cute moments. Also, the ambiguous ending just feels so right.
"Claret" by NefarioussNess | M | 1.8K | Post-Canon | Redemption | Biting
A heartfelt bite-sized read that features Himiko and Ochako navigating life together and quirk prejudices in the aftermath of the war. It's so soft with references to spicy moments sprinkled in. (Who doesn't love Togachako and THE BITING?) It's just so sweet to see Himiko trying to grow beyond her past and having Ochako to rely on.
"Love Me As You" by Ezray | E | 3K | Quirk Use During Sex | Body Worship | Soft
One of my fav Togachako smut one shots. It's so sweet and cute and I want to craddle it in my arms. I love how the story shows Himiko helping Ochako work through self-esteem issues - also, what's not to love about technically self-cest.
"Thunderstorm Confessions" by GanglyLimbs | E | 1.3K | College AU | Fluff and Smut | Enemies to Lovers Vibes
The university setting suits Togachako's dynamic really well. I love Himiko's pastel goth aesthetic and Ochako's initial animosity toward her strange lab partner before growing enamored.
"all this love (i've gotta keep to myself)" by a_sentimental_man | G | 2.4K | Soulmates AU | Fluff and Angst | Happy Ending
I really enjoyed this soulmates AU one-shot since it tied in so well with how much Togachako loves each other despite the odds seemingly being against them. This story really is a testament to how there is no universe in which Ochako could possibly hate Himiko.
“Just a date” by  LifeofMystery | G | 2.7K | Matchmaking | Humor | Pining
A super cute one-shot with a unique matchmaking setup! I was especially fond of the way Ochako’s gay panic was written and Himiko’s dialogue was incredibly fun to read. The parallels drawn between Himiko and Ochako in the fic are super compelling!
“never not for you”  by dorthycanfly | T | 1.4K | Fluff | Love Confessions | Established Relationship
This is fluffy togachako established relationship oneshot has some gorgeous poetic prose that makes for an evocative read! It also just was such a soft vibe to it that makes this fic feel like a warm hug every time I read it.
“When she loved me” by Lady_AdoreCanyon |T |  1.6K | Childhood Friends | Songfics | Homophobia
I love this songfic so much!!! It utilizes a vignette style to hit some really poignant notes by giving glimpses it Himiko and Ochako’s past as childhood friends which is later contrasted by their reunion in the present day. The fic packs a punch with some excellent hurt/comfort.
“Right Where You Left Me” by touyastreasure | T| 3.7K | Post-Canon | Hurt/Comfort | Grief
This is some absolutely gut-wrenching hurt/comfort with parallels between togachako and dabihawks. I think it's one of the best togachako fics I've read in a while.
"Keep Me Your Secret" by aphrodaisyacs | T | 11.5K | Role Reversal | Traitor Uraraka Ochako | Secret Relationship
An absolutely stellar role reversal fic that stays true to Ochako's and Himiko's characterizations as their lives take a very different trajectory. Ochako's desperation as she tries to fight against the metaphorical shackles tying her down and the pressure the HPSC puts on Himiko makes this story so engaging. This fic was the VERY FIRST togachako fic I ever read and to this day it holds up as one of my all-time favorites!!!!
“On Monsters and Lesbians and the Inevitable Overlap Between the Two” by mor | E | 11.1K |Modern-Day Setting | Keres!Toga | Roommates
While I have not read this fic yet (it’s been on my TBR for ages), my main enabler for all things femslash has been singing this fic’s highest praises. According to her, this is an excellent fic to read to get into the togachako ship since it hits many key tropes for the ships (e.g. Ochako’s sapphic internal panic) and strikes the perfect balance between being a meaty enough fic to thoroughly explore the ship while still remaining a one-shot. Also this fic has Greek mythology elements :3
Greater than 15K
"Kiss Her Knife's Edge" by JajaLala | E | 69.6K | Future Fic | Explicit Sexual Content | Past Relationships
This is THE Togachako fic - if you haven't heard of it already, believe me if you mention this fic in a group of togachako enthusiasts, people will start gushing about it immediately. The villain/hero dynamic is so fun in this with a lot of excellent toxic Yuri tension - and OMG Ochako's characterization is great in this (there is this one flashback scene from her childhood that still lives rent-free in my mind XD). And there are so many good interpretations like Ochako's past relationships with Izuku and Tsu that just HIT. Also, the smut is EVERYTHING - I really want to go into details but I'll hold back because it's so much more fun if it's a surprise.
“Revolutionary Girl Ochako” by JajaLala | 77.2K | T | Crossover | Character Studies | Bittersweet Ending
There are a million things I could say about this fic but I will try to keep it brief. This is a Revolutionary Girl Utena and MHA crossover that expertly explores themes of repression, gender, storytelling and what it means to be a hero. Taking advantage of MHA’s large cast, this fic not only does a fantastic job with togachako’s characterization but also does a great job of getting to the core of the side character’s motives and perception of the world. Also, the fic ticks so many quintessential togachako boxes (everything from Himiko being repressed to Ochako’s resilience and unconditional care for Himiko). AND THE FORMATTING OMG!!!!! This fic takes workskin shenanigans to the next level!!! I’m still thinking about the stroke of coding genius in the final chapter. Like y’all would not believe the amount of brainrot this fic induced. Anyways, as someone who has not watched Utena yet I can vouch that this fic reads well regardless of whether you have watched RGU or not :3
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tickly-giggles · 1 year
Can we have a drabble for lee!Hawks, prompt 12, with his wings? I'm a sucker for lee!Hawks and especially ticklish wings! Only if you want to, tho!!
YES OF COURSE YOU CAN, ANON! Thank you for sending this in, I've been waiting for someone to send one!
A/N: Some sentence starters are a little awkward for me to put directly at the beginning, so this one is a little further down, but it's there! This isn't necessarily connected to my current DabiHawks tk universe, but if you wanna think of this as a little flashback type deal, then go for it! Also, I decided to make this a college AU, cuz I couldn't find a proper way to make it in the normal universe and have Hawks be struggling with something that has a deadline that he could fail on. So, college AU it is! A quick thought just popped into my mind, though, about renewing hero licenses, though I don't know if that's a thing. REGARDLESS, ENOUGH RAMBLING-
Warning: Tickle fic ahead!
Prompt: "I'm gonna fail if I don't finish before the deadline."
Characters: Dabi, Hawks
Shipping: Technically DabiHawks, I promise they'll get together soon, guys
Lee: Hawks
Ler: Dabi
Word Count: 1,072
Yet another sleepless night of never ending studying put Keigo into quite the irritated mood. He sat at his desk in front of his laptop, head in his hands, the screen displaying a document that currently only had three paragraphs written. Birds started chirping outside his window as light from the sunrise began streaming into his dorm. With a frustrated sigh, he looked up at his computer screen and glared at the document. He had never been this stressed in his life.
Keigo’s overthinking was abruptly interrupted by a low groan and the shuffling of bed sheets from behind him. Touya slipped out from under the covers and stretched, then he looked over at his roommate, who had his back turned to him and was still staring at the laptop.
“You’re up early,” Touya commented, shivering as his bare feet hit the floor.
“Haven’t slept,” Keigo replied curtly.
Touya frowned and stood, walking over to his roommate. Empty energy drink cans littered his desk, and a small pile of dirty plates sat beside his laptop. When was the last time he even moved from his chair?
“You gotta get some sleep, Keigo,” 
Touya said as he reached for the laptop. He huffed when Keigo swatted his hand away,
“When’s the last time you showered?”
“Like, last night or something?”
Touya hissed, glaring at Keigo, who refused to look at him,
“I had a hard time getting to sleep cuz your sleep deprived ass wouldn’t go to bed, and that damn laptop is brighter than my fire.”
“Tsk. Whatever, I just need to get this done.”
“You need to look after yourself.”
“I’m fine, Touya.”
“You’re not fine,”
the hot head crossed his arms,
“Your wings are drooping.”
“Dude, I’m gonna fail if I don’t finish before the deadline,”
Keigo finally turned to his friend, 
“You know how important this essay is! It’s due tomorrow, and I barely have anything written down. I know how my quirk works and how I can use it in battle, but I can’t explain it!”
he growled and slammed his fist on the desk,
“Why is an essay gonna be the deciding factor of if I graduate or not?!”
Touya sighed and rubbed his roommate’s head soothingly, 
“Relax, birdbrain. It isn’t the end of the world. You still have a whole day to get it done,”
he then took Keigo’s hand and tugged gently,
“But you need sleep first. You won’t be able to think properly if you’re running on fumes.”
“I can’t sleep right now,” Keigo groaned,
“Please leave me alone.”
Touya glared at his friend, getting more frustrated as time passed. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and his annoyed expression quickly transformed into a mischievous one.
he huffed as he walked behind Keigo and positioned himself at his wings that hung over the back of the chair,
“I guess I’ll have to make you.”
Keigo shrieked with sudden, uncontrollable laughter. Touya smirked as he dug into his friend’s fluffy wings, then yelped when one of them flapped a little too hard and smacked him right in the face.
“You little shit,” the hot head grumbled.
“I-I’m sohohorry,”
Keigo whined, standing up and holding his hands up in surrender while his roommate approached him,
“Touya, please, I’ll go to sleep, just anything but this– TOUYA!!”
Touya wasted no time, pouncing on his winged friend and pinning him to the bed, then scribbling all ten of his fingers over his sensitive feathers. Ever since they were children, Touya knew Keigo’s worst spot was his wings. He loved tormenting him whenever he got on his nerves, or even if he was just bored. His friend never failed to provide an entertaining experience.
“Too little too late, Keigo,”
the hot head smirked evilly, savoring his trapped roommate’s screams of ticklish agony,
“You should’ve decided before I had to resort to this. ‘sides, you hit me with your wings. I deserve some payback for that.”
“IHIHIHIT WAS AN AHAHAHACCIDENT, YOU PRIHIHIHICK!” Keigo cackled, thrashing helplessly,
“Not my problem,”
Touya shrugged, moving his fingers toward where Keigo’s wings connected to his back, and he chuckled as his friend’s laughter became more high pitched and desperate,
“Poor little Keigo. Can’t handle it, huh? Is it too much? You poor thing~.”
“Awww, does teasing get to you? Hmm? Does it make it worse?”
he leaned in closer to Keigo’s flushed face, still talking in that sickeningly effective baby voice,
“Do you like it when I tease you? Huh, little birdie~?”
Keigo felt extremely hot, and he pushed at Touya’s face with one hand while covering his own with his other hand.
“Ohh~? Do you like that nickname, little birdie? Does it make you flustered? Ah ah ah, don’t cover your face,”
Touya huffed and quickly grabbed Keigo’s wrists, pinning them above his head and giving him a little breather,
“Or I’ll make you regret it~.”
The winged student swallowed nervously and stared deeply into his friend’s eyes while catching his breath. He’d be lying if he said this wasn’t exciting and fun, but he still had his paper to write. He frowned and averted his gaze.
“Can I go back to working on my paper, please?”
“Your paper will be there.”
“Touya, let me up.”
“That’s it.”
Laughter once again rang throughout the dorm room, only stopping when Keigo’s boisterous cackling turned into silent hysteria. Touya knew he wasn’t going to listen, so he had no choice but to tire him out enough so that he wouldn’t even think of anything but sleep. 
About an hour had passed when the hot head finally decided to let up, and his plan had worked. Keigo fell asleep almost instantly after the tickle attack, and Touya tucked him in gently. He smiled as his roommate snored peacefully. It was an adorable sight - his flushed face stained with mirth and a small smile resting on his lips. He looked so comfortable. Touya sighed fondly and ran his fingers through Keigo’s soft hair, his eyes lingering on his lips for longer than he would admit. Finally, he walked over to the desk and made sure to save his friend’s work before closing the laptop, and began cleaning up the mess. He was positive Keigo would do better once he got some rest.
Request a drabble~
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sunbeamah · 1 month
Can I ask your top 10 fav fics ever (from any fandom, if you don't mind)?
Also, just curious, is there a story behind your name "sunbeamah "?
I currently have 999 bookmarksgdfjh so this is gonna take a moment. And I've also been in many, many fandoms over the years, so please forgive me!
As for my name— there's only a little story!
One of my (many, lol) names mean 'sunrise', and one of my nicknames is Mah (that's the shorter version tho). Sunrisemah was a little strange imo, and Sunraymah reminds me of my Aunty's name, so Sunbeamah it was! It rolled off the tongue a little nicer too, I thought!
When I first made this account I would sometimes get confused and accidentally type in sunbae mah haha. I was reading too many manhwa!
Below the cut, in no particular order, are some of my top favourite fics that came to mind!!
Nobamaki (JJK)— witches x mafia au, what a mix!!! Absolute genius, I need to re-read this fic, it's part of what got me into nobamaki and urged me to finish jjk season 1 last year. I love Nobara and how feisty she is, and how powerful Maki is. The power struggle and I really enjoy fics with magic, and this one has a really cool system mixed with cursed techniques! I've read heaps of Rigamaroler's works, they're so good
Dabihawks (BNHA)— I remember being on Tumblr the DAY the hotwings ship started. I can't remember the exact user who started it up, but I remember in the week following it just ramped right up. I hopped on the hotwings train immediately-- even though I was even worse at using Tumblr than I am now. These 2 are fics that I LOVE, they're tied! Both set in canonverse, top one is a soulmate au, angsty with a happy ending and reformation (SUCH good angst, sometimes when I cry I come back to read it). Second one is an au where Rei divorces Endeavour and Hawks is saved from the Commission, it's so good!! Juurensha is awesome
Zolu (One Piece)— THIS ONE GOES CRAZY!!! So the backstory is like one of those christmas movies where a woman (Sanji, ironically (jkjk)) with a high powered city job goes back to her snowy home village and reunites with a charming man she grew up with, a lost love if you will (Ace), falls in love and realises her relationship with boyfriend (Zoro) is going nowhere. And said boyfriend comes to surprise her, only to find she's moved on. WITH A TWIST! A zolu twist. I love their instant attraction, they're so funny in this fic. Very real of them. Background Frobin, too!!
Karonico (Runaways)— Does anyone remember runaways?? I loved Karolina and Nico when I watched it. I hadn't read any hades/persephone au's until this fic, and ever since I've always been reminded of this one. Love their relationship, Nico's gentleness shining through the walls she's built around herself, Karolina wanting to be with Nico no matter what. It's how I like their relationship, as two girls who have been through a lot and when they come out of hard times, they want to be holding each others' hands. Very sweet!!!! This fic made me want a relationship so bad when I was younger. I still remember the OCs this fic lowkey inspired, too.
Fraxus (Fairy Tail)-- university au where Laxus is a wrestler and Freed becomes the wrestling team's social media manager. It's so so good, I love their relationship and their raw attraction. All of Eryiss' fics are amazing, I binged every fraxus fic they ever posted while I was recovering from surgery earlier this year. So good, alleviated my pain 100x better than medication haha
Klance (Voltron)— ahh yes, my voltron phase. My dark past, if u will. Jk jk. I made on ao3 account just to bookmark this fic haha! It's been so long, but I have to give this fic its roses. Lost in space au, injuries, fighting, angst, getting together, the whole lot. It was amazing, changed my life, genuinely. Cw for past non-con in Lance's life.
Elhani / Teleanor (The Good Place)— I can't figure out which ship name I like better. This is the fifth fic I ever bookmarked, I read this instead of studying for an important test. It was absolutely worth it. I remember it took me hours to read 'cause I kept trying to picture every scene perfectly. And also because I'd stop to 'study' haha. Tahani and Eleanor struggle with their attraction to one another, and yet it's love at first sight (I LOVE love at first sight..).
Sasunaru (Naruto)— I have to admit something. I love omegaverse. I know it's not for everyone, but it's definitely for me. Usually I go for F!omega x F!omega (i have a nobamaki wip of this), M!alpha x M!beta, those dynamics are super fun to me. But this one is M!alpha x M!omega, which I also love of course.
Anyways, I loved this fic, read it all in one night and then re-read it the next day, and when the final chapter came out I reread it all again haha. I'm a Naruto glazer, every time I read a fic and Sasuke acts like he's doing Naruto a favour by dating him, I want to claw at him. He doesn't know how lucky he is! In this fic, Sasuke knows his place! Jk jk, but I really do love their all-encompassing love for and devotion to each other, and I think it's especially present here!
Viktuuri (YOI)— Another omegaverse! This is also royalty au, Viktor is a little dark here but not to Yuuri and that's what I'm all about loll. It also has mpreg. Anyways, the protectiveness and cold opulence is something I really enjoy, and whenever I feel terrible and don't want to write, I'll read this and feel comforted that, between me and him, at least one of us is having a good timejfbhdgk.
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autumnmobile12 · 4 months
Tumblr media
Pride 2024: Dabihawks
"Good morning."
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simpmaybe · 2 years
My Top Dabihawks AO3 Recommendations: Part 2
1. Hybristophilia 
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 116875
This is from the same author as War Prize, but unlike what I felt while reading War Prize, which was that Keigo was being a huge asshole, it's the complete opposite in this fanfiction, it felt as if Touya was being the asshole, and Keigo was just enduring, but this could just be me, others could feel different. But just like War Prize, this fanfic has got to be one of the best. There is a good ratio of fluff and angst, I mostly remember the angst which had me sobbing at 3am. Overall it's a really good read.
2. darling, thank god it’s this universe we’re in (and you can annoy me as much as you please)
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 82,779
This fanfic has got to be the most wholesome thing I have ever read, Touya and Keigo's childhood friendship is to die for. I don't recall any angst, but I remember the wholesome feeling in my chest when I read this. If you're looking for something cute and casual read, this one is a must-read.
3. How to Fake-Date a Pro Hero: A Guide by Dabi and Hawks
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 171,285
Dabihawks fake dating au... Do I really need to continue? I can basically hear you all screaming inside and clicking immediately, like- who doesn't love a fake dating au? In this, Dabi is a pro hero with suspected connections with the villains. He starts dating Hawks just to spite Endeavor. It turns out fake... until they sleep together, and fall in love... you know, just your regular everyday fake dating au. Once again, a perfect ratio of fluff to smut to angst, and if you are a dabihawks shipper, you can't not read this one.
4. The Flower That Blooms In Adversity
Completion Status: Technically Completed (The Epilogue is pending) Word Count: 43,128
I might be lying if I say I didn't write this post just to make sure this fanfiction was there. I have no words to describe just how fucking awesome this fanfic is. I reread this fanfiction about... four times? I cannot get over it. Let me start off by saying this, Blind civilian flower shop owner Hawks, meets villain Dabi and assumes he is a hero, and I have never read better fluff anywhere. The angst made my heart hurt so fucking bad like- I doubt I will ever recover from that. But it has a happy ending, I promise. Everything is just so effortlessly perfect in this fanfic, and it's so fucking beautiful, the writing is impressive, and I am so glad that I found this fanfic and actually took out the time to read it because I don't know what I would do without this.
5. A Guide About Converting To Villainy For Your Boyfriend
Completion Status: Completed Word Count: 23,973
This fanfic oh my fucking god. I will start off by saying that I have searched every corner of this earth to find a good secret relationship fanfic, but I didn't find one as good as this one. I can reread this fanfic a hundred times and won't get bored of it. We really need more secret relationship/secret marriage dabihawks fanfic because it's a shame that there are so few of them. Just read this man, like- I don't even know. The author is really good, I read some of the others, and they are really good. If you like this one, I really recommend the author's other works.
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classicequinox · 1 year
Fic FAQ: Where your love has always been enough (for me)
Hello, I thought I'd compile the most frequent questions I've been getting for this fic here for easier viewing/in case you have the same question! :) WARNING: SPOILERS ABOUND
Do avoid reading if you're not up to date with the current chapter, or if you'd rather wait and see how things go as new chapters are released!
1. How old are all the children? Their ages will of course increase with time since this fic spans so many years, but as of chapter 19 (Shouto's birth):
Touya: 10 Fuyumi: 6 Natsuo: 4 Shouto: 0
Keigo: 9 Emiko: 9 Geten: 6
Hana: 10 Tenko: 5
There are some differences from canon since this fic was planned long before all the children's ages were confirmed in the manga!
2. When is Hawks going to appear ? As of chapter 23: very, very soon...
3. Is Touya/Hawks going to be a thing? Yes, they most definitely are! Don't worry I wouldn't be so evil as to tag them for only that angsty DabiHawks scene set in canon :')
4. When is AFO going to do something/why isn't All Might doing anything about AFO? No, I haven't forgotten that AFO exists (and neither has All Might) but unfortunately, there are only so many plotlines that can be actively followed at once :') Let's just say, AFO is up to his usual scheming behind the scenes and All Might is actively dismantling various of his organised crime units.
(That being said, we should get a little preview of AFO in a couple of chapters from C23!)
5. Is Izuku going to make an appearance? Definitely!
6. Are any of the Todoroki children also from Enji's canon timeline/going to travel back in time from the future? Unfortunately not, for 2 main reasons:
1) It's a little universe breaking since the way the branching timelines work, even if the kids travel back, it'd be this AU timeline's version of them who would travel back rather than their canon versions (who would still be stuck in their sucky canon childhood with canon Endeavour)
2) It'd make for a whole story of its own that wouldn't fit into this already very giant fic :')
BUT on both those notes, I'm very willing to break the universe's space-time rules and explore the delicious feels in a spin off! It's still a long way to go (I'd probably want to complete the main fic first), but I imagine any of the kids (Dabi, anyone?) would have a pretty interesting reaction to being thrown into this AU
Feel free to let me know which characters you'd most like to see in that scenario :)
7) How long will this fic be? Good question :') While my headcanons stretch out across the kids' childhoods and deep into their teenage years and beyond... in the name of good storytelling to avoid bloating this fic too much, this story will likely end pre-canon, albeit with a long canon era epilogue.
Projected total chapter count (subject to change): ~30-35
Before I get a lot of screams and angry yelling: I do still intend to flesh out and post those headcanons I mentioned as stories in the same series. Whether as a single actual slice-of-life sequel or multiple character-focused fics or a mix, I haven't yet decided, but there's that!
--- Feel free to ask if you have questions that aren't listed here! :)
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