#dad!Jake lockley
hoedamn-eron · 1 year
sports day
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It's your daughter's sports day at school, and Jake decides to take part in the "dad race".
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of DID (only knowledge from the show and some light research). Dad!Jake Lockley. Fluffy. Proofread. Edited on the phone app so apologies for any layout errors, I will fix when I have a computer. Word count: 1,791 F!Reader, no use of Y/N.
This was loosely inspired by my partner's attempt at the dad race at our son's sports day.
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When you told the system you were pregnant, it had thrown your worlds off balance. 
You expected it, obviously, since you hadn’t actually planned to get pregnant, but as Steven had said, ‘these things happen, don’t they love?’ 
After talking it through with all of them and going through your options, you had decided that you were ready, that you were stable enough in your job and the bigger flat you’d all moved into that you could extend your family. 
What you hadn’t expected was Marc and Jake to disappear from your life completely afterwards. 
You understood, really, but it still hurt. Steven tried to be there for you as much as he could, being as enthusiastic enough for the four of you, but you couldn’t help but miss Marc and Jake. You didn’t feel whole without all of you together, experiencing the family you were about to make. 
Things changed at your 20-week mark, where at your anomaly scan, about to find out the gender of your baby, you turn to look at Steven excitedly, only to find Marc staring at the screen, his eyes watery as he gripped your hand tightly. You gave his hand a reassuring squeeze as you find out you were having a baby girl, and you looked over to see him silently crying as he stared at the screen. You didn’t interrupt him, letting him have his moment with his daughter. 
It was on the way home from your appointment, where Marc was still staring at the ultrasound in his hands, where he apologised for disappearing. 
“I didn’t know how to handle it…so I ran,” Marc muttered to you as you climbed into your car. 
“It’s okay, Marc,” you whispered, afraid to be any louder in the comfort of your car. 
He was already shaking your head at you. “No, it wasn’t. I got scared, it wasn’t in our plans – “ 
“Marc, it’s okay,” you say again, cupping his cheek with your hand, your thumb stroking at his cheek gently. “You’re here now, that’s what matters.” 
You talk about it all night with him back at your flat, listening as Marc spilled his feelings and fears to you, barely able to look at you whilst doing so. You held his hands through his talking, grounding him and letting him get his feelings out to you. It was Marc that went to bed with you that night. 
After that, Marc, and Steven both fronted as much as they could equally to help out with the pregnancy. You appreciated it really, but you ended up crying to Marc one night about Jake, who you hadn’t seen in months. He let you cry into his shoulder, spilling your own fears and how empty you feel, and how bad you feel because of that, because him and Steven have been wonderful, and you didn’t want to sound ungrateful. 
“You’re not ungrateful, baby,” said Marc. “Jake’s just…Jake’s just dealing with it. He’ll come around.” 
You were afraid you didn’t believe him, and you were sure Marc didn’t even believe himself either. 
However, you were proven wrong a few months later. You were reaching the end of your pregnancy when you see Jake again. You walk into the kitchen, ready to get your daily craving of those vanilla biscuits (that Steven tries and fails to hide from everyone), and you find Jake staring intently at the ultrasound photos that Steven had lovingly stuck to the fridge. 
You don’t say anything, trying to be as quiet as possible as you move around the kitchen, treating him like a skittish deer. 
“Marc said it was a girl,” Jake said, almost sounding too loud in the quiet kitchen. 
You hesitate before turning to look at him and answering. “Yeah. We’re struggling for a name.” 
Jake was silent for a moment before answering, “I like Sienna.” 
You felt your heart swell in your chest before nodding, tears in your eyes. “That’s a lovely name, Jake.” 
You went into labour late one Winter evening. It was a long and tiring process, but you managed to get through it with the help of your boys; all three of them. Sienna Dalilah Spector was born with a set of lungs on her, weighing a chunky eight pounds and ten ounces, with all three of her fathers immediately wrapped around her finger. 
And it hadn’t changed since in the five and a half years since. 
So much so, that Jake was crazily cheering for Sienna as she ran in her egg and spoon race. She was coming second to last, which was fine, because she probably just wanted the sticker at the end of it, for participation. Her dark curly hair was up in the ponytail you’d placed it in that morning, albeit looking a little more flyaway than it had when she left to go to school with Jake. 
“Well done, Sienna!” you called as she crossed the finishing line, already skipping over to her teacher to get her sticker. 
“She’s getting more confident, huh?” Jake asked you, his eyes watching his daughter like a hawk, his overprotective habits evidently dying hard. 
You nod, smiling as Sienna ran back to the starting line. She’d had a tough start to the year, moving up from nursery into Reception in a different school and not knowing anyone, and she’d had some behavioural issues at the beginning, but she settled in eventually, with some extra support from the school and you, and her dads. Now she had a small group of friends, who she would talk your ear off about whenever she got in from school, about what games they played, what lessons they learned, and what they got up to the night before when they weren’t at school. You were so proud of how far she’d come, as were Steven, Marc, and Jake. 
After a few more races, the teachers announced a break for the children for a drink, before doing the parent’s racing. 
You grinned at you look at Jake. “Gonna do it?” 
Jake scoffed. “Obviously. Gotta make my princesa proud.” 
Not a few seconds later, Jake’s legs were surrounded by an overexcited five-year-old. “Daddy! Are you gonna run?” 
Jake laughed as he picked up Sienna, placing her on his forearm. “Yeah, I am.” 
Sienna didn’t fully understand her fathers’ condition, she just knew that sometimes Jake was Marc, or Marc was Steven, or Steven was sometimes Jake, but sometimes he was also Marc. She didn’t have a favourite; she had a different relationship with each alter, and sometimes she liked having tea parties with Marc, but she also liked visiting the museums with Steven. Her favourite thing to do with Jake was to just drive around in the car and listen to music, singing at the top of their voices. You weren’t privy to their concerts; it was ‘their thing’ Jake had teased you. 
“Are you going to get stickers like me?” Sienna asked, pointing to the collection she had on her too big PE shirt. 
“I’m gonna try,” said Jake. “You gonna cheer for me? The loudest?” 
Sienna nodded. “Yeah!” 
“Gonna beat all the other dads?” 
You give him a swat on the arm as Sienna cheered. “Yeah!” 
“All right, I’ll try my best,” Jake said, before putting Sienna down at her teacher called the children back and asking for the fathers to make their way to the starting line. “I’ll see you later, princesa.” 
Sienna, without another look at her parents, ran away to join her class at the starting line. You look at Jake. “Go easy on the other dads,” you said, grinning. “Not everyone here is super powered avatar for an Egyptian God.” 
Jake snorted, giving you a light shove as you laughed at him. “I’ll try.” 
He wasn’t going to try at all. 
As Jake walked away, joining the other fathers at the starting line, you grab your phone, because you were absolutely not missing this moment (that you would definitely be showing to Marc and Steven later); Jake Lockley, the last to accept your pregnancy, who was scared shitless about becoming a dad, was willingly running a race for his daughter. You can see him grinning at Sienna before giving her a thumbs up before getting in place, preparing to run. 
You giggle as you press record on your phone, filming Jake raring to go, that competitive look on his face, the one he gets when Marc is winding him up and dares him to do something (probably) stupid. You giggle, before cheering, “Go Jake!” before adding, “It’s for the kids!” 
You see him subtly smirking, obviously hearing you, the underlining message of take it easy hanging in the air. 
Sienna’s teacher clapped her hands to gain everyone’s attention, before calling, “On your marks…get set…GO!” 
You immediately start cheering with the other parents as the dads run from the starting line. You’re surprised to actually find Jake holding back a bit, giving the other dads a chance. You giggle as you followed him with your phone, seeing that he was aiming for third place. You cheer and whoop along with the other parents, and just when the dads were approaching the finishing line, Jake sped up, making it look effortless, before crossing the finishing line in first place. You’d never seen the boys in action as Moon Knight (it was something they tried hard to hide from you), so seeing Jake running like it was no problem at all took your breath away. 
You didn’t realise how fast they could actually run. 
Trying to hide your shock at Jake’s speed, you roll your eyes as Jake spotted you, before you finish the video on Jake getting his first-place sticker on his chest. He looked for Sienna before pointing to his sticker, Sienna giving him a thumbs up. Jake practically sauntered over to you as you shook your head at him. “You’re a sore winner.” 
“Baby,” said Jake, teasingly. 
“Couldn’t even hold back at a kids event,” you say, mockingly. “Big macho man, just had to win the dad race.” 
“Gotta show ‘em how it’s done,” Jake said, grinning. He was so proud of himself, and you knew he was doing it to annoy you. 
“Burro,” you mutter to him, and he gasps in mock shock, his hand on his chest as if you wounded him. 
“Nena,” he said. “You kiss our daughter with that mouth?” 
You give him a light punch on the arm, chuckling as Sienna’s teacher calls for the mum race to start. 
Jake raises his eyebrows at you with a grin but you’re already shaking your head. “No.” 
“Why?” he asks. “I had to do it.” 
“Because I won’t win,” you say, grinning. 
Jake snorted a laugh. “Sore loser.”
• Burro - jackass • Nena - chick/general term of endearment
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terry-perry · 7 months
Villain: Seriously, how many of you freaks do I have to fight?
Steven: Oh, I’m the only one that matters. See, you messed with my daughter, and now, I am going to fuck you!
Villain: …
Marc: …
Everyone: …
Jake: Well, this just got interesting.
Marcy: It’s fuck you up, dad.
Steven: Wait, what did I say?
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ivystoryweaver · 1 year
im so interested in what u think the moon boys would be like as dads???
Ohhhhh, this is gonna hurt my heart. In a good way. I have a lot of feelings about Moon Dads and I've not yet written fics about it so yeah...
I'm gonna jump right in with Marc.
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I think if Marc had a child, he would be all in: attentive, tender, affectionate.
I don't actually believe Marc would be afraid of parenting. I know that can be a popular hc/fic plot and I totally understand why, and love reading those.
But I think Marc would be one of those people that would try to do the opposite of what was done to him. Example: his parents were married and that went well... (sarcasm)
Yet Marc got married. He and Layla were together for years and, according to her, had "adventures together", meaning they worked as a (likely successful) team. Marc bailed on Layla once his mom passed and he could no longer control or hide his disassociations (plus Khonshu's threats for Layla to be his next avatar).
Point being: Marc did get married and seemed pretty successful at it, for the most part.
Marc is in charge of bath time. This includes little toy boats, fish that squirt water, bubbles. He's going to wash their hair, or whatever hair needs they have, depending on race and hair types. If it is a hair type he isn't as familiar with, he is going to be talking to his partner, looking up vids, whatever it takes. Touch is going to be so important to him. He is the dad who will know how to do french braids or styles for textured hair.
He's never going to react in anger. If he is angry, he's going to hand the reins to Steven or sometimes Jake (if he is able, it's obviously not a parlor trick), or he will just say to his little one, "Daddy is going to take a time out. I'll be back in a minute and we can have a talk." The idea of putting himself in time out is so endearing to his child that they end up calming from whatever misbehavior they were attempting, wanting to join him in the corner for time out, touching a plushie or reading a book in his lap.
They learn very young that their father's expressions can be stern but his hands are safe. They will not want to disappoint him.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Steven can converse naturally with children, this we see in the first episode. Steven's open, engaging nature is great for children. His own childlike wonder will shine in fatherhood. He was also able to quickly redirect the behavior of the girl who was littering at the museum. So a spunky child in a doctor's office waiting room will be easily wrangled by a distracting toy, quick game or wonderful story.
Steven is your go-to guy for bedtime stories. With a young child, Steven will share how wondrous the world around them is. He'll always have a anecdote or a fun fact for tweens or teens.
He will offer choices. "Do you want to put on 'jammies now or after a story?" "Do you want to help Dad set the table or feed the cat?" Steven has lacked agency in his life, so he is going to give it to his child. He will teach them to speak up for their needs.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
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Jake is going to be such a little shit as a dad. I'm sorry but there is no nicer way to say it lol. Jake's used to operating in the background and he's a night owl. He's the fun dad. He's the "don't tell mom" dad (or don't tell dad, dad). Kid wants stay up 15 extra minutes? It's Jake that's gonna sneak them some of the popcorn he popped after they were supposed to be asleep. As a partner, you'd find your little one on Jake's knee in the most comfy chair, watching the Yankees play baseball.
You give them The Look™ and they know they are busted. They exchange guilty glances and then Jake starts repeating words in Spanish. Baseball, Popcorn, very good! If you are already all Spanish speakers then Jake pretends to be practicing in both Spanish and English.
Either way, he and his little twin, with their adorable curls, give you shit eating grins.
☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚
Moon Knight Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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skootiethedemon · 1 month
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Ohh Jake your Pun are…to die for 😂 😝 I do have to say Jake making bad pun would be a hilarious gag don’t you think hehe 😜
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cheapbourbon · 1 year
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“Is consort the same in all languages?”
I believe so Khonshu says.
I finally got around to doing some Fanart of my all time favorite Moon Knight fic series- We don't need to say it to each other by: deadonarrival on Ao3.
I don’t know if the author is here on tumblr or not. D=
Those fics= fucking perfection. Do mind the tags tho if you go looking, here there be monster(fucking).
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therealraewest · 14 days
There she is the only good thing to come of this run
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But they can't even let Jake have his daughter they have to push parent status onto Marc who literally just learned she existed, instead of the guy who spent the last few years raising her
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I'm gonna fight Max Bemis behind a dennys
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bamboobooshark · 1 month
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⋆.˚ ☾ .⭒🗝️ ˚.` ON YOUR CHEEK : 892 WRDS
A/N : Gonna warn you, reader, this fic is self indulgent, written in second person, probably out of character, and includes some not-so-perfect Spanish dialogue!
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You sat on the couch bored out of your mind. The T.V. was on, but you treated it more like background noise as your mind wandered, rather than for entertainment. Jake was taking what felt like years to get off of his shift. He decided to work extra late tonight with zero reason. Okay, maybe not zero reason, but he didn't tell you why. You hated when he would pull something like that. He either came home with a smile on his face and a hot meal for the two of you, or a frown and enough anger that you knew not to say a word to him.
You couldn't stand this. You grabbed your phone off the table next to the couch and called Jake. The first time you tried to call, he declined it. Maybe he was busy driving. You impatiently waited a few minutes before trying again. The sound of Jake fumbling with his phone came from the speaker. You giggled at his struggle to get his phone in his hands.
"Buenas, mi sol ¿Qué pasa?," he asked. He sounded pretty content. That was a good sign. Maybe he'd bring you something if you asked. "Hey, not too much. I just missed you! When are you gonna be home," you asked in a sweet tone, shifting so you were sat on your thighs. "Dios mío," he groaned. A sigh fell from his lips as you awaited an answer. "I don't know, kid. You're going to have to be patient with me, okay? It's always the same question," he told you as stress began to lace itself into his voice. You still persisted. "¿Por que? I miss you so bad! I'm hungry too! Do you think you could bring home something for us," you asked him with an extra soft voice to try and convince him to accept your request. "Sí, sí," he mumbled in agreement. "I won't be able to talk until I'm home, okay, hermosa? I love you," he said sweetly. "I love you too, Jake," you said before he hung up.
You sighed deeply at the sound of his line disconnecting. A deep feeling of loneliness set in. You didn't go to school, you didn't have friends you could visit nor hang out with, and the boys were the only people you had to talk to in person. Having to hang up with any of them felt like a stab in the chest, espically when it was so late. You couldn't listen to your neighbors chatting or watch people on the streets outside of the window. Your body trembled for a second as goosebumps formed on your arms. It felt so eerily empty and quiet, even with the T.V. playing. The next hour would feel like hell.
After what felt like eternity of sulking by yourself, you hear Jake's voice from the door. No knock. No warning. Just him yelling. "Mi sooool! I'm home," he called as he kicked the door opened with his foot. "And I have pizza," he added in a sing-song voice. He was grinning as if he knew just how sad you felt without him. You smiled brightly as you saw him come in. He set down the box of pizza and adjusted his hat. "Come eat, niña," he said as he pulled out the chair next to him.
You quickly got up from the couch and sat right next to him at the table. He put a slice of pizza on each of your plates before he immediately took a huge bite of his pizza.. "¿Qué tal?," he asked while taking his first bite. You chuckled softly as he began to eat, watching intently as he took the biggest bite he could. "Better! Much better. I was so bored and lonely after you had to hang up," you told him with a bit of a pout. "I'm so glad you're home though," you added, leaning against his shoulder. Jake gave your hair a soft ruffle. "Glad to hear it," he sighed as he continued eating.
That pizza was absolutely delicious. The two of you ate at least half of it together. Thankfully, both of you were full so you'd have leftovers tomorrow. Both of you let out a loud groan after you finished eating. "Gracias, Jake," you huffed out. "No problem, kid. I'm glad you enjoyed your meal. Always makes me smile when I see you all happy," he told you sweetly.
He looked at your face and cocked an eyebrow. "Hold on," he mumbled. He took your jaw gently into his hand and gave you a serious look. "This is no good, muchacha. No good at all," he said while looking into your eyes. "What's wrong," you asked curiously. "You've got some sauce on your face," he informed you. He then carefully swiped his thumb over your cheek while squinting at the stain. Jake began to look a little frustrated as he tried to get it off. "This damn sauce won't come off of your cheek, chiquita," he exclaimed.
A last resort of an idea came into his head. He leaned forward and gave your cheek a gentle kiss. He smiled right after with pride on his face. "There we go! I got it," he chuckled. He gave your other cheek a kiss before ruffling your hair once more. "All better."
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cartoonsbyandie · 2 months
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Some favs
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atlasscrumpit · 11 months
Moon Dads/Teen Reader
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Jake, Steven and Marc had been worried about you lately.
You'd been so much quieter and practically throwing a tantrum anytime you had to go to school and you were in high school now, they thought he was past this stage.
Marc came into your room after he'd let you stay home.
"Y/N? Can we talk?" He asked as you turned around in your bed and looked at him.
"Okay..." You whispered as he sat on the side of your bed and looked down at you.
"What's wrong, darling? And don't say nothing because you're my kid, I know when something is wrong." He whispered as you turned away from him.
"Sweetheart, please don't turn away. You can tell me anything, okay?" He said placing his hand on your shoulder.
You turned around and he could tell you were holding in tears.
You sat up and leapt forward to hug him as you began to sob.
He held you tightly and rubbed your back.
"It's okay, I'm here." He whispered as you sobbed your heart out.
"I'm sorry." You cried out as Marc held you even tighter.
"Tell me what's wrong, baby." He replied, as you continued to cry.
"My teacher... He-He..." You tried to get out as a million thoughts ran through his mind.
"It's okay, you can tell me. You're safe." He whispered as you cried even harder.
"He made me touch him." You muttered, the words replaying in his head over and over.
He could feel Steven's fear and Jake's absolute hatred and anger.
Marc held you tighter as you cried.
"I hate him! I hate that fucking school! I hate everyone! No one believed me!" You screamed in frustration as Marc tried to calm himself, he could torture and murder the teacher later, but right now you just needed him.
He gently rocked you back and forth as you cried.
"This isn't your fault, none of this is your fault. You don't have to do anything, no more school, no nothing okay? There's nothing you need to worry about, we'll take care of everything. All you need to focus on is getting through this." He wusipered, holding you close as your cries began to calm down.
You were fast asleep in the middle of the night when you felt someone shake you awake.
You groaned and turned over to see Jake.
"Mi amor, I know it's late. This terrible man that hurt you... I've got him here, and he's paying for what he did. Before I dispose of him... Do you want to make him pay for what he did?" He asked as you looked at him in shock.
"Really?" You asked as you slowly sat up.
"Some people heal by forgiveness... Some people heal by slitting peoples throats, it's up to you. I'll be the one to kill him, but you sure as hell can hurt him." He said as you looked at him and nodded.
He smiled and gave you one of his blades.
He lead you to their 'office' they'd never let you inside and you saw the teacher beaten up tied to a chair.
Thankfully he was gagged so he couldn't say anything.
You ran forward and slapped him hard across the face.
Jake watched with satisfaction while you carved the word 'Rapist' into his thigh. Once you were done you stabbed the knife into his shoulder and spat on him.
"Piece of shit!" You screamed before Jake grabbed you and hugged you tightly.
"Close your eyes, mi amor." He whispered as he pressed your face into his chest to dull the sound of his gun.
"You did so well. I'm so proud of you." Jake whispered as you kept hugging him.
"Can we get pizza?" You asked making him chuckle.
"We can get 10."
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hoedamn-eron · 2 years
I’m having a dad!Jake moment, obviously Halloween based. I have 8 (very overdue!) WIPs, please someone tell me dad!Jake is a bad idea 😭😩
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terry-perry · 2 years
Papa Steven trying his best to bond with Marcy
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Steven was the one up this morning. Marcy knew right away when she took into account his hunched-over stature and sweet smile upon taking off her earbuds. She did her best to hide her disappointment as she returned to her breakfast, but unfortunately, he noticed.
"Everything all right love?" He asked her as he made his way to the coffee. Not before he took a little detour at the stove so he could greet you with a kiss.
"Yeah, sorry," Marcy mumbled, her eyes focused on her food. "I thought you were Dad."
Your daughter had been aware of your husband's condition from a very young age. You wanted to make it as less challenging as possible for her to understand, going so far as to dub each alters as variations of dad to make things easier. She knew they were their own people and should be treated as such. It was also why she was a little sad Marc wasn't the one fronting that morning.
"Did you need him for something?" Steven went on to ask, growing a little worried in case it was something concerning. It was in his nature.
She shook her head, pointing at her earbuds. "I just wanted him to listen to this song. I wanted to get his opinion on it."
"You wouldn't want my opinion?"
"Well, it's a pretty heavy song. It's not exactly your taste."
Steven knew music was a big factor in her relationship with Marc. He was the one who would sing to her as a baby to calm her down and play her some of his favorite songs she ended up loving herself. It was nice they had their own thing. Steven knew Marcy loved him too, but sometimes he did envy that they had more shared interests they could bond over.
"I can still have a listen," he insisted, joining her at the table. "Maybe I l might like it."
She raised a brow at him, unsure. She gave him her buds, regardless. And she was right when she told him it was loud. He was right away met with a melody of roaring guitars and banging drums before a screaming voice spewed out the lyrics to the song.
"Interesting...beat!" He commented over the music.
Marcy didn't look very convinced and shook her head with a chuckle. She was ready to take the earbuds back when his next words stopped her.
"They remind me of Metallica,"
She was certainly not expecting that. "You like Metallica?"
"Oh yeah. Well, mostly their early stuff when they did a lot of guitar solos. And Justice for All was really good at showing that off. But I mostly like to listen to Rob Zombie since his stuff is pretty funky."
Well, this was certainly a surprise. Not a bad one though. You were even caught a little off guard by what Steven said, pausing your cooking to look over with a raised brow.
"Yeah...me too," Marcy uttered, smiling in disbelief. She pointed at her buds. "I'm actually gonna play this song tonight with the band."
Steven has never gone to any of her performances, not when he was fronting anyway. Marc was normally the one to go to The White Rabbit to see her play with her band since he would better appreciate their music. Steven and Jake were told by him that they were good, especially Marcy with all her solos. He wasn't sure about their frontman Eddie. He was an eccentric fellow, according to Marc.
"Dad usually comes to these things, but do you think you'd wanna?"
To say Steven was taken aback would be an understatement. This was the first time he was personally invited to hear her play. He was certainly not going to miss out on this opportunity.
"Yeah, yeah, of course!" He accepted right away, beaming. "I'd love to."
"Awesome," Marcy grinned back as she got up from the table to put her dishes in the sink. "Well, I actually gotta go get ready for rehearsal. Jack should be here any minute to pick me up."
She kissed each of you on the cheek before going upstairs to her room to change, leaving you alone with your husband.
"Metallica?" You inquired, going over to present Steven with his food. "Rob Zombie. How has that not been brought up in the 20 years we've been together?"
It technically has, just not through Steven.
"That's the adventure of marriage, love," he did his best to shrug it off, still smiling. "Always discovering new things about each other."
"Uh huh," you weren't buying it, but you decided not to say anything else about it. You simply kissed his forehead, your subtle way of thanking Marc for giving Steven the chance to spend more time with Marcy. No doubt he was also the one who educated him a little on her favorite musicians.
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ivystoryweaver · 10 months
Ivy's Tumblr Wrapped 2023
Thanks for the tag @runa-falls
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If you see this youre tagged, i'm headed out and a lot of my writer moots have been tagged
Fic links:
Main Masterlist
"With You" Moon Boys || 16 parts || CONCLUDED
"We Shouldn't" Steven Grant || 453 words || 18+
Moon Boys as Dads 682 words
"I Promise" Miguel O'Hara || one-shot: 2k words
Steven Grant Oblivious Roommate Headcanons Steven, bit of Marc || 12 parts || CONCLUDED
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Ya'll know that reader has two kids with moon boys in my headcanons. This is another goofy one based on that.
loosely based on a funny reel i saw on ig
for context, Theo is 7, Matthew is 5 here, and they can see Khonshu
Y/n: Theo, do you love daddy or mommy?
Theo: Both!
Y/n: Okay, if there were zombies attacking everyone, who would you save?
Theo: You!
Steven: He didn't even hesitate.
Marc: ......
Jake: I'd chose my princesa too
Marc: I'll ask him. Matthew, do you love daddy or mommy?
Matthew: Mommy!
Y/n: *chuckling* Would you trade daddy for Superman?
Matthew: Yeah
Y/n: *laughs*
Jake: I'm gonna fight that Superman
Steven: I mean, Superman is pretty cool
Matthew: Daddy, superman can fly!
Marc: Yeah? I can fly too. Does superman have an Egyptian God on call?
Khonshu: You work for me. I am not on your call!
Matthew: Khonshu is so cool! *hugs his legs*
Khonshu: *freezes* *stands still for few seconds before awkwardly patting Matthew* I..I must leave now.
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thedevilsoftruth · 5 months
This Moon Knight panel taken out of context is... Something.
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cheapbourbon · 1 year
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Hunters Knight : proselytize
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the santi problem 🌙
Moonknight single dad au
ft. Dad!santiago
plot: when shopping a flee market with “auntie” Layla in the park they come across a familiar face
A/N: dad!santi belongs to @reallyrallyauthor and I don’t own anything but Isaac Randall lockley Grant Spector also holy mother of comics this is a long one!
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GLUNK!! As Jake wince at the fact isaac tries to throw his plastic bowl into the sink. “Mijo no we don’t do that” he told his messy son who is just smiling without a care in the world, you see today Layla is coming to visit for a day or two and the flat kitchen is kinda a mess and there’s hardly anything to eat due to the recent setbacks that they been dealing with taking his son off the high chair and into his playpen Isaac crawls fast to play with his bunny and a taweret stuff animal while Jake reculting force to clean up the dishes while hear Steven trying hard not to laugh which Jake looks at him in the reflection of the kitchen knife glaring at him “ríe y mueres” he scold making Steven to be quiet. “Jake give him a break” Marc said in the headspace “Layla seen the flat a big mess before Isaac became involved in their lives.
Marc took control of the body and cleans up some stuff as a knock on the door “she’s here early” Marc mumbles as he dries his hands as he opens the door to reveal Layla standing there her curly hair pulled up into a ponytail as she smiles “hello Marc” she said giving him a hugs, which Marc gave one right back to her, it as if they were still a married couple even though after the events with harrow and his fallowers in Egypt and such, they remained good friends no matter what “hey Layla” Marc gives a tight hug before Letting her go,so she could greet Isaac “ your here earlier today” he said with small smile at her “well I had to get ahead start since there’s gonna be a bit of traffic for a flee market that’s happening in the park” she replied leaving Marc to muttered ‘flee market?’ in confusion as Layla turn to see Isaac in his playpen making his bunny and taweret stuffie kiss causing her to chuckle“now there’s my quote unquote nephew?” Isaac looks up and squels in excitement to sees his “aunt” dropping his stuff animals and attempting to walk towards Layla but crawls towards her instead , she picks him up and lets him play with her loose curls “looks like someone is happy to see his auntie” layla joke bouncing isaac causing him to laugh “Layla what do you mean by flee market?” Marc ask her while picking up whatever toys his son threw on the floor “oh there’s a flee market happening in the park” she replied with a shock expression “I’m surprised Steven didn’t tell you about it”
with that Marc side eye the mirror as Steven throws his hands up in defense “mate that slipped my mind” answer honestly and Jake just snickers in the background. “Must’ve slipped his mind because we were busy finding a new day job that isn’t Jake’s driving” Marc replied as smirk at Jake’s cursed words in Spanish “plus we’re taking care of the baby anyways and trying to say dada or walk so…” isaac blows a raspberry at him making Layla holding back a snicker when a baffled Marc looks at them “well are you coming?” She asked him, sighing Marc softly smiles and nods when the three of them left to the flee market.
the market was lively in the park it reminded of him and Jake times when they were back in the U.S seeing farmer market at certain locations in cities where he just browsed around and similar to Egypt flee markets , “sir would you like a handcrafted jewelry for your lady friend?” A shop owner asked with a kind smile which Marc responded “no thank you she’s already perfect and doesn’t need anything else” he said fixing his cap as Marc turns to see Layla checking out the books while smiling that the stroller hood is up protecting Isaac eyes and the suns heat which bizarrely tries to make his baby nap as he about to approach them he suddenly spotted khonshu wearing the Mr.Knight suit and sitting on the bench making marc muttered a curse words as he goes up to the moon god crossed arms knowing that Khonsu wanted to talk to ether him or Jake about something.
Meanwhile, Santiago was in the market alone and being a bit grumpy because he and his family were supposed to be together today on their vacation only to have his toddler getting sick with a stomach ache and a pregnant wife taking care of his son. Sighing Santiago basically browses the market in the park to find something for his wife and kid only to find hand crafted stuff and foods that he thinks they would enjoy it , “come on kiddo you gotta burp up” santi heard a voice and turns to a curly hair woman,Egyptian desenct, (Santiago hasn’t been in Cairo during one of the delta missions to know) has a burp towel on her shoulder while holding a baby boy wham by the looks of it is trying to get them to burp on the burp towel but she was failing to get the baby to do so, “how do they get you to burp so was?” She mumbles giving him a sigh and then starts walking up to her knowing that it shouldn’t be his business but she was struggling so he gonna help her with the baby burping issue.
Layla was struggling with this trying to deal with the boys baby son “come on kiddo come on” she tried the baby talk to no avail Isaac was refusing to burp for her “you need help?” Layla turns to see Santiago walking up surprising her “yea I think so but-” Layla gets cut off as she witnesses Santiago gots Isaac to burp surprising her “there you go kid” Santiago says as he hands Isaac back to Layla “how did you do that?” She asked him , he smiled “had practiced with my kid when he was around this buddy’s age” santi said trying to hand Isaac over to Layla when Isaac was blowing spit bubbles and babbling “huh seems like your kid likes me or something” she blinks in surprise “oh no Isaac isn’t my son” Layla exclaimed “I’m his aunt” that caught him off guard “oh sorry I thought-” santi was about say until marc shouted “Layla , Isaac”
When he approached Isaac smiles and reaches for his dad to get to him forgetting that Santiago was right there and ignoring his staring at Marc , santi recognized Marc from before “Steven Lockley” he said making Marc finally notice him and frowns at what he said, then he heard Steven and Jake speak up “bloody hell it’s that man we met Jake” “Mierda, Steven your right it is him” yep Marc instantly knew now that both his alters were co-fronting each other, one day in America when Marc was asleep in the headspace and that’s how this man gotten the mix up of his alters names “uh hi, who are you?” Marc asked as a confused Layla realizing that she too hadn’t gotten santi’s name either and Santiago sighs “I’m Santiago Gracia” he answers arm crossed and looks at Marc like his a criminal or some shit “and I have a bone pick with you Steven Lockley-“ “actually it’s Marc Spector” Marc correct him as Isaac sees khonshu over Marc’s shoulder slowly starting to tear up at the sight of the moon god.
“okay “Marc” can you tell me why my son suddenly saying khon after our first meeting? my wife thinks it’s just a phase” Santiago gets straight to the point and Layla is about to prevent this from going out of hand but Marc stops her “look man that wasn’t me that accidentally caused your toddler to say Khonsu-“ Marc told Santiago while getting Isaac to calm down so his little baby doesn’t start a big crying fit not only from Khonsu standing behind Marc but this conversation that is about to cause scene if it doesn’t died down “it’s hard to explain but I just don’t mean to sound rude, but I have no memory of meeting your kid or anything like that but all I have to say is I’m sorry for Steven and Lockley accident you and your family encounter with them” and then Santiago takes a deep breath and says “Iforgive you…for now” both men nodded in understanding “I have to go now to check on my wife to see if she’s alright” santi replied and bids them a goodbye as leaves them be.
“that was…” Layla said to Marc “weird I know but that’s what world we live in layla” he turns to look at her as Isaac started to be fussy causing him to get back in his stroller with a toy to be distracted while Marc and Layla continue shopping at the flee market while having a adult conversation “so.. what did Khonsu want ?” Layla asked,Marc gives her a surprise look “Marc I’m not blind, I noticed you walked over to a park bench where he was seen sitting there” Layla said “I’m Taweret avatar remember?” He rolled his eyes playfully, “we know that” he said bluntly “to answer your first question ….” He sighs readjusting his cap “Khonsu wanted to talk about trying to go after a pervert and some other gross guys in East London tonight…” Marc wasn’t happy about it but at least the usual babysitter is coming over to watch him tonight “to be honest…I’m need a break from doing this moon knight stuff just to rest” she nods sympathizing at his situation and hand him a chocolate ice cream bar “at least you have the suit to protect you from the harm” marc takes the ice cream bar and takes a bite of it , “true” he says “but it isn Going to be easy since taking a role of a three dads in one body situation here” groans and looks at his son and smiles “your a good dad Marc..and so are Jake and Steven “ Layla pointed out softy as they leave the flee market with baggies of food and vegan food on the way back to the apartment.
“you know something?”
“that Santiago guy remind me of you on our first meeting before learning the truth of our meeting”
“oh my god Layla I’m 36!”
tagged: @reallyrallyauthor, @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction, @itsmiguel2099 @angel-of-the-moons, @guruan,
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