#dadmight fanfic
dogwaterdish · 24 days
my fic is done !! its kinda sloppy but I love it dearly!!!!!
Day Seven: Agency Tour / "Watch Out!"
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mazout-fm · 1 year
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The parental drama when you realise your kid is big enough to carry you? Toshi doesn’t know, he just enjoys the dad-ing.
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way2gowillow · 28 days
“I’m really glad you caught me back then,” Midoriya suddenly says, breaking the rhythmic silence. All Might tilts his head, a puzzled expression flickering across his face.
“Eh? What do you mean, young Midoriya?” All Might responds, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
I'm late to this, @dadmightweek but I wrote a lil drabble for Day 1! Takes place before Sports Festival Arc! No warnings except some shenanigans and very minor injuries because Izuku is good at that :')
Day 1: Quirk Training/Recovery
Granules of sand whip through the air, stinging All Might’s face as the early morning light filters through a veil of gray clouds. The soft glow casts elongated shadows of Midoriya and himself across the damp ground, where the young hero is focused on refining his quirk control. Midoriya is crouched low, his posture resembling a coiled spring, which Toshinori initially assumes is part of his stretching routine.
“I’m really glad you caught me back then,” Midoriya suddenly says, breaking the rhythmic silence. All Might tilts his head, a puzzled expression flickering across his face.
“Eh? What do you mean, young Midoriya?” All Might responds, his voice filled with genuine curiosity.
“You know... When we first met,” Midoriya continues, his movements transitioning into a series of squats. “You saved me from that villain, and when I grabbed onto you, you didn’t let go, even when you jumped into the sky.”
Realization dawned on Toshinori, and he couldn't help but chuckle, a warm smile spreading across his face. Being around Midoriya had that effect on him—it made laughter come easier, more frequent. He’d always had a soft spot for children, but with Midoriya, the joy felt more genuine, more effortless. The boy had a way of bringing out the best in people.
“Trust me, with that death grip of yours, letting go wasn’t even an option,” he teased lightly, his tone filled with affection. Midoriya's cheeks flushed as he offered a sheepish smile in response.
“I just—I had so many questions! And I didn’t know you were going to jump so high!” Midoriya defended himself, a nervous laugh escaping as he recalled the moment.
“Such a fanboy,” All Might commented with a playful grin.
As Midoriya completed his tenth squat, he paused, gazing out at the vast expanse of the sea, lost in thought. “How’d you do that?” he mused aloud. “You must’ve jumped fifty meters, at least… Have you always been able to do that?”
"Not always. Building skills takes practice, of course," All Might replied, his tone thoughtful as he scratched under his chin. "Things always came naturally to me, but I discovered that the trick is to channel all the power into your calves and the balls of your feet. Then—whoosh!" He waved his hand dramatically, mimicking the explosive burst of energy.
When he turned back to Midoriya, the young hero was crouching much lower than before, his focus intense. "Like this?"
Before All Might could respond, the sand around Midoriya began to shift, spiraling as a fierce wind whipped in all directions. Izuku's hair puffed upward, and his expression hardened with determination.
"Wait, wait—don't—!"
In an instant, Midoriya shot into the air at an astonishing speed, leaving a swirling cloud of dust in his wake. All Might's eyes widened in shock as he sharply turned to track the flailing green dot, now rapidly descending from the sky.
"Midoriya!" he shouted, panic lacing his voice as his heart leaped into his throat. Without a second thought, he broke into a sprint, the sound of Midoriya’s distant screams driving him forward.
“Hold on!” All Might yelled, feeling the familiar warmth of One For All igniting within him, crackling through his veins like wildfire. With a mighty push, he launched himself off the ground, soaring through the air at incredible speed.
As he closed the distance, Midoriya’s terrified screams grew clearer, cutting through the rushing wind. The boy spotted All Might through squinted eyes, his arm outstretched, desperate for help.
All Might’s muscular forearm met Midoriya’s grasp, their hands locking in a tight grip as he pulled the young hero to his side. “I gotcha,” he muttered, relief washing over him. But as he glanced downward, his heart skipped a beat.
Beneath them wasn’t the familiar safety of a cityscape or the cushion of a forest. Below was nothing but the vast, unforgiving sea.
“Shit—!” was all All Might could manage before both he and Midoriya plunged into the cold, salty water. Submerged, the roar of the wind was replaced by the muffled, eerie silence of the deep. All Might’s ears plugged, and his heart pounded loudly in his head. The saltwater stung his eyes, but even through the blurry haze, he could see that Midoriya’s eyes were squeezed shut, tiny bubbles escaping from his nose as his green hair floated weightlessly in the disturbed water.
Feeling the firm sea floor beneath him, All Might braced himself and pushed off with his legs, propelling them both upward. They broke the surface with a gasp, the cold air rushing into their lungs.
“I’ve got you,” All Might reassured, the words escaping almost by reflex, adrenaline still surging through his veins. Midoriya, though winded, appeared unharmed, his wide eyes blinking away the water.
“Come on,” All Might urged, steadying Midoriya as he began to pull them both back toward the shore.
Once Izuku felt the sea floor beneath his feet, he released his vice-like grip on All Might and began to clamber out of the water. The waves, fortunately gentle, allowed both of them to make their way back to the dry sand.
Collapsing onto the gritty surface, both heroes gasped for breath, their chests heaving. Midoriya was the first to speak, his voice breaking the rhythmic sound of the waves. “I’m really sorry—” he exhaled shakily. “I didn’t think—I’d go that far.”
“Are you—” All Might began, his voice laced with a mix of concern and frustration. He paused to swallow, his normally voluminous hair now flattened and plastered against his forehead. “Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” He questioned with exasperation.
Midoriya flopped onto his back, the sand clinging to his damp clothes. He stared up at the sky, his hair a tousled mess around him. “I’m not trying to,” he said with a weary sigh, the corners of his mouth turning down in apology. “I just let my curiosity get the better of me. I wanted to test it out, but I forgot I’m not as skilled as you.”
All Might wiped his damp face and walked closer to Izuku, letting his brief annoyance fade. With a resigned sigh, he shook his head and sat down beside him, his large frame casting a shadow over the young hero.
“Sheesh, Young Midoriya,” All Might muttered, his tone a mix of bewilderment and affection. He coughed into the crook of his elbow, a few spatters of blood staining his skin, but quickly refocused on Midoriya. Extending a hand, he offered it to the boy with a gentle smile.
Midoriya hesitated briefly, then accepted the hand with a sheepish grin, using it to pull himself up. As he settled his weight on one foot, a sharp pain shot through him, and he winced, instinctively leaning heavily against All Might.
“What’s wrong? Did you hurt yourself?” All Might asked, his voice immediately filled with concern.
“Um—my leg. It hurts,” Izuku admitted, his voice clipped with pain.
A surge of worry washed over All Might, thoughts of broken bones flashing through his mind. He knelt in the sand looking upon the young hero’s now hovering leg.
“May I?” All Might asked gently, his voice filled with concern.
Izuku extended his leg toward him, wincing slightly. All Might carefully examined the pale skin, noting the absence of significant bruising. He took his sneakered foot, moving it with utmost caution, turning it gently in different directions.
Izuku let out a pained grunt, his eyes squeezing shut whenever All Might adjusted the angle of his ankle.
“Sorry,” All Might murmured softly, his expression serious. “I think you’ve sprained your ankle. You might have pulled some muscles in your leg, but from what I can see, there are no obvious fractures.”
Izuku sighed deeply, the weight of disappointment evident in his voice. “Well, that’s going to be a setback for training…”
“Yeah, maybe you could think things through a bit more before launching yourself into the sky next time?” All Might said, releasing Izuku’s slender leg with gentle care.
“Sorry,” Izuku mumbled, his gaze dropping to the sand, avoiding eye contact.
All Might turned his back to the young hero, remaining seated on the ground, and gestured behind him with a thumb. “Hop on. I’ll give you a ride home.”
“Huh?” Izuku sputtered, caught off guard.
“Come on! Piggyback ride!” All Might urged, his tone firm yet kind. “You need to ice that ankle and lie down.”
“It’s okay, I can walk, All Might! I promise!” Izuku protested, his voice growing more flustered.
“No!” All Might interrupted, his voice leaving no room for argument. “I know how you are—you’ll only make your injury worse if you try to walk on it. So get on, already.” His insistence was clear, leaving no room for compromise.
Izuku’s freckled face turns a bright shade of red, but he said nothing further, clamping his mouth shut as he approached his mentor. He wrapped his arms around All Might’s collarbone and carefully swung his uninjured leg over his hip. All Might, mindful of the delicate situation, secured Izuku’s legs under his arms, pulling him close as Izuku nestled as far into him as possible.
“All right, let’s go!” All Might announced, finally rising to his feet with Izuku secured on his back.
Izuku buried his face in All Might’s shoulder, his damp, sea-salt-scented hair brushing against the side of All Might’s face. “This is crazy,” he mumbled, his voice muffled.
All Might shook his head with a faint smile.
Izuku’s voice was tinged with concern as he spoke up again. “I hope I’m not too heavy for you…”
“I can carry five adult civilians at once, my boy. One fanboy is hardly a challenge,” All Might said with a reassuring chuckle.
Izuku couldn’t argue with that.
“In fact, you’re lighter than I’d like. We need to make sure you’re eating more! Your body will thank you for it,” All Might added, his tone mixing concern with a hint of playful admonishment.
Izuku laughed lightly, embarrassment continuing to color his cheeks. “Only if you promise to eat with me,” he proposed, a playful glint in his eye.
“You’ve got a deal, Young Midoriya,” All Might agreed, his smile broadening as he continued to carry his young protégé home.
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A Phone Call Is Here...random MHA thoughts 📞✨
Sometimes when I FaceTime my boyfriend I scream "A PHONE CALL IS HERE! A PHONE CALL IS HERE!" in All Might's voice when he picks up. All Might using HIMSELF as his ring tone is literally one of my favorite small details of MHA.
But also it makes me think more...towards the beginning of the series we do see All Might "show boating" a lot and being a little...I can't think of a good word because I initially was going to say "narcissistic" but that's not it...maybe a tiny bit full of himself? Like...if you're the world's number 1 hero as long as All Might was, I'm sure it would get to your head a bit over time. I also get the vibe that All Might is pretty lonely - he has a few close friends who know the truth behind his power, but he seems to isolate himself from close connections a lot of the time (ex. not mending his squabble with Night Eye, not reaching out to Gran Torino consistently over the years). We know that All Might sacrificed a lot to be the Symbol of Peace - he doesn't have a love life or a ton of close friends. He spends all of his time on Hero Work and striving towards his goal. Once All Might gives his quirk to Izuku and can't spend as much time in his "muscle form," he becomes less show boaty. Also the mood of the series shifts to more serious, and once he loses his muscled form the plot cannot rely on him as much for comic relief.
As he distances himself from being "The Symbol of Peace," All Might becomes more human in small ways. I like the way his character develops and becomes more down to Earth, more loving. The scene in Season 6 where All Might cooks Izuku a pork cutlet bento (Izuku's favorite food!!) is so heart wrenching. All Might can no longer serve as the Symbol of Peace, so he finds new ways to serve. But now its for individuals he loves, not for society as a whole. I think this is one of the kindest gestures we see from All Might - it shows he put time and effort into a task. Hero work came so easily to him, but being a normal person is tough for him. The shift from "show boaty, muscley" All Might to Subdued, Caring Dad Might is so interesting and special to me.
Anyway, there's a few quick thoughts for your Monday evening!
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everypanelofizuku · 1 month
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Chapter 96 - Home Visits
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give-to-oblivion · 21 hours
My Hero Academia Recs: Dadmight & Dadzawa Edition
I love all the adopted dads in this fandom, but I get sad when one of them gets bashed at the expense of the others. This recs list is for fics that have both All Might and Aizawa (and sometimes Present Mic) as good surrogate father figures. The focus isn't always split evenly between them, but I only included fics I thought had good representation of both. Most of these also have good mom Inko because that's important to me, and I've indicated where it's otherwise.
Some of these fics are pretty well known; this is less an "unearth new discoveries" list and more of a "filter for this specific trope variation" list.
Please feel free to reblog with your own additions! There's definitely some longfic I haven't had a chance to sit down with yet.
Announcer AU (Series) by RogueVector
Midoriya Izuku makes his debut on the national stage not as a competitor at the Sports Festival, but rather as a lost spectator turned announcer alongside his heroes Eraserhead and Present Mic.
This is more like EVERYBODY adopting Izuku, but it's still a lot fun. The first two main fics are completed; the third is still a WIP and hasn't been updated for some time.
Apex Predator (WIP, on hiatus) by silver jackdaw (cizzi)
Every single school had one: someone at the top of the food chain. An acme. Someone who could do things under a teacher's nose, escape consequences, and terrify other people. Someone who looked down on everyone else like they were prey. An apex predator. And Izuku couldn't count on teachers and adults to protect anyone. Even a hero school wasn't safe from the phenomena. When Izuku gets to Yuuei, he's determined to find out who it is and ensure they can't hurt him or his new friends.
...and accidentally, in the process, becomes the apex predator (though he is mostly unaware of this, and uses it for good. But still, people are terrified of him.)
Although this is on hiatus, it's over 170k and doesn't leave off on a cliffhanger. I've reread this at least 10 times.
Burn Your Wings by oWhiteKiwibird
Izuku inherited his parents’ quirks, but he swore he’d never use his fire.
He knows first hand how—bright, burning, scorching, painful, terrifying, destructive—it is, after all, and Izuku promised (promised his crying mother, promised his burning self, promised the laughing memory of his father) that he’d become a hero who stops that kind of despair.
Even if he has to burn his own wings to do so.
By Chance, By Choice by Marigold_Flowers
Aizawa Shouta, Yagi Toshinori, Midoriya Izuku and Shinsou Hitoshi wake up one morning with a Soul-mark, meaning that there's a chance they'll meet their Soulmate that day. Things don't go quite like they expect, but they go well all the same. They find new family, just perhaps not quite how they thought they would.
Parental soulmates, with a twist. I've never seen this take on this trope and had to include it.
A Guide to Death Worlders (Series) by katydid & Zyla_SweetBean
Humans are known across the galaxy for being terrifying, relentless, and savage monsters. Naturally the alien warlord All for One must have one as a pet. The unfortunate alien abduction victim Izuku Midoriya is determined to make his captor regret it.
Series based on the "humans are space orcs" premise. A little cracky, but very fun, and the series is complete at over 270k so it'll last you a while.
Hide and Seek (Series, complete) by battybatzgirl
Izuku Midoriya is good at hiding his secrets. Shouta Aizawa is better at uncovering them.
Left Over by Dinosawrhat
Aizawa Shouta’s instincts were nearly 100% accurate, as was his eye for small details. They were skills honed through years working the Underground, and only broadened when it came to dealing with 20 incredibly powerful teens year after year. So, when he noticed that Midoriya hadn’t brought a lunch for the fourth time this week, he knew something was off.
This does have neglectful Inko. And just. so much whump.
The New Normal by The Feels Whale (miscellea)
Midoriya Izuku comes from a long line of secret Force users. Reconciling that with living as a Quirkless person in and Quirked world is interesting at best --and that was before his Dad tried to make him commit a murder.
Present Mic and Eraserhead, meanwhile, have been trying to adopt for a while with no luck until Mic walks past the wrong (possibly the right) custody hearing and can't help but step in.
A Boku no Hero Academia and Star Wars Fusion.
Razzmatazz by xylophones
Izuku has plans for everything.
He plans out what to say to the cashier when ordering coffee, he plans out his homework before even opening his textbook. He has a whole ten-year plan for how he’s going to get into UA’s hero course and get his hero license fully quirkless. He plans for every wild, unlikely scenario he can think of because his anxiety gets so bad if he doesn’t go through every possible outcome, every way his life could landslide into disaster–– but Izuku never planned for this.
For once, he doesn’t have a plan and he doesn’t have time to think of one. All he can see is Yagi-san’s lined, kind face looking resigned as he stares down the villain in his shop. Yagi-san, who is the closest thing to a father figure Izuku has ever had.
Izuku doesn’t think. He just moves.
This is mostly Dadmight, but does have some good Dadzawa as well.
Send Endeavor to the Shadow Realm (Series) by PitViperOfDoom
Todoroki Enji is the worst and Midoriya finds ways to let people know it.
The last story in the series is the real meat of it (60k+) but you should read the rest for context. And because they're good.
Things That Haunt Our Hallways by ghostwriterofthemachine
“It was a kid,” Yagi gasped out. He had his hand balled up into a fist and the fist pressed to his lips, as if to remind himself that he could not start screaming. “Or. Young person, maybe 20. Homeless, I think. Activated their Quirk on reflex and then ran. The kids—” Here, he pressed his fist harder to his mouth, sucked in a wheezing breath, as if the air itself was pushing down something with physical weight. “The kids—”
“Scattered immediately,” Aizawa finished for him, and Yagi managed a nod.  
Yagi’s eyes were so dilated that the blue was almost invisible. He shook violently. He looked like a scarecrow in a windstorm.   
Someone activated a Fear-Inducer Quirk so powerful that it reduced All Might to this— of course Aizawa’s class had bolted. 
when at first you don't succeed by LunaLucrea
Toshinori finds himself in a race against time to save his successor. Over and over and over again.
A World Anew (Series) by Krasimer
Time travel/AU fic where a hero traveling back to save Shimura Tenko starts a ripple effect that creates a better world. The first two fics are completed and the third is close to wrapping up.
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xandreath · 1 year
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MHA Dragon AU - Toshinori Yagi © Xandreath 2023
So... I'm sharing something with you guys. Something very special to me. As a person and an artist I've always been drawn to dragons like... My entire life. They are so neat and easily one of my favorite thing things to draw. But then comes in fandoms, and my big love for MHA and all things Dadmight. So I thought of a way to combine the two and fill my heart with immense joy by designing my favorite hero as a dragon.
I took great care to make him unique and original, while still looking like a possible creature/animal. The warm color palette isn't something I'm used to, but honestly I've come to love it so much. Especially since drawing MHA fanart, and most Toshinori lol, I've come to appreciate yellow so much more.
But right now I'm in the middle of planning a big fic for this AU. I'm so excited for that.
Anyways, I give permission for anyone who wants to draw fanart of this design to do so if you like! Tag me if you do! I'd love to see it! ^^ Just don't claim this AU design as your own because then I'd be sad and cry at your house.
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tunafishprincess · 2 years
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Art Commission for @aimportantdragoncollector ‘s new fanfic Walk A Mile in Another’s Shoes! If you like dadmight, mentoring AFO and traitor Izuku then this fic is for you! I had a blast making this.
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littlekysworld · 1 year
Bad Moon Rising
By LittleKy
Izuku had thought that his argument with All Might would be the worst thing to happen to him this week. Boy, was he wrong.
(Or: Midoriya Izuku's week quickly goes from bad to worse when, during what's meant to be a live televised conference for UA, he's publicly poisoned and kidnapped. Naturally, all hell breaks loose.)
Here's the full link to my current WIP. For those of you who like Dadmight, found family and hurt/comfort. ❤️
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eyesoffthemaud · 2 years
MHA Fanfic Idea
This is a short idea, but it has my heart nonetheless.
Due to a quirk, Toshinori is turned into a toddler. The only thing he wants to do? Follow around Izuku.
I've read a lot of fics where Izuku gets de-aged and follows around either Toshinori, Aizawa, or like- Bakugou/Class 1A. I love Toshinori though, and so I wanted to put my own twist on the trope.
So OFC I would have a deaged Toshinori following around Izuku and the few shenanigans that would come out of it. It's so cute and perfect, it makes me giggle just thinking about it
I would call the fic would be called Little Boy Blue which I think is just perfect.
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vaguelyaperson · 2 years
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Lineart for a scene in Chapter 3 of the fic I'm currently writing.
It's a bnha Outlander au that's technically not a faithful Outlander au - mostly cause it's fantasy world instead of time travel. Look. I was just musing over Bakugou as Jaime Fraser (they're both so stubborn and temperamental oml) and Midoriya as the ever empathetic, intelligent, equally stubborn Claire. Aaaaand then everything devolved from there.
Basic premise is that Midoriya is all Jim Hawkins, coming into manhood and looking for a good father figure. Will it be dadmight? Dad for one? Read and find out~
[ID: Simple drawing of Midoriya Izuku in fantasy au outfit, standing outside a jarred castle door. He's holding a pouch, is covered in scratches, and has a look of confused, hurt surprise. From within the doorway, an unshown person is saying "I know. And he's the spitting image of her, too."]
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dogwaterdish · 1 month
Submission two for dadmight week!!
Description: While discussing Midoriyas homework, Yagi is given many more important details about Midoriyas life !
Day two: Homework/Take a break
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ravenstakeflight · 11 months
five times izuku and all might had a thing, and one time they cleared stuff up (but not really)
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way2gowillow · 22 days
Toshinori couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy. He knew exactly how high Midoriya’s academic standards were. The memory of being buried in challenging schoolwork himself wasn’t a fond one, and he didn’t envy the poor boy at all.
   “I’ve got 36 pages left. Then I’ll eat,” Izuku muttered, his voice tinged with determination but also fatigue. Toshinori furrowed his brow in concern.
   “That… that might take quite a while, don’t you think?” he ventured gently.
   Izuku sighed deeply, his frustration evident as he let his head fall onto the desk with a thud of resignation. 
Dadmight week has ended officially, but I managed to squeak out one last submission before the deadline. :') wish I could've submitted more honestly, if I had more time. @dadmightweek
Day 2: Homework/Take a Break
   Midoriya flipped through his assigned reading for what felt like the umpteenth time. He’d been buried in the book since 4 p.m., and his weary eyes drifted to the clock on his desk—8 p.m. He’d endured much longer study sessions before, but this particular assignment seemed to drag on endlessly. The book, Hero's Jurisdiction and Quirk Responsibility, wasn’t exactly riveting, and Snipe’s assignment to read chapters 3 and 4 had turned into a tedious slog when he realized he was falling behind.
  Only thirty… no, thirty-five… wait, thirty-seven pages left. He sighed, his tired eyes struggling to focus on the dense text. The letters blurred together as he tried to absorb each new piece of information, but the words felt heavy and lifeless, his mind drifting as he mechanically read on.
   “As discussed in chapter 2, Amendment 47 faced significant challenges in passing through the judicial system, with numerous quirk users staunchly defending their right to obtain licenses. The rejection of Amendment 23 and its subsequent impact on…” 
   Izuku’s eyes glazed over as he read the dry, lifeless text. He flipped through the remaining pages, his hope dwindling as he counted them. Thirty-six and a half more to go.
   He sighed in frustration, the words on the page blurring together, lost in a storm of paralegal jargon swirling in his tired mind. Footsteps echoed from the hallway, but he didn’t bother to check. He’d left his door open for a bit of fresh air, though even that seemed to do little to revive his focus. He was usually good at tuning out distractions, but now his eyes were so dry, he was half-tempted to ask Aizawa for his special eye drops.
   Come on. Just thirty-six more pages.
   He forced himself to read another paragraph, but his mind refused to stay focused. 
   What did I just read?
   Shaking his head, he tried again, managing to get a bit farther before the dense terminology tripped him up again. His thoughts drifted, and by the time he reached the end of the page, he realized he hadn’t absorbed a single word.
   With a frustrated groan, he let his highlighter slip from his fingers and dropped his head onto the desk in defeat.
   “At this rate, Kaminari’s gonna have to shock me back to life after I die of boredom,” he muttered, his voice muffled by the wood.
   A familiar, warm chuckle from the doorway made him lift his head, turning toward the sound.
   His mentor stood there, casually leaning against the doorframe in house slippers and sweatpants, his eyes filled with amused sympathy.
   “Bored to death, huh?” he echoed with a smile. Izuku perked up at the sight of him, grateful for the distraction from the tedious assignment.
   “Hey, All Might,” Izuku greeted, doing his best to muster up his usual chipper tone. “Didn’t notice you there.”
   “Well, the other boys mentioned you didn’t come down for dinner, so I thought I’d check on you,” All Might replied with a teasing smile. “I could hear the gears in your head grinding from the common room.”
   “Yeah, sorry about that. I must’ve lost track of time,” Izuku admitted, turning back to his book. He picked up his highlighter and dragged it half-heartedly across a few words. Stress practically radiated off him in waves, and he scratched his head in frustration. 
   Toshinori couldn’t help but feel a pang of sympathy. He knew exactly how high Midoriya’s academic standards were. The memory of being buried in challenging schoolwork himself wasn’t a fond one, and he didn’t envy the poor boy at all.
   “I’ve got 36 pages left. Then I’ll eat,” Izuku muttered, his voice tinged with determination but also fatigue. Toshinori furrowed his brow in concern.
   “That… that might take quite a while, don’t you think?” he ventured gently.
   Izuku sighed deeply, his frustration evident as he let his head fall onto the desk with a thud of resignation. 
   Toshinori moved closer, laying a gentle, reassuring hand on his shoulder. The boy shifted slightly, his head rolling to the side, green curls spilling over the edge of the desk, obscuring the text beneath.
   “Come now,” Toshinori urged softly. “Take a break and have some dinner. You need to take care of yourself before you can tackle your work.” 
   Izuku stared up at him, eyes wavering as he debated whether to give in to his mentor’s advice; the pull of his stubborn determination warring within.
      His stomach answered for him with an embarrassingly loud grumble.
   Toshinori raised his eyebrows, a sly smile playing on his lips. He opened his mouth, ready to deliver the final nudge.
   “I haven’t eaten yet either. I wanted to wait for you.”
   Izuku’s resolve crumbled instantly. With a dramatic sigh, he slammed his textbook shut and rubbed his eyes in mock exasperation. “You can’t do this to me, All Might…!” he protested, his tone light despite his words.
   He quickly moved away from his desk, making a beeline for the door. Toshinori chuckled, the sound warm and genuine, as he joined him outside the dorm room.
  The udon noodles simmering in a miso umami broth were exactly what Midoriya needed. As he took his first bite, the savory flavor of the pork mingling with the rich broth seemed to melt away his lingering headache. With each satisfying slurp, the weight of his stress lifted, replaced by a comforting warmth that spread through his chest. Across from him at the table, All Might quietly enjoyed his own bowl of miso and noodles.
   “Wow,” Midoriya exclaimed between bites, his eyes lighting up. “Who made this? It’s amazing!”
   All Might’s cheeks flushed slightly at the compliment. “Ah, well… thanks,” he replied, a touch of bashfulness in his voice. “I’ve been picking up cooking lately, you know. Figured…” I want to feed you and care of you and sit down and spend time with you- “...with all this extra time on my hands, why not?”
   Midoriya sits at his bar chair, his legs swinging, kicking back and forth as he eagerly slurped down another helping of soup.
   “Mmmmm!” he hummed in contentment.
   So cute.
   The thought made Toshinori’s heart swell. If cooking for him was this rewarding, he decided he’d definitely make it a regular thing. Rather than reaching out to pinch his freckled cheeks, he simply smiled into his bowl, savoring the last of the broth.
“Don’t mention it,” Toshinori replied warmly.
   With a final, satisfied swallow, Midoriya set his bowl down with a content clink and let out a pleased sigh.
   “That was delicious, All Might. You’ve gotta show me how to make this next time. Maybe even my mom could try it?” he suggested, a bit bashful.
   Taken aback, Toshinori’s eyes widened in surprise, but a genuine smile spread across his face at the thought.
   “Of course! That would be great. I'm sure maybe your mother would rival my cooking.” Toshinori said with a smile.
   Izuku stood up, gathering the empty bowls and chopsticks. “Well, it’s a bit hard to beat Mom’s cooking,” he replied, noticing the fleeting wistfulness in Toshinori’s expression. He must miss Master Shimura, he guesses. Izuku couldn't even imagine the heartache of losing his doting and loving mother any time soon. Shaking his head to dispel the somber thought, he finished gently washing the dishes. Once he was done, he dried his hands and approached Toshinori.
   With a deep bow, he expressed his gratitude. 
   “Thank you Sir. I really needed that tonight. Thank you.” He says earnestly.
   Somehow Toshinori's eyes go wider, and he doesn't know exactly how to respond at the simple gesture of a homecooked meal for his boy.
Even with his head still bowed, Izuku’s growing smile was evident as he leaned into the comforting touch. The small gesture seemed to rejuvenate him, and he dashed back to his studies with renewed energy, making swift progress compared to his earlier sluggish pace.
  With their stomachs and hearts full, both Master and Successor went to bed content, their minds drifting into a peaceful sleep, each wishing sweet dreams across the dreamscape.
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Im sorry im still working on digital coloring😭 I'll prob post a revised version
Fanart for @littlegreenpinetree 's fanfic woodland paths! Check out @ititheteavillain 's account too
Allmight watching deku run from bakugo, I wonder how he always appears at just the right time, wink wink
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krisingtons · 1 year
So while we're on the subject, do the two of them have a sort of routine down when Izuku's feeling childlike and needy? Is it mostly just Izuku wanting to just be held/cuddled? Does he go all shy/nonverbal when this happens?
What are the sort of things Izuku likes for him and All Might to do when he's in these moods?
(Salt and Sugar was both everything for me and something I need more of)
Good question! I admit I hadn't really thought about it much before. I guess I could see Salt and Sugar being in the same universe as A Good Conversation in the sense that yes, Izuku probably does go nonverbal in both and wants to be held/comforted.
I also say they're probably in the same universe because I think a big thing that I like to headcanon and write about is the idea that Izuku doesn't really know what would comfort him. He's spent so long putting on a brave face focused on a dream he thought wouldn't even really be possible for a long time, the thing I like to explore is what happens when he lets his guard down and lets that go for a while? He'd need comfort and care but has received so little that he wouldn't know what that looks like or what he might want.
Meanwhile, Toshinori has given a lot of care over the years but always on a more impersonal, societal level and so I think the individual care would be new to him as well. I think over time they just sort of muddle through and figure out what Izuku needs (sort of like the Dark Hero Arc) and then that eventually leads them into a routine. But again, I'm fuzzy on what that routine might actually entail.
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