#daemon sadi
whimsicalmeerkat · 6 months
Aaahhh this is the hardest choice ever, because dead!Stiles fic is my fave buuut....
Give me some some Maleficent vs Daemon crack!fic. I need it.
Apparently I’ve decided this isn’t a fair matchup anymore than Maleficent and Derek would have been, just in the other direction.
Make Me Write
He smiles and she can’t fully suppress her shudder at the cold cruelty in the curve of his lips.
“You came here to do harm. At best you are seeking power over people who can’t defend themselves. Your approach tells me you have done this before. The real question is what I require to allow you to leave this room alive.”
Maleficent feels her jaw drop. This isn’t going well at all.
“How dare you!” she snaps before she can even think about the need for caution. “Do you have any idea who I am?”
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unhingedlesbear · 1 year
Red dead redemption II dæmon AU
As a daemian myself, I’m a giant sucker for dæmon aus and I’m surprised to not see many for rdr2, so here goes
Summary of daemons: A dæmon is a physical manifestation of one’s soul, settling on the form of an animal that represents or relates to the person. They are usually the opposite sex to the person.
Van der Linde Gang:
Dutch - Lion
Dutches dæmon would be settled as a lioness throughout the story. A lion is associated with superiority and leadership, which fits his personality as well as relating to the lion ring he can be seen wearing in game. Much like the count, his dæmon is especially well groomed and good looking when compared to the daemons of the rest of the gang. 
Hosea - Blue Heron
Hosea’s dæmon would be settled as a blue heron. They’re rather physically fragile animals, but still manage to be efficient hunters in their own way. Hosea would often be able to appear less intimidating to people he conned because of his dæmon. 
Arthur - Coyote/Deer
This one is a bit complex. Arthur’s dæmon initially settled as a black coyote, and she remained this way for most of their life. Arthur would have likely been slightly resentful of John for ending up with a much larger wolf compared to his own small sized dæmon. After Arthur was diagnosed with tuberculosis and started to reform himself, his dæmon went through the rare process of resettling, instead now taking the form of a doe.
John - Timber wolf
Johns dæmon would be a timber wolf. This would have led to a lot of jokes being made about the irony of his wolf attack. His dæmon looks rather similar to Arthur’s, only a lot larger. He’d often be rather smug about this.
Sadie - Coyote
Sadies dæmon would be a pale coyote, similar to the milk coyote from rdo. Sadie and Arthur’s relationship kicked off after a conversation about their daemons, as both of them had the same species. Sadie is often underestimated by people at first glance as her dæmon is pretty small, even for a coyote, but the pair of them make up for it in their own ways.
Charles - Bison
This one’s pretty obvious. Charles’ dæmon would be settled as a bison. He’s big, strong and intimidating, but at heart he’s much more peaceful. He struggles a lot with his daemons size, and stays away from highly populated areas to avoid risking his dæmon being touched accidentally due to her size.
Micah Bell - Snake
Funny as it would be to say his dæmon would be a rat, rats don’t fit Micah’s personality in the slightest. Where rats are social, loyal and close bonding, snakes are solitary survivors who look out for themselves. They strike unexpectedly after hiding themselves away. I felt this fits Micah a lot more than a rat.
This is just the first few characters. Any suggestions will be appreciated. 
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vintage1981 · 2 years
Weekend at Devil’s End│The Interviews | Doctor Who
Compilation of the complete coverage of Weekend at Devil’s End, compiling interviews with Sophie Aldred, Frazer Hines, Richard Franklin, John Levene, Jon Culshaw, Derek Martin, Martin Parsons, Tim Trelor, Sadie Miller, Chris Olson, Johnny WHO, and Mark Robbinson.
Followed by coverage of the panel celebrating The Daemons at 50 and Doctor Who's 58 years on-screen.
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moonlightazriel · 6 months
Longing for Change /// Aemond X F!Reader
Summary: When the gang rescues a widow, Aemond finds himself getting the chance he always dreamed of. A Red Dead 2 inspired AU.
Warnings: Well, death, smut, robbery and bounty hunting.
Word Count: 3,3K
Notes: I lowkey always wanted Sadie and Arthur to be together so this is me saying it! Yeeeehaw outlaws for life
Main Masterlist
Y/N curled against the cold wall, she could hear them, chatting and laughing like they were at a bar, and not HER home. Three days stuck there, not knowing how many they were, how many guns they had, she squeezed her eyes shut, trying to calm the anger rising in her heart.
Three days agonising, wanting to call for her husband, she cried herself to sleep, her body cold, and her thoughts burning with rage, the gunshot still ringed in her ears and she wondered what they had done to his body, did they at least have the decency to bury it? She knew the answer for that question, those rats didn’t have enough respect to do that.
Curled against the cold wall was when she heard it, the knock on the door, one of them getting up to answer, the quick exchange between them before the shots began. She pressed her palms against her ears, trying to muffle the sounds.
Only when she didn’t hear anything, neither voices nor steps, she clutched the dirty kitchen knife and got downstairs, losing her balance and falling on top of someone. The guy was dressed in a heavy coat, he shoved her away, angrily mumbling to himself.
She held the knife up in defence, to which the man scoffed and knocked it out of her hands, yanking her forward by her arm, knocking a candle in the process. He threw her on the snow, the cold terrain making her violently shiver.
“What do we have here?” Someone asked, she looked up, meeting the lilac eyes of a white man, his silver hair was covered by a hat and he wore a fur coat.
“This crazy lady tried to kill me.” The man spat, throwing the knife on the snow, dangerously close to her head.
“That’s not a way to treat a lady, Criston.” The other man kneeled by her side. “Are you okay?”
“Those bastards killed my husband.” She felt the tears falling, but her limbs were too tense for her to try and wipe them away.
“You’re safe now.” He patted her back, helping her to her feet, the smell of smoke drew her attention back to her house, and she cried even harder as she saw the flames engulfing what once was her home. “I’ll give you two options..” he placed the furry coat around her shoulder and she sighed with relief at the warmth. “Either you come with us, or you can stay here.”
She looked at the flames, burning everything that she and Cregan worked so hard for, everything she owned turned to ashes, she wiped her face with the coat’s sleeve, taking a deep breath, she turned to him again.
“I’ll come with you.” The man gently smiled at her. Someone groaned, dressed in a green coat, the man looked at her, he was wearing a hat, a silver hair similar to the older man behind her, but his was much longer, tied behind his back, he was tall, and had a lilac eye, only one, the other was covered by an eyepatch and a long scar crossed his beautiful face.
“Great, Aemond this is…” The man motioned to her, so she would introduce herself.
“Y/N Stark.” Her heart sank after saying the last name of her deceased husband.
“She’s coming back with us, take her with you.” The man ordered, and Aemond nodded. He silently grabbed her hand and pulled her towards a black horse, much bigger than the others she had seen or owned. He easily climbed the horse back and offered a hand for her, she took it, forcing herself up the huge animal, curling against his back, feeling the horse move away to the unknown.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
They were a gang, she learned later, outlaws running away after an unsuccessful bank robbery at the Riverlands. The Targaryen gang, Daemon was their leader, taking a few strangers in here and there, but mostly, the gang was composed of his family members.
Rhea and the girls, Baela, Rhaena and Helaena had took her in, providing her with clothes and words of comfort after she had lost everything, everyone in the gang had their job, either robbing and getting money, helping around the camp or earning money inside the limits of the law.
Y/N was designed to help Larys with the kitchen. The man was an absolute nightmare to work with, always arguing and demanding too much. She dreamed of ripping his flesh open with the cleaver he had given her to chop vegetables.
Despite being strong and knowing how to handle a gun, she hasn't had the energy to leave the camp. They had moved from the cold mountains to a nice warm place hidden in a cliff. The sun was always hot and made the view look breathtaking when it was setting.
Aemond would always check on her, stopping by her tent to talk and ask about her day, telling her about his adventures in the nearby city where he was working as some kind of bounty hunter. He was kind, quiet and very smart, his only eye would look at her intensely as they talked, making her shy under his gaze.
Her eyes would always follow him around the camp, and she would always notice when he was gone, his empty tent always made her heart clench for some reason, a newfound fear of him not returning to the camp was starting to set its claws in her heart. So when he wasn’t near, she would sit around, talking with the twins or reading with Helaena.
Sometimes she would walk to Daemon’s tent, when he wasn’t around, and chat with Rhaenyra, his wife and mother to Jace and Luke, her ex husband Laenor and the man that rumours would say was the father of her children, were also in the gang. She would always find it kinda weird and a bit funny how they managed to get all those people who had some kind of relationship to live together in peace.
She also enjoyed spending some time in Floris' tent, playing with little Jaehaerys, they were the family of Aegon, Aemond and Helaena’s older brother. The trio had run away from their absent father and joined their uncle in the life of crimes.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“Do you ever wonder what your life would be like if you hadn't run away from home?” She asked, sipping on the coffee she had made, she and Aemond sat on a log, near the horses, watching the sunrise.
“I don’t know, I would probably be married to Alys.” He looked at her, his eye studying her features. She was a beautiful and brave woman, she hadn't backed away from their lifestyle, and she wasn’t afraid to protect herself.
“Who is she?” She dared to ask and Aemond shook his head, emptying his coffee mug.
“A girl I fell in love with, she was from a good family, but her father wasn’t very pleased when he found out I had run away to live with my uncle. I tried to ask her to run away with me, but this life isn’t for her.” It didn’t hurt anymore, he had fallen out of love with Alys a long time ago.
“I’m so sorry things happened that way.” She patted his shoulder and Aemond nodded, feeling bold enough to ask.
“What about your husband?” She took a deep breath, looking down, her voice laced with pain and sorrow.
“It was a match for love, I've loved Cregan ever since I first met him, when I was 16. He worked hard to convince my father that he could be a good husband, and we got married at 18. We had our farm, we shared the tasks, took care of everything, he never thought I was less than him, or treated me like I couldn’t do things just cuz I was a woman. He loved me entirely.” She was shivering, he could feel it.
“I’m so sorry they took that away from you.” His arm rested on her shoulders as he pulled her close, she let her head rest on his chest, and for a moment they just stayed like that, in silence, seeking comfort in each others embrace.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
“She’s going to kill him.” Rhaena yelled in Daemon’s face, her cheeks hot from running to his tent. They had moved again, to a camp near a lake and Larys was being particularly annoying with her in this new location.
“What is happening?” Daemon asked the young girl.
“They had a fight, Y/N will kill Larys.” Daemon rushed to the kitchen wagon, finding Larys pressed up against the wooden surface and Y/N holding her beloved cleaver against his neck.
“What if I cut your neck instead and we feast on your meat?” She threatened, face contorted in a angry frown while Larys begged for someone to take her away from him.
“You’re not cooking him.” Aemond said, pulling her by the waist, flush against his chest, while she whined and kicked to be freed from his iron grip.
“Then take me away, I can’t look at him right now.” She pleaded and Daemon agreed.
“Take her to town, we need some supplies anyway.” He dismissed them, and Aemond once again held her hand, pulling her towards a smaller chariot.
“Are you going insane?” He asked, a smirk dancing on his lips as he conducted them towards the city, her chest moved up and down as she tried to control her breathing.
“Yes! I can’t get stuck there anymore with that pig, ordering me around like a dog.”
“But you can’t kill him for that, unfortunately we need him.” She looked at him.
“If you gave me a gun I could.” She mumbled.
“You know how to handle a gun?” He inquired, eyebrows raised.
“Of course I do, I would shoot you with my eyes closed.” She joked and Aemond motioned for the horses to stop.
“Then show me.” He said, handling her a rifle. She weighed the weapon, heavy but not enough to send her falling on her ass if she shot. “Shoot that tree.” He demanded, pointing to a tree a little far away from them.
Y/N positioned the gun, the handle pressed against her shoulder, hand holding the barrel steadily, she took a deep breath, closing one of her eyes, and aiming to the centre of the tree, an imaginary target painted on it. As the air left her lungs, she pulled the trigger, the gunshot startled some birds, who flew away.
Aemond looked at her impressed, climbing out of the chariot and walking towards the tree, where a bullet made a hole in the centre part of the tree. He clapped.
“You know how to shoot.” He said, sitting by her side again.
“Told you so.” She answered. Taking the reins from him and making the horses move.
“I have to say that I’m very impressed.” He eyed her, her cheeks coated in red at his compliment.
They arrived at the city, and Aemond left her alone at the store, buying some of the items the gang required, while he mailed some letters and visited the gunsmith. He looked at the options, opting for a rifle similar to his, a bit smaller but perfect for her.
He found her next to the chariot, the market owner loading the thing while she adjusted her clothes.
“I see that you’ve gone shopping.” He looks at her up and down, she’s wearing pants and a shirt, cowboy boots and a hat, the clothes hug her frame and accentuate the natural curve of her hips. “With clothes like that, you will need a gun like this.” He hands her the rifle.
“It’s perfect.” She thanks him, testing the gun. She pulled the gun around her shoulder, jumping on him in a hug. “Thank you so much for the gift.”
He buried his nose in her hair, feeling the softness of her locks, while his hand caged her against him, resting on her lower back.
“Nothing to thank me, I’ll take you bounty hunting with me. Time to make some money.” She giggles, still feeling his body pressed against her, the sensation was nice.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Aemond was truthful to his word, they had gotten her a horse and now they were travelling around, hunting criminals and making money legally. They were camping under the stars, tracking some criminal from the Vale of Arryn.
“I’m feeling disgusting.” The moon shone upon his silver hair, as he looked at her. “I’m heading to the lake to clean myself.”
She looked at him, he was already removing his boots and coat. He winked at her, leaving her alone as he headed for the lake. She pondered for a bit, staring at the fire. It’s been a while that new feelings started to blossom on her heart under his attention, she wanted him and she was ready to chase what she wanted.
So she slowly got up, removing her clothes in the chill night breeze, and carefully walked towards the lake. Aemond wasn’t looking at the shore, so he didn’t notice her approaching until her body touched the water.
He turned to look at her, her skin glowing in the moonlight, he could see her silhouette perfectly, her round breasts and the full curve of her hips and ass, the image of her walking towards him immediately sending blood straight to his cock. He didn’t want to think about her that way, she was a widow, but he couldn’t help as he looked at her and sought her company.
“Thought you may want some company.” She declared, an inch away from him, if she walked any closer their naked bodies would be touching.
“Smart girl, as always.” He praised, one hand cupping her breast as the other he pulled her close, she felt her body on fire as they kissed, a kiss so desperate and filled with passion, she hadn't felt a desire like this in months.
She would gladly burn for him and melt away in his touch. His cock was pressed against her thigh, she reached for it, stroking it slowly as Aemond moaned against her lips.
His hands slowly pressed the flesh of her breasts, pinching her nipple, making her shiver. Her core was dripping, and Aemond felt a very pleasant sensation as his finger dipped between her folds, rubbing circles around the bundle of nerves.
“Do you really want it?” He asked, forcing her to open her eyes and look at him.
“Give me everything.” He captured her lips again, grabbing the back of her thighs and pulling her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist as he guided them to the shore. Laying her on top of his clothes.
He kissed her neck, sinking his cock inside her warm hole. She moaned and arched her back, while he set a fast and steady pace. Snapping his hips against hers, making the woman underneath him melt with the pleasure growing on her.
His lips wrapped around her pert nipple, his tongue flickering and sucking the flesh. She dipped her nails in the skin of his back, pulling him impossible close to her. His hips moved so fast and her orgasm hit her so suddenly that she almost blacked out, he kept moving, now in a more slow pace to respect her sensitive walls. He removed his cock, pumping it until he was spilling his seed on her belly.
“You’re mine now.” He said, getting to his knees and taking her back to the lake so they could properly clean themselves now.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
After that, they were inseparable, always leaving camp together and sharing a tent. The gang congratulated them, throwing a party in their name, a party that was rudely interrupted by the law, threatening them and forcing them to move again.
It was weird how whenever Cole disappeared, the law would find them again. Aemond was noticing it too, but Daemon was too stubborn to listen to them.
“I know he’s plotting something.” He groaned, sitting at your shared bed in Dragonstone, where you were hiding now.
“What if we just leave?” She suggested. “We have the money, we can find a place for us, we can live off hunting.” Aemond looked at her.
“I can’t leave Daemon, he took me and my brothers in, I owe him.” He sighed.
“And you paid, everything that you owed him was paid. You did everything that you could to help.” He blinked. “I feel that Criston is up to something, we need to go before we end up being killed.”
Aemond seemed to ponder a bit, he new she was right about everything that she spoke, but he was so afraid to leave.
“I’ll be by your side, forever. We can take Helaena, Aegon, Floris and Jaehe. Anyone will be welcomed. But we must leave.”
“We need money to buy land, and we don’t have much.” She got up, rummaging through her things until she pulled out a letter.
“The bank sent me this, my father died and left me 20.000 dollars, which is more than enough to start again, Aemond.” He quickly read the letter.
“I can’t ask that of you.” He gave her the letter back.
“You’re not asking, I’m giving it to you. You gave me all you are, and I’m giving you all I am. I am yours and this money is ours.”
He got up, pulling her in for a hug and kissing her dearly.
“We will get out.” He promised.
⋆˙⟡☾𖤓☽ ⟡˙⋆
Dorne was nice, no one knew them there, it was easy to buy a piece of land and start to build their house there. A house big enough to accommodate them and his family.
They left two months ago, sending letters to his siblings, telling where to find them and saying they were more than welcome there.
They had people building the house and the farm, so it was quickly done. They brought animals and seeds, Aemond would go on hunts here and there, going to the nearby town every once in a while to see if they could make money. Pentos paid well, especially bounty hunters, so it was mostly what Aemond did, Y/N joined him sometimes.
He was walking around in the city, looking at the jewellery store, he nervously looked for a ring, he wanted to take her as his wife. She had saved him, he would always be thankful for that. He loved her and wanted to make their love eternal.
Finding the perfect ring he headed home, a wagon and a different horse waited in front of his house. He let his horse under a tree and walked inside, finding people laughing and talking.
Three silver heads turned his way. Jaehaerys was in Floris' lap, Aegon and Helaena both by her side. Y/N served them food. His sister jumped on him, hugging him close.
“I’ve missed you.” She sobbed and he rubbed her back.
“Me too, Hel.” He passed by Aegon, playfully hitting his head on the way, kissing Y/N’s head and greeting Floris.
“Shall we start now?” Aegon spoke.
As soon as they left, the gang collapsed. Criston was planning on taking Daemon to the law, get the reward price for his head and get the gang killed. Laenor, Harwin and Rhea ended up getting killed. Baela and Rhaena ran away with Jace and Luke. Daemon killed Criston and the whole gang had gone their separate ways. Leaving Aegon, Floris and Helaena to accept their offer.
Aemond was happy to have his family back with him, so when they celebrated at night, drinking and singing, he got to one knee and proposed to the love of his life. She happily accepted, kissing him a million times. They danced that night, dancing to the promise of a better future.
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saberlight1 · 1 year
— who i write for
disclaimer: most of my stories are fem!reader, but i will write gender neutral, just let me know. i write angst, fluff, and smut. i am a bisexual female, so i will write about both female and male characters. i am mostly comfortable with writing anything, so don’t be afraid to send in whatever you’d like. my inbox is always open for anything, you can write your thoughts on characters, shows or movies, or my works! much love!
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supernatural —
dean winchester
sam winchester
the hunger games —
peeta mellark
finnick odair
katniss everdeen
coriolanus snow
lucy gray baird
tigris snow
johanna mason
billy the kid —
billy bonney
jesse evans
harry potter —
remus lupin
sirius black
ron weasley
luna lovegood
dean thomas
james potter
lily potter
hermione granger
bellatrix lestrange
blaise zabini
harry potter
tom riddle
regulus black
draco malfoy
yellow jackets —
lottie matthews
natalie scatorccio
taissa turner
shauna shipman
van palmer
travis martinez
jackie taylor
red dead redemption —
arthur morgan
sadie adler
john marston
charles smith
karen jones
star wars —
anakin skywalker
padme amidala skywalker
ahsoka tano
luke skywalker
leia organa skywalker
the last of us —
ellie williams
joel miller
tess servopoulos
dina phantasmagoria
jesse jeon
wwe —
seth rollins
roman reigns
sasha banks
dean ambrose
jeff hardy
the walking dead —
maggie rhee
rick grimes
daryl dixon
shane walsh
michonne grimes
glenn rhee
carl grimes
rosita espinosa
negan smith
tara chambers
king ezekiel
sasha williams
marvel —
wanda maximoff
pietro maximoff
natasha romanoff
yelena belova
bucky barnes
tony stark
scott lang
steve rogers
frank castle
bruce banner
ava ‘ghost’ starr
loki laufeyson
king valkyrie
sam wilson
marc spector
steven grant
layla abdallah el-faouly
matt murdock
miles morales
miguel o’hara
hobie brown
carol danvers
peter parker
gamora zen titan
peggy carter
king t’challa
game of thrones / house of the dragon —
daemon targaryen
rhaenyra targaryen
laena velaryon
jon snow
harwin strong
alicent hightower
sansa stark
helaena targaryen
criston cole
jacaerys velaryon
daenerys targaryen
euphoria —
rue bennett
jules vaughn
elliot hill
lexi howard
fezco o’neill
maddy perez
chris mckay
daisy jones and the six —
daisy jones
warren rhodes
graham dunne
eddie loving
camila dunne
karen sirko
outer banks —
jj maybank
john b routledge
kiara carrera
pope heyward
sarah cameron
cleo grant
shameless —
carl gallagher
fiona gallagher
lip gallagher
veronica fisher
kevin balls
svetlana yevgenivna
adding more soon!
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xyziiix · 1 year
A/N: Hi guys this is my main masterlist, where you can find the links to different fandoms of your preference.
I’m sorry to say that I will only be writing Fem!Reader stories (some could be labelled as GN), just because I struggle to write in the perspective as a male as I don’t have much understanding of what it’s like - and I would hate to attempt at writing for a male!reader and potentially disrespect anybody!
^thats only for now though! It’s not to say that I will never try to expand to write male!readers ever, but that right now as I’m still quite new to sharing fan fiction I’d like to stick best for what I know how to right.^ and I mean absolutely no offence to anybody by this statement.
WARNING: the majority of the stuff I write is for mature audiences only - including dark themes, NSFW ect.
feel free to send requests for any of the characters from any Masterlist (only ones that are listed please)
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masterlist <- (click here)
(Arthur Morgan, John Marston, Charles Smith, Javier Escuella, Sadie Adler)
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masterlist <- (click here)
(Daryl Dixon, Rick Grimes, Negan Smith, Maggie Rhee, Rosita Espinosa)
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masterlist <- (click here)
(Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley, John ‘Soap’ Mactavish, Captain John Price, Alejandro Vargas, Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick)
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masterlist <- (click here)
(Rhaenyra Targaryen, Daemon Targaryen, Aegon Targaryen II, Aemond Targaryen, Cregan Stark - Arnas Fedaravičius fancast)
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masterlist <- (click here)
(Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester)
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fuzzballsheltiepants · 10 months
10 Fandom, 10 Characters, 10 People
Name 10 different characters, from 10 different Fandom, and tag 10 different people to do the same.
Thank you @justadreamfox for the tag! It's been a long time since I've done one of these so here goes
Andrew Minyard, AFTG (duh)
Evan Buckley, 9-1-1 (my SON)
Murderbot/SecUnit, The Murderbot Diaries (still feel guilty using its real name)
Alex Claremont-Diaz, Red White & Royal Blue (particularly the book version)
Elizabeth Bennett, Pride and Prejudice
Daemon Sadi, The Black Jewels Trilogy
Aedion Ashryver, Throne of Glass series (Kingdom of Ash doesn't exist in this house)
Valancy Stirling, The Blue Castle
Yelena Zaltana, Poison Study
Pat Merton, Proper English
and to tag some people: @foxsoulcourt, @tntwme, @annawrites, @littlespoonevan, @cats-are-assholes, @sig66, @filteredred, @jeni182, @bookofmirth, @curvedyellowfruit
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cannibalcoyote · 1 year
*Imagines that aren’t linked means that they aren’t published yet*
Original Stories:
Senseless Reality
Die Hard(Movies):
Simon Gruber Pt.1: A Stranger
Simon Gruber Pt.2: A Savior
Simon Gruber: Escape
Simon/Hans Gruber Pt.1: Alone
Simon Gruber Pt.2: I Will Protect You
Simon Gruber: Am I Worth Anything?
Simon Gruber: Vengeance
Simon Gruber: Lost
Simon Gruber: Fear
DH3 Cast: Anxiety
Star Trek:
Christopher Pike: You Saved Me
Christopher Pike: Arguments
Seven of Nine: Effigy
War Games(1983):
Dr. Stephen Falken: Enough Games
Dr. Stephen Falken: Living in the Past
David Lightman: Escape
David Bowie/Characters:
David Bowie: Sun Rays to Rainy Days
David Bowie: The Actress
David Bowie: Kid Sister
David Bowie: Confrontations
David Bowie: Determination
David Bowie: Don't Go
David Bowie: Security
Jack Celliers: Beautiful Eyes
Jack Celliers: Sadie
Jack Celliers: Alive
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Jareth: Quelled Fear
Jareth: Twin Souls
Jareth: Lost Child
Jareth: Lost Queen
Jareth: Back Away
Mick Ronson:
Rockstar: Your Story(Interview)
I Can't Stay Here Anymore
Hannibal Lecter Pt.1: Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter Pt.2:Antisocial
Hannibal Lecter: New Patient
Hannibal Lecter: Protector
Alfred Pennyworth: Alone
The Elder Maximoff(Series)
Beastars- Pina: Leave My Lioness Alone
Beastars- L/Rouis: Scars
SpyxFamily- Loid Forger: Ease Up Old Man
TLOK- Kuvira: Safe
TLOK- Kuvira: A Friendly Face
TLOK- Kuvira: Prison Break
TLOK- Kuvira: Freedom
TLOK- Kuvira: An Uncertain Future
TLOK- Kuvira: Fury
TLOK- Kuvira: Ambush
TLOK- Kuvira: Sisters
TLOK- Kuvira: Bandits
TLOK- Kuvira: The Abused
TLOK- Kuvira: Fear
TLOK- Kuvira: Regret
TLOK- Kuvira: Sergeant
TLOK- Kuvira: Gone Astray
TLOK- Kuvira: Critical
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Family
TLOK- Lin Beifong: Lost
Black Butler- Sebastian Michaelis: Reaper
The Lion King:
Scar: What Did I Do?
Scar: Betrayal
Scar's Adopted Brother(Series)
Munkustrap: The Beast He Made
Munkustrap: Why?
Alec Hardy: A Messed Up Situation
Alec Hardy: Correlation Does Not Equal Causation
Unraveled (Series)
Harry Potter:
Severus Snape: Siblings
Doctor Who- 10th Doctor: Reunited
Doctor Who- 11th Doctor: I Didn't Mean To
Johnny Depp:
Johnny Depp: Bodyguard Bestfriend
Tom Hanson: Where is Y/N?
Sweeney Todd: Feeling Fatherly
John Dillinger: I Loved You
Jack Sparrow: Too Far
George Jung: Dangerous Affair
House MD:
Gregory House: Consequences
Benjamin 'Hawkeye' Pierce: Decisions
Margaret ‘Hot Lips’Houlihan: Friends
NCIS/Criminal Minds:
Aaron Hotchner: Found Out
Aaron Hotchner: First and Last Phone Call
BAU: Team Member to Murderer
Jethro Gibbs: The Dangers of Pride
Peaky Blinders:
Thomas Shelby: The Blind Woman
The Dressmaker:
Tilly Dunnage: I'll Be Here
LOTR/The Hobbit:
Thranduil: Why Did You Run?
Thranduil: Abandoned
Thranduil: Nin Naur
Woodland Princess (Series)
House of the Dragon:
Daemon Targaryen: Daughter
Daemon Targaryen: Bastard
Daemon Targaryen: Unexpected
Daemon Targaryen/Matt Smith: Two Face
Aemond Targaryen: Blood Debt
Hazbin Hotel:
In progress
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whimsicalmeerkat · 6 months
small fandoms big bang please!
Have a paragraph from my Maleficent meets Daemon Sadi fic, since I can’t share from the big bang one.
Maleficent’s biggest concern at the moment is figuring out where her familiar is and how she is going to get home. She hasn’t seen Diablo since she arrived in this room, but she doesn’t dare make the assumption that he stayed behind in her own world. The last thing she wants to do is ask these men if they know where he is. Well, not the last thing. She’s certainly not looking forward to asking them to let her leave. In hindsight, announcing herself as the Mistress of All Evil was a misstep.
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nardaviel · 2 days
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I've been wanting to do this for ages but I was too lazy to turn on my computer. I got the template here! Only like three of these characters are any degree of well-known, and I think I might actually be one of the only people on Tumblr who knows of two of them... Under the cut I talk a little about how each of them has inspired Sora.
Ibushi Arima: The Original inspiration. The reason Sora exists. The mold that Sora was shaped to fit. Essentially, I needed an OC to fill some holes in my backstory for Ibushi, so I made Sora. He has many things in common with Ibushi for that reason (rich background, unhappy childhood, deeply devoted to a small number of people). He has some key differences, as well, because he needed to have them (less conflict-averse, more ambitious).
Light Yagami: Sora is incredibly, blindingly smart (though not to the degree we're meant to believe Light is, because I'm pretty sure no actual human is as smart as Light is meant to be), and gorgeous, and charismatic, and well-off, but feels a profound disconnect between himself and most others. It takes him in a different direction than Light, however, with more loneliness and self-loathing. Essentially, Sora, like Light, is a guy who seems to have it all, but his internal life is dark and dysfunctional and broken. One of my fav tropes!
Diora di'Marano: She is one of the characters who I might be alone in knowing, which is such a shame, because she's one of my favorite characters in all of media. She's smart as fuck, subtle and patient, good at manipulating people, and overall incredibly skilled at maneuvering through her society to become powerful despite some not inconsiderable barriers. Most importantly for this post, she's motivated by love for a few people, and she doesn't care about much else, including herself. All that cunning and subtlety, and she uses it to protect people, then avenge them, then to protect new people, all the while using herself as a tool like any other. She and Sora would get along, I think.
Haruka and Michiru: Specifically I'm talking about the 90s anime version of these characters. I never watched the anime all the way through, but I remember being drawn to their pragmatism, which influenced the way Sora thinks. The inner senshi don't want anyone to die, and neither do Haruka and Michiru, really, but they recognize that in order to save the most people, they have to commit to causing a few deaths. Sora would do the same calculations.
Amarais Handernesse ATerafin: She is another beautifully pragmatic character. She has more principles than Sora, but she's clear-eyed about what she wants, and she's willing to do literally anything to achieve it; it's simply that some of the things she wants are to never resort to assassination, to leave a positive legacy, to uplift the most vulnerable instead of crushing them under her heel, etc., which rule out some methods of taking and holding power. (Sora does not share these admirable principles; where they are similar is that he, like Amarais, knows what he won't do because he's considered and analyzed it already and decided that it won't produce an acceptable result.) Amarais is also an unapproachable character, aware of her position and expecting others to be aware of it as well, but isolated and made incredibly lonely by that distance. Sora can be very much like that. Lastly, like Sora, she wants power. She wants to get to the top, and she's not sorry about it or ashamed of it, and she's not portrayed as evil for that.
Daemon Sadi: (Look, is he from a Problematic series? Yes. Do I recommend it? Absolutely not. But I read it when I was young, it changed me forever, and now I'm stuck like this.) (Also, he doesn't even have book cover art I could use for this meme; I used @/veliseraptor's fancast of Sendhil Ramamurthy.) Daemon is The Most Powerful Guy To Ever Exist in his canon, which I think freed me early on from the fear of making characters OP. If there's magic or innate superpowers in an AU, and if Sora has them, he's going to be very innately strong, simply because it fits his has-everything-except-happiness-and-love concept and because I want him to be. Daemon is also a rich, beautiful, clever character, subtle and deadly, who lives through a youth full of abuse that follows him for the rest of his life and informs all the close relationships he ever has. Like Sora, he is deeply scarred by his early life and not nearly as stable as his smooth, charismatic facade suggests. His Diora-esque self-sacrificial depth of devotion to his closest loved ones is something else that's really stuck with me, and you can find it in Sora.
Josephine Montilyet: Josie is a diplomat. In a game where you, the PC, are a fighter, and your closest companions are people who fight with you, and two of your three advisors are a soldier and a spy-assassin type, Josephine stands out as the advisor whose skills lie in negotiation, manipulation of social circumstances, pulling strings, and destroying people without ever lifting a weapon. Sora, likewise, is very much a paperwork and private conferences kind of guy. Like Amarais, Josie is more of an idealist than Sora, but also like Amarais, she pursues her goals with Soralike ruthlessness.
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calenlily · 5 months
✨Fic Writing Review 2023✨
Sort-of tagged by @whimsicalmeerkat ❤️
70,820 words posted on AO3
32 works posted on AO3
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Fandoms & Ships Represented
House of the Dragon (Daemon Targaryen/Rhaenyra Targaryen: 28)
Game of Thrones (Lyanna Stark/Rhaegar Targaryen: 1)
Black Jewels - Anne Bishop (Daemon Sadi gen with Daemon Sadi/Jaenelle Angelline implied: 1)
Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Angelus/Buffy Summers: 1)
Greek Mythology (Hades/Persephone: 1)
Top Fics by Kudos:
Battlefields (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, M, NAWA, 11.6k, WIP)
People Throw Rocks At Things That Shine (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, T, NAWA, 1.9k, Complete)
Unforeseen (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, E, Underage+CNTW, 5.4k, Complete)
The Comforts of Home (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, CNTW, 1.8k, Complete)
Because the Night Belongs to Us (HotD: Daemon/Rhaenyra, E, NAWA, 4.6k, Complete)
My Fandom Fic Events in 2023:
30+ Fanfic events: 24-Hour Drabbles
Daemyra Discord prompt events: Dawn of Daemyra Fest, Daemyra Appreciation Month
HotD[aemyra] Discord prompt events: Summer Snippets and Stories, Amorous Autumn/Kinktober
IWRY Marathon @iwillrememberyoumarathon
Multifandom Exchanges: Flash Flood, Mind the Gap Flash, RelationShipping, AUEx, Everywoman, Father’s Day Flash, Stork Swap, Un-themed Flash, Smut 4 Smut, Id Pro Quo, Candy Hearts
While I have obviously still done many exchanges, this has definitely been the year of focusing less on exchanges and more on prompt events and smaller more community-focused fandom spaces, and honestly that’s something I’ve really enjoyed and want to continue going forward.
Upcoming 2024 Events & Projects
I’ll be sharing a 2024 goals list in a separate post, but I’m definitely not going to try planning out my event schedule in advance, I take it a month or two at a time based on what I’m in the mood for. Immediate goals are to finish Battlefields before we get too far into January and then avoid picking up any more commitments until Candy Hearts time, I’m feeling the midwinter burnout coming on and I need a bit of a breather.
Rules & Tags
Honestly, do what you want to with this whether that’s putting in way too much effort like I did, ignoring it, or somewhere in between.
I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you see this and want to do it, consider yourself tagged!
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bookishfeylin · 2 years
Black Jewels anon here again & please forgive me for filling your inbox. Yes! She stole the Illryians, as you mentioned. I saw some criticism on your blog re: her sloppy/bad/etc handling of the (brown) Illryians & I do not want to overstep because the criticism of SJM taking bits from other cultures for "flavour" & "exoticness" is 100% wrong, but I firmly believe she only made them brown-skinned because Eyrians have "golden-brown skin" & she was copying them from Black Jewels. (cont.)
(TBJ anon) I've read Rhysand is always "crooning" & "slipping his hands into his pockets," which are traits of a specific TBJ character, Daemon Sadi. SJM is on record saying she loves Lucivar Yaslana (there's not much fanart, but he's basically Illryian-warrior Rhysand with a brash, arrogant personality) & it seems she just added bits of Daemon Sadi into him (tailored suits, "fated lovers," "crooning," someone who "fools a friend in order to fool an enemy," sadistic / loving to enemies/friends -
(TBJ anon) I found an in-depth post on Reddit which details this, but I'm not sure if links can go through anon asks so I'll have to butcher it a bit, sorry! reddit-dot-com : /r/acotar/comments/f546ex/similarity_to_black_jewels_trilogy/iqgv4ie/ - what really stands out is: "liar. trained, clever liar" is apparently an oft-quoted phrase which is a direct parallel to TBJ having Daemon FREQUENTLY referred to as a "liar. silky, court trained liar." the cadence is the same even if the words aren't.
(TBJ anon) anyway that reddit post covers a lot of similarities. i don't know if i even want to read acotar, knowing that it took the heart & soul of a series i dearly, dearly love, and used it as kindling to fan SJM's own "creative" fire, just so she can retcon abuse and hold ridiculous double standards (tamlin house arrest = bad, but nesta house arrest = for her own good??). but thank you for writing about it & i apologise for all my messages but it just makes me so - tired - & angry. ♥♥♥♥
TBJ anon again: I'M PRETTY SURE I MISSED SOME WORDS, i meant the criticism of SJM using other cultures for "exotic flavour" is 100% ON POINT because *she* is 100% wrong for doing that kind of shitty behaviour. sorry!! I just realised what I said came out the total opposite of what i meant! i was cutting parts down for character limit and went too far with that sentence :(
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YIKES YIKES YIKES that really doesn't reflect well on Sarah 😬 
While I haven't read the Black Jewels series so I can't comment much, I believe @longsightmyth has talked about similarities between the ACOTAR series and the Black Jewels trilogy, so she might have more information if you're interested. 
And you're good nonny! I understood what you meant about the Illyrians when you first said it, and honestly that could partially explain why the culture as a whole is so poorly written. And I always love receiving asks so you're fine :)
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edgecastlema · 1 year
Who’s most wanted ?
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so glad you asked ! below the read more (it got prettyyyy long) is a list of the admin team's most wanted characters. members, feel free to reply with who you would love to see around here ! <3
lydia, jane, lizzie, and kitty bennet, fitzwilliam darcy, charles bingley (pride and prejudice)
johanna mason, annie cresta, haymitch abernathy (the hunger games)
stever rogers, natasha romanoff, bucky barnes, sam willson, pietro maximoff, matt murdock, luke cage, scott summers, jean grey, felicia hardy, reed richards, laura kinney, and kate bishop (marvel multiverse)
bilbo baggins, frodo baggins, samwise gamgee, aragorn, peregrin took, meriadoc brandybuck, thorin oakenshield (the tolkienverse)
percy jackson, annabeth chase, piper mcclean, jason grace, thalia grace, ethan nakamura, grover underwood, selena beauregard, rachel elizabeth dare, clarisse la rue, leo valdez, hazel levesque, frank zhang, reyna avila ramirez-arellano, carter and sadie kane, zia rashid (riordanverse)
sansa, arya, robb, and brandon stark, jon snow, gendry waters, davos seaworth, theon greyjoy, samwell tarly, margaery and loris tyrell, rhaenyra, daemon, aemond, helaena targaryen, laena, corlys, jacaerys, laenor valeryon, harwin strong (a song of ice and fire universe)
romeo montague, juliet capulet, mercutio, benvolio, paris, and rosaline (romeo and juliet)
the baudelaire orphans, the denoument triplets, the snickets, beatrice, esme squalor, and montgomery montgomery (a series of unfortunate events)
lorelai gilmore, rory gilmore, dean forrester, jess mariano, luke danes, paris geller, logan huntzberger, and lane kim (gilmore girls)
the core four (sam, tara, chad, and mindy), sidney prescott, gale weathers, randy meeks, dewey riley, kirby reed, and jill roberts (scream franchise)
zion miller, georgia miller, ginny miller, marcus baker, maxine baker, and abby littman (ginny and georgia)
sienna shaw (terrifier 2)
sally hardesty and vanita "stretch" brock (texas chainsaw franchise)
clear rivers, alex browning, wendy christensen, the ashleys, and erin ulmer (final destination franchise)
pete "the plug" conlan, ricky matsui, misty moore, kingston brown, adaine abernant, gorgug thistlespring, fabian seacaster, ragh barkrock, riz gukgak, delloso de la rue, ayda aguefort, the lords of the wing, evan kelmp, whitney jammer, sam butler, xXBrokenDreamXx, cody walsh, jet rocks, ruby rocks, amethar rocks, and theobald gumbar (dimension 20)
chris redfield, claire redfield, jill valentine, leon s kennedy, jake muller, sherry birkin, carlos oliveira, and ashley graham (resident evil)
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jthedrake2 · 8 months
Total drama file Island
After tons of work thinking, redoing and analyzing. I have redone my Digimon total drama crossover, and in this one every contestant and host gets a partner. It’s not much a serious au as if it was, it would be a much smaller cast and have a more interesting plot.
Also if this were to be a competition fic, then l would have it like this.
First boot- Rookie only
Premerge- Rookie -> Champion
Merge- Rookie -> Ultimate
Finalist- Rookie -> Mega
The main exceptions to this would be
The hosts- All would have access to all their levels, Commonly staying in ultimate level and be at mega in the finale.
Ezekiel, He would be Rookie only in island, Champion in world tour, Ultimate in Revenge and Mega in All stars
Scarlett would also achieve mega due to taking over the island and the contestants would have to fight her off.
Ridonculus race, It doesn’t have a merge so it would be
18th: Rookie only
17th -> 10th: Rookie to Champion
9th -> 3rd: Rookie to ultimate
Finalists- Rookie to mega
For all the partners, I’ve tried to make sure that all of them match their personality, reference a talent they have, the team they’re apart of, an episode they play a part in, or I just think they look good with the Digimon I chose. Also keep in mind that Digimon can become anything and isn’t linear, so yeah some lines will get very weird at times. Also yes, I’m also using appmon for some of them cause they fit and if I didn’t we would have even more repeats.
Chris mclean: Monmon -> Targetmon -> Etemon -> Kingetemon
Chef Hatchet: Ebiburgamon -> Burgamon -> Digitamamon -> Titamon
Ezekiel: Gizamon -> Nohemon -> Zamielmon -> Diablomon
Noah: Igneetmon -> Namakemon -> Wisemon -> Ancientwisemon
Justin: Mirrormon -> Mercuremon -> Knightmon -> Bloomlordmon
Katie: Pawnchessmon black -> Knightchessmon black -> Rookchessmon -> Queenchessmon
Tyler: Pulsemon -> Dogmon -> Shootmon -> Banchomamemon
Cody: Luxmon -> Aegiomon -> Monzaemon -> Jupitermon
Beth: Chuumon -> Opossumon -> Cho-Hakkaimon -> Lovelyangemon
Sadie: Pawnchessmon white -> Knightchessmon white -> Bishopchessmon -> Kingchessmon
Courntey: Kudamon 2006 -> Darcmon -> Hippogriffomon -> Ofanimon falldown mode
Harold: Kotemon -> Igamon -> Fumamon -> Justimon
Eva: Candlemon -> Meramon -> Deathmeramon -> Shroudmon
Trent: Otamamon -> Gekomon -> Shogungekomon -> Plesiomon
Bridgette: Swimmon -> Dolphmon -> Whamon -> Ancientmermaimon
Lindsay: Tinkermon -> Kazemon -> Shutumon -> Venusmon
DJ: Terriermon -> Rabbitmon -> Luminamon -> Anubismon
Izzy: Keramon -> Airdramon -> Orochimon -> Nidhoggmon
Geoff: Kamemon -> Gwappamon -> Shaujinmon -> Neptunemon
Leshawna: Pomumon -> Parasaurmon -> Ajatarmon -> Bancholilymon
Mr. Coconut: Mushmon -> Woodmon -> Jyarimon -> Xuwanumon
Duncan: Impmon -> Flawizardmon -> Baalmon -> Beelzemon
Heather: Funbeemon -> Flymon -> Ladydevimon -> Lilithmon
Gwen: Renamon -> Youkomon -> Doumon -> Kuzuhamon
Owen: Perorimon -> Burpmon -> Gerbemon -> Bacchusmon
World tour
Blaineley: Kodokugumon -> Dokugumon -> Arukenimon -> Parasimon
Josh: Demidevimon -> Blackgatomon -> Mummymon -> Pharaohmon
Sierra: Monitamon -> Pteramon -> Weddinmon -> Junomon
Alejandro: Patamon -> Pidmon -> Astamon -> Daemon
Staci: Bacomon -> Numemon -> Black king Numemon -> Puppetmon
B: Junkmon -> Kenkimon -> Valvemon -> Vulcanasmon
Dawn: Floramon -> Kiwimon -> Delumon -> Ceresmon
Sam: Herissmon -> Filmon -> Stefilmon -> Rasenmon
Brick: Spadamon -> Leomon -> Grapleomon -> Bancholeomon -> Chaosmon
Anne Maria: Syakomon -> Ranamon -> Calamaramon -> Mervamon
Dakota: Lalamon -> Sunflowmon -> Blossomon -> Hydramon
Mike: Gammamon -> Betalgammamon -> Canowiessmon -> Siriusmon
Svetlana and Vito: Klausgammamon
Chester and Manitoba: Wezen Gammamon
Mal: Gammamon -> GulusGammamon -> Regulusmon -> Arcturusmon
Jo: Goblimon -> Orgemon -> Rebellimon -> Darkdramon -> Chaosmon
Scott: Tyutyumon -> Vilemon -> Jokermon -> Piedmon
Zoey: Guilmon -> Growlmon -> Wargrowlmon -> Gallantmon
Lightning: Elecmon violet -> Bulkmon -> Footmon -> Kazuchimon
Cameron: Morphomon -> Butterflymon -> Andromon -> Hiandromon
Fang: Gaossmon -> Tylomon -> Marinekimeramon -> Regalecusmon (a bonus)
Beardo: Musimon -> Mediamon -> Entermon -> Ouranosmon
Leonard: Neemon -> Wizardmon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon
Amy: Lopmon -> Wendigomon -> Antylamon -> Cherubimon vice
Rodney: Hawkmon -> Cockatrimon -> Sinduramon -> Boltmon
Sammy: Lopmon -> Turuiemon -> Antylamon(deva) -> Cherubimon virtue
Ella: Biyomon -> Unimon -> Sirenmon -> Magnadramon
Topher: Monmon -> Hanumon -> Makuramon -> Metaletemon
Dave: Gomamon -> Gesomon -> Marinedevimon -> Cthyllamon
Scarlett: Hagurumon -> Mechanorimon -> Datamon -> Chaosdramon
Max: Protogizmon -> Gizumon AT -> Gizumon XT -> Ebemon
Jasmine: Dorumon -> Dorugamon -> Dorugreymon -> Alphamon
Sugar: Gazimon -> Boarmon -> Vikaralamon -> Gulfmon
Sky: Gaomon -> Blackgaogamon -> Blackmachgaogamon -> Achilliesmon
Shawn: Bearmon -> Porcupamon -> Ghilledhumon -> Eldoradimon
Ridonculus race
Don: Penmon -> Frigimon -> Locomon -> Aegisdramon
Leonard: Neemon -> Wizardmon -> Mistymon -> Dynasmon
Tammy: Bokomon -> Witchmon -> Warudamon -> Crusadermon
Tennis Rivals
Pete: Panbachimon -> Mojyamon -> Giromon -> Jijimon
Gerry: Panbachimon -> Jungle Mojyamon -> Tekkamon -> Babamon
The Geniuses
Mary: Kokabuterimon -> Kabuterimon -> Megakabuterimon -> Herculeskabuterimon
Ellody: Tentomon -> Bladekuwagamon -> Metallifekuwagamon -> Tyrantkabuterimon
The Vegans
Laurie: Pillowmon -> Sheepmon -> Pajiramon -> Mitamamon
Miles: Armadillomon -> Bullmon -> Vajramon -> Sleipmon
The Fashion Bloggers
Tom: Palmon -> Togemon -> Lillymon -> Rosemon -> Rafflesimon
Jen: Aluramon -> Vegiemon -> Lilamon -> Lotusmon -> Rafflesimon
Mother and Daughter
Kelly: Salamon -> Meicoomon -> Meicrackmon -> Rasielmon
Taylor: Salamon -> Mikemon -> Bastemon -> Raguelmon
The Adversity Twins
Mickey: Dokunemon -> Snimon -> Jewelbeemon -> Grandiskuwagamon
Jay: Kunemon -> Kuwagamon -> Okuwamon -> Grandkuwagamon
The Step Brothers
Chet: Vorvomon -> Lavorvomon -> Lavogaritamon -> Volcanicdramon
Lorenzo: Jazemon -> Jazardmon -> Jazarichmon -> Metallicdramon
The Rockers
Rock: Shoutmon -> Kingshoutmon -> Volcamon -> Omnishoutmon
Spud: Dondokomon —> Balistamon —> Atlurmonbalistamon —> Ancientbeetlemon
Father and Son
Dwayne: Dracomon -> Coredramon green -> Groundramon -> Breakdramon -> Examon
Junior: Dracomon -> Coredramon blue -> Wingdramon -> Slayerdramon -> Examon
Reality TV pros
Owen: Perorimon -> Burpmon -> Gerbemon -> Bacchusmon
Noah: Igneetmon -> Namakemon -> Wisemon -> Ancientwisemon
The Goths
Crimson: Dracumon -> Sangloupmon -> Matadormon -> Grandracmon
Ennui: Tsukaimon -> Pipismon -> Myotismon -> Venommyotismon
The Daters/Haters
Ryan: Ludomon -> Tialudomon -> Raijinludomon -> Bwyludramon -> Ragnalordmon
Stephanie: Zubamon -> Zubaeagrmon -> Duramon -> Durandamon -> Ragnalordmon
Best friends
Devin: Agumon -> Greymon -> Metalgreymon -> Wargreymon -> Omnimon
Carrie: Gabumon -> Garurumon -> Weregarurumon -> Metalgarurumon -> Omnimon
The Sisters
Emma: Lunamon -> Lekismon -> Crescemon -> Dianamon -> Gracenovamon
Kitty: Coronamon -> Firamon -> Flaremon -> Apollomon -> Gracenovamon
The Ice dancers
Jacques: Blucomon -> Paledramon -> Cryspaledramon -> Hexablumon
Josse: Snowgoblimon -> Icedevimon -> Skullsatamon -> Done Devimon
The Police cadets
MacArthur: Commandramon -> Hi-Commandramon -> Tankdramon -> Brigadramon
Sanders: Kokuwamon -> Deputymon -> Assaultmon -> Magnakidmon
The Surfer dudes
Geoff: Kamemon -> Gwappamon -> Shaujinmon -> Neptunemon
Brody: Sangomon -> Tobiumon -> Divemon -> Surfmon
Caleb: Liollmon -> Liamon -> Panjyamon -> Marsmon
Axel: Monodramon -> Sealsdramon -> Captainhookmon -> Olegmon
Nichelle: Gotsumon -> Starmon -> Superstarmon -> Ancientirismon
Scary girl: Ghostmon -> Bakemon -> Metalphantomon -> Reapermon
Damien: Toyagumon -> Tyrannomon -> Mastertyrannomon -> Spinomon
MK: Psychemon -> Fangmon -> Cerberumon -> Merukimon
Wayne: Falcomon -> Owlmon -> Yatagaramon -> Frostvelgrmon
Raj: Falcomon 2006 -> Peckmon -> Karatenmon -> Valdurmon
Ripper: Loogamon -> Loogarmon -> Helloogarmon -> Fenriloogamon
Zee: Phascomon -> Coleamon -> Metalmamemon -> Belphemon sleep mode
Chase: Petimamon -> Boogiemon -> Phelesmon -> Barbamon
Emma: Labramon -> Siesamon -> Caturamon -> Duftmon
Julia: Cameramon -> Publimon -> Oleamon -> Murmukusmon
Millie: Wormmon -> Searchmon -> Dinobeemon -> Ancientvolcamon
Priya: V-mon -> V-Dramon -> AeroV-dramon -> Ulforce V-dramon
Bowie: Espimon -> Exermon -> Climbmon -> Shivamon
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fiamac · 9 months
5 comfort characters, 5 tags
Tagged in by @amysnotdeadyet, who should have known better. Comfort, eh? Most of my blorbos aren’t based on… comfort.
1) Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf) my darling precious boy
2) Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
3) Dean Winchester (Supernatural). Like Derek, nothing about him is comfortable, but his misery distracts me nicely.
4) Jack Zimmermann (OMG Check Please!)
5) Daemon Sadi (Black Jewels) — okay, maybe I struggle with the whole “comfort” concept…
Tagging in @iamanonniemouse , @sdlibrarian , @amazinmango , @mispunt , and @cricketcat9
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Maxine (Max) Mayfield
Age 13:
Physical Description: (same as show -we stand Sadie sink)
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^(artist unknown) 
Dæmon name: Valrian 
Sex : Male 
Daemon form: unsettled but frequents Fennic Fox - I feel like I don’t need to explain this one
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