#daily vlog aesthetic
adaywithme · 10 months
Embracing a calm and mindful daily ritual.
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differentfirefart · 1 year
Unlocking the Benefits of HIIT: High-Intensity Interval Training Demystified
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Understanding HIIT: 
How it Works: HIIT revolves around the concept of pushing your body to its limits during high-intensity intervals, followed by active recovery or rest periods. The goal is to elevate your heart rate to near-maximum levels during the intense phases and then allow it to recover partially during the low-intensity phases. This cycle of exertion and recovery creates a powerful stimulus for the body, leading to a range of physiological adaptations.
Here’s how a typical HIIT session may look:
Warm-up: A brief 5-10 minute warm-up to prepare the body for the intense workout ahead.
High-Intensity Interval: 30-60 seconds of an all-out effort in exercises like sprinting, jumping jacks, burpees, or cycling.
Recovery Period: 30-60 seconds of low-intensity activity, like walking or slow jogging.
Repeat: The high-intensity recovery cycle is repeated for 15-30 minutes.
Cool-down: A 5-10 minute cool-down with stretching to bring the heart rate back to normal gradually.
Benefits of HIIT:
Time Efficiency: HIIT is perfect for those with busy schedules. Since it involves short bursts of intense exercise, you can achieve the same or even better results compared to traditional workouts in much less time.
Improved Cardiovascular Health: HIIT increases your heart rate and challenges your cardiovascular system. Over time, this can improve heart health, increase stroke volume, and enhance oxygen utilization.
Calorie Burn and Weight Loss: HIIT workouts can lead to a significant calorie burn during and after the exercise session due to the “afterburn effect” or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). 
Preservation of Muscle Mass: Unlike some traditional forms of cardio, HIIT helps preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy metabolism.
Metabolic Health: HIIT can improve insulin sensitivity and glucose regulation, which is beneficial for individuals at risk of type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome.
Increased Endurance and Performance: Regular HIIT can enhance your aerobic and anaerobic capacity, leading to improved overall athletic performance.
Minimal Equipment Required: HIIT workouts can be designed using bodyweight exercises, making them accessible to everyone, regardless of access to gym equipment.
No Boredom, Endless Variety: With countless exercises and combinations available, HIIT workouts are far from monotonous, keeping participants engaged and motivated.
Adaptable to All Fitness Levels: HIIT workouts can be modified to suit individual fitness levels, making them suitable for beginners and advanced athletes alike.
Elevated Metabolism: HIIT stimulates the production of growth hormones, which can have a positive impact on metabolism and overall energy expenditure.
Safety Considerations:
While HIIT offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to consider safety when incorporating it into your routine:
Consult Your Doctor: If you’re new to exercise or have any underlying health conditions, consult your doctor before starting any HIIT program.
Proper Warm-up and Cool-down: Always warm up adequately before the high-intensity phase, and cool down properly after the session to prevent injuries.
Start Slowly: If you’re a beginner, begin with shorter intervals and gradually increase the intensity and duration over time.
Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body responds to the workouts. It’s okay to push yourself but avoid overtraining or ignoring pain signals.
Stay Hydrated: Drink water before, during, and after the workout to stay hydrated.
Incorporating HIIT into Your Routine:
Here are some tips to help you integrate HIIT effectively into your fitness routine:
Frequency: Aim for 2-3 HIIT sessions per week, allowing adequate rest between sessions for recovery.
Varied Exercises: Mix up the exercises to keep it interesting and target different muscle groups.
HIIT and Strength Training: Combine HIIT with strength training for a well-rounded fitness regimen.
Progressive Overload: Gradually increase the intensity or duration of your intervals to continue challenging your body.
Recovery Days: Don’t forget to include rest or active recovery days in your weekly schedule.
HIIT is a powerful and time-efficient training method that offers numerous benefits for fitness enthusiasts and beginners. By incorporating HIIT into your fitness routine and adhering to safety guidelines, you can unlock its potential to enhance cardiovascular health, boost metabolism, burn calories, and improve overall athletic performance. So, why wait? Get ready to take your workouts to the next level with the power of High-Intensity Interval Training. Always remember to listen to your body, stay consistent, and enjoy the journey to a fitter and healthier you!
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pagesofjasmine · 7 months
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Life recently
Pictures clicked by me
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u-luv-star · 2 months
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Went out to get lunch + book shopping 📖🤎
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cinnamon-irl · 4 months
🪼🪸 refocus your goal !!
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hilasss · 5 months
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cecygarcia03 · 1 year
me trying to romanticise my day ✨
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letsberealgenz · 5 months
how to be productive: stop procrastinating, stay motivated and disciplined in 2024
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Recently my schedule has been pretty crazy! Not going to lie, it can get pretty overwhelming when you have so much to do yet so little time. The truth is time is just time, it’s just that we’ve been filling up our plate a little too much with the expectation of getting almost everything done in just 24 hours and also crazy enough to think that we can juggle every responsibility we have towards ourselves, family, friends, community and et cetera.
Are we living in a time where we can’t seem to differentiate humans and robots anymore?
Being in a chaotic schedule has definitely hacked my productivity benchmark but what surprised me was how easily it is for us to overlook the daily habits that’s actually making the most difference in your day-to-day. Finally, I am compiling and revealing it to you today!
stop mindless scrolling
The #1 productivity killer is this. To be honest, it’s a drug that’s been intoxicating not only 1 person but the entire generations down the road. Like it or not, everybody’s forced to own a smartphone today due to how fast the world is revolving around digital transformation.
I mean that’s okay but what’s not okay is how easily it is for humans to fall prey into this addiction of scrolling through social media. We are living in a time where nobody has to teach you how to be addicted to an application instead we are living in a time where it’s the application that tends to give you more attention compared to human beings. Right?
That’s how you get addicted scrolling through your Instagram feed, Facebook, TikTok and all the applications that exist out there just for you! To be honest, I was definitely in that category too and I hate the fact that I wasted every second of my life going through that addiction till I finally woke up.
An awakening they say? Huh once I knew exactly how we are wrapping ourselves into this great illusion, I made a promise to only use my social media when it’s highly needed. For instance:
work purpose
communication and etc.
Definitely I allow myself to mindlessly scroll too but only when I am completely done with the tasks that I promise myself to work on. Also not forgetting I always find a way to stay in the present moment by giving my time to people whom are physically present around me. That way, I feel like I am truly living and making the most out of the day!
create a to-do list
This is my top habit for easing my anxiety and reducing panic attacks throughout the day. Saves mental space big time! From my personal experience, the moment I begin planning for the things I need to work on for the day, I ensure that it is truly aligned with my goals as well as allocating the time required in a realistic manner.
What happens here is that by doing this, I am actually eliminating tasks that does not require my immediate attention and upscaling my time management for tasks that would actually move me closer towards my goals.
plan your important days ahead
I can’t emphasize enough on the importance of planning your high priority tasks way ahead. Yes, I do know how well some of us work at the very eleventh hour but truth to be told is when you get your planning right, you would ensure that you put in all the effort required on your side to make it happen!
Trust me when you do this, you won’t ever have the feeling of “you could have done more” or even “only if I put in more effort, never know I could ace that event/competition/meeting/presentation.” Planning wins in the end!
set up your vision board
Didn’t they say visualization is the key to manifestation? Yes, you heard it right! Vision board is just another really simple way to ensure you are being reminded of your big goals in life. That dream house, that dream vacation, that dream relationship, that dream job and that dream lifestyle of yours is never going to come into fruition if you just procrastinate and scroll through your phone all day long right?
visualization + belief + effort = manifestation
dopamine reward system
I have to credit Rob Dial’s podcast for this insight! It’s ironic how we only reward ourselves for the big wins but the truth is it’s the small wins that matters the most at the end of the day!
When you start rewarding yourself for those small wins of yours, that’s how you’re going to generate a bigger, better and brighter momentum to keep moving forward in life!
For me personally, I find it so satisfying to cross off my to-do list. This is my daily dopamine reward system for my entire being to be honest. What’s yours?
focus on the important task first
When you have so many things on your plate, it’s so easy to be pulled in various directions at the same time. That’s why it’s so important to recognize which task is truly urgent and actually helping you to get closer towards your goal.
Personally, I use the Eisenhower decision matrix boosting my time management!
monitor your intake
Food is fuel right? I am not a professional nutritionist to advocate about this but I am humanly enough to know that the food and drink we consume affects our entire body system in so many different ways.
energy level
sleeping patterns
cognitive function
The list goes on and on haha!
take your vitamins/supplements consistently
Vitamins are so underrated to be honest. It’s like we get caught up doing everything externally till we forgot we could boost our immune system just through the right pills. I know it’s always the best to consume intake that naturally has all the vitamins and minerals your body needs but what if you are eating out most of the days?
Exactly, that’s where vitamins and supplements come in as your best friend!
sweat it out
I hate how social media portrays “fitness” because in reality everybody has different body languages. Maybe I fit well working out at home with my yoga mat but for you maybe hiking is your love language. But what needs to be spoken more about is how you can fit a certain workout regime best into your daily schedule.
Consider time as well. Do not robotized yourself instead be really flexible with your regime. Some days working out could be easy and some days you just don’t find time to do so and that’s totally okay. Do not ever beat yourself up for this!
Reflection is such an important tool yet it can be easily overlooked in your daily life. That’s where journaling comes in as your savior. This is something that I have recently found out, night journal really helps in wrapping up my days.
What I did on that day?
What can be improved?
What needs to be eliminated?
What did I learn overall?
What I need to focus from tomorrow onwards?
I will create a special night journal routine vlog soon on my YouTube channel. Therefore, do hit the subscribe button to stay tune for more live vlogs! (PS: This is a new realm for me but I am excited to try this out)
batch create
Saving the last spot for the best! Aha, finally we are here and this should be your #1 habit if you’re an online entrepreneur, growing your business digitally, running an online store, an artist, creator or anybody who’s trying to make something out of wi-fi money. This one’s for you! (save this)
Batch create your content. Save a specific date and record all of your videos/podcasts on that same day. This would help you to save a lot of time down the road for editing and scheduling purpose.
That’s it for now! Signing off, let me know if you found this to be helpful and below are my socials. Let’s connect!
YouTube || Instagram || TikTok || Wattpad || Tumblr || Pinterest || Podcast
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designbyrobinsade · 2 months
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50+ Luxury YouTube Snapshot Vlog Thumbnails
Transform your YouTube channel into a realm of luxury and sophistication with our collection of 50+ Snapshot Vlog YouTube Thumbnails. Designed to elevate your content to new aesthetic heights, these thumbnails blend minimalistic charm with a touch of opulence, perfect for those seeking to enhance their visual branding.
Ideal for vlog channels, each thumbnail promises to showcase your lifestyle in a captivating manner, whether you're exploring travel destinations, sharing fashion tips, or delving into the world of culinary delights. Crafted to exude a sense of exclusivity, these thumbnails are meticulously designed to attract viewers with their sleek, polished appearance. Utilizing Canva, you have full control to tailor each thumbnail to match your unique style and content. - Design By Robin Sade
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requivm · 9 months
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tulips 🌷
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abmuni · 3 months
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my very first youtube video is finally out
& im so excited i was also nervous but that went away as soon as i feel all the support from my loved ones truly means the world 💗
💕💓tune in & i hope you enjoy & thank you 💓💕
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onemoraine · 5 months
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New hair ✨
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icieashie606 · 6 hours
new vlog is up !!
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bykremi · 3 months
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a few shots from a vlog that I'm working on
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u-luv-star · 28 days
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⭐️ going camping with a friend ⭐️
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sw4ttea · 1 month
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