#daisy x trip x jemma
tvseries-writings · 9 months
Road Trip VIII
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Road trip masterlist
Wandanat x Bioquake x reader (Bobbi x reader platonic!)
TW: blood
Summary of previous chapters: When Nat, Wanda, Daisy, Jemma and reader have an accident, reader is injured so badly that Jemma and Wanda must combine science and magic to save her with only one side effect...special healing powers that allow to project the injuries onto someone else but at a high price. What happens when the girls find out what this “high price” consist in?
Silence invades the room since you told them the truth about the tests. You had hoped that lie would last at least a couple of weeks, but instead it hadn't even lasted a day. Jemma looks at the papers in her hands, barely holding back tears and quickly shaking her head.
They say there are five stages of grief. And even if that is not their mourning, not yet at least, each of them, knowing the truth, is going through at least one of those stages.
Jemma is facing denial, rereading again and again those words that are incomprehensible to you but which Fitz has diligently summarized for you, as if by doing so he can find a permanent solution to your situation that you can accept.

"No, no, there must be something we can do...if you don't use your powers then, maybe-"
Daisy paces back and forth across the room, making her shake just barely, almost imperceptibly to anyone who doesn't know her. Daisy is incredulous, bewildered by a revelation of such magnitude.
"This is not your choice, all right? I wanted to tell you because I was forced to," you cast a glare at Daisy before continuing to speak, "and you have no say in the matter, get over it."
You know you've been hard on them, you know it and you see it in their looks but it's for their own good and for your own sanity. No one banned them from using their powers, even when they were hurting them so they have no right to ban you...not if you can save lives. You could even heal cancer with your powers, how can they not understand that.

"You may be right, sometimes our powers hurt us but we don't sign a death warrant every time we use them detka." Wanda takes a few steps toward you but you back away, shaking your head.
"I could save who knows how many lives, I...you are special, you always have been, by your powers or your qualities and now I too will finally feel useful in something" "Even if it means your death y/n? Because that's what we're talking about, you can't deny it and each of us is all too aware of it; do you realize that if you keep using these strange and dangerous new powers, you'll only destroy yourself until there's nothing left of you?"
Natasha struggles to keep the fear from seeping into her voice but you know her, you know she is only scared and afraid of how far your recklessness may take you this time.
You look away, unable to sustain the former widow's sharp but concerned gaze.

"I'm aware of that Nat, I know I'm signing my own death warrant but if it will help even one person then I'll be more than happy to take the risk."
"This is bullshit! Are we really going to allow her to do something like this? This is stupid and dangerous. You're committing suicide y/n and I can't stand by and watch you do it, at the cost of stopping you by force."
Daisy raises her arm toward you, she doesn't know why either but hopes to stop this madness even though both you and she know she would never hurt you. In fact, after a few seconds in which you all remain silent, the inhuman lowers her arm with a defeated air.

"Please love, please...we would not survive without you."
Daisy lets tears line her cheeks as she collapses to her knees, repeatedly shaking her head, "you can't choose to leave us if you have the option to not to, please..."
Your heart breaks and your body moves before you can stop it. You kneel next to her and hug her, kissing her cheek and whispering that it will be okay even though you know it is a promise you cannot keep. Wanda approaches you and joins the embrace, Jemma follows her while Nat remains motionless, just a few steps away from you. She would like to join but the pain she is feeling right now prevents her from doing so.

"Nat" Wanda whispers, turning toward her lifelong companion, inciting the redhead to join but the latter shakes her head.
"Please" you look up, mimicking the word with your lips, and she resists for a few seconds before complying with your request. This warm squeeze is supposed to be for Daisy but actually, if you have to be honest, you think it serves all of you.
You don't know how long you stay like this but when you speak again, your mouth is dry and your voice trembles.
"I'll...I'll be careful, I'll only use them when I think it's necessary okay?"
The girls nod, not what they wanted to hear but they know they won't get anything else from you.
"All right but first I want to do some tests and many, many blood tests so I suggest you prepare yourself psychologically."
You huff dramatically and hide in Wanda's arms.
"Wands save me" you whimper and Nat pats you on the butt shaking his head.
"I don't think you're going to get off that easy" "No no, Jemma is right and in fact, we'll help her hold you down for as long as detka" Wanda leaves a kiss on your temple and smiles when you let out another whimper.
"If you're going to have your way at least you have to suffer a little" Daisy sticks her tongue out at you and you kick her on the shin which makes her pout and massage the injured area.
"I hate you" "No you don't" "No you don't...I hate you very much."
During the next three weeks Jemma doesn't give you a break and Bobbi certainly doesn't help. You have pitted arms and think you're missing a lot of blood after all the blood draws the biochemist forced on you. Just like she's doing today.

"Stop it Bobbi, that's the third one today..please."
You sigh, shaking your head and withdrawing your arm from the blonde's hands and almost injuring yourself with the needle.
"Y/n! Be careful or you'll hurt yourself."
Bobbi removes her gloves and places them, along with the syringe, on the small table to your right.
"I know you hate all these rockstar withdrawals and I know how terrible you are as a patient but-"
Your phone rings and as soon as it does, you immediately recognize the ringtone.
"Director Fury, tell me."
Bobbi watches you throughout the entire call, trying to figure out what your boss is telling you but can't. She has never been good at reading other people's emotions, let alone their looks.
"All right director, no problem. We'll leave right away."
You end the call, putting the phone back in your pocket and getting up from the infirmary bed. A dizziness forces you to sit back down and Bobbi snaps toward you, grabbing your arm to keep you from falling to the floor.

"Hey hey, easy. I just took a liter of blood from you, I don't think it's a great idea to get up so fast without even drinking your juice."
Bobbi hands you the juice and watches you carefully as you drink it all so as not to infuriate her.
"Can I get up now boss?"
A smile of defiance paints your face and the spy rolls his eyes, nodding his head to give you permission.

"What did Fury tell you?"
Bobbi tosses the used syringe and gloves into the trash can, but continues to watch you out of the corner of her eye to make sure that once you're on your feet you don't get hit with dizziness again. 
"We have a mission and we need to leave right away, it's a 084."
"Origin unknown..." Bobbi whispers and you nod. You both know that code all too well, as does Daisy.
"We need to warn the others and move now."
You head for the infirmary exit but Bobbi blocks you.
"You can't go on the mission, Fitz hasn't finished designing the electricity absorber for your neural connections yet and if anything goes wrong Jemma would kill me, non-" "Bobs, I know. It's going to be okay okay? I promise. Now get ready, I'm going to call the others."
When you finally find them, they are all four ( or almost) engaged in a violent, but also deeply exciting, sparring session.
Natasha is on top of Daisy, pushing her against the mat beneath them while Wanda and Jemma watch them on the sidelines with mischievous smiles on their faces.
"Do you give up Agent Johnson?" "Forget it Romanoff."
It takes Daisy a couple of tries before she gets the better of Nat and knocks the redhead to the ground, holding her hands above her head and legs apart.
That sight makes you hot, but as soon as you remember the real reason you came after them, to your regret, you interrupt the little scene before you.
"As much as I hate to interrupt you...Fury called me, we need to leave immediately for a mission. It's about an 084."
Daisy untangles herself from Nat's grip and looks at you with a look you've never seen on her before.
"When do we leave?"
In less than four hours, 084 turns out to be much more "known" than expected, and you, Daisy, Bobbi find yourselves tied, in a cold, dreary gray cell, to each other, because of a white, misogynistic, and, above all, psychopathic Nazi asshole.

"I remembered you dead."
You spit on the floor; the mix of saliva and blood settles inches from his designer leather shoes.
You cast a glance at Daisy and Bobbi. The former is still unconscious but the rise and fall of her chest indicate that she is still alive while the blonde is awake and struggling against the handcuffs as she watches that being torture you helplessly.

"Oh my dear, you know how we Hydra people are...when you cut off one head two more pop up."
Whitehall smiles; a crooked, sick smile so sadistic it makes you cringe, even if you don't show it.
"Although it's been years, I see you still use the same jokes. Old age is looming eh? Indeed, since you ran out of your beauty serum, quite a few wrinkles have appeared."
Another fist crashes against your jaw and is so hard that your head snaps to the side and more blood joins the blood from before on the floor. Whitehall wipes his hand on a handkerchief taken from the pocket of the ivory jacket he is wearing.
He shakes his head, smiles at you and grabs your face with his right hand, cupping your chin between his index finger and thumb so hard you think he might shatter it. Despite his age, the asshole still has a lot of strength.
As long as he takes it out on you and leaves Daisy and Bobbi alone, though, he's more than okay. At least until Nat, Wanda and Jemma come to your rescue. Knowing them, they will already be hot on your trail.

"Now tell me agent y/n, where is the journal that S.H.I.E.L.D. seized from me?"
Whitehall grazes your cheek with the scalpel, causing a small cut that makes Bobbi wiggle even more from her restraints; you know that look, she's telling you not to pull too hard.
"For the umpteenth time, you Nazi prick, I don't even know what you're talking about!"
Blood drips from your nose, probably broken considering the throbbing pain. Obviously you know what he's talking about, it's no secret that S.H.I.E.L.D. came into possession of the red journal inside of which were engraved the super-soldier activation words but I doubt that a Hydra bigwig would need it so badly that he would kidnap three S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.
Daisy lets out a groan as she slowly opens her eyes and you freeze, aware that Whitehall will now focus all energy on her.
And to think he only managed to capture you with a sedative in the form of gas...uh, Nazis, those assholes never change.
"You Americans are so stupid...the red diary, from Hydra. Seems obvious to me."
Whitehall cracks a smile before carving you one more time with the scalpel only this time, the cut is deeper and all too close to your carotid vein and Daisy, who has just woken up and recovered from the sedative, as soon as she sees how you are reduced struggles against the handcuffs and yells at Whitehall to stop.
"The destroyer of worlds...glad you could join us in this pleasant reunion."
He turns away from you, focusing on Daisy. The Inhuman tries to activate her powers but can't, the collar on her neck prevents her from doing so, and the Hydra scientist smiles as he sees her tenacity.

"Daisy Johnson, Quake, the Destroyer of Worlds, many names but without powers you are nothing."
Whitehall approaches one of your soulmates, and when he injects something into her neck, you can't see anymore and the handcuffs become completely useless against the rage you're feeling and the fear that whatever that was inside that damn syringe might cause Daisy harm.
It all happens quickly; Whitehall reaches down and grabs you by the chin again and then uses that same hand to dab the blood that suddenly comes out of the wound in his neck-the exact same wound he gave you that is now gone from your skin and transferred to his. The blood from your nose comes out even faster and more copiously so that your head starts to spin but you can still make out a smile on that psychopath's face.
"Ha Ha, I knew the rumors were true, and a little water injected into one of your lovers gave me the confirmation I was looking for. What amazing powers, the gift of healing and destruction as sides of the same coin."
Whitehall shakes his head while continuing to smile as he takes his handkerchief from his breast pocket and dabs the blood coming from your nose; not that it has much effect since the bleeding is due to your powers.
"I look forward to experimenting on you, my dear. It will be painful but you know, breakthroughs require experimentation."
He turns to the two energetic men on either side of the door, the only way out of that room, and motions for them to take you away.

"Pick her up and take her to the room. I'll prepare for operations; we must start now. Science does not wait!"
Bobbi watches intently, and as soon as Whitehall and one of his two henchmen emerge from the gray and far too brightly lit cell in which they are keeping you locked up, the handcuffs that held her bound fall to the floor. The sound the handcuffs make as they hit the floor makes Igor the enforcer turn toward the blond spy. Bobbi picks up the chair to which she was tied and smashes it over the giant's head, and within seconds the latter falls unconscious to the floor before he even realizes what is happening.
You observe your surroundings without really doing so. Your head is spinning and the nosebleed still doesn't seem to have stopped; in fact, you don't know if it has; you are so dazed that you don't realize it. Passively, you watch Bobbi untie Daisy and then pick up the gun that the giant idiot dropped after being stunned. And then, as Daisy approaches you and Bobbi unties you, you feel yourself return to the reality around you. At least in part.
"Hey, look at me, are you okay?"
Daisy takes your face in her hands, tearing off a piece of her shirt and dabbing at your nose to the best of her ability.
Bobbi keeps her gun pointed at the door as her spy skills take over, though that doesn't keep her from checking you out with her eyes every few seconds. After all, she is one of your closest friends and she cares a lot about you.
"You're an idiot, you shouldn't have used your powers for me."
"You would have done the same for me Dee," you whisper, concentrating on focusing on her face and straining to pronounce the words correctly. Daisy does not respond and merely looks at you, continuing to hold the now blood-soaked piece of her T-shirt under your nose.
"Shit Bobbi, it won't stop bleeding. What should I do?"
Bobbi continues to watch the door as she kneels down to slip something metallic from her right boot before tossing it to Daisy.
"This is the neural connection stabilizer that Fitz designed, it's only a prototype but it should help. Besides, it's not like we have much choice right now sestra."
Bobbi shoots you a look, startled by how out of it you seem and lacking connection to reality. Daisy applies two electrodes to the sides of your temples, attaching them to the thick and particularly heavy iron headband at the back of your neck, and then, as soon as she presses the power button Bobbi points to her, the pain suddenly fades and your head stops spinning considerably, the same way the blood stops going down.

"How I love Fitz," you smile, shaking your head just barely to try to ward off even the dazzling nausea that unfortunately has not yet gone away.
"Yeah well, don't push it, we don't know how much it holds and I'm not about to find out y/n" Daisy gives you a warning look before helping you to your feet. You sway dangerously to the side as the world tilts but Daisy keeps you firmly anchored to herself, giving you a concerned look. It takes a few seconds before you stabilize.

"I just feel a little dizzy, that's all. I'm okay Dee."
"Yeah, sure, you're okay...if you're okay, I'm the director of S.H.I.E.L.D."
You roll your eyes and snort, giving Daisy a gentle nudge and realizing only then that the Inhuman is still wearing the collar that blocks her powers.
"Bobbi, can we get it off without hurting her?"
You turn to the blonde, and when the latter shakes her head, you tighten your lips, thinking how much you'd like to put a good bullet through Whitehall's skull.
Noises outside the door alarm you and you waste no time in grabbing a broken chair leg to use as a weapon.
"Oh, that's scary."
"Better this than air."
You stick your tongue out at Daisy, and for a few seconds you think you are safe, perhaps on the couch, sitting between the women you love most in the world as you watch a few movies on one of your movie nights.
Then, three gunshots cause you to take a defensive stance, putting yourself in front of Daisy to protect her just as the door to the closed cell you are in is smashed open and falls to the floor with a thud.
Bobbi doesn't lose sight of the entrance, but when she recognizes the silhouette of the person standing in the knocked-down doorway, a smile breaks out on her face and her shoulders relax as she lowers her gun.
"Did I step on your moment?"
Natasha smiles and runs toward you and Daisy, squeezing you in a hug before exchanging a pat on the back with Bobbi.
"Good entrance Romanoff, I see you still like to show off."
"Oh Morse, you know me well. My ego comes first."
Natasha presses the earpiece she has in your ear, looking at both you and Daisy relieved to see that you are both okay albeit with a few bruises and some blood.
"Jem, Wands...yes, I found them, they are fine. Whitehall escaped but we will find him."
The journey to the Zephyr is silent, methodical and full of bullets lodged in the heads of Hydra soldiers. When you arrive on board, you are greeted by a warm, smothering embrace from Jemma and Wanda, and even Bobbi cannot escape it. And then, as was bound to happen, Jemma drags all three of you to the infirmary.
"Come on Jem, I'm fine. Really." you grumble as the biochemist wipes the crusted blood off your face, ignoring your protests.
"You're not fine, you used your powers and you shouldn't have. It was stupid and reckless, so let me do my job."
"That lunatic injected who knows what into Daisy, I couldn't stand by and do nothing Jemma! You would have done the same. All of you would have, don't lie."
Jemma shakes her head, casting a glance at Daisy before moving to the front of her crib.
"Oh, don't start with me. Think y/n."
Daisy gives you a dirty look, one of those that a brother gives his sister after the latter has ratted you out, and you amiably show her your middle finger. You two really love each other only you have a strange way of showing it, that's all.
The biochemist tilts the Inhuman's head, looking closely at the tiny little hole the syringe has left in Daisy's skin.
As Jemma drains Daisy with at least two vials of blood, you approach Bobbi and brush her arm with your hand.
"Hey, are you okay?"
You whisper and Bobbi nods, sighing so softly you almost heard it.
"You went too far, it could have been bad," the blonde whispers and clenches her jaw. You look away, doing anything to avoid meeting her eyes," she could have killed you and I couldn't have done anything about it. Do you understand that y/n? You cannot jeopardize your life like this...your life is not worth less than my life or Diaisy's life."
You shake your head and flinch away from Bobbi, drawing the attention of the other two girls in the room.
"I had no choice, you know how fixated Whitehall is on Daisy and her mother!"
Bobbi remains silent, she probably would have done the same thing in your place but the fear she felt at almost losing her best friend a few hours earlier still grips her stomach.
"Y/n, Bobbi is right. My life isn't worth more than yours and I don't want you to do shit like that ever again."
Daisy gets off the crib and walks over to you, taking your hands between her own and drawing circles on your skin.

"Yeah, I'd say we have enough stubborn, reckless people in this relationship already."
Natasha says, entering the infirmary at that moment. Behind her, Wanda crosses your gaze, turning a small smile.
"Honestly-and happily-I still don't know how you are all unharmed considering you never think before you do anything."
Jemma shakes her head and emphasizes a sigh of exasperation to let you know how much you stress her out.
You smile and the tension that seemed to hover in the room before quickly dissipates. Jemma picks up the tablet next to the crib Daisy was on, looking at the results that the fast S.H.I.E.L.D. machines have sent her.
"Well, then Dee looks like Whitehall was telling the truth. I don't know if it was water but it didn't alter any of your values so at the moment I'm satisfied...Not that you're safe from any future tests in the days to come, let's be clear."
Daisy snorts and Wanda hugs her to comfort her, unsuccessfully holding back a smile. After Jemma finishes observing your test results, the biochemist clears Bobbi for any substantial damage, simply giving her a palliative for a nasty bruise on her shoulder, and then, after long and careful consideration, decides it is time to remove Fitz's device.
She has you lie on the crib, though your protests are anything but feeble, and then hooks you up to a million machines. Heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, CO2--everything.
"Bobbi come here, Wanda stand by in case your intervention is needed."
You feel like that crib is your bedside, with all the people you love around you and wires poking out of your body everywhere. Jemma lifts up your shirt, gluing the two electrodes one above your left breast and the other under your right armpit.
"Oh Jem, I don't think we should do this right now," you whisper, pretending to be scandalized as Jemma pats you on the shoulder. The whispered word "idiot" and the laughter that follows make your heart warm.
Daisy, Wanda, and Natasha remain silent as they watch Jemma slowly and carefully detach the electrodes on your temples, also slipping off the iron tube behind your neck.

"How do you feel?" Bobbi says, watching the monitors and checking your vitals, noting a gradual increase in your heart rate.
"Simmons, heart rate 95 and BP 130/85 and rising."
Jemma runs to one of the drawers; you can't quite make out her movements or the faces of your girls despite the fact that they are inches away from you. Your vision is blurry and you're pretty sure your nose has started bleeding again and profusely too, considering the concern-laden tones of voice of the girls around you.
"Shit y/n, stay awake," Bobbi says to you, slapping your face a couple of times when she sees you squint.
Natasha is dabbing your nose with all the paper she can find, and her face contorts more and more from worry with each blood-soaked handkerchief she throws on the floor. And then, in the general chaos, while Jemma is injecting you with drugs for hypertension and to try to lower your heart rate, Daisy does the only thing that makes sense to her: she takes the electricity absorber and puts it on you in the exact same way it was just moments before. And everything disappears, your vitals return to normal and stable, and the nosebleed stops.
In your regained lucidity, you rub your suit sleeve under your nose, trying to get the crusted blood away.
"Well, Fitz really did a good job."
A small smile curls your lips as Jemma leaves a kiss on your cheek, breathing a sigh of relief.
"You're going to kill me one of these days, really. And anyway, you're going to stay on this crib until I'm sure you're okay, and we've got to find a solution to this," the biochemist taps you a couple of times against Fitz's jaw-dropping invention.
"We'll probably force you to stay there for life, considering the heart attacks you're giving us" Wanda giggles, wiping away tears she hadn't been able to hold back.
"I agree" Natasha leans over, leaving a kiss on your lips and being immediately followed by Daisy.
"Not bad for an agent without a degree, is it?"
"You're an idiot."
"Daisy Johnson, you know you're not just a stupid piece of paper to us. You don't-" "Jeem, I was joking. Chill."
You shake your head as Jemma continues to rail at a poor, helpless inhuman who nevertheless deserves every single word the biochemist is saying. Ah, they are so cute when they bicker. You love them.
Thanks for reading! I know it's been a long time but hey, at least it's a very long chapter come on. Comment, share and tell me what you think. If you want to support me, this is my ko-fi link☕️ and as always: have a great day!
Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquaked @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirl @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog
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This might be a little controversial but I really hate adopted Skye/Daisy with Phil x Melinda like it good at first but when everyone starts doing there own little version and they're some what identical the magic in the trope gets lost its the same with Peter and Tony either being adopted or his biological son. I enjoy these stories here and there but it's very rare after I discovered it.
I really wish the Fandom would branch out of these 2 being the main target for adopted children when it comes to Tony, and Phil and May because there are plenty of options especially in AOS there's Bobbi, Jemma, Fitz's, freaking Hunter and Trip. I just really wish there was more fics that didn't focus around Daisy and Peter but at the sa.e time I understand why they do.
Also with Tony there's literally Harley, Tony was also a playboy he could have kids literally showing up on his door step!! (People actually do do this trope I just wish there was more POC Stark children ciz I fear it would eat especially if there's some cultural differences between Tony and the kid)
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random-writerings · 2 years
My Type
Ship: Daisy Johnson x fem!reader
Summary: You struggle to come out to the team, but after a game of ‘fuck, marry, kill’, you accidentally reveal that you have a crush. When the team meets Deke, Daisy suggests you should ask him out because she thinks he's your type. But she doesn't know that she's actually your type.
Warnings: none
Word Count: 2.4k
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“Fuck Fury, marry Tony Stark, kill Hulk,” Hunter answered Bobbi’s question, slurring his words slightly and waving his bottle of beer in air as if to emphasise his words.
“You answered that a bit too fast, Hunter,” Mack laughed.
“Yeah, and why marry Tony Stark? He's a bit of an egomaniac,” Bobbi asked.
“For the money, duh. He's bloody loaded.”
“I think you guys are focussing on the wrong part,” Fitz chimed in. “Hunter seems to think he can kill the Hulk.”
“Of course, I don't. It's hypothetical and I can say what I want.”
“Fine, whatever. Who's next?” Mack turned to you, sitting next to Hunter.
“Fire away.” You laughed, sipping your drink.
The team had gotten back from a particularly tough mission a few hours ago and Coulson had suggested that everyone take the night off while he finished off the mission report. This, of course, led to Hunter and Mack pulling out the beers and ordering take out.
You were all relaxing on the couches chatting amongst yourselves and relieving the stress of the mission. By now, everyone was fairly drunk and Hunter had suggested playing a game. The team settled on ‘fuck, marry, kill’ with the Avengers.
“Okay, let me think.” Mack scratched his head in an over-the-top thinking gesture, causing some giggles from Jemma and Daisy. “What about … Thor, Captain America, and Iron Man.”
You internally cringed at the mention of only male Avengers. You hadn't come out to the team yet. With all the constant danger, there had never been a right time. But you hid how you felt about Mack’s choices. May had taught you well.
“Hey we just had Iron Man!” Hunter protested.
“No, we had Tony Stark,” Mack countered.
“Same person, Mack.”
“Fine.” Mack sighed. “Thor, Captain America, and …”
You prayed for Black Widow, or Maria Hill, even though she wasn't technically an Avenger.
“Hawkeye,” Mack finished.
Damn, you had forgotten about him.
You hummed, pretending to think it over. Your heart picked up slightly when you released now would be a good time to tell everyone you didn't like men. You were all relaxed and having fun, no one was in immediate danger … Sure, it wasn't the perfect time, and May and Coulson weren't here so you would have to tell them separately, but is there ever really a perfect time? And if it went badly, you could always blame it on the alcohol or hope there was a chance that everyone would be too drunk to remember in the morning.
Okay, here goes. You took a deep breath.
“Hmm, I'm not sure. None of them are really my type.”
This caused gasps of shock from Bobbi, Jemma, Yo-Yo, and Daisy.
“How is Thor not your type?” Bobbi asked.
“Yeah, Thor is everyone's type,” Yo-Yo stated matter-of-factly.
“Even May said he was dreamy!” Daisy added
“Have to agree with ladies, love. Thor is pretty hot.” Hunter shrugged.
“Plus, that's not the game,” Fitz added. “It doesn't really matter who's your type, you still have to choose. I mean, I married Loki on my go and I hate that guy.”
Okay, so that didn't go as planned. Never mind, just roll with it.
“I know.” You laughed. “I just wanted to see your reactions. I guess, I'll fuck Thor, marry Captain America, and kill Hawkeye. But let the record show that I feel bad because Hawkeye seems like a genuinely nice guy.”
“Interesting,” Jemma spoke up. “Why not marry Thor? He's a god and you'd get free trips to space.”
“Damn, what is with the Thor obsession?” You held up your hands in mock surrender. “I just figured that marrying Cap would be great because he'd be a gentleman. I mean, he is from the 40s. Plus, he probably knows how to dance and it's something I kinda want to learn.”
“Yeah, I can see the appeal.” Yo-Yo nodded.
“I'm curious. What is your type, if it's not three of the most attractive men on the planet?” Hunter nudged you playfully.
“Uh.” You hesitated. Here it is, this is the moment. Just reply “women”. It's that simple. It's just one word.
But your eyes landed on Daisy, looking at you expectantly, waiting for your answer, and the word got stuck in your throat.
You had had a crush on Daisy for months now. You had been working with Bobbi and Mack under Robert Gonzalez, tasked with infiltrating Coulson’s S.H.I.E.L.D. and reporting back. But when you had met Daisy, things had gotten complicated. You had pushed your feelings aside, determined to finish the mission. But when the two S.H.I.E.L.D.s had merged to fight against the Inhumans at Afterlife, you had watched Daisy become stronger and more confident, controlling her powers despite the pain she was going through. You admired her and your feelings for her had only gotten stronger the more you got to know her.
But you knew she didn't feel the same way. You had watched her flirt with Lincoln and she had opened up to you about her past relationships; one with a man called Miles, a hacktivist who sold information leading to the death of a powered person, and her relationship with Grant Ward, who turned out to be Hydra. She never mentioned being in a relationship with a woman or even liking women at all.
But then again, neither had you.
“Yeah, come on, y/n.” Mack’s voice broke you out of your thoughts. “What is your type?”
“Uh, I don't know. Dark hair, maybe?” Your thoughts drifted back to Daisy. “Kind eyes, and a bright smile. Someone who's very smart and can be intimidating at times but also makes everyone laugh.” You stopped when you heard Jemma giggle. You looked up at her. “What?”
She smiled knowingly. “That's very specific. Sounds like you have someone in mind.”
“No I –” You started to defend yourself but Yo-Yo cut you off.
“Yeah, look at you blushing and smiling. You definitely have a crush.”
“Come on then. Tell us who it is.” Daisy leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs, smirking playfully at you.
Your whole body tensed up at her words. Your hands which had been fiddling with your bottle stilled and your back straightened slightly. Out of the corner of your eye, you caught Hunter staring at you, the teasing smile on his face faltering a little when he noticed your body language. Then he laughed loudly and threw his arm around your shoulders.
“Oh don't make the poor woman say it out loud. She's obviously embarrassed. But it's okay, love. No need to be ashamed. I’m a real catch, I know.”
There was a pause before the whole room erupted in laughter. Hunter looked around in mock offense and you caught on to what he was doing; he had noticed you were uncomfortable and shifted everyone's attention onto him instead. You made a mental note to thank him later.
“What the hell makes you think she was describing you of all people?” Fitz asked incredulously.
“Yeah, no offense Hunter, but you're not exactly intimidating.” Mack wiped tears of laughter from his eyes.
“I can be!”
“Well, you're not all that smart either,” Bobbi joked.
Hunter gasped dramatically and clutched his chest, falling back on the couch.
“You wound me. You really are a demon, you know that Bob?”
“Ugh, you're such a flirt.” She rolled her eyes at him but she was smiling fondly.
Later, after everyone had turned in for the night, you stayed behind to clean up the kitchen area. As you binned some empty bottles, you heard someone approach you. You turned around to find Hunter holding more empty bottles. He placed them on the counter before turning his attention to you.
“So, Daisy, huh?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.” You grabbed the bottles off the counter and put them in the bin.
“Yeah, you do. Are you going to tell her?”
You sighed. “No. Not right now anyway.” But you knew that was a lie. You’d had many opportunities to tell Daisy how you felt but you always chickened out at the last second.
“Just a word of advice, don't wait too long. When you do a job like this, the future isn't certain. You never know what we'll face next or if we'll even survive it. You don't want any regrets.”
“Speaking from experience?”
“Hey, this isn't about me. But for the record, yes. I don't always remember to tell Bobbi I love her and I always regret it when something bad happens. Also, we're all watching Mack and Yo-Yo flirting with each other but avoiding any real conversation about their feelings and it's getting painful at this point. So, just don't wait too long, yeah?” He said as he turned to leave.
“Yeah, alright,” you agreed.
But, little did you know, it would be years before you ever told anyone else.
The team had made it back from the deadly post-apocalyptic future and thankfully everyone was alive. It was just you, Daisy, and Noah in the Lighthouse, until Daisy had spotted Deke on the computer. She had left to break him out of prison and they had returned successfully. But you were still waiting for the rest of the team to return from their mission.
Now, Daisy was watching Deke, who was talking to Noah across the control room, while she ate cereal out of the box.
“You know, he's totally your type.” She spoke in a hushed voice, as if she was telling you a secret.
“What do you mean?” You looked away from the monitor on the desk, confused as to why she would bring this up out of blue. You had never shown any interest in Deke when you met in the future and you were hesitant about him being in the Lighthouse.
“I mean, he totally fits what you described as your type,” she replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. But when you gave her a confused look she sighed and explained. “Remember a few years ago, while we were still living in the Playground, we all got drunk and played ‘fuck, marry, kill’?”
You nodded. Considering all the crazy stuff that had happened since then, you had honestly forgotten about that night. Then it suddenly hit you where Daisy was going with this.
“And you described your type and Hunter joked about you having a crush on him–”
“Yeah, Daisy. That's not–” You tried to stop her but she kept going.
“Well, I think Deke kinda fits the criteria. First of all, he has dark hair. He doesn't smile very often but when he does, it's nice. I don't really know what you meant by kind eyes but I know he can be a bit intimidating. I mean he sold me to Kasius and that was scary. And I suppose he is sort of smart, in his own way. I also watched the footage of him getting drunk at the bar and it's very funny. So, you see, he may be a bit annoying, but he's definitely your type.”
“He's really not. Trust me.”
“I'm serious. You should ask him out.”
You laughed out loud at that, causing Deke and Noah to look your way curiously. Daisy shushed you jokingly but that just made you laugh harder. Deke and Noah went back to their conversation while you caught your breath.
“There is no way I'm asking him out. He's a complete moron and, like you said, he sold you to Kasius. So hell no.” You paused for a moment. “But what I want to know is, how did you remember all that stuff? I said that years ago. I didn't even remember saying it until you brought it up.”
Daisy looked away, inspecting her monitor for news of the team. You felt like she was deliberately avoiding your gaze, and you swore you could see a light dusting of pink colouring her cheeks through her dark hair.
Before you could say anything else, Deke and Noah called out to you both, drawing your attention to the monitors on the wall. The rest of the team had returned.
Later, you and Deke were searching one of the many storage rooms in the Lighthouse for something that Fitz needed to close the rift to the Fear Dimension. Because apparently that existed now. S.H.I.E.L.D. agents never can catch a break.
“Look, it'll probably be quicker if we both search different rooms,” you suggested.
Deke agreed and left, bumping into Daisy on the way out. She entered the storage room, leaning against the wall. You could feel her staring so you turned to her. She raised one eyebrow at you.
“What?” You asked.
“You tell me. You and Deke … alone … in a storage room…”
“Oh shut up. You know it's not like that.”
“Why not?”
“Daisy, are you seriously trying to set me up with Deke? I mean, really, of all people? Deke?” You rolled your eyes and turned back to the box you were searching.
“Oh come on, he's your–”
“He is not my type, Daisy!” You snapped loudly, slamming something back in the box. “You really wanna know why? It's because he's a man!” You turned to face her as you confessed.
There was a pause as you realised what you just said. You closed your eyes and sighed.
“Shit,” you cursed under your breath.
Might as well come clean about everything, while we're at it.
“He's a man, Daisy. I don't like men. I never have,” you continued, quieter this time. “In fact, that night, I was talking about someone specific, someone I had a crush on. Someone I still have a crush on,” you corrected yourself and took a deep breath, preparing for what you were about to say next. “It's you Daisy. You're my type. I was just too scared to tell you. I didn't want to ruin our friendship because it means so much to me. And I understand if you don't feel the same–”
“Actually, I do,” Daisy interrupted you, all traces of her previously teasing tone gone. “I do feel the same about you.”
“Oh, okay,” you spoke softly, shocked.
Daisy smiled at you, that bright smile that you loved so much. Then she closed the distance between the two of you, pressing her lips gently to yours.
The moment was interrupted by hurried footsteps coming down the hall and Deke throwing open the door.
“I found the thing Fitz needs. Let's go.” He didn't even stop long enough to process what he interrupted before running away towards the control room.
You turned back to Daisy and you both laughed. She took your hand and you headed down the hall hand in hand.
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upat4amwiththemoon · 2 years
Summary: What happens on the planet Kitson is contagious and burns.
Pairing: Daisy Johnson x female!reader
Warnings: being high
Word count: 2211
a/n: this is just Agents of Shield 06x03, because it’s one of my fave episodes
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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Y/N walks to the counter with Daisy and Jemma. Her head has started to feel fuzzy and her thoughts are going all over the place, but she tries to shake it off and ignore it. She stops when Daisy and Jemma do, almost bumping into them.
“Once we get inside, we’ll separate and search, and if he’s not here…”
“He better be dead.” Jemma comments, completely serious.
“What?” Daisy whispers.
“Better dead than in the brothels.”
Y/N nods at the sound logic. She turns to Daisy. “I agree.” She mumbles. “You better die before going to the brothel.”
Daisy scrunches her brows. “I’m not going to the brothel.”
“Right on.” She pokes her shoulder. Y/N chuckles quietly, making the other two laugh quietly as well.
They walk over to the counter. “Welcome to the House of Games.” A person in front of them greets. Y/N leans her head to the side, staring at the person, they don’t look entirely human. “Please check your weapons and moral high ground.” Her eyes widen the more the greeter talks. The speech is starting to get slow and distorted. “Robots, droids, mechs, cyborgs, and synths are strictly prohibited. Violators will be removed and executed.”
“Wow.” Y/N whispers, nodding along, though she feels like she doesn’t understand half of what is being said. They walk to the counter where Jemma gives her weapons away to the guard. Daisy and Y/N don’t carry weapons on them, as they have their powers.
“Are you two feeling okay?” Daisy asks quietly.
“Are you?” Jemma asks back.
“I asked you first.”
“I asked you second.”
“I didn’t ask.” Y/N mumbles, wanting to be part of the conversation.
Daisy raises her brows. “On three. One, two, three…”
“I’m tripping balls. I’m tripping balls.” “I’m not okay at all.” Daisy and Jemma say at the same time.
Y/N starts giggling, trying to muffle it with the back of her hand. “So am I.” She prolongs the last word. “I’m sooo high right now.”
“Oh, we seem to be experiencing some kind of adverse reaction to something.” Jemma sniffs the air, which makes Y/N snort, as she somehow finds everything funny. “Perhaps the atmosphere.”
“Maybe sending Davis back to the Zephyr was a bad idea.”
“No. I’m sure this is just temporary.” Jemma assures. “Our bodies will adjust.”
“I’m not sure I want to, this feels funny.” Y/N leans her head on Daisy’s shoulder, dropping it when Daisy starts to move.
With a grumble, Y/N goes to stand in front of the hallway inside.
They start walking through the hallway, going through a scanner. Y/N gasps as all the rainbow lights start dancing around her. She lifts her hand up, trying to touch them.
“So pretty.” Jemma smiles beside her.
Y/N lets out an airy laugh. The trio walk through the hallway with their heads leaning back to look at the lights and bumping unto each other as their coordination isn’t the best.
When the group gets to the stairs, they haven’t gotten any better. All three of them are slowly ascending the stairs while crouching and holding onto the railings so they wouldn’t fall. Y/N is behind the two, practically sliding down the stairs.
“I’m just gonna say it. I don’t think it’s the atmosphere.” Daisy mumbles, her words slurring slightly.
“No. That was silly.”
“Silly scientist.” Y/N mumbles with a giggle.
Jemma’s eyes are half closed as she comes up with a more possible explanation. “It’s clearly p-psychopharmacological epxpisli-docious.”
“Docious!” They all yell and laugh. “Oh, I think it was the things, the little puffies we ate.” Daisy realizes.
“Bad little puffies.”
“You ate two of them!” Daisy laughs, turning to look at her girlfriend.
Y/N giggles. “They were so so good!” Her head nods down, but lifts it quickly. “But Davis, he ate like six of ‘em.”
They all laugh, stopping momentarily to lean against each other. “Oh, I hope he’s okay.” Daisy mumbles.
They continue ascending the stairs. Y/N slips, but gets her footing back quickly. Daisy puts one of her hands behind her back so Y/N can hold it.
They make their way to the bar, very slowly, and finally they reach it. Pulling themselves up to the chairs, they all smile, looking at each other. The bartender puts drinks in front of them.
“We made it.” Daisy smiles, leaning the side of her head against the table.
“Yes, we did.” Jemma lifts up her head. They high five each other, almost falling off of their chairs in the process. “Why are we here?”
Y/N shrugs, drinking her cocktail.
“Because we’re on a mission.” Daisy answers with a grin.
“Right.” Jemma nods. “What is the mission?”
“The mission is…” Daisy and Y/N glance at each other with smirks. “Ladies’ night!” They yell at the same time.
“Yeah! Ay-ay-ay-ay!” They all celebrate.
“Woo!” Y/N lifts up her hands, waving them around in the air. “Party, party, party.” She chants, downing the rest of her drink like a shot. “Can I have another one?”
“Do you remember when we first met?” Daisy looks at Jemma.
Jemma’s head is propped up against her palm. “Yeah. You lived in a van.” Daisy hums. “And it really smelled.”
Y/N starts laughing. “Oh, I really wanted to see the van. And smell.” She smirks at Daisy.
“It didn’t smell.” Daisy pushes Y/N’s arm.
“Yeah.” Jemma nods, laughing at Daisy’s shocked and annoyed face. “We called it the Fartmobile.” Once again, they all laugh. “You had..you had big hair.” She comments.
“You had big…nerd face.” Daisy tries to bite back, though it doesn’t really land. Still she continues, raising her brows. “Do you- what house are you in, hmm? Gryffindor?”
“Uh, Ravenclaw. Girl, please.” Jemma scoffs.
“Show us some spells!” Y/N shouts.
Jemma grabs the straw from her drink, making Daisy gasp and Y/N look at her intently. “Expecto Patronum!” She waves the waves the straw around. Gasping, she stares at the end of it. “Hello, little monkey Fitz.”
Daisy turns to Y/N when Jemma starts talking to her hallucination. “You’re really pretty.” She mumbles with a smile. “I’m so glad you’re mine.”
Y/N rolls her eyes with a shake of her head. “Stop it.”
With a laugh, Daisy turns back to Jemma when Y/N starts talking to the bartender so she could get a third drink. “This might sound so weird, but I feel such a strong connection to you, like we’re both different parts of the same cosmic being.” Her words come out slowly as she goes to put her hand on Jemma’s head. “Do you feel it?” Turning to face her, instead of seeing Jemma, there’s an unknown man there.
“I can feel it.” He smirks. “Your ship or mine?”
“I- I have a girlfriend.” Grabbing Y/N’s arm, Daisy pulls her away from the bar. Y/N whines, staring at her non finished drink standing on the bar top, all alone. “Where’s Jemma?”
“Huh?” Y/N’s side bumps into Daisy’s.
Daisy stays quiet, scanning over the bar. She has a very focused look on her face as she tries to maneuver through the people while still holding onto Y/N.
The stop in front of a game table. “Don’t worry everybody. We got this.” She slurs out. The players glance at her, not really caring. Crouching, Daisy and Y/N get under the table, finding Jemma laying there. “Oh.” She feels the soft carpet.
“Hey, I think my parents are mice.” Jemma says out of nowhere.
Daisy nods. “That makes sense.”
They go to sit up. Y/N groans when her head hits the underside of the table. “I’m sorry for dragging you all across the universe.” Jemma apologizes.
“Oh, no, don’t be. It’s good. It’s only made us closer.”
“I just miss Fitz so much.”
“Aw, yeah, I’m sorry.”
Y/N pats Jemma’s leg, though it feels more like slapping. “We’ll find Fitz.” Jemma nods, patting Y/N’s arm in return.
Getting sad, Daisy pulls Y/N closer, so she’s almost laying on her. She wraps her arms around her neck, squeezing her, making Y/N cough. “I’m so glad you’re my Fitz, well, not Fitz, but you know.”
“You’re choking me.” Y/N mumbles, but fully leans into Daisy’s touch.
Daisy giggles. “It’s not the first time.”
Jemma awes at them. “I just love that you two found each other. Daisy, you are so strong no and so confident. And much happier.” She puts her hands on Daisy’s cheeks. “I’m so proud of you.” She cries.
“Really?” Daisy sets one of her hands on Jemma’s cheek, the other still wrapped around Y/N’s neck. “It means so much coming from you.”
“I just love you so much. You’re my best friend.”
“I love you too.” Daisy starts crying as well.
Caressing Daisy’s skin, Jemma’s voice breaks. “Your skin is so soft.”
“I know.”
Then Jemma turns to Y/N, holding and squeezing her cheeks. “And I’m so glad I met you. You’re my best friend too.” Tears are streaming down all of their cheeks. “I’m so glad you decided to join Shield, even though it was really sad what happened to the After Life.”
Y/N nods, her lower lip jutting out from the pressure of Jemma’s hands pressing on her cheeks.
Suddenly a high pitched noise rings in their ears. “Shh.” Daisy presses her fingers to Y/N and Jemma’s lips.
“What is it?” Jemma whispers, the crying all forgotten.
Daisy shushes her. The high pitched tone comes again. “Do you hear that?” The sound comes and goes, sometimes they hear one whistle, sometimes two.
“I mean, it sounds almost like a dolphin.”
Y/N gasps. “Are there dolphins in here?” Suddenly the noise becomes louder and constant. Groaning, Y/N presses her hands against her ears to muffle it.
“I’m never eating alien food again.” Daisy grumbles.
“No, but is it possible to share auditory hallucinations? I think this is something different.”
“Well-“ Daisy scoffs, sticking her head from under the table, jostling Y/N in the process, before coming back in. “And why does nobody else seem bothered by it?”
“Maybe it’s only perceptible to humans.”
“Like a secret signal.”
That makes them all more alert, except Y/N, who keeps tapping her palms on her ears to make the sound distorted. “Fitz.” Jemma and Daisy hurry to stand up, forgetting they’re under the table and hitting their heads on it. “Ow.”
Y/N giggles. “Idiots.” She goes to sit up, but hits her head on the table, for the second time. “Oh.” She rubs her head.
When the noice stops completely, they crawl from under the table hastily. “Excuse me.” Jemma grunts as Daisy uses the table to hoist herself up. Y/N takes hold of Daisy to pull herself into a standing position.
They turn to the entrance. Chronicoms with big guns are walking in. “Oh, man.” Daisy turns Y/N and Jemma so their backs are against the entrance. “Do those guys look like the guy that we have tied up on the Zephyr?”
“I see them too, which means they’re very real and they’re here for Fitz.”
“They’ll have to get by me first.” Daisy extends her hand and uses her powers, but it hits a panel instead of the enemy. “That was way off.”
One if the Chronicoms shoot towards them. “Hey! I got him.” Jemma takes hold of Daisy’s arm and points it towards the shooter. “Fire!” It gets knocked down by Daisy’s powers.
“Okay.” Daisy breaths heavily. “You go. We got it from here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. If I can’t quake it, I’ll break it. And Y/N can literally conjure up anything.”
“Okay.” Jemma runs away.
Daisy and Y/N stand on in front of the Chronicoms. “Sorry, boys. It’s ladies’ night.” Daisy starts fighting them, kicking and punching quite well considering her state.
Y/N holds out her hand, looking at her palm with a glare. A bag of chips appears on it out of nowhere. “Ooh! I wanted these.” She smiles, swaying on her place.
“Oh, right.” Throwing away the bag, Y/N thinks of a knife. “Yes.” She grins and starts throwing them towards the Chronicoms as fast as they continue appearing into her hands. Most of them stick into their heads or somewhere in their body, but some of them land way off.
Y/N and Daisy continue fighting them, at times stumbling on their place, but still holding their grounds. Grunting, Y/N kicks one Chronicom to the ground while stabbing another in the neck.
When she notices Daisy getting overcrowded by the Chronicoms, she conjures platforms under her feet to get over the obstacles to get to her. She jumps down on top of one of the Chronicom’s shoulders, doing a maneuver to get it to the ground.
She rolls away from him, giving Daisy space to quake its head off. “Please let that be the last of them.” She leans to a table, taking a breather.
Y/N still lays on the ground, giggling. “That was fun.”
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ask-missparker · 6 months
How did we meet? / Marvel Blurb ⚔️
Pairing: Amelia x Nikolai
Extra characters: Phil Coulson
Timeline: Pre-Avengers and Pre-Agents Of SHIELD
I got this question asked by Jemma and Daisy a while back. Maybe Liane asked me before too, I don't remember. Anyways, so, I decided why not answer it here.
How did I meet my man, Nik..
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Well, believe it or not, we met on a mission. Long story short, we were both somewhat fresh out of the academy. Nik got out way before I did and was already doing missions, so I came in a little later. I had gone on a couple myself either with Melissa in my ear as my guide or dead straight into a battle with Grant Ward.
So when I met Nik, we were both a bit more experienced. *she chuckles* It was actually Phil Coulson, who put us together on a mission beforehand. He must've saw a spark between us and wanted to bring up a challenges to have a face. Nikolai wasn't very pleased to be partnered up for a undercover trip to Brazil to scout and take down of the rich trade owners there. He wasn't very pleased in general.
He was cold and distant.
Because this was a light inside of him was gone in a way. Or so he thought.
You know how some days the clouds are all thick and patted together so you can't see the sky, nor the sunlight come flashing through? That was Nik.
I understood that something must've happened that took his sunshine away. I didn't ask at the time what it was. But I found out later on. But back to the story, we arrived at Brazil at a hotel and I was rather excited to be back in Rio because it was beautiful, even though I have a bit of a record there before I joined SHIELD. Ooops. We knew our assignment and our cover story, as we spent the whole day staking out together in this car outside the cartel's beach house, which is where we got to actually know each other.
I brought us food and drinks, trying to lighten up the mood with a few jokes here and there, let him get to know his partner for the trip a bit better. Nik did let me in on a couple of details on his life and half smiled telling me about his time traveling across the country with his parents. He cracked a small joke here and there but never a actual laugh or full blown smile of his just yet.
We went to the beach later on for a break, which allowed us to scout the place better and meet the area of people we might need to take down later on. I remember it was late, very late at night, and we were still at the beach.
We were making even more small talk, when I said some half handed comment about the mission and everything in-between, how we were paired up and whatnot.
I don't remember what it was. Probably something accidentally among those words that shifted the tone.
Because that's when I finally got a chuckle, which grew into a laugh for the rest of the night.
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I saw that beauty of a cheeky smile of this, the same smile that would lead now into the rest of our trip together.
It became a lighter time afterward, as we went the next day to the man's beach house, his name was Richard Silva, dressed that day in other clothing for the invite. He was having a early get together, filled with women in bikinis, guards rounding the place, men jumping into the pool and his friends all dressed in white suits just like him.
The two of mingled, tangled with other guest and got some drinks in the process of the job. We then formed into the plan, heading south into finding all of the money stolen, calling for SHIELD backup who was there at the party themselves if things got too messy.
Which they did.
After getting the money, which meant tearing down a few walls and putting them in bags, Sliva's men came roaring and trying to strike down the agents. Us included. It was fight that lasted what felt forever.
As we were down one of the halls, almost to the safe zone, Nik was being hell a gunpoint as many other guards were surrounding in and other agents. It was a fight, a free for all at that point, as guns were blazing and knifes were being pulled out. I made the smart, but according Nikolai an idiotic one, to take the bullet for him.
The bullet went flying and I went racing as the bullet entered above my ribs but just below my belly button. I thought I had nothing to lose, and it wasn't worth an agent falling-especially my partner for that matter-to have them bleeding out. In my eyes Nik was too good to be died, being so young and not having anyone who ever cared enough for him to even make sure he was alright.
He lost his sunshine, he needed someone to show him that there was still good left in this world. Even if I was stupid enough to be the one to make the point to him.
Flash forward to a couple of hours later, I'm at the medical wing in the hospital. I had surgery and the mission was completed. I woke up laying in one of the bed to find Nikolai standing-well, sitting nearby my bedside after filling out some extra paperwork.
He was so angry at me, calling me an idiot and a couple of other things for taking that bullet for him. He was furious, curious and trying to understand why I did but then something hit him.
I remember I said, "You convinced yourself that everything you've been though, took away your humanity. But I think because of your humanity that you made it through.."
He didn't know how to express his emotions very well after that statement. He kept trying to block out my words as we bickered about the situation at hand, but he knew he couldn't. I was a little hurt by his words, trying to not get emotional but his face said it all.
Everything I needed to know, that we both needed to know.
He slowly kinda let me in, with what he told me, which I won't say on here. Because it's not my place, but he wasn't someone who was loved or shown much after his parents died. He was hurt. I told him that he may not see anything that I was saying at that moment, but there still is a light inside of him.
Then it finally clicked, he looked confused, very confused, but also feeling like there was someone who understood him. Gave him a chance. I have been on the other end of people not believing in me, so I let him know that I was there if he needed someone to talk to.
Even if I may be grumpy or annoyed, I was there to listen to him, even if I won't understand everything. I was there. That's what mattered.
—> Thanks for reading. That’s what I got! Comment down below with ideas and reblog your thoughts 
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @purpleprincessonfyre @meiramel  @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @gaminggirlsstuff @wizzzardofoz @cherrysft @thechoooooosenone @luna-d-marsh@sherloquestea @rooster-84 and etc
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ao3feed-ncislosangeles · 10 months
Intersection lines book 1
by Batman200 Lieutenant Olivia Benson investigates a case of a young girl murdered as the case progressed she teams up with other detectives and super heroes Words: 9, Chapters: 1/100, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Intersection lines Fandoms: X-Men (Comicverse), Law & Order: SVU, Bakuretsu Tenshi | Burst Angel, Justice League & Justice League Unlimited (Cartoons), Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Rangers in Space, Power Rangers Samurai, Power Rangers Time Force, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Runaways (TV 2017), Batwoman (TV 2019), Supergirl (TV 2015), Arrow (TV 2012), Avengers (Comics), Castle (TV 2009), Rizzoli & Isles, Martial Law (TV), Rush Hour (TV 2016), Tekken (Video Games), Spider-Man (Comicverse), The Boys (TV 2019), Street Fighter, Kyonyuu Fantasy, Blue Bloods (TV), New Mutants (Comics), G.I. Joe - All Media Types, Gen13 (Comics), WildC.A.T.S. (Comics), Catwoman (Comics), Jessica Jones (TV), Scream (TV), I Know What You Did Last Summer (TV 2021), The 100 (TV), NCIS: Los Angeles, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TV 2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, Multi Relationships: Jean Grey/Xi'an Coy Manh, Olivia Benson/Alexandra Cabot, Xi'an Coy Manh/Emma Frost, Nyssa al Ghul/Laurel Lance, Jubilation Lee/Rachel Summers, Ichiki Hisako/Laura Kinney, Karolina Dean/Nico Minoru, Jemma Simmons/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Grace Choi/Diana (Wonder Woman), Grace Choi/Pamela Isley, Jo/Meg (Bakuretsu Tenshi), Celeste Cuckoo/Ichiki Hisako, Chun-Li/Cammy White, Kazama Jin/Christie Monteiro/Nina Williams, Kazama Asuka/Emilie ''Lili'' de Rochefort, Julia Chang/Kazama Jin/Ling Xiaoyu, Felicia Hardy/Cindy Moon, Margot Gilbert/Alison Grant, Emma Duval/Audrey Jensen/Brooke Maddox, Cassandra Cain/Zatanna Zatara, Nadira/Trip Regis, Trip Regis/Katie Walker, Trip Regis/Jennifer Scotts, Adam Park/Tanya Sloan, Emma Goodall/Kimberly Hart/Gia Moran/Trini, Melinda May/Natasha Romanov, Diana (Wonder Woman)/Melinda May, Lauren Shiba/Mia Watanabe, The Female | Kimiko Miyashiro & Original Female Character(s), Diana (Wonder Woman)/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Karai/April O'Neil (TMNT) Additional Tags: Girl Penis, Lesbian Sex, Alternate Universe via https://ift.tt/h7w0INr
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sadbi-hours · 3 years
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HOME// a fitzskimmons moodboard
Name: sadbi-hours
Card number: 008
Ship: Leo Fitz/Daisy Johnson/Jemma Simmons
SQUARE FILL: N3- Free Space @marvelousrarepairbingo , I4- Leo x Jemma x Daisy @fandombingo, @polyamships, @aosficnet2, @polyamoryinfandoms, @leofitznetwork and @loved-the-stars-too-fondly for the trick or treat lost that I owe you ;)
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fitzscurls · 4 years
Agents of Shield characters as the zodiac signs
Daisy: Aquarius
Fitz: Pisces
Jemma: Virgo
Coulson: Capricorn
May: Scorpio
Ward: Gemini
Mack: Taurus
YoYo: Aries
Hunter: Leo
Bobbi: Libra
Trip: Sagittarius
Deke: Cancer
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Simmons: [to Robbie] But I thought you and Trip were dating?
Robbie: Sex is not dating.
Daisy: Yeah, if it were, Piper and I would be dating.
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Robbie: Hey, Daisy.
Daisy: Hey.
Robbie: Thank you for taking my Charger into the shop and paying for all the repairs. That was really helpful.
Daisy: You're so welcome, I was thinking about you when I took it in. *awkward pause* 'Cause I was, um-
Jemma: *gives Daisy a smug, knowing look*
Robbie:'Cause I told you I wanted to get my car fixed?
Daisy: Yeah *awkwardly laughs* That's a good reason.
Robbie: Anyways, Coulson wants to see us in his office.
Daisy: I guess we should head over there.
Robbie: All right.
Daisy: All right.
Robbie: All right, cool.
Daisy: Great.
Robbie: See you there.
Daisy: I'll see you there, Roberto. Robbie!
Robbie: All right, "Daisy-erto". Daisy.
*Robbie turns to leave*
Jemma: Hi, Robbie.
Robbie: *awkwardly turns around* Oh, hey, Jemma. *leaves*
Jemma: Wow! That was the most sexual tension I have ever seen in a conversation about fixing cars.
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tvseries-writings · 7 months
And he is back
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Wandanat x Bioquake x Bobbi x reader (soulmate au)
TW: suicide
Plot: In a nightmare, you see Hive whose persuades Diasy killing herself and now he is in your mind, again.
You see him, behind her back, the great and powerful Hive. The shadow of a sadistic smile painting his monstrous face as he whispers in her ear. He did it to you too, and now he's doing it to her. You scream at her to stop but it's no use, she can't hear you, no matter how hard your vocal cords vibrate, begging her to stop, not to listen to him. Daisy, the inhuman who stole your heart, stands in front of him, her back to him as she puts a gun to her temple, her finger firmly on the trigger.
You scream, tears streaking your cheeks as you try to get closer but some kind of barrier prevents you. You slam your hands on that invisible wall; once, twice, three times but nothing you do seems to get his attention.
"Daisy, please," your voice is hoarse and trembling and the Inhuman looks at you but her eyes are glassy, the effect of Hive's drug clouds her mind and your heart aches, you know what she is feeling and you know the effect her control has on Inhumans like you.
"Daisy, look at me, don't do it, love. There's me, there's Jemma, Wanda, Natasha, Bobbi, May, Coulson, Fitz, Mack...please Dee, don't do this."
You plead with her, falling to your knees as your tears fall so profusely that they pool in a small stain at your feet. Your heart clenches as you watch her grip the gun tighter.
Hive walks over to the hacker and girds her hips, bringing his mouth closer to Daisy's neck.
"They'll be better off without you; think about Lincoln, Trip..."
He whispers it as glibly as if he were speaking words of love as he looks at you with dark, malevolent eyes that pierce your soul. He looks at you as if he were addressing those words to you as well.
Daisy looks at you one last time before unlocking the gun's safety.
"You'll be better without me."
You scream and your heart stops when a shot rings out in the dark gray cell where you stand. You fall to the ground and watch the blood gush from her lifeless body. You watch his face quickly turn to ash gray.
"Do not despair, you will soon meet his end, inhuman."
Hive approaches you and, finally, the barrier that separated you from Daisy shatters. You start to run toward her but Hive grabs you by the arm, forcing you to turn toward him.
"Your time has come."
You scream and as he makes you dependent again, your concern goes to Daisy's body lying on the cold concrete floor and the only desire that pervades you, before Hive takes over, is to hold her in your arms and hear her laugh once more.
You wake up drenched in sweat and with your heart beating wildly. Your chest aches and it takes you a few seconds to realize that what you experienced was nothing but a terrible nightmare.
Chills run down your spine as you sit up; your pajama shirt is so wet that the cold air outside the covers makes you shiver at the mere touch.
You search frantically for Daisy with your eyes, and when you see her chest slowly rising and falling and her light snoring, you breathe a sigh of relief and your heart finally begins to calm a little. You bring your knees to your chest, looking at Daisy and not taking your eyes off your girlfriend. You struggle to extricate yourself from Bobbi's grip and step over Jemma to get out of bed. You need to get some air and you don't want to sleep, not anymore. You don't want to see her face again and, most of all, you definitely want to get the image of Daisy out of your head and- and.
You shake your head, gritting your teeth and trying to breathe deep to get the image of the gun pointed at her temple out of your head.
You look at the nightstand where Bobbi always rests her gun, despite your protests, Jemma's protests, and Wanda's protests. Natasha, on the other hand, along with Daisy, fully supported her. You don't think twice before taking it in your hand, squeezing it with more force than you should. If Hive is back, if he has entered your head again...No, he is dead, Lincoln sacrificed himself to make him dead. His sacrifice could not have been in vain, not-
You can't freak out, not here, not with them sleeping so you touch your bracelet, activating it, before teleporting to the gym. You sit on one of the mats May uses to meditate, turning the gun over in your hands, savoring its weight and the coldness of the metal. You sob, thinking back to the nightmare and what Hive put you through, put you through. You remember vividly the dazzling withdrawal his lack of touch caused you; the physical pain he caused you, not to mention the mental pain. If he came back--you look down the barrel of the gun and turn it toward you,toward your face. If he came back, your last moment of lucidity will lead to your death, is a promise.
"What the hell are you doing?"
May's voice makes you wince and you drop the gun to the ground. May quickly approaches you, kicking the gun away and trying to meet your gaze.
"What the hell were you doing with a gun pointed at you?"
May repeats, punctuating each word harshly as she watches your every movement.
"I-it's not what it looks like May."
You whisper; you don't make eye contact with her, yet you feel her gaze burn into your back.
" Y/n, I really don't think it can look like anything else right now."
Flashbacks of your nightmare return to cloud your mind. You don't even realize that you tried to reach for your gun again and were stopped by May.
"Y/n, y/n! This is not real, what you are experiencing is not real. Listen to me, follow my voice, let's go."
May is frightened, you don't seem to be listening to her, and the Caveman is particularly startled by the blank look on your face.
May shouts, shaking you by the shoulders, and Hive's face in front of you turns into the face of your SO.
"M-May?" you whisper, your voice shaky and broken as you cling to her as if she were your only lifeline.
"It's all right, it's all right. It was all in your mind."
It takes you a few minutes to realize that you are clinging to your SO; although you see May as a mother -- well, she must not know that. You pull away from her and swing from one foot to the other, looking out of the corner of your eye at the gun a couple of feet away from you.
May follows your gaze and quickly reaches for the gun, taking it in her hands and slipping it into the empty holster on her right thigh.
"Are your girls awake?"
You open your eyes wide, shaking your head firmly.
"No, no May, you don't have to tell them anything. Please May."
The officer sighs, crossing his arms and looking at you with a raised right eyebrow.
"Y/n, you're clearly having problems and you need to talk to someone about it, okay? They are your partners, if-"
"It's Hive!" May stops and you sigh, before continuing; your back hunches, as if you are bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders, "It's Hive, May. He's back, he's entered my head again, he's brought Daisy to-a-"
Tears line your cheeks, you no longer know what is real and what is not.
May looks at you confused and shakes her head as she tries to move closer to you, unsuccessfully as you pull away from her touch.
"No y/n, Hive is dead, Lincoln sacrificed himself to make this happen...Daisy is fine and he is not in your head. Not anymore."
You chase away the tears, wiping them away with your pajama sleeve but they continue to fall copiously; again and again as your body shudders with each sob you emit.
Bobbi's voice makes you hold back a sob. You turn to her, noticing that she is not the only one who has noticed your absence in the bed. After all, your soulmates feel, at least in part, the feelings you have; especially if those feelings are as strong as the ones you are feeling right now.
"We didn't find you and we got scared," Jemma whispers, moving a few steps closer to you.
"And Bobbi's gun was not in its usual place."
The Inhuman approaches you and, before you can pull away, draws you into a hug.
"You dreamed Hive, didn't you?"
You stiffen under her touch as soon as that name slips from her lips. It feels wrong, poisonous, you want to suck it away once and for all. From yours and his mind, knowing the pain he has caused you both.
You nod, slowly. You lean into her touch, tired of bearing all that suffering alone, like so many times before. Daisy caresses your face, brushing a rebel lock from your forehead, before leaving a tender kiss on it.
"He's dead love, he's dead. He will never come back; I will not let him hurt you again, do you understand? Never."
Jemma, Bobbi and May watch the intimate moment between you and Daisy. Although Jemma and Bobbi are dying to hold you in their arms, they understand that in this moment Daisy is the only one who can truly understand your pain.
May approaches the two biochemists, handing them the gun she had previously hidden in her holster.
"I believe this is yours, Bobbi. I would advise you to put it in a safer place, you never know what might trigger an attack, you know."
Bobbi nods, quickly taking the gun and putting it in the back of her pants only after setting the safety. Jemma looks at the gun, looks at you, and then turns her attention to the older officer.
"What did he do? Why doesn't the gun have the safety on anymore, May?"
May sighs, shoots you a look and then drags Bobbi and Jemma away from you and Daisy.
"She...had the gun in her hand and was pointing it at herself."
Jemma gasps, as does the blonde. The weight of the gun, now, is a hundred times heavier and almost seems to drag her down.
"No May, you're wrong, she wouldn't, not-" The biochemist shakes her head, clinging to Bobbi's arm and looking at the blonde for confirmation, a hint of reassurance that, however, does not come.
The blonde agent looks away, thinking about how much Hive's addiction upset you, just a few months earlier, and how you became a different person under his control.
"Bobbi? She can't, right? She can't have done that, not-"
"Jem, remember what Hive did to her, how her powers rebelled against her own control...And now think if she thought she was at his mercy again, unable to do anything. I don't doubt that she could have, though it hurts to admit it."
You only seem to break out of the little bubble you and Daisy have created when Jemma emits her first sob.
Daisy's head snaps toward the biochemist; her gaze is a mixture of concern and confusion as she searches for an explanation for the fact that one of her soulmates is in tears. Bobbi shakes her head, mimicking a "we'll talk about it later" with her lips before leaning close to Jemma's right ear and whispering something that neither you nor Daisy can hear but that makes her stand up and leave the gym.
"Bobbi, what-?" you ask, confusion painting your face as you force yourself away from Daisy and toward the blonde.
"It's okay rockstar, she's just worried about you, we all are really. What do you say we join her in bed? It's four in the morning and I think we all need a good night's sleep."
You're not convinced by his answer, but he's right about one thing-you do need sleep, and even though you're afraid Hive will come back to haunt your dreams, you fear you have to do it anyway. Or at least, you have to pretend you do otherwise your girls will never leave you alone. So you nod, nod a small smile at them, say goodbye to May and leave the gym, joining Jemma. Daisy, Bobbi and May stand there and watch you leave, avoiding talking until your silhouette disappears from their sight.
You are holding Jemma in your arms when you see Bobbi and Daisy enter your room. From their looks, you can tell that May has told them everything.
Bobbi stares at you for a few seconds before setting the gun down on the same nightstand from which you borrowed it not an hour earlier. You stiffen a little at the thought of the talk the girls are about to give you and shudder at the mere thought of having to tell Daisy about your nightmare. The girl you're holding in your arms notices; in fact, she lifts her head and looks you in the eye as she lovingly strokes your back two, three, four times before the other two girls also join you on the bed. Bobbi sits cross-legged on the bed, inches from you and Jemma; Daisy, on the other hand, sits beside you, taking your right hand between her own.
"Honey, what did you dream? Did you dream Hive?"
You nod, stroking her hand and playing with the ring on her index finger. You focus on the warmth emanating from her body, on her face, on the face no longer as pale and lifeless as that has invaded your mind in the past few hours.
"L-he...he killed you, Dais. Or, I, he had you under his control again and convinced you to-"
Although you are trying to hold them back, tears line your cheeks ignoring your concern, "I saw you put the gun to your temple and pull the trigger."
The three girls remain silent and you turn away from them.
"And I couldn't do anything, I couldn't teleport, you couldn't hear me and- and finally, he made me go to you and I held you in my arms but it was too late."
Sobs shake your body as you approach the bedside table. Bobbi follows you, not for a moment leaving you uncontrolled.
"Y/n..." the blonde whispers, starting to move, slowly, toward you.
"I can't let him control me again, I can't, he's still inside my head, I-I love you, I really do, but I won't survive if he controls me again."
Your thoughts race frantically, so much so that your hands shake and you suddenly find yourself on the opposite side of the room. You fall to the floor with a thud, watching your girls, previously inches from you, more than a couple of feet away.
"Fuck it, fuck it, it's messing with my head, I can’t even control my powers anymore!"
Tears roll down your cheeks; you jump to your feet and shake your head furiously, over and over again. The last time you weren't in full control of your powers, it was under the influence of Hive. You no longer have doubts. You're not thinking clearly, otherwise you wouldn't do what you're about to do. You sprint towards the nightstand and, despite Bobbi trying to get there before you, you manage to grab the gun and remove the safety.
“What-no, stop!”
Daisy is moving towards you, Jemma is petrified and Bobbi is analyzing the situation trying not to panic.
"I'm sorry, I love you"
You pull the trigger and wait for the gunshot and the pain but none of that happens. The screams of your girls are the only thing you can hear.
"What the hell did you want to do"
Natasha stands in the doorframe, her voice shaking at the sight of the gun pointed at your temple. Wanda, however, is right behind her; her face is pale and her eyes are red as she uses her magic to keep your index finger from pulling the trigger. You look at your hand, see it covered in Wanda's red magic and your heart stops for a while when you realize that you haven't completed your task yet. Bobbi lunges at you, tackling you to the ground and throwing the gun away, but not before stuffing the magazine into the back pocket of her jeans. You collapse against the floor, surrendering under the blonde's grip with the hope that what is happening is nothing more than a nightmare. You could use your powers to free yourself from her grasp but you don't want to hurt her in any way. And suddenly, despite months of therapy, you fall back into the depressive state that Hive brought you to during his time on earth. You remain helpless in Bobbi's arms; your gaze is glassy as Bobbi talks to you, shaking your shoulders when you don't answer her. Your body moves back and forth, with the same ease of an unconscious body but you, on the other hand, have your eyes open, wide open, even if the emotionless and apathetic look in your eyes worries your girls greatly and Wanda does this that you think is best for you. She kneels next to you, caresses your temples and puts you to sleep with her magic.
“What the hell is going on?” Natasha whispers, breaking the silence as all the girls look at your unconscious form in Bobbi's arms.
“I… I think she has some Hive residue in her mind,” Jemma says, knowing she's just released a bombshell. They have to help you, whatever is happening to you, they will help you.
Thanks for reading! I don’t even know what is this but hey, at least it’s something :)- Have a great day and, if you want, you can support me on ko-fi. ☕️
Taglist: @wandanatsbaby @bioquake-archives @bioquakeweek @daisyjohnsonx @wandanatsgirl @chaekhan @station19 @resilientpendragon @so-no-kissing-then @thearchpitbullmx @ashadash0904 @kingshitonly @alwaysgoodnight @callistic @xjule @yuleni18 @simpforwandanat @alexxislexi @mrsdanversromanoff @coollemonsaresour @hushed-woodsman @razorscooteer @eponine-xx @maniacallinc @michelle170 @classyig @elenaguarnieri @scarletwidow @tati3001 @cristin-rjd @your-my-mission @mr-nicely @hi-i-1 @anniethurs @ktstwice @scarlet-raccoon @maria-403 @goldfishthegr8 @wandanatfan @looiegirl-blog @bioquake-blog @daisyjohnsonx
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shielddaily · 7 years
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My man Trip's got eyes for that biotech gal of yours.
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elenarodriiguez · 3 years
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day ten: “how long has it been?” | d.j.
summary: the team returns from their mission in the past, but they’re not the same people you saw hours prior.
pairing: daisy johnson x reader
cw: season 7 spoilers, referenced violence
word count: 938
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When Daisy comes home, comes back to the Lighthouse, after their trip to the past, there’s something very obviously different about her. It’s the way she holds herself, as if she’s no longer comfortable living in her skin, which seems ridiculous to you because she’s always been comfortable in herself even when she knew so little. She hovers around her sister, still pale and shivering, still clinging onto her sister’s infinite warmth, and when you try to get information out of everyone, they all seem to clam up, telling you that it’s not their story to tell.
In the end you give up on the spontaneous welcome back party, everyone’s attention firmly fixed on the impossible Alya Fitzsimmons, and retreat back to your bunk, thankful that it didn’t get the brunt of the Chronicom’s attacks. Unlocking the door with your passcode (the birthday Daisy used when she was still known as Skye), you sit on your bed and lay back slowly, your back groaning as if you were a senior citizen.
Staring up at your ceiling, you try to work out a plan of action on how to talk to Daisy about the new traumas weighing heavily on her soul, but before you get a chance to think past the logistics of stealing her away from Kora, your door is opening to reveal her fragile frame.
She barely acknowledges you, in fact if it weren’t for the way her eyes light up momentarily at the sight of you in bed, you wouldn’t have been so sure she was even aware that you were there too. Climbing into bed with you, she settles on your chest, arms finding residence around your waist before you can even ask her what’s wrong, but as you attempt to reciprocate the gesture, she flinches, a whimpering noise escaping her despite her best efforts to contain it.
“Don’t… please don’t put your arms around my back, it’s a long story but, uh…”
“Hey,” you cut off the start of her anxious rambles to justify herself, “it’s okay, I won’t touch your back if that’s what you want. Is touching your hair okay or do you want me to keep my hands to myself for the time being?”
Rather than dignify you with a verbal response, she briefly removes her arm from your waist to put it in her hair, pouting when you don’t immediately start to run your fingers through it. Taking the very obvious hint, you start the repetitive motions of running your fingers through her hair, gently untangling all of the knots that you come across one by one. You start to wonder if she’s drifted off to sleep because of how still she is, but in fear of needlessly waking her up, you wait until she shows signs of consciousness before asking the question that's playing on your mind.
“I missed you. A lot. I was so worried about you, if everyone was safe, if you were safe. I’m glad that Fitz and Jemma managed to get us back to the moment we left.” She murmurs, her speech slurred due to what you can only assume is post-resurrection exhaustion.
“How long has it been?” You ask, tilting your head to directly look into her dark brown eyes. “Since you last saw me, I mean, how long has it been?”
“I think Simmons tracked it to be about five-six months. Although some of that was spent with me going through a Groundhog Day style time loop and before that, unconscious in a hyperbaric healing chamber.”
It takes a moment for the information to actually sink in, after all it’s not exactly a normal thing to hear about, but when it does you’re suitably horrified.
“Oh my god, are you okay? What the hell happened?”
Daisy tenses at the question, and you feel terrible for even asking it in the first place, especially when she tries to answer it and all that comes out are choked off gasps and half finished words. Telling her to stop trying to talk about it, you resume stroking her hair, hoping it’ll distract her enough that she’ll stop trying to talk about whatever traumas she endured in the past.
“You don’t need to tell me anything, not now, hopefully someday but never is good too. How about we get ready for bed and have an early night, that sounds good to you?”
She nods into your chest, and after many failed attempts to get up, she finally does, stumbling around with all of the grace of a newborn giraffe, which brings a smile to your face. You let her get changed first into some more suitable clothes to sleep in - a t-shirt that you’re fairly certain she pilfered from Mack and a pair of cycling shorts - brushing your teeth in the tiny ensuite your bunk has before getting changed yourself, your girlfriend tiredly wiping off any dirt on her face with a washcloth.
You let her settle into bed first, giving her the opportunity to position herself in the most comfortable way and position you in the best way for her. With her back against the wall, facing the door so that she could see any intruders, she pats the empty half of the bed, letting you lie flat on your back while she makes herself as small as humanly possible. Pressing a kiss to her hairline, you wait for her to say goodnight before you dare let yourself drift off, telling her how much you missed her in the minutes that she was gone, letting those be the last words she hears before she falls asleep.
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moonlayl · 2 years
For the ask game thing, Agents of SHIELD? And Psych if you watch it?
Sorry, I don't watch Psych!
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: Daisy Johnson <3
Least Favorite character: Leopold Fitz...
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Dousy, Quakerider, MackElena, TripDaisy, I guess Philinda or HuntingBird but i'm not invested in those last two.
Character I find most attractive: Trip and Robbie
Character I would marry: none of them <3
Character I would be best friends with: Daisy, Elena and Trip
a random thought: wish we'd gotten a flashback episode about Daisy's past!!!! Also, I lowkey couldn't have been the only one hoping for a Nick Fury cameo in the final season, right? (A possible Daisy and Fury relationship --PLATONIC-- is one I've always been fond of)
An unpopular opinion: Fitzsimmons should've stayed friends. But a less known one.... am personally not a huge fan of the found family trope in this show. It sort of worked first season, but ultimately, shield is supposed to be a job. An important, difficult, dangerous job, yes, but I don't think any of them considering it a "life" or family is a good thing, and that's why I was glad for the ending where most of them moved on and where Daisy specifically had to let go and ended up working with Sousa and Kora. Especially when it was made clear that many members of the team never considered it the type of family that Daisy did.
My Canon OTP: Dousy
My Non-canon OTP: Quakerider
Most Badass Character: Melinda May, aka The Cavalry let's gooooo
Most Epic Villain: Epic? Garrett. (Though Jiaying and Raina were my faves)
Pairing I am not a fan of: I mean most of the villain ones lol. (Nathaniel x Kora, Ward x Kara, Aida x Dr Fitz, etc...) But also FitzDaisy, SkyeWard, and DekeDaisy.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Jemma Simmons in the later seasons. She was written as one-half of FS, when I would've preferred her to be explored as an individual character. Deke too. I liked him in s5a but afterwards he became annoying comic relief despite his humor not even being funny. Also, Andrew as Lash and Kara Palmer.
Favourite Friendship: Daisy and Mack <3
Character I most identify with: Daisy and Elena
Character I wish I could be: I mean I wish to have any of the inhumans' powers (other than Jiaying and Gordon's) and I'd love to have May's skills, but I don't want to be them.
Thank you!!!
Ask Meme
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florchis · 7 years
I’m watching bits and pieces of mid S2a and I don’t care how unpopular it is, I can not be convinced that Skye, Simmons and Trip weren’t fooling about around this time *in the combination(s) of your choice*. Like, that is a nice OT3. And Fitz would probably had an aneurism.  
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catchylove · 7 years
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