#damn I’ve had this oc for like 12 years now……..
werewolfdays · 2 years
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Jayde Thatcher — 🌕 October 25th 🌕
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venusvity · 7 months
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DAY ONE OF THE TWELVE DAYS OF VENUS CHALLENGE ; what happened to the plot?
So excited to start this challenge! Over the years Venus has had many, and I mean many, plots and rewrites so I decided to compile all the ones I can remember for day one of this challenge. I've probably forgotten some because I have the memory of a fish but if you want to refresh my memory there is also an ASK GAME going on for the challenge where you can bring up old Venus plots you loved/remembered. Here's to five years! TW // MENTIONS OF DRUG ADDICTION, DEPRESSION, CHEATING, SEXISM, TOXIC/ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS, AND SUICIDE.
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Venus at their conception was literally just Baebi and friends. Like, if you think my Yoonah favoritism is bad NOW you should’ve been there for 2019. Truly, I didn’t give a damn about any of the other girls until a little while later when I wanted to project my love for Johnny Suh onto an OC because I was tired of writing in 2nd person lol! The original line up consisted of Baebi, Jaeyeon, Aki, Chloe and Jiah which is probably why I have such an attachment to what I deem “The Big Three”. Baebi, Chloe, and Jiah (now Sena congrats bby) are the only Venus girls I’ve ever really been able to consistently write for which is why they, typically, stick around unlike the rotating fifth slot. Anyways, plots.
The main plot at the time was cenetered around Yoonah and her battle with depression, making her a not great person. At that time, no one had really had a devisive character like that before and I’m only saying that because the amount of anons I would get telling me Yoonah is a bad person and they don’t know why I would write someone like her (she’s so tame by today’s comparison lol) told me that. The community was pretty small, max 12 people at the time so I don’t blame them for being thrown off by this version of Yoonah. She was a lot lol.
Anyways, her love interest at the time was Bang Chan and they had this awful and toxic relationship where she would emotionally and verbally abuse him due to her not being abloe to cope with her depression properly. Truly, this was mainly what the Venus blog was about for a while. Yoonah cheating on Chan, Chan trying to help her, them getting back together, them breaking up, wash and repeat. It was fun to write but I needed to branch out more I don’t remember when I retired this plot if I’m being honest? I just remember it not being a thing anymore expect in fun little easter eggs like Yoonah’s English name being Evie. Chan picked that for her. I think it’s a sweet call back lol!
This was like the main thing about Venus I remember at the time besides the Chloe and Jiah plots but that’s on the next page!
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Then there was the Chloe and Jiah plots. I do believe these bleed into 2020, I’m not sure as you’ve noticed I suck with dates lol, but these were impactrful as well. Actually, massively impactful! Especially the Chloe plot which ended up evolving into what is now known as the Chloe and Nakyung situation of 2020(?). We will touch on that later lol.
Let’s start with the star of the show: Chloe. Chloe’s plot was about her insecurities in her looks and relationship. Her relationship with Johnny was very ideal; He loved her, he treated her right, and they had been together for years at that point. Still, in every version of the Johnny Saga, he’d cheat. Always. Which would always fuck with Chloe’s low selfesteem more. Anyways, the plot.
Let’s get it out of the way now: OG Chloe is not the bitch we know today. She was very different. She had no confidence, was weak and naive through and through, and couldn’t stand up for herself. Which is why this plot went down the way it did. Johnny and Chloe were together for 6 years before he started to grow tired of constantly reassuring Chloe he loved her and she was the only girl for him. In comes a girl named Kimi. Kimi was in a now defunct group of mine called Colorcoded andw as originally in the Venus lineup before she left due to bullying by their former leader, Jaeyeon. Long story, send an ask if you wanna know lol!
Anyways, Johnny would go on to cheat on Chloe with Kimi and Chloe only found out about this through DISPATCH…Yeah, insanity. She ended up staying with Johnny because he was all she knew and felt no man would ever love her and it was so pathetic and sad to watch like omg girl get up. Anyways, despite trying to fix their relationship, Chloe could not get over him cheating and would go onto cheat on Johnny with Kun. Crazy NCT love triangle I know. Because of this, they would have a fight and FINALLY part ways. This plot was reworked a few times before completely being tossed because some people were… sexist about it? Weird times. Wouldn’t revisit!
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Actually, everyone minus Chanbin in the original Jiah plot has been canceled so…i’m not gonna go there lol sorry!
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I really only remember Yoonah’s plots and the Chloe and Nakyung thing happening in 2021…Let’s start with Yoonah since I like talking about her more lol! In 2021, Yoonah’s depression had sunken her to the point of a suicide attempt that was very publicly broadcasted. She was in and out of recovery for a hot minute because that was her whole plot. Her point as a character was to show that recover is never linear. Once Yoonah would reenter public life after her attempt, she would begin her never ending battle with addiction. Her drug addiction was a big focal point of her character at the time since it was literally ruining everything around her. Her job, her relationships, her body, she was killing herself in every chapter basically, and by the time she decided to try and get clean she had nearly lost everything she loved.
I remember she was in a very deep love affair with Jaehyun that would fizzle out once she decided to get clean. I did love them together despite them not being the best for one another…I don’t know, there was just a lot of love between them. Around this time was also when I started develving into Yoonah and Jinhwa’s problematic relationship but I feel that got more developed in 2022. In this timeline, Jinhwa had met Yoonah when she was an adult. Their relationship was still not appropriate but it was a lot more acceptable than it is now. The power imbalance though, had always been there and I do find that a bit devestating. Even if he wasn’t a creep, he was still cruel to her. But, Jinhwa was always a creep, just not to Yoonah which is why I think it often went overlooked.
Anyways, this was pretty formative year for Yoonah since this is really where she began to spiral and her lore started to solidify. Cannot tell you what Jiah and Aki were up to. I think Aki was dating Jennie or Sana? And, honestly, Jiah might not have even been in Venus…IDK weird year.
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This was the year I made the fatal decision of the Nakyung, Johnny, and Chloe love triangle. If you can’t tell, I don’t like this plot point lol. I don’t think I don’t like it as a plot but I hated the response I got. A lot of people used this plot to push outdated and misogynist opinions onto Chloe and Nakyung, mainly Nakyung, and I could not stand it. It felt like I made like I had made a moster I could not get away from which, truly, is why I removed Nakyung from the lineup this year. Even then, no one would shut up about this plot and it drove me insane lol!
Anyways, this plot was about Nakyung fucking Johnny, Chloe’s boyfriend, while Chloe was asleep in the next room. Sure, it was messy and fun until it wasn’t but that was really the only thing it gave. I guess this birthed the version of Chloe we know today but at what cost? Chloe would begin to bully Nakyung due to the affair, she was literally valid for that idk why everyone was taking Nakyung’s side, and would eventually get her removed from the lineup.
This plot has been revised to not make me go crazy and so no one can ever compare my girls to Cassie of Euphoria ever again.
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Y'all I cannot remember anything that happened this year. It was a weird year for Venus and for me personally so I've wiped it and much of early 2023 from my memory lol. Just know, a majority of what occurred here is no longer canon and I'm sorry you had to see that.
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Happy five years! Here's to five-hundred more! 💗
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writingdump12 · 7 months
Simon “ghost” Riley x female!OC
Haven’t exactly fleshed this out yet but I had to get this out of my head first. This is long, and may will be shite. First fanfic I’ve written in about 12 years - so go easy on me :) Not proofread sorry!!
Callsign: Rusty
“Hey, Sarge. ‘Mon join us.”
Johnny’s voice called out to her as she passed the rec room. Still-damp hair, tied into a braid, swung around her shoulder as she turned to face her fellow sergeant.
He was standing around the dimly lit pool table, a bottle of something in one hand, a pool cue in the other. Beside him, Kyle Garrick was focused on the coloured balls on top, chin balanced on the cue as his eyes flickered between each one.
“You can be on my team - even the odds a bit!” Johnny spoke again, jerking his head back to coax her in.
Shrugging, Sergeant Aoife Kirkpatrick stepped into the room, passing a few other soldiers draped over couches and armchairs. It was late, by barracks standards. But a rare day off awaiting intel provided the base with a much needed reason to blow off steam - curfews be damned.
Approaching the pool table, Aoife noticed a shadow lingering just behind it, opposite Johnny and Gaz.
Ah, even the odds…
Lieutenant Riley was propped up against the wall, his own pool cue by his side. A dark hoodie covered his head, while the painted white of a skeletal jaw and chin poked out from underneath. The whites of his eyes just barely shining in the overhead lighting.
“Cheers, Lass. I’m getting my arse kicked with these two.” Johnny took another swig of his bottle, before stretching and passing her a spare cue and blue chalk.
“Mate, you were the one bummin’ and blowin’ about not needing an extra person, don’t be acting like the kicked puppy now you’ve got an audience.” Gaz rolled his eyes with a smirk as he finally settled on his target. Bending at the waist he locked eyes with Aoife, ticking his head up in greeting, before refocusing and aiming his shot.
“Och, away off with ye. I didn’t exactly think LT would agree now, did I?”
“Fair warning, Soap,” Aoife spoke as she rubbed the blue chalk along the head of the pool cue.
“-I’m a little rusty.”
A small huff came from the back wall. Aoife glanced at the lurking shadow, making brief eye contact before settling a bit behind Soap as he prepared to take his turn.
“Where were you coming from, Sarge?” Gaz asked before lifting his own bottle and bringing it to his lips.
“Showers. Was down in the range for a few hours, but the heat in there would have killed ye. Could murder one of those though.” Nodding her head at the bottle in each soldiers hand.
“Got you covered.” Came a voice from behind, before being handed a glass bottle, cap already off. Aoife looked from the bottle, to the skeletal fingers holding it. Her gaze travelled up the arm, before locking eyes with Ghost.
“Oh, cheers LT.” She said, eyes crinkling in a small smile. She hadn’t even noticed him leave his corner, nevermind his trip to the fridge. Taking the bottle, she pressed it to her lips, taking a long pull.
“My turn.” Ghost murmured, confidently pressing himself against the table, securing his target, and with the deadly accuracy she’d come to expect from her Lieutenant, pocketed not one, but two balls.
“Ye wee bastard!-“Johnny crowed, running a hand through his mohawk. “-Sir.”
Aoife snickered, watching the tall man saunter back to his corner. She was up next. Passing her bottle to Soap, Aoife studied the table. Not really much to go on, but luckily she’d been bluffing slightly when she said she was rusty.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
“Fuckin’ Rusty, my arse!” Johnny cheered as he potted the remaining black ball, signalling their win.
“What the fuck was that?!” He whirled around to Aoife, who was standing with a small grin on her face. Shrugging, she took another long swig from her bottle.
“We used to play back at Curragh. Got pretty good at it in between modules,” She shrugged. “And me Da used to take me with him to the pub when he was off duty. We’d have spent hours down there, talkin’ shite, ‘til Mam had to come down and drag us both back by the ears. Crazy woman.” Aoife laughed, shaking her head. You don’t mess with a woman from Belfast, her Dad had always whispered to her on the way home.
Her fellow soldiers chuckled, before the four of them settled into a comfortable silence.
“Up for another?” She asked, looking around at Gaz and Johnny.
“Not a chance, mate,” Gaz laughed, setting his pool cue into it’s holder before plopping down on the worn sofa near to the table. Aoife turned her gaze to Soap with a questioning eyebrow.
“Nah Lass, I can’t stay much longer - I’m taking drills tomorrow morning,” Johnny sighed, slumping next to Gaz and thumping his feet up on top of the battered coffee table in front. “That, and I’d rather keep my dignity intact.” He added, throwing her a wink.
Aoife threw him her middle finger, before shrugging, “suit yourself.”
“I’ll play.” Came the rumbling voice of her LT.
Aoife’s head whirled around to face him, eyes crinkling once more in a smile. “You’re on, Riley.”
“Oh now this’ll be good.” Johnny piped up from the sofa.
“Thought you had drills in the morning?” Gaz laughed, poking his elbow into the sergeants side.
“Aye, but this I have tae see.”
Aoife watched as Ghost reset the table, nimble fingers grabbing each ball and placing them inside the little black triangle.
“Who goes first?” He asked, lifting the rack and placing it on the shelf underneath the table.
“Rock, paper, scissors?”
“What do I get when I win?” Aoife smirked up at the taller man, his brown eyes focused on their hands before flitting up to meet hers.
“Don’t get cocky, sergeant.” Damn, rock beats scissors. Ghost would go first. He stayed rooted to his spot in front of her, though. Close enough for her to see his blond eyelashes peeking out from behind the soft balaclava he wore.
“Seriously though. What do I get?”
“What do you want?”
“The mask. Take it off.”
“Show my face?”
Aoife scoffed, turning away from him as he huffed air out of his nose again, his brown eyes amused.
The two soldiers took it in turns, potting a couple of balls between them. Soap and Gaz were still watching, providing commentary on the game, and talking quietly amongst themselves between shots. The game was pretty well tied by now, neither willing to lose to the other. With only 2 balls left, if Aoife could make these next shots, she’d win. However, time was marching on, and she was beginning to feel the effects of two beers, and a long day at the range. Her shoulder was beginning to grow stiff, and she had already had to stifle a few yawns behind her hand.
“So what do I get when I win?” Came her lieutenants voice as he finished his go. His voice sounded like it had dropped an octave, the rich timbre pleasant to her ears. Looking up at him, she met his gaze again, and narrowed her eyes.
“Don’t get cocky, LT,” Aoife repeated his line back to him, making his brown eyes shine once more in thinly veiled amusement. Aoife’s stomach did a little flip. Had he always had such pretty eyes?
“Not cocky. Just curious.” He rumbled, turning to face the pool table again. Aoife narrowed her eyes at him playfully.
“Alright. Well, I’m too tired to think of anything right now, so I guess you can take your pick. Whatever you want. Within reason!” She added on quickly, noticing Johnny perk up at the suggestion. The scot chuckled, before settling himself down again beside a softly snoring Gaz.
Aoife nodded to him then stepped towards the pool table once more. Lining up her shot, she had to bend a bit further at the waist than usual, her weight balancing on her toes to give her enough lift.
Pulling the cue back to shoot, Aoife felt a tap to the inside of her foot. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough for her foot to slide further away, her shot pulling wide, causing her to miss the ball she had aimed at by a mile.
Righting her balance, Aoife whipped herself around to see Ghost standing not too far from her - definitely closer than he had been - his eyes twinkling from under his hood.
“Bad luck, Sarge” He said, voice that same deep tone.
“Bad luck?! Yer a cheat, Riley!” Aoife laughed in disbelief. She watched as the top of Ghost’s balaclava shifted, as he raised an eyebrow at her.
“Prove it.”
“Johnny! You saw that didn’t you? He kicked my foot?”
“Sorry, Lass, missed it.” Yawned Johnny, looking up from his phone and giving it a small wave.
Aoife scowled at him, before whirling back towards her cheating lieutenant and closing the gap between them slightly.
“I’m watching you, LT,” she muttered, poking her finger into his chest.
“Solid copy.” He said, gloved hands wrapping around her wrist and gently pulling it away, touch lingering as he brushed past her to line up his shot, and pot both balls to win the game.
Aoife rolled her eyes before conceding defeat.
Soap cheered, clapping his hands on his thighs and standing up, jostling poor Gaz.
“Wellp, better luck next time hen,” he said, pulling his friend up by the arm and started off towards the door, patting Ghost on the shoulder on their way out. That left Ghost and Aoife on their own in the rec room, the other soldiers having left long ago. The two of them tidied what mess they’d made, putting bottles in the bin and restacking the pool cues, before meeting again in the middle of the room.
“C’mon, I’ll walk you back.” Ghost nodded to the doorway.
“I think that’s the least you could do after pulling such a dirty trick.”
“Don’t know what you’re on about.”
“Uh huh.”
The two soldiers lapsed into silence as they walked the long dark corridors back to their respective halls. Aoife yawned a few times more, so ready to pass out onto her bed. Soon enough, they came to her door.
“Thanks for playing with me, LT. I had fun. You’ll have to let me know when you want to cash in your winnings,” Aoife winked, stifling another yawn with the back of her hand. She gave him a little wave, and turned to unlock her door. Only, a gloved had reached out and grabbed her hand, turning her back to face him.
Aoife watched as he held her fingers in one hand, then lifted his other hand to slip underneath the balaclava at his neck. She held her breath as the black material whispered against his neck, fingers dragging it slowly past his chin, to rest on top of his nose.
Aoife’s eyes drank in what details they could in the dim corridor. Pale skin, barely there stubble, a faded scar spearing through his lips that parted slightly as he ran his tongue over his bottom lip.
The sergeant held her breath as Ghost lifted her fingers towards his lips, and damn near saw stars when he placed a warm, gentle kiss along her knuckles. His eyes met hers as he pulled away, watching, and waiting for her reaction.
Finally taking a breath, Aoife met his gaze. His dark brown eyes searched hers as he lowered her hand again, giving it a small squeeze. Coming to her senses, Aoife squeezed his fingers back, making sure to not break eye contact as her lips lifted in a small, shy smile.
“Night, LT.”
Ghost let go of her fingers and took a step back from her door, giving her a small nod, eyes crinkling imperceptively under his mask.
“Night, Rusty.”
Well, there it is. I’m not 100% happy with it, I wanted to add something more about her callsign, but fuck it it’s 1:30am and I’m knackered. Maybe I’ll add to it, who knows. Anyway - taadaa????
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Thoughts I had during TGCF S2 Ep 12
Last Ep of S2 let’s do this!
Previously on TGCF…
-All wells that ends on the Fang Xin mystery
-“Just focus on doing what you want to do” best life advice ever
-Qingxuan really went, “They seem to be very good friends”
-He blushed!
-They laughed!
-No he will not while the laundry’s running
-That one guy is eavesdropping outside the palace
-They cannot just leave us on a cliffhanger like that!
-Dang no one should slander Hua Cheng shame on them
-Another facepalm!
-It was 3 days?!!!
-That one god got frightened once he saw FX covered in blood, and meanwhile Mu Qing just smirked
-The temple massaging was a dead sign
-More Hua Cheng Slander
-Mu Qing’s opinion
-I really love the music that was played from S1 EP 4
-Pei Ming was responsible for this month’s security
-I wonder why Prosecutor Pei Ming left his guard down?
-Mu Qing’s smirk
-Xianle won’t be banished!
-That was it, the security was getting tighter
-Ugh the Xie Lian slander
-Meanwhile, in Jun Wu’s study…
-That was a lot of paused frames to transition from the recap of eps 7-11
-He’ll probably try to reason with Lang Qianqiu
-That’s what we’d like to know and the answer’s been given by Jun Wu
-Instrumental Bu San seems to be Jun Wu’s main theme
-Jun Wu had a spy… or did he?
-There’s a mole in Heaven
-He’s tightening the security because of Hua Cheng
-He switched from calling him San Lang to Hua Cheng!
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-There’s security tape outside his palace
-Xianle’s heyday in his childhood!
-His mother
-The nostalgia’s made him wistful 
-Oh he’s running now
-Qi Rong and Qianqiu’s words are ringing in his mind
-He’s picked up speed
-His breakdown!
-He jumped!!!
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-So that’s how he gets down to mortal realm!!!
-That graceful landing
-It’s autumn
-So many young disciples
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-XL’s mother is a huge inspiration to the many parents of my OCs
-It was a flashback 800 years ago!
-His sword
-HIs robe is gonna need a quick stitch up!
-It took him all day
-Literally those chipmunk squirrel hybrids
Squirrel 1: Well they were right here a second ago, and now they’re gone!
Stuffed! Squirrel 2: Yeah, that’s pretty weird huh?
Squirrel 1: So you’re telling me you didn’t eat ‘em, and you have NO IDEA WHERE THEY ARE!
Squirrel 2: Uh-uh
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*Xie Lian Enters and both Squirrels book it, the 2nd squirrel spits out the nuts*
Squirrel 1: AAAAAH!!! Run away!  I knew you ate them!
This dialogue was from Brother Bear, I really felt like including it in the reaction when. I saw both squirrels and I prolly don’t have plans to watch said movie right now
-It’s a dilapidated temple
-The place is in ruins
-A well!
-The animators really deserve a raise for animating XL entering the well
-A secret entrance!
-It’s the tunnels of lake Laogai in Book 2 earth
-He can firebend!!!
-It’s the star map ceiling from Wan Shi Tong’s library, I really love spotting all the Last Airbender references
-The tombs, *gasps* they’re his parents’ tombs!
-He has been through a lot
-This is similar to the altars at my relatives’ homes
-That noise!
-It sounds like crying
-Baby Guzi!!!
-Oh no and you’re not supposed to shake and shout and children!
-Did anyone else get chills when the weird music played when he looked into the tomb of dust?
-Oh no!
-The statue moved and Qi Rong’s leitmotif
-That was close!!!
-His mask and royal robes
-Baby Guzi!
-His father!
-He possed Guzi’s Dad
-Nobody else rescued the child when they fled Qi Rong’s domain?!?!
-His eyes are turning red!
-Worst family reunion I’ve seen
-And you’re not supposed to traumatize children
-Baby Guzi’s in tears!
-Those words still stung
-The flashbacks!
-Ban Yue’s voice!
-Young Lang Qianqiu!
-An Le!
-Recapping Seasons 1 & 2
-His shrine!
-Xianle has fallen
-The soldier
-The child he saved
-Move over J Michael Tatum, no offense to his fans really sry
-They cannot jut leave us on a cliffhanger like that!!!
And that was TGCF Season 2! *Casually prepares shrine and starts praying for the short film, eventual movie, and Seasons 3-8*  What really carried this season was Junior Official Xiao Mengyou, Lang Qianqiu’s whole impact, Shi Qingxuan slaying, Jun Wu’s Emperussy, Prosecutor Pei Ming, Yin Yue’s debut, Hua Cheng being the goat all thanks to James Cheek, Fengqing conflict, Feng Xin being the himbo, Lucien Dodge eating it up as Mu Qing, Qi Rong being this season’s freak, Guzi being Babey, and Howard Wang eating it up as Xie Lian especially in Epsilon 6 and 10-12.  That was all for this summer’s reactions.  I am going to be bust this fall with sketching and mainly writing after class so, See you next time! The Scrap Immortal and the Avatar is set to start in January 2025!
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ereardon · 2 years
Come Back [Chapter 12][Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x OC]
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Summary: Eight years ago, Bradley Bradshaw was just a college boyfriend who broke your heart. Now, he’s back in your life after a coincidental reunion, and he’s adamant about starting up a friendship. Will it be possible to be just friends with Bradley, or is he inevitably going to end up ruining everything you’ve spent the better part of a decade rebuilding?
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x OC [Nurse Maggie Brooms]
WC: 2.6K
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT
Series masterlist
Bradley lingered at the door. 
What you didn’t see was the way he jumped out of bed and into the Bronco after your call. How fast he flew down the highway to get to your house. The way his hands shook as yanked open the car door, rushed up the path to the townhouse. 
He was frozen at the door. It felt like a seminal moment. He didn’t want to fuck it up. He couldn’t afford to. 
He raised his hand and knocked. 
You pulled the door open in a hurry. 
Bradley stared at you, his eyes latched onto yours. For a moment, you were worried you had made the wrong decision. You knew you couldn’t just throw eight years of hurt feelings out the window. 
But then he closed the gap between you, pushing the door closed with his foot, grabbing your face in his large hands, thumbs stroking your cheeks on either side. Bradley looked down at you with such a feverish intensity that you thought you might crumble right there in the foyer. 
He ran one thumb over your bottom lip. “Mags,” he whispered softly. 
“Is this really what you want?” he asked. “Because for me, there’s no going back. I love you. I want you to be my girl. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. But if it’s not what you want, I understand. Just tell me and I will walk away.” 
You slid your hands across his wrists. “I want you, Bradley. I wanted you then and I want you now. The only thing that has changed is that I think this time, it could work.” 
A gasp escaped your throat as Bradley leaned down and pressed his lips against yours, walking you backward until you were pressed against the wall, one hand leaving your face to trail down to your waist, the other tracing delicately across your throat. 
Your fingers reached up and tangled in his short curly hair, pulling him in, one leg wrapping around his waist. With a small grunt, Bradley wrapped his arms around your thighs and lifted you into the air, your legs winding around his waist automatically, as he ground himself against you. His lips pulled off of yours, attaching to your neck, and you moaned as he trailed wet kisses from behind your ear, down the side of your neck, to your clavicle before walking you out of the foyer toward the bedroom. 
Bradley set you down gently on the edge of the bed, breaking the embrace to pepper kisses down your neck, his fingers already pulling your shirt off over your head. His eyes widened when he saw you weren’t wearing a bra, his mouth automatically latching onto one nipple and your head fell back in a moan. One hand came up and massaged your other breast, and then he switched and you felt yourself growing wet just from him touching your breasts. 
“Bradley,” you moaned and he pulled off your nipple with a loud pop. “Please.” You wiggled your hips underneath his hands and he smirked. 
“Baby, I’m going to take my time tonight,” he murmured. “I want to worship this body that I’ve been dreaming about for so damn long.” 
You laid back on the bed as Bradley kneeled in front of you, his thick fingers sliding down your abdomen, circling under the spandex of your leggings as he pulled them down. You lifted your legs, letting him slide the leggings off, revealing your bare core. Bradley groaned, nudging your legs wider, and landing a kiss on your inner thigh near your knee, working upward. 
When Bradley’s tongue came into contact with your folds your hips jumped up off the bed, and he pressed one large hand down on your lower stomach, sinking you back into the mattress as his tongue flicked easily through your folds. You gasped when his tongue danced along your clit, his lips suctioning on. 
“Fuck!” you screamed and he brought both hands up to press you into the mattress, driving his face further into your wetness, his nose brushing against the clit as his tongue darted inside of you. Finally, Bradley loosened the grip of one of his hands, sliding it down and pushing one finger in your cunt slowly until you gasped before starting to pump repeatedly, sliding his ring finger in as well, curling at the top and you felt the familiar wave of pleasure start to build. “Shit, wait,” you murmured and Bradley removed his fingers, pulling back as you sat up. 
“Are you OK?” he asked quietly. “Do you want to stop?” 
You shook your head. “No, but get on the bed. And take your shirt off.” 
He cocked an eyebrow but did as he was told, lying down wearing just a pair of black joggers and you watched Bradley’s eyes widen until you thought his pupils would blow as you climbed over him, naked, your dripping core positioned above his mouth. Your hands gripped the headboard as you leaned forward slightly, and Bradley’s hands came out to grab your thighs. 
He looked at you for consent and when you nodded his fingers dug into your flesh, pulling you down to meet his lips and you swear to God he moaned into your folds as you sunk down on his face. Bradley’s tongue swirled against you as you grinded on his face, whimpering every time his nose came into contact with your clit. 
Turning around, you saw how hard he was in his boxers, his hips even rising off the bed for a moment as he pressed himself against the fabric of his pants, trying to get some friction. 
That drove you over the edge. Bradley’s fingers were leaving bruises against your hips and thighs but you didn’t care. Not as you rocked against his mouth, whining and chanting his name over and over until you felt the breaking point, one hand reaching out to steady yourself against the headboard as you stuttered across his mouth, Bradley’s tongue swirling against your clit, your orgasm crashing in waves until you were slumped forward, breathless. 
Bradley pulled back and you gently rolled over so you were lying on the bed on your back, breathing heavily. He reached out and ran a hand down your side, causing you to shiver. 
“God you’re fucking beautiful,” he whispered, pressing against you and you reached up, locking your lips to his, tasting yourself on his tongue as Bradley rutted against your leg. 
You broke the kiss, reaching down to slide one hand underneath the waistband of his pants, felt him sigh as you wrapped your hand around his length. 
“Shit,” he murmured as you pulled off his joggers and boxers, and rolled off the bed. 
“Come here,” you whispered, hooking your finger, and Bradley scrambled to sit on the edge of the bed, his erection so stiff it nearly hit his muscular abdomen as he moved. Your knees sunk into the plush rug next to the bed as you placed your hands on his thighs, running your fingers up to his hips before leaning forward and licking his tip. 
“Fuck me,” Bradley whispered, looking down in awe as you bent and licked across his full length before dropping down and taking him in your mouth. He groaned and gripped the duvet cover, fingers white where he had them curled against the linen fabric. You bobbed your head up and down, a few tears slipping out as you wrapped one hand around the base of his thick cock and Bradley whimpered above you. Every time you got near the tip you pushed your tongue flat against the underside, making him shake. “Shit, Mags, you feel so good. God, baby, you’re perfect.” His praise went straight between your legs and you leaned forward, taking him further down your throat, feeling Bradley thrust upward into your mouth, a string of profanities and a loud yell on his lips as he came, hot, down your throat. You sucked down his length slowly, letting him pour out in your mouth before finally you pulled off of his cock and looked up with wide eyes. 
You stood up and straddled Bradley, who was still catching his breath. 
“Holy shit,” he whispered, one hand circling your waist, another coming up to brush through your hair. “You’re amazing at that.” 
You grinned, leaning in and kissing him. “It’s been a while,” you murmured. 
Bradley broke apart from the kiss. “I never forgot what it felt like to hold you and make love to you, Mags. Never.” 
“I missed you,” you admitted softly, your arms wrapped around his neck, his fingers tracing patterns across your lower back. “I’ve been missing you for a long time.”
“I’m here now,” Bradley murmured, pressing his forehead to yours.
He pressed his lips to yours, rolling over until he was on his hands and knees above you. Bradley leaned down, sucking on the space behind your ear as you raked your hands down his muscular back, wrapping your legs around him, bringing him closer. 
“Do you have condoms?” he whispered and you nodded, reaching over and digging in your nightstand drawer, pulling out a foil square. Bradley leaned back, tearing it open and rolling it over his already hard cock. 
Looking up at him, you reached out and brushed one hand over his face, felt the faint indent of his scar on your fingertips. Before you could pull away, Bradley grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips, kissing your knuckles softly. 
You slipped your fingers around the back of his neck, pulling him forward and pressing your lips to his. Bradley repositioned himself between your legs and you felt him brush against your soaking core, causing you to moan. 
“Are you ready?” he asked softly and you nodded. You could feel his fingers as he guided himself in between your legs. He was large, it had been a while since you’d been with anyone let alone someone as thick as he was, but he pushed in slowly, his eyes on yours the entire time. “You OK?” 
“Yes, baby” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him in tighter. With a final grunt, Bradley pushed all of the way inside of you and you let out a gasp as he snapped his hips forward, jutting into you repeatedly. “God, yes, don’t stop.” 
He pushed himself up onto his forearm, one hand coming around to your thigh, pressing it back and you whimpered as he hit a different angle inside of you, bringing you so close so quickly. 
“I love you,” Bradley whispered, his forehead pressed against yours, your fingertips gripping his bicep tightly. “Fuck I love you so much.” 
“Bradley, yes, yes,” you chanted as he fucked into you, his lips brushing over your forehead as you squeezed your eyes shut, your mouth open in a string of moans. Bradley’s hand moved from your thigh, thumb grazing over your clit and you felt the heat building in your core as he shifted your hips higher, sitting up on his knees and using the pad of his thumb to stroke your clit in soft circles. 
“God, Mags, you feel so tight around me,” he muttered, and you saw a bead of sweat drip down his tanned face as his eyes zeroed in on his cock fucking in and out of you. His thumb was hitting just the right spot and your hips lurched upward as Bradley pushed deeper into you. 
“I’m cumming,” you whispered, the breath caught in your throat making it difficult to speak. “Fuck, Bradley, yes, I’m going to cum.” 
“Yes, baby,” Bradley murmured, using the hand that wasn’t circling your clit to stroke your leg lovingly. “Cum for me sweet girl.” 
You broke into pieces, Bradley’s thumb swiveling over your clit forcing your orgasm over the edge until your head felt tight like it was about to explode and you arched your back as he drilled into you, fucking you through the breaking point. 
Once you unclenched Bradley grabbed your hips, thrusting into you faster, until you were a moaning mess beneath him. “Cum for me,” you whispered and Bradley’s eyes focused on yours as a moan escaped his lips. “Please, Brad,” you begged and you watched as he threw his head back in ecstasy, his hips jerking forward twice more before he stalled and collapsed over you, pressing feathery kisses across your shoulder and up your neck until he got to your lips. 
“I love you,” you whispered softly and Bradley pulled back, his eyes wide. “I love you, Bradley Bradshaw.” 
He smiled and kissed you deeply and when you broke apart, he softly pulled out, rolling over and peeling off the condom before crawling back into bed, pulling you into his arms. 
You leaned against his chest and felt Bradley sigh. “What?” you asked, peering up at him. Bradley shook his head. “I’ve just dreamt about this for so long I can’t believe it’s real.” 
You traced a finger across his chest, down toward his belly button. It reminded you of the morning you had held Bradley while he slept off the fever. 
After a while, Bradley slid out from beneath your arms, jostling you just enough to shake you awake. 
“Babe?” you murmured. 
“Shh,” he whispered. “Go back to sleep.” He sat up on the edge of the bed, his back to you, and you heard a sniffle. 
“Honey?” you asked, sitting up. “Brad what is it?” 
He turned to you and the moonlight streaming under the curtains gave you just enough visibility to see the tear stains down his cheeks. He shook his head. “I’m sorry.” 
You wound your arms around him, felt his head meet your shoulder, a warm spread of wet tears on your bare skin. “Sweetheart,” you murmured. “Honey what’s wrong?” 
Bradley sat up, wiping at the tears. “I guess it just still feels like I don’t deserve it.”
“Deserve what?” 
He turned to you. “To be loved by you, of all people. A second chance after everything I put you through.” 
You reached out and pressed your hands to his face on either side, fingers threading through the hair beneath his ears. “You deserve to be loved, Bradley. Stop cheating yourself from having what you deserve because some part of you thinks you didn’t earn it. I love you and I have loved you for years.” You dropped one hand and pressed it against his chest, over his heart. “You’re the love of my life. You are so loved. Nothing will ever change that.” 
He nodded and you pulled him back into bed, cradling his massive form in your arms. You waited for the tears to dry up, your hand stroking his head, neck and back. You waited until his soft snores took over. And then you pressed your lips to his temple. 
There had been an ache, buried deep inside, for the past eight years. Ever since you watched him walk out that door. 
When you woke up, it was gone. 
And so was Bradley. The bed was empty. 
Your heart sank, quickly like the drop of a roller coaster. It continued on as you looked around, noting that Bradley’s clothes were gone. The bathroom was empty and so was the living room. 
In the kitchen, you sank down to the ground with your back against the counter, a few tears sliding down your face. It felt like that warm May night all over again. But this time, you hadn’t even watched him leave. He had just disappeared while you slept. 
It was worse. 
And then you heard the rumble of a car, and the sound of a key turning in the lock. Peering around the doorframe of the kitchen to the hallway that led to the door, you squinted. 
Bradley came crashing through the door, juggling a bakery box and a cardboard coffee cup holder with two togo cups. He winced when the door slammed behind him, tiptoeing inside and kicking off his shoes before looking up and catching your eye. 
“Maggie, I…” He trailed off when he saw your face. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He placed the box and coffee on the side table and rushed over, his fingers gripping your arms. “Honey what happened?” 
You gave him a dirty look. “What the fuck Bradley?”
“You’re mad,” he said, realization clouding his handsome face. 
“Fuck yes I’m mad. I wake up and you’re just gone!” You feel the tears backing up behind your eyes. “I thought you fucking left me, again. God, next time leave a note or something.” 
Bradley gave you a soft, sad smile and pointed to the kitchen table where a white piece of paper sat. You rushed over and grabbed it. 
You deserve breakfast in bed. Please don’t change your mind before I get back. I love you so damn much. 
- B
You looked up and saw the smirk forming on Bradley’s lips and you reached out to swat at his arm playfully as a laugh bubbled in his throat. Before you could reach him, he stepped forward and grabbed you by the waist, spinning you around until you were laughing in his arms. When he set you down, you ran your hands down the sides of his face. 
“So this is it, huh?” you asked quietly. “You and me? For real this time.” 
“Honey, it’s always been you and me. You’re my dream girl, remember? I knew one day we’d find our way back to each other.”
Tag list: @abaker74 @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @luckyladycreator2 @marantha @tayrae515 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32 @bradshawsbitch @lilianashomaresparza @double-j @hangmandruigandmav @blue-aconite @shawnsblue @minamisulemisa @momc95 @hangmandruigandmav @seresinhangmanjake @taytaylala12 @pulisvertz @brehonodea @babyminghao @crthurston @angelbabyange
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kitcatttt · 4 months
Hello and welcome to my blog! My name is Kitcat or Ayah!
Pronouns: She/He, don’t mind They or It
Sexuality: Panromantic, Asexual but not sex repulsed. No NSFW please.
Birthday: June 12
My Carrd!
Open ask game!
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Project Arrhythmia
Project Muse
Mario & Luigi games
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Before you interact
I need tone tags. I’m bad at picking up sarcasm irl, and there’s like, no way to tell if someone is being sarcastic over text.
Please tell me if I do make you uncomfortable. I’d like to know so I can stop doing so.
Continuing from the above, PLEASE ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES WHEN WE FIRST START INTERACTING. I’ve had too many instances where I’ve accidentally made someone uncomfortable because I didn’t know their boundaries. I feel guilt easily and it lasts for a long time, I basically never get over it. So it would be nice to not have to feel said guilt at all.
I do occasionally make dirty jokes, and I jokingly say smash to a lot of things, specifically characters. Tell me if this makes you uncomfortable and I won’t do it around you.
I am trying to teach myself how to draw! I had been scared away from drawing for a few years, but I’m finally trying again. They might not be that good as of now. Please don’t make fun of me.
Please do not say my characters are “literally you” unless we are mutuals, and even then please ask for permission first. It does not sit right with me.
Self diagnosed AuDHD. Please don’t attack me for this. I’m only self diagnosing because my parents aren’t supportive of me getting evaluated and not only me, but several friends, peers, and adults in my life suspect I’m AuDHD, or at least autistic. Maybe I’ll get the diagnosis one day :(
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Racist, homophobic, transphobic, or any other discriminatory people.
NSFW blogs and darkship/proship/profic people. So many terms jfc so I’ll just say this. If you support any kind of pedophilia, irl, fictional, whatever, get the fuck off my blog.
Cintagonisupset and his supporters. (Update on this one! I’m fine with his supporters as long as y’all aren’t here to start shit :])
People that just want to stir up drama.
DNI’s don’t really do anything but if you fit the above criteria and you got blocked don’t be surprised, I mean, I warned you :)
Please don’t mention around me (Ships)
TPC Cube x anyone other than Lythorus (Tied to a certain someone, but I’m kinda ok with it as long as it isn’t forced? Idk what would count as forced but Cube x Marcle feels hella forced- and just TPC versions of him. I ship HOPE Cubiris.)
Pyrare x anyone (canonically Aromantic)
Circubit x any female character/oc (canonically gay)
Blixer x Wave (don’t know much about the ship, but there’s apparently something wrong with it???? Idfk-)
Circumuscle x Cirtunda (Cirtunda adopts Circumuscle in my au, plus I don’t even think they’re close in age anymore. If you find past posts of me shipping them, it was BEFORE S2 Ep 1 of TPC came out, in which my au changed)
Marcle x Squadril, Marcle x Purpex, Squadril x Purpex (Purpex adopted Marcle and Squadril in my au)
Quintagon x Cubic (Literally just DNI. Why is this a ship.)
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Friends list!
@comet--crusaders/@love--and--corruption - <333
@thatonepurpleshape -Silly ass goober, one of the first friends I made on this hellsite
@mfbees - Dumbass irl I dragged into the JSAB fandom /aff
@trash-jsab - Moderates my discord server, is da server parent :]
@anonymously-night - Also moderates my discord server, helps keep everything in check (THANK YOU 🙏🙏🙏)
@mugzymiik - cheese boy /j I’m fucking eating all your aus
@ebony-silly-zone - Hit it off with them when they first joined and now I blab to them about my aus :3
(if any of my mutuals wanna be added just ask :3 I know damn well I’ve forgotten some people)
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Other blogs!
@jsab-pa - Art blog! (Run in character by Sen, one of my sonas)
@corrupted-chaoss, @corrupted-chaoss-fic An askblog and fic blog for my JSAB au, Corrupted Chaos
@lil-robo-idiot - Rp blog for my TPC oc, Penl
@coho-chat - Rp and ask blog for my ocs for the Bossfight album Caps On, Hats Off
@tpc-rp-blog - General rp blog so I’m not reblogging to my main
@sins-n-sinners - Ask blog co-run by Milo and Ebony
@uprises-on-your-grave - Askblog for Uprising, and band based on a Teminite album by the same name
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Important links (to be updated)
Drama post. Don’t read if you don’t wanna get into it.
Addressing important allegations. More drama.
TPC headcanons
Sexual content and my ocs.
Pyrare and shipping.
My HOPE au vs my TPC au
Pink Heroes infodump!
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My tags! (New as of this post)
#kit is on her shit again - rambling tag
#oh shit kit got a pencil - art posts
#why do you tolerate me :] - friend tag :3
#fuck me dude - vent tag, drama tag
#yay blood! :D - gore tag, art or writing
#kit focus on English class - fic tag and lore tag
#kit forgot how to draw - gacha tag
#kit go to sleep - anything I post in between 12am -6am my time (EST)
#kitty cat yaps - ask tag
#😭❓❓❓ - random thoughts
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My aus + their abbreviations
Magenta Decedance - My TPC au - MD
Wilted Roses - TPC au, name subject to change to an actual one because it just has the name for the Cintasphere fic currently. Once name changes I will update the description - WR
Mistakes Were Made - An au focused on Circumcannon, where he snapped and killed his family - MWM
School Love Chaos - A college au focused on Cintagon and Circumsphere, Cintagon being the yandere - SLC
Iris Insanity - An au where Iris cracked under the pressure and corrupted - II
Adler’s Experiments - An experiment au focused on my Flowers Of Antimony, Addicus or Adler, who is experimenting on shapes with the corruption - AE
The Contract - An au where Zinnia, Dub’s successor, made a deal with Rot (the tree), and everything went to shit - TC
Lovebug - Penl, a pink hero like Cyanide, got a virus! And now the corruption makes you a yandere???? - LB
Triple Star Shoppe - Cintagon, Purpex, and Pirene (oc) started a business together! Cinta is a dollmaker, Purp is a chef, and Pi is a blacksmith. Something feels… off, though. - TSS
Sins and Sinners - An au focusing on the 7 Deadly Sins’ kids, who took over after they died. (Co owned by Milo and Ebony) - SnS
House of Horror - Come on in! We don’t bite :) - HoH
Not Of The Machine - One of my ocs, Penl, is the only human in a world full of robots. Thus he’s forced to stop the corruption since he’s immune (it’s a virus!) - NOTM
Crystalline Hivemind - An infection au with Amethyst :] - CH
Robotic Necromancy - The Chipzels died, but had their souls trapped in animatronics! What do you mean this is a FNAF au? - RN
False God - The Tree killed Circumsphere out of hatred for Cintagon, so he decided to rebel - FG
Hope - My version of the scrapped Hope series by Brittney Robinson - Hope
Corrupted Chaos - My main jsab au - CC
Purity. - A tree cult was started after the corruption event in CC, and its just as bad. - Purity
Neutralized Nemesis - Another jsab au, where all of the bosses are dating a hero (includes the beta heroes) - NN
Failed Opposition - A bad end jsab au - FO
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My ships (and the au’s they’re in)
Pentellow x Iris (both poly) - All except Hope
Cube x Lythorus - All
Cintagon x Circumsphere - All, one sided in SLC
Rincle x Circumuscle - All
Polyhedron x Cirtunda - All
Pentellow x Ajaceare (also poly) - All
Quintagon x Ajaceare - Not in any due to age differences
Dub x Barracuda - All
Iris x Circubit (Poly once more) - All
Hexagram x Circumsphere (exes) - All except Hope, dominant ship in SLC
Cube x Iris - Hope
Cubical x Iris (exes) - All, not together
Cubical x Circubit (also exes) - All, not together
That’s it (for now)! Hope you enjoy your time on my blog!
Dividers made by @trash-jsab
11 notes · View notes
86 Thoughts while watching The OC season one episode 4: The Debut
1. I love that these early episodes really focused on the Cohens+1 as a family, and established these really deep dynamics.
2. Seth is such a shitty kid and it’s so funny in these early eps. It feels more endearing than like...shitty in later episodes.
3. Ryan getting adoptedddddddddd what a good lil math nerd.
4. Anyone who thinks Ryan is a bad boy I feel like you miss the point of the character. He has terrible luck, and a bad temper, but also, he is a MATH NERD who says whole sentences with his eyes.
5. “You steal a car? You burn down a house? You beat up the captain of the water polo team?” Let’s be real, Luke won that fight. Ryan isn’t a good fighter lol.
6. Kirsten is not a hugger.
7. Brody’s little groove walk is fun.
8. Califoniaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa here we cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmme
9. underpants!
10. Seth rolling around on Ryan’s bed like a puppy. Sir what.
11. He doesn’t have any things.
12. Poor Ryan, he does not know how to deal with this debutante thing.
13. Peggy deserved more than two episodes, she’s so salty and I love her. Where did she go???
14. Jimmy and Sandy are such strange frenemies. Like Jimmy so clearly still has a thing for Kirsten and Sandy knows. He knows, and he knows they have to play nice (for now), but he is not thrilled. He’s a friendly dude mostly, so he’s not gonna start shit just because, but like. He knows it’s bad.
15. My big quibble with this episode is that the girls’ dresses look incredibly cheap. At least for the main three girls they could have gone higher end. Or maybe it’s just that 2003 style.
16. I know Luke is like “bleh Ryan” but I can’t help thinking of it as a lil bi panic.
17. Summer trying to bang Ryan. Ryan like “I mean she’s hot but...but...but...”
18. Ryan and Summer should have banged.
19. Like not a relationship. But just. Boning.
20. I’ve warmed up to Marissa as I’ve gotten older. She’s very sweet in these early episodes.
21. That is so much wine Sandy just poured Kirsten. SO MUCH. BRUH YOUR WIFE HAS A DRINKING PROB- we’ll talk about next season.
22. I love all the comic books just lying around as set dressing.
23. Ryan’s favorite comic is Justice Society of America, and I love that for him. It’s very classic superhero, but it’s not one of the BIG ONES.
24. Poor Kirsten, finding out about Jimmy’s dumb shit.
25. Sandy is in full lawyer mode. “We have to tell everybody this dude stole from them.”
26. I wish I liked these dresses more.
27. But god the music cues are so on point. The soundtrack for the OC is just top notch, all thees years later.
28. And ask the world to stay away please....
29. Ryan is so sweet. He just can’t say no.
30. Fucking Jimmy.
31. God damn, Julie just spending every last cent. She doesn’t ask ever about their finances. She just assumes. But Jimmy let her believe they were more than fine.
32. Jimmy is such an idiot. I wish I liked him more. He’s supposed to be charming. I love Tate Donovan. But god. That character.
33. Try to enjoy this, please! I love Peggy. Justice for Peggy.
34. The dancing. Poor Ryan.
35. Who let Adam Brody out of his feral nerd cage? Whoever it was, I’m grateful.
36. Summer is such a douche in these early episodes. Her character arc is amazing through the series. Truly. one of my favorites in TV history.
37. i still don’t quite buy Ryan and Marissa’s chemistry. Part of it is that Misha Barton is so young, and she hasn’t had time to develop as an actress. I feel like if she’d been like two years older when she played Marissa it’d hit harder.
38. Annaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. God I love Anna. Again. She has such good chemistry with Seth and Ryan. Again. Ryan should have been allowed to date Anna.  The two with the most common sense in the whole bunch together? Power couple.
39. Kirsten, stop trying to save Jimmy he doesn’t deserve it.
40. Oh Holly. I would have loved for her to get a redemption arc. Like still kind of brainless, but more mature. Less shitty. She comes back in s4 and has learned nothing.
41. Ben McKenzie eye acting choices.
42. Jimmmyyyyyyyyyyyy karma said “hey hi how ya doin”
43. Barbecutionist.
44. Marissa watching Luke’s friends and feeling just so done. Girl I get it.
45. Poor Ryan. He just wants to go home and hide in his pool house and read comic books and not deal with this dumb crap.
46. Luke’s weird toxic masculinity is pretty rough. He gets a nice redemption arc later where he just turns into a golden retriever. I love that for him.
47. Yep. There’s the JSA issue.
48. Julie really wants to be a good mother, but she puts so much importance on appearance and image and perception. And dumping all of that on her very sensitive daughter is cruel.
49. I love Julie’s eye makeup.
50. Melinda Clarke is such a heavy hitter in this series. Julie Cooper, Urban Cougar was such a thing.
51. Sandy not going either. Sandy said fuck that.
52. Again, these dresses...they’re just not...great.
53. lol Sandy and Ryan just....”Nah.” “Yeah, me neither.”
54. THE BONDING. THE VIDEO GAMES. I love this dynamic so much.
55. Sandy serving truth. “They’ve all got secrets and they’re all terrified that the guy nextdoor is gonna find them out.”
56. It’s such a sweet moment, and then “You just stabbed me again.”
57. Summerrrrrrrrrrrrr.
58. lol Anna and Seth spewing comic book stuff.
59. YOU’RE A GIRL. Bitch I have been reading comic books since 1991.
60. The birth of the Summer/Seth/Anna triangle/almost thruple.
61. I just tried to liken them to Roy/Keeley/Jamie but there is no grumpy asshole.
62. But if it were Summer/Ryan/Anna, we would have a Lasso Thruple sitch.
63. But not really.
64. Sandy is the best. I swear.
65. Jimmy and karma doin that dance.
66. Luke is, in fact, an idiot.
67. “Stop hitting a dude who didn’t actually do anything to you.” “I AM LEAVING BECAUSE YOU MAKE SENSE!” Oy.
68. Anna is so charming. I love her.
69. Julie just dislikes Ryan so damn much. Christ.
70. “Confidence, Cohen!” Ugh. So cute.
71. I love Seth/Summer but Anna/Seth was also so so fun.
72. “We’re gonna go this way.” lol
73. We don’t see Summer walk by herself. I think that was a missed opportunity.
74. Peggyyyyyyyyyy! My beloved!
75. The sweetness of this scene lasts all of three seconds before Jimmy gets slugged in his face.
76. I love that they were never afraid of the fact that Marissa was just a lil taller than Ryan. the visual works so well for the show.
77. Here we go.
78.”Bad accounting.”
79. hot damn y’all this old man fight lol.
80. Julie’s shaking fingers is such a nice touch in this moment.
81. I guess Sandy figures karma has done its job on Jimmy and now he can be supportive. lol.
82. Seth and Annaaaaaaa. Jesus so cute. Even though they’re kind of the same person lol.
83. Another great music cue. To Sheila, by the Smashing Pumpkins.
84. I just. I want to like Marissa more. I’m still not sure why I can’t get there all these years later.
85. LOL Luke. With the weird sneak attack.
86. And that’s it. A last shot of Ryan alone, who should be heading home to avoid the police.
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duhragonball · 2 years
Janwum III Update: 7827
Been a while since I checked in on this front, so let’s pull up a chair, swing it around to sit in it backwards, and discuss the state of this writing project.
Basically, I set out to do a big chunk of the 2023 apocrypha liveblog, and knock out 20,000 words in my fic in the same month.  I had a plan to write 645 words each day, figuring I could liveblog stuff and still have time left over to sneak in the writing.  Also, I keep trying to challenge myself to write consistent daily word goals, and I thought this would be the way to do it. 
But around Day 12 or so I got fed up with switching back and forth, and the GT posts were coming along so well that I decided to shift my focus to just that.  And now I’ve got GT liveblog posts queued up through the end of the Baby Saga, which leaves me just six days to finish the Janwum goal. 
Honestly, I think this worked out for the best, as I now have to average a little over 2k words per day, and I now have a clear shot to do so, where before I was constantly distracting myself with the other thing.  I guess I’m just not much of a multitasker.  Given two jobs with the same deadline, I’ll always try to push as far forward with one as I can go before tackling the other.  Fortunately, I took this into account when I planned the year, but I was just so eager to start the liveblog that I couldn’t wait until after I had written the 20k.  I should have just flip-flopped the order from the start. 
Also, punting a story 645 words at a time is kind of a pain in the ass.  If I’m not feeling it, a small word goal is going to feel just as agonizing as a longer one, and if I am feeling it, I’m just cutting off my own momentum.  I probably should have made sure to reach 10000 before stopping, but I pumped the brakes for a reason and I shouldn’t second-guess it now. 
In any event, critiquing GT has been very instructive for me, as I feel like I have a better handle on what works and what doesn’t in a fictional fight scene.  A big problem I have with writing Demigra is that it’s really unclear what he can and can’t do, and his power level is literally “strong enough to give your OC a hard time, but still lose.” It’s a lot like General Rildo, actually. 
Also, one thing I wasn’t counting on was how rewatching GT has taken me back to 2004-2006, when I first came up with Luffa.  I still remember looking up the “List of Vegetables” article on Wikipedia at my job to pick out her name.  I wanted more out of Dragon Ball, and GT had been such a disappointment that I realized I would have to write my own stuff to get what I wanted, and yet I couldn’t think of a way to continue the canon story that would satisfy me.  So I started thinking about making my own Super Saiyan, and realized the distant past would be a blank slate for me to work with.  And GT’s mishandling of Pan and Bulla had a lot to do with my wanting to make the OC a woman. 
Occasionally, I’ve questioned some of the decisions I’ve made with the fic.  It gets pretty dark and violent in places, but then I rewatch the stale, saccharine hijinks in GT, and I remember how fed up I was with it.  Not everything has to be edgy, but Funimation promoted GT with a lot of grim, ominous ads.  The dub narrator always sounded like he was about to tell local prosecutors how he disposed of the bodies.   But then the anime itself would always be Pan whining about some damn thing, and Goku saying he’s hungry again.  I wanted something with more bite to it, and it’s taken me umpteen years to make it happen, but I’m doing it.
Well, I need to get cracking.  I’ll see you later.
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the-musical-cc · 3 years
What's wrong with the Twilight Princess manga? (Genuinely curious because I often hear it's good)
No, I mean, it's good! What I've read isn't really terrible (And take in account that because they aren't selling it here just yet, I've only read what I've been able to find online.) This is most likely about me putting something in the tags about how most fans ignore it, referring specifically to Link's backstory, but like...Bruh I'm biased, don't pay mind to my rambles XD
*rambles anyway.
I mean, it IS good. I like it enough that I want to buy the whole thing once it's completed, available in my country (In english because the spanish names are a fucking joke) and have enough money that I don't regret buying like 12 tomes that are like 120 pesos each. It brought some ideas that are gold, such as Luda and Shad coming with Link in the adventure for a short time, Midna helping Link beat the Gorons in sumo (Though it does sacrifice one of the most hilarious parts of lore of the game.) and the questionability of Hyrule's attitude towards anything that isn't 'Pure' or 'Bright'. I just disagree with a lot of the choices made in it.
Link's backstory. I had thought it to be a matter of personal taste at first, where I saw him as someone who maybe came from outside but grew in Ordon and was just getting stupidly offended over differing opinions, but as it turns out I just didn't remember why I'd had that idea for years now. Ilia mentions having been kids together with Link, and hilarious as the thought that she's referring to one year prior to events in the game is, it most likely means he's been there for years. Honestly? My impression is they wanted Link to not have too deep a tie to Ordon for whatever reason, and I Hate That. I'm certain I'm not the only one to say 'That's bullshit' and just go with something else there, which is why I say most of us ignore it anyway.
They highkey stole an arc from Hyrule Warrior Legends. Though tbf they also put a very blatant 'Empire Strikes back' moment in there and as much as it annoyed me... it was pretty cool. Still, this is the one game where Shadow Link had no business to be and they put it in there for an entire fucking arc.
Twilight Princess' cast is fucking HUGE why on Hylia's green earth are you putting OCs in there??? It's not even like they're filling a role no one else could have had! They've done it before in their previous Zelda works, and other manga adaptations have as well, but I like most of them because they had something to bring to the table (Even if it was romantic drama, in Ganthy's case.) here it's little to nothing they can contribute with that couldn't have been done by putting an already existing character there. It may be my theatre brain speaking but it bothers me when you have a huge cast and do NOTHING with it and instead bring out another character out of NOWHERE to get things done. Just use what's already there, damn you!
Zelda and Midna's backstory. Hear me out... I love it... but it doesn't work. I've spoken before about how much it annoyed me when the narrative had Zelda and Link respectively blame themselves for the invasion (Even though the guy invading is RIGHT THERE???!?!) for having 'Touched' the dark and made it so it could invade their world, and that's part of it. The other is: Having Zelda sacrifice for Midna not because it was the right thing to do, not because it's the one thing she can do for her people, for the Twili, for Link and Midna herself, and instead making it 'You're my childhood inter-dimensional pen pal, I just realized, welp, time to die.' kind of cheapens the impact it had on Midna in the game and what it says about Zelda as a character (We barely get anything on her in the game, but what we do get is powerful.) It's beautiful, but it misses the point completely.
Also Midna just randomly showing up in Link's dreams in her true form is stupid. YEAH, I SAID IT! I get it they're probably thinking 'Well, what's the point in building up anticipation? You know this is what she looks like already.' but one of the reasons the ship is so heart-wrenchingly good is Link knew her inside and out despite her warped shape. In the end, it didn't matter what she looked like so long as it was her. Link fell in love with her gremlin ass transformation AND THAT IS PERFECT OK??? Imagine like if on 'Beauty and the Beast' Belle just randomly kept meeting the prince in dreams, like they're waving a carrot in front of her to get things done with so she can smooch that freaky Habsburg mug. It's fucking awkward! (And it sort of cheapens their actual chemistry, it feels a lot like 'Oh, he has to see she's hot or it wouldn't be believable that he fell in love.' Get outta here with that.)
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OK, fine, I'll elaborate. Shad has a dialogue in-game about following up on his dad's life work, it is also implied that he's passed away. What does the manga do? Ignore all that and make it so Shad's dad is a 'Serious' investigator who disapproves of his son's interests. 'Shut up dad! It's not a phase dad! You go clean your room, dad!'. Why? No reason. It's not even interesting!
Shad is the friendliest fucking guy ever, rambling to Link about his hyperfixation on first meeting. Calls him 'Old sport' and stuff like that, seemingly befriends him immediately. What'd the manga decide to do with him? They're RIVALSSSS, and snarky to one another because Shad may or may not have a little crush on Ilia. UGH.
Look, you can't be a real Resistance if the members can't even look after themselves, so making Shad kind of a loser (Because he's a nerd. Hahah. Get it? Nerds are losers.) really took the piss out of the Resistance, tbh. Might have been the point, though, seeing how they needed to make space for their OCs in the final battle at Hyrule Castle... and, look, I've said this before but if you need to make a character look horribly bad for no other purpose than making another look more competent, you're not half as good a writer as you think you are. Link didn't need Shad to look pathetic to look more heoric, that's just sad.
Also take one look at that guy and tell me he doesn't drink his respecting women juice every damn morning and sometimes for dinner... well, in the manga, he's apparently kind of a leecher.
Srsly how is he friends with Ashei if he's kind of a leecher, she'd break his fingers.
There's probably more but I really don't want to come off like I'm trying to discourage people from reading it because I'm not! Like I said, it's a good manga! It has some pretty neat battle sequences, it makes Hyrule feel MASSIVE, it has some pretty horrifying moments that make the stakes feel more real, it takes things that are a certain way in the game for the sake of the mechanics and tries to make them more organic (In the specific case of Ilia's memory, it succeeds.) and Akira Himekawa never fails to make Zelda and every female character look gorgeous. It's just not great in terms of being an adaptation, but that's not necessarily a terrible thing, it just depends on taste. Still, specifically where Link's backstory concerns... I think most fans just ignore it because, really, it doesn't make sense.
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Marvel OC Masterlist 1
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Name: Adelaide Stark
Title: Beyond The Archetype
Faceclaim:  Jenna Louise Coleman
Love interest: Sam Wilson
Summary: Adelaide Stark had always had a lot to live up to. Her dad always tried not to put a lot of pressure on her, but the rest of the world hadn’t been so kind.  So, Adi spent the first seventeen years of her life working and studying to follow in her family’s footsteps and work on military technology.  But when her father goes missing in her senior year of high school, her world falls apart.  And when he comes back, alive and a superhero, she has to rebuild herself and her dreams.  Now, not only Tony Stark’s daughter, but also Iron Man’s daughter, Adi realizes that maybe it’s time for her to stop following, and to do something for herself instead.
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Name: Adonis Stark
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Colin Donnell
Love Interest: Orion Royce
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Name: чудо | Adriana Stark
Title: Like The Sun (We Will Live To Rise)
Faceclaim:  Madison McLaughlin
Love interest: Peter Parker?
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Name: Alana Stark
Title: Born To Die
Faceclaim: Madison Davenport
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Name: Alena Zemo
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Poppy Drayton
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Alessia Stark
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Melissa Benoist
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: “So this Doctor Banner was was trying to replicate the serum they used on me?”  “A lot of people were, only one succeeded.”  “Who?”  “Howard Stark.” -Steve Rogers and Phil Coulson
When Alessia Stark was sixteen, her dad used her to test out a new super serum.  He succeeded, and died a week later.  Aly Stark has never wanted to be a hero, despite the serum running through her veins.  She grew stronger, her aging slowed, she had even developed an inhuman healing factor, but she still didn’t want to be a hero.  Until her twin brother - now over a decade older than her - is kidnapped by terroists and returns a superhero.  Aly may not want to be a hero, but she’ll be damned if she leaves her brother to fight alone
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Name: Alvina Strange
Title: Paradox
Faceclaim:  Alba Baptista
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Name: Angelina Stark
Title: Cheap Tricks (And A Cheesy One-Liner)
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
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Name: Angie Stark
Title: Turn Back Time
Faceclaim: Malina Weissman
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Name: Antonia Stark-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Anya Barton
Title: What Happened In Budapest (Doesn’t Stay In Budapest)
Faceclaim:  Emma Stone
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary:  What happened in Budapest?  Clint and Natasha took out an arms dealer, saved the world, had a baby, learned that the Red Room lied about sterilizing Natasha, and killed a few people.  Now all grown up, Anya Barton is the newest SHIELD recruit, and almost immediately, aliens invade and a god brainwashes her father; that’s a hell of a first day.  But Anya is the daughter of two of the greatest spies in the world, she’s not going down without a fight.  Not when aliens invade, not when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra and she has to go off the grid, and definitely not when, in Budapest of all places, she meets a man with a metal arm who’s also trying to hide from whatever is left of Hydra.
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Name: Aphrodite
Title: The Course of True Love (Never Did Run Smooth)
Faceclaim:  Vanessa Morgan
Love interest: Thor
Summary: Aphrodite could barely remember her home planet of Olympus, thanks to Odin destroying it when she was a child.  As the sole survivor of the Olympian gods, Odin decided that she was “useful” enough to keep, and brought her to Asgard.  Clearly he’d never considered the consequences of murdering her entire world and taking her hostage, as he somehow still expected her to be loyal to her.  Unfortunately for Odin, that plan was as stupid as the rest of his ideas; Aphrodite had never been loyal to him, her loyalty had always been to the next king of Asgard, and when he sends Thor to earth, he’ll learn just how far a goddess of love is willing to go to make sure he doesn’t cost her another family.
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Name: Aria Parker
Title: The Art of Disappearing
Faceclaim:  Natalie Dormer
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Peter Parker was hardly the first enhanced Parker.  His aunt Aria had been born with the ability to control the elements.  At eighteen years of age, she dropped off the face of the earth, and no one, not even her cousins Ben and Richard, had any idea where she’d gone.  Most people thought she was dead, until ten years later when she helped Clint Barton find his dog in Central Park, and somehow befriending he and Natasha Romanov.  Even then, though, most of the world didn’t know who or where she was; not until Shield fell apart and Natasha found herself reaching out to the only person she trusted who had no affiliation with Shield or Hydra.
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Name: Arielle Stark
Title: Piece By Piece
Faceclaim:  Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Steve Rogers
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Name: Aris Stark
Title: Forged In Iron
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: All Aris Stark wanted to do was train for the Olympics - gymnastics, specifically - and go on dates with Peter. Of course, being Iron Man’s daughter and Spiderman’s girlfriends complicated things, but Aris could handle complicated. Everything was perfect, until both her dad and boyfriend hopped on a ship to outer space while some crazy alien tried to destroy the universe. She waited in the compound, preparing all of the ways that she would yell at them for scaring her. And then she woke up, the compound on fire and crumbling around her, Tony and Peter nowhere to be found. And if that weren’t confusing enough, suddenly she was glowing.
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Name: Asteria “Stargirl” Quill
Story: Made Of Stardust
Faceclaim:  Chloe Grace Moretz
Summary: If Peter Quill had known that some species didn’t have gestation periods, he might have been a lot more selective about who he slept with.  But, he hadn’t, and so, he wasn’t.  And so, he found himself with an infant daughter.  Half alien, all ravager, Asteria “Stargirl” Quill is all about profit and adventure, just like her dad.  But when a fight breaks out during a sale, and she and her dad get arrested with a green girl, a racoon, and a tree, everything is about to change.
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Name: Athena Stark
Title: Iron Princess
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Athena Stark had a plan. She was going to be the valedictorian for her grade at Midtown High, then an undergrad in Poli Sci at Yale, then law school at Harvard, and then she would become president of the United States. She would change the laws in order to better protect superheroes like her father, and she would make him proud. But then her dad brings Spiderman to Berlin for a fight, and Peter Parker comes back talking about a Stark Internship that definitely doesn’t exist. Athena’s life plan never accounted for Superhero Liaison, let alone for becoming a superhero herself, but Starks are made of iron and Athena will make it work.
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Name: Aurora Hansen Stark
Title: The Future In Silver and Gold
Faceclaim:  Bailee Madison
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: “Please don’t tell me there’s a 12 year old kid waiting in the car that I’ve never met.“  Actually, she’s thirteen and at home, but with Killian having killed her mother, Aurora Stark is about to find out the truth about her mysterious father.  Unfortunately, as unprepared as Tony is for a daughter, Aurora is equally unprepared for a father, and getting used to each other will be harder than either of them could have ever anticipated.
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Name: Octavia Ava Potts
Story: Golden Child (Grew Up)
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: A lot had changed for Ava, since her father died.  She had moved in with her Aunt Pepper and Tony; aliens had invaded New York, they had moved to Malibu, she had gotten kidnapped, they — well, you get the picture.  A lot had changed for Ava over the years, but as she settled into her life at Midtown High, she thought that the craziest of changes were in her past.  And then the Avengers break up, and she discovers that one of her closest friends is hiding a secret not too different from her own.
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Name: Bennett Parker-Maximoff
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Betsy Walker
Title: Chasing Shadows
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
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Name: Bianca Davis
Title: The American Dream
Faceclaim:  Kat McNamara
Love interest: Steve Rogers
Summary: Being 26, in Washington DC, and working at the Smithsonian Museum of Air and Space wasn’t exactly where Bianca ever imagined herself, but it’s a pretty fun gig, and a great stepping stone to becoming a Smithsonian Curator.  And she gets to work in the Captain America exhibit, which has always been a fascination of hers.  Twenty six and working a good job in her field of studies is more than most recent graduates can say, but her life is still completely mundane–until the day Steve Rogers walks into her exhibit for the first time.
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Name: Brinley Brant
Title: Because I Could Not Stop For Death (He Kindly Stopped For Me)
Faceclaim:  Lili Reinhart
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There had been four Brant sisters, once.  Beatrice and Bridget, twins and completely inseparable; Betty, the oldest, brightest, best; and Brinley, the middle child, overlooked, and Betty’s biggest fan.  And then, the decimation.  Three sisters and their father waiting by the door for Betty to come home, to tell them she was alright and laugh about them worrying.  But she never did.  With a dead sister and a dying mother, it fell to Brinley to fill the gap.  Day by day she became more and more like her sister, no longer able to differentiate between her reflection and Betty’s pictures, until one day she woke up and realized that she was a whole year older than Betty would ever get to be.  And then the Avengers reversed the blip, and when the doorbell rang, Betty had finally come home.
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Name: Brynhilde Parkerdottir
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Brynn Bates
Title: Dust To Dust
Faceclaim: Erin Moriarty
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Name: Calypso Lokidottir
Title: This Is Your Kingdom
Faceclaim:  Emilia Clarke
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Calypso “Callie” Laurens had always known that she wasn’t normal, no one had ever tried to spare her from that truth. With her silver-white hair, her fondness for “renaissance fair” dresses, and her Shakespearean speech, it would have been impossible for her to not know that she was strange. What she didn’t know was that her name wasn’t Calypso Laurens, but rather Calypso Lokidottir, princess of Asgard and daughter of Loki. But, when a strange hammer shows up in her town, one that only she can lift, Calypso is about to learn everything that Odin never wanted her to know, including why she was cast away to Midgard in the first place.
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Name: Constance Osborn
Title: Rise Above
Fandom: The Amazing Spider-Man
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Summary: At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother.  Suicide, she was told; her fault, the note said.  She never knew the details, but the men in the suits read her the note, made sure she knew just how much her mother had hated her — so much that she chose death over her daughter. It hadn’t made sense, her mother had always seemed so happy to spend time with her daughter, but the note said otherwise.  So Constance was packed up and moved to New York, where she met Norman Osborn — the cold man with empty eyes who was apparently her father — and Harry Osborn — with his warm hugs and soft eyes and endless excitement to have a little sister.  Harry, with his best friend Peter; Peter who had also just lost his parents, and Harry, who always knew when she needed to be distracted and when she just needed someone to sit with her.  At five years old, Constance Conwell lost her mother, and Constance Osborn found her brother.
At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  Boarding school, her father had explained, packing Constance and Harry into the private jet and sending them to Europe. But they both knew the truth; Norman just didn’t want them.  So they went — first to England, then France, then Switzerland, and so on so forth as various disciplinary infractions kept them shuffling between schools.  With no Peter Parker, with no best friend to keep them in line, the Osborns fell apart faster than the tabloids could keep up with.  At eleven years old, Constance Osborn lost her best friend.  She never found another.
At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  Only a few months out from graduation, her dad asks to see her — the first time he’s asked to see her since she moved in — and she flies back to New York for a couple of weeks.  But whatever cautious optimism she’d harboured for a touching family reunion was crushed almost as soon as she saw what she’d come home to.  A city on the verge of destruction, a father who was losing what little was left of his sanity, a world of heroes and villains that left no one unscarred.  At sixteen years old, Constance Osborn loses herself.  She’s not sure who she found.
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Name: Cora Royce
Title: Stars Defied
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Sam Wilson; eventual poly Sam x Bucky in TFATWS
Summary: In 2011, Cora Royce’s parents went to New Mexico for a week’s holiday; some aliens invaded, and they never made it home.  In 2012, the same aliens invade, and Cora almost loses her brother.  When Orion insists on taking her to work with him “for her safety”, Cora expects a boring day at the main office of the family company, she doesn’t expect to find out that her brother has a second life as a spy-archer-assassin for a top secret government agency founded by Cora’s personal hero, Peggy Carter herself.  She also doesn’t expect to find out that her parents were part of the agency themselves, and that their holiday in New Mexico was part of a mission to stop the very alien-god who killed them.  And she definitely didn’t expect to find herself on an invisible flying battleship with her pseudo-uncle Tony Stark — sorry, Iron Man — and an apparently not-dead Captain America.  
Cora is under strict orders from Orion to stay in the lab where Tony can protect her, but when everything goes to shit, Cora can’t just stay on the sidelines.  She may not be a superhero, but she’s Royce, and there is nothing that could stop her from protecting the last of her family.
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Name: Cordelia
Title: I Was In The Darkness (So Darkness I Became)
Face claim:  Alycia Debnam-Carey
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Name: Courtney Lang
Title: The Cost Of Legacy
Faceclaim: Willa Fitzgerald
Summary:  Courtney Lang loved her dad, she really did. Sure, he did some illegal business and was in jail for a while, but hey, nobody’s perfect.  But when he got back from jail, everything changed.  He was keeping secrets, avoiding her, lying to her, but it all made sense when she learned that he was actually a superhero.  But then he went rogue, got put under house arrest, and broke said house arrest with less than a day until his time was up.  Still, she could handle all of that, until half of all living things disappeared, and her father along with them.
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Name: Danni Stark
Title: Fated
Faceclaim:  Lily Collins
Love Interest: Steve Rogers, possibly poly Stucky
Summary: 1942.  The United States Of America has finally joined the war.  Danielle Stark becomes a war correspondent and, with some help from her older brother, becomes the official liaison to the Howling Commandos.  As the history books will tell, Danni and Peggy Carter were as inseparable behind the scenes as Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes were on the battlefield.  And as the history books won’t tell, Danni Stark fell in love on the front lines, with both Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes.  And then, Bucky fell from a train and Steve crashed his plane, and Danni found herself alone.
1945.  The war is over.  Everyone goes home.  Unsure of what to do with herself, Danni ends up in New York, helping Peggy and Howard to found SHIELD.  For several years, Danni juggles her work as a reporter with her secret life as a SHIELD agent, until Howard finds something in the arctic.  With the new powers of the tesseract at his fingertips, Howard finally decides to try a new version of Project Rebirth, and Danni is the first to offer herself as a volunteer.  But as soon as he sees the powers that the cube gave his sister, Howard files the project away, destroying all evidence that it had ever happened, and Danni keeps her newly developed powers a secret from everyone except for Howard, Peggy, and Edwin Jarvis.
2012.  A new war brews on the horizon.  Danni has been off the grid for decades — after all, she’s hardly eager to explain why she still looks twenty-five rather than ninety-five.  As far as most of the world knows, she died shortly after her brother; quietly and peacefully, a very private affair.  The only person who still knows she’s alive is her nephew, Tony Stark, with whom she is in regular contact.  But even Tony has never tried to convince her to come out of the shadows — not until he shakes her entire world with a single line on a voicemail; “Steve is alive, he’s at SHIELD.”  And Danni Stark knows that it’s time to return to the world she’d long since left behind.
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Name: Diana Moore
Title: The Long Game
Faceclaim:  Hailee Steinfeld
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: You would have to be an idiot to not realize that Peter Parker is Spiderman.  Well, Diana might go to a school for geniuses, but clearly they’re all idiots because no one else seems to have figured it out. Well, that’s fine, that makes it easier to keep the whole Secret Identity Thing a secret.  And if there’s one thing that Diana Moore is good at, it’s keeping a secret - or it was, until she and the rest of her Acadec team nearly die in DC.  Now it’s personal, and whether he likes it or not, Diana is going to do whatever it takes to help Peter Parker save the world.
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Name: Dominique Barton
Title: Life Goes On
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Dorothy Madison
Title: Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Faceclaim:  Keira Knightley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Dorothy Madison, Bucky Barnes, and Steve Rogers had been inseparable for most of their lives. Four years her senior, the boys had already been best friends for years before they met the small girl on her first day of kindergarten and immediately got into a fight with her first bully. From then on it was much of the same; Steve getting into fights, Bucky either joining him or pulling him out, and Dorothy keeping them out of trouble.
The years passed quickly, and she found herself falling in love with both of her best friends. But before she figured out what to do about that, the war made its way to their door. Bucky got drafted and, during their last night together, Steve got himself enlisted.
Well, no way was Dorothy letting her boys go to war without her. She quickly found a place for herself within the Office of Strategic Services, and soon found herself put in charge of the Howling Commandos. Finally, everything was right again; Steve was rushing head first into danger with Bucky as his right hand, and Dorothy struggling to keep her boys alive.
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Name: Eir Odinsdottir
Title: See No Evil
Faceclaim: Maisie Williams
Summary: Once, Eir Odinsdottir had been the princess of Asgard; Odin’s youngest child, and only daughter, and beloved by her brothers and their kingdom.  But Eir was also a seer.  She could see things that had happened, things that were happening, and things that had not yet happened.  And one day, she saw the truth about her family: the older sister long since cast away, the secret behind her brother’s parentage, and the dark and bloody truth behind her father’s reign.  And so, Odin exiled her.  Eir spent years travelling the nine realms, longing for home, before finally seeing her brothers on Midgard, so to Midgard she goes.
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Name: Elena Barnes
Title: Balancing The Score
Faceclaim:  Kaya Scodelario
Summary:  Imagine a weapon who has all the skills of the Asset, but without the memories.  No need to wipe and start over, no questions, only loyalty to Hydra. Enter Elena Barnes.  Bred by Hydra to serve that purpose, they truly believed that they had created the perfect weapon.  But, compliant as she seemed, Elena watched the torture that her father suffered, and anger lived within her veins.  After the Battle of Manhattan, she finds herself out in the world with instructions to bring back Loki’s staff, but instead, she disappears.  Goes off the grid and dedicates herself to learning the truth about herself and her father, until one day she’s at a museum and meets the one person who can truly answer all of her questions.
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Name: Elia Patel
Title: Eclipsed Sun
Faceclaim:  Summer Bishil
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Elizabeth Banner-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Elizabeth Barton
Title: Walking The Tightrope
Faceclaim: Emma Watson
Love Interest: Tony Stark
Summary: Elizabeth Barton has been working for SHIELD since she was sixteen; since she and her big brother had been recruited out of the circus.  No mission ever phased the ex tightrope walker, nothing ever compared to the thrill and danger of walking on a wire, over 20 feet in the air.  Even her elite task force with Clint and Natasha - Silver Swan, Hawkeye, and Black Widow - paled in comparison.  But then Tony Stark becomes Iron Man, Liz is assigned to get to know the man behind the mask, and suddenly she feels like she’s sixteen and walking the tightrope again.
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Name:  Eleanor “Ellie” Coulson
Title: Reinvention
Faceclaim:  Sabrina Carpenter
Love interest: Peter Parker
Summary: There are some facts in life that are simply unavoidable. “If your father is one of SHIELD’s top agents, and your mother is out of the picture, you will be raised as a SHIELD agent from before you can walk” is one of them.  Eleanor Coulson has spent her entire life as an agent in training, and she happens to be very good at it.  But when SHIELD is revealed to be Hydra, and her dad is charged with rebuilding the entire organization, Ellie is faced with her most challenging mission yet. High school.
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Name: Elsie Carter
Title: Travelling Soldier
Faceclaim: Daisy Ridley
Love Interest: Steve Rogers & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Even before her sister joined the army, Eloise Carter knew that she was always going to be second best.  Still, that wasn’t going to stop her from helping in the war herself - so Elsie became a nurse.  She loved her job, despite the heartbreak that came with every life she failed to save, but she couldn’t have been less thrilled to suddenly find herself assigned to her sister’s troops.  At least until she was put in charge of the recently rescued James Barnes.  She soon learned that James was never without Steve Rogers, Captain America himself, and suddenly her transfer seemed a little less awful.  But they were soldiers, and Elsie couldn’t do anything more than wait for them to return from every fight, praying each time that they would make it back.
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Name: Erna Bragidottir
Title: Speak No Evil
Faceclaim:  Gal Gadot
Love interest: Thor & Steve Rogers
Summary: When Hela massacred the Valkyrie, only two survived; Brunhilde and Erna. But Odin wasn't going to risk anyone learning the truth about his bloody history, and was quick to exile them both.  One minute, Erna was trying to say goodbye to her best friend, her sister, and the next she was waking up on Midgard, surrounded by a group who called themselves the Howling Commandos, apparently in the middle of the planet's biggest war.  The Valkyrie may have been slaughtered, and she may have been exiled from Asgard, but Erna is, and will always be, a Valkyrie and she is going to fight for her new home.
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Name: Evelyn Rogers
Title: Long Story Short
Faceclaim:  Katie Cassidy
Love Interest: Bruce Banner
Summary: Having lost her father to the Great War, her mother to tuberculosis, and her boyfriend to the draft, Evelyn Rogers was not going to lose her brother too.  So when he signs up for something called the Erskine Program, she refuses to sit back and wait for him to come home.  When Steve becomes the world’s first superhero, the new poster boy for war relief efforts, Evelyn’s name is at the top of the list for his chorus girls, and she follows him all the way to the war.  And when they find out that Bucky as his battalion have been captured, she follows him all the way to the front line — and into Johann Schmidt’s grasp.  She doesn’t follow him back.
When Steve Rogers forms the Howling Commandos, he has one mission in mind.  Wipe HYDRA off the board, and bring Evelyn home.  When he finally finds her, on a train with Armin Zola, she has no memory of anything since reaching the HYDRA base. Still recovering from her time with HYDRA, and from losing her first love, Evelyn is unable to follow Steve into his final confrontation with Schmidt.  And Steve goes into the ice.
Evelyn returns to New York with Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, with a hole in her heart and no bodies to lay to rest.  Desperate to find some sort of peace, she throws herself into searching for the bodies of the only two Howling Commandos not to make it home.  After months of searching, Evelyn finds a lead on Bucky, and is never seen again.
Until, 70 years later, she shows up on Nick Fury’s doorstep.  No older than the day she disappeared, with no memory of anything after her brother’s plane hit the ice, Evelyn Rogers follows her brother into a new century.
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Name: Ezra Barton
Title: Vortex
Faceclaim:  Jennifer Lawrence
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Name: Francine Barton-Parker
Title: The Final Countdown
Faceclaim: Emily Rudd
Summary: Years after the final battle against Thanos; after Tony and Natasha died and Steve stayed in the past, after Bruce became Professor Hulk and Clint retired again, their daughters are all grown up with children of their own. In their defence, they didn’t realize that their parents’ time fuckery and infinity stone usage would pass onto the newest generation, leaving them with six superpowered girls, each with the power of an Infinity Stone. And they certainly never expected the girls, the self proclaimed New Avengers, to decide to fix the mistakes that their grandparents made, starting back at the very beginning, with the Battle of Manhattan. And no, you can’t ask about their dad, thank you.
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Name: Freya Thordottir
Title: Like Catching Lightning
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Love Interest: Peter Parker
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Name: Grace Osborn
Title: Bound In Secrets
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Love Interest: Peter Parker
Summary: Once upon a time, Grace Osborn had it all.  She was the prized princess of the Osborn family, she had a wonderful older brother, and she was her parents’ pride and joy.  And then Norman Osborn found out that her mother had been lying for thirteen years and Grace wasn’t his daughter, only a lie to force him into marriage.  In order to keep the scandal quiet, Norman quickly sent Grace away to boarding school in England; out of sight, out of mind.  That was three years ago.  Now, Norman is dead and Harry is in charge, and he has only one priority.  Bring his baby sister home.
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Name: Grayson Frost
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Dylan Sprayberry
Love Interest: Kassandra Maximoff
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Name: Ilya Romanova
Title: Fatale
Faceclaim:  Holland Roden
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Once, the Red Room had trained dozens of girls, with the Romanova sisters as their greatest success.  Natalia, the Black Widow, was a prodigy in everything she did, and her sister Ilya was close behind.  But when Natalia defected, Ilya was quick to rise up and fill the hole her sister left.  She left a bloodstained legacy unlike any other, earning the title of Red Widow and thriving under солдат’s personal training.  So when Hydra sought her gifts, looking to raise her up from student to mission partner, they complied, and the Widow became the Banshee.  
сирена met every one of their expectations with ease, and it was no question that she would be their first miracle; developing powers to match her name.  For decades, солдат and сирена worked as a perfect unit, carrying out Hydra’s vision on a global scale.  But when the assassination of Nick Fury goes awry, the partners find themselves face to face with ghosts of pasts they don’t remember, and everything Hydra has built threatens to fall apart.
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Name: Irina Drakov
Title: Shadow
Faceclaim:  Mila Kunis
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Name: Jameson Barrett | марионетка
Title: Til The End Of The Line
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Love Interest: Stefania Raine
Summary: Under the scars, white hair, and leather ensemble, Stefania Raine recognized Jameson Barrett — the very best friend she thought to have seen die two years prior, when aliens invaded New York. But for the other girl, Jameson Barrett was buried deeper; she only ever remembered being марионетка, The Puppet, and being sent there with The Soldier to end Nicholas Fury’s life.
In the middle of the chaos, Stefania lost sight of her best friend, but refused to let the girl go again — even if that meant teaming up with a recently un-brainwashed soldier to find her.
With a faulting memory and unbalanced emotions, Jameson knew that accepting that she used to have a name wasn’t enough of a step to becoming a functional person. So, when she runs into the man from the bridge, from the helicarriers — the man who refused to fight — and he asks for her help in finding her ex-partner and the closest thing she had to a friend, she doesn’t say no.
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Name: Jamie Carter-Rogers
Title: Out Of Time
Faceclaim: Margot Robbie
Love Interest: Sam Wilson & Bucky Barnes
Summary: Everybody knows that everybody dies, and nobody knows it like Jamie Rogers.  She was raised on war stories, stories about her long dead namesake, and her dad’s stories of another world.  A world of aliens and superheroes, of pain and hope, stories of how half of its universe died, and of the ones who gave everything to avenge it.  But when Jamie touches the strange crack on her wall and finds herself in New York City, in an alien invasion, in 2012, she realizes that her dad’s other world is not only real, but is the world he comes from, and every single story she heard was true.  Everybody knows that everybody dies.  But not every day.  So, trapped in a world where she was never born, with no way to go home, and knowing exactly what the universe has in store for earth’s mightiest heroes, Jamie makes a promise to herself.  Just this once, everybody lives.
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Name: Jason Grant
Title: When Tomorrow Comes
Faceclaim: Tyler Hoechlin
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Name: Jordan Jameson
Title: Unwritten
Faceclaim: Margaret Qualley
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Name: Justine “JB” Barnes
Title: Lost
Faceclaim:  Kathryn Newton
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Name: Kara Helasdottir
Title: The Memories Are Gone (The Aftershocks Live On)
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont
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Name: Kassandra Maximoff
Title: Fear No Evil
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Love Interest: Grayson Frost
Summary: Kassandra Maximoff was no stranger to fear; she’d been afraid ever since her parents were killed by a Stark bomb, since she spent those days hiding with her siblings, wondering if any moment might be her last, waiting for Tony Stark to kill her too. So when Strucker offered she and her siblings the opportunity to be strong, to protect their country, to not be afraid, they took it. By the time they found out he was HYDRA, it was too late to escape. The siblings spent months being tortured, knowing exactly what would come if they defected. Kassandra had long since accepted her fate, had long since given up hope. And then the Avengers break into their facility.
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Name: Katarina Amelia Aliano
Title: Skyscraper
Faceclaim:  Sophie Turner & Summer Fontana
Love Interest: Harley Keener; possible Harley & Peter
Summary: Child genius turned orphan, Katarina was counting on her own hacking skills to keep her under the radar.  And they do, until she gets caught hacking into Stark industries, looking for answers regarding the aliens that killed her parents in New York, and suddenly she’s not just on a radar, she’s on Tony Stark’s radar.  When he decides to take her in, no one expects it to go well, but she soon makes a place for herself on the team and in their hearts.  She’s not a superhero, far from it, but she’s a hero in her own right, and nothing comes between Katarina and her family; not her biological family, and definitely not the weird group of misfits and gods that she calls her own.
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Name: Kathleen Swanson
Title: Ghost Of You
Faceclaim: Claire Holt
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Name: Katie Dean
Title: Renegades
Fandom: Runaways
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Love Interest: Chase Stein
Summary: Katrina Dean was, all things considered, relatively happy with her life.  She had her church, cheerleading, choir, and her sister, what more could she want?  Or so she thought, at least, until Karolina’s friends discovered the truth about PRIDE, and Karolina discovered the truth about their bracelets.  And as much as Katie would love to pretend that nothing had changed, as much as she would love to keep living her perfect life, she knows that’s not an option anymore.  And so Katie and Karolina run away.
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Name: Kennedy Keener
Title: True North
Faceclaim: Sophia Lillis & Abbey Cowen
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Name: Lara Rogers | призрак
Title: Death Defied
Faceclaim:  Lyndsy Fonseca
Love interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: No one told Steve that his DNA was going to be used to breed a new super soldier - or that it was going to fail.  No one told him that a civilian, Angie Martinelli, was going to give birth to his son, Caleb Rogers, or that Caleb wouldn’t be a super soldier.  No one told him that Caleb was going to have a daughter, Lara, and absolutely no one told him that on her fifth birthday, his granddaughter was going to be kidnapped by Hydra, turned into a super soldier, frozen over and over again, tortured and brainwashed endlessly, and eventually get partnered with the Winter Soldier.  But suddenly he’s in the future, suddenly he’s fought aliens, and suddenly солдат and призрак - the Soldier and the Ghost, Bucky and Lara - are attacking Nick Fury in the middle of DC. Suddenly Steve is on the run with Natasha, suddenly they’re in a Hydra facility underneath a bunker, and suddenly the computerized ghost of Arnim Zola is telling them everything.  And while it feels sudden to Steve, Project Insight and its enforcers have been seventy years in the making, and no matter how much he wants to cling to the last remains of his family, they might be beyond saving.
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Name: Lavinia
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Lindsey Morgan
Love Interest: Peter Quill
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Name: Lillian Rogers
Title: To The End Of The World
Faceclaim: Ali Liebert (in Bomb Girls)
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes
Summary: Lili Rogers would do anything for her brother.  Lie and steal to get his medication, agree not to flirt with his best friend despite her eternal crush, even fake her way into the US army.  Of course, it didn’t take long before someone figured out that Liam Rogers was actually Lillian Rogers; but thankfully she was found out by Peggy Carter, who quickly hired her as her secretary and liason to the Howling Commandos.  Lili honestly couldn’t have cared less, until she found out that the elite force was led by none other than her brother - who had somehow doubled in size - with the love of her life as his right hand man.
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Name: Lisbeth Dugan
Title: Spider Web
Faceclaim:  Madelaine Petsch
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Name: Lorraine Gillespie
Title: Dying Day
Faceclaim:  Tuppence Middleton
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Name: Lucy Pierce
Title: Heaven Or Hell
Faceclaim: Vanessa Kirby
Love Interest: Bucky Barnes & Steve Rogers
Summary: Bought from the Red Room by Hydra, Lukeriya Turgenev found herself becoming Lucy Pierce when she was forced to marry the head of Hydra, Alexander Pierce himself.  A tortured doll reprogrammed to be a perfect weapon and model wife, freedom had always been a foreign concept to Lucy.  At least it was, until a failed assassination put she and Yasha – James – The Soldier – face to face with Captain America and Lucy’s former sister and rival, Natasha Romanov.
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Name: Lydia Cabot-Stark
Title: Right Down The Line (It’s Been You And Me)
Faceclaim: Blake Lively
Love Interest: Tony Stark
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Name: Marina Kovol
Title: Clockwork
Faceclaim:  Emily Bett Rickards
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Name: Mia Pierce
Title: (I’ve Got) No Strings On Me
Faceclaim:  Troian Bellisario
Love interest: Pietro Maximoff
Summary:  Mia Pierce has been raised as a Hydra pawn since the day she was born. Her father, Alexander Pierce, believed that she was the future of Hydra, someone that they could teach to worship the organization without brainwashing, that could be raised as a public figure and eventually positioned in whichever political office they needed her in.  But Mia was too curious for her own good, asked too many questions, and tried to tell too many secrets, and so she was punished, and forced to comply. But after her father died, and Winter escaped, the Avengers broke into her latest facility, and suddenly Mia is free for the first time in her life.
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Name: Millie Quill
Title: Untitled
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
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official-weasley · 3 years
Meant to Be (Charlie Weasley x OC)
What happens when Bill brings home a girl and Charlie is completely awestruck by her?
WARNINGS: curse words, mentions of alcohol, SMUT
A/N: This chapter contains a rather long sexy scene (probably the longest I have ever written and well..it’s…juicy. I had a day, okay. BYE 🙈)
Chapter 14
3 months later…
“Charlie, you got a minute?” I stopped in front of the Admission Office.
“Of course, Ernie. Got something for me?” I grinned at him.
“A letter from your brother.” He handed me the envelope. “What got you all cheered up today?”
“What do you mean?” I kept looking at the letter.
After all these months it still felt amazing getting a couple of letters per week from Bill.
“I heard you whistling walking here. You only whistle when you’re in a really good mood.” He smirked.
“It’s the first Saturday in August, Ernie. You know what that means!” I couldn’t hide the smile that spread across my face.
I can’t believe Ernie noticed when I whistle.
The truth is, I don’t recall the last time I was this happy. The mating season was over. Bill and I were on speaking terms again. Just last month I was able to see all my siblings and my parents again.
We had a family reunion and Bill and I got Ron drunk by accident. We had two bottles on the table. One with wine and the other with apple juice and we forgot to check the bottle before pouring him a drink.
He, of course, didn’t say anything and after two glasses he was hammered. Bill and I couldn’t stop laughing at the way he spoke and he was so tipsy. He tried getting up and almost fell flat on his face and then found it so funny that he fell off the bench we were sitting on.
It wasn’t funny when mum found us and saw something was wrong. Bill tried to distract her but failed and she figured us out. She made us take Ron to bed and then we planned to hide in the attic with the ghoul but mum found us and she shouted in our faces for a solid hour. I felt as if I was 12 again.
When she stopped she made us go down and wait on our family members for the rest of the night. Before we did, we made an excuse that we need to use the toilet and we locked ourselves in the bathroom on the middle floor and started laughing so hard I thought I won’t be able to catch a breath. We might be 23 and 25, which is way too old to make mum so mad, but we didn’t care. We were having the time of our lives.
I can’t begin to describe how happy it made me that I could hang out with Bill again. With my siblings. To get a bone-crushing hug from Ginny and play chess with Ron. It’s indescribable. For the first time since I started working in Romania, I wanted to plan my days off to go and see them again and I was loving it.
I was finally myself again. Talking to my family. Supporting and being there for my siblings. Teasing Bill for being so in love and having the best job in the world. I even made myself a bookshelf and I am slowly filling it with books.
My routine in the Sanctuary is more or less the same. I wake up. Make myself a coffee and go watch the sunrise. I am no longer overthinking if Rhylee’s going to be there and if she is, we simply watch the sun showing itself from behind the mountains together.
I didn’t think I would be able to be friends with her after what happened at her place that night but we grew even closer. She was one of my best friends. That didn’t mean my feelings for her faded away. But they were easier to bear now that I didn’t feel guilty for being in love with her.
I have come to terms that I will never call her mine. It was painful, I am not going to lie about that but at least I can move on and not overthink her every move.
Bill and my friends in the Reserve all think that I should tell her how I feel but every time they try and persuade me I stop them. I made a mistake telling my mates what Bill told me about Nick. Ever since I did they are trying to do everything to bring me and Rhylee together. At first, I wanted to kill them but now I just find it amusing.
I am proud of myself for how much I’ve grown. I feel more mature and I see things differently. I see what matters and I push myself to do things that make me happy. I read more. I run. I train Aami and Bean, that’s the name Rhylee decided to give our albino Short-Snout. I hang out with my friends and advise my siblings. I really couldn’t ask for more.
The fact that I am still awestruck every time I see Rhylee or that my heart wants to escape my ribcage every time she laughs or looks at me, is just a minor inconvenience now. I can deal with that with everything else being so great. I wouldn’t change my current life for anything in the world if it means I make my family happy and I can hang out with my friends while having the best job.
At first, I wanted to fight my feelings. Push them down. Get rid of them somehow. But I quickly realized that I can’t change them and that it’s pointless to think they are simply going away. I have meaningless sex and even though it’s never as it was with Rhylee, it still counts as a fun night and it’s a good distraction.
I might get lucky and find myself a girl to settle down with one day. For now, I was happy with the things being as they were. It wasn’t perfect but it was much much better compared to the painful loop I was in before.
“I’ll be damned!” Ernie’s voice brought me back to reality. “I forgot about the party tonight!” He slammed his hand at his forehead. “Thanks, Charlie for reminding me! Can you imagine me forgetting about it?” He shook his head.
“Ernie, if it’s going to be anything like last year, just the music and us being all over the place would remind you soon enough.” I laughed.
Every year, in the first week of August we had a party. We invited everybody from the neighboring wizard villages and there was always someone that borrowed something Muggles call speakers. We decorate the central area of our village with lights and put tables and chairs around it so it looks like a dance floor. We hang the speakers from the trees and we help with the cooking throughout the day.
The party officially begins the second we are done with work and the music starts playing. It’s something we all look forward to all summer. Theo has been talking about it for two weeks now. He made an entire plan on getting us all so wasted that if he asked Gerta out again, we won’t remember how she slaps him in the face.
“You’re right, mate! I’ll see you there!” Ernie started putting papers together. “I have to clean up the office early if I want to make it to the party in time!”
“Want me to help you? I just finished working.” I offered.
“Oh, no! You go get all nice and ready, so you can dance with the ladies!” He laughed and I followed.
“Will do, Ernie. Will do.” I waved to him and started walking toward my home.
People were already running left and right, checking if everything is ready. I unlocked my front door and closed it with my foot while opening Bill’s letter.
Dear Charlie,
I know you’re going to be busy this weekend with your big party and everything, but I just had to write to you about this.
I bought a wedding ring for Fleur today. I am planning on asking her to marry me this weekend. I am taking her to the beach near Shell Cottage. Dad said that perhaps we could even buy it if we ask aunt Muriel nicely. I don’t want to get my hopes up but I can imagine myself living with Fleur there.
I am planning a romantic picnic and popping the question by the end of the night! I would love your opinion on the matter but I sent out this letter too late for your owl to reach me with your answer. Perhaps while you’re reading this, I’m already engaged!
Can you feel how nervous I am through my letter?
Anyways, I just needed to share that with you!
Wish me luck!
Oh, and have fun at the party! Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Love, Bill
Merlin’s beard, he is getting engaged! It was Saturday, so either he is already or he will be soon!
I jumped in the air in the middle of my living room that’s how happy I was for him. I hope they can convince aunt Muriel to sell them Shell Cottage. We used to go there as kids and it’s a wonderful place to start a family.
I blinked as I felt my eyes water. I wish I had the time to write him back and tell him how fucking proud I am of him for doing this and that I think Fleur will be thrilled for how he is planning to propose. I can’t wait for them to have babies so I can be an uncle!
What was I doing?
I put the letter down and scratched my head. I was so excited for my brother that I completely forgot.
Party! Right!
I hurried to take a shower and then opened my closet to see what I could wear. I didn’t wear jeans for ages. So let’s go with that and a buttoned shirt. I checked myself out in the small mirror in the bathroom and combed my hair with my fingers. As much as I could comb it. My hair was untamable.
I think I look pretty good! Not that it matters as I knew Theo is going to get us all drunk in about 15 minutes! I locked the door behind me and started walking toward the music.
“There he is!” Andrew raised his glass at me the second he spotted me.
“Look at you being all handsome!” Theo put a hand over my shoulder the second I sat down.
“Are you flirting with me, Theodore?” I winked at him. “My place or yours?”
“Damn, Charles. Is that how you flirt with women because if I wasn’t married I would go with you right now.” Peter laughed.
“I would love to, Weasley. But I am going home with Gerta tonight!” Theo was determined.
“Really?” Andrew and John asked together before bursting out laughing.
“We should get one of those Muggle devices that capture what is going on. So that even if none of us remembers tonight we could watch it in the morning.” Evan said.
“I will stay sober just to see Theo get slapped by Gerta!” Peter smirked.
“You’re already tipsy, boss.” Andrew obviously didn’t believe Peter will stay sober.
“Damn, you’re right.” Peter said after a few seconds of thinking about it.
We all started laughing.
Three hours later our table had 3 empty bottles of Fire Whiskey on it, more empty beer bottles than one could count and the waitress just brought another round. To say that we were completely hammered was an understatement.
We were laughing at something, tears running down my face. I am pretty confident none of us knew what the joke was or who told it.
“Theodore, there you are damn it!” Our faces got serious the second we comprehended who was standing in front of us.
“Gerta, love!” Theo stood up, knocking a few bottles off the table.
“I am just wasted enough to say yes to you. Now come with me before I change my mind!”
I have no idea how Theo fancied this woman. I was terrified of her. Even her harsh voice scared me.
We all watched Theo and Gerta going towards her hut with our mouths open.
“Please, tell me one of us will be able to remember that in the morning!” Peter whined.
“I don’t think I could forget this if I drank the entire alcohol stash in the Sanctuary.” Andrew said slowly.
He looked like he was about to throw up.
“What is happening?” Evan, who was sleeping, leaned on his crossed arms, lifted his head.
“Gerta just took Theo home.” I answered, still in shock.
“What?!” I thought his eyes were going to fall out of their sockets and I think it’s safe to say he just sobered up.
“Look, Charlie!” Peter and John leaned against me. “It’s Rhylee.” They sang together.
“So?” I rolled my eyes.
I knew this was coming. I was hoping they would be too drunk to remember to tease me about her, but apparently, they weren’t there yet.
“Come on! Go and dance with her!” John tried pushing me to stand up but he was too weak.
It was funny how I was the youngest but did the best with alcohol.
“Give me a break, mates.” I pretended to look through the bottles to see if there was one that wasn’t opened yet.
“C’mon! She has been eyeing you all night!” Peter said. “Have some fun, will you!”
I sighed and got up. I knew they wouldn’t stop until I would go and ask her to dance. And to be perfectly honest, I was too drunk to care or to feel nervous about it.
I made my way to her. Surprised that I wasn’t tipsy at all.
“Hi.” I waved at her awkwardly. “Want to dance?”
“Sure!” She grinned and stood up at once.
I haven’t noticed how drunk she was until we reached the dance floor and she started hugging me. We danced to a few songs and I didn’t even dare to look at the table where my friends were sitting. They would probably start cheering.
The next song was a slow one. Shit! Who’s idea was this?
Rhylee pulled me closer, our bodies slamming against each other and if I wasn’t so steady on my feet we would collapse to the ground. She wrapped her arms around my waist and brought her face closer to mine.
“You look very handsome tonight.” She winked at me.
Okay, I think it’s time to take her home. She is drunk and doesn’t know what she’s saying.
“Thanks. You look great too.” I didn’t know what else to say.
Of course, she looked great. She was gorgeous. But I’m not going to admit that to her.
I didn’t like the way she was looking at me. Not one bit. It’s the same look she was giving me all night the night we had sex at the Burrow and I am not going through that again. I might not be hurting anyone this time but she was in a relationship.
“Let’s get you home, shall we.” I smiled at her and hugged her over the shoulder.
“No! Why?” She tried to stop me. “We just started dancing. Come on, Charlie! Loosen up a bit!” She got so close to me that if I wouldn’t move my head backward we would kiss.
This was getting out of hand.
She wrapped her hands around me again. How was she so strong if she was as drunk as she appeared to be? I sighed and we danced through one more song.
“Okay, now you can take me home.” Her whispering in my ear sent shivers down my spine.
We were slowly making our way through the crowd, toward her cottage when I remembered that I never opened the present she got me for Christmas at the Burrow. I have no idea why it popped in my head but I was just drunk enough not to care and admit to her that I lost it.
“Hey, Rhy?” I cleared my throat.
“Yes?” Her eyes were too hopeful for my liking.
“Do you remember the present you gave me for Christmas when we met?” She simply hummed in response.
I felt my cheeks turn pink. This was embarrassing. After what happened between us and she gave me the little package, I simply tossed it in my bag. I don’t remember where I put it once I got back to Romania and I don’t even know why we are talking about it now but apparently drunk Charlie’s curiosity got the better of him and wants to know what’s inside.
“I never got the chance to open it and I misplaced it somehow. What was inside?” I said as quickly as I could.
I didn’t want to offend her for losing it.
“What?” She laughed.
“What was inside the little box?” I repeated the question.
“Where did you lose it?” She ignored me.
“It has to be somewhere in my cottage if I didn’t toss it in the trash by accident.” I scratched my chin, thinking hard where it could be.
“Well, let’s go then!” She grabbed my hand and started walking.
“Where are you taking me?” I chuckled.
“We are going to search your place for my present!” She bestowed me with the biggest grin I have ever seen.
She seemed so pleased with her idea.
“Now?” I chortled.
“Yes!” She exclaimed. “The gift might be silly but we got to see what I got you!”
“You don’t remember?” I raised my eyebrows at her and she stopped walking for a second.
“I am not sure.” She said slowly after a few seconds. “Come on, Charlie! It’ll be fun!”
I haven’t seen her this relaxed and happy in months. She grabbed my hand and started walking towards my cottage again. She was so excited to do this that I simply couldn’t deny her the satisfaction of finding the little box. And to be completely honest, I didn’t want to stop her.
“Okay, so if I was a little box, where would I be?” She put her hands on her hips, thinking hard, her eyes scanning every shelf and drawer. I started in the kitchen and she went to check the compartment in my bathroom.
After half an hour we completely trashed the place but I didn’t mind at all. I was having too much fun with her. She started throwing the clothes out of my closet, jumper after jumper and I started moving the socks away to see if I tossed it in the drawer.
I almost gave up when my fingers touched something that wasn’t fabric. I pulled out a small red box with a green bow on it. This was it!
“Rhy, I found it!” I heard her gasp.
I think she was standing inside my closet. I laughed when she poked her head out of it. She was adorable!
She hurried to me, stepping over piles of clothes, and stopped right in front of me.
“Open it.” She whispered, her eyes on the box in my hands.
I slowly removed the lid and shook the box’s contents onto my palm. I couldn’t believe it. It was a dragon scale. A dragon scale of an albino dragon.
That’s what she got me for Christmas?
I know it didn’t mean anything because she didn’t even know who she was bringing the gift to but I was still astounded. She knew I loved dragons so she got me a dragon scale. I couldn’t take my eyes off it.
“You call this a silly gift?” I breathed.
Rhylee dragged her finger across it and put it back in the box. I was so in shock at what it was that I didn’t notice how fast she was breathing. She took the box from my hand and placed it on top of my dresser.
“Rhy, are you o…”
She cupped my face and kissed me hard on the mouth. I was so startled by her action that I didn’t have the time to respond.
“I’m sorry.” She pulled away, her hand over her mouth.
“Emm…it’s okay.” I didn’t know what to say.
I just kept staring at her with my eyes wide open, trying to calm my heart down.
“I shouldn’t have done that.” I could see the panic in her eyes growing.
What the fuck am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to pretend I didn’t enjoy the kiss? Because that would be a bloody lie. I have been dreaming about kissing her again since we spent the night together at the Burrow.
Did she even know what she was doing? How drunk was she? Because that kiss definitely sobered me up! I thought we were over this. She stopped that night when I came to her place. Why did she do it now? I thought I was doing a good job being her friend. Why does she mess with me like this!
I needed every muscle in my body not to grab her hand and pull her back for another kiss. I can’t do this, can I? She has a boyfriend. Somebody will get hurt again! I can’t go through that guilt again. I can’t hurt someone else. Even if I don’t know the guy. Even if he is a prick like Bill said.
What did Bill say in his letter this morning?
Please have the time of your life and don’t hold back in case anything ought to happen, if you know what I mean!
Don’t hold back. Bill, that’s not helping!
I was trapped. I wanted to grab her hand and prevent her from leaving but at the same time, I wanted to do the right thing. My heart was beating so fast that it hurt and the look in Rhylee’s eyes wasn’t helping me decide. It was a mix of panic and hope. Hope, that I would decide for her whether or not this was a bad idea.
Of course, it’s a bad idea, Rhylee! It’s the worst possible idea.
“I have to go.” She bowed her head and started towards the door of my bedroom.
It’s a bad idea.
It is a really bad idea.
I know, damn it!
But do I care?
I stepped toward her, almost tripping over the clothes on the floor.
Do I care?
I grabbed her hand and turned her around, our bodies colliding. Her eyes slowly moved up to lock with mine. We were both breathing heavily.
Damn it, Rhylee! You can’t say my name like that. Don’t ask for me to do something.
Okay, let’s go over this again.
Is it a bad idea? Yes.
Do I care? I am just drunk enough that it’s safe to say that no, I do not.
I placed my hands around her neck and kissed her. I thought she was going to resist me. I was waiting for her to pull away. But she didn’t. She was doing quite to opposite. She parted my lips with her tongue and it gently found mine. She was kissing me back.
Merlin’s beard, this was insane! I can’t believe I forgot how good her lips felt on mine. What an amazing kisser she was. How soft her lips were and with what passion she kissed me.
I put her hands on her hips and brought us closer to the bed. With a gentle nudge, she was lying on it, that playful look in her eyes again. I climbed on top of her and wrapped my fingers around her hair and gently pulled it back so she tilted her head and revealed her neck.
I placed a soft kiss just behind her right ear and I felt her tremble. I kissed her again, not so softly this time. I started biting her neck and I felt her moving under me.
This simply can’t be wrong. It felt too right to be wrong.
I pushed myself up and started to unbutton my shirt. I looked down at her. Damn, she was so sexy. She always was but the fact that she was wearing a dress when she always wears either jeans or sweatpants was frying my brain.
“Please, fuck me, Charlie!”
Seriously, she was begging me?
Why in Godric’s Hollow did I put a shirt with so many buttons on? I don’t have time to do this! I put my hands on my chest and pulled the shirt off me. The sound of fabric ripping filled my ears and my heart started pumping even faster when I saw Rhylee’s eyes shine.
I helped her get up and pressed her against the wall. She wants me to do her, I will do it my way!
I took my precious time unzipping her dress. I could feel her getting impatient but I knew she liked the tease. If she only knew what she got herself into.
She took her arms out of her sleeves and shook her body so the dress fell off her. I turned her around, her back to the wall now, and spread her legs. She was observing my every move, curious what I was going to do next.
“Lift your arms.” I demanded and without questioning me they were above her head.
I wrapped my left hand around her wrists and pulled her underwear down with my right one. I unhooked her bra without hesitation. She was now standing in front of me, completely naked. I stuck my tongue down her throat while circling her nipple. She moaned in my mouth.
Oh, Rhylee, you haven’t felt anything yet.
I slowly moved my fingers down across her belly button, still kissing her. It didn’t really surprise me that the second my fingers ran past her clit, they drowned in her wetness. She gasped in my mouth as I started moving them in circles.
I let go of her arms now and she put them around my neck, trying to keep it together. I have to say she was doing a rather poor job.
“What is it?” I teased her when I started moving my fingers around faster and her eyes rolled back.
“Fuck…you.” She said between her moans.
“I’m a little busy focusing on you right now, Rhy.” I whispered to her.
She tried squeezing her legs together but I didn’t let her. I felt her getting tighter and I was determined not to stop until she screams from pleasure.
“Are you going to cum already?” I laughed playfully.
“I…I can’t hold it.” She cried.
“Oh, don’t hold back.” I bit the tip of her ear as her breathing got even faster.
She buried her fingers in my hair and kissed me. She was pressing hard against my lips, clutching my fingers with her soaked walls, muffling her moans with the kiss. It was pure euphoria, feeling her tremble. It brought me pleasure on another level.
“Stop.” She finally pulled herself together to talk.
“Are you sure?” I mocked her.
The look in her eyes was saying otherwise.
“It’s your turn.” She winked at me.
“Oh, I am not done with you.” I pressed her harder against the wall and placed a gentle kiss on her collar bone.
She winced, her body still sensitive to my touch.
She was speechless and her eyes were full of the wonder of what my next move will be.
“You begged me to fuck you. Don’t you know you have to think before you speak?”
I bit her neck. And her shoulder. And made a few circles with my tongue around her nipple, while playing with the other one with my finger. I kissed the scar that painted her belly. And just below the belly button. I got to my knees and spread her legs again.
I slowly ran my finger across her clit and she shivered.
“Are you ready to cum for me again?” She bit her lip and nodded in reply.
My fingers slipped back into her. This time I decided to take it more slowly. Let’s see how she likes it if I move my fingers in and out. Does that do anything?
She arched her back, scratching the wall behind her. And what if I do this?
I spread her legs just a bit more, lowered my head, and kissed her wet lips.
“Oh.” She let out a sigh.
I ran my tongue over her clit and started turning it in gentle circles. As she started breathing faster I doubled the pressure and felt her knees give in.
“Keep it together, Rhy.” I teased, my fingers still hard at work.
She grabbed my hair and pushed me back to continue my work.
“Fuck, Charlie.”
I don’t know if she was so horny or was I doing such a good job as it didn’t take her long to cum again. Her body was spasming more than before and this time she didn’t have my lips to stifle her moans. I loved how loud she was. How her pleasureful sounds filled my ears. It was like a drug.
I got up and wrapped my arms around her. She was a mess.
“Have enough yet?” I winked at her.
“No.” She giggled.
“Good.” I nodded.
I put my hands on her hips and lifted her and she automatically wrapped her legs around me. I gave her just enough space between our bodies that she unzipped my jeans and pulled them off.
She grabbed my dick, looking me straight in the eyes, and bit her lips when she placed it right in front of her juicy entrance. I don’t know what she was expecting as a surprised gasp left her mouth when I thrust in her.
She wrapped her arms around me and held tight to keep herself steady, moaning while I was rocking my hips back and forth.
Fuck, she felt good. This was insane. I knew that with all the adrenaline running through my veins, the alcohol left my head a long time ago but I still felt dizzy. I can’t believe it was even better than the last time.
I fantasized about sleeping with her more times than I would like to admit. I just couldn’t help it. She was the best I ever had. I could be myself around her. Somehow I knew exactly what she wanted and I wanted to give it to her. Badly.
I have to start thinking about something else. She felt too good and she was getting tighter again. I want to wreck her completely. I want her to forget her name and I want her to scream mine again.
“Charlie.” She moaned in my ear.
“Have enough of me yet?”
“Charlie.” She said louder.
“What is it, sweetheart?” I placed a soft kiss on her neck as I started to move my hips even faster.
“Come on, you can do it.” I encouraged her to speak.
I was too amused by how weak she was.
“Oh, my…” Her eyelids fluttered and I felt her squeezing me even more.
“Cum for me again.” I breathed.
I could watch her moan and twist from pleasure all night every night.
“Charlie, I can’t.” She finally managed to complete a full sentence.
I stopped moving my hips and froze.
“Are you okay?” I lifted her chin and made her look at me.
“Why the fuck did you stop?” Her eyes widened.
“You said you can’t, I thought…” I blinked at her.
I was so confused.
“I…” She bit her lip and looked away.
“What is it?” I tilted my head to find her eyes again.
“I never came three times before.” She mumbled so fast that I thought I heard her wrong.
“Oh.” I pressed my lips together, to stop them from spreading into a smile. “Well, do you think you could cum again?” I asked gently.
“Yes. I was close.” That naughty smile is going to be the death of me.
“Then let’s break your record, shall we?” I smirked at her and lifted her so she wrapped her legs around me again.
I entered her slowly this time and she pushed my hips more towards her immediately when she saw what I was doing.
“Don’t get slow on me now, Weasley.” She bit my lip and sent a new wave of adrenaline through my veins.
I decided to tease her just for saying that. I slowly pulled my hips back, so that only my tip was inside of her and then pushed my hips forward again with such a force that it took her breath away.
I did it again.
And again and again and again until she started screaming from pleasure again. For a second I thought she was going to pass out as her eyes sealed shut and she gasped for air between her moans. But I was determined not to stop until her body relaxes or she tells me to stop. She was doing neither.
She barely had the strength to wrap her hand around my neck so I could lift her when she stopped moaning. I took her to my bed and covered her.
“What are you doing?” She asked, her voice rusty from all the sounds she was making.
“I’m going to take a shower. You need some rest.” I winked at her.
“We need to take care of you first.” Her eyes moved from mine, down to my dick which was still hard.
“You can do that later. Now rest.” I placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.
I walked out of the room, straight into the shower.
Just as the hot water started running down my body, I felt her press her body against mine from behind.
“Miss me already?” I turned around and smirked.
“I told you…” She kneeled. “We have to take care of you.”
She didn’t have a chance to say anything else as she grabbed my dick and put it in her mouth. Damn, she was good at sucking dick. It was unbelievable. I was the one with weak knees now. She was moving her mouth so fast as if she wanted to get revenge for before.
I wanted to watch her doing it. I wanted to see how she chokes on my dick but I couldn’t. It felt too good and I couldn’t stop my eyes from rolling back and closing them. I buried my fingers into her wet hair and helped her move.
I loved how she enjoyed doing it. The way she was moaning and looking up at me. I can’t take it anymore. I let out a loud groan as I came, the water washing my load off her face.
“Now, I can rest.” She smirked and I helped her get up.
I turned her around, wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on her shoulder.
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simonfarnabyslegs · 3 years
for the ask game: Julian, Captain and Humphrey! :)
a song that reminds me of them: a cop out, since this one is canon. any time i hear "i'll make love to you," i think of him singing that at music club (and also mary going "i don't want him toooo" lol). i also feel like he would LOVE britney spears's music.
what they smell like: really expensive but really bad aftershave and too much cologne. also alcohol and sex. but the first thing you notice is the bad aftershave.
an otp: him and robin. there is no other acceptable pairing. i do think it would be funny if he and fanny had a thing though. or him and the captain (alison walks in on them doing something and the captain just yells "WE'RE JUST A COUPLE OF CHAPS IN THE LIBRARY" while julian isn't even trying to keep what they were just doing a secret).
a notp: uhhh him and kitty. she's the only one i would be mad about tbh.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: the way he's like a really awful, bad-influence uncle to alison.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i can't think of one. we all generally agree that he's a hilarious bastard man and come up with stuff accordingly.
the position they sleep in: he sleeps in the exact middle of the bed, or he starts out on one side, since he's used to sharing in life, but gradually spreads out, and if anyone else tried to sleep in the same bed as him they'd be really annoyed because he always manages to hog so much space and leave them barely hanging onto the edge.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: very unoriginal, but i'd love to see a horrible histories stupid deaths segment with him.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: we've seen a couple now actually, unlike some of the other ghosts. but i really do prefer the no trousers look and anything else is slightly unsettling if i'm honest.
the captain
a song that reminds me of them: i really can't think of one. the captain isn't one of my favourite characters so i don't really think a lot about him when i listen to music. sorry.
what they smell like: weirdly, i think he smells like nothing. like. unsettlingly so. you almost want him to smell like something, but he just. doesn't. he's very clean, but he doesn't even smell like soap. it's just. an empty air smell, if you can describe it as such. he smokes, too, so you'd expect a tobacco smell or a smoke smell, but even that isn't there. this man just smells like nothing.
an otp: i don't ship him with any of the other ghosts in the house. i do think him and julian hooking up exactly one (1) time could lead to multiple hilarious comedic possibilities, but i don't want them to be in a relationship.
a notp: i saw someone shipping him with fanny and just... no. that doesn't make any sense.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i love how he's just got that Dad Instinct. he looked at kitty and alison and went "isn't anyone going to father these young ladies?" and didn't wait for an answer.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the patcaps ship.
the position they sleep in: series 1 cap slept board-straight in the bed, almost like he was standing at attention. series 3 cap probably sleeps curled up on his side, or on his stomach, or curled up all nice and comfy.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: young wwi era cap in series 2 of downton abbey. i don't know if i'd like to see him turn up as a young man in the trenches or one of the patients at downton, or maybe as a medical officer like thomas barrow, in the lower ranks, helping out in the background.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: *gestures* this?
a song that reminds me of them: "blue caravan" by vienna teng. after all the "mr. cheese" stuff, i got to thinking about how he probably has a lot of time to imagine the different lives he could have had if circumstances had been different, and this song is about imagining the perfect supportive, caring partner, but realising that they're not real and it's just a foolish self delusion. or perhaps a lighter, more hopeful version of the same theme, "jackie and wilson" by hozier, where the narrator once again imagines a partner and an ideal life which they haven't achieved yet, but they're still holding out for.
what they smell like: okay so tudors only bathed like once every six to eight weeks or something like that. they believed baths were bad for them. not only that, wealthy tudors' diets were appalling. so unfortunately he probably doesn't smell great. (but luckily i've never had much of a sense of smell, so.....)
an otp: him and someone who actually likes him and wants to talk to him and spend time with him. so far we haven't seen that, so for now i'll keep making up random ocs to set him up with.
a notp: him and thomas, since thomas is so horrible to him.
favorite platonic/familial relationships: i'd love to see him be yet another dad to alison, or to kitty.
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with: i don't like the whole humphrey and jemima thing because a lot of the stuff is either really fucking uncomfortable, or the people who write it make it weird by babying jemima. she's 11-12 years old and they treat her like she's four years old and that just feels really weird to me. obviously she's a kid and she should be treated like one, but there's also such a thing as age appropriate parenting. also i'm pretty sure jemima is meant to be one of john's kids who also died of the plague so like. acting like she's all alone and hasn't got any parents or anyone at all is so confusing to me because if she's one of john's kids, she's got like twenty parents. we just don't see her with the plague ghosts because like any kid, she probably goes off and plays away from her parents during the day. anyway.
the position they sleep in: when he was alive i feel like he would fall asleep in a normal position, on his back or on his side, but when his valet or whoever went to wake him up in the morning, he was always like, hanging off the bed or laying at a weird angle and they were always like "how the fuck did he even get like that." in death, like. his head just sleeps however it was set down or dropped. and i'm a fan of your headcanon that the body just collapses wherever it is when his head falls asleep.
a crossover au i'd love to see them in: forgive me for saying downton abbey again but i'm doing a rewatch with one of my friends. i'm gonna throw him into the edwardian era as some random gentleman cousin and he and lady edith are going to be poor, pitiful, unlucky-in-love besties who bond over all the ridiculously tragic shit that's happened to them and how they always get bullied or left out of things.
my favorite outfit they've ever worn: he technically only has one outfit (damn the bbc for putting the whole costuming budget into the georgian episode instead of the tudor one. /j), but i like the dressed down version where he's just in the white shirt and the breeches. he looks. very handsome. in that scene. ahem.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years
12, 19, 24!
Thanks for the ask!
12. If a genie offered you three writing wishes, what would they be? Btw if you wish for more wishes the genie turns all your current WIPs into Lorem Ipsum, I don’t make the rules
1.) I wish finishing a WIP wasn’t such a daunting task. I love giving characters a happy ending, but doing so is terrifying to me. 2.) I wish I had the talent for prose that many authors do. My writing tends to focus more on actions and dialogue than thoughts and feelings, and whenever I reread my work I always keenly feel the lack. 3.) I wish I had the means to just write fic full-time. I realize that this isn’t strictly a writing wish, because it would require me to come across a windfall of money, but god, if I just… had… more… TIME.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I started writing recreationally in late middle school. It was something about a long-haired rockstar who tries to come off as a badass but is actually a total sweetheart (listen. Listen. I HAVE A TYPE). In high school I wrote a lot of fic, and tried to convert it into OC, which… didn’t go well. Then my reserves of inspiration dried up, and I didn’t write a damn thing for fifteen years. All until I watched a silly show called Once Upon a Time, and fell in love with the Beauty and the Beast story between Belle and Rumpelstiltskin. That lit a fire under my ass, and I’ve been frantically writing fanfic ever since. As for where I’m going… who knows? Probably staying right where I am. I like writing fic, and have no interest in writing OC and trying to get published.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Normally, very little. I get an idea, I let it stew in my brain for a bit, and then I get writing. I find that the story forms itself as I go. Things that I originally planned to write might not fit with the direction the story has taken, while something new might come from some small detail that I added on a whim.
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franeridart · 4 years
Tumblr media
Anon said: [Spoilers for non-manga readers] opinion on Baku's hero name?
Very Bakugou, honestly don’t mind it at all! Mostly just surprised it’s, like, legal in the bnha universe for heroes to call themselves stuff like explodo-kills (and also that there isn’t a character limit for hero names??) but that Bakugou would stick with it is pretty damn in character for him so I like it xD still, I’ll probably just call him Dynamight if I’ll ever need to use his hero name lmao
Anon said: not to be the most romantic sap but uh just a kiss by lady a is killin me
Nothing sappy about letting romantic songs get to you!!!! I say, as I’m constantly crying over romantic songs so this mindset benefits me as well lol
Anon said: i may or may not have stumbled across some of your older kiribaku art, the stuff with akane, and she's the best child oc tbh. i actually like her and i tend to not be a fan of child ocs but she's just the cutest darn thing 🥰
I’m so glad you like her!!!!! She was a lot of fun, what a good gremlin ;;;
Anon said: uve heard of dragon!kiri w his hair spikes up, now get ready for dragon!kiri w his hair dowm lookin like the softest boy
AW HECK I think I’ve drawn him in the past, actually!!!! Spike-haired Kiri will forever be my fav Kiri, but there’s just something about hair down Kiri isn’t it!! What a cute boy ;;;; all sharp edges and soft curves, what a lovely sight
Anon said: can i just say your itafushi art is so cute? these two already make me feel and then your art just (つω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)
THANK YOU SO MUCH I really need to draw them more, don’t I! goge kinda monopolized my attention there, but the way itafushi makes me feel..........boy the way they make me feel ;;;;
Anon said: good day, poké au thought: 12 y/o bakugo somehow catches a dreepy as like his 2nd pokemon and never questions it
WHY NOT WHY NOT I have a whole team in my mind for the boy tbh but dreepy is so cute ;;;; and anyway, I like my poke!bakugou with as many dragon types as he could possibly get his hands on hahaha
Anon said: Please know that, amongst other factors, you were one of the maon reasons I stsrted Jujutsu Kaisen two days ago and there isnothing more to say except thank you and I'm absolutely in debt with you for that, thank you so much 😍
I’m so so SO glad you’re liking it!!!!!! It can get kinda heavy but it’s such a great story.... honestly I’d been wanting to start it since I saw the first pv for the anime all the way back last year but I was like, you know it’s a mappa anime! so I wanted to watch the anime as a new thing, cause I love mappa, but three episodes in I couldn’t hold back and just binged it. It’s kind of story that just makes you wanna drink it all in one go, isn’t it? so good so good
Anon said: makeup artist kirishima and model bakugo or makeup artist bakugo and model kirishima? :0c
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm can’t say I see either of them much into fashion tbh, but if I had to pick probably model Kiri and artist Baku? I just don’t think Baku would be able to stay still enough to get photographed, and he wouldn’t like the photographer bossing him around anyway, and catwalks would be impossible for him to stomach imho, he’s too restless for it! At least it’s the way I see it haha
Anon said: fdgdhdkfhdafs i had a thought, what if bakugo prefers dogs and kirishima prefers cats and when they meet each other and become friends it's like, "oh." because they have some striking similarities to their fave animals
That’s been my headcanon for a while now, actually!! I think for me it came from two characters in a manga I like that are a lot like a dog and a cat but have inverted fav animals and when I read about that I was like “oh, right, makes sense since they like each other” and then my brain turned it krbk because when does it not lmao
Anon said: your art is the soothing balm to my soul recently, thank you for posting so much beautiful content. i hope you have a lovely week. ♡
sob thank you so much, I’m glad my doodling can help you feel better ;; <3
Anon said: Friendly reminder anon from last time: that post I left last time I had only eaten 7 gingersnaps that day and hadn’t drank any water. So that encouraged me to actually self care. Thank you.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well I hope you’re taking care of yourself today too! And as fair trade, I’ll do the same myself! <3
Anon said: Hi! I'm an artist and I'm thinking of making a sideblog for my art. Do you have any tips?
Ah man, I’m sorry but I’m not the best person to ask this to! I started this sideblog cause I had too many followers on my main and I didn’t want my stuff to be seen by that many people at first, so whatever I did probably isn’t what you’re looking for :( but really there isn’t much to it, just post whatever you like to draw, tag it as best as you can (but remember that only the first five tags appear in the search page) and be patient, since whatever you do at first you won’t get much attention anyway - the only real advice I can give is to draw something that makes you happy and that you’d draw anyway even if no one were to see it, it’ll make keep posting despite a possible lack of activity a lot easier!
Anon said: Your goge art🥺🥺
I just love them so much ( TT’’’TT)9
Anon said: how the fuck have i not been following you? I remember seeing your bakushima art in the bnha tag and always thinking it's so cute. Now you're into JJK too??? and the satosugu art??? fuckin, diabetes incarnate. I love it. I love you. Your art 10/10. I'm tired lmao.
WELL thank you for the follow!! And for thinking my stuff is cute!!!!! I do my best with that, I want all the soft things for my favs 😌
Anon said: Are you gonna draw Gojou/Getou comic?? 👉🏻👈🏻 WOULD LOVE TO READ IT
you mean an actual doujin? I don’t think I will, sorry! I’m really no good at long projects orz but thank you so much for wishing to read something like that from me!!! ;A;
Anon said: Hello! YOUR ART IS SO FREAKING GORGEOUSSSS!!! I love them so much!! If I may ask you one question. Between Getou amd Gojou, who do you see as top/bottom? Just curious
THANK YOU!!!!! And I honestly don’t care as long as they’re happy and together!!! please let them be happy and together 🙏🙏🙏
Anon said: i want you to know!!! i followed you for your kiribaku art but!!! i love your art so much that idc what you post because it's all just!!!! incredible and wonderful and stunning!!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!!! this means a lot to me so seriously thank you so much!!!!
Anon said: d'you think bakugo has like headaches or migraines after training or battles because of how loud his quirk is? like, i listen to music slightly too loud and my head is sending me to hell. (unless you go with the hoh hc which is also 👌)
I like to think Baku’s body is attuned enough to his own quirk that he wouldn’t get drawbacks of the kind tbh, though that wouldn’t be a bad thought for when he just starts to increase the output/width and strength of his explosions............ well, I myself suffer from chronic headaches and migraines so I’m always up for projecting on my favs ngl lmao
Anon said:  so like... dragon kirishima's eyes glow right? like, if we equate his dragon-ness to unbreakable his eyes glow? they also glow when he's half shifted? honestly i just live glowing eyes
Oh hell yeah I’m all for that, definitely definitely, I love glowing eyes with my whole heart and Kiri’s eyes in unbreakable are just so!!!!!! NGH *chef kiss* the more of unbreakable there is in his dragon form the happier I am ( TT^TT)9
Anon said: me, scrolling through your blog: ah shit guess im gonna have to start watching jjk
!!!!! hope it won’t hurt you too much, anon!!
Anon said: dragon!kiri and bakugo having a tug-of-war match over a piece of meat. both have it in their mouths. both are determined to win.
Kiri is turned into his dragon form and Baku still wins, hell yeah
Anon said: your satosugu is top tier!! it's hard to find stuff for them that isn't straight up angst so your art has been super cool and also very very cute!! (tho if you went with angst, it wouldn't be a bad thing obviously)
AH I’m so happy to hear you like them!!!! but also happy you wouldn’t mind angst, as I do like them the best happy and soft but my brain, my brain has been throwing sads my way for a while now 👀 I got some ideas
Anon said: What program/device do you use??
Easy Paint Tool SAI and a wacom intuos!! Though I got myself an ipad+procreate just yesterday and I’ve been messing around with it, let’s see how that one goes!
Anon said: *inahles* i am simping for mohawk man please tell me everything about your ocs immediately or i will detonate
THANK YOU FOR LIKING HIM HE’S CALLED DAVIDE Dav for short, he’s a cat of a man and a music instrument enthusiast (mostly string ones, but he’s very good with the piano as well) - he works in a music instruments store, and he’s a uni student majoring in philosphy! He doesn’t like bothersome things, he isn’t very good at taking anything seriously or putting effort in stuff, but he’s very chill to spend time with and generally a nice chat both if you want mindless thoughts or deep conversations (he’s a philosophy major after all). He can’t sing for shit, he’s got two cats (tago and schelly!), and he just wants a quiet life to laze around but all his friends are hurricanes in human bodies, but then again, he picked them himself so he can’t complain. He’s a good boy!! I’m planning a comic for him and his boy Ross >:]
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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minsugallery · 4 years
Mrs. Min PD-Nim
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Summary: Yoongi’s new mixtape is in the works. He is, definitely, going to be working on this himself - as usual. However, he usually gets help from at least one other producer. And for D-2, he knows just the person. Now, the only thing he needs to do is convince them to help him work on this album.
Genre: Idol!AU, Established Relationship! AU, Fluff, Humor, Slight Fluff-Smut (Don’t worry, it’s not full on smut)
Pairing: Husband! Min Yoongi x Wife! Reader (Idol Producer x Producer OC)
Warnings: Cursing/Swearing, Slight Sexual Themes, Humour (Depends on if you laugh, really), Inaccuracy (I understand that this album has been in the works for at least a few years, as seen in Bring the Soul and Break the Silence, but I’ve written the fic a little differently. As well as some of the stuff the boys did and when they did them are modified just a little bit to fit my storyline. You will notice them when you read them, but please do not take them serious as this is nothing more than works of our imagination. Remember! What you read in the fic isn’t what happened in real life.)
Written: June 8, 2020, Posted: July 12, 2020
Yoongi let out a sigh as he came out of the conference room. He cracked his neck as he thought about his next move. He had just finished discussing with the BigHit staff and Bang PD about his new mixtape, talking out all the base points and making a plan before he started fully working on the album, throwing his whole self into the process. He knows what he wants in the album, and he knows how many tracks. Now, he decided, time to get to work.
He leaned back in his chair in his studio, staring at the desktop. Yoongi had sorted out a lot of the work, now he’s about ready to begin with the first few tracks. It’s been a few days and he thinks he knows how he wants the album to look. The only thing left to do now is seek out a fellow producer in the building and get them to help him on the album depending on their schedule and how busy they are. And he knows exactly who he wants this time. It won’t be easy getting them on board, but he really wants to, and he’s decided that he’s going to die trying. But that can wait, he can do a lot of the work on his own before having to deal with the convincing, so it will wait...for now...
You had finally stepped out of your studio after about four to five hours. It had been a while, you needed coffee, and stretching your legs would be good. The break room on your floor was a little further away from you than from some of the other people here - the members of BTS with studios of their own didn’t have to go too far, a bit of a convenience if they decide to grab something in the middle of something like a VLive. But it would be fine - you had come upon a small block in your music anyway. As you went over the beats in your head repeatedly while waiting for your cup to fill, you heard faint footsteps coming towards the break room. You thought nothing of it as you focused on your plans, mumbling a tune to go along with your thoughts attempting to arrange a verse for the boys’ new project: a Japanese album. It wasn’t due anytime soon, you just wanted a bit of a head start so as to not be overwhelmed when the project went into full throttle, just as Namjoon was also doing. After all, this album had a lot to it, including a music video among other things, and neither you nor Namjoon wanted to be running around last minute while stressing about the tracks while knowing you could have started so much earlier and avoided a load of unwanted pain.
“Hey there, baby.” You let out a small laugh at the voice you heard, turning around to see your husband leaning against the frame of the door looking at you calmly with a soft smirk on his face. “This a bad time?” He asked as he walked towards you. “I’m literally waiting for a damn coffee.” You let him wrap his arms around you as you sunk into his chest, breathing in his calming scent. Ah, you missed him.
You both do work in the same company and building. You pretty much leave and arrive at work together, the only exceptions being when either of you had more or less work than the other. Even then, you would finish your work and go into the other’s studio, opting to stay there, sometimes helping, sometimes relaxing, sometimes just talking, and eventually leaving together. The only times where your schedules didn’t always work were when he had practiced all day and had to leave before he collapsed, or when he had to travel and just wasn’t in the country, leaving you to arrive at and leave work on your own. It worked though, you two were around each other a lot more than you would have been if you didn’t work at BigHit and your tough decision to follow the path of a producer is something you’re eternally grateful for each and every day- not only because you get to be as close to your husband as you are, but also because of how far you’ve gotten in life with your dream. And besides, you wouldn’t have met this lovely man had it not been for your job, or the path you chose to walk. “Are you working on anything important right now?” The deep rumble of his voice woke you from your current zoning out as you tuned back into him. You hummed out a soft ‘no’ as you snuggled into him further, tightening your arms around him, “Just the Japanese album coming out later.” He let out a grunt of affirmation, resting his chin in your head as he tightened his arms around you, bending his neck to quickly leave a kiss against your temple. “You don’t have to always get a head-start, you know?” You immediately whipped your head up to look him in the eyes.
“And this is coming from you?” You looked at him suspiciously, “You?” He just slightly shrugged, looking away and licking his lips before looking back at you. “I’m just saying,” he started off, “you do a lot. Taking a break or slowing down every once in a while isn’t bad.” You immediately pulled away, you didn’t know this man. No, this isn’t your husband. Absolutely not, this is an imposter. Min Yoongi would never in his life tell you that you were working too much. What nonsense is this? Nope, something’s up. He would never tell you this. Sometimes he spends days together in his studio living off of cup ramen and dry shampoo. He would never in a million years-
“Ah, you want something.” You cross your arms over your chest, narrowing your eyes at him. “You want something from me, and it’s probably getting in the way of me working on the Japanese album, isn’t it?” “....Maybe.” He looked around the room, “It won’t take long.” “How long?” “Just a few weeks.”
“What?!” You looked at him in shock, “What’re you trying to rope me into, Min Yoongi?” He looked at you, gave a bit of a smile, and, “I just need some help with D-2. Is that so bad, now?” You glared at him. “Of course it is. I’m sorry, baby, but I’m not going to help you with your mixtape.” You sigh as you gave him a somewhat stern look, or at least the best you could manage with him now pouting at you. “I’m sorry, darling, but no.” 
Yoongi immediately started moving towards you as turn to grab your coffee, his body, larger than yours, quickly engulfing you as he turned you by your shoulders, shoving your face in the crook of his neck as he held you in a tight hug. It was a soft whisper, “Please...” you could easily miss it, but you heard loud and clear. “I can’t,” you muffled out through his sweatshirt, pulling your face away to look him in the face, “I’m sorry, my love.” “I know you’re scared, but it’s alright. I’ll be right beside you, you know?” His voice was soft now, more tender than usual.
It wasn’t the first time he had asked you for your help. Although you both only got married during autumn of 2017, you had been together since the beginning. You both met in Seoul in 2013 when you both were extremely young, and he was still a rookie in the industry, not too far from his debut date. He saw you in the coffee shop you both frequented, finding out that your apartment wasn’t far from his dorm. You were rooming with two friends back then, doing the same thing he used to do: making music and selling it, trying to find a company to start your life at. He found you late one night at the cafe, sitting in the corner, cheap earbuds plugged into what looked like an old, worn out, and probably second hand laptop, poor quality buds letting the music pour out in - what you thought,- was a subtle way. You were hunched over your device, brows furrowed, and he could only guess what you were doing. But even at 10pm in the night with your hair in a ponytail away from your face and the most simple of clothes, you still looked so beautiful. He still remembers clearly how his heart skipped a few beats when he saw you. He decided then and there that he was going to have you, and that he would let fate take as long as it fucking needed if it meant he got to have you at the end. He decided to get to you know you slowly, starting by sitting next to you at the cafe and talking to you. It continued this way for at least a month: him coming in at around the same time, ordering the same thing, turning and seeing you in the same corner, same earbuds, same laptop, same frustrated expression on your face. Until, one day, he finally gathered the courage to come up to you and talk to you.
It started with him simply asking to just have your company, and then he started bringing his notebook and pen, writing his lyrics as he spent time by your side. This was initially because he found that you were so engrossed in your work that you rarely ever talked to each other besides the greetings and the initial introduction you both did. It wasn’t awkward though, it was really comfortable, actually. Eventually, one day you were too frustrated to work and simply came into the cafe with your phone and wallet, getting a coffee and sitting until Yoongi came in. When he arrived he was surprised to see how you were without your laptop and earbuds, but he understood that you can’t always get the perfect flow on work and didn’t think too much of it, except that he was excited to perhaps get the chance to know who you were as a person. That day you both talked until the sun rose. It was the day he realized that you made music. Oh, he didn’t know you were made so perfect. He didn’t know for so long. And you, you weren’t faring any better. How were you supposed to know he was an idol producer and lyricist? How were you supposed to know that he was in your spot not that long ago? Since then he started helping you with your music and you helped him with his beats and lyrics. You talked more and more, developing a friendship so strong that eventually, calling it a ‘friendship’ seemed like you were avoider a bigger truth. The lingering gazes, touches, and longer than necessary eye contact were all witnesses to a budding love which would be due to bloom soon, unbeknownst to both of you. He also was the one that brought you to BigHit, telling Bang PD about your talent and asking him to give you a chance. The rest was history after that.
And since then you’ve been a producer here for BTS, working on all the boys’ albums. Not too long after you joined, Yoongi asked you out officially, and you’ve been together since. Of course, there were a lot of ups and downs, especially at the start when you two struggled to find a balance of work, personal time, affection, and managing not always being together. But you work in perfect sync now, arguments extremely rare and extremely stupid in context, usually dissipating within minutes of it starting with you both whispering quick but meaningful apologies against each others’ lips as you snuggled close and laughed about the, honestly, ridiculous argument.
Then there were the problems. You and Yoongi went public with your relationship very quickly. The news that Suga of BTS was dating a producer in his own company was public information since the beginning of 2014, not too long after Yoongi proposed to you towards the end of 2013. You realize this had moved along rather quickly, him meeting you around the middle of the year, talking for a month, asking you out not too long after you joined his company. But this was just one of those things you know is right. It’s like meeting a soulmate, and you’re pretty sure this is yours. Yoongi was the best decision of your life and for him, it’s you.
Just because you two love each other, however, doesn’t mean that everyone else loved you two together. Hate was part of your everyday life. People who would harass you on the way to work and back consistently until Yoongi asked you to move in because he had had enough of it and also because he believed it was high time you both moved in together anyways - you were it for him, after all. He got an apartment right next to the rest of the boys, just down the hall in the same building in Hannam the Hill.
Yoongi has made it very clear multiple times on multiple different platforms exactly how much he loves and cares about you and doesn’t tolerate any hate towards you, but it didn’t stop them. It had died down drastically after a while, people having accepted that their Min Yoongi was with Min Y/N now, but it was still there online. People also accepted that you would be working on BTS albums from now on, considering you were on every single one since you joined. But the tipping point was when you helped Yoongi with his first Agust D mixtape. When it was found that you participated in the album almost as much as Yoongi himself, all hell broke loose. They hated that you were supposedly ‘freeloading’ off of him and that you actually couldn’t do anything for yourself. They said that you were just getting in these projects because of who you were to Yoongi and the others in BTS - Yoongi’s wife and basically a sister in law to the members of BTS. No matter how much Yoongi has stated that you worked your way to where you were on your own, the hate still flooded in for months after the mixtape was released. It led you to getting depressed and extremely upset, working on your music from the furthest depths of your studio in silence, until Yoongi eventually brought you out of your little shell that you had crawled into - something you’re extremely grateful for. If it weren’t for Yoongi you’d still be the quiet and scared woman you’d turned into during those months of hate. Now you’re back to yourself, strong and proud of who you are, wearing your husband’s name with confidence and pride. The hate eventually having died down as well, you were now in peace.
‘‘I don’t think I can take another fall like that, Yoongi.” You looked up at him, tightening your arms around his torso. “You won’t fall. I won’t let you. Not again.” You smiled up at him, soft and gentle, leaning up to leave a small peck on his lips and pulling away before he got a hold of you and deepened it, “I know, but I’ll let myself fall. I know it. And besides, if the response was so bad back then, then imagine how bad it would be now, in this year, where your fan base has just been constantly increasing.” Yoongi frowned at you for that. “I trust that they’ve improved, Y/N. I think that the response will much, much better. I want you to have some faith in yourself and your reputation in this world, baby.” He let go of you, instead taking your smaller hands in his, rubbing his thumbs over your knuckles before bringing them up to his lips, leaving kisses there while murmuring against them, “Please. Trust me on this.”
He looked at you, pleading for you to just say yes. He had this look in his eyes, it screamed for you to just trust him on this. There were times, of course, where you couldn’t trust him, like leaving your bittersweet coffee in the same room as him unguarded and thinking he wouldn’t touch it, or that time where you went into the bathroom without locking the door, on a weekend. It was one of those weekends where neither of you had work, meaning time to relax. You having just woken up, brushed your teeth and gotten in the shower. Of course, you should have expected that your lovely husband would let himself in, pushing you up against the tiled wall of the shower, skin on skin, eventually leading to you both getting out the shower much later, and not as..clean...as you had hoped to be. No, this wasn’t one of those times. This was about taking a risk, and who better to take a risk with, than the man you loved, cared, and trusted so much?
“Ok.” His eyebrows went up as his lips slowly stretched wider to make way for his gummy smile when he heard your simple one word reply, “You’ll help? Really?” You pulled your hands from his with a smile of your own, moving them up to his cheeks, cupping them as you whispered a ‘yes’ on his lips as you pulled him forward for a searing kiss. Yes, this album would be a success, and you’ll find people don’t actually view you the way you thought they did anymore - things have changed these days, for the better. It will work out great. He wrapped his arms back around you, deepening the kiss as his tongue found its way in your mouth. He slowly walked you both across the break room, pushing you up against the wall, making sure one of his hands was cradling the back of your head to avoid you getting hurt. Always so thoughtful, you thought as you wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the hair at the back, on his nape. He inhaled through his nose as he moved both his hands down your body and found the hem of the hoodie you stole from his side of the wardrobe this morning, slipping his fingers in to caress your bare skin underneath. His cold fingers made you shiver, goosebumps rising as you let out a gasp against his mouth, “Yoongi~” “Tell me what you want, baby.”
“Actually, don’t tell him what you want, Y/N.” You both parted from each other with looks of surprise, Yoongi’s hands sliding back out from inside your hoodie as you both fixed yourselves up, turning to look at the culprit responsible for interrupting what you thought was a moment with great potential - Yoongi would agree, at least.  “What the fuck could you possibly need, Jimin?” Yoongi was positively annoyed, his time with you was interrupted. “Jeez, sorry for wanting water, Hyung.” Jimin looked rather bored as he walked into the room, heading toward the fridge they had as he grabbed a cold bottle, “‘I needed it while in the middle of a VLive, and this was the closest room from the studio I chose. Anyways, gotta go, ARMYs are waiting for me. Next time just please try this somewhere not as public, would you?” “Go away Jimin,” Yoongi snuggles back into your neck as he goes back to wrapping himself around you, arms returning to one of their favorite spots: your waist. “That kid has such bad timing, I swear.” Your husband mumbles as you call out a quick ‘bye!’ towards Jimin’s quickly fading footsteps, leaving you to bury your hands in his hair, running your fingers through his now healthy locks as you giggled softly.
“It doesn’t matter now, it’s back to just the two of us.” His face moved up at you words, getting the gist of your words as he lets out one of his smirks, giving you a deep kiss as he lifts you by your thighs. He easily hoisted you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as your arms wound around his neck and shoulders out of habit of...previous events in your life, let’s say. “What do you say we continue this in my studio? It has a lock on the door and everything, remember?” You softly laughed, nuzzling your face into his hair as he began walking to his destination already with you still being carried, “Oh don’t worry, baby, I remember. We’ve used it plenty over these years.”
Thank you so much for waiting on me, you guys! You’re the best, really. I know this is a Yoongi fic again but I was in a bit of a flow after D-2 came out, huhuhu~ Please do Reblog and Comment as much as you Like a post - any post - you guys! It’s what really helps the word get out, lets other readers also find the kind of fics they might be craving at the moment, and constantly encourages writers~ Please do talk to me on Asks as well, it’s always lovely! Anyways, I love you all, and thank you once again!
Any similarities to any other posts are purely coincidental and not intentional. Thank you all so much~
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