#damn april was rough
nosoulsheresorry · 10 months
if life isnt about death
and it is, as they say, about finding and molding your own meaning
what happens when your meaning leaves
when it walks away from you without a note
without anything to hold onto?
because i dont want memories
i want a person, here
and i want them to hear me
and i cant i cant i just cant do this not now not ever really
what do you do when you start spiralling again?
what do you do when you can pinpoint every repeating warning sign?
what do you do when this time theres no one here to stop you?
when no one is around to talk you out of it?
when you thought you could handle your own only to notice all-too-late that youre spiralling again
do you reach out?
you only want one specific person your one specific meaning
but its gone now without a trace without a return label
do you mother yourself?
you cant, thats just one more sign one more repetition
youve done this before, you know where it leads
do you call a professional?
with what money
and what time
and what will
and what white woman this time
do you get high and fulfill that prophecy that you once got so close to?
with what money
youll steal
and you wont feel shameful
its hard to when everything depends on the 20 extra bucks you need
there is no protocol for this
and if there was
it would not end with
“get under the sheets again, phone in one hand and wax in the other”
everything feels so absurd when you get like this doesnt it?
everything feels ridiculous, silly, unreal, unimportant
the only thing important is saving yourself
how do you do that?
there is an urgency here
like i need to figure this out right here right now
because i dont want to know what happens if i dont
because last time, i didnt have to know what happens
because last time, i didnt save myself, i wasnt left to my own devices
last time, i got saved
i got grounded
and im not looking to get fixed
i just want to make it all bearable
i want to calm down
i want to be able to sleep again
i want to be able to be sober again
i want to be able to be sober, there is no again
what do you do
how do you alleviate it
how do you make it tolerable
because it feels like everything is crashing down
it feels like its been overdue and now im running behind
it feels like if only someone could carry this with me
it feels like if only my meaning hadnt jumped out my window
it feels like no matter what i do, ill always end up here in the end
if feels like maybe its selfish to drag someone else into this
if i cant handle living through it
if i am here wishing for a way to plan it
then how can i expect someone to stand by
how i can i justify putting someone through a fraction of what im going through
if they arent planning, they shouldnt have to hear of someone planning
you hate to hear peoples sob stories about it
why give anyone yours?
but id give him mine in a heartbeat
and there i am again
same old tired lonely place
building a mythical boy
loving a mythical boy
blaming his material counterpart for not measuring up
so what now
we’ve circled all the way around
so what now
if not a boy, if not a therapist, if not drugs, and if no not ever yourself,
then what now
now i go to sleep
i wake up tomorrow and brush my teeth
i find a reason to brush the tears off
to see the blanket as what it is, immobile
and i hope and pray that my reason doesnt end up circling back to the boy
and i go to sleep
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shysideho · 11 months
I know we're months out but i pray 2024 brings less death for us
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sunsetsandsunshine · 1 year
I’m trying to practice drawing April and Leon together (for my comic), so does anyone have any April Leo screenshots from the show-? I literally cannot find any 😭😭😭
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princesssmars · 16 days
desert eagle
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another rodeo!abby x reader | p.i
seeing the star of the rodeo secretly in the night has been fun, but things start to get tense from miscommunication. but it’s amateur bull night down at the cow belle, and you’ve still got a few tricks up your sleeve.
wc : 2.619
contains : fluff. reader is hard headed. jealousy? fxf smut. strap on sorry to the people sick of it </3
a/n : you thought it was over ahaaaaa. wdym part one was in APRIL i suck at this. why are all of the desert eagle position pictures slightly different its pissing me off.
truly, everything currently going wrong was all abby anderson's fault.
it's a humid saturday night at the cow belle, and you're pouting while nursing a beer as your friends chatter around you. they'd taken you out to your favorite spot to try to brighten your spirits after noticing your sour mood, hoping some alcohol, dancing, and flirting would fix you right up.
but it was hopeless, for a dark cloud seemed to be hanging over your head the whole night. an annoying, sweet-talking, six-foot, blonde braided cloud.
it was established after your first extremely hot and extremely long night together with abby a few weeks ago that you both had an understanding. no strings, no attachments, no labels. you weren't gonna let a big beautiful woman butter you up only to leave you in a ditch, not after the last time. you'd go to the other's house, have rough messy sex, and maybe have some nice conversation, before heading your own way and repeating it the next week. no more and no less.
but god, you should've known it wouldn't last. ever since that first night when her silky smooth drawl convinced you to stay just a bit longer, to sleep in her bed with her shirt on! you might as well have woken up and cooked her breakfast in bed with a 'good morning, honey.'
who could blame you really? ever since you'd set eyes on abby anderson you knew she was something else, a beautiful force of nature that wouldn't budge until she wrecked you so thoroughly. at the time you were as horny as a coyote in may and saw that as just what you needed, a prized golden notch on your belt. a completely different way from what you do now.
right now you were trying to telepathically burn holes into the back of her beautiful head as she flirted with that hussy donna mayfair, an admittedly gorgeous girl with a big personality, big hair, and big...well, y'know. you look down at your chest and slightly straighten your back before roughly shaking your head after realizing this damn woman has you comparing yourself to a mayfair! of all people! the thought only upsets you more and you down the nearest drink to you, ignoring your friend's whine at the loss of her whiskey.
the small and reasonable part of your brain knows you have no right to be upset. after all, it was you who just a week ago insisted to a blushing abby that you truly did want to just keep things casual. you felt bad a little bit, she'd shown up to your hookup flushed and high off of another rodeo win with a tiny bouquet of your favorite flowers, explaining when you asked how she knew that she noticed them on the motif of your favorite pair of figure-hugging jeans. the bastard.
the relaxed but downcast look she wore after your rejection is a stark contrast to how she looks now, pearly whites showing when she throws her head back at some joke donna told, a large hand coming to rest on the redhead's waist. you can see her preening, foot nearly popping up as she swoons over the female goliath giving her all of her attention. it's enough to make you throw up. or maybe it was drinking all that busch light. whatever.
you must not have been very discreet with your glances because suddenly blue eyes are lifting up and focusing on yours, the shock of being caught forcing you still as your finger circles the rim of your next glass. you try to keep normal 'we're two normal people and definitely not recently gone sour fuck buddies' eye contact, but your body betrays you when your eyes flick down to her hand still on donna's waist. when you look at her again the corner of her lip is quirked up, never looking away as she pulls the redhead in closer and whispers something in her ear, the girl visibly going weak in the knees while abby licks her lips-
"well slap my ass and call me sally, come over here hon!" your darling charlize breaks you out of your..whatever that was and picks you up from your stool to drag you over to the event area, a few people drinking while gathered around the brand new bucking machine as one of the bar hands tinkers with the controls.
"what about it char, 'm really not in the mood..."
"oh don't be such a sourpuss, jus look at this!" she gently grips your chin and tilts your head to a nearby wall, a small white poster detailing a month-long mechanical bull contest as soon as the thing was completed, and each winner would get free drinks and $500 cash prize.
"jeez, since when did the belle bring in bucks like that?"
"doesn't matter. in one weeks time you're gonna put on a hot little outfit and win us those free drinks. and hopefully the cash takes your mind off of your situationship."
"oh yeah? and what makes you think I'm gonna be the one to win?"
"honey, ive seen the most hardass women look at you like well-trained pups. you've gotta be the best ride i know.”
so a week later you’re back in the same spot, hair pulled up and donned in your cropped and tied plaid shirt and your cutest pair of daisy dukes as you wrote your name down on the sheet of others trying to win the prize.
your friends are gathered around you, ever the voices of support as they fuss over you and give you words of encouragement. and while you do smile and laugh with them you can’t help from occasionally looking at abby, back with donna as her group hangs around the edge of the bull area.
“y’know i’ve never heard of someone bagging a hot ass woman, rejecting a relationship with said woman, and then pining over and trying to make that same woman jealous.” savannah fixes your hair while judging you, making sure it won’t get in your face so you can see what you’re doing while up there.
“stop questioning me, i’ve already been doing that myself.” your mumble makes the girls laugh before one of the workers comes to tell you that you’re up after the next person. you give them a nod before walking over to the small gate that leads to the bill, right next to-
“hey, looks like our little buckle bunny is gonna ride an actual bull! make sure to give us a nice show, huh bonita?”
you can’t help but smile when manny comes up beside you to throw an arm over your shoulder, nudging your body with his. the rest of his friends are here of course, including she who shall not be named with her new beau at her side.
“you’re gonna ride the new bull? well i hope you know what you’re doing, don’t want you to end up getting hurt now.” donna asks, grasping your hand in hers with a genuinely worried look on her face. damn it, now you were starting to feel bad.
“now don’t you worry, hon. i’ve got quite a bit of experience in riding.” you throw a wink her way before looking at abby next to her, not noticing the flustered look on donna when all you can do is revel in how you caught abby staring at your exposed stomach. before you can try to tease her about it your name is being called up and you're heading into the pit.
you graciously accept one of the workers' help to get you up on the bull, ignoring some of the catcalls that ring out when your shorts ride up an inch or two. you make sure to do everything you've seen others do (and maybe you watched a certain someone's videos to prepare yourself), steadying your dominant hand on the saddle while your free hand is raised above your head.
the experience is fast and hard just like you like it, the bull spinning and bucking so fast its almost enough to make you dizzy. as much as the cheers of fellow patrons make you want to look up and revel in it, you know you need to watch the bulls head to prepare for each time it turns, thighs tightly squeezing its sides. it's only when you hear the timer start to count down from ten that you look at everyone again, blowing a quick kiss to the blonde that's staring you down.
once the machine stops moving you are helped off and guided back to your incredibly loud friends, all happy to hype you up and start planning how much of the expensive high shelf drinks they wanna get. when you're announced as the winner only a few minutes later the night quickly becomes one filled with dancing and laughter.
you wave goodbye to your friends as their truck speeds away from your street, blowing you kisses as they yell for you to have a good night's sleep. you can't help but smile as you place your bag down in your kitchen, ready to wash the sweat from dancing off your body before sleeping through the night. unfortunately, some absolute boar decided now would be a good time to come knocking at your door."
"alright alright, im comin'!" your shouts do nothing to dissuade the steady banging against your door, nearly slipping on your hardwood floors as you rush to undo the locks and see who it is. "i really hope i owe you some money or else i'll"
"or else you'll what?" the sound of abbys voice makes you freeze, the woman resting against the doorway with one hand in her pocket and the other above your head. you need to blink away your surprise at not only her being here but the fact she is now only a few inches from you, close enough that you can smell her signature scent of pine-
"can i come in? or are you gonna keep teasing me like you did at the bar?"
"i did no such thing, you must have me confused with one of your many other flings." you flippantly address her as you turn around back into your home, hearing her quickly trail behind you and lock your door.
"ohh you'd like that, wouldn't you? gives you a reason to be so difficult for no damn reason."
you ignore her words as you head into your kitchen and retrieve yourself a glass from the cabinet, pouring yourself some water and downing it in a few gulps. jesus it's hot, is she hot? she doesn't seem so, minus the fact the sleeves of her shirt are rolled up and straining against her arms.
"no, i was in fact celebrating my win if you didn't notice. although I'm pretty sure you did, it'd be hard to miss my brilliant technique. maybe i can give you a few tips, i watched some of your shows and honestly hon, you're a bit sloppy."
you try to keep your tone cool while she moves closer and closer to you, eventually taking your empty glass and setting it down before placing both of her arms on either side of you, caging you into the counter, and blue eyes darting between yours and your lips while you speak.
"so you've been watchin my videos, huh? i'd invite you to actually come watch me, like I've already done before, but that would require you to stop ignoring me."
"you had donna mayfair to keep you company, i really doubt you noticed i was gone-"
she kisses you to shut you up, and you really wish you could've said you resisted her for long, that you didn't throw your arms around her neck and wrapped your legs around her waist as soon as she set her palms on your ass. you don't have the time to be embarrassed when shes carries you to your bedroom, removes your clothes before she does the same to her own, and reveals the strap she'd been wearing for who knows how long.
"yeah, not so mouthy now, are you?" abby smiles from above you, admiring how fast she's got you fucked out beneath her while you erratically lift your hips up to meet her short and shallow thrusts. the crooks of her elbows are helping to hold your legs in the air, your hands gripping your thighs to help give her easier access as she pounds into you.
"ab's, fuck, please."
"please what? use your words, beautiful."
"please, 'm sorry i won't ignore you again just- just do something, anything."
she puts on a sickly sweet lovestruck smile, and whispers a small 'god, you're lucky you're cute," before starting to fuck you exactly how she knows you like it. it's fast and hard, yes, but there's a hint of something more in the way she stares at you, how you lift your head for a kiss and she gives it to you without a second thought.
your hands start to claw at her waist, gripping the muscle to try to bring her impossibly closer every time her hips meet yours and her strap presses into that spot that makes your eyes damn near cross.
before you know it your orgasm is creeping up fast, unable to say it but of course, abby can tell regardless, how the resistance between your legs steadily increases and how your moans turn into desperate little whimpers.
"c'mon, you can do it. cum for me sweet girl."
all you can do is shake in her arms like a petal on a leaf, moaning and mewling up to the high heavens as abby pushes you through your orgasm, not stopping her thrusts until you weakly push at her arms to signal her to stop.
you fade in and out of consciousness while she takes care of you, the feeling of a rag cleaning your skin and more water being guided to your mouth all seeming to happen in a few seconds. when she finishes you blink your eyes open at her, admiring just how pretty she always seems to look after taking away your ability to walk.
you stare at each other for a moment, her palm coming to fix a few stray hairs on your face before you reach up to grab it and pull her into bed beside you. you pull the covers above the both of you, ignoring her raised eyebrows and know it all smirk.
"well, im not rude enough to send you home after all of that. might as well make yourself comfortable."
she chuckles, reaching over to turn off your bedside lamp before cuddling you from behind, her soft skin like its own blanket against yours.
"whatever you say, bunny."
when you wake up in the morning it's from the gentle rays of the sun peeking through your curtain and into your eyes, the smell of coffee and bacon quickly filling your nostrils when you notice your...partner, isn't in bed with you.
quickly throwing on a robe and padding your way into the kitchen, you can't help the warm feeling that grows inside of you at a shirtless abby pouring two cups of coffee while two plates of a small breakfast are already plated on your table.
you come up behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, pressing a kiss to her shoulder when she slightly jumps at the surprise.
"mmm let me guess, you remember how i like my coffee too?"
"i'll remember whatever you want me to, sweet thing."
and right about now that didnt sound too bad.
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imababblekat · 2 months
Bayverse TmnT X Touchy Reader; Hc's
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@fandomcrazieshangout ,"This request is for all the boys. Reader doesn't seem to like people touching them but when it's the turtles they act almost touch starved. Turns out reader has a little adhd and they prefer the boys reptile skin over human skin. A weird request I'm sure, but it's what I want. ( I think this works fine for platonic but if you feeling you can add romance just Donnie and Raph)
-no one really thinks anything about it, just figuring you don't liked being touched
-then one time Mikey, being as socially loving as he is, forgets your no touch rule and sweeps you up into big ol hug
-Leo lightly scolding him reminds him that oh yeah, no touchy, and he quickly puts you down
-but instead of rubbing your arms on a surface to get rid of the feel like you do if even April were to accidentally brush against your hand, you don't do that at all
-you just shrug and go about your business and boys are like ??? can touch ???
-Donnie's the one who makes studious observations from afar and comes to the conclusion that their pebbled/scaled skin is a sort of sensory comfort to you
-he's the one to actually test his theory, letting his hands linger for a moment when you pass him a tool and watching to see if you wipe your hand or not
-once he's absolutely sure he's right in his hypothesis that you do in fact find comfort in physical contact with him and his brothers, he gives them the news, but not after relishing in your contact for a bit longer first
-this news obv makes Mikey so excited, and his brothers have to remind him to take it slow to still not scare you
-doesn't take long for Mikey to make it onto your exception list
-bro will literally hug you any chance he gets, and when you start to hug back
-oh, he's died and gone to heaven!
-Leo's a bit more cautious about it, still apprehensive about pushing any boundaries
-even when you reassure him its okay for him to touch you, he still always ask first and even apologizes if he does so by accident
-absolutely revels in the feeling of you running your hands over his skin
-Leo's def not touch starved or anything
-at least not as much as Raphael
-speaking of which; Raph lets you touch him but acts like a bit of jerk at first, pretending that he doesn't care but really he's floating on cloud nine
-you? of all people, want to touch him?!
-the first time you ask to see what his face feels like, he's very hesitant but eventually agrees
-and boy, is he glad he did because the second your soft hands cradled his cheeks and your little thumbs caress the rough skin, he about damn near melts like a puddle in your palms
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cherry-pop-elf · 6 months
Birthday Boys
It’s Fred and George’s birthday, and you wanted to give them something very special. It’s hard to give them something like that, but you are married to them for a reason. As if they would ever settle for someone boring, now would they?
Warnings: 18+, Double Penetration (A and V), teasing, breeding, overstimulation, dirty talk, birthday suits ((hehe)) lipstick kink(?) and of course Fred Lives. Because I said so ((George still missing an ear tho! Bleh-!))
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“Well what’s this?” George would blink, as a paper airplane would land itself on his desk. Fred would raise a brow, as he set down the ink he had grabbed for his younger twin. It’s April First. The ever busiest day of the year, and their birthday as well. That meant they were swamped with work, and just trying to finish the day. The shop may be closed, now, but damn they were still drowning.
“Don’t just stare at it, open it up-!” Fred would bonk the younger twin, with his wand, making him fix at his hair. He would give a grumble, as he unfolded the neat little parchment. By the hand writing alone, he knew it was from you. What was written made him a bit flushed in the cheeks. Always was the more emotional of the two, so Fred was quick to look over his shoulder. Reading along.
To my special Birthday Boys. You two have been working so hard all day. Such a wonderful occasion deserves a present, doesn’t it? I better expect you to leave paper work for later, and hurry up to our bedroom. It gets rather chilly being all alone. I don’t want your present to get cold either. Not when I worked so hard to wrap it all up so nicely in purples and oranges. If you don’t want it, I’ll be more than happy to make use of it all myself. Sincerely yours~!
Never had they side alone aparated so fast in their life. Gave you quite the startle, to suddenly see them. You should have figured they wouldn’t waste time, but boy they move fast. Even after all these years together, it catches you by surprise. Though, this time they were the ones with wide eyes this time around.
There you were, in the middle of the bed, dressed to the nines. A array of orange, and purple, fabric against your skin. Stockings of lace. Done up so pretty to mimic that of a fire work, with little dots all around. The fingerless arm length gloves had to be, as to help bring focus to how bare the rest of you were. Nothing else to your skin, but your own birthday suit. Besides so heavy makeup, because you knew they loved it when it got all ruined. What really sold it was the bows all over you. Around your thighs, wrists, neck, just for the comical effect of a birthday present. Hey, it’s April Fools. Gotta get silly.
“H-“ Before you could get a single syllable out, they were on you. Like starving dogs. Clothes were flying, and your body was quick to be sandwiched between the two men. Your neck attacked in kisses, and their ever rough hands trailing your skin. Tracing all the invisible lines they had tracked on you.
“Guess you like the surprise-?” You joked, as you were leaning yourself against Fred. While George was enjoying your front. Sucking plenty of hickies on your skin, while Fred was enjoying playing with your nipples. Had you squeak, and flush, as he was enjoying the happily given toy.
“Taking that as a yes-“ You sighed, as you were just a meal for the wolves. Wolves that always had your flavor of flesh in mind. It just felt so good to be so desired. To be wanted so badly, it could hurt. Especially after such an exhausting day, they needed to get that pent up steam out.
“Been thinking about you all day long-“ George would sigh, as he stole your lips into his own. Happily allowing your lipstick to stain his own, while your hips rubbed onto the building hard on in Fred’s lap. Just a tangle of wild limbs, and you couldn’t have loved anything more.
“Come on, save some for me. Give em here-“ And you would be stolen by Fred next. Making sure he got his lips stained all the same. George didn’t complain, as he would let the lipstick residue trail over your exposured chest. Designing you, as Fred let his tongue do any talking he had left.
You enjoyed the sensual, and slow, pace. Made you fall into the mood far easier. But, you knew why they were being so gentle. Gentle starts always ended with you drooling and utterly delirious. They were going to destroy you, to your core, and that had you so hopeful.
“Just look at you.” They breathed, in unison, as you were just a doll in their hands. Your body leaning into Fred’s, with his legs spread to make sure you were comfortable. Meanwhile George was above you, on his knees, and taking in the sight. Just starving for you, while Fred was busy with the bedside table. Making sure to grab some lube, as you realized what you signed up for.
“Don’t say I never treat you.” That had them laugh, at your comment. Sweet little feathery kisses were given to your face, and neck, while the line was passed to each other. Slicking themselves up, before using the residue to make sure you were nice and comfortable. A thank you, for such a wonderful present.
“Wrapped up in such a pretty bow.” Fred sighed, as he stuck two fingers inside of you. That had you bite your lip, before the mimicking motion from George made it slip out. Fred was in your ass, and George was in your core. Able to copy each other’s movements in perfect unison. Some call it disturbing, you call it heaven.
“Damn, wet as hell. Don’t even need lube. We’re so excited to get to be our gift, weren’t you? Isn’t that sweet Fred-?” “Oh the ever sweetest George. We love it when you get excited. Gets us excited.” They echoed each other, while making sure to lather as much as they could. Knowing you would need it, and still remembering to put your needs first. Just gentle motions, as they made sure to cover as much as two fingers could. Teasing away at your sensitive spots, just to make you squirm.
“I can’t wait any more.” “Couldn’t have said it better myself.” And like that, the fingers were removed. You whined at it, which made them smirk. Now, you were feeling them pressed against you. They planned to go in, at the exact same time. It made your heart race. To imagine, being stuffed so quickly.
“How about we-“ But they broke through the tight barrier, and your mind was mush. Not so much from pain, just the over whelming sensation of being so full. To feel your insides grow so tight, as your muscles were being pulled yet pushed at the same time. Was a fluttery experience. Somehow so light, yet couldn’t be heavier.
“Fuck fuck fuck-“ You heard Fred whisper into your ear, while your blurry eyes could make out that George was hardly able to keep his own open. Biting into his stained lip, as to not whimper too early. To last, but damn. You knew he was fighting for his life.
Once they were both fully inside, the three of you just stayed that way. A mixture of wanting to make sure you were adjusted, and them not wanting to end the game so soon. How embarrassing that would be. Least that meant you were being pampered. With heavy breathing, and wet kisses on your skin. A means to help you relax, and it worked.
“Lucky me, I get to be the first one to pump you full. Isn’t that nice of Fred? To let me be the one to pump your little womb full?” That had your face burn. Yeah, you three were trying, but none of you exactly went into to much details on how such a thing would plan out. Given Magic was involved, with everything, isn’t a dumb guess to think these two will somehow knock you up at the same time. Just made you all the more flushed, as Fred would rub over your stomach.
“Don’t worry. When he’s done with you, we will switch. I can’t just waste it all in your ass. I love that cute thing, but I love you being full of out kids more.” Fred moaned, as he finally moved his hips. Just in time with George’s. The feeling of two at once, in different holes. Truly a fuzzy experience.
Your hands found George’s shoulders, while Fred grabbed your legs. Keeping you spread as wide as they could, as they rocked their hips into you. Such perfect calculations to make sure your mind stayed in that blissful fuzz. Was leaving you with your nails into Georges skin.
“Come on, love. You gotta moan louder for me. I’m missing an ear over here. Give me some noise-!” George cackled, as Fred took that as a que to pick up the pace. Your head was rolling itself back, and leaned on Fred’s shoulder. Giving George exactly what he wanted, after all. Louder moans, whimpers, gasps, and plenty of smacking flesh to fill in between.
“So cock drunk, and the night hardly started.” Fred teases, as he bit into your shoulder. Needing to steady himself, but the feeling was too much. George would have agreed, if it were vocal. They were getting sloppy with their movements, and you wouldn’t last long either. Especially since George was now planting sloppy kisses against your lips. Leaving you two a jumble mess of spit and moans.
Hearing their desperate breaths, and whimpers of trying to hold on, it was what brought you over the edge. By proxy, your tightening grip in your body had them gasp. Their hips stuttering, as they came inside of you. Throbbing, and having a shake in their system.
Riding it out was such a warm feeling. Felt like everything was on fire, in all the best ways. Already so exhausted, and ready to just sleep, but….They weren’t making any April fools joke with you. Just as your eyes closed, they moved.
You have a squeak, before a breathy moan, as they pulled out. Left such a mess between all your legs, before you were flipped around. Your hands now on Fred’s chest, and ass presented to George. Out right lining up again.
“Perk-A-Boo~!” Fred teases, as he poked your nose. Just as you wiggled it, they thrusted right back into you. The stimulation of being restuffed was mind melting. Right after your high, and with so much already running down your legs. The sounds of all made were so loud, and wet. Was utterly thrilling.
Fred was happy to drink in your moans, hogging as many kisses as he could. Meanwhile George was happily feeling over your hips. Letting those hard working hands trace the lipstick marks shared between them both.
“Don’t do poor Georgie like that, come on. You gotta moan a little louder. His hearing isn’t so good.” Fred would tease, as he forced your chin up. Trying to amplify your desperate sounds. It was all too much. You were going to reach your peak again, with tears running down your face. Smearing away the remains of your makeup.
“Just hang on a little more. I want to make sure I get nice and deep in there.” Fred comforted, as George planted kisses down your back. Making sure your skin was covered in whatever remained of their lips.
Everything was so blurry, but you knew this. You came again, and your insides were coated once more. The ringing in your ears were dancing with the shakey moans of your lovers. So happy, and satisfied, with wrecking you so much.
When you came back to reality, you realized the lingerie you wore was gone. Seems they made sure to give you a sponge bath, before they were knocked out. You between them, as they snuggled you.
Fred behind you, as he held your stomach. Ever a man that loved feeling your ass against him. Meanwhile George was infront of you, tangling your legs together, as he snuck his arms just above Fred’s. His face under your chin, so he could listen to your heart beat.
“Happy birthday, you two.” You whispered, as you made sure they both were kissed on their heads. Freckled smiles crossed their lips, as they snuggled closer. Fred, enjoying his nose in your neck, while George gave you a squeeze. Maybe you should gift wrap yourself more often.
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starrzl · 5 months
❣« Percy Jackson m.l »❣ ⭐︎ breathe for me ⭐︎
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I do not allow anyone to steal, copy or translate this work without my permission, this is my original work and mine only.
18+ I do not control what you consume on the internet but I would recommend that MDNI.
These are not my images, all rights go to the rightful owner.
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TW: smut ~ language ~ sir kink ~ belly bulge ~ rough sex? ~ choking ~ multiple orgasms and squirting ~ hair pulling ~ degradation ~ slight praise ~ p in v ~ oral ( both receiving ) ~ fingering ~ kissing ~ no use of Y/N ~ FLUFF AT THE END
dom! Percy x Sub! reader
⎨may or may not have been listening to Or Nah by Ty Dolly $ign whilst writing this⎬
⎨This is in Percy's POV ⎬
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"Gods dammit, I should've never helped with that damn prank"
I had decided to help Leo and the twins with some stupid prank for April fools, the twins had made a... gas- well it was a sex pollen.
What I wasn't told?
That the prank was on me.
They had told me to go inside whilst they watched guard for Chiron or Mr. D... to be fair, bad decision on trusting them, so in all my dumbness I waltzed into the Aphrodite cabin, popped open the lid of the pollen and dropped it.
But when I turned around to leave? the little shits closed the damn door.
It only took two minutes for it to hit me.
Only two minutes until I had blue balls and my stomach felt like it was being tied into multiple knots.
And another twenty minutes until I got the strength to climb out of one of the open windows.
By then I was sweating, I could bearly breathe, I knew what I needed, I needed relief.
So stumbled to the only place I could think of, my cabin.
So this is how we got here.
Me trying to catch my breath as I stare at my girlfriend, eyes half-lidded, pupils blown in lust and a small wet patch of pre-cum seeping through my shorts.
She's so beautiful only in small denim shorts that showed just the right amount of ass and one of my camp shirts.
I start to drift, slipping into a lust-filled headspace until her voice drags me out of it, but she's not near the bed anymore.
She's right in front of me.
"Percy?" Her voice was soft, but I wonder how it would sound screaming my name.
"hm?" It's all that came out of my mouth, i'm not sure if i could trust myself.
"Are you okay? you look a little red" Gods, she smells so good.
Everything is electric, everything is hot and it's all too much, her voice, her smile, the way she looks up at me with those perfect eyes- its all soo much.
"mhm... I-" I choke on my words, looking down at her lips, those perfect... soft... lips.
The next this I know I'm pushing her against the bed, hand on her neck, not squeezing but applying pressure, it's messy, it's wet, it's perfect.
"y-ou're needy h-huh?" she laughs, but I don't say anything, I just kiss her harder, because I know that she won't be laughing when she's underneath me, screaming my name.
"Tell me to stop." I know she won't. she doesn't want me to. that's why she her hands slip under my shirt, her hands cold, resting on my stomach.
"Need you.. so bad" Its a whisper, but I can hear it, moving her back wards until her knees touch the bed, making her fall back onto it, me on top of her, just kissing... I swear I could cum just from this, she tastes so good, so sweat.
My hand slips up her shirt, feeling no bra I smirk, normally I wouldn't be this needy... this pollens making everything so much more hot.
I detach my mouth from her's, kissing down her neck and hearing her moan, I leave hickeys, hickeys that would stay for days.
I pull her shirt off, its quick, not waisting any time before I latch onto her nipple, I stay there for a second, my cock twitches in my pants and i feel myself become impossibly harder.
I circle my tongue around her nipple and the moan she lets out makes me groan, my hands griping her waist, as I suck and kiss and nip at her tits.
I keep this up for a good ten minutes before I move to the other breast, doing the same thing to the other breast and leaving small love bites on the flesh before I kiss down the chest and onto her stomach, moving down further and further.
When I reach her shorts I press a kiss on her clothed clit, her hips buck and I hold her hips down, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them off, along with her panties.
She's soaking, dripping with slick and I waste no time latching onto her clit, feeling her hands tangle in my hair, pulling as she tries to buck her hips up, her moans spurring me on to go on.
I twirled my tongue around it, licking, sucking, it was messy, my tongue licking the juices that spill from her pussy.
Her moans go straight to my dick, I don't wait to lick up every juice that leaks out of her wet cunt after she came.
I bring my fingers to her hole before pushing in, I set a fast pace, thrusting my fingers in and out until she's cumming once again.
I see the overstimulation, her eyes closed tightly, breathing heavy and moans loud.
I sit up on my knees, manhandling her like a doll until her chest is to the mattress and her ass is up in the air.
I pull my shirt over my head, unbuckle my belt, and pull off my pants and boxers, my tip leaking, red and swollen.
Normally I would test her, make her beg a little, but no, not this time.
I push into her without warning, setting a brutal and fast pace, the only noises in the room are skin on skin and the moan of her sweet voice.
My hips hit hers and I slip into a fuzzy and needy headspace, going even faster, her moans now whimpers and choked up whispers of my name.
My hands grab her hips and I piston into her harder, grating her hair in my fist and pulling her up until she's flat against me, a hand around her throat as I choke her slightly, feeling her queen my cock harder than before.
"You like that? yeah, I know you do, you know why?"
I'm being mean, but it's not like I care, I know she loves it. she always does.
"mmmmh why- sir-" she manages to choke out, she's whiney and needy.
I lean down, my head in her neck, biting and sucking bruises into her perfect, soft skin.
"Because you're a dumb slut" I her cum again, my hips stop and I let out a deep groan as her pussy clenches around me like a vice, and before I know what's happening, I'm feeling myself spurt white, sticky, longs streams of cum into her, painting her gummy walls white.
But that wasn't enough. no. I still had blue balls and she wasn't brain dead yet.
I pull out, let her lay on her stomach for only a moment before I flip her over. Grabbing her thighs, throwing them over my shoulders and thrusting back into her.
I don't see it but both of our eyes roll back into our head, I was deeper than ever and when I come back down to earth... I look down to where we're connected and see a small bulge just under her belly button...
I cum from just seeing it, and I feel her legs start to shake as she squirts all over my thighs and ruins the sheets.
"Shit baby, look at that, taking me so good" I start to feel slightly better, my head not as fuzzy and my stomach not as tight.
When I start to move I see her legs start to shake, I go as fast as my body would, as hard as I could... I wanted her to be screaming.
It doesn't take long, she's screaming, her legs shaking as I pound her tight cunt harder than she's ever had all the while pressing against the bulge.
I moan as I cum for one again, stilling inside her as we cum together, my hair sticking to my head and sweat making our bodies shine.
"One more, pretty... one more" My mind was practically clear but I could feel the knot still in my stomach.
So I slowly pull out, carefully so I don't stimulate her too much, but she still whines and bucks her hips up when I do.
"Think you can get on your knees, sweetheart?" I try to be nice, I know I just put her through a lot and she's probably tired.
When she finally gets on her knees she takes my cock in her hand and kitten licked the tip, before slowly starting to go deeper and deeper, until she's flush against my pelvis, gagging.
I hold her there and start to softly thrust into her mouth, it take a minute before I'm painting her throat white and she's swallowing.
"Thank you..." Now that I come back to my senses I was a blushing mess, I lay her down on the bed before I run to the bathroom, grab a warm, wet cloth and walk back.
As I softly start to clean us up I thank her, thank her for being such a good girl for me and helping me.
I grab her one of my shirts and I put on some sweat pants before I lay down with her under the covers.
Her head on my chest as she starts to doze off.
"I love you, Percy" It's quite... but I still hear it.
"I love you too."
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No but in all seriousness, I really tried and I hope you like this ! It took me a while but I did it as fast and best as I could, enjoy it ! I will be coming back to edit this tho.
remember to stay hydrated and get enough sleep .
until next time !
𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑛 ⭐︎
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arcade-writing · 8 months
Little Bunny
Pairing: William Afton x AFAB! reader
Warning: age gap (reader is a grown adult), infidelity from William, pet names, minor breeding kink, Daddy kink, William is a shitty person, manipulation(?), rough sex, boss x employee, reader is unaware William has wife and kids (they're new to town and Will makes no effort to show he's married), reader is pretty oblivious, eating out, protected penetration, desk sex, minor pervert! William, scent kink, pussy slapping, Condom breaking, Praise kink, creampie, light degradation, he starts off 'nice' and then gets mean, alot of dirty talk, minor choking, overstimulation
Hey y'all... how's it been... I haven't posted a story since uh- April 17th, 2023 ....... yeah....hello again! I genuinely had the worst writers block & honestly horny block. Even when I started getting ideas and my thirsting back on, it was just never enough to write. I always hope when I start writing again it'll mean good news for my flow but, idk. (Also P.S I'm doing art commissions so if y'all wanna check that out you can right here , if you wanna, Just reblogging even if you're not interested would be really helpful, thank you!)
This is based off my own au so timeline may make no sense compared to the games and it is a rough idea - we're here for smut not lore. So please excuse the rough wages timeline wise. Just wanna say, I do not condone cheating or really, anything William does - but if you're crushing on a fictional character that kills kids you gotta accept he's gonna be scum. And sometimes you gotta embrace it a little.
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You were one of the newer hires since the business has been getting slower, one too many crimes attached to the Pizzeria's reputation. Missing kid cases connected to the business but no proof to say it had any real causality to them. Bodies never found, no camera footage, solid alibis. Nothing. But that didn’t deter people. In fact, it seemed to bring a morbid curiosity. Some wanted to feel a sense of scandal by just being in the building. It was a small town, everyone knew everyone. Hearing their family diner was the talk of the town for so many headlines was horrid luck in attracting outside locals.
Unbeknownst to you, you were Williams best employee and to him, his little bunny, he was obsessed with you. But he knew had an image as your boss and a family man to uphold; but that didn’t stop him from trying to get a slice of your attention and getting what he wanted. He was a selfish man; he tried of the perfect suburb he’s crafted for himself. Who was he to deny his interest in the new hire? Sure you were younger but that just seemed to go in his favour.
Abit thankful the town, even in their grief, were still held by the morbid curiosity and tendencies to still come. The small boom in business makes it feel like how it has to be. Even gave him a reason to finally bring their newest attraction; a new band to play now he and Henry had to practically remodel themselves to centre stage. Freddy’s little band was minor show they pulled when they couldn’t perform or either of the springlock animatronics were out of commission. But if William can still keep this damn business afloat; he can give the spotlight to his newer creations.
The kids were finally done demanding your attention; it was a slow day since it was still early morning and most kids were at school. A band of kids flagged you down and insisted on giving you a makeover. Reluctantly, you agreed and you had two little girls who put chunky plastic jewelry they won or had on you. The boys immediately tried to put face paint on you, putting messy yellow face paint around your eyes and a bit of your cheek. You were so thankful when their parents finally coaxed their children to let you get back to work.
Huffing as you headed towards the back of the diner to get to the staff bathrooms, the back was still semi in construction. Loose wires here and there, some unpainted walls. Your coworkers said before the press and the police investigation the diner was expanding it’s building but with everything that happened; it’s all been delayed. Meanwhile, William saw everything through the security cameras, watching the chunky computer flicker through footage. Spotting you head towards the back, where the cameras were still buggy, quickly heading towards his office door and opening it; just so conveniently opening the door when you walk past and spotting you. Wearing that signature grin under his scruffy beard, his smile stretching uncomfortably wide. Stretching to his eyes but his stare never matched.
“Ah- little bunny, hopping away from the job, huh?” He teased softly, knowing full well what you were doing.
At the sound of his voice, you jump as a noise of surprise slips out from you.
“No! Oh no-! I just wanted to get this face paint off!” You quickly say, not wanting my boss to think you were trying to slack off. Sheepishly gesturing to the thick yellow face paint around your eyes as your cheeks, feeling them heat up with embarrassment. You looked so stupid. He couldn't help but laugh, that was the reaction he liked – seeing you becoming sheepish around him. He can feel his smile grow wider.
“We can’t have you not look the part.” He tuts, using the still semi wet face paint on your cheek and smearing it on the tip of your nose, making a heart shape with it , his thumb now smudged with yellow as he liked the bunny-like nose he painted on you. It surprised you, eyes widening as you grew an awkward smile as you adjusted your uniform. Your trainers are scratching the back of your other leg, feeling the purple knee high socks roll down due to it. “I guess we can’t.”
“Let’s fix that then.” William patted the doorframe of his office before gesturing you to get inside, he wasn’t going to have you scurry off to the bathroom. “Come sit, little bunny, let’s sort this face paint, hm? I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this in public” He chuckled, moving out of your way so you could enter. “It’d be pretty embarrassing-“ William saw the way you squirmed at the idea of being considered an embarrassment to your own employer, deciding to give you some mercy as he finished his sentence. “-for you, wouldn’t it?”
You reluctantly agree, sighing as you walk into his office. Seeing the golden bunny plush on his shelf of memorabilia of his work. Trying to calm yourself down from your own prickling nerves, Fiddling with the wire bunny paper holder on his desk as you couldn’t help but chuckle at the obvious attatched he had to to the long eared creature. His eyes followed your every move; the bunny plushie was something important to him, something sentimental; it was a plush of the golden rabbit he once dressed up as. A victory statement to himself for what he got away with; he liked having trinkets of his achievements. He closed his office door, contemplating locking it but didn’t want to get too eager. Making sure the window was covered with the mini curtain; the more privacy the better.
He guided you to sit In the plush yellow chair beyond you, grabbing some wet wipes from the drawer of his desk. “Such a soft little bunny, can I touch?” He asked playfully, crouching in front of you as he turned his attention to your face, using a wet wipe to remove the paint smear from your nose first. Your nose scrunched at the sudden feel of something wet. The smell was always too clean – some just smelt acidic. When you sat down, you didn’t expect to get somewhat pampered, you knew William could be pretty hands on as a person but you didn’t expect this. He cleaned up the rest of your face without much issue, his movements were precise and a bit rough when it comes to rubbing off the face paint on your cheeks. The thicker spots and cheap paint make it cling to your skin abit more. When satisfied with the wipe and picking up the next wipe to start on getting the yellow around your eyes off, careful to avoid poking your eyes.
Peering down as he saw you fiddling with the fabric of your shorts; one of the reasons he loved the summer time. He got to see your pretty legs on show. He had the desire to run his finger down the length of your shorts, he couldn’t get the thought out of his head, like an itch he couldn’t scratch. But he held himself back, just as he did with the urge to pull you away from the seat right now and on top of him.
Once he pulled away you gently tried to dab away some of the dampness with your hand. Your cheeks stinging a bit from his roughness. Smoothing out your clothes to look more presentable as you hummed. “Thank you, Mr Afton.” You say, just reaching down to sort out your fallen down sock.
“It's not a problem at all, I have to make sure everyone follows uniform code.” William shrugged, throwing the crumbled wet wipes into the bucket looking pin by his desk. You were so oblivious to how obsessed he was with you. Letting him wipe your face clean and didn’t even protest. He often wondered what excuses you made up in your cute little head to not dwell on his behaviour.
His focus shifted as he watched you reach down, beating you to it as he grabbed your ankle and propped your foot on his thigh, wiggling your sock back up until it reached up just under your knee, giving you a pat with his signature grin. You knew this wasn’t very professional but he always seemed so doting; you just took it as perhaps it was just his instincts to take care of others. Unaware of the horrific things he’s done. His persona to others as this caring, sweet businessman – blaming him snapping at workings as stress and then gifts his employees with free snacks or drinks to make up for it.
“Thank you again.” You say. Nodding to your now lifted sock as you look down at him, still crouched before you.
“I already said it's no problem, being too polite can be annoying.” William stated, his words sickly sweet. As if just giving some friendly advice. Rubbing your knee as his thumb caressed it. He knew this might be inappropriate but he needed this and you were such a good little employee; you wouldn’t speak up, you were a good little bunny that does what he asks. Always trying to please the people around you and fit in as the new hire of the place.
He could still see the faint remnants of yellow face paint around your eyes that he decided to leave alone, it made your eyes pop, it made you look even more pretty. He gently grabbed back of your hand, holding the palm upright and used his index finger to draw his initials in the centre; marking you as his in a way you’d never know, his other palm was hovering over yours gently. He leaned in and made sure the blinds of the window were still shut; gently kissing your hand.
Which you, in turn, jumped at the kiss – the giggle you let out at the ticklish feel of his finger drawing on your palm cut off by the surprise you felt. Feeling the scruff of his beard on your skin as your lips part. “oh-!” Your brows scrunch, unsure how you felt about him doing that as you chewed on my bottom lip. One half enjoying the attention; enjoying to be doted on and his nice words but you knew that wasn’t what a boss should do. Glancing back over to the door; perhaps it was time you went back to work now you were all cleaned up-
His smile grew a little wider as your giggle was cut off. Seeing you glance at the door, he immediately grasped your hand with both of his, adjusting to rest on one knee as his aching legs screamed at him. "sorry, I just wanted to show my thanks, you’re such a sweet bun.” He lied so easily, quickly trying to dismiss your concerns. “That was abit forward, wasn’t it? I can be like that, how I was raised and all.” When he said how he was raised, a part of you felt a little guilty for being so quick to rush off. Assuming so poorly of his actions; not like an older man hasn’t kissed your knuckles goodbye before without ill intent.
“oh..okay.” you reluctantly accept. But you were still worried you may be enjoying his attention a little bit too much. Your stomach twisting, remembering you shouldn’t be accepting this but..it felt nice. My brows scrunched and twitched as your brain spun. It wasn’t like he wasn’t an attractive man, abit scruffy but he always seemed so cheerful and wanted to make others happy. Leaning into the plump back of the yellow office chair as my hands continued to fiddle with my work shorts. My brain screaming two different things at me it kinda just made me freeze. Go still until my brain could decide what it wanted.
William loved seeing the innocent expression in your face as he looked up at you. You seemed so helpless. You were his. The fact you were allowing this, excusing it told him all he needed to know. His mind was always the eager opportunist. How far could he really push this? His eyes falling to your ankle, the fact your foot still rests on his bent knee, you made no move to remove him or yourself. His smile turned sly as he bent closer to your foot, beginning to untie the knot of your trainer.
“It's alright, it’s okay.” He shushed softly, doing his best to come off soothing when his mind was running wild. One hand went to your thigh, pushing your hand from its continuous fidget as he smoothed his palm along until the fabric was bunched up as high as it could, exposing half of your thigh to him. His other hand taking advantage he had big hands to massage, squeeze and caress along your calf down to your ankle. “Those shoes still look new, bet they pinch.” His brow raised, giving the tip of your shoes a pinch.
“They do… sometimes.” You answer quietly, becoming a deer in the headlights at the feel of his palm against your thigh. Your heart rate immediately spiking as it thumped like a drum in your chest. Your cheeks growing warmer as you leaned completely against the chair. Hands going to the sides of the cushion, gripping into them. Unable to stop the soft sigh that escaped you at the feel of your aching calf being messaged.
He slipped your shoe off as it landed on the floor with a thud. “Poor little bun.” He tutted with mock sympathy, rubbing your ankle and the heel of your foot. Repeating the same for your other leg as he put your trainers to rest by the plush seat. Swapping hands to soothe your legs.
The scruffy man looked at your work shorts, an idea coming to mind. “Bet uniform can be such a pain at times, The summer heat must be doing you no good- they could cause chaffing, we should get you changed into a size that looks more comfortable.” He cooed a little more, trying to convince you by disguising it as concern. He knew you weren’t stupid; oblivious but not stupid. You couldn’t make decisions for yourself, He needed to do it for you.
Your breathing immediately stuttered. Your hands raised to your chest to fiddle with your own fingers. “I don’t know- I don’t think you-“ The words got caught in your throat as your eyes kept glancing at the door. Your mind was screaming to get away and not indulge but my body felt like putty when you felt your muscles relax from his caressing and firm hands. He had such lovely strong hands…you couldn’t deny you’ve thought about them before. He made machines, sure with Henry, but he obviously knew how to use them for intricate wiring and metal work. Your body was absolutely relishing this man's hands being on you.
“That’s right, you don’t think and that’s okay, let me do it for you.” He chuckled, his voice soothing but his words had some bite. A part of you made you whimper at his words; you didn’t mind the sound of that. Letting him think for you. His signature smile stretched high on his cheeks, moving your legs over his shoulders as he was still bent on one knee. Grabbing your work shorts, unbuttoning them and shuffling them down, abit awkward with how you were sitting but nothing that would deter him. You gasped as you didn’t know if you should lift your hips or just stay still. Sliding off your shorts as he hummed happily at the sight of your skin now properly exposed to his wandering eye, his tongue clicking when he saw you press your thighs together.
“Now, now, no hiding from me, I need to check if you have any chaffing.” He scolded, lying through his teeth with glee. Easily prying your thighs away from each other and forced your legs apart to ‘inspect’ your smooth skin. Grinning wider when he saw the little wet patch on your underwear, a shiver running through him. Oh you really like him.
You immediately tried to hide your face behind your hand. One hand covering your crotch to hide the shameful evidence of your arousal. Whimpering a little as your feet dug into his shoulder blades a little, your breathing getting heavier embarrassment. Trembling as you couldn’t bring myself to peek at what he was doing. Feeling as if you were in a dream; there was no way this was happening. But everything felt too real, too much it was making your nerves feel like they were being electrocuted.
“How many times will I repeat myself with you? No hiding.” His voice suddenly grew huskier, snapping at you. Firmly grasping your wrist as he shoved it away from your crotch. He wasn’t going to tolerate having to say the same thing no matter how cute you were. “Look at you, getting wet just for me…have I been a bad boss? Neglecting my sweet bunny? Does that spot need attention?”
He licked his teeth, his brows knitted from his previous annoyance but his voice dripping like honey as he looked down at you. Not wanting to wait for your response. Grinning wildly and staring directly at your hidden face. The fact he could get you this riled up and helpless in his presence excited him beyond belief. He could hear the sound of your little whimpers, sliding your underwear gently to the side to attend to that slick cunt of yours.
“there, there.” Giving your vulva a wet kiss as he shakily inhaled your scent, shuddering at finally getting to sniff it beyond finding left over clothes in your locker. Finding your panties in there was a jackpot, how angry and red his cock was after stroking it so mercilessly to your sweet scent.
Immediately, you let out a scandalised gasp. Your hands shot up and grasped the back of the plush yellow chair. Eyes wide as you shuddered, “Mr Afton-!” You squeal out as my feet kick and dig into his back as my toes curl beneath your socks.
He loved that response, that high-pitched little squeal you let out as your body became the epitome of vulnerability in his arms. He had to hold in a moan of his own, his heart feeling like it was going to explode in his chest and his cock straining in his pants.
“Shhh my little bunny, it’s okay, let me clean you up.” He shushed in a sing-song tone, using those hands to firmly press your legs still. Making sure you couldn’t squirm away. He huffed in your scent a little, giving more kisses along your wet folds, Each kiss leaving a wet smack. Letting his tongue trace along with the smallest licks, just teasing you.
You whine, back arching as your hands grasp and clutch at the back of the chair as your eyes squeezed shut tight. Your legs twitching and digging into his shoulder blades as you let out cracked whimper. “Mr Afton.. please..” you weren’t even sure what you were begging for – for him to stop and be professional? Act like it never happened. Or for him to keep going. You liked what he was doing – it’s been so long since someone’s given you attention like this, most guys only wanted their turns. Feeling the scratch of his beard on the inside of your thighs, prickling your sensitive skin.
William kept kissing and sucking gently, burying his nose into your heat as he peered up at you as he gripped your thigh and hip to keep you still. Only parting to coo more encouraging words at you. Wanting you to let go and be a good bunny. To be his. “You’re doing so, so good my little bunny.” Feeling no guilt to using his control over you as he licked a long strip up your pussy. “Let your boss take care of you, it’s what I’m here for.” He mocked sweetly.
It made your stomach flutter and twist; your eyes unable to peek, keeping them eyes shut tightly, as you sighed. Relaxing and sinking against the chair as you trembled. Your body is unable to deny how good his mouth felt. He let out a pleased hum that vibrated against your folds, his hand smoothed up your hip and pushed your button-up shirt up your stomach to keep it out of his way.
“There, that feels better, I think. Doesn’t it?” His tongue left a trail of wetness where he licked and sucked. Nuzzling his face into your pussy as he moved his head side to side, groaning as he inhaled deeply your sweet scent. He loved the sound of your whimpers, your soft little whimpers. How sensitive and responsive you are to his mouth. Groaning against your hot flesh as his other hand smoothed from your thigh, pulling your underwear more out of the way to make sure he could pamper your cunt with his kisses. His tongue prodded at your entrance as he kneeled fully, letting his nose nestle and bump against your clit.
“..yes..” you breathed out, one hand dropping from the gripping the back of the seat, your hand instinctively grasping his well kept hair. Brown and grey strands in your fist as your eyes fluttered open. Your hips bucked and squirmed with his continuous kisses and licks. Your lips falling open and unable to close them. His breath hitched at the sudden grasp of his hair, a low groan leaving his lips. “My little bunny wants more.” He hummed, his face moving to the side as he sat back a little to watch your face.
The way you bucked and squirmed, he couldn’t help but feel that satisfaction of knowing he was the one to make you do so. Seeing you grasping his hair as a sign to keep going. He knew he could hold you down and continue to pleasure you to his heart’s content. But he wanted to see how vulnerable you could become as he leaned back, his warm breath blowing over your sensitive spot. He wanted to see how far he could push you, to break you out of your shell as his eyes gazed up at you. Hastily burying his face back into your weeping cunt as he kissed up and began hungrily sucking on your clit. Feeling it throb against his tongue as it traced the letters of his name against it. Shaking his head as he did as he slurped noisily.
William pulled back for a small gulp of air, not wanting to part from your perfect cunt for too long. “How does that make you feel, sweetheart?” He teased, eyes squinting as his thumb caressed your tummy. “your boss making you feel so good, sucking on your clit like that?”
You mewl, tugging on his hair as your back arches from the constant attention to your sensitive bud. Just his breath fanning against it was making you shiver. “Yes- yes sir-“ but once those words left your mouth he tutted, shaking his head as he pulled back more. Frowning as he licked his now glossy lips. “No, no, bunny that’s not how you address the man eating out your pussy, now is it?"
“…n-no?” You stammer with confusion, already whining at the loss of his mouth. Tilting my head as I gave his hair another tug, wanting him to continue but all that did was make him slap your clit. The sting and suddenness made you jump with a yelp. A moan fluttering out your throat. Your legs squeezing at the side of his head, your knees bumping into his ear.
“No is correct.” William hummed, proud of your answer, caressing where he slapped as he raised a brow. “You should call me daddy, that sounds nicer, right? You can call me that, can’t you?” He coos, tilting his head as his nose crinkled as his smirk grew. Expectant eyes watching your every move, seeing the embarrassment grow on your face. Your lips opening and closing as you just let out a shaky breath. Slowly nodding but that earns you another slap. You let out a high pitched whine at your poor bud getting smacked.
“Use your words.” He ordered, his voice only growing firmer, this time not giving any soothing caress to the small sting. “yes…daddy” the word falls off your tongue, making your stomach twist and flutter. It felt strange but it didn’t feel wrong. Despite your hesitance he rewards it by bending back down, lavishing your sex with kisses as muffled praises left his lips.
Williams tongue was long And thick but grew a bit more slender to the tip of it. It dragged and lapped at your wetness as he groaned. His hand on your thigh, adjusting your leg on his shoulder as he kept his face pinned to your heat. The hand holding up your shirt tugging it up after unbuttoning a few of the bottom ones. Pulling the edge of the shirt towards your mouth and you bit down. Holding the shirt with your teeth as you slightly drooled against the fabric. With his hands free, his thumbs now on either side of your fluttering hole to keep you open. Grunting as he prods his tongue into you, fucking you with it as he sucks and slurps hungrily at your arousal. You gasp, shaking as your hands tug on his hair and try to pry his ravenous tongue from your sloppy cunt. It was too much- groaning deep into the fabric between your teeth as your eyes fluttered.
William plunged a finger inside you alongside his tongue. Only pulling back to speak. “don’t fucking try to stop me. You can handle it.” He immediately went back to work as your head flew back. Your legs are tightening and kicking against his shoulder blades. “I’m gonna-“ you whine, breathing as shaky as the rest of you as you squirmed. Feeling yourself dangle right at that edge as his finger hastily pumped in and out of you. Getting closer and closer – feeling so good- just as you reached right on that edge he suddenly pulled away, liicking his lips. Making you cry out in protest, eyes wide.
“Daddy- no- I was almost there!” You pleaded. Too needy to be embarrassed by the title for him as you gave another kick to his shoulder blade with the heel of your foot. He just tutted and shook his head. "No, you're only gonna cum around my cock and only then.”
Your eyes widen. Breath hitching as words caught in your throat making the shirt drop from your mouth. Unable to even try to speak as he suddenly pulled himself from in between your legs and grasped your hips, yanking you up. Bouncing you in his arms with a strained grunt as he carried you over to his desk. Grabbing what files he could and shoved it to the side – letting anything else be swiped off without care. Placing you down on the edge of the desk with a small thud. You hissed slightly at the small smack of your rear against the old hardwood. He unbuttoned your shirt at your chest, opening it up as he grinned at the sight of your chest.
“Daddy’s waited so long to play with these.” He breathed out, moving your shirt more out of the way to keep your chest exposed. Squeezing and groping at it, pressing against the perk of your nipple. Caressing it with the pad of his thumb as he hummed.
Your breathing hitches, puffing your chest more into his big hand, feeling dizzy from the way it felt like he was engulfing you. His fingers long but still thick, palm rough with work and age. You grasped his wrist as he kneaded at your chest as you glanced down and saw a prominent tent in the front of his pants. A small wet spot already formed from his own excitement.
Noticing where you were looking he used his other hand to unbuckle his pants, tugging them down to his ankles along with his boxers. Letting his cock spring free as it smacked against his yellow shirt, the sticky tip just smearing pre on it as it drooled. Twitching as your eyes were glued to it. He’s longer than any of the guys you’ve tried before, thicker too but not too much. “O-oh shit…..” You breath out with wide eyes, reaching out your hand to grasp it but he stops you. “Ah ah- no Bunny, you’ll make me cum if you do that, let me feel you cum around me first.”
You nod, and yelp at another smack to your poor throbbing clit. Covering your mouth to muffle your surprise as you panted. Removing your hand to respond as he raised an expecting brow. “Yes daddy-“ with a satisfied hum he strokes your tummy as he pushes your back more against the desk. Ready to align himself with your hole, his eyes watching the way it clenches at nothing in anticipation. Sticky with your arousal and his spit. Eager to feel exactly how good you’ll make him feel-
“Wait-! Do you have a condom?” You ask with a flurry of sense, so caught up in the whirlpool that was William and your need you almost forgot. Sure you’re already on birth control but you always preferred to be safe.
At the question, William huffed quietly. Forcing his uncomfortably wide smile back as his hand twitched. A flair of annoyance rising at your request but he wasn’t looking for any risk to this. As tempting as knocking you up sounded, he couldn’t handle another snot faced kid. Three was more than enough. Besides, he can’t let anyone find out about this. So with a nod, he walks around the desk and goes through the top draw where he spots a purple condom. You immediately felt relief upon seeing the packet; confused why your boss has it but thankful nonetheless.
Once rolled on he resumed his position between your legs as he stared down at you. Licking his teeth as his brow twitches, his smile still perked on his lips. “Now you’re gonna take daddy’s cock, aren’t you?”
“Yes daddy, fuck me!”
“Dirty bunny.” He chuckles with surprise. William lines his cock with your entrance, rubbing the tip against your clit. Tapping the head of his cock against it before dragging it down your folds. He grinned as he suddenly grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand to his dick and curled your fingers around it. “You want it? Then guide it in, bunny, be good for me.” You did just that, aligning it perfectly, your hips flexing as your legs adjusted at his hips and slid down on the head of his cock.
Immediately, Your eyes rolling to the back of your head at the stretch. “Oh-! You’re so fucking tight.” He thrusts a couple of times, fighting the resistance. He desperately held back the urge to cum, groaning as he slid in and out. Sawing himself into you as he worked you open with his cock. You already felt so much better than his wife. You didn’t bitch at him or refuse to let him eat you out. You didn't say no to him. And you’re so tight- squeezing his dick like you owned it. And William wasn’t a man to be owned but he could definitely get use to your pussy hugging him whenever he needed you.
His cock buried deep Inside of you as he eased in, nestling right against that certain spot. Making you let out a strained moan, eyes rolling back. “Easy, Bun, easy-“ he hushes, his stubble tickling your ear as he hunches over you. His teeth tugging on the shell of your ear as he let out a husky chuckle.
William paused in his thrusts, giving you a moment to fully adjust. Wanting you to become more needy as you squirmed. Rolling your hips as you tried to grind against him. Seeing your pathetic state, he gave you a second before he thrusts into you once again, His grip on your hips were tight. The first squeal of your wetness from his movements made him let out a rumbling groan from his throat. Pumping into you as he nodded his head. The resistance of your tightening walls growing less and less as his fingers dragged and kneaded into your hips. “Take it-take it! Fucking take it!” Skin slapping against skin, his grip on your hips as your body dug into the desk underneath you, you kept your hand to your mouth to muffle you.
Williams thrusts were getting faster now, his thighs smacking into yours as yours, your legs squeezing his hips which only pushed him closer, his heavy balls slapping against your ass, the desk creaking. Everything building together with his rugged breaths, your muffled whines. His eyes pinned you down as one hand snaked up your body to your throat, squeezing ever so slightly as his cock kissed your g-spot as he arched his back.
It all made your stomach clench, that tightening knot in your gut approaching quicker, clamping down on his cock with every stroke. “Gonna cum on my cock, bunny? Making you feel good?” he taunted, tilting his head as you desperately nodded your head. Trying to respond back to him as your voice cracked and your moans overcame any words you attempted to speak. “Cum on it, squeeze it tight, come on.”
“I’m gonna- ohh- fuck-!” you squeal, your eyes rolling as your back arched, panting as your hand tightened over your quivering lips. You could see his hair messy and no longer neatly slicked back, the part you tugged on and the sweat on his forehead ruining his hair gel made the tuffs sweep over his forehead. His brows tightly knit in concentration. “cum on my cock, little bun, go on.” He grunted, keeping up pace as his hand tightened around your neck. Just beginning to steal the air from you as your fluttering eyes remained rolled. Bucking your hips furiously as your orgasm crashed over you. Whimpering as came, and you came hard. Practically choking his dick as you did. Stars littering your voice as you whine, tugging on his wrist to let go of your neck.
With a groan he let go of your neck but his fingers twitched. Itching to do it again. He slammed his hand right by the side of your head as he kept a tight grip on your hip. His thrusts getting shaky and erratic.“Fuck, bunny I’m about to cum-“ he could feel the warm of your heat. Feeling the friction from the condom against his sensitive tip. Feeling it roll and shift, chewing on his bottom lip as you whimpered and whined.
“That’s it, Bunny, You gonna let Daddy breed you? Fuck you full of my cum, I bet you want that-“ he was cut off by you clenching around him. Groaning as he shuddered. “Ooh…Well your body definitely likes the idea.” He gleefully chuckled. Shaking his head as he kept fucking you. Chasing that high of his impending release.
You moaned louder, your hand slightly uncovered from your mouth to try and let you breathe and William sneered. Thrusting into your tight cunt brutally. “Shut up! Are that much of a slut you want the whole building to hear?” he speaks through gritted teeth, you immediately let out a whine, shaking your head. Your words are shaky as you quickly deny being a slut but he just licked his teeth. Tilting his head.
“Oh really? You're not? Why do you think you’re in this position then, huh?” He just grunts as he continues thrusting. “you’re a slutty bunny, just letting your boss undress you- letting him eat your pussy-” William groans, his sentences getting chopped as he panted. Bullying his cock into you over and over. “Letting him fuck you, this what you wanted, you let this happen – you’re a slut.” His words made you whimper, the truth stung but your mind was so foggy, lost in the haze of your pleasure, you could barely think. Just trapped being a squirming mess as he fucks you.
“Don’t whine, don’t act like it’s not true.” William scolded, sliding his hand just on your lower stomach, pressing down where his cock is inside you. “That’s my cock deep inside you, gonna deny that too?”
You shake your head. “No daddy-“ your response is immediately reward with him patting your hot cheek abit roughly as he nodded. “That’s right, can’t deny it – the sound of your wet pussy squelching and wetting my cock is more than enough evidence, isn’t it?"
“Yes daddy.” Your words came out slurred, nodding as your lips kept parting as you drooled. Eyes fluttering as you squirm and arch as your second orgasm is forced out of you as you squeal. Your feet digging right into his ass as overstimulation shocked you. Hiccupping as your poor pussy fluttered around him, each stroke of his cock against your walls made your veins spark.
That was all he needed, cursing under his sharp breath as he squirted thick ropes. Just registering how he painted your inner walls. His glues just catching the sight of his cum sticking to him and smearing on the lips of your pussy. A spark of satisfaction grew in him but also annoyance. Making sure to fuck his cum more into you as he tore his eyes away, you were too blissed out to even realize. Overstimulation already making your brain a mess. Shaking as you felt warmth flood up to your stomach.
He slowly eased out, looking down once again. “Oops-“ he says almost lazily, too riddled with euphoric high to pretend he cared. Looking at the torn condom, ripped and stretched at the thick head of his dick. His cum stitching to your cunt with a thick string. Your juices absolutely soaked him, making the rubber shine under the lights of his office. Panting as he pushes back his messy hair. “Well, this is one of those things you risk when you’re a slut, isn’t it? Accidents happen.” He tuts, having enough sense to fight off the smirk wanting to raise on his lips.
You see the broken condom and your stomach twists. For a moment you believe your heart stops as you watch him, tug off the broken condom as he throws it into the bin. Letting out a pleased hum as he grasps his dick, smearing his cum and your juices on your thigh to clean himself up. Raising his hand to suck on his finger and groans; enjoying the taste of you once again. Tugging his pants back up, he pulls out his wallet from his back pocket and pulls out some crumbled cash. “Here, bunny, I should take responsibility.”
With a chuckle William puts the cash in your trembling hand, leaning down to your cheek to give it a few doting kisses. Stroking your hip as he did. You whined when he pulled away, you were completely and utterly fucked. Your hand clenching around the dollar notes as you stare up at him. Your brain was utterly turned into putty. He grabbed your underwear from the floor, wiping his cum from your sloppy cunt but he didn’t return them. Putting your underwear inside his desk drawer, with a smile.
“Let’s get you presentable, I’ll send you home early, ain’t that a win?” He teased, giving your cheek another kiss before he grabs your clothes from the floor. Helping you redress and steadied you back on your feet.
“I’m hoping this won’t be our last time, bunny, you were perfect.” He reassures, squeezing your hands as he nuzzles his nose against yours. You blinked as you nodded, heart racing as you leaned against him. On your tiptoes to reach his height with a small smile. “Really?” You ask, voice shaky and quite. William nodding as he strokes your knuckles, giving your forehead a kiss.
“Go on, Bun, hop along!” He smacks your ass as he guides you out of his office. You stumbled out and tried to make yourself more presentable as you smoothed out your uniform and fixed a few buttons. You could hear your blood rushing through your ears as you went out of the pizzeria in a daze. Your brain is unable to stop the spinning wheel of his heavy breaths. His thrusts that left you still aching. Clutching the dollars tighter as you knew where you’d be going before heading home.
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A long night
Written for the @steddiemicrofic challenge, April 2024 edition
Prompt: fool, 454 words
Rated: E
CW: rough sex, angry sex, some breeding kink sprinkled in for funsies
Tags: medieval AU; king!Steve; jester!Eddie; top Steve; bottom Eddie
Notes: Might or might not be set in the same universe as Sol Invictus - who knows
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“Why so sulky, my liege? Is the princess not to your liking?”
Steve doesn’t answer, just grabs Eddie’s hips, nails digging into skin. The motion upsets their balance, legs tangling in the bunched-up garments around their ankles, and Eddie clings to the pillar in front of him lest they both topple.
“Pity,” he mutters. “She seems nice. Lovely singing voice.”
Steve growls and bites down on his shoulder, hips speeding up. For a while, the only sounds are the obscene slap-slap-slap of their bodies and the merry jingle of Eddie’s fool's cap.
There's another jab on Eddie’s tongue, but he bites it back. He knows better than to provoke Steve when he's like this.
Eddie takes pride in his ability to read even the smallest expressions on his king's face, the tiniest twitch of those lips, the slightest arch of those brows.
Not that he needs to. Steve isn't exactly subtle in his distaste. The scowl has been etched into his features since his advisors suggested the engagement. It magnified at the arrival of the princess and her entourage, only to crest during the welcome feast.
Eddie sang and danced and joked until his throat burned and his legs hurt, but to no avail. By the time he was dismissed so that the marriage contract could be negotiated, Steve looked ready to throttle someone.
It came as no surprise really, when the first thing he did upon entering his chambers was crowd Eddie against the pillar and shove his fingers down his pants. Eddie would've preferred it if they had made it to the bed, honestly - or if Steve would've let him take off the damn cap before claiming him.
“Shut up,” Steve snarls against the shell of his ear. “She sounds like a pig trying to sing and you know it.”
Eddie can't help it, he laughs.
“Shame on you. That's no way to talk about the mother of your future heir.”
“Oh?” Steve reaches down to take Eddie’s neglected cock in hand, and the laugh teeters off into a wanton moan. His other hand splays over Eddie’s belly, gentle where the rhythm of his hips is harsh and punishing. “Maybe I'll put one inside you instead. Maybe, if I fuck you long and hard and deep enough, it'll catch eventually, how about that? Would you like that?”
Eddie whimpers, trying to buck against the hand pumping his cock. Steve squeezes the base and he groans.
“I said would you like that, Eddie?”
“Yes,” he breathes. “Yes, my king, please.”
“Good,” Steve says, and then, suddenly he's gone. Eddie yelps and the bells jingle as he is roughly pushed forwards. “On the bed, on all fours. It's gonna be a long night."
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abitohoney · 1 year
Pray To Me
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AO3 link
Sevika x female reader
Rating: Explicit, MDNI, NSFW
Tags: Established Relationship, Shameless Smut, Light Dom/sub, Dom Sevika, Sub Reader, Banter, Humor, Fluff, Spanking, Cunnilingus, Lesbian Sex, Choking, Praise Kink, Rough Sex, Teasing, Begging, Multiple Orgasms, Porn with Feelings, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Light Bondage, Reader is a bratty smartass, Sevika is a brat tamer, Demonic goddess Sevika, gp!Sevika, Demon Sex, Breeding Kink, this is just filth
Word Count: 8.1k
Summary: After a series of graphic dreams involving your girlfriend Sevika taking on the form of a demonic goddess, this night in particular starts to really blur the line between fantasy and reality.
AN: This has been on AO3 since April, just now copying it over here. This was a birthday gift for the wonderful @master-sass-blast.
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You sit at a small desk lit by the dim yellow lamp that sits along the back edge, dressed only in your underwear and one of Sevika’s old t-shirts. You’re trying to wait for her to return home before calling it a night, but it’s terribly late and your eyes feel as if they're being pulled down by invisible weights.
You stare blankly down at the picture before you. It's a sketch you started not more than a few hours ago. Through your drooping eyelids, it’s a blurry image of Sevika. But she’s not in the form you know to live and breathe alongside you in the real world. It’s a form you’ve only seen in your dreams. Vivid dreams in which Sevika takes the form of a demonic goddess.
A black tail extends from the bottom of her spine; thin and long. Black horns curl from the crown of her head skyward, their points sharp and deadly. Her chemtech arm remains unchanged, but her flesh arm includes black, curved claws at the end of each finger. Her normally steel gray eyes glow an eerie purple even though she’s not fueled by shimmer.
The violet pencil held in your hand rests against the paper where you drew a series of scars trailing along her left side, from her torso clear up into the black horn that sprouts from the top of her head.
The image blurs further as you start to succumb to sleep. Through nothing more than the slits beneath your lids, the last thing you see is the rows of pointed teeth that appear between lips curled in a devious smirk.
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You awake sometime later, head resting along your forearm which lays sprawled across the top of your desk. Slowly, you open your eyes, blinking the sleep away and yawning. As you force yourself to sit up, you realize your sketch is no longer on the desk.
Well that’s odd-
“More of your silly drawings?” Sevika's voice teases from behind you.
You nearly fall from your seat with how high you jump.
“For fuck’s sake, Sevika! Don’t scare me like that!” you chastise. Rubbing your eyes with your fists, you try to process what it was she had just said.
Silly drawings.
You don’t even bother to turn to look at her as you give her a bitter reply, “They aren’t silly drawings. You’re just jealous because the best you can do is stick people.” It’s not much of a comeback. Normally you’re more than happy to partake in the banter, but you’re too fucking tired to deal with her games right now.
She chuckles mockingly and tosses the drawing back onto the desk. “What made you decide to draw me like this?”
Gathering up your supplies, you sigh deeply. If you answer her honestly, you’ll just be feeding her fuel to tease you more. But, again, you’re just too damn sleepy to come up with anything besides the truth.
“I’ve been having dreams. Oddly vivid. Of you in this-" You wave your hand over the paper. "-demon form. No idea why, but it’s happened more than once.”
“Hmm,” she hums, and you’re unsure why she’s not giving you shit for that, but you continue to explain anyway.
“It’s weird. Even though it’s different scenarios each time- you chasing me, or taunting me, or just circling me- you always look exactly the same. I don’t understand how my brain is concocting such specific, repeatable imagery of you.”
“What if I told you those weren’t dreams,” Sevika whispers near your ear.
Hot breath rushes down the back of your neck and you shiver involuntarily.
Now it’s your turn to laugh. “That’s ridiculous. Stop trying to scare me. We can have a battle of wits tomorrow. I just want to go to bed.” You place your hands along the front edge of the desk, about to push your chair back to stand when you feel something slide around the front of your neck.
You immediately freeze in place.
Whatever it is, it’s not her hand, or arm- or anything she should possess. It quickly coils around your neck until your head is rendered immovable.
“Sevika!” you gasp, pulse quickening. “What the fuck is that?” Your hands fly up to grasp desperately at the offending… thing. It’s thin and rope-like, but too smooth to be just that. When Sevika says nothing, only laughs deviously from behind you, your heart rate spikes further. Her tone is different. It’s much deeper than usual. But more disturbing than that is the eerie echo that follows it.
“Foolish girl,” she rasps against your ear in a chilling tone.
Something tickles the side of your neck. Something firm and wet, but you’re left without a moment to process it when whatever is wrapped around your neck tightens and begins to slowly pull you to your feet. Unable to do more than release an airy gasp, you claw helplessly at the offending object. Eyes wide in terror, you’re forced to turn to face Sevika. But you’re not met with the face of the woman you know in the waking world. You’re met with a wicked grin full of sharp teeth and wide purple eyes that glow as if she’s possessed. Surely she is possessed. She’s the embodiment of your dream version of her.
Then this must be just another dream. There’s no other logical explanation. But it feels so real…
“My foolish girl,” she sneers as she lifts you even higher, until your feet no longer touch the floor.
You kick helplessly, trying desperately to get a foothold on something. As you scrabble at whatever is around your neck, it dawns on you what it is.
Her tail.
She brings you closer until you’re face-to-face with her demonic smile.
"You've been awfully bratty lately. I think it's about time you learn your place," she taunts.
And fuck, her voice has changed so much. It's dropped even lower, raspier. She sounds downright evil. Despite knowing this could only be a dream, you can't help how your blood runs cold in fear. However, you're unwilling to let even dream Sevika best you, so you try to swallow down that fear before you speak. But before you can even open your mouth, the grip she has on your throat tightens, leaving you gasping for breath.
Sevika's dark lips curl higher at your struggles. Her throaty chuckle echoes throughout the room. The room that- you just now realize- is suddenly fading away. Warping into something else entirely.
Your wide eyes flit around in shock as the furniture, the wall hangings, the flooring- even the walls themselves- all of it darkens and blurs until they disappear entirely. The two of you are left in a seemingly endless black room containing nothing more than a large, deep red settee situated a few feet away. And she's carrying you towards it.
You're tossed, rather haphazardly, onto the seat. Finally free of the restriction on your airway, you gasp and gulp down oxygen. Bringing your hands to your neck, you rub the sore tissue and tendons beneath.
“What the fuck, Sevika?” you demand.
Sevika towers over you, casting a shadow beneath a dim purple light that appears to emanate from somewhere behind her. The sides of her feet touch yours. But as you stare down at them, you realize they aren't her normal feet. They are larger. With long, sharp, black toenails. You shudder before letting your eyes slowly travel up the length of Sevika.
She's not in her usual getup. Not even the one you typically see her in when you’re dreaming. But you are dreaming, you remind yourself. As your gaze roams over her muscular thighs and all the way to the apex, you find she’s wearing nothing at all.
And oh good lord what is above her- Is that a… cock?
Something sharp presses into the soft flesh beneath your chin, forcing you to lift your head- to draw your attention away. At first, you think it must be a finger of her prosthetic arm. However, as your gaze lifts higher, you realize it’s her flesh arm before you. That’s definitely a claw threatening to pierce your skin.
“See something you like, kitten?” Sevika asks with a haughty smirk when you finally tilt your head back far enough to meet her glowing eyes above you.
Gods, is she even taller than usual too?
Still unwilling to let even this fake Sevka see you shaken at all by any of this, you snarkily ask, “Why the fuck do you have a dick in my dream?”
Another deep, taunting chuckle echoes through the seemingly empty room.
“Still think this is just a dream, huh?” she asks in that damn condescending tone she loves to use. She drags the tip of the sharp claw deliberately up the side of your jaw. Just hard enough to prove how deadly she is. “What will it take to convince you otherwise?”
You try to ignore the chill that creeps over your body, maintaining your own snide smile.
“Well, having the correct anatomy would be a decent start,” you jeer.
“Can’t exactly breed you with my cunt,” she retorts with a crude smile.
“Breed?” You huff out a laugh. “Like, you want me to carry your little demon babies?” Slowly, you shake your head in disbelief. “This is definitely one of the most fucked up dreams I’ve had about you.”
“Laugh all you want, brat. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll be praying this supposed dream would end.”
Mouth open and ready to fire a retort, your words fall short when you feel her tail start to slip beneath your loose shirt to slide around your torso. Your attention drops to that familiar long, thin, black appendage as it creeps further and further under the hem of your shirt, lifting it just enough to reveal the tops of your thighs.
Sevika leans over you, resting her metal hand against the back of the settee beside your head and lowers her face to hover just inches from yours.
You slowly let your gaze drift up over her lopsided grin to her glowing eyes. Reminding yourself yet again that this is only a dream, you make every attempt to hide the way her perverse smile makes your skin prickle with goosebumps. The way it causes your body temperature to rise. The way you rub your thighs together, clearly enjoying her like this.
She brings the sharp claws of her flesh hand to trace along the side of your jaw. Eyes locked with yours, she drags a single claw down the front of your neck, and along the dip in the collar of your shirt. She pauses at the center, delighting in how your chest is already visibly rising and falling faster in anticipation of what she plans to do next.
“I suggest you steady your breath. Unless you want me to mark that pretty skin of yours,” she warns.
Given no time to reply or even prepare, you release a startled yelp as she tears through the entire front of your shirt in one fell swoop. Her menacing laugh echoes through the room, and you swear you can feel it rumbling deep within your chest. Your cheeks burn with a mixture of anger, embarrassment, and something you’re not quite ready to admit to your cocky demonic girlfriend. You shoot her the most defiant glare you can muster. Unfortunately, you’re not sure it's very effective, considering how she not only has you held in place by that damn tail, but now your entire chest is exposed and on display for her hungry eyes to focus on.
“That was my favorite shirt!” you exclaim indignantly.
“You can find another,” she replies gruffly.
“I don’t want another. I liked this one.”
Narrowed glowing eyes rise to meet yours, their owner clearly low on patience.
“You can find another,” Sevika repeats with an air of finality. “Now I suggest you shut your mouth, brat. Or do I need to give you something to preoccupy it?”
It’s funny how she thinks a threat like that is going to keep you quiet. This dream Sevika is apparently just as daft as the real Sevika.
“Depends on what you plan to use,” you reply before tracing your lips with the tip of your tongue. You let your eyes slowly drift downward, intentionally making sure she follows the path to your destination; the thick, hard length that you notice twitches when she realizes what you’re implying.
“Hmm,” she hums, “Sorry kitten, but I’m saving that for another hole.” She draws your attention upward again, this time with the tip of a metal finger. “You’ll have to be patient.”
“Says the woman who couldn’t wait and just tore my favorite shir-” Your snarky remark turns into a startled gasp the moment you feel the settee unexpectedly rise and shift. The tail still wrapped around your torso is the only thing that keeps you from falling backward when the back of the couch suddenly disappears. 
Once again denying you a chance to gather your wits, Sevika immediately lifts you with her tail. The remainder of your shirt falls off your shoulders, and she pushes you further back onto what is definitely not a settee anymore considering how you’re able to lean back on your forearms.
Wide-eyed, you quickly scan left, then right, discovering you’re now actually on a large four-post bed. Each post is made of dark, rich mahogany, and the soft quilted bedding beneath you is the same deep red of the settee.
Sevika slides her tail out from around you before crawling onto the bed and over your body. The mattress shifts considerably with her weight and you're certain now that she’s considerably larger than usual. And she’s using it to her advantage, confining you beneath her, completely cutting off that mysterious purple glow that had been your only light source since the room warped into nothingness.
Too focused on the way her face is plastered with that damn arrogant smile, you fail to realize her tail is slipping behind your neck until it’s too late. It quickly coils around it before the soft, pointed tip slips into your open mouth, muffling your attempted protest. And your struggles only serve to make those dark lips of hers pull even higher.
“Much better,” she jeers.
This time she’s wrapped her tail just tight enough to assert her control over you without restricting your airway.
Despite your efforts to remain unphased by her assault, you feel your restraint quickly fade when you watch her head dip lower toward one of your exposed breasts. Her tail prevents you from lifting your head, but you still manage to watch as a long, wide, forked tongue slips out from between her lips to run along the underside of your breast, leaving a wet trail that quickly cools and causes you to shiver.
Your eyes flutter shut and you groan around the tip of her tail as she teases around your hardening nipple. Unknowingly, you start to mimic her motions, swirling your tongue around the tip of her tail. Sucking when she does. Flicking when she does. It isn’t until you feel the press of something sharp against your nipple that you start to realize what you’re doing.
With a quick inhale through your nose, your eyes fly open to meet the narrowed threatening gaze of your demonic girlfriend. Her lips are curled back in a snarl, revealing pointed teeth. Teeth that currently threaten to cross the line from pleasure to pain as she bites down.
“Stop. Distracting. Me,” she snarls through her teeth.
Distracting? How the fuck were you distracting her? Playing with her tail?
Curious, you give said tail a good suck while running the tip of your tongue along one edge of the point. Those fierce eyes of hers suddenly fall shut. A deep, almost inaudible, groan reaches your ears and goes straight between your legs.
Fuck that's hot.
It would appear that her tail is sensitive. Hence your ministrations are distracting.
How… delightful.
Your lips curl into a mischievous smile around the appendage, but you’re a fool to think she won’t retaliate. And she does exactly that the moment she opens her eyes and catches your smile.
Sevika releases an inhuman hiss. And it should have been your warning, but you’re still caught off guard the moment you feel her teeth sink in deeper and cross that aforementioned border.
The startled cry that slips past the small gap between your lips and her tail is choked off by her tail slipping further toward the back of your throat. Tears prick at the corners of your eyes and your hands instinctively reach for the horns at the top of her head. However, before you can grab them, you feel the forked tip of her tongue start to move over the stinging flesh, soothing and replacing the pain with pleasure.
Sevika chuckles against your breast as she continues to slide that deliciously thick muscle over your skin. “I warned you, brat."
Even if you could speak, you wouldn’t have anything to say. Not when that sinister laughter of hers is making the ache between your legs swell exponentially. No matter how hard you pretend to hate her cockiness, there’s no denying how much it turns you on.
“Still think you’re dreaming?” she sneers before moving to lave at your other breast.
Honestly, you had for a moment forgotten you were in a dream. Everything feels so damn real.
But you know this can’t be real. So you give her a nod as you rub your thighs together in an attempt to relieve some of the growing need between them.
Noticing the motion, Sevika presses her knee between your legs to force them open, intentionally dragging over your wet heat. Judging by the cocky little smirk that paints her face, she feels just how wet you are through the thin fabric of your underwear.
"Gonna try to deny that too?" She asks.
You narrow your eyes at her and mumble something unintelligible around her tail.
She raises a brow. "What's that? Can't understand you with your mouth full." She taunts before removing her tail from your mouth. Webs of saliva connect and stretch between its tip and your bottom lip before finally breaking over your chin.
"I said fuck y-" Your snarky remark devolves into a sharp inhale of breath when Sevika presses her knee further between your legs. That teasing- albeit tantalizing- friction leaves you without a thought, at least until you hear Sevika's mocking laughter.
You open your eyes, not even recalling closing them, and find her face hovering over yours. Her eyes are alight with a sick satisfaction as she waits for you to meet her gaze. And the moment you do, you watch as that snake-like tongue of hers slips past her lips to slowly lick up over your drool-coated chin before violently delving between your parted lips.
The moan you release into her mouth becomes choked as she shoves her tongue damn near down the back of your throat. You struggle to pull back, pressing your head further against the mattress. Sevika's lips curl against yours and you're not sure if you should be irritated or turned on by just how much higher she is as a demonic goddess.
Once she's had her fill of dominating your mouth, she drags her tongue along your teeth as it recedes into her mouth.
"Mmm. So sweet," she purrs. "You know my senses are enhanced in this form." Locking eyes with you, she starts to slowly descend your body, her tongue sneaking out to taste your exposed skin at every stop. "Including taste." She starts across your collarbone. "I wonder if-” Then between your cleavage. “-all of your body-” Around your navel. “-tastes that much more-” And along your waistband. “-delicious."
Tilting your head, you try to watch her from over your chest as it rises and falls with deep breaths. Her clawed hands carefully spread your thighs enough for her to sneak her head between them. Your breath hitches when she drags that wet muscle over your clothed slit.
“Mmm. I think I need to get a better taste,” Sevika purrs before taking the waistband of your panties between her pointed teeth.
At first, you think she will simply pull them down, so when you feel the unexpected tug and hear the subsequent tear of fabric, you can't help the squeal that leaves your throat.
And oh that fucking arrogant smile she gives you… As much as you want to chastise her for now adding your favorite pair of panties to the list of destroyed items, more than that you want her to press those devilish lips somewhere in particular.
As if hearing your thoughts, Sevika begins kissing her way up the inside of one of your thighs. Although not without deliberately taking her damn sweet time.
"Sevika, please!" You whine and spread your legs wider in hopes of encouraging her to reach her final destination sooner. You should know better, though, than to let her see how needy you are. It only adds fuel to the fire. Her desire to break you. To tame you.
"Pa-tience," she enunciates before sinking her sharp teeth into your thigh.
"Fuck," you curse and try to close your legs around her head, only to be met with equally sharp claws threatening to pierce your skin as she holds your legs in place.
The pain quickly dulls into a pleasant ache as Sevika runs her tongue over the tiny marks. Rather than continue her exploration with kisses, she instead licks a warm, wet trail higher and higher.
You suck in a shallow breath and pull your bottom lip between your teeth in anticipation. With every inch closer she gets to your burning core, you hold your breath a little longer, bite your lip a little harder. The moment she reaches your wet folds to teasingly trace the perimeter, you release your breath in a shaky whimper.
"Now purr for me, kitten," Sevika demands, tone dripping with sin.
And that you do. You moan wantonly when you finally feel her lick a long, thick stripe up through your entrance. Pleasure courses through your extremities and heat pools low in your belly. She gradually stokes that fire with teasing little kitten licks just along the inside of your entrance. If you were of sound mind you may have even found that ironic- the kitten licks- given her pet name for you. But you're too lost in your own bliss to form any coherent thoughts.
Her name falls from your parted lips with a breathless moan and you can feel her resulting arrogant smile against your folds.
She's normally damn good with her mouth, but there's something so terribly exquisite about her demon tongue that sends you to another realm. You're not sure if it's the forked tip, the large width, or the insanely long length-
Oh good god the length…
As Sevika finally sinks her tongue deep inside your cunt, you realize just how long it truly is.
"Oh- fuck Sevika," you moan, "That- that feels so good."
She hums in appreciation before adjusting her head to allow the base of her tongue to glide along the bundle of nerves above.
It's a shock to the system, that sudden addition of unexpected pleasure. You hadn't been ready for her to touch your clit while her tongue was still buried inside you. Your hips jerk almost violently towards her face, but you're once again held in place by sharp claws against your thighs.
You attempt to form a protest, mouth open, and a whine at the ready. But, the moment she starts sliding her tongue in and out of you, rubbing it along the now swollen bud above, your whine fizzles and dies in your throat. A broken, garbled moan falls out in its place.
Sevika uses her tongue to straight up fuck you, and with little grace or care for how much of a mess she makes, or how obscene she sounds. Between the collection of her saliva and your slick, each plunge of the thick muscle creates a wet, smacking sound that resonates throughout the room. It's salacious, but undeniably arousing.
If she was stoking the fire in your belly earlier, she's downright pouring gasoline on it now. That familiar coil is wound so tight it burns, threatening to snap at any moment.
Without thinking, you reach down and grasp Sevika's horns, pulling her face closer as you attempt to control her motions. That action not only earns you a warning growl that you fail to hear over your own unrestrained moaning, it also leads to her removing the stimulation entirely.
Your eyes fly wide open and you stare down at her with pleading eyes.
"Sevika! Please don't stop!" You beg, near tears with desperation as that pleasant coil starts to quickly unwind.
"Hands. Off," she snarls, baring dangerously sharp teeth.
"I- I'm sorry," you whimper, but immediately release her horns.
"Hands above your head."
Apparently, she doesn't trust you, but you still obey. Anything to get that indescribably divine stimulation back as you slip further and further away from your peak.
Sevika's tail appears in your periphery and you feel it wrap around your wrists. She's not giving you another chance to control yourself. But after glaring at your distraught face for a good, long moment, she finally brings her mouth back to your slit.
Eyes fluttering shut again, you focus all of your strength on lying still for her as she wraps her lips around your throbbing clit. She quickly rebuilds the progress she'd made before. Each suck of her mouth and each rub of her forked tongue brings you that much closer to the precipice of euphoria.
Sensing your impending climax, you unknowingly hold your breath and tense every muscle in your body. Until finally, you fall.
Your body lurches as all that built-up tension releases like an explosion. Time slows as waves of pleasure burn through your every fiber. You cry Sevika's name, following it with a series of incoherent whimpers. All while that delicious muscle carefully works you through your state of rapture.
Just as you start to come back down to reality and feel the threat of overstimulation, Sevika moves her tongue from your throbbing bud to lewdly lap at the juices flowing from the slit below.
Chest heaving with shallow breaths, you gaze down at your demonic lover through glossy eyes. Your body trembles at the sight, renewed arousal making your legs ache. Her eyes are gently closed, as if she's thoroughly enjoying herself while she licks you clean.
Once she seems to have had her fill, she lifts her head and uses her knuckles to wipe her mouth clean. She meets your dazed stare with eyes so heavily darkened with lust that only a mere ring of glowing purple remains.
Your body trembles beneath her gaze as she slowly rises to her knees and moves up your body. It isn't until her legs are on either side of your waist that her intentions become clear. Your eyes travel down the length of her body. Over the sexy curl of her wet lips, the swell of her full breasts, the hard lines of her defined abs, until finally landing on the large cock standing proud, right where her clit would normally reside.
Several drops of precum decorate the bottom of the bulbous head. It's thicker than what you'd expect from a human, and tinged with a fluorescent purple much like her eyes. Instinctively, you lick your lips in anticipation. 
Sevika notices that action, a haughty chuckle making her body shake. "Be a good girl for your master and get it nice and wet for me?" She purrs.
You meet her gaze for a moment and give her an eager nod. You're rewarded with a pleased smile and she releases your wrists from the grip of her tail. Slowly, you sit up, gaze dropping to the mouth-watering display in front of you.
Placing your hands on her hips to keep yourself steady, you watch for her reaction intently as you run the very tip of your tongue over the trail of precum. The deep hum of approval she releases goes straight between your legs, rekindling that pleasant ache. Your mouth fills with a bittersweet flavor that's unlike her typical slick and you wonder if that's been altered as well.
Your eyes flit between hers and the wetness coating the junction of her thighs. Clearly, she's enjoying herself just as much as you are. You wait for her nod of approval before dipping your head lower and collecting a taste of her slick, intentionally allowing the tip of your tongue to tease along her entrance.
You both groan in unison.
Though the texture is considerably different; less thick, the taste is still equally bittersweet.
"No more teasing," Sevika demands. But her voice is hoarse, broken by the desire that coats her throat.
Obediently, you move one hand from her hip to grasp the base of her cock before wrapping your lips around the tip.
"That's my good girl," she groans as you slide the length further into your mouth.
Your eyes flutter shut when you feel the scrape of her claws travel from the top of your scalp to the back of your head. Too caught up in that pleasant sensation and sweet praise, you momentarily forget your task.
Sevika, however, does not, and she holds your head in place before snapping her hips.
Tears prick at the corners of your eyes as she hits the back of your throat despite your hand preventing you from taking her entirely. It takes a great deal of concentration not to gag around her, but she takes mercy on you and quickly pulls back enough to allow you to recover.
"Focus," she grunts. "This is for your own good."
You peer up at her through watery eyes and thick lashes, but quickly slide your lips back over her. Hollowing your cheeks, you suck as you glide back a second time. And oh god, the reaction that gets you is enough to have you moaning just as loud as her.
Her eyes drift closed as her head gently falls back. Her throat bobs with a heavy swallow, and she digs her nails into the nape of your neck.
Eager to treat yourself to another one of those responses, you take her back into your mouth, this time far enough to reach the hand you still have wrapped firmly around the base of her.
But before you can pull back, Sevika's head tilts forward again and you're met with eyes completely blackened by a ravenous need.
"Enough," she growls. "Lie down."
Having regained enough of your senses, you decide to sneak in one more teasing action before she has her way with you. So as you slide your wet lips down her cock, you press and drag your tongue along the bottom.
“Shi- t.” Sevika’s broken curse slips past her lips without permission. But the moment she comes to- once you reach the very tip- she narrows her eyes at you threateningly.
You merely peer up at her with feigned innocence as you slide completely off, intentionally allowing a small dribble of precum to coat your bottom lip. With an exaggerated lick of your swollen, wet lips, you watch as her anger starts to ebb away. But just as you think you’ve soothed the savage beast, you feel pointed nails dig into each of your shoulders before she shoves you onto your back.
Your breath leaves your chest from the force of it, but Sevika leaves you no time to complain.
She shakes her head in disappointment. "Naughty little brat. You almost wasted my precious seed on that smartass mouth of yours." She starts to move back down your body, pressing her knees between your own to spread them.
“How would that have been a waste?” you ask as you prop yourself up on your forearms to watch her. “Are you telling me that even as a demonic god- even in my dreams- you can’t just make more quote-unquote seed?” You ask derisively.
Sevika freezes, her hands hovering just above your thighs. Her eyes slowly drift up until they meet yours. With an arched brow and a crooked smile, she sneers, “Do I need to use the tail again?” She brings the end of it into your view, flicking it back and forth for emphasis.
“Hey I’m just asking a very legitimate question,” you reply. You’re well aware that goading a demon is dangerous. But it’s Sevika. In a dream, you remind yourself again- a very wet dream. You know any punishment she dishes out will ultimately lead to your pleasure.
“Yeah? You sure you’re not just running your mouth because you want me to stuff it with something?” she asks as she lifts your thighs and spreads them wide. “Or maybe you’re looking to be put in your place in some other way?” Her lips curl into a devilish smirk.
“As I said earlier, that depends on what you have in mind,” you answer with a mischievous smile to match hers.
Sevika says nothing, merely continues to wear that lopsided grin as she settles between your legs. She leans over you, resting her metal hand against the mattress beside your head, her biological hand holding her hardened cock.
"This what you want?" She husks as she drags the head up through your wet slit. "You want me to fuck you with this?"
Not trusting your own voice as she rubs over your clit, you suck your bottom lip between your teeth and nod your head.
Amused by your sudden loss of words, Sevika chuckles lowly. Though she could easily drag the teasing on- figuratively and literally- she's craving a good fuck just as much as you are.
As she presses the tip just inside your entrance, you let yourself rest completely on your back. She eases in at such a slow speed it borders on torture. And when you try to lift your hips, she moves her hand to your waist to still you.
"I think you know what I'm going to say," Sevika warns.
Be patient.
You push your lower lip out in a pout, but Sevika simply lowers her head to press her lips to it. You wrap your arms around her back, fingers gripping at the muscles there as you pull her chest closer until her soft breasts touch yours. Her tongue traces over where your lips meet. Just as you eagerly grant her entrance, she closes that final distance, fully sheathing herself inside you.
The moan that rises from your chest is caught in your throat as Sevika's tongue plunges inside with the same wild intensity. It swirls around yours, withdrawing another muffled moan as you're struck with the lingering taste of your release.
Hooking your legs around her waist, you try to pull her in further, deeper, until you swear you feel the very tip. Every inch of her presses along your walls. It's sad if she was made just for you.
Sevika groans and pulls back from the kiss just far enough for your lips to barely touch. She gazes down at you with darkened eyes through eyelids heavy with need.
"You feel so fucking good wrapped around me. So tight," she husks, her lips grazing yours with every spoken syllable.
Good god does her praise sound so much sexier in that fiendishly deep voice of hers. It's enough to make your head spin. You close your eyes, wanting to focus on just the sound of her.
"I don't know why I didn't do this sooner," she adds, seemingly more to herself than you.
Ever so slowly, she starts to slide back out, sucking air through her teeth as you clench around her. Once only the tip remains precariously inside, she pauses.
Your toes curl in anticipation, body tensing as you wait for the imminent thrust of her hips. However, when seconds that feel more like an eternity pass without any motion or any sound, you slowly open your eyes.
Sevika stares down at you with wide hungry eyes and a villainous smile, showing off those dangerously sharp teeth.
"Sev-IKA" your whine becomes a startled cry as she snaps her hips and buries herself to the hilt. Her evil chuckle barely registers in the back of your mind through the pleasurable shock to your body.
Not giving you a moment of reprieve, she starts to fuck you at a slow, but steady pace.
Unsure if the speed she's selected is meant to please or tease, you quickly find yourself in need of more. The build-up of that warm, tight feeling is too slow. While she busies herself with licking her way down your jaw and neck, you let your heels drop back to the mattress, digging them in as you attempt to meet her every thrust with two of your own.
Without nearly the level of stamina she possesses- not to mention how your legs ache with each pleasurable drag of her hard cock against your walls- you quickly tire of the effort. And damn this cocky demonic woman currently controlling your future- you can feel her lips curl into an amused smirk from where they press against the swell of a breast. She knows it only makes you yearn for her more.
"Sevika," you whine breathlessly, "please."
"Please what?" Her question is muffled by her mouth skimming across your chest to taste the skin of your other breast.
"Fast-" You're cut off once again- and no doubt just as intentional- when you feel Sevika sink her pointed teeth into the swell of your breast.
"Fuck me!" You cry out, but the pain quickly subsides as she sucks and licks at the tiny marks left in her wake.
Behind your closed lids, you sense something above you. You open your eyes to find Sevika grinning down at you again, her breasts gently swaying over yours as she continues her torturous, yet sweetly slow cadence.
You give her your best puppy-dog eyes, pleading with her to have mercy on you. Then you attempt one more time to bargain with your demonic goddess.
"Please fuck me faster. I'll do anything."
Oh, now that seems to have caught her interest.
Sevika's brow raises in intrigue. "Anything?"
"Anything," you repeat with a nod.
Something tells you that you're likely to regret that later, but the moment she grabs the bottoms of your thighs and pushes them back against your chest, you couldn't care less. You're in for quite the ride.
She doesn't even bother gradually increasing her speed. The moment she gets you where she wants you she plants both hands beside your head and starts pummeling into you.
The sound of her thighs slapping against the back of yours mix with your wanton cries and moans, both of which nearly drown out her wild grunts.
You claw at her back, clinging to her as if your life depended on it. And with how mercilessly she drives that thick cock into your wet heat, it very well might.
Mind reeling from all the heavenly sensations, you nearly miss Sevika's grunted taunt.
"Look how much more well-behaved you are when I'm fucking- your- brains- out." She emphasizes the last four words with a grind of her hips each time she penetrates you, rubbing against your clit and leaving you near gasping as white light flashes behind your lids with each one.
"Still think this is a dream?" She jeers as she continues her onslaught, nearly pushing your body across the bed with the force. "Ever felt this fucking good in your dreams? Ever been so fucking wet?" Once again she adds emphasis, only this time it's with a powerful thrust that has a lewd squelching sound echoing through the dark room.
Just as she thought, you truly are too fucked out now. Her questions go in one ear and right out the other. All your focus is concentrated on gripping Sevika's back while she fucks you hard enough to cause the bed to shake and creak. And oh gods yes, you're quickly approaching that peak again.
"I asked you a question," Sevika growls.
That one you hear, but only because of the abrupt halt to your pleasure when she suddenly pulls out of you completely.
Not even given a chance to protest beyond the startled breathy cry that leaves your throat, you find yourself just as abruptly flipped over onto your hands and knees. Clawed hands- metal and organic- grip your waist as Sevika lines up and then slams back inside you.
From a combination of her sheer force and your weakened state, your front half collapses forward, face smashing against the mattress. You claw desperately at the bedding, trying to find purchase as Sevika continues to rail you from behind.
Between one of her rounds, she brings the palm of her flesh hand down against one of your asscheeks. Her sinister laughter rings through your ears, almost louder than the shriek that leaves your open mouth.
"Where's all that attitude now?"
Gone along with any and all cognitive abilities. Especially when you feel her hand rub soothing circles over your singing flesh. And even more so when she lightly scrapes those claws from the bottom of your spine straight up to the nape of your neck.
Your back arches in reflex to the sweet sensation that she leaves in her wake. Senseless words and curses fall from your slack mouth.
Sevika must be right. This can't possibly be a dream. Not when every part of your body is screaming with pleasure. Not when you feel so completely and delightfully filled by her.
She presses the palm of her hand against the exposed side of your face, pushing your head further into the mattress as she bends over you. She encapsulates you completely with her large body. Her sweat-slick breasts press against the curve of your spine as she fucks you impossibly deeper.
You're close. So fucking close. But you need something more. Just a little-
"Sevika," your voice comes out as nothing more than a hoarse whisper, apparently having been far more vocal than you realize. But thank the gods- or rather your demon girlfriend- she hears you.
She brings her mouth to your ear, her hot breath washing over you with each buck of her hips. "What do you want, kitten?"
"I- I need-" you struggle to form the words, absolutely drowning in pleasure, and she's apparently hell-bent on only making it harder.
She takes your earlobe between her teeth and gently tugs before whispering, "What was that? Use your words."
"More- I need more," you pant. "Please."
She hums against your ear as her tongue teases along the edge of it.
Just when you think you're going to have to beg more, you feel something slide between your sweaty bodies and around your waist.
Her tail.
The tip dips down over your abdomen, and as you realize its destination, you suck in a breath and hold it. All it takes is one slide over your throbbing, swollen clit to send you spiraling.
You sob pathetically as you're overtaken by earth-shattering pleasure for the second time tonight. Every muscle in your body spasms, including those surrounding Sevika's cock.
"Fuck," Sevika grits out through her teeth. "I'm going to cum." Her pace falters for a moment, but she's quick to recover. Lips pressed against your sweaty cheek, she husks, "Do you want me to fill you with my seed?"
Legs trembling, you're only held up by the grip of Sevika's metal hand on your waist as she continues to drive herself inside your soaked cunt. The lewd sound of it is lost on you though, as you just start to drift down from your high. And then her words replay in the back of your head.
Do you want me to fill you with my seed?
"Yes. Please," you whimper.
"Do you want to carry my half-breed spawn?" She huffs, and you can hear her losing steam, feel her hips stutter. She can't hold on much longer.
Dream or reality you don't fucking care anymore. You just want to feel her release inside you. You'd do anything for her, regardless of her being a goddamn demon.
"Please, Sevika."
"Say it."
"Breed me," you cry, overstimulation starting to set in under her continued assault.
That's all it takes. That, and one final deep thrust, then she's burying her face in your neck, groaning as thick cum flows from her cock.
You can feel all of it. It's inhumanly hot and vast, seeping out each time her body jerks. It spills out and down the insides of your thighs, all the way to the bedding at your knees.
After several weak thrusts, she finally stills. Though she doesn't go completely limp, you feel the weight of her press against your back, sweaty skin sticking to more sweaty skin. She moves her hand from the side of your head to rest against the mattress. You both take deep breaths in unison, and it's the only sound in the now otherwise silent abyss.
Sevika slips her arm around your waist when she feels your legs start to give way, finally depleted of all your remaining strength.
"Need to- lie down," you murmur between panting.
Despite having spent the entirety of the night with you being atrociously bratty, Sevika takes pity on you- or perhaps she's equally exhausted- and carefully pulls herself out before gently lying you on your back.
She hovers over you for a moment, straddling your limp body and watching your dazed expression. Several beads of sweat drip down the side of her face, then her neck before disappearing between her cleavage.
The rest becomes a bit of a blur as you drift in and out of conciseness. But you recall her wiping you off, cleaning you of both your fluids. And you remember moments of her kissing each of the marks she left on your skin. The scrapes and dotted cuts from her metal and demonic claws. The bright red indents decorating your skin where she bit you. And the raw skin where her hands or tail gripped and rubbed.
And the last thing you remember is her lying next to you, the tip of her tail gliding up and down the top of one of your thighs. Then she places a soft kiss on your forehead before whispering, "You did so well, my love."
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Blinking several times, you slowly wake from your deep slumber. As your eyes come into focus in the dimly lit room, you realize you're sitting at your desk. Remembering your earlier escapades, you quickly sit up and glance around.
Your room, from what you can tell from the low glow of the desk lamp, is completely normal. All is as it was- or should be. Looking down at the desk you even find your drawing still sitting there.
So it really was a dream?
"You forgot the pointed tip," Sevika says from behind you.
You yelp, jumping in your seat much like you did earlier- or you thought you did.
"Shit, Sevika. Don't sneak up on me like that," you say groggily.
Wait- What did she just say?
"What pointed tip?" You ask suspiciously.
"On the tail," she whispers against your ear.
The hair on the back of your neck stands up and a shiver runs down your spine.
There's no way-
You peer down at your clothing. You're not in the t-shirt you remember putting on earlier that night. You're in a thin camisole, with a low cut that reveals the tops of your breasts. Including two very obvious rows of bite marks across one of them.
"Oh dear Janna," you murmur in shock.
Sevika tsks from behind you. Her voice drops lower, a familiar eerie echo ringing in your ear as she speaks in a sinister tone. “The only deity I want to hear you pray to is me. And you better start praying, because you promised me you’d do anything."
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AN: If you haven't seen it yet, be sure to check out @sevikascrown's delicious fanart of demon Sevika here. 🥰
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midnightmoonytales · 1 year
𝔽𝕦𝕟 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕃𝕒𝕜𝕖 | ℙ𝕝𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕔 𝕊𝕝𝕪𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕚𝕟 𝔾𝕒𝕟𝕘 𝕩 ℝ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕖𝕣
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A/n: Pls bc writing for the Slytherin gang has itched a piece of my brain I didn't even know needed to be scratched. I'm addicted to it - headcanon and drabbles and all. (also omg another post - who am I)
No mentions of Gender :) Unedited
Summary: It's a hot day on Saturday in April; nowhere you go can you run from the heat. The only solution is a fun day at the lake with your friends.
Almost everybody was inside today, minus a few stragglers who decided to either practice Quidditch or hang out by the lake. The heat made everything sticky, hot, and uncomfortable. Unfortunately, those who even resided inside were at the mercy of the April heat.
"It's bloody hot; why did we choose to come out here instead of the comfort of our freezing common room?" Pansy asked, fanning herself off with the Christmas fan her mother gifted her. The shade of the large willow tree provides you small bits of comfort from the blaring April sun.
Mattheo and Theodore could be found near the edge of the lake, rough-housing with each other, sweat glistening off their skin. A few feet to the right, Draco skips rocks across the lake in hopes of getting the Kraken to respond. Blaise was resting higher up in between the branches of the tree, enjoying a book he stole from the common room before you lot left. Taking your eyes off the boys and to a distraught Pansy.
"Would you rather be stuck elbow-to-elbow with some sleazy first-years?" You grumbled, grimacing at the thought of being stuck with a bunch of sweaty children in a compacted room. "Didn't think so!" You barked, the distraught look on Pansy's face as she imagined herself stuck in a horrid situation such as that, filling you with joy.
"Oi, Ferrett boy!" Mattheo shouted, taking everyone's attention away from what they were doin'. "Kraken ain't gonna waste its precious time skippin' some rocks." As if the Kraken heard him, a tentacle shot out of the water, catching a rock that Draco tossed, only to fling it straight at Mattheo's head, hitting him square smack in the middle of the forehead.
There was a moment of silence before everyone, except Mattheo, busted out laughing. Mattheo was leaning over, grabbing his forehead, which only made everyone else laugh harder. "That's what you get, you damn git; leave the boy alone," You hollered, holding your stomach as you leaned onto Pansy laughing.
"Why you!" Mattheo growled, running fast towards you, the look of a killer present on his face. (this is a skin of a killer Bella) A mediocre scream left your mouth as you bolted up, rushing away from Mattheo. You'd be damned if he caught you - Unfortunately for you, he did.
"Let me down, you oaf," You yelled, hitting his back as he rushed towards the lake. You had no intention of getting wet today. You were met with a rush of cold water, a yelp admitting from your lips as your body hit the water. Unluckily for Mattheo, you latched onto him, bringing him into the chilling water with you. "If I'm going down, you're going down with me," you said, tackling him as he trashed out of the water.
Maybe you all would have to come to the Lake more often.
@ghostofscarley @devilishwitchfantasies
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
love me so bad (steddie microfic)
Steve wishes Eddie would play rough sometimes. Eddie figures out what Steve actually wants.
For @steddiemicrofic April prompt, Fool. Rating: E. CW: spanking, foreplay, light D/s, barely negotiated kink. WC: 454. Tags: aftercare, hurt/comfort, (slightly) sub Steve, (slightly) dom Eddie.
Sometimes, mused Steve, my badass metalhead boyfriend is waaaay too soft on me.
He was splayed, naked and ass-upward, across Eddie’s lap, while Eddie prepared to ease slicked fingers inside him. Steve peeped back, lashes fluttering: “Remember when some douchebag cut your guitar strings? Might’ve been me.”
Eddie’s warmly stroking fingers slid away. “Before eighth-grade talent show? Christ, you made a total fool of me.”
Steve shivered, weirdly empty. Too late for regrets. “What ya gonna do?”
“Then, I’d have punched your bratty lights out.”
“In your dreams! And now?” Eddie skimmed his palm over Steve’s rear. Fuck me roughly into our lumpy bed! Pleeeeease? Instead, Eddie sharply spanked him. “Ow!”
“Can’t handle it, big boy?”
Steve mentally shrugged. “Bring it on.”
Eddie spanked him again. And again. Steve gasped, battling healthy urges to roll away. Wtf?
“Dreamed ’bout this forever,” husked Eddie, “while you waggled your slutty ass at me.”
Steve swallowed a squeak. Should’ve seen this coming, Harrington. Still, as he squirmed, a delicious glow saturated his skin. Sandwiched between Eddie's hard thighs and those skilled hands, Steve felt wanted, cherished. Plus the sizzling pained-pleasure kinda turned him on.
Till tears blurred his vision. “Jesus… Ow!”
“I’d luuuurve you to beg for mercy, but my arm aches like a bitch.”
“My butt stings like a bitch.”
“Poooooor Stevie.”
Eddie smoothed Steve’s burning flesh, stooping to chase the pain away with dustings of moist breath, gentle love-bites that set Steve trembling, crying unashamedly. His tears, like his smarting skin, felt too damn good. Eddie soon cuddled Steve against him, petted his hair, traced knuckles along his cheekbone. Steve nestled his head beneath Eddie’s chin, curled into his lap and… melted.  
Christ, did he know I’d come apart like this?
Steve sniffled. Their breaths fell into sync. Steve absorbed Eddie’s heartbeat. His own chest ached.
When Eddie made love to him, Steve whined, cursed and totally dug how Eddie pummelled into his abused ass. Everything was awesome until…
“I’m forgiven?” asked Steve, later, as they sprawled, entangled and boneless.
“For dinging my guitar? Yup. Years ago.” Eddie yawned. “Robin told me. Also, how you were the one who slipped premium-brand strings into my locker for years after.”
“Oh.” Should he be pissed? Nah. Steve sighed and melted back toward that happy mush.
“Great timing to spill.” Eddie pecked the tip of Steve’s nose. “Angling for a spanking, huh, Baby?”
Wasn’t actually! I should make YOU squirm so bad for this.
Apart from… Steve had enjoyed it. Steve had needed it. Particularly the snuggling after. Kinda wanted to go again. More fool me.
“I hate you.” Steve’s lips ghosted dreamily against the love of his life’s demon tatt. “You’re too fucking perfect for me.”
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punkeccentricenigma · 10 months
Relationship status: Romantic
Reader prounouns: She/Her
Words: 1566
TW: Some grammatical errors because english is not my first language, angst, toxic thinking, future setting
A/N: The idea for this story I had for a couple of months, and only now managed to bring it to life. It didn't turn out exactly as I wanted, but it's pretty close. Also, today is my birthday. Yay...
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"What do you think, huh?!"
[Y.N] expelled a breath as she was pushed with rough gentleness into the center of a small private bedroom. Her brows remained unmoved, teeth clenched in anger.
"What's your problem, Leo?!" she responded with a question, straightening up to face the mutated turtle who forcefully closed the door, seemingly hurting it more than her.
Not sure what was going on, but not an idiot, she had her suspicions.
"Another base got attacked," Draxum said in a tone of indifference, but his old face betrayed considerable pain. "They're all gone."
The group gathered in the main room of the base under New York, or rather its rubble, expressed a collective murmur of additional words of disbelief or mourning; even if they didn't know these people, they were in the same position, knowing what they felt.
"What do we do now, Leonardo?" April asked, only showing furrowed brows. "It's only a matter of time before the Kraang and others attack us." Her words were logical, especially knowing how cruel and ruthless the aliens were, even to their own. Her chocolate eyes often noticed exhausted brains, dying from exhaustion, in their torturous work.
The turtle's eyes twitched slightly, probably not having slept all night, contemplating all of this since Donatello left. He had not only the planning on his mind but also the entire base's technology. He felt he was slowly losing control, but he couldn't show weakness, not now, not ever. "We'll have to boost the security and fuses; we can't afford them burning out during a potential attack," he said, adjusting his blue scarf. When was the last time he washed it? With a low water supply, laundry had become the worst option.
"Forgive me, leader," the dark eyes of the redearslicer rested on the slightly taller figure who raised his hand to stand out from the crowd. Ah, one of those geniuses who worked with his twin brother. You could see red eyes on the mutant—was it from fatigue or tears shed for a lost person? "But we'll need to conduct further reconnaissance to gather new materials for such an upgrade. Currently, we're lacking many things."
"Right..." Leonardo mumbled quietly, uncomfortably shifting his gaze. "So, we'll do it tonight."
"Yeah! Another round of taking down those damn meatbags!" Cassandra exclaimed joyfully, raising her hands with her wild gaze. Numerous deep scars adorned her bare shoulders, complementing simple childish drawings made by her son.
"However, many of ours were severely beaten last time; they're still in the infirmary wing," the African American woman pointed out sharply, crossing her arms. "We need to wait at least a week to carry out such an action safely!"
Leo had a strong urge to respond sarcastically to these objections but bit his tongue, not wanting to get into another argument.
"Well, then...!"
"I have an idea for a potential solution." All eyes turned again to the older goat when he spoke.
"What is it?" Leonardo's voice resonated lightly. He felt relieved that someone as intelligent as Draxum had an idea, but also uneasy, knowing his past.
"We'll use my mutagen to strengthen our power."
The turtle's pupils narrowed at the sound of his second 'father's' words. It was... unimaginable! "W-what?" he stammered, taking a step forward to stabilize his posture. "Use the mutagen? That damn slime?" He didn't want to use such strong words, but his shock exceeded his manners.
Baron Draxum cleared his throat, ignoring the term for his experiment. "I believe it's the best course of action in this situation. Analyzing past events and the likelihood of future ones, we need a survival factor."
Leonardo took in stale air, waiting for further elaboration on this idea. Why did he still feel uneasy hearing this?
"So, people would have to take the right dose of this green liquid to transform into the appropriate Yokai."
"That sounds absurd," the red-faced one acknowledged, placing a hand on his hip. "It's dangerous, especially in these conditions."
"I don't deny it, but I think it could eliminate most diseases for which we no longer have a cure." "And after failed attacks, people could have a better chance of defense and faster regeneration depending on the mutants they transform into. You know that well, Leonardo." The turtle automatically felt a tingling on his shell in places where previous wounds had faded over time.
"... Still, it sounds wrong." But why? Why do you think that way? Is it your current mindset, or is it from years ago?
"But... Draxum is right," April admitted, walking to stand beside the goat. "Without it, our chance of survival is low."
"We can test it today; I need at least one volunteer."
Everyone glanced at the person next to them, waiting for any reaction. Well, no one is deciding; it will be fine...!
"I... I volunteer." Leonardo's eyes widened as he noticed his partner, who, despite holding a box, raised her hand. There was determination on her face.
"You're being unreasonable!" Although Leo's voice usually had a light tone, at this moment, it was deep and aggressive. The fact that he strongly gestured with his only arm didn't help. "Agreeing to something like this? Are you insane?"
"Leon, listen!"
"No 'listen'!" The man snarled, approaching his beloved, causing an odd dominance. "What you've decided is utterly idiotic!"
"No, it's not. I'm just considering the well-being of the rest!" The woman held her ground, taking a step forward and delicately touching her chest to her fiancé's. Her eyes were sharp, causing a slight embarrassment in Leonardo's mind. He didn't usually behave this way, but he let his emotions take over.
"All that will result from this is total chaos and pain!"
"As if there isn't chaos and pain right now!" She emphasized, gesturing as well. She felt the pressure in her head increasing, and the hope for calming down diminishing. "You need to take a breath and think about it rationally, Leo."
"Ohohoho! Sure!" His tone became more mocking, and he started to pace, adding drama. "I've known that lunatic much longer than you. I know the messed-up things he's done! And you want that green crap to flow through your veins? You should have higher standards!"
"Apparently, I don't, since I chose you, someone who has the same thing in their body!"
A sharp intake of air escaped the turtle as he stood still. His face showed wounded pride, not from his fiancée's words but from his logical error. Fool.
After a moment, [Y.N] took a breath, wanting to calm down. "Leonardo, listen." Her smaller hands moved gracefully, as if she were trying to tame a wild animal that no longer existed in these times. "Draxum is right. Thanks to this slime, most of us will have a better chance of survival."
"That doesn't change the fact that it's total nonsense," the man muttered quietly, burying his chin further into the blue fabric. "Something like this is incredibly painful for an ordinary person, especially in circumstances where there's hunger, filth, death..." His voice slowly broke. Before, he didn't care much about humans; their rescue was just an addition to victory when he fought. But now? Especially since his dearest person is one of them?
"Leon, tell me directly what's going on."
"I feel awful," Leonardo began, letting his crystalline tears flow. "My brothers, Raph and Donnie... I couldn't save them...!" Before he realized it, he tightly embraced the woman, who motherly patted his shoulder or shell. "And even earlier, Dad..." pain "You don't even know how much I wish this invasion didn't happen, that everything was normal." "Or not to get used to every current situation; it hurts so much when everything 'falls into place,' and suddenly something crumbles or someone dies!"
"I understand you, that's why this mutation is needed."
"No, you don't understand..." his whisper pierced [Y.N]'s ears. He pulled away slightly from her silhouette to look into her [COLOR] eyes. "I don't want any changes because it's all I have when it comes to a connection with a normal past." His hand gently caressed the cheek of the person in front of him. "The fact that you're human reminds me of good times, of safety. If that disappears..."
A sense of guilt lingered in both of their hearts. For more or less rational reasons.
The woman averted her gaze, placing her hand on a larger counterpart of the turtle. She sighed softly and smiled reassuringly. "A-alright, you're right."
Another embrace, this time stronger than the previous one. "Thank you... I love you, and I don't want to lose you..."
"Same here..."
"But you know, I would look interesting as a mutated turtle!"
"You'd be bald as a knee."
"You say it as if it were a flaw, egghead."
Laughter echoed in Leonardo's mind as he looked in disbelief at the torn body beneath his feet, covered in red ash.
"This... can't be!" He immediately fell to the ground, brushing the sand off the face of the corpse before him. The man wasn't a believer, but with each passing second, he prayed for it to be a simple dream, a regular nightmare in his brain. Unfortunately... "[Y.N]!"
Amidst the distant sounds of battle, his roar and sobbing resonated among the rubble as he cradled the lifeless body of his fiancée in his plastron.
He should allow it.
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choccy-milky · 5 months
I just wanted to say that your art and your fic are divine, and I'm obsessed every time you post. 😭🫶 Huge, adoring fan. Thank you for sharing Clora and all your work with us.
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AA TY APPLIN💖💖😭😭i love your posts too and your top quality memes BAHHA also the amount of stuff you write for the fandom?? i am on my knees you have done us all a SERVICE🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️i unfortunately havent read anything yet bc i wanna be done with my fic before i do, but im looking forward to the backlog of stuff ill be able to read from so many ppl in the fandom once i am💕🙏 THANK U AGAIN💖
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CHOCOLATE MILK THE GOAT💯💯💯ey gurl can i be the choccy to ur milky😏😏😏👉👉👉
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is 4 me...?😳👉👈 AND AW TYY🥺 IM GLAD U THINK SO💖💖 i am always happy to serve and keep fuelling the delulu seb train, for as long as my hyperfixation fuels me💪✏️ ngl this entire month of april has honestly been pretty meh and ive been in kinda a rough place mentally BUT im going to my moms at the beginning of may so hopefully bein around family and stuff will help🙏ty for asking tho and i hope ur doin good as well!! IM ALSO GLAD U THINK SO/LIKE CLORA💖😭it makes me die a little inside whenever i see someone say shes my self insert bc we could NOT be any more different in both looks/personality and i rly tried to make her her own person...but damn i wish i was gentle and demure like her but NAH BITCH IM LOUD AND GREEK AND ANNOYING AF bAHAHA🤪 and i also think shes the perfect match for seb and for me SO THANK YOU AGAIN LMAO😇💖 @cloudnessvi
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thejujvtsupost · 5 months
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Collar Crimes -> Pouring Rain
It’s technically not April (when i originally planned to write this) but life happens. I’m thinking the next one is gonna be how they met but lmk if you guys want something else. 💗
Notes: some of reader’s insecurities come out, Suguru’s a sweetheart, talks of violence and very light gore.
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“‘M sorry! I’ll come back later- uh I’ll see you at home!”
(On a completely unrelated note, calling you sweetheart in front of everyone made your cheeks flush and heart flutter just the tiniest bit.)
This would be the first time you’ve interrupted his business. You should have knocked and now, on top of the humiliation of dripping water everywhere, you embarrassed yourself.
It was rare for you to go to Suguru‘s office, and certainly not unattended and unprompted. His building was closer to your evening class on campus than the penthouse and you were shivering and cold and completely soaked from the pouring rain.
Well, the rain wouldn’t have been so bad if it weren’t dark or for the car that drove by and drenched you.
You flinched at his tone and bit your lip to stop it from trembling. You couldn’t let yourself cry in front of everyone and make it worse, you screwed up more than enough. Your head was already down and you were on your way out the door as fast as you could but you were blocked by the bodies of the other men leaving the room.
Oh. He meant the people he was meeting with, to your relief. Maybe he wasn’t too mad then?
“Not you bunny, c’mere. What happened? You must be freezing.” Warm arms wrapped around your shivering frame and held you close uncaring if he got wet too, a kiss to your forehead helped calm your anxiety from your interruption.
“I’m sorry for barging in, no one was out at the desk to tell me you were busy so I thought it was okay. I didn’t know- ” you were guided to the desk and onto the surface while he looked for something in the closet— a change of clothes.
“I don’t care about that, you’re always my first priority so never apologize. Why are you wet, sweetheart? I thought you had your seven pm class.”
“I did, but its raining so hard and my phone died so I couldn’t call anyone for a ride and my friends already left and I didn’t have an umbrella and I figured I’d just walk and try to be quick but then a car splashed me and I was so cold and tired and-” you took a big breath to calm down and stop rambling, “It was too much- dark too, and this was closer than going straight home.” You still felt bad for interrupting his meeting, but the warmer you got the less you regretted it.
Suguru closed the blinds to his office hummed in sympathy. (he never liked those damn friends of yours, they never valued you enough in his opinion and the fact that they left you there without even offering a ride only proved that) and started helping you out of the wet clothes clinging to your skin before placing them in a plastic bag to take home later. “You have my clothes here?”
He smiled, “You know I’m always prepared, but I figured they’d come in handy at some point. It’s just an outfit or two in a go bag for emergencies.” Your heart swelled, he was always so thoughtful when it came to you . “I got a few blankets and pillow too after you fell asleep here the first time, if you’re interested. I have to stay a few more hours but if you would rather go home I can have someone drive you.”
You shook your head, “I’d like to stay please, if it’s not a bother.”
“Of course it isn’t, why else do you think I have the blankets and pillow, bunny? You’re my bunny, you always have a place next to me.”
The tears started rolling, he wiped them away with large, warm tattooed hands and hugged you tightly to his chest. “Sorry, just been a rough day and I’m emotional.”
“I know, but you did a good thing by coming here. I’m proud of you for thinking of yourself instead of trying to get home on your own. Especially in the dark. You hate it, and s‘not safe for you out there.”
You were trying really hard, with your boyfriend’s help, to work on the part of you that felt less than and like a burden at times. It was difficult to unlearn the way you felt about yourself for years and years growing up but you were making great progress.
“Are you sure it’s okay for me to hear what you’re doing for work? Isn’t it confidential?”
He just gave you a look and helped you slide on some socks.
“You should warm up soon, but how about a rest on the couch during my meeting for a little while, yeah? I’ll keep our voices down.”
You nodded and allowed him to wrap you in one of the soft blankets he spoke of before. “Wait here a second. I’ll keep it as brief as I can.”
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“So we’re looking at about 50k in damages…”
Whatever they were saying didn’t really matter to you. They kept their voices low to not disturb you for the most part.
A newer member raised his voice once Suguru corrected him immediately. “Quiet down or I’ll cut your tongue out.” And there weren’t any other incidents.
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🏷️: @annoyingstrawberryballoon @missgab
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barbwritesstuff · 1 year
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Iliya is a romanceable character in my interactive game Thicker Than.
Name: Iliya Sudlenkov
Gender: M
DOB: 11th May 1910
DOD: 25th April 1945
Height: 190cm
Build: Muscular
Skin: Fair
Hair: Fair
Eyes: Grey/Blue
Note: Facial scar, tattoos
Skills: Fighting (close range, hand to hand, and fire arms), Languages ( Eng, Rus, Fre), Path of the Beast
You look up and see… a man. Tall, muscular, and watching you with amused grey blue eyes. His smile is crooked, twisted out of shape by an old pink scar on his lips. "Who are you?" you ask. "Your new best friend," he says. "I'm a very very good friend. Very good at keeping secrets." Even though the music you hear the distinctive short, heavy vowels of a Russian accent.
Iliya is a lover of stories, both real and imagined, with a special fondness for books of all kinds. He's also a thug for hire, and damn good at his job. If you need someone roughed up, he'll rough 'em up good.
Iliya was born and raised in Russia, and served as a soviet soldier in World War II. There, he was fatally wounded. But death didn't stick.
As a vampire he has travelled the world and watched the night light up neon blue. As far as he's concerned, there is no better time to be dead. Being a vampire doesn't have to be all doom and gloom.
Iliya's vamperic powers manifest in strength, speed, and sheer brutality, known to some as 'the path of the beast'. He can teach these powers to a vampire eager to deal some damage.
Art by @dahliadrawthings :
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Dahlia is the one who gave him his tattoo. I can take no credit for that idea. The English translation of the text is: I don't want to live without teeth. I don't want to die without being bitten.
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