#damn family groups will be a hassle
badkitty3000 · 1 month
What do you think of Steve's Five needed a love story remark in general? Ignoring Lila.
I think Steve Blackman saying Five needed a love story is some next level horseshit, to be honest. I'm not sure who he thinks was jonesing for that, except for himself and a few others. I also think the decision, and who it was with, demonstrates greatly the kind of person he is. All of those allegations of him being a misogynistic jerk that didn't want to hear anyone else's opinions seem to be spot on. Because I highly doubt if he had sat down and asked what the actors, writers, and other creators of the show wanted, we would have ended up with this. I realize this is his project and he's in charge, but it just seemed like he got a bit of an ego boost and decided to just do what he wanted, others be damned. Apparently he wanted to see Five play kissy face. Which, hey, so do I...but there's a time and place for everything! This was not it.
I do understand he was the only main character to not have a romantic love story arc throughout the seasons, but there was a reason for that. As others have said on here already, Five already had a love story and it was his family. He was the driving force behind the entire Hargreeves family in every season, and keeping them alive and saving the world were his top priorities. And he did it because he loved them. Maybe he didn't know how to express his love in words, but it was apparent by his actions. Nothing says I love you more than enduring decades of loneliness and regret just for the chance to see them again and save their lives.
This may all sound hypocritical, considering I write romantic Five fanfiction, but even going into the season I had no desire to see any romantic love story for him. It wasn't necessary. He is such an interesting, complex, and larger-than-life character that adding in a sappy love story in the space of 6 lousy episodes is a big misstep. And that's even if they had managed to keep his character intact.
What we needed was to see him find peace for himself through the love of his family. We needed apologies. We needed angry outbursts, and healing hugs, and "I love yous" between all of the siblings, but most importantly Five. No one has ever thanked him for all of his sacrifices. Or for continuing to stay with them even though they've caused him nothing but hassle throughout his life. We did not need a sappy, rushed, half-ass love story concocted just to please whatever weird fantasy the show runner has going on. We needed a payoff after watching Five fight, and struggle, and lose his moral code just for the chance to save his family. That's the ending the fans, and Five, deserved.
If we got that first, then yeah, a romantic love story for Five would be nice. I would have loved to see an ending where after everything was resolved (no group suicide), we see a shot of Five a few years later, driving down the street in his beloved Corvette Stingray, looking over to smile lovingly at his lady next to him, on their way to their next big adventure. I get teary just thinking about it! But only after he got everything else that he so desperately needed from his family.
Instead, we got what we got because Steve Blackman was convinced that Five needed some sweet sweet loving. Well, we got it I guess. Steve got his wish while the rest of us are left just trying to make sense of the whole thing. Ignoring that it was Lila, which is an entirely separate disaster, it was silly. It was heartbreaking. And it was unnecessary.
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keep-writing · 24 days
Diary of an Aspiring Author, Episode 2: Gentle reminders for creative minds.
Drink water, or tea. Or some beverage that hydrates you and keeps your brain from melting away.
Stretch! Believe me, your body will thank it. We sit at the desk for hours on days, this is a great way of giving some exercise to our body. It can be in the morning, or at night before bed. Or even after your writing sessions.
Take breaks. You can apply the Pomodoro method to your writing, write for 1–2 hours, and take 15-30-minute breaks. Walk around your house or garden, open a window, play with your pets, and talk with your family.
Don't compare your craft to others. You never know how long someone has been writing, what background they have, or if they can take on resources more easily. The only one you should compare yourself to is your past self. You always improve, or learn something you can apply to your writing. Don't be discouraged.
Be patient with yourself. Writing, or any other creative work, is not easy. It takes a long time for your seed of idea to blossom into a beautiful flower. Don't give up, you will reach your goal.
Don't assume that you know everything. Writing is a journey that requires learning, and research, be it about story structure, worldbuilding, or any topic that may feature in your story. It's okay to admit that you don't know something. It's okay to spend one more hour researching. Your story will wait for you.
Go outside. No, seriously, go outside, and spend time in nature. Let it inspire you.
Build a community. Join writing groups, and discords, make sprinting rooms, and share your ideas. Writing can be lonely, we all need some company along the way.
It's okay to take breaks. Sometimes the words just don't come out right no matter how many times we try to rewrite that damn sentence or paragraph. Or other times, even opening the document feels like a hassle. Take a day off, and recharge. Tomorrow you can try again.
Have fun. Explore your ideas, diverge from the expectations, and experiment with tropes. It's your book, you can do whatever you want! Make a flying castle, and a talking tree, and make the sun green.
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AITA for not wanting to tell an ex-friend why I broke off our friendship?
So me and this ex-friend (let’s call him John) had been friends since we were in kindergarten. John is white and very securely upper middle class. I am mixed-race white and Cherokee, and am solidly lower middle class. Our friendship was based mostly on the fact that I was autistic and nobody wanted to be friends with me, so he swooped in and “saved” me from having no friends. As kids, we were super into fantasy stuff. By we, I mean he was and I pretended to be. In our larger friend group, I was always sidelined in favor of a (white upper middle class) girl who John had a crush on. Me being a background character in activities/groups that were supposed to include me is a running theme in my life. When John gave me attention, I felt like I was special and stood out from everyone else. When he didn’t give me attention, I felt like it was my fault nobody noticed me except to ridicule me. When K think about our friendship now, the red flags pop up often and frequently.
I have a younger brother, who is about two years younger than me. He quickly became friends with John, and often joined us in hanging out. As we grew older, the things we did when we hang out didn’t age with us. John and I were in, like, fourth grade and still pretend-fighting in fantasy settings because he wanted to, and I just went with it.
So, I don’t clearly remember the inciting incident, but once when we were hanging out, when I was in late elementary school or early middle school, John assaulted me. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t sexual assault but I’ve tried to block it out of my memory, and it was over something small. I think I might have accidentally hit or tripped my brother and didn’t want to apologize, because my brother had threatened to hit me earlier, and I wanted him to apologize first. I don’t want to get too deep into the assault, but I was pinned down and forced to apologize to my brother, who stood there and egged John on. John said he would his family’s wealth to make sure nobody would believe me, and told me nobody would want to associate with my family if I was public about the assault. I eventually escaped, and I didn’t tell anyone for about a year.
From a few weeks after the assault until literally this month, John has been trying to get in touch with me. I’ve told my mom to pass on the message “You know why we can’t go back to being friends”, to which he responded (via him telling his mom telling mine because I’ve cut off contact with him) that he doesn’t know what he did and he just wants to hang out with me again. Which. Nah. Absolutely not. He keeps persisting, and I have to go to the same school as him this year for the first time since third grade (I’m in high school). My brother keeps taunting me with this information, and I’m just so tired of him acting like it was me just being a dramatic. I know he doesn’t view assault as “that big of a deal,” but damn. I’m his sibling. He also keeps hassling me about reconnecting, and has repeatedly said he won’t leave me alone until I provide an “actual” reason to not be friends with John? He claimed I was being an “unfair asshole”, a “drama queen”, “too sensitive”, and a “bitch” about it.
TL:DR My ex-friend who I had a pretty fucked-up relationship with and who assaulted me wants to reconnect with me despite my desire to go completely no contact. My brother thinks I’m the asshole for this, and that I’m making a big deal of not wanting to interact with the ex-friend at school this year. AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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yuriko-mukami · 11 months
The Extended Mukami Family Headcanons
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Sends Insta reels in everyone's DMs. While others are okay with it, Ruki doesn't quite know what to make of it.
Wants to bring bunnies in the garden. So far, Yuma hasn't allowed it.
Has art making girls' nights with Maria. Laito has asked several times both to draw more lewd stuff.
Is sure that Eri and Yuriko are sometimes messing with the garden. Knows that Yuriko naps there as a fox but suspects she isn't the only one.
Is damn happy that Azusa has settled down with Christine.
Sometimes loses his cool with Kou and Kazemi.
Is the quiet one and might be a bit snarky bit she secretly enjoys having family around. She doesn't admit it.
Occupies the garden pool during summer and the inside pool during colder seasons.
Has a certain tone of voice when talking to Kou that alerts everyone else to change the room just before their next argument starts.
Call all the girls as his fans. And makes sure that everyone hears his new songs as soon as possible.
Tries to bribe girls to make him Vongole Bianco whenever Ruki is away. Yuriko sometimes agrees but doesn't want anything back.
Keeps touch through the family group chat when he is away because of work. Always sends tons of photos.
The most outgoing of the girls but still enjoys her quiet time, too. She manages to balance these perfectly.
Talks about poetry with Yuriko. Sometimes Ruki joins them, sometimes he simply enjoys monitoring and listening to the girls talking.
A coffee drinker who likes dates in cozy cafes and knows how to dress for the occasion. Azusa never thought he would like to go to cafe dates, but he adores those moments with his Rose.
Adores everyone and is genuinely happy that there is so much love in the manor these days.
Has become healthier because of his relationship with Christine. She is his first priority, and he always puts her before anyone else.
Always answer a bit too late to the texts in the family group chat.
Secretly admires other girls' long hair and wonders if her short hair is okay. She also thinks everyone dresses better than she.
Teases Eri and Kazemi about their relationships with Yuma and Kou because she finds their reactions cute.
Sends book quotes in the family group chat in random times. Reads everything there but might say nothing for days.
Tries to make sure everyone does their share in the household and keeps things organized even though it's even more a hassle than it was before.
Loves cooking for the family. It's important to him that there is a family dinner at least a few times of the week. But sometimes, he is happy to eat alone with Yuriko, and he also enjoys retreating into the silence of their library bedroom.
Is a bit confused with the family group chat at times since people are texting too much. But he has realized it's useful for giving tasks and reminds everyone about important things.
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I just had to write these down. I hope you guys won't mind. And it's okay if you don't agree with all of these.
Also, if you want to add yours, I would be happy to read them.
@eri-talks @mermaid--bride @seaoflove07 @askazusablog @mr-laito-sakamaki @ruki-mukami-dl
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tunas-universe · 2 months
BEHOLD. URS HEADCANONS!!!! (Plus Rhi) Starting from the youngest to the oldest :]
Age: 10 (PLC), 11 (USUM), 14 (Alolarc)
Birthday: 3-18-2244
Family: Fyna (adoptive mother), Janae (adoptive mother), Dulse (adoptive older brother but not really her adoptive older brother???)
- Zossie is a rookie, yet a prodigy when it comes to her duties. She’s the youngest known Scout to date.
- Her parents abandoned her as an infant on the doorstep of Ultra Corp, she was found by Phyco and was in his care until Fyna and Janae, being unable to summon a baby (that’s a whole can of worms I’ll explain later), legally adopted her.
- She has diagnosed ADHD
- Despite being very tiny and younger than all the other Ultra Academy students, she somehow managed to gain the respect of most of the other students, she’s also pretty popular for becoming a Scout at such a young age
- Zossie is obsessed with ground type Ultra Beasts, explaining why she likes Diglett so much
- In my version of USUM, all four of the sillies go to Alola, she ends up befriending Elio/Selene, Hau, and Lillie, she became friends with Lillie while they were staying at the Aether Foundation.
- She eventually becomes a trainer, catching a Diglett, Alolan Raichu, and Togedemaru, she likes electric types
- She also makes friends with Acerola and Sophocles
- Zossie ended up replacing Tray in Team 14 after his death
Age: 14 (PLC), 18 (PoGo)
Family: Unnamed mother, unnamed sister
Birthday: 9-5-2240
- Rhi is a demiboy, they use he/they pronouns but prefer people using they
- They actually joined the Go Recon Squad a bit before the Alolarc, they wanted to try something different
- They actually are friends with Zossie, and was part of her and the PLC players team for the Ultra Games (another can of worms)
- They were taken in by Professor Willow as a guest as they do their studies on the Pokemon of our dimension
Age: 21 (PLC), 22 (USUM), 24 going on 25 (Alolarc)
Family: Zandr (father; deceased), Nadira (mother; deceased), Vycas (twin brother)
Birthday: 5-31-2233
- holy shit
- He gets his resting bitch face from his mother and his lack of emotes from his father, he is also autistic 👍
- His childhood from 12-15 was pretty damn traumatic, he still has trouble processing it sometimes
- When he was 16, his brother ran away, leaving him alone, Phyco introduced him to Fyna, Janae, and Zossie and they essentially became his surrogate family
- Shit happens in PLC, but uhhh he loses a friend :( but he gets his brother back :)
- In my rewrite of USUM, Dulse and Soliera do not fucking trust Lusamine or Faba with Necrozma or Cosmog at all
- A group of Team Skull grunts tried to hassle him once, he looked at them, they ran
- He is like crazy good at making food, which he gets teased for by Zossie (even though she’s always the one asking him to make something), he also is just the mom friend and a massive himbo behind his RBF and lack of emotions
- He catches a daytime Lycanroc, Alolan Ninetales, Ralts, and a Gothorita, plus the Naganadel he has prior to USUM
- This man goes out in 90°+ weather in a FUCKING HOODIE, HE DOES NOT KNOW HOW TO DRESS FOR THE WEATHER (he and Irida are twinning)
Age: 22 (PLC), 23 (USUM), 26 (Alolarc)
Family: Phyco (father), Marza (mother; disowned), Tulip (gf :))
Birthday: 11-29-2232
- Yes. I HC her as Phyco’s daughter.
- On the other hand, her mother, Marza, was a toxic model with toxic expectations on her daughter, Soliera was forced to look pretty whenever she was with her. She always wanted to be a Scout though.
- Phyco won custody over her when she was 15, Soliera would disown her mother after the events of PLC, realizing that she’ll never change
- She threw herself into things like sports, friends events, and her studies, she was a model student
- She can be a bit brash and easy to jump into things, she got into alot of fights in high school
- Soliera fucking hates Yungooses, they tried to chase her when the URS first went onto Melemele, the player had to help her
- Yes she’s dating Tulip bc I thought the vibes would be cute :) plus she learns that there are models with healthy and non-destructive mindsets out there unlike her mother, she’s sapphic asexual btw
- She travelled to Paldea within the period between USUM and the Alolarc, which is where she met Tulip and also added a Ceruledge to her team, which consisted of Nighttime Lycanroc, Alolan Sandshrew, Bisharp, and Toxapex
- She’s the opposite of Dulse where she is atrocious at cooking, she was left in charge of dinner once and gave the entirety of Team 14 severe food poisoning and the latter came back horrified
Age: 58 (PLC), 59 (USUM), 62 (Alolarc)
Family: Soliera (daughter), Marza (ex-wife)
Birthday: 8-6-2196
- He helped establish the Ultra Academy and also the Expedition Program :) he also used to work with Xerosic (before his comically evil scientist arc)
- He stopped aging at 59, he’s pretty young compared to elder Megalopians, he also had Soliera at 36, he and Marza were older parents
- Phyco is involved in lots of important missions, due to his status on the Captains Council, which is how he took down UNIVations, rescued Dulse and Vycas, got involved in the Vantablack conspiracy, went to Alola, went BACK to Alola…
- He starts consulting Burnet about Ultra matters instead of Lusamine due to the situation with Lillie and Cosmog giving him and the others a bad vibe about Lusamine
- Phyco has an assortment of Alolan shirts, goes Mantine Surfing, and eats an ungodly amount of Malasadas he’s turning into beach grandpa
- Do not threaten his posse of weird cats (the other three) he will find a way to smuggle a school of Tynamo in your water tank
- He doesn’t really battle, but he owns a Furfrou, Alolan Persian, and a Naganadel just in case
- He tells the stupidest goddamn stories and they always make Soliera die inside
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emmy-dekarios-bg3 · 5 months
Heart of the Weave - A Baldurs Gate fanfiction - Part 2
Chapter 5 - Another adventure huh?
Morning arises and boy am I glad that I can’t be exhausted. Sleep is still nice while immortal; a full night’s sleep gets my brain functioning fully. On top of that, if I sleep, I feel more powerful than before, which is well needed in these strange times. I turn over to face Gale, noticing him wide awake with Jenevelle in his arms. She notices me waking up, smiling and cooing as she becomes alert.
“Ah, my little baby. Such a happy girl,” I remark, admiring her. Gale chuckles and rolls his eyes as if that wasn’t a true statement. She could never be a handful. .
“Mmm, not this morning. On top of her wanting a bottle super early, which she let me know with anger by the way, she had a massive blowout like you wouldn’t believe. I had to bathe her and then eventually bathe myself. I’m just glad you got your rest after last night.” I snuggle my head into his neck comfortably.
“Well, Mr. Dekarios, I’d be happy to stay here while you go kick some Bhaalspawn arse.” He laughs and shrugs his bare shoulders, placing our daughter on my chest. I know he had an eventful morning with her, but I honestly love that he didn’t complain.
“Let’s chat with our counterparts –”
“Friends,” I interrupt, giving him a smirk.
“Right. Then we can come up with a plan.” Well damn, this means we will either need to visit most of our friends by foot, or we can visit with Withers. So, we are going the easy route and summoning Withers because walking all over Waterdeep is the biggest of hassles. For the purpose of Jenevelle not getting terrified, we place her in her playpen in the living area for a few moments while we discuss important matters with him in the kitchen. Tara is keeping her company in the meantime.
Gale performs the summoning spell and Withers appears before our very eyes, which never fails to make me jump because it either takes him one minute to appear or ten minutes. Either way, his entry is startlesome.
“Ah, does thou need assistance? I assume companionship is what is desired.”
“Good to see you again Withers. Yes, that is the matter we wanted to discuss with you,” Gale responds. “Can you have them come our way please?”
“I can, but please be advised that Jaheira has passed on and Minsc is in a grieving state over her unpredicted death.” My jaw drops hearing this devastating news over Jaheira. No. This can’t be. I’m just now hearing about this?
“Wait…how did she die?” I ask, my voice cracking as I’m holding back tears. “It can’t be.”
“The Bhaalists. Jaheira’s soul flies on and is as bright as the moonlight. She protected the ones she loved and told them to run. I can say no more on the matter.”
“The Bhaalists…got her?”
“Yes.” Gale and I are astonished at this horrible news I didn’t expect to hear today. And Minsc? Oh poor Minsc. His heart must be so shattered. “Shall I alert thy companions for your need of them?”
“Yes please,” I murmur, my heart shattered, and a tear delicately rolling down my cheek. Gale pulls me in for a gentle hug, holding me close as I cry into his chest. “Not Jaheira.”
Withers comes back after roughly five minutes.
“Thy companions should arrive here soon. Death and danger lie ahead, but those strong enough to bare it can end the darkness of Bhaal.” Poof. He vanishes again, leaving behind a cloud of blue smoke.
“Well, it’s happening. Hopefully our little group would be willing to conquer this journey with us. I’m so sorry we had to hear such horrible news,” Gale says apologetically. “From what I gathered from that, she told her family to run. It was just her against these horrible people, if you can even call them that.”
“They’re far from human. They’re deranged monsters.”
What is causing these horrible cultists to go on a rampage like this all of a sudden? I assume Bhaal had plans for them since Orin is no longer in the picture. They feared her, they obeyed her. They knew they couldn’t compete. Now that she’s dead, it’s a battle to the death to take her spot. Their God is vile and I’ll never understand his charms.
Everyone arrives at the tower quicker than we expected. Well, mostly everyone – excluding Minsc and Lae’zel. We open the door and everyone comes inside to gather around the living area. We all pour ourselves a glass of wine as we get ready to discuss the next steps.
“The babies… What are we to do?” Shadowheart questions, holding her baby in her arms. She genuinely looks terrified, and understandably so.
“My dear, you should stay with Emmy. I’m a vampire after all, I have nothing to fear. I’ll get to thirst on these heinous, filthy Bhaalists like it’s a buffet. I can’t wait. Plus, I need you and the child safe.”
“On top of that, you’ll get to be with Jenevelle and I. I could use the company,” I add. She gasps in excitement and Astarion takes the baby from her so she can jump up and down.
“Okay, I’m sold.”
“Wow, that was easy. Normally it’s hard to convince–” Shadowheart glares at Astarion for a moment and he clears his throat. “I mean, I’m glad you’ll be staying, my love.” I feel much more comfortable at the idea of staying home with Jenevelle now if it means Shadowheart would stay. Some sort of adult conversation will at least keep my mind at ease.
“Wyll and I will ABSOLUTELY join! We have nothing to live for,” Karlach chimes in. Wyll raises his eyebrow and cocks his head at her.
“Hey now!”
“Sorry, that came off much worse out loud than it did in my head.” I bust out in laughter, which causes me to snort, which I tried not to do but it caused another laughing fit. Astarion is giving me a petty look of judgment.
“Alright, which one of you fools casted Tasha’s Hideous Laughter on this poor soul?” Astarion mutters. “Unbelievable.”
“Count me in as party of the team against these vile murderers,” Halsin comments. “May we restore peace once more and get justice for Jaheira.” Every single one of us holds up our wine glasses for a toast, and we all say simultaneously, “For Jaheira.” Both babies are lying on the rug on their bellies, trying to figure each other out. It’s so cute to see Jenevelle make her first friend, though Shadowheart and Astarion’s baby Asher will eventually age and ours will not. At least Asher is a half-elf, which means it might take him longer to age anyway.
“Well, when should we leave? I’ll need to pack some necessities for the adventure there,” Gale questions as he sits down on the sofa next to me.
“The sooner the better, before the already dire situations get much worse,” Astarion replies. “I just want to get this overwith.”
“So, tomorrow then? I’m with Astarion on this one,” Wyll chimes in. “For once.”
“Tomorrow it is then!”
I did not realize they’d all be leaving so soon, but I suppose it’s best they leave as soon as possible. Who knows how long Gale will be away from us and what sort of dangers they’ll run into? All I have to say is, thank the Gods he’s immortal otherwise I’d lose my shit.
“I’ll miss you,” I tell him as he wraps me in his warm embrace. He kisses my forehead as he holds me, hesitating on his next word. I know he’s just taking it all in.
“I’ll miss you too. Hopefully we won’t be gone terribly long.”
“You two are so fucking cute! It…makes me want to cry,” Karlach comments with a dramatic sniffle. “Sorry, I just love sappy shit like this.” Wyll wraps his arm around Karlach, laughing as he pulls her close and kisses the side of her head. “There it is. About time, Wyll.”
After everyone leaves, Gale packs his backpack with necessities needed for the dreaded adventure back to Baldur’s Gate and I decide to get dinner started. I just hope they can all at least get rid of the sick, monstrous fucks that are murdering everyone. I also keep hoping that Gale’s mother is alright. She’s older and fragile, I can’t imagine anything happening to her. While she lives in Waterdeep, I just know the cultists are bound to head here at any given time if they haven’t already.
We sit down at the table ready to eat dinner. Tara joins us, but basically licks her paws the whole time.
“I will do my best to protect our friends the best I can,” Gale mutters, taking a bite of venison. “I will do my damned best to get rid of the source of this catastrophe. After seeing the horrific influence Bhaal has on people, it makes me so glad I never chose godhood.”
“I agree completely. I can’t imagine you losing yourself for power like that. And you probably would have left me behind and we wouldn’t have the life we have now. I can’t fathom it.” We talk about it a lot, but it’s true. The influence a god has on people is terrifying. What if Bhaal was once a good person and turned to murder once he became a god?
It’s time for Jenevelle to go to sleep. I’m letting Gale feed her and prepare for her bed since he will leave early tomorrow morning.
“Oh, my sweet girl,” he mumbles to her as he gives her a bottle. “May you always stay so precious and sweet. I love you so very much. You are the greatest gift anyone could have ever given me.” He smiles down at her as she watches him speak. His soothing voice makes her eyes heavy and she looks as if she’s going to fall asleep in his arms.
{check out my AO3 👇🏻}
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bluedemon1995 · 9 months
Day 5 22 Chimney-sorry its late, I swear I’m finishing these prompts though!
Christmas vacation this year involved a lodge that Shiro and Curtis rented for the group to have a place to gather for whatever day worked for them. Katie was not looking forward to going. She had a lot of work, and it seemed like a hassle to go up to some cabin.
Unfortunately, Shiro talked to her mom, and her choice in the matter quickly vanished. Instead, she was in the car with Matt and on her way to the cabin. Her parents were in Italy visiting family, and Matt was her keeper. Honestly, it’s like she’s not even an adult.
Once they got to the cabin, she realized more people were there than planned but missing. Those who are still off the planet. Which made her sad. She missed them all being together, and yes, she knew there were new and notable additions to their little group. Curtis is great. James is great. Ina and Veronica are all great.
But missing Allura was a weight she didn’t think would hit as hard. Then there was Lance trying to put on his best face so no one would worry. Which just made her worry more. Katie hated being in such a negative head space, but her heart was pretty heavy at this point. Feeling like she was getting a cold, she opted to sleep in and not go for the skiing portion of the trip.
Which is why she was currently in the house alone, lying on the couch with a bag of Doritos, kitkats, and Coke. She was freezing, but apparently, the fireplace didn’t work. She sighed and looked around for a blanket. Suddenly, the front door slammed, and cold air wafted in.
“What the fuck?! Close the door unless someone is dying!”
“Not dying-just tired!”
Katie jackknife up. “KEITH?!”
“Hey, I told you I’d make it! I keep my promises, brat.”
Katie just stared. She didn’t think he’d show. He’s missed the last few meetings, galas, and even Shiro’s last birthday. What made him come?
Keith dropped his duffle bag, kicked the door shut, and started taking off his coat and shoes. As he hung them up, she could see him sneaking glances her way. What is he thinking? Katie felt her face getting hot, and now she crouched on her knees., peering over the couch. He straightens and walks purposefully toward her.
“Why is it so cold when there’s that huge fireplace there?”
“Well, something is wrong with the chimney, so you can’t start a fire.”
“Who said?”
“Um, Curtis, they tried before we got here and ~”
“Yeah, I got this. I’ll have you warmed up in no time.” He swipes a heavy blanket as he says this and tosses it to me. What is he playing with?
I watch him, huddled in the blanket, as he takes off his sweatshirt and leans into the chimney. He pulls out a tool from the side and starts poking and prodding. Then he repeatedly pulls on some lever, and then he jumps up. He whistles for Cosmo, and they disappear for a few minutes. Suddenly back and cold, he grins at me as Cosmo jumps right onto my lap. Which means he’s sprawled on top of me. As I give my favorite space dog some hugs and rubs, I find that I can’t take my eyes off Keith.
His hair is damp now and despite how cold it is he appears to be sweating. His T-shirt is slightly dirty, and his jeans have a streak of ash or dirt across his butt, like he wiped his hands on them. He grabs for the firewood and somehow in less time that I could blink he has a fire going.
He stands up, nods and turns towards to me. Just staring. I don’t know why I feel my heart racing. Or why my body temperature is suddenly spiking.
He walks over and kneels on the floor in front of me grabbing a hand. Looking down, he mutters, “Shiro said, it was fine if I couldn’t make it. He usually growls or orders. Instead, he said, he invited the MFE’s and that he understood if I had stuff going on. He, um, said that you and James were getting friendly and that he’d take of you.”
Katie’s mouth opened to say she could take care of her damn self when Keith pulled her hand and she tumbled into his lap. He moved her so was straddling him and Katie again felt the temperature rise in the room.
“I found, that…that, idea of him taking care of you…well it really pissed me off. I don’t want him to take care of you. I don’t want your name linked to his, like James and Katie. Or Katie and James.” He pulled her even closer, and Katie found it really difficult to remember how to breathe. “It’s supposed to be us. We’re Keith and Pidge, Keith and Katie, fuck, we ARE my endgame. So, um, what do you think? Miss me, a little? Maybe wanna see me daily in person versus in links?”
Katie could feel her eyes fill with tears. Shit, she just about gave up on him ever, ever picking her. She stared into his eyes and took a slow intake of air. He actually looked scared. Like he didn’t just give her all her dreams tied up in a little bow.
So, she what she could in the moment and nodded. And when she felt the tension leave his body, he pulled her close and said, “Baby, I love you so damn much.
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astonmartinii · 3 years
lemonade and star-crossed lovers, p1 (JJ Maybank)
Warnings: none yet, swearing? all core characters are aged up to 18, Rafe is 21. 
JJ Maybank x kook!reader (super super slow burn) (this will hopefully be a series) 
WC: 4.0k 
Growing up, Y/N always heard jokes about how the eldest daughter was just the mum in a different font. She never used to believe it, but that was when she had present and dedicated parents. Now, it just seemed that with every addition to the Miller family, the less interested Kevin and Julie Miller became. 
So here Y/N was, practically a mother to her three younger siblings. 
Dylan is only a year younger than Y/N but is no less of a hassle, especially when his useless friends decide to crash at their place. But considering they had the most hectic house of Dylan’s friendship group, the Miller household was usually the last option. 
Then there’s Anderson, he’s in his rebellious phase currently, getting to that point where he’s figured out that acting out could maybe get the attention of his parents. Though Y/N wasn’t sure how well his plans were working out. 
Peach is the youngest and practically attached to Y/N’s hip. To an untrained eye, Y/N often looked like a teen mum as she took Peach with her to the grocery shopping. In fact, Y/N was sure that if the kooks in Figure Eight didn’t know her family, they’d sneer at her with the same ignorance that clouded their entire lives. 
Y/N woke up glad - it’s the last day of school. Summer break looms. The idea of boneyard keggers and hot (but equally clueless) tourons, excited the girl. But she knew her summer reality would be looking after Peach, bailing Anderson out of jail and swatting away the affections of Dylan’s stupid friends. 
Dylan is already awake when Y/N comes knocking, taking extra close care to his hair. 
“Oh, you’re up,” Y/N said, moving to ruffle his hair and grab the empty plate on his bedside cabinet. 
“Jesus, fuck Y/N, was that really necessary?” 
“Hey maybe if you spent more time on assignments than your hair you wouldn’t have to take so many summer classes - oh yeah, mum might not remember, but I do, and you will be going.” 
“But it’s summer, surely it’s a violation to my human rights to go to school.”
“I’m sure you’ll survive, and maybe when you finally pass this year, you’ll thank me. Breakfast in 10.” 
Dylan just flips his sister off, going back to admiring himself in the mirror. 
Y/N next goes to Peach’s room to find her awake and rummaging through her draws. 
“Hey, princess, what are you thinking for the last day? Third grade finished already, you’ll be my age soon, wheeling me into the retirement home.” 
Peach erupts into giggles, pulling out a little pink summer dress and grabbing her pink sandals to complete the ensemble. 
“All pink, we love. Breakfast in 10, alright, don’t want you to be late for the last day.” 
Anderson’s room is last, Y/N doesn’t bother knocking on her parent’s door. Kevin is probably already down on Judy - his beloved boat. The room is typical of a 14 year old boy, it stunk, his weed paraphernalia was badly hidden and there was a lump of pillows under the cover instead of a boy. 
Shrugging, Y/N picked up the dirty mugs in his room and moved downstairs. She’d been awake nearly an hour now but was still unsure of what to make for breakfast. Opening the fridge gave her the only possible answer, leftover pizza from the previous night and maybe a porridge pot, though considering there were only two siblings to account for, it would do. 
Dylan and Peach joined her in the kitchen shortly after, each taking a slice or two of pizza. 
“No Anderson and pizza for breakfast? Watch out, we'll be calling CPS as soon as we’re outside.“ 
“You don’t know where the bug is? Why does that boy insist on giving me early onset cardiac issues?” 
“Don’t take it too to heart, I’m sure he’ll turn up by the second period.” 
“Okay, go to school now. Dylan, are you okay to drop Peach off, I’ll pick her up.” 
Dylan nods and ushers the youngest out of the door and to his car. Y/N lets out a sigh when she sees them leave the driveway and makes her way to the back door. Through the sliding door she can see her dad, Kevin on Judy instructing John B, the kid who worked on the boat, what to do. Y/N puts two slices of pizza on a plate and grabs an apple and ventures out to the dock. 
“Morning Y/N.” 
“Morning, John B, can I interest you in an apple? It’s all we have I’m afraid.” 
“No worries, any breakfast is breakfast when you’re a pogue.”
“Oh John B, you know I don’t believe in all that sub-par class warfare bullshit.” 
“Of course you don’t, but that’s very easy to say when you’re on the other side.” 
Y/N doesn’t say anymore, but moves to give her dad his breakfast. She liked John B and hoped he didn’t see her like the other kooks. Sure Rafe Cameron frequented her house, but she’s nothing like him. 
“Thanks, squirt.” 
Despite the nickname, Kevin was absent as ever, not moving to look at her. 
“You’re children are off to school, don’t worry.” 
“Oh thank you Y/N, I really don’t know what we’d do without you! You’re such a gem, you’re really unappreciated and we don’t deserve you! Thanks dad, I really needed to hear that. Are you coming later?”
“Where?” Kevin grunted, with pizza in his mouth. 
“My graduation? Did you forget that was today?” 
The awkward silence was enough of an answer for Y/N. 
“Sorry squirt, I promised to go to the mainland to pick something up for your mother.” 
With that, Y/N stormed off Judy, towards the house and into her room. When she sat down on her bed she could think about what just happened. She knew her parents didn’t care about her, but missing their first child’s graduation for a small errand to the mainland? 
Now that the house was quiet again, she could get ready - she was graduating today and as valedictorian she wants to look her best. Julie, her mum, is in Washington on some mysterious job venture, Y/N wasn’t told until she came down in the morning a few days ago and saw Julie with her suitcases. She guessed that one positive of her parents’ absenteeism is her ability to steal Julie’s expensive jewelry to wear. 
Y/N looked in the mirror, she did clean up nice when she wanted to. Her lengthy hair is in a half-up, half-down style, with minimal makeup and a red knee-length dress. The dress hugged her figure and complemented her graduation gown perfectly. Too bad none of her family would be there to see it. She knew deep down that Peach and Dylan would’ve attended if possible, and Anderson would maybe even make an appearance, especially if there was food involved. 
Y/N put her matching red heels on and grabbed her cap from her closet. After one final look in the mirror and putting her printed speech into her bag, the young girl made her way down the stairs. 
To her surprise, none other than John B sat in her kitchen drinking a glass of water. 
“You clean up nice kook,” said John B, a smug smirk on his face. 
“Thank you, John. Don’t you have graduation today?” 
 “Eh, yeah. I’m just going for the food though, school isn’t really my thing…” John B looked closer at her cap. “I’m practically the opposite to you Miss Valedictorian”. 
“Hmm, well at least someone in this house noticed, thank you John B. I’m going now, I didn’t notice your van out front, you need a lift to yours?” 
“Is that really on your way, wouldn’t want Miss Valedictorian to be late to her own event, you got a speech ready?” 
“I do as a matter of fact, but I want to be just on time, minimise the time people have to ask about the whereabouts of my parents. So, do you want a lift or not?” 
“Sure thing, Miss Valedictorian.” 
Y/N doesn’t acknowledge the nickname, but secretly loved it, it was a joke, but at least someone was appreciating her achievements. Peach would, she knows, but she’s not really at the point of understanding what it means and the others really are wildcards.
She led John B out to her small car, a baby blue Beetle. The boy smiled at her choice in car, 
“I’m sure that a kook like you could afford better than this.”
“Don’t insult Shelby in her presence, weren’t you ever taught manners? Now get it and give me directions.” 
The drive was fun, not that John B would tell Y/N that. He enjoyed her music choice, Mac Miller blasting from her speakers and the windows were fully rolled down, damned be her hair. 
Y/N neared the chateau and came to a stop. There were a few people sitting on the porch, looking over in confusion. 
“Yo, what’s with the kook-mobile, John B?” The blonde yelled from his seat on the beaten-up couch. 
When John B only turned to Y/N to say thank you, the interest peaked on the porch. The little gang of pogues moved towards the car. 
“John B, I didn’t realise your job came with a taxi service, why did I have to drop you off this morning?” The blonde, once again. 
“Lay off JJ, this is Y/N Miller, she’s the daughter of Kevin, the guy whose boat I work on. She’s on her way to her graduation and offered me a lift.” 
“Since when are kook graduations on the Cut?” The other boy interjected. 
Y/N decided to speak up, “if I knew an act of kindness would cause so much strife, I’ll just let you walk home next time. Now, I do have somewhere to be, so it was nice to see you, John B. I'm sure I’ll see you again this week.” 
“Bye Miss Valedictorian, good luck with your speech,” John B said, getting out of Shelby. 
“You’re the valedictorian?” Kiara finally spoke, face shocked. 
“Yeah, surprising what happens when you show up for school right?” Y/N snapped, angrier than she intended. 
“Oh yeah, sorry. I guess I thought that maybe Sarah would get it, especially if Ward has anything to do with it.” Kiara grimaced, she didn’t mean to offend the Miller girl. 
“You can’t buy the valedictorian title, well I’m sure you could, but not to flex, but my grades were miles better. If we’re being really ironic though, Ward technically does pay for the valedictorian,” Y/N said with a smile, not meaning to brandish her academic success in their faces. 
A chorus of “huhs?” from the pogues surrounding her car told Y/N that they weren’t catching her drift. 
“I’m Ward Cameron’s assistant. Sorry, I didn’t make that very clear.” 
“You have a job, but you’re a kook?” the blonde, JJ, said. 
“Yes, blondie, some of us do have to look out for ourselves, didn’t your parents tell you not to judge a book by its cover. I’ll see you around. Bye John B.” 
Y/N backed out of the road, heading back to Figure Eight, with her graduation starting in 10 minutes, she had massively overstayed her welcome at John B’s. If she weren’t so busy, Y/N always thought she’d like to be friends with John B and his crew, they had an unmistakable family bond that Y/N craved. She loves her siblings but they are still grappling with the idea of give and take, mainly fixating on the taking aspect. 
Y/N pulled up to school, and took out her phone, dropping a text to Anderson pleading with him to at least make it to two classes today. Even with her phone safely away in her bag, Y/N couldn’t quite bring herself to get out of the car. Happy families surrounded her everywhere she looked, she couldn’t handle the stares when she walks in alone. Well, it’s now or never she says to herself. 
Walking isn’t as bad as she suspects, Mr Morgan, her English teacher, meets her at the door and takes her to her seat, explaining the mechanisms of the ceremony and when she’ll make her speech.  
The hall, however, is the reminder that Y/N was dreading. The two seats she had booked for her parents sat empty, standing out like a sore thumb in the packed hall. She made her way to the student section with her head down. However, before Y/N could sit she was apprehended by an excitable Sarah Cameron. 
“Y/N! Hi! I heard you’re valedictorian, well done! I don’t know how you managed, with all the work and your siblings, you really are amazing.” 
“Thanks, Sarah.” 
The words sting, despite their pure intentions. She’s a kook, she shouldn’t have to work, and she should have parents who care for her and her siblings, but some things just aren’t meant to be, clearly. Y/N sat in her assigned seat and willed the ceremony to go fast, though she wasn’t looking too forward to her speech. The diversion to the chateau meant that Y/N had no time to look over it again. 
The ceremony started and the hall quietened down. Principal Stoney started her opening speech, basking in the spotlight when the hall door bursts open and interrupts. In the doorway stands Anderson. His hair is disheveled and the clothes are torn, probably from the nightly activities with the skateboard he held in his hand. The boy scanned the hall, eyes falling on the empty seats with the name Miller and then Y/N herself. He gives her a small wave and pushes past the Figure Eights families to the seats. 
Principal Stoney just restarts, a slight bewildered look on her face. 
When it was time for her speech, Y/N didn’t even feel real, like she floated to the stage and was possessed. Her speech went well from what she could gather, Mr Morgan gave her a thumbs up and Anderson hollered, much to the dismay of the families around him. But he was even worse when she received her diploma. 
As families spilled onto the field for fancy food and photo opportunities, Y/N wrangled Anderson to the side before he could raid the food stalls. 
“Anderson, what the fuck? First you didn't come home last night and then crash my graduation?” 
“Hey, I’m sorry about last night, me and the boys got carried away skating and I crashed on Oscar’s couch. I’m sorry, I should’ve called. And as for now, you think I’m going to let my smart-ass VALEDICTORIAN sister graduate without anyone being here to holler? You’re dead wrong.” 
The sentiment fills Y/N’s heart with joy and tears threaten to spill. Anderson’s never been good with feelings, it was nice to know that he did care. 
“Mum and dad can go fuck themselves, if they don’t see how great you are then they’re blind.” 
“Thanks, bug. It means a lot. Now don’t eat too much, people are probably already annoyed that you’re here.” 
Anderson shrugs, he couldn’t care less what they thought, he was here to eat and show off his sister. 
“Congratulations Y/N!” 
The voice of Y/N’s boss, Ward Cameron, was easily identifiable. Y/N puts on her confident face and turns to see the whole Cameron brigade, minus Wheezie. 
“Thank you, Mr Cameron.”
“You know, I just don’t know how you get it done, working for us and dealing with your siblings…” Rose says, the last part fading out as she watches Anderson walk back to his sister with his arms piled high with fancy horderves. 
“It’s tough, yeah, but what wouldn’t you do for your family?” 
“Of course, of course, sorry for any implications, where is the old man, I know Julie is off on business, but Kevin has to be proud, I didn’t see him in the hall?” Ward’s voice feigned sincerity, but the Miller siblings saw right through it. Before Anderson could respond, Y/N replied. 
“Dad is also doing business on the mainland, at the last minute. He’s devastated, really,” it's not convincing, even to her. Y/N can tell she hasn’t convinced the Camerons either. Sarah gives her a sad look, Rose attempts to mirror her step-daughter but fails, Ward looks slightly smug, like he’s trying to hide it but Rafe doesn’t even try to hide it like his dad, a massive smirk on his face. 
“What are your plans for the summer Miller?” Y/N is surprised when it’s Rafe who asks the question. 
“Well, I’ll be working for your dad, if he’ll have me, I still have my volleyball coaching in the tourist season and there’s never a dull moment with these around,” Y/N puts her arm around Anderson. 
Looking for a quick exit, she looks at her watch. 
“Oh, if we go now, you can still catch your last two periods. Kids, am I right?” She gestures at Rose and Ward, “we’ll be off now, I’ll see you next week?” 
The Camerons nod as Y/N pulls Anderson away and towards the car park. But before they can fully escape, they’re stopped by Mr Morgan. 
“You think you can leave without a photo and a proper goodbye, I didn’t think you were that kind of girl, Miller.” 
“Of course not, Mr Morgan, here,” she hands Anderson her phone, “take a picture please.” 
Anderson does so, taking about 50 at once. 
“Okay, okay, let's get one of you two, you can’t not have a proper graduation picture, especially not when you’re valedictorian.” 
Mr Morgan takes the phone and smiles at the siblings. When the impromptu photoshoot ends, Y/N is glad, despite it pushing back her escape. 
“Y/N, on a serious note, you are always welcome in my classroom, you’ve been a pleasure, and don’t tell anyone, but you were my favourite. And you, I hope you’ll be just as good next year sir,” he says turning to Anderson, “although considering you’re here and not in class doesn’t bode well.” 
“Thank you, sir, really. But you are completely right, and that’s why we’re bouncing now, so he can get two at least two periods.” 
Mr Morgan smiles at the two when they start to run to the car. He’s always felt sad for the eldest Miller, and her parents absence did not go unnoticed. 
“I’ll see you later, I know you guys will probably crash a kegger, but at least come home before you go?” 
“Yeah, yeah, okay, who knows maybe I’ll see you there?” 
Anderson laughs and gets out of the car, he knows his sister won’t especially when Peach will be home. Y/N watches him go into the building and stays a couple minutes to make sure he doesn’t sneak back out when he thinks she’s gone. 
But Y/N barely gets time to breathe, as she’s down to the elementary school to pick up Peach. The girl in all pink is waiting with a gaggle of friends and shrieks when she sees the blue car. 
“Y/N! Y/N! I got the “most improved” in drama!” 
Y/N opens the door and picks up Peach, spinning her round and congratulating her. 
“Well done, bubs. This calls for a celebration, it’s the first day of summer and the boys won’t be out for another couple of hours - what do you want to do?”
Peach doesn’t even need a second to think. 
“Lemonade stand!” 
Huh? Y/N was prepared for an answer closer to maybe a princess party or surfing lessons, but a lemonade stand? 
“Are you sure?” 
“You said we could do whatever I want!” 
“Okay, okay, let’s go then we’ve got a lot to do.” 
Satisfied with getting her way, Peach got in the car and demanded that the next stop was the craft store. 
The next 90 minutes were gruelling. Peach spared no expense, Y/N was lucky that she still had the credit card Julie gave her. But she knew it would all be worth it. And it was. 
Peach chose a spot right in the middle of the beach and the stall was already making a profit. Y/N knew kooks just couldn’t resist the temptation to look good and what was better than giving a generous tip to a child’s lemonade stand? 
But with a successful kook-trap came the kook assholes. Namely Rafe, Topper and Kelce. 
“Three lemonades please. Apricot, right?” Rafe said with a smirk. 
“You know it’s Peach asshole.” 
“That’s a bad word, Y/N,” Peach mumbled, clearly upset about being called apricot of all things.
“Yeah that’s a bad word, Miller, you should listen to Apricot a little more.” 
“Maybe, you should listen to your college professors, oh wait, you dropped out, my bad, must be a bit of an open wound judging by the look on your face. I bet daddy wasn’t impressed.” 
“Excuse me, you bitch, how dare you talk to me like that.” 
“Run along, lap dog, we don’t need your money.” 
Rafe goes to say something but Topper and Kelce hold him back. 
“Bro, don’t get it shit with your pops over a fucking lemonade,” Topper warned. 
With a final “fuck off”, Rafe Cameron stalked away to his car, his gang of cowards following, but not without Topper placing a crisp $20 bill in the tip jar. Peach mumbled and thank you and Y/N just nodded to Topper, too tired to say anything more. 
And if her afternoon couldn’t get any worse, the prickly blonde from this morning strolled over to the stand. 
“I’ll have four lemonades please.” 
Peach gasped and accepted his money right away, getting to work on the drinks. 
“I’ve seen many a kook-trap in my time, Miller, but not many operated by Kooks themselves. Impressive ingenuity.” 
“Thanks - JJ, was it? Peach here won “most improved” in her drama class and this is what she wanted to do in celebration” 
“Cute, Miller, didn’t take you as a softy earlier.” 
Peach announces that she’s finished with the pogue’s drinks, he puts another $5 in the tip jar and grabs the drinks. 
“Miller, there’s a kegger at the boneyard tonight, wanna come? I’m sure at least one of your brothers will crash.” 
“Sorry JJ, someone’s gotta look after the little one, maybe another time, if you can stand being around a kook for that long.” 
“I think I can make an exception, especially if they look like you Miller,” he winks, “boneyard tonight, if you change your mind.” 
Y/N blushed, but she knew she couldn’t, she couldn’t leave a nine year old at home, even if Kevin was there, there was no guarantee that Peach would be fed and given adequate attention. 
“He’s pretty, you should go.” 
“Peach, honey, you know I can’t, I can’t leave you at home.” 
“But I could go to Jenny’s, she’s having a sleepover tonight, I forgot to ask earlier, I got too excited about the lemonade stand.” 
“Okay, you can go to Jenny’s, but promise not too much candy?”
“Only if you promise to go with him tonight.” 
Peach was proving to be just as mischievous as her brothers. 
“Okay fine.” 
“Go tell him then.”
“I won’t believe you unless you go tell him now that you'll be there!”
 Y/N groans, but gets up to follow the blonde. As she nears, she shouts, 
“Hey JJ! I’ll be there tonight, at the boneyard, I’ll be there.” 
“Didn’t take too long for you to change your mind then, am I just that irresistible?” 
“No? What? Of course not! It’s just Peach - she’s a master manipulator, and she’s only nine!”
“Sure, Miller, if that’s what you want me to believe, I’ll see you later, sweetheart.”
Y/N turned, she should cringe, but she finds herself blushing as she walks back to Peach. 
“Don’t say anything, missy, you’ve done enough, let’s pack up and get you ready for Jenny’s. You young ones are such troublemakers, damn.”  
A/N: I am not American, so I hope that the graduation stuff makes sense, from someone who has no real clue what happens there lol  
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kaiyonohime · 2 years
I’ve seen some hype around Spy x Family.  And, as I live in Japan, I can watch it pretty easily legally.  It’s on Netflix.  So I decided to sit down and watch it.
Watch the first episode.  Okay, dude is a dumbass, kid is in need of all the therapy.  Okay, I can go with this.  Kinda dumb, but it’s a kids show, so I accept these things.  
Beginning of the second episode... and I nearly threw my fucking tv out the fucking window.  I hate Japan so much at times, especially for just accepting a plot line like this.  So this group of office ladies is standing around gossiping (I accept that, office workers gossip during coffee breaks), and they start going off about how odd one of the women is just because she lives alone at 27!  And they tell how another woman nearby was reported and arrested for doing the same thing!
What.  The.  Fuck!
Like writers, you assholes, there is nothing wrong with a woman choosing to live alone at 27!  Nothing at all!  It means she gets to decide her life on her terms, and she doesn’t have to worry about roommates eating her damn cheese, or who is cooking dinner, or anything else!  
And then her brother calls her and keeps hassling her over not being married either.
I turned the episode off at that point and made myself a sandwich.  With extra crunchy peanut butter.  Because fuck that shit.  I’ll finish the episode, I know she’s some kind of super thief or something, but the fact that the writers just accepted shit like that and displayed it as culturally acceptable pisses me off so much.
I’ve had experience with it, though from an older generation.
When I was in college I got lucky and managed to get my own apartment for a while.  It was a shit hole and the landlord was an asshole, but it was mine.  And all my friends just accepted that and called me lucky, because fuck yeah.
My grandmother made a comment asking if anyone thought I was a whore (a woman with a reputation, grandma never would have used the word whore) simply because I was living alone.  In her day such things weren’t allowed.  Apparently she lived in some kind of women’s only place in college and if there was a male visitor she wasn’t even allowed to shut the door so the woman running the place knew there was nothing going on.
I had to explain to her that no, in the 21st century people just thought I was lucky not to have to deal with roommates, no one thought I was a whore.  
Still brings a smile to my face to remember seeing my grandmother looking around nervously before saying ‘a woman of reputation’!  I wore t shirts, jeans, and plaid shirts.  I think the only reputation I had was being a leftover relic of the Seattle grunge scene.  I just bathed and practiced more hygiene than said scene.
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harrylilies · 4 years
The Royal Series | Pt. II
The Royal Series Masterlist
a/n: Damn okay rewriting this made me question how you all liked this before at all because that was cringey as fuck.
If anyone had told you or Harry that you would be texting each other from your private numbers only a week before you met, the both of you would have laughed straight to their face.
You remember how before you both parted ways that night at the bar, you stood in front of each other by your car, Farrah having been already in the car and Harry’s band having had bid their goodbyes and “we wish to see you again’s”, but Harry lingered by you.
“Thank you for coming to the show and spending time with my lame friends and I.” Harry had said with his hands clasped behind his back and a small smirk on his face as he tipped his head at you.
“Thank you for helping Farrah and I get seats so soon, and for a wonderful show, and amazing fries and conversation.” You had replied with a smirk that mirrored his.
“Will you be attending any more shows of mine?” Almost timidly, Harry had asked.
“Depends, are you going to invite me?”
His smile had widened, eyes seeming to sparkle at the initiated playful banter you replied with, “Would you accept the invitation?”
“As I said, depends if I even receive one.” You had shrugged.
He had known that this was him shooting his shot – a shot at the Princess of the United Kingdom to be more specific and it sounded absolutely mental. “Well, how do I reach you if I ever want to send an invitation?”
You had given him a smile, eyes staring into his, “You can text me, but how do I trust that you don’t leak my number?” You had teased him.
“How do I know that you won’t leak mine?” Harry had joked, tipping his head to the side as he looked at you.
You had given him a shrug with a smile he could only think of adorable and all its synonyms, “You don’t.”
Having had 5 days before his next show and deciding to go back to London, you had planned to meet for coffee at a place you knew that rarely had anyone visiting but coffee turned to staying for lunch, to trying dessert together, and before either of you had known it, you had spent the entire day together.
The following day, you had FaceTimed as you watched a movie together, Harry slipping halfway through it by saying what you had secretly hoped for and had you giggling and smiling like a young teenager;
“I never thought our second date would be over FaceTime.”
For Harry, it was embarrassing, but you had seen it as hitting a bird with two stones; 1: he considered the day before a date, and 2: he considered that one, too, a date.
But you had assured him when you replied;
“Maybe we can meet tomorrow? So that the third one isn’t virtual?”
And for the third one, you had made dinner together at his house and cried watching The Notebook.
Taking your seat at the table, beside your brother, Har, your grandmother had the family over for breakfast and was later hosting a formal dinner on the same day - two occasions you had to attend but you had informed them that you weren’t going to be able to attend dinner.
"Tiny, is it true you’re not attending dinner?" Your brother, William, asked with the nickname he and Har had created for you ever since you were an infant, as you placed toast on your plate before reaching for jam, Har helping you by giving it to you.
You hummed in confirmation, "I have plans that I can't cancel."
Sighing, William put his fork down and looked at you, "What sort of plans?"
Letting your fork down and intertwining your fingers together, you looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, "Personal ones.”
"Personal pla-"
"Oh, just let her go, will you?" Har chuckled, "It's not going to be the end of the world."
"Don't encourage her, Harry." Your grandmother replied.
"I don't need any encouragement, Granny. I have been attending dinners and formal meetings all my life. I think I deserve to look after myself for a bit, don't you think?"
The table was quiet for a few seconds before Har coughed and shrugged, "I think you're right."
You gave him a thankful smile, watching as he winked at you discreetly.
"I think Y/N knows what she's doing, Will." Kate said softly, glancing at you before looking at your brother who instantly loosened.
"Is he British?" You grandmother asked, making the air hitch in your throat before you eyed Har, who stifled his scoff, knowing that she was indirectly referring to the woman he was with; Meghan.
You only looked at her, eyes wide and mouth slightly opened.
"Is-Is who British?" You cleared your throat.
"The personal reason why you're not attending dinner." She gave you a smile, letting you know that she was keeping up.
"Granny!" You groaned, looking down at your plate, ignoring everyone who sat on the table as they seemed to stifle their laughter at the situation.
"Just remember," Your grandmother began, making you look at her, "You are Y/N, Princess of the United Kingdom, not someone normal. Leave the normal to the normal. If you're seeing Fred, I'll give you my blessing. If not..." She paused before continuing to eat.
Your eyes met Kate’s sympathetic ones before you looked down at your plate, "Of course." You whispered.
You were in a hurry to get breakfast done with so you could go on with your own day.
After a formal visit to a hospital, you were glad to go back to your flat at Kensington, finally feeling your muscles relax as you began to get ready to see Harry.
Although you could have your driver drive you to where Harry was, he was persistent to meet you so you could go to wherever he wanted you to go to, together.
Your driver had driven you the short distance from the palace to where Harry was waiting for you, looking around for you to make sure no one but the 3 of you was around.
“All clear.” He smiled as he turned back to look at you.
“Thank you so much,” you smiled back, “Sorry for the hassle.”
“None of that, YN.” The old man waved you off, causing you to grin before getting out of the car and walking towards Harry’s black Range Rover.
His head turned to look at you, a smile instantly making its way to his face as he got out to greet you, wrapping his arms around you in a quick hug before pecking your cheek.
"Sorry I'm late." You said, catching your breath as you looked at him.
"It's okay. Is everything alright?" He asked, his eyes on you as he took you in.
You nodded, smiling slightly. "It is now.”
Getting in the car and buckling up, Harry drove off after waving at your driver.
He glanced at you before looking back at the road, a dumbfounded smile on his face, “You look beautiful.”
You tried to stifle the wide grin, looking at the window beside you, “Thank you. You look lovely, too.”
“Did I just make her Royal Highness blush?” Harry gasped dramatically.
“Shut it, Styles!” You laughed, feeling all the stress and worry that you had carried with you throughout the day fade, “Also, I’m on AUX duty.”
Arriving at the place where Harry promised to be peaceful, you were helped out of the car by him. Gently holding each other's hands, both aware of the zoo in your stomachs, you walked inside the small restaurant.
"Oh, Harry, you're here!" An old lady exclaimed with an excited grin before her eyes moved to you, her grey eyes going wide. "Is this- Oh my, are you Princess Y/N?"
Biting your lip and afraid she'd give you any special treatment, you reluctantly nodded.
"Your Highness," She gave you a curtesy. "The place is a bit messy. It's not always like tha-"
"No, no!" You quickly interrupted her, "I love it. And please call me Y/N."
"Are you sure? I mean you're..." She trailed off, glancing at Harry who gave her a reassuring nod.
"I am." You smiled softly at her.
“Oh, dear,” she brought a hand to her heart as her face softened, “It’s a pleasure meeting you, Y/N.”
“All mine,...”
You smiled, “Pleasure is all mine, Trisha.”
Smiling at the encounter, Harry’s hand was then on your back as he looked at Trisha, "The regular booth." He informed her, beginning to walk towards the end of the restaurant with you.
You sat down, watching as he sat in front of you. "Do you come here often?"
He nodded, "Trisha here," He pointed back with his thumb, "Has seen me at possibly every state. I got lost once and I came here to use their phone and I've been coming here ever since, that was maybe 3 years ago."
"She seems lovely." You smiled.
"She is." Harry agreed before looking at Trisha who came to your table and put two menus in front of you and him.
"I'll be back in a few minutes to take your order."
You smiled at her before opening the menu and skimming through it, “What do you usually get?”
“The s-”
The sound of the door bells chiming grabbed both of your attention, the both of you looking towards it. In came a group of maybe 7 young adults, all laughing and filling the once quiet place.
You noticed it; one guy elbowing his friend and pointing at you with wide eyes and before you knew it, the group of friends were looking at you and Harry with not so discreet whispers.
"Hey," Your head snapped to Harry once you heard him. He leaned forward to talk quietly, eyes showing care, "We can leave if you want."
You slightly smiled and shook your head, "I still want to know your usual plate."
Reaching underneath the table, Harry held his palm open towards you. You glanced from his hand to his face, smiling as you placed your hand in his, feeling Harry give it a squeeze.
The truth was, Harry knew the risk he was taking. He knew that you were way out of his league; hell, if someone told him years ago that he would be on a date with someone from the Royal family, he would've laughed in their face.
Yet, something about you was so soothing. It was almost as if you had a part that needed to explored, a part that you kept to yourself – a part that was just like anyone else; normal. He didn't know what it felt like to be a part of a royal family or even know much about the formal, royal protocol but one thing he knew for sure was that he never felt this way about someone before.
He had never experienced the normalcy of how it felt with you with anyone else.
Eating Harry's usual meal, salmon pasta, you both were sharing stories that had you giggling and all smiles as if you were the only people in the place.
"And before I know it, I'm dragged in the water."
You laughed, "I can't believe you thought your friend was a shark."
"It's not all the time that people drag you into the water!" Harry said defensively but with a chuckle at the end, watching you as you laughed.
"Sure, because sharks have fingers." You sarcastically nodded.
"That-" Harry pointed at you before slumping in his seat, "That's a good point."
With his hands under his chin, Harry watched you talk about that one time you and your best friends, Emma, Farrah and Nia, decided to up and leave England for two days without giving anyone heads up.
"We went to Italy." You finished, smiling down at your finished plate at the memory before looking at Harry, leaning back in your chair.
"Got an earful when you went back home?"
You chuckled, shrugging, "Nothing I'm not used to."
"So the tabloids are true? You like breaking rules?" Harry smirked, tilting his head slightly.
With butterflies in your stomach and a grin on your face, you replied.
"Only when it's worth it."
After sharing dessert, Harry asked for the check.
Holding the paper, Harry took out his wallet as you were taking out yours, “How much is it?” You asked.
He gave you a funny look, “You think I’m letting you pay?”
“Come on, we can’t go through this every time.” You chuckled, trying to snatch the paper from him only to have him pull away.
“Not to sound too proud but you know I’m capable of paying for the both of us for whatever, right?”
“I also know that you don’t have to.” You added.
“But do you know that I want to?” He asked, taking money out discreetly.
You rolled your eyes jokingly at him, “Of course you’d use that line,” you chuckled as he shrugged at you with a cheeky smile, “Fine, I’m leaving the tips though.”
He knew that it was a dead-end so he nodded.
You gave him the money so he could add it with his, “How about we do that from now on? Switch paying and tips with each other,” you suggested, “Next time, I’ll pay and you handle the tips.”
Harry held his hand out, grinning when you shook it, “Deal.”
It felt like the night was getting younger by the second from how neither of you wanted to leave the other and it was why you decided to take a short walk together around the place since it didn’t have any people around it.
It seemed like a rom-com; you walked alongside each other, pinkies softly intertwined as you chattered.
“Uni was probably the nicest period in my life,” you told him, “Nobody seemed to give a shit who I was except for the first week or two but that was just it. We were just a bunch of kids trying to graduate.”
“What did you study?” Harry asked with a smile as the both of you walked slowly.
“Psychology and management.”
You hummed, “Was really interesting studying them, but then you have people with you who just get too into it, especially psychology, and,” you laughed, “We would go out of an intense lecture and someone would come up to you and just,” you stopped as you shook with laughed as you stepped in front of Harry, putting your hands on his arms, Harry grinning in amusement, “Harry, the reason why you don’t like ketchup on your salad is because you weren’t hugged enough as a child.”
He burst out laughing, throwing his head back. You laughed along, eyes twinkling at the sight of the man in front of you.
Breathing out with a hand to his heart, Harry looked down at you as the both of you continued to chuckle.
Maybe it was the setting of it all; a normal date with a conversation that flowed as gracefully as a river, the weather being almost perfect, you and Harry grew quiet as you stared at one another, oblivious to the rapidly thumping hearts hidden in your chests.
Gently and ever-so-softly, Harry leaned closer first, moving one soft hand to your right cheek. The coldness of his rings and the air wasn’t what caused you to take a breath in, it was the intense yet soft look he was giving you before the both of you closed your eyes, lips finally pressing against each other in a gentle kiss.
Quietly and gently, you both pulled away, still maintaining the close proximity. Harry was first to open his eyes, a smile drawn to his face as he watched you open yours.
“Only took us four dates to kiss.” You said quietly with a smile.
“Sorry.” In his deep voice, Harry replied as he still cupped your cheek.
“It’s alright,” you reached to place your hand on top of his on your cheek, “You can make up for it.”
And so, you were both beaming as you jogged to Harry’s car, Harry’s lips getting placed on your own as soon as you were hidden in the car.
It was a hot mess with how much you were both laughing, though not knowing why but judging from the way the night went – it was just happiness and excitement, two nouns you had missed using.
Driving you back was fun though it was bittersweet; the both of you sang along to the music you played, Harry feeling comfortable enough to hold your hand as he drove.
“Will you call me?” You asked quietly and bashfully, unbuckling your seatbelt and looking at him.
Harry’s heart fluttered, leaning closer to kiss your lips. “Only if you’ll answer.”
“I’ll consider it.” You teased, pulling him in for another kiss before getting out of the car.
What you hadn’t expected to find was your personal assistant and friend, Emilie, standing outside your flat door the moment it came into sight.
“The Queen wants to see you right now.”
Your smile fell as you looked at the sympathetic look she was giving you.
The 10-minute drive to Buckingham was quiet, thoughts racing through your head like colliding trains.
The walk inside and to where your grandmother was waiting for you was stressful, but you reached her.
Sitting on a chair, your short grandmother had an iPad on her lap, zooming in and out on it.
“You wanted to see me, Granny?”
She looked up, “Ah! Yes,” she nodded before handing you the iPad, “What is this?”
Taking the iPad, your eyes moved from her figure to the screen, your breath hitching in your throat at the picture of you and Harry smiling at each other stared back at you. From the little preview of photos at the bottom, you swiped to see the other familiar pictures.
A picture of you laughing and Harry talking with a smile on his face, a picture of your hand on top of his as you talked, a picture of the both of you leaving with Harry’s hand on your back.
You stayed quiet for a moment before letting a sigh, your shoulders slumping down, “This is why I’m here?”
“Are you shocked?”
“Kind of surprised, yes,” you nodded, “How is me going out with someone bad enough for you to request to see me now?”
“That someone happens to be a singer,” she frowned, feeling as if spitting out his profession, “A singer who comes from a boyband, dresses in a way that no man should, and might I add, sings for a living.”
Your eyes widened, “No man should? Why? How should a man dress, Granny? Suits for jammies and morning coats for a stroll?”
“He’s a singer, Y/N. You’re a Princess!”
“And a human, too, just like him and just like you,” you chuckled in disbelief, “And he’s bloody talented at what he does and it’s impacting so many people all around the world.”
“How long have you been seeing him?”
“Long enough to actually like him.” You replied instantly.
The Queen closed her eyes momentarily before standing up, “Are you aware of how you were born to marry a royal?”
You shook your head, feeling your eyes grow tearful, “Are you aware of how much I miss running to you when I fall down or feel sad like I used to as a child?”
“You know whose fault that is, young lady? Yours,” she pointed, “The moment you decided that you were unsatisfied with your duty as a Royal Princess.”
“No,” you shook your head with a slight dry laugh, “It was when you decided that me having an opinion was too much of a privilege, Granny, especially when it comes to who I see.”
“You’re doing all this for what? For who? Him?”
“You don’t get it,” a tear fell, “It was never for anyone but myself.”
“I care about you, too, and you know that. It’s why it’s best for you to marry Fred, someone who comes from a royal line, not a commoner!”
“A commoner?” You laughed, “What year is this?”
“Don’t speak to me in that tone, Y/N. Especially when the public caught you in the wrong with the Styles boy.”
“Caught me in the wr-What?” with a chuckle, you added, “Because me meeting up and knowing people who don’t walk around with their fancy attires and royal calendar is wrong, right. Where are you going with this, Granny?”
“You shouldn’t be tarnishing the family like that, I will not allow it, Y/N!”
“Then I don’t want anything to do with it!”
And with that, you turned around, hurrying out of the room as you harshly wiped your cheeks, furiously taking out your phone and dialling the one person you wanted to see.
“Hey, love. Didn’t know you were that eager to hear my voice.”
It was your sniffle that had alerted Harry, sitting straighter as he pressed the phone against his ear, his smile and joking demeanour dropping, “Y/N? Love? Are you okay? What is it?”
“Harry, are you at your house?”
“Yeah, love, I am. You want me to come and get you?” He asked urgently.
“No,” you sniffled, “I’ll be there.”
Getting the car, you wiped your cheek again as you looked at your driver who frowned at you crying, “Can you please take me to Harry’s, Barney?”
“Anywhere you want, Y/n.”
You rang the doorbell, waiting impatiently on the doorstep before you fidgeted with your hands as you waited.
Only a few seconds later did you snap your head up as the door was – aggressively – opened, viewing Harry who looked like he was waiting for the delivery of his child. He instantly pulled you to his chest, resting his chin on your head. "I was worried sick."
"You told me you're not scared." You whispered after a few seconds of silence in each other's embrace.
Harry pulled back a little, looking down at you, his eyes skimming over every part of your face.
A smile made its way on his face as he leaned in, his lips grazing yours ever so softly. "I'm not scared. Are you?”
Closing your eyes, your hands found their way to the hair at the nape of his neck. "I'm not scared."
Harry closed the space between you, pressing his lips to yours in an assuring kiss. Almost as if it was a seal to a deal.
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squishytenya · 4 years
ℙ𝕠𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤
↬ Parings: dekusquad x reader poly
↬ Reader: Gender Neutral
↬ Warnings: mentions of arguments towards the end
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Honestly it was probably Ochako who got you guys into this relationship
She was already dating Tsuyu, Midoriya and Iida but saw how her partners looked at the couple that was you and Todoroki
It was bought up to you one day after class and you admitted to the brunette that both you and your boyfriend had feelings for them all and boom, with a little bit of meddling all 6 of you guys were in a poly relationship
You guys take it in turns to decide on dates so you end up going to many different places or staying in and doing different things
For example, aquariums (Tsu), cooking dates (Ochako) and cinema trips (Izuku) are common ones
Most dates are full group dates to places like fairs or non-fancy restaurants because most people assume you’re a group of friends and don’t hassle you
God forbid they do give you guys any trouble though cause you have unfortunately chosen 5 very protective partners 
Hecklers have to face your surprisingly terrifying girlfriends or risk being lectured by Iida and Midoriya
Shouto chooses to just freeze their feet, he couldn’t care less about being told off by someone *cough* Iida *cough*
Not that Tenya really minds, he finds it as entertaining as the rest of you, but he doesn’t want any of his partners getting into trouble 
Lowkey he and Tsuyu are the only people stopping you and your dumbass partners getting killed or in trouble
When you try to tie yourself to a rope so Uraraka can make you a human balloon? Iida is there to make sure that its at least inside
When Todoroki tries to see if he can cook a steak on his chest? Tsuyu is there with a fire extinguisher 
Cuddle piles are a must!
Usually, you guys move a couple of mattresses on the floor because you can’t fit on one bed and you steal all of the blankets and pillows to make a sort of den in whoever room you choose to 
All of your s/o’s are in the hero course so they are pretty built which makes for some top tier cuddle sessions
Iida is usually on the bottom or in the middle because he’s the biggest but as you guys all gain muscle mass and height it tends to change around a bit
A lot of the time you are pulled on top of Izuku as a kind of human weighted blanket to calm his anxious muttering but you’re not exactly mad about it
If Todoroki has a particularly hard time with his family he gets to be in the middle with all of you bunched around him in a comfort circle
Tsuyu is put in the same position during the winter because she can’t get too cold
You also lend her any and all hoodies/jumpers and cuddle her at any given point, you do not care who else is in the room cause your girlfriend comes first
She also likes to attach herself to Shouto’s warmer side and he lowkey heats himself up for her
All of you pitch in when Ochako is struggling with money by buying her lunch or necessities etc cause she’s usually too embarrassed to ask for your help
They do the same for you if you’re in a similar situation, your rich kid bfs make sure of that
Most of you have a mini first-aid kit on hand for Izuku as well because he manages to hurt himself without even using his quirk
He always awkwardly laughs about it and tries to brush it off but is secretly so soft that you have a habit of kissing it better
All of you eventually picked up this habit of yours and it was a hoot t explain when he hit his head on the door frame and Shouto walked up to him, placed a kiss on his head, and sat down without his expression changing at all
Izuku, who is never good at handling PDA, went so red that Momo actually asked if he needed to lie down 
In fact, not many of you are very good at handling PDA as you’re all easily flustered and yet you find each other so damn cute that you can’t help it sometimes
One of your weak points is Asui’s little tongue blep, it never fails to make you coo at her and pull her into a small kiss
(Who can blame you i would literally die for her)
Shouto tends to be nonchalant about receiving it but the soft blush gives it away a little, he has no shame when it comes to giving it though
Uraraka gets that cute little round blush but always returns the affection, it’s a rule of hers and she ends up being one of the more affectionate partners
Iida does his arm chop thing but always compliments you in some way or another when any of you show affection to him
(he also is secretly very affectionate in private but don’t tell anyone)
Tsuyu gets a little bashful but the girl is kinda shameless and will fully just pull you onto her lap in front of anyone and everyone 
It does not matter what size you are. You. are, going. On. the. Lap. 
As stated before, Izuku is probably the worst at receiving PDA cause he always goes red as a firetruck, starts stuttering and is literally immobile for a whole minute afterwards
It doesn’t matter if it’s a cheek peck or full-blown making out, you’re gonna get this reaction
Tsu likes to tease him for this though and you end up joining in most of the time
In private though he is a like a koala, always touching one of you in some way or another and he really likes to snuggle his head into one of your necks
Ochako is a spooner and likes to wrap her arm around your waist from behind, Todoroki is also a spooner but he prefers for you to be on your back so he can see your face
Tenya likes it when one of you guys lays on top of him, head on his chest and legs intertwined and Asui just likes to starfish on top of any given one of you
Unless she’s cold and then we get a Shouji situation
You guys are one of the most healthy, mutually supportive relationships going and you only really fight when you’re worried about each other
Every fight is intervened by another s/o before it gets the chance to grow and you guys have some hot chocolate while talking it out
This usually ends in a cuddle pile and an organised date for the next day
They’re all just really soft for you and each other even if they have different ways of showing it
But there is always going to be someone for you to talk to or get affection nd comfort from in this relationship
Even if they are blunt, blushy morons, they’re your morons and you wouldn’t have them any other way
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Hope you enjoyed, these were really long! Don’t forget, my requests are always open :)
Remember, reblogs help content creators
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zanef0rd · 2 years
Mercenary Enrollment x Male OC
' Hello?'
' Son. I'm on my way back. Can you ready a first aid kit for me?'
' ... You got hurt?'
' ... Yeah.'
' The All Mighty, Cha Dusik, the most renowned person in the underworld, got hurt?'
' Can you just go ahead and do what request you to?'
' Old man, you, of all people, got hurt?! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! How?!!'
' And I have a son who doesn't get worried that his dad got hurt.'
' Hehehehe. I mean, you asked for it when you choose that kind of work.'
' Touché.'
' Anyways, you got the job done? You suddenly got out of the store when we were shopping.'
'... Sorry about that.'
' No worries. I understand that you can't really bail on it when it's from that family, right?'
' Yeah... It's annoying.'
' I agree. What did they ask you to do?'
' Injure some highschool kid.'
' Damn... How is 'that' a request? How's the kid tho?'
' Dad, did you kill him or something?'
' He's unscathed...'
' You got- You got hurt by a highschooler?! HAHAHAHA!!! I can't breath!!!'
' Shut up! He was skilled, okay?!'
' Pfft-! I wonder if he goes to the same school as I am. So, how does it feel to have the second kid to beat you up?'
' You're having too much fun on this topic.'
' Indeed, I am. But! It is justified when a guy like you got his ass beaten! HAHAHA!!!'
' Why do I have a son like you...'
' Oh, but I didn't choose to be born, you know? You decided to have a 419.'
' ... You should be grateful that I decided to take care of you.'
' I know. Why do you think we can talk like this to each other at this point of time? Most teens didn't even communicate with their parents anymore. But my biological mother was crazy, huh? I'm glad you cut ties with her.'
' Yeah, the best decision in my life.'
' I know, right?'
'... Thanks for coming into my life, Dae-il. I'm proud to be your dad.'
' You can say that to my face, you know?'
' You know what, I take it back.'
' Ehehehe, I'm joking! But yeah, I'm thankful that you're my dad. Who knows what would happen to me if you didn't save me, dad.'
' Yeah. I'll be home in a few minutes. See you later.'
' Yeah. Love you, dad.'
' Love you too, son.'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
My old man has gone senile. That's all I can say. I mean, he definitely not getting younger, but he never forgets his phone when he goes out before. Guess I'll have to stop by at his 'Devil's Cave' today...
I hate that place... It reeks of booze and I genuinely despise it at the bottom of my heart. I can't stand all of the smoke the cigs are releasing and it always bring me headaches after. God... Why did he have to left his phone today?!
I got in my black jumpsuit, wrapping nicely around my quite chiseled and tall figure. I put on my mask and my black cap before putting my phone and his phone in different pockets. Taking the house key, I make my way towards the bar owned by my dad.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
' Sigh~ it's gonna be a hassle from now on.'
' Boss.'
' What?'
' Um... That kid is here.'
' What are you saying?'
The assistant move to make way for the teens that had arrived at the bar. Cha Dusik stared for a while at the silver headed boy before putting out his cigarette at the ashtray, sighing.
' Why are you here?'
' I need information.'
' Wow... That's why you suddenly came here to say...?'
' The granddaughter of SW Group's CEO has been kidnapped.'
Cha Dusik stunned for a while before waving his hand at the bearer of the hazel orbs, denying any involvement in the crime stated by the highschooler.
' You would have to be insane to mess with SW.'
' Do you have anyone in mind who would?'
' Why should I tell you that? Do you have any idea what a mess you got me in...?'
' My little sister was kidnapped too.'
Cha Dusik paused for a while before sighing and muttered to himself. Just as he was about to say something, he was interrupted by a gleeful shout from a new guest.
' Yo! Old man! You forgot your phone! I can't just call you to give it back, so I came here.' said the teen in a black jumpsuit as he make his way towards them. Taking out a phone from his pocket, he throw it towards the scarred face. Cha Dusik caught it with a tick mark on his face. Some of them questions his identity because of his lax mannerism towards the respectable figure of the underworld.
' Ugh... It reeks! Anyways, who're these guys? They don't seem to be working here.'
' Shut up, Dae-il! I'm trying to talk here!' Cha Dusik snapped.
' Hey, I've been so nice as to bring your phone for you since you're so forgetful today! And you didn't even answer my question!!!'
' Whatever!' Cha Dusik said, signalling to his right-hand man to take him away, knowing that he knows of that brat's attitude.
Getting dragged by the quite chubby guy, he was in pure shock as he looked at his old man before letting out strings of profanities as the door shuts.
' ... Who was that?'
' ... My son.' Albeit reluctantly, Cha Dusik replied to the teen in front of him.
' Anyways, as I was saying, I've heard reports of people who aren't fluent in Korean asking my men for a warehouse. They also asked for a large number of cars and some of my men. They offered a lot of money for some other things, but I refused. That kind of work gets pretty iffy. I heard that a different group took them up on their offer, and that they're based in Incheon. I don't know the specifics.'
' Thank you.'
' Hey. Highschooler.' Cha Dusik called out just as the teen was about to turn back. He throw his phone at the kid.
' Put your phone number in there.'
The silverette look at Cha Dusik skeptically before the latter explained his actions with annoyance in his tone. Realizing that it was only to help him out, he type in his number.
' Does the motorcycle at the entrance belong to you?' the teen suddenly asked.
' What?'
In the end, he lets him borrow it and the two teens head out. The assistant got in and walk towards his boss.
' You good, boss?'
' Yeah... Somewhat. Where's Dae-il?'
' He's right behi- Oh shit! He's gone!!!'
Cha Dusik turn towards him, seeing the black cap on him. He doesn't seem to realize it yet but Dusik knew what it meant when his son left his cap behind.
'I'll be back'
Cha Dusik immediately dialled his sneaky son's number in worry...
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Just as Sukjoo followed the motorcycle in front of him with the car, suddenly a foreign voice spoke up.
' You know, you're quite vulnerable.'
The car swerved a little before getting back on the road as the same voice let out a shout of surprise.
' WHOAA!! Calm down! I'm not here to hurt you or anything!!!' the voice said from the back seat. Sukjoo glance at the rearview mirror to look at the perpetrator who caused to lose control of the steering wheel.
' Why are you here?!!' he shouted as his eyes land back at the black motorbike. He recognized the black jumpsuit that he had seen earlier when he made his entrance at the bar.
Cha Dusik's son.
' Well, I'm kinda bored and I think I can help you guys out. Plus, who doesn't want to beat the shit out of the kidnappers once in their lifetime?'
' You shouldn't be here. It's dangerous.'
' As if being his son is not dangerous enough. I have people who I don't even know trying to get my head off of my body. How do you think I'm still alive?' Pulling down his mask, the hitchhiker reasoned with the bodyguard.
' . . . '
' By the way, I'll have you know that even my dad can't beat me. So, can I help?'
' ... Suit yourself.'
' Yes!!!' The emerald orbs lights up as he punches the air in excitement. ' So, what's your name?'
' Why do you want to know?'
' I mean, if the need arises that I need to warn you or something, won't it be hard if I don't know your name?'
' ... Go Sukjoo.'
' Cool. I'm Cha Dae-il. Call me Dae-il.'
' Ah, that's my phone.' Dae-il said, pulling out his smartphone from one of his pocket. ' It's dad.'
' Ehehehehehe. Sorry, dad! I'll be home in a few minutes. Bye!'
' And~ Shut down. Now, no more noise.'
' . . . '
' Anyways, who's the other guy?'
' Yu Ijin. My classmate.'
' How many got abducted?'
' Two girls. One of them is the granddaughter of SW Group's CEO and the other is Ijin's sister.'
' Noted. That's all I need to know. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll take a quick nap.'
' Sure, I won't wake you up later.'
' That's fine.'
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The car came to a halt as Sukjoo got out of the car. The hitchhiker followed suit as they strike a conversation. Yu Ijin look at the foreign face with a question mark on his head. Sukjoo glanced towards the direction where Ijin's stare fall at.
' Ah, he wanted to tag along.'
' Cha Dae-il. Just call me Dae-il.' the teen offered a handshake as he introduced himself. The silverette briefly shake it.
' Looks like there was some truth to your information. According to agents, the car in the surveillance camera was heading this way.'
' Of course it's the truth! Why would my dad lie?'
Ijin started to make his way deeper into the base, treading carefully not to alert the perpetrators. Sukjoo was alarmed, maybe more than he was before?
' Hold it. You should wait for reinforcements here. The SW agents will come soon.'
' I told you Dayun has no time to spare.' Ijin reminded.
' Yeah. And in a case of a kidnapping, time is of essence, my guy.' Dae-il chimed in, patting Sukjoo's back before making a beeline towards the silverette.
Sukjoo just stayed silent.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Somehow, everything has been smooth sailing and they easily knock out the people patrolling the area. And most of them are taken out silently by the two monsters accompanying Sukjoo. He looked at them, sweated at their ability to make people unconscious swiftly, having around 9 people from each of them.
On the other hand, Sukjoo who have been told by others how he have talent in this, only managed to take down around 4. He wondered, for Dae-il, it was possible for him to manage such feat because of his identity. But Ijin only transferred a few days ago and his history is a mystery.
He turns his face towards the silverette.
' Yu Ijin, who are you really?' he asked.
' I'm your classmate.' the latter replied, not giving out any more information about his past...
°~Thanks for reading~°
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7-deadly-simpin · 4 years
Could I get the brothers reactions to if mc fought a noble, just a demon that's pretty close to their rank? How would they go about getting mc away from them and then reprimanding the demon?
Yes, of course! I wasn't sure if you wanted them as a group or to each their own, so I gave them each a spotlight. Enjoy! (Also may have gone a little overboard with Satan...oop)
Demon Brothers React to MC Fighting a Noble-Status Demon
Absolutely livid.
A little surprised that you had the gaul to scream at another demon of that rank.
Why would you EVER put yourself in such a position?
Remember how he & his brothers have tried to kill you before???
Doesn’t care what the fight is about, he holds you to much higher standards.
Will get in between you both in an instant and transform.
You are LUCKY only words had been exchanged at that point.
If you had been hurt, even he is not sure what he would have done.
Gives you a glare that shakes you to your very core, but not as bad as the demon who even DARED to lay a hand on you.
Demon receives a lecture that could probably bore him to death, but they aren’t that lucky.
Don’t get it twisted, the demon will be tortured, but it happens while Lucifer paces back and forth telling them absolutely everything they did wrong.
The eldest is too prideful to allow some demon to hurt MC, regardless of who they think they are.
This demon surprisingly likes to avoid confrontation as much as possible.
(seriously, how often do we actually see him in demon form other than events at the Demon Lord’s Castle?)
He’s also a bit curious as to WHY you would raise your voice at a demon of that status?
Sure you yell at him and his brothers here and there, but to be fair, even Mammon knows they all mess up sometimes.
Ripped awake from his thought the literal second he sees this ‘hoity toity’ demon try and hit you.
He wants to destroy the demon, he really does, but MC is top priority.
Being the fastest of his brothers, except Lucifer, he whisks MC away before the demon can even finish blinking.
His mind is racing a mile a minute and he accidently yells “ARE YOU FUCKING DEAD?!” instead of “Are you okay?” or telling the noble demon “You’re dead!”
He doesn’t care about anything other than your safety and will fly to the House of Lamentation immediately.
Very protective over MC and refuses to let the other brothers touch them.
If anyone is mad, he will take full blame for the situation. He doesn’t care, you being safe is all that matters to him.
Is more shocked than anything that you’re standing up to a demon of equivalent reputation to him.
Becomes visibly distressed when you try and HIT that same demon.
Are you INSANE?! I mean, maybe a little since you seem to handle him and his brothers no problem, but…this was a completely different circumstance.
That demon had no obligation to protect you, let alone let you live.
The high status demon growls low and Levi knows it's only a matter of time before this demon tears you to shreds.
Levi musters up all his courage, you better appreciate this, to talk down this normie demon from hurting you.
The demon chuckles in his face. Oh…
And then the demon grabs you by your neck. You struggle, but quickly stop as something more frightening catches your attention.
Levi, standing in demon form who in the scuffle SUMMONED LOTAN.
Has Lotan deal with the disrespectful demon while he grabs you and rushes you to safety.
Could care less if he gets in trouble right now, he just saved his best friend, his Henry.
You just bitch slapped a demon with the same status as him and his brothers!
Not that he’s surprised, you’ve had to knock some sense into each of them from time to time.
IMPRESSED AS HELL though, might be slightly turned on.
Becomes immediately aggravated when he sees the demon retaliate. You fall to the floor and Satan is on the brink of losing it.
He plans to have words with the degenerate...but then you turn to him. Blood trickling down your head.
This man cannot, and WILL NOT contain his anger any longer. MC is hurt and Satan is going to make the demon wish they were dead.
MC basically has to group video call everyone for help because Satan is in a full on brawl with this demon.
You’ve never heard such demonic growls and snarls in your life, it actually scares you.
There is a circle around them chanting “fight, fight, fight!”
The brothers rush over. Belphie and Mammon are on crowd control.  Asmo and Levi are making sure you’re okay. Meanwhile Lucifer and Beel are holding back Satan from throwing another punch.
The thing is, they understand his anger. They aren’t all that upset with him. Just worried about you both.
Lucifer and Mammon will have to straighten things out. Mammon isn't the best with his words but he loves his brothers and will do what he has to in order to see that Satan receives a very mild punishment at best.
Initially upset because he thought the high rank demon was trying to hit on you.
If anyone was going to hit on MC and succeed, surely it would be the marvelous Asmodeus.
A quick scan over of body language and he knows his initial hypothesis was dead wrong.
This demon looks aggravated and has their hands balled up into a fist.
Queue the most disgusted yelp you have ever heard leave Asmos lips.
Who in the Devildom does this demon think they are?!
Don’t you dare even look at Asmos precious MC the wrong way!
Struts his beautiful self next to you. If he can’t stop you from fighting, he will be the baddest B back up.
The only one to place an arm around your shoulder to try and bring you back to reality as he talks down to the pathetic demon who even had a thought of injuring you.
Sees you return to your senses and look grateful for him stepping in before things get worse. Living with a bunch of demons on the daily can make a human feel more powerful than they are after all.
He will use his charm on the demon to get them to forget they were even upset with you.
Makes sure to take you back home and ask if you’d like a face mask or any relaxing bath bombs.
He isn’t quite sure what happened, but Beel can clearly see you are beyond frustrated with the demon in front of you.
He knows MC can be feisty with him and his brothers, he doesn’t mind, you’re family after all.
But this was some strong demon you decided to pick a fight with.
He notices the Demon losing its patience as well. He needs to get you out and fast.
He won’t let his family get hurt ever again, he WILL NOT let what happened to Lilith happen to you.
Now, Beel is normally pretty self conscious about his size, he doesn’t like looking as intimidating as he does...but you’re in trouble, he will use everything he can to his advantage to keep you safe.
Quickly places himself in front of MC and tries to speak to the demon.
The demon was so focused on you, it wasn’t until they PUNCHED Beel that they realized what happened.
Beel doesn’t care, he barely felt it. For a high rank demon, he sure is weak by comparison.
However, Beel is VERY aware that punch was meant for you. He will not let this go unpunished.
The demon looks up at Beel who easily towers over them and begins to slowly back away, apologizing profusely.
Beel contacts his brothers in front of the now frightened Demon. He doesn’t mind them handling it, he’s focused on making sure you aren’t shaken up.
Plus that weak punch really just made him hungry.
He fell asleep in class….again.
Which MC should be really thankful for this time.
He wakes up to the scene of you slapping away the hand of a reputable demon.
Unsure of what is going on, but already on alert Belphie watching from afar, to see how the situation plays out.
Belphie is good at reading body language, and notices MCs' small huff and how they hold themselves when the demon talks down to them.
Seeing you clearly uncomfortable, he makes his way over to you.
No one should ever make you feel anything like that, especially not some random demon.
Belphie will slouch on you and pretend the demon is of no importance. He doesn’t give a damn about status.
Interrupting the demon may have not been the best choice of action as they become agitated at the new annoyance in front of them.
Belphie turns with his signature glare and suddenly the demon recognizes the youngest of the brothers.
A demon of his status is aware of Belphie and his feelings towards any authority figure.
Any demon crazy enough to want to go toe to toe with the future demon king is too much of a hassle to deal with anyways.
Also, what kind of crazed demon would try and mess with the baby of an entire family of powerful demons?
You both end up back at the House of Lamentation and Belphie expects head pats for his rescue.
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cadykeus-clay · 4 years
i would low key love to hear your tangent about the differences there are between how VM and TM9 react with the world
ah, the perfect excuse for me to put off my 30 page reading, thank you :3
(i’m also going to preface this by saying most of this is stuff i’ve picked from other people’s various metas and i absolutely do not remember who those authors might be so i apologize jsdlkfsd)
but uh ... basically i feel like vox machina and the nein have a completely opposite standard for how they interact with the people the consider to be their “inner circle” vs. everyone who doesn’t qualify as that. 
vm is a group of individuals who, overall, had one cruel person that slighted them but didn’t really destroy their faith in humanity. (their faith in themselves is a whole different horse. that ones .... woof. looking at you percy scanlan tary keyleth.) Percy had the briarwoods, Grog had Kevdak, the twins and tary had their father. so, the way that they interact with just random people that they meet is - with exceptions of course - amicable, or at the very least, respectably polite. 
they’re the saviours of emon, the freers of whitestone. they have festivals held in their honor. they have kid fans and random farmers knocking on their doorstep for aid because they’ve heard tales of the kindness. sure, vex can be a hassle when she’s haggling down a price, and keyleth tends to poke buttons in way that gets her arrested a fair amount of the time, but at the end of the day they’re the people’s heroes, and they’re happy to be that!
their inner circle, however, is much more closely guarded. they have a few chosen allies (gilmore, allura, kima, kash and zahra, cassandra) and that’s it. They’re hesitant with anyone else trying to creep into their personal fold. Hell, it took beating up tary and him breaking down sobbing for them to even consider liking him. they’ve been burned by raishan and clarota and hotis, by individuals they let in and who then stabbed them in the back. they’ll do almost any favor for a stranger who asks, but they’ll be damned if they trust anyone to actually join their midst. vox machina is vox machina is vox machina and that’s incredibly hard to change. 
the nein, on the other hand, are fundamentally a group of rejects. some of them have specific people they can point a finger at and say “i hate you”, but those problems stem from a greater societal rejection. beau has daddy issues, but she also felt rejected by the entire cobalt soul until dairon found her. caleb has trent’s fucked up shit, but he also has this constant pressure of having failed his entire country, not to mention the faceless hate piled up on him from living homeless for a year. jester’s whole deal is that she had to hide from LITERALLY ALL OF SOCIETY for her entire childhood because she wasn’t supposed to exist.
and so, the nein are shitheads to society right back. they’re mean to random barkeeps, they trash their inns and don’t say sorry, they mock most NPCs behind their back (or sometimes right to their face. @ marius).  Every favor asked of them comes with a ton of deliberation and arguing about whether its bait or not (ie bowlgate, the giants in the mine outside rosohna, essiks “favors”). 
but, on the flip side, they’re willing to tug just about anyone into their ranks. if society already hates them by default, what’s there to lose if they get close to someone? nothing, there’s only more love to be found! so it’s adopting random bird girls on the road, its sending cupcakes to a hag that cursed your friend, its sending messages to everyone you’ve ever met just to check in, it’s making someone sit in the hot tub with you and share trauma and then when you find out he started a war you say “we get it bro” and kiss him on the forehead. it’s “welcome to the mighty nein”. 
and it’s also very interesting, i think, to talk about the ways in which the party interacts with themselves. vox machina was a family, undoubtedly, as is the nein now. but vox machina ... had a lack of desperation to their attachment. i mean for one, they took a full year off from adventuring together and scattered cross continent. even if the nein gets down time like they did, i expect they’ll just trail each other around like lemmings. (its kind of what they’ve been doing from hiatus until now with the eiselcross arc starting). 
but vox machina just ... went. and scanlan walked away from the party and (after the heat of the moment), they agreed to just let him be. and pike would spend weeks on quests for sarenrae without much of a complaint. even at the end - and this will be a controversial take, i know - but they let vax go pretty easily. (sure, mechanically they were wiped from fighting, but besides tears the only attempt to defy trq was from percy, which even he gave up on with minimal struggle because vax said to stop it). that’s not to say they don’t miss each other when they’re gone! of course they do!!! but they trust each other to go off into the world, because the world as whole is a place they trust. 
(the one exception to this might be vex, who fought every one of these situations adamantly, but that’s a whole separate essay about her issues stemming from an innate sense of ‘failed family’ that she’s desperate to not repeat, and less about a mistrust of everyone until proven otherwise)
the nein on the other hand. hoo boy. they’ve been hot glued to each other’s hips since day one. So many quotes (many from beau, which could be worked into my previous vex essay, as they’re very much cross-campaign foils. getting sidetracked again) are about their inability to separate. “You don’t get to choose who cares about you”; “No one goes”; “If one of us is gone for more than 7 days assume we’re dead and have a funeral”; “Do we have co-dependecy issues?” Jester’s cool personal vacation to her god’s get together turned into a party with everyone because why would she go anywhere without the nein? Veth’s time with Luc and/or Yeza is constantly overrun with the rest of the nein dropping in for fun. Even small things like shopping trips are so much more “oh well if you’re going then i’ll go” snowballs than they ever were with vm. 
Also, ashley’s absences had to be much more forceful than in c1. Post episode 11, the only time yasha left the group (rather than someone else piloting her) of her own free will was when she ran in grief from molly’s grave. And yes, there’s something to be said about “oh they were on a boat for a long time she had nowhere to go” but if Matt can justify astral projection pike, i feel like he could justify ‘the stormlord teleports yasha away for a bit’ and he chose not to. 
Because!!!!!!!!! of the dynamic that the nein has!!!!!!!! Because of this idea that the world is bad and cold and full of hate and in here in our little hut (soon to be mansion??????) it’s safe and good and full of love and no one can leave because then you’d be going somewhere much more dangerous and we can’t have that, now can we? 
well uh. that’s a lot of words. i hope they made some sense??? and were at all what you were expecting???? thank u for sending the ask tho this was very fun to write!!
tldr: vox machina is a group of people who were betrayed by one bad figure, so they trust the world and are wary of the individual; whereas the nein is a group of people who were failed by the world at large so they welcome the loner and fear the pack. 
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spicynamericano · 3 years
Perception. - mk lee
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sypnosis: you meet a stranger in the park, who helps you prepare for your interview with renowned author, mark lee.
word count: 2.1k
genre: fluff, strangers to friends!au, author!mark x reporter!reader
a/n: i impulsively wrote this in the wee hours of the morning because i can't stop thinking about mark lee and his poems! btw, this is my first time posting an au on this platform, but i do have ongoing twitter fics (written in eng/fil)!
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I had just finished my late night shift at the office and was on my way home from work. Being a field reporter is not an easy job. I have to work my butt off to always stay up to date on the latest news and make sure to grab even the rarest exclusives.
I have to travel to basically anywhere, just to gather the most accurate information for the daily primetime news. And even if work is done for the day, I would usually go overtime to make sure no single detail is left out for tomorrow’s reports.
My workplace isn’t that far from home, or what I call home now. Moving into my elder sister’s old apartment was not a hassle. It was actually quite a blessing since I always used to stay over whenever we visited the city. I really thank the heavens that her place was near my workplace. Imagine the struggle of moving in and out from scratch. Actually, I wouldn’t even dare to imagine.
I would usually ride my bike to and from the office, but since I was running a bit late earlier in the morning, I decided to take the bus. Convenience at its finest. But it’s late now. A fifteen minute walk back home won’t hurt, right? Besides, I needed a breather. A walk in the nearby park would suffice.
It’s midnight and of course, the park is empty. Although Seoul is alive 24/7, I really like how some areas still have that laid-back vibe. I walk to the swings and place my bag on the ground. I do wish someone would push me right now. I just wanna be free from all the hectic stuff I’ve been doing lately.
But no, the quick rest I thought of didn’t stop me from going over tomorrow’s duties. I scan my little, brown notepad and check the work I have yet to accomplish. I mostly finished them before I got off work, but there is one more that I needed to do for tomorrow: interview Mr. Mark Lee, the author of the best-selling Late Night Scribbles.
It’s a collection of poems and prose he’s written over the course of five years during his travels to different cities as a renowned travel writer. His travel reviews and recommendations were something I always looked forward to reading. Maybe someday I could go on a stress-free holiday trip thanks to his advice.
I have read his book. For someone who’s trained into more technical writing like me, I could still clearly resonate with most of the poems he’s written. Not too shallow, not too deep. Though you do need to have a sense of literature in order to understand more of his deeper works. He isn’t famous for nothing.
What appalled me though is that he never showed his face to anyone, not even once. Some say he’s actually the main rapper of the world-renowned boy group NCT, since they bear the same name. I think otherwise. Well, it could be, though. Rappers do make their own lines and tell their own stories.
But I don’t think that Mark Lee would be the same person I’d be interviewing tomorrow. It’s weird because I won’t be actually meeting him face to face. He said he’d rather converse through email. Works for me since I don’t have to travel tomorrow. Thank God.
Well, let me tell you a secret. The reason I don’t think author Mark Lee is singer Mark Lee is because singer Mark Lee is actually my childhood best friend. Crazy, huh? I used to live in Vancouver when I was young until my family and I moved back to Korea during my teen years.
I don’t think he remembers me, though. But I do remember him. Our moms were practically best friends. I couldn’t say the same to us, only if he still actually remembers me.
I stretch my arms up high and bend it side to side. God, I need a massage asap. I was about to pick up my bag when a basketball rolled over and hit the tip of my loafers. A man dressed in black waves from the court, signaling to toss the ball to his direction.
I would toss it if I could but I walk over instead. Blame my poor strength and reflexes. And I obviously do not want to embarrass myself. A rough day’s a rough day. I don’t want an addition.
“Uhm, are you looking for this?” I ask the guy, tossing the ball mid-air.
“Yes, thank you…” he pauses. “uh…”
“Oh, it’s (y/n).” I introduced myself, “And you are?”
“Well, you’re welcome, Minhyung. Good luck with your basketball practice!” I gave him a nod before finally turning back to go home.
“Wait!” he calls out. “Do you maybe wanna have a cup of coffee? There’s a nearby convenience store still open. I figured you might need it.”
Was it that obvious? I can’t imagine how stressed I look right now! He has probably seen the dark circles under my eyes. Gross.
I finally turn around and give him a smile, “You know, maybe I do need it. Let’s go?”
This man and I walk to the nearby convenience store just a few meters away from the court. It’s midnight and not many people are here. Well, just exactly like how I want it. The park can actually become full, even until 10 pm. But I guess these people also need some shut-eye. I’m actually surprised this man right here still has some energy left.
I wait outside and sit at the nearest gazebo while he buys instant coffee for the both of us. He arrives with three in hand. Does he like coffee that much?
“You’re really gonna drink two?” I ask him curiously.
“It’s actually for you,” he says as he hands me one of the cups. “I feel like you’re going to be staying up late tonight.”
Well, he’s right. I am gonna be staying up late. I still need to prepare questions for tomorrow’s, or later, rather, interview. I really won’t be getting some sleep tonight. I also need to do research on him too.
“Well, I do have an interview for tomorrow. I still need to prepare as it’s a very important one.”
“With whom, may I ask?”
“Mark Lee, the author. Not the singer.”
“Oh,” he lets out a soft sigh that can be heard, even through his mask. Is he offended that I don’t think author Mark Lee and singer Mark Lee are the same?
“Why do you sound so disappointed?”
“Uh, nothing. I just remembered the book he recently released. Have you read it?”
“Late Night Scribbles?”
“Yes, that!” he answered enthusiastically. Wow, I guess I found a fan right here. He might actually help me with my interview later. I need to grab this chance.
“Do you mind helping me? I’m actually going to interview him about it tomorrow.” I gave him the widest smile, hoping he’d say yes. I normally wouldn’t do this to strangers, especially at night. But I really just need to get this over with.
“Well, as someone who’s a fan of his works. I’d like to give it a try and interpret it,” he said, taking a sip of his coffee. “Just imagine I’m Mark Lee. Shoot your questions.”
“Hmm, I can’t be answering personal questions since you’re not Mark Lee.” I scratch my head. Damn, I can’t think of anything. My brain is not working right now! “But if you were Mark Lee, what would you want to be asked?”
“If I were Mark Lee? Well, rather than asking what my inspiration was behind the works I’ve made, I’d rather be asked on how I tried to convey my thoughts and feelings to this piece of work,” he explained, staring at the night sky.
I followed the direction of his gaze, and he’s looking at Orion, one of the brightest constellations out there. I gaze at it too while waiting for him to continue explaining.
“But isn’t it basically the same as drawing inspiration from something?” I ask profoundly.
“Not really. You can draw inspiration from anything. And you can come up with different outputs based on one inspiration. What’s important is how you’re able to connect the context of what you’re writing to the feelings you want to draw out,” he continues.
“With a single inspiration, I can come up with two completely different works based on how it’s written. The idea may be the same but the context is not.”
“Hmm, care to explain a little further?” I ask politely.
“We can use Black Socks as an example.”
Black socks are underrated
The way they connect the bottom sleeves of
my black sweatpants to my black sneakers
is just perfect
Pleasure from perfect alignment
That also goes for the ability to be parallel
with my thoughts and actions
I try to live out what’s in my mind, and keep
it consistent even when forgotten like a
working habit
A moment to think twice about what
seemed unimportant
Black socks have been making my day
these days and I knew I had to return the
favor by acknowledging them
I throw you in the bin only so that you can
be renewed again
“Black socks, literally an ordinary object that is tossed to the bin right after use. But what caught my eye is his appreciation for this mundane thing.”
“Through his words, you can tell black socks gave him comfort. He used a simple subject to convey his inner thoughts of how every little thing we don’t really recognize can actually be part of our routine, our life,” he said, looking me in the eye seriously.
“He found comfort in the most ordinary things no ordinary person would take notice of.”
Minhyung stands up and stretches his arms. He then continues, “It’s actually cool he shared this piece with us. If I were him, I’d go on and ramble how black socks could ruin my laundry.”
We both chuckle at the thought. It’s true. I hate how some of my black socks actually ruin my laundry. I dread the thought.
“It’s only a matter of perception, (y/n). Sometimes, you have to open your eyes and see, not look. Listen, not hear. Savor, not taste. Feel, not touch.”
“You know, you could actually be Mark Lee himself,” I tease him, “You do know your literature.”
I know he smiled at my remark. I can see his cheekbones rise from the edges of his mask.
“Sometimes, you just have to ask the right questions in order to get the answers you want,” he said teasingly. “You can’t get what you want if you don’t know what you want.”
For a stranger, he’s indeed a good talker. I actually learned so much from our talk tonight.
“Thanks for tonight, Minhyung. I really learned a lot.” I thank him before gulping down the last cup of coffee he bought me. “And thanks for the coffee, by the way! I now have energy to prepare for my interview later.”
“No problem. I’m just glad that I was able to help.”
I stood up from my seat and we both started walking away from the park.
“It’s 1 am. How are you gonna get home, (y/n)?” Minhyung asks worriedly. Yeah, it is pretty late. It’s a good thing I just live near.
“My apartment’s just two blocks away. I can manage,” I say with a smile, a genuine one at that. “How about you?”
“I’ll just grab a cab. Do you mind if I walk you home?” I don’t know why but I felt flustered for a moment. Surprisingly though, I just nodded my head, giving him permission to accompany me home.
We both arrive at the entrance of my apartment building and we say our last goodbyes.
“For a stranger, you really do know how to make people comfy,” I say, crossing my arms and giving him a stare, brows furrowed to tease him.
“Well, that’s just how I am,” he says while giving me a wink. Okay, now he’s flirting. Someone stop him, please. Just kidding.
“By the way, you haven’t taken your mask off the entire time except when drinking coffee. I couldn’t get a good glimpse at you since it was dark,” I explain. It’s true. Add the fact that I’m barely keeping myself awake the whole time. “I might’ve actually thought you’re an idol of some sort. Perhaps, maybe you are Mark Lee.”
“What?” he asks, puzzled and clearly taken aback. “Why’d you think so?”
“Because you share the same name with him.”
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💖💖💖Hiya, maybe you could do a chubby!fem!insecure!reader x Fred Weasly 👉👈 💖💖💖
I gotchu
So Fred was hanging out with George one day in his third year
When he found a couple of students being a dick to someone
Fred and George told them to back the fuck up and calm down
And then Fred met you.
You were this beautiful thing
Hair down to your shoulders
Eyes that seemed to practically sparkle
A face that made his heart nearly pound out of his chest
"Now what's a beautiful thing like you doing to get caught up in that?" Fred asked, sitting next to you.
"You're joking right. Like you actually have to be." You said confused
"Joking? Nope. Dead serious, why were they hassling you?" He asked
"...Look at me, I'm a easy target." You said.
Fred didn't see any flaws to be honest. But he nodded like he understood
"What's your name?" George asked.
"Y/n." You sighed.
"Got a friend group?" Fred asked.
"Nope." You shrugged with a disappointed look in your eyes.
"Now you do." George said.
"You're hanging with us." Fred said.
"But--" "if whatever you're about to say invalidates yourself, then it's ridiculous and we're not listening." Fred said before pulling you up and walking, George on your other said.
So there it was
Your two best friends in the entire universe
George of course took notice of his brother's fixation on you
Anytime anyone even DARED to say anything about your weight Fred would be distracting you while George was threatening their life
The two of them would also prank the fuck out of whoever insulted you too.
Fred would basically put the fear of GOD into anyone who decided to bully you. 
It became this whole thing around Hogwarts to basically treat you like a fucking saint OR ELSE SUFFER AT THE HANDS OF THE WEASLEY TWINS 
You were kind of insecure because these two were so nice to you all the time and you were in this friend group with Angelina who was so pretty
So when you formed a crush on Fred you kind of went quiet 
because there’s no way you’d be able to date him right?
Wrong. Fred talked about you nonstop when you weren’t present
Angelina thought you were fucking awesome and George thought of you like a sister
the whole friend group LOVED you to pieces. 
You confided to Angelina one day how you felt and she was like “Oh. Oh Honey, you’ve got this.”
Angelina is legit your hypewoman
If she could she would follow you all day and make you feel empowered as fuck
She even hypes you up to ask Fred out
You walked in, said the words “FRED I HAVE TO TALK TO YOU”
And then when he said “What’s up” you chickened out and stood there in silence for a bit before saying “Good talk” and then left
Then Angelina came back in with you and said “Fred, Y/n has something important to tell you.”
Your mind was dead.
Words wouldn’t form and you just stood there in silence
“Do I need to tell him?” Angelina asked. 
You nodded and she chuckled. 
“Y/n has a thing for you.” Angelina said.
Fred stared at you for a bit and then smiled.
You were expecting “You’re joking? Me and you?” or “Y/n, no.”
Instead he got up and kissed your forehead.
“Me, you, Hogsmeade on Thursday, what do you say?” He asked
You sputtered and pointed at the seat he was sitting in and then made a confused noise 
Angelina snorted and said “She’ll be there”
And you were.
You were nervous the entire time 
Fred absolutely thought you were gorgeous the whole time though
After a while your anxiety finally left you and you actually started to have a ton of fun
When the date ended, Fred kissed you and officially asked you to be his girlfriend
You made a noise that meant “yeah” because you were so shocked you couldn’t speak
You two were an amazing couple
Biggest shipper of you two?
She constantly would send you little things: Homemade cookies, sweaters, the occasional letter asking how you were
You stayed with them for Christmas and Molly thought you were AMAZING
She literally pulled Fred off for a side bar and told him: “You have got to marry this girl, I am begging you”
Fred was already positive you were the one so when his mom was saying “Yep, this is your soulmate”  it was like a divine being giving him the thumbs up
His siblings LOVE you
Ginny thinks you’re too good for the bastard 
Ron thinks you make the best cookies in the entire country
Percy thinks you are really intelligent and tells Fred if you start lagging behind academically he’s going to blame him
Charlie and you basically geek out over dragons all day EVERY day
Bill thinks you’re really sweet and loves seeing his brother in love
Harry thinks you’re some ethereal being
Over all the entire family thinks you’re awesome as hell
When you get back to school you slowly start to come out of your shell
you start going to quidditch games, you start going to parties 
I mean, you don’t really talk much (baby steps) but hey, progress is progress
You did end up staying with the Weasleys for the summer
You called Molly “mum” once and she was so excited
Fred loved seeing you so comfortable with his family
You and Fred would sit outside at night and drink tea while talking
And one night he looked at you while you were smiling and he smiled at you 
“Y/n, we graduate next year.” He began.
“Yeah. Scary.” You said.
“Would you want to get married after we graduate?” He asked 
“Are you serious?” You gaped.
“Yeah... Unless you don’t want to--” “I do! I really do” You said.
“Wait really?” “Yes you nutjob!” You laughed.
“I will be right back.”
So he quickly told Molly “Mum, I accidentally proposed, I meant it but now I need a ring or something”
Molly had that shit on standby and was WAITING
So he came back downstairs with a ring and PROPERLY asked you to marry him
You were freaking out but said “hell yeah”
SO you two went through the next school year engaged and happy
the senior year came quickly and Molly was so damn excited. 
When you two graduated you two got married and my GOD the wedding photos were amazing
First off: You looked gorgeous
Second off: George photobombed everything but it was okay because it was hysterical
He somehow found a party hat and ran around squawking at people
in one of the wedding photos Ron also found a party hat and had it on as a unicorn horn that looked like he was about to attack George
Harry also found two party hats (where the fuck were they getting these things) and wore them on his hands
You were wheezing at these dumbasses
Molly was pissed but you and Fred found this fucking hysterical
In one picture Ron, George and Harry were attacking each other with the party hats and because these are magical pictures that go on a loop, the battle would play out everytime while you and Fred were dying of laughter at these idiots
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