#damn i just love that cheesy shit dont i
specshroom · 9 months
★- Little drabble about Choso's sense of humour:
One day when you're lazing around with him. He's reading a book and your laying on his chest, head resting on your arm as you stare at him. You do this often, he's gotten used to it. You ask out of the blue, "Hey, what's that line across your nose for?"
He pauses looking away from the book, eyes on yours. "What line?"
".....The- the line."
You point at your face, trailing a finger across your nose, cheek to cheek. He just stares blankly. You sit up a little now.
"Choso, the mark across your nose. What is that?"
"What mark?" You want to laugh but his face is so deadpan that you're not sure if he's playing with you or not.
You huff and pull him up from his reclined position, pulling him towards the mirror in your bedroom.
"Come, I'll show you then."
Before Choso reaches the mirror he swipes his arm across his face using his technique to gather the blood mark and remove it from it's usual spot, leaving a small mass of floating blood behind his back.
"What are you talking about?" He says trying so hard to keep that deadpan expression.
You turn to look at the mirror to see the signature mark has disappeared from his beautiful face! You stammer for a few seconds looking between him and the mirror until you just fall into laughter.
"Choso!" You push him lightly, now knowing for sure that he's messing with you. He chuckles and pulls you closer, pointing a finger at your nose.
"ohh, you mean this mark?" He says and turns your head towards the mirror where you see that he's moved the blood mark onto your face, across the bridge of your nose.
You laugh again, staring at yourself, hands going up to touch the strange mark. He smiles lovingly and kisses your head.
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> Ascendant Aspects < How you Appear to be, and how your treated based off your appearances > why you look like a clown without makeup
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Ascendant aspecting Sun - I like your smile. Did you put it on for me, or for yourself? yes your charismatic, yes we noticed why your so confident, yes your literally the greatest person do you really need us to shower you in affection all the fkn time? your extra but too many toppings ruin a good pizza. your the embodiment of the cheesy smile from that cat in alice in wonderland. main character energy for sure you get the attention and you know how to use it Ascendant Aspecting moon - 🌚 < dont they look like that.? idk but you guys look like someone you want to grab the cheeks of and treat like a baby, your like a sugar glider. but we know your emotional so we have to be careful with how we grab your cheeks 👀 please stop crying its just a joke > also; big ass eyes. you are so sweet that everyone just wants to take you home and feed you till you become so obese you cant leave Ascendant Aspecting Mercury - the most devilish and cheeky smile all at once. they look like a kid about to do something bad, or have just been caught doing something bad and are now trying to explain why they had to do that dumbassery. but no matter how much you explain yourself, we will still question you because its funny watching you come up with explanations. you give me the vibe of any character from cartoon network or nickledoen - timmy turner, southpark, phineas and ferb, ed edd and eddy, or fkn bart simpson, you act like a cartoon yes.
Ascendant Aspecting Venus - I dont normally do this but whats ur number? is what your used to hearing presumably. and its not necessarily because your attractive... okay you are, you can stop pouting now. but its because you know how to get attention and you clearly love getting it. but they act so superficial, and oblivious sometimes... like they purposrfully look away just so its easier for you to look at them, 💀 then they look back playfully and it gets you in the feels. remind me of doctor who's bitches (any of them) they all act the same idc what you say
Ascendant Aspecting Mars - so pissed off lol but its hot. they are fierce > if they want something they are going to get it, and even the mere consideration of negotiating what they want will just get them more mad. which makes them more attractive? idk people love their ferocity, and as much as people say they don't like aggressive types, they don't ever get in their way when they pissed off (ik because im hot head) your basically a hornet > and no one gonna fight a hornet without the proper precautions Ascendant aspecting Jupiter - Yall are excellent at impressions and being impressionable, idk how you do it so well. You just act normal but then pull off this funny shit and return back to normal like its nothing. you guys perfected just being, and this energy makes people want to be around you. Your like a firework, the explosion is awesome, but when it goes away your like damn that was awesome wish it stayed; but thats what makes it so good, because we never know when its coming, and when its gone we want it back lol Ascendant Aspecting Saturn - batman without the mask sucks. thats you. batman without the mask.... why so serious???? > "because life shouldnt be taking for granted and fuckery aint apart of my Repertoire" - is some whack ass shit yall would say. you have great dignity, but people get insecure around you because your on top of your shit. oh and you tell people to get on top of their shit all the fkn time lol. > your like a crow, you look like one and act like one. - Side note- one time i had a stand off with a crow: I was chilling at home and i was on top of these tile blocks, then this crow came along. I tried to scare him, by like staunching him just a bit. but he responded by gripping the tree branch he was perched on, by twisting his claw foot; and he did it with so much ferocity it made this bone cracking noise (from the strength of his grip gripping the tree) and suddenly i was intimated.... by a fkn crow. okay moving on
Ascendant Aspecting Uranus - how did you even become like that. no one really understands why you act the way you do, you do some really eccentric things which are eye grabbing but also disturbing the more you think about it. your like a sword fish. theres probably more effective ways to kill fish, but i mean a sword works, we are just wondering how you attached a sword to your face. also try to calm down, you doing so much and acting so bizarre that im actually more worried about you, even though im laughing my ass off. Ascendant Aspecting Neptune - your like a mirror of all that i ever could want in a person, and this mysterious allure you so easily pull off is truly enchanting. its like being around you makes it feel as if reality can so easily be readjusted into what i would like it to be. but this quality of urs is addicting, and no wonder people project onto you. but you cant even blame them, you literally shapeshift into whatever you want, and typically you like to show it off. your like a chameleon. or a axolotl Ascendant Aspecting Pluto - you scare people easily lol. your a spider. but spiders are sexy.... look at the BUNDA. okay but those teeth yeesh, have you ever seen a spider like lick its lips, bro its fkn scary. theres a reason arachnophobia is the most popular phobia and its because spiders are fucked. and yall are fucked. you move like a spider, and i swear to god you smile like one too lol. but people low key wanna be eaten by a spider..... so go ahead choose yo prey you fkn creepy crawler
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sohnric · 8 months
bad idea, right? – k. sunwoo
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pairing: soundcloud rapper! sunwoo x gn! reader
genre: exes to lovers, angst, suggestive. i know this is toxic as fuck dont @ me sometimes i like to write shit like this because it's realistic...
word count: 4k
warnings: a whole lot of arguing, swearing, both of them being toxic and childish, a heated makeout session, overall just..messy. so messy.
a/n: similivinlife u inspired this. not my proudest moment but oh well 😵 the original of this draft was for the fic dancing in my backseat on @rrxnjun that i didnt end up using and revamped for this, so if u see any similarities it is because both fics are mine :P and once again, as always, thank u @csenke my sweetest beloved for beta reading 🤍
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“I don’t think you can imagine the things I have to deal with about that track, like, I was literally in the town yesterday and around six people stopped me and wanted the backstory and I don’t know what, and it’s really, really annoying–”
Your voice cuts off, being replaced by a beat that makes acid taste on your tongue and hair stand up all alert, like a feral cat’s would when you try to get close to it, making you immediately turn off the song, letting a scream out into your pillow. There’s a storm of emotions inside of you as you take the phone you’ve been listening to the new song on back into your hand and pull up his number– because you blocked him everywhere else in hopes of never seeing his face again– and shoot him an angry text about the matter.
you [7:21pm]: are you kidding me???
you [7:21pm]: you are really so damn egoistical for doing this 
you [7:21pm]: really don’t think about anyone else except yourself huh
you [7:21pm]: ignore my messages again like the last time and i swear to god i’ll send someone to beat your ass
Fingers quicker than your own thoughts, you hammer down the messages on the keyboard, laced with the fury that’s been shaking with you ever since you learned that he released a new track that included yet another one of your voice messages you sent to him. It was excruciating to listen to, to say the least– your dignity stripped away slowly, piece by piece with the unsettling realization that your personal matters are now out there in the open, for everyone to see and judge, for the whole world to pick apart and analyze. Which is kind of funny, considering the nature of your breakup– you’re not so sure his fans would like what they would find out about him, had they dug deep enough.
Not saying that you are innocent in this matter, of course– you just don’t think it’s really fair to not have the platform to tell your side of the story.
don’t pick up [7:24pm]: feisty one aren’t ya
don’t pick up [7:24pm]: what’s this about
Clenching your jaw as you stare at the messages popping up on your screen only a few minutes after yours get delivered– which is unusual for him, to say the least– you work your way through another angry reply.
you [7:25pm]: your song???
don’t pick up [7:25pm]: did you like it? ;)
A dry chuckle escapes your throat at the last message. Of course you didn’t like it. You weren’t really a fan of the invasion of your privacy. You didn’t like the fact that he once again used your voice without permission, letting the whole world listen to your angry words that were addressed to him and only him. What was there for you to like about the song? His cheesy lyrics? The way he acted like he was way above you, belittling you with the power he had over you with all those voice messages? 
you [7:26pm]: yes i loved the invasion of my privacy a lot, thank you sunwoo
you [7:26pm]: isnt this illegal? ill look into it
don’t pick up [7:27pm]: now you’re being ridiculous.. its just a song y/n :) 
Was he being serious? Just a song? What about the prying eyes staring at you whenever you walk through the campus? What about the whispering behind your back whenever you sit in the school cafeteria? The pointed fingers whenever someone recognises that it’s you– the one that dated the good-for-nothing Soundcloud rapper and then broke his poor little heart. Was it ever really just a song?
you [7:28pm]: you cant be fr rn..
don’t pick up [7:33pm]: ah…let’s just talk abt it then
don’t pick up [7:33pm]: i’ll pick u up at 8? 
Staring at the messages on the screen, you let out another dry chuckle. The skin of your fingertips tingles when you swipe across the surface of your phone, opening the messaging app once again and tapping on the little bubble on the bottom, making the keyboard appear. The gears in your brain turn in swift motion as you try to sound nonchalant in your response, typing and deleting the message again, never getting the tone quite right. 
Responding to your ex boyfriend’s jabs and teasing in person seems to be easier for you, contrary to popular demand– you don’t have much time to think of your answer before the time frame between your arguments would turn too awkward with the silence, so you just say the first thing that comes to your mind. It comes naturally to you, though, and while you don’t particularly enjoy the fury and adrenaline that his smug smirks and jarring words make you feel, the tension his sudden messages built up only makes you more hesitant. 
You haven’t met up with Kim Sunwoo since the day you ended things, and you know damn well there’s a good reason for it.
Seeing him around campus or at parties of your mutual friends is a whole other thing than being with him in a closed space, all alone. It’s been a month since you ended things and while you are fairly certain that Sunwoo is a major jerk that is out to ruin your life, you can’t really tell if you’re actually over the major jerk that is out to ruin your life.
Seemingly letting Sunwoo know that you have the chat open, letting him watch your chat bubble pathetically appear and disappear in consistent time intervals, another quick message is shot your way, making your heart drum against your rib cage in even swifter motions. Running your hand through your hair, you sigh and drop the phone into your lap, helpless.
don’t pick up [7:40pm]: i’ll take it as yes
Sighing to yourself, you stand up from your bed and put on some presentable clothes. You don’t want to give Sunwoo any ideas, and that’s why you only change into clean sweatpants and a tank top, not putting much effort into your appearance at all. You need to send him the signal of being nonchalant– although your stance on the way he uses you in his songs is full of anger and resentment, you don’t want it to seem like you care much about the man himself at all.
Dragging yourself out of your room and putting on your shoes, you bump into your roommate Aeri passing you by with a mug of tea, her hair in a towel as she just came out of the shower. “You’re going somewhere?” 
“Going out,” you grunt.
“Oh?” she hums, leaning into the doorframe, “with who?”
The question catches you off guard. Turning around on your heel, you flash her an innocent smile, brain thinking of every possible solution you could use to not tell her that you’re going out with the exact person you’ve spent the last few weeks grunting over in dismay. “No one important,” you start, when her face morphs into a distressed frown.
“Is it Sunwoo?”
“Look, I-”
“It is fucking Sunwoo! I heard you scream into your pillow just now, I should’ve known it was that prick again,” she grunts, her guess confirmed by the very obvious discomfort on your face, suddenly in a hurry when you try to get out of the house in one swift motion and save yourself from the cross-examining conversation that’s surely about to happen judging by the look in Aeri’s face.
“I gotta go-”
“What about all your ‘I don’t ever wanna see him again’ talk?” she sighs, clearly disappointed with your life choices. 
“Look, it’s about the songs he’s been putting out. He’s being an ass about replying back to my messages and god knows I’m not calling him, or else he’d record it and put it in another song like the freak he is,” you squint your eyes at her, making sure your intentions are clear to your worried roommate. 
“Oh, right, because he’s going out with you just to talk,” she mutters, “when all you two have done since you broke up is argue. Mhm, seems about correct,” Aeri adds, making the situation even worse than it already was, because she’s right, after all– when have the two of you held a normal conversation in the past few weeks? Seeing him tonight might just be the worst idea of your life– right after deciding to date him, of course– and you’re completely aware of the fact.
Opening your mouth to answer with a jarring comment meant to put your roommate back in her place, the words are taken off your tongue when you hear the ring of your phone, the notification on your screen flashing with his messages.
don’t pick up [8:04pm]: youre 5 mins late
don’t pick up [8:05pm]: come out
“Look, I gotta go. We’ll talk about this later,” you mumble as you take your bag off the hanger, Aeri’s disapproving eyes following you as you head towards the door. 
“Right. Have fun,” she ironically sings, knowing very well what Kim Sunwoo’s intentions are for the night. Still, you fakely gag to her comment before you’re out the door and walking down the entryway.
As your figure walks out of the apartment complex, you almost don’t notice the man. You were expecting him to be waiting just behind the door, resting against the wall as he usually did back when you two were dating. The sight that meets your eye shocks you a little when you find him leaning against a 2007 Audi A4, the silver exterior of the car contrasting with the darkness of his clothes, hands folded on his chest as he watches you with an overly-confident smirk. 
“Took you long enough,” he teases as you finally cut through the distance. 
“Didn’t know you were so eager to see me,” you bite back, eyes scanning the vehicle. “Did you finally get a car with that new profession of yours? Or is that another one of your friend’s again?” you point towards the car, making the boy chuckle.
“Mine,” he says, “my ‘good-for-nothing career’ is taking off, as you may have noticed,” he hums, referencing all the arguments you two used to have about his dreams and ambitions, making you wince a little at the comment. You never believed in him ever making it big– you just didn’t think his dreams were ever really realistic– but judging by the way it’s been going for him, you must admit you may have been wrong with your snarky arguments before.
“Well, it’s not much, then,” you mutter instead, pretending to judge the state of his old, used-looking car.
“Gets the job done,” he shrugs as he peels himself off the door, opening the passenger side and sparing you a short glance. “Hop in?”
Sunwoo doesn’t wait for you to sit down so he can close the door after you– instead, he walks around the front of the car to the driver’s side, getting in himself– much to the gentleman he’s always been. Making sure you slam the door shut with as much force as you can, just to anger the man and his new toy, you fasten your seatbelt and watch as Sunwoo winces, but doesn’t mention it when he turns the engine on with a turn of the key and drives off the parking lot.
“Where are you taking me?” you ask, watching as the male snickers to himself. The calmness of his composure makes you oh so annoyed, making you despise every second spent together with him in the small space breathing in his cologne and listening to the songs playing through the speakers, reminding you of the playlist he’d always put on when he was given the privilege of the aux cord.
“What? Are you scared I’m gonna kill you?” Sunwoo jokes.
“Seeming that you’re batshit crazy, one can’t know what to expect from you nowadays,” you grunt, making him cheese with amusement.
“I thought I was just ‘a loser Soundcloud rapper that can’t do anything in life’,” he repeats to you a sentence you uttered out upon your breakup, the emotions getting the worst out of you after the way he’s been treating you. “Would a loser like me kill you? I don’t think so.”
“Very funny, Sunwoo,” you ironically bite back, rolling your eyes at his composure. The fact that he seemingly has the upper hand on you in the conversation makes you falter a little bit. “I just wanted to talk about the songs you’ve been putting out.”
“You wanted to tell me how much you like them? Thank you, I’m flattered–”
“No, you idiot. I wanted to talk to you about how uncomfortable they’re making me feel!” you yell out, making the male wince. 
There’s a momentarily silence in the car as the male drives, the streetlamps disappearing out of sight as he drives away from the city, into more sparse areas. His voice is a little more serious when he speaks up now, the lack of teasing in his tone making shivers run down your spine. “I don’t think it’s that serious, really.”
“Really?” you chuckle. “Because I don’t find it fun when people stop me on the street and ask all about our relationship, Sunwoo. Because I don’t know if you noticed, but you never asked for my permission when you used those.”
The sound of your own voice resonates through your brain, the first voice message he ever used in one of his songs (the one that made him finally more popular, funnily enough) making you sigh out in the darkness of the car. ‘Just.. I dunno, I said sorry, I apologized, I don’t know what more you want me to do.. like, what’s going on? Literally nothing, so like.. can’t we just… move on from this and… fucking let it go?’
“One would think you’d stop sending me these after the first one,” Sunwoo utters out, voice low and almost a little amused, which makes you tip over the edge.
“And I would think you wouldn’t use audio of me being vulnerable with you in a fucking song that everyone would hear, Sunwoo!” 
“Oh, did you mean that part where you called me a hypocrite for hanging out with my friends from high school without telling you? Or the part where you cursed me out after you broke up with me because I dared to text you again–”
“I was trying to pierce things back together!” you yell, making the male quiet down, resulting in taking a right turn towards a dead-end, the road approaching a forest. Not a single soul is to be found around here except the two of you, and when he turns the engine off, but stays staring ahead of him towards the trees, you continue with everything you’ve been holding inside of you– instead this time, your voice is more quiet, not having to scream over the sounds of the car anymore.
“I was apologizing. I was trying to make us work, Sunwoo. And just because you didn’t see it or didn’t have it in you to pay attention to me that night, it doesn’t give you the right to exploit me for your gain and make a fool out of me in front of everyone,” you say, watching as the male chews on the inside of his cheek.
“You are the one that broke up with me,” he says into the silence, “not the other way around.” 
A moment of silence hangs over you two like a heavy jacket. You were well aware of the fact– you broke up with Sunwoo after the night he went out with all of his female friends from high school, not telling you a thing about it before you found out through an Instagram story of one of them. You knew he was being petty, you knew he was doing it just to get back at you– because you never passed out on a chance to make him feel jealous, getting back at him for all the controlling comments he would make whenever you went out to clubs with your girlfriends– but it still drove you up against the wall and made you break.
Maybe you and Sunwoo weren’t made for each other. There’s no denying that you loved each other– you just didn’t really know how to handle your relationship. You never really learned how to handle problems. How to resolve issues. Both of you were too immature for the other, and it would never work– you only came to this conclusion after many tear-filled evenings, but coming to peace with it is still yet to come.
“I don’t see how that’s relevant to this conversation,” you say, shaking your head in disbelief.
The male scoffs, turning his head towards you, meeting your eye. “Did you even listen to the songs?” 
“Of course I did, how else would I know–”
“Then you must have noticed that I’m not making fun of you, or putting you on blast, or belittling you, or whatever you and your friends have said about me for the past month,” he counts on his fingers as he recites the words with an annoyed tone, big eyes bearing into yours. 
“You exposed me being vulnerable.”
“I’m vulnerable in these too!” he urges out, eyebrows furrowing at you in exasperation.
“That’s your fucking choice! Don’t drag me into it!”
While you must admit that none of the lyrics Sunwoo’s ever written about you were lies, or making fun of you or throwing harsh words in your direction, you still feel as if a chunk of you has been thrown out in the open, for anyone to pick apart and poke around. You always told Sunwoo you liked his way with words, and there is no denying that his lyrics, although they were painfully honest, were quite beautiful. If you weren’t the one the songs were about, maybe you’d even like them. Maybe you could give them a listen without feeling like you want to crawl out of your skin. Maybe you could add them to your playlist without feeling ashamed that you’re still thinking about the male, picking apart your relationship like every outsider has been doing since the songs went viral, but instead, finding places where you could’ve done things differently and kept him by your side.
It was hard to listen to his words and see the reflections of your past flashing in front of your eyes like a movie. While you admit that he did the timeline of your relationship justice, you do despise the fact that his words are getting to you so much. 
You don’t like hearing about the things you’ve done wrong. You don’t like listening to him apologize– although he would never do so directly. You don’t like to hear him say that he misses you, because it makes it hard for you to keep your fair distance from him.
“I don’t know what I was thinking… Can you drive me home, Sunwoo? We’re clearly not on the same page about this,” you say, averting your gaze from him towards the window.
“Sunwoo, can you please drive me–”
“Not until we talk about this, no,” he says firmly, watching you foam over with fury.
“What else is there to talk about?”
“There’s no us anymore, Sunwoo! And I think it’s the time you come to terms with that and stop abusing our failed relationship for your stupid songs,” you bark, throwing daggers into his skull with your fierce eyes.
“So you get to go and post angry tweets and badmouth me in front of your friends, but when I cope in a perfectly respectful manner, it’s wrong?” he argues, scoffing and shaking his head at you.
“God, you’re unbelievable. You’re comparing two vastly different things–”
“Do you not like the songs because you feel exposed, or do you not like them because I’m saying exactly what you don’t want to hear?” he asks, eyes bearing into yours with such heaviness you feel like you could cut the tension with a knife.
“Like what? That you think I regret breaking up with you?” you scoff, shaking your head in disbelief.
“Why else would you pick a fight with me every time I call? Why pick it up at all?”
“Why do you call, then?” you challenge him, chewing on the bottom of your lip. The male leans closer to you, sparks dancing in his eyes when his voice resonates through the car like a low thunder, making the tips of your fingertips buzz and your heart beat faster.
“You know exactly why I call.”
“To make me angry and get me to scream at you?”
“If that means I get to talk to you,” he shrugs, a subtle grin overtaking his features, a churn of your stomach warning you of the dangerous area you just entered.
Eyes never breaking contact with his, relishing in the way his hungry gaze picks you apart, you attempt to conceal your true feelings with an annoyed comment. “This isn’t going anywhere,” you muse, “god, I never wanna see your face again.”
He clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth, teasing you. “That’s what you said last time,” he says, “so what are you doing in my car then, babydoll?”
The pet name makes your stomach drop, the lightness in your head coming back to you as you furrow your brows at the male, trying hard to come up with a smart remark. Your brain turns into liquid and there’s buzzing in your ears as you try to focus on staying calm and true to your best judgment, but the moment Sunwoo’s head leans even closer to your face, his words render you both speechless and thoughtless as he mutters a sentence that’s barely louder than a whisper, yet powerful enough to pull you in.
“Stop fighting me for once, will you?”
Your lips are pushed against his with force, the kiss mirroring the essence of being starved of each other for the past month. His plush lips move against yours with the skill that only a man you’ve spent tens and hundreds of nights kissing would acquire, his hand placed on your jaw to steady you, adjusting the pace of his kisses just the way you always liked it. 
A force that’s greater than yourself brings you out of your seat and into the driver’s lap, giving the male better access to your throat as you settle comfortably under your newly acquired human chair. His strong thighs flex under you when you thread your fingers through his hair, bringing him back up to connect your lips together before he breathlessly pulls away, gazing at you with a boyish grin on his face.
“Why did we even break up again?” he jokes.
You reply to him with the same lightness of your tone, shrugging. “Because you were a jealous, possessive prick and I had a short temper that always egged you on?” you say, watching as the male pretends to ponder on the information, humming to himself.
“I think I can put that past me.”
“Can you?” you joke, tracing his cheekbone with your thumb, a sly smirk playing with your lips as you lean over him and press a firm, yet short peck to his swollen lips. “Or will you make another mediocre song about it?”
“Don’t call them mediocre,” he squints at you, eyes tracing your face when your hands slip further down his face to cradle his jaw, thumbs padding his lips.
“I easily outdid you on your own song, Kim Sunwoo.”
“That’s why I add you in, actually.”
“Really?” you snicker, tone full of fake disbelief. His hands hold your sides when you lean over the man and latch yourself to his neck, dragging out kisses up and down his warm skin. “Will you make a song for each of our arguments, then?” 
Teeth scraping the skin of his throat, you find the male humming under you in pleasure and satisfaction. He has you right where he wanted you– and although this is not how you imagined the night to go, you don’t find yourself disappointed with the turn of events. The previous annoyance is still there, but now is shielded by the need in you, the longing for him you can’t really battle whenever he is around.
Settling deeper against his body, you feel the male slip one hand into your hair, tugging at the roots of your hair gently to bring your face back to his, averting your attention away from the love bites you’ve been placing on his skin. 
“Unless you give me another topic to write about,” he suggests, his hungry lips swallowing your reply. 
You and Sunwoo were never really good for each other. Too messy, too turbulent, but too consumed with the other to ever truly let go. Seeing him tonight surely wasn’t the best of your ideas– but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t silently hope the evening would turn out this way.
You and Sunwoo were never the ones to make good decisions when it came to the other one anyway. What’s one another badly calculated step in your relationship gonna do?
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angstflavoured · 3 months
You have any fic recommendations? Any fandom really lol. You have good takes and interpretation so I feel like you’d have some fire recs
AWH WELL THANK YOU !! I dont actually know how great the ones I read are gonna be since usually the fandoms Im in are scarce on content 💀 but ill go ahead and list a bunch of the ones I really like. I definitely spend way too much of my time reading one shots. REALLY wanna get back into longer fics, but its hard to find ones I care enough to sit down and dedicate time to these days 💔
Smiling Friends
bittersuite, charlie/pim: AND THERE WAS ONLY ONE BED !!!!! THIS FIC CHANGED MY LIFE FOREVER !!!!! It is hurt/no comfort, but its soooo good it hurts so good and also there is supposed to be more eventually so i'd get on this one first bc when the second one drops its gonna be a day in history
Dimples, charlie/pim: I just read this last night and was so pleasantly surprised ☹️ Its so damn cute and I love how it delves more into both of their characters.
Portal 2
interface, chell/wheatley: HANDS down, best portal 2 one shot out there. the way the characterize chell is fucking insane, altered my brain chemistry forever. also wheatley is so hehehheheheh
You Do It, adventure/fact: I have a very love/hate relationship with this author..... Im not the BIGGEST fan of how they characterize them, esp Fact, but its definitely the most decent factventure content out there. I so like this one quite a bit, though their ideas are definitely better in theory than completely in practice. That's how I feel abt a lot of their works, but this person unironically holds the title for like 90% of the factventure content. If you just want some quick cute smut of them, i'd say you should check out their acc, cus I get the factventure fandom is starving LMAOO
I've got the fuse if you've got the light, adventure core/reader: ....erm, very self indulgent for me hehe!!! i was so fucking excited when this dropped
Autonomous Sweet Mesa Response, benrey/gordon: THIS FIC IS SOOO FUCKING FIREEEEE !!! OH MY GOD, I can't even count the times I've read this one. their dialogue is as good as it comes next to canon. If you like this one, this is the first in a huge series and litearlly all of them are just as good as the first. such a good sit down and binge author. They also have a shit ton of other good hlvrai stuff on their page and they make fire art
If You Asked Me To, benrey/gordon: the way they wrote the sex scene in this changed my brain forever, it was so fucking awesome.... frenrey dynamic makes me WILD
Whispers and Moans, barney/gordon: this whole author has a lot of super cute freehoun :'[ this one deals with them before the resonance cascade AND after and shows how things changed between them and its so precious grrraah
Promise, barney/gordon: again, deals with the timeskip stuff which just always makes my heart hurt... also shower sex smiles
It’s Only Natural, barney/gordon: I DIDNT REALIZE THIS FIC JUST GOT FINISHED THIS YEAR OH MY GODDDD I WAS OBSESSED WITH THIS need to reread this immediately
Team Fortress 2
He's a Rebel, sniper/spy: SUPER fucking cheesy and corny but oh my god its like one of my fav fics ever..... it's just so much fun, like stereotypical fanfic and that's always a good time to me. biker gang member/school teacher au are you fucking kidding me i'll vomit
It IS the Size That Matters, sniper/spy: erm.... BLOWJOBS!! always find myself coming back to this one sorry i really like it hehe
Secure, demo/solider: Not a lot of fics of these guys, which really sucks!! super underrated ship. I liked this one a lot tho, its pretty cute and a little emotional
Something to Rely On, sniper/spy: casual sex but really sniper is in love will forever be my favourite thing ever, it never gets old istg
The Silent Game, sniper/spy: can you tell I really like sniperspy, MORE BLOWJOBS!!!
Disco Elysium
The Collision in Cardiozone HQ, harry/kim: holy. fucking. shit. actually life changing i am not joking. so fucking heartbreaking, it left me hollowed out for like a WEEK after the ending. A longer one for sure, but SO worth it like oh my god
The Catacomb Killer, harry/kim: I don't think I ever fully finished this one, but I remember REALLY liking the whole case the fic was set around. there was so much thought put into it, it was genuinely interesting like a murder mystery show
Retour à nouveau, harry/kim: I did really like the whole plot and buildup in this one, but from what I remember, them getting together was super anticlimatic :P i recall being disappointed, but the whole actual case and their interactions during the fic are super cute
Mortal Kombat 1
the game of idiocy, johnny/kenshi: BY THE SAME AUTHOR AS BITTERSUITE!! this one is sooo fucking cute, the way they write them interacting is so much fun. a little troupey and on the cheesier side, but cmon who doesn't love that
Flowey is Not a Good Life Coach: no ships but delves a lot into flowey and papyrus relationship and there's so much good sans development too. SUPER GENERIC, it IS one of the most liked fics, but I remember reading it back when I was a teenager and it blew my fucking mind. ghhghggh i love the way they write the brothers interacting so much
The Party Incident and Other Embarrassing Anecdotes, sans/reader: uhmm.... soo sorry, this fic will forever hold a special little place in my heart. I'm sure if I read it now it would be SO corny cus oh my god it was fucking 2016 like are you kidding, but I'm just a fucking sucker for fake dating. there like 5000000 troupes in this one and theyre all so cute and its just a fun and silly time. it subconsciously inspires so much of my writing in fics. will probably forever be unfinished before they get together though HAHAH so definitely do not read if you're looking for a solid ending. its just about the journey i swear
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midnightblues444 · 1 year
Roommate Draken x fem reader
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Part one | two | three
Summary: Draken cares about your friendship but is starting to feel the pressure to confess
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Telling you was surprisingly the easiest part. You took it well enough, heading straight to Hanmas place to confront him, Draken assumes it went well because you came home single, and fuming.
The week after though, was hard to watch. You were sad, he could tell. Dismissing any mention of Hanma . And although Drakens not a big emotions guy, he wanted to do something to help you feel better that wasn't too obvious so he suggested a movie night.
Movie night: a sacred event in your household. It started in the early stages of you two living together and from then on became a thing you did when you really just wanted to hang out, and in this case to cheer you up.
Movie night is held in your room, on Drakens computer. You tried to have it in the lounge but for some really strange reason the lounge is freezing at night. Blankets arent enough to fight the cold night air coming through those big ass windows, so your room it is.
Draken brings his own pillows to add to the stack and you bring snacks. You seem content, the first movie starts, it's your choice, a real cheesy romance.
You boo when the couple kisses, and when they have romantic moments , by the end you're shoving your face into a nearby pillow.
"I dont get why your pissed, you picked the movie" Draken yanks the pillow from your face with a laugh
"I picked it to hate it" you sigh, "to represent my relationship with love"
"Loves not all bad, just give yourself time you'll find someone good" he says,
You loudly groan and dramatically shove your face into his chest, getting comfortable.
"Easy for you to say, you're the kind of guy women fall in love with, but me...I have these prolonged flings with people who barely know me"
"Hey, cmon i know if you let them know you,  they'd fall for you, no doubt" he gives you a look, and a pat on the head
The second movie starts, its Drakens choice, a really long actiony movie, you barely made it to the end.
"Ken ken, you're the best, you know that?" You sleepily mumbled into his chest, he hopes you dont notice how his heart beats faster at the comment, so he hums nervously.
He later realises, you're asleep. Glad you cant see him blushing. He slowly switches off the movie, moving the computer, then he tries to leave without waking you.
He tries to slip away, but you hold him tightly.
"Noo stayy" you yawn, with your last bit of conciousness.
He does as hes told and stays with you, that night. Wrapped up in his arms
When he retells the story to his friends, he doesn't understand why they look at him questionably.
"So you actually think (names) not into you? And I thought I was dumb" Baji laughs, Draken says the whole we're just comfortable to do that stuff speech he always gives when you guys cross a line.
"falling asleep on your chest dude and you actually think its platonic" Mitsuya adds shaking his head with a grin.
"I think you should confess and find out, kenchin" Mikey suggests, "look, we're all going clubbing next weekend so bring (name) with and shoot your damn shot before the next guy swoops in once again"
Draken remembers the feeling of seeing you with another guy. The way his heart sank when he'd hear your moans from the room next door, and how shit it feels when the person you were with didn't treat you well.
Maybe he should shoot his shot?
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eternalera · 8 months
Some problems i had with the finale in hazbin hotel
now before i start i just wanna say that i absolutely love and adore this show with all of my heart but with that being said i can still recognize its flaws and god does it have some
lets get one of the most obvious things out of the way first. charlie did literally nothing. she hit adam once or twice and he beat the shti out of her which was just a dumb excuse to have lucifer show up nad beat the shit out of him.
but more on that later. charlie is the main character and she only gets the motivation to go full 'god mode' when sir pentious dies? even then she didnt do anything. dazzle ends up dying but oh well its fine (or razzle i cant remember). she stabs adam once and even then he beats her up more than anything. hes powerful yes but charlie couldve put up more of a fight
she even has a song in episode 7 about taking charge but honestly... she doesnt really do that. actually sir pentious had a better arc than her and we hardly see him throughout the entire show
sir pentious' death was fine we see him gearing up and it was kinda leading onto the big scene where he would take on adam but...
bro got obliterated in less than like a second and then adam made a joke off of it. tbh at this moment i started laughing so hard because goddamn was it hilarious but then you have charlie and the hotel mourning it like not even five seconds after- like half a second after the joke.
the tonal whiplash of that scene was just... ugh-
like i didnt care about it being serious because guess what? im already laughing at the joke like everything that i cared for about him just thrown into the gutter because guess what? haha funny :)
but for that to be what makes charlie go into her full form still makes me mad- ugh
adams death was fine. he was killed by nifty so like- okay i guess. honestly i didnt really care for it. it was funny but then ONCE AGAIN you have lute cry over him and actually i cared more for that than nifty-
but its just like- nifty?
dont get me wrong its funny asf but... nifty? they treated both of what was meant to be serious deaths in this show as a goddamn joke and expect me to not call them out on it? like okay nifty shes a funny character but her killing adam just made me go though 3 different stages in the span of like- five seconds
bro just got stabbed wait what-
omg its nifty thats kinda funny
actually i dont really care for nifty so wtf-
like huh?
the death just kinda felt like... nothing to me. like i get thats its funny misogynistic asshole gets stabbed by crazy straight small bug woman. but i didnt really care for it. nfitys fine but i dont care about her enough for me to laugh out loud at this moment
lucifer's entrance was horrible. bro can open portals, he knew what they were doing, he knew what was coming yet he comes in like- halfway through the fight only when charlie's getting hurt
all im sayin is that if he was in it at the start the final episode wouldve been like half the amount of time it actually was...
oh yeah and pentious would be alive, but no they needed him to die to show that the hotel works so why not just hold him off.
im sorry but lucifer stole all of charlies glamour in this scene like charlie was getting choked after hitting adam once and then boom. daddy to the rescue ig
like are you kidding me? at least make it fucking vaggie or smth. not lucifer and why was he late? we've pretty much established that man doesnt do shit so like-
its fucking pointless it a quick and pretty damn cheesy ending. if he wasnt there at the start we dont need him at the end. or at least have him arrive earlier not at a convenient ass time
going back to the fact that NOT A SINGLE DEATH WAS TAKEN SERIOUSLY.
i know that sir pentious was coming back so its fine to make it a joke but like adam? bro thats your main villain right there. a show is only as good as its villain and honestly his death just wasnt satisfying (as i mentioned before)
like seriously wtf?
this all being said though i really enjoyed this show with my whole heart and i do love it and some of the things that it did. the fact that this show even got out is a goddamn miracle <3
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zpiderwebs · 3 months
| That's great. | part I
"It's so depressing how the tear ducts in my eyes are so much wetter than the space between my thighs."
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Peter b x fem! Reader
(Angst, fluff, tiny bit of smut! [Just a few details] 1st person POV)
Note: I rebranded and I'm starting off as a new account and under a new name :] pls read my linktree! :)
"Damn, you're really still waiting for that reply?"
"Of course I am. I just..God I don't even know anymore. It just feels like I need her more and more the more I think of her."
Ugh.. there it was again. That jealous feeling in my stomach.
"Well, if you're just going to be a sad bumb, then what the hell am I doing here? Just keeping you company while you cry your eyes out for her? Cmon Peter, it's been seven months. Don't you think it's time to back down?" I shrugged, setting my takeout container down as I crossed my arms.
I knew i shouldn't be acting like such a dick to him, especially when he badly needed the help. But seriously, it's been months since he divorced MJ! Why can't he just see she probably moved on? Why can't he see that I'm clearly here for him and he should also move on?
"Cmon Pete, just..give it up. It's for the best, right? You shouldn't be beating yourself so much over one woman. You know, there's other women who find you attractive too, not just MJ." I murmured, trying to hint him in a way. I wasn't sure how he'd feel. Hopefully, he wasn't as slow to figure this out.
"Mm. Maybe," Peter murmured, sighing as he set his phone down.
"Maybe your right. I should try to..move on."
"That's great! See? It's not that hard, that's a great first step, pete."
Well shit, maybe I might get an actual chance-
"But I'm still not sure. I went through a lot with her, you know?"
Fuck. Nevermind.
"Well, no, not really. I wasn't the one married and going through everything with you." I huffed out, leaning back on the couch.
I wish I was. I wouldn't have divorced you over anything small. I would've loved you forever.
"You're right. You'd make a good wife, tho. You're very open-minded and understanding. I like that about you." Peter murmured, a small smile on his thin lips, his eyes crinkled. They were tired, but god, how good he made them look.
"Oh well..thank you. I appreciate your words. But hey, we still need to focus on helping you move on. Right?" I cooed. It was getting hard to keep up my non flustered face.
"Yeah, your right." Peter let out a chuckle. Sighing, he leaned back on the couch, placing a hand on my knee.
Please, keep it there.
"If your so eager on helping me move on why dont you.." his voice trailed off a bit.
"Why don't I..?"
"Cmon, spit it out parker."
He let out a gentle sigh, his hand squeezing my knee a bit.
Fuck. Is he going to..
"Why don't you and I give it a try?"
Silence. Felt like the air was just punched out of me.
"Yeah. I mean..you and I have been very close and you've always been there for when I needed you. Maybe there's more that we haven't dug up."
Is he being serious or is he just messing with me?
"So..what do you say? Should we give it a try?" Peter then turned to look at me with those same tired brown eyes.
God. He doesn't know how long I've been waiting for him to say these words.
"I'd love that."
"Me too."
Peter began to slowly lean in, brushing my hair behind my ear.
I closed my eyes, waiting for him to do it first. And then I felt his thin lips on mine.
My lips moved against his, my hands not knowing where to go. They simply rested on his knees. He softly groaned against my lips. I felt so weak. I never wanted this to end.
Sadly, it had to end since old man lungs who have smoked for a while now couldn't handle not containing oxygen for a long time.
"You really gotta cut out the cigarettes for now."
Peter chuckled. "Okay, fine. I'll do it if it means I get to kiss you longer."
I softly chuckle, flicking his nose. "Alright, don't be so cheesy now."
And we went back to kissing.
First couple of weeks went to months. They were good. Nothing too serious yet just..simple kisses, hand holding, hugging for long periods of time. I enjoyed it. Then..it began to get more serious.
He wanted me to move in with him, stay longer, and I wanted to, but I wasn't sure yet. He said it was okay. He began to..express more dreams and..a possible future together.
When he said those words of wanting to own a place just for the two of us, my heart soared. How did MJ let such an amazing chance like him go away? She could've just been more patient with him. How lucky am I?
"And, we could also have a balcony. Somewhere to sit outside and just feel the breeze." Peter murmured, holding my hand tightly in his as we laid there on his simple mattress that had grease stains, and the springs in it were very creaky with the simplest movements.
"Hm..that's great. I'd like that. Even tho, New York summers are brutal."
"We'll even get a little kiddie pool and just chill out there, huh? Maybe add in a few beers?"
I chuckled, squeezing his hand tighter. "I'd love that. If it's with you, of course."
Peter smiled, leaning into my neck and softly sighing, taking in my scent. I closed my eyes for a brief moment. Suddenly, I felt hot breathing against my neck and his lips grazing against my skin.
"Sorry I just..can't help myself. You smell so nice." Peter whispered, placing hot kisses on my neck. My body shivered and I felt goosebumps. My cheeks felt so warm
"Peter.." I softly murmured out.
"Please, just..one little bite."
"God..please do."
Then, his teeth gentle sunk into my flesh. Something definitely turned on inside of me that made me gasp out. He then moved away, sitting up. The mattress creaked again, annoyingly loud as he climbed on top of me, his hands on both sides of my head.
I met his eyes. They were saying the same thing I was thinking of. I watched his neck as he gulped. He was nervous.
"I need you."
His words sent a shiver down my spine. It felt so good to hear those words.
My hands tightened around the blanket underneath us.
"I need you too."
Slowly, we kissed, taking our time. One by one our clothes was off. I softly moaned as i felt his lips against my skin. I was on fire.
"Peter.." I gasped out. I couldn't say anything else but his name.
"Shh.." He softly whispered into my ear.
We took our time to get into it, and when he was finally inside, I was completely taken out of it, only focusing on the moment. The way he felt sliding in and out. The way he whined into my ear, saying how much he loved me and how good I was doing. I couldn't even form words. We fit so perfectly together.
I completely drowned out the loud annoying creaks of the old damn mattress because all I could hear was his pants and whines in my ear along with the sounds of his hands gently combing through my hair as he moved. My legs tightly around his waist. I never wanted this to end...
Well. That's what I wanted. Until..where Peter and I were just getting so serious, he dropped a bomb on me.
"She responded back..!" Peter called out as he looked at his phone. The message from MJ right in front of our eyes.
There it was again, that jealousy feeling in my stomach but now in my mouth.
"Oh..thats..great." I murmured, I gently laid down on the mattress as I watched him. "Do you want to take a nap?"
"Yeah, just a minute."
Just a minute? What..?! We're literally together, and he's really going to respond to his ex-wife after she ghosted him for months!?
"Peter, seriously?"
"Seriously what? Cmon, I'm just.." His voice trailed off a bit.
I looked at him before I scoffed and laid back down, closing my eyes. Why did I want to cry? Was I being selfish?
What happened to all those damn dreams? Our own place? The fucking kiddie pool and beers out on the balcony? This shit was too good to be true.
And it was sort of a surprise when a few days later I woke up to a text from Peter. He wasn't even in his apartment.
"What the fuck..?" I murmured, sitting up and rubbing my eyes awake. I read the message.
Fuck. The air was punched out of my lungs.
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ultimateloserboy · 1 year
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(sorry if the screenshots are a bit mushy i was taking them quick)
firstly of course id like to mention these two. i love how when sonic is playing around and talking to himself, shadow just nods along. he didnt tell sonic to shut the fuck up, he just waited until he got his zoomies out. he even slightly participated! i just love how when shadow is cooled down a bit he’s actually pretty used to sonic and doesnt mind his silliness, it only makes him genuinely upset when it’s not the right time or place. and sure this also isnt the right time or place, but seeing as hes been blessed with literal gay magic i think shadow mightve given him a pass. that or shadow is never actually as pissed as he tries to be. which i also believe, because he plays around during fights. i think hes having fun too. hes just trying to ignore it in favor of the overall mission, which is completely fair and is kinda needed. without shadow sonic would have no fucking clue what to do hed just be running around spitting off cheesy one liners like an idiot, but without sonic shadow would be all alone with nobody but space rocks and his pissy attitude. sonic does provide shadow with fun, and everyone needs a little fun and positivity. sonic makes him happy and keeps him entertained but he’d never admit that. they balance each other out in such a nice way. they need each other in more ways than one in my opinion.
this leads me into my favorite thing about this show: sonic is not simply the hero. he’s not just saving the day and that’s that like he thinks. it’s much more complicated. lots of people he’s met seem to have clashing opinions or views of the world, and that’s not a bad thing! most of rouges variants want to just hand over the shard and get it over with, which wouldnt help in the long run but is A REASONABLE THING TO THINK!!! shadow was never malicious he was just pissed off and he’s RIGHT! hell, i dont even think nine is wrong either!!! hes never even seen the reality that sonic is wishing for! all of these people simply want to be happy but theyre from completely different worlds in a very VERY dangerous situation, of course theres going to be conflict amongst people who ARENT the villains! because the world doesn’t revolve around sonic and in situations like these its hard to find a middle ground between COUNTLESS AMOUNTS OF PEOPLE FROM ALL AROUND THE MULTIVERSE!! i think it perfectly demonstrates how all of these people arent bad people, they simply dont view things the way sonic does and thats ok. theyre all just scared and confused and in a life or death situation. well, except for dread. that motherfuckers just crazy.
i do think nine should. maybe chill 😭😭. but i think sonic shouldve at least talked with the kid a bit more about the overall goal cuz damn. i like the parallel between shadow saying “theyre not your real friends.” and nine saying hes real. because shadow was right in a sense. nine is NOT tails. he’s REAL, sure, but hes not the real TAILS. he isnt the real tails and hes not sonics friend just because sonic knows a version of him. that doesnt mean they cant BE friends but sonic being quick to assume that nine will end up like tails was just wrong on his part. sonic was quick to assume so many things about nine because of his relation to tails, and he shouldn’t have done that. he should’ve listened to shadow. it’s all “ooo shadows such a fuckin debby downer party pooping asshole” until the universe still isnt put together and THEN people consider that yeah maybe he was a little right. harsh, but right. literally if shadow was able to go into those portals i promise you this shit wouldve been over before we even got a season two. like genuinely i feel like they keep shadow in the void simply because they need to prolong the season. and i love the content dont get me wrong but please just let him go with sonic that motherfucker really does need a babysitter. i think we need BOTH of them in the actual shatterspaces. like i said, they balance each other out. if shadow was to go on his own i honestly think he wouldnt do too good either. hed just ignore everyone else and try to get things done quickly without needing help and sure he might get a little far but eventually hed need the help and he wouldnt have it. so i think sonic and shadow together should finally be allowed to do this shit fully together so that shadow can do what he has to do and sonic can go around making friends with multiverse people and saving them from robots on the side. its a win-win people!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!
i do like the fact that shadows speed is artificial so it isnt the same as sonics, or at least thats what i like to think. i know hes stuck in the void because of the chaos control he did (i think) and sonics speed might not be the only factor but i do think its interesting how they cant do the same things
but truly i think the only reason the writers are keeping them seperate is because they know damn well if they teamed up full time theyd start kissing eventually
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iciatheguardess · 9 months
psst. nows your chance to elsie rant about the current events if you want to
Rant? Hmmm... I dunno where to start
(Btw, all of this is /silly and not meant to offend anyone at all)
I'm so fucking glad they're almost done with this shit, because shit is happening to EVERYONE. I can't believe how calm the 2nd floors been so far and I'm thankful for it- and I'm glad there was rubble blocking the way because they all need more items and checkpoints before getting to her. Also the angst, JESUS CHRIST THE ANGST. If you haven't seen my separate post about Icia sleeping (I'll find it if you want or you can hunt for it yourself) and seeing her friends back in tbdk then you know damn well there's something SEVERELY wrong happening with Icia and if ANY serious shit happens then HOOOOOOO boy God bless everyone's souls because that will NOT be fun. It's not even just her though- like. Spoilers. POOR FUCKING VERIE AND ARTHUR, LIKE JESUS CHRIST THEYRE EACH OTHER'S LOST FIANCE AND SHE DOESNT EVEN FULLY KNOW IT AND HES JUST WAITING SADLY WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IF SHES EVER GONNA REMEMBER. I'm really proud of Clara though, especially with being able to put her mask back on for the play. Lance and Raina are freaking me out a little. I know we've seen a bit of Lance and fighting really isn't his style but I've said this before and I'll say it again, seeing one of them for a long time and not the other FUCKING SCARES ME. And also, please someone get Stitch some therapy, that guy is basically going rabid with some of the stuff he's doing to himself and others, he is NOT mentally suited for this, no offense.
THATS NOT EVEN ALL. The dungeon party for me has been nothing but a whole lotta "WHAT????" Bc FIRST everyone falls asleep and gives into the trap just like that and Elsie and I are screaming into pillows for that to not happen- THEN BOB SHOWS UP WITH LEAFY AND MAGE I THINK? Idek if he's still there now but oh my god I can NOT wrap my head around this. ALSO IF I SEE KOPI AND KUMO AND THAT DAMN MEME ONE MORE TIME- well I guess I can't be mad bc they're each others support rn and that's really what everyone needs in this hell forsaken place at the moment. Someone also needs to really, really give Dusk a hug. I think she should make a rage room accessible to everyone in the circus, everyone needs that place.
Other than that I'm loving how creative the rooms and bosses are. I'm really hoping we see more Aoki bc he's so sweet and cute and someone get that man a gf right now, bring some happiness into his life. I'm also loving how creative I can be with the very, very long asks I'm writing for each room. I'm loving slipping bits of lore into Icias character. Yall don't know what I got planned or what Imma do if I get the chance. What I DONT love is how FAST MY FUCKING APPETITE DISAPPEARS THE GODDAMN MOMENT I SEE HER IN ANY ASK. Or if I see anything that has to do with Northeast, Raina and Lance, Stitch, etc. It's not fun being abt to eat a delicious bowl of cheesy spicy potatoes and seeing a notif and suddenly my appetite is like "HAHAHAHA ADIOS" because I get so anxious and excited that sometimes it literally makes me nauseous.
That's all I can remember rn. So far, 9/10, having lots of fun, have definitely cried a few times.
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tshxrin · 2 months
ren lore!!!!
good morning (its 11pm rn as im typing this), welcome back to my yapping, im gonna drop some latest ren lore 😘😘; tbh im not gonna lie i forgot I had tumblr for a hot minute LMAOAO, i was locked in since school is lowkey assfucking me rn, but besides the point!!!!, I keep yapping here (not that anyone cares, or cares enough to read), these are my archives, someday in the future, I better have a disorder named after me. ANYWAY BACK TO THE TOPIC hello!!!!!, welcome, or welcome back, if you're reading this i love you. tbh I feel like I often have trouble voicing out my feelings, considering the fact i find it 'cheesy' to express them? so thats why your girl is ranting on a tumblr blog😝😝. lore has been CRAZY, as of now, i think about 3-4 months ago I just cut everyone off, online mainly (fake ass bitches bro istg.) and I decided to focus on things that mattered (valorant, joke; i was focusing on my studies!) so i guess burnout finally caught up to me, my schedule is so packed I just wanna crawl out of my skin suit and transcend into another dimension, but oh well, sky is the limit for man, afterall. anyways my seatmate is a real one bro, she uses my slang and humor like omfg?!??!?!, i recently got back on social media, idk what i was on all those months ago, talking w people i know damn well weren't the people i should be talking with, but oh well. either way, im going to drop some drama in here, people are surprisingly jealous of me!! (3.) some crusty ass classmates tho so im not surprised tbh, she got so mad and jealous she shittalked about me w her friends, and then her friends confronted me and I made her friends turn against her LMFAO (p.s: i was not the bad guy here, girl had major victim issues, and she made it seem like i hated her, when infact i do not even acknowledge her existence, {im a nice person- for the most part}), so currently i've a decent friend group? but still, recently i found out one of the guys i used to talk to, who i was in a situationship w, or whatever (putting emphasis on WAS.) apparently bro was lying the entire time, he acted innocent pretending he was loyal and shit but turns out he had women irl too, its ok i didnt cry i would never cry over that dog face ran through piece of burning dumpster dog shit ass bitch smh smh. (he made me hate all men, except the ones who dont exist ofc, [shoutout to geto suguru i fw you heavy]),, EITHER WAYYY, im gonna try to yap more here, becus yes :3, i didnt choose the yapping lifestyle the yapping lifestyle chose mee!!!!!!
tysm for reading till here lets take a moment to appreciate my beautiful prince geto suguru tyvm
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ricardian-werewolf · 1 year
It's 3 am in where I live and I'm thinking about what songs I would put into my playlist before I travel back in time to the night before the Battle of Bosworth and listen with RIII. Sad stuff mostly..
1. Viva La Vida by Coldplay (I know it'd be kinda cheesy)
2. Annie's Song by John Denver
3. Into My Arms by Nick Cave (a bit blasphemous?? But who cares at that point)
4. Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby and K. by Cigarettes After Sex
Also I would bring cigarettes. I dont smoke usually but this is a special occasion. We would go outside of Richard's tent (he wouldn't want us to smoke inside), and I would bring a few iPods with cabled earphones (yk the old ones before airpods became the norm bc I love the feeling of sitting side by side with my buddy and sharing them). Richard, Dick Ratcliffe, Francis Lovell, Rob Percy, yk the usual crew.. we would go behind the tent somewhere away where I'd not be notice since I'm a time traveller with iPods. And we would hang out for a while. I'd also bring a cheap plastic singing baby toy to scare the absolute shit out of them.
What about you?
Hmmm! So to answer the first part of your question, I actually have a Richard playlist:
But secondly, I wouldn’t interract, not directly. I’d be too nervous and too upset because I’d be so bowled over from being in our current year to 1485. I’d probably just go and sit outside his tent in the torch-lit dark and cry and listen to him plan, knowing it all to be a damn awful waste.
If there’s anything I’d bring with me it’s the Sunne in Splendour, to show him that his life carries on after he dies and that there are people like me still taking up the banner in the name of Richard of Gloucester to this day.
I’d probably mainly shadow Richard and the gang unless they noticed me and I wasn’t chased out based on my gender and obvious gothic look. Then I’d just pass my books off and have a glass of wine and then leave again before dawn.
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seerofmike · 6 months
mike's media medley--March 2024
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yo whats up. so at the end of the year i do a top 7 ranking of my fave movies released that year and a top 7 ranking of video games i played that year (regardless of release date) which is VERY fun and im still gonna do it but!
there are a lot of things that i like that don't make the cut that i would like to talk about...and things that i did not like that i would also like to talk about. so i will be doing a post every month about *all* the movies i watched for the first time, including older movies and new releases, same for games i played for the first time. and occasionally a book if i can manage it. it is taking me one billion years to read The Plague
here are some things i watched and played for the very first time this march:
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(thoughts below the cut. minor spoilers)
starting off in alphabetical order with:
Good Time (2017)
i watched Uncut Gems a couple of years ago and I actually didn't remember the directors' name(s) for that movie, so when I watched Good Time i was like damn that made me feel like Uncut Gems. im gonna check out more of these guys' movies. lo and behold
i think overall Uncut Gems made me feel more stressed, but Good Time made me feel more bad for basically everyone involved but Robert Pattinson's character and watching this dude just make awful decisions and treat other people like shit was like. so nasty feeling. i would like to watch more.
i liked the directing of this movie but i liked Uncut Gems's better. not to keep comparing the two but theyre made by the same people with the same like. goals of being a fucking Stress Simulator. i did love robert pattinson's performance which i won't compare to adam sandler's in Uncut Gems because even though they're both the driving forces of their movies they're both pretty different characters and even if i thought pattinson's character was slimy and just like a shite fucking person i think he did a good enough job expressing the desperation of getting the hell outta there with his brother. the emotional hook was There but i wish it was explored slightly more so i could be a bit more invested in seeing how he makes everything worse.
overall decent. i did like it. would maaaaaybe watch again but not like regularly. 70/100. also if you think 70 is a low score it is Not. it is a good score. just putting that out there before someone takes 70/100 to mean i think something is bad (<- damage control for a later score)
Late Night with the Devil (2024)
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this movie has like 10 FUCKING COMPANIES CREDITED AT THE BEGINNING when i saw it in theaters by the time it got to like the 7th one everyone in my theater was exasperatedly saying 'oh my god'
but once the movie gets started. oh hell fucking yeah
i didn't watch any trailers for this or love lies bleeding (i dont rly watch trailers in gen tbh) so idk if the trailer conveyed that this would be set up as like...a lost TV episode, complete with bumpers and brief sponsor mentions, 'behind the scenes footage' etc, but regardless i did not know that going in and you can imagine my utter fucking delight when the movie started playing and after a minute or two i realized the gimmick
i REALLY liked this movie. i thought it was appropriately cheesy for a talkshow hosted in the 70s and i liked some of the subtle moments you really only catch on rewatch (which i did rewatch it w/ my mom), like how the doctor says abraxas thrives on the attention of an audience and the whole time lily is trying to stare directly into the cameras smiling.
the ending is really fucking cool and the mystery unraveling through the supernatural occurrences was compelling. i thought most of the actors did a pretty good job. im not really a fan of demon possession stuff for very personal reasons but i stuck it out for the concept which i really did enjoy.
that being said i found out shortly after i watched this movie that they used AI art for some of the bumpers and i was legitimately so disappointed. there was clearly a talented production team working on this thing to ensure the 70s night talkshow vibe was maintained and they couldn't get one of them to do bumpers, or hire an artist?
it really sucks. i dont want to rag too harshly on smaller indie filmmakers for doing this when big players in every industry are forcibly trying to incorporate AI into their stuff so i won't be review bombing the movie like ive seen some do in response--which i *get*, and i hope the team takes that as a sign to just hire a fucking artist next time--but it did kind of sour the movie for me despite how much i enjoyed it.
so im docking 5 points for the AI art and im also docking 5 points for the 10 companies credited in the beginning because that just makes the AI art feel more egregious to me.
75/100. maybe if they release the movie on shudder with the AI art removed they'll get their 5 points back
Love Lies Bleeding (2024)
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everybody in this movie is so fucking sweaty and grimy and everything looks kind of dirty and like it smells like sweat and deodorant and tbh i kind of dig it. especially when next to the cleaner 'aesthetic' version of the 70s presented in Late Night with the Devil
but man this movie was really good. i dont want to spoil it too much but PLEASE go watch it. its decently horny so if you dont like that sort of thing Sawi but if you can look past that its so fucking weird and like strangely funny when it shouldnt be (but is definitely trying to be, so its not like unintentional humor, maybe more like morbid humor?) and theres horror and fantastical elements that you simply arent expecting and my theater screamed at the ending. please go watch it. truly the epitome of i support womens rights AND womens wrongs. honestly i could go on about this movie but i will not right now because you WILL go watch it in theaters NEOW
Spirited Away (2001)
okay im gonna be really blunt and rip the bandaid off with this one. i just thought it was Fine
like obviously the animation is stellar but that was about it for me. maybe i listened to this movie get hyped as one of the best animated films ever and set my expectations absurdly high but i watched it and i enjoyed it but i wasn't like...blown away or struck with Whimsy And Wonder or overcome with emotion.
i do think some of the characters were charming and it was entertaining and i dont want it to sound like i didnt like the movie but i guess i just felt underwhelmed? i might rewatch it another time with my expectations readjusted and see if i enjoy it more but when i watched it and the credits rolled i just went 'oh okay. was that it?'
anyways 70/100
viddy game time
(the) gnorp apologue--
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she gnorp on my rock until i shard
funny clicky idle game . it is NOT an idle game where you can just buy all the upgrades and 'win', theres some strategy involved, but its honestly a really funny game. theres breaking bad references in there. in fact there are all kinds of references in there. you should go play it for the low low price of just over 5 dollars
minami lane--
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so i will say first i am not like an avid player of 'cozy' games and find a lot of them pretty boring but i did really enjoy this one. it's a short city builder game with a really cute art-style. it has a sandbox mode (which i havent played) but it also has about five challenges to complete with multiple objectives and i had a good time trying to 100% them all. i would love if they added more challenges but tbh! it's not a bad way to spend about 3-4 hours of your time. im sure if you play sandbox mode you'd get even more but honestly i was satisfied with doing the challenges. it's just under 5 bucks there are definitely worse ways to spend your money.
if you've read this whole thing i love u. feel free to use this post as an opportunity to recommend me movies, tv shows, and games you think i should check out.
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zempumpkin · 1 year
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HELLOOO ITS ME AGAIN!! Finally posting more about this boyss (so just for clarification I gonna redo Mike one cuz I made new things and to look more like Leo and yes he's the new newest I draw of them)
Yes he's colorblind, why? BCS I WANT
Also this glasses are not sun glasses this ones are colorblind glasses !! How did they get it??? I have no ideia man but probably Donnie made them at some point
He writes fanfics and tbh he's actually a good writer !! Also he writes poems sometimes when they're feeling cheesy
Also yes he's a very impatient person, HE HATES waiting so much omg, like he can't stay still and will start making some faces to show his anger it's actually funny
They're good friends with Casey !! Finally some friend besides his siblings (not that he doesn't like them, but they want to talk to different people y'know??)
Is actually jelly because Mike can play kulele and he can't LMAO
He has a sonic Kin i dont make the rules here
He's also 14 but younger then mike for a couple of days
Can't cook sorry Leo
One day Raph and Him where playing when they were younger and Raph just Nhack the sword, and now his sword has a bite mark and a part missing (don't ask how)
Can't function under pressure, like a lot of people talking to him and he doesn't know what to do...yeah...that's a nono for him thank you very much !!
Sometimes likes to go to the hidden city and look around the place, also is very happy that him and his sibs aren't alone anymore
He may not play for shit BUT !! They will listen to Mike, Raph and Casey make music (noise) !!
Kinda a moron
This mf eat pizza with ketchup (Donnie side eye him every god damn time)
Really likes ninja training !!
Has a little (HUGE) crush on Capitan Rayan (they idol)
Has a book hidden in his bedroom that has all of his fanfiction and will protect it with their life (Mike knows about it but doesn't say anything)
Totally this trips to Hidden city is not because they want to see Usagi Yuichi...TOTALLY NOT WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT??? (has a little crush on him)(is scared of Yojimbo)
I forgot to paint there because it looked weird but their eyes are red !!
Loves space
Well i think that's everything for now?? If there's new thing i just add here anyway
Bye bye !!
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fairytalequeer · 2 years
3, 7, 12, and 13 for the ask game ‼️💥💥 (im not typing out the titles for this LMAO) —@cephalophoricboyfriend
YIPPEE!! THANKS!! @cephalophoricboyfriend
ok i went off on this so im making it a read more bc. wow
3: "Dance, Dance" - Are there any songs you strongly associate with you and your f/o? Any specific lyrics from them that really gets you thinking of you two?
yes hahahahaha and i have a full playlist. of these. i will not be sharing that but im going to copy u and shuffle it and then share the song.
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thats funny. literally shared this with friends the other day.
so im cheating here a bit but this is kind of paired with his other song in my playlist
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i like to imagine "underground" is from the perspective of creature (s/i) whereas "i hear a symphony" is from the perspective of p/ardoes. lol. <- gay
Underground is definitely less clear with what it's about but to ME it's about falling in love- but the feeling is sudden and confusing and even scary with love hitting u like a god damn train. but in the end it's something precious and finally found
I Hear a Symphony is much more (traditionally) romantic. but yknow how it is im all about that cheesy shit. and listen. the person clearly has this. sense of wonder and treats this love like magic he's never experienced before ohhhhh my god
(this whole ask is already long as hell so if you WANT to see the lyrics i feel like just hearing the song/looking up the lyrics is enough to see what i mean. and how. they fit. and makes me think of them)
7: "7 Minutes in Heaven (Atavan Halen)" - Do you have any physical items (preferably something other than merch of them) that remind you of your f/o? What are they?
COOL: i have an f/o that DOES have merch
NOT COOL: He Is A Netherlands Themepark Mascot Meaning Me, A Californian, Has Little Access To It
COOL: ive made FRIENDS who have been able to give me THINGS. official merch i have now: a plush of him, a plush of a fishy from his ride, AND gay ass slippers that are like his jester shoes. i also have a lego of him ;w; it's not official but it's super cute and my friend built it for me
i also have fabric tulips i bought bc he's dutch lol. stuff with stars reminds me of him too. which works bc i love stars anyway,,
12: "Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part to Save the Scene and Stop Going to Shows)" - Are there any interests of yours that your f/o just doesn’t seem to be able to get into? Are there any that they weren’t originally interested in but later came around to it?
yeah i think so! even though im a little bitch with scary stuff i think i am more open to horror than he is. i really love movies and i doubt some of the movies i like would be ones he would ever want to watch or enjoy. which is fine LOL he just has to like the ones im insane about (lotr, for example)
other than that i think most of my interests are something he'd at least enjoy. like maybe he's not as familiar with pet care/animals as i am (i have a Lot of different pets) but he's definitely not someone who is bad with animals either. AND there's gardening, which i really love and would. find his company during it really nice. i think he'd like it too (though not as consistently gardening as i would be doing)
13: "XO" - In what ways do you and your f/o don't exactly mesh well together?
a hard question since i am a creature of self indulgence and like to believe we mesh Very well all the time always. but the closest i can say is that he is much more extroverted and kind in general whereas i Am Not Those Things. he's a performer and i super am not. he's also very smart and devotes a lot of time to study and learning which i dont think i could do.
and on the flip side: he's not as aggressive and blunt with certain things. i think he CAN be very blunt (he IS an honest person and not exactly known to always be polite- mischievous jester and all that) but immediate aggression towards someone is not something i imagine him doing. and while he is also impulsive i think our impulsive natures can manifest in different ways. he probably wouldnt run head first into danger or assume the worst about someone who was being an ass. i (and creature, s/i) do these things lol
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
THE CLIFFHANGER ARE YOU SERIOUS I‘M- JADE, LOVE, YOU CAN‘T DO THIS TO ME!!! I‘M SCREAMING, CRYING, YODELING, THROWING UP, HEARTBROKEN- i keep wanting to write analyses/theories/praise for each new chapter but they would be way too long, whereas this just left me speechless… so all i‘m able to give you are some comments off the top of my head:
you said even though it‘s gonna be angsty it‘s not gonna be THAT bad, but i actually found it so heartbreaking. like even their cute moments somehow had me in a depressing mood (in the best way possible, trust me). i‘m such a sucker for angst.
i loved that there was finally some „conflict“ between hyun and y/n bc as i said before, every problem they‘re facing is due to external factors. when he wouldn‘t talk/come when y/n called, i legitimately wanted to cry. and then finally seeing a glimpse of a somewhat snappy y/n during the pool scene, more of that pls. i do wanna see them have an actual argument though, is that weird? (as if they aren‘t going through enough already hahaha)
also, jinnie‘s resolve slipping more and more (e.g. calling her baby, the phone sex). speaking of which, during the phone sex scene, when she said she‘d come over, i was like „FUCKING FINALLY, LET THEM MAKE LOVE“ and then so much shit went down simultaneously and then - boom - cliffhanger, i audibly HISSED, literally HISSED bc i read it at night and couldn’t scream.
hana? oh god. i‘m continuing my no-redemption-for-hana campaign. i legitimely wanted to crawl through my phone screen, give her a piece of my mind and slap her so hard her head would do a 180. yeonjun, you’re a gem, i want him as a main character, not a recurring one, like idk how you keep writing such ridiculously adorable characters without making them seem cheesy or unrealistic.
i feel like y/n is (getting) depressed. she constantly feels suffocated, she feels self-conscious, like a failure, she feels lonely, life keeps throwing shit at her and she holds so much self-hatred. while it‘s so heartbreaking to read, i definitely think you wrote those feelings so beautifully, in a sense that i could really feel the melancholy through the screen. you‘re a tremendously talented writer.
there‘s a billion things i could say, but i‘ll keep it at this for now. you outdo yourself every damn time. just wow
- 👑
i love all of your comments so dont worry about it being too long or short !! im a sucker for angst too and it does have a heartbreaking tone to it :(
thats not weird at all i love arguments between main characters its fun 🤩 and i completely get it, they finally had some internal conflict, there’ll be much more soon 🔜
jinnie’s resolve is crumbling now youre so right,,,but unfortunately the world isnt ready for them to make love yet 🙏🏻 so glad you love yeonjun though, hes a sweetheart and im glad you dont think its cheesy haha. the line between being an extremely nice character and an unreaslistic one is so very thin.
your comments about yn made my heart break, its very true that she’s feeling all of those things but im happy to be able to convey her feelings to you well.
thank you for a beautiful insight into your thoughts 🥺
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lovelyabyss · 2 years
comfort dashboard game uwu owo oo wow (tagged by @exmoth) comfort movie(s):
bedknobs and broomsticks maybe? i mean, i love it to bits but haven't really seen it in years bc who tf owns vhs anymore. there's something great about mixed media movies with the live-action and animation, and the practical effects esp the finale. *chefs kiss*
v for vendetta - probs should revive the watching on the 5th tradition i had prior to the end times but it's not really what id call a comfort film tbh? just honorable mention i guess
comfort food:
egg rice fersho- sunny-side up mixed with shoyu and rice, good shit.
supreme pizza- the lazy fuck's choice of all your major food groups
some chicken tendies are good now and then
comfort show(s):
star trek tng, ds9, voyager gets a special mention but not really. ds9 is by far my fave star trek bc of all the complexity of it, and it's somewhat less cheesy than tng? not real sure how to describe, havent watched any in ages. enterprise is nice but ive only just finished the whole thing
leverage is gr8 too bc thw whole robinhood thing but i havent watched recently
comfort clothing:
wide neck shirts made of thin airy cloth- which is why i love and miss my old wornout tshirts now that i cant even handle anything above 80 f, fuck im old and tired
hoodies but only when the temps 76 or below and i know im gon be there longer than an hour or two
i miss my old gi pants bc they were like airy capris rip
comfort songs:
kataomoi - aimer -always help ground me and restore me from motion sickness and bad feels. steady beats and soft vocals are the best rad. p sure this is my only remaining constant bc otherwise i just go thru new shit like every couple weeks until the good chemical hormones wear out on em
comfort games:
runescape (rs3 and osrs) - can't go wrong with a classic. first real online game i played and i always come back to it, dont think i can go back any further really
pokemon sapphire and emerald, also pearl - intro'd to sapphire around the same time as rs, wayyy back in the day, love pokemon to this day. pearl was a lot later on but damn, good games. sapphire was the gateway, emerald was a rejuvenation of my love for the franchise- moving animations when they came out in battle, trading, shinies, the battle frontier, fuck yeah. miss those days gaming.
idk who to tag no one else i know besides the frend who tagged me is really a mutual and active lmao
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