#dannymay gravity
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Day 9 of DannyMay is Ghost Zone!
Topsy Turvy gravity is fun.
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faeriekit · 3 months
some venting: on parent fandom acceptance and the danny phantom tag
Honestly, the worst thing that certain Danny Phantom fans have done on this site to other fans is say that dp x dc is its own fandom. It's not. There's no such thing as a "crossover fandom" unique unto itself. You can say that people are too into this crossover or too into this au or whatever, but people who are fans of DC and Danny Phantom are into Danny Phantom and DC. That's just. What it is. Both properties are cool and combining them adds more characters and settings to play with together. All lore leads back to one or both parent fandoms, because those are the source material.
"Well the DC crossovers are so different—" Please. There have been Danny Phantom and Teen Titans crossovers since Danny Phantom was airing. I have read crossovers with House, NCIS, Supernatural, and probably anything else ffn had to bother with. One of my favorite works is a Gravity Falls fancomic that I still hope will update one day. No one cared how it was crossover then. In fact, I would say that we were one of the most crossed-over properties I knew of at the time that wasn't a SuperWhoLock-type popular show. DC crossovers are not new, they're just popular now.
"Well, it's got its own lore! >:(" Oh, like the vivisection aus? The Full Ghost aus? The corpse aus? The Danny-is-a-portal aus?? Tell me more about how new it is for an au to have its own unique lore. Love to hear it. Definitely it's the same for every author with no variation. There's for sure no unique takes from fans at every step of the way.
"Well, there's so MUCH of it." Tell me more about how other people having fun in their own way is your problem. Go ahead. Tell me more about how other people doing their own thing is personally horrible to you. It's really terrible when people do things you don't want to engage with, isn't it. It has to be separate from your fun. There is definitely no place where they blend; it has to be segregated altogether.
"But they're doing it in MY tag!" Oh, the Danny Phantom tag? The one with Danny in it? Where he's a main character? In the art and fic where he features??
The result is exactly as you'd expect; people who would be interested in joining the Danny Phantom community and making art and fic long-term because they like the characters and the show are getting sidelined because they're failing to like the show in the 'right way'. People who might love to join in and participate in community events and discussion and bring new ideas and aus to the table are being told that they like something completely different than the show in a way that, you know, somehow the original and extremely malleable fandom isn't??
I've been following multiple Danny Phantom blogs (or their author blogs that used to post dp fic) on and off on different accounts since 2015. I used to read Danny Phantom fanfic on ffn on my ipod touch during lunch or on my laptop once I made it home from school years before I even made a tumblr. I used to look forward to Dannymay and Ectober and I think I was even on tumblr the year that Narwhals started the Dannypocalypse?? (I for sure only saw the fallout though. I think I was busy that day)
I don't even open the Danny Phantom tag anymore. I still follow the people I follow...minus the people who've talked crap about fans who like Danny Phantom wrong, apparently, and I hope that good art comes my way without the constant underlying message that we're a scourge on our own fandom, I guess.
Congrats. There are no Danny Phantom fans who find the show through this form of crossover content. You've convinced them there's no point. They have their own tag, their own headcanons, their own fics, and their own culture. Are you happy now? Are you proud to be the fandom that doesn't want new fans? Is it nice, that people won't want to see your art and fics now, despite being hungry for new content? Did it help? Are you better for it? Did you maintain that canon purity you craved??
I saw a supernatural x danny phantom art piece today that kicked ass. It's from an artist I really, really like, who makes a lot of great stuff. I've bought their merch before and was excited all the way through their creative journey. No one tried to jump on them for crossover posting in the Danny Phantom space, using lore that's unique to that crossover.
But it's not about the crossover itself, is it.
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asjjohnson · 4 months
(a ficlet written for Dannymay 2024 prompt 6: Immortal AU: What if Danny/Halfas couldn’t die?) Also on AO3.
He actually didn’t know whether halfas were immortal or just lived longer than humans.
Now at around age 140, give or take a few years (what year was it now? he could calculate it), Danny was an old man in his human form—wrinkled skin hanging from his arms and face like unironed fabric; hunched over to half his original height, bones grated down as though left exposed outside over the past decades; eyes milked over; ears inadequate despite their larger size; mind fogged.
He had no one to look to. A few years ago, or maybe a decade or two ago, he’d searched the Zone for any sign or rumor of the existence of other halfas. He wasn’t sure how long he’d searched, talking to distant ghosts, visiting places he never could have imagined existed, the Ghost Zone stretching on and on, toward infinity, before he’d given it up as a lost cause.
Vlad (though only a few years older than Danny and thus wouldn’t have been of much help anyhow) never returns to his human form. Had stopped living as a human altogether once he’d realized he was ‘growing old’.
Of course, this had been before Vlad was anywhere near an old man. Back when he’d only been about 60 years old. A few wrinkles and thinning hair, and his vanity and pride had had him abandoning his human half completely.
Not to the extreme of extracting that part of himself, of course—he had known better by that age—but of denying its existence; living solely as a ghost.
Danny had grown fond of humanity, however. The light touch of gravity, an embrace that kept him tethered to reality; the life found everywhere he looked, in the grass at his feet, in the air around him, or even just walking by him—so unlike the void of the Ghost Zone, the vast empty space with small pockets of ecto-life scattered across its depths; even the ache in his bones, the proof that he was alive, still belonging to this planet. It was all fondness.
Even as his senses continued to fade—the details of leaves and faces blurring even with thick glasses, the chittering of birds growing silent even with hearing aids, the difficulty of holding objects (connecting with the world around him) with pain and trembling hands—he clung ever more to the human world and its small wonders.
And though all his human friends from over a hundred years ago might be lost, he wasn’t alone.
They were still here.
Alive and well, living echoes seen in their grandchildren, great-grandchildren, great-great-grandchildren, and teenaged great-great-great-grandchildren. A town composed of familiar faces. And sometimes those echoes were so strong, he called someone by the wrong name.
Matilda wears a black shirt one day and, even with the pink floral patterns, Sam is so strong within her.
Derek tries out for football, and the way his smile pulls across his face is all Dash, even through the freckles and shaggy brown hair.
Nicky’s righteous glare is Valerie shining straight from his heart. Although the light in his eyes as he talks about psychology is all Jazz.
Danny was trying. Trying so hard to stay with them all, as they continued to live, fully alive, forever onward.
He didn’t know whether halfas were immortal.
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ghostly-penumbra · 4 months
DannyMay 2024. Day Seven
“Mind Control”
Robin looked at his parents: dead, unfeeling, and under the control of a madman.
He had tried pleading, trying to reach out to their memories from when they were alive, but every step he got closer to them, Freakshow increased the breach twofold.
Dick cursed under his breath, knowing what he had to do.
He jumped.
The trapeze was second nature to him, more than vigilantism could ever be.
Robin had been born jumping from bar to bar along his parents, and now, spinning in the air four times in a row, he escaped their very grasp, letting only gravity be the one to hold him and be the one to make him plummet down, with the ground closer and closer every second, and he closes his eyes-
-and he’s back in his parents’ embrace, and he opens his eyes to see their tear-stricken faces.
And Robin knows it won’t last knows that he’s doing this so that they can leave, but for now, in this moment as they hold him between them as they fly up, he breathes easily, he smiles, in spite of everything, and enjoys the moment.
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charming-doodles · 1 year
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Dannymay Day 28 : Campfire
Obligatory Gravity Falls reference
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underforeversgrace · 1 year
the monster I hide
DannyMay 2023 Day 13: Monster
title: the monster I hide
words: 1922
Warnings: None!
Summary: It's been two weeks since the Accident and Danny is struggling to come to terms with some of the less desirable side effects of dying - and he feels like a monster for it.
Of all of his abilities and the side effects of his accident two weeks ago, this was probably his least favorite. He hadn’t noticed it at first, the pressure that nearly felt suffocating against his face. When he realized it, what it was he was feeling, he hated it.
He hated what he had become, what he was. Sam and Tucker kept trying to insist it was cool, what he could do. At the least, it was nothing bad. Sam liked to talk about how unique it made him, Tucker about all the shenanigans he could get up to once (if, in Danny’s opinion) he managed to get control of his powers.
But this? This was too much. It felt wrong, it felt invasive.
It felt intoxicating, it felt like a siren he couldn’t resist the call of. Which just made it even worse - feeling like he was giving into a yearning his ghost half was calling for, leaving him simply a monster without control.
Danny was tired of feeling like a freak. Even more so, though, he was tired of feeling everyone’s feelings. He hated the hunger it stirred up in his stomach that refused to be sated no matter how much real food he ate, no matter how much ectoplasm he stole from the purifier and forced down his throat with a gag.
But it was hurting him, too. His continual denial of what his ghost demanded was making him so tired, so hungry, so irritable.
It had taken him a few days to realize what the discomfort was, especially since those first days had been painful. Every nerve in his body had felt hypersensitive. The pencil in his hands felt like fire against his flesh, everywhere it touched. His fingertips, his palm, the space between his thumb and forefinger. Wearing clothes hurt, fire ants biting into his skin with every soft brush, especially along the scars he had to hide, scars that forced him into long sleeves and a jacket despite it being August.
He would forever be grateful flight had been the first thing to come to him with ease, so at least he had been able to slightly hover over his seat, over his bed, over the ground, the pressure of putting his weight down and subject to gravity was akin to walking through hot embers the first few days.
So he thinks he can be forgiven for not noticing the hunger pains at first when literally just his existence hurt.
It had been at Tucker’s house, playing video games with him for the first time since the accident - his hands had finally stopped hurting - while Sam read behind them, that he first realized it. The pressure in the air had begun to taste good, he hadn’t even realized he’d opened his mouth and was inhaling whatever it was from around him.
“Dude, are you panting or something?” Tucker had asked.
Danny, though, had been… he imagined it was what drunk felt like. He felt a little dazed, the world felt a little slow. And he wanted more.
“Danny?” Tucker asked again, throwing a pen at Sam to get her attention. Danny hadn’t responded. His head felt… float-y. Pleasant. Peaceful.
“Hey, you okay?” Sam asked, moving to stand behind him, glancing at him worriedly as she placed a hand on his shoulder.
As their moods had shifted from contentment and happiness to worry and concern, Danny had shifted as well. His chest constricted painfully, pulling his attention to the so-slow-it-was-nearly-nonexistent heart beat, something he very much tried not to think about. A taste like expired milk settled on his tongue.
“Something’s wrong.” He’d said, clutching at his chest. The fear they’d felt next had made his heart race and burnt his mouth with the taste of cinnamon.
It had taken several minutes and a lot of circular emotions to figure out what was going on. Guess having a best friend who was a goth and way too into anything and everything creepy and weird was a helpful thing to have after dying and coming back as a half-dead freak. She’d realized he was eating their emotions, his ghostly side half starved after a week without sustenance. He’d quite literally gotten drunk with happiness, unable to control his hunger on an empty stomach.
Despite their reassurances that it was fine, that it didn’t hurt them and they just wanted him safe, Danny had felt gross. He was stealing people’s emotions, eating something other humans made.
He had been determined to never eat feelings again. He would not give in to his ghost side. He was human.
He. Was. Human.
And he was in control of the ghost. Not the other way around.
So he forced down the urge to let the pressure absorb into his skin, kept his mouth closed tightly whenever he was around other humans (because he was human, they were other humans!). Now a week since the discovery and two weeks since the accident, his stomach felt like an endless pit, clenching painfully as it begged for anything. Danny tried to give it food, ate so much even his dad noticed, but the hunger did not stop. Physically, he felt full. But it was like he had a second stomach now, one made of something more metaphysical than physical. But the pain, the stabbing hunger, felt no different.
Apparently, being a starving half human with some ghostly… needs… was quite difficult in a high school, though. Especially right now - during the first major test of the year - panic, worry, exasperation, cluelessness, delight, confusion. The pressure around him was so strong he couldn’t even see the paper in front of him. All he could focus on was the need to eat.
The need to be a monster.
He felt a poke to his side and looked over, seeing Tucker subtly holding out a note while Lancer’s back was turned. Danny accepted it, likewise eyeing the teacher while he read the note, in Tucker’s handwriting.
Have you eaten? Not normal food. The special kind.
Danny wanted to swear. Was it that obvious? Could everyone see the boy they called a freak was worse than they could ever imagine? Internally, he sighed as he shook his head. There was no use lying. They’d known each other since they were children, of course Tucker - and probably Sam - knew he was off.
He saw Tucker and Sam glance at each other before frowning at him, Sam quickly scribbling a note and passing it to Tucker. Tucker read it, nodded to Sam, then handed it over to Danny without adding anything to it.
Please eat, Danny. We don’t mind. It hurts us more to see you in pain than you eating does.
Danny just shook his head fiercely. He wouldn’t. He would not give into the monster inside him.
They looked at him pityingly but didn’t push. By the time the final bell rang and the teacher grabbed his test, Danny still hadn’t written anything on it, unable to focus on anything other than hunger and pain.
“Meet me after school, Mr. Fenton,” the teacher said before walking away. The taste of exasperation tried to edge its way against the edge of his mind but he forced it away, focusing on getting out of his seat, a task harder than it should be.
Seeing him struggle, Sam and Tucker propped him up and helped him out of class. He’d assumed they were going to their next class and let them pull and push him along, zoning out slightly. Danny was thoroughly surprised, then, when he heard a door being pushed open and was unceremoniously dropped onto the ground in the dark, the door immediately shut behind them.
A light being flicked on temporarily blinded Danny and he covered his eyes with his hands, groaning as his budding headache flared.
“Eat. Now.” Sam said, sitting beside him.
“No.” Danny managed, keeping his eyes covered.
“Why won’t you eat, dude? You’re not actually hurting us or taking anything from us. You’re just hurting yourself.” Tucker agreed, squatting in front of Danny.
“Humans don’t eat emotion. I am human.” Danny responded.
“We know. We know it’s hard but -“ Sam started.
“You don’t know what it’s like being a monster!” Danny snapped back, glaring at her, barely noticed the odd look on her face. Even he could feel the chill as the temperature in the room dropped, which just caused anger and irritation to further increase within him.
“You’re not a monster, Danny. It was an accident and now you need nutritional supplements. That’s it. Just because your parents think ghosts are bad doesn’t mean it's true.” Tucker said, reaching forward and placing his hand on Danny’s knee. Danny turned to him, still glaring. “What -“ Tucker continued, suddenly falling backwards away from him.
Danny immediately reached for him and grasped his arm to keep him from fully toppling over. “Tuck -!” As soon as his bare hand touched Tucker’s arm, though, Danny’s breath caught as emotion surged at the contact.
In an instant, Danny began feeling better. While Tucker’s emotions were tinged with panic, loving concern was the main thing Danny could sense. Sam, apparently seeing the way Danny paused and relaxed, grabbed his other hand. He relaxed further and Tucker tightened his grip, settling down and sitting as well.
Affection, worry, care assaulted his senses but not in an unpleasant way. The biting hunger began to abate and control over himself returned. “Wait, no,” he said, trying to pull away from them. Simultaneously, they both used their free hands to grab his arms, increasing the physical contact.
He’d be willing to bet his model rockets collection that they were specifically channeling certain emotions to him - love, joy, hope the top among them.
“Let us help, Danny.” Sam said softly at his side as he clenched his eyes closed, warring with himself over how good it finally felt to eat versus how wrong it felt to be doing something so inhuman. “We helped you end up like this, Danny. You’re not a monster and if you were then Tuck and I are just as bad for encouraging you into that portal. Worse, even, at least for me. If you’re a monster for being different, what am I for making you into one?”
Danny could feel the sincerity in her words, felt it warming his very being. And finally, he stopped resisting. He let his friends shower him in emotion, let them feed his starving soul. They grinned as he relaxed, sitting closer to him, each keeping both of their hands on him.
“I don’t like feeling like I’m not in control of it. Of my ghost.” Danny admitted. “I don’t like it.”
“There’s nothing wrong with not being in control. No one controls hunger, Danny. Just look at Tucker!” Sam said, smirking at Tuck.
“Hey!” He said, an over exaggerated look of shock on his face. “I have control! It’s just that I’m not exactly opposed to not being in control all of the time!”
The three fell into laughter and for the first time since the portal had set his very being on fire, he felt content. He was safe here, he was accepted here. Whatever had happened to him, whatever he had become, whatever other form he hadn’t slipped back into yet, he was loved. And he needed to let the ones he loved help him.
“So, did you know your eyes turn green when you’re upset?” Tucker asked after several minutes.
“They what?!”
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dannymayevent · 2 years
Dannymay 2023 Prompt Poll
Believe it or not, it is time to start polling for the Dannymay 2023 calendar!
For those who don't know, Dannymay is a spin-off from the longstanding Phanniemay prompt challenge where artists, writers, and creatives alike try to challenge themselves to complete as many prompts in May as they can. Whether you just complete one day or the whole calendar, that is up to you!
Like last year, this year we are looking for both general prompts (ex: friends, gravity, blood blossoms) as well as AUs/HCs for our AU Mondays (ex: corpse AU). You can find a list of a ton of AUs/HCs here.
Like usual, we will NOT be repeating prompts from the most recent Dannymay Calendar. Yes, including prompts for AU Monday. You can find the Dannymay 2022 Calendar here for reference.
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the-oaken-muse · 1 year
Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse
Dannymay Day 24: NASA
Read it on AO3, if you dare.
Of all the places in the Infinite Realms Juno could have sent him for community service, it had to be the fucking Ghost Zone. He never thought he’d miss the Netherworld, but at least there he didn’t have to deal with Warden Pasty Face and the stick up his entire ass.
He banked a hard left, bobbing and weaving through the zero gravity obstacle course provided by the ectoplasmic landscape. Behind him, the thud of armor against rock let him know he was down a pursuer, as one of the guards collided with an island of floating debris.
God, this place was a dump.
He dove through a thick patch of green fog before ducking behind one of the many floating doors littering the not-air; grateful that he didn’t have breath to catch. Walker’s goons zoomed past his hiding place, following his previous trajectory on a trail that didn’t exist.
Ha! Suckers!
He may have evaded them for now, but he would have to keep moving. When they realized that he’d lost them, they would fan out and search, leaving no stone unturned until they eventually found him and dragged him squirming back to that hell hole of a prison to be crushed under Walker’s boot once more. He needed to put as much distance between himself and this part of the Zone as possible. Or better yet, find a way to the human realm.
He looked to his left, green. He looked to his right, green. He looked down, an endless abyss of green stared back at him.
Looks like he was going to have to ask for directions. Great.
The next door he came across was a deep shade of plum with intricate panels of solid mahogany and a crystal knob. He yanked it open.
“Hey! Anybody home? Hello? I’m lookin’ for—”
A sopping wet sponge splashed against his face. It lingered there for a moment before slowly sliding down, down, down and falling into the chasm below, leaving his face dripping suds. “…the ...nearest portal to Earth.”
The door slammed shut.
“Ugh, soap.” He wiped his face with his sleeve, smearing it with fresh grime.
He floated over to another door, this one a dark weathered indigo with a heavy iron latch. He pulled it open with a loud creak, “Wazzup!”
A burly, tattooed arm emerged from the dark interior and slapped him across the face with a dead fish before slamming the door shut.
Jesus, the ghosts here were rude. At least it wasn’t soap this time.
Next, he spun the wheel on a silvery lavender hatch until it popped up with a hiss.
“Hullo down there!” his voice echoed back. “I’m lookin’ for a human portal! Can ya help a brother out?”
A thick tentacle, in a green so dark it was almost black, snaked out of the hole. In a blink, the tentacle lashed itself around his neck, crushing his useless windpipe.
“Look, I’m a hugger as much as the next guy, but this is a little forward, don’tcha think?” he wheezed.
In response, it whipped him back and flung him into the infinite green like a pitcher throwing a fastball.
He soared, eyes watering, hair whipping, and jowls flapping, for what felt like an eternity, but the five watches on his arm all agreed was only a few minutes.
His flight ended abruptly when he splatted against a strange metal structure. Its surface hummed with energy, vibrating his entire being. He peeled himself off, smoothing out the dents its rivets left in his skin, and took a look. A swirling vortex brighter than the surrounding ectoplasm filled its patchwork steel frame. Unlike the other doors, it remained fixed in place rather than floating up and down gently in a sea of green; it was anchored to something, to another dimension.
He stood on the edge of the portal, plugged his nose, and dove into the pool of light.
The portal spat him out in a large room made of the same patchwork metal as the doorway. Though the scent of death was strong here, in the glowing green of the machinery and in the air, it was mixed through with the unmistakable vitality of the living.
Perfect. Now he just needed to… find a way to get his powers back again…
He slumped forward and groaned.
Living people with The Sight were one in a million, and of those, the ones that were dumb teenagers were even fewer. There was no way Lydia was going to help him out again after the whole fiasco with their wedding either. He needed a new plan, a new pawn… well, there was no time like the present to start looking.
He floated up, poking his head through the ceiling into a modest kitchen. There was a table for four in the middle of the room, but only one chair was occupied. A pair of faded blue jeans and beat up red sneakers bounced impatiently and he could hear the scratch of pencil on paper. Sounded like homework. Bo-ring!
Like a shark fin cutting through the waves, the top half of his head glided across the floor to the fridge. Maybe they had beer.
A small pile of brown crumbs just under the door caught his attention. He sniffed at them, chocolatey. He floated a little higher so that his mouth breached the tile and licked up the remains of someone else’s fridge raid.
“Mmm, fudge.”
The kid at the table startled and looked over in his direction. He could almost believe they were making eye contact right now.
It couldn’t be that easy, could it?
“Who the heck are you?”
Looks like it could. He cracked a rotten grin and rose fully out of the floor.
“I’m the Ghost with the Most, pleasure to meet ya, kid.”
He held out a hand to shake, a centipede skittered down his arm and around his dirt-crusted knuckles before heading back into his sleeve. The boy just stared at the proffered digit in disgust.
“The most what? Grease stains on your shirt?”
“That and so much more! You name it, I’ve got it. Charm, good looks, STDs—”
“Modesty.” The boy deadpanned.
“Hey! I’ll have you know I wear pants at least…” he began counting the fingers on one hand, “thirty percent of the time!”
“That’s not what I— You know what? Give me one good reason I shouldn’t soup you right now.” The boy snatched a thermos off the table and waved it threateningly.
Jeez, tough crowd.
He wasn’t sure what kind of soup was in there, but something told him he didn’t want to find out.
“Beeecauuuuse…” His eyes darted around for something he could use to turn the situation to his favor. Math worksheet? No. Half eaten sandwich? Maybe later. NASA t-shirt? Perfect. “I’m a star, kid.”
“Oh yeah? What kind of star?” The boy narrowed his eyes skeptically.
“Red supergiant, Orion constellation… I’m sure you’ve heard of me…”
He crossed his fingers behind his back. Please work, please work.
“Got it in one, kid.” He swallowed his relief and winked. “You’re even quicker on the uptake than Lydia!”
“Uhh, no one! Hey, what’s that?”
Betelgeuse darted over to a group of photos on a shelf and picked one up.
“Who’s the chick in the tight blue suit?” He whistled, letting the back of the frame fall open and the picture to unfold. “Really doesn’t leave much to the imagination does it?”
“Um, ew! That’s my mom!” The kid snatched the photo out of his hands and inspected the back of it. “How did you even do that?”
“I’d let her be my mommy any time.”
“…I will literally do anything for you to never talk about my mom ever again.”
“Like, within reason. I’m not gonna, you know, kill anybody or anything.”
“Would you… be willing to… maybe… say my name three times in a row?” He bit his lip in anticipation.
The kid considered him suspiciously. “Is this like a kink thing?”
“What? No! Pshhh! No! Well maybe sometimes… Absolutely not, no. Cross my heart! See!” He drew an X on the right side of his chest.
“Yeah, no. Still don’t trust you.”
“C’mon kid!” He skidded to his knees in front of the boy. “Please, please, please! I’ll owe you one! I’m good for it! Promise!”
He clutched at the NASA shirt desperately. He couldn’t let this kid slip through his fingers, it might be another hundred years before he found another living person who could see him. He’d tasted the blood of freedom and he wanted more.
The boy grimaced and tried to pull away, Betelgeuse scrabbled after him. “I’ll get out of your hair, promise! Just three little words! Just three!”
“Okay, jeez, fine. If it’ll get you leave,” the boy groaned.
“YES! I mean!” He cleared his throat, “Yes.”
“Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse, Betelgeuse. Now get out of my house.”
Power surged then fizzled within him.
“Wow. That was anticlimactic.” He deflated. “Ah well, a deal’s a deal! See ya kid!”
He flew up through the ceiling with a sloppy salute.
What a chump! That was almost too easy.
 That was definitely too easy.
Betelgeuse scowled as yet another hand reached through his head to grab a jug of milk.
His powers had been on the fritz ever since he got them back. One minute he was turning the floor into a writhing mass of roaches, the next, poof, they were gone! The unsuspecting sap he’d been about to scar for life left… unscarred.
He could tap someone on the shoulder, but when they turned around, they just looked straight through his carefully crafted horror show of a face; he’d hidden in dumpsters to jumpscare people taking out their trash, but they didn’t even see him; and his fruit fly cream pies went right through their targets.
Figures, it was just his luck that the one fucking human in this whole damn city who could see him was fucking defective.
Betelgeuse opened the glass door and stepped out of the grocery store refrigerator, he needed to find that kid.
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New Introduction [Searching for Moots]
Good timezone, my lovely dreamers!
It's been a long while since last I'd been active in tumblr, but I figured getting to meet new people would be worthwhile as I've made my comeback!
To start, I answer to many names but primarily- you can call me Clay or Danny. I hoard names like a possessive dragon (/lh), but that's also in part due to my kin-list and I carry their names around proudly. (And also the fact I'm a system)
I'm bodily an adult, 23 years old to be exact and counting! I use they/them pronouns, though neos are fair game at times (such as pup/pupself and ghost-themed pronouns).
Now, I am a multi-fandom blogger and enthusiast of neurodivergent content- especially as I connect to a lot of characters.
Fun Things About Me
✦ I'm bilingual, knowing both English and Spanish
✦ I'm a fanfic writer. Mostly specializing in AU's, angst themes, and recently- working on two crossover projects
✦ I have multiple disorders (auDHD, suspected BPD and DID, and diagnosed with MDD)
✦ Current Fixations are Teenage Superhero Cartoons
✦ I'm a roleplayer! (I can be a bit picky with who I roleplay with, and maybe further down the line- I can send out a request)
✦ Profound animal lover. I don't claim to be an expert-
✦ I kin hard.
Fandoms I Am a Part Of
[Key - ♡ (Active Fixations), ✩ (Dormant Fixations/Will Talk About Them if Asked), ➶ (Casual Interests)]
♡ Danny Phantom
♡ American Dragon: Jake Long
♡ Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
♡ Kim Possible
♡ My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
✩ Gravity Falls
✩ Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus/Riordanverse
✩ Laika Films (Coraline, Paranorman)
✩ Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
✩ Doctor Who
✩ Anime (Mob Psycho 100, My Hero Academia, The Promised Neverland, Hetalia, Death Note, Disastrous Life of Saiki Kusuo, Fruits Basket, Black Butler, Wolf Children, Studio Ghibli)
➶ Warrior Cats
➶ Supernatural
➶ Merlin
➶ Sherlock
➶ K-Dramas
➶ The Owl House
➶ She-Ra: Princesses of Power
[Ask if there might be others I've missed!]
Current Projects
Independent Fanfics
✦ tell me atlas, what is heavier (the world or its people's hearts?): Danny Phantom - [Canon Divergent Timeline] -Angst/Whump Trope. The Guys in White manage to capture and detain Danny Phantom, alongside kidnapping securing Tucker, and what follows- well, it's only a matter of time before the truth spills out. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ DannyMay 2024 - Danny Phantom. A series of one-shots surrounding the fandom Danny Phantom. - Work in Progress (tag: dannymay2024, personal tag: PENDING)
✦ Bad Things Happen Bingo - Fandom One-Shots. A series of angst-filled prompts based on the Bad Things Happen Bingo card. - Work in Progress (tag: PENDING)
Crossover Fanfics
✦ Unlocked Doors AU (Mystery Kids AU) - Danny Phantom, Coraline, Paranorman, and Gravity Falls. Two years have passed since the fated summer trip to Gravity Falls, Oregon, and well- now Dipper and Mabel are returning for the new summer. When a group of untimely teens also end up spending their summer in the seemingly quaint town, nothing will ever be the same. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ [UNTITLED] (Secret Trio AU) - Danny Phantom, Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja, and American Dragon: Jake Long. A sudden, unexpected turn of events leads to three teenaged superheroes meeting. It goes about as well as you could expect. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
✦ [UNTITLED] (Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons) - Rise of the Guardians, Brave, Tangled, How to Train Your Dragon. A new threat has presented itself across the world, and somehow- it leads to a group of young adults coming to cross paths. - Work in Progress (Unpublished)
[A rules/guidelines of my blog will be posted separately!]
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little-pondhead · 1 year
Day 2: Backpack
“Happy birthday, Jazz!”
Jazz flinched as bright lights switched on, blinding her as countless people jumped out of their hiding places to surprise her. Her hand automatically twitched for the lipstick taser she had in the side pocket of her purse.
Danny wiggled out of his hiding spot behind the couch and approached her, a wicked grin on his face. “Happy birthday!” He repeated. “Before we start, so you mind opening Dani’s gift first? She has a flight to catch in an hour.”
The young adult snuck a glance at her ‘cousin’ Dani. The little girl was practically bouncing in place, beaming and clutching a large box wrapped with penguin paper. The messy tape and haphazard bow on top suggested she wrapped it herself.
“Of course,” Jazz replied quickly before addressing the whole room. “Though I’m surprised you managed to keep this party a secret.”
Murmurs and giggles rippled through the crowd. Everyone Jazz knew was there, even the A-Listers she tutored. It warmed a special spot in her heart.
Dani padded forward, barely remembering that gravity was a thing. She presented the box proudly, stating, “I had Star and Paulina help me pick this out! And I bought it with my own money!”
“That’s very impressive, Dani. May I open the gift now?”
“Sure!” Dani leaned over her shoulder as Jazz scooped up the box and settled on the ground right in front of the door. She carefully peeled the penguin wrapping paper back and sliced open the messy tape with one needle-sharp fingernail.
Jazz gasped when she saw the inside. “Oh, this is wonderful!” She exclaimed, lifting her prize to examine it with a critical eye. Her present was a backpack and a good one at that.
It was Sailor Moon themed, with a soft blue base and golden charms tied to each zipper. A picture of the cat Luna sat in the center, smiling at her.
“I love it!” Jazz said, pulling Dani into a hug.
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this-is-z-art-blog · 1 year
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[ID: digital drawing of Danny and Danielle in their human forms, both about twelve years old. Danielle has her hoodie tied around her waist and is wearing a white t shirt with blue sleeves and a blue planet insignia, as well as a backwards red and white ballcap. Danny is in his usual outfit plus a blue and white ballcap that says ‘NASA’ across the front. They’re in a dim convenience store. Danny is floating slightly off the ground and glowing faintly green, posture awkwardly held and face upset. Danielle is floating higher and glowing a brighter, more intense green, arms held out wide. Her eyes are completely green, and her freckles are glowing as well, expression tense and blank.]
♪ Things are getting creepy in this sleepy state of Oregon ♪
DannyMay 2023: Day 13, Monster - Gravity Falls crossover time
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ajitated · 2 years
DannyMay 2021 Compilation
All the fic I wrote for DannyMay '21! ✨ (link to entire ao3 series)
Linked in order, with the day, most relevant tags, and a brief summary of each.
(Originally spread across 5 posts, posted from: 9-13 June 2021)
Day 1: Memory — Blank Spaces — Dark Ages, Memory Loss, Angst
He doesn't remember who he used to be, but he has snippets of who he'll become and that will have to be enough. Surely the future has to be better then whatever past led him to here: injured and chained and with a man he's quite certain contributed to his injuries as his only companion. The only thing he knows for sure, is that he won't cooperate -- he'll ensure all his captor's efforts are wasted, they won't control him even if he doesn't know why he initially refused.
Day 2: Home — Where the Heart Is — Dark Ages, Domestic Fluff, Sleep
Sometimes, home is your stubborn lover that never goes to sleep on time.
Day 3: Portal — Masters Portal — Lost Time, excerpt from my Invisobang fic (Danny grows up in GZ au)
There's a blocked off portal in the Zone, and Danny finally decides to visit it.
Day 4: Stars — The Brightest Burns — Dark Ages, Human au, Rockstar au, Angst
Pariah has been Cassius's manager since before they became Clockwork and has been in love with them just as long, but nothing will ever come of it. They burn too brightly to stick with something long enough to make it last.
Day 5: Doorway — More Than Bargained For — Outside Perspective, Corpse au
Officer Roald is not having a good day. Instead of chilling and writing traffic tickets like usual, he's out searching for the town's ghostly vigilante. At least he has Kite, the force's dog, to keep him company.
Day 6: Core — Second Chances — Dark Ages, Royal Family, Obsessions
Pariah doesn't know what his purpose is meant to be, now that he's gotten a second chance — but he knows what he'll make it.
Day 7: Illusion — Never to Be — Dark Ages, Time, Angst
The worst illusions are the ones you know to be real.
Day 8: Gravity — Stargazing — Royal Family, Constellations, Light Angst, Moving On
Sometimes, the most important part of something isn't the view itself, but the ones you're seeing it with -- and the night sky is even more special, when Danny knows he won't see it again for some time.
Day 9: — Candlelight — Dark Ages, Royal Family, Danny meddling, Romcom themes
Clockwork is avoiding Pariah. Danny decides to do something about it.
Day 10: Shadow — One Another — Lost Time, Slight Horror, Eldritch, Ghosts aren't ghosts
The Zone holds more than just ghosts, and Clockwork can't wait to see what Danny will become.
Day 11: Midnight — Past, Present, Future — Lost Time, Midnight, Time
Humans cannot affect time in the ways they hope to, and even if someone was to succeed one day… they would no longer be human by the end of it.
Day 12: Scars — You, Yours — Dark Ages, Scars, Possessive Behavior
Pariah has many scars, while Clockwork has just one. It takes a lot to scar a ghost.
Day 13: Daydream — Of You — Dark Ages, Daydreaming, Kissing
Some dreams are better than reality.
Day 14: Neon — Ceiling Stars — Royal Family, Post-Identity Reveal, Jack and Maddie Suck, Hurt/Comfort
Sometimes, a blank slate isn't the start of something new: it's just blank... but even then, those that care about you can help make it a little less empty.
Day 15: Nature — Of Trees and Teas — Kitsune Danny au, Yokai au
Adjusting to life as a fox spirit isn't easy, but Danny's getting the hang of it. Now if only the closest thing he has to a mentor would actually answer his questions, instead of sending him out to do tasks with no explanation.
Day 16: Glow — Next To You — Dark Ages, Human au, Rockstar au, Angst
If you love someone, let them go.
Day 17: Freedom — Caged — Dark Ages, Kissing, Implied Sexual Content
Pariah stares at Clockwork's blush and knows exactly what it means.
Day 18: Frozen — On Ice — Royal Family, Fluff, Pariah's a dumbass rip
Famous last words: “Boy, I’m a fire-core. There is very little chance of you freezing me.”
Day 19: Wings — Feathers and Freedoms — Dark Ages, implied Royal Family, Wing au, Hurt/Comfort
Everyone has wings, ghosts included. A ghost's wings are connected directly to their core, and can tell you a lot about the ghost. Pariah isn't very happy with how Clockwork has been treating their own wings.
Day 26: Luck — Luck, or the Lack Thereof — Dark!Danny, Captivity, Hurt no Comfort, Arena/Coliseum au
When they first caught him, he tried keeping track of time. When that failed, he kept track of fights. After the hundredth fight, he stopped caring. Phantom doesn't know how long he's been held here and forced to fight, but he knows exactly what he's going to do when he gets out. If they're lucky, they won't even have time to regret catching him.
Day 27: Rain — Rainy Days — Veggie Burger, Past Everlasting Trio, Heartbreak, Angst
Danny is happy for them — really, he is — he just... would have liked to be part of it, too. Would have liked for it to still be an "us" instead of a "them". 'Till death do us part' doesn't really work for him though, so he probably should've been prepared for this.
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angelic-ish-phantom · 2 years
Gravity doesn’t effect ghost. At all. They just acclimate to whatever. Danny could stand on the ceiling and feel no different than normal. This is how they fly.
This also means ghosts can just leave orbit, no speed required, and walk on any planet no problem.
A fun way this could effect things is, the Ghost Zone wouldn’t really bother with gravity, and any human that enters outside of the speeder kind of just floats in place unless there’s something or someone to help them travel.
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Let’s Try Something Different This Time - Pt 8 - Gravity
Summary: Dan Phantom escapes from that damned thermos. He finds himself in a new timeline, untouched by his carnage and ready to be destroyed. Though ... perhaps he'll find more entertainment doing something else this time.
Or: I write a Dan Phantom fic using the Dannymay prompts for each chapter, just to see if I can. Here we go!
Pt. 1 Pt. 2  Pt. 3  Pt. 4  Pt. 5  Pt. 6  Pt. 7  Pt. 8 Pt. 9  Pt. 10  Pt. 11  Pt. 12
Pt. 13
Read it on AO3 here!
The following morning was warm and bright, the chill of the night long forgotten. Dan sat in the branches of a tree, back leaning against the trunk, arms crossed, as he looked out over the garden, not really seeing it. He was too busy thinking.
He had decided that the thing from last night had to be a ghost of some kind, even if he couldn’t sense it. It must be able to create these illusions, like the fires that weren’t real, in which case it made some vague sort of sense that he wouldn’t have been able to sense it. He didn’t really understand it, though. He was sure the woman might be able to tell him something. She had lived here for a while and had previously mentioned something else putting her on edge. Was it this thing that had done it, or was it something else? Perhaps he should ask her about it.
As if somehow called by his thoughts, the back door opened, the woman stepping out with an empty bag slung over her shoulders. She took a deep breath of the morning air and let it out slowly, a content little smile on her face.
He was a bit confused when, instead of tending to her garden like one would expect, she went into the woods. He followed her, just to see what she was up to. There wasn’t much else for him to do right now anyways, so he might as well. He might ask her about that thing, if he felt like it. He wasn’t sure about that one yet, wasn’t quite sure yet whether or not it was a good idea. Having any sort of conversation with her would practically ruin his plans, which meant no fun for him. Any interaction would if he didn’t think it through carefully first.
The walk through the woods was slow, but it was pleasant. The morning was even nicer under the shade of the trees, the sunlight falling in a soft dappled pattern across the leaf strewn ground. It caught in the woman’s hair occasionally, turning black curls into dark chocolate.
Eventually, she stopped, looking up into the branches of the trees. Only took a glance to see what she was after. He smirked, amused. Was that really what all this was about? She was just out picking apples. Not quite as entertaining as he had hoped it would be, but whatever.
She paced around the group of apple trees a bit before adjusting the bag on her shoulder and starting to climb. He wasn’t sure why. There were plenty of apples on the bottom branches, well within reach. But no, she was now nestled amongst the highest, thinnest branches. It looked like an accident waiting to happen. But she was filling her bag pretty quickly. Maybe she’d finish before the branch she was leaning on gave out. Based on the quiet creaking (she had to hear it, even if her hearing wasn’t as good as his.) he wouldn’t hold his breath.
Sure enough, before long the branch gave a loud CRACK.
He hadn’t processed what he had done until it was already done and when he had he cursed himself for being so reactionary.
When he had heard the crack, he had darted forward, faster than the woman could see to grab her. His core told him he had to do it, so he reacted without thought. Of course, that meant he had hold of the cursing woman. There were plenty of other ways to prevent her from falling that didn’t involve him revealing himself at such an inopportune moment and ruining his “scare her mad” scheme, but there was nothing he could do about that now. He supposed he’d just have to try and salvage the situation.
He lowered the woman to the ground and dropped her, watching her fall ungracefully with a smirk of amusement. He decided to stay floating, towering over her. He’d be more intimidating that way.
“Well, I see we’re trying to fight with gravity today.” He teased with a sneer.
The woman growled and shoved herself off the ground, glaring up at him the best she could.
“Shut the fuck up, asshole.” She turned her back to him, brushing off the dirt and grabbing her bag.
“That’s an odd way to say thanks, but I’ll accept it. You’re welcome.”
She picked up the apples scattered on the ground with a sigh, putting them back in her bag before turning back to him.
“Sorry about that. I tend to lash out when I get rattled.”
“You don’t say? I could never have guessed.”
“Alright, the extra helping of sarcasm isn’t necessary, big guy.” She was smirking right along with him, though, slinging her bag over her shoulder. “I’m Nita, by the way. I noticed you never asked.”
“Because I don’t care.” Dan said, allowing himself to look bored.
The woman, Nita he supposed, nodded, looking like she had come to some sort of realization.
“Alright, I get you. You are an asshole. At least I got that part right.”
Dan chuckled, crossing his arms.
“I suppose you could say that. Genocidal maniac, psychopath, sadist, or monster would also work.”
Nita laughed loud, knocking him a bit off balance. He frowned at her, falling onto his feet
“Alright, edgelord, whatever you say.” She waved him off, turning her back to him to walk back home.
Shit. He messed this whole thing up, didn’t he? So much for his plan.
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ghostly-penumbra · 1 year
DannyMay 2023. Day Nine
“Ghost Zone”
Danny lounged upside-down on Clockwork’s Tower, watching the ageless (read: old) ghost watch his screens placidly. Danny couldn’t tell what was so riveting because to him, all that it showed was static, constantly buzzing. He always wondered what Clockwork saw.
“So…” Danny said, re-taking the topic they had left trail off, earlier, “if the Ghost Zone is where wayward souls go when they don’t wanna die, how do other… afterlives, think of- how do they see us?” Danny may be still alive, but he was also a ‘citizen’ of the Zone.
He was the friggin’ King.
“That, just like everything, depends from person to person, from being to being, from their culture, their history and personal experiences, as well as interpersonal.” Somehow, even when he didn’t speak in riddles, Clockwork managed to convey as little information as he could.
“But…?” Danny prodded drifting loser until he floated between Clockwork and his screens.
The Master of Time gazed at his student, whose own purple cloak currently didn’t defy gravity and thus fell down from his shoulders, staying in place only by its brooch clinging to the boy’s chin. The cloak had been Daniel’s idea, when he had asked Clockwork to teach him whatever he may need of the history of the Ghost Zone for his position as King –thinking that Clockwork was the least biased of all ghosts. He was wrong, Clockwork hated the Observants and would let Daniel know this–, had said that it seemed fitting, with a mischievous smile, It’s like a school uniform, if school uniforms were cool!
The old timer, currently toddler-shaped, sighed softly and gave the boy a half smile. “The greek don’t want anything to do with us, they won’t give you trouble. The norse may try to test your might, but ignoring them isn’t unheard of. Though most pantheons don’t recognize the Ghost Zone as an afterlife of its own, since it’s not affiliated with any pantheon, regardless of Pandora’s residency here; they see it as a wasteland, where only scum hides, cowards that can’t accept their fates.”
Danny scowled at that, rightfully indignant.
“Nonetheless,” Clockwork continued, placing his elderly hand on the crown of Danny’s head and rotating him in place, clockwise, obviously, righting him up. He didn’t bother removing his hand, though, “as loathe as they are to admit it, they respect the Crown, and are afraid enough of it to not just disrespect the denizens of the Ghost Zone.”
He ruffled Danny’s fluffy white hair and took his hand back.
“So… say, if any of our ghosts finally wanted to move on, it would get complicated, right?” The boy asked. “You don’t make them sound like they’d welcome ours…”
Clockwork smiled pleased and smug (but Danny had learnt not to take offense to his mentor’s smugness, since it’s usually directed at someone else, someone with only one eye, several someones with only one eye).
“If that were the case, then you would have to reach out, with friendship in mind, and seek an agreement, an arrangement, that best worked for all involved; showing ourself as strong, but willing to cooperate, flexible, yet not a pushover.”
Danny grimaced, drifting again to go back to being upside-down. “Bureaucratic stuff, right?”
“Of the worst kind, yes.”
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mysticpuma · 2 years
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DannyMay Day 1: New genre/style It’s day one of DannyMay so I decided to draw Team Phantom in the style of gravity falls, because normally I draw anime style and forcing myself to draw “simpler” cartoon styles is weeeeeird. (Simpler does not mean easier, kids!) It was fun though, and I think the gang translated pretty well!
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