#dante x fem reader
icycoldninja · 30 days
Hey! How are you... it's mother's day in India today. And my mother and my relationship strained, though she doesn't know about it.😂
Anyway, not trauma dumping. But can I request lots of angst, followed by lots of love. Basically Dante and fem!reader (his wife) has a cute five year old daughter, she and Dante plans mother's day something for her. As far as trying to make no-bake cake (cause seriously, Dante can't bake for his life and baby is baby.)
I just want it to be followed by the reader questioning after the celebration at night, if she is even a good mother that one day she is turn controlling and obsessive like her mother, when she is alone with Dante. And the baby was awake walking through the hall and overheads. She and Dante make sure the Reader knows she is doing great as a mother. Dante goes as far as saying she is as good a mother as Eva.
Yes, Instagram is giving me a baby fever.
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear that. 💜 And yeah, I get it, when you see how happy other moms are, you kinda wanna be a mom yourself. Here you go, I hope you enjoy and have a great day.
Am I a Good Mother? (Dante x Fem!Reader)
"OK, what's the next step?" Dante asked, bending over your little daughter's shoulder to read the recipe.
"It says...add milk and stir." Said your daughter, standing up on her tiptoes to peer at the recipe sheet taped to the kitchen cabinet.
"OK, I'll get on that," Dante said, patting your daughter's head. "While I do that, go check on your mom and see if she's still watching TV. Do it quietly, though, don't get caught."
Nodding, your daughter scampered off to spy on you, returning a few seconds later with a smile on her face.
"Yup, Daddy, she's still watching TV," She announced, proudly. "And she didn't see me."
"Great job," Dante chuckled, giving the cake batter a good stir.
Today was Mother's Day, and like any loving family, Dante and your lovely 5 year old daughter were fixing up a surprise for you. Earlier, Dante sat you on the couch and turned on your favorite show, ordering you to relax and just enjoy the afternoon. You'd taken the bait and were now absorbed in the aforementioned show while Dante and your daughter made a cake for you, destroying your kitchen in the process.
"OK, now what do we do?" Dante asked, pouring the cake mixture into a glass dish.
"It says chill it." Replied your daughter, walking over and opening the fridge. Dante, slid the dish of cake mixture into the fridge, set the timer, and sighed.
"Great job, Princess," He said, playfully missing up her hair. "Now, go wash your hands and you can go play, I'll keep an eye on the cake."
"OK, Daddy," Said your daughter, grinning.
Several hours later, the cake was ready to be served. You, Dante, and your daughter especially, enjoyed it. After all the food had been eaten and your daughter had been pu to bed, you and Dante had a quiet moment to yourselves, where your dark worries came out.
Dante knew that you and your mother had a rather strained, uncomfortable relationship due to her controlling and obsessive, tiger-mom behavior in the past, and knew that unlike him, you never had the joy of feeling safe around your mother. You always had to put on an act to appease her, never being able to be yourself around her. He never brought this topic up in conversation because he didn't want to upset you, so the matter went largely undiscussed.
Tonight, however, was a different story. Tonight, you started tearfully divulging your fears to Dante, as you lay in his lap.
"I'm just...just worried that someday I'm gonna become like my mom," You told him, tears welling up in your eyes. "You know the saying, like mother like daughter. I don't want our little girl to go through that...I don't want her to have to deal with that pressure, I don't want her to put on an act when I'm around her. I don't want to be like that."
Dante let out a small sigh, running his fingers through your hair.
"Baby, don't talk like that, you're not gonna grow up to be like that old bitch--"
"But you don't know that!" You cried, burying your face in his lap, soaking his pants with tears. "You don't know that. I don't know that. I-"
You were cut off when a sleepy little voice called from the hallway, startling you.
"Mommy?" Called your daughter, stumbling forwards in her pajamas, one chubby fist rubbing her eye. "Are you sad?"
Both you and Dante were speechless for a moment; all you two could do was watch as she continued padding forwards, a concerned little pout on her face.
"Daddy, why is Mommy sad?" She asked. You immediately sat up, straightening your clothes and hair, though you were unable to hide your red, puffy, teary eyes.
"Mommy's not sad," Dante said slowly, trying to figure out a way to hide the truth from your little girl. "She's just..uhh...tired. Yeah, just like you when you get tired, Mommy cries."
"Really?" Your daughter asked, wide eyed. "Grown ups do that too?"
"Yup," Dante nodded, relieved his lie had worked. "I'd better put both of you to bed now, it's getting really late."
You chuckled as the man stood up, lifted your daughter into his arms, and carried her to the bedroom, with you following behind.
"Hey, Daddy?" Your daughter asked, as you neared her room. "Do you cry when you get tired too?"
You and Dante exchanged a brief glance before he answered,
"Yes, I do."
"Does Uncle Vergil cry when he's sleepy too?" Your daughter inquired, now very intrigued.
"Yes, he does," Dante affirmed, laughing. "Now shush, it's time for bed." With that, your daughter's curiosity was sated, and after being tucked in bed, looked ready to fall asleep.
"Night baby," You said, kissing her forehead.
"Night-night Mommy," She whispered, yawning. "I love you. You'e a great mommy."
Dante gave her a kiss and a tickle, and afterwards, he guided you back to the living room, glad to see a smile return to your face.
"See, babe? She seems to think you're a great mom."
"I...guess...yeah," You admitted, shrugging.
"And she ain't the only one," Dante told you. "I think you're an excellent mom too. Hell, you're just as good as my mom was."
"You really think so?" You asked, blushing slightly.
"I know so," Dante chuckled, leaning forwards and kissing you. "Now come on, let's get you to bed before you get too tired and crying again." You laughed at that, the small smile on your face widening into a big, happy grin.
"Thanks, Dante," You said, resting your head on your husband's chest as he scooped you into his arms and carted you off to the bedroom. "I love you...and thank you for...well...telling me what I needed to hear."
"I love you too, babe, and don't think it's just something you needed to hear," Dante said, patting your shoulder as he walked. "It's also the truth."
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cottoncandy-cult · 9 months
Dante x Half demon! Reader
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(Y/n) watched from a tree in the distance as a silver haired male had cut down another demon in the park, the (H/c) head was a half demon herself and though she feared the man as he was quite fearsome, she was also enamored with him. It was late at night when the girl went walking after work, she had heard a series of sounds coming from the clearing at the end of the trail. A brief flash of the silver blade in the moonlight had told her it was him; she had climbed up a way to get a better view but also to try and hide herself from his icy eyes.
(E/c) orbs watched as he re-sheathed his blade, once his back was turned and the male had taken a several steps away (Y/n) had hopped down from her hiding place. Her back was to his general direction as she had to walk the opposite way of him to get home, that was when she felt warmth radiate from behind her, a soft and teasing tone uttering a quiet "boo" before she found herself pinned to the tree. Bright blue eyes locked with her own and froze the female in place, this man was a threat to her existence from what she had witnessed and now she was trapped. "So how did you like tonight's show? ~" He gave a playful chuckled, both hands on either side of her head. She could have died then and there, he had clearly known or noticed she had been watching and she wasn't even sure for how long. She was almost shaking, this didn't go unnoticed by him, his eyes softening as he realized she wasn't one for fighting. "Calm down now I'm not the kinda guy who would hurt a lady with no reason, besides... You aren't even a full demon."
That had been the start, she had explained about hearing the demons talk about a slayer that used the town as a base. How at first, she watched him out of fear, keeping tabs on him in case he got too close to her usual haunts. Of course, he had known from the start, and admitted that he did observe her as well and knew she wasn't some kind of violent beast. He had apologized for scaring her, and she had apologized for seemingly stalking him.
It had been 6 months since then, Dante had become a regular at the cafe she worked at and the two had become fast friends even though she was much quieter and shy.
Tonight, was a special night, it was (Y/n)'s birthday but she had no one to celebrate with. At least until Dante managed to convince her to come with him to a bar, they had been drinking together at a table on the far side from the door for over an hour. Despite being a half demon, she didn't drink a lot, so her tolerance was rather low. At some point Dante had dismissed himself to the bathroom, leaving (Y/n) alone with her fruity drink in the crowded establishment. At least until 2 males approached her, one leaned against the wall and the other sat next to her.
For about 5 minutes he was flirting with her, the socially awkward girl in her drunken state couldn't convey her disapproval in a comfortable way as she didn't want to be rude. She was turned slightly to pretend she was listening to the one sat beside her, because of this she missed how the male against the wall had emptied a small clear vile of liquid into her colorful drink. When the one flirting began to get more disgusting with his comments she took a drink from her cup to try and help her generate an excuse to leave such as a refill or potty break, then it occurred to her Dante was still in the bathroom. So, she slowly stood, waiting for the male to finish his sentence. "I'm s-sorry, I need to use the restroom..." She had figured she could hide in the women's bathroom next to the men's until Dante came out of the restroom, the male simply smiled and waved her off and she fast walked to the bathrooms beside the door that leads outside.
When (Y/n) was weaving through the crowd she didn't notice that so were the two men as they were a few feet behind her and hidden in the mass of bodies, the music pulsed around her and didn't help as everything surrounding her seemed to spin. The girl just got to the front door when she felt her body begin to drop, by that point she had fallen unconscious and no one in the dark and crowded room had noticed the men who caught her and began to carry her out. They had just reached the dimly lit parking lot when Dante spoke up from where he sat on the hood of a car, his guns in hand. "You morons chose the wrong night to go hunting... Now why don't you put my girl down, and I might send you home quickly." His words were colder than the steel of his blade, as the slayer slowly stood the darker haired male of the two kidnappers left the blonde one holding the unconscious female. The skin on his arm ripping away to reveal sharp claws and green leathery skin, he got two steps before he was a pile of dust on the concrete as a single shot echoed in the wind.
The half demon male then turned to the other kidnapper, who was quick to set the girl down and take off running in a last-ditch effort to appease the man, he didn't get far before a shot to the back turned him to dust. Approaching (Y/n) Dante was careful when lifting her up before he carried her off, he was walking out of the bathroom when he saw the men catch her body and carry her off. He initially thought it was just 2 guys taking advantage of a woman, then he realized that the woman was (Y/n) and their reflections in the glass door revealed their horrific true forms. He regretted they didn't just stay in and order a pizza like she wanted, but he wanted her to have a good time. He ended up taking her to his apartment in the Devil May Cry building, not wanting to go through her pockets for her key. He rested the girl on his bed and took off her socks and shoes as well as her jewelry, he sat the jewelry on the table by the bed, so she didn't lose or break anything of course. From there he tossed his jacket and shirt on the desk in his room, kicked off his shoes and climbed in bed.
- - -
It was about 10 a.m. when Dante woke up, (Y/n) was still asleep and Dante found himself hungry. Thinking about the time he decided to go ahead and order a pizza for lunch, he slipped from the bed and left to head downstairs so he could make the call without disturbing (Y/n). It had been maybe a half hour after he left before the sleepy girl awoke, her head was pounding with a hangover, and she hadn't even opened her (E/c) eyes yet. When they did peek open, she spotted a glass of water and 2 aspirin. This being confirmed by the sticky note that simply read "Take these. ~Dante" and she was quick to down them, the young woman simply sat up in place on the bed rocking slightly as she tried to wake up. As her brain finally started to kick start the events of the previous night came to mind, when she spotted Dante's coat over his desk, she knew that he had saved her.
That was when her internal organs decided to try and summon Satan again, at least that's what it sounded like as she became abundantly aware that it was almost lunchtime, and she was hungry. She was just glad that she didn't have to go in to work that day until 4. As the girl pulled herself from the bed the owner of aforementioned furniture stepped into the room, chuckling softly as he watched her stumble a bit. "I ordered a pizza already, there's a clean towel on the bathroom sink if you wanna shower?" The mention of fresh hot water brightened her mood, making the girl smile but cringe from the motion and sound. "Awesome, thanks...and Dante?" She giggled and tilted her head slightly, placing her hands on her hips. "Next time let's just chill and watch movies alright?" She walked off and into the bathroom, leaving the smirking male behind. "Whatever you say, but it's not like I'd let someone hurt you anyways."
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philistiniphagottini · 3 months
Can I have a smut request :D!! Dante x Fem reader!! Basically the breeding prompt with cunalingus, begging (from Y/N) and dirty talk (from Dante)
Yes you can :D I'm going to assume you looked at my smut prompt this for this. Thank you for sending in a request, and enabling me to write smut for Dante again, I love you Anon. Hope you enjoy ;))
Smut Prompts
15 + 13 + 20 + 21
cw. smut, penetrative sex, oral sex (fem receiving), begging, dirty talk, breeding kink, fem! reader
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"Ahh, fuck, Dante~"
His name slipped from your kiss swollen lips in a breathless whimper, each syllable sweeter than the next as it dripped from your tongue warm honey. A pleasant shiver raced down your back, heat tickling the base of your spine and slowly pooling into the pit of your stomach. A salacious moan bubbled up your throat as arousal made your core throb, every white-hot nerve in your body set on edge as Dante’s tongue languid swished up the length of your drooling pussy.
He moaned hotly into your tender heat, the vibrations making your toes curl into the soles of your feet as you mewled softly. You squirmed under his ministrations, your body quivering in overstimulation as the devil tried to coax another delicious, mind-numbing orgasm from you. He cooed your name softly, your thighs shaking around his head and dangling uselessly over his shoulders as he dragged the flat of his tongue through your creamy walls, gathering a generous mixture of your essence and his salvia before swallowing with an audible gulp. The debauched sight made your fluttering hole clench around nothing.
"Dante" you whined softly.
You threw your head back into the comforting embrace of your pillow, a moan trying to crawl up the back of your throat as the tip of his tongue teased the hot little button at the top of your pussy, the small bud flushing back to life from his attention. Dante hummed, signalling you had his attention as he smoothed his hands along your plush thighs, large palms squeeze the fat of your ass as he dug his fingers into generous amounts of flesh.
"What is it, baby?" Dante cooed softly.
He could feel your clit twitching in his mouth as his lips sealed over the swollen flesh and sucked harshly, coaxing the most delicious noise from you as you abruptly snapped your hips against his face. You abandoned your grip on the sweat-soaked sheets beneath your tangled limbs, delving your hands through snow white locks of silk. The strands weaved through your fingers as you tugged harshly, nails scratching along his scalp as another spike of pleasure left you writhing in bliss. A constellation of tears clung to the corners of your lashes as they fluttered against your burning cheeks, your gaze lidded as you stared down at Dante with eyes as dazed as your mind.
"Want more" you softly pleaded.
You tugged on his hair against as his hot breath fanned against your drenched pussy, beads of arousal dripping down the insides of your thighs as his tongue eagerly lapped up the juices staining your searing skin. His warm hands squeezed your hips, fingers dancing along the tempting v-line of your pelvis as he left fleeting kisses against your puffy lips.
"Want more of what?" Dante asked with a teasing lilt to his voice. "If you want something, you gotta tell me."
He wriggled his eyebrows playfully as you heaved an exasperated sigh. He was in a very teasing mood this evening and you didn’t know how much more you could take. Your body burned with desire, the flames in the pit of your stomach stoked to life by the lashing of Dante’s tongue, just the way he knew you liked it. But it wasn’t enough. There was a hollow ache between your legs, demanding to be filled; to be joined as one and made whole. Your grip in his hair loosened as you brushed the sweaty bangs out of his eyes, causing his gaze to flicker back up to your face.
"Want you, Dante" you babbled, voice barely above a breathy whisper. "Want you inside me. Please, I need your cock in me so bad. Need you to breed my pussy. Please?"
You were slowly starting to lose all sense of sentience, the thin threads of your sanity threatening to snap at any moment as you desperately grind your hips into Dante’s face, begging to feel more of him. His lips parted from your sloppy pussy with a satisfied pop. A large grin split across his face at your words, a chuckle making his chest rumble as the sound made your spine tingle.
"Now how can I say no when you ask so nicely?"
Dante shifted positions, carefully placing your legs back down to the mattress as he moved to hover over you. His lips tickled your skin as he trailed wet, lazily kisses along your torso, the tufts of his beard scratching your sensitive skin as he kissed between the valley of your breasts before placing one final kiss on your lips. You melted into a warm puddle of goo under his touch, coiling your arms around his neck as you urged him to come closer, legs parting in anticipation as he slipped between them. His cock slapped against your aching pussy, the fat head of his cock poking your swollen clit and making your heart beat frantically in your chest. Your pulse echoed in your ears like the loud beat of a drum as your head grew giddy, elation simmering hotly in your veins as Dante prepared to finally give you what you wanted.
"Is this what you wanted, baby girl?" Dante asked in a husky whisper, his hot breath making your skin crawl with goosebumps.
You wedged lips between your teeth, letting go of the bruised skin as the thick ridges of his cock slid along the length of your slick slit, making the tips of your fingers tingle as you cried out. You nodded your head frantically, placing small, chaste kisses to his cheeks and lips as your legs wrapped around his hips and drew him closer.
"Yes" you breathed. "Really want it."
Dante hummed as he rubbed his cheek along yours, your scent curling in his lungs as he took a deep breath. A groan stirred in his throat as the smell of sex and sweat lingered heavy in his lungs, breath stuttering as he inhaled the enticing scent of your arousal and the perfume that clung to your clammy skin.
"Fuck, you smell so good."
 Your lips parted around a heady moan of his name as you felt the tip of his cock press against entrance, another chaste kiss pressed to your lips before you were slowly spread open. The initial discomfort of being stretched open was inevitable, your thighs burning with strain as Dante’s dick pierced your core. Your discontented whimpers were chased away by soothing kisses, Dante’s voice soothing and pleasant to your ears as he talked you through it.
"That’s it. Atta girl. You’re doing just fine, taking my cock so well. I’m already halfway in, just a little more baby girl, you can do it."
You purred in content beneath him as he soothed your troubles, your hands rubbing along the rippling muscles of his back as you squeezed his skin with curious fingers. A groan rumbled in Dante’s throat as your pussy clenched around him, your slick warmth griping him like a vice and coaxing him to plunge deeper. You both shared a sigh of relief when his cock was nestled comfortably inside you, the dull pain now barely an afterthought as you melted into the bliss of your bodies finally joined in fervid rapture. You scraped your nails along Dante’s back, his spine curving as a shiver wracked his entire being, his cock twitching inside your soused walls as your pussy tried to suck him deeper.
"Move, Dante" you said, your voice a gentle warble in your throat.
Dante happily complied to your request, drawing his hips back and dragging his cock through your sensitive walls as he pushed forward. The breath was stolen from your lungs as you buried your head into the safety of your pillow, a jolt of electricity making your back tingle as the pressure in your abdomen increased tenfold. You did not hide the effect Dante had on your body, your pretty voice filling his ears like a chime from a shimmering bell as he continued to rut his hips into you, the thick girth of his cock crowding your pussy and making your head spin. You dug your nails into his back as he hoisted your legs higher over his waist, grunting into your open mouth as he stole a heated kiss.
"So deep" you slurred, drunk on the feeling of his cock making you full. "So full…"
"Do you like that?" Dante asked as his cock slipped a little deeper into you.
You responded with a whine of his name, tongue meeting his in a sloppy kiss as it delved between your parted lips. Your nails left behind welts that made his flesh burn with a pleasant sting, the feeling making his hips rock a little faster. A wet squelch rung in your ears as Dante snapped his hips forward, beads of your arousal dribbling down the sides of his cock as his heavy balls smacked against the round globes of your ass cheeks. The bedframe was starting to shake from the sudden spike in the demon’s thrusts and you were trembling along with it. You dug your feet into the beautiful dip of his back as your pussy squeezed him tight, the hot coil in your stomach twisting and knotting unbearably tight as you were pushed closer and closer to that familiar, crumbling precipice. Dante moaned your name sweetly as he parted from your lips, teeth nibbling at the skin along your jaw as he struggled to keep his eyes uncrossed and focused on you writhing beneath him.
"Shit, squeeze me just like that" he grunted. "Still so fucking tight."
Your chest heaved with each ragged breath, your perfect tits bouncing enticingly with the force of Dante’s thrusts as your mind was drowned in a vast, dense sea of rapture. You could barely focus on what Dante was saying over your pulse rapidly fluttering in your ears, his words making your toes curl as the heat in your stomach reached boiling point.
"Want me to breed this pussy?" Dante asked as he dragged his tongue along your neck to lick the perspiration clinging to your skin. "Come on, beg a little more for me darling."
Your hands clawed at the damp skin of his back, desperately trying to hold on as you struggled to articulate your thoughts. So many emotions were swirling up inside that it felt you were going to burst at the seams. When your lips parted once more, you said whatever sprang to your mind first, stringing together a barely coherent sentence.
"Please Dante, want you to breed me" you croaked, voice on the razor’s thin edge of cracking. "Want your cum. Give me your cum. Put a baby in me. Pleasepleasepleaseplease-"
You squealed as Dante’s hips knocked against yours, the tip of his cock bullying the soft, gummy patch of your walls that had you seeing stars. The pressure of his pelvis grinding against your sensitive clit had the filthiest noise crawling out of your throat, voice so loud you were sure you were going to disturb your entire neighbourhood as you howled into the moonless night. Your eyes grew hazy, your greedy pussy swallowing around Dante’s cock as you finally reached your breaking point.
The coil in your stomach unfurled as your world shattered around you, your orgasm sinking its razor-sharp teeth into you without remorse, nor surrender. Your body was flooded with white hot relief as you twisted beneath Dante, your slick juices gushing from your sore pussy and spilling forth onto his abdomen. The feeling made him lightheaded, the sight of the translucent threads coating his cock sending every instinct in his body feral with an intense desire. He smothered his boiling cock against your cervix as his senses overloaded, the piston of his hips pushing you to ride out the waves of your rapture as Dante blinded stumbled into his own mind-numbing bliss.
He groaned as ropes of his hot, viscous seed coated your walls, the thick, creamy warmth making your abdomen tingle as you were filled to the brim. The restless push of his hips finally came to a halt once every last drop of his seed was emptied into your fertile body, the warmth overflowing and leaking down your trembling thighs.
Your senses were sluggish to crawl back to you, your head continuing to spin as your hot breaths mingled with Dante’s heavy breathing. He slowly loosened his grip around your thighs, letting them flop back to the mattress as a small sigh of relief breezed past your lips. Dante’s arms came to rest at your sides, head lowered to your chest as he tried to reign in his unsteady breaths.
"Are you alright?" Dante asked, dragging his lips across your sensitive skin. "How are you feeling?"
You ran your shaky hands through Dante’s hair, a small hum tickling your chest as you slowly started to relax. It never failed to warm your heart how sweet Dante could be to you, even after he had finished just blowing your back out.
"I’m okay, Dante. Are you alright?"
Dante chuckled. "Don’t gotta worry about me, baby cakes."
You playfully rolled your eyes as a small puff of air ruffled the stray strands of hair sticking to your face. Your fingers pinched his cheeks, a noise of protest in his throat as you pulled at his skin until it flushed a bright, cherry red. He swatted your hand away before grabbing it and bringing it back to his mouth, his lips brushing against the sensitive pulse of your wrist and feeling it jump under the press of his mouth. His gaze roved over your form, the sight of your glowing with post orgasmic bliss making his heart stir in his chest.
"Wanna do it again? After all, gotta make sure it sticks."
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alessiathepirate · 6 months
Fast X
LAVENDER NAIL POLISH: Dante Reyes x fem!reader
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Summary: Sitting at the table with Dante as he paints her nails, makes her wonder why he's doing that in the first place.
Notes: English isn't my first language. I apologize for any mistake I may have made while I wrote this short story.
For my friend who watched these movies with me during a movie night - I love you girl <3
Warnings: none
She knew for a fact that there were many things in this world she should've considered as unnerving - like racing itself with all the possible consequences. Yet the scariest thing on Earth for her in that very moment was one of the most common things possible: nail polish.
She pulled off many dangerous stunts, she almost got caught by the police more times than she could count; yet that little tube full of colorful liquid was far more frightening than that.
She didn't choose the color, he did. He was the one holding her hand in place as he painted her nails to a light shade of purple too. Perhaps in another situation she would've found it a nice color and a nice gesture - but she found it scary instead.
He never touched her or made her do stuff before. She was never even tied up or anything. It was new - completely new and that's why it scared her so much.
"Am I going somewhere?" she asked as she watched him work on her nails - she was quite jealous when she noticed that he did a better job than she usually did.
The question was meant as 'Am I going somewhere with you?'. She never saw where he went, she only stayed at the hotel rooms he rented for the occasion. But he talked about it - he liked to talk a lot. It was more like ranting - Dom Toretto this, Dom Toretto that, he did this so I did that. That's why she ended up with him in the first place, because Dom Toretto did that.
The first day she had to spend with Dante Reyes was the first day she realized that being a part of Dom's family isn't that much fun all the time.
"We are going to a race, darling." he let go of her hand with a girly movement after he blew on her freshly painted fingernails, and for a second she thought that he's mocking her. "Now give me your other hand."
She did as her eyes lit up at the word - race. She hadn't had the change to take part in one since forever - or watch one at the very least. A race, she'll finally go to a race.
"Where?" Dante actually chuckled at the excitement in her voice - and she never thought he could chuckle without being psychotic or sarcastic.
"We're going straight to Rio de Janeiro." he took a hold of her other hand as he answered and soon her nail on her pinky finger was purple as well. "After your nails are done."
Her excitement stopped for a moment - Rio de Janeiro. Her, Dante and Rio de Janeiro. That sounded like a not so good idea, especially because she had a feeling that Dom will be there too. That's why she'll be there. So Dante can show her off - so he can show that he has her, a part of Dom's family.
She tried to ignore that thought, she should talk about something else.
"Why purple?"
"Lavender." he corrected her with an 'are you this dumb' look on his face.
"So why lavender?" she asked as she purposefully changed her tone on the word lavender.
"Because I have to match my car..." he explained. "And you have to match me."
She tilted her head a bit - trying to hide the sudden pain in her heart at what she just heard. Only then did she notice that his nails were the same color as hers.
"Must be a nice car." she said instead of questioning it any further. "And a nice choice in color. It's pretty."
"Yes, that's what I'm talking about!" Dante spoke up with a shout as if she'd be the first one to think so. "You see, sometimes we have to let go of all that masculinity. And on the other hand, it'll look good on you too."
She didn't know if she should be flattered or not.
"You know." she began saying as Dante finished with the nail polish and let go of her hand completely. "In a different world we'd actually be pretty good friends."
"We'll be in this one too. Eventually." he put the nail polish aside and crossed his legs as they sat at the table together, looking at the other without saying a word.
Is he mocking her, she had to ask herself again.
If she didn't know about his vendetta against Dom, she'd maybe consider him less psychotic, but still kind of crazy. Maybe then he'd be more funny too. Dante sitting there with a bathrobe on, with his hair up in two small buns was actually funny and oddly enough, friendly. He still seemed strange, but he seemed less like a guy who murders people for fun.
"Continue on with the princess treatment and we might be." she joked. "Will we wear matching clothes too?"
"Of course we will!"
"Of course we will." she repeated. "Because you're a show off."
"I never said I wasn't."
"Dom will be there, won't he?" she asked with a slight head tilt. "That's why I'm going with you. So you can show me off."
"Clever girl..." Dante praised as he patted the top of her hand with his. "But you should go get ready, because this will be a race you won't want to miss." he then stood up and left her alone in the kitchen - but later on he shouted: "I'll go wash my hair until you get ready!"
And she laughed. Not chuckled quietly like she used to - but laughed.
Perhaps if Dante would be a bit less psychotic, she could let herself like him a lot more. Perheps she'd actually like him.
Then, perhaps, she'd actually have the bravery to admit to herself that she already does.
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cerezzzita · 11 months
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🍓 ˖ . ᵎᵎ Sugarcoating ✦ 3Dante x Fem!Reader
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⌕ summary: Dante purposes that you two should kiss, and is not a big deal. After all, friends does this, too.
notes: to start the month with some goodies, let's have some smoochies! (Jesus Christ, why am I like that) hello y'all, how's it going? so, yeah, was feeling in the mood for writing a kiss/making-out scene and, well, no one better than Dante, right? right! in advance, I apologize because I tend to suck at kiss scenes and so so sooo sorry for the end being sorta turn-off. really, i was just excited to post it already after the feedback I had with the sneak peak. anyways, enjoy the reading!
♡ word count: 970
♡ tags: fem!reader, no use of pronouns (you/yours only), no description of reader's appearance, use of pet names, kissing, making-out, slightly suggestive but nothing explicit (it got hottie hottie at some point, i think), Dante tastes as strawberry and vanilla because I said so, 3Dante my beloved bf and mentions of friends with benefits.
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ⓘ gif's not mine!!
"What if we kissed?"
Your irises, focused before on the vast pages of the magazine, took an interested route to the owner of the question. Usually sitting with his feet up on the shop's wooden table, Dante's heavenly eyes gazed at you, curiously, brow arched and a wolfish grin summoned to his lips.
"What?" Your voice had come up with a high pitch.
"You heard me, angelcake," now the jovial Devil Hunter propped his chin on one hand, blinking both eyes with a certain air of grace. "You're a babe, I'm a hot stuff; I only see the pros." Dante shrugged as he finished his sentence.
Your reply was a short, airy laugh. Closing the random magazine in your hands, you adjusted your body on the sofa that was in front of Dante's desk, with your legs duly intertwined and, smiling a little, imitated the chin placed in the palm.
"Until yesterday, we were just friends considering — in your words — your bad luck with the ladies."
"Bingo," he snapped his fingers, not avoiding his turn to chuckle, "However, you are one of the few ladies to have ever shot me in the forehead."
"Really? Because the way you piss me off sometimes…"
"Ouch, baby, it's part of my charm. Anyway, what if we really kissed?" This time, Dante's inquiry came with an edge of seriousness, and you engaged in debate with your train of thought and the stations through which it passed.
Okay, Dante was eye candy without a doubt. Dangerously attractive and even if inconvenient in certain situations, you had to admit that he had an undeniable charisma and a generous heart.
Maybe he was also nice to kiss.
So why not?
It wasn't like the friendship between the two of you was going to end or wither because of a mere silly kiss…
You cleared your throat and rose from the sofa, tracing steps towards Dante, who was now smirking like he was the Cheshire Cat incarnate. Gone was all shyness and hesitation from the moment you walked around the table and placed yourself on the Devil Hunter's lap and wrapped your arms around his firm neck; cheeky, he let out a low chuckle of contentment.
"Is that a yes?" Dante's hands snaked stealthily up to grip your waist, an act that sent a rush of heat and shivers through you, and he felt it all too well, so much that his fingers began to caress your skin.
"Let's see if it is," determined, you calmly moved your face closer to Dante's until you felt the subtle brush of the tips of your noses and the warm breath against yours.
Quietly, you initiate the kiss. Sparda's handsome son made a sound akin to a pleasurable growl, moving his hands to your back and then lowering them to your thighs. You sighed. Until then, the movement of your lips had been carried out slowly and without much haste.
As if it were the beginning of a tasting.
Your fingers unconsciously tangled in the pale silk strands that were Dante's hair, he seemed to enjoy the touch. His lips were like velvet, a certain strawberry and vanilla flavor that when fused with the soft texture of his mouth, made you want more.
Dante, with some efficiency, had taken a slow nibble on your lower lip. The sensation was beneficial enough that your mouth opened, accompanied by a low, surprised moan, and then his smooth tongue darted in and involved with yours. Once a simple kiss, now it became hungry and voluptuous.
The half-demon greedily squeezed your thighs, grinning as another groan came from you; Dante stiffened and shivered as the scrape of your nail tips traveled down the back of his neck. He groaned too and then led the grips down to your ass, having the audacity to even give it a silent pat there.
You gasped from the lack of air and Dante's fiery acts that made your insides crackle like you were on fire. As you gasped, your mouths peeled off.
"Dante…" your bashful sigh brought another grunt of delight from the young Devil Hunter who was now finding refuge for his fervent mouth on the skin of your neck, gifting the curve with soft nips and lazy licks. "D-Dante…"
"Aw, baby…" you heard him suck in air through his teeth before giving you another lick, Dante was so caught up in the moment as you were that he started babbling disjointedly, "... Just like I imagined, you're sweet as hell, just the way I imagined it... So sweet, so delicious..."
His voice, husky and sly, made your muscles quiver and instinctively your thighs clenched together. Dante looked up and saw your irises hidden by your lashes and your head tilted back with brows positively twitching. He laughed, his eyes now blue like hellish flames and luscious.
You looked at him with half-closed eyelids and silently, flattening your hands on Dante's firm, strong chest. Much to your glee, he gave you a satisfied 'ooh'.
Again, you sighed, more calmly than a few minutes ago.
"I…" you bit your lip, feeling abruptly self-conscious at the way Dante's ice blue colored orbs roamed over your figure. Worth mentioning, the young son of Sparda's hands were still placed on your ass. "Hm…"
"Lost your tongue all of a sudden, angel?"
"Hm, maybe she's still tangled up in yours," you shrugged, putting on a petit smile.
"Naughty," Dante chuckled, "Want to see if she's really tangled up in mine?"
"Now that you mention it, I do."
On this specific time, it was the half-demon who had kissed you passionately, with you again moaning in delight as you savoured his sweet tongue inside your mouth. You both smiled over each other's lips.
If your friendship continued sugarcoated like that, so be it.
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cerezzzita©, 2023 · all rights reserved ⓘ do not copy, edit, steal or claim as yours | reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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actuallysaiyan · 1 year
Won't You Kiss Me Once, Baby?(Dmc3!Dante x Fem!Reader)
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warnings: mentions of biting, some BDSM components, handcuffing, unprotected sex, mentions of heat/breeding cycle, use of sex toys, muzzling, subby Dante, DMC3!Dante word count: 1.7k pairings: DMC3!Dante x Fem!Reader a/n: this based on @tradgothprompto amazing idea!!! Sorry it took forever and a day to write this, but I promise it's good. I also tag @still-jack-but-am-i-back
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You and Dante had met through Lady. She had introduced you two one night while having some drinks at the bar. And from the moment you laid eyes on one another, it was like love at first sight. Dante was completely smitten by you, and he did everything he could that night to flirt with you and try to impress you. 
It took him a while to grow to trust you. It scared him a little to have such feelings like this. They were so deep for you and he wanted to be truthful and honest, but he was worried he was going to get rejected. Then when he finally realized you liked him just as much as he liked you, he opened up to you. He told you about his heritage, his family, his fears, his hopes and his dreams. And in turn, you opened up to him as well. You were both so smitten with one another. 
As you two grew closer together, so did you grow in terms of intimacy. Dante and you explored many facets of pleasure together, finding out exactly how to please one another so well. Eventually, you had his whole body mapped out just as he did with yours. You were the person to take Dante’s virginity, which he was so grateful for. 
Things changed when his first heat hit. And it hit him so hard. You were bruised and exhausted for days afterward. It had been so brutal and so intense, and you hadn’t known how to truly prepare for something like that. Dante didn’t even realize that something like that could affect him. It was all new to him just as it was new to you. So the next time it happened, you made sure to prepare for it. Lots of sports drinks, ice packs and long baths would be the things you’d use to soothe your aches and exhaustion.
With time, you both found a way to deal with his heat comfortably. Except for one factor. Dante had a hard time not marking you up. His teeth just longed to pierce your delicate skin. He needed to make you bleed and have these beautiful purple and blue marks on your neck and chest. He’d bite you almost anywhere.
Eventually you were fed up with this. After one particularly passionate breeding cycle, you found your neck and tits to be so sore from him biting and nipping you too much. And it was much too hard as well. You had bruises and bite marks littering your skin, and the first night after he fucked you, it was so sore. 
“Dante,” you started as you walked over to his desk. “You’ve got to stop biting me.”
Dante sits at his desk, his long legs stretched out as he reads one of his dirty magazines. He looks up at you, a sheepish grin on his face. He puts the magazine down to give you his full attention, which makes you happy.
“Awhh, baby, you know I can’t help it.”
You narrowed your eyes, “I know it’s hard for you, but it hurts, baby.”
Dante’s grin falters as you pull down the hem of your shirt to show him the bruises and bite marks from the last breeding cycle. It’s all red, purple and angry looking. While in the moment, he doesn’t realize how hard he’s biting and now he sees he was being too rough.
“Shit…baby, I’m so sorry.” He says, his voice almost a whisper.
He gets up from his desk and he wraps his arms around you. Tenderly, he presses kisses to your wounds and whispers sweet words of love. He feels so guilty for causing all of this. He knows he can’t be this rough, but it becomes so hard to stop himself when he gets started.
“Angel, I am so sorry. Let me make it up to you.”
You spent the whole night wrapped up in his arms, kissed and cuddled. But you knew you needed to make sure it didn’t happen this way the next time. You were going to make sure you were going to be able to handle anything he throws at you.
So you found help at the local sex store. The shopkeeper and you discussed lots of options to bound and potentially gag your super strong boyfriend. But it’s when your eyes fell on the leather and mesh muzzle that you realized how this would play out. You knew this would be the perfect option to keep Dante from hurting you like that. You returned home to Devil May Cry with your purchases carefully tucked under your arm. And you waited with bated breath for the next time Dante would go into heat.
This time, you’d be prepared…
The tell tale signs of his heat were apparent. Dante became clingier, needier and whinier. He even nested, which for him meant making your shared bed even more cozy with added cushions, pillows and blankets. It wouldn’t be long now until he would begin to pounce on you.
As soon as Dante begins pawing at you, you know you have no choice but to react. You lead him into the bedroom, your giggles only turning him on even more. He knew you had bought something to help with the biting, but he didn’t know what it was exactly.
“Baby,” you coo softly. “Get on the bed please.”
Dante doesn’t need to be told twice. He’s quick to hop on the bed, eyes heavy with lust and his hand palming his obvious erection through his pants. He’s so excited now. He’s watching you carefully as you gather your things from under the bed. You begin with the choker with the ring meant for a leash. Gently, you help him get it on his neck. He moans loudly when you fasten it tightly.
“Oh fuck, baby…” he whines. 
You help him undress now, and his cock is already so red and leaking. He’s been pent up for a bit now. You know that this will be to both of your benefit if you take charge of the situation.
“Are you going to be a good boy?” you ask as you grab his wrists.
Dante nods frantically as you begin handcuffing him to the bed posts. You’re worried that he may still break them, but you know it’s for your own good to try. Besides, even if he breaks them, he’ll have to take it easy considering he promised he would.
“Need to hear you say it, baby. Use your words.” You tell him, tugging on the ring from his choker slightly.
Dante pants. “I’ll be a good boy. I promise.”
Then once he’s handcuffed and collared, that’s when you present the muzzle to him. The sounds that come from him are so erotic. He’s beyond excited now, and you can tell the heat is hitting him harder now that he’s all bound up.
“Awh, what a good boy you are, Dante.”
Finally you begin the process of putting on the muzzle. His eyes widen when he sees it. He knows better than to oppose it given what happened to you the last time he went into heat. He begins shaking his head though, trying to stop you from doing this even though he knows he can’t.
“Please no, baby. I wanna be able to kiss you.”
You make a big show of considering it before continuing your task of placing the muzzle on him. He howls and whines the whole time, and eventually it all becomes muffled as you place the muzzle on completely. He looks at you, a sad look in his eyes.
“If you’re a good boy, I’ll take it off for a bit so you can kiss me.” You tell him. “And if you’re really really good, you can lick my pussy.”
This makes him perk right up. He’s laying down and he’s watching your every move now. You get up off the bed, making sure to check every handcuff and every little thing so that it’s perfect for your next task.
“My pretty baby, “you coo softly.
You start slowly, grasping his leaking length. You begin to pump him in your hand and he’s just whining and moaning under his muzzle. All the sounds are muffled underneath that pretty muzzle you bought for him.
You pull out the final item, a wand vibrator. There’s a mischievous look in your eyes now as you show it to him. Dante grunts as you turn it on, pressing it to the underside of his cock. This makes him buck up instantly. 
“You like that, huh?” you ask him and he’s nodding frantically.
You love the way he’s completely at your mercy now. You know you could have so much fun teasing him, but you won’t do it for much longer. You hold the vibrator to his cock a little longer before laying it on the bed. Then you begin to strip in front of him, making him moan and whine for you even more.
“Shhh, be a good boy. You promised.”
He doesn’t need much more to quiet down, but a few moans and whimpers slip from him as you crawl on top of him. He’s begging you a bit now to take off the muzzle, but you don’t dare do that.
“We had an agreement, baby.” You remind him as you straddle him. A loud groan is heard from him.
His leaking cock prods your little hole before you sink down onto him. You begin riding him, slow and steady. The whole time, Dante is begging and pleading and basically crying now. He sounds so pathetic, you’re not sure you’ve ever heard him sound like this before.
Eventually, you get into a nice rhythm. You’re losing yourself to the pleasure so much that you don’t even realize how the room seems to be getting hotter. And the red sparks that are flashing in the air, you barely pay them any mind. But it’s the sudden sound of metal clinking that catches your attention. It’s much too late now though.
Suddenly, you’re on your back and Dante is hovering over you. His eyes glow red and his fangs seem even more piercing than usual. This is when you realize that you might have pushed him too far by muzzling him and handcuffing him.
“Silly human,” Dante purrs. “Did you forget who you were dealing with?”
Before your very eyes, Dante gathers the energy to trigger. And when you see him in this form, you know you’re in for a long night.
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Dante, with his arm behind his back, the other arm extends towards his beloved :
Dante, with his charming smirks : Care for a dance, my dear?
Y/N, stares in disbelief :
Y/N, laughs : We’re in the middle of a cemetery—
Y/N, takes his hand : ——and it’s raining.
Dante, pulls them close & lifts their chin up : Ah, but we can still hear the music from here, and the dead are unlikely to judge us……
Dante, twirls them, then pulls them close again : Come, such moments of innocent joy are far too few and fleeting to simply let pass by.
Y/N, enthusiastically nods whilst smiling :
Dante, Y/N dances the night away :
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vampiriccreature · 4 months
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Dante x Fem! Reader Headcannons
he leaves you for a man
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https-cyber-slxt · 1 year
Holy shit! Your blog is an oasis in a desert istg. Finally some proper unadulterated femdom content on this hellsite. Thank you so much!
If your requests are still open, can I please get some sub!Dante content? General headcanons or just a little pegging for my bbg :) Up to you. And thanks again <3
P. S.: A word of advice: try to avoid more explicit tags, like sub!character or dom!reader, and use something more general like character x reader. I've noticed that Tumblr algorithm doesn't take into account actual contents of the post and shadow bans based on tags. I've seen some really outrageous stuff fly under the radar, because it only had fandom tags and nothing specific. Hope this'll help at least a little bit. You don't deserve to deal with this bs. Wish you the best!
hiiiii anon, I really appreciate these kind words, here just for you.
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Oh and I'll absolutely give you your “daily” dose of pegging Dante :P
Devils Do Cry!
Sub!Dante x FemDom!Reader
A/N: I am so unmotivated (also it's 10 pm and I'm tired as shit, so if this is bad, I'm sorry)
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“So... Who's Elizabeth?” you question out of nowhere as you pull your sword out of the Hell Caina's chest, causing it to wither away. Dante becomes stunned at the question, raising a brow at you. “Just another Devil Hunter, why?”
He swallows thickly at your serious expression. You prop your glasses up and wipe the blood off of your weapon. “A little birdie told me that you went on a *date* with her last night” Dante whimpers and furrows his brows before propping himself up properly. “Oh yeah? Well maybe that little birdie was trying to make you jealous” your face becomes even more serious. “Why would Nero wish to make me jealous?”
Dante stops in his tracks and nearly bursts into a sprint, damn you little nephew! “I uh- uhm-” his sentence cuts off as you grab his collar and shove him against a wall. “Don't lie to me Dante! What were you doing last night!?” He sobs as he licks his dry lips. “I'm sorry (Name), but I promise I didn't do anything, I just- walked her back home, that's all, and Nero must've thought something else“
You drop Dante and turn away, walking back to his office space with him not far behind you.
☆~ 5:30 PM ~☆
You lie on your stomach as you flip through the pages of the magazine, munching on the cheese pizza while doing so. Your fingers rest at the bottom of the page while your eyes fixate on the pictures, making you unaware of your surroundings. Your reading becomes interrupted as the doors slam shut, making you look up at Dante. “Jeez those two are a pain in the ass” he sighs while stretching.
“If they're so annoying, why are you friends with them?” you ask while flipping to the next page, placing your hand under your chin. “Well you know, it's nice to have some company in this shithole” He answers while walking up the stairs. You scoff and lift yourself off the couch. “Hey! Which drawer do the magazines go into?” you shout while fiddling with the book in your hands. “My desk drawer!” oh wow real helpful.
You roll your eyes and walk behind the desk, opening up the top drawer, nope, the middle one, nu-uh, the bottom one perhaps? Your hand grabs the handle and just as you're done opening it halfway, you slam it closed and grip the magazine in your hands even tighter.
A few moments later Dante rushes down the stairs, oblivious to your shocked expression. “Hey babe so, Morrison will be here in a few and- are you okay-” his sentence cut off as he stares at your grip on the bottom drawer handle.
You both stand there in complete silence, until you stand up and purse your lips, dropping the magazine on to his desk. “So how long have you had those?” you ask while side eyeing him. Dante stands there in complete shock. He lifts his hands up and defence, trying to think of an excuse. “How. Long. Have. You. Had. Those?” Now your entire body was facing him. “A-awhile it's that, I've been hesitant on asking you..”
NSFW Below The Cut X3
A bright blush covers his face as he answers your question. “Bend over the desk” you command while opening the drawer with your heels. “But Morrison-!” his sentence interrupted as he's pushed against the desk. “I don't care about Morrison, if walks in here that'll be his own problem. Now, bend over the desk, and take off your pants while you're at it”
A sob leaves Dante as he follows your command, taking off his pants and boxers while bending himself over his work desk, spreading his legs open and resting his chin on his forearms.
Meanwhile with you, you pull the strap-on out of the drawer, and you're not gonna lie when you say it's packing a decent size, 8-9 inches at least and relatively girthy as well. You notice the ring gag in the drawer and pull it out, it'll be of good use. You set the strap aside and lift the gag right in front of Dante's face. He gasps and looks back at you, you smile and giggle. “You know what to do” were the only words you said before he sighed. Shoving the gag into his mouth, you grab the straps and adjust it to your liking.
You reach back down and grab the lube out of the drawer. You grab Dante's hand and squeeze the lube on to his fingers. He looks back at you with confusion and you just smile at him. “I can't just shove this entire thing into you without any preparation, go on, open yourself for me” you continue smiling as he lets out a soft whimper.
Using his free hand, Dante spreads his ass open, allowing his fingers to slip in easier. He slowly inserts his middle finger in, soft gasps escaping him as he inserts another finger. He goes knuckles deep, making him arch his back, his free hand quivering and struggling to hold himself open.
His upper body basically falls limp as he starts to finger himself, getting lost in pleasure and completely forgetting about your presence. You grin and grab his wrist, giving him a fright in the process. You pull his fingers out and grab the strap-on from his side.
You tie the harness around your hips and grab the lube, carelessly squeezing some on to the strap, causing a little bit to fall on the floor beneath you. You stroke up and down, smearing the lube all over.
You slowly insert your strap into him, heavy moans escaping him as he grips the front of the desk. “Ah! nghhhh~!” drool slips down his chin as his eyes begin rolling back. You insert the entirety of the strap in him, the harness touching the skin of his ass.
You readjust yourself and lie on top of Dante's back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You short thrusts cause sobs to escape Dante as tears begin to fall from his eyes, leaking onto the desk below him. Your nimble fingers remove themselves from his neck and creep down towards his dick. Your free hand wraps around his leaking cock, pumping up and down gently.
Your other arm wraps around Dante into a chokehold, making his hands move from the desk to the arm around his neck. Letting go of his dick, you untie the gag move your hand back to its original position, pumping faster than before. “Shit! You're killing me! Just fuck me already! I need it, please!” Dante's tears roll down on to your arm along with his drool.
You unwrap your arm around his throat, causing him to drop on to the desk. You grab his arms and lock them behind his back, speeding up your pace in the progress. Dante cries and moans, not caring of someone or something hears him. “God fuuuck~! Yesyes! Oh you make me feel so- so good! Ah! Ah~! Nggggh!”
Your hand lets go of his arms, but like the loyal slut he his, he keeps them there as you grab his hair, lifting his head up and biting his neck. “Yes!! Oh fuck yes! Faster, faster! Fuckmefuckme!” Dante moves his hands to his dick as both your hands grip his hair and jacket collar. “I'm g-gonna cum! Pleaseplease! Let me cum! AH!” his begs and pleas turn into a nonsense of sobs as you rake your fingers through his messy and sweaty hair. “Cum for me” you whisper in his ear.
Dante sobs and cries as he releases all over the floor, some even getting on his desk. Quite sobs escape him as his left over tears form a small puddle beneath him.
Just as you lift yourself up, Morrison busts through the door, an unpleasant look on his face. “Considering that you two have stopped fucking like two rabbits in heat, just take this before my day is even more ruined” Morrison hands you a letter, not saying another word and slamming the building doors closed, his car revving up and leaving the area just as quickly.
You set the letter aside and stare at the fucked out Dante beneath you. “What to do with you...”
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beccalovesyu · 1 day
nick wayne x female reader? fluff please ☺️ the reader is hook’s younger sister and she has a huge crush on nick. but hook goes into big brother protection mode so dante and darius help her out by setting them up. and eventually hook (and taz) approve of them
Sorry it took a little bit I tried my best 🤍
The secret
Pairing: fem! Reader x Nick Wayne
Warnings: arguing with hook/ Tyler, any grammar mistakes I made, swearing
Genre: fluff
< oneshot >
( not my gifs )
Backstory: read the request ☝️ ( that was actually so perfect )
You were playing truth or dare with Darius and Dante. You picked truth because the last dare was discussing you never wanted to do a dare again.
Dante: “ y/n truth or dare “
Y/n: “ truth “
Dante: “ why you scared we’ll make you eat cat food mixed with crayons again? “
Y/n: “ yes, I’m never coloring again. “
Dante: “ alright your truth is would you date anyone in our friend group? “
Y/n: “ why? “
Dante: “ because your alone “
Y/n: “ oh thanks Dante. anyways maybe “
Dante: “ who? “
Y/n: “ actually my turns over Darius truth or dare “
Darius: “ um uno reverse “
Y/n: “ hm? “
Darius: “ truth or dare “
Y/n: “ that’s not apart of the game “
Darius: “ it is now “
Y/n: “ that’s so unfair “
Dante: “ pick before I pick for you “
Y/n: “ alright alright truth “
Darius: “ who do you like at least give us a hit “
Y/n: “ fine he’s my age “
You were blushing to hard to get out of this.
Y/n: “ omg. “
Dante: “ IM NICK WAYNE “
Y/n: “ Alr Alr you guys don’t need to sing the whole Thing “
After the game of truth or dare they keeps asking questions.
Dante: “ when are you guys getting together “
Darius: “ OH what about married “
Dante: “ can you name your kids after me “
Y/n: “ omg you guys are so childish “
They bugged you for the rest of the night about it. Until they FINALLY fell asleep.
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The next day:
You woke up early to get to the gym before collision. You wore some black leggings and a dark blue sports bra. You got in the gym then started on the treadmills. You seen someone in the mirror behind you. It was Nick. You immediately got butterflies. He was so handsome and sweet. He’s was just so perfect. You always tried to talk to him without blushing but it never worked. At this point he has a nickname for you. “ pinky “ why name me after a finger??? You stopped the treadmill and caught your breath, then you walked over to him and greeted him with a huge smile. Then you heard the children.
Dante: “ hey lovebirds “
Y/n: “ Dante why are you literally a 6 year old “
Dante: “ hey that’s not nice “
Y/n: “ mhm “
Darius: “ nobody invited me to this wedding ? “
Y/n: “ oml “
Nick started laughing. You didn’t know if that was good or bad. Was he laughing at them or you?!?
Nick “ guys you were supposed to bring the cake “
Y/n: “ I’m Surrounded by children. “
Dante: “ you and Nick should get used to that “
Y/n: “ oml.. “
You were obviously embarrassed. You’ve had a crush on Nick since you met him. This whole thing was stupid they sounded like middle schoolers. Nick and you just kinda clicked it wasn’t hard to fall in love. You were just scared you would ruin your friendship. After dealing with the “ pre-k squad “ you finally finished your workout and you left for collision.
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At the arena:
You seen your brother sitting on a crate eating chips obviously that’s all he does. He was more quiet and he Seemed mad? For once he didn’t have a poker face. You greeted him and you got no reply.
Y/n: “ hey Ty “
Tyler: “ .. “
Y/n: “ you ok? “
Tyler: “ I’m fine “
Y/n: “ are you mad at me? “
Tyler: “ stay away from Nick “
Y/n: “ why he’s my friend. “
Tyler: “ I heard him Talking to Sam ( darby ) just stay away “
Y/n: “ what’d he say? “
Tyler: “ don’t worry about it “
Y/n: “ but why if you won’t tell me why should I stay away “
Tyler: “ I just don’t want you around him end of conversation. “
You were pissed why does Tyler have any authority to tell you who to hang out with. Yeah he was your older brother but if anyone would tell you anything you would actually listen to was your dad Taz. So obviously you were gunna be sneaky about talking to him. And what did Nick say to Sam???
Earlier his pov:
I was Talking to my best friend for as long as I can remember. I was telling him about this girl about my crush.
Nick: “ this girl is so sweet and kind and she’s just so beautiful and I don’t know how to ask her out she’s the girl of my dreams can you help me please. “
Sam: “ who is she? “
Nick: “ Tyler’s little sister y/n “
Sam: “ be careful with her Nick her brother is really protective and her dad is well her dad is Taz “
Nick: “ I know but I really like her and I don’t care who her family is “
Sam: “ alright so try to give her compliments and laugh at any jokes she says even if they aren’t funny “
Nick: “ thanks Sam “
Sam: “ your welcome “
You seen Nick in the viewing room and you walked up to him to say hi. But that was short lived thanks to Tyler.
Y/n: “ heyyy nicky “
Nick: “ why are you whispering “
Y/n: “ because of my brother being annoying and mad about something. “
Nick: “ what’s he mad about and why does that explain why your whispering “
Y/n: “ he said that- “
Tyler: “ am I interrupting something “
Y/n: “ no Ty “
Nick: “ hey Tyler “
Tyler: “ mhm come on y/n “
Y/n: “ this shits unfair. “
You were pissed Tyler was being serious he didn’t want you around him he even was following you everywhere just so you wouldn’t talk to him it’s been multiple failed conversations with Nick and a week a whole week and Tyler hasn’t left your side all to make sure you wouldn’t talk to him. You were annoyed. you needed extra help. It was 2:00 Am and you were in your hotel room when you texted the “ pre-k “ brothers.
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You had no idea how they would help you were actually a little scared.
Next Wednesday:
You finally got to the arena after a long flight with Ty. When you went in Dante immediately went up to Ty as if he was waiting even though that seemed creepy he actually got Ty away from you, you finally didn’t have him following you but where was Darius? You were walking to your locker room to get changed for your match because it was the starting match of the night when you seen a note on your door. What was this about? You took the Note that was taped on your door off of it and read it. “ meet in Nicks locker room after your match asap “ you were shocked was this plan actually working? You were so excited you couldn’t wait for your match to end and it didn’t even start. You got changed and waited for your music to hit you hit your opponent with a cutter and won the match. You rushed backstage and got a quick shower and got into some jean shorts and a plain black crop top. You were beyond scared and excited. You walked to Nicks locker room and knocked on the door when it was opened Darius was there it was so sweet a little indoor picnic that him and Sam set up for us. It turns out that Sam found out about the plan from Dante and he wanted to help too. There was one thing though Nick wasn’t there. You were confused but after Sam explained that Nick had a promo to film and he didn’t even know about this yet you understood. You eagerly waited for Nick to finish with his promo you were too excited. This was so cute the best little set up you ever seen you were beyond excited when you realized it would technically be a date. You seen the door handle move you immediately got butterflies in your stomach. When the door open it was Nick the most beautiful guy you’ve ever seen the sweetest guy you would ever meet. He seen you Sam and Darius and he seemed happy. He asked what this was and Darius was stupid and said it was your wedding Nick laughed at it then Sam explained what happened with Tyler and that this is your secret first date. You couldn’t stop smiling you were so happy to finally have a date with the guy of your dreams. Darius and Sam went out of the locker room and sat on a crate by the door so in case Ty tried anything he would hopefully… possibly be stopped. You sat on a blanket on the floor with Nick and a little basket full of snacks and some sandwiches. Nick sat across from you and was wearing a black shirt with some black jeans.
Y/n: “ hey Nicky “
Nick: “ hey pretty girl “
You obviously started blushing when he said that you just couldn’t get over his voice and how he said pretty girl.
Nick: “ or should I call you pinky “
Y/n: “ shush pretty boy “
There it was the nickname he came up with.
You talked for a little bit and had some laughs while eating your food. ( use your imagination because I’m not the best with conversations on dates 😭 )
Darius knocked on the door and asked if you were having fun and if you guys finished your food.
Darius: “ how’s the wedding going “
Y/n: “ amazing “
Nick: “ um the best obviously you planned it “
Darius: “ are you guys done eating? because when you are by the couch there’s a blanket, a stuffed animal, popcorn and the remote for the tv you guys can watch a movie or something if you want a longer date “
Y/n: “ a stuffed animal? “
Darius: “ yeah consider it a gift from Nick “
Nick: “ so that’s why you asked me to help pick out a stuffed animal for a girl “
Darius: “ yeah we were in the store for a hour because I wouldn’t tell him who it was for so he didn’t know what you liked but we settled on a blue Dinosaur just for you “
Y/n: “ awe that’s so sweet thank you “
Darius: “ don’t thank me thank him “
Darius left you to the rest of the date. You and Nick watched your favorite movie. And cuddled.
Nick: “ you know your really beautiful y/n “
Y/n: “ why thank you not to bad yourself “
Nick: “ how much luckier could I get I have you as a beautiful girlfriend “
Y/n: “ so it’s official? “
Nick: “ if you want it to be “
Y/n: “ of corse I would nicky “
Nick: “ my pinky “
You smiled while he kissed your forehead. You were so happy you finally had the guy of your dreams. But how would Ty react? You ended up falling asleep in nicks arms when you got woken up by a terrified Dante.
Dante: “ wake up I lost Ty he’s looking for you he’s gunna kill us if he finds out your in here “
Y/n: “ shit sorry Nicky I have to go “
Nick: “ it’s ok pinky I get it “
You gave him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and snuck back to your locker room. When Ty finally found you he was pissed.
Tyler: “ y/n where have you been? “
Y/n: “ I was hanging out with the girls and I just got out of the shower is a girl not allowed to take a shower? “
Tyler: “ your hair isn’t wet. “
Y/n: “ it’s called a blow drier dumb ass “
Tyler: “ watch your language “
Y/n: “ your not dad I don’t need to listen to you “
Tyler: “ you should listen to me I’m your brother “
Y/n: “ nah I’m good “
Tyler: “ if I find out you were with Nick your dead “
Y/n: “ I wasn’t I stopped trying after you locked me in my hotel room for 5 hours “
Tyler finally left after the long interview of where you were and why you at work 2 hours after the show. Tyler was going to drive you to your hotel so he waited in the car for you. You seen Nick on the way out and checked if anyone was around before you gave him a hug and kiss goodbye.
Y/n: “ bye Nicky boy “
Nick: “ bye pinky “
You went back to your hotel and the whole way there you got asked about who you were texting. It was obviously Nick but you couldn’t tell Ty that so you just said your friend Anna Jay. You got back to your hotel room and he finally left you alone so you could sleep before you feel asleep though Nick texted you a mini good night paragraph.
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The next day:
You woke up to another mini paragraph it was so sweet and cute your heart literally melted.
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You were so beyond happy that Nick is your sweet caring loving boyfriend. But you had to tell your dad and Ty soon and you had no idea how though.
1 month later:
You and Nick have been dating for about 1 month you’ve kept it a secret for that long but it was getting harder you wanted to spend time with your boyfriend but Ty didn’t even want you talking to him. So you made a plan to tell your dad and Ty. You just hoped Nick would be alive for your next anniversary. You were at collision waiting for Ty to get to the arena. You were terrified what if they made you break up with him or something. You waited for about 20 minutes for Ty and your dad to show up you asked them to come to your locker room because you need to talk about something with them. You didn’t want to tell them alone so you asked Dante and Darius to wait outside of the door just in case things didn’t go to plan. You had your dad and Ty sit on your couch while you stood in front of them waiting for Nick to come to help tell the news to them.
Taz: “ you aren’t quitting are you “
Y/n: “ no dad I’m not I’m happy here “
Tyler: “ this better be good I should be asleep right now “
Taz: “ a promotion “
Y/n: “ no “
Taz: “ you winning a title? “
Y/n: “ no “
Taz: “ your mom ask you to ask us something? she does that a lot but I digress “
Y/n: “ no dad “
Taz: “ alright just asking kiddo “
Finally Nick walked in your locker room and you were relieved you could finally tell them no more hiding.
Tyler: “ y/n what’s he doing here “
Taz: “ who’s this fine young man? “
Y/n: “ um we have something to tell you “
Taz: “ y/n your only 18 you can’t be “
Y/n: “ no not that dad “
Taz: “ ok continue “
Tyler: “ no don’t you shouldn’t even be talking to him “
Y/n: “ me and Nick are dating and I don’t care if you don’t want it he’s the sweetest guy I know and I’m not going to leave him because your over protective. “
Taz: “ well welcome to the family kid “
Tyler: “ no this isn’t supposed to be happening you aren’t allowed to talk “
Taz: “ hey give this kid a chance Ty your sister deserves love and she shouldn’t have to listen to you about your opinions but I digress “
Tyler: “ fine. “
You knew Ty didn’t like it he was your big brother you felt bad about going behind his back and dating someone he didn’t even want you talking to but after a couple weeks of you Ty and Nick hanging out he realized that Nick wasn’t so bad and he’s actually a big sweet heart so you officially got your bothers approval on one condition.
Tyler: “ don’t hurt her or your going to be mounted on my wall “
That was the one condition but now you and Nick have movie nights in his locker room every Wednesday and Ty sometimes tags along because he’s still protective but you don’t mind.
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This took abt 3 days? Thank you Abby for helping me with the Dante and Darius texts lmk if u want another one keep in mind that this is only my second fic so sorry if it isn’t perfect hoped you liked it 🫶 I tried to proof read lmao 😭
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hellcatinnc · 4 months
Pet Names From Men Of Piofiore(SFW)
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, x Fem! Reader, pet names
Feature: x Fem! Reader
Pet Names you would call them and they would call you
For Him To Call You: My Darling, Y/N, Beloved, Dear, Kitten
For You To Call Him: My Love, Darling, My Forever, My One And Only, End Game
For Him To Call You: Cuore mio (My Sweetheart), Amore Mio(My Love), Mio Caro (My Darling),Da Ora Fino A Sempre (rom now until forever),Amore Della Mia Vita(love of my life)
For You To Call Him: Sexy, Bae, Lover, Sexy Butt, Mookie, Pookie
For Him To Call You: Mama, Y/N, Goddess, Angel
For You To Call Him: Baby Boy, Nugget, Bean, Care Bear
For Him To Call You: Signorina, Pudding, Peanut, Lil One
For You To Call Him: Lover, Charming, Pooh Bear
For Him To Call You: Pet, Slave
For You To Call Him: Senpai, Daddy, Master, Beast, My Monster
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Got another request for ya! :) May I please request headcanons for Dante, Nero, and Nico reacting to their female S/O arguing with her mother due to said mother's disapproval of her life choices and love life?
trigger warning : arguing , homophobic mother (ik it goes against my do not write for but this is the first and ONLY time), cursing
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Dante S.
you and dante have been dating for a few months now and you had moved in with him at his place after a few weeks of dating and everything was pretty amazing, you were helping Dante with his work and everything, you met his family and friends — basically having the time of your life with the man you loved
recently dante had been wanting to meet your family, you didn’t have a problem with him meeting them it’s just your mother you were worried about…. you knew she wouldn’t approve of your relationship and current life right now so you were a bit hesitant to actually schedule the day for the dinner.
as the day started to come you got anxious more and more by the day and Dante noticed this, he felt bad for asking you to see your family, he ended up talking to you about it and he said if you didn’t want to go you didn’t have to — he could meet them some other time without your mother present
the day has come for you and dante to have dinner your family, as you walked up to the door dante noticed how scared you were reaching for the door knob, your hand was shaking pretty bad and this was his moment to talk to you about this again, he gently grabbed your arm to prevent you from opening the door right now
“babe, you don’t have to be here — like i said a few days ago we can just leave at anytime just tell me when” he said in a soft and serious tone, he never really hit serious like this but when he did it was something important like this. you nodded and then opened the door to your home without saying a word about what he just said, he followed in behind you and you were met by your older siblings playing, your father and mother in the kitchen cooking the pasta they said they would cook and your family dog who ran up to you almost immediately
“SISTER!!” the twins said in unison as they ran up to you as well, you hugged everyone by the entrance and Dante introduced himself to the kids before going over to the dining room where the table was and everything. after you were done hugging everyone you went over to Dante who was already talking to your father about his job at the dining table
“oh Y/N! i’m so glad your here!” you father said after he saw you, standing up to hug you. your father had always been so kind and sweet to you and your siblings, you and your father had a special bond that was unbreakable
“i’m glad i came — where’s Tyler?” your younger brother who was 17, since you left he was pretty much the only one who really kept in contact besides your fathers regular check ins here and there, your father pulled you aside and talked lowly so your mother didn’t hear, this was Dante’s cue to try and conversate with your mother and also help her while you and your father talked
“he and your mother got into another argument… he wants to move in with you and your boyfriend because how how bad things have gotten recently” he said looking down the hall to his room “you should go and talk to him before you leave” you nodded in agreement before you both went to the kitchen where Dante and your mother were
“h-hey mom….” you spoke softly as your mother looked up at you for a second before looking back down
“i’m surprised you actually came and that you actually have a boyfriend” there it was, you have just been waiting for her to say something rude like that. you sighed and tried to ignore it
“how have you been?” you asked, dante was actually shocked she said that — the first sentence that came out her mouth was that and dante was even more shocked you brushed it off like that
“i’m fine… so tell me — Dante, what do you do for a living?” she placed the cover over the pot and stared directly at him, her arms crossed
“i’m a Demon hunter — i kill the demons that are ruining the City…. Y/N is one as well” he said, making eye contact with her as well. you have always told your mother that you’ve been going to college as a back up and she looked disappointed
“so you’re not going to college, Y/N? that’s what you’ve been doing all these months? doing something so stupid and easy as Demon hunting?” she turned to look at you, anger in her face as she did — you could never please her, no matter how much you did that you think would make her happy it was never enough
“it’s not stupid…. nor easy mother — it’s a tough job and we’re always risking our lives for everyone in this city…. especially me because i’m not like Dante” you responded, your voice gentle as always
“i think that’s an amazing thing — you’re helping the city and that’s good” your father said
“no — Demons don’t exist, Y/N…. they never have and they never will — why couldn’t you just stay in college?”
“with all due respect ma’am — they are very much real…. i’m part Demon, but enough about me. Y/N works hard to protect the City…. she almost died saving a family two months ago so for you to say something so rude that demons dont exist is out of line, Miss” he spoke as he walked over to you to make sure you were okay
“you brought a demon into my house, Y/N? your kids are gonna be little demons causing problems around this place! and almost die my ass — you didn’t almost die because it never happened! listen to yourself!”
“mom, that family was going to be killed by five demons — i went there alone to help them and got a scar on my chest to prove it…. the fact i’m out here risking my life for this city ans my own mother won’t give me the time of freaking day is ridiculous!” you said, both of your hands on the counter
“never in my 56 years of life have i heard of a demon….” was all she said
“because you’re so close minded that you don’t even know a damn thing about what’s happening in the city right now — there’s an attack going on and it’s a big deal…. i’m here instead of doing my job right now…. i’m here while families and people die because i love you guys….”
“so…. what’s actually happening is true?” your father cut in, worry in his voice, he has been trying to tell your mother about it for days but she wouldn’t give him the time of day about it
“yes…. you guys are fine because you live far from the city but i suggest leaving to another state for a bit just incase they spread to here….” dante said to him
“mom — i’ve done nothing wrong to you ever to deserve the hate from you that i’m getting…. but i’m gonna go and do my job to save you” you grabbed your keys and started to walk away with dante
“wait, what about Tyler?” your father called out
“tell him i’ll come by whenever i have everything under control — and tell him he is moving in with us….” was all you said as you left and closed the door behind you and dante. he kinda followed behind you in silence before finally talking
“i’m sorry for…. that” he said, feeling responsible for you and your mother arguing earlier, he was the one who suggested the dinner
“it’s not your fault she’s an asshole…. come on we have a city to save”
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you and nero have been together for about a year or two and you had moved to Red Grave city in order to be with him forever as you guys put it. you guys started as internet friends when you were younger, playing games, video calling a lot and then started dating years after that, you guys met a few times, you going to Red grave city, he going to (your city) a few times. eventually you ended up moving in with him a year ago as well
so him knowing you already means he knows about your mom and to be honest he doesn’t like her but you couldn’t blame him on that one, every time she talked to you either while you guys were on video call or voice chat in a game was always rude
one day, she decided to just show up in your City and call you to pick her up. neither you or Nero invited her and the way she spoke to you made him upset as hell hearing how she’s making you pick her up from the airport and not saying a word on why she’s here until she got to your house you both plus Nico lived at
you were lugging her luggage inside of the house and placed down her two heavy suitcases as she just walked in with nothing in her hands but her phone and sunglasses
“mom — can you help me with these? this is your stuff….” you said panting heavily as you leaned on one of the suitcases, nero came with a glass of water
“your living room is dirty…. there is stuff everywhere — why didn’t you clean before i got here?”
“you randomly showed up, how the hell am i gonna clean the house for an event i never knew was happening?” you said as you took a sip of water,
“language young lady!”
“you’re in our house!” you barked back before adding “why are you even here?” you asked
“me and your father are getting a divorce and he kicked me out — none of your brothers wanna have ne move in so i thought you wouldn’t mind”
“well i do mind…. there’s already five people living here, me, nero, our friend, his uncle and dad. you can’t stay here mom” she looked almost offended you just said that to her.
“plus it’s already alot with us not really being at the house alot because of what’s happening in the city…” nero added from behind you, this was one of the few times you’re at home to relax for a day or two before you go back to work soon — Nico was in the garage fixing the van because she had done something wrong and it was undrivable for a few days
“there is nothing happening in the city, we drove through it and it’s fine”
“we didn’t — i took the long ass way here and there which is why it took an hour to get there and an hour to get back…. if you wanna check the news that’s fine but you should have done that before deciding to come here” you said as you moved the bags to the living room and lifted them both on the couch
“well, im here now and i’m going to stay but not unless this place is gonna be dirty…”
“well looks like you’re gonna have to get an apartment somewhere far from here — mom…. i don’t understand why you’re here…. i’m sure you’ve seen the news on the demon invasion in the city but you still came just to bother us”
“i said me and your father are getting a divorce….”
“tough shit, im sorry for you but don’t you have friends in (your city) to stay with?”
“okay listen…. first you move away with some random person you met off the internet — your relationship probably was never real to begin with Y/N. now you’re being rude to me. i am the guest here. you’re supposed to treat me with kindness, young lady”
“no, you came into the place i live at unannounced, if you would have asked me maybe i could have let you stay here but you’ve been nothing but rude to me my entire life — no wonder why you’re getting a divorce dad is tired of dealing with your attitude 24/7…. you can stay for a few days only because i don’t want my mother being killed by a demon out in the city trying to find a place to stay…. don’t fuck anything up while we’re gone” was all you said before you went to the Garage to help Nico and talk to her about what just happened and even after what your mother said about you and Nero he still helped her that night
once your mother was asleep on the couch he went to find you still with nico in the garage
“ya’know, your mother sounds like a real b — oh hey nero!” nico said with a smile on her face pretending she wasn’t about to call your mom a bitch….
“…… so anyway —“
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Nicoletta G.
you’ve been dating Nico for quite some time now and she’s been wanting to meet your mother and father for a while now. you’ve always jokingly said an excuse every time but this time you finally gave in to her meeting them. after a few hours of convincing yourself you finally called them and asked for dinner with them
you told her not to get to excited about this because your mother isn’t exactly the best person, you told her that she’s pretty judgemental. you hated growing up with her, your father was completely fine — he was amazing, your built in best friend but your mother was just mean
as you guys were going to your parents house you kinda mentally prepared for their reaction because you didn’t know what it would be, Nico reassured you that she’ll be by your side no matter what they say in there
you opened the door to your childhood home and walked inside, Nico following behind you and closing the door behind the both of you. as you both walked to the dining room where you had heard them talking your father was excited to see you and Nico
“oh hello girls! we just got started so i don’t you don’t mind staying longer than expected” he said as he hugged you both
“i don’t mind none! it gives us just enough time to talk about alot of stuff!” nico said being her regular self, she then introduced herself “im Nico! it’s a pleasure to meet you both”
“i’m (fathers name) and this is my wife (mothers name) please, sit get comfortable! what does everyone want to sip on tonight?” he made his way into the kitchen to get some cups
“just some water please….” you said, sitting down next to Nico at the dining table
“i’ll have the same please” nico reached for your hand underneath the table to silently reassure that everything would be okay
“ so Nico…. tell me what do you do for a living?” you mother said, placing the spoon down next to the stove and looking at the both of you. you looked down the moment you made eye contact with her, it was scary meeting her eyes again
“well, im sort of a mechanic as you would say, i like to build stuff, work on some cars — i also make weapons for my friends’ jobs. i make me and Y/N’s mutual friend well functionin’ metal arms as one of his weapons for demon huntin’!” she said, she liked talking about her work to new people, it was just who she was it made her happy to talk about these things
“ah…. and Y/N? what about you?”
you froze in your seat as she directed her attention to you — you slowly looked up and thought before you spoke
“uhm….. i…. i help nico with some of her work and i’m a demon hunter as well….” you sort of lowered your voice at the last part, your mother was very close minded about you not being a demon hunter or anything dealing with demons, so her reaction was pretty much expected
“Demon hunter?! i thought you said you weren’t going to be a demon hunter, Y/N!” her yelling made you jump and look away, Nico could tell you were scared as hell saying that to her
“mother…. i…. i lied just to make you happy — but even me lying that i was going to college wasn’t even enough to keep you happy….”
“so you never went or did you drop out?”
“…… dropped out — b-but for a good reason, mother!”
now she was pissed off…. “i paied all that money just for you to drop out, become a demon hunter and be a lesbian on top of that?! i’ve taught you better, Y/N! what else are you not telling me that i should know about?”
“m…mother i—“
“pardon me miss but, Y/N was strugglin’ dealin’ with college, Demon huntin’ and tryin’ to stay alive every day while doin’ this job! plus a professor there that i will not mention at this moment bein’ god awfully strange towards her — your daughter is doin’ what not alot of people would and that’s riskin’ her life for people she will never see again…. and for you too. so for you to stand there and be rude towards this woman while she could be out killin’ them demons out there instead of be being bullied by her own mother is rude and i will not stand for it” nico protested — you looked over at her and silently asked what the hell she was doing
“i have told her for years and years that she cannot do that demon hunting bullshit — and she went against my wishes and did so anyway!”
“excuse my language but your wishes right now don’t mean shit…. yes, you are her mother but you don’t get to dictate her life — she didn’t want to go to college in the first place but she still tried just to make you happy — she also told me that your husband there, her father used to be a demon hunter himself so it runs in her veins and will run in our childrens veins as well and so—“
“children? you can’t have biological kids — you’re lesbians” she cut off Nico
“(mothers name)! why would you say something like that?!” your father said as he went over to you and Nico to make sure you were okay after that comment. there were a few seconds between you all before nico finally stood up from her seat,
nico hated HATED whenever someone would say that about lesbian or gay couples and you knew she was the type to fight someone if they said that, you didn’t really wanna be responsible for your mother getting killed by her so you grabbed her hand and shook your head once she looked at you
“nico please…. let’s just go home….” you said, standing up after you spoke, you pushed in your chair and Nicos, after that you pulled her away from the table — she was staring daggers into your mothers soul as you pulled her away
your father walked you both out and apologised for your mom’s behaviour and that they were going to talk about it very soon
later that night after Nico was done telling Nero about everything you get a text from your father saying
‘we’re getting a Divorce… she didn’t take me talking to her about this too well so make some room! 😁 i might even work with y’all’
‘i’m sorry about that dad, and yeah — we can be a father daughter demon kicking duo!’
‘i meant help with the building stuff 😟 i am almost 60’
you and your father were always able to joke about almost everything, no matter how serious it was
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other requests are gonna take a little bit longer to finish because i’m not in the right headspace rn 😀 so please expect that if you request anything, bye this is bad IM RUSTY OK 😭😭
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dawnisatotalqueen · 1 year
character : dante scarleto
summary : soulmate au where you see the world in black and white until you meet your soulmate
.·:*¨༺ “I would never fall in love again” ༻¨*:·.
Dante Scarleto had given up on love a long time ago. He had gone through girl after girl, and none of them were his soulmate. None of them ever put color into his world. He had tried and tried and got himself hurt so many times.
Every now and then, the burn would hurt more, too, as these girls had realized he wasn’t their soulmate by meeting their actual soulmate. He had given up. Who needs love? Certainly not him.
.. Well, that’s what he thought until he saw her.
It was a day just like any other. There was nothing incredibly special about that day. Dante went to his favorite coffee shop. He went there often and recognized most people. The town was somewhat small, regardless, so it was rather tight-knit.
The weather was rather gloomy, and he had brought an umbrella just to be safe.
He stared at his coffee cup mindlessly, tapping his fingers on the table. For just a split second, he looked around.
That’s when he saw her.
She was beautiful, the most lovely girl he had ever seen. She had (s/c). She had (h/c) hair. But most of all, she had enchanting (e/c) eyes…
Wait, baby blue? He stopped in his tracks, rubbing his own eyes because he must have seen it wrong, right? When he looked again, everything was its normal grey color.
What was that? He shouldn’t be able to see in color. He hasn’t met his soulmate yet.
No, that couldn’t be it. He pushed the what ifs to the back of his mind.
He couldn’t help but stare at her in awe, though. How could someone who looks like her exist? It made no sense in his head. Her soulmate was extremely lucky.
About half an hour had passed, and just as Dante suspected, it had started to rain. He got his umbrella, heading to the door. When he got there he saw the same girl from before. She was making her way out into the rain, trying to cover her head with her arms.
He chuckled to himself briefly before going out.
She moved her arms down, looking dejected. God, even that was endearing.
He opened his umbrella, raising it over his head and walking over to her. He moved it from above him to above her. Her head quickly darted up in surprise as she stared at him.
Dante grinned. “Someone as cute as you shouldn’t be stuck in the rain.” He stated and handed the umbrella to her as she stared in awe.
He grinned at her once more before starting to run, pulling his jacket off and using it as a roof over his head.
For just a split second, he saw the color in the world. For just a second.
A few weeks had passed since that day. Dante had been making going to the coffee shop at least once a day a part of his routine. He didn’t know what it was, but he just always wanted to see her. He took every chance he could possibly get to see her face.
He tapped on the table, staring at the door. She should be getting there any minute now.
She sat at the same table everyday, she got the same drink every day. He had overheard her order it multiple times, and this time, he bought it just a few minutes before her expected arrival and sat it on the table.
He didn’t know why he was doing all this. It was a drive more powerful than his own brain. He felt like it was a necessity. He couldn’t keep living if he didn’t see her face. He had never felt something like that before.
And just like that, she walked in. She went to her usual table before she froze. She picked up the drink, checking to see if it was one that someone had left. Upon her realization that it was both full and hot, she brought it to her lips, tasting it.
Her eyes lit up when she realized what it was and she sat down.
Dante smiled, looking away from her.
And so that continued. Every day he bought her a coffee. Every day, she still had the same smile when she got it. Some days, he would throw in different baked goods just to see her smile grow.
Every day got a little more colorful. The dull grey tones slowly became slightly tinted with color, and he finally felt hope. She must be his soulmate.
That was the only girl he had been consistently seeing as of recently. She was the only girl he had ever felt this way for. She must have been it. This was it. This was his soulmate. Now, his only issue was figuring out how to talk to her.
He walked into the cafe, per usual, getting ready to order his coffee before he noticed his table.
There was a coffee cup there. When he looked around, he saw her. She was staring at him with a smile. He made his way over, picking up the drink and taking a sip. It was his usual order.
When he looked back down at the table, he saw the receipt. She had written on it. He picked it up, reading over it.
‘Hi I’m (Y/N)! Ty for the drinks and sweets <3. This is my number (xxx)xxx-xxxx. Call me.
Ps. I like your blue hair.’
He felt warmth rise to his cheeks and his whole world shift. Suddenly everything was bright and beautiful, there was so much color everywhere. When he looked back up at her, she was looking at him.
Future (Y/N) Scarleto. 
.·:*¨༺ “Until I found her”  ༻¨*:·.
a/n: hi! first time Tumblr poster short time lurker 💃. this is smthing I wrote a few months ago for a friend. I just filled it in with y/n stuff. idk if I'll post more aphmau, but yk have this 🙏
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alessiathepirate · 6 months
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ALIVE: Deckard Shaw x fem!reader
Summary: She thought Deckard Shaw died - yet luckily he didn't. After joining the crew on the rooftop, he had some explaining to do.
Warnings: swearing, mentioned violence and death
LAVENDER NAIL POLISH: Dante Reyes x fem!reader
Summary: Sitting at the table with Dante as he paints her nails, makes her wonder why he's doing that in the first place.
Warnings: none
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mooncakesofpan · 2 years
Hi!!! Can I please request a Dante chaotic fluff fic 🏃‍♀️ I don't really have any specific scenario requests tho I'm sorry😭
Thank you!!
- Anon Mocha ☾
Yeah i got chu sorry its a little short. 
Kitchen Concoctions 
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Dante x Fem!reader Warnings: Fluff, Established Relationship, Cursing Word count: 505
DMC Masterlist | Main Masterlist DO NOT STEAL MY WORK
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“What should we eat for dinner” you ask stomach grumbling 
Leaning against your boyfriend Dante, flipping thru the handful of take out menus “What about pizza” he says You laugh at him “Were not having pizza again” you roll your eyes playfully With his arms wrapped around you.
“What's wrong with Pizza”
You sit up turning around looking him in the eye your boyfriend may be hot but his eating habits could use some work “Or we could order literally anything else, it not that pizza is bad but the third time this week is a little excessive” you laugh in response to him “Well then you choose,” he chuckles You move to the table and sprawl out the menus, trying to figure out the choices, nothing really looking appealing. You decide to wander to the kitchen, open the fridge and see not much in there. That tends happens when you spend time hunting all the time grabbing what little is in there you spread it on the table. “Why don't we try to cook something for once” He gets up to join you “You've pulled out eggs some zucchini a pickle some BBQ sauce and some tortilla’s the hell that gonna make” he says crossing his arms 
“Well we won't know if we don't try plus if this stays in here any longer it's probably gonna rot '' you say grabbing what seasonings you can find in the cabinets. The both of you attempt to make a concoction from the items in the fridge. 
As you watch Dante attempt to wrap the mixture in the last two tortillas you two have Dante side eyes you hands on the makeshift burrito. “I'm telling you we should have just ordered pizza”. “And I'm telling you to just give this a chance”. he chuckles in response to your stubbornness. “I also refuse to admit to ordering pizza the third night in a row being a good decision” you say crossing your arms at your boyfriend The burritos finally wrapped you squeeze the BBQ sauce on the plate both dipping you respective burritos in the sauce tapping them togethers as a cheers.  Taking a bite sinking your teeth in the warm mixture of pickle zucchini and the odd combo of sauce with the eggs wasn't a very appetizing combo leading to you spitting it out. Dante smirking at you with a smug look on across his face. “so about that pizza” “Fine go order your pizza or whatever asshole” you say in a somewhat playful manner.
Dante walks off with the pizza menu off the table winking at you to go order that pizza, around 45 minutes the pizza arrive. The both of you eating the pizza, your stubbornness definitely not going to admit to your cocky boyfriend to be enjoying the pizza. compared to the bad burrito combination the pizza was tasting pretty good.  Dante eyeing your from the other side of the couch seeing you enjoy your pizza opens his mouth to say something.
“Not. One. Word.”
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actuallysaiyan · 2 years
Go With The Flow(Sparda men cum headcanons)
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warnings: smut, creampies duhhh, slight breeding kink, mentions of cumming on someone, swearing, rough sex, male moaning, uhmmm smuttiness.
word count: 1.9k
pairings: Dante x Fem!Reader, Vergil x Fem!Reader, Nero x Fem!Reader and V x Fem!Reader
a/n: shout out to @beneathstarryskies, who is amazing and always believes in me and helped beta read this.
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He has a tendency to cum a LOT. It’s quite thick too. But only a few shots come out. Its thick consistency makes up for how little shots come out. It makes for such a high volume out of such a small amount that comes out at the moment.
His growls and dirty talk will quickly turn into whiny attempts at warning you that he’s about to cum. It just comes out as nonsense a lot of the time; he can hardly even think of the right things to say. When he finally cums, it’s a lot of swearing and cursing that falls from his lips.
His hips will stutter, but he fucks you through every wave of his orgasm. It just keeps going and going until he is completely spent. Then he tends to slump on top of you, praising you with sweet words. Dante gets very affectionate after sex, but mostly he gets a little sleepy.
Loud, animalistic grunts fall from Dante’s lips as he pounds into you recklessly. The sounds of your wet skin slapping together echo along with your cries of love. With your little body pressed against the mattress, your clit continues to rub against the soft sheets beneath you. You know this next orgasm will completely wreck you. You aren’t even really sure how you’ve managed to hold on this long. Dante had gotten home from such a long, hard job that when he finally got to kiss you, he knew he had to get you into bed as soon as he was able.
“Baby,” he finally mutters. His brain is so thick with the fog of lust. His balls are heavy and he knows he can’t even hold on for much longer. But he wants to cum with you. “Are you close?”
You whine out your response, “so fucking close.”
He smirks before pressing into you even deeper. It takes but a few more thrusts and you're falling off the edge. You cry out his name as your vision cuts to static. Every nerve in your body feels white hot with pleasure. You knew this last orgasm would ruin you, and you are right. Dante whines as your walls begin to clamp down on his cock, squeezing it until he’s seeing stars. Soft whimpers fall from his lips as his hips stutter. 
“Cumming! Fuck I’m cumming! Fuck fuck fuck!” His voice trembles as he fucks his thick cum deep into you. 
After a while, his high begins to subside and he’s feeling a little weak. Slowly, he stops his pace and just rests against you. He’s very careful not to put his whole weight on you. He kisses your shoulders and the back of your neck before pulling out of you and resting next to you. 
“I am one lucky devil.”
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While his cum is thick, it’s a little more stringy and thinner than his twin. Vergil has a tendency to shoot a lot of it into you. Six to seven spurts per orgasm usually, which makes up for the lack of thickness in his cum. 
Vergil growls a lot when cumming, and it soon turns into desperate grunts as the pleasure takes hold of him. You may hear some possessiveness coming from him when he fills you up with his seed. 
His whole body tenses and he likes to hold you to his body as his orgasm washes over him. It makes him feel so connected to you as he relishes in all these overwhelming emotions and sensations. Once he’s come down from his high, Vergil likes to get you cleaned up as soon as possible. But sometimes this turns into another round, as Vergil has a weakness for seeing his cum drip out of you.
He’s been rutting into you for what seems like an eternity now. You’ve come undone for him countless times, and still it’ll never be enough. Every ounce of softness and love that comes out of you, it makes him feel so weak. But for once in his life, Vergil wants to feel weak. Especially if it means being weak for you. You make him feel safe in so many ways as well, making it so that the weakness he does experience doesn’t even matter when you are right there to protect him.
“Such a beautiful little mate,” Vergil breathes out before kissing you. “All for me.”
“All for you,” you manage to say. Your voice is so hoarse from screaming and crying out so much. But you’d never have it any other way.
“‘Want to fill you up. ‘Want you to carry my seed,” Vergil can hardly recognize his own voice saying these filthy things to you. But it feels good to say these things to you. Your reaction is always worth the small amount of embarrassment he feels.
You begin pleading and begging to be filled with his cum. He smirks and begins thrusting deeper into you. His balls are so heavy and he’s so close.
A loud growl rumbles from his chest as you feel the first shot of cum. Vergil grips onto your hips tighter than before, and he pulls you so close to his body. He tenses as these waves of pleasure wash over him, rendering him into a growling and grunting mess. You make him feel this way. You’re the one who makes him want to share all of this with. Finally, he’s panting as he comes down from his high.
“Look at that mess,” Vergil comments as he pulls out of you. His cock is already throbbing. It’s such a filthy sight. “Absolutely begging for another round, aren’t you, sparrow?”
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Nero’s cum is thick and he shoots a lot of it. Seven to eight spurts per orgasm, and it fills you so much that most of it leaks out before he’s even done cumming. He just has a lot to give you and he will give it all to you. You can expect to be glazed any time he decides to make a mess on you.
Pitiful moans and whimpers fall from his lips as he cums hard. It’s loud and he swears and curses a lot. You can hear some possessiveness in his voice as he mutters things about you and your sweet little pussy. Nero might even bite down on your pretty skin and leave marks as well as he tumbles over the edge.
He shudders as he is overtaken by the divine pleasure that washes over the both of you. Your little walls will be milking his cock, and he just drives himself deeper and deeper into you with every shot of his thick seed. After he comes down from the high, he tends to be a little timid. He wants to cuddle but he keeps thinking about all the filthy things he said. 
“Keep riding me, baby.” Nero moans as you grind against him even harder. 
You giggle before leaning in to kiss him. Who would have thought he would be so submissive underneath you? You’re quite pleased with the results of this little experiment. You and Nero always stick to a few key positions in sex, but when you mentioned you wanted to be on top, he was more than happy to let you take the lead.
It’s better than what he could imagine it to be. Your breasts press up against his chest, making him moan when he feels that warmth coming from you. The way you sometimes brace yourself on his chest and change the momentum, it drives him crazy. Your walls seem to be even tighter this way than before. And you can come undone so easily this way, he realizes. Nothing has ever felt better in his life. He’s growing addicted to this position quickly.
“So fuckin’ close. Please please, don’t stop.” His voice has grown a little needy. The tone is so desperate, you swear you could cum just from him pleading.
“You’re so needy, baby.” You comment, and he groans. His cheeks are a little pink.
“Just wanna fill you up, baby. Want to fuck a baby into my little princess,”
It’s your turn to blush now. You’ve never heard him say anything like this before. But you won’t deny, it’s very arousing. You’d be happy to start a family with Nero.
Suddenly, he’s shuddering. His pleading increases and you hear him slip a few curses in there as well. Shots of thick, hot cum begin filling you up. You ride him harder and faster, making him squeak in pleasure. He feels like jolts of electricity are coursing through his entire body, rendering him into a numb mess.
Nero opens his eyes when he’s finally come down from his high. He looks up at you and he realizes what he said at the end. His cheeks burn hot as he’s ashamed of being so forward. But you only soothe him with a sweet kiss.
“I love you, Nero.”
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V’s cum is pretty thin and stringy. He doesn’t shoot a whole lot of it, but it feels good regardless. It’s warm and leaves you feeling dizzy with lust. He has a tendency to always cum deep inside of you, and he hardly ever wants to pull out. The act alone makes him feel so connected to you.
He whines a lot as he cums hard. His eyes will roll back in his head as he mumbles such sweet words. They all just come tumbling out as he rides his high. Depending on his mood, he may be a little more desperate or possessive. But he always has the sweetest words of love for you.
He shudders and shakes, and his hips thrust into you involuntarily as the pleasure takes hold of him completely. V barely has control over his body as he cums so intensely. It’s like he’s floating on this cloud the whole time. When he comes down from his high, he snuggles on your chest and doesn’t pull out. He may actually pass out from such intense pleasure.
“Oh sparrow,” V whines as he plunges into you. He never wants this to end, but he knows he’s dangerously close to his orgasm. “I love you,”
You smile sweetly at his words. He cups your face and kisses you deeply. Your walls keep pulsing around him, making desperate moans fall from his lips. He’s never experienced a love like this before. It’s so much more intense than he would have ever imagined. He wants more and more from you. But there’s just no way for him to hold on for that much longer.
“‘Gonna make me cum so hard, darling. You feel too good.”
You’re both panting as the pleasure builds deep inside of you. V leans his forehead against yours and you both close your eyes as you let the pleasure take hold of you. The tip of his long cock brushes against your sweet spot without even trying. Every nerve in your body feels like it’s been lit on fire as you teeter on the edge. 
“V,” you whine. “I’m cumming.”
His eyes snap open to watch you come undone so beautifully under him. He knows he’s a goner when he sees that sexy look on your face. It’s too much, he can’t even take it anymore. He moans your name over and over as he cums so deep inside of you. His hips snap against you as the pleasure leaves him reeling. Shivers run down his spine as he feels his cock throbbing with every shot of his hot cum. 
You cling to him through every wave of pleasure. It’s so wonderful to fall off the edge with your lover. You can tell he’s enjoying every moment of it just like you are. He places a soft kiss to your lips when the high finally subsides. Then he rests on your chest and he groans softly.
“You feel too good,” V chuckles. “How am I ever supposed to last a long time?”
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