#dare I say fated couple behavior
Percy gaining faith in the gods the same episode that Annabeth loses faith in the gods………Percy feeling motivated to complete the quest he never wanted because of his fathers actions and Annabeth abandoning the glory and recognition she once craved because of her mothers actions…….Percy sacrificing himself to save Annabeth the quest and Annabeth sacrificing her old self the quest to save Percy……..
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ab4eva · 3 months
‘The Three of Us’
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Fully co-authored with: @precious-little-scoundrel
Thanks to: My incomparable co-author & sweetheart Marina, for being willing to follow this rabbit hole with me and explore this little trio! And for the gorgeous mood board and vibes, I’m obsessed. And to Ashley, for being the best damn cheerleader we could ask for. ♥️
Warnings: All the sex, 18+ only
Word count: 8k
Pt 2 - The Three of Us: Brat Behavior
Sometimes in Hollywood, magic happens behind the scenes - in a dark corner of Bar Lubitsch or a little poolside bungalow at the Chateau Marmont. Things that are only whispered about in certain circles or sent to Deuxmoi with the stipulation of “anon please.” The blurry flash of a hand, littered with telltale rings, on her Instagram story. The paparazzi photos of a drunken night out before the three of them disappeared into the balmy Los Angeles evening. The fandom set ablaze by rumors as they combed over every sign, every possibility, every look that they took for god’s honest truth. A myth in the making, never confirmed, never denied.
When a ballsy journalist had the gumption to ask Callum about the rumors some months down the road, he just grinned his Cheshire smile and shook his head, the slightest blush hinting at the corners of his already ruddy cheeks.
“Nah, mate, can’t believe everyfing you read in Hollywood, can ya.” A statement, no trace of question in his ice blue eyes as he licked his cherry lips and stared the journalist down, daring them to dig deeper. His heart may have started pounding a little too hard but only he knew that. Nothing belied the steely gaze he turned on the journalist - not a flex in his jaw or a slight blink or the whisper of a breath. Needless to say, that journalist had no desire to go toe-to-toe with all six feet two inches of Chelsea’s finest lad. They let the subject drop, though the air had already been sucked out of the tiny interview room. Callum noted with suppressed glee the way the journalist shifted in their seat uncomfortably, trying to regain the upper hand.
Serves ya right, ya wanker, floated through Cal’s head and it took all his energy to focus his thoughts on the next question being asked of him. Now that the taboo subject had been brought up, he couldn’t keep his mind from drifting back towards that fateful night, like the breach in a ship’s hull the memories flooded in. The soft give of her flesh beneath his fingers as he dug them into her hips, needing her closer, closer. The salty taste of Austin’s skin on his tongue as he dragged it slowly across his friend’s collarbone, the streak of wetness left behind shimmering in the moonlight. The mingled sighs and shared breaths, overpowering and heady in that dark little bungalow. That was the night he couldn’t get out of his head, no matter how hard he tried. It didn’t matter how many books he read or women he kissed or bloody hikes he took in Runyon Canyon, he was always going back to the night when everything changed.
“Didn’t I see you at the Luchino Visconti retrospective a couple nights ago? At the Academy?” The very definition of tall, dark and handsome has just walked in the room, smiling down at you and waiting expectantly for your answer. This is Callum Turner, the new client you’re working with for Masters of the Air press (alongside Austin Butler, your regular client and current boyfriend-adjacent…guy. It’s casual, you’re both keeping it casual. For now.).
“Oh! Were you there? Wasn’t it amazing?” you gush, a little flustered.
“It’s kind of rare to meet another Visconti fan. You must be one of the good ones.” He grins at you, all warmth and puppy dog eagerness. A kindred spirit, an instant connection. You would be very charmed by him, if you weren’t already attached to someone else. Who are you kidding, you’re charmed by him anyway. Talking with him comes easily, and the time flies by as you style his hair, moisturize his skin, add a bit of concealer here and there. He’s funny, sweet, intelligent. Austin has told you a bit about him, about his friend who helped him during one of the most confusing times of his life. But this - this is more than you were expecting. He’s more than you were expecting. And you’re pretty sure he’s flirting with you. When he asks you out for a drink later, you’re absolutely certain. It is with no small amount of regret that you turn him down.
The first time you noticed something akin to a spark between the man you’d casually been dating and his co-star was during press interviews for their new television series, Masters of the Air. As Austin and Callum’s groomer and makeup artist, you were allowed a seat at the back of the room, near the video monitors, ready to jump into action if one of Austin’s curls needed to be twisted back into place or if Callum’s nose got too shiny and needed a bit of powder. You glanced up from your phone to see the two of them leaned so close together their shoulders touched, just barely. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but Callum’s mouth looked as if it might graze the shell of Austin’s ear, a smirk playing at the edges, as his dark, curly head bent conspiratorially towards his friend’s blonde one. Silly boys, you thought, smiling to yourself as you watched them. You’d seen that look on Austin’s face before…it was almost one of… adoration.
Without warning your mind flashed back to last night, Austin gazing up at you through your thighs, a look of devotion on his face, his sandy hair ruffled and his eyes slightly dazed. The very same look that he’s now turned on Callum… Nah… You laughed at yourself quietly and shook your head to clear your thoughts, silently scolding yourself. You’d been reading too many spicy novels recently and clearly your imagination was running wild. It made sense that he and Callum were close. Austin had been lost as a newborn calf without a mother after Elvis had wrapped and Masters of the Air had started filming. A brotherhood, that’s what Austin had called it. And Callum had been his right hand man. And that’s all, you were sure. Pretty sure.
Bar Lubitsch is dim and noisy, crowded with cast and crew of Masters for an impromptu celebration while so many of them are in town. Austin hasn’t been here in years, always remembered it being a good time. He wants to show you and Callum a good time, after all the hard work you three have been putting in for press the past couple of weeks. That was two hours and three drinks ago, and you watch them now from your perch at the bar and how much they feed each other’s souls, like displaced brothers, reunited after years apart. The evening is starting to shift and blur, so many drinks and people and noise and singing. You never knew Callum loved to sing so much, until he was singing karaoke at the top of his lungs and the whole bar was gathered around the little stage in the back room, jumping to the beat while he sang the most risqué lyrics right to Austin, like they were the only two people in the room:
Even when the cold comes crashing through
I'm putting all my bets on you
I hope they never understand us
I put my heart inside your palms
My home in your arms
Now we know nothing matters
Nothing matters
And you can hold me like he held her
And I will fuck you like nothing matters
You’re not sure you’ll ever be over Callum pinching Austin’s cheeks, channeling his inner Egan, and singing right at him with drunken gusto while Austin is too tipsy to remember not to bask in it and it’s probably the cutest, and hottest, thing you’ve ever seen. It’s only afterwards that you start to feel a tiny flicker of jealousy. There’s something between them, a connection that time and distance hasn’t untethered. Later, you drag Austin into one of the faded velvet booths, snuggling up to him as he pulls you into a one-armed embrace, kissing your temple with glassy eyes and a crooked smile. His heady mix of sweat and cologne mingle, along with the alcohol, and suddenly you’re lightheaded. Not to mention the fact that his soft lips have seemed to have move, with lightning speed, from your temple to your neck. You gently push him away, and he gives you a questioning look but you need to see his face when you ask him this.
“Hey…what’s going on with Callum? Because, it’s clearly something? And whatever it is, it’s ok, really it is…but…I do have eyes, Austin,” you blurt out, biting your lip. You see a dozen different emotions cross his features, like a movie playing out in real time - surprise, guilt, defensiveness, longing, acceptance. His face goes all red and he leans his head back, his tan throat open and inviting, his Adam's Apple bobbing up and down as he swallows thickly. It takes everything in you not to kiss him right this second.
“It’s…complicated. Kind of,” he sighs as he stares up at the ceiling and you can tell he doesn’t want to talk about it and that’s answer enough for you. You don’t push him further as you quietly turn his mouth to yours and make him forget anything and everyone but you.
“Come on Aus, it’ll be just like old times,” Cal goads drunkenly, placing a proprietary hand on Austin’s belly, his words laden with meaning and a hint of pleading. It’s not like he’s missed Austin or anything…not like that. Not that he’d admit anyway, hell no. Couldn’t two dudes have a consensual thing and not be weird about it? It must be liquid courage that made him suggest it aloud. That and the fact Austin keeps looking at him like he hung the damn moon.
“Swear you’ll shut up? If I say yes, will you just…chill?” Austin’s eyes are trained on you and it takes everything in him to play it cool, keep a calm head. Cal’s hand is still on Austin’s stomach and he starts to pet him, just above the belt and it makes Austin lurch in sudden need. He licks his lips, they’re suddenly parched, and swallows hard. He hears Cal snicker softly in his ear.
“Now, see, as I recall, you wouldn’t stop asking me to keep sayin’ shit last time.” Callum’s voice floats above the music, scratchy from gin and karaoke, hot breath tickling the shell of Austin’s ear. His hand moves to squeeze Austin’s neck, and if Austin didn’t know any better he’d swear it was a subconscious power move, Callum trying to literally bend Austin to his will. There’s an all too familiar twitch down Austin’s pant leg, and oh god he wishes- he thought, he was so sure, he was past that phase of responding like one of Pavlov’s dogs to Callum’s adoration and teasing.
Maybe it’s just the notion, his suggestion. That’s what’s suddenly making Austin’s blood feel hot and his eyes hazy, it’s the idea of her…and him! But mostly her, just her, and sharing her and- None of that explains the way he wants to bend to that firm hand squeezing in drunken cajoling at the base of his neck, makes him want to knock noses and yank at the stupid collar of Callum’s sweater until there’s collarbones to see and a draft under the wool. This is winter in Los Angeles, heating inside is state of the art, there’s no reason for such coziness and it’s making the man sweat and all Austin can think of from the smell is memories of an English summer, worn out and floating in his own body, biting down on Callum’s upper arm, tangy, sweaty flesh to keep an awfully strange escapade quiet.
That does it. What is he even thinking? He must’ve drank more than he realized but then, oh god, there Cal goes, throwing his hands up in defeat, shrugging his shoulders like a kid caught trying to push his luck. The arm around his shoulder is suddenly gone, and he’d give anything to have it back again. He shakes his head - he really must’ve had too much to drink. It was making him melancholy and sobering him up fast. Funny how alcohol will do that to you.
“Scouts honor, Butler, I’ll-I’ll-I’ll,” he seems to search the ceiling in drunken concentration for the correct wording most likely to open the doors to the kingdom, “I’ll be- it’ll be: HER, YOU and a um, uh mannequin. How ‘bout that, mate? Good enough for ya? You’d probably like that, wouldn’t ya? Ya little freak!” He lands a playful right hook to Austin’s jaw, hard knuckles digging into soft cheeks.
The usually inflammatory epithet of ‘freak’, coming as it does from a man begging for a threesome with himself and his girl, is nothing short of rabidly complementary. Callum’s shit-eating, triumphant grin could light up the whole damn room in this moment. He knows he’s got Austin right where he wants him and starts to count down silently in his head - three…two…
Austin finds himself grinning, a warning, measured thing but a condoning of the sentiment all the same.
“One,” Cal says out loud, his arm going back around Austin’s shoulders, squeezing so hard Austin winces a little. It’s a reflective motion then, done almost without thinking, when Austin slaps Callum’s thigh, not realizing there’s a boner bent down that trouser leg. A wounded hiss leaves Callum’s lips as he caves in on himself a little bit and Austin freezes, his face turning crimson and he feels another twitch down his own trousers.
“Steady on mate,” Callum coughs, shaking a leg, trying to discreetly readjust. “And I thought I was the eager beaver here.” Austin wants to wipe that smirk right off Callum’s smug little face but the moment their eyes meet they can’t help but start to laugh. Giggles, really, which turn into loud guffaws that has the whole bar turning to see what the commotion is about.
Your head whips around at the sound you’ve grown to know well over the past few weeks, the loud and boisterous laughter of two friends who seem forget that anyone else exists when they’re together. You spot them, huddled close as they always seem to be, and shake your head. A grin tugs at your lips and threatens to spill out the feelings fluttering around in your chest, no your stomach, no…somewhere else, lower. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t think about the two of them…together. Sometimes you’re with them, sometimes you’re not, in these little fantasies of yours. You catch yourself biting your lip and staring at them a little too longingly. You wonder what they’re saying now, both of them look flustered and awkward, just slightly. You can actually feel the tension rolling off of them in waves from where you stand across the bar.
Austin chooses that moment to look up and catch your eye. There’s a fire in his gaze that wasn’t there earlier and what is that look on his face? You’ve never seen it before…shy and almost…guilty? He looks just like a little boy who’s been caught with his hand in the cookie jar.
Your eyes question him across the dim bar, an unspoken tether ties you together wherever you are, and uncertainty about the deal he’s just struck with Callum comes creeping in. What has gotten into him? He’s just agreed to share you, with another man. And not just any man, one he has a rather interesting history with. The thought of Callum touching you, kissing you, fucking you…suddenly he’s stone cold sober and beginning to regret letting Cal sway his decision. Because there sure as hell won’t be any take backs, not with Callum. He’s like a dog with a bone once he gets what he wants.
“Dude no, there’s chemical flavoring in there, that shit’s bad for you and it’ll give her irritation!” Austin looks slightly perturbed, not for the first time this evening. He sways slightly under the florecent lights of the drugstore, the constant buzzing adding to the pounding in his head.
“What if it’s not intended to go on her? Hmm? Thought of that Butler?” Callum murmurs under his breath, his eyes focused solely on the lube he’s holding, a pink blush creeping up his neck to his ears. Has a blush under drugstore fluorescents ever looked so lovely? And Austin hasn’t stopped biting that lower lip since you walked into this place. It hasn’t stopped him from grinning, though, his excitement bubbling through in little ticks and tells, the nervous turning over of the vaseline jar in his large hands.
“You haven’t even bought me dinner Cal, just straight to the flavored lube,” Austin bemoans, faking offense. “’Sides, she’s already sweet enough, aren’t you baby? I’ve had my fair share of licks,” Austin’s shoulder bumps yours as he sends you a smoldering look, his eyes flickering down your body briefly before his cheeks turn a slight rosy color you can see blooming up from his chest through his open shirt collar.
“Austin!” you hiss, slapping his arm playfully and hiding your face in his neck, embarrassed.
“Leave it to you two twig Bettie’s and we’d be down to nothin’ but socks and coconut oil,” Cal snarks, not at all inaccurately.
“I don’t remember you minding coconut oil last time,” Austin says under his breath, clearly meant for Callum’s ears only, but you manage to catch it, and your heart starts to pound at the implied meaning.
“Mmm, and it was bitter so - mojito,” Callum says decidedly, leaving no room for argument. Austin smiles at you, lifting his shoulder in a shrug and rolling his eyes heavenward. You giggle nervously, wondering for the first time just what you’re getting yourself into.
“I saw that! Listen mate, feel free to shut me up at any time. This would do nicely, ya reckon?” Callum lifts a silk sleeping mask with one, long finger and swings it around seductively, waggling his eyebrows up and down comically. You laugh and the butterflies making a home in your ribcage start to settle down again.
The whimpers emanating from between your parted lips take you by surprise and you promptly shut your mouth, unexpectedly embarrassed to be mewling so wantonly. You bite your lip as it becomes harder and harder to hold them in with every slow thrust of Austin’s velvety cock filling you, his swollen tip hitting just the right spot, and every flick of Callum’s tongue as he laves at your tender little clit with vigor. You feel Austin tense slightly beneath you as Cal swirls his tongue down to your opening to lap at where you and Austin join, sloppy and wet. A soft moan floats past your left ear, Austin’s hot breath sending a shiver through you, and it seems to invigorate Callum as he doubles down on his efforts to have his tongue cover as much surface area as possible. He chuckles and it jolts through you as your back arches, your fingers finding his dark curls and yanking him closer, demanding something you aren’t even aware of. He understands what you need even if you don’t and as his lips close around your sensitive bud you can no longer keep quiet, keening softly. You practically buck off of Austin’s lap and his arm tightens around your waist to keep you in place. The harder Callum sucks, the more Austin starts to whine - you’ve gotten so tight around him he can hardly thrust.
“Oh fuck, what’re you doing? Cal…what…” you slur as you pull at his hair, trying to dislodge him from your clit. You feel him grin against your heat as he slowly slips two fingers in you, resting them alongside Austin’s length. You hiss at the stretch and Austin starts to pick up his pace again. Your head is too hazy with pleasure to register fully what is happening as Callum gently slides another finger in next to the first two. His mouth works your clit, sucking and pulling, harder then soft again.
“More…more more more,” you beg hoarsely. You feel as if you might fly away and the only thing anchoring you to earth are these two men and their hands and their mouths on your body. Callum cocks an eyebrow at you and his eyes shift to Austin. You feel him nod, barely, and then another burning stretch as Cal slips his pinkie in next to his other fingers. It drives you insane and you feel yourself clenching and coming, harder than you can ever remember. You stop breathing for a moment, your mind going numb with rapture as you come apart at the seams.
“Oh fuck,” Austin whispers, biting your shoulder, his hand absentmindedly palming your breasts, pinching your hardened nipple. “Come on baby, I know you’ve got more, give us another one. Cal, can’t thrust with you in there…give me some room, huh?”
Callum let’s go of your clit with a wet pop and gently slides his fingers out. His nose and chin are shiny with your juices, even his eyebrows look a little damp and he’s grinning from ear to ear.
“Go on then, Butler, show us what you got.” He stands, knees popping as he does. From up here he can see your faces clearly, yours and Austin’s. He watches, rapt, as Austin nuzzles your neck, nipping at your earlobe as he speeds up his thrusts, toying with your nipples mercilessly. Your eyes flutter closed and your head drops back onto his shoulder. Callum shakes his head, dazed and pussy drunk - why was he on his knees so long?? He coulda been watching this the whole time? But he knows why- fresh, homegrown pussy. And he means to have his fill. He can’t take being on the sidelines, watching Austin move in and out of you at a punishing pace, having all the fun. One of Callum’s massive palms descends onto your clit, slapping and rubbing cruelly, back and forth, faster and faster. And then you’re gushing everywhere, all over Callum’s hand and Austin’s cock and the bed, soaking everything.
“Come on then girl, give us all you’ve got,” Cal encourages, his raspy voice driven to the point of hoarseness. He grabs his painfully hard, throbbing cock and roughly starts to slap your clit. You gasp, jerking in Austin’s arms as you fall apart again. And then Callum gets a thought, because his dick is doing most of the thinking just now, and it’s been sadly neglected thus far. He’s just had four fingers in you and now you’re literally flinging droplets with each swipe, it’s a goddamn swamp down there it’s so wet. He slows his slaps and starts to rub soft circles against your clit, stopping every once in a while to try your entrance gently, just to see. You moan breathlessly and his heart speeds up as he looks at Austin questioningly.
“I recognize that gleam in your eye, Turner…spit it out,” Austin says in a slightly strangled voice.
“Think you can take us both, angel? At the same time?” Callum directs his question to you, ignoring Austin.
You can’t take your poor abused clit getting ground on anymore, it’s just too intense, anything to give it a break. You nod your head so fast he thinks it might fly off. Your trembling little hand reaches down with disjointed begs of “Put it in baby, put it, please Cal, it’s burning.”
Your sloppy wet pussy hole visibly clenches with a tiny space of room left each time Austin digs in. Callum drunkenly wonders if they should have a medical professional on standby for this sorta shit, like it’s gotta be a crime to wedge two boys into a girl, especially when Butler’s packing like that. But your whine suggests you need it and he’d really like to not be left out. FOMO -that’s what he’ll blame when he’s driving the ambulance or else coming down from the craziest high he’s ever had with a pool of cum drying on his belly.
Austin goes still as a statue under you and drags your sweaty hair across to the other shoulder so he can really see your face and ask, “You sure? Baby, talk to me, you really wanna try?” His hand gently grips your chin, forcing you to focus on his eyes, his question.
“I’ll die if I don’t have you both,” you plead, your voice barely above a whisper, but Austin still looks concerned and slightly perturbed. Is the girl he knows even in there? But you want something, you want this and he’ll be dammed if he doesn’t give you anything you want that’s within his power to give. And if there’s one thing he loves about you it’s your love of a challenge. He bites his cheek, trying not to blow his load over your sweet determination.
“Ok ok.” Austin takes a deep, steadying breath, kissing your wet temple and gives Callum a very familiar look of admonishment and also trust in his good intentions. “Careful, man, really careful,” he instructs as Callum nods his silent assent.
“No safe words, just if somebody says stop we stop, ok?” Austin’s starting to pant, as he can feel the poofy mushroom head of Cal’s cock brushing his sack at your entrance. “Anybody who says stop,” he clarifies, half thinking he might be the first to wimp out and do it.
“Yeah, yeah, ‘course.” Cal actually looks sober as fuck except for the sheen of sweat that always seems to come with his pints and somehow the eye contact he makes lights a fire in Austin’s belly.
“I might say no,” you squeak, “I won’t mean it though, just a heads up. I’ll say stop- if I need to stop.”
“No?” Cal laughs nervously. “That might make me feel a little…bad,” he admits, still rubbing maddening circles around where Austin’s been practically cockwarming you for ages.
“Stop getting all existential and give her what she wants, man,” Austin rebuts.
“It’ll make me feel bad if she says no,” Cal blurts, running a hand through his already messy hair.
“Then I’ll do it.” Austin’s voice is rough in your ear and your nipples harden into peaks as he gently pulls out of you and pats the bed. “Tell Cal to lay his big ass self down.”
You giggle as Callum dives onto the bed, bouncing for a moment until he settles, turning over onto his back, head propped on a lazy forearm. He pats his meaty thighs and you roll your eyes but can’t deny the flip flop your stomach does at the thought of those thighs and what a nice cradle they’ll make while you’re railed within an inch of you’re life. And then you’re hovering over him, Cal kneading your hip encouragingly while running an admiring hand up and down your spine, like you’re a skittish horse in need of calming. You hesitate, momentarily unsure, but Austin nods at you reassuringly from the foot of the bed and ever the gentleman, gives you his hands to hold as you sink slowly down on Callum. Though his gentlemanly hands are gripping yours tightly, his eyes are glued to your pussy taking every inch of uncut Brit cock that he’s maybe gagged on once.
“Earth to Butler!” comes from behind you because Austin’s zoned out a little and it’s been a hot minute and you’re somewhat situated now.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, uh, ok, ok…”
Cal snickers before crunching up behind you, his chest hot against your back as he wraps his arms around you. “You feel lovely, darlin’, wanna lay back wif’ me? Don’t mind him, he’s lost it. Always goes a bit soft in the head around a pretty pussy or my cock.”
It’s a lot from this position and laying back against Callum’s chest is intense. You feel like he’s fully in your belly and it stretches your womb over him. He feels different…his isn’t as wet as Austin’s little water fountain but it throbs more noticeably, sending little shocks of pleasure through you. Cal pets your belly soothingly and spreads your pussy lips for Austin to really get a look at. You whine and squirm, realizing again the want for more. Those fingers dabbling at your entrance, threatening to push inside you once more and that’s when Austin breaks, recalling that’s what he and his cock are here for.
“Yeah, ok, ok, present and accounted for. Move your hand,” he murmurs, swiping Cal’s hand away. He thumbs at you himself for a bit, just to be sure and to watch as Cal loses his cool facade for a second when you clench tightly around him.
“Still sure about this, baby?” He asks one more time as he’s pressing at the ring and the burn has you bracing. You feel Cal’s hand move from your waist to your thigh, behind your knee, cupping it and dragging it wide, spreading you apart before you’ve even said your piece. The vote of confidence does you good and you take a deep breath, nodding once, decisively.
“Then put me in, angel,” Austin tells you, fat cockhead already snagged in but there’s a little ripple in his hard cock from the resistance of the tight space. Steeling yourself, you reach down and wrap your fingers around him, tugging him closer and slowly feeding his thickness into you alongside Cal’s, who starts thrashing his head and moaning at the drag like he’s the one getting breached.
“Good girl, good girl, please more…know you can take more.” Cal’s begging for cock by proxy and it alters your brain somehow. Austin’s too, he puts his hips into the effort and soon he’s gotten past the muscles at your command and into the threshold where you can’t manage to push him out if you tried. It makes you panic a little, but Cal is softly shushing in your ear, a distracting thumb stroking behind your knee, other freckled hand mauling a tit and begging you to take more cock so he can get friction.
“She can take it, come on, Austin,” he vouches for you, a little self promotion as you can’t even form words right now. Somewhere about six inches in your vocabulary consists of yelped little “fuck’s”and whimpering “I cant’s”.
Austin caresses your cheek, commanding you to look at him, his blue eyes focused in on yours, “That’s it baby, just a little more. You’re doing so good for us… such a good girl.”
Callum grab’s Austin’s shoulder and brings him fully deeper, which is all well and good when Austin kisses your forehead and insists raggedly, “You are doing it, baby.”
When he finally pushes in that last little bit, you lose any control you thought you had, instantly coming from the stretch and threatening to push Austin out. But he presses nothing less than his full weight on you, keeping you in place and himself snug inside next to Callum. You gasp for air and wrap your arms around his broad shoulders, clinging to him. Austin tries to remember to breathe and promptly forgets how when he makes eye contact with Callum for the first time since being balls deep.
“Are you -is that you…twitching?”
“Woulda thought you’d remember that,” Callum smirks. “Coulda sworn I recall you saying something about it jumping like a live wire in your hand?”
“Christ, well it feels different all…snuggled up next to mine,” Austin grits out, coloring slightly.
After a moment or two, when breath has been regained and a few laughs shared and some semblance of sanity restored in right spaces, Cal starts to pepper every inch of your neck and cheeks in kisses. Now that he’s not so desperate he’s become utterly grateful for you, for this. The kisses turn into sloppy, wet groans in your ear as Austin begins to move and Cal’s hand is gripping your jaw, his eyes locked on Austin, your legs thrown wide over his thighs, spread to the max and he’s a perfect recliner. He throws his other arm across your chest in a loving armbar, holding you still on top of him, “So Butler can get a rhythm, baby.”
Austin looms above you both, finding his pace, measured and steady. His beautiful face is flushed full of awe and there’s a heat in his gaze you’ve never seen before. He puts his hand on Callum’s shoulder for leverage, long fingers digging into freckled flesh and Cal promptly lays a little smooch on Austin’s forearm with a cheeky grin. Austin’s eyes shift and change, become a deeper blue and an expression you can’t read flits across his face as he jabs a particularly hard thrust into you. Callum starts to whimper and squirm when he realizes Austin’s thrusts are rubbing him too well, and it's not just you who’s getting their spot hit - that spot being his foreskin being drug back and forth in maddening little drags.
“Y’all like that? Feel good?” Austin growls lowly, rhythmic thrusts pushing you and Callum deeper into the fluffy white sheets, both of your whimpers combining until you can’t tell who they belong to. Austin groans and drives in harder, his white knuckles gripping Callum’s shoulder hard, while he reserves his tenderest touch for you, rubbing his thumb back and forth across your cheek.
“You’re…enjoying this…” you manage to moan between thrusts. His face splits into a grin as he pushes all the way in, pausing for a moment to kiss you hard, all tongues and teeth and desperation.
“Oh, fuck mate, that’s so good. Oh my god,” Callum babbles. “Right there, fuck, right there. You feel so good.”
“Which one, baby girl? Me or her?” Austin smirks.
For once, Callum has no witty response except the heavy panting in your ear. He squeezes your waist harder and his fingernails indent your hip and it gives you something else to focus on while you catch your breath, a tiny escape from the mind-blowing ecstasy you feel and the slight alarm bells ringing in your head. You can feel Callum somehow expanding and growing inside of you, even bigger than he was before. Austin’s eyes go wide and a look of panic crosses his face - his perfect pink mouth forms a perfect “o”.
“Oh shit, what…why is everything so fucking tight again…what is happening,” Austin groans breathlessly, his mouth set in a determined line, teeth ground together so hard you worry momentarily he might break a tooth. He tightens his grip on Callum’s shoulder and Cal’s massive hand encircles Austin’s delicate wrist, knuckles white as he holds on for dear life.
“Faster…faster,” Cal begs, again and again. “Sorry no, mate it’s, it’s fuckin’ happenin’…oh fuck.” His head cranes forward and you can feel his belly and hips flexing beneath you as he tenses over and over, letting out a hoarse sort of howl as he comes. His warmth fills you and it shakes something loose in your head, your own stomach starting to clench as you grab a handful of Austin’s golden hair, urging him on. Callum’s hands are all over you, petting you everywhere as he starts to come down.
“S’ok I came in ya? Yeah? Good, ‘cause I did,” he whispers hoarsely with a remorseful little laugh, back to babbling to you now that Austin’s got him there. He wipes the sweaty hair from your forehead, tucking a piece of it behind your ear and kisses your neck, whispering encouraging words, “That’s it, babe, give us another one.”
Cal’s bitten off little whimpers spur you on, as his soft cock is trapped in there too, getting pummeled. He’s trying to focus on you, with little pets and murmurs of encouragement but you feel his jaw clench as he grits his teeth, taking the pounding Austin is giving the both of you.
“Got me feelin’ like a proper woman, squealin’ n’ shit, Aus.”
You feel another orgasm build and shake through you, one of the many countless times you’ve fallen apart tonight, but this one stands out. It would bring you to your knees if you were unlucky enough to be standing at this moment. You’re sure it has something to do with knowing you’re satisfying two men at once, Callum having found his release and Austin being close to his. You can tell he’s on the verge by the little signs you’ve grown to recognize over the course of your relationship. The way his forehead creases in between his brows - you’ve kissed it away a dozen times in the heat of the moment. The way his pulse beats on the side of his neck, his vein there popping out and becoming more prominent. The short little huffs of breath he inhales, in quick succession - one, two, three, bam, bam, bam, like three shots straight to your heart. It’s your turn to take care of him, the last one standing after he made sure you and Cal got yours.
“Your turn, baby,” you whisper, pulling his forehead down to meet yours, thumbing at the hollows of his cheeks as he begins to tremble and his thrusts turn sloppy. He kisses you again, sucking on your tongue before moving to latch onto your neck. Cal wraps a hand around Austin’s throat, pushing his head back and squeezing just enough for his eyes to widen and his mouth to pop open. His blue eyes darken and you think he’s going to put his mouth on you again, but he bypasses you and goes straight for Callum’s collarbone, his perfect, white teeth sinking into Callum’s lovely English skin and biting down, hard. Cal yelps but doesn’t let go of Austin’s neck, and that’s when you feel it, your belly filled with warmth again as Austin pulses and twitches inside you, a stuttered moan muffled into the crook of Callum’s shoulder. He collapses on top of you and Callum, completely and utterly spent, the three of you breathing heavily and unable to move for a few moments. You squirm a tiny bit, trying to take a deep breath with one man plastered to your front and another to your back.
Austin gets the hint and lifts himself back up on shaky arms, slipping out of you with a squelch. You gasp one final time, at the sudden loss of him, and a cold emptiness is left where he once filled you to the brim, almost to breaking. The coldness is replaced quickly by a gushing warmth spilling out of you. You feel Callum suck in a breath, his broad chest expanding beneath you, his right arm still wrapped tightly around your chest.
“Christ, it’s running down my balls,” he wheezes out, taking another shuddering breath.
Austin braces himself against the headboard and slowly disentangles himself, flopping limply beside you on the bed. He looks at you and Cal still entwined, his eyes moving from both of your faces flushed with heat, down to Callum’s arm still tightly wrapped around you, one large, meaty hand gripping your breast, his middle finger absentmindedly pressing the sensitive bud of your nipple down. Austin sucks in breath after breath, and his eyes travel lower, to your legs still splayed wide over Callum’s sturdy thighs, his softening cock still nestled deep inside you, the spend of both men slowly dripping out of you. A sudden flash of possessiveness roars through him - for you, for Callum. For the sacred thing he has with both of you. His face goes numb and his ears start to ring. But it’s gone as quickly as it appeared.
“What is it, Aus?” you whisper, stretching out a hand to him. He looks forlorn, alone on the other side of the bed, his vulnerable face a mix of emotions crashing together all at once, lost and unsure, the gravity of everything settling on his shoulders like a blanket.
“Come back to us.” Your fingertips barely reach to brush his bronzed chest, the little blonde hairs soft against your skin. “Please.”
He lets out a breath you didn’t realize he was holding and crawls back over, wrapping his arms around you both and collapsing on top of you again. You’re hilariously squished in the middle of a bear hug now, both men squeezing with all their might, a strange show of masculinity to mask true feelings.
“I can’t breathe….” you manage between giggles. Callum lets out a soft chuckle in your ear, his breath warm against your cheek as his arm shifts beneath you. He digs his fingers into Austin’s armpit and wiggles them around none too gently. Austin bucks against you and squeaks out an uncharacteristically high laugh, trying to squirm out of Cal’s grasp, but it’s too strong and Austin’s body feels like jelly just now.
“Hey! Hey hey, no fair…you know I hate… being… tickled…” Austin grunts out, trying desperately to writhe out of this strange embrace.
Bright, cheerful sunshine spills onto the hotel room floor and across the bed, where it has no right to be at this ungodly hour. It shines in unabashedly, through drapes you forgot to close properly in all of your horny desperation. A little sliver of verdant green Hollywood hills is the only signal from the outside world. In here, somewhere between sleeping and waking, in that hazy early morning dreamland, you register Austin tucked up close behind you, his knees pushing the backs of yours and his warm, heavy arm slung over your waist. This is how you wake up every morning and you scoot your bottom back, into the cradle of his hips, momentarily unaware of the pulverization of your insides. But scenes from last night play out like a clip reel inside your head almost as soon as you’re conscious. You squeeze your eyes tight, refusing to give the sun its due. You stretch your legs gingerly, wiggling your toes against Austin’s, and take stock of things. There’s the obvious ache between your legs - more of a throbbing fire, if the truth is to be told. Your nipples seem to remember the previous evening’s activities as well because they immediately harden and stand at attention. And you can’t feel them yet but you’re pretty sure you have a few bruises, too. Ah well, you think as you yawn lazily, that’s what makeup is for.
You blink one eye open (it’s so bright in here!) and the first thing you encounter is a massive arm right next to your nose, tiny, golden hairs glinting in the sunlight. The second thing you see is Cal, on his belly and sans sheets or clothes, his lush and muscular bottom swelling above the white duvet beneath him. His adorable face is pressed into the pillow next to yours, dark curls swirling across his forehead and day’s worth of stubble dots his jaw. He feels your eyes on him, he’s only been snoozing for a bit, waiting for you two to wake up. He cracks one bright, blue eye open and stares back at you a moment. He senses a rush of what he feels everytime he sees you but this time it’s magnified by endearment and gratitude. Then, his face lights up, still smushed into the pillow and a massive, squinty grin splits his face. Your heart gives a funny little leap inside your chest and you find that your fingers are caressing his cheek softly, of their own volition and you resist the urge to kiss the little freckle under his mouth. He grabs your hand and kisses your fingertips, holding them to his warm lips as he smiles. And suddenly, any worry about things being weird has evaporated, as has any possibility of him being a third wheel. He just belongs.
“Hey! Quit making goo-goo eyes at my girl.” Austin’s gravelly morning voice rumbles from behind you playfully, and quick as lightning the arm still draped around your waist reaches over and smacks Callum’s ass, hard. The slap echoes around the room and you see the pale flesh of his bottom bounce and reverberate with the force of it. Cal, and his red, pillow creased face, jolts forward, yelling and jerking in the sheets, which in turn rubs his raw cock. This causes a chain reaction of events which results in him immediately pulling a sore muscle and flopping back down on the bed, moaning and rubbing his reddening backside.
“No fair, bruv,” he groans into the pillow. “That was too fuckin’ close to my balls.”
Austin chuckles and swats your ass gently for good measure. Slowly, everyone starts to shift and stir. First there are whines about soreness and muscles. Then about how sticky it all is. Then about who’s gonna order room service - but more pressingly, who’s gonna walk to the mini bar and grab a water. And then there’s an argument about who’s voice is less hoarse to call for the food - this ends up being you, hilariously. Then there’s moaning arguments about who is intact enough to wobble to the door and tip the server. In between massive amounts of doting and fretting over you, obviously. The boys are ever attentive, fluffing your pillows and making sure you’re comfortable while they feed you omelets and sausage and pancakes until your energy is restored. Over breakfast in bed, the arguments continue about who’s more bruised up - there’s a nasty bite mark on Cal’s collarbone but the fingerprints around Austin’s neck are a fair rival. There’s a panicked and very male discussion about emergency rooms when you admit you can barely move. But you manage to convince them that a nice, hot soak in the tub would do you wonders right about now. So Austin goes to draw you a bath while Callum helps you out of bed, wrapping a protective arm around your waist, and guiding you to the bathroom.
Twenty minutes later you’re starting to feel somewhat restored and a little more like yourself. The boys take turns showering, getting ready for the screening event later today. They go about it quietly though, almost reverently, leaving you to relax in peace. You turn the hot water on again, you’ve soaked so long it’s turning tepid but you’re not ready to relinquish this luxury. You ask Austin to bring you your makeup kit, eying the marks on both of them that need covering up. First Austin, then Callum, one after the other they kneel beside the tub in only their dress pants, chest and feet still bare. There are bruises and hickies and bite marks on clavicles and necks and wrists. Poor Callum, with his delicate, reactionary British skin has what looks like beard burn over half his chest and up the side of his throat. You turn sideways in the fancy clawfoot bathtub, gingerly dabbing concealer here and there, doing the best you can to cover up any evidence of last night's revels. Austin sits patiently, a towel underneath his knees to buffer the hard tile floor, and watches you with his kind, enigmatic ocean eyes. They’re distracting, those eyes, as they watch your face, every blink and every smile.
“What is it, Aus? Something on your mind?” you finally murmur, unable to take such naked contemplation any longer.
“You’re incredible, you know that?” He smooths the hair back from your forehead, rubbing a silky piece between his fingers. “I’m so lucky.”
Callum slouches against the doorway and lets out a quiet hum. “I think you mean we’re lucky, mate. The three of us.”
Tagging some Austin & Callum lovers I know: @jelliedonut @crazymadpassionatelove @elvisabutler @slowsweetlove @stylespresleyhearted @steph-speaks @blurredcolour @pearlparty
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"The unhatched egg metaphors. The constant anxiety and insecurity. The Zwei ID art where she looks like a gay librarian. The scene in Hell's Chicken where Ryoshu's team is all women oh and Sinclair too. The cute little Faelantern dress... it is my belief that Sinclair will only reach full self-actualization once she realizes she's a girl. This goes for the Sinclair from Demian (1919) too but I don't know as much about that one." - Anonymous
"okay. where the hell do I start.
Sinclair (Limbus Company) is based directly off of Sinclair (Demian - this will come up in a minute), and is a largely withdrawn, melancholic "boy" whose associated imagery is an egg and breaking out of a shell (again - more in a minute), and characters comment sometimes that she seems like she has an inner turmoil/darkness to her. a couple of her outfits just straight up look like mid-transition fits. her appearance in the album art for the song used in her chapter (itself based on the painting described below) is one of the most #girl things imaginable Sinclair from the source text (Demian)
1. struggles with her parents' expectations for her, and her increasing betrayal of those expectations (leading to such lines as "-at times I didn't want the Prodigal Son to repent and be found again. But one didn't dare think this, much less say it out loud.")
2. becomes friends with Demian who, aside from representing a more nuanced take on the black/white logic of point 1, Sinclair regularly remarks how cool it is that Demian's face is kinda feminine
3. begins to view herself as destined to live between two worlds, the light and the dark, human and inhuman, and, interestingly, "man and woman in one flesh". for all this is treated as a fear it's also explicitly stated to be something she desires
4. stops and thinks one day in college "perhaps I am not like other men?"
5. sees some random pretty girl one day and decides the concept of that pretty girl must be the path to return to the world of light/salvation. she learns to paint just to paint this girl and doesn't get it perfectly accurate but is pleased nonetheless. she becomes obsessed with this painting and stares at it while falling asleep before eventually realizes that the painting actually resembles herself, not as she feels she is but "-what determined [her] life, it was [her] inner self, [her] fate ... what the woman [she] would love would look like if ever [she] were to love one. That's what [her] life and death would be like..." - she eventually burns the painting and eats the ashes, y'know normal "girl who hasn't realized it yet" behavior
6. throughout the entire book she has visions relating to and is tied to imagery of eggs and birds escaping their shells to take flight" - Anonymous
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dalchiid · 10 months
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𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 48
A story of obsession, fear, and lust. You're a maid whose Masters forbid you in meeting their guests for the night but your luck runs dry when you run into them and catch the attention of Lord Hoseok himself. He's smitten from the beginning and thus, your fate has been decided.
Pairing: Yandere Vampire Hoseok x Fem/AFAB Reader
Word Count: 7,883
Warnings: 18+, Yandere, Obsession, Possessive, Angst, Fear, Blood, Biting, Dub-Con, Eventual smut
Will add or remove warnings based on what's in each chapter.
I do not condone the behavior being exhibited in my work. This is solely for entertainment purposes and I hope if any of you are ever in a situation like this that you have the chance and ability to run away from it. Take care out there.
DO NOT copy, edit, or repost my work anywhere.
Chapter 48 Warnings: Yandere, Possessive, Obsession
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It's been a couple of days where it's mostly just been you and Hoseok. The next day after the first night Hoseok and some of his brothers went to restock was awkward to say the least. Of course Namjoon was there during breakfast and you didn't dare look at him lest you'd feel your heart break all over again. If anyone at the table could hear the way your heart was beating they didn't say and you appreciate that.
That same day all the brothers needed to go to finish restocking. Hoseok told you it can take anywhere from two to four days but they worked hard to make sure it was just two days. Since there was no one there to watch over you Hoseok brought you to the warehouse where work took place. You felt intimidated by it all and wanted nothing to do with it but you had no choice.
You were sat in a room with all of the brothers doing work. It was bizarre seeing them collect their saliva but what was even more bizarre was how much of it they could produce without needing to refresh their mouths. It was non stop and then you realized how they could easily stock up within a few days. Just vials upon vials of it.
You made the mistake at one point of looking at all the guys including Namjoon who winked at you. It soured your mood. Taehyung picked up on it you know because he asked if you were okay. You had to lie and say you were under everyone's, especially Hoseok's, watchful eye.
You were glad when they were done. Not only were you bored but you hated it in the warehouse because it was a reminder of where you were at in life with Hoseok keeping you under his thumb with just a kiss of his lips.
Now a few days later you lie in bed with Hoseok curled up around you. Just another day where you wake up in his arms after spending your nights with him in bed.
You haven't heard from Minjeong and you haven't made the effort to text her. You believed she was busy and that she'll find the time for you soon enough. When that was you weren't sure but you hoped it would be soon.
As for Hoseok, he slowly stirs to life no doubt after feeling you move as you try and get comfortable. His arm around your waist pulls you closer to him as he stretches his legs behind you. Little by little he comes to before you feel him push your hair to the side so he can kiss the back of your neck.
"Morning, baby."
You don't say anything but you sigh as you stretch yourself.
He hums when you're done and holds you close to his chest.
Silence fills the room while Hoseok presses his lips gently over and over on your neck and shoulder. Neither of you are in a hurry to get up but for different reasons. Him because he's enjoying this and you because you just want to hide away in bed. That killing blow Namjoon landed on you really did a number on your heart. Hoseok has asked you before if you were okay. He can tell something is wrong but you don't dare tell him. You're worried Yoongi's words will come true about Hoseok locking you away in this very room. You're afraid you'll be a drugged up mess like Minjeong and you don't want that. You doubt the drugs he used on Minjeong are anything like his saliva and the idea of you being stuck in his room uselessly doesn't strike you well.
Hoseok's kisses slowly grow from gentle to open mouthed and you can feel him marking you with his teeth. It makes you flinch a little but it shortly comes to an end when there's a knock on the door.
Hoseok sighs. "Come in."
The door opens to reveal Yoongi who doesn't shy away from yours and Hoseok's forms curled up in bed.
"Get up," he says. "We're going shopping."
You guess he's talking to Hoseok but when he directs his sights onto you your brows furrow.
"We're as in who?" Hoseok asks.
"Me and Y/N."
The vampire behind you sits up on one arm as his other keeps you close.
"Wait, wait, wait," he says. "You and Y/N are going shopping? Where? And what about me? What's going on?"
Yoongi cocks his hip out as he settles his weight onto one leg and crosses his arms. "You owe me after ruining our movie night. This is how I want you to make up for it."
Hoseok grumbles something under his breath. You figure Yoongi catches on to it because he raises a brow.
"You didn't even ask if I would be okay with it. What if I had plans with her today?"
"Do you have plans?" Yoongi asks.
Hoseok huffs. "Not entirely, but still."
Standing up straight Yoongi looks you over for a moment before looking back at his brother.
"Just give us today. I promise I'll bring her back safe and sound."
You turn to see Hoseok has a frown on his face. He doesn't look the least bit pleased. He didn't have an issue with you going out with his other brothers before so you wouldn't expect him to have a problem now. It doesn't change the fact that he looks annoyed.
This will be the first time you hang out with Yoongi outside of the house and you find yourself wanting for this to happen. To be honest, besides just waking up and feeling a little tired you were kind of hoping to spend the rest of your day in bed but now with Yoongi here you're willing to step out for him.
You look at the older of the two and see as he gives you an unreadable look. Clearly Hoseok and him are brothers because they oftentimes have this look and you have a hard time guessing what it means.
Biting your lip you turn in place to stare up at Hoseok and tug on the front of his shirt. He looks down at you at the feel of it with his brows furrowed in question.
"Can I," you ask. "I promise I'll be back."
Your voice is soft and the sound of it seems to soothe him a little because his features soften a bit. Still though, he bites his bottom lip nervously and you watch as the blood beneath the petal grows constricted.
"If it bothers you that much we can try another time." Yoongi says. "I just don't know when I'll find the time and energy to do it again."
Hoseok gives his brother a quick unreadable look before looking down at you and sighing.
"Just gives us a minute to get ready. And I want breakfast in her before you take her."
You look at Yoongi and he shrugs. "Fine by me. Just bring your purse with you, Y/N." He nods your way before stepping out leaving you alone with Hoseok once again.
Hoseok is still staring at you and so when you look at him again you're less than startled. His eyes roam over your face and you find yourself staring back.
He sighs again and closes his eyes. He seems to be fighting with himself about something but you don't know what. You have an inkling it has something to do with Yoongi but what exactly about his brother you're not sure so you ask.
"What's wrong?"
He opens his eyes to look at you and gives you a small smile. "I'm just a little worried."
He licks his lips before kissing your own. "I was hoping you'd stay with me today."
Your brows furrow by the slightest bit. "Is that something to be worried about?"
Chuckling he shakes his head. "No I - It's nothing serious I just..." He frowns and pouts. "Don't let this be the last time I see you."
You don't know how to take that. The day will come where you will leave and Hoseok will have to deal with it. His words actually make you nervous because you know it won't be easy but with the help of Minjeong and Yoongi you'll have to fight. You'll have to try.
You don't want to think about this right now and you don't want Hoseok suspecting a thing so you do something that you might regret later on but hope he takes it the right way.
Leaning up you kiss him quickly before lying your head back down. "It won't be."
A dopey smile warms his face before he leans down to kiss you. His lips move slowly over yours and for a second that you think he'll deepen it he pulls back with a heart shaped smile.
"Let's get ready."
You hum and follow after him when he stands up. It's in the bathroom where he readies the water temperature, the two of you already undressed with your mouths washed, does he speak to you.
"Rarely does Yoongi want to go out shopping. He usually does that online. I'm assuming he's either getting something for Jimin's birthday or for himself that he can't wait on and decided to string you along." He looks back at you and reaches a hand out for you to take. "I'll be waiting for you here. I'll be working but I'll come off early so we can do something nice between us after."
You nod your head. "I'm sure it won't take long."
Hoseok pulls you in to the shower with him and lets you get wet first so he wash your hair. "I hope not."
Despite how nervous he was earlier Hoseok now seems to be in better spirits. You guess it has something to do with the kiss you gave him. It's not your usual tactic of defense but he liked it and that's all that matters. It gets the man to calm down and set him into a mood where you know he won't be bothering you and Yoongi.
When the two of you are ready you both head down to the dining room where Seokjin and Namjoon are waiting with Yoongi as well. Your eyes avoid Namjoon but you nod your head in greeting when Seokjin says your name.
"Can you believe this," he says. "Yoongi is joining us this morning. What a pleasant surprise."
Hoseok sits you down before taking his own seat. "Him and Y/N are heading out somewhere today."
"Oh?" Seokjin's curiosity is laced in that one word. "Where to?"
"Wouldn't you like to know." Yoongi doesn't pose it as a question.
"Actually I would like to know." Seokjin leans over to rest his chin onto his open hand.
You look at Yoongi who tugs down on his long sleeves after they were rolled up to his elbows. He pushes his plate away and takes a sip of his drink before putting it down. He's in no rush to answer his brother.
"I'm sure it's something for Jimin." Hoseok says.
"Either that or he's going to run away with Y/N."
All eyes draw over to Namjoon who eyes you. He smirks when he catches your sights and even more so when you flex your jaw.
"Why would you say that?" Hoseok sounds annoyed. His hand reaches yours and holds on to it tight leaving you without a choice to grab anything.
Namjoon shrugs. His smirk simmers into something else. "It's just a joke is all."
"Well it's not funny."
"Far from it." Your lips move to agree with Hoseok and it seems that you speaking to him just makes Namjoon's smile grow wider.
"Sorry," he says followed by the word "princess" being mouthed towards you.
It makes you grit your teeth in annoyance before looking down at the empty space before you.
Those words were the first time in a while since you last spoke to him. You've been quiet or ignoring him for the most part and if anyone showed interest as to why they didn't show it. You're actually surprised Seokjin didn't shove his nose into your business and tried to dig up the reason why you've been so quiet when it came to his brother. Either he didn't care which you hardly believed or... he might know something you don't.
You look at the oldest and catch him watching you. His eyes are studying your every move as if he's waiting for something to happen. Your eyes widen the slightest bit at the idea that Namjoon must have told him something but all it does is make Seokjin smile around the lip of his glass as he brings it up to his lips to drink.
"Well if it matters to any of you I had Jimin fitted for a set of rings a while back. They should be ready for pickup and I'm going to present them to him for his birthday. That and there's some music equipment in stock that I want to check out." Yoongi doesn't sound the least bit interested in letting anyone know of his plans but he says it to ease the tension in the room. "I just invited Y/N over to make up for our movie night Hoseok walked in on."
"That's nice of you." Seokjin says.
"More like the movie night I "ruined."" Hoseok says with air quotes. "Your words not mine."
Yoongi shrugs as you're presented your breakfast.
Hoseok releases your hand then to allow you to grab your utensils and begin eating. Your fingers ache after having been held tightly in his and you find you have to flex them a little so you can regain some feeling into them.
"Y/N really has become a fixture in this family." Seokjin says after another sip of his drink. "It's nice to have her. Even nicer that Hoseok permits her presence around us."
Hoseok chews a little before speaking around his breakfast. "I don't see why not. None of you have ever made me feel threatened when it comes to her."
"Hm. If you say so."
Your eyes zero in on Seokjin who tries to act nonchalant though you know something else is wrong.
Your fork vibrates against your plate as your hand begins to shake. It takes a hand to your thigh to calm you down but you realize it's not Hoseok.
You look down at it briefly to see that it's Yoongi's. He squeezes you and lets you go after a second. He did it to comfort you you realize and it hits you that he has an idea that's similar to yours. Seokjin knows something.
You lick your lips and risk the chance of looking at Namjoon. He isn't looking your way - his view preferably on his plate of food. You wonder if he had the balls to tell Seokjin about you two. You doubt it but at the same time with the eldest's attitude you realize that he must have told him something.
It's hard for you to eat then and Hoseok seems to notice.
"Where's your appetite, baby? You need to eat."
Your eyes flicker over to him momentarily and back to your plate. "I know it's just taking me some time."
"Eat as much as you can. I don't want you leaving without a full stomach."
You swallow deeply before going for another mouthful.
Hoseok still doesn't know anything and you don't plan for that to change any time soon. If Namjoon wants to spill on everything after you leave that's on him but not when you're still here and vulnerable.
Despite the need to stop you eat. Both because you want Hoseok off your back about it and because you were hungry before Seokjin and Namjoon opened their mouths. It takes you a bit but you manage to eat almost all of it.
Yoongi is waiting patiently by your side while scrolling through his phone. When you lie your utensils down his head turns towards you with an eyebrow perked.
"Done," he asks.
You hum around the food in your mouth before swallowing. "Yeah."
Hoseok is still eating but he turns towards you with a small frown. "Drink your juice."
You take the glass without question and drink as much as possible. When you're done he looks a little more appeased.
"Are you ready to go?" Yoongi asks as he begins to stand up.
Nodding your head you look at Hoseok who grabs your arm. His eyes bare weight to them as he looks over your face.
"Be careful," he says. "And have fun." He pulls you in close to him so he can kiss you.
The kiss is short but he leaves his mark on you all the same. Reminding you and everyone around you that you're owned by him. It tastes bitter to you but you say nothing.
You join Yoongi who stands by the door and walk out with him from the dining room without a word.
He continues to stay in silence as he walks you through the halls. Even when he grabs a set of keys from the front and takes you to the garage.
You're a little excited nonetheless to be leaving the house and with Yoongi at that. You've grown close to the quiet vampire who you know if given the chance will talk your head off when he finds something he likes. You don't mind it though. Both sides of Yoongi are sweet to you.
Once in the garage he unlocks his car letting the both of you in. The interior is black and sleek with the windows tinted and it hides you away from prying eyes.
He turns on the car once you're both settled and when he opens the garage door and then the gate he begins to talk.
"What's your bank called?"
Your brows furrow for a moment before they raise up your forehead. "KC Bank. Why?"
He brings his phone up and hands it to you. "Type it in. We're heading over there first."
You take his phone and enter it into the search bar and see a list of locations. The closest one though makes you frown though because it's 45 minutes away.
"Uh," you start. "The closest is 45 minutes."
"That's fine." He points to the phone holder set up on the dashboard. "Start up the GPS and put it here."
You do just that before nibbling your lips in silent thought.
He wants to head to your bank? Is this about the escape plan? You ask him just that and he hums.
"We're going to get your money out. It's best you use cash. We don't want anyone to track you if you use your card. Hoseok may not know you have your account still but if he gets an idea it won't stop him from asking the Baeks about it and I doubt they'd be willing to withhold the information from my brother."
Ah, you think. He's smart. You didn't really think about that. You did plan on taking money out but if an ATM can keep track of your use of it you wouldn't want that to happen.
"You might have to pay people under the table to keep quiet about your location as well."
You look at him with mild confusion. "For what?"
He makes a right to head off an exit that leads onto a highway. "My brother isn't an idiot. He'd figure out someone is hiding you but you need people to keep quiet. Pay them what you can off the record in cash and they won't have to worry about the taxes that come with doing things the legal way. That'll keep them quiet."
You stay quiet as you take all the information in.
It's like Yoongi either has done this before or he's done his research. You don't know what he helped do for Minjeong besides help her leave. She comes from a well-off family so you figure they helped her. So maybe all of this he's explaining is just for you. He looked it up to help you out.
"Has Minjeong texted you?"
You shake your head though he can't see it. "I haven't heard from her for a few days."
"Hm. She's probably just busy looking for a rehab for you. Once she has an answer let me know."
You're worried to be honest. What if the plan falls through? Even with Yoongi and Minjeong doing all of this how will you get out? You doubt Yoongi is going to drive all the way out to Minjeong to help you escape. Yeah. That makes you wonder.
"How am I going to get out," you ask.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean how am I going to get to Minjeong? She lives so far away."
Yoongi switches lanes as he continues to listen to both you and the GPS. When he gets around a couple of cars he answers you.
"We'll have her send a driver out and have them meet us at a specified location."
"Is that what you did for Minjeong? If so how did you get someone to get her out? Unless you drove her yourself?"
He shakes his head. "It's not that hard to get in contact with noblemen. Especially if you're one too. I sent a plea out to the Lees and they sent someone. I drove two hours out to meet them and they handled the rest."
"What about the servants? How did you get her out without getting caught?"
"Turns out Seokjin isn't the only one who can make bribes."
Wow, you think. This is a lot but you feel assured by Yoongi's words. He's really thought this through. How lucky are you to have him in your life? What would you have done without him? You would have just had your shitty original plan that you were too afraid to commit to. Yoongi is really coming through for you and going against his brother at that. The idea of it all still makes you nervous but at least you have someone to help back you up.
The rest of your time in the car together is met with conversation regarding other things. He seemed to notice you were growing shaky with your thoughts still swimming around the what-ifs regarding this plan and so he changed the topic for your sake. You appreciated it and when you least expected it you reach the bank.
You look at the building and take a deep breath in to hold. When it feels like you're calming down you release it. Okay. This is it.
"You ready?" Yoongi asks.
"Then let's go."
The both of you unbuckle and exit out of the car. You go to stand in front of the car and wait for Yoongi who goes to grab something from the back seat. You wonder what it is and when he rounds to the front locking his car doors your brow raises at the large seemingly empty duffle bag he's holding.
He doesn't look at you but he can tell you have a question on the tip of your tongue.
"For the money," he says.
He looks around and when he deems it safe the two of you enter the building.
There aren't a lot of people here which is great. You're able to walk straight to the front desk where Yoongi handles everything.
"What can I help you with, my Lord." The lady at the front welcomes him with a smile.
"I need to withdraw money. Is there anyone that can help me with that?"
"Of course someone can help with that."
All three of your attention is brought to an older woman who walks up to the desk. She smiles as she clasps her hands together in front of her. She looks happy to see Yoongi and you wonder if it's because she's a fan or someone who knows she can get something out of him.
"Lead the way." Yoongi says and her smile grows wider.
"Follow me then."
The two of you follow after the woman through a door that leads to a hall. It's short and with a quick left you enter a room that's decorated with personal items.
"I'm Dorothy Wane." The woman says as she closes the door behind you. "You said you needed to withdraw money, correct?"
"Yes." Yoongi agrees.
"Can I ask why you couldn't use the ATM?"
She points to the chairs in front of her desk asking for you to sit while she takes her seat behind it.
"We're taking all the money out."
"Ah," she says. Her wide smile simmers down to a smaller one. "I can help with that then." She begins to type something into her computer before directing her attention to Yoongi again. "I'm going to need some information from you."
Yoongi nods to you. "It's her account."
Dorothy's eyes widen the slightest bit as she looks at you. Not in a way to say she was surprised but it's done in mild interest.
"I'm going to need some information from you, sweetie."
"Okay," you say softly. "But just know my account was started by my former employers. I hope that won't be a problem?" You worry your hands between each other.
"Her former employers are the Baeks."
You look at Yoongi then back at Dorothy with a nod.
The older woman raises a brow before placing her hands on the desk away from her keyboard.
"If that's the case I'm going to need them to be here."
Your brows draw together in worry.
"I'm sorry but that's not a possibility." Yoongi rests the bag on the floor before him.
"I'm sorry but I can't help you."
You quickly look at Yoongi but he doesn't seem the least bit concerned. He leans back a bit in his chair and crosses his legs with an elbow resting on the arm of the chair. He's silent for a moment as he watches Dorothy and she watches him though after a moment she starts to grow uncomfortable under his stare.
"What's more important to you," he questions. "The rules or your job?"
Whatever remained of a smile on her face slips away in one quick motion. "I beg your pardon?"
Yoongi's eyebrow ticks up in a way that in of itself it states "You heard me."
She looks between you two and you try your best to keep a neutral look on your face.
You see her breathing pick up a little as she shakes her head. "I'm not answering this-"
"You have no choice." Yoongi interrupts. "I'll make sure you never do."
Dorothy's eyes water a little as her lips open and close like a fish out of water. "If people find out I helped you besides the fact that I shouldn't I could lose my job."
"Who's to say you won't lose it now because I said so?"
Your stomach turns uncomfortably at Yoongi's words. He wouldn't get this woman fired, right? Though you know why he's doing it it doesn't change the discomfort that you feel.
Dorothy looks down at her hands on the table that shake. She turns them into fists to keep her cool. She knows that with Yoongi's power she could lose everything. Even if she does things right. Her bottom lip trembles before she swallows deeply and purses her lips to get them to stop trembling. You're starting to feel bad for her and you're about to tell Yoongi to let it go when she speaks out loud.
"If I help you, I need you to help me."
"And what would you need help with?"
She doesn't look confident in herself at all but she tries to play it cool. "If you want your money then you'll have to pay me for it."
"What," you begin to ask incredulously but Yoongi holds a hand up towards you to get you to stay quiet.
"Money isn't a problem," he says. "The question is will you do it and will you keep quiet about it?"
Her brow raises in interest. "There are cameras here, you know?"
"Nothing a quick wipe can't do for that. I'm sure the security guard on watch wouldn't mind to be paid on the side either."
She seems to ponder on his requests for a moment. You look at her as she looks to the side avoiding your gaze and you can practically see the thoughts flitting through her head. Yoongi doesn't rush her and you remain quiet until she looks over to Yoongi then you.
"Tell me what you have and we'll make a deal."
Yoongi looks at you as you do him. He waves his hand at you with a nod.
"Go on. Show her."
Without a minute to waste you take out your phone and access your bank account. When the app loads after logging in you're face to face with the amount and you show it to her.
"It's $80,396," you say. "It's all I have."
Dorothy's face visibly brightens at the numbers staring back at her. A small smile grows on her lips as she leans back in her seat.
"Well?" Yoongi asks.
The woman parts her lips after licking them. "How much will you give me?"
Yoongi stares her down as he tries to come up with an answer. Either that or he's gauging what her reaction might be after his offer.
"$20,000," she counters.
She sucks her teeth a little. "$15,000."
"Five and you get to keep your job."
She seems to have forgotten that her job was on the line here. She huffs but she knows she doesn't have a choice.
"What about the security guard?"
Yoongi rests his other elbow on the other arm of the chair and steeples his fingers. "That's up to you. It's coming out of your cut."
Her lips part in an indignant surprise. You could tell she wants to fight on this but Yoongi isn't giving her much of a choice. Her job still hangs in the balance.
She looks off towards the side as she mulls this through. She's going to be risking a lot for you. If it weren't for the money would it all be worth it?
"I need an answer-"
"I'll do it," she interrupts Yoongi with a firm voice.
Your eyes widen as you look between her and Yoongi. "Really?"
Dorothy nods but nibbles her bottom lip in small worry. Like she just made a deal with the devil but was it a fair deal to begin with?
She accesses her computer again and tries to remain calm as she talks to you. "I should be able to access your account despite the Baeks being unavailable. I just need your resident registration number but first I need for you to scan your card through there." She points to a small machine at the end of the desk. It has a little screen and it's littered with numbers and so when you pull out your card you hesitate because you don't know how to use it.
You can feel Yoongi's eyes on you and you look back at him.
"Sorry I don't... I don't know how to use this."
Dorothy gives you an incredulous look but you try to ignore it. Your sheltered life at the Baeks becomes all the more apparent right now and you hate it. Despite the woman giving you an off look Yoongi doesn't seem to judge you as he leans forward to point something out.
"You see where that slit is? You run the black strip on your card through it."
You look down at the card and the realization behind the usage for the strip makes sense to you now. You're about to do as he said but he stops you with a gentle hand.
"Flip it the other way."
"Oh." Your face grows a little warm with embarrassment as you flip the card and run it through the machine.
It beeps and from there Dorothy waits until your information pops up on her screen.
"Okay," she says as she clicks on some things. "What's your resident registration number?"
You tell her the string of numbers you have memorized and she loads the information up on her keyboard. It takes a series of clicks before she can access what she needs and when she does her eyes light up. No doubt after seeing the amount in your account on screen.
"I'll drain your account now and I'll send the information for out back where I can gather the money for you. Anything else you need for me to do before I do this?"
"Delete the account."
You whip your head towards Yoongi. "But what if I need it for the future?" The future after you're finally free from Hoseok.
He shakes his head. "The Baeks are a part of your past. Let's keep it that way. You can always create a new account here or somewhere else where you don't have to worry about the risk of the Baeks terminating your account out of spite."
You slowly nod as you come to accept what he's saying.
He's right. It's the smartest thing to do, honestly. Change isn't something you enjoy but this is for the best.
Dorothy clears her throat and after another series of clicks she speaks. "It's done. I'll get the money now and I'll delete your account after."
She goes to stand up but before she can leave Yoongi calls to her. She pauses by the desk and you watch as he stands to hand her the duffle bag. Grabbing it she goes to walk away but Yoongi holds on tight.
"Not a cent missing." His tone is threatening and the message seems to get through to her because she gulps.
He releases the bag and lets the older woman scurry out. When the two of you are alone he takes his seat and leans back.
You look at Yoongi who sits in silence but it's too deafening for you to deal with.
"Did you - were you actually going to have her fired?"
The vampire doesn't say anything at first. You think he's just going to keep quiet and ignore you but he sighs.
"If you're upset about it then I'm sorry. It was either we get your money out or you'd deal with either Minjeong or I supporting you financially. Not that we would have a problem with that but I doubt you would have liked it."
You hum.
No you wouldn't have liked that. To know that after all those years of hard work and you won't be able to touch your money, possibly, never again didn't sit right with you. And even though you wish he wouldn't have threatened her you know he was left with little options.
You wonder, if this were any of the other brothers in the family would you have tolerated their actions as much as you did Yoongi's just a few minutes ago? You tell yourself it's because he's a good person and sometimes good people have to do bad things. That's all. You think you should stop thinking about it because if you don't it'll consume you.
It takes some time for Dorothy to come back. Enough time where you're left feeling anxious. Questions running through your head like "Will she come back?" or "Is she going to call someone to help her out?" Then again who can help her against someone like Lord Yoongi? The police certainly wouldn't. Yoongi has to tell you to stop and calm down because he can hear your heart rattling like crazy in your chest. If he weren't so confident that things would work out you'd probably lose your head.
When the door opens and reveals Dorothy with duffle bag in hand you sigh in relief. Yoongi makes no action whatsoever and just waits for the woman to sit the bag onto the desk with a heavy thud after she struggled getting it in.
"It's all here," she says. She unzips the bag as Yoongi stands up to look and so do you. "I had it counted several times but you're more than welcome to count it yourself."
And Yoongi does. He counts each stack of hundreds until he reaches the amount you said there should be. It takes some time but he does it and he seems pleased with the results right after.
"Here," he says. He pushes some of the stacks towards the older woman that he had separated on the side. "This is yours. Do with it what you will but don't forget the deal. Tell the security guard to wipe everything."
"What if we're questioned about it?" Dorothy asks.
Yoongi shrugs. "Tell them it was a glitch in the system."
You look at Dorothy as she nods and sighs. You can't imagine the amount of pressure she's under right now. Her eyes may have glowed with the money but you still see a bit of hesitancy that wants to come out.
"Thank you," you say.
She looks up at you and sees the sincerity in your eyes. It seems to do something to her because she gives you a small smile.
Without another second to waste Yoongi begins to pile the stacks back into the duffle bag. You're glad he brought a large one because it's a tight fit. Once they're all in he grabs the bag with ease and doesn't look the least bit weighed down by it the way Dorothy did.
"Delete the account," he says. "And then we're done here."
Dorothy brings her monitor back to life with a wave of the mouse and you wait until she nods.
"It's done."
"Then that's all for today. Remember what I said about security."
"I know. I know." She waves her Lord off in a way that isn't disrespectful as it's done tiredly.
Without a second glance back Yoongi turns to leave and you're quick to follow after him. He doesn't say anything as you walk behind him. Anything he wants to say remains in his head until after you both reach the outside.
He unlocks the car and goes to open his trunk. He tucks the duffle bag in the corner and shuts the door before heading to the driver side. You take that as a chance to sit on your side and when the doors are shut does he speak.
"We're keeping the money back there. Until the day you leave comes."
Your brows furrow. "Oh."
He can sense your confusion and as he turns on the car to back up he tells you why.
"We'll look suspicious walking in with that bag and while I can hide it away in my room, if for whatever reason we need to hightail it I'd rather it be ready and waiting for us in the car."
That's a good idea. It makes sense so you don't fight him on it. It served no purpose being in the house and seeing that it's Yoongi's car neither his siblings nor the servants would dare use it.
After setting up the GPS you find yourselves on the highway again. Even though you still feel a little nervous you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders. You've been risking a lot with not putting that money into use but thanks to Yoongi the issue has been taken care of. Now you're just waiting on Minjeong. You hope you hear from her soon so that a final plan can be made. Just the idea of leaving has you a little excited but you try and remain chill to avoid overwhelming yourself with so many emotions.
Yoongi switches lanes before he looks at you then back towards the front. "I can hear the change in your heart beat," he says. "You okay?"
You hum in agreement. "I'm just a little excited is all."
"Don't get too excited. A lot can happen from here until then."
You grow silent after the truth. Anything can happen but you're hoping it goes your way either way.
"I don't mean to spoil the mood but you have to be prepared for anything."
"No, I know. I just can't help it though. We've made more progress together than I ever made on my own." The rest you don't have to say because he catches on.
"Sometimes help is all you need," he says. "It took a while to get here but now you are and as soon as we hear from Minjeong I'll do my best to help you go further on. We just have to find a time when not everyone is home."
That's true. Despite having the money and a rehabilitation center's location soon to be set it doesn't mean you can leave just yet. The idea of it tries to put a damper on your mood but you try to not let it.
The two of you settle for a comfortable silence as he heads towards a jewelry store. The same one he took Jimin to to get fitted for a ring set. It's been finalized and polished and Yoongi was on his way to get them as he said earlier. When you get there there aren't a lot of people so no one looks your way when you step out of the car with Yoongi.
The building is short but wide and when you step inside you're greeted by black walls and floors with glass cases housing a multitude of jewelry. There's a young man behind the counter and he welcomes you in with a bright smile.
"Ah, Lord Yoongi. What can I help you with today?" He looks at you. "Maybe something for your female companion?"
You don't like the way he says that but Yoongi ignores it.
"I'm here to see Antwon. He has something for me."
The young man nods before stepping through the back door. It takes him a minute but when he comes back a burly man with a bright smile and says his greetings.
Yoongi smiles. "You know what I'm here for."
"That I do." Antwon nods. "Come step into the back with me so you can check them out first."
A hand is placed on your lower back as Yoongi helps guide you towards the back. You weren't expecting him to take you with him but you're glad he does. You didn't want to be alone with a stranger.
"You'll love what we did with the rings. Since they're customized for your brother not a single person on this Earth will have the same." The man says.
Yoongi just hums but it just makes Antwon laugh.
You're lead into a room that rivals with the walls and floors of the storefront. They're all white and spotless.
"They're right here."
Your eyes zero in on a small wooden box on a foldable table with a metal plate decorating the top with Jimin's name engraved on it. The letters look delicate and when Antwon goes to open it you see five rings embedded into the velvet lining of the box. Not a single one of the rings designs look the same. Some look a little bulky while the others look dainty. They're all silver and would no doubt look beautiful on Jimin's hands.
Yoongi leans over to check the rings out. He carefully takes each one of them out and inspects them before handing them to Antwon to wipe down before slipping them back into the box. He doesn't say anything while he does this and you're not sure if he's satisfied with what he sees until he nods.
"They look good."
Antwon laughs. "Of course they do. We made them." He closes the box and hands it to Yoongi. "I'm sure your brother will love them."
Yoongi just nods again but it's a good enough answer for the burly man.
"Is there anything else I can help you with? Maybe something," he looks at you. "For the Missus? I can only presume?"
"Sister-in-law." Yoongi says. "And no we're fine."
You feel uncomfortable with the label he gave you. Sister-in-law? You get why he said it but couldn't you just be a friend?
"Ah I see." Antwon says. "Then let's get you out of here. You're more than welcome to come back for anything else you might have in mind."
Yoongi hums and before Antwon could see you out Yoongi slips out of the room with you.
You follow behind him as the two of you leave the building with a goodbye from the young man up front. Yoongi is quick to place the jewelry box in the back seat of his car and you figure these rings have already been paid for.
The two of you hop into the car and as Yoongi starts the car you speak.
He doesn't even look your way as he starts the car. "Yep."
Your brows furrow as you frown.
He knows why you're questioning him on this and so when he leaves the parking spot he tells you.
"It was the best thing to say. I didn't want any assumptions being made about us and it possibly getting to Hoseok's ears. It seems you have forgotten what kind of people my brothers are. We don't need someone like Seokjin to go on telling Hoseok about what the people have to say about us."
Oh. He's right. It still makes you sigh though as you lean back in your seat.
"We don't need Hoseok preventing us to hang out again because of this and risking the chance for me to be with you to help you escape."
And he's right. Again.
Honestly you were enjoying your time with Yoongi. So much so that you almost forgot why you were doing all of this. Keyword being almost. It straightens out your mood and so you don't question Yoongi further on his choice of words.
You haven't done that much so far but your time waiting at the bank makes it feel like you've been out for the majority of the day. You know you still have one more place to go and you don't complain about it. The longer you stay away from his home the better, but you know at some point you do have to go back. Hoseok is expecting you no doubt in a state of tizziness. You think back to the kiss you gave him and the promise that you'll return to him. It was the best thing to do at the time and you wonder if you regret it. Yes and no. You'll always regret showing any sort of affection towards Hoseok but you know this is also you're way of setting the steps towards salvation. The more you make him believe you'll never leave him the lower his guard will be and the easier you can slip away from him without him worrying that you will escape.
Yoongi and Minjeong are doing enough. It's about time you do something to help. If making Hoseok believe you're falling for him will help then for fuck sakes you'll do it.
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theneverendingstars · 10 months
When Moderators Suck
Let's talk about the discord server PandOorah, and Deja Blue and Avatar: Fate Rewritten by association, and how I was kicked from all three because I dared to point out a problem within the mod team. 
More specifically, let's talk about Chelbizzaro and Psiiconic (aka Wife Guy the author of Penumbra on AO3).
I was asked by a handful of anonymous server members on Pandoorah to enter the server and observe Psiiconic’s behavior. By the end of my investigation I confirmed over 10 people had concerns with Psiiconic’s attitude and actions at one point or another and I observed this behavior first hand. The reporting members did not feel comfortable approaching the mod team themselves for fear of repercussions. (And apparently they were right to be fearful because after confronting the issue I was booted from two other servers in which Chel is a moderator. This is presumably the “consequence” for raising my concerns to Chel. More on this later).*
After a couple weeks I approached Chelbizzaro (current owner of PandOorah) on behalf of multiple other server members to flag Psiiconic's pattern of bullying in the form of purposeful exclusion and using his moderator status to intimidate other members. 
A Brief Summary of Psiiconic’s Behaviour:
Psiiconic will continually insert himself into other people’s conversations, not to contribute to the discussion, but to redirect the conversation to topics about him.
Psiiconic regularly hijacks conversations to promote his content or his wife’s content without even acknowledging the topic at hand.
Psiiconic will post writing drabbles in other channels in the middle of unrelated conversations if they aren’t getting attention in the intended channel.
Psiiconic will actively ignore (not acknowledge or engage with) someone else talking about their work or OCs and overtake the conversation by relating every possible thing to his own OCs (or his wife’s OCs), and the pair will often dominate the conversation.
If Psiiconic does engage with other people about their OCs, it’s only to compare and compete (and sometimes put down) with his own OCs.
Psiiconic expects a high level of engagement with his content while not returning that same engagement with other creators in the server.
Psiiconic has made comments bashing how other creators/RPers write the character of Quaritch.
Psiiconic often takes a condescending tone with users discussing theories or lore topics and shuts down other opinions by flashing “credentials”.
I collected and sent Chel a handful of screenshots, as well as the list above, but the screenshots were only taken during my brief stay in the server. I did not include anything from the prior months of messaging, only my brief snapshot so I could speak from my own observation. This was also done intentionally to keep those who had concerns more anonymous. For privacy reasons, I will not include them in this post, but as of today all examples are still present within the Pandoorah discord server. Simply search Psiiconic’s name and follow almost any conversation for examples of the behavior listed above.
Chel insisted that the individuals with the concerns come forward, saying “I don’t bite” and that they didn’t want to rely on hearsay. I encouraged 3 other members to come forward and confirm the concerns I'd raised. In response Chel questioned whether they were "actually bullied". (The answer is yes, they were.)
For definitions of bullying (inclusive of Psiiconic’s behavior, which Chel never acknowledged), please visit: 
Members who came forward also expressed to Chel that they felt unsafe coming forward, and that they tried to avoid Psiiconic in general because they feared “getting snapped at”. Clearly this moderator team doesn’t have a relationship of trust and respect with their server of 60+ members. 
After a long conversation with Chel where I corrected her use of the term “entrapment” and repeated multiple times that the reason nobody came forward is because they were scared of repercussions, I waited for an update. When I was told their mod team had discussed the issue I asked Chel what action would be taken following their mod meeting. Chel asked, “Action?”
Yeah you know. The thing you do when a problem needs to be addressed and resolved. Action. 
I think that response speaks for itself. And by the way: at this time Psiiconic has made no public acknowledgement or apology for his behavior.
*So, I left Pandoorah. Actually, Chel booted me from Pandoorah within a minute of her final message to me before I had a chance to leave. Then, a little bit later, I was removed from Avatar: Fate Rewritten. THEN, a couple hours later, I was removed from Deja Blue. There was no message, warning, or reason given. We already know the reason why.
I’ll tell you what. I wasn't sure I was going to make this post until Chel blatantly abused her power as a moderator and booted me from two unrelated servers. That, combined with the lack of accountability or acknowledgement on the Pandoorah Mod team, is ridiculous. Fuck around and find out I guess.
Chel, something to take into consideration for your development and growth as a person: when your "solution" to someone pointing a problem is to kick them from every server you're a mod on because they dared to confront you on an issue, the problem isn't that person. It's definitely just you. Look inward. Reflect. And maybe, just maaaaybe, one day you might actually have enough self worth and maturity to resolve conflict like a grown up. 
Good luck!
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emmellas · 7 months
... or in other words, an analysis on emma stone's mastery of non-verbal expression during the infamous "g word" news interview as seen in episode 1 of 'the curse' (2023) coupled with a complete analysis of the scene. includes screencaps!
background: the aforementioned scene has certainly been making its rounds across social media platforms, with nathan fielder's immersive portrayal of his character's unnervingly hostile response following what he deemed to be a threat put forth by an inquiring reporter and of his expeditious attempt to save face thereafter garnering quite a bit of praise. however, the more subtle yet equally- or dare i say more so- impressive performance emma stone delivered in order to portray the same emotion as fielder, but with the complex nuances of doing so in simultaneity with a empathetic, warm demeanor and without uttering a single word, no less, has received far less than her fair share of acclaim.
introduction: silence can speak volumes and who better to attest to it than the current best actress frontrunner ahead of the upcoming academy awards, who more recently offered a critically acclaimed turn in director yorgos lanthimos' silent film, 'bleat' (2023)? recently reflecting on her experience working on this film, emma emphatically conveyed her preference for portraying her characters' emo. it is this more limited array of tools coupled with the more undertaking of portraying her character's resolve to in fact suppress the emotions shared with nathan fielder's character that makes emma's performance the standout here.
without further ado, let the analysis begin!
now don't get me wrong: nathan fielder puts forth a commanding performance as the entitled, self-serving wannabe reality tv mogul whose mask of progressivism first falters here during one of myriad performances the self-proclaimed do-gooder (he swears to fucking god!) offers, alongside his equally deplorable wife and business partner, the unwilling audience of española, new mexico: an audience who, mind you, will suffer a far worse fate than unknowingly bearing witness to their deception. indeed, each and every individual within this already marginalized community is immured to the role of a forced volunteer in their "look at how morally admirable we are" skit, and what must these people give up? oh, just a little thing we call human rights given the two encroach upon the town with an intent to gentrify it while paying no mind to whether established residents consent to the intrusion, but more on that later. everyone's a winner, right (sounds about "white")?!
returning to the news interview, a reporter advocating for her community in lieu of the abrupt shift of power dynamics inherent within the couple's perceived entitlement to alter (read: antagonize and destroy) the community as they see fit, voices the concerns of española residents who were exploited at none other than the hands of whitney's parents. now, to a white man unequivocal in his belief that doing what he wishes with no mind to its unjust impact on others is acceptable behavior, this call for accountability might as well have been a declaration of war. indeed, he retaliates against this so-called attack, inflicting a vicious, degrading affront upon the woman for having the audacity to suggest that española residents should have a say in what happens to their community. in the typical flip-flop of events white history- albeit in this case, far more recent history ... a few minutes prior, in fact- has a propensity for undergoing, asher redirects the subject matter to his preferred subject: he and his wife's existence as apparent angels on earth, naturally.
important background about whitney before exploring emma's riveting portrayal: as has been established, emma's character, whitney, harbors the same insatiable desire for social praise and fiscal gains that asher does. as such, she too harbors a sentiment of indignance toward anyone or anything that dare threaten what, in her eyes, she should be inherently entitled to.
this said, it is clear that people are neglecting the elevated complexity of emma's task in the aforementioned scene. from the moment that dehumanizing snap reverberated throughout the thornily atmosphere, of course acting as impetus to whitney’s implosion, emma providers a master class in utilizing the unspoken word- non-verbal expression- to outwardly communicate the utter turmoil vexing every second of her character’s hyperaware state of existence.
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whitney loses control of her inviting demeanor, a once beaming smile now turned to a near grimace, as asher begins to aggressively lecture the reporter.
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no more than a second after her carefully crafted demeanor falters, whitney fully reinstates it, desperate to maintain some semblance of calm to counterbalance asher and mitigate the potential damage this interview could impart on their public image.
integrating every micro-calculation whizzing through whitney’s mind as she assesses the affectivities being expressed around her, an ever-intensifying state of panic regarding the status of the couple’s public perception, and perhaps an even quicker-growing feeling of aggravation at asher's thoughtlessness into a single, riveting display of human emotes, emma readily attests to her indomitability. able to convey in one microscopically held glance or hostile head turn what many do not achieve come the end of a full script, her preternatural ability to capture the immensity that is human life in but a transient moment lends itself heartily to this scene.
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here, whitney appears rather perturbed by asher's continued use of a condescending tone with the reporter: another drop of that attempted hospitable smile.
still, the 3x academy award nominee adds but another profound layer of depth to her portrayal in a brilliant sequestering the aforementioned amalgamatian of emotions to the limited range a woman may appropriately express, per patriarchal ideology, that is. in essence, gender roles assign women the responsibility of maintaining a warm, friendly, unflappable, and meager demeanor no matter the context, none of which described whitney’s state of being at that moment in time. whitney’s unwavering commitment to remaining in the public’s good graces, then, invoked an inherent need to emulate this demeanor in discordance from her true beliefs. to convey this juxtaposition, emma centers an array of behaviors including but limited to twitching, sitting rigidly, breathing rapidly, moving jerkily, and staring intensely for unnervingly long amounts of time around her best attempt at an assured smile and approachable aura, hoping to reinstate the hospitality that had been obliterated by asher’s conflicting hospitality. sure to affirm the audience’s perception of whitney as severely unstable, emma allows whitney’s thinly plastered smile to falter a handful of times; sometimes it occurs abruptly for fleeting moments quick enough to miss in the blink of an eye. other times, the feigned expression fades gradually over the course of a couple of seconds until suddenly reanimating as though she’d been plugged back into performance mode. suffice it to say, emma’s first emmy nomination seems…written in stone.
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igotanidea · 2 years
Counterparts: Morpheus x OC chapter 11
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Prologue Chapter 1 : sometimes reality sucks Chapter 2 :Welcome back to reality Chapter 3: A rough nightmare Chapter 4 : crumbling Chapter 5: Falling to pieces Chapter 6: Reunited Chapter 7: Remedies Chapter 8 : The Fates Chapter 9 : On the verge Chapter 10: Opposing sides
I know you have waited long enough :D
Chapter 11
Hell is a place you believe in
Here we are. Standing on a hill in an empty and depressing place like Hell is. Being as old as I am (do not forget I am a reality) I can clearly recall how much the names of this place has changed throughout the history. Avernus. Tartarus. Hades. Funny how people can be attached to terminology.
“So Hell does exist” Matthew turns around a bit nervous, judging by his behavior. I do not blame him. If it wasn’t for the fact that I’ve been here once before I would probably freak out too. And even despite that I was feeling uneasy. After all Hell exists out of reality. 
“It does. For some.” Morpheus explains vaguely. Talkative as always and it leaves Matthew with more questions than answers.
“Does that mean it doesn’t exist if you don’t believe in it?”
“Did you believe in it? When you were a man?” I ask trying to capture his attention and ease my nerves by focusing on the conversation.
“Yeah. I just didn’t expect it to be cold.” He ruffles his feathers.
“ Tell me more” – I crossed my arms in search for some warmth – you got your plumage, Dream has his coat and I’m just in a T-shirt. But it wasn’t always this freezing here. “I suppose the bills are killing even the Lucifer himself” – I try to joke to cover up my evident fright.
 “Kayleen” Morpheus eyes me with serious look in his eyes. “Hold your tongue”
“Sorry” I mutter looking down playing with my fingers. I know. I’m sorry. I won’t be doing this here again. Believe it or not, I do want to help you.
I know – he mutters looking down. I can tell he’s scared too, but since he knows Lucifer longer and well.. better he also knows better how to hide it.
“What do you mean it wasn’t always? Have you been here before.”
“Yes. Once. It is truly surprising how many beings you can piss off just by doing your job…”
“What did you do exactly.” Matthew insists.
“Let’s just say that being part human and part a supernatural being who has way to much knowledge and skills may or may not get the attention of ruler of Hell. And not in a good context.”
Flashback. 9.000 years ago
I did “unimaginable” thing. I talked to the First People about their beliefs. I listened and explained how what we see and what is real differs from what we imagine and what functions only as a fragment of our inner self. Like Heaven And Hell obviously. Apparently, my teaching caused some of the members of the tribe to stop fearing the former and therefore the Devil lost a couple of souls. Is it necessary to say that she didn’t like it. In result I was summoned to her realm for a little chat. As innocent as that sounds, it was not and truly I was fearing the day to come. I was even considering asking one of the Endless, preferably Death to come with me, but the “invitation” was just for me and I did not intend to get myself in any more trouble. Dealing with Lucifer would be so much different than getting in Fates’ way.
“You are nervous” Morpheus said as he visited me before my departure
“Really? You don’t say. I’m about to go the Hell. Literally. I have no idea what will happen and if I something shall happen to me….”
“Nothing will happen.”
“How can you be so sure? You are well familiar with Morningstar, given your history and the fact that you ….”
“Don’t you dare finishing that sentence.”
“ Fine. I’m going. It’s time.”
“Yes, Dream?”
“Be careful. And perhaps you should hold your tongue for the time being.” He took a step closer, reducing the distance between us and almost touching my hand “I wish for you to return.” He leaned closer opening his mouth like he was trying to do something more but stopped “The Waking would suffer without you” he turned around abruptly.
“Right. Thank you, Dream. I suppose I see in the Dreaming upon my reappearance.”
Crossing the realm was a menace, but I suppose I might have already mentioned that. However, getting through to Hell came along with a burning sensation and losing all hope.  It was like in Greek myths, lose all hope you who enter here. How true that sentence was. If it wasn’t for my little magic trick that bounded me to real world I would already be a depressed mess. Standing by the gates of hell I noticed one of the demon approaching.
“Who are you, human? What do you seek here?”
“You lack information, demon. I am the Reality. I was summoned by your Ruler. Shall you keep me here….”
Without any further questions he opened the door and lead the way to the palace .Quite short and moderately easy which was a clear sing for me that Lucifer was anticipating me eagerly. I wished it wasn’t at least a bit longer.
“Kayleen. Reality.” Lucifer’s soft voice echoed through the chamber.
“Lucifer Morningstar. I believe you called for me.”
“Indeed. You and I my dear have an important matter to discuss, don’t we?” The flames shoot up and I shivered as the Ruler of Hell circled me like a predator. I believe I was his prey. “You have been messing with people’s head and that I do not like”
“How was I messing with them, Lucifer? By simply talking”
Oh, my dear. You know well enough how powerful words can be. They shape reality, don’t they. Words are stories and stories are what keeps the world going…”
I was silent but my breathing fastened a bit. Almost unnoticeably, but of course Lucifer saw that and smiled widely, innocently by all appearances.
“Shall I show you what words can do? Do you wish to see or experience their power?”
“I don’t think that indispensable.”
“And yet, you dare defying me”
“You sound like someone else I know, Morningstar.”
“Dream, I suppose. Yes. I recall his last action when someone decided to stand against him. Perchance I should follow his example. Keep you here. Maybe then you will learn something. And you would not be able to get my way. How does that feel?” she put a hand on my shoulder from behind and I felt all the pain of tortured soul, the power of Hell fire and the emptiness of everyone kept here which made me double over. “No. I don’t think so. This would be to easy, Reality. I think of something better. I shall give you an eternal warning. Everytime you decide to cross me you shall feel the fire, the burn, the despair. I shall mark you” she grabbed my hand, gently caressing it with her thumb. In any other circumstances it would seem innocent and affectionate but not here and not now. A second later Lucifer pushed her index finger into my palm and I was left with a scar in the shape of flame. Pulsating, hurting reaching right to my core “Now. Remember that next time you try to talk to people, Kayleen. For your own safety, however, I hope this won’t ever happen.”
“You know, your Majesty. The heat never bothered me anyway. It’s cold I can’t quite stand. Maybe what you did is a gift instead of a curse” I eyed her gathering all my strength.
“We shall see about that” she spat a bit angered “Farewell, Kayleen. Give my best regards to Dream.”
End of flashback
“Which way do we go then?” Matthew stopped his questioning and I was really glad of that.
“I suggest we follow the damned” Dream looked down and as we followed his gaze we saw the souls walking the line straight to the gates of Hell.
“They make you bring your own fire to Hell?”
“I suppose a lot of things has changed here” I muttered. My scar was now starting to pulsate and I could not understand why. After all I did not interfere with Lucifer matters. At least not yet. I quickly hid my hand in the pocket of the pants so neither Matthew nor Morphues would notice it’s redness and puffiness. Not that Dream cared. He was too consumed by his purpose of retrieving the helm. Or at least so I thought, but when I took a step to truly follow the souls he stopped me by grabbing my arm. I turned around and looked at him surprised.
“How is your scar?”
“Burning. But I did not expect anything else.”
“You may need your link now.” Right. I almost forgot. Good thing he… cared?
“What link?” Matthew started turning his head, looking between me and Dream.
“It’s just a little trick, Matthew. Something to keep me grounded in reality. Like we said, Hell is based on belief, not the true environment and this can … be tricky. Especially for me. So this ....” I raised my hand and a white aura surrounded it “is just a precaution to help me keep my head up. Not really strong, but still helpful.”
“Can I have that too?”
“I don’t know. I think since you are the Raven of the Dream that is enough of protection for you, but I can try if you wish….”
“No.” Dream’s word made us both look at him. “You shall use your powers just to yourself. Disintegrating your strength would do no good. I shall keep Matthew on my watch. You as well. Now, come. “ He moved forward leaving us no choice but to follow. Despite my better judgement I motioned Matthew to sit on my shoulder and pass some of my magic to him. Just a speck for safety. It was not like I could do much more. In silence we reached the gate where the damned disappeared and both Dream and I stopped instantly, standing close enough so that our hands were almost touching. I don’t know which one was seeking more support from the other, but sure as Hell we both needed it.
“This is it” – I whisper to Matthew when we reach the metal gate, behind which the damned disappear.
“We’re not sneaking in with them?”
“We can’t do that. Neither Dream nor me. I’m still partially human and this may get me killed and Morpheus….”
“A monarch of another realm cannot enter uninvited – he speaks – there are rules. Protocols  that must be followed. And the same goes for you, Reality. It has nothing to do with you being human.”
“I am not a monarch ….. “– I protest, but as usual he doesn’t care. Taking a step forward he spots some sort of drum, but there’s no stick to it.
“Shh, Matthew, not a word. He knows what to do, just observe.”
Suddenly, the figure that initially seemed to be carved into the wall move toward Dream, handing him necessary accessory. Without hesitation Morpheus bangs into the drum announcing our arrival.
“And now, the Hell breaks loose, Matthew” – I sigh before I bite my tongue. I move forward but Dream stops me right behind me, shielding me from what may be coming from the inside. I suppose it’s going to be some sort of demon, because what else can you expect. I look at him and nod my head trying to assure him that we can do this, but he doesn’t seem to care about my reassurance. Fine, then, I’ll keep my support quiet.
“There’s one at door ….“ a familiar voice comes from the other side of the entrance. Squatterbloat – I think – the keeper of the gates. If we were in another place I would even joke that he’s my counterparts in this role but given the circumstances it’s not funny at all. The demons stops for a second, wrinkling his nose.
“There’s two at the door” he smiles wickedly “a nightmare and something worse. What do they want? There’s two at the door, seems like some loss.”
“Greetings Squatterbloat” Morpheus speaks with all the confidence he can get.  “I seek an audience with your sovereign.”
“And who might you be?”
“I am the King of Dreams. The ruler of the nightmare realm.”
“And the girl?” Squatterbloat smirked pityingly.
“I am…”
“She’s with me. And that is all you shall know.” He stated. Wow, such protectiveness is something new to him.  
“Yes my clown. So where is your crown? “
“Guard your tongue, demon. The ruler of Hell will not be kind to those who insult an honored guest. And I am a guest in this realm as I am  monarch of my own.”
“Where’s your ruby then?” Morpheus’s face stiffened but he did not let it show taking a step forward and speaking with his deepest, darkest voice.
“Shall I use it to haunt your dreams? And your waking hours too? Or will you open the gates of Hell and let us through?”
The demon took just a single look at him with all his darkness. Then at me with my glowing hands and eyes expressing that I won’t let go. I guess it made him a bit scared of what we are actually capable of since he unlocked the gates and motioned us inside.
“Now, take us to the palace” Morpheus said following close behind him, not turning around to see if I’m doing so too. Ok, so he is back to his old self, focused solely on the mission and forgetting everything else. It’s my sign to just watch myself since now. Morpheus is for sure in his tunnel vision.
The demon was guiding us through some unknown path, if you can even call it like that. There were bones on the ground and as much as I hated it the view made me feel like vomiting. This visit was nothing like my last. 9.000 years ago I was showed straight to the palace without any detours. I suppose this time Lucifer was trying to show us how powerful she is and who is truly in control of this place and situation. The fog surrounding the entire place, the gloom and lack of orientation was really messing with my head so I did my best not to let Dream out of my sight. Obviously, it was only because I was watching for myself. And perhaps Matthew. It has nothing to do with me being afraid how Dream being himself may act.
“any idea where are we?” Matthew cawed from my arm. He refused to take even a step on the ground and honestly I was glad of his warming presence on my shoulder.
“The landscape is subject to the whim of the Morningstar.”
“The morning star? We have to spend the night in this literally godforsaken…” the Raven was oblivious to whom Morpheus were referring to.
“Lucifer Morningstar” Dream and I said in unison and locked our eyes. He was scared.
“As in the Devil?”
“The ruler of hell is no mere Devil.”
So you two know each other? And do you know him too Kay?”
“We’ve known each other for a very long time.” Morpheus started to explain “When we first met Lucifer was the angel Samael.”
“I forgot the devil used to be an angel.”
“Yes. But not just any angel The most beautiful, wisest and most powerful of all angels” I continued “I did not really get the chance to know her in that form, but we have met.  First time, it was not even in Hell.”
“Then where?”
“Night club in Los Angeles. Guess someone were bored at the time. Anyway, it’s a long story, hopefully for some better time. I will tell it to you then. For now, we need to focus, since….
“…..since Saving the creator, Lucifer is perhaps the most powerful being there is. “ Morpheus interrupted me and I nodded my head in agreement.
“More powerful than any of you?”
“ I do not have any meaning in this comparison, Matthew, believe me” I shrugged
“By far. Especially now.”
“Why now?”
“Last time I was here I was an honored guest. An envoy from my own kingdom. This time I have invited myself, and I lack my symbols of office.”
“But you’re are still Dream of the Endless right? You got your sand.”
“This may not be….” I stopped looking straight ahead as well as the Dream.
“What’s wrong Kay? Boss?”
“Squatterbloat. He’s gone.”
“Is it just me or did the fog just become thicker? I shuddered.
“All right, don’t panic. I’m just gonna fly up and see where we are” he took off the ground.
“Um, Matthew….” I pointed towards the trees and he immediately gave up on his plan.
“Nope. Nope. Not doing that.”
If we needed another reminded we were in hell here it was. The beings that once before were humans were now coadunated with the trees. Their twisted limbs following the branches, their corpses serving as trunks. Their groans and pained expression were rubbing off on me making me gasp in pain and causing my scar to pulsate again. I nearly collapsed behind Dream who didn’t even notice that, too focused on  finding the path, even though he knew it was impossible unless the ruler of the Hell decided to grant the passage through.
“This way. “Squatterbloat appeared again grinning ominously. He was surely instructed by Lucifer on everything he was doing. Or at least I believed so when he guided us up, making us climb in circle on extremely high and steep eminence. On my right there was an abyss, dark and ironically endless.  I forced myself to look ahead instead of down since it made me dizzy and weak. Dream must have felt my emotions since he turned around and grabbed my hand. Highly unlikely behavior but I did not complain since this gesture made me more steady. After all I was not alone here. And neither was he. Maybe he was in need of some comfort too.
“Does this seem like the way to the palace for you?” unlike me and Dream Matthew was not so good at hiding his fear and concern. This Raven had a lot to learn if he were to serve Dream.
“A demon has a hundred motives for what he does.  All of them malevolent.” Dream Lord squeezed my hand “ Demon. This is not the way.”
“Something is not right here.” I mumbled as Squatterbloat smirked and kept on moving without a word “Maybe I should try to …..”
“Kai’ckul?“ before I could finish my proposition of trying to get into demon’s head a women voice came from the left. It seemed like it was some sort of prison for the souls. Tightly closed, some sort of window barred with twisted branches and thorns. I knew this voice and so did Morpheus. And it was not a good sign. We both stopped, our feet rooted to the spot. I risked a glance at his face but his mind was already elsewhere. Head full of memories. “ Dream Lord?” a face of a beautiful, young women appeared behind the crate “ It is you”.  
“I greet you, Nada.“
That women’s eyes were fixed solely on Dream who, in her eyes had quite different attire. The one she knew him thousands years ago when they first met. She had a mix of sadness, relief and unbelief on her face, not sure if what she saw was true. I was glad she only had eyes for Morpheus. We were not exactly friends back in the time. She was rather ….possessive and me being around Dream was something she could never accept. As much as I pitied the situation she was in I could not forget her jealousy and cruelty. I took a step back, almost tripping just observing. It was not my show to participate in. Honestly, I felt a bit awkward being a witness to what was happening.
“Kay…” Matthew whispered into my ear, once again not knowing who was she and why Dream became tense.
“Shh. Later, Matthew. Later.”
“Kai’ckul. How I’ve prayed for this day” Nada spoke nearly crying “I knew you would come”
“It paints me to see you like this.”
“Then free me lord. Only your forgiveness can free me. Do you not still love me?”
“It has been 10.000 years Nada.”  The woman looked down, tears flowing down her cheeks as she took his answer as a no. “Yes, I still love you.” What? Now her whole face just lightened up, her eyes opened wide, she was trying to form a question but was not able to. Why does those words that made her so happy caused me pain? Did he really still love her? I mean, not that I cared but… it’s been so long…..
You are a bad person, Kayleen. How could you even act like this? This poor woman ended up here because of you. You caused her jealousy and her actions towards dream lord. You are a reason of her pain.  I heard a little voice inside my head. It was not mine and I instantly knew the Hell was playing tricks on me now. Guilt and self-torment was the worst kind of suffer and Lucifer knew how to mess with me. My hand was burning and glowing, but luckily no one noticed my struggle. There were more important matters.
“But I have not yet forgiven you. Come Matthew, Kayleen.” Morpheus finished this little exchange of words and that made Nada’s emotions take control of her
“It’s you!” she spat as her eyes landed on me “it’s always you. Why is Reality so cruel on me? He brushed me off and sent me here because of you! But I’m the one on his mind. He will never be with you. You will never get what you want you hear me, Reality?!”
“Nada! This place is making you lose your mind, can’t you see?” I spit “It was never, never about me. He does not care about me that way!” Dream looked at me surprised and with pained expression and at this point I did not know whether it was because I was having an argument with his imprisoned former lover, his emotions and love for her or my words that he didn’t care. “Calm down!”
“Come Kayleen or I shall leave you here alone” Morpheus commanding voice made me move but as we walked away we were chased by Nada’s screams.
“Kai’ckul I will not give up hope. I will never give up!”
Upon that little encounter all came running back. Nada’s and Morpheus history. Their love. Tragic love may I add. It was like a reminder to both him and me that his romantic interest always ended up in suffering. He would never be happy and I would have to watch him suffer and feel that pain as a Reality. Dream was marching on a few steps ahead of me, his posture unnaturally stiff and straight, face blank.
“So, Kay, that woman back there…..” Matthew cawed
“Not my story to tell Matthew. If you want to know ask Dream, not me.”
“Just do it. He won’t hurt you because of asking, all right. But if you scared….”
“Hey, boss?”
“Her name was Nada.” Of course he heard what we were talking about behind his back “She was the ruler of the tribe that call themselves the First People. We were in love.” How hard is must have been for him to say it out loud.
“So what did she do? How did she end up here?”
“She defied me.“ not a single change in Dream’s voice was like an indicator that he truly did not forget her disobedience.
“Wait. You put her here?” The Raven’s eyed widened in terror of what Dream was capable of.
“The Morningstar is letting me know that the Hell has prepared for our visit” he cleverly eluded the answer. Matthew looked at me but I just shook my head.
“this is what you get when you mess with his ego” I whispered and since I was looking  at my feet instead of ahead I bumped into Morpheus’s back. He was quick to grab me before I felt and given everything that just happened his touch just felt wrong.
“Why are we stopping?“
“We’re here.” I whispered noticing the palace in the distance. The only thing left to do was to cross the bridge and get through the gates. Easy, right? The last phase of our journey was the one we were supposed to go through by ourselves, without the demon guard. If it wasn’t so gloomy and dark I would think we were crossing the bridge of the Dreaming. That and the blood that flooded the bridge as we knocked on the gates. Matthew was lucky. He used his wings to avoid getting drenched but me, in my simple t-shirt felt the coldness and ominous of this place. We passed the gate and as it closed behind us, that little bit of light and hope that was still lingering in me was gone forcing me to put all of the inside strength in my spell causing my hands to glow a bit stronger in the murk. Thankfully it was only a few steps left to enter Lucifer’s ceremonial chamber. The ruler of hell was standing on the edge of it, back facing us, black wings furled. Calm and gentle by the look of it, but we both knew that was not the truth.
“Hello” she spoke gently, turning around to face us now coming closer, and raising her hand to make the fire in the fireplace grow bigger. “ Hello Dream. Hello, Reality.” I just bowed my head slightly.
“Greetings, to you Lucifer Morningstar. And to you Mazikeen of the Lilim.” He addressed the demon standing in the shadows.
“Greetings, Dream Lord. Reality.”
“You look well Dream. Are you well?. And your family? Destiny, Death, Despair and the others?
“I presume the Ruler of Hell knows this is no social call”
“Have you come to join forces then? To ally your realm to ours? To acknowledge the sovereignty of Hell?” Lucifer smiled angel-like at the very thought. Oh, I bet she would love if that were to happen.
“You know my feelings on that Lightbringer.”
“Feelings change. Especially  when one has been caught and imprisoned by mortals. We expected better of you sweet Morpheus. “ Dream was a second before losing his calmness and before I could think I spoke
“Lucifer. Are we done with the pleasantries, here? You know the reason behind our … visit, don’t you?”
“Reality” Lucifer smiled back at me “it’s been a while since we saw each other. How is your hand? Your mark? Not causing trouble, I hope?”
“Not really. However ….”
“I have come because my helm of State has been stolen from me” Morpheus shut me down, disapproval of my actions on his face. “I believe one of your demons has it. I shall like it back.” he hesitated as the tension between him and Lucifer were growing. “Now” I know from experience that no monarch reacts well on commands and threats and this time was no difference as Lucifer made a sad expression.
“Dream” she pouted “If only it were that easy. But there are rules you see, protocols which must be followed.”
“So bound to the principles, Lucifer. It does not look good on you….” I fell down on my knees as the pain in my hand and truly and entire arm up the heart took over me.
“Release the girl, Lucifer. This matter is between me and your subject. She will stand back.”
“Knowing her I don’t think she will. After all, she’s the one to come here with you just to keep an eye on you and protect you.”
“I don’t need her protection.”
“Surely not” Lucifer raised eyebrows as she lighten her invisible grip and I was able to breathe again, Matthew jumping right next to me making sure I was ok.  “Now, which demon has your helm? Name it and we will bring it here“
“I confess I do not know the name.” Hard pill to swallow for his pride.
“Then we will have to summon all of them. “ Lucifer approached the edge of the room once again raising her hand and calling upon her subjects. Morpheus helped me off the ground and as we looked down… There were hundreds of demons, all angered, ready for fight. Nothing like dream’s nightmares. This residents were far more dangerous and erratic.
“Then now Dream, you may inquire. Which demon has your helmet? Shall we interview them one at a time or …..”
“That won’t be necessary.” I answered for him not caring if he would get mad at me. I was not a girl to stand in the back and let someone else drive even if this situation was not about me. I just felt inside that Dream could use a bit of support for a change and a couple of seconds to regain himself. And he did. Just not really in the way I expected when he turned around towards the exit.
“It surprises us how easily you would give up Dream.” Well, it is new to me too. “We know how you relied upon your tools. But tools are the subtlest of traps. We become reliant upon them and in their absence we are vulnerable, weak, defenseless. “
“Not entirely. I have recovered my sand. It brought me to Hell and now it brings that which is mine in Hell to me.” He started to spread his sand on the floor and I smirked. It seemed like he had a plan after all. Unnoticeably I waved my hand helping the sand to flow on the wind and a few second later a new being appeared in the chamber. Holding Dream’s precious helm. Now, it was going to be a challenge for Dream’s temper.  I stood my ground, fighting the urge to stand behind him and hold his hand. That would be …. Unwise, giving the circumstances. After all, he had to appear strong and independent and I knew that. And that was also why I hold Matthew back before he came closer to his boss.
“Tell me your name, Demon.”
“Do I have to tell him?” the demon whined
“That is Choronzon. A duke of hell.” Ruler of Hell introduced his subject.
“Choronzon.” Dream let the name hang on his tongue ”The helm is mine. You must return it to me.“
“No. it’s mine now.  I traded it for a mortal for a paltry thing. It was a fair trade. I broke no laws. And if the Dream King wants his helm back he will have to fight me for it.”
Dream’s face stiffened as he said those words that were supposed to change everything.
“Very well. I challenge you, Choronzon”
“You know the rules, Dream Lord.” The demon smiled ominously.
“If I win you will return my helmet.” Of course Dream focused only on the positive outcome. I hoped it was out of his confidence.
“And if you lose, you will serve as my slave in Hell. For eternity.” Right. The other side of the coin. 
“I accept the terms.”
Matthew cawed loudly which made the whole situation even more serious.
“What is this challenge about Kay?”
“Mostly about imagination. Change. Wisdom.”
“It’s not boss’s strongest trait, am I right?” the Raven asked nervously.
“I’m afraid not….” I shifted my gaze between the demon and the dream. What an irony.
“And who will you choose to represent you in the battle?” Lucifer asked
“I shall represent him!” I spit without hesitation.
“You will not….”
“It has been decided” I gazed him. Ok, I defied him, but what was he going to do? Put me in hell? Well, a little late for that.
“I am sorry Kayleen. As much as I appreciate your effort rules of Hell does not allow human to participate.”
“I am not a mere human, Morningstar” I hissed “I am….”
“The Reality. Yes. And therefore you should not even be here, let alone participate in the game. You shall stand your ground, quietly and do not interfere. I hope I make myself clear” I felt defeated but had no choice but to retreat.
“I shall represent myself” Dream stated coldly turning away from me with inscrutable expression. Oh, he sure hate me know. Good. Let’s hope this pain make him win.
“Choronzon, whom will you choose to represent you?”
“I choose you, sire.”
His words hanged. That was not something we have expected and yet maybe we should have. After all, demons are sneaky bastards known to bend the rules and twist the facts to suit them. This was no difference. Dream showed no fear but his eyes gave him away with that signature wet glint. Shit! This was supposed to be me. He was not smart enough to fight the devil. He may know him, but it was I who spend the eternity amongst human, seeing how twisted decisions they can make. I was the one to learn how to adapt to circumstances and retorts attacks.
“Apologies, Dream, but the laws of Hell demand that I become his champion. But if you would not fight me…...”
“I have accepted the terms. Let the challenge begin.” He shifted towards the Morningstar now dressed in his leather suit. Yeah, right, like the way he looked was most important thing at the moment.
“Matthew. “ I whispered to the raven “it is official, now. Your boss is an idiot and a diva. Not sure which is worse.”
“Welcome. Ladies and gentleman.” Choronzon acted like a host of some crazy TV show.  “Today for you entertainment and delectation, a formal challenge. The challenger is Dream.” He mocked . “Once the Master of the Realm of sleep. As the challenged, I have selected my champion. Ruler of Hell, Lucifer Morningstar. To represent me in the contest of skill, confidence and transformation. The oldest game” his words were widely applauded by the gathered demons. Oh, this was really going to be a shitshow.
While Lucifer, Choronzon and Dream were standing in a place where everyone could see them me and Matthew were hanging in the back quietly discussing what was about to happen. Well, more like I was explaining to him the next steps.
“What is this game, Kay? Do you know?”
“I do. Though I wish I didn’t “
“Tell me….”
“It’s about transformation, like Choronzon said. Basically, each of them would imagine to be something, a being, a creation, a natural phenomenon and the other would have to come up with something to beat it, you know. “
“Like what?”
“Like… ok, imagine me being a worm, and then the opponent would turn into a bird, and the other move would be a hunter and then a flu or something like that …”
“Ok, now I get it.”
We were so deep in our talk that we did not notice Morpheus approaching us.
“Matthew. I need to return to the Dreaming. And you Kayleen, you shall go back to the Waking.
“What? No!” We protested in unison.
“I’m not getting you out of my sight. You can’t do this alone, Dream. You lack craft that Lucifer has in surplus.”
“Well, I;m not leaving either, boss.”
“It’s the only reason I allowed you both to come”.
“So we could leave you?” Matthew titled his head and I frowned. Maybe Dream truly did lost his mind.
“If I should not be able to leave this place I would not have Lucienne left alone with no word of my fate. Not again.” he looked at me with pained expression almost like a reminder what we both been through during his imprisonment. “And I know you will take care of the Dreaming, Reality. The sand will take you back.”
“I am not going back.” Matthew insisted.
“Neither do I” I crossed my arms stubbornly “don’t even look at me.”
“Kayleen…” Dream stood up to my level and gently put an arm on my shoulder “Don’t do this…..”
“Do what?”
“I don’t want you to see me….”
“You won’t lose, ok?” I grabbed his hands “but it still should have been me, you fool”
“Morpheus? Am I interrupting a preliminary bout of some kind?” Lucifer finally took a notice of our conversation and interrupted it causing us both to jump back a bit embarrassed of letting guards down and feelings out. Dream looked at me once again, eyes full of passion and  something more I was not really able to decipher so I just raised one corner of mouth.
“Just a ringside pep talk, Your Majesty.” Matthew bowed his head “We came here for the Helm and we’re not leaving here without it. “
“We shall see.“ Lucifer smiled viciously.
Matthew was lucky since he took off and flew away to the nearest pillar placing himself in a position that allowed him to watch the whole scene from the distance. Since I could not do this Morningstar focused his gaze on me.
“No interfering, Reality. This is between me and Dream Lord. No help, no hints, no tricks”
“I would never” I smirk.
“Oh, I know you would. You are a rebel in many forms, especially when it comes to protecting the ones you care about. Because you do care about Dream, don’t you?” she came closer “despite all his lovers and romances you are still here with him, not letting go” she whispered “I wonder what that means.”
“it means I support him. Just like Maze does for you”
“Perhaps. And speaking of Mazikeen, she will watch your every move from now on. Very carefully, so watch yourself, Reality”. With that words she left me and began the game.
“As the challenged I set the meter and take the first move“ she stood opposite Dream.
“Very well. Make your move.”
Let the hunger games begin. Sorry, not the time for jokes, I know.  
“I am a dire wolf. Prey-stalking, lethal prowler.“ Instantly everyone in the room has an image of the predator in their head. The one emerging from the shadow, showing his teeth in carnal instincts.
“I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing.” Dream retorted and suddenly Lucifer gasped and clenched on his stomach where she felt the sting of the hunter’s spear.
“I am a serpent. Horse-biting, poison-toothed.” An invisible amphibian jumped towards Dream’s trapper and pack a fair amount of toxin into his body. His face became purple and his veins extended and starting to pulsate. I shifted nervously, rubbing my hands almost using my light to help him, but Maze gave me a warning glance and I stepped back, biting on my lip as I watched the scene unfold.
“I am a bird of prey. Snake-devouring, talons ripping.” Good safe  I though as Lucifer bend feeling claws scratching her cheek in unimaginable power. She was now furious knowing this wasn’t going to be an easy fight.
 “I am a butcher bacterium. Warm life destroying” Morpheus fell down on his knees and this caused Matthew to flew down back on my shoulders.
“Not a move or we are all lost” I whispered to him, forcing myself to stand down.  
“I am a world. Space floating. Life nurturing.” With those words the peace surrounded us all. Only for a while though
“I am a ….. nova” Lucifer spread her wings in utter frustration and power. “All exploding, planet cremating.“ the impact of the hit made me stagger and close my eyes for a second. If that had such an impact on me what was it doing to Morpheus now? It’s not real, it’s not real. Focus on Reality.  
“I am a universe. All things encompassing, all life embracing. “ He was still fighting even if it was visible how much effort it was now taking
“I am …. anti-life. The beast of judgement. The dark at the end of everything.”  Why is the room so dark and cold. Why does it feel like Death is coming for us. Why do I feel like giving up all hope….? I closed my eyes dealing with all the pain inside “ What will you be then Dream Lord?” Oh, shit! Morpheus!
“I… I….I….” he was on the floor, barely breathing, faltering and shaking. His face was pale and his body was slowly giving up on him. Without hesitation and ignoring Mazikeen watchful gaze and her spear pointed towards me I made a dart for the place where he was lying, Matthew close on my feet. Surprisingly, no one stopped us, probably because Lucifer believed she won.  I gently lifted his head and placed it on my lap.
“You idiot” I whispered “I told you it should have been me, I am smarter than you.”
“Boss? Hey, boss.“ Matthew added in frightened voice.
“Still with us, Dream.” Morningstar approached the three of us, his voice just a bit mocking.
My eyes were burning. At this moment I was capable of anything. Wise or stupid, never mind, but I would burn Hell to the ground if …”  
“He is and it is his move, you majesty” Matthew;s words made me sit up and took notice.
“There are no more moves.”  She said coldly “What can survive the anti-life?”
“Morpheus, hey, listen to us“ I put a hand on his cheek, flicking his messed up hair back from his eyes “this is just a game of imagination, ok? This is not reality. Just believe in what you can create. Trust you can think bigger than that.” I whispered a bit afraid to reveal that I was in fact breaking the rule of no interfering.
“Boss, you know what can survive the anti-life? You. Dreams don’t fucking die. Not if you believe in them. And I Believe Dream of the endless would never leave his raven and his friend here alone in hell, with Lucifer.”
Dream blinked moving slightly in my lap and then started to regain his composure.
“I… am….” He muttered “Hope” with that words he slowly stood up back to Lucifer’s level, back in his full power, colors back on his face, all the poison and despair rinsed. The chamber was filled with light and brightness that made me cover my eyes in protection. That was… a bit cheesy and sentimental can’t lie, but also refreshing and I sighed in relief. He was back on his feet, unlike me.
“ Hope….” Lucifer was shocked with such turn of events.
“Well, Lightbringer. It’s your move. What is it that kills hope?”
Having no answer to that Morningstar turned towards the demon.
“Choronzon, give him his helm.” He ordered
“No. I won’t It’s mine” the duke of hell defied “please” he then futilely begged. Mazikeen approached him and with all her strength (which was a lot) grabbed him by his throat, reached for Morpheus’s precious tool and threw Choronzon right at the arrayed crowd. No grief for him on my part.  
“Thank you, Mazikeen.” Morpheus clenched his hands on the helm acknowledging her ”Thank you, Lighbringer. The ruler of Hell is honorable, indeed. I will not forget this.”
“Honorable? You joke, surely. “ Lucifer hissed. “Look out there Morpheus” she pointed down and I followed her movement ”The billions lord of hell stay arrayed about you. Tell us, why should we let you leave. Helmet or no you have no power here. After all, what power have dreams in hell?”
“You say I have no power here. Perhaps you speak truly. But to say dreams have no power in Hell…” he shook his head. “Tell me Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream… of Heaven?” Oh! Maybe he was not an idiot after all. This one… this took courage and smartness and even I hummed impressed.
“One day, Morpheus…. we shall destroy you.”
“Until that day, Lighbringer” he shot her a glance, speaking with his darkest and lowest voice, bowing his head slightly and turned around to walk away. On the halfway he grabbed my hand again leading me towards the exit almost like if I was not able to walk myself. Well…. To tell the truth… I wasn’t. What he did made my legs become jelly and my cheek  flushed so I let him walk me up towards the gate where he let go.
“Don’t ever do this again” he stopped
“Do what? Save your ass?”
“Defy me. It was not your place or duty to try to take my place in the challenge. You believe me to be weak?”
“I believe you to be stupid.” I exclaimed
“Careful with your words, Reality” he stepped closer, not looking me in the eyes which was a bit suspicious.
“Why can’t you look me in the eyes, Dream?”
“Don’t make me.”
“And why is that?”
“You may see something you don’t like. Kay.” he muttered putting hands on my shoulder and resting his forehead on mine, his lips inches away from mine. He started to lean in a bit, brushing his nose on mine, his hands moving towards my waist and I couldn’t help but wanted more almost giving in when he pulled away. “ You helped me and therefore I shall not punish you, but try that once again and I shall not be so forgiving. You strain my patience, Reality.” Oh shit! Was it just me or did Hell just became a bit hotter? I was definitely feeling warm.
“You think Lucifer will come after you?” Matthew asked as we were back on the Hill we arrived on.
“Why?” nope. Still not so smart. Dream learned nothing.
“Because you just publicly humiliated the Ruler of Hell.” I mocked, but he did not bother answering putting on his helm
“Can you even see in that thing?”
“I can see the ruby.”
Once again he reached towards his pouch of sand and made us appear in some tight and cluttered room. There was an unusual glow coming from one of the boxes and when Dream opened it he finally got his ruby back, almost smiling. This expression was however wiped off fast as he realized it was different.
“Something’s wrong. Someone altered it.” And a second away a wave of power got him flying back and knocking unconscious against the wall. Suddenly all of my senses were going crazy. I felt panic and pain. Someone really was messing with unearthly powers. Hurting Waking and in process hurting me. I whined in pain feeling this person approaching.
“Matthew. Stay with him” I moved towards the door.
“And where are you going?! Don’t leave me here with him.”
“Sorry, Matthew. I’m going to deal with some lunatic tampering with my realm.”
And this was not going to be easy.
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howlingday · 2 years
Jaune's Tragic Backstory (TM) AU
By refusing to listen to Jaune and trusting him in regards to rumors, RWBY_NPR have unlocked (one of) the true tragic backstories of Jaune which is! DUN DUN DUNNN Contently being the recipient of endless rumors and hearsay that reduced both his self esteem and public image to the point that any attempt to fix them resulted in even more rumors and hearsay which ultimately led to hyper risk taking actions such as lying to get into Beacon academy without proper training just to prove that he isn't a worthless waste of space. Ironically Jaune now has to deal with the rumors and hearsay lifting the bar too high which might lead to even more hyper risk taking actions just to stay ahead of the rumor mill. Can our heroes learn their lesson before the final test? Will Glynda and Winter's ship become AU Cannon? Can James resist the urge to use Jaune as a propaganda tool? Tune in next time on Jaune's Tragic Backstory (TM) AU!
Tragic BS (tm)
What defines a person's life? Is it the legacy he leaves, the stories he makes, or is it the actions he takes? Are we destined by our past, or do the actions of the now guide our fate in the future? None can say for certain until the last breath is drawn, and the legend is told anew.
Yang: Phew! (Slumps in her seat) That was rough! Who knew Professor Port could take a beating?
Ruby: At least you didn't have to deal with Professor Peach. She may not be around a whole lot, but she's one heck of a Huntress!
Weiss: Now do you see why I like her?
Yang: So, who's next?
Pyrrha: It should be Jaune going against...
Oobleck: Mister Arc! I was instructed by the Headmaster himself to be your opponent, so I have nothing but high expectations for our bout.
Jaune: (Sighs) What else is new?
Oobleck: Is something on your mind, Mister Arc?
Jaune: It's nothing. It's not like there's a lot of pressure on me, right?
Oobleck: Quite the contrary. It would appear you have an astronomical amount of pressure, as evident by both the Council of Vale, as well as the Vale Historical Society observing our duel.
Jaune: (Gulps) Uh, I was being sarcastic.
Oobleck: I was not. Prepare yourself, Mister Arc! (Levels his cane) En guarde!
Winter: Jaune and my sister would make a nice couple.
Glynda: Please, she barely gives him the time of day! If anyone should be involved with Mr. Arc, it should be someone to bring him out of his comfort zone, like that Neon girl.
Winter: Ha! And when was the last time Mr. Arc even been to a party? No, he needs someone stern, and unbending. Perhaps that glasses girl?
Glynda: Unfortunately for you, Coco has no interest in Mr. Arc, or any male student whatsoever. Perhaps he needs to help someone out of their shell, like that May girl?
Winter: So that's how it feels to not be aware of someone's alternative interests. No, he needs someone who can take charge, and guide him to a superior self. Someone like-
Glynda: Like you?
Winter: (Blushing) I never! If he were interested in older women, it would be you!
Glynda: (Blushing) H-How dare you?!
Jacques: Perhaps... I was too hasty, and perhaps... I was too brash. I see now the error of my ways, and if you'll agree to meet with me, I will gladly provide and recieve an apology for my behavior. Please respond within three business days of recieving this message, in regards to your agreement. Sincerely, Jacques Schnee, CEO of the Schnee Dust Company.
Whitely: (Stops writing) Anything else, Father?
Jacques: No, that will be all. Bring it here so I can sign it, and I can end this PR nightmare. First, he insults my company and everything I have suffered for, then has the gall to make me appear foolish in front of all of Remnant, and now he has the nerve to appear as some hero of an attack perpetrated by the very beasts he defends?! (Takes his pen, Signs the letter) It's enough to drive one to violence, much like those disgusting animals! (Huffs) Thankfully, I am above such measures. Now, deliver that letter post-haste, Whitely. The sooner it arrives, the sooner I can end this headache.
Whitely: Of course, Father. (Leaves)
Jacques: (Pulls up an article on Jaune Arc) Mark my words, boy, you will know the full wrath of a Schnee.
Jaune: (SHINK!) Grgh! (Kicked by Doctor Oobleck)
Oobleck: Your skills are impressive, Mr. Arc, but you will find I am neither Grimm nor Adam Taurus. (Zips to Jaune's side, Strikes his backside) I am faster. (Whap!) Stronger! (Whap!) And if I may boast, more intelligent.
Jaune: (Thinking) He's making me look like an idiot! But he's moving too fast, so I can't keep up! (Closes his eyes, Breathes) Just stay calm, Jaune. Just stay-
Oobleck: FOCUS!
Jaune: GAH! (Dazed from the strike to his head)
Oobleck: Tsk, tsk, tsk... A shame, Mr. Arc. I was hoping to get a taste of that prowess you showed in the attack? But alas, the game is over, and I'm afraid you fail. One more strike should do. (Jabs)
Jaune: (Sways out of the way)
Oobleck: Hm? (Jabs again)
Jaune: (Sways again)
Oobleck: Fascinating...
Pyrrha: Incredible!
Ruby: Jaune's dodging all his attacks! How is he doing that?!
Yang: I don't know, but he's actually giving the doc a workout! Just look at his aura!
Blake: It's only a theory I have, but...
Weiss: Here we go...
Blake: I think... Jaune is giving up. (Everyone looks at her) Or, more specifically, his mind is giving up. He believes he can't win this, so he's detached himself from the fight. But Jaune's spirit is pushing his body further! It's a war of the mind against spirit, his logic versus his desires!
Weiss: That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard!
Ruby: But look at him now. JAUNE! FIGHT BACK!
Weiss: Would you two keep it down?! You're going to get us into trouble!
Oobleck: (Turns around) TEAM RWBY! While I admire your drive to cheer on your fellow student, please refrain from doing so in a manner that distracts him from contending in his final exam!
Jaune: (Comes to, Thinking) Huh? His back is turned? Now... Now's my chance! (Charges forward, Sword ready) HAAAAAAAAGH! (Swings, Catches Antiquity's Roast on his sword) RRRRRAH!
Oobleck: (Blocks, Skids out of the ring) My word... A stroke of luck, or genius tact? In either case, you have proven victorious Mr. Arc! You pass your final exam! Perhaps you are as excellent as they claim! (Thinking) And perhaps the rumors are also true?
Jaune: I won? I won! I won! (Laughs) Yes! I passed my final exam! Nothing can stop me now!
Jaune: Huh? (Turns, Smashed into the ground by Professor Port)
Port: ...You win, Miss Valkyrie. (Passes out)
Nora: I won! Hey, where did Jaune go?
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buckyownsmylife · 3 years
Memory - Bucky Barnes smut
The one where Bucky's a vampire but still manages to develop a breeding kink
Warnings: smut, breeding kink, vampire!AU, creampie, daddy kink, mention of blood because of biting
A/N: this is for my darling cousin @whisperlullaby​‘s challenge, and also my own! Like I explained here, I’m going to try to fill every single AU I listed with the characters I picked for the challenge, and since the deadline if May 27, these fics will be posted randomly, as I finish them, instead of on Thursdays, which are my usual one-shot posting days. I hope you guys will enjoy this silly idea of a vampire with a breeding kink 💛 I had a blast writing it! Unbeta’ed because I almost died this week and cannot be bothered to stare at my writing for any longer.
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Bucky’s P.O.V.
“Okay, let’s play truth or dare!” I groaned as silently as possible at the proposition. One of the downsides of dating someone in college was having to deal with the immaturity of their friends, especially when I was unable to escape yet another invitation for a weekend getaway.
There were only so many encounters a man could refuse before mysterious became annoying, and I knew I was toeing the line, even if my girlfriend never complained.
She understood just how irritating these gatherings could be to me. It would have been easy to imagine if there was a realistic age gap between us, but considering the centuries that separated our birth dates, it was laughable that anyone would entertain the idea of me with a bunch of young adults who only wanted to get laid, smoke some weed and drink their asses off.
Of course, her friends didn’t know my true age, so they only thought I was a little bit irked by their behavior. Y/N knew the truth, and so evidently she tried to get me out of it, but I resisted.
I wanted her to take part in the normal experiences people her age were having. There was already so much that she was missing out on just by being with me - and I wasn’t even referring to the blood that she granted me every night.
I’d accepted to be there with her that evening. I was going to immerse myself in the full experience, if only to learn a bit more about her and those she surrounded herself with.
Her best friend let out a little excited yell when she noticed that we were joining the circle and I forced myself to smile at her. “Alright, let’s do this.” One of the male friends rubbed his hands before reaching for the bottle, making it spin as I frowned. I thought that was a different game, but apparently I was mistaken.
It landed on a girl I had yet to get acquainted with, and so I disconnected myself from the conversation as I watched my beloved laugh and have fun with her friends. It made me feel warm. It made me grateful I had decided to join.
A few more rounds went by without anything of essence actually happening. I was about to excuse myself when the bottle surprisingly stopped while pointing at Y/N.
She gasped as she stared at the man who was responsible for deciding her fate, and I already knew I wouldn’t like what was coming next. But she was smart, so she avoided the dare that would undoubtedly enrage me, leaving her to answer a question that I also would have preferred not to hear.
“So… Y/N…” He began, taking far too much pleasure at the situation, and by the way she rolled her eyes, I knew she was thinking the same.
“Yes, Simon.” He opened his mouth to say something, but instinctively looked my way. I was trying my best not to let any emotion slip through the cracks of my perfectly constructed mask, but whatever it was that he saw seemed to make him change his mind.
He closed his mouth and frowned, for a second deep in thought, before he sighed and finally voiced his question. “Just tell us one of your kinks.”
It sounded like he was trying to get this over with, and although Y/N seemed just as confused, she cleared her throat and gave him an answer.
“Oh, I don’t know… I guess.. Creampie?” Little giggles and comments rose around the circle, but nothing really stuck out and they were quick to motion her to spin the bottle so another person could have a turn.
It was a different reaction that I was expecting, especially considering what everyone did for much tamer answers, but the explanation for the lukewarm crowd was made clear by a groaned comment from Simon to the man beside him.
“This is no fun now that she isn’t single.” A small giggle resonated by my side, and I turned in the direction it came from to find my girlfriend trying to suppress her amusement behind her palm.
“Something funny, little one?” I knew they’d take notice of the pet name, but I honestly couldn’t be bothered to even pretend to care, and the fact that she smiled openly up at me showed me that she didn’t, either.
“Not at all.” She pulled me closer to deposit a quick peck on my lips and I was sure if my heart was still beating, it would have fluttered at the way she looked at me. “Thanks for coming tonight.”
“Of course.” Thankfully, the game didn’t last much longer - for us, at least. Somehow, the bottle didn’t land on me once, and Y/N started to yawn, her head resting against my shoulder after the third consecutive “Who would you rather bang?” question.
“I think we’re gonna leave for the night,” she excused us even though I knew she wasn’t really sleepy. She really could be an excellent actress when she wanted to.
We walked up the stairs to where the bedrooms were located, quickly getting in what had been assigned as ours for the weekend. She smiled softly at me as she reached for her backpack, no doubt looking for the one shirt of mine she always slept in, but I had a few things in my mind I wanted to ask her about.
“Why do you like creampies to much?” The words spilled out at me so unusually, considering the silence in the room, it didn’t surprise me that it took her a while to answer. When she did though, I was surprised to find her biting her lip, a look between amused and horny in her eyes when she approached me.
“Dunno.” She shrugged, taking my hands in her and playing with my fingers. I knew it was a way to avoid my intense gaze. “Guess I have a bit of a breeding kink, actually. It just felt too personal to share with those guys.”
The answer took me by surprise as I stared down at her, blinking a couple of times as I made sure to really process what she had said.
“A breeding kink?” I confirmed, and she rolled her eyes in that way I knew she did when she was embarrassed but trying to play it off as annoyed.
“Yeah, you know.” She pulled away from me to sit on the bed, legs dangling off of it almost like a child. “I like the idea of being bred. Even though I’m in no way ready to become a mother,” she added in a serious tone, making sure I understood what she meant.
But I didn’t. I didn’t and I guess it was clear in my face, because she quirked an eyebrow and jumped out of the bed, coming to stand before me once more.
“Why is this so weird to you?” She inquired, head tilted in amusement. “You’re over a century old, I’m sure your expectations regarding sexual relationships were related to impregnation for most of your life.”
And I mean… she wasn’t wrong. But I hadn’t thought about that for so long, I guess it didn’t occur to me that there was an actual term for it these days.
“There’s no way you don’t have a breeding kink.” The affirmation sounded almost like a dare, so my instinct was to fight it, wrap my arms around her torso so I’d keep her close to me, but deny it.
“You know I can’t ‘breed’ anyone anymore, darling.” But she wasn’t giving up. Her fingers softly traced my jawline, eyes sparkling with a dangerous glint as she countered, “Doesn’t mean you can’t like the idea of it.”
Even though I didn’t need the oxygen, I inhaled sharply, suddenly fascinated by her every movement, the way she gently unwrapped herself from my arms to slowly unbutton her simple dress, the one she made it look like a fucking gown.
“Think about it, Buck…” Every inch of skin that became exposed to my eyes still had my mouth watering, desperate to taste her all over.
“Wouldn’t you want to see me round with your child?” The question provoked my imagination, playing with her features as I thought about what she proposed. Her breasts fuller, stomach protuberant, and maybe a little feet rubbing against the skin, something I could kiss.
“See me carry your genes, continue your lineage… Wouldn’t you want that?” Her innocent eyes spelled trouble when she stood before me again, close enough to touch.
And I couldn’t deny that the idea did something to my heart - even though it didn’t beat anymore. Most undeniably, it definitely did something to my cock, which now strained against my pants, the arousal that the image of her impregnated by me provoked bursting as I looked at the creature that I loved in wonder and fascination.
“Are you trying to tempt me, doll?” She bit on her lower lip to stop herself from giggling before I pulled it away from her teeth when I took her in my arms again, naked breasts rubbing against my shirt.
“Is it working?” She breathed out, eyes connected to mine while she tried to gather my feelings about her attempt. I pressed her body closer, making sure she’d feel the hardness in my pants before I even voiced it.
“Very well,” I whispered in her ear, enjoying the way my cold breath awakened goosebumps all over her warm skin. She never complained about the difference in temperature, something that I was profoundly grateful for, since I loved to feel her hot blood pumping underneath my fingertips whenever I trailed my digits over her flesh.
“So tell me,” she pressed, still going for seductive even though she sounded slightly out of breath, her desire evident in the way her pupils had dilated. “Would you like to breed me, James?”
A shiver went down my spine at the question and I closed my eyes for just one second, just to relish in this sensation before I opened them to confess, “You have no idea how much I’d like that.”
My hand easily spread her lower lips, middle finger running between them to test her wetness and finding her soaked, like she always seemed to be for me. The knowledge had me smiling as I lifted my hand to taste her before making quick work of my belt, observing her slowly walking backwards towards the bed as I followed, almost like there was a thread connecting us, keeping us close.
Y/N’s P.O.V.
“Fuck, you feel so good,” he moaned against my ear as he buried himself inside of me and I clutched at his shoulders, desperate to feel every part of him connected to every part of me.
Only he could get me this way. Chest heaving, mouth open just from the simple act of feeling him stretching me open. It didn’t matter how many times he took me, it still burned the same - and I loved it.
“Tell me, doll,” he panted, hypnotizing eyes connected to mine, unwilling to let my gaze escape his hold. “Tell me you’d want to have my child. You’d look so beautiful with your body changing because of me, wouldn’t you want that?”
I groaned, throwing my head back as James fucked me senseless, his cock ramming against my sweet spot over and over again. He knew no mercy, I knew that. I just never anticipated to have such an overwhelming reaction to a silly little kink I never even thought I’d ever get to explore.
“Answer me, little one.” His fangs came into play then, piercing around the nipple that he sucked, galvanizing me into actually responding, “I would, I would, daddy,” while pulling on his hair without even realizing.
He let go of my breasts to look at me with dark eyes - not because he had come in contact with my blood, oh no. It was clear that this was the reaction to the name that escaped me so easily, waving its way into him until it broke the last bit of his control and left him completely undone, only determined to fuck me.
I watched him lick his lips before he ordered, “tell daddy you want his cum inside of you.” Hearing him acknowledge this other secret kink, refer to himself as it had me delirious, unable to formulate any words to obey him, so I opted to hide my face in the crook of his neck, hoping the feeling of my burning cheeks would satiate him.
What a mistake.
“Oh, so now you’re shy?” He mocked, rubbing his jaw against my cheek as I whined against him. “Want daddy’s cum so much but can’t be a good girl and beg for it?”
I came with a long drawn-out gasp right then, my body twitching underneath his as his cock dragged along my walls once, twice, a third time until it spilled his cum inside of my channel. The act was so hot to me that it had me pulling on his hair, whispers of “I love you, I love you,” tumbling out of my lips.
He silenced me with a kiss, still managing to keep on thrusting until I had to push him away because of my sensitivity.
“Spread your legs for me, little one…” He ordered, brushing his tongue over his lower lip in contemplation. “Let me see the mess I left there.”
I was still a bit nervous about the whole ordeal now that the wave of horniness had left me, but I did eventually spread my legs for him, whimpering as he bit down on his own lip at the sight of his spent dripping from my abused pussy.
“Oh, you look so good like that, darling.” I could barely contain my giddiness as he laid down by my side and pulled me to rest on his chest, pressing a kiss to my temple while he caressed my arm. “But one question remains unanswered.” To my almost sleepy hum, he proceeded, “Why do you like the idea of breeding so much?”
That got me thinking, wiping the tiredness off of my muscles like a bucket of cold water. It felt weird to admit it, but at the same time, I wanted nothing more than to bare my soul to the man I loved, to have him aware of every little thing about me…
So I admitted, “I like the idea of being yours… in this very scary, slightly territorial way.” At his silence, I giggled, hiding my face on his chest as I waited for his response.
“But you are mine,” he reminded me, and even as I rolled my eyes, a silly smile painted my lips, loving that he felt like he needed to tell me that.
“I know I am,” I recognized. “It’s just another way I’d like to be claimed by you. Besides, I can just imagine how well you’d take care of me…”
Silence filled the room as we both got lost in the images of what could never be. Me with a fully-grown belly, walking like a penguin as he held up tiny onesies that looked ridiculous in his huge hands.
My heart ached for what could never be, surely, but I couldn’t really grieve a future I’d never have while I was so happy with the man who wanted to give me one.
“I’ll always take care of you.” He kissed the back of my hand, and even though he knew it wasn’t exactly what I meant, it was just enough. “I’m sorry that I can’t ever give you children.”
The guilt in his tone was almost palpable, and I wanted to do anything in my power to make it disappear. This wasn’t what I intended when I shared my sexual fantasies with him. They were just that - fantasies. I wouldn’t trade my reality for any alternative version the universe could offer me.
“It’s alright, babe,” I assured him, depositing a kiss on his chest, right where his heart would be beating for me if it could. “I think the way you want to claim me is just as territorial… and much more final.”
Bucky held me close, breathing me in - even if he didn’t need to do that to survive - before he asked me the last doubt that still hovered in his mind.
“Aren’t you scared?” And as I laid there in his embrace, feeling loved and cared for, I knew the only acceptable answer that I could give him was, “It’ll be worth it.”
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tth-pdf · 3 years
Burning for love; JJK [01]
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Contents: Future smut and just a hint, like very very little of dirty talk here, supernatural, romance, fluff and a chapter painfully unedited.
Pairing: Werewolf!alpha!jungook x Omega!reader.
Summary: A handsome man is hunting you in the dreams world, making every day more difficult to repress the need to come and find him in the middle of the night to submit yourself to his every wish.
Requests: ON
A/N: thank you so much for the support sweeties, here’s the next chapter as promised, enjoy it very much because I’m already working on the next, love you all and stay safe, also let me know what you think! 💖
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Despite the dreams giving you signs of the one who complements your soul you refuse to accept the fate, because there’s no way that you belong to a pack alpha as him, powerful and demanding. Created for bearing strong pups with an equal omega by his side, just as the she wolves around your pack, but instead your just an omega newly presented, who is too shy to even say hi sometimes, too shy to say hello to the creature that was created to accompany your path until death do you part, instead you watch from afar, watching how he treats his friends and how he politely rejects every girl thats swoons around him and you know he watches too but you just try to ignore him, fighting your instincts to just go and scent him just for the fun of it, just to watch the girls that ache for him to come and see that the moon herself sent him your way.
With all this things swimming in your mind you can’t concentrate in your literature class, simply drawing little black wolves around what was supposed to be notes.
Right now you thank god that you don’t share any class with him, since he’s two years older than you.
So you decide that the best decision is to skip class and just chill a little outside to get some fresh air, high hopes of simply clear your mind.
But the calm aura that you were building suddenly crumbles as your body do with someones back.
“I’m sorry” you’re quick to say with hopes to not trigger that person and can keep your way, but once again that’s not what’s about to happen because that same person grabs your forearm before you saved yourself.
“Well, well, what are you doing around the campus all alone and smelling like that baby?”
You don’t answer since you’re too nervous and slightly scared of the hand grabbing you way too hard.
“Hm, where’s your alpha honey, do you even have one?”
When a moment of courage crosses you, you dare to hold the gaze of the alpha in front of you.
You could have accept a behavior like this form him, but not from just a random horny wolf.
“I-I…Please let me go if you don’t wanna have problems”
The nerves increase when the alpha in front of you does nothing more than tighten his grip and laugh with his friends about you.
“You don’t want me to have problems, huh?, how sweet of you…And with who are we going to have problems?”
You were about to answer when suddenly you’re feeling goosebumps everywhere and an inevitable feeling of safety, natural instincts kicking in without giving you a chance to decide for yourself, all accompanied with the great feeling that you get to experiment when hearing his voice in between dreams.
“With me is who you are going to have problems”
Immediately the guy loosens but still he won’t let go the grip in your forearm and back off just a little, intimidated by the taller and stronger alpha in front of him, even though they’re the same breed it’s the way that Jungkook carries himself and the way he won the respect, he won it how a good pack leader is supposed to, thinking in others before himself.
“I suggest you to take your fucking nasty hands off of my omega”
At the time he’s saying his powerful sentence you can feel his hot body against your own, hard with years of training for his position and right now ready to attack, hands of your own itching to touch him and to have your way with him right in this hallway.
That wasn’t really a suggestion, was a command, the other alpha knowing what was best for him and obeying, quickly turning around with this friends and leaving you there, frozen in your place and with a heavy heart.
After a couple seconds just standing there, Jungkook decides to talk and enchant you with that deep yet sweet voice reserved just for you.
“Won’t you talk to me, pretty girl?”
You close your eyes, praying to the gods above to save you from this pain to touch him or to simply help you erase that insecurities flowing in your mind and make him yours.
That was all you could say, not even lookin him in the eyes.
“Look at me baby, your alpha is begging you to show him your pretty eyes”
Your omega genes taking the best of you and giving him what he wants, but as soon as you place your eyes on his your legs decided to give up, but just when you think that yore going to touch the ground strong arms encircle your frame, just like the dream.
“There you are pretty girl, I knew you would give your alpha just what he needs, right?, because you’re such a good girl”
Your body reacting by pure instinct and hugging him against you with such a force that makes him chuckle, realizing just how needy for him you are.
“All this time trying to ignore the fact that you belong to me has had you suffering but look at you right now, throwing yourself to me like a bitch in heat”
And that’s exactly what your body is asking you, while you nose his neck as much as you can, burying yourself in the deep ocean of the comfort that just a mate can bring you to.
“I’m sorry alpha, please take the pain away, please, I-I will do anything you desire. Just m-make it stop”
Jungkook feels a little anxious since you’re still in the middle of a hallway in the school and your scent will be attracting more males which turns his eyes darker and his body tense, feeling even more possessive with what’s his, but at least he has to get you out of here.
“Let me take you out of fucking here at least my pretty girl, god… The things I’ll do to you”
The rational part of your brain is dizzy with the feeling of your men so close and the fears are suddenly long forgotten and all you want is him.
“Come on pretty baby, your alpha’s gonna take you to a warm nest to lay on, alright?, all you have to do is walk a little, at least until we are at the door, I know you can do that honey”
Jungkook has been waiting for this moment since the night he saw your pretty grey fur in the middle of the night, your wolf calling for him, so loud that he couldn’t even lie down and chill, so he was going to make sure you never forget to who you belong and what happens when you challenge the alpha trying to run away from fate.
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Tag list: @min-nicoleee, @in-a-way-that-i-should-not, @imluckybitches.
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Next update: 1/03/21
All rights reserved.
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makeste · 3 years
hello! I’ve seen some debate as to whether the 2nd meant allies in general would bolster izuku and although I do think that’s true (ofc any sort of support system that he lets himself rely on would bolster him) I feel like if that was what was meant it would’ve been made clearer? maybe instead of just katsuki showing up, the final panel would’ve had several students burst onto the scene. what are your thoughts?
agreed. and incidentally this is another big reason why it's not Toga. if it was her then Horikoshi wouldn't have devoted any time to OFA II's little hype speech. it just makes it kind of pointless, unless this whole time we've been sleeping on Toga's hidden ability to bolster Deku lmao.
but anyways, yeah. and I mean, Two's commentary here is really just acknowledgement of something we've long since known already. Kacchan is the one who will ultimately be able to reach Deku. we don't actually need a piece of dialogue to tell us this, because the manga has been showing it to us since day one. his resume is fucking stacked. I mean, let's go through it.
he is mean.
I love this you guys. I honest to god love it. because the thing is, if you ask anyone what Kacchan's absolute worst quality is, this would be the obvious answer, right? "he's an asshole" lmao.
but that's exactly what we need right now!! someone who's not afraid to tell it like it is, and won't try to sugarcoat things. someone who's not afraid to argue back and risk hurting someone's feelings. because right now Deku is walking all over anyone who can't do that. All Might tries to feed him lunch and he's like "nah I'm good, anyways bye." Endeavor tries to tell him to rest and he's all "I'm fine" and fucking hangs up the phone. nuh uh. enough of that. what we need is someone who will call him out on his shit. "hah!? don't tell me you're fine when it's obvious to anyone you can barely stand on your own two feet, dumbass."
he is stubborn.
kind of ties into the other thing, but yeah. right now we need a bullheaded asshole who won't take no for an answer if he thinks he's right. good luck trying to sweet talk your way out of this one, Deku.
he understands the situation.
this one is important, because in fairness, simply standing in front of Deku and saying "you shall not pass" isn't gonna be enough to actually accomplish anything here. ultimately he's going to have to be able to reason with Deku too. and so in that respect, it certainly doesn't hurt that Kacchan is someone who understands the OFA situation as well as anyone, and has always had clear judgment about it. he understands the threat of AFO ("they all died young"), and he understands the burden of All Might's legacy. he knows what Deku is dealing with, and that's going to give him an edge when it comes to finding that elusive-yet-critical talk no jutsu knockout blow.
he's been where Deku is now.
Kacchan knows a thing or two about burdens. granted, they've more often than not been ones that he's put on himself, but that didn't make them any less heavy. Deku right now is struggling not just with his feelings of responsibility, but also with all of the misplaced guilt that's feeding into it. AFO is targeting him. if innocent people get caught in the crossfire then that's on him. every minute that AFO stays out there getting stronger and causing more chaos is all on him, because he hasn't defeated him yet. and so on and so forth.
and Katsuki knows what that's like. because he blamed himself for what happened to All Might. that feeling of "if I'd only been stronger" is one that he's intimately acquainted with. that feeling of blaming yourself, of not being able to look someone you care about in the eye because you think it's your fault they got hurt. this is something he knows. this is a road he's already been down. and so if Deku tries to pull any "you don't understand" nonsense, Kacchan is uniquely situated to immediately shoot that shit right down.
he's immune to low blows.
lol I keep thinking of all the different counterarguments that Deku could make, and all the different ways in which Kacchan is perfectly equipped to handle them. anyway, so this particular thing is a very recent development, but very fortunately timed. so as we all know, Kacchan was a first class dick to Deku during their childhood. something which Deku, with his abnormally kind and forgiving nature, has never once confronted Kacchan about, even though he would have absolutely had the right. but anyway, so here's the thing though -- right now I fully believe that Deku can and will do or say just about anything in order to get Kacchan and the others to leave. and that includes hurting them in order to save them. so it would not surprise me at all if Deku goes as far as to throw Katsuki's old, cruel, selfish behavior back in his face as part of a last-ditch effort to get him to back down. desperate times and all that.
and maybe there was a time when that actually would have worked. but here's the other thing -- we know something Deku doesn't. namely, that Kacchan has recently leveled up emotionally and has finally unlocked his atonement quest. he finally understands that it's not all about him. which means that it doesn't matter even if Deku pulls out the big guns. he may hurt his feelings, but he's not going to scare him off, because Kacchan's focus right now is on atonement, not forgiveness. he's not doing this for a pat on the head. he's doing it because it's the right thing to do. and no amount of insults will be able to sway him from that.
he learned from the best.
I said this in another post a couple of weeks back, but yeah. Angsty Nomad Deku has nothing on early Kacchan in terms of pushing people away. early Kacchan was the motherfucking king of pushing peeps away. if you so much as LOOKED at this kid in such a way that SUGGESTED you might even be THINKING about possibly trying to save him, he would straight up throw a ten-year hissy fit lmao. Deku's "All Might, you don't have to tag along anymore"s ain't got SHIT on all of Kacchan's "STAY BACK DEKU"s and "I'D RATHER LOSE!!!"s and "OMFG HOW DARE YOU BE THE ONLY PERSON TO TRY TO SAVE ME FROM THIS RAMPAGING SLUDGE MAN WHO'S ABOUT TO SUFFOCATE ME TO DEATH"s. Kacchan is the undisputed goat here lol.
but anyway, so what this means is that he has accumulated a whole HOST of iconic lines and fateful parallels which he can throw back in Deku's face at a moment's notice. and the best part is that he learned it all from THIS EXACT MOTHERFUCKER, RIGHT HERE. what is Deku even gonna do!! argue against his own past actions?? "well, uh, I guess now that you mention it I should have just sat back and watched you die all those times" OH REALLY?? YOU DON'T SAY. THAT SOUNDS SO CONVINCING.
and so guess what, Deku -- if Kacchan was worth saving, then you're worth saving too. it's an ironclad argument. congratulations son you played yourself.
he always wins.
okay so real talk, we all know that what's really driving Deku right now is his fear of losing people. he's helpless against that. he saw Kacchan get stabbed right before his eyes and it fucked him up. he saw all these other people getting hurt and killed because he couldn't save them, and he straight up could not deal with those emotions at all. he's scared. he's more afraid of that happening again than of anything else. and AFO knows that, and that's why he's resorted to his current tactics, which have isolated Deku even further and caused him to push even All Might away.
what Deku is missing right now, and what he needs to have restored, is trust. trust is the antidote to fear. and when you're as scared as Deku is, it takes an extraordinary amount of assurance in order to ease those fears. basically you don't want to place your faith in anything less than an absolutely sure thing.
but Kacchan is exactly that. this is the exact type of situation that Kacchan's "aiming for the top" overkill confidence was made for. he's the one who never loses!! the hero who's going to surpass all other heroes!! Deku inherited All Might's compassion, but Kacchan inherited his determination. Kacchan is someone who brings reassurance. his confidence is unwavering. and in the end, I think it will be strong enough to pull even Deku back out from the darkness.
he is strong.
Kacchan is Deku's rival in every sense of the word, and I fully believe he's capable of matching him step for step even now. and so Deku can try to push him away, but Kacchan is capable of withstanding that force and staying his ground. Deku can try to run, but Kacchan still has him matched for speed. and as a last resort, Deku can even try to defeat him -- but Kacchan won't ever concede to defeat.
and all of this ties back into what I was saying about trust. because Kacchan is strong. strong enough not to die. strong enough to live. strong enough to not make others worry about him. and that's what Deku so desperately needs right now in order to finally let go of his fears. Deku needs someone who can get him to trust in others again, and to do that, he has to be able to trust in their strength.
and last but not least...
he has a secret weapon up his sleeve.
several, as a matter of fact. his hero name reveal. his apology, if he chooses to give it now (though I could see him waiting for a more sincere moment, rather than whipping it out now when it could be misconstrued as a manipulation tactic). but perhaps most importantly...
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never underestimate the power of an iconic role reversal. because that's what I'm getting at here, if it wasn't clear lol. this probably would have worked better if I had a picture of him actually reaching out to Deku. but I mean, that's kind of the point lol. I don't have one because he hasn't done it yet. BUT CAN YOU IMAGINE. good luck withstanding that, Deku.
so yeah. look at all that. he really is a one-man Deku-saving army. which is not to say that the other kids won't have a part to play as well, or that it's not important for them to be there, because it is. but as far as the lead role goes, it's Kacchan. like that astronaut meme guy says. always has been.
oh and as a bonus he was smart enough to finally leave the mask at home today lol. LET DEKU SEE THE SINCERITY IN YOUR EYES. YESSSSSSS.
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highpope · 3 years
pieced together pt. one
posting here too because not that many people have seen it also sorry for the weird spacing idk what’s going on
JJ Maybank x pogue reader - season 2 fic
spoiler warning!
You laid in bed watching the rain hit your windows, the radio downstairs faintly describes the fate of the world. You can’t make out complete sentences without straining, but you have heard enough from the last few days to know there were no updates about John B and Sarah. The radio has been on for days on end, your parents not wanting to miss any possible update about your friends or the storm that seemed never-ending. It was like it rained for years. It was a constant reminder of the night your two best friends were driven out into the storm and everything changed. You could hear Shoupe’s words in the back of your mind, “we lost ‘em' ' on a constant loop. You could see Kiara’s face and JJ’s hands and Pope’s heart shatter. Like all the stars had come falling down and you were the only one left to pick up all the pieces. You prayed this was all a nightmare. You could wake up and not only would they both be here, but you’d all be safe. You would give up the gold a hundred times over if it meant John B and Sarah would be home.
Both Pope and Kie’s parents had called your mom every night since that day. When she thought you were asleep, she would creep down the stairs and sit in the kitchen and cry, praying they had some good news. Something that could take away some of the pain you were in. But she couldn’t, no one could. You had to hear half the town talk about John B like he was a murderer like he kidnapped Sarah like he was some delusional kid from the cut. All while you knew the Cameron’s were roaming free and receiving sympathy for what they’re going through. It made you sick to think about. They had a private funeral for Sarah. People gave their condolences and spoke so kindly about her. They scoffed at her recent behavior and her newfound friendship from “those dirty pogues.”
Sometime around day two, your mom came into your room asking if you had heard from JJ. He had been with the Heyward’s up until that morning when he’d completely disappeared.
For a second, you felt something other than grief, knowing he had been with Pope and not his dad, but that was short-lived. You tried to imagine how peaceful it would have been under different circumstances, a world in which he was always safe. One where Luke Maybank had no control over his life. You wanted to get lost in that daydream, live in that alternative reality for a while. He wouldn’t have to keep a duffel bag full of clothes and cash under your bed for when things got bad. He wouldn’t have to know how to do stitches on himself or how to pop a dislocated shoulder back in place. He’d be safe. He’d be happy. She asked again if you had heard from JJ, snapping you back to reality. (you had not). You watched as her forehead creased and her lips straightened into a thin line, like something in her had broken too.
She hurts just as much as you do. At first, you contributed that to her not being able to take away your pain, which is part of it. But you later realized she’s lost a person, too. You had known John B since grade school, there were pictures of the group of you sitting on your swing set in your backyard at age nine. Ones of you, JJ, John B, and Pope asleep in your living room after attempting to build a fort. He stayed for dinners and birthday parties. She watched us grow up, every first day of school, soccer game, fishing tournament. Our families had somehow combined over the years. Not only does your mom hurt for you, but she lost a child. And that weight is heavier than anything.
You stopped crying by day three. Nothing left. You were completely and utterly numb but consumed by loss all at the same time. You hadn’t initially worried about JJ. He did this. He disappeared for a little, to clear his head, but he always came back. He never stayed away for more than three days. That’s how long it took for him to feel balanced again, maybe less, but never more. He said it was because he couldn’t get a burger as good as the ones at The Wreck anywhere else in the world, but you knew how much he loved the outer banks and the people there. You also knew that he’d never leave without you. And if he absolutely had to, he would at least say goodbye. He had to, he promised. You held on to that every time his phone went straight to voicemail. And when days four and five came and went and you still haven’t heard from him, you were worried. He should’ve crawled through your window in yesterday’s clothes with a few more scratches on his arm than he left with, but his eyes would glow a little brighter and he would still smile when you insisted he spends the night. So, when you cracked your window open and slept with your bedside lamp on (so that he could see the light from outside) and he still wasn’t there when you awoke, your mourning turned into something else. You sent a few texts, in case he somehow got them, but you were doubtful.
You didn’t know what it was like to live without him. There wasn’t a time in your life you could remember when you and JJ weren’t attached at the hip. Sometime around kindergarten, you two became inseparable, ultimately meeting John B and Pope as you got older and Kie when you all got to junior high. There was a weird couple of months around third grade where he decided girls had cooties, but it was short-lived because when JJ realized that meant you couldn’t be friends anymore he thought it was dumb and started coming over again. You couldn’t exactly pinpoint when your relationship changed, the lines between friendship and something more merging and becoming blurred. If you had to, for you it was the start of sophomore year. Something changed when you were together, even just sitting in silence was comfortable and exciting. Eyes started lingering, touches became more frequent, and then one day you were just together. It’s been the same since. You think back to the first time you kissed like a couple. It definitely hadn’t been the first time the two of you had ever kissed. You were sure there had been at least one during your childhood and you vividly remember a New Year’s Eve party and a couple of games of truth or dare. But this time it was different. There was something behind it.
You and JJ sat side by side in the hammock outside of John B’s. He was smoking while using his one leg to rock the two of you slowly back and forth. You were struggling to keep your eyes open and pay attention to whatever story was being told. JJ must have noticed because he wrapped an arm around you, inviting you to lay on his chest.
This wasn’t uncommon between you. JJ was always physically affectionate toward the people he cared about and you had no problem reciprocating. You stayed just like that until it was just the two of you left outside.
JJ shifted slightly under your weight causing you to wake up. “Shit, sorry. You okay?” he asked, tossing the tip of the blunt into the fire.
You nodded, “mhm.” You looked around, realizing how dark it had gotten, “You could’ve woken me up! It’s late.”
“You looked peaceful.”
You pretended to clutch your heart, “JJ Maybank being nice? Dare I say sweet?”
“Shut up,” he said, rolling his eyes. He was smiling at you like you were the funniest person in the world.
“ No, no. You care about me,” you joked, poking his chest with your finger, “you loooove me.”
“ Yeah?” he challenged, arching an eyebrow.
“Yeah,” you said, your breath suddenly catching in your throat.
“What if I do?” He asked, but it wasn’t a question. His face was serious, a glimmer of hope in his crystal eyes.
You look slightly from his eyes to his lips. If JJ noticed he didn’t lead on. He just slowly bridged the gap between you, your noses brushing for a moment before your lips connected. It was slow and careful, not wanting to push too far, but all the same, wanting to completely unravel the other. His hand cupped your cheek, his rings cold against your flushed face as you leaned into the kiss.
You heard faint screams and cheers from inside the chateau and Pope’s “Finally!” echo out. You could feel him smiling and soon enough you were both laughing. You had finally come together and nothing would take that away.
On day six, the rain stopped and the world carried on as normal. You wanted to yell at every person you saw. How could anyone feel so neutral about anything that happened in the last week? The sheriff was dead, there was a murderer on the loose, your two best friends were gone, and your boyfriend was missing. But yeah, go ahead and go to the grocery store like any other Wednesday morning. Someone tell the earth, it’s not supposed to keep spinning after the world ends.
You were lying on your bed, staring at your ceiling as you tried to fall asleep, a breeze flowed through your window and your lamp illuminated the room. All you could hear were cicadas and the wind rustling through the trees until you heard your window creak and slide open. You tried to process everything all at once, your eyes scanning over every part of his body, trying to meet his eyes. He was wearing the same clothes he had on the last time you saw him. There was dirt under his fingernails and his face was puffy from crying. His lip was cracked and covered in dry blood and bruises littered his jaw and hands. You could cry at the mere sight of him. Before either of you could speak, you collided.
You held his head to your chest and placed kisses on his hairline. You tried to wipe your tears before he could see them, but it was no use. The two of you were a tangle of arms and legs, of broken hearts and misguided minds, so desperately trying to tell the other it was going to be okay without believing it yourself.
“I miss him so much,” he sobbed. Your heart fell to your stomach and everything you had pushed down the past few days came rushing back.
“Me too,” you breathed. JJ’s arms wrapped around your stomach and he buried his head into your neck. You stayed like this for what felt like hours, thinking that if you held on long enough the two of you wouldn’t fall apart.
You heard your door open slightly and you quickly turned your head to see your mom stood there, tears brimming her eyes. You can visibly see her shoulders relax as she lets out a sigh. Your door closes softly as if not to disturb you both. You hear her on the other side of the door, “he’s here. He’s okay.”
“My dad’s gone,” he murmured into your neck.
You can physically feel your heart break for the boy in your arms and the younger version of him, trying to find a space he belongs and mourning the only one he ever found. You want so badly to hold him together, paint all of his scars golden. To remind him how much people love him, how much you love him, but no words come out.
“Guess he finally picked up and left, son of a bitch” His voice wobbled, “I went back, uh, that night to find the necklace John B gave me.”
He pulled away so he could talk directly to you. You cupped his cheeks and swiped the tears with your thumbs before they could fall. He laughed dryly, remembering, “Climbed through my bedroom window and everything. It should’ve taken two minutes tops but it wasn’t on my dresser like I thought it was. I tore my room apart looking for it. And then my dad came home and heard me, uh he was not happy to see me, as you can imagine.”
“Did he hurt you?” you ask, moving farther away from him to make sure he wasn’t bleeding or worse.
He grabs your hands and brings them to his chest, “I’m okay, I promise.”
“Is that where you were? The past few days,”
He nods, “yeah. I woke up the next day and he was gone. I was just going to get my stuff and go, but I don't know. Something wasn’t right.” He pauses to gather his thoughts, “They all really do leave, huh?”
“Don’t say that,” you urge.
“I’m just-”
“No. Do not think like that. None of this is your fault. Your dad is a fucking awful person for not loving you like you need to be loved. Like you deserve to be loved. And John B-” your voice cracks, “John B would never leave us if he didn’t have to and, and you have me. I couldn’t ever leave you. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself
He kisses your knuckles, “I know, I know. He just has so much power over the way I think.”
“But you know. You know you are nothing like him.”
He nods, not meeting your eyes.
“These past few days, J. You scared me.”
“I’m sorry,” he says, leaning his forehead against yours.
“Don’t disappear on me, okay?”
“Never.” He pushes his lips to yours, urgent and longing. You move your hands to his head, bringing him closer, trying to pour yourself into him.
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no--envies · 3 years
I think Jin Guangyao’s backstory makes him a really compelling antagonist. The first few times his name appears in the novel, he’s presented as the current leader of the Jin Sect, “the only illegitimate son whom Jin GuangShan approved of” (chapter 11) and whose merits allowed him to become Chief Cultivator, the highest position of power in the cultivation world. The more we learn about him, the more we realize the situation wasn’t that simple.
As we’re repeatedly shown through Empathy, Meng Yao’s life wasn’t easy at all. When he was young, he was scorned by everyone for his lowly background no matter what he did. Even the other prostitutes in the brothel where he grew up made fun of his mother's delusion that one day Jin Guangshan would give her and her son a better life. Even Mo Xuanyu, another illegitimate son, was treated better than him by Jin Guangshan, because his mother came from a good family. “At least Jin GuangShan still remembered that he had such a son and brought him back to Koi Tower” (chapter 48), while Meng Yao and his mother were completely abandoned.
After his mother died, Meng Yao went to find his father, but of course he wasn’t received. Instead, he was kicked down the stairs of Koi Tower and rolled down the steps from top to bottom. How did he react to this affront?
Allegedly, he didn’t say anything after he got up. Wiping away the blood on his forehead, then dusting off the dirt that got onto his clothes, he picked up his belongings and walked away.
(Chapter 48)
We always see him react like this against adversity. He never gets angry, never yells, never vents his frustration in any way. We don’t know what kind of feelings he harbors in his heart. This is much more terrifying than Nie Mingjue’s volatile temper.
After this, Meng Yao didn’t give up at all. If anything, this experience gave him more determination to see his and his mother’s dream fulfilled. He didn’t have strong spiritual powers because he had started cultivating too late, but he was gifted with a keen mind and a lot of resourcefulness. He was refused by the Jin Sect, so he went to the Nie. He managed to attract Nie Mingjue’s attention by doing the things he knew Nie Mingjue would approve of, like helping civilians during the war. We don’t know how much of it was due to his own concern for the well-being of the common people. On one hand, Jin Guangyao built the watchtowers to help people in the most remote areas, despite meeting a lot of opposition for it, both from his father and the other sects. On the other hand, he used innocent prostitutes to murder his father and then killed them, so he doesn’t seem to actually care about the common people. I think most of his actions while he was in the Nie Sect were calculated to make the sect leader notice him.
Nie Mingjue’s righteousness made him stand up for Meng Yao when he heard people bad-mouthing him. Nie Mingjue had his flaws and a black-and-white morality, but he was fair to his subordinates and gave credit where it was due. He showed his appreciation for Meng Yao’s hard work and attitude by appointing him as his deputy. Meng Yao’s situation in the Nie Sect of course wasn’t ideal and he struggled to be accepted (the scene with the cultivators refusing to drink from the teacups served by the “son of a prostitute” was telling), but being the sect leader’s deputy was the highest position he could have achieved only through his merits. I believe that if he had decided to stop there and be satisfied with what he already had - a good position, two sect leaders who supported him - his life would have been much happier.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case. Meng Yao’s past, coupled with his habit of bottling up his emotions and remembering every affront he received, had made him accumulate years of pent-up resentment. Nie Mingjue offered him the opportunity to go where he wanted instead of using Meng Yao’s debt of gratitude to keep him by his side. He even wrote him a letter of recommendation to give to Jin Guangshan so that he could be appointed to a good position in the Jin Sect. However, Jin Guangshan didn’t even meet Meng Yao. He completely ignored his presence and even feigned ignorance when Nie Mingjue went to inquire about him. In that kind of environment, even Meng Yao’s superiors could get away with taking credit for Meng Yao’s achievements. When Nie Mingjue went to look for him, he caught him precisely while he was taking revenge.
What Meng Yao did that time was definitely questionable. Even in a world like MDZS where revenge is completely justified, Meng Yao went too far by murdering his superior for stealing his credit. The problem is that in the Jin Sect, Meng Yao didn’t have anyone he could complain to for his superior’s wrongdoings. His father couldn’t care less about him and everyone else secretly rejoiced to see him struggling: in a society where birthright was everything, the son of a prostitute was lower than them even though his father was a sect leader. Nie Mingjue told him to confess his crime and accept the punishment the Jin Sect would give him, but that was like sealing his fate. There was no way Jin Guangshan would judge him fairly. The mere son of a prostitute daring to murder a respected member of the Jin Sect? Meng Yao would have been lucky if they didn’t execute him on the spot. Nie Mingjue didn’t consider all of this because his rigid mentality prevented him from seeing the nuance in Meng Yao’s situation. He thought that if Meng Yao truly had his reasons for killing his superior, the Jin Sect would acknowledge it. He didn’t take classism into consideration because he couldn’t see past his own privilege.
Nie Mingjue’s mentality was too black-and-white, but he wasn’t completely wrong, either. In that moment he caught a glimpse of Meng Yao’s true nature: that of a schemer and a manipulator. From that moment on, Nie Mingjue could never trust Meng Yao again like he had done in the past. He didn’t completely give up on him, though: after the end of the Sunshot Campaign, when Meng Yao was finally recognized by his father and became Jin Guangyao, Nie Mingjue accepted to become sworn brothers with him because he wanted to bring him back to the right path.
At the time Meng Yao had apparently achieved his goal: his father had recognized him and given him a place in Koi Tower, finally acknowledging his merits. However, that was far from the truth. Jin Guangshan had no intention whatsoever of making Jin Guangyao his heir; he gave him the tasks of a servant and made him do the things he wouldn’t dirty his precious heir’s hands with. He ordered Jin Guangyao to get rid of all the obstacles that prevented him from reaching the position of Chief Cultivator, and Jin Guangyao did. Despite this, his father never cared for him and never really accepted him. On top of that, Madam Jin didn’t show an ounce of compassion for the illegitimate son of her husband: she kept venting her frustrations on him as if Jin Guangyao was at fault for her husband’s vices.
Jin Guangyao was mostly isolated in Koi Tower, but somehow he kept believing that someday his father would actually recognize him. What made him lose faith completely was what Jin Guangshan said about his mother:
“Why was a sect leader who spent money like water unwilling to do the smallest favor and buy my mother’s freedom? Simple—it was too much trouble. My mother waited for so many years, weaving together so many difficult circumstances when she talked to me, imagining for his sake so many hardships. And the real reason was only a single word: trouble.
“This is what he said, ‘It’s especially women who’ve read some books who think they’re a level higher than other women. They’re the most troublesome, with so many demands and unrealistic thoughts. If I bought her freedom and took her back to Lanling, who knows how much fuss she’d make. It was best that I let her stay where she was just like that. With her conditions, she’d probably be popular for a few more years. She wouldn’t have to worry about her spendings for the rest of her life.’
“‘Son? Oh, forget it.’”
(Chapter 106)
Jin Guangyao did a lot of despicable things in his life. He had the chance to stop and be happy with what he had so many times, but he never did. He kept obeying his horrible father’s wishes and sacrificing innocent people for the sake of his own ambition. He had a lot of talents and skills he could have used to do good, but he wasn’t a good person.
His backstory does an excellent job at explaining his behavior and motivations. It makes him a complex character, far from one-dimensional, and I think it’s great that the ultimate villain of the story is a character like him. Jin Guangyao’s evil deeds weren’t justified in the least, but spoke of a resentment born from real struggles and the desire to climb the social ladder to prove that even someone like him - the son of a prostitute, scorned and ridiculed by everyone - could reach the top of the cultivation world.
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angeloroki · 3 years
broken engagement. 2. — i. midoriya
— part one.
— character ; aged up!izuku midoriya x gn!reader
— genre ; angst
— warnings ; curses
— a/n ; part 2 bc you wanted it, but i never said it'd be fluffy :(
please let me know if there are any female pronouns (i'm doing it unintentionally sorry :/), i want to keep this writing as inclusive as possible!!
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« hey.., it's me, again.
please call me back. i never wanted this. »
message deleted.
this was at least the 10th time you repeated the process. your ex-fiancé would leave you a voicemail, you'd listen to it all the way through, even though your friend advised you long ago to block him, and then you'd delete it, reluctantly.
maybe that's why he's been so insistent for the past month. the fact that you haven't blocked him or deleted him from your contacts could only give him hope.
and yet, you'd like to pick up the phone and tell him what an asshole he is. and that it was over, that you could never love him again, and even why not lie to him and tell him you were seeing someone else, and blah blah blah.
but it was all wrong.
you still loved him, even after crying for days.
" i don't know if my feelings for you are strong enough to satisfy you. "
he had made you believe for weeks that the fairy tale you were living with him was real. it was a change from the cheesy endings in disney movies. what a bastard.
you sighed to yourself, gazing at the engagement ring that lay far away on the bedside table.
it gleamed in the moonlight, beautiful, representing the love izuku had for you. now it was just the bearer of the bitter words he had spat in your face.
you looked away.
« y/n hun, i'm going to a friend's house. it's my date i've been telling you about for two weeks now, i hope he's worth it or else you'll hear me complaining, she says in a weary voice. i left the dish in the fridge for you, and please don't resume your series on my netflix account, it's too boring to know where i left off. » your friend shouts from the front door.
you smile slightly.
« i'll try, but i can't promise anything. »
« hahaha, no but for real, i'm serious. anyway, see you later honey, and wish me luck. »
it's been a month since you moved in with your friend, she insisted that you stay with her until you find another apartment. and she was a good cook, so how could you refuse ?
you sat down in front of the tv, and resumed the series you had started. a pathetic love story, the married boy who falls in love with a woman who is pregnant, even though she is a virgin?
you rolled your eyes before turning off the tv. everything was about him, when you're on social media and you see a couple of friends already married, or when a jewelry commercial would be airing right when you turn on the tv, and of course the dates that are coming up on your best friend's side.
it's as if fate didn't want you to forget him.
you were going to have a piece of cake, and you were going to start a horror movie. just to chase away that too sad cloud over your head.
of course, your new roommate had finished the raspberry bush, and so it was her fault that you found yourself at 11pm, in the 24 hour supermarket, in front of an old shop window wondering if ice cream was better after all.
with a Ben & Jerry's in hand, you headed to the cash register to pay and quickly return to your blanket cave.
« ouch ! » you exclaimed.
you had just bumped into someone, who was strangely tall by the way. you were about to apologize and ignore the stranger, when his scent shocked you. it couldn't be possible ? he couldn't be standing in front of you, at 11 pm, in a supermarket, and especially more than 25 kilometers away from your old apartment. argh. obviously this is the only store in town that sells his favorite snacks.
« y/n... »
you finally dared to meet his eyes. he hadn't changed, no wonder, it had only been a month since you left, but you expected something huge when you saw him again. his well-shaped jaw made you want to cover it with kisses. no, stop, y/n. but he smelled so good. " i don't even know if i want to get married ! " that truth echoed in your head. fuck, you had almost forgotten that he had broken up with you.
« what ? » your voice was as hard as a rock.
without giving him time to answer, like last time, you left him hanging and headed for the exit. never mind the ice cream, you'll come and buy it another time.
« what do you mean what ? i've been trying to call you for a month. »
he followed you, leaving his groceries behind too. a breath came from your lips, forming a small cloud of coolness in front of you.
the situation was so cliché that a dry little laugh escaped from you.
« how strange ? i've been ignoring you for a month now. » you said with sarcasm in your voice.
he took your hand gently and suddenly at the same time.
« stop this, and let me explain. »
you felt the melancholy in his voice, his expression camouflaged by a big scarf couldn't hide all the tears he had already started to cry. you just wanted to hold him, to tell him that you were going to get through this together.
you repressed the urge.
no, he was being unfair to you and your feelings. so he didn't deserve your pity.
you disengaged yourself from his grip, and it was with some regret that you saw that he did not try to hold you.
« there's nothing to explain, midoriya. i was stupid not to see that you didn't love me as much. or that i loved you too much. so please let it go. »
« how can you ask me to let go of the love of my life ? stop being so sutpid. »
your eyes widened. did you hear right ?
« i beg your pardon ? was it me who said I didn't want to get married anymore ? was it me who rejected her fiancé for months for absolutely no reason ? was it me who broke your fucking heart when i was patient, and patient ? so don't talk to me about the "love of my life". »
he didn't answer, and a long silence fell between you. you had to bite your lip to keep your tears where they were, in the corner of your eyes. he just needed to say a word, a phrase or even a fucking onomatopoeia to make you stay.
the absence of an answer made you smile sadly.
« midoriya please forget about me. »
« you still have it? the engagement ring, i mean. »
you felt your throat tighten. no need to lie.
"indeed, yes."
a faint smile settled on his face, reddened by the cold. silently, you slipped your hands into your pockets. he was cute that way.
« ...miss your cooking, too. » he said half amused, half saddened.
your exhausted laughter echoed in the street.
« izuku, don't make it worse for yourself. » you said in a tired voice.
the fact that you called him by his first name brought the stars back into his eyes. your tongue came to moisten your lips, you wanted to feel his against yours. just once, before you went home. because you knew that your story wasn't a fairy tale. that even though you loved him madly, and maybe he loved you too, his sweet words couldn't erase the obnoxious behavior and insensitive words he'd thrown at you for weeks.
and most importantly -
a sweet warmth invaded your body, and his scent filled your nostrils. his lips against yours, you could only respond to his ardor. you melted under his caresses that flooded around your waist. your hands met his collar, and you drew him to you. deepening your passionate kiss, the air quickly ran out.
you abruptly pulled away from him. a look of bewilderment painted both your faces. it was unexpected.
« y/n, please... »
« i'll give you the ring back, but it's over. thanks for the kiss. »
yeah, thank you for the kiss izuku, it was a beautiful bitter farewell.
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tagging ; @holykvn @iluvvhewer @0lissa0 @animesuck3r @dekusassistant @cyjstars @softbkg @bobbatea-and-hotchocolate @vegaolive @awizuku @maltese-sparrow @erens-s1ut @djmbgbeast @yyuuna @iliketobullydeku @tecna09 @sxmmio-o @lotusxcos @superblyspeedydragon @taceticbitch @joonie-centric @mishe-qm @ab456123cd @pluviophilefangirl @number1cokewhore @stans-nami @ravngers@quillvinrune
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sully-999 · 3 years
Love is a battlefield
“Save the fucking speech you pussy.” Mickey said a little embarrassed. “I’ll marry you, of course I’ll fucking marry you.”
He was enveloped by Ian’s passionate kiss and the world around them stopped. The dread Mickey had been feeling the last couple of days being away from Ian, slowly dissipated as he felt his now fiancé’s hands travel around his body desperately trying to pull him closer. He was going to marry Ian Fucking Gallagher. The beautiful freckled boy from all those years ago was going to be his, forever.
Mickey had, secretly, dreamt about this moment when they had been apart. He had though about it again when they had “the talk” in prison. Ian had brought up marriage and kids and Mickey had allowed himself to daydream about the possibilities. He imagined every step leading into marrying Ian. He had imagined that…
“Wait” Mickey said dramatically separating his lips from Ian’s. His mind was racing as he stared back into Ian’s eyes.
“Is everything ok?” Ian couldn’t understand what was happening.. Was Mickey having second thoughts 1 minute into being engaged?
“We need to go” Mickey said almost out of breath. He pulled on Ian to leave the bar and he slowly hopped around the guys he had just knocked out.
“Congratulations?” said Byron half sitting, a purple bruise already forming around his eye. Cole was also slowly getting up from the ground with a confused look as Ian apologized pointing at Mickey.
When Ian crossed the doors Mickey was already frantically tapping on his cellphone.
“Mickey, is everything ok?”
“Shhhhh don’t say a word Gallagher” Mickey says with urgency as he held his index finger close to Ian’s face.
Mickey took a deep breath and held a determined look in his eyes.
In a couple of minutes a black car pulled to the side of the street and Mickey held the door open for Ian get in. They didn’t even exchange a greeting with the driver and the rode in tense silence for about 15 minutes.
Ian was looking at the window and slowly realized they were going back to the south side. Maybe Mickey wanted to go back home for celebratory sex? But that didn’t explained his cagey behavior.
The car did not turn on North Wallace and instead kept going straight. Suddenly Ian saw where they were going. Mickey had not dared look at him but in that moment Ian’s heart melted into a puddle.
They got out of the car hurriedly while Mickey helped Ian with his crouches. They walked and Ian tried to think how he was doing to be able to climb the fence with a broken foot.
As a thing of magic, or maybe fate, the gate had been left open and Ian followed Mickey to their spot.
Whatever Mickey wanted to do was important as his brow was still hitched and his expression stayed serious.
The two men were facing each other in silence. Ian still trying to figure out what was in Mickey’s mind.
“Ask me again..” Mickey said softly.
“What? I...”
“The proposal Gallagher…ask me again…with everything you were going to say earlier”
Ian’s mouth slowly turned into a sweet and loving smile.
“Third time’s the charm Mick?” He said jokingly.
“If you are sure about this Ian….” Mickey said gravely “…really sure, ask me again.”
Ian was serious again. He loved the man in front of him so incredibly much. He had been so stupid to let him go so many times before and knew he had broken his heart. But time and time again Mickey has showed him he loved him. All his fucking versions.
He went down in one knee. Luckily he still had the rings on the pocket of his jacket. He pulled one out and his eyes met those of the love of his life.
“I love you Mickey Milkovich. More than anything, and if you’ll let me I would like to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. You are my best friend. I love you and I trust you and I never want to be apart of you again. Will you marry me?”
Mickey’s eyes were filling with tears and he kneeled to join Ian on the ground. He grabbed his hands and got close until their foreheads were touching.
“I’ll marry you. Of course I’ll fucking marry you. I love you.”
They kissed lovingly as they laughed and cried into each other’s mouths. This is how Mickey had imagined it all those times they had been apart and then together again. This is how he imagined it the last time they were at the dugouts and Ian had started to feel better after the diagnosis. He knew Ian was his present and future and that they would overcome any obstacle that came their way.
After a couple of minutes Mickey pulled his face from Ian’s and turned to see their hands now sporting marching rings.
“We need to celebrate man…” said Mickey smiling.
Ian’s face was bright and happy
“What were you thinking?”
Mickey stared back at those beautiful green eyes. So many years had passed but here they were. Ian was healthy, they were happy and most importantly together.
“Sizzlers….we are going to Sizzlers!” This time he was going to go on the fucking date.
We are strong
No one can tell us we're wrong
Searching our hearts for so long
Both of us knowing
Love is a battlefield
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (May 30th-July 5th)
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Narrative basically ret-cons bad behavior of someone who isn't Marinette.
Oh yay! Alya V2!
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow to know that Mouse!Mylene will be called Multimouse.
I read somewhere that her name will be Polymouse but the source was broken.
Please be a mistake back when we saw the hero names and Mylene didn’t get her own name.
I’d also like to add a bonus that either Mylene gets named that without her consent (like someone calls her that), or Mylene names herself that without any knowledge of Multimouse!Marinette at all.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Assuming Luka×Zoe actually happens, there will be no build up whatsoever. In one episode, they just happen to get trapped together somewhere, talk for like ten seconds and start dating immediately afterwards. Basically the same as Alya×Nino bc none of the ships in this show (other than Lukanette and Adrigami) had any sort of meaningful developement before happening
A relationship beyond the love square getting development??? That’s cute.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Nino is gonna realize that Alya has the fox miraculous full time now and because of that he's gonna get pissy and so somehow Alya will be outta commission and Nino will be there so Marinette will give him a miraculous, Alya will probably say something encouraging about Nino, and then HE'LL get a full time miraculous to.
The only reason I don’t feel like this won’t happen is that it doesn’t direct anywhere near as much blame onto Marinette.
Anonymous asked:
Don't need burrow to know Chat will get angry at Ladybug and maybe Rena because Rena is now a permanent hero and he'll spend the day being a dick, but he'll be forced to work with Rena and realize things are good, but he'll only apologize to Rena.
Ladybug is just used to being chopped liver I assume.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Adrigami is restored, while Lukanette isn't.
Marinette will be too busy being forced by the narrative to continue caring about Adrien.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow, Su Han will only reappear at the end of the season and then disappear again.
“Hi, Su-Ha--oh, there he goes.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Adrien decide to confess his secret identity as Chat Noir to Nathalie. She decide to don't tell him that his father is Hawkmoth (but also decide to don't tell Gabriel that his son is Chat Noir)
God, the Agreste drama intensifies. Kill me.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette actually REJECTS Adrien after the identity reveal after it hits her all at once that HE did all the awful, questionable things Chat Noir did. This allows the Love Square Drama to continue, with Marinette being slammed for DARING to be upset/have STANDARDS - everyone claims that she's set the bar too impossibly high and is responsible for her own romantic misery, while Adrien continues being coddled by other temporary love interests while waiting for her to wise up.
I’m just waiting for Ladybug to loudly reject Chat Noir and then she falls for him soon after and bonus if Chat rubs it in her face that she’s moved on or the narrative ignores Chat’s past actions as Ladybug is all like, “WOW HE’S SO RESPECTFUL NOW.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug's continued rejections of Chat Noir are directly compared to Gabriel's shitty parenting -- both of them are denying Adrien things he wants, and these crimes against Sadrien are depicted as equally awful.  (If not weighted towards Ladybug being worse because sHe'S bReAkInG hIs WiDdLe HeArT~~~)
This one wins for making me the most upset.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: Juleka will become the tiger hero in another Julerose-centric episode, but this time Rose is akumatized (into princess fragrance again, but this time with a sentimonster so it’s DiFfErEnT). It will chronologically take place after guilt trip, but Rose’s disability will not be acknowledged, even in passing.
I swear, if I have to see a repeat akuma ONE MORE TIME!!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: The major conflict of the season will be Marinette repeating “mistakes” (this can be similar to not keeping chat 100% in the loop till he throws a fit or having a human to depend on emotionally about miraculous stuff) Bonus: The show doesn’t show the good that came out of her actions and only the bad (Not having a breakdown and etc)
Yup. Definitely Marinette’s fault that she needed to rely on someone so she didn’t have a breakdown. She should’ve buried her emotions and broke down every day instead.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: After the show runners give into another fan theory of new permanent heroes, they will quickly show why this was a mistake. Bonus if it’s the very next episode (because if Marinette did it then it has to be bad)
This already felt super likely and then you added “because if Marinette did it then it has to be bad” and now I’m just sad because it’s doubly right.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Marinette, who dreams of being a fashion designer, designs something that’s just ugly. Bonus if it’s never addressed/characters just say it’s great so the show doesn’t look bad at designing clothes
Does Ladybug count? Still can’t believe Chat Noir gets the “complex” outfit with actual thought and Ladybug gets the onesie.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that Emilie intended to use the Miraculi they'd found to 'give Adrien the world'.  This is treated as a sympathetic motive because, as Word of God constantly insists, Adrien is perfect and deserves everything he desires, regardless of how anyone else feels about it.  Thus it doesn't matter what horrific things his parents did or intended; their goals are treated as righteous, with Ladybug being Wrong to oppose them.
They just want what’s best for their son!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be a plot in which LADYBUG is accused of not caring about civilians, with Adrien/Chat Noir getting to lecture her as if HE has the moral high ground.  Or any ground to stand on.  His abysmal track record is completely ignored, retconned, or otherwise treated as inapplicable; we likely get a singular moment where he suddenly Gives A Shit about protecting one of his friends/classmates, which is treated as proof that he Always Cares About Such Matters.
Bonus if it’s Ladybug choosing not to defend/save someone who spited her/deserves it, which is “clearly worse” than Chat Noir threatening to let Paris drown in “Syren.” Ladybug is not allowed to be human and also not allowed to show people that there are consequences for their actions, proving that they/Chat can take advantage and mock her as much as they want with no repurcussions.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Sabrina and Chloe have another Friendship Breakup; when Sabrina seems poised to actually get away from her abusive 'BFF' for good, Adrien intervenes/whines at Marinette to help him fix it, because it's nOt FaAaAaIr for Chloe to be aLl AlOoOoOoNe...
Is it too late to make Adrien disappear and have it look like an accident.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: In a Shocking Twist, Cats are revealed to be cursed - the majority suffer some catastrophic fate as the Ring eventually causes their Destruction.  Only True Love can break it, making Ladybug's refusal to give in to Chat Noir's advances a literal matter of life-and-death and 'justifying' all of his behavior.  Bonus if it's retconned that *Adrien always knew this*, despite nothing in his behavior ever indicating he believed himself to be on borrowed time.  Because Angstrese.
Also bonus if this is also used as just another way to make him seem sympathetic. Double bonus if this information is brought up after Ladybug snaps at Chat Noir, and she’s told this information to make her feel guilty.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: If Adrien reveal someone his secret identity, it will be ... obviously Wayhem.
Nino: hello darkness--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Goat!Marc, Rooster!Nathaniel and even Ox!Ivan will be buffed out because not even the boys in this show are allowed to keep their own body shapes when they become superheroes.
I’m positive Ivan especially will be beefed up. The civilian models are really awkward at times and clearly not prepared to be put in onesies (it’s hard to explain and maybe someone more experienced with propotions/anatomy will be able to say it better, but their limbs don’t have a lot of “shape” to them I guess?).
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: Alya’s miraculous looks exactly the same in it’s “camouflage” mode solely so Lila can easily switch her necklace with Alya’s. (seriously why does it not change that bothers the hell out of me)
If that happens, I’d put money on Alya not getting called out on it. Good to know you put so much priority on “secrecy,” Alya.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t need burrow: A kwami swap will happen again somehow. Marinette will uncharacteristically scold Adrien way more harshly than normal AGAIN to make him feel bad about himself and this will further the (Adrien melodrama depression arc) of him feeling useless/ replaced. Bonus points if Alya picks up his slack.
Honestly, I was here for the scolding in “Reflekdoll” just because there weren’t consequences for her for once.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: There will be Sad Noir galore. Its all Ladybug’s fault, naturally.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Episode where Sabrina gets Dog Miraculous will be Chloe-centric (or Bourgeois sisters centric)
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: the episode where Sabrina gets the Dog Miraculous (which seems inevitable now, ugh) will heavily feature or even focus on Chloé, despite the fact that Chloé has already had a couple of episodes focusing largely on her this season. Sabrina’s introduction as a hero will have about as much focus as Kim’s or will be jammed into the last five minutes of the episode. Bonus points if they manage to deny her a proper transformation sequence like they did Kagami.
Roger: *exists and desperately needs development on his policy that caused Sabrina to become Chloe’s slave in the first place*
show: okay but--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Under pressure, Marinette admits to Alya and/or Tikki that she doesn't mind the attention (aka constant harassment) Chat Noir gives her; parroting common claims by sexual harassers, she says it makes her feel *special* and *noticed*.  She may also insist that she still wishes he would focus on the AKUMA/their responsibilities more, but the obvious point of this scene is to 'justify' his behavior with evidence that 'she enjoys it'.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be a joke about Chat Noir *copping a feel* on Ladybug after an akuma sends them into an awkward position.  Ladybug's shock and discomfort is played for laughs; bonus if he quips about her suit not leaving much to the imagination.  Adrien is in a fantastic mood afterwards, considering that to be the 'best battle yet'.  (Alternatively, another heroine is victimized and Ladybug is visibly jealous/her annoyance at Chat is treated like jealousy.)
I’m not adding this to the spreadsheet just because a scene like that is too dicey for a kid’s show (though, believe me, if it were to happen, I’m putting that on it’s own damn card), but I will say that this would 100% happen if this were an anime/aimed towards an older audience.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien tricks Alya into thinking that Chat Noir already knows Ladybug's secret identity, thusly learning that she's Marinette.  This is passed off as all MARI's fault, naturally.  If Alya apologizes at all, it's in a backhanded, "But why didn't he know this already?" sort of fashion.
It’s Marinette’s fault for telling Alya her identity in the first place.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Post-Reveal, Marinette struggles to reconcile how her crush is also her abusive slacker 'partner'.  Adrien, by contrast, accepts her as Ladybug immediately... though his words make clear that he doesn't give a shit who SHE is, just that she's Ladybug.  Naturally, this is treated as Mari needing to learn how to accept Adrien for who he is, all while insisting that his many flaws and failings aren't issues at all.
i hate it, thanks
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The RLBS is EXPLICITLY punishment for Marinette: after a mutual reveal, Adrien declares that they can't get together as civilians until she accepts him as Chat Noir.  Mari is forced to awkwardly pursue Chat as Ladybug while he strings her along/humiliates her; meanwhile, Adrien trolls her with shallow gestures to fluster her/rile up their shipper classmates, who ride her ass for not 'sealing the deal' and making their relationship official.  Alya, aware of everything, is the WORST about it.
I presume that “RLBS” is “Reverse Love BS” which... yes.
Also, that whole “she needs to accept him as Chat Noir” infuriates me because that’s been a fandom thing forever.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: The only reason Sabrina got Dog Miraculous is because of a scene where Chloe literally "Kick the Dog".
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow to know that despite Sabrina almost certainly getting a miraculous and becoming a hero, the fact that she deserves better than being abused by Chloé and is a worthwhile individual in her own right will not be addressed. Because StATuS QuO!
I just had a horrible thought that they’ll do the episode like--
Chloe treats Sabrina terribly like usual, Sabrina ditches Chloe and Chloe is miserable + takes it out on everyone else for it, then Chloe gets akumatized over it and Sabrina gets the dog (for “loyalty”), which leads to Sabrina going back to Chloe so that Chloe will direct the abuse more solely towards Sabrina because “she takes it out on others otherwise”/she’s “used to it”/”it’s her responsibility and this is the right thing to do.” This will also be presented as the “right choice” and Chloe and Sabrina’s relationship will basically not change for the sake of leaving Chloe the way she is.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Cat Noir is gonna throw a Syren-Sized fit if/when he finds out that Ladybug dares to have a support network through Alya (not a very GOOD support network, but one nonetheless).
Still waiting for the “lesson” where Ladybug is told she’s not allowed to have emotions/be vulnerable.
Oh wait, that’s the show.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir will angst and fish for sympathy points instead of apologizing for the 40th time in the series.
Every time.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Luka is gonna say that Adrien and Marinette are made for each other. This is the last appearance that he will make in the show (with exception to background/shipping fuel between him and somebody else w̶h̶o̶ ̶i̶s̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶b̶a̶b̶l̶y̶ ̶e̶i̶t̶h̶e̶r̶ ̶Z̶o̶è̶ ̶o̶r̶ ̶K̶a̶g̶a̶m̶i̶).
Considering the ““““parellel”“““ episodes of “Truth” and “Lies,” I’m just ready for the same thing that happened with Kagami in “Mr. Pigeon 72.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Trixx plays pranks on Alya's family and is a little troll; he particularly loves teasing the twins, since any claims they might make about seeing a 'magical flying fox' will be passed  off as childish imaginings.  Alya blames Marinette for this more than she does Trixx.
Marineeeette, raise your “children” better!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will wind up spilling Ladybug's secret identity to Nino because 'she needs to talk to SOMEONE about this!' (and Mari CLEARLY doesn't count for anything) and trusts her boyfriend.
I would also imagine Alya going on about Marinette’s secret to Nino without explicitly telling him.
Also, this will be an episode in this season because Alya couldn’t even keep it in for ONE SEASON (”Animan” all over again).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug will be seriously injured during an akuma battle, with circumstances preventing them from winning the fight/repairing the damage with Miraculous Cure right away.  Adrien/Chat Noir attempts to exploit the situation to learn 'his lady's' secret identity.  The narrative REFUSES to call him out on this; it's entirely on Marinette to protect herself by hiding the truth despite her injuries.
Bonus because “Ladybug” seemed to imply that their almost invincible in their suits, though I imagine if they get hurt, it’ll be Chat Noir and used for angst (like in “Miraculer”).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will combine Miraculi more often to cut down on having to track down others all the time and put them in danger.  (And also because the merch guys want more stuff to base toys off of.)  She gets condemned for being a 'glory hound' and 'taught' that she needs to rely upon others more often, no matter what sort of risks that might entail (she'll get blamed for that anyway) or how they might let her down (again, always her fault).
Marinette: *tries not to burden others and instead does what the narrative has convinced her of; bearing the world’s weight alone until she breaks*
show: gOd, mArIneTtE--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir's tendency to screw around, flirt, and not read or work with his allies at all gets Rena Rouge, Vesperia or one of the other heroes hurt.  Naturally, this is played for Sadrien above all else -- if Ladybug or anyone else DARES to show any anger towards him for it, it's depicted as completely unjustified and unfair.  Bonus if the injured party insists that it's okay.
They neeeed Chat Noir to lighten the mood! He’s worth the risk!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: RLBS is kicked off by Marinette being utterly HUMILIATED by Adrien publicly rejecting her once he can't ignore her crush anymore, spurring her to give up on him 'for good'.  Adrien decides that he misses her chasing after him and starts pursuing her, with Alya and others encouraging her to accept his advances/telling her that she's crazy to reject him even after what he did.  Marinette's utter misery over the whole ordeal is treated as HILARIOUS.
It’s not like he mEaNt to embarrass you, Marinette!!!
Marinette didn’t meant to do a lot of things too but you don’t see the show giving her any slack.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir starts treating Alya/Rena Rouge with exactly as much 'respect' as he gives Ladybug -- which is to say, nothing but lip service paired with stunts like refusing to help unless she spills Ladybug's secrets.  Alya naturally blames Marinette for this.
I’m torn on whether he’d “””respect her””” as much as Ladybug or give her even more respect, probably on the premise that “Ladybug chose her,” and that somehow proves that Chat Noir is a good guy in all this (while, again, disrespecting/not trusting Ladybug/making his own decisions at every corner).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir attempts to charm Alya/Rena Rouge into sharing Ladybug's secrets with him, possibly making Nino jealous in the process.
*sees “Rocketear” trailer*
oh no...
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get another 'Bad Future' episode centered on Sadrien; this time around, it features him losing the Ring, painting this popular plotline as a horrible idea because Adrien is Perfect and Never Does Anything Wrong, and should never be punished for his actions.  No matter how it happens, Marinette is blamed for it; bonus if somebody angrily tells her that SHE should have lost HER Miraculous instead.
Wouldn’t be surprised, but that would also mean making a new model of a cat hero.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: It's revealed that part of the reason Alix/Bunnix refuses to share any 'Spoilers' about how the future is 'meant to go' is because Marinette Suffers Incredibly in the process, and Alix knows that she'd try to find some other way... and assumes that she'd fail in the process.  This is treated as entirely valid and Marinette, if she learns that this is part why Bunnix won't tell her shit, has to accept that she's just doomed to be Fate's personal punching bag.  Sucks to be her!
It’s “meant to be.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette/Ladybug is told outright that she's a horrible person for not respecting Chat Noir's feelings for her.  Bonus points if it's Alya, citing Mari's crush on Adrien as proof that she should know how it feels to constantly fail at getting your crush's attention.  (Alternately, Adrien venting to her about how *unfair* it is that Ladybug's so cruel to her partner, unaware of the dramatic irony.)  Triple-7 Jackpot of Shit if this contributes to the RLBS becoming a thing.
And of course Chat Noir wouldn’t get the same treament and it’ll be like, “WELL ADRIEN DOESN’T kNoW sO--”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Instead of Lila, Chloe is revealed to be the next holder of the Butterfly Miraculous. This shows Chloe as "irredeemable" while successfully writing Lila out of the show.
Meanwhile, the writers’ script is frantically scribbled on with red marker.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Reveal that post about Lila being future Hawkmoth was Red Herring (or in this case orange herring)
Dumb herring.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need a burrow;
By the end of the series, Gabriel will have a redemption arc to feel sympathy for him :o
guys he’s so sad don’t you see--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien's inability to choose between the 'love of his life' and the abusive shitbag excuse of a sire who'd just smacked him like a ping-pong ball foreshadows that he will ultimate choose Gabriel after learning that he's Hawk/Shadowmoth.  This will be entirely blamed on Marinette not being able to keep him by her side because 'she didn't love/cherish/appreciate him enough'!
After “Guiltrip” and the whole, “I don’t say this enough--” line, I’d buy it and now I’m sad.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The RLBS is kicked off by Chat Noir switching sides and joining Hawk/Shadowmoth.  Ladybug is forced to appeal to Chat's 'love' for her, with Alya, Tikki, and various other 'friends'/allies blaming her for his defection.  Meanwhile, Sadrien starts pursuing Marinette as an outlet for his mangst, 'unintentionally' making her more miserably conflicted in the process.
She rejected him and therefore he’s in his right to switch sides. She never even gave him a chance!!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien is a Sentimonster/was created by other Miraculous magic by the Agrestes, who desired a 'perfect/model son'.  This is used to further the narrative that his entitlement is actually a Good Thing: Adrien was not MEANT to have any wants/needs/desires of his own, but mysteriously developed them anyway.  Thus Marinette NEEDS to cater to his every whim because it's sO mIrAcUlOuS that he HAS them in the first place.  Hooray...?
His very EXISTENCE is MIRACULOUS, Marinette!!!
Also, Astruc will act like this was amazingly foreshadowed in “Ladybug” where Ladybug comments on Sentibug’s perfection.and with Astruc always called Adrien perfect (either on his own or through other characters).
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Another Shocking Familial Connection is revealed: Felix is not Adrien's cousin, but Gabriel and Emilie's original son, whom they shunted off on her sister and replaced with the 'perfect' Adrien.  50-50 split on whether this is used to excuse all of Felix's shitty behavior or if he's demonized further -- 'See, THIS is why they replaced him!  ANYONE would choose the Perfect Adrien over someone like THAT!'
Why not both????
It’s like the Chloe-Zoe situation but male.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: After learning that Rena Rouge has become Ladybug's confidant, Chat Noir outright REFUSES to help at a critical moment, sneering about how 'you ladies CLEARLY don't need me'.  As with everything else, the blame for his latest stunt is laid neatly at Marinette's feet, because Adrien is never EVER responsible for his own actions.
They’ll probably blame Marinette because Ladybug “didn’t tell him right away.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Circumstances force Adrien to be Mr. Bug again (since they already have the models).  Much is milked from how HAAAAAAAARRRRD his temporary responsibilities are on him, and he reiterates afterwards how happy he is that he doesn't have to deal with that all the time.  No actual sympathy for Ladybug's situation is displayed, though stans treat it as such; what we're actually SHOWN is that Adrien only cares about the burden when HE'S the one stuck carrying it.
As per usual, no one cares about Marinette’s problems until it directly affects THEM, and then they’ll go back to not caring.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: With all of the other abusive behavior Adrien has shown towards Ladybug, it's only a matter of time before we get a 'Why did you make me hit you?' moment.  No akuma influence; just him physically lashing out at her because he's an entitled little shit upset over not getting his way, followed by the inevitable bleating about how bad HE feels and how he'll 'never do it again'.  Naturally, this is presented as though Marinette 'deserved it' and must accept his apology.
Show, don’t do this to me, I swear--
I’d be surprised if this did happen, but more because it’s like wow the lack of self-awareness is even worse than I thought.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get a Very Special Episode about sexual harassment... which not only refuses to acknowledge Adrien's behavior as such, but asserts that he would NEVER touch 'his lady' in any kind of inappropriate fashion.  Bonus: he harasses her in that very same episode to 'prove' that his behavior isn't inappropriate.
So “Felix” but worse...
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: The reason why ML Writers made Zoe an actress is to justify why she managed to recognize that Lila is "Liar that lies" instantly after meeting her.
Waiting for the moment where Zoe talks to Marinette to address Marinette “acting like she’s not in love with Adrien.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Lila steals the Fox Pendant from Alya/does something that affects her *personally*.  Alya then reads Marinette the riot act, demanding to know "Why didn't you WARN ME about her?!"  (None of the times that she DID count because Alya dismissed them as her 'just being jealous', which is, of course, entirely Mari's fault.)  Bonus if we allude back to her claiming that 'good reporters do their research' and how she expected MARI to provide her her with proof of her claims.
Marinette: *thousand yard stare*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: When Lila is exposed, Marinette gets blamed for all the harm she caused with her various deceptions, since she tried to warn others and couldn't convince anyone of the truth.  Adrien 'taking the high road' is largely glossed over; if anyone finds out that HE knew too and never did anything to warn anyone, he's quickly forgiven for 'not knowing any better'.
See, Marinette, if you just hadn’t tRiEd--
And Adrien was just trying to “be nice to everyone equally” so he’s forgiven.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir outright admits that he dislikes Rena/the other heroes being around since they make him feel unnecessary.  This is treated as a perfectly reasonable and valid complaint rather than a slacker piss-moaning about being shown up by others making actual EFFORT.
*flashbacks to “You’re not trying to replace me with a turtle, are you?” after Carapace shows up LITERALLY ONCE*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: We get a retread of the NYC Special's Angstrian when he accidentally ('accidentally?') Cataclysms Rena/somebody else.  Bonus if the victim once again argues that THEIR experiences/trauma are FAR less important than his.  (Especially if it's Alya, Nino, Max... somebody who ALSO happens to be a character of color temporarily killed off to make the spoiled white rich brat feel sorry for himself.)
It’s an accident and also probably “Ladybug’s fault.”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien/Chat Noir skips an akuma attack/shows up late to find it was resolved without him, and mopes about how 'his lady doesn't need him anymore', requiring somebody else to massage his ego.  Bonus points if somebody (likely Ladybug) is demonized for getting annoyed at him for being late/a no-show, because HOW DARE they take defending Paris seriously?!
Well excuse us, Chat, next time we’ll just awkwardly stall for twenty minutes.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will 'accidentally' Cataclysm one of the protective Charms so that its holder can be akumatized again.  Bonus if he does this to Alya/one of the other heroes.
Probably Chloe.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The protective charms are ultimately rendered effectively pointless when Adrien switches sides and starts using his powers to destroy them.  Naturally, Marinette is held completely responsible for his actions, because God FORBID he ever be called to account for himself.  Not when his 'partner' is around to absorb all the blame.
You didn’t make him feel loVeD, Marinette.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien pulls a Chloe with his own attempt at engineered heroics, putting the lives of others on the line to 'prove his value'.  Ladybug is completely blamed for the stunt; bonus if someone accuses her of 'not learning anything' from what happened with Chloe.
Hate it. Hate it a lot.
We already got him trying to cause/hoping for akuma, so this isn’t too far off.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien gives Zoe better advice for dealing with her bullies.  His policy for handling Chloe and Lila remains the same as ever.  (In other words, only Marinette has to 'be the better person' and keep suffering at the hands of her abusers, since it maintains his preferred status quo.  But it's no skin off his nose if Zoe's situation changes/improves.)
I also imagine that Adrien would give this advice without Marinette onscreen, so Adrien won’t be called out on it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Alya will reveal Marinette’s identity to someone (possibly Nino) and the show will then punish Marinette for trusting Alya in the first place. Bonus point if the show then says she should have trusted Adrien/Chat Noir because he would never have betrayed her trust.
I’m just remembering the fandom’s complaints and wow I hate it.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Ladybug Miraculous basically change into Poor man's version of Green Lantern's Ring
*stares at the phone in “Optigami” that somehow picks up on the kwamis’ voices* hm
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Marinette will look through the future and see one where she and Luka get together, except it’s portrayed as bad and abusive, more so if he knows her secret identity, and the only way for her to escape it is by getting with Chat Noir(and not...you know, anybody else. Or being single. Or MAKING THE RELATIONSHIP WORK!!!). Chat Noir sees it too, and gloat about in her face, since it proved that they were “meant for each other, m’lady!” Bonus points if someone calls Thomas Ass Truck out on this shit, and he either replies that it was the best thing to do, claims it doesn’t matter how Lukanette is treated/the love square ends up together because they’re “made for each other” anyway, or even tries to pass it off as “girl power”, because how could we let the female lead get with the respe—oops, I mean abusive guy over the one who treats her te—oops, I mean respectfully and like a “gentleman” would?! And then he’ll follow up by blocking them for daring to question the Ridiculous Relationship Rhombus and respect the “non-endgame” ship. Even wor—oops! I mean, better, if love square shippers use this opportunity to gloat about how “I always knew Adrien and Marinette(notice how they always place his name first?!) were perfect for each other, Luka wasn’t good enough for Marinette, take that, Lukanette shippers!” declaring it “anti-salt”.
bfgkdjfgdfg god
Also, the only problem with this idea is that it would mean making an adult model for Luka.
Bonus if another “disadvantage” to Marinette dating Luka is that Luka isn’t high class.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will be told outright to 'Get over yourself' and stop bringing up valid complaints about Chat Noir's shitty behavior, as the series becomes increasingly overt with its subtext about how one of Marinette's Biggest Mistakes is having STANDARDS.
Ignoring that Luka exists, of course, and if it’s mentioned that Luka exists then cue, “OH BUT SHE DOESN’T AAAACTUALLY LOVE LUKA.”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow: SentiWiFi (Lady WiFi Sentimonster)
SentiEveryone at this point...
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Nino is again robbed of screentime by Sentimonster based on him.
*sees “Sentibubbler” title and trailer*
Did--did you predict the future??
...I mean, we’ve been doing that the whole time, but damn.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will continue shoving Marinette towards Adrien, then mockingly ask 'Didn't you want to give romance a break?' or something along those lines.  Showing that not only is she fully aware of Marinette's wishes and doesn't give a damn, but implicitly blaming Marinette for her inability to stick to them, despite how SHE is the one forcing the issue.
“We all know that you WANT HIM, Marinette! Stop denying yourself!!!”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: When Marinette gets a spot of hope regarding her relationship woes, Alya leaps in to take all the credit for the apparent success.  Once the light turns out to be an incoming Drama Train that blindsides Marinette and leaves her humiliated and heartbroken, Alya insists that it's entirely MARI's fault that things went off the rails.
Waiting for a line from Alya about how she’s doing everything right and Marinette must be really hopeless if Alya’s schemes aren’t working...
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya and Nino will get into a bit of Relationship Drama in order to further reinforce the series' double standards.  (Such as 'It's OK for boys to lie, but girls shouldn't have any secrets.'  Or 'Boys can hold grudges, but girls must forgive every trespass.'  Or 'Girls shouldn't told boys to impossible standards like expecting to be treated with basic human decency.')  Bonus points if Marinette gets blamed for it.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: The subtext about Marinette not deserving a GOOD love interest is further emphasized by Kagami and Luka getting together.  Kagami comments on how she can trust Luka not to lie to her; this is the closest she gets to explaining to Marinette WHY she broke things off with Adrien in the first place.  After all, it doesn't matter if Adrien lies to Marinette; they're 'meant for each other'.
I’m still not over Kagami saying that the guy who lied to her is “made for” her only friend????
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe learns a valuable lesson about the importance of Being Herself with Luka's help, teasing the idea of the two of them getting together.
“Bonus” for Marinette saying that Zoe and Luka are made for each other.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir deliberately strings Vesperia along in a ploy to make Ladybug jealous.  Zoe is naturally heartbroken when she learns the truth.  Her pain is blamed entirely on Marinette, since Adrien can NEVER be held accountable for his own actions.
Ladybug, you should’ve seen this coming!!
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow (kinda?), Astruc apparently is aware that his perfect Adrien is flawed as Chat Noir (he said so on twitter), and I fear that if anyone ever asks him why the two sides of Adrien so different, he'll reveal that the cat miraculous changes the holder's personality or some shit, which will cause "Anti Adrien Salt" to explode, screaming "the salter's claims aren't valid anymore, it's not Adrien's fault, it's the miraculous!!!1!!111!!!!¡¡!¡¡¡!!!"
I feel like he denied that back when he still had a Tumblr but gosh I’m just waiting for it to be confirmed because FANON THEORIES.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien gets a taste of what Marinette goes through constantly when he/Chat Noir suffers a bit of minor humiliation over his crush.  His pain and angst over this is played DEAD SERIOUS, treated as though he's suffering through the WORST THING EVER even though whatever happened pales in comparison to what Marinette has endured.  Anyone who dares so much as chuckle at what happened is villainized, since only a MONSTER would find his suffering funny.
I’m seething.
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need a Burrow: Return of Sentibug (for fanservice)
Bonus if they kill her off again. Something something “only one Ladybug” something.
neyla9 asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: So if Zoe gets sent to a new boarding school after being in Paris for a few months (there is a chance the writers will just completely ignore that this was established in Sole Crusher, in which case this probably won't happen), I predict that Zoe was brought in specifically to redeem Chloe, rubbing it in Marinette's face that she failed at redeeming Chloe, and force Marinette to give Chloe the bee miraculous back
Most likely. Apparently needed to bring someone else in to make Marinette feel worse.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien abandons/ditches his responsibilities as a hero because he's too busy sulking over his ego being bruised by some slight (real or imagined).  Marinette is naturally blamed for this.
Oh, of course!
Marinette probably had to be late for patrol so he was intentionally late for something, and then was like well you did it to me, so--
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe will get another tiresome 'Will she or won't she be redeemed?' arc, only to backstab/betray everyone again.  Astruc will preen and croon on social media about how gullible anyone that thinks she could ever be redeemable is.  Bonus points if Chloe's damning act that proves she's unsalvageable is something ADRIEN has done.
Meanwhile, Nino is back here absolutely collecting DUST!!!
I guess you gotta be a horrible person/make Marinette suffer to get screen time.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe will discover Vesperia's secret identity and steal the Bee Miraculous, then spitefully out Zoe so that SHE can't be a heroine anymore.
Marinette is running out of teens at this point but finding new ones would mean more models.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe is used to teach Marinette that she's too harsh on others for lying, and should accept that they can be dishonest sometimes.  (Especially Adrien.)  As a natural follow-up, Marinette is blamed/punished for falling for a friend's lies -- because CLEARLY it's not Alya/Adrien/anyone else's fault if she believes their bullshit!
No one’s perfect, Marinette! People are human!!
...Except you, of course.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Despite the incident with SentiNino, Shadow Moth will *successfully* obtain a miraculous by using the same trick.  Bonus points if it's Marinette/Ladybug who falls for it... though really, she'll be blamed regardless.
Double bonus if she doesn’t fall for it but it still goes through.
Anonymous asked:
DNB: The 'Shocking Twist' of Adrien/Chat Noir betraying Team Miraculous and joining his father will be presented as though it's entirely Marinette/Ladybug's fault, with Adrien acting as though he Had No Choice and angsting about being 'forced' to betray his lady and friends.  The series never acknowledges how self-serving his motives actually are, and any call-outs he gets are treated as Wrong and Awful and Blaming Poor Innocent Victim Adrien.
“hE’s jUsT tRyinG tO sAvE hIs mOm”
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: 'Borrowing' from many a Salt Fic, Marinette will thank her for 'proving who my *real* friends are'.  This entails giving Adrien, Alya and possibly others credit for always standing by her, believing in her, and various other things that they never actually did.
I’m presuming “her” means “everyone”/”the girl squad” and yup.
Better tell than show I guess.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will be retconned into having 'never believed anything Lila said'.  Or at least, she will CLAIM that she never believed her.
Also prepared for them to handwave it, like, “oh whatever, now I’m helping you since I know so it’s all good!”
Anonymous asked:
Don't Need Burrow: Similarities between Luka and Zoe were only red herring. Zoe will become Kagami's new love interest (and Kagami and Zoe's dynamic will be suspiciously similar do Fanon!Marigami)
But that would imply they care enough about LGBT rep.
Though they could always pull a Voltron and slip it in at the very end.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will suffer the toll/backlash from using multiple Miraculi ONLY for the sake of making that her Latest Mistake. Her past successes are only acknowledged as a way of painting her as arrogant for assuming she could continue doing so safely.
She’ll probably be yelled at and told not to “keep doing everything herself” even though that’s what the narrative keeps telling her to do.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow: Adrien discovers his father's secret identity and hides it... and this is painted as an act of incredible self-sacrifice rather than selfishness.  Rather than treating it as a betrayal of Ladybug/Team Miraculous, the series focuses on his angst and 'inner struggle', pretending there's something heroic about him refusing to expose Hawkmoth and potentially put an end to his terrorizing Paris.
Deep breaths, Clarity.
Anonymous asked:
Didn't need burrow: Alya will get to keep her boyfriend despite her being involved with the miraculous box n stuff, unlike Marinette. Why, you ask? Easy, the bond between Luka and Mari just isn't sTrOnG eNoUgH for them to last through difficult times, like Alya and Nino do so easily.
Ignoring that Marinette and Luka only just got together and also that Marinette has it WAY different than Alya.
But no I guess. Adrien and Marinette are “made for each other” so gotta discredit Lukanette whenever. Marinette isn’t allowed to be happy, we know.
Anonymous asked:
Didn’t Need Burrow: The one time Marinette gets a break from akumas and her responsibilities all hell breaks loose and the lesson for that episode will be that Marinette and Marinette alone must carry the burden of being Ladybug and Guardian.
Marinette: *gets five minutes of sleep*
Paris: *catches on fire*
Anonymous asked:
Didn't Need Burrow (Can I do two at once?): "Crocoduel" will not acknowledge the Lukanette breakup at all, and the titular Akuma will just be Guitar Villain and Captain Hardrock again.
(You’re allowed two, absolutely!)
I’d like to add as well that, even if they do acknowledge the Lukanette breakup, Marinette will talk to Luka about it but then be like, “I’m not focusing on love right now and I’m too busy so I’m sorry for everything that happened,” even as everyone keeps pushing for the love square.
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