#darrington brigade spoilers
xaykwolf · 1 year
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So Candela Obscura, huh?
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thevalleyisjolly · 8 months
Allura really collecting those adventuring parties like Infinity Stones, truly the most employed wizard of all time.
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pocketgalaxies · 2 years
marisha: hazel copperpot would trap keyleth in an elevator for 15 minutes to interview her and keyleth would hate it so much
me: goddammit we should've put copperpot in the tree scrapbooking fanart too fuck shit damn
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sylvanfreckles · 1 year
I'm sorry, I know things are serious, but all I can picture is Ludinus trying to charm/dominate Beau to make her beat up Caleb to punish them both, except she's too Monk for that and keeps throwing off his influence and he's just getting more and more frustrated and stomping his little feet, and Otohan is like "we can just kill them" "No! I want them to suffer!"
...and then another airship appears with the name Darrington emblazoned across the bow and a middle-aged man in an owlbear pelt drops out of the fucking sky and punches Ludinus through the face while growling a stupid pun about justice.
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captainsparklefingers · 10 months
Percy might be shit at enchantments...
...but Tary isn't :)
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jocelynmakenna · 1 year
Just rewatching 3x43 for no real reason but Matt mentioned the fact that predathos left twisted life forms in its wake....
Anyway remember the Darrington Brigade where a meteor falls to exandria, making the wolves and the duck (quackthulu my beloved) super fucked? And then they turned the meteor over to a member of the assembly???
I'm sure that means nothing....
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sj2d3d · 2 years
on another note
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the perfect opportunity
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catgirlthecrazy · 1 year
Ruidus: the Fowl Red Moon
So we were having a discussion in the AifL voice chat the other day, and we came up with an unhinged crack theory about Ruidus that I’m kind of in love with.
So on the most recent CR episode we learned about the Reilora, a bunch of strange, twisted alien creatures from Ruidus. We still don’t know much about them, but we do know they are capable of reaching out into the minds of people with a connection to Ruidus and influencing them. Now where else in CR canon have we seen something like that?
If you thought of this guy, you win a prize:
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(For those unfamiliar, that's Quackthulhu, the big bad of the Darrington Brigade one shot. Yes, he's an actual creature that actually existed in CR canon).
Just think about it. Quackthulhu was an ordinary duck, who:
Was transformed into something twisted and alien by a strange rock from space
Could influence the mind and dreams of those connected to him (namely Lionel Gayheart)
Had red glowing eyes
And where did that that mysterious space rock wind up when Duck’atoa was defeated and the adventure over? In the possession of Archmage Doolan Tversky, one of Ludinus Da’leth’s colleagues on the Cerberus Assembly. It all fits guys.
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kelila · 1 year
I love it when Ashley plays characters like this
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mintywolf · 2 months
Hullo! Questions for the CR ask game: dwarf, aasimar, goblin, cleric, ranger.
Hello! :)
Dwarf: what is your favorite one-shot?
Ooh that is a hard decision between Daggerheart and The Darrington Brigade but I think I have to give it to the Darrington Brigade. A party of characters each 100% committed to the bit (entirely separate from everyone else’s bit) and I love them all. Also I hope Hazel’s audiobooks caught on and are in the world somewhere. I was hoping she'd turn up at the Apogee Solstice recording everything for posterity (along with radio play sound effects) just so all of Marisha's characters could be there but considering what happened to the rest of them it's a good thing that she wasn't!
Aasimar: what is your favorite location in Exandria (or out of it)?
Oh man. They’ve been to so many cool and otherworldly places but I still really love Whitestone and I’m so happy whenever they go back there. (And not just because BH are inevitably going to find ways to torment Percy.) Especially the castle. I’d love to learn more about the historical de Rolos. And I REALLY want to know more about what was going on in Delilah’s secret laboratory and when Laudna was living in the tunnels underneath that was hinted at during their last visit.
Goblin: Who is your favorite non-main campaign character?
Dr. Nomen L. Frenno. The character concept of an uplifted lab animal was so cool (and sad). In retrospect this should have been my clue that Marisha can and will devastate you with a cute, cheerful, quirky character who is secretly heartbreaking but I was unprepared at the time. I think her (spoilers) death might actually be the one time I’ve cried in the moment while watching the show? Usually when Something Happens it takes a little while for me to process it but the loneliness of her end really got to me. :(
Ranger: who is your favorite animal companion?
Is Pâté an animal? He’s the disparate pieces of two animals with the soul of an imp (or possibly all of Bells Hells, or maybe a dead necromancer who is lying about it) but I think he counts. I love the scrungly boy.
(CR Asks)
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utilitycaster · 2 years
Two non-spoiler takeaways from the two shot:
Paladins and wizards have vibes no other class can ever top (see also: Ring of Brass)
I know taking a week off each month is probably a huge lifestyle improvement for the cast and crew and I support them in those endeavors...BUT also guys please, just some occasional high level random combat one-shots. You can play one-use-only jacked builds a la the Darrington Brigade. You can rotate DMs. I truly do not care but clearly this is fun as fuck.
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essayofthoughts · 1 year
For campaign 1! Did you watch any live, and if so d'you remember the first time?
I think the only Campaign 1-ish things I managed to watch as they aired were... Dalen's Closet, Darrington Brigade Oneshots, Search for Grog and Search for Bob? The Campaign was well over by the time I got to it but I like starting with finished things and I like starting at the beginning.
I can't remember which of those four came first, but I do remember being determined to stay up all night to watch them - I'm in the UK, so their airing time is well past midnight! (Not that that really stops me; I'm nocturnal by nature.)
I enjoyed watching them live a great deal! Though I think I do like watching the VODs just as much - even with the risk of spoilers, knowing it's already out there makes me much more relaxed in a weird way? While if it's live I always feel like I have to keep watching live so I have context for the chat - I can't pause to take a note or get a drink or go to the toilet. It can be weirdly stressful in a way that watching the VOD isn't!
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callioope · 1 year
Bard, goblin and sorcerer for CR asks? ☺️
Hello!! Ooh these are good.
Spoilers ahead for both TLOVM (and I guess technically campaign 1) and campaign 2, for anyone who's not caught up (and there are spoilers for what could happen eventually in TLOVM).
bard: what is your favorite “how do you want to do this?”
Ahh I know I sent you this one, too, but this is HARD for me! The first two that popped into my head were Vax's against Thordak and Jester's against Lucien/Cognouza, but after some thinking I also loved the HDYWTDT against Kevdak and Obann.
For Thordak, the drama and desperation of Vax flying after him, the natural 20, the fact that he was alone a;kdsjf;kasdfj (how many people killed dragons with no witnesses lol? is this the 'if i had two nickels' meme? anyways) Most importantly the vengeance this meant for the twins, for avenging their mother, the way Vex flies in after him and hugs him, I get teary-eyed just writing about it.
For Lucien/Cognouza, again, Jester was just tearing up my heart during that battle every time she appealed to Molly (how she blamed herself for his death because she wasn't there </3 ahhh). And so the fact that she got the last hit with that final appeal to Molly just felt so right.
Honorable mentions for Grog's HDYWTDT against Kevdak because of the epic way it happened (pokeball delivery from above yess) and recency bias since I recently watched that episode in TLOVM, SO GOOD. And Yasha's HDYWTDT against Obann.
Apparently I have a running theme with 3 out of 4 of these being very personal and appropriate for character backstories.
goblin: who is your favorite non-main campaign character?
Nydas!!! I just loved his arc throughout EXU: Calamity, his initial skepticism and creeping apprehension as he started to suspect what was happening, and just everything he did in part four. He had so many great speeches. And I loved his friendship with Zerxus, too. AHH NYDAS.
I mean everyone in Calamity was fantastic but Nydas popped into my head first so I'm going with my gut here.
I do also want to give an honorable mention Hazel Copperpot because I adore her and her gramophone and I do wish we could have seen more of her! Darrington Brigade Part 2 when? Considering it takes place in Wildemount, Mighty Nein tie in eh? eh? Deastok is not that far from Kamordah after all. I bet Taryon drinks Lionett wine.
sorcerer: what is your favorite sam commercial skit?
LOL OMG. I mean. The Nordverse is pretty enveloping (although I haven't watched the oneshot yet). I do love the D&D Beyond ad song and often get it stuck in my head when using D&D Beyond. "You click open the webpage yaheardaboutonCriticalRole..."
Critical Role Ask Game
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cranesofibycus · 5 years
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[ID: A screenshot of two tweets followed by four images of the making of the mini for the Quackthulhu monster from the Darrington Brigade live show.
The first tweet by twitter user Mateogun reads “Is the Duckthulhu also made by Eldritch Foundry or is it a rubber duck with paint over it and hentai tentacles glued up to it?”. Matthew Mercer responds with “The latter! Customized it myself. :)” 
First image: Front view of the Quackthulhu mini with all tentacles attached and a base coat of light green paint.
Second image: Side view of the Quackthulhu mini with its beak painted and an opening on its butt visible where a crystal is poking out. 
Third image: View of the backside of the Quackthulhu mini with the crystal omitting blue light. The edges of the opening are painted in dark green. 
Fourth image: Front view of the Quackthulhu mini with its face as well as more details on the tentacles painted on in dark green. The pupils of the duck are red. 
/ end ID]
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morninkim · 5 years
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this creature will haunt me for the rest of my days and i still don't know if that's a good or bad thing
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Lionel Gayheart and Quackthulhu.
From @criticalrole‘s “The Adventures of the Darrington Brigade”.
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