#date: march 29th.
hzdtrees · 2 years
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Monthly Loy Dump
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vonlipvig · 2 years
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
well i did all i could at this time. get ready this saturday to celebrate one of five possible ninth anniversaries of me starting city of bones! it’ll be like sophie sheridan celebrating father’s day, you know who’s to say which of the five days it was. in theory i could go out to my garage and maybe dig up an old planner or notebook from seventh grade, but i simply do not want to do that. it’s cold out there and i am tired and sad, and frankly, i probably didn’t save even one notebook from that year because as soon as i was old enough to choose what school stuff of mine my parents saved i was very into the mindset of just throwing all that shit away. didn’t save anything again until i was like 16. years have been lost due to a child’s disbelief in the importance of artifacts rip
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butchfairyzine · 9 months
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Butch Fairy Zine: Answering questions
What art style are we looking for? What is the estimated timeline? Will you get paid? we answer them here!
We will be answering more questions and posting them in the days leading up to the artist application form opening. So if you have questions, use our inbox, or you can fill in our interest form and leave them at the bottom. And if you have queries for the frog, you can leave them there too. He is very busy, so keep that in mind.
Find the interest form here.
Our Artist Application form will open on the 12th of January 2024.
text version under the cut
What type of artists are you looking for? And are you after a specific style or a range of styles?
We are looking for artists who can create pieces with fully rendered fairies and a background within the specified schedule. These can be digital artworks that are flat colour artworks, paintings, a mixture, or another style entirely.
We will also accept mixed media and traditional artworks, but they will need to be scanned at a minimum of 300dpi.
When you sign up for an artist position, are there any requirements to be a part of the team?
E-mail communication is required (discord is optional).
You must have a PayPal account to receive payment.
You must be able to communicate comfortably in English.
You must be 18 or older at the time of signing the contract by the 16th of February.
For artists accepted into the zine what would be the timeline for completing and submitting artwork?
Our current schedule for the artists requires concept ideas to be submitted by Feb 16th, and the final version by May 16th! Progress check-ins will be on Feb 29th, March 21st, and April 11th.
(In the image there is also a table including this information as well as the final submissions date being May 16th)
When the zine is for sale, where would the profits go to (charity, zine admin, etc.)?
We are aiming to hold pre-orders in June/July of 2024, with a flat fee paid to all contributors and additional proceeds split between contributors and mods.
Our priority is to make sure each contributor is paid fairly for their work. If sales do well enough, 20% will be used for future books and projects, and 80% split between taxes and fees, production costs, contributors and shipping costs.
Is this physical or digital and will there be prints of the art available? Got any merch ideas planned to go along with the zine?
Both physical and digital! Our goal is to make a 210 x 148 mm (A5) perfect-bound soft cover book.
We also plan to add some paper merch, including prints of some of the art from the book. Additional merch ideas include stickers, sticker sheets and bookmarks.
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infiniteglitterfall · 2 months
Uggghhh, what is UP with Canada?!
In Vancouver, the Schara Tzedeck synagogue's windows were smashed on April 19th.
In Toronto on April 19, five windows at the Kehillat Shaarei Torah synagogue were smashed with a hammer.
In Toronto on April 26, someone set a sign on fire at Beth Tikvah Synagogue....
....And again on April 28.
In Toronto in May, Jewish community members started escorting a kid to school because he was being bullied by peers who told him, "We're going to do to you what Hamas did to Israel," pushed him, kicked him, threw stones at him, and told him, "we need to kill you." This had been going on for six months. (His family had gone to both the school and police repeatedly at this point and it had only escalated; the kids throwing stones at him on the way to school was new.)
In Toronto on May 17th, Kehillat Shaarei Torah's windows were smashed again.
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On May 25th before dawn, two people shot at Bais Chaya Muska, a Jewish girls' school in Toronto.
On May 29th, in the middle of the night, someone shot at the Belz Yeshiva Ketana school in Montreal.
In Vancouver on May 30, someone poured fuel on the doors of the Schara Tzedeck synagogue, then firebombed them.
In an article on June 7, Rabbi Lisa Grushcow of Emanu-El-Beth Sholom synagogue in Montreal said people have yelled “Hitler was right!” and “Jew!” at her congregants as they arrive for Shabbat services and that Jewish kids are being bullied in local schools.
On June 1 in Toronto, a man smashed the window of the Anshei Minsk synagogue with a rock.
On June 3 in Kitchener, someone smashed the front door of Beth Jacob synagogue.
On June 19th in Montreal, three small bullet-like holes were somehow made in the windows of Falafel Yoni. (I don't know, all the articles go out of their way to say they don't know WHAT made the holes.) Falafel Yoni is owned by a Jewish man who was born in Israel, and has appeared on boycott lists despite the owner never having said anything political about Israel.
On the same day, down the street from Falafel Yoni, someone smashed the windows of a nearby gym whose co-owner is Jewish and had also been born in Israel.
On June 30 in Toronto, someone threw stones at the Pride of Israel synagogue, then at Kehillat Shaarei Torah, smashing windows (again) in the latter.
On the weekend of July 27th, a father and son in Toronto were arrested for planning a terrorist attack and murder on behalf of ISIL, which is wild.
On July 29th, someone torched a bus belonging to the Bobov Hassidic school in Toronto.
And smashed the windows of a DIFFERENT Jewish school in Toronto, Leo Baeck Jewish Day School, and set it on fire.
On July 31 in Toronto, guess which synagogue had three signs set on fire? That's right: Kehillat Shaarei Torah.
Plus one sign set afire at Toronto's Temple Sinai Congregation the same night, presumably by the same arsonist, who might even have been the stone-hurler of June 30.
There are probably ones I missed. Just putting this list together took like three hours, though. I kept having to go, "Wait, surely that can't be the same synagogue AGAIN" and "they only mention the closest major intersection, which one was this?!" and "that can't be a different one, how many windows did they smash??" and go look for more sources. Plus a couple of articles were giving conflicting dates for one of the incidents.
And nobody ever gives actual dates, they just say shit like, "Blah blah blah was reported Monday...." so I have to look at the article date and then look at a damn calendar.
I went back as far as April because everything I found was referring to earlier incidents. Back to April. February and March were relatively quiet, at least in the news. Although interestingly, February is when the most hate crimes in Toronto had been reported, at least as of ... oh, I see.
As of March.
On the bright side, I did discover that Kehillat Shaarei Torah consistently has great jokes on its sign.
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rainerioun · 2 months
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— This will explore what your future spouse will love 'most' about you, and vice versa. If you feel more aligned with the first half, simply swap the perspectives. Sometimes, you might resonate more with your future spouse's vibe. Thank you!
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HOW TO CHOOSE A PILE : The outcome may vary based on whether you receive clear messages visually or intuitively. If you resonate more with selecting a pile visually, trust that inclination. Personally, I believe the notion that 'looks can deceive,' so I prefer to take a deep breath and close my eyes, allowing the pile I'm meant to connect with to come to me. You might see the color of the pile, sense or hear a number, or simply feel its overall vibe.
Please don’t redistribute or edit my content.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Figure, Height, Fingers, Hands.
When pulling out traits, I found several signs indicating a plump or chubby appearance. If you relate to this, rest assured they adore it, especially how it complements your height. I envision someone squeezing a teddy bear - in this case, you. They find you incredibly cute. Your hands and fingers, perhaps used frequently in your work or hobbies, captivate them. They'll marvel at the way your fingers glide over a page or mold something, appreciating your movements. It feels very poetic, in a way.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Free Spirit, Sensitive, Homebody, Unstoppable.
Aw, your future spouse will surely have a nurturing side. They'll tend to coddle you, in a healthy way, of course. They admire how you pursue your desires with a free-spirited approach despite your introverted and sensitive nature. They'll likely encourage you to take breaks and relax, treating you like royalty. There's a distinct vibe of 'I hate everyone but you' coming through.
What Will They Like Most About You? Teacher — Light : Ability to Communicate Knowledge, Experience, Skill or Wisdom. Healer — Light : Passion to Serve Others by Repairing the Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to Help Transform Pain into Healing. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
They'll be quick to notice your depth of knowledge, not just on a conventional level but also on a spiritual one. Your future spouse will appreciate your natural ability to teach, guide, and heal others even when it's not your intention. Your wisdom may extend to philosophical terms, offering advice on profound matters that aren't easily grasped by others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Crow : Spiritually Strong, Creative, Watchful, Psychic, Strong, Clear. Butterfly : Undergoing Great Change and Transformation. Cheerful, Graceful.
Your future spouse will lean towards practicality more than you do and might not gravitate toward certain metaphysical ideas and theories as easily as you. They'll be amazed by your ability to understand such concepts. While they are intelligent, they tend to favor strict rules, whereas you thrive on constant change and learning experiences.
I'd like to add that I sense this person is deliberately holding back, choosing not to reveal much. They want it to be a surprise just how much they love you. Don't worry, they genuinely adore everything about you, even though they may have favorites.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Hair, Rugged, Nose, Tired-Looking, Eyelashes, Face Shape.
When I was pulling traits, I couldn't help but think of Shōta Aizawa from My Hero Academia in terms of appearance, haha. Of course, this could be a woman or nonbinary individual, but they definitely give off a similar vibe physically. They might appear a bit rough or scruffy, and you'll find that attractive. I'm not getting any specifics on hair color, but I envision thick, longer hair that might look a bit disheveled. They possess that tired charm, which softens their face in a way. I see them having a hooked nose of some kind.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Spiritual, Reliable, Oblivious, Compassionate, Sassy, Intelligent, Mysterious.
Once again, your future spouse is intelligent but may lack in certain areas that you find amusing. They possess two distinct sides, perhaps being book-smart but lacking in common sense. However, I believe you'll help balance them out, whatever the situation may be. They'll initially have a mysterious, stoic persona, but you'll have the ability to break through it and discover their true sweetness. You will enjoy receiving attention from them, considering their reserved nature. While your humor aligns in some ways, this person is likely more inclined towards being sassy and witty rather than being a 'jokester'. At first, they won't be heavily into spirituality, or whatever you practice, but they'll become intrigued by your experiences and eventually find themselves following in your footsteps.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Storyteller — Light : Ability to Experience and Express Life through Stories and Symbols. Prince — Light : Romantic Charm and Potential for Power. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Hermit — Light : Seeks Solitude to Focus Intently on Inner Life. Serves Personal Creativity.
Your future spouse is someone who expresses and feels love in an incredibly artistic manner. They have a secret, hopeless romantic inside. It's not just modern love; it's almost like you both worship each other, which I find incredibly beautiful. Seeing you in such a light will lead them to see you in other things, like art pieces or written words. They love you wholeheartedly. Adding on, creatively, you'll complement each other well. One side may lean towards being artistic and dreamy, while the other is innovative and a bit nerdy. You are both bound to swoon over each other.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Eagle : All-Pervading Power, Truth Seeker, Transforms Karma, Bright, Radiant, Challenger. Tiger : Lunar Force, Ease in Darkness, Passionate, Strong, Sensual.
With the eagle card, I'm not picking up on what you'll like about them, but rather another message about how you'll spark intense curiosity in them. You will inspire them to enlighten themselves and become an even better version of themselves with your teachings and guidance. Now, for the next card, this is something you'll definitely appreciate about them. I don't sense that this person will be shy when it comes to intimacy, in any form, and they won't hold back in showing how they love you.
Extra : Journaling, Eye Contact, Flowers, Parallel Play, Running Fingers Through Hair, Late Mornings, Poetry, Leaving Notes.
Best Mistake : Ariana Grande. | Movement : Hozier.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Eyes, Hair, Piercings, Harmonious Features.
Your future spouse believes that your hair and features complement each other perfectly, creating harmony. Your hair may frame your face. They'll enjoy gazing into your eyes, possibly because of the connection they feel or simply because they find them captivating, whether it's the shape, color, or both. If you have an alternative style, such as piercings, tattoos, or darker attire, they find it very alluring.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Wit, Sneaky, Bookworm, Deep-Thinker, Reserved, Needy.
This person views you as a fox, sly, clever, and witty, and they're drawn to that energy. They appreciate your complexity and the fact that you're not always straightforward; it keeps things interesting. They enjoy being challenged intellectually. However, they also appreciate the softer side of you when you're relaxed and in need, and they'll gladly cater to you. I imagine them watching you as you indulge in your hobbies, eager to hear you gush about your interests.
What Will They Like Most About You? Advocate — Light : Inspires You to Put Compassion into Action. Poet — Light : Expresses Soul Insights in Symbolic Language. Child : Nature — Light : Friendships with Animals. Communication with Nature Spirits.
Whatever way you choose to create and express yourself, whether, through art, music, or even activities like photography, they'll find it intriguing. They admire both your process and the results you achieve. This person will always be your supporter. You might work with animals, and they appreciate your gentleness and kindness towards them, or perhaps animals hold significance in your connection.
What Will They Like Most About You? Nightingale : Fearless Voice, Speech, Communication, or Song. Sings and Speaks Freely with Kindness. Moth : Impulsive, Hasty, Wishful, Enthusiastic, Whimsical.
When I pulled the cards, I initially wrote down the wrong definition for the nightingale. I've corrected it, but I thought the previous message might still resonate. If you're someone naturally very curious and actively trying to learn, they'll follow right behind you. They're loyal, just like you, and will start doing things you do because they're inspired by your enthusiasm and positivity. If you were drawn to pile one, I'd recommend giving it a read as well. You may find something there because these piles are quite similar.
An additional message is that you and your future spouse will connect through music, whether it's listening together or separately. So, you could be receiving signs now through songs.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Texture of Hair, Tone of Skin, Height, Prominent Nose, Dyed Hair.
I sense your future spouse might have an alternative style as well, but it's not a must. If you're into dyed hair, they'll likely have it They could change colors with the seasons to suit their skin tone, or the color they have fits them year-round. You will enjoy the feel of their hair due to the texture which causes you to play with it. Generally, if you're taller than average, they'll be shorter, and if you're average height, they'll be similar. Either way, you'll like looking down at them or meeting their gaze directly.
Once again, whether you're drawn to pile one or not, I'd suggest going back and giving it a read as well. While the energies differ, I sense the message is similar. I feel like this pile is suited for individuals with eccentric tastes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Sweetheart, Odd Humor, Confident, Adaptable, Ambivert, Clingy.
You and your future spouse will be inseparable, attached to the hip, if not driven by their clinginess then it's your own. It's something that makes both of you feel secure. They are the type to talk your ear off. This person's humor leans towards the darker or drier side. They might find everything amusing, but particularly society's less-than-normal aspects.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Networker — Light : Enchanted Unity through the Sharing of Informations. Engenders Social Awareness and Empathy. Gossip — Light : Awakens Consideration for the Feeling of Others. Honoring Trust.
I wasn't kidding when I said your future spouse will talk your ear off. They are quite the chatterbox. They'll be a drama queen, regardless of gender, but I think it's in a very playful and goofy way. You'll find it charming. They'll get super excited and giddy when they have a juicy secret to share with you. They're such a sweetheart that they would never intend any negativity, just relaying information without passing genuine judgment.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Octopus : Reaching, Yearning, Lacking Boundaries and Direction. Getting into Other People's Business and Sharing Their Own. Interested, Engaged. Wolf : Guardian of Family and Tribe. Activism, Ritual, Reliable, Fearless, Democratic. Embrace All, Exclude None.
What have I been saying? This person cracks me up. You'll adore how dependable they are, always a shoulder to cry on or a pillar of stability for you and others. They're just a people person. I sense they could become overly sensitive, requiring alone time. They tend to overshare, which is amusing when it's just the two of you, but you might need to help them rein it in around others. They can be a bit oblivious to social cues and may need some guidance when they're pushing the boundaries.
I sense they're internally extroverted but can get overwhelmed and find it difficult to handle social situations, even if they desire socialization.
Extra : Movie Nights, Bubble Baths, Parks, Sunshine, Wheezing, Glasses Perched on Nose, Comfort through Affection, Wrapped in a Blanket, Cheek Kisses.
Valentine : Laufey. | November : Sparkbird.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Glow, Eyebrows, Lips, Your Frame.
Your future spouse will be drawn to the glow you exude. They find your bright personality radiating through every aspect of you, from your skin's natural shine to your expressive eyes and the curve of your lips. Even the way you carry yourself captivates them, unintentionally flaunting, which catches their attention.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Innocent, Active, Hardworking, Compassion.
Firstly, they hold you dear, especially if you're not one to pause or slow down due to your hardworking nature. You could have somewhat of an innocent worldview—not that you don't understand hardship, but you maintain a strength and light that others lack. They'll absolutely love this side of you and cherish you.
What Will They Like Most About You? Fool — Light : Fearlessly Revealing Emotion. Helping People Laugh at Absurdity and Hypocrisy. Warrior — Light : Strength, Skill, Disipline, and Toughness of Will. Heroism, Stoicism, and Self-Sacrifice in Conquering the Ego. Mediator — Light : Gift for Negotiating Fairness and Strategy in Personal and Professional Life. Respect for Both Sides of an Arguement.
Your future spouse will admire how, despite being a logical person, you're not afraid to show emotion when necessary. You navigate life with a balance of logic and emotion, displaying good discipline. You're not impulsive and can guide others through hardships without coming across as harsh, bringing lightheartedness and fairness into the mix. They'll find this quality honorable. Your humor always serves as a mediator in situations, never failing to lighten the mood for them and others.
What Will They Like Most About You? Cobra : Pausing, Waiting, The Inner Teacher, A Student of Life, Humble, Wise. Fire Ant : Aggression, Rigid Thinking, Following Orders, Thoughtful, Disciplined, Heat.
Your future partner could have experienced instability with others in the past due to hasty behavior, or they struggle themselves with acting too quickly. On the other hand, you give yourself time, thinking before you act. Yet, when you do move forward, you do so with an assertive and direct demeanor, which makes them grateful they can lean on you for stability.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Nose, Neck / Collar Bone Area, Elegant and Composed, Chin, 'Bunny Beauty'.
Your future spouse has a very approachable appearance. Their face might remind many of a bunny. I imagine this person with a rounder nose and face, perhaps chubby cheeks, but with a prominent chin and jaw instead. They look well put together and carry an elegant quality about them. You'll endlessly adore your partner. It's very cute.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Bad Mouth, Neat, Stubborn, Loyal.
Their appearance versus their personality could easily turn heads. They seem sweet and soft, but use harsh language often, cussing like a sailor. They look nice but act naughty. They're also incredibly stubborn, which apparently you'll find appealing. You'll anticipate others' reactions when they open their mouth, finding it amusing. As for you, I sense it's the opposite. You might appear a bit intimidating but are actually very gentle.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Detective — Light : Great Powers of Observation and Intuition. Desire to Seek Out the Truth. Midas/Miser — Light : Entrepreneurial or Creative Ability to Turn Anything to Gold. Delight in Sharing Life's Riches.
This person will readily share their wealth or achievements with you. Your future spouse might have a good-paying job, or money could come easily to them, possibly through generational wealth. However, I sense that they just know how to handle money wisely and earn it with help from their well-built knowledge.
I don't get the sense that they're materialistic or chasing money, but rather that they invest in things that make a meaningful impact, like travel or once-in-a-lifetime experiences. They have achieved financial stability, but they also have wealth in terms of nonmaterial things.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Bat : Darkness, Letting Go, Death Leading to Rebirth, Excepts and Adapts, Adjusts. Swan : Effortless, Creativity, Sensitive Mystic, Elegant Power.
Returning to that elegant aura they have, I can't pinpoint exactly what causes it, but it might be because they are highly intuitive and sensitive to others' thoughts and feelings. They easily pick up on these subtleties and can adapt and change accordingly. Despite their effortless beauty, they are a complex person on the inside. You find them to be a puzzle worth solving.
Additional. Another Message.
For a few of you, I believe you may not immediately hit it off with your future spouse. Your composed nature might clash with their boldness, leading to disagreements stemming from stubbornness or a desire for "correct behavior." However, you'll both eventually look past it, but initially, it might feel like something out of an enemies-to-lovers book. It won't be extreme, but it could get a little heated. This could form in a workplace.
Extra : Sleek Attire, Slicked Hair, RomCom, Tattoos, Generational Insight/Knowledge, Promise Rings, Military, Dreamy, Shared Earbuds, Sharp Glares and Glances.
Make You Feel Good : Fetty Wap. | Powerful : Major Lazer. | Cry : Cigarettes After Sex.
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What Will They Like Most About You Physically? Voice, Beauty Marks, Lips, Eyes.
I want to mention that either you or this individual could be a musician, while the other serves as a muse. Whether or not it's you, your future partner will love hearing you sing. They find your everyday speaking voice charming, especially its soft, breathy quality. While eye contact with them may not be 'intense', it feels profoundly connecting and grounding. If you wear makeup, this person likes it. Perhaps it's the shape of your lips or their natural color, but I believe that wearing lipstick or gloss, anything that enhances your features will allure them even more.
What Will They Like Most About You Mentally? Shy, Tender, Well-Versed, Open, Quiet, Devoted.
Aw, I wish I could give you all a hug! You're so tender and gentle in both your words and your actions. You're devoted not only to your loved ones but also to the things that bring you joy. Your future spouse will find this incredibly endearing.
I'm sensing more about how deeply they love you rather than the specifics of what they like. When you meet this person, it'll feel like being showered with affection and passion. They genuinely value every aspect of you and want to express that.
What Will They Like Most About You? Angel — Light : Helping Those In Need with No Expectation of Return. Damsel — Light : Understanding the Nature of Healthy Romance. Inspires You to Rely on Yourself.
You not only embody the qualities of the cards, but I sense that your future spouse will view you as an angel. They might even adopt it as a nickname if you're fond of the idea. You're the shining beacon in their life, their prince/princess, which I admit can sound a bit cheesy or even cringe, but in your case, it's incredibly sincere and pure.
What Will They Like Most About You? Peacock : Inner Beauty, Compassion, Confident, Kind. Gazelle : Heighten Awareness, Ability, Vulnerable, Perceptive, Graceful.
Your future spouse sees you as stunning both on the outside and within. Your physical beauty is undeniable, but it's your soul that truly captivates them. They'll be in awe of its depth and beauty. Your future spouse may gawk awkwardly over you, yet it will be funny.
What Will You Like Most About Them Physically? Physically Expressive, Dewy Skin, 'Cat Beauty', Pout, Clear Skin, Freckles.
This person's skincare routine is godly. Their eyes and gestures are incredibly expressive, drawing people in. You'll notice their natural pout, which adds to their charm. Their features will have a feline or fierce quality, with high cheekbones, defined features, and possibly a smaller yet thick nose. They might also have a longer face or narrow eyes.
What Will You Like Most About Them Mentally? Funny, Loner, Eccentric, Sensitive, Humble.
Your person is a bit of an oddball, in the best way. They embrace their inner nerd or geek often. Your personalities are a perfect match, and I can see you both enjoying plenty of alone time together because you don't drain each other's social batteries. They're self-aware and true to themselves, no matter what.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Don Juan — Light : Spotlights Your Positive Seductive Qualities. Child : Eternal — Light : Determination to Remain Young in Body, Mind, and Spirit. Ability to See Things with Fresh Eyes. Guide — Light : Represents the Nature of the Divine in Life and in Yourself.
While they may seem reserved, this person radiates confidence when they're with you. They know how to play their cards right—they can talk the talk and walk the walk. But underneath it all, they're playful and childlike at heart. No matter how old they get, they'll always carry a lighthearted and curious energy, like a kid. Life with them will never be boring.
What Will You Like Most About Them? Black Egg : Speaking from an Authentic Voice, Truth. Bee : Earnest, Hard-Working, Content, Vibrant.
Your future spouse will be an honest person, always speaking their inner truth, even with strangers. They're not afraid to be vibrant, and I have a feeling that will influence you as well. Communication is important to them in this life. As I mentioned earlier, they could be a musician. If not, with their persuasive skills, they could find success as a public speaker or influencer of some sort.
Extra : Spying From Corners or Doorways [Playfully, of course], Singing, Puppy Dog/Pleading Eyes, Feather-Light Touch, Pinky Promise, Junk Drawer, Piggy Bank.
Don’t Be Afraid : Carpenters. | Brooklyn : Lana Del Rey.
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panickedpenguin · 2 months
Soulmates share a single symptom of emotion. For some, like Dustin Henderson, it's smiling uncontrollably whenever he can feel his soulmate laugh. For others, like Nancy Wheeler, it's balling your fists in tight tension when her soulmate yells in anger.
For Steve Harrington, it's having his eyes burn with unshed tears when he can feel his soulmate crying. When he was younger, he could hardly control the feeling and would openly sob right alongside his soulmate, however far away they were. With age he was able to reel it in, feel it less forcefully, breathe through it. Still, no matter what, his eyes would burn and often get red rimmed with strain. His soulmate was a bit of a crybaby.
He knew Nancy rarely ever cried. She was tough and smart and sought no one's approval but her own. Steve knew Nancy wasn't his soulmate, but he hoped. By God he hoped. But no, his soulmate cried. They cried almost every Christmas and always every Thanksgiving. They cried on March 29th and September 17th. Even now, having cried throughout Steve's whole life, his soulmate would cry randomly in the middle of the day or a Saturday night, cry first thing in the morning or late late, waking Steve from his sleep.
It used to annoy Steve, thinking that his soulmate must still be a baby if they're crying this much at the age of twelve, fourteen, sixteen, like fucking grow up! But when the crying wouldn't stop, when the regularity of it wouldn't slow down, Steve thought something must be wrong. Maybe his soulmate has chronic pain or suffers migraines. Maybe they're being forced to watch the world's saddest movies all the time by his evil step-mom. And then, maybe they live in a world with monsters from another dimension that attack them in the night.
Steve had told Tommy once, how he can feel his soulmates sorrow. Sorrow like drowning in grief and loss. How he feels like crying with his soulmate all the time. Tommy had nodded along, sympathizing. To lighten the mood, he joked that there must be people who pop boners when their soulmate is horny. How maybe they jizz their pants when their soulmate cums. Steve laughed and laughed and didn't bring it up again. Sometimes he'll feel the burning need to cry and think of boners instead.
When he meets Billy Hargrove, he believes that that man has never shed a tear in his life. Steve swears that Billy is a hotheaded asshole with a heart of solid ice. If he even has a heart at all. When Steve is exposed to his competitive streak and mean sense of humor, he thinks that Billy's heart might just be splintered open with the right icepick. When he sees Billy laying across the hood of his camaro, pointing out the constellations and telling stories about them over one too many beers, Steve thinks that maybe his heart isn't ice at all. Just encased in steel. Like a lockbox. And someone's got the key.
He wonders if someone has the key to his heart, too, or if they've lost it in the river of tears they've shed. He wonders if he could show them the key, if they could unlock Steve's heart together and never cry alone again. Because Steve thinks, when he cries, it's because he's alone in his feelings. Lonely and rattling for affection. Maybe that's why his soulmate cries, too.
There was one time Steve felt the burning need to cry all night long and then watched Billy Hargrove sit out of basketball practice for a week. Another time, Steve was at a party where he found himself in Eddie Munson's company in the front driveway, smoking a joint. The weed was making them sleepy and honest and Steve started crying over the death of his beloved Spaniel when he was eight years old, his best friend and housemate while his parents were away. Then Billy Hargrove came storming out of the house and slamming into his car, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. And then there was another Septemeber 17th where Steve hadn't felt the need to cry until he was on his way home from a night shift at Family Video. He knew the date and knew his eyes would be burning for a while more so he refrained from going home to face his parents and instead drove out to the junkyard. He thought he might find something cool but instead he found Billy Hargrove, bashing in the hood of a car with a tire iron and sobbing. He wiped snot across his sleeve and glared hard at Steve for approaching, yelling and taunting. But Steve felt like crying too and he knew something about bashing faces in, so he picked up a brick and threw it through the car's passenger seat window to get Billy to shut up. They both cried and destroyed a few cars together. When they were good and done they sat down on a green washing machine and shared Billy's cigarettes.
Billy said, "My mom died nine years ago today." He sounded so hollow and worn out that Steve only hummed his acknowledgement. Then Steve said, "My soulmate is lonely today." Billy heaves a huge sigh and then they sit there for a long time after.
They don't realize they're soulmates for another few months, at Joyce's Christmas party where Steve kisses Billy on the cheek soft and careful under the mistletoe. Billy sneaks out the back door to silently sob into the forest. Steve soon follows him out to make sure he's okay, only to watch Billy's body shake and barely exhale a breath while Steve's eyes burn and burn.
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wingzie · 1 month
Jikook Timeline for 2023
3rd January
Run BTS! 2023 Special Episode - Next Top Genius Episodes 🐰🐥
13th January
Release of Vibe with Jimin and Taeyang🐥
18th January 
Jimin flew to Paris for DIOR fashion show 🐥➡️
23rd January 
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥⬅️
1st February
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
3rd February
Jimin Weverse Live🐥
Jungkook Weverse Live with Bam 🐰
10th February
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
11th February
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
14th February
Run BTS! 2023 Special Episode - Mini Field Day 🐰🐥
18th February
Taehyung posted photo of Jikook pose from Memories for Hobi’s Birthday 🐰🐥
28th February
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
3rd March
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
6th March
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
13th March
Jimin flew to New York for promotions 🐥➡️
14th March
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
17th March
Set me Free Part 2 Release 🐥
19th March
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥⬅️
23rd March
Jimin filmed for Jimmy Fallon 🐥
Jungkook on Weverse Live 🐰
24th March
Like Crazy Release with FACE 🐥
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
26th March
Jimin on PIXID 🐥
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
27th March
Jimin on Suchwita 🐥
Jungkook replied to Jimin’s post with “I miss you.” 🐰🐥
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
28th March
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
Jungkook’s profile was of Jimin on Weverse 🐰🐥
29th March
Jungkook on Suchwita for first appearance 🐰
Jimin FACE Special Live 🐥
30th March
Jimin on Mnet’s MCountdown 🐥
Beat Coin 🐥
'Choi Hwa-jung's Power Time 🐥
Jimin Fan Call Event 🐥
31st March
Jimin on KBS2 Music Bank 🐥
1st April
Jimin on Lee Mujin Service 🐥
2nd April
Jimin on SBS Inkigayo 🐥
Jimin on BE ORIGINAL 🐥
3rd April
Jimin Weverse Live for Top 100 🐥
7th April
Jungkook Weverse Live🐰
8th April
Jungkook flew to LA for potential CK adverts 🐰➡️
17th April 
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰 ⬅️
18th April
Hobi Enlistment Date with Jikook hug 🐰🐥
24th April
Jimin flew to New York for Tiffany & Co 🐥➡️
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
6th May 
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥⬅️
18th May
Release of Angel pt 1 with Jimin 🐥
23rd May
Jimin flew to London for a shoot 🐥➡️
24th May
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
27th May
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥⬅️
4th June
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
7th June
Release of Letter Live for Festa 🐥
11th June
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
14th June
Jungkook flew to LA 🐰➡️
15th June
Release of Angel pt 2 with Jimin 🐥
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
22nd June
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
25th June
Vminkook attend Yoongi concert with Jikook getting close 🐰🐥
29th June
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
4th July
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
12th July
Jungkook flew to New York 🐰➡️
13th July
Jimin flew to New York 🐥➡️
14th July
Release of Seven with Jungkook 🐰
Jungkook Weverse Live🐰
GMA performance 🐰
Jikook goes to Connecticut to start filming Are You Sure?🐰🐥
18th July
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥⬅️
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
19th July 
Jungkook flew to London 🐰➡️
Jungkook at Elvis Duran The Morning Show 🐰
Jungkook at The Morning Show 🐰
20th July
Jungkook on Radio 1 Live Lounge 🐰
21st July
Jungkook on The One Show 🐰
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
24th July
Jungkook flew back to South Korea🐰 ⬅️
25th July 
Jungkook on The Morning Mash Up' on SiriusXM’s Hit1 🐰
Jimin congratulated Jungkook on Insta for top 100 with Seven 🐰🐥
26th July
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
28th July
Jungkook on on Audacy Check In 🐰
Half naked live with Jungkook and Jimin in the comments 🐰🐥
30th July
Jungkook on SBS Inkigayo 🐰
30th July
Jungkook Weverse Live (twice) 🐰
2nd August
Jungkook posted first Tik Tok 🐰
3rd August
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
4th August
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
August 17th
Jungkook posted on Jimin’s TikTok dance 🐰🐥
31st August
Jungkook Weverse Live for Birthday🐰
1st September
Jimin posted Half naked Jikook post for Jungkook’s Birthday on Instagram 🐰🐥
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
5th September
Jungkook flew to LA 🐰➡️
6th September
Jikook find out that they were successful with buddy system??? 🐰🐥
8th September
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
12th September
Jungkook flew to New York 🐰➡️
16th September
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
21st September
Jungkook flew to New York for promotions 🐰➡️
23rd September
Jungkook at Global Citizen Festival 🐰
24th September
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
25th September 
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
26th September
Jikook fly to Jeju 🐰🐥➡️
28th September
Release of 3D with Jungkook 🐰
28th September
Jimin clouds whale/shark post on instagram 🐥
29th September
Jimin posted about 3D on instagram (puriri) 🐰🐥
Jungkook in 'The Morning Mash Up' on SiriusXM’s Hit1 🐰
1st-3rd October 
Jungkook on Stationhead mentioned Jimin several times 🐰🐥
4th October
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
6th October
Jungkook flew to LA 🐰➡️
10th October
Jungkook flew to South Korea  🐰⬅️
13th October
Jungkook on KBS2 Music Bank 🐰
Jungkook says he will message Jimin at 10:13am 🐰🐥
Jimin Weverse Live 🐥
14th October
Jungkook flew to Budapest for MV shooting🐰➡️
19th October
Jungkook somehow arrives in Japan for CK shoot  🐰⬅️
20th October
Jungkook Tik Tok Post 🐰
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
Release of Too Much with Jungkook 🐰
23rd October
Jimin Special Film and Production Diary Commentary and Jungkook joined🐰🐥
30th October
Special Talk Live with Jimin 🐥
3rd November
Release of Standing Next to You with Golden 🐰
Jungkook Weverse Live🐰
4th November
Jimin posted photos from Golden Release Party 🐰🐥
Jungkook appeared on Suchwita for second appearance. Mentions AYS 🐰🐥
5th November
Jungkook flew to New York 🐰➡️
6th November
Jungkook on Stationhead and Jimmy Fallon 🐰
8th November
Jungkook at Citi Concert Series with NBC 🐰
9th November 
Jungkook with Zane Lowe 🐰 Jungkook Live at TSX 🐰
11th November
Jungkook flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
13th November
Jungkook on Audacy Live 🐰
15th November
Jimin filmed MiniMoni Episode 🐥
16th November
Jimin flew to Budapest 🐥 ➡️
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
17th November
Pasta dish and Jimin asked for some on Weverse 🐥
Jimin’s Stuck With You dance video 🐥
18th November
Fan call event with Jungkook 🐰
19th November
Jimin flew back to South Korea 🐥
20th November
Golden Live Concert 🐰
22nd November
Jimin filmed SGMB 🐥
23rd November
Jikook fly to Tokyo 🐰🐥➡️
Jungkook filmed for TBS’s CDTV 🐰
25th November
Jikook flew to Sapporo 🐰🐥➡️
Jimin posted photos from Japan on Insta 🐥
28th November
Jikook fly back to South Korea 🐰🐥⬅️
29th November
Jungkook flew to LA 🐰➡️
30th November
Release of Usher Remix of Standing Next to You 🐰
2nd December
Jungkook Flew back to South Korea 🐰⬅️
5th December
Tae, Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰🐥
8th December
Jungkook Weverse Live 🐰
11th December
Jimin farewell Weverse Live 🐥
Jungkook farewell Weverse Live 🐰 22nd December Jimin released Closer Than This 🐥
24th March 2024
Jungkook TikTok: “I see this now” on Jimin’s CTT video 🐰🐥
*This was requested and the original included links for everything.
** Dates may slightly differ due to time zones.
*** If I am missing anything, feel free to let me know.
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foone · 7 months
we need more intercalary days
So tomorrow is February 29th, an intercalary day. It's a day that's not normally in the calendar that gets inserted to make the calendar not drift, since people want their calendar to match up with seasons and shit (weird, I know).
but we do it all wrong. we give it a date like it's a regular day, and treat it like one. you're probably still going to work and school tomorrow, right?
fuck that noise. that day isn't on the calendar. February should have 28 days, period.
What should happen tomorrow? nothing fucking official. It's a holiday without a date: a celebration on the scale of new years but more so, since it's rarer. According to official calendars, today is February the 28th, and the next day it is going to be is March 1st.
There's just an extra 24 hours in there that the calendar doesn't know about. A time for us, and not for the calendar.
If something unavoidable happens during those 24 hours of no calendar, it should be recorded as happening at midnight on march 1st, the next time that exists on the calendar.
I'm just saying, the correct way to respond to a weird day appearing in your calendar that's not normally there is NOT to treat it like any other thursday, but to accept that it's 24 hours to eat, drink, and be merry, for come friday, time starts back up again.
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officialtwistedfandub · 8 months
As production marches forward, so does the date of our first episode release! Stop by again on January 29th for the drop of Prologue, Chapter 1 on YouTube. Trailer available here.
Art credits: @patchyegg87 / Voice credits: Jacob Martin
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
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Noticed that Elliott has the arrival dates of Luther (3rd event), April 10th 1962, and Allison (2nd event), June 29th 1961, pinned to his wall, and figured I might as well try and calculate how old everyone is..
(Elliott's date for Diego is wrong, placing him at Sep 17th, when he arrived on Sep 1st.)
These are not perfect dates but they should be fairly close? and I'm not very good at maths so please correct me!
Hargreeves' ages in age order:
Disappears at 13 yr, 1 mo, and 9 days old.
His new birthday in the apocalypse is now: 22nd February
+ 45 years in the apocalypse + an unknown amount of time in the commission makes him at least 58 yr, 1 mo, and 9 days old at the start of s1.
+ 8 days in s1 makes him at least 58 yr, 1 mo, and 17 days old at the start of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes him at least 58 yr, 1 mo, and 25 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes him at least 58 yr, 2 mo, and 2 days old at the end of s3.
From s1 - s3 he has aged 23 days.
Using this estimate (his minimum age) Five's new birthday in the reset universe might be: 5th February
Travels to Vietnam at 29 yr, 5 mo, and 26 days old.
(Klaus leaves Vietnam on February 21st, supposedly arriving in Vietnam on April 21st) His new birthday in Vietnam is now: 25th October
+ 10 months in Vietnam makes him 30 yr, 3 mo, and 26 days old when he returns to March 28th 2019.
+ 3 days to finish s1 makes him 30 yr, 3 mo, 29 days old at the end of s1.
(Klaus arrives in Dallas on February 11th) His new birthday in Dallas is now: 12th October
+3 yr, 9 mo, and 4 days in the 60s makes him 34 yrs, 1 mo, 3 days old at the start of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes him 34 yrs, 1 mo, 11 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes him 34 yrs, 1 mo, 18 days old at the end of s3.
His new birthday in the reset universe is now: 20th February
Allison is 29 yr, 6 mo old at the end of s1.
(She arrives in Dallas on June 29th) Her new birthday in Dallas is now: 29th December
+ 2 yr, 4 mo, 17 days in the 60s makes her 31 yr, 10 mo, and 17 days old at the start of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes her 31 yr, 10 mo, 25 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes her 31 yr, 11 mo, 2 days old at the end of s3.
Her new birthday in the reset universe is now: 6th May
Luther is 29 yr, 6 mo old at the end of s1.
(He arrives in Dallas on April 10th) His new birthday in Dallas is now: 10th October
+ 1 yr, 7 mo, 5 days in the 60s makes him 31 yr, 1 mo, 5 days old at the start of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes him 31 yr, 1 mo, 13 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes him 31 yr, 1 mo, 20 days old at the end of s3.
His new birthday in the reset universe is now: 18th February
Diego is 29 yr, 6 mo old at the end of s1.
+ 2 mo, 14 days in the 60s (2 mo, 5 days in the asylum) makes him 29 yr, 8 mo, 14 days old at the beginning of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes him 29 yr, 8 mo, 22 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes him 29 yr, 8 mo, 29 days old at the end of s3.
His new birthday in the reset universe is now: 9th July
Viktor is 29 yr, 6 mo old at the end of s1.
+ 1 mo, 3 days in the 60s makes him 29 yr, 7 mo, 3 days old at the start of s2.
+ 8 days in s2 makes him 29 yr, 7 mo, 11 days old at the start of s3.
+ 7 days in s3 makes him 29 yr, 7 mo, 18 days old at the end of s3.
His new birthday in the reset universe is now: 20th August
her age is completely unknown. we can guess she's around the same age as the umbrellas but otherwise she's a mystery.
Ritu Arya, her actress, was 32 in 2020 when s2 was released so that's as close to canon as we know right now, (except, the majority of the cast are older than their on screen counterparts, except for David who was actually born in 1989 and Aidan in s1 as he was 13 when he was cast).
The only other information we have on her age is that she was orphaned and kidnapped at 4. and that she spent 3 months in Berlin between s2 and s3.
All of the Sparrows are 29 yrs, 6 mo, 1 day old at the start of s3:
Marcus dies at 29 yrs, 6 mo, 1 day old.
Jayme and Alphonso die at 29 yrs, 6 mo, 3 days old.
Fei and Chris die at 29 yrs, 6 mo, 6 days old.
Sloane goes missing at 29 yrs, 6 mo, 7 days old.
Sparrow Ben enters the reset universe at 29 yrs, 6 mo, 7 days old.
Ben and Sloane's birthday's remain as October 1st
i think? please do correct me if im wrong!
tua s4 speculation under the cut
if s4 is 6 years on then the ages we have are:
Five is 64 in a 19yro body
Klaus is 40
Allison is 38
Luther is 37
Diego is 36
Viktor is 36
Ben is 36
Lila and Diego's kid is probably turning 6 yro.
Claire could be anywhere between 17 and 13 since she seems to be a teenager?
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dan-ish · 6 months
The day our kim rok soo transmigrated into the birth of the hero !
"What is today's date?"This question would seem odd coming from anybody else, but the servant Ron answered in a gentle voice."It is the 29th day of the 3rd month in the 781st year of the Felix Calendar."
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grumboweek · 9 months
Grumbo Week 2024! (March 24th-30th)
A week dedicated entirely to celebrating Mumbo and Grian!
There are no requirements to participate every day! You're more than welcome to do one prompt, or a few, or even all of them! The choice is yours!
Each day has two different prompts to choose from (with the exception of day seven). You can do one or both prompts, but you are not required to use both prompts, nor do they have to be related!
All kinds of fanworks are welcome! Creativity has no limits, so long as grumbo is your focus!
If you are posting your works to AO3 please consider adding them to the Grumbo Week 2024 Collection!
If you'd like your fanworks reblogged on the grumbo week blog please use the main tag #grumboweek, as well as a tag to indicate what prompt you are using in the format #dayoneprompt, #daytwoprompt, #daythreeprompt, so on and so forth. Also, to ensure that we see your post, tag the grumbo week blog! :D
Prompts are listed below <3
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Day One, March 24th - Souls/Reunion
Day Two, March 25th - Hybrids/Date Night
Day Three, March 26th - Nightmare/Sleep
Day Four, March 27th - Past & Present/Sun & Moon
Day Five, March 28th - Respawn/Sick Day
Day Six, March 29th - AU/Alternate SMP
Day Seven, March 30th - Free Day
We look forward to seeing what everyone creates! :D
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otdiaftg · 6 months
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The King's Men - Chapter Sixteen (18)
Day: Thursday, March 28th / 29th* Time: 8:30 PM EST
Nicky drags Kevin to hang out with the rest of the Foxes. Neil and Andrew spend time alone together in their dorm.
Art used with permission by violettehoneybee. Thank you @violettehoneybee!
*Due to the Leap Year, I have opted to highlight the day rather than the date to keep the events in occurrence to the 2007 year. I will continue to mark both days accordingly.
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bumblebyweek-blog · 7 months
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On this day we're happy to present…
Bumbleby Week 2024's prompt list!
Day 1, March 25th: Bumblebaby Day 2, March 26th: Jock & Nerd AU Day 3, March 27th: Soulmates/ Reincarnation Day 4, March 28th: Nomad Blake & Farm Girl Yang Day 5, March 29th: Evil Yang/ Blake (or both) Day 6, March 30th: Comfort Day 7, March 31th: AU Day Day 8, April 1st: Bonus/ VA Appreciation Day
Thank you to everyone who submitted their prompt suggestions and voted!
The official tags for this year will be #bumblebyweek and #bumblebyweek2024 ! We'll be making another post concerning the tags once the date nears, but for now know that those will be the main tags that we'll be using during the event in order to reblog and share what's made!
If there are any questions feel free to read our Q&A or send us an ask! We apologize for the delayed announcement and thank y'all for all of your support and participation! We can't see what you'll make this year!
See y'all then!
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blanketorghost · 7 months
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Support me on Patreon! | Speedpaint 💕
"Roses, Chocolates, and a homecooked meal. All that seems more than a worthy exchange for a singular date. Wouldn't you agree, Prefect?"
Valentines Azul mwah💕
He was available on the 20th for my (nonexistent) patreons but now that its the 29th you get to finally see the full pic 💕💅
There's the .PSD, a longer speedpaint and an HQ watermarkless file there as well as all my WIP shots n stuff.... so yk.... you're getting a bang for your buck if you want to join plus get to choose my next (April) fanart poster //WINK WINK
March fanart will be needy streamer overload because Ame is my gf
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