#day: 3
rainswhenyourehere · 10 months
⋆ now i'm getting colder ⋆
characters ☆ alexander hamilton, george washington, john laurens, marquis de lafayette pairings ☆ alexander hamilton & john laurens, alexander hamilton & marquis de lafayette, alexander hamilton & george washington
tws ☆ minor mentions of blood & gun violence
whumpcember day 3. hypothermia
fic under cut
It was cold. So, so cold. Alexander fumbled in the snow, footprints trailing after him as he struggled to make his way forward. He could only pray that he was going the right way, back to camp, but the pine trees in the forest were identical to each other.
He hadn’t planned to get separated – of course he hadn’t. The battle had just taken him like a hurricane, the gunshots echoing around him until silence had fallen. He had paused, watched the redcoat he had just shot fall. Then his gaze had flickered around, the blood staining the snow, the blur of red and blue jackets too much. He had felt bile creep up his throat, the instinct to run overwhelming him.
So he had run, the red of the blood changing to the steady, calm green of the pines as he kicked up snow in his wake. Eventually he had stopped, bending over, placing his hands on his knees as he catched his breath. Then he had looked around, and realized with a flash of dread that he was lost.
Alexander flexed his fingers, exhaling shakily. His breath formed a cloud of moisture in the air. Another shiver shook his body, causing him to wrap his arms around himself. The snow crunched under his shoes.
He wasn’t sure how long he had been wandering in the woods, with no sign of life around. After finding himself alone in the middle of the forest, he had tried to go back the way he came. However, due to having run away in a daze, he couldn’t find the way he came. He had tried calling for help, but the only thing that had replied had been the echoes.
A long time, he supposed. At least that’s what it felt like, each of his steps growing slower as he felt the warmth leave him. That wasn’t a good sign.
Alexander stumbled, his weak steps guiding him to lean against a tree before his knees gave out. Slowly sliding down, he curled in on himself, bringing his numb legs up against his body. His head hurt.
It was so cold. It was so cold. It was so cold. He felt tears flowing down his cheeks, his eyes shutting in pain as his teeth chattered.
He was so cold. And so alone.
“Alexander!” John rushed outside. He had seen the troops returning from his room, and had something to tell Alexander — but he froze after a while, his gaze flickering in the crowd. There was no sign of his blue-eyed friend.
“Where’s Alexander?” he demanded, turning to one of the leaders of the troop. He watched confusion shift to recognition and guilt on the other’s face. John furrowed his eyebrows. No. “Where’s Alexander?”
He asked again, raising his voice this time, a stern look in his eyes. The soldier bit his lip, clearing his throat. “We couldn’t find Lieutenant Colonel Hamilton after the battle was over. We had to leave.”
“You mean he’s still out there?” John’s voice was panicked, his mind whirring. “Alone? In the cold?”
“That would be right,” the soldier’s voice was barely a whisper. “That is, unless he…”
“Died,” John mumbled, the other nodding. John took deep breaths as he felt rage coming over him. “What the fuck!? Say it! Say it, you motherfucker! Tell me you left him to fucking die !”
John grasped the soldier’s collar with a rapid motion, spitting the words out of his mouth with disgust. He could hear people gasping, people shouting, but all he cared about was that they had left Alexander. God, they were about to pay for i—
“Laurens!” a strong, determined voice boomed and John could feel arms around him. He kicked as they pulled him away, leaving the soldier to fall, gasping. John looked up and — oh, he had fucked up — saw Washington.
“Mind explaining yourself?” the commander asked, one eyebrow lifted. He certainly wasn’t pleased, but that wasn’t what John worried about.
“Your Excellency, sir,” he said, saluting. Washington offered a small nod in response as John struggled to get his words out. “I apologize for my rash behaviour– it’s just- Alexander—”
“Yes, that’s what I was planning to ask you about,” Washington hummed, his gaze turning to the returning men. John watched them freeze, saw the glances exchanged. “I have some work for him, where is he?”
Silence. Cowards , John thought, grimacing as everyone’s gazes flickered away. Therefore, he stepped up. “They left him, sir.”
Washington blinked slowly, taking in a deep breath. “Pardon me?”
“We couldn’t find him, he had run off somewhere, we had to—,” a soldier started, but Washington cut him off, eyes closed.
“Laurens?” John replied with a quick sir as Washington continued. “Get a group of men, I’ll deal with these.”
John nodded, moving quickly. He knew that there wasn’t time to waste. Alexander could be anywhere out there, freezing, alone—
“John?” he turned around to be met with a confused Lafayette. “What’s happening? Where’s Alex?”
“They left him, Laf,” Laurens answered, frowning. Lafayette’s expression shifted to rage and then sadness. “Come with me, get some people. I’ll go grab the horses.”
His French friend nodded, turning around. Laurens headed for the stables, praying that Alexander could wait for a while more.
They couldn’t find him.
John hated himself for not going with Alexander when he had volunteered to lead the next troop. He hated Washington for allowing Alexander to go — it was just a small battle after all —, he hated the other soldiers for leaving Alexander behind, he hated—
“Laurens!” a sharp voice pulled him out of his thoughts. He blinked, exchanged a glance with Lafayette before dismounting his horse. With quick steps, he rushed to the voice. A couple of men were standing in a huddled group around a tree. John halted near them, clearing his throat to get their attention.
A couple of them lifted their heads, nudging the rest as the group backed up with worried glances and low whispers. John’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion before he saw the body leaning against the tree.
“Oh god no,” he mumbled as he frantically threw himself next to his friend. John gasped at Alexander’s coldness, fumbling to get his jacket off, throwing it around the other. Alexander looked so fragile, so weak. “No no no no no, stay alive, Alex, please .”
A wave of relief washed over him as the younger opened his eyes, a bleary but confused look in them. Alexander coughed a few weak times before blinking, his gaze flickering to John. “Whuh- where–”
“Is he alive?” another figure — Lafayette — kneeled down, wrapping his arms around Alexander, who let his head drop, let his eyes close. John sighed, standing up. Lafayette did the same, hoisting Alexander up.
“Alex?” a groan. John took it. “Stay alive, you’re safe, we’re here. We need to get him back.”
That last sentence was directed to Lafayette, who nodded, rushing towards their horses as John gathered their men, making sure that no one had been left behind — he wouldn’t be making the same mistake as the others.
Alexander forced his eyes open, wincing at the bright lights that greeted him. However, a silhouette covered them soon, familiar eyes greeting him.
“L- Jack?” he sounded weak, his voice shaky. Something in John’s face softened and he felt a hand grasp his own.
“Alex,” the other responded softly. “You’re awake.”
Alexander nodded, his gaze flickering around. He was laying down in his bed, he realized. Why? Shouldn’t he be working with Washington?
He inhaled sharply upon recalling his memories, a chill making its way across his body as he remembered the cold. God, he had been so cold. He could feel his mind slipping, but the grasp on his hand tightened, grounding him to reality. Alexander blinked, looking at John with thankful eyes.
“I thought… I thought I was done for,” he whispered. John sighed, stroked a strand of loose hair behind Alexander’s ear.
“Hey. You’re alright now,” John smiled, and Alexander nodded. “Do you think you can drink some tea?”
Alexander shrugged his shoulders, swallowing. It seemed fine, and he struggled to sit up, groaning as John aided him, reorganizing his blankets. “I suppose.”
As if on cue, Lafayette entered with a cup. He froze, concern shifting to relief as Alexander smiled weakly, greeting him. John stood up, taking the cup of tea as Lafayette rushed to Alexander’s side.
“I- mon petit lion, est-ce que tu vas bien ?” the Frenchman asked frantically. Alexander chuckled, accepting the tea from John, taking a small sip. It was sweet and warm.
“I will be,” he said eventually, and Lafayette sighed, a smile on his face.
“Thank god.”
A knock on the door interrupted them, startling Alexander, who nearly dropped his cup. He set it down on his nightstand after taking another sip while Lafayette walked away to open the door.
“I see you’re awake, so- Alexander,” Alexander stilled upon hearing that voice, a chill running down his spine. Although he knew the other wasn’t the type to do so, his instincts awaited a lecture mixed with shouting, the image of his father flashing in his mind. Slowly, he looked up and met Washington’s blue-gray eyes, the emotions in them unreadable.
Alexander cleared his throat. “I– Your Excellency, sir. I apologize for… for running off during the battle, it was rash and inconsiderate of me. It won’t happen again, I promise.”
Silence. Alexander gulped, but then the general smiled softly, shaking his head. “None of that matters now, Alexander. Are you feeling alright?”
Alexander released an anxious breath he had been holding, his body relaxing. “Yes, sir. I… I’m doing better.”
“Glad to hear,” there was a hint of relief in Washington’s voice, his presence calming. “Make sure you fully recover before coming back to work.”
Alexander shifted under the stern look of the older, remembering his tendencies to overwork himself. He produced a small but determined nod, and Washington smiled again.
“Well, I’ll be taking my leave now. If you need anything, I’ll be in my office. Oh, and Laurens?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Make sure colonel Hamilton actually is fine before letting him leave, even if he insists otherwise,” with that, Washington exited, leaving Alexander to pout while John and Laf chuckled silently.
Lafayette stood up, grabbing the cup on the nightstand. “I’ll get going too, I’ll come back later,” he said, a tone of hesitation in his voice. Alexander turned towards him.
“Yeah. I’ll be alright,” he assured, resulting in a relieved sigh from the other. “Thanks, Laf.”
“Anytime, mon petit lion . Anytime.”
And then the door closed, leaving John and Alexander alone. The latter yawned and John shot a worried glance at him. “Alex?”
“It’s nothing, Laurens. I’m just tired,” Alexander responded, receiving an understanding hum. John helped Alexander back into a laying position, resulting in a few grunts. However, soon he was tucked under the blankets, his mind growing foggy as he started slipping into sleep.
“Rest, Alex. I’ll be here,” John whispered, taking his hand.
Alexander’s eyes fluttered shut as he sighed, thankful as warmth enveloped him. He was safe now.
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12daysofchristmas · 9 months
Day 2 Totals
Prompt: "Please open the door before I freeze to death."
fics: 8 words: 12,499 unique fandoms: 7
Day 3 Totals
Prompt: "If you don't have gloves, you can just hold my hand."
fics: 10 words: 11,995 unique fandoms: 8
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bookwyrminspiration · 8 months
god I would be UNSTOPPABLE if I was capable of consistently initiating tasks. just you wait. you'll be waiting a while but just you wait
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Tumbleweed needs everyone to know that I am his most cruel and heartless mother for decreasing the amount of food he gets due to him gaining a third again his body weight over the last year no that is not all fur Tumbleweed you are shaped like a pregnant sheep!
He has spent much of the day stomping from room to room while yelling his immense displeasure.
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obsob · 8 months
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i am a being capable of immeasurable love and whimsy
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charlesoberonn · 22 days
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bisexualvader · 6 months
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what my notifs look like currently
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willgrahamscock · 8 months
pausing mid thrust to open tumblr.com to delete the celibacy gif I reblogged 2 weeks ago
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kendyroy · 12 days
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Seeing Logan in the TVA makes me laugh so hard for some reason? Like I know he’s lived to see technology evolve and stuff, but there’s something so funny about a guy from the 1800s standing in some kind of retro-futuristic timey wimey agency to me. Man is confused as hell.
like what da hell is a polar bear doin in arlington texas
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the-maw-consumes · 1 month
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do you think it'll let up soon?
static version:
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ardri-na-bpiteog · 7 months
Also increasingly aware that a LOT of people "manage" getting through the 40+ hour work week by sleeping less than is healthy and relying on stimulants like coffee and energy drinks to keep them going.
For people who are unwilling or unable to do this...work really does just dominate your life. Like we really should not have to rely on unhealthy practices just to have a social life or keep on top of housework or whatever.
I know I post about this a lot but I'm so TIRED all the time and it's just so depressing that this is how we're expected to spend the one life we have.
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hinamie · 18 days
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stuckinapril · 9 months
the true girlhood experience (fighting the urge to fall to your knees in the middle of a grocery shopping aisle because of a sudden wave of grief that hit you out of nowhere)
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mountainshroom · 1 month
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i like the log and the pool
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omatoxin · 9 months
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strange happenings -
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watmalik · 2 months
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Boys are so silly 😌
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