starinthenightskyyy · 2 years
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Self care day tomorrow I deserve that shit for reals depression will not win
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akiinger · 4 months
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priyanka011 · 2 years
How to plan Your Day in the office | Day Planning for greater productivity | Master Class With Tapas
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ot3 · 20 days
okay dayplan. manifesting it into existence by posting about it on my blog:
gonna go pack up everything i have the means to ship today
print some labels
drop it all off at the post office
grab a coffee on the way back maybe
try and get as much drawing progress done as i can until its time to stream with toni
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glitteratti · 16 days
okayyyy whatever dayplan: wash my sheets. go shoe shopping (new shoes AND insoles pleeeaaaase). grocery shopping. yaaaay <3
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amrv-5 · 2 months
Oh my goddd. Okay well dayplans now stand as: make lunch, watch + notate ep to talk about tomorrow (wow), go for a walk (yay), go back to my life’s calling (writing fanfiction)
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dullahandyke · 3 months
Ok ok dayplan
Gather things for showerr
Post-shower self care or whatever
Eat breakfast
Take meds
Prep dinner
Clean guest room
Try out meditation
Tackle notifications
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ryuuka-balaen · 10 months
hrmmmm,, thats a nice dayplan you've got there, but kitty thinks it could be improved with more naps
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tellyourselfaboutit · 7 months
- Möbelix checkout Matratze
- Grocery
-make pics of art
-Pilatis Home Workout
-prep on enter the 2nd workphase of this week
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jdubqca · 2 years
adjusting to weather conditions
` ADJUSTING TO WEATHER CONDITIONS #poem #blogging #dayplan#poetry - - - >
in between phases I’m in a funk like a derelict balloon with no place to go I’ve been collecting string and shredding old tees into strips tying them together as if commanded by an ego greater than mine 4:20 in the morning seems to be daybreak anymore though I’m fully aware it changes more or less every 24 hours there are raw eggs in a red bowl next to a notebook & pencil on the…
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journal-pieces · 5 years
The Right Time
Today 2020/02/17, 2:21 AM
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Sometimes you shouldn’t wait for the right time to do things that you feel like doing. That’s because once that feeling is gone, you might never do it. This sounds simple but it’s hard to take that step at the right time.
For example, you could be starting your exams in a few days but you feel like learning how to paint/draw/write, or even start working out or start a blog or anything which could seem wrong at the moment due to exams coming up or anything but I would say accept that feeling and just do what you feel like. Because you never know, that one decision might turn out to be one of the best decisions you ever took in your life. Now now, don’t just stop studying and throw away your books and learn to paint/draw or whatever all day, but there’s one simple trick you can use to feel satisfied and do your drawing/painting, etc.
The trick is that you could do what is important depending on your situation like if it’s exams then you could study in your productive time (like from morning to evening) then during your relaxing time when you read books or watch youtube for like 2 or more hours, just take 1 hour out of that for learning to draw/paint etc., and in this way you get your work done along with feeling satisfied doing what you felt like/wanted to. Also, doing this for 1 day or 1 week might not bring many results but imagine, if you do this for 365 days or even 30 days, it’ll definitely make a difference. By seeing the result you’ll feel motivated to continue and then you build on it.
For workouts, you might have to make some more changes depending on your routine because not everyone can eat and cook as and when they like, and that matters for working out because you might feel drained/hungry after the workout then feel like eating or sleeping, so plan accordingly. One trick you could use for workout is you can fit in your workout your break time, for example, if you eat dinner at 9:00 PM, you could study till 7:30 PM or 8:00 PM then workout for 1 hour and eat dinner then study again. But still the choice is yours, taking that one step at the right time even when you’re feeling lazy or thinking ‘In that 1 hr I could watch so many videos’‘ might change you for the better. I hope I expressed my feelings & thoughts clearly.
My Day
It’s the 3rd day of my blogging journey and it’s going pretty good I’d say. I felt I might not post today because I got late doing other stuff but I’m glad I did it. My friend teasing me about me quitting already just hit me and I was like “I have to post”. Anyways today was fun, I went tuition and then got to know I have the next 2 days off from tuition so that’s amazing. I might have actually decided upon the kind of topics or the way I want to do my posts for this blog. But you never know, things might change for the better. Until next time, see ya.
Thanks for reading !!
Have a good day!!
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priyanka011 · 2 years
How to plan Your Day in the office | Day Planning for greater productivity | Master Class With Tapas
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amerasdreams · 2 years
As I figured out,I have to do blah job things in the morning. I want to do the mind things i really want to do. But i may have to save that until later. My priority really has to be job, business rn. I have ro use my best mind time for it. Later in the day I don't have as much mental energy to force myself to do difficult tasks. 😞
So now I may not look forward to Mondays... (when I write in the morning)
Hopefully later I'll have some jobs in afternoon so I dont have to use morning just for business ... when i have things going rather than having to GET things going, which causes a lot of mental resistance.
Proved by the fact I did get some things done this morning I have been trying to figure out for weeks... nor very hard really but.
If I have my pet business I might as well keep going in it. (Taked forget to rt things started... what would i do otherwise? I WANT INDEPENDENCE ABOVE ALL) Try to get some things in afternoon
While working on getting other jobs
Making business
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bbabushkajusofonii · 2 years
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Buenos Dias Beautifuls! BB and @babushkas_sweetie enjoying the @stonecastlebranson #breakfastbuffet . About to go for seconds. 😋😊 #mostimportantmealoftheday #dayplan #fuelyourbody #daystarter #familytime #BloggingBranson #hosted (at The Stone Castle) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb7oNqMu9Zy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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foodlifedesignblog · 3 years
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Mr. Scarecrow is here and all ready to help you get your fall plans in order! Head over to the shop and download yours today! 🍁🍂 #dailytodolist #dailyplanner #weeklyplanner #printableplanner #dailyplan #dayplan #printabletodolist #fallplanner #falliscoming #scarecrow #planner #etsyshop #etsyfinds #etsylove #stationeryshop #stationeryaddict #stationerylove #stationeryshop https://etsy.me/38tOdno https://www.instagram.com/p/CTSoX7IPOG0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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coffeerevision · 7 years
Getting Organized : How I plan my life
I am an organization nerd. I love having a plan, knowing whats happening and whats happening next. I have tried a lot of agenda’s and online planners and bullet journal, but I found what works best for me is a mix. I use different tools for different things. I keep an agenda, a bullet journal, and a monthly dry erase calendar. This allows me to see the big picture of everything, but also plan out what I need to do day by day. And honestly, it doesn’t take me that long to do.
General Plan
To plan out my “Big Plan” (generally I do this at the beginning of school terms) I get out all my class syllabus’ and open my agenda to the monthly pages. This allows me to think months in advance, writing down big deadlines and important dates. 
This DOES NOT consist of small due dates (ex. Weekly homework) Weekly plans or to-do’s. 
This is for the big stuff, final’s, exams, essays, flights. It allows me to basically not have to look at the syllabus, and also not forget that I have my First Psych exam in the first week of February (which is something that wouldn’t show up in my January Monthly Plan and thus could be easily forgotten).
Monthly Plan
I have my year planned out month by month, so generally this is pretty easy. I bought a big monthly wall dry erase board (I got mine from Walmart) and basically all I do with this is write down my deadlines. Of course,the bigger ones are already written down in the ‘Big Plan’ so I am rewriting them, but also I would write smaller deadlines here. Such as homework and in class quizzes
I use this because it helps me focus on the month at hand, rather than constantly having to look at my whole year plan and being overwhelmed, while still being able to see everything that needs to be done in upcoming weeks so I don’t fall behind or forget to study for something.
Weekly Plan
Every Sunday night I do my weekly plan, this is done week by week (never in advance) and basically allows me to focus on whats important that week. I use my agenda for this and I have it split into two sections, What’s Happening and What’s Due. The Whats Happening side of my week planner allows me to write in my classes, any events, or meet ups with friends. The What’s Due side allows me to write down any assignments, homework, quizzes, or papers due that week, down to the smallest “read this chapter by Tuesday” detail. 
When I have completed and handed in something, I cross it out so I know I can forget about it (and don’t have a panic attack on the day thinking “wait did I hand in that thing?!).
Daily Plan
My daily plan is done each evening, and I use my bullet journal for this. This is the thing I carry around with me, and the reason I am not horribly behind in all my classes. 
Each evening I look at what I need to do the next day to stay on track and finish what is due this week (I look at my agenda), or in upcoming weeks (I look at my monthly plan). 
So for example, on Monday night I might see that I have a homework assignment due Friday, so I write in my bullet journal on Tuesday that  I should start the homework assignment.
This allows me to stay focused on whats important, allowing myself to set sub goals for big tasks, and never wonder “what should I work on next” because I know I have already planned it out, and I only need to focus on my daily to-do’s and I will stay on track.
And that’s basically it! It’s a fairly extensive planning system, mostly because I have a horrible fear that I will forget an assignment, but it works for me because it allows me to see the bigger picture of things, all the way to the smallest detail of assignments. Also, rewriting the deadlines of things generally means I am less likely to forget them.
If you have any questions about planning, please feel free to send me an ask!   I went to a self-directed high school so planning is sort of my thing :)
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