#this is just a scene so it doesnt have a proper au but if you want context:
nekovale · 4 months
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So, this thing happened because in the same day I discovered that: - Chuuya's voice actor is Granrodeo's singer - Chuuya used to call Dazai "Osamu" when they were younger and Dazai wrote down and hid this in a time capsule I took it well
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kymsys · 4 months
(okay i was going about my day yesterday but i really couldn't get the merman au out of my head😭😭 i just imagine for a while somehow geto managed to sneak satoru into the palace and then it's a whole ordeal trying to hide him. panicked geto and oblivious gojo and really for all that image is stuck in my head i still have yet to write a proper interaction w them but!! it's not proofread so sorry if there are mistakes and it's a bit scattered but i had to get this one scene out that was brewing in my mind so🥺 ignore this if you want❗️❗️)
From the mezzanine, everyone looked like ants. Suguru had to squint to make out familiar faces in the crowd, and even then, the only person he could identify was a distant aunt of his that he had never really liked. Usually, he'd have been able to pick apart anyone of significance; he'd have known their name, their title, their interests. 
Suguru would've known, he always memorises the details before public events — he spends days in his room at a time, talking into the mirror and telling his reflection things about these people who he has never met. Perhaps, lately, he'd been busy with Satoru.
Suguru smiled. He didn't feel as guilty as he thought he would.
A hand clapped on his back, and he jolted. Shoko beside him, cocking a brow. “What's got you looking like a dumbass?” Her voice was flat, eyes busy scanning the crowd and Suguru knew who she was looking for.
He cleared his throat. He couldn't really tell her that he was keeping a siren in the little pond in his private garden — well, it wasn't exactly little, but that information held no relevance anyway. Shoko was his dear friend, and he knew she would always support him, but he had to keep Satoru a secret, more for her sake. Suguru bit his lip in thought. If only Satoru didn't have such a strong taste for human flesh.
“Is meat more nutritious than fish?”
“Nevermind.” Suguru winced at the look he was being sent. He didn't mean to blurt the question out, but he'd been thinking about it for days. The salmon that he'd been feeding Satoru probably wasn't enough to sustain a creature his size — especially when he was so active — which would mean he burnt through a lot of calories very quickly. “Utahime is on the balcony,” Suguru pointed in the general direction, giving Shoko a pat on the shoulder, “good luck.”
From his peripheral vision, he could see Shoko roll her eyes as he walked away, but she muttered a small 'thanks' before she turned to find the other woman. He was glad she finally had someone to open up to other than him — he saw how happy Shoko was with Utahime, and with the burden of inheriting the throne giving her sleepless nights, it was all Suguru could want for his closest friend.
He turned his attention back to the winding flight of stairs before him. Now, to find some meat.
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KINGGGGGGGGGGGG (can i call you like that??)!!!! ♥ GAHHH IM SO HONOURED AND HAPPY, you actually wrote MORE??? bless you, this is truely amazing, this has me by my throat. thank you so fucking much, i love it!! <3 WHY THE FUCK WOULD I EVER IGNORE THIS, are u out of your mind. i LOVEEEE the way suguru keeps thinking about his little "pet" gojo and what would probably be the best food for him! like indeed he is a massive creature, he will probably need...a lot?? but also at the same time i can imagine that he is maybe not that....needy. isnt that a thing with lots of sharks or deep sea fish that they eat very little, just because its so hard to get by food? so their organism is evolved to survive on very little food and thrive nonetheless. MAYBE suguru just thinks gojo is in need of lots of food, but actually gojo just likes to eat bc he enjoys the food, but doesnt neccessarily need it?(he is also a mystical creature, so in that sense anything is possible really xD) I ALSO LOVE HOW SUGURU JUST RANDOMLY ASKS SHOKO ABOUT NUTRITIONS AND SHOKO IS JUST LIKE WHAT, i adore that ; u ; <3 AND OMG gojo lives in a pond in his private garden??? HOW CUTE!! so that makes me wonder (pls indulge with me) why would he bring this technically "monster" into his home? generally i would think maybe that a creature like that needs its space and would need their freedom? so MAYBEEEEE smth has happened? maybe gojo got hurt, maybe even when he was caught in the fishernet situation? MAYBE suguru needs to take care of him until he gets better and maybe gojo, the curious creepy creature that he is, enjoys the change of environment and the new feeling of being cared for?? its exciting for both! what do you think ?? 👉👈 maybe you had a different idea?? im so excited to hear your thoughts!! AND AGAIN THANK YOU, i love it SO much, i feel so lucky that you actually like it so much that you wanna write about it T___T ♥
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nerosdayinanime · 7 months
seijatachi played and i dipped my toes back into the still unnamed kny tokyo ghoul au
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smthn smthn fox trio retired their fox masks since theyre pretty high-profile from before they moved to the 19th ward, sabito & makomo switched to rabbit masks (sabito's white w red eyes, makomo's gray with closed eyes & smile) & giyuu switched to a black cat mask with yellow eyes. all three have fur cape kinda things attached to the back of the masks to hide their hair (sabito did it originally bc his pink hair is a dead giveaway) their old fox masks are associated with a small gang of ghouls bc sakonji made them all their masks himself, at first they started out as just "Fox - [number]" but the numbers slowly kept climbing and their masks started getting custom designs so they started naming em proper, makomo's "Fox - Comedy", giyuu's "Fox - Tragedy" & sabito's "Fox - Reaper"
when tanjiro & nezuko joined sakonji made them fox masks bc theyre part of the family too :) but they still get different masks for actual use bc the CCG is very weary of the fox ghoul group, especially if new ones popped up
i was gonna put it in the tags but its too long lol
first scene i got down goes like: nezuko loses herself to hunger a little and starts running towards smthn that smells good, tanjiro following her bc he doesnt want her to get hurt, they find genya crouched over his kill and she starts having a breakdown, genya politely offers a bite before kaigaku comes in and starts kicking him around for hunting in 'his territory', giyuu arrives and beats kaigaku's ass before telling him to fuck off, giyuu suddenly realizes tanjiro's human & nezuko's not a full ghoul and walks closer questioningly, tanjiro steps in front of her protectively and asks him to stop approaching her, giyuu sits down placatingly & genya realizes tanjiro's human and gets a bit nervous watching them, nezuko still having her breakdown denying that shes a ghoul, giyuu "youre not a ghoul.. youre not human either- youre something else entirely.", genya pipes up "im not a normal ghoul either- you're not alone.", they chat a bit and genya tentatively asks if theyd not… out genya as a ghoul… tanjiro shakes his head "of course not- you've been nothing but polite to us!", giyuu escorts them to their cafe and tries to get nezuko to understand what being any part ghoul is like without scaring her, sakonji takes over when they get there, sabito comes in from his rounds pissed off about something and slaps his mask on a table ranting about it before he notices There Are Kids Here and hes being Scary, at first hes shocked abt tanjiro and shifts his eyes back to white but then he notices nezuko "woah… how'd that happen?" giyuu "i wasnt going to ask about that yet." sabito "ah, sorry. you can… keep on.." and goes back to quietly arranging his shit
in front of people sabito keeps up a kind/peppy personality but he very easily dips into being intimidating when hes mad, people in the cafe usually only see it when assholes start harrassing makomo or other female workers/diners and he takes them outside- its also about the only time people will see giyuu proper Scowl instead of his usual blank/airy look. when nezuko joins as a server (with tanjiro) people are a little less likely to yell in the proximity of a 14 year old girl, but if they do sabito tries to not be as outwardly scary around her and adopts a frankly even more sinister look where hes passive-aggressively smiling with blatant murder in his eyes, tanjiro usually guides her to the other end of the cafe when he starts looking at people like that,,,,
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anawrites3 · 2 years
Love your Royal AU! Do you have an idea for what kind of consort ruler Dick would be? And what do Slade's men think about him?
Thank you!! 💕
Even as a consort Dick will do everything he can to help the people he rules over. He always had the people of Gotham in his mind and heart, and now that he lives in Defiance it still hasn't changed - he just cares about more people now.
As the king's consort, Dick is meant to accompany Slade in all meetings, even the most important ones, but no one really expected him to do anything there. Everyone thought that he would just sit at Slade's side like a 'pretty thing from a foreign country he is'. What a surprise it was when Dick just started giving solutions to the council's problems, his voice quiet but firm. The first time it happened, his hands were twisted in the material of his clothes and he kept glancing at Slade, nervous if he should be really speaking but unable to stay quiet when he has a way to help them out.
With time, as he understands that Slade doesnt mind him speaking up - on the contrary, Slade is at times even impressed by him - he gets more confident and even comes up with ideas of his own on how to help out their people more.
As for Slade's men, they absolutely adore him. At first they were keeping their eye on Dick all the time because he was from the enemy's country and they didn't know much about him overall. But the longer Dick lived in Defiance with Slade, the more they got to know him and the more they grew fond of him.
At first everyone thought that Dick would be cold and mean to them because they all know how proper and cold nobles from Gotham can be but Dick is nothing like that. No, he always stops in the hallways to greet them properly and talks to them all the time, always with a smile.
Wintergreen got protective of him very quickly too! Slade is really annoyed by it all (but it's more because he's just jealous 🤭)
A really short scene for this;;
/ / /
Dick was on his way to have dinner with his husband, already a few minutes late, when the man walked out from around the corner.
"Sir Isherwood!" Dick called out excitedly. His cloak pooled around his feet as he walked over to the man with a smile, his maids rushing after him. "I haven't seen you in so long! How are you today?"
"Your Majesty." David bowed with a small smile. "It's been quite some time indeed. I'm well, I was just on my way to the library."
"Ah, I see. Are you going there for business or pleasure?"
"Business this time I'm afraid, Your Majesty." The man hummed and Dick nodded sympathetically.
"Is there anything I could help you with?" he asked.
"Thank you, but it's just a minor research this time. It won't take me long and I'm sure you have much more important matters to attend to than looking through a few papers with me."
"Well, if you're sure." Dick smiled. "Perhaps I'll see you later then. I was planning to visit the library after dinner so maybe we'll meet there."
Isherwood opened his lips to answer when another voice spoke up from the end of the hall, "Ah, sir Isherwood. So you're the reason my husband is late for dinner."
"Your Majesty." Dick straightened immediately and inclined his head in a bow.
Slade walked over to them with a teasing smirk on his lips. "I was beginning to fear you got lost on your way to the dining room, Richard."
"Oh, I'm sure His Majesty is already very familiar with our castle's layout." Wintergreen, who stood on the king's side, teased Dick with a warm smile.
Slade’s smile widened a bit at the implication, at the same time as blush began to cover Dick’s cheeks. It wasn’t his fault he got lost once or twice when he first moved to Defiance’s castle! It was so much different than his home back in Gotham and so no one could blame him for the time when he walked into the wrong room while searching for the gardens.
“I am now.” he assured, looking down in embarrassment. “And I apologize for making you wait, Your Majesty.”
“It’s no problem at all.” Slade hummed. His fingers wrapped gently around Dick’s hand. "I was-"
"Oh, and pardon me for saying this,” Wintergreen spoke up again, before Slade could say anything more. “but you happen to be late for dinner quite some times yourself, Your Majesty."
"Yes thank you, Billy, that was very helpful." Slade replied drily.
"Always happy to serve."
Dick hid his smile behind the palm of his hand.
"I apologize as well, my king." Isherwood bowed with a smile on his own. "I was just exchanging pleasantries with His Majesty. It wasn't my intention to take so much of his time."
"No need to apologize." Slade dismissed with a wave of his hand. "You didn't do anything wrong. Richard, why don't you go ahead now? I'll join you in a minute."
"As you wish, Your Majesty." Dick nodded swiftly, before glancing at the men beside them. "Sir Isherwood, sir Wintergreen."
"Your Majesty." The knights answered in union and bowed.
Slade stepped closer to Dick and pressed his lips to his husband's wrist. Dick gasped softly at the gesture and the moment Slade let go of him, he hurried away with red cheeks. They all looked after him until he disappeared behind the corner.
"How come he talks to you all happily like that but still gets shy and stiff whenever I'm around?" Slade heaved a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. "We've been married for quite some time now."
"Well..." Billy started with a pointed look. "I can name a few reasons why he gets withdrawn with you-"
"That won't be necessary, Billy." Slade gritted out through clenched teeth, making the man smile.
"Maybe His Majesty is still getting used to our customs." Isherwood offered helpfully. "You know that Gotham people aren't as open with showing affection as we are."
"Or maybe it's just because-"
"Alright, Wintergreen, get out. I don't want to see you right now."
"Your Majesty-"
"Out. Go help Isherwood with his research."
"Alright, alright."
/ / /
((I don't like how this turned out very much fkdkdjdj but you get the gist, Dick talks with Slade's men all the time but still is overwhelmed with Slade’s presence and Slade is jealous. Also, Billy loves teasing Slade about it))
Masterlist of the au
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akirameta84 · 1 year
idk when or if ill finish this and ive had a habit of sharing my unfinished wip fics lately so heres the sequel to the werewolf au oneshot i wrote (and that i also shared the first part of months before i finished and posted it to ao3 lol)
id say its a bit under halfway done? idk. it follows directly after the last oneshot and may be confusing without it. and its an unfinished fic so you wont be missing anything if you just wait for it to eventually be finished and published (even if it might be a year rip)
but yeah. this is the first half or so wip of "Howling Harassment" sequel to the kubosai werewolf oneshot "Lycanthropic Liasons"
has not been edited or proofread obviously cause its not even done
its 5.3k words, and warning for vomiting mentions. if you want to skip the mini scene where kusuo is sick (he doesnt puke in the scene but talks about having done so) ive bolded the start and end of it. you wont be missing any plot details with it, but this wip preview does end shortly after it with just a paragraph so if you plan to skip that scene you can just stop reading at the first bolded part and be fine
enjoy i guess
also my italics didnt copy over so :shrug: place them where you think they go
Kusuo had been enjoying a very nice nap, relaxing peacefully and soaking in some warm sunshine, when the feeling of something wet dripping onto him slowly roused him from his slumber.
He blearily opened one eye but then immediately snapped both open when he caught sight of the tan wolf, shockingly with a normal looking chin, leaning over him and drooling all over his face. Recoiling and lurching to his paws in the same beat, he stumbled a good few meters away from Nendou, standing tensely in the grass.
They were right outside the makeshift and, honestly, poorly constructed hideout of Kaidou and Aren’s, and Kusuo had thought that if he took a nap outside he could both enjoy the sun on his fur and separate himself from Nendou, since the idiot would likely be enthralled by Kaidou and Aren attempting to play card games with paws.
Apparently Kusuo had been very very wrong. He sat down hard into the dirt and reached a back leg to scratch painfully at his head, like it would help get all the saliva off of him even though he knew it wouldn’t.
Nendou had been staring at him the whole time until a deep bark from the hideout entrance sounded, calling his attention. Aren’s deep purple and very furry but scarred head stuck out from the door made of blankets and glared at Nendou, having heard Kusuo’s mental distress. Nendou whimpered but strutted over to the entrance and headed inside.
In regards to the werewolf telepathy, since they were unsure if Nendou could hear them, attempting verbal communication without the ability to speak words was necessary to try and talk to the idiot who had also found himself lycanthropic by unknown means. At least they knew where he was now and Kusuo could fix any problems his disappearance has started to cause.
Kusuo was slightly worried as well that, due to the fact that he was missing all of the last week, Nendou couldn’t turn back like Kaidou and Aren had at first. Kusuo had been able to teach them by just instructing them through how he usually activated his shape-shifting, and it had thankfully done the trick.
He was still hoping that Nendou could hear their trains of thought even if they were blocked from his. He’d shown no signs of it, but this was Nendou. He could be hearing everything and not give a single clue.
Either way, it was still absolutely bizarre to have someone (Or up to three someones) reading his mind for a change, even if the fact that he didn’t have to bother with proper communication as much was pleasant.
‘It’s still bizarre to me that you’ve heard all of our thoughts up to now from when you met us, Kusuo.’
Yeah. That was fair. Kusuo lifted his head and gazed at the darkening sky that was many shades of orange and pink as the sun gradually lowered into the horizon. It was rather pretty and almost soothing to stare at. It’d been decently bright and blue when he’d gone to sleep, so he’d gotten a good few hours in.
That was good. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to sleep once he went back home and dealt with what would be waiting for him. There was no way his brother had already gone from England to Japan in under twelve hours, even if their mom calling about limiter issues was fairly serious, but he’d still get harassed via television video call from his brother and either wait in dread for his brother to fly over or just teleport himself and get it over with.
Both sucked.
‘I think you’re over reacting. Surely your brother didn’t literally create something that turns people into werewolves. That sounds impossible. To be fair, so does being born an esper, but still.’
‘…B-but how else did it get…created?’
Kaidou was very bad at hiding his excitement at the concept of a mad scientist making something like lycanthropy, even if he posed his question as.
And also how he wondered if Kusuo’s brother could make him into a vampire instead, because when he watched a movie series called- ‘Hey stop stop sto-’
Kusuo snorted but obliged and cut that train of thought off, standing up and padding over to the hideout entrance.
Regardless, the answer was very much no to Kaidou, there really was no other potential source, and yes to Aren. Kuusuke was most certainly behind this and Kusuo was either going to make him fix it or commit fratricide.
‘…Can you…m-maybe-’
‘If he makes a cure I’m not letting you stay like this, Kaidou.’
Kusuo arrived at the blanket covering and stepped inside right on cue to see Kaidou’s best attempt at a canine frown and puppy eyes…the latter of which was quite a lot more effective in a literal dog form than it normally was for the boy seated on a pillow in the very corner of the hideout, front paws splayed over a bunch of cards on the carpeted ground in front of him.
He looked away before the eyes could take effect. He was getting far too soft and was not about to consider willingly keeping one of his friends a goddamn werewolf when he could reverse it.
When. Not if. Kusuo kept making sure he left no room for doubt in his mind. That way it would be easier to kill Kuusuke if he failed to make a totally guaranteed cure.
Aren was padding back over to the light blue wolf, a sulking Nendou in tow, and though Kusuo’s thoughts had already spelled out for the two of them that he was about to go home and get the confrontation or whatever over with, he still had one more pressing issue to attempt to solve beforehand.
‘Nendou,’ He projected outwards, staring at him as if it would help get his message across, taking a few more steps on the frankly uncomfortably textured carpet.
To his slight shock, the tan wolf spun his head around so quickly he feared Nendou would break his neck (A familiar sight, Nendou did that far too much, even if it had less of an impact without the…mildly disturbing human face), tongue lolling out of his mouth as he watched Kusuo expectantly.
Aren and Kaidou looked up, intrigued, their minds similarly surprised that Nendou could hear their minds just fine.
…Could he? There was a chance that had been Kusuo’s own inherent telepathy as it was hard to tell the two versions apart, unlike the ease at which he could separate the lycanthropic ability and his own shape-shifting.
If it was his own and the idiot couldn’t hear Kaidou or Aren that wasn’t that much of an issue. Kusuo was the one who needed to help him turn back, after all.
(Considering the fact that Nendou didn’t visibly react to any of Kusuo’s ambient thoughts about that, actually, Nendou was not connected to the werewolf telepathy. He can only hear projected thoughts from Kusuo’s. Kaidou seemed utterly fascinated by that, while Aren was just mildly annoyed at how it was so complicated. Kusuo was in agreement with his boyfriend, and not just because of that status).
Nendou’s head tilted after the good few moments of staring, and Kusuo realized he should probably elaborate on why he got his attention before he was licked or pounced on again.
‘Do you want me to show you how to turn back tomorrow?’
He almost offered to do it right now but remembered, bitterly, that they were all stuck like this for a good while longer thanks to the moon cycle.
To his surprise, Nendou responded by shaking his head no, slobber flailing from his tongue as he did so. He heard Kaidou yelp as a drop landing in his eye, according to his thoughts.
That was…not the expected or desired answer at all. Kusuo wished he could just ask why straight up, but he would just go through the options instead.
Aren had sat down facing the two of them, even though Nendou was still turned away from Kusuo and looking back with his head, face far too amused to be anything but smug.
‘I bet he’s going to already know how to-’
‘You’re jumping ahead in the narrative, shut up.’
‘…I’m what?’
Kusuo firmly decided to ignore him. Kaidou could probably use some help putting all the playing cards away, he not so subtly thought of but didn’t directly project as he looked over and saw the small wolf in question pushing around the cards with his paws to try and get them all in a small stack again.
Aren just rolled his eyes but turned away to assist, and Kusuo gave his attention back to the ever still and rapt Nendou.
Seriously, he kind of wished that Nendou had lost interest in their one-sided conversation during the decently sized breaks in it. That would be less creepy.
‘Are you saying no because you already know how?’ He asked next, using purely his own deductive reasoning and nothing else.
‘You are really something special, babe.’
Kusuo shifted in place, annoyed, as Nendou nodded. There was no bothering with asking why the fuck he had stayed like this a week when there wouldn’t be a reply. He just huffed out a breath of air and asked one last question.
‘Will you please turn back and be human again by tomorrow?’
Nendou unflinchingly nodded at the downright angry tone of Kusuo’s, finally spinning around fulling and raising a front paw up, curling it and uncurling it awkwardly.
Was that supposed to be a thumbs up? Probably. He could only guess that it was because the idiot tended to give so many of those normally.
Kusuo nodded to himself and walked away, putting as much space between him and Nendou as he could in the small hideout, ending up next to the other two slightly less idiotic wolves.
‘Slightly!? It’s more than just slightly!’
Aren just chortled.
‘Do you want help getting home before I go, Kaidou? I can teleport you and then make your family perceive you as human if they happen to see you before you’re able to change back. And, of course, make your disappearance today nonexistent.’
There was a worrying hesitation before Kaidou replied, his snout twisting awkwardly as if he were trying to bite at his lip, and he paused in gently nudging a few cards to the side and merging them with the growing stack. Kusuo used his telekinesis to grab them all and order them neatly into a stack, floating them straight into the box.
Kaidou blinked at him, startled but grateful, but refocused his mind quickly.
‘A-actually I want to. Uh…t-tell them. I don’t want to hide it forever and it would just be…easier. To tell them.’
Huh. Kusuo had heard Kaidou’s mind dance on that possibility, but it had been thought about so little that he hadn’t expected the boy to actually decide on that course of action in the end.
‘…I hope it goes well, then. Do you still want help getting home right now or will you wait?’
‘I’ll w-wait with Aren. Get some nerves out. And go home when we’re back.’
‘Very well.’
Kaidou and Aren had taken to keeping spare clothes in the hideout, so that plan would work just fine for them. Kusuo had no need, he could just teleport freely around those two since his secret wasn’t secret between them. And, in all honesty…it felt nice to have have a friend closer than Aiura or Toritsuka know, as well as someone even closer but not family.
But for now he also was definitely not telling any other friends. Not until he was ready to actually do it on his own terms for once.
Kusuo turned around and walked towards the exit of the hideout despite not needing to in order to head home, but it somehow felt more polite to leave this way and then teleport.
‘I’ll see you guys tomorrow, then.’
Kaidou and Aren seemed baffled that he’d said farewell which was rather fair since he never gave those or said hello much at all, but responded in kind themselves.
Before he could make it all the way out, though, footsteps sprinted towards him, and he didn’t have much time to react before Aren shoved his face against Kusuo’s, rubbing them together like he was a cat instead of a wolf.
Aren’s expression was far too innocent afterwards as he drew back and somehow grinned, and Kusuo rolled his eyes and turned away, keeping his body but most importantly his stupid tail with a mind of its own still as warmth bloomed in his chest, grateful his face couldn’t flush like this.
He continued walking moments after, only not doing something to be polite and reciprocate because he needed to leave and not because the prospect of doing so like this was embarrassing.
He briefly wanted to strangle Aren when he heard his mental chuckle at his denial.
As soon as he had fully crossed through the blanketed doorway, tail and all, Kusuo gathered his energy and teleported to his bedroom, a location so familiar he didn’t even need to conjure the image in his head to travel to it.
And, as soon as all four of his legs landed on his bedroom floor, his television turned on and his brother’s ugly face filled the screen, telepathy canceler adorning his long blonde hair, some of it covering his left eye and the rest of it in a ponytail, despite Kusuo being nowhere close enough to read his mind. He bared his teeth at the image and intentionally raised his hackles.
It took less than a second of being home for his brother to make an entrance.
Fifty six milliseconds, to be precise.
Kuusuke sniffled, feigning sadness as his tinny voice sounded through the speakers, “I can’t believe my own baby brother is so angry at me paying him a pseudo visit. How upsetting, after mom called me so worried about you and everything…”
Kusuo just sat on his floor and glared at the television, making eye contact not with Kuusuke’s image, but with the camera perched very visibly on top of the television.
His brother knew he’d be slaughtered if he had cameras permanently installed in Kusuo’s or their parent’s bedrooms. But he’d been barely spared when he added one to his TV that only activated when he was video calling, and the living and dining rooms got actual full-time cameras.
“Hmph, no response? Not even a rude comment?” His brother paused purposefully and smugly, “Oh, wait, you can’t respond! Without your telepathy, since even with my lovely canceler I’m still far out of range, you can’t speak like that.”
A teasing glint entered his brother’s visible eye as Kusuo continued to glare, unimpressed, “Or can you? Come on, can you speak, Kusuo? Speak? Like a good dog?”
He had to put physical effort into swallowing his growl, because that would have almost given Kuusuke exactly what he wanted. His bedroom sat in silence as they had an impromptu, or really, with his brother, expected competition to see who’s resolve gave first.
Kuusuke didn’t bother to try very hard, giving up with a shrug quickly because as much as he liked to make fun of his brother and attempt to win at every little thing, proper competition or not, they shared the same trait of impatience.
Kusuo’s patience was better overall, though. It had to be, growing up with his powers and all.
“I will say, it is a lot harder to decipher what you want to say like this. I’ve mastered your blank human expression, obviously, but I am very much not a canine person. Maybe I should have made werecats instead…”
Kusuo didn’t even bother to hide his growl that time, narrowing his eyes and translating his words clearly enough that his brother was easily able to garner the meaning when given more information than an empty glare.
“Oh? Am I responsible for you and your friend’s predicament? Obviously. To be completely truthful, though, you were never supposed to find out, and you were especially not supposed get infected yourself.”
Kusuo tilted his head to the side, keeping his eyes narrowed to hopefully keep his skepticism clear.
His brother laughed at first, “Aw, you look adorable like that. It barely looks like you’re angry,” Kusuo snapped his head back up instantly, “But no, I am not lying. That’s why I kidnapped and gave the virus to your brainless friend initially, so you wouldn’t hear any thoughts about it.”
Kuusuke paused to wave a hand dismissively at the question Kusuo didn’t even try to ask, anticipating the obvious.
“I never left London and your friend never left Japan, either. I had robots kidnap and inject him with the serum I had mailed to a private lab I own in the area beforehand. It was easier and I had no risk of getting infected myself. What I failed to realize is that your little pet idiot could break out of a room made of solid steel walls and take off the tracking collar in the process.”
The screen briefly flickered to an image of, presumably, the room Nendou had been held in. There was a large hole in one of the gray, metal walls, opening straight into the outside, and the image barely lasted a few seconds before his brother was back in view.
Ah. Kusuo didn’t think that was possible either, but this was Nendou they were talking about, who has done countless other inhuman feats like his stunt in the school marathon. If Kusuo didn’t know any better, he’d say that Nendou also had psychic abilities.
“Anyways, I’m sure you’re wanting my help with this…issue of yours?” Kuusuke questioned, not leaving room for Kusuo to respond before continuing.
Not that Kusuo would have replied anyways, but the implications were still rude.
“Why don’t you teleport over here right away and let me have a look? I have to admit, much to my shame… I have no way of making a cure without seeing the biological structure of the transformed state first. Otherwise I might be reverting things that are actually a part of your human body.”
That was the biggest pile of bullshit Kusuo had ever heard, and his eye roll only conveyed a tiny fraction of how pissed he was.
“Ah, you’re too smart for that, huh, Kusuo? Yeah, I actually don’t know if I can revert the lycanthropy at all, haha! I never planned to in the first place.”
…Sometimes, the truth hurt significantly more than the lie he had tried to get fed. Kusuo sighed, quite displeased, and stood with a stretch, walking right past his television and heading for the door of his bedroom, which he swung open telekinetically.
He couldn’t see his brother anymore, but he could, unfortunately, still hear him, “Cold shoulder, huh? I never said I wouldn’t try, Kusuo,” He paused mid-step, body halfway out of the door, “Teleport over tomorrow before school, since I really don’t think you’ll get anywhere near me transformed and you’re stuck like this until around six in the morning tomorrow, and I’ll see what I can think of. I won’t keep you anymore, mom’s about to call you down for dinner. Goodbye!”
Kusuo heard his television forcefully shut off with a faint click at the same time his mom’s thoughts grew in volume as they targeted him with ‘Ku-chan, dinner’s ready!’
He’d known dinner was ready. That was why he’d teleported home at this time and had started leaving the conversation when he had. Hmph. Maybe it was a little bit of intentional cold shoulder, sure, but it was mostly dinner.
Or at least that was what he’d tell his mom if Kuusuke whined to her about Kusuo being mean, because he was just being mean for the fun of it. It wasn’t like his brother didn’t deserve it. Sure, he said he was going to genuinely try and fix the whole stupid werewolf thing, but it was his fault in the first place so the effort overall amounted to nothing.
…Did Kuusuke say six in the morning? That probably meant the initial shift had been at six this morning, which added up. That was utterly ridiculous. It was from sunrise to sunrise on the day and night with the fullest moon. How irritating. Kusuo was very good at tuning out Kaidou and Aren’s train of dialogue at this point, helped by his seventeen years of experience tuning out telepathy in general, so much so that he could even forget about them, but their exclamations of horror at that time-frame brought them back into the forefront for a moment.
They’re going to be waiting in that hideout much longer than anticipated… Kusuo sent them a brief condolence. He sent himself a reminder to set an alarm for tomorrow morning so he could shift back promptly.
Abruptly done, Kusuo turned back into his room instead of stepping all the way out, finding and grabbing his dinner telekinetically and bringing it straight to himself, ignoring the silverware for obvious reasons. Upon seeing his plate float away from his table, his mom’s thoughts became rather worried, but he reassured her that he was fine, just still. Having issues.
“…And I’ll be going to see Kuusuke early tomorrow,” He tacked on as well, rolling his eyes at how that statement fully calmed her down in the end.
Setting the plate down on his desk, Kusuo did his best to hop onto his desk chair, grumbling as he landed and the chair teetered precariously before balancing. Doing that was much easier as a cat, considering he weighed around ten pounds as one compared to now in which he was probably a good bit over a hundred.
Mildly annoyed, he huffed again tonight, and started eating (And being a bit disheartened at how dull the normally delicious tonkatsu tasted. He didn’t have anywhere near as many taste buds as a human did, so it was like the flavor was distant and sad), debating on if even trying to sleep when he felt wild awake and irritated was even worth it.
Well, even just lying restfully in his bed would be nice, and Kusuo decided listlessly relaxing was how he’d spend the rest of the night. School tomorrow would probably be a pain after having to deal with his brother, and a mental break would be necessary.
If only he had his germanium ring to truly relax in silence, properly removing both forms of telepathy. As much as he was fond of his nuisances, it was socially draining to always be either in a conversation or hearing one, as the werewolf telepathy was louder than his.
‘Are you telling us to shut up?’
‘Of course not. I’m complaining to myself, not you.’
Back on track, even if he could wear a ring on paws, it was no longer functional. The initial transformation had taken his ring with it, just like his clothes, and it’d been warped and broken beyond repair due to Kusuo’s innate strength. If it hadn’t, he likely would’ve tied it to a string and placed it on his neck.
As it stood, it was one wrong tap from Kusuo away from shattering, which wasn’t good when one weak tap from Kusuo could kill a person.
At least in the fading hours of daylight as dusk transitioned to night, people were settling down; and while most people weren’t going to sleep, they were going from a busy day to a mellow night routine, and their minds quieted as a result.
Finishing his meal and barely stopping himself from zoning out and letting his brain decide to lick the rest of the plate clean, he squinted at the empty dish and activated his clairvoyance to see if he had any coffee jelly of equal value in the fridge.
Fantastically, he did. Thank god his parents didn’t splurge on fancy dishes and silverware. This cheap ceramic plate had the same value of a slightly high in value convenience store coffee jelly, and so he apported the two of them, not caring at all that his empty plate was now in the refrigerator.
Kusuo could put it up later, before his parents noticed. Probably.
The lack of hands was making Kusuo actually appreciative of the full scale of his ESP for once, as ripping the seal off of the cup of jelly was as simple as a flex of his mind.
His tail thumped against the side of chair from where it dangled downwards as he shoved his snout straight into the cup. The taste may be watered down and nowhere close to how divine it was normally, but there was still enough of it present for him to enjoy it blissfully.
When he finished it and licked the entire inside completely clean he apported the empty cup for a significantly cheaper but still good brand of coffee jelly, since eating the contents regrettably lowered the value.
He deserved two for this whole ordeal. Maybe three…
…Perhaps not three, actually, since it wouldn’t do if he ate too much coffee jelly while being unable to truly enjoy its delectable flavor…yeah, two would suffice. That reason was why he had avoided his favorite treat even when dealing with being miserable and shape-shifted against his will, but a whole day stuck as a dog warranted it.
Kusuo should not have eaten any coffee jelly.
His head and stomach burned fiercely but, at the very least, he heard little to no mental voices due to it being the middle of the night. Even Kaidou and Aren were fast asleep, evidently, since there was no trace of them in his mind. So he did get the reprieve of his headache was significantly less than it could have been in this moment.
His mom rubbed his back (Basically petting him but the comfort was something he would have gotten the exact same way in a human form, so whatever), kneeling down on the floor to be next to him as he sat on the same, chilly, bathroom tile, right in front of the toilet.
Caffeine was toxic to canines, as well as most other animals. Technically it was still toxic to humans but that was irrelevant due to humans having the constitution for it.
Wolves did not have the constitution for it. It made them very ill instead.
Yes, he’d known that, but he’s eaten coffee jelly in his cat form with no repercussions despite his biology being just as altered as it was now…but, on retrospect, he wasn’t sure if he’d ever spent the next few hours after those moments remaining in a cat form and letting that body start to digest it, instead turning back before that could happen.
His mom’s mind was frantic with distress which was fair considering she’d found her normally invulnerable son still transformed and heaving the contents of his stomach into the toilet in the middle of the night after waking up from the noise of him teleporting and landing loudly into the bathtub at first because he’d been disoriented and nauseous, but she’d refused to let her mind come up with and ask questions until she was sure Kusuo was going to be alright.
She was a godsend, and so he decided to explain of his own free will so she wouldn’t start crying, which she was far too close to for comfort, flicking his gaze to the side so that it met hers.
“I’m okay. Or getting there. Dogs can’t have coffee or they get sick. I ate two cups of coffee jelly after dinner…I think I forgot to take the plate I apported into the fridge back out as well. Sorry.”
“Kusuo…” The use of his actual name was usually a bad sign, but now it was more out of exasperation and worry than anything of the scolding variety, “Can you still not turn back?”
He just shook his head, not wanting to explain that he wouldn’t be able to until a time frame that was far too specific for what he was still pretending was a power malfunction.
Kurumi just hummed sadly at that, continuing to stroke his back even as his scooted a bit away from the toilet. His stomach was still rolling queasily, but Kusuo was fairly sure that his body was done being absolutely disgusting.
He almost shuddered remembering how it had felt. He was beyond glad his ESP made him neigh immune to disease, because vomiting was the most unpleasant thing he’d ever experienced so far in life.
As he continued to pull himself back together, staring blearily at the white bathroom floor tiles, his mom asked him another question, “Would medicine help?”
“Even if it did, given my powers, I can’t take it like this. Human medication is a very big no-no for animals,” He sighed mentally and slowly raised himself off the ground, taking shaky steps past his mom and towards the open bathroom door. It was dark in the house, and so the hallway outside looked pitch in contrast to the illuminated bathroom, even with his ability to see in the dark.
The bathroom was, fortunately, rather close to his bedroom, so he decided against teleporting and padded slowly back to his room, pausing as his mom rushed ahead to open the door for him, leaving the bathroom light on in the process.
That was sweet of her, even if he probably could have used his telekinesis fine. He sent a quiet thanks to her and closed the gap to his bed agonizingly slowly, as his stomach lurched ominously whenever he tried to speed up more than a tiny bit.
Kusuo had actually managed to drift asleep briefly before this incident, lulled sufficiently by soft mental voices as he laid on his bed, and now he was even sleepier feeling. It seemed like getting sick had actually assisted in granting him some much needed rest.
He didn’t bother to shut his bedroom door, nosing under the covers of his bed until he was completely buried and comfortable, wondering faintly where his mom had gone when he heard her footsteps go downstairs, but overall not that concerned about it.
It was only when he had nearly fallen asleep again that his heightened hearing noticed her approaching his bed, and she called for him as she approached the lump of covers he’d become, “Ku-chan?”
He stuck his head out from under his blankets, the rest of his body curled up tightly behind him, looking curiously at his mom as she held a bowl full of water out at him, setting it down on his end table once she’d confirmed that he knew of its presence.
“If you feel up to it, you should make sure to drink some water, okay? Otherwise you’ll get dehydrated, since you just threw up,” She reached a hand down and stroked his head gently, and Kusuo nodded both to signify that he heard her and to dislodge it politely.
He knew that. He just hadn’t felt like getting himself water when he would have survived the night regardless. But, now that it had been brought to him, he crawled up on his bed until he could stick his muzzle into the bowl and drink as his mom turned to leave, wishing him a good rest of the night that he almost forgot to return.
Drinking from a bowl like this was mildly demeaning, but it was significantly less of a hassle than using telekinesis to drink from a cup was. So, since he was feeling very icky and wanted to exert as little energy as possible right now, he decided he didn’t care, tucking his head right back under his blanket once he’d had enough to satiate his thirst.
Waking up to an alarm at six in the morning when he didn’t have to be at school until closer to nine would usually be a miserable experience, but for once, Kusuo was downright filled with joy when he remembered why he was startled out of a deep sleep so early.
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torse · 8 months
AU / headcanon scene - “Boarding School”
CW: some references to non-graphic.. child corporal punishment I guess on par with Pathologic canon
Notkin and Khan were enrolled in the same boarding school and winter break comes up (I have no idea how boarding schools work though) Most kids went home, the halls were empty, but Notkin and Khan remained They bumped into each other and, as they do, ended up fighting They beat the shit out of each other until they were too tired to continue They sat, glaring, in silence for a few moments then Khan blurts out "My mother died recently. My father doesnt give a shit about me, he's always away on vacation. I haven't seen my sister in years." (which is why he hadn't gone home for the winter break) Notkin is shocked, and takes awhile to process because?? my enemy just trauma dumped on me.png Eventually Notkin says, "orphan." Khan looks contemplative, then confused, "how did you even get into this school?" Notkin: "apparently no one cares if the orphanage is starving or beating the kids, but if they almost kill one and it gets out to the papers- oh AND that kid's a cripple- then people suddenly care enough to donate a prosthetic and boarding tuition." Khan: 😶
after their "bonding moment", they stopped fighting as much. Khan even offered to tutor, because even though Notkin had classes at the boarding school, he never had "proper" education prior like ??? WTF. how well were they expecting him to do in that situation Throughout winter break they become friends-adjacent but towards the end, Notkin was becoming disheartened When classes started again, Khan would have to go back to his doghead posse who aren't fond of Notkin Khan still tried to hangout with excuse of "tutoring the poor kid" But the dogheads interpreted this as permission to further bully Notkin on one day, they managed to steal Notkin's prosthetic leg - (dude I dont know how the fuck they managed this, I guess while he was sleeping) Khan was livid. "Who approved of this 'prank'? You know this implicates me, right?! Since I just started tutoring him- You guys are fucking idiots!" This starts an argument, and then a fight with some of the other respected dogheads Khan ends up leaving them entirely, and with the forces split, they eventually disband altogether. though some small groups remain. Khan and Sticky (he suddenly appears! hooray!) help track down the leg, and return it to a very distraught Notkin and friends happily-ever-after blah blah
dunno how Notkin almost died in the orphanage. Or how he lost his leg. my brain did not provide details
I usually headcanon that Notkin has dyslexia the nuns at the orphanage continuously called him stupid (and worse names) and would beat his hands with a ruler if he was too slow.. so he unconsciously hides his hands under the desk when he has to read in front of someone But in general does not like to read in front of people at all
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safetycar-restart · 2 years
Hi hello now that Mick is the Mercedes reserve I have even more thoughts about him, particularly thoughts about him in the D/S AU so I am making it all your problems:
You're the official Mercedes dominant and you're mainly in charge of their drivers, so when Mick becomes the reserve driver, he falls under your care as well.
You meet with him shortly after he signs his contract and you're just entirely shocked because of how scared he is? It turns out that Guenther instructed the Haas dominant to treat him as harshly as possible, never praising him or giving him proper aftercare because his results weren't good enough.
Mick doesnt tell you this initially, he just kneels for you and shakes in fear because he doesnt know how you want him to behave and he's so scared of messing up and disappointing you. You thought the two of you would just talk and see what he needs and come up with a plan, but he's already shaking at your feet because he doesnt think he gets a say.
Immediately you tell Toto that 1) the Haas dominant needs to go and 2) you need to put all your energy into Mick for the foreseeable future.
It takes him months to come out of his shell. For months he's scared and quiet and rarely saying anything to you because he doesnt believe he wont be punished. The first time he makes a small joke in a scene, you praise him to high heavens and kiss his cheeks until he cant stop giggling because you need him to know how proud you are of him.
As it turns out, Mick loves being around you? He's not a sub who wants intense scenes very often. But he loves existing with you, loves knowing that you're close, that you're watching him and can help him when needed.
And he loves going places with you? Loves taking you hiking and carting and introducing you to his dogs and making embarrassing jokes.
But at first, he's just this scared little thing at your feet who hasn't been looked after or praised in far too long.
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kismesisheadcanons · 2 years
Nepeta and Tavros
so i did a little reasearch for this one, because at first i had deemed it NOT plausible. HOWEVER, sometimes i change my mind as im writing or seeing things, so we'll give it a shot and see how it goes. be warned, this one gets a little passive aggressive, not at you, but at andrew shitty. so, this time we're gonna do things a little differently (and to celebrate my first off-anon ask, im gonna include some screenies!)
first, lets establish a few changes to the timeline.
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based on this specific block of text. I can get a lot out of this. "if you didnt listen before, something bad might have happened to you" let us imagine, for some reason she did not listen and ended up on team one of the teams, i imagine being introduced to such by terezi. the insertion of nepeta into their FLARP sessions, PERHAPS, would have created a wildly different outcome to the cliff incident. i could go on and on about this scenario and it's nuance, but you're here to read about possible pitch chemistry, not me ranting about timelines and shit. so, with that being said:
tavros would find nepeta's skills on the roleplay scene to be pretty fun. and i say this because:
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she IS better company, better in every way. he would have FUN with her! they perhaps wouldnt be the most.. how do you say.. typical kismesisitiude (i can see a red-black vacillation) and her catlike mannerisms/love for animal nature(possibly?) could PERHAPS be the driving force for these pitch feelings. the "respect" part of it, i mean. as for the annoyance.... it could perhaps come from tavros's allergy? (not a good enough reason.) or perhaps after getting to know eachother they find things to hate. (ie, imagine tavros's interactions with john when fighting for the ring, except. with nepeta. and make it in character for her.) maybe later into their session is when these pitch feelings would happen. likely after tavros' death?
i think she WOULD have sufficent reason to find tavros to be a worthy pitch partner if he was just WRITTEN better. his fiduspawn skills, his zookinetics/zoolingualism(whatever the FUCK thats called), the fact that he can be. kind of obnoxious and a little (insert however you would label the fucking FIASCO with jades grandpa). honestly the bread and butter of a pitch relationship between these two would really have to rely on perhaps a specific incident or misunderstanding that leads to a bit of resentment that over time turns into something else. there would of course have to be SOMETHING endearing of course, (fact pulled from, say, mindfangs games with her pitch partners or galehk and tagora from the friendsim games) and this could possibly come from the fact he's not a fucking MANIAC when it comes to rp. nepeta doesnt like to rp with vriska because shes so fucked up with it, and tavros is a pretty decent source of some good old rp fun that doesnt involve (cough cough terezi cough) a fake infant big-cat getting fake dropped from the claws of a partially-fake dragon.
i CAN see some funny shenanagins of her pushing his shit off a table and whatever, but if we're bein honest i think mr Tavros "sick fires" nitram would be the more antagonistic party!
overall i think it would work more in the red or pink. but, with sufficient fuel or more backstory to lay out some antagonistic events, or misunderstandings, then some proper kindling hostilities could be there. its got the juice for the positive aspects of a kismesisitude but... i dont think either of them could really push the other to the point they get mad. in a scenario where they could, and things ended up different, i can see it happening MAYBE, but overall, even though this has the tendency to be a really fun ship, as it is in canon it just wouldnt hold.
cute though! and it made me think pretty hard.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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1. Hello, hello! For the next fic finder I'm looking for a fic where WY got his leg cut off/amputated. I vaguely remember a scene where he was in a camp with some other people and they were talking possibly about making a prosthetic for him(?) Thank you!~
FOUND! we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 92k, wangxian, JC & WWX, time travel, canon divergence, implied/referenced suicide, golden core reveal, hurt/comfort, angst, starvation, self harm, cannibalism, amputation, sunshot campaign)
2. Hi, I am looking for a fic where LWJ loses his leg and WWX makes him a prosthetic leg. I think it was otherwise pretty canon compliant, canonical deaths and all. It had a scene after WWX’s resurrection where he fixed the leg up since it had not had a proper maintenance after his death.
FOUND? This Twitter thread by Cerbykerby
3. hi! i need help finding a fic i read some time ago, it was post resurrection, lwj takes wwx back to cloud recess and everyone gets crazy thinking he is going to rap* a young mxy, and lwj doesnt exactly correct them, i remember there was a scene where the lan sect is going to punish him until wwx reveals he is actually alive and in mxy body. thank you <3
FOUND! That poor boy by apollojupiter (Not Rated, 4k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Crack treated seriously, Misunderstandings Mentions of rape)
4. Hi! I'm trying to find a fic where Lan Xichen lives with Wangxian and A-Yuan post JGY events. Because he's like uber depressed and doesn't want to live alone. It was a modern AU, but tbh I'd love anything with a similar premise. Thanks for all your work!
SIMILAR! moonlight falls Series by @rosethornewrites (T, 11k, WangXian, Modern AU, Corporate Espionage, Found Family)
5. hi this blog has been amazing and i just wanted to ask if you've seen a fic where it's an age reversal and all the older siblings are the younger ones? from what i remember the older(younger) siblings (lwj, wq, nhs, jc, etc) hav a meeting where they complain about their younger(older) siblings being better than them? tysm!
FOUND? MDZS short fics Ch. 201 by nirejseki (Not rated, 199k, Oneshot collection)
6. Hi, I'm searching for a fic where after Wwx dies he is reborn in a new life. It's abo. I think it was arranged marriage with LZ. Wwx ends up in a coma. After he wakes up he finds out he is pregnant and LZ confesses his feelingsand that he also remembers their past life. They have twins a-yuan and LJY
FOUND! We meet again by Wangxianlover1704r (T, 13k, WangXian, Mpreg, Omega WWX, Alpha LWJ, A/B/O AU, Love and Angst)
7. Is there a fanfiction where Lwj tries to find wwx using his flute but his lips get messed up in the process?
FOUND? something wild calls you home by Fleetling for ForceGhostPhilosophy (T, 8k, WangXian, Kidnapping, the fic where lwj plays chenqing, Rescue, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Light Angst, Happy Ending)
8. Hi!! I'm looking for a certain fic in a long time, can you help me out? From what I remember everyone is alive and WWX is like in a coma like state in a pavilion at Lotus Pier. The pavilion is locked up and heavily guarded, but JYL and JC often go there. If I'm not wrong, JL saw the pavilion and wants to have a birthday party there. And JL snuck inside and found WY in the bed. And there's also a talking Suibian, the spiritual weapon can sometimes come alive and have humans appearance. I just couldn't find the title up till now. It'll really help if u could find it. Thank you so much for your help dear Mods!
FOUND? Sleeping in Paradise by daiki (T, 9k, WangXian, JL & WWX)
9. hello! i was hoping you could help me look for a fic? (^ ^ʃƪ) i don't remember the summary or anything - just the general premise of wwx working as some kind of tech repair guy (for phones? laptops?) in the back room of a small shop where wq(?) mans the front desk. lwj drops something off (i think his laptop broke maybe?) and eventually ends up chilling with wwx while he works on fixing things (and falls in love, obvs). tysm! (´ ω `♡)
FOUND! Crossed Wires by stardust_and_sunlight (T, 20k, WangXian, Modern AU, College AU, Meet-Cute)
10. I'm looking for a long fic where towards the end LWJ and WWX have the Wens at Cloud Recesses and have to hold out against Lan Qiren until LXC can arrive, and then LWJ marries WWX to save him and the Wens, but feels really guilty about "forcing" the WWX into it. The whole saving the Wens goes differently, LWJ is more ok with the demonic cultivation earlier, but I can't remember why or when it goes AU - possibly from Cloud Recesses, but I'm not sure. Any ideas? Thanks! @walmer92
FOUND? The Vermillion Ribbon by Unforth (E, 223k, wangxian, wen!wwx)
11. Hi! Hope all of you are doing great! Could you please help me find a fic? I don't remember a lot about it, but it was a nodern!au, with wwx being a single parent, living in an apartment with little A-Yuan. I think the mom left, and he cannot continue living there, so he calls the Jiangs, and goes back to their big house after years without seeing them. I remember he calls JFM just because he doesn't want A-Yuan living on the streets.
FOUND? late for the love of my life by ravenditefairylights (G, 9k, LSZ & WWX, JC & WWX & JYL, modern, single parent WWX, homelessness, bad parent YZY, good parent JFM, baby LSZ)
12. Hello. For your new fic finder, honestly at this point I'm convinced I've dreamed it or merged two fics together idek. It begins with wwx being hunted down by ppl (this is post canon so after all the sieges and in mxy body) and he is trying to wait for lz but dies anyway (similar to Third Times A Charm by Kyerian and Lily but not it) and then wwx time travels back to his lotus pier time before the lectures at cloud recesses. This is where it gets foggy for me. I remember him being really good at the sword and inventions but that is pretty canon. I think jc wasn't upset bc wwx was SO advanced he was basically at the end of what ymj could teach him? Idk not too sure. Foggy as I said. But bc he was so good I guess he was idle and more troublemaking than usual (?) so Yu furen ended up putting him in lessons with jyl and he learned to embroider, make clothes, paint, manage a house, how to please your man (lol), etc. Jc joined them at some point cause he was jealous wwx and jyl were spending so much time together but quickly left bc he was blushing ashamed idk. I think after either jyl or wwx stopped their lessons but one continued on (leaning towards wwx cause I feel like I remember yzy being passive aggresively kind about it?). Also nhs, jc and wwx were friends pre gusu lectures. Nhs really liked wwx cause he painted fans with him. Also I think when they were getting ready to go to gusu wwx decided to make robes for himself. Nhs was shocked and jc explained how he knew how to do it trying to make fun of wwx which failed. In the end nhs was all heart eyes cause he loved fashion. This is all I remember. As I said I've been trying nearly a freaking year to find this fic. Idk if it is deleted, I dreamt it or what but please help me. When I read it it was incomplete, not a lot of chapters, idk if it is in hiatus, abandoned or if it was completed. Please help me.
13. I know there's a Modern Wangxian fic (maybe 1 fic 2 chapters or maybe 2 fics one chapter each) where LWJ thinks he's homophobic cuz WWX brought a guy home and he heard them because he forgot his earplugs and he calls LXC the next morning and LXC is like "didi, you're gay" then Wangxian fuck about it. The other half is WWX bringing the guy home and not fucking him, talking to NHS the next morning and getting scared by a LWJ text asking to talk, but they end up fucking. I've looked in my AO3 history, but can't find it. Thanks for your help. @itsthenerdwonder
FOUND! multiverse theory Series by interstel (T/M, 13k, wangxian, modern, college/university au, sexuality crisis, roommates au, Mild angst, Fluff and smut)
14. I’ve got a fic finder request! It’s a modern AU and I think it’s just the classic pining lwj/oblivious wwx storyline. The main thing I remember doesn’t really have anything to do with the plot of the fic, but it’s the only concrete detail I’ve got. JC wears almost exclusively high end purple athleisure wear. It’s a really small detail but I thought it was hilarious. And there is VERY background nhs/jc and wwx finds out and is like “you’re dating??” And jc is like “he’s literally wearing the juicy sweatpants” and nhs is like “yeah I’m wearing his juicy sweatpants” @homosexualearthworm
FOUND! Lans Never Kiss and Tell by FeelsForBreakfast (E, 30k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, Humor)
15. What’s the time travel fic where, I’m pretty sure, it’s five times things don’t go as JC thought and one timeline where everything worked out for Lan Wangji? Jiang Cheng doesn’t sacrifice himself, lets the Wen spot WWX, and can’t seem to control how things go from there. It turns out LWJ managed to follow at last& sets about making life better for WWX. (No core transfer.) Wwx is implied to have figured it out why he invented DC in another timeline.
FOUND! I think this one is 💖Resilience. by Vrishchika (T, 7k, wangxian, time travel, not JC friendly, golden core transfer fix-it)
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nonbinaryaubrey · 2 years
Also, because I genuinely want to hear more about it, what's the Revived Mari AU? You've talked about it before and it seems very interesting, but I don't think you've given a proper summary before. I mean, I talked to you about my AUs for days in your ask box, that makes it fair game for you to talk about AUs to me. -🎀
OKAYYYY.. revived mari revived mari. i dont know entireellyyy?? how to summarize it <- theres a lot going on and also i tend to be a bit indecisive so i kinda change things around sometimes. i can answer any other questions you have thoo!!
anyways uhh. basic plot rundown. forgive me for poor wording i kinda struggle to explain this stuff </3. After Mari's death and her being a ghost for a short while, she ends up inside Sunny's headspace, taking the form of headspace Mari.. For awhile being there is actually,, very nice for her. Of course it would be to her, especially at this point.. Its a world where shes alive. Where she still has her friends. Where she feels... a lot less angry and upset. She isnt sure how to feel about.. her brother here. Omori.. silent and near emotionless. It doesn't feel right but when shes here she cant exactly figure out why. But she can easily disregard it for now. This place is nice and shes happy here.!
But,, then headspace resets. She doesnt exactly,, remember it. or what happened before it but. she can kind of tell something is wrong. things feel like theyre repeating. it feels off and. she wants to leave. and she does,,, but. not for long. shes quickly drawn back to headspace.. (<- made up ghost lore stuff. ghosts easily get attached to certain things, such as buildings, people, etc. they can go away from these technically but will always end up being drawn back). Mari cannot leave Headspace pretty much,, even less so the longer she stays there. Things quickly go down hill from there. which is explained in this post but tldr: with each Headspace reset Mari loses a piece of herself and her memories in the process.
Things continue like this for the next 4 years up until Sunny begins going outside again. I think him doing that and him repressing some of his memories a bit less also helps Mari regain some of her memories too. which allows the scene at the dreamworld ocean and the scene at her piano to happen.. though when she really gets all her memories back is first when the black light bulb gets broken and Sunny goes through the truth sequence + when Sunny goes through Memory Lane... She performs the Final Duet with him and watches him leave Whitespace behind before her vision and consciousness fade away. She is happy and shes ready to pass on.
Thats until... she wakes up some time later (a couplee months id say? maybe during christmas break.), in the middle of the night and shes seemingly broken out of her own coffin. Its the most alive she's felt in years, its feels nothing like Headspace. But she feels as if this has to be a dream, another version of Headspace perhaps? One thats more like the real world Faraway town now. But either way she.. kind of has no idea what to do with herself, she no longer has a script to follow like she did in Headspace. Which I imagine is,, quite the sudden change after 4 years. She ends up just kind of wandering for a bit after leaving out the church, eventually finding herself at the old hangout spot (and.. accidentally scaring off Angel and The Maverick, who had decided to sneak out there. idk to be rebellious or what ever <- kind of a joke idea i came up with ig) She sits down at the abandoned picnic blanket and falls asleep there. <- thats kiinda where she hangs out for a little bit. Up until a small black cat runs in and quickly goes over to her, its purple collar having the name Mewo on it, soon followed by 2 younger boys, Sunny and Basil. She immediately stops at the sight of them, and they do the same. The 3 of them are all kind of stunned, but Basil and Sunny almost immediately run off as soon as Mari opens her mouth to say something.
^ ^ thiiiis is kind of where the stuff i have becomes very non-linear. i still have ideas and stuff but theyre more broken apart and inconsistent. but this is most of like the main plot/lore stuff thats important
I HOPE THIS ALL MAKES SENSEE!! heres a little mari for u if u read this all <33
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milf-harrington · 3 years
VEE LEMME TELL YOU ABOUT MY BELOVED ARISTOCATS AU - technically ive written scenes for it but ive not actually written the fic so i think it still counts
okay so it's sokka as duchess, zuko as thomas o'malley and katara, aang and toph as the kittens!!!!
so they still have a sort of fancy estate but it's a farm instead of a mansion?? but it's like. a Good Farm. idk how to explain it but proper farms with livestock and crops are lowkey for rich-ish people bc the maintenance and shit is Expensive anyway im off topic now
so Hakoda is talking to Bato one day about who he wants to leave the farm too, and naturally he says his kids bc obviously??? but HAHN (fucker) who is like. sort of the head of the staff is Mad bc for some reason he had this weird twisted notion that the farm should go to him because he's the oldest and he's Hakoda's nephew (idk man) so he's like "nah fuck that im gonna kidnap them" and then he does bc he's nothing if not dedicated to evil schemes so he oh-so-innocently offers to help Kanna prepare lunch and he spikes it with tranqs to knock them out and then just kind of chucks them in the back of the farm ute bc he's dedicated but bad at executing the plans
anyway so his idea is to drive the however many hours to the coast to stuff them in a cargo ship but the dude doesnt even make it a quarter of the way before his tires get taken out by a spike trap that was laid out by Jet and his Freedom fighters who are just a group of kids who live in a windmill and only really turn to thievery when they're desperate (or bored enough) and anyway theres that whole fuckery of hahn being like "fuck off??" and jet being like "no gimme your car keys" but its a little more chaotic and violent and in the drama of it all guess who just... slips off the back of the ute?? correct: hahns kidnapping victims
anyway so the gang wake up in the morning like "wait a fucking minute-" and sokka's lowkey freaking out bc he's the oldest and therefore the responsible one and toph is like "IT WAS HAHN" and katara and aang are like "well that doesnt sound right" and that's when zuko, who is singing like thomas does bc i said so, just appears, balancing on the bridge railing and then he sees sokka and he's like "oh. hello there?"
and then zuko, after a big ol' internal fight with himself bc "Ugh he doesnt WANT to help these random strangers but Aang and Katara seem so earnest and Toph is weirdly compelling in a gremlin sort of way and Sokka's cute", decides to help them find their way home
anyway so the usual stuff happens
they illegally hitch a ride on the back of a dairy truck then get caught and chased away
toph falls off the train bridge and zuko dives in after her
they meet the "geese" who this time is just Aunt Wu and that herbalist who told Aang to get the frozen frogs for Sokka and Katara that one time and ive decided to call her Miyu bc i know her cats name is Miyuki but you never really learn the actual Herbalists name and anyway yeah they rescue zuko's dumbass when he cant get out of the river
hahn realises he's going to need to steal his stuff back from Jet before the police find it and figure out that he's the one who kidnapped Hakodas kids- EXCEPT SUKI (roquefort/the farm hand) AND JIN (frou-frou/stable hand) overheard him talking to himself about it and they're like "it was HIM we have to stop him"
the gaang says goodbye to Aunt Wu and Miyu in town, and zuko takes them to the abandoned loft that he lives in so they can sleep and keep going in the morning
the classic "looks like scat cat and his gang of alley cats are here" except it's azula, mai and ty lee and azula's lowkey this little mad scientist who is also an excellent electrician who finally decided to fix zuko's power
so they all meet and mingle and become somewhat friends
THE CLASSIC "wow, your eyes are like sapphires" SCENE THAT INSPIRED THE WHOLE AU
alas the gaang returns home despite sokkas heart firmly belonging to zuko, who stands at the gate and watches them go until they reach the porch
they see suki in the top window and think she's waving at them, but right at the last minute sokka remembers that suki only ever comes inside to pester them, otherwise she's out working on the farm so what was she doing upstairs in the only lockable room??
*evil music* hahn knocks them out as soon as they get inside and ties them up and stuffs them in the barn and locks it
jin manages to shimmy out of the window bc she's smaller than suki and it always gets stuck half way, and tries to get into the barn but sokka manages to get his gag off and yells at her to find zuko
she fins him and then HE tells her to run into town and find Azula, and then he says "but say Zuko sent you or she might tase you" and jins like "SHE'LL WHAT??" anyway she goes and finds them and azula almost tases her bc jin cant remember zukos fucking name but then she's like "oh fuck zuko for this honestly" and then azulas like "oh wait okay whats going?"
so then azula and everyone run to the barn to find the zuko has managed to break it open (of course) and is now in the middle of punching Hahn and then EVERYONE is fighting hahn bc fuck him but while that's happening zuko unties the gaang and he and sokka kiss (finally lol) and then they all knock hahn out and stuff HIM in the crate he was going to stuff the gaang into
and then yeah hakoda finds out about everything and hes like "what the fuck" but zuko and his sister are welcomed into the family and azula and jin totally fall in love while azula is fixing the lights in the barn bc it takes ages bc they're old and she decides to just replace everything and re-do the wiring bc she's a perfectionist
anyway it's something they laugh about when they're older but at the moment zuko can't let any of them out of his sight and the kids all share a bed and they all have to watch kanna make their food or do it themselves otherwise they can't eat it bc i'm incapable of not exploring characters trauma after traumatic events (:
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fictionkinfessions · 2 years
I miss discussing books with Fischl.. debating the major themes and who shouldve been with who and which scenes were well written and which the author rushed just to finish the book. I miss digging out random books on the most obscure topics to prove that the author didnt research thier source material well enough, and Fischl groaning and telling me that it doesnt matter because the inaccuracies made the story fun.
I miss having to explain complicated plots of the books to Bennett. Then having to tell him that no, whatever mystical plot it had isnt actually real, and no Oz talking just like the animals in the book doesnt mean all animals can talk. Ect ect ect.
I miss when Fischl and I got to meet Xingqiu. And we tore into his book like little demons. And he appreciated all the criticism. He even took notes.
I miss him staying in Mond for a few weeks and joining us for a few book discussion sessions.
I miss mom gently shaking me awake in the early morning after falling asleep in the library studying.. I miss having to lecture her about not overworking herself with her permanent injuries. I even miss her laughter as she dismissed how serious it was. I noticed pretty easily when she leaned extra heavy on her cane. She thought I didnt. But Im her son, and what kind of son would I have been if I wasnt as smart as my mother. Adoptive or not.
I.. miss a lot right now. But. Unfortunately? My newly discovered life is an au. One that I've never seen anyone else dabble with. One I created myself from rightful anger over my original timeline.
I wish I could say I was new to this feeling. Of having sourcemates of your loved ones around you who dont even recognize you? Because youre not the version they remember? I suppose thats how kinning obscure/original au's goes though. Nobody ever remembers you properly. Been through it too many times. This one isnt new. But it hurts less at the moment I'll admit that.
Short explanation is I'm Razor. Sure don't sound like him with how Im talking but- Well the new au is a bit stronger than Razor's original timeline, so theres alot less third person talk and more full sentences. I never got lost this time. Parents left me in Varkas care after they died, he passed me off to jean and Kaeya because hes a fucking deadbeat who doesnt understand kids unless he's teaching them to hold weapons, and Lisa adopted me after she returned from Sumeru.
It's a fun timeline so far. definitely a step up from the original. It's nice not wanting to strangle a man over leaving me in the woods for a decade. (Yeah og tl is NOT happy abt that one, Varka. Its all I ever scream abt when Im shifted.) It's nice having a Razor shift that doesnt make me feel braindead or angry (really can hardly think in the normal ones, when I do its about how idiotic Varka was.)
I just wish other people seemed as interested in it as I seem to be. At least my friends don't seem to be responding much when I ramble about the new memories.. I dont think anyone has thought of this au. Almost wish other people would acknowledge what Varka did to canon me so this kinda au would exist a bit more.
Maybe after the festival next patch people will open their eyes a bit more.
Anyway- This went on much longer than I intended, ended up rambling when I just wanted to miss my loved ones hah- Sorry for the long post everyone.
~Razor Minci 🐺📚 (Please leave the last name out of the kin tags mpc, its a timeline specific thing, canon name for proper tagging is just "Razor")
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emepe · 4 years
If it’s you. Chapter 10.
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☆ Pairing: Eren x fem!Reader, friends with benefits
☆ General info: 18+, modern college au, multi-chapter fic
☆ Chapter info: With your closest friends urging you to confess your feelings, you finally decide to take charge. 
☆ Warnings: knife injury, blood, one mention of alcohol, one smutty scene (less than 100 words), one scene with unwanted physical contact (it doesn’t happen and it doesnt escalate to anything major)
☆ Summary: You had never thought about crossing the line into a sexual relationship with one of your close friends, yet a single trip to the laundry room was enough to make you question those limits.
Links: AO3 | Masterlist  
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lake house getaway day 2
You wake up to the sight of Sasha's face mushed against her pillow, a tiny sliver of drool getting absorbed into the pillowcase. She had glared at you when she found out you had given away the second bed in your room to Connie, shaking her head and muttering something about being too nice for your own good. It had all been in good fun, though.
You stare at the ceiling as you recall last night's events. After everyone had finished unpacking and showered, you all waddled down in your pajamas to the living room. Sasha had been right, everyone had been worn out from the drive and all the cleaning and furniture hassle. You didn't even have any proper plans for your first night, it had just been some sort of silent agreement that you'd all gather downstairs to hang out instead of going right to bed. You were all scattered out on the sofas and the carpeted floor. Connie had insisted on playing bartender and handed out drinks that were disposed in the sink after the first taste.
So you all had just hung out and gotten acquainted with Mikasa's friend group more than anything. Annie and Christa seemed really nice, and you had decided you liked them. You wanted really bad to like Mikasa, too, given she was the first of the three you met. You had tried your best to set aside any petty feelings that involved Eren, but every now and then a series of one liners in a honey-like tone were thrown your way and you couldn't help but feel that her words were actually rather snarky. Despite your awkward interactions with her, the night had been pretty fun. That is, until Connie had suggested you all play a game. You shudder under the covers at the memory.
"Let's play spin the bottle, we have enough people for it," Connie suggested. You noticed Armin eyeing Annie with a smirk painting his lips.
By force of gravity, you looked over at Eren, only to see he already had his eyes on you. He averted his gaze right after, though, and you noticed Mikasa had been looking at you as well, so you copied Eren's actions and turned in the opposite direction.
"Yeah... if that's what we're playing, then Sasha and I are out," Niccolo said, wrapping a protective arm over his girlfriend's shoulders.
"What, why?" Connie asked, his brows knit together.
"I think it's pretty obvious why, Connie," Sasha replied in a tone that let him know he's a total dumbass.
"Oh, right," Connie muttered, pursing his lips and nodding in realization.
"Um.. I'm gonna sit this one out, too. I'm kind of tired," you mumbled, hoping nobody noticed how uncomfortable you felt. You didn't really feel like locking lips with anyone at that moment, and if you had, you would've wanted it to be with Eren. But not because some silly high school party game forced it on you, and definitely not under what you had only predicted would be Mikasa's menacing glare. Sasha gave you a comforting smile from the other side of the room.
"Yeah, man. Spin-the-bottle is pretty lame, I'm out," a voice added right after you. It was Eren.
"Me, too," Mikasa piped in, side-eyeing him.
"If everyone's backing out, then we might as well just go to bed," Connie whined.
"Well, we can watch a movie... That's better, right?" Eren proposed and turned to look at your reaction. Jean turned to look at you as well.
"Uh...yeah, sure," you responded to Eren specifically. "A movie night sounds good."
As if they had been waiting on your decision, everyone immediately got up and started setting things up. Sasha and Connie bickered over what movie to play and everyone else pulled out cellophane bags and boxes of cookies, chips and candy from the snack pantry in the kitchen. You settled for pouring yourself a serving of potato chips into a bowl and padded back to the living room.
"Sit with me?" A voice spoke from behind you and you turned your head to see Eren flashing that sweet crooked smile in your direction as he caught up with you.
"Sure," you told him, your heart warming at the invitation. The feeling vanished when you saw Mikasa already settled on one end of the three seat sofa, a blanket draped over her legs—courtesy of Sasha and Connie hauling blankets from each room for everyone to be cozy— and a plate with cookies nestled on her lap. She locked eyes with Eren's figure and called his name, patting the seat next to her. You knew Eren didn't want to be mean and humiliate her by flat out rejecting her offer, so it didn't surprise you when he began to walk towards the empty seat.
As you and Eren gained proximity to her, Mikasa adjusted herself in her seat and lifted the blanket to offer half of it to Eren. You slowly began to stray from his path, but his hand latched onto your wrist and he pulled you to join him in the third seat of the sofa.
"You promised," he whispered. You were thankful Mikasa hadn't been a witness to that brief interaction, but the seemingly neutral stare she directed towards you after, as you took your own blanket from the pile on the carpet and sat down on the other end of the couch, was enough to plant a seed of discomfort and tension between the two of you.
When Sasha strolled back from her trip to the kitchen with Niccolo for snacks, she noticed your part in the odd seating arrangement and quirked an eyebrow. You just shrugged and pursed your lips as if to say "I don't know what I'm doing, either".
You felt out of place. Even though Eren himself prevented you from sitting anywhere else, you looked pretty out of place, too, not sharing a blanket with your couch mates, with stiff posture and an unreadable expression that made it evident you weren't too enthusiastic about the whole situation you were in. You slumped your back against the couch as the movie started. In the end, Sasha and Connie's squabble over movie titles had ended in an agreement to play Chicken Run out of their personal favorite practice of democracy: rock-paper-scissors. You slowly began to ease into the mood of the movie, laughing along with everyone else at the chicken escape training montage. You ran out of chips halfway through and your bowl sat with a few lonely crumbs on your lap.
As entertaining as the film and everyone's commentary to it was, you found yourself jerking your head up to keep yourself from falling asleep soon after being left snack-less. The whole thing about you being tired hadn't been a complete lie.
You gradually began to doze off, but that's when the most heartbeat accelerating thing happened. Any trace of sleepiness drifted away as Eren's hand slipped under your blanket and his fingers brushed against yours ever so slightly—as if he was unsure of whether or not his touch was welcome. Your lips parted as you tried to focus on the animations on the screen and, seeing as you did nothing to make him stop, Eren slid his hand under yours and laced your fingers together. His thumb massaged your knuckles gently and your lips curved into a small smile. You heard him inhale and exhale deeply next to you, but refused to look at him, you just wanted to savor his touch. It was warm and soft and brought you a thousand times more comfort than having sex with him.
Before you can begin to dwell on what conclusions you should draw from last night's interaction with Eren, a groan from the body next to you snaps you back to the present. Sasha's hand shoots out from under the covers to her phone on the nightstand to check the time. She jerks up on the bed and furrows her brows, sniffing the air.
"Niccolo's making French toast, let's go," she announces, getting up and slipping her feet into her slippers. You remain on the bed with your eyes gazing up at the ceiling, you hadn't quite finished your escape from your current reality. When she sees you not budging from your position, Sasha turns away from the door and plops down on the corner of the bed.
"You good, bub?"
"I don't know," you admit to her.
You sit up and slouch your shoulders; Sasha pats your hand as a sign for you to talk and brings her feet up on the bed to sit crisscrossed in front of you. The fact that Sasha's willing to sacrifice a warm piece of French toast to listen to you babble over something she's already given you advice for is greatly appreciated on your behalf. So you talk. You aren't really spilling anything too scandalous, and you actually feel quite silly that your mental distress is over something that people in grade school would get worked up over. It's simple hand holding, for crying out loud. So, truth is, you feel relieved when Sasha squeals over Eren's initiative to engage in such tender physical contact and you let your excitement surface in your expression and gestures as well. In the end, Sasha tells you to take it as a sign to stop mulling over your feelings and tell him already.
"I know I'm being silly, I just need to be sure I actually have a chance," you mumble.
Sasha stares at you as if you're stupid.
"You know, sometimes I wonder which one of us is actually the smart one," You frown at her words and she laughs. "You both get along great, he's nice to you, you're having sex with the guy!" she exclaims, keeping count of everything she mentions with her fingers. "I'm not sure how many more signs you want to understand how likely it is that he feels the same way."
"It's not that simple, though. Eren isn't just nice to me, he's nice to everyone... and every girl," you mutter, remembering how courteous he's been with Mikasa despite not feeling comfortable around her. "We might see more of each other and get along better than with other people, but that's only because we were already friends. It's not like any of that developed after we started sleeping together."
Sasha purses her lips at your statement and furrows her brows.
"I guess you're right. I never really thought about the actual timeline of events." You chew the inside of your cheek, but decide you're done talking about it. So you hop out of bed and walk to the bathroom to fix your hair.
"Go ahead and make sure I get my fair share of toast, okay? I'll be down in a minute."
"Got it," Sasha says with a quick nod and hurries out the door.
You finish getting ready, not really wanting Eren to see you with bedhead, but also using the time to mentally prepare yourself to see him. After last night, you both went to your rooms without nothing more than a whispered 'goodnight'. Again, you know such a simple gesture is nothing you should allow to gnaw at your brain, but his touch hadn't been playful like when he tried to crack your knuckles under the table in the courtyard. His touch had been soft and he never stopped stroking your skin with his thumb. It had been strangely intimate.
Stop this, you're reading too much into things, you think.
You wash your face before heading downstairs and walking into the dining room. Jean sees you when you walk in and immediately stands up and hurries to the kitchen.
"I'll get your plate!" he exclaims as he pushes his way through the swinging double doors of that separate the kitchen from the dining room.
You smile at him as he disappears through the doors and take a seat between Connie and Sasha, who takes brief glances at the kitchen door, hoping Niccolo will come out soon.
"Good morning," you greet everybody. They all hum in response, busy chewing on their toast and downing glasses of juice.
"Morning, Sleeping Beauty," Eren's voice taunts you from the seat diagonally to yours. He's sitting between Armin and, of course, Mikasa. You roll your eyes at him as Jean comes back with your plate and places it in front of you. You beam at him and thank him. He reciprocates your smile, his ears burning red as he goes back to his own seat.
Breakfast goes by with shared laughs and stories, and the afternoon is spent playing board games, until Armin reminds everyone that this isn't an official break from school, and that everyone still has assignments to turn in the following Monday. Everyone groans in protest at first, but ultimately end up following his well intended suggestion, textbooks and notes being scattered all around the living room. Soon enough, it's rounding the time to start preparing things for dinner, or rather a late lunch. Niccolo had guilt tripped everyone over all the money spent on groceries going to waste because everyone had been working on spoiling their appetite with their frequent trips to the snack pantry. You had all agreed to not let him carry the burden of kitchen duty for the entire weekend on his shoulders, so you all played rock-paper-scissors to divide yourself into staff teams for the next three days. So around six o'clock, you, Sasha, and Mikasa join Niccolo in the kitchen to help out. You focus on prepping ingredients while Sasha handles dessert and taste-testing. Mikasa helps out with washing dishes and keeping everyone's stations clean while Niccolo takes on the actual cooking.
"Oh no, it's gonna fall, no, no, no," Mikasa exclaims as she walks behind you and you whip around and instinctively swoop your hand in to catch the utensil that slips from the stack of dishes in her hands. You don't even realize it's a knife until a stream of blood is trickling down your hand. You automatically release it onto the floor, and Mikasa stumbles back to avoid having it stab her feet. Everyone had turned around the second they heard Mikasa's anxious voice, but you had been the only one stupid enough to actually try and catch whatever was bound to fall.
"Crap," you mutter, frozen in your spot. Sasha releases a curse of her own and pulls you to the sink while yelling at Jean — who's in the living room— to hurry over with the first aid kit.
Jean comes rushing through the doors of the kitchen with a bewildered expression.
"What ha—" he begins to ask, but once he sees the state of your hand under the running water, he runs to your side, turn off the tap and tries to stop the bleeding by applying pressure with a handful of napkins. Eren comes stumbling in, having heard Sasha's scream from all the way upstairs where he had decided to take a break from homework.
"What the hell happened?" he yells, taking the scene in.
"She cut herself with a knife," Niccolo explains, picking the utensil off the floor.
"How did that even—" Eren begins to say.
"It was an accident. Mikasa was carrying the dishes and it slipped. I was just too quick to act before thinking," you tell him.
"Come on, first aid kit is upstairs," Jean says as he scrunches a fresh napkin onto the still bleeding wound, and you let him pull you towards the door. Eren steps in before you can reach it, though, and offers a hand.
"I'll take her, just tell me where it is."
"I got it."
"Jean, just—"
"I said I got it."
Jean glares at Eren, and Eren's not afraid to shoot the same expression his way. Yet another silent argument under the confused faces of their friends.
You shrink under their scowls, unsure of where to look at. Sasha scoffs behind you.
"Now's not the time for your bickering, guys," she scolds.
With that, Jean brings you out and takes you upstairs to his room.
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Eren's POV
I feel that tingling sensation in my nose as I watch her walk away with Jean. I bite down hard on my bottom lip and turn around. I meet Mikasa's gaze and I shoot daggers at her.
"Is it that hard to carry dishes?" I spit angrily at her.
Her cheeks burn in embarrassment as she directs her eyes at the floor.
"Eren, stop. It was an accident," Sasha scolds me yet again.
I know Sasha's right. I know I'm being harsh. I know that Mikasa wouldn't go as far as to hurt anyone physically. But I can't think straight knowing she got hurt. Mikasa nervously lifts her gaze to me and I finally stop clenching my jaw seeing how sad she looks and how glassy her eyes are.
"Sorry, Mikasa," I say, much calmer.
"It's okay," she responds, her voice not much more than a whisper.
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The bleeding has already stopped by the time Jean removes the napkin and sets it next to the sink of his bathroom. He pulls the toilet cover down with his foot and motions for you to sit while he pulls the first aid kit out of the small cupboard next to the mirror above the sink. He kneels down in front of you and takes your hand in his, taking his time to observe the gravity of the situation.
"Well, the cut isn't too deep, so that's good, because I have no idea how to stitch someone up," he jokes and you laugh through your nose.
He pulls out a few cotton balls from the red plastic box and finishes cleaning off the wound before spraying an antiseptic over it and ripping open a large square bandage to cover it. He pats over your palm gently to make sure it sticks properly to your skin. His facial features have remained relaxed all this time, only his eyebrows subtly knit together in concentration.
He feels your eyes on him and glances up at you, offering a small side smile. You mirror the gesture and you both stand up when he finishes sticking the bandage on your palm.
"Thank you, Jean."
He looks at you for a few seconds — cheeks burning red — before clearing his throat and speaking.
"You're welcome. Just uh... just make sure not to leave the bandage on for too long so the wound can air out."
You smile at him and nod. You have nothing left to do but clean up so you can head back downstairs and see if you can help with anything else, so your eyes widen when Jean suddenly starts leaning in closer to your face. His gaze flits between your eyes and your lips, looking for any sign of rejection, but you're too stunned to give him one. Just as he's about to come in contact with you, though, you jerk your head back and bring your good hand between your faces. Only then, your face projects emotion, your eyebrows scrunched up in a mix of worry and confusion and your lips parted as you wait for Jean's next move. He swallows thick before coming to his senses and he steps away from you with haste.
"I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry," he apologizes profusely. It looks like he's about to cry and you're overcome with concern when he brings his hands up to tug at his hair, the word sorry still making its way out of his mouth repeatedly.
You hold his wrists so he stops pulling his hair, worried that he's hurting himself. You call his name several times to try to calm him down.
"Jean, listen to me, it's okay," you reassure him with as soothing a tone as you can muster. He releases his grip on his hair and you slide your hands between his so that you're now holding his face and looking at him with wide eyes.
"It's okay," you say once again.
"No, it's not," he whispers.
You observe his facial features closely. His eyes are glassy and sad.
"I'm sorry... I can't—" You don't finish your sentence; just shake your head and let go of him, your arms dropping at your sides.
He nods once and chews on the inside of his cheek for a few seconds. He presses the backs of his hands against his face and gives you a cheerful smile that fails to reach his eyes.
"I should clean this up," he says and collects the cotton balls scattered on the counter. You aide him in putting the antiseptic spray back in the kit and closing the clasps on the sides. Jean takes an unusual amount of time picking up the bandage wrapper and folding it neatly into a small square.
"Eren's lucky, I can't believe I'm actually jealous of that fucker," he says.
"I didn't say—"
"You didn't have to," he replies and gives your reflection in the mirror above the sink a sad smile. "You like him, don't you?"
I love him, you think. But you can't twist the knife any further after rejecting Jean's silent confession.
"I'm sorry," you mutter, to which he laughs.
"You don't have to apologize for not reciprocating my feelings," he assures you and pats your head fondly. He throws the cotton balls and the bandage wrapper into the trash bin and takes the kit from your hands to return it to its place in the cupboard.
"Thinking of telling him yet?" he asks.
"We don't have to talk about this," you tell him. You put yourself in Jean's shoes, knowing it would kill you to have to listen to Eren talk about being in love with someone that isn't you.
"And you don't have to worry so much about me. I was mentally prepared for your rejection," he crosses his arms and puffs out his chest.
You stifle a laugh and cock an eyebrow at him, thinking back to the way he was freaking out just minutes ago.
"Ouch, you really know how to care for a man's pride, don't you?" he jests with a hand over his chest and you giggle.
A pause.
"I'm thinking of telling him, I just wish I knew how he'll react."
Jean sighs. "Well, I'm just going on a limb here, but I think it's a safe bet he'll be over the moon with the news."
"What makes you say that?"
Jean gives you the same face Sasha did that morning when she practically called you stupid. Except he doesn't call you any names, he would never.
"Just... just do it, okay? Even though I got rejected, I don't regret telling you how I feel. It took a weight off my chest," he explains.
"Well, you didn't exactly tell me anything," you tease him.
"You want me to?"
He looks at you intently. His eyes are no longer glassy, but the sadness remains.
"I got the message." You smile sweetly at him.
"And that's what I wanted... Now, stop beating around the bush with Eren."
"I will... one day."
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A yawn escapes your mouth as you stretch your arms over your head. After tending to your injury, Jean had insisted you take a rest and that he would take over your shift for kitchen duty. But instead, you decided to finish up the assignments that had been put on hold when you got up to help out with dinner. You admit it had been a drag to bring along your textbooks and computer with you on the trip, but you feel satisfied when you finally shut your laptop after typing in the final period to an essay.
Just as your head sinks into the pillow on your side of the bed, a soft knock on the door asks for your attention. You get up and swing the door open.
It's Mikasa.
"Hi," she says shyly and gives you an awkward smile.
"Dinner's ready."
"Oh, okay. Thanks." Even though the conversation doesn't have much wiggle room for small talk, you feel uncomfortable not saying anything else. "I'll be down in a minute."
Mikasa nods briefly and begins to turn in direction of the stairs but goes back to you at the last second and sticks her hand through the door to prevent you from closing it.
"Wait, I— I just want to apologize. I'm sorry you got hurt, I should've been more careful."
Your face softens at her expression. She looks so small and nervous, something unexpected from her usual confident and enticing aura.
"It was an accident, you don't have to apologize."
"No, I do. You got hurt when I could've just let the knife fall."
You let out a breathy chuckle.
"Okay, then. I accept your apology."
"I know Eren probably thinks I did it on purpose. But I swear I didn't." She looks at you with apprehension.
"I believe you," you tell her.
And you do. Her words and her body language seem too sincere for her to be performing this apology as another passive-aggresive hit.
"Okay, so... are we..."
"We're good, Mikasa."
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Dinner's pretty quiet, only getting loud towards the end when Connie starts cracking jokes left and right to get rid of the silence, and you all laugh in second hand embarrassment as you enjoy the slices of pie Niccolo redid after Sasha left her first attempt in the oven for too long and burnt it to a crisp. He let her take the credit for the good pie, but Connie had found the burnt remains in the garbage and teased her for it in front of everybody.
Everyone is off to follow their own night routine soon after collectively cleaning the kitchen and the dining room. When you step out of the shower, Sasha's already sleeping soundly on her side of the bed but you don't feel tired at all. If anything, your shower just served as a wake up to what had been your previously tired body. Slipping on a jacket and a beanie, you tiptoe out of the house and make your way down the front steps and to the small dock that hovers over the edge of the lake. You sit there with your knees hugged to your chest, looking over at the reflection of the moon in the water and listening to the sounds of the night.
"What are you doing out here?" a voice from behind you asks. You turn around to find Eren in his pajamas and a jacket thrown lazily over his shoulders. You smile at him.
"I'm not really tired yet," you reply; he sits down next to you and sighs. "What are you doing out here?"
"I'm not really tired yet," he sends your own answer back at you with a crooked grin. "How's your hand?"
He doesn't wait for your response and takes it, observing it closely under the moonlight. He traces a finger along the injury, careful not to actually touch the healing wound.
"It wasn't deep, that's good," he observes. What he does next has your heart beating erratically like it did Thursday night when he held your hand under the blanket. Without breaking eye contact, he places a gentle kiss on your palm and closes it before placing it back around your knee.
I'm not sure how many more signs you want, Sasha's voice echoes through your head and you act on it.
Balancing yourself with your good hand, you lean over to him and press your lips against his softly. He smells like soap and that damn ocean mist fabric softener. He slips a hand around the back of your neck and pulls you in closer. You take that as a sign to let yourself go and you position yourself over him, straddling his lap and tangling your fingers in his hair. It still feels a little damp, it probably hasn't been long since he showered, too. You feel his arms wrap around your waist and hug you tightly. Although your position is very compromising, the kiss is sweet and slow. You tilt your head further to savor his tongue; a soft moan from him being drowned in your throat.
It's only when you grind your hips against him that he breaks the kiss and looks at you warily before gently peeling your body off of his. You stare at him dumbfoundedly from your position on the floor as he stands and brushes off his pajama bottoms.
"We should go to bed, it's cold out here."
That's probably the last thing you want to hear.
You swallow the lump in your throat and nod, nose prickling and tears threatening to spill, but you don't let them. You both walk back inside and up to the second floor. Eren pauses in front of your door before muttering a goodnight and going into his room, leaving you alone to question what the hell just happened. 
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taglist: @akaashisus​ @strobe-edge​
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orcelito · 3 years
1, 3 and 4 for discordant accord?
questions from here
skdlfjsldfjk thank u for sending some !!
1: What inspired you to write the fic this way?
Well! tbh discacc sorta started as impulse lmao. i'd been planning my magic prince au for a Month (which im still planning to do at some point) b4 i realized it was a bit too complicated a premise to have as my first fic. i decided i wanted to do smth Simpler, more straightforward, & so i wanted to do smth that in large part followed the plot of the game. built-in narrative outline like that. & when i thought about what i wanted to actually Do, i realized there were very few soulmate aus for this pairing, which i thought was weird considering how they really feel like soulmates of Some kind in the game. so i brainstormed what setup i wanted to do, since there's really So much u can do w/ a soulmate au. decided i wanted smth that got rid of the common pitfalls of the trope (Expected Romance between neat little pairs, lack of proper buildup to match the depth of the relationship, etc etc) and decided on the writing thing. built-in childhood friends au, which im a sucker for. and i was like. Yes. this is Perfect. brainstormed all of this in bed as well as the core plot things (like what happened in chapter 32 lol) and then the next day started writing. and i have not stopped writing yet. (magic prince au has thus gotten over a Year's worth of planning. when i can finally write it, it will be Glorious)
gonna put the other answers under a readmore so this doesnt get too long and also bc my answer to #3 has potentially triggering content (related to the tag on the post) SO
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
i love a lot of parts of the fic but tbh my absolute fav individual part has GOTTA b from the first scene of chapter 14
Without thinking, he opened the scissors. He slowly pressed the point of one of the blades down, right in the center of the message. The pressure turned into pain, and he watched in morbid fascination as a pinprick of blood welled up beneath it.
If he wanted, he could slash up along his vein.
He could be
With a gasp, Goro threw the scissors across the room. They crashed into a wall, then fell to the floor with a clatter.
not quite a single line BUT. god. i wrote this whole scene in the like 30 minutes before dnd and it was all i could think about throughout it. the parallel to his mother was 100% unintentional, but as soon as i realized it i KNEW i had to capitalize on it. and i realized it where goro does in this, right where he's got the blade poised above his skin, JUST like his mom. and i wrote in his Horror at the realization, & how it snapped him out of it. & the setup of the line, how it's broken in his Horror, you can Feel it setting in............. Chef's Kiss
4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
ksjdflksdjf a hard question for a Single line of dialogue bc i love so much of the conversations, BUT. for a Single line. it’s Gotta be from the sunset scene in the beach chapter (chapter 26)
Akira tilted his head as he smoothed a thumb below Goro's eye. "On TV, you have all of those things… but it falls flat. You're always pretty, but never in the way you are when it's just us two." He shifted his hand to cup Goro's cheek. "When it's just us, there's such a depth to your eyes… They're always alive with so much emotion."
Goro leaned his face into Akira's touch. Their foreheads almost brushed together with how close they were. Their breaths mingled in a way Goro always thought he'd hate, but found himself not minding with Akira. He stared into his eyes, waiting for whatever Akira would say next.
Akira moved infinitesimally closer, until there was barely any distance between their lips. He whispered, "They call our eyes the windows into our souls, so it's no wonder I think yours are so beautiful."
THIS SHIT ^^^^^^^^^^ that line of akira’s at the end (with the stuff b4 listed for context) it’s just. lskjdflskjdfskldfj. when i thought up that line i practically Yeeted myself out of bed to write it down bc GOD. it’s so fucking romantic. i love it so much. that whole scene was Sooooo good but God. akira pulling out all the stops. who knew this boy could be so romantic. 
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seijch · 4 years
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omg hi ... im like . ashamed to come back after saying brief hiatus in october and then disappearing off the face of the earth til FEBRUARY but under the cut i will be explaining myself and the following, if youre interested (and a tl;dr at the very bottom if you don’t wanna scroll thru this obnoxiously long post):
the reason(s) i was gone for so long
what i was doing during that time (its just a personal account yall can scroll past this idrc)
the status of those um . halloween requests
the future of this account
i. so . Hiatus .
i know. i know . i probably mentioned it when i made the announcement post, but my mental health likes to go on one of those rides. yknow the ones where you go like up rlly fast then down maybe and then up then DOWN .... its like that. i needed a break and every time i wanted to come back or thought about it, something would happen and i would get stuck in my own head.
a big reason for getting stuck in my head was (and i hate to admit this ... i hate to admit that i have Insecurities On The Internet) my feelings of inadequacy regarding my writing. i love to plot fics, i love concepts and characters and making little headcanons but i dont ... know if i love writing rn. and i thought for the longest time that like . whatever ill just push thru it its fine ill be fine but it kinda wasnt lmao you can kinda see it in my halloween reqs and what become of them when i get to that but i began to feel like nothing i had put out or would put out would hold up prose wise (and normally i dont feel like this im much more “idc its my life im living it” but thats not a rant for tumblr LMAO). i still feel like that -- like im better as a reader than a writer. but . You Know :-)
tl;dr: mental state go brrrrr
ii. anywhere here’s wonderwall
when i left, i was in a steadily decreasing mental and emotional state, made worse by a situation at work that really was a case of petty jealousy on my end and rlly isnt very consequential now despite how much pain and resentment it gave me when it Was a problem so i wont get into it. the tl;dr of november and december was me using work as an crutch and distraction -- i know my job, i do it well, it helped me not think about my responsibilities and obligations and inadequacies. of course, as the holiday season grew busier n busier i was scheduled so often that i moved 88 or so miles (according to my apple watch, which i ONLY wear at work since im never anywhere else outside my house) and fell into a cycle of showering n sleeping at my house before going back the next day. (theres definitely something to be said abt capitalism and “grind culture” here but once again its not the time or place snsjkdfds)
at the turn of the new year, i happened to remember a birthday card i hadnt filed away for safekeeping from a friend of mine that id been horribly out of touch with til that point. i started crying because i realized how out of touch id been in general up until that point. the month of january was great for me: i was focused, happy, and in a much better place than i had been before. the end of it brought me down focus wise and im hoping that enough time away from my distractions will refocus me bc i ... need it LMAO and though ive burned out from that level of productivity and gotten distracted again im ... trying to stay positive which i think is the most i can do 😁👍🏼
media wise, i got real into stardew valley (but burned out bc i played it extensively as a way to wind down after work), the pokemon platinum romhack renegade platinum (still havent finished it bc of school n i played it w the intent to see if i could nuzlocke it ... bitch its so hard but its so fun bc of it), briefly assassins creed: odyssey (im one of those ppl who completes an entire region before i move to the next so you can tell i burned out of that one + wouldnt have the time to properly devote to it even if i didnt), got back into genshin impact after pulling for xiao (after not touching it for like . months), and danganronpa. yes . danganronpa 😐 i Know. i stopped playing it after the second trial of the first game bc i was so hurt by the outcome and picked it up in late january only to get sucked in (thank god i had the foresight to buy the second and third games during the steam winter sale). rn im at the start of chapter 4 if anyone wants to come in my asks and um . talk to me abt danganronpa
tl;dr: I’m Into Danganronpa Now
iii. you realize halloween was three months ago right
i mentioned this in the first section, but i love to plot things. every request is plotted or at least has a solid foundation. i had fun detailing what concept i wanted to go with considering what i was given, and there were some bangers i might touch up in the future. but heres whats going to happen to the requests themselves:
there are two finished requests. one will be posted tomorrow and the other will be touched up (just bc i finished it doesnt mean its good 🧍‍♂️) and scheduled for next saturday. as for the ones i never got around to ...
i will not be finishing those requests. i hate to be That Person, but i feel like we all expected this 🧍‍♂️ what i will do is post all of my notes for each request in batches -- requests that have an @ to go with them will be mentioned in the post proper, but anon asks will be pictured. (there are some asks that came from blogs who are now deactivated but i wrote down all the prompts and remember most of those askers so ill cross that bridge when i get there) there will most likely be an excerpt or two simply bc i think i mightve written a few plot points or interactions in the form of bullet points. i rlly am sorry about doing this but i remember looking at my notion doc with all the prompts and feeling ... like i wasnt measuring up n it wasnt just to myself or to some intangible concept of “other” id constructed but it was instead to those who requested n actually WANTED to see and hear and read my writing and i ...... im gonna admit thats another big reason i avoided this site.
regardless, youll definitely get what i have (and likely more than just my bullet points and illegible handwriting).
tl;dr: im sorry. what i have in terms of plot, concept, and interaction for every request will be posted, but i cant say ill ever complete them and mean it.
iv. so what now?
well i mean . im not entirely sure how sold i am on haikyuu in the content creation department (as a creator n to a lesser extent, as a consumer). as mentioned previously, its no longer my primary focus. it doesnt mean im not into haikyuu anymore; i have a lot of love for those boys but i cant rlly say im even caught up w recent fandom activity and also havent even finished s4 pt2 LMAO thats on my to do list
and despite all that, i still want to share my plots n concepts and snippets and maybe even fics. it wont happen anytime soon. it might not even happen. but i mean . its better than me saying i wont write ever again shjdkfs but either way ill probably use this blog as a personal blog w the occasional ask game for dialogue prompts (those are always so fun i love making up aus to fit like . the most mundane prompts)
as for my works (past and any potential future), ive opened an ao3 acc here n ill be editing n possibly expanding on my old works to post there. tumblr, to me, is The x reader hub, but i figure more x reader fics on ao3 is never a bad thing.
ill be deleting/posting drafted posts to the queue since they were all meant to be queued anyway as well as (sorry again 🧍‍♂️) deleting or answering asks in the inbox. (moots if you get a notif from me saying i rbed your post from months ago ... mind your business) im very hard to get ahold of and its ... a problem. expect an overhaul of the nav n shit to reflect my new direction n also because i feel like i cant tell if my passion for carrd is shared by the majority HSDKLFS maybe its better to read my info in a normal post ykwim .......
and of course . if youve read all this n decided im no longer worth the follow, i sure as hell cant stop you. thank you for wanting to, at some point, hear what i have to say -- it means more than you think.
tl;dr: writing will be edited and reposted to ao3, this blog will be a personal blog with a hint of writing (sometimes)
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the tl;dr to end all tl;drs:
im back! i wont be as active as i used to due to a lessened interest in haikyuu in general, but i have an ao3 acc now where all my past work will be edited, possibly expanded, and reposted. any future work will also find itself there. my halloween requests will be posted in batches as incomplete concepts, plots, and snippets of scenes; i wont be promising to finish any of them.
there are still fic concepts im attached to and want to finish, but i cant promise any more writing on my end. this blog will be a personal blog with maybe writing, not a writing blog with my personal thoughts all over it.
regardless if you stick around or not, its been crazy sexy cool (equal emphasis) being on haikyuu tumblr even tho i wasnt around for long ... even tho its not my main focus anymore, im still excited to see what the future might hold 🤝
love, ari 💌
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weretigerr · 4 years
Bakugou’s bullying
So there was topic in which many people seemed to talk about so I decided to write my opinion, because I really have no life.
Despite what others say, personally I think Bakugous bullying was completely wrong, and it shouldn’t be ignored or sugar coated. 
Yes, he’s had huge character development, but it still doesn’t excuse what he did. 
I know many people excuse his behavior because his household is said to be abusive, but I beg to differ.
Mitsuki’s behavior could be considered abusive in America or a watern country, but it’s a typical thing in the Japanese household, and it should be taken to face value of the harm she does. (At least in the show, unless it’s a AU or something). Additionally, we haven’t even been introduced to their household much in the series, so we shouldn’t assume things solely based on a few scenes. 
Even if he was abused, verbally or physically, or the word’s or Mitsuki took a effect on him, it’s still wrong for him to bully Midoriya, and I’m so baffled on how so many people refuse to admit this, either exclaiming “he had a reason” or “he had a crush on deku” as if that made anything better?? 
How would you think Midoriya would feel if Bakugou was called innocent because his household was bad? Like yeah that’s really sad but what about him? What about all the years of bullying he had to go through? 
That wouldn’t be fair. 
If, someone is in a abusive household or situation they can’t get away from (seeing as Bakugou is still a minor and his parents are legally bound to him until the age of 18- or whatever the legal age is in the MHA universe) and bullies others as an way to cope with it, they should not be fully blamed yes, but that doesn’t mean all their wrong doings suddenly disappear. 
They should get the proper help they need and pay for what they did. 
The only reason why the bullying isn’t much of an issue in the show isn’t because it’s “fiction” but it’s because Midoriya has already forgiven Bakugou, which caused them to both accept each other as rivals now. 
That doesn’t mean his bullying should be normalized nor brought up to when you’re hating on Bakugou, obviously. If you wanna talk about how his past wasn’t so well, he’s changed, and it would be unfair to hold him accountable for his past actions when discussing who he is as a character now. If you think what he did was right because he was abused or depressed, it’s still wrong regardless and just because he’s changed doesnt mean he’s free of all charges.
If you read all this rambling you deserve a freaking medal, fr
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