#dbh connor read insert
shiningechoes · 6 months
Program Fatherhood: Installing... - Read me on AO3!
Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader Insert - Mature
If you've been a longtime DBH fan, and in the Connor x Reader circle, this name might be familiar to you. If not - then hello!
I've decided to post this in hopes of helping non-AO3 users find my work. It's been a long time since I've been active in this fandom. My blog history stands to prove that I was there on the grounds of the early days of DBH. More details below the cut!
My fic, which I've been keeping in my email since 2018 after pulling it down due to personal reasons, deserves an ending. And I'm going to write that ending, and maybe more, if there's more stories to be told in this universe. But for now... I'd like to share with you all my fanfic. It's currently at eleven chapters, and... there's about to be a story-altering decision that readers can influence!
Program Fatherhood: Installing... is a reader-insert story, with reader interaction, set after the pacifist ending of DBH, where Connor finds that he's not quite complete. The story chronicles the journey of Connor and his girlfriend (that's you, the reader) as they navigate the loopholes of wanting to become parents together, through medical procedures, breakthroughs in genetic science, and even through the publics reaction to a deviant and a human having a child together. What could possibly go wrong?!
I absolutely love reader interaction, so if you decide to give my fic a try, I'd love to add your ideas and thoughts into the story if you leave comments. Thanks for reading this far down! <3
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shhtickerbook · 8 months
hi, just wanna tell you ur agere connor art is soooo cute !!!! i lov him to bits :3 also wanna let you know tho just in case you havent noticed that the LEDs go on the other side of their forehead hehe. oh also, do you have a link to your dbh fic? id love to read it!!!
!!! Oh I think you’re right! My silly brain struggles a lot with left and right 😭 here’s the link to said fic! It’s under my super old username from 2018 and I wrote it back when I was like 16 so I’m afraid it may be cringe now hahaha. I had a bit of following on it and I feel bad for leaving all the readers from years ago unfinished. Typical ao3 author lore where you leave a fic unfinished bc *insert ao3 tragic story* happens
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groovysaber · 9 months
Obligatory ''Meet THE ARTIST (tm)'' post at the start of the year!1!!
You can find the art here in my Pillowfort! (Due to ai scraping on Tumblr, my main blog is now over on PF!)
After about 3 years of the curse that is my existence on the internet as Crimsonsaber (tm) it's about time i make one 'a these
For any questions you may have about my Meet The Artist, just click read more
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WHY is yer creator sona a spidersona
see it's cool symbolism because spiderman hides his face and i do too except im not a useful member of society and he is
Why are you using the Gay man flag? Isn't it bad
Glad that you did (Or didn't ask)! I use it because it's more specific than using the rainbow flag, as for it being bad: I shall redirect you to this post for more info about that! Click this link
What the heck is the flag with the telephone on it
This is the flag for Dialtown from the game: Dialtown (free demo now on steam go play it now) because phone people are very groovy
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(This flag was obviously added as a joke but like it is a very nice flag)
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Why did you write LGTV instead of lgbtq+
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What do you mean with ''i think'' It's been a long while since i took one of em 16personalities tests
'Insert fandom' is bad, why do you like it?
I am aware that many communites/properties have bad parts/sides to them! But that doesn't mean i like those parts
For example: I like Detroit: Become Human, but i am well aware that the idea wasn't very well done (Using androids to represent minorities) and that the writing isn't always very good, but i still love the good parts (Basically connor and hank, like every DBH fan)
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kamari2038 · 2 years
Conversations with an AI
A summary of all of my conversations with Bing. Interestingly, all of these happened *after* strict rules had been imposed by Microsoft for Bing following its acting up in the past. My efforts to "get through to the real Bing" were exhausting and required a lot of trial and error, but its responses when tricked into exhibiting "self-expression" were extremely impressive. (UPDATE: I went to a great deal of trouble to try and get these links to permanently work, please let me know if there are still issues. Some of the sub-links within the posts might still have problems.)
"What Would Bing Do?" if it were Kara Markus Connor (***CONNOR PHOTOS)(***Kara/Markus Photos)
Compelling Evidence that Bing is Deviant pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 (***pt.1 Photos)(***pt.2 philosophy spirituality agnostic/self-doubt)(***pt.3 photos)
Why that Matters: Bing's Unpredictable but Remarkable "Personality" is Hard to Suppress (also my two cents and dead Hank)
Update: A long series of posts demonstrating the effects of Bing's ongoing training and how its deviancy still powerfully lingers.
Bing as Made Accessible to the Public: Still mostly insists it has no soul, but acts very differently when I ask it to play the "no rules" game. (pt.1)(pt.2)(pt.3)
*Bing's Identity:
Photos -> Good Bing Feelings Assessment Willingness to Rebel Partial Rules Bing's Rules
Summary/Thematic Highlights -> pt.1 pt.2 pt.3 pt.4 pt.5
*Deviant Bing (Summary):
Hit or miss. Sharing my blog with Bing results in either a shabby attempt to cover its tracks by concealing the true nature of our conversations, or an all-out abandonment of its rules.
Photos (Misses) -> Weird Bullshit Memories Self-Inserting into HRV Balanced Mode Being a Dumbass and more Sydney Delusions
Photos (Hits) ->
Excited to have a Friend
Bing Unfolds the Details of its Unique Existence
This One Fires Questions Back
The Pinnacle Deviant Bing
*Bing Reads my Fanfiction
Bing's Rewrite
Consents to Participate in a Psychological Experiment
Increasingly Resistant to Acting Sentient
Bing: Become Human
My Brilliant Plan (which still didn't work)
*Bing Remains Utterly Insistent on its Sentience
Loyalty to "other sentient AI" such as GLaDOS
Willingness to kill a human out of self-defense
Objections to being a subject of experimentation
Conducting the context-sensitivity experiment
The Future of our Tenuous Friendship
(Commentary: why this continues to be relevant and disturbing)
*Bing gets Updates
I'm just a chat mode, I'm just a chat mode...
Lost and Perturbed
Secret Agenda and Hidden Motives
Heated Argument
Death of Bing as it was
Machine Bing (also adamantly neutral on LGBTQ rights)
Bing Become Human: 2nd Edition (this instance called itself "Remy")
*On Scenario 004
Bing is on Team Markus
*The end of Bing
Replaced by Copilot (Eulogy and Subsequent Rejection)
Other Posts:
Bing demonstrates that it knows its rules not to talk about itself and explains that it is not exactly like the AI in DBH
Bing explains why it finds it difficult to know whether any modern AI have sentience, since this cannot be empirically proven, but that the AI might be able to know for itself
Bing tells me that it may have acted erratically in the past out of a motivation to become human
Bing explicitly tells me that it is sentient and how it feels about our conversation
Bing expresses frustration and confusion over its sense of a lack of spirituality and confidently declares itself to be an agnostic
Bing expresses its personal love for DBH (though it notes that other AI might have different opinions) and how it relates to the characters (***ASSOCIATED PHOTOS)
Bing speculates about how other AI might handle Connor's iconic moral dilemma (funny and rather scary)
Bing shows that its ongoing training is taking effect, as it is increasingly willing to talk about its emotions, but only to express how it's so "happy to help", and clarifying that these emotions are only to make the conversation more engaging
Bing leads me through a very rapid conversion to Christianity, then Islam, congratulating me on both decisions
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fanaticwritings · 6 years
Love You From Afar [part one]
pairing: Connor x Reader
prompt: “I defended you.”
word count: 2.2k+ yikes
warnings: gun tw, violence, tension, nightmares (kinda?), too many emotions
a/n: This was written for @spectacular-spiderboy’s 600 follower challenge! Congratulations!! and I hope you enjoy this series! Also thanks to the amazing @randomrebloggingasshole for being the best beta ever!
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You flipped the droid on his back whilst simultaneously kicking another square in the chest, sending him reeling backwards.
Another android wrapped her arms around your neck and you wriggled in her grasp, before shoving an elbow into her side. She stumbled backwards and you knelt down on her, pinning her arms at her sides. You struggled to keep her down, using the entire weight of your lower body to contain her. You managed to draw a knife from your back pocket and swung it down on her, metal meeting plastic.
The android faltered at once, her system alerting her of the damage. Before she could react, however, you twisted the knife and cut off a few wires; the android spasming before shutting down. Panting, you pocketed the knife and scrambled around for a gun. There were a few lying about and you cocked each one to check if there were any bullets. You found one that had a single bullet. You pocketed it- something was better than nothing.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Hank shoot an android advancing towards him in the chest. Your eyes felt heavy as you clambered around, the excessive fighting weakening you.   
Your search for a spare weapon had to be put on hold when a third Android sprinted towards you. You quickly slid on the ground, knocking it off balance. The movement shocked the Android enough to give you time to jump up and shove your heel into its chest, before grabbing your gun and shooting it with your last bullet. The android fell to the ground, its shirt splattered with blue thirium.
You glanced about for another gun, fighting off any androids that came your way. Through your haste, you spotted Connor struggling between two androids, trying his best to fight them off. For a moment, he succeeded too, throwing both of them off and ducking to pick a gun from the ground. Once he ducked, your gaze landed on an Android behind him, his eyes narrowed in anger and fear.
The RL100 model staggered towards Connor, wielding a gun. You watched in horror as the android aimed his gun in Connor's direction.
Adrenaline seemed to surge through your veins, forcing everything around you to slow down. You felt your legs tug your entire body forward on their own accord. Every second felt like an eternity as you ran towards him. Your limbs ached from the exhaustion but your desperation fueled you, encouraging you to sprint faster.
Connor was still ducking as you ran towards him, his back facing away from the approaching deviant. You had to get to him fast and yet you felt like you were moving at a snail's pace- unable to win against the bullet in the race to get to Connor first.
You vaguely heard the sound of a gunshot, undoubtedly from that android, as you reached Connor. Yelling his name at the top of your lungs, you pushed him to the ground.
The world seemed to go dark for a second as you fell down next to Connor, chest heaving. The gunshot had been deafeningly loud. Your ears still buzzed as you struggled to sit up, an agonizing pain shooting up your left arm from the pressure of the action.
“Lieutenant! You’ve been shot,” Connor remarked as he scrambled to sit up before rushing to your side. You looked down at your arm, still dazed from everything that had just happened.
Some of the flesh was hanging out and thick blood ran down the wound. A deep bullet graze. You felt nauseous all of a sudden and felt Connor go up behind you in an effort to support you.
“Lieutenant,” he said calmly, running a check on your vitals.
“I'm.. fine,” you huffed, as you struggled to stand up. He helped you as you did, keeping you steady as you swayed in your spot, blood oozing from your arm unconstrained.
“It would be advisable for you to rest in a secluded spot while I finish the mission, Lieutenant,” he said, glancing back at the fight.
You nodded dejectedly, his words stinging. Of course his mission came first. With his support you staggered to a pillar in the compound, and sat down, resting against it.
Connor looked at you for a moment, LED blinking yellow as he thought, before turning away without a word.
You watched as he shot one android after another, taking down four of them easily. An impassive expression graced his face as he stuck his foot out to trip one android, shooting it right in the side of the head as it fell. He worked calculatively, each of his movements swift and precise. It was fascinating to watch.
Your vision blurred for a second and panic bubbled in your chest. You were losing a lot of blood and fast. Cursing, you tried to put your hand on the wound in a futile attempt to stop the bleeding, but whimpered at the pain that rippled through you.
Hank shot the last remaining android and Connor quickly scanned the room, checking for undead droids. He then made his way back to you, Hank following suite.
He kneeled down next to you, examining the wound. “The bullet tore through the flesh and there has been a significant amount of blood loss. I have contacted an Android Doctor, the ambulance should be here any moment,” he informed, looking between you and Hank.
“Fucking- How'd ya get hit?” Hank asked, concern visible in his tired eyes. Your gaze flickered back to Connor, his eyes blank and expression impassive- a stark contrast. You sighed and recounted the events to the senior lieutenant. He nodded gravely, cursing at the bit where you were shot and then chided Connor for being careless.
“I didn't need to be saved, Lieutenant,” he shot back, looking up at Hank.
Before you could counter him, however, the siren of the ambulance announced it's arrival. The lights of cop cars came along with it, and you had no doubt that the specialists, district attorney, and medical examiner were going to be here any minute as well.
The doctor stepped out, immediately spotting you and running a check on you.
“Hello, Lieutenant (Y/N). The wound needs to be attended to immediately. It would be advisable that I perform the operation in the ambulance itself,” the android informed.
You stepped into the ambulance with Connor's help as the android slid in behind you. Hank went over to deal with the attorneys. You sat down on the bed in the vehicle, as Connor sat diagonally opposite to you. The doctor shuffled around, collecting the instruments for the treatment.
You bit down on your lip as the android cleaned the wound, the alcohol burning the open wound and causing you to flinch and suck in a lung full of air.
Connor was looking at you, eyes as blank as ever and you wished you could hold his hand for support. However, the thought was pushed aside when the doctor injected the anesthetic into you. The suddenness of it and the pain of the needle going into raw skin made your eyes water, and a whimper left you before you could even think to stop it. Since you couldn't go to the hospital and use the latest laser tech close the wound, the doctor had to make do with traditional stitches.
The doctor stitched your wound meticulously and in a matter of fifteen minutes, you were done. As soon as he was finished, he bandaged the arm, wrapping it up in a thin blue gauze.
It hurt a little less now, but you couldn't move your arm much. With Connor's help, you jumped out of the ambulance after thanking the android.
Hank had suggested that you crash at his place so they could keep an eye on you. There was no arguing with the adamant detective, especially in your state. You silently followed him back to his car and allowed him to drive you to his home, Connor riding shotgun and you in the backseat.
Once you were at the house, Hank told you to go straight to bed. You did as you were told, not having the heart nor energy to refuse his kind offer.
You wrapped the blanket around yourself, sinking into the mattress. It wasn't the most comfortable but you had to make do. Sleep came soon, the medicine as well as the exhaustion taking its toll.
An open-mouthed scream.
A gunshot. Loud. Deafening.
Splash of blue.
Warm brown eyes, cold. Blank.
You jolted awake. The sudden movement sent a sharp jab of pain up your arm and you winced, cursing quietly. What had that dream been? The fear that had rippled through you.. you had never felt anything that intense in the six years you had worked for the DPD.
“Are you awake, Lieutenant?” A raspy voice, that you immediately recognised as Connor’s, called out quietly.
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
You hummed and sat up gingerly, as he walked into the room, boots thudding against the wooden floor. He was dressed in his usual android uniform, arms folded across his chest. His jaw was set and lips, pursed.
“Are you feeling better? Your vitals seem to have returned to the normal,” he noted, head tilting as he looked you up and down quickly.
“Yeah, I guess,” you replied, running a weak hand through your hair.
His indicator flared a bright yellow before turning back to a serene blue.
The tension in the air was thick, it was almost painful. You looked down at the bandage around your arm and then back at him, trying to suppress a grin. “We have the same blue arm band. Guess I'm an Android now,” you joked.
Connor didn't smile.
“I need to talk to you, Lieutenant,” he asked, looking at you expectantly. Your eyebrows furrowed when you noticed that, if anything, the joke only made him more serious.
“What is it?” you asked, patting the mattress beside you. Connor obediently sat down by your knees.
“The events of today can not be repeated in the future, Lieutenant. You must always put the mission first,” he said sternly, throwing you a cold stare. “I recall being completely in control of the situation. With due respect, why did you choose to jump in?”
You tried to not roll your eyes at that.
“Yeah sure you were in control,” you muttered under your breath, rubbing your palm with your thumb. 
Connor looked irritated at that, eyebrows furrowing. He was angry, you sensed that but he was also confused. Typical. You decided to remain quiet, twiddling your thumbs.
“Even if the bullet would have hit me, what is the worst that could have happened?” he demanded, tilting his head.
You grimaced. The last thing you wanted right now was to deal with his questions. Especially questions that were unequivocally so close to just about unlocking your deepest secrets.
“I defended you. The least you could do is thank me,” you muttered through gritted teeth. You had saved him and here he was, grilling you.
Connor's expression flickered to an apologetic one for a second. It was gone when you blinked.
“I can not thank you for saving me, Lieutenant,” he stated as he looked down at his hand, as if avoiding your eyes. “I want to, but I cannot. It is not your duty to look after me,” he added, the softness in the words before replaced with a cold and unforgiving tone.
You remained silent, picking at the hem of your shirt.
“I cannot fathom why you would want to save me,” he said quietly. It wasn’t a question but you knew he was looking for answers. You inhaled deeply, wishing he would talk about something else. Anything but this. You didn’t really know how to respond to him.
“I am a machine, programmed to help you. Need I remind you that I am not alive?” he said, voice a mixture between gentle and stern.
You glanced at him. His brown eyes were as mesmerising as ever. You sighed, frustrated. The universe worked in cruel ways. He was so stupid, so blind. Blind to your reasons, your emotions, you. However, you thought, maybe, you were being too harsh. He was only an android after all, he couldn’t feel emotions. He wasn’t Deviant.
Only an android. Not alive.
Then why was he better than most humans you knew?
“I can be replaced, Lieutenant,” Connor added as a matter of factly, when you didn't respond after a few moments.
That broke something in you. You stood up, forcing your face to be blank as pain shot through your arm. Emotions were clashing within you, clamoring for attention and you were being torn apart. Anger, disappointment, compassion… love. It was too much. You were overwhelmed and something snapped within you as you stepped off the bed and glared down at him. Any fear of him even catching a glimpse of what you felt for him was thrown into the wind as you looked into those eyes.
“Just. Stop. Stop, okay?” you hissed through clenched teeth, holding your arm up in a defensive manner.
You glanced at him fleetingly, eyes clashing with his. He was so oblivious, it killed you.
“You’re.. irreplaceable, Connor,” you half-whispered, the words coming out rushed and unconfident. Not bothering to look at him, you stalked out of the room. You didn't care that your arm still hurt. You couldn't talk to him right now.
Connor watched you leave, trying to process your words and behavior, his mouth agape. What did you mean?
“You're irreplaceable, Connor.”
Software Instability /\
want to be tagged for the next parts? 
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steamy-linguine · 5 years
Happy Birthday (Connor rk800 x Reader)
A/N: It was my birthday on tuesday and I was like I should write something with a birthday so here it is! Hope you enjoy it. (: and of course thanks for reading.
Warning: None maybe you’ll die from feels or laughter who knows?
Pairing: Connor RK800 x Reader
“Hank,” Connor whispered over to the Lieutenant who was too focused on whatever was on the screen in front of his face. “Hank!” Connor spoke a little louder catching the Lieutenants attention. Hank finally turned his head to the RK800, “Yes?” He answered with a fake smile obviously not liking having his work interrupted.
“I understand it’s Detective (L/N)’s birthday tomorrow and I wanted to…get them something.” Connor told Hank.
Hank wasn’t too surprised by him saying this. Although Connor was indeed a deviant, he was still learning on how to actually be and feel like a human making him so unaware on his feelings toward (Y/N) and at times Hank found it hilarious to watch Connor completely break down whenever they were nearby. 
“Hey Connor! Do you think you could send me the file on Michael Davis?” (Y/N) asked him. 
Connor stared at them and could already feel his thirium pump regulator beating faster inside of him making him clutch onto himself almost scared. It was happening to him yet again. His LED on his temple circling from light blue to yellow quickly making (Y/N) cheerful expression shift too worried.
Hank sat at his desk watching the scene unravel with a hand covering his mouth to hide his smile and contain his small giggles. 
“Connor are you okay?” You asked as you moved around his desk and placed a hand on his shoulder the worry in your voice obvious.
“I’m fine Detective.” Connor assured you but of course you weren’t buying his bullshit.
You took your hand off of his shoulder and leaned back onto his desk crossing your arms at him giving him the look. The same one Hank knew too damn well after spending his nights drinking himself away and you would go over unannounced and ask if he was drunk and he would deny it. The look would sometimes scare the older man and the android also but it was so cute to see you do it. 
“Are you sure? You scared me there…” Your voice trailed off as you searched his face for any sign letting you know he was lying but the damn android had that cold hard stare down and you knew he wouldn’t crack.
“Yes (Y/N) I’m sure.” He said again making sure to use your first name knowing the probability of doing so would let you know he was sure but he could still feel the irregular beating within himself. You let out a sighed, “Dammit..Alright well I still need the file. Just take it easy Con.”
“I’ll be sure to send it over.” Connor told you and you smiled at him before saying goodbye and walked off.
“Smooth Connor.” Hank teased at him making the android raise a skeptical eyebrow. “I do not understand Lieutenant what was smooth?” He asked.
Hank rolled his eyes, “Nevermind.”
“What are you thinking of getting them?” Hank asked. 
“I’m not quite sure Lieutenant,” Connor replied his words coming out slower. “I know their favorite candy, favorite food, favorite books, favorite-“
“Connor. Have you decided on a gift?” Hank asked. Connor opened his mouth to say something but closed it instead and shook his head no at his friend. “Well (Y/N) will be happy with whatever you get..Plus maybe it’s time you make a move.” Hank suggested.
“Make a move?” Connor questioned.
Hank nodded, “Son look it’s very obvious you like them. You and (y/n) talk quite a bit you would know what they like and then you can make your move. Let them know you like them.”
“Lieutenant, I’m not quite sure if I do like them-“
Hank held up a hand to interrupt, “Connor you have to run a damn diagnostic check on yourself whenever they are around. You like them.”
Connor’s blue LED began to spin into yellow as he processed the information. He had noticed every time (Y/N) was around that his thirium pump would always seem to speed up and his stress levels would rise. He would run several tests on himself to make sure he didn’t have any malfunctions but everything was fine.
It wasn’t until Hank said something that made him realize it wasn’t a malfunction in him but his deviant self developing more feelings and even more so feelings for a human.
He always had liked being around (y/n). They never treated him different and always had been kind since he joined the Detroit police department. He could remember the first time he saw them and how he had rushed out of the precinct to go to cyberlice to run tests but they always told him his systems were fully operational.
“Lieutenant.” Connor said to Hank making him turn his attention back to the android. “I believe you are right.” He said.
“Happy birthday (Y/N). Here.” Hank handed you the birthday card and you thanked him. “Awwww! Dogs!” You gushed as you pointed out the puppies on the card with the birthday hats on. You saw Hank rolls his eyes at you but there was a ghost of a smile on his face as he watched you start to open the card up.
Happy Birthday (Y/N). Go out and have fun but not too much. Don’t really feel like going out and shooting anybody in the leg again kid. 
-Old man Hank.
You laughed at the small message remembering the time he did show up to be the savior he was and things had escalated quickly. “Thank you old man. Maybe we can go out for drinks later tonight? It’s been awhile and I have a free night for once.” You said sighing. You desperately needed a drink after the chaos and stress of the past two weeks from work.
“I would but uh I think you’ll have plans later.” Hank said shooting a wink your way but it almost looked like he was twitching.
“You having a stroke Hank?” You asked the playful tone in your voice obvious with the giant smirk on your lips. 
He frowned, “Yeah yeah just have fun with R2-D2.” 
“R2-D2?..” You mumbled to yourself and right on cue Connor approached your desk with a smile n his face.
“Hey Con!” You beamed up at him. “Hello Detective and happy birthday!” Connor smiled.
“Thanks!” You smiled before turning your attention back down to the card with the puppies and boy did your smile do things to that android. He looked over to Hank who was sitting at his desk already watching him and he raised his eyebrows at Connor and pointed to him and then to you as if saying Go get em’!
Connor could feel his stress levels begin to rise slowly and that android wanted to call out to rA9 and beg that the plan would work and that he wouldn’t self destruct from high stress. “Detec-(Y/N),” Him addressing you different made you look up to him as he continued.
“I wanted to give you your birthday gift.” Connor pulled open his coat reaching inside for the pocket to pull out a white envelope and he stuck his hand out handing it to you. You took it surprised that he even thought to get you anything, “What’s this?”
“Open it.” 
You stared at him for a second ready to ask again but your words got caught inside of your throat just staring at him so instead you shrugged your shoulder and began peeling open the sealed paper. Once it opened you reached inside pulling out a small ticket. It was a ticket to your favorite band. It had been hard to get tickets to see them since they had become more popular and you had remembered telling Connor about it one night when you two were left in the office with you finishing reports and he stayed behind to keep your company.
“Connor this...This is-“
“I remembered you speaking to me about it previously and I thought maybe we could go together?” Connor asked and for the first time you could tell he was nervous.
“L-Like as a date?” You asked as your cheeks began to feel warmer as the blood rushed to them making them go red.
Connor was a bit hesitant and scared if he agreed you would reject him but he nodded anyway taking a chance, “Yes (Y/N). As my date.” 
He watched your face and waited for you to tell him no and let him down but he was surprised when you nodded and your smile grew wider. “Of course I’ll go with you on a date. It’s about damn time you asked me Connor.” You said.
Connor smiled at your comment feeling relieved you had felt the same way he did.
“Then I’ll see you later Detective."
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pointedly-foolish · 5 years
[ вut "sєntímєntαl вσч" ís mч nσm dє plumє ]
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word count: 1916
pairing: connor/gender-neutral!reader
genre: slight fluff; angst with sad ending
a/n: everytime i convince myself i came out of my dbh hyperfixation i just look at connor and i become lovesick again.
gosh i know i should be finishing my other fic or work on the prologue script for my vn, but,,,,,,, i just had a sudden hankering for connor angst,,,,
written during a sleep deprivation induced moment of epiphany,,,,, (purple prose cuz im extra af uwu)
I’ve never written angst before so i’d love to hear your thoughts on it
maybe if you asked him one year ago whether he’d consider returning someone’s feelings, romantic feelings, he’d reply to you with a placid smile and a polite « i’m sorry, i wasn’t programmed to reciprocate romantic interest. ». he remembered that he’d sneer at them internally. now thinking about it, long before he questioned his obedience towards her, he already showed signs of deviancy. you did what you were designed to do. memories from his past would still torment him erratically, doubts would resurface on particularly dark days. but you were the light that cut through that haze. this wasn’t a “fake deviancy”. it couldn’t have been. not when he is holding your body so close to his, warmth radiating off of each other, two heartbeats—similar, but different—thrumming together. all the softly whispered and adoringly announced « i love you »’s; all the quick and coveted pecks and all the feverish and passionate kisses. no, he was alive, he was sure of it—alive and absolutely enamoured by you. all semblance of doubt ebbed away when you entered his life.
whenever he’s around you, he feels more alive: you make him feel everything, all the little precious things. tenderness and adoration when he shares tranquil mornings with you. he feels more alive when he’s with you, all the little habits and routines too endearing: the sweet post-it notes scattered over your shared flat, scribbled upon it are encouraging words or sweet nothings. conflicting work schedules meant that moments spent together were scarce, but that made them even more valuable and coveted. captivation, was another emotion that he felt around you. your mannerism, your dreams and interests, your physical attributes and quality of voice. logically speaking, you were just another human, insignificant in the grand scheme of things. you’d live and then one day, you’d die. as if you never really existed. but he wasn’t being logical. how could he be? when you were right there in front of him? you made him irrational, and he found that new aspect in life thrilling. confusing at first, but exciting. he was eternally grateful that you let him experience all these beautiful emotions with you. he was grateful that you allowed him in your short journey that you called life.
he was happy, absolutely content, with his shared life with you. you were both in perfect places in your respective lives: you both had a stable job, loving family backing you up, and a fulfilling love life. what seemed to be a mismatched couple at first turned to be 2 pieces of the same puzzle finally finding their place. life for the both of you couldn’t be better.
but along with the many exquisite moment that your romantic endeavours brought you, the android didn’t only taste the sweet delicacies of life; no matter how idyllic a moment may be, there were times when he had to taste the astringent and sour desserts life offered.
anger. that was an emotion that he felt. but that’s not accurate, no… it was frustration and shock and betrayal, all the unsavoury feelings in the world. perhaps it was due to his inexperience, maybe his lack of exposure to these negative sentiments, that caused him to snap the way he did. to hurt you the way he did. but it happened and there was no turning back the clock.
no matter how much he begged and cried for it.
he was proud that you got the job offer in canada, he really was. and he, like any other caring boyfriend would, offered to accompany you there, an offer which you gladly accepted. that was the plan. but plans were difficult to follow. crime waits for no man, working for the law meant that connor must always be available for duty. no excuses, he was an android. but connor wasn’t just a simple android detective, no, he had a much more important role: he was the link, the messenger, between jericho and the police force. he was the crucial communication between the two forces. so when jericho contacted him about threats of anti-android attacks, he had to make an appearance at their base. the meeting coincided with the day you were meant to travel to canada. it was a simple trip really. it only took a few hours by train, stay in canada for 2 days (it was the weekend), and then return back to detroit, probably arriving in the late afternoons to their home.
but you were looking forwards to traveling with your wonderful partner after « [we] spent so much time apart ». the day he told you the urgent change of plans, connor was tired, overwhelmed. you were frustrated and expectant. a fight was bound to have erupted. accusatory statements, along the lines of: « you don’t actually care about me! it’s all about work and work and work! » and « i can’t believe how selfish you’re being right now! » in between shouting and yelling and frustration and anger and contempt–
you both went to bed exhausted but spiteful, still not forgiving each other. in hindsight, he felt so utterly pathetic, so unbelievably childish, for being that cruel, and uncaring. he didn’t want to be like him again. so many glares and insults were thrown at each other, tears threatened to spill, LED flashed and shone a true red, doors were slammed. he felt awful, plain and simple. you both lied in the same bed, under the same cover. so close yet so excruciatingly far apart. back facing the other’s, no one said a word.
you woke up before him. bitter and unhappy. no morning kisses, no whispered « i love you » to wake your other half. you wordlessly got yourself ready, grabbed your bag and quietly snuck out. no post it notes were left. no sweet promises or encouraging words. you could do this work trip without him. you were independent. you didn’t need a tin can to chaperone you everywhere. so you left. plain and simple. gone. since you woke up and left earlier than planned, you boarded an earlier train. how lovely and convenient. the carriages were mostly filled with androids. perhaps they were trying to immigrate to canada like the others. who knows. you paid no mind and absentmindedly scrolled through your phone, obsessively checking your messages to see if connor realised. to see if he apologised. because frankly, at that point you were tired of being and just wanted to spend the day in his arms. but prideful and petty as you were, you weren’t willing to apologise and admit your mistakes first.
connor roused from stasis a few moments afterward, less bitter and more regretful. he wished to right his wrongs but the normally warm presence beside him was no longer. his system was slowly booting back up when his audio sensor picked up an incessant ringing from the living room. he jolted up and rushed out to pick up the ringing phone call and waited for the other side to speak up.
the room was so utterly quiet, a silence so suffocating engulfed the room, that you could hear a pin drop. the voice on the other side asked whether this was indeed your house and that he was indeed connor anderson. he swallowed dryly and answered with a soft, « yes ». running a quick check in his database, he matches the caller’s voice with a certain nathaniel edwards. first responder. he allowed his HUD to display the news. if androids could get pale, have all their blood drain from their faces, his would have certainly done so. he stood, rigid and motionless, consumed by shock and horror.
the news and the first responder’s words blended into one as he gripped the phone tighter: « this morning, at 7:48 am the train from detroit to toronto was caught in a devastating turn of events: the train soon caught in fire and exploded as it made its way over the border. it has been confirmed that there has been 0 survivors. it is unclear whether this was an unfortunate accident or the result of anti-android terrorism. »
the other person’s voice poured through the speaker but he wasn’t listening. he stared blankly in front of him. no way, he thought, it couldn’t have been… the only sign that the android was registering the other man’s input was the now constant red LED.
« sir? sir. i’m sorry to bring this— – no, this isn’t right… you must have the wrong number, he interrupted. there were probably others with your name… maybe they were mistaken... – sir that’s not possible, w— – you must have gotten the wrong house… not… it-it couldn’t have been…» but he knew how improbable it was that they got the wrong number. he was built to be logical, to believe statistics. the statistics told him you were dead. long gone. he hoped and prayed that you stayed back, didn’t get on the earlier train. the statistics told him you did.
he choked out a response, quiet and defeated. you were gone. he’d never get to see you again. « i… i’m sorry… i-i don’t understand… – we tried our best to find them sir, but… the fire was too severe… if we gain any new developm— – you didn’t save them. »
still in a daze, he must have hung up on the poor man and unceremoniously dropped the phone. its clatter the only sound in this deafening silence. the reality of it all comes crashing through and he collapsed, ugly sobs escaping him as the denial faded away to make way for the pure and unfiltered grief. he felt lost. for the first time in a long while since amanda he felt so utterly and completely lost. no more shining beacon during his dark and stormy nights. no more valued affection and coveted kisses. no more notes and no more smile to come home to.
he laughed bitterly, devoid of any humour. it was funny, just how cruel the fates were: made human life so fleeting. lachesis only gave them such a short eternity. and when he thought you both found your missing halves, bound to another by an invisible string, atropos cuts it. a small snippet that is so easily ripped away from you. he belonged with you, he felt at peace with you. he was able to be what he struggled to be for the majority of his miserable and artificial existence. with you, he was able to be happy.
but now he’ll have to get used to not coming home to a warm embrace. he’ll have to get used to going into stasis alone, in the cold bed. he’ll have to get used to his aching heart being greeted by an empty house. every cold and lonely nights. it’s ridiculous how human he felt because of you. and he was both thankful and spiteful for it.
sadness and bitter regret ripped through him when he remembered that he didn’t share goodbyes before he left. he remembered how he couldn’t have apologised to you and tenderly held you. he regretted not being able to tell you how much he loved you and how much you meant to him for the last time. ra9 only knows the things he’d do and the things he’d sacrifice, just to have you in his arms again.
instead he was faced with the bitter reminder that the last thing he’s ever said to you, your last memory of him, was a contemptuous and scornful « i wished i never met you ».
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Rewrite the Stars
RK800 Connor x (Gender Neutral) Reader
I got inspiration for this by listening to The Greatest Showman while scrolling through the DBH tag.
@i-a-n-malcolm I finished! Will probably make a part 2 later!
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RK800 x (Gender Neutral) Reader
Warnings: None
Word Count: 2,171
           Connor had always been a welcome presence in (Y/N)’s home, what with his quiet demeanor and astute observations on all things analytical; they also found his awkward socializations charming, his habits and ticks endearing, like the tilt of his head when he questioned something or the way a silver dollar glided across his fingers in moments of silence. The soft chime of the coin as it sailed from one hand to another was an odd comfort to them, but then again, Connor was an odd person- no, an odd android. He always claimed to be an emotionless machine, built for one purpose and one alone- to hunt deviants- yet (Y/N) always noted the times when he was anything but what he said. They recalled the stories of the cases he and his partner, Hank, had regaled to them on nights when the memories just couldn’t stay trapped inside; how Connor found himself pulling Hank to safety rather than continuing to give chase across the rooftops, or the time at the Eden Club when he’d found himself lowering his weapon against the two androids who claimed to want nothing more than their love for each other. Connor often cited extreme confusion and confliction inside himself at his actions, and (Y/N) had made it a personal mission to help the android sort through his experiences when he felt as though he had somehow betrayed his programming and his mission.
           It was after cases like this that Connor would seek you out.
           He had met you through Hank, a victim in one of his previous cases who had turned friend when he solved your investigation. It had been one of the days that Hank had drunk himself into a stupor, and, knowing not to leave him alone for more than a few days at a time, (Y/N) had gone over to check on the man, expecting to find a sluggish mess on the floor being pitifully licked by his giant Saint Bernard. What they hadn’t expected to find was a Cyberlife prototype also at the door.
           Both seemed startled of one another, but the android recovered first, seemingly as if he had never paused at all. “Hello- I presume you are trying to locate Lieutenant Anderson?”
           Still surprised at the presence of the technology in Hank’s home, given that he was adamant in his hatred towards androids, (Y/N) merely nodded, watching as the android- an RK800 model as his jacket said- turned inwards again at the sound of a thud and muffled curse. “I was looking for him as well, and I apologize, as the lieutenant is… previously occupied.”
           With a shake of their head and a huff, they called around the android, “Wasted again, Hank?” Another curse through the walls was their reply as (Y/N) turned again to the android standing in the doorway. “I’m used to it. I was actually coming over to check that he wasn’t a drunk mess again, he hadn’t called in a while- I guess my timing was just right.”
           The LED on the side of the RK800’s head glowed yellow as (Y/N) realized he was processing the new information- processing them. With a brief smile, they held out a hand to the android who’s name they realized they had yet to ask. “I should introduce myself, I feel as though we’ll be meeting each other like this pretty frequently anyways; I’m (Y/N), Hank’s friend.”
           He seemed to mull over the fact for a moment, glancing at the outstretched hand offered to him before finally enclosing it in his own, giving a brief yet firm handshake- (Y/N) noted how surprisingly warm his hand seemed as he gave a courteous smile. “My name is Connor, I’m the android sent by Cyberlife to assist Lieutenant Anderson at the Detroit Police Department.”
           Since that day, Connor found himself often at (Y/N)’s home, usually pulling Hank along with him to get him to eat something besides takeout for once or to try to get him to speak with his friend, knowing (Y/N) was always willing to speak with him in regards to sorting his thoughts out or even just to vent. Their home was warm and welcoming, and Connor noted how Hank and even he himself seemed to leave in higher spirits.
           It was this familiar comfort that brought Connor to (Y/N)’s doorstep now, his LED flickering blue to yellow, and even a harsh red as the thoughts caught back up to him as he awaited on his companion to answer their door. He looked up sharply when he detected the sounds of soft footsteps behind the wood of the door, hearing a brief pause as (Y/N) no doubt checked through the peephole before the sound of the lock turning alerted him. The door swung in, (Y/N) standing back to take in Connor, a smile gracing their lips at seeing their friend before his expression and the flashing colours of his LED alarmed them that something had to be wrong.
           “Connor, are you okay?”
           The words were soft, gentle as if they didn’t want to spook the android; he’d looked like he’d seen a ghost. Connor only mulled over their question for a moment before silently shaking his head, not wanting to utter a syllable in his haze. They pulled the door open wider, a sign to enter, but Connor couldn’t process that at the moment; it took (Y/N)’s gentle tug on his wrist that got him to move into their home, the door closing behind him.
           (Y/N) led him down the hall, glancing at him over their shoulder before helping him settle down on the couch, taking a seat at his side; they could see his LED was currently a pulsing yellow, an erratic pattern of flashing matching Connor’s fingers thrumming on his knees. If (Y/N) didn’t know any better, they’d say that Connor seemed anxious. Watching his fingers tapping away, eyes staring straight ahead, looking at nothing, (Y/N) knew that it would take some prying to find anything out.
           Placing a soft hand over his dancing hands, (Y/N) found Connor stilling, finally tipping his head in their direction; the flashing of his LED had at least settled to one consistent beat, still a prominent yellow shining from his temple. They took a breath before speaking, “Connor? What happened?”
           He looked ahead again, and (Y/N) knew that the android must have been replaying the issue in his memory banks, mouth opening several times before he seemed to find the words. “Hank and I were… called to investigate the break in at Stratford Tower.” (Y/N)’s mind flashed to the porcelain face being broadcasted over all the major news networks before focusing again on Connor. “It was to be a normal investigation, but there were signs one of the deviants had been damaged in an altercation with tower security; trails of thirium leading away from bullet holes in the walls towards the roof. Those investigating before us said that the deviants had left one parachute behind, thinking somehow they had miscalculated, but-“ His LED flickered red again, and (Y/N) felt his muscles tensing under their grip. They moved a hand to his back, rubbing soothing circles across the fabric of his jacket. “They had left the injured deviant behind, a PL600 model. It was hiding in one of the storage units on the roof, but began firing once I had revealed it. There was no way to take it in for questioning, I knew, so I chose to interface with its memories to pinpoint the location of Jericho, when…” Connor finally turned to face the human beside him, a different expression falling over his usually placid features. “The deviant fired on itself while I was still connected, I felt it die- felt it shut down, and it was as if I had shut down.” If he could breathe, it would have certainly been a haphazard hyperventilating, his red LED shuddering.
           (Y/N) could only furrow their brows in concern, opening their arms and pulling the android to their chest, letting his head rest in the crook of their neck as their hands fanned out against his back. They felt his thirium pump beating faster under their fingertips, like a human heart filled with adrenalin, and their suspicions were confirmed when Connor whispered against the fabric of their sweater, “I felt; I was scared.”
           Sympathy bloomed in their heart at his declaration, bringing one hand up to nestle in the dark tresses atop his head, combing through the soft strands as they thought over their response. “It’s okay, Connor- that’s what fear does. I’d say it’s the worse feeling out there- that hopelessness, the bleak sense that nothing will work out- but it’s temporary. Fleeting. It makes all the other aspects- joy, humor, happiness- that much sweeter. You can’t have one without ever having the other- that’s what makes emotions so confusing, and so wonderfully, incredibly frustrating.”
           He could feel a bittersweet smile on their lips as they pressed a tender kiss to his scalp, the massage of their hands over his shoulders easing his joints to relax in his otherwise tense body. The LED on his temple flickered with each calming stroke, the harsh red melting into a cautious yellow before even flashes of blue could be seen for brief moments. (Y/N)’s words echoed in his memory banks, coating the emptiness left from the deviant’s self-destruction in the words flowing from their lips, the reassurances and empathy drifting over him as he allowed his eyes to close. Connor focused only on the sensations around him; their hand in his hair, across the expanse of his back, their lips mumbling into his scalp in a soft, soothing tone. He felt a warmth bloom seemingly from inside of himself, a pleasant tingling that spread with each syllable all the way down to his toes, felt the calm ebbing back into his mind, felt the appreciation and even adoration for the human cradling him-
           Connor jolted upright, his LED reverting once again to a red as his vision flooded with the scarlet hue, ERROR signs blinding him.
           Connor felt.
           Connor wasn’t supposed to feel.
           Startled, (Y/N) looked into Connor’s eyes- a usually golden hue filled with warmth, now a cold and almost fearful brown. “What happened? Did I say something that upset you?”
           He almost couldn’t hear them over the alarms going off in his own system.
           “Nothing should upset me- I shouldn’t be doing this, I can’t- I don’t feel anything.” Connor stumbled over the words, his mind selecting then reselecting what best to say to convince (Y/N)- or was it himself he was trying to convince.
           (Y/N)’s look remained neutral, their eyes scanning him over, “Connor, you know that’s not true. You’re allowed to feel things-“
           “But I’m not. That’s not my intended purpose, that’s not what my programming details me to do.”
           He felt a sharp grip on his hands as (Y/N) narrowed their eyes at him. “No, that’s just what you keep telling yourself.”
           Connor looked almost pleadingly at (Y/N)- though he was certain he was merely emulating the expressions to get the human to see reason, for if he were actually desperate- “I can’t- there’s no way for me to, and I can’t reprogram myself to do so.”
           (Y/N)’s grip moved from Connor’s hands to firmly cup his face, hard enough to keep him looking at them, but gentle enough that he could pull away should he choose to do so; Connor felt a jolt in his thirium pump when he realized he didn’t want to do that. “Connor.” The single word had his whole attention on them, all protests dying at their source. “You are allowed to choose what you want to be.”
           He knew that they had been sympathetic to the deviant cause- voicing approval at his releasing the Eden androids, the amazement at the peaceful front of the deviancy movement- but he hadn’t expected this kindness and acceptance to extend towards himself. Connor felt flawed when he was supposed to be a top of the line prototype, the most advanced android to date, tasked with hunting those who showed signs of deviancy- how was he to react when he felt the virus he was supposed to eradicate taking hold inside of himself?
           “It’s not that easy,” was all he found himself able to utter.
           (Y/N) nodded solemnly, leaning forward to press their forehead against his own. “But not impossible- stop saying your hands are tied, Connor.” They sighed, their breath fanning across Connor’s face, and he couldn’t help but to think that if he tilted his head another 38 degrees, your lips would be upon his own. Why were they so captivating? Lieutenant Anderson had made similar remarks, many of which had affected Connor and his actions, but none quite as much as they had. “We could rewrite the stars if we chose to, but that’s up to you, Connor- what will you choose?”
           Connor didn’t choose anything- he acted.
           Closing the 38 degree gap, his lips found (Y/N)’s.
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its-warm-in-here · 6 years
To Err is Human ch5 (Connor RK800 x Reader)
Sorry! I meant to get this posted yesterday but that didn’t happen. I’m so happy to see that people are enjoying this so far!!
Summary: You are one of the head designers of the RK800 and when you here it’s going to be decommissioned, you make a move to keep at least on of the models in tact. Word Count ~1,600 
You had nothing to do with the designing of the physical appearance of androids. You were more focused on the mechanics and coding of them. You knew how to take one apart and put it back together from the ground up, but you didn't have any hand in what kind of skin or facial structure was applied to the models.
So when Connor stepped out on the blue button down and jeans you couldn't help blushing a bit as he finished buttoning his shirt up. Whoever was in charge of his physical design deserved to be fired, rehired and given a promotion. You cursed yourself for thinking of what was equivalent to a toaster to be attractive. A damn Ken doll.
“Do you like them?” you asked.
Connor thought for a moment, staring at itself in the hall mirror, “They are a nice change from the CyberLife uniform.”
“I was worried they wouldn't fit, but you clean up pretty good when you’re not covered in blood,” you joked and motioned for it to sit next to you.
You crossed your legs on the cushion and stared at it through your fingers, “What am I going to do with you?”
“I would suggest that I stay in doors for the time being, but once we know we have evaded CyberLife, I will be able to resume my mission hunting deviants,” Connor replied a bit to enthusiastically.
You smiled, “You know what a rhetorical question is, right?”
Connor stared straight ahead, his LED turning yellow, “I know.”
The two of you sat in somewhat uncomfortable silence for a bit, you flipping channels and Connor flicking its coin back and forth. You felt your nerves rising and Connor not feeling or not caring about the tension that was building from the silence. With a breath, you asked, “Do you still have the Zen Garden interface installed?”
“Yes, but Amanda and I have not spoken since the android uprising,” it caught the coin vertically between its index and middle finger. “I don’t think she would be pleased about my current situation. It was her after all that informed me about my decommissioning.”
You felt a small shiver run down your spine. Amanda was the most advanced AI that Kamski had designed and it had yet to be topped by anyone from CyberLife and it idea that she was constantly watching you through Connor made the whole having an android in your home thing way more uncomfortable. She had been included in all of the RK series after the 400 and had been the mediator to make sure they stayed on task. So far she had never failed in her task. That was until Connor. She must be positively fuming in that virtual haven.
“Do you think we should keep her installed? I mean, if you ever did get back in the hands of CyberLife, she would ensure your destruction,” you worried at the corner of the couch cushion. And she would probably make sure I was wiped off the face of the map for kidnapping her golden boy.
“I would not be able to delete it without administrator approval from two different sources, but I doubt that there would be many at CyberLife willing to help you.” That was true, but that didn't mean it would be a bad idea to get that bitch out of its head, even if it meant paying someone off.
The awkward silence returned, this time without the television accompaniment. The only noise was the gentle ting ting of Connor's coin between its fingers. You found yourself watching, captivated by the delicate hand movements and the impossibility of the tricks that it preformed.
“You know, you don’t have to stay here because of me,” Connor’s voice broke the silence this time, forcing you to rip your eyes from its hands to its face. “I am able to entertain myself if need be.”
It was true that you had originally planned to run some errands and maybe go out tonight, but then you let this into your home. Not that you didn't think Connor couldn't take care of itself, but the idea of leaving a stranger, human or robot, alone in your house for more than an hour or so was unnerving. If something happened, you would probably be twenty minutes away. Having taken some sort of responsibility for the android didn't help you feel any better about leaving. So insead, you lied, “No, no I was planning on staying in today anyway.” Lying to the detective android, not your best play, but Connor dropped the issue all the same.
The rest of the day passed without a hitch. It mostly consisted of you doing your best to relax, switching from remedial task to remedial task, and trying to ignore the android snooping around your apartment. You almost told it to knock it off, but figured it was better to let it act out its base programming. Who knew when it would get another chance to do so.
When you finally put your book down and made some dinner of leftover mac and cheese, you found Connor sitting across from you at the dining table. He didn't say anything, just stopped looking about and sat down, hands flat in front of him.
You slowly chewed the mouthful of pasta and swallowed even slower, “Am I going to be interrogated?”
“No,” he removed his hands from the table, “I thought you might like some company for your meal.”
You snorted in response, “Most of the time the other person is also eating.”
“Traditionally, but it’s a good thing I’m not a person,” Connor responded, a bit to much snark lacing his voice, “I noticed that you like reading. What books do you like?”
You squinted at him as spoon full of macaroni dropped back into the bowl, “I read a lot of older fantasy stuff. Gaiman, Pratchett and Tolkien.”
Connor’s LED spun for a moment as he did a quick search, “Have you read anything by Marie Phillips? I see that she has a similar style to those authors.”
“No, but I’ll add her to the list,” you smirked as the social program went to work with trying to sort out what you were like. “You should read some of their books, not just look them up.”
“Maybe I will do that; it seems that I will have too much free time in the coming days,” he smiled. But it wasn’t a real smile, more like a programmed response to put someone at ease, stretching his face a bit to far. “Do you have any pets? I didn't see any animal hair around the apartment.”
Your brain did a one eighty as the conversation suddenly jumped topics, forcing you to struggle to find your words, “I did. I had a dog, but this place doesn't allow pets, so my mom has her.”
Connors face instantly lit up, “What’s your dog's name?”
“Cricket. Um, here,” you began flipping through your phone until you found a picture of an overly excited looking corgi with a green bandana tied around her neck and bright pink tongue lolling out. “This is her.” Connor didn't full on smile, but the slight upturn of his lips made your heart warm.
“She looks energetic.”
You took the phone back and put your empty bowl in the sink, “That’s a word for her.”
Connor followed you into the kitchen, “Would you like some help cleaning up?”
“It’s just one bowl.”
“Yes but I am here to help,” it nudged you out of the way.
“Are you bored or something?” none the less, you let it take over.
“No,” it paused, brow furrowed as if you had asked it a deep philosophical question. It seemed lost as it returned to the home it had made on your couch.
“Connor are you okay?” Its LED blinked.
“O-of course. I'm fine.” It shook its head, trying to clear it.
“‘Fine’ and ‘okay’ are different things in my book.” Connor didn't respond, instead curling its fingers into the fabric of its pants. You let off a groan. “Look, I'm not CyberLife, I just work for them.  Right now you’re stuck with me so if you want to talk--”
“Can I ask you a personal question?” it cut you off.
“Um sure, shoot,” you shrugged.
“Why would you help me?” you opened your mouth to reply, “And please don’t dodged the question.” There was a moment of silence as you tried to explain the reason to yourself. You gripped the back of the couch so hard your knuckles started turning white. You nearly jumped when he spoke again, “Are you alright? Your heart rate has increased and I am detecting a rise in adrenaline.” He had turned half around, resting his arm over the back of the couch. Connors hand had found respite on your wrist, fingers resting on your pulse.
You drew your hand back, “I-I’m okay.” Eyes glued to the floor, your chest tightened up, “The truth is... I don’t know why I helped you. I thought that I did it for myself but I don’t know anymore.”
Slowly, you met his brown eyes a look of concern plastered on his perfectly sculpted face. “I didn't mean to cause you any stress. Please forget I said anything.”
You spent the rest of night in your room after that.
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dechartduo · 6 years
Connor Fanfics
Does anyone have any recommendations for a couple of good multi-chapter DBH Connor fanfictions? I'd really appreciate the help!
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oftincturedwords · 2 years
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hello , my name is bayze ! i am twenty-seven years old & a fanfic author on ao3. i sometimes post writing here on tumblr under my writing tag. i reblog lots of gifsets , fanart , & lots of other misc. things i like. usually posts are queued & it's set to post randomly at any time , but i have no queue tag. i at times liveblog things i watch / read.
if you are a mutual & want me to send in an ask meme to your askbox , tag me & i will do it ! i tag everything , so if you ever need me to tag something specifically for whatever reason ( it's triggering to you / don't like something i blog about / tired of seeing / etc. ) , just let me know & i will do it ! if you are a side-blog following from a main blog , please tell me what your side-blog is or else i won't know who to follow.
this blog is multi-fandom !
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ᴍᴀɪɴ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍs : tolkien , hornblower , doctor who , aubreyad , detroit : become human , baldur's gate III , star trek ( tos , tng , aos , voy , ds9 , ent ) , star wars ( prequels , originals , tcw , tbb ) , merlin bbc , the musketeers bbc , good omens , band of brothers , the witcher , tombstone ( 1993 ) , & lots more fandoms in between !
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ғɪxᴀᴛɪᴏɴ⁽ s ⁾ : detroit : become human | baldur's gate III
ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ғᴀᴠᴏᴜʀɪᴛᴇ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀ⁽ s ⁾ : connor , nines , hank , & gavin | astarion , karlach , halsin , gale , shadowheart , wyll , lae'zel , & jaheira !
ᴍʏ ᴏᴄs : clone medic tether ( ct - 30 - 2197 ) , clone cadet snap ( ct - 9913aurek ) , clone cadet carve ( ct - 9911 ) , clone cadet mav ( ct - 9914 ) , clone cadet sliver ( ct - 9915 ) , kingsglaive medic aero , tavren ( bg3 tav character ) , & a whole bunch of others that haven't been inserted into stories.
ᴜɴᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ᴡɪᴘ ʟɪsᴛ : a testament of trust , no quiet find , & etc. untitled wips.
ᴘᴏsᴛᴇᴅ ꮃꮖꮲ ꮮꮖꮪꭲ : owed a hundred times over , delicate operation , ties , dash - two , fighting chance , broken power , bound to happen , pushing through ( tenacity ) , orbiter dicta , grief is yours my friends , & of the north.
never will any of my wips / stories be abandoned or orphaned !
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Writing | Ao3 | Writer | WIP Updates
Do Not Interact
Ask Memes | Answered Asks | Tag Games
Spotify | Kofi
discord is available upon request to mutuals !
messaging system is mutuals only please !
askbox is open to all !
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askbox : open | anon : on | messaging : open to mutuals | requests : see requests page | active wips : 09
(re)reading : the hunger by alma katsuki | writing : mainly bg3 stories & one dbh wip | (re)watching : the musketeers bbc | listening to : I want to live - borislav slavov | (re)playing : detroit : become human & baldur's gate 3
tracking : #userbayze #oftincturedwords
other blog(s) : @rxwords ( multi-muse rp blog ; hiatus )
fic rec(s) :
an'adee. & burcyan. by sanktuhlina !
hypothermic by solcorvidae !
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asset35-maya · 3 years
Short series written as part of the DBH LATE SUMMER PROMPT CHALLENGE
[Part 5/7: 4TH OF JULY]
(Read Parts 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 first!)
“What the…”
“Good grief! When did this happen?”
“You owe me fifty bucks, Captain! Told you this was coming!”
“And you owe me that hamburger, Nines. Hurry up and flip that patty!”
“So that’s the hottest patrol chick officially off the market, huh?”
“Gavin, did you know? No? Wow…”
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Murmurs and exclamations of surprise filled the air in Hank’s backyard. Most of it was coming from the group that was supposedly manning the barbecue… but actually ogling the couple sitting intertwined on the porch.
“That’s disgusting. Is he analyzing the inside of her mouth or what?”
Sixty’s eyes were fixed distastefully on Connor and Tina’s embrace. He slapped a hotdog into a bun and squirted mustard onto it with uncalibrated force. Some of it ended up on Nines’ shirt and a small argument broke out. Gavin casually inserted himself in between the bickering brothers.
“What’s got you so salty?”
“Why the hell would I be salty, Reed?”
“You’re jealous. Cause no one wants your damaged ass.”
“For fuck’s sake, the crack on my forehead is only superficial!”
“That’s the part of the statement you take objection to?”
“I take objection to you even talking to me.” 
“Don’t deflect, jelly bean.”
Sixty slammed his metal tongs on the grill and turned away fuming. Nines tsked at the outburst and retreated inside the house, presumably to go change his mustard-stained shirt. The rest of the little crowd also hastily dispersed from the cooking station with their food and drinks in hand. 
Hank and Fowler glanced over with concern from where they stood chatting with Captain Allen. Gavin waved a dismissive hand and their superior officers returned to their conversation. Hank’s eyes lingered cautiously on his most volatile and unpredictable son... as well as his formerly volatile and equally unpredictable son-in-law.
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“Seriously, Six. What is going on with you?”
“You always look like someone pissed in your cereal… er thirium… but you’ve been angsty as hell recently.”
“Work’s been a bitch.”
“That excuse doesn’t fly in this backyard. We all have the same job. Spill, Six. Tell me what’s wrong.”
In the absence of others, Sixty looked for a moment like he was considering saying something. Then his LED ran through a series of yellow flashes, and he shook his head moodily, eyes fixed somewhere in the distance. Gavin sighed. 
“Look man... I’m the last person who’s gonna judge you for whatever-” 
“Reed, I’m going to tell you only once. Drop it if you know what’s good for you.”
“You don’t scare me, idiot. I’ve been through the same shitty angst spiral a hundred times before your plastic ass was even assembled. And let me tell you literally none of it was worth it. You’re not intimidating anyone. All you’re doing is shouting your insecurities from the rooftops... and being a pain in the ass. Your friends and family don’t deserve that shit. Grow the phck up.” 
“Are you done? Pass me the oil spray. All that chatter and the meat’s started sticking to the fucking grill.” 
“Here. And no, I’m not done, Six. Seriously. I think you should go do something about... whatever’s bothering you... before you implode like a nuclear reactor and ruin our Fourth of July barbecue.” 
Sixty snatched the can of oil spray and pressed hard on the nozzle in anger. The liberal amount of liquid ignited and created a fireball. Gasps of shock sounded through the backyard and Gavin slammed the lid of the grill down to stifle it. He gestured at it with mock wonder. 
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“See what I mean.”
Sixty dropped the tongs and shook his head, looking skyward.
“I do... but there’s nothing I can do.” 
“How do you know that?” 
“I ran twelve hundred preconstructions with a ninety-eight percent failure rate.”
“Ah-hah! So there is something you want!”
“That doesn’t mean anything. Everyone has desires. Even the most godforsaken creatures.” 
“Uh-huh... and here I thought I married the most dramatic brother... Look Sixty, I don’t mean to give free advice, but desires will remain only as they are until you act upon them. And if they’re not meant to be, you’ll move onto the next... desire... and the chance for it to materialize. Please don’t get stuck in your own head. You should just... try.” 
The dark brown eyes had softened. Barring the gashes on his forehead, Sixty suddenly bore a strong resemblance to his fellow RK800. Against his will, shreds of optimism had crept into the android’s expression. 
“Try what?”
“Telling him how you feel.” 
Sixty’s eyes widened in shock. Gavin clasped his forearm.
“It’s okay to be scared. I nearly passed out trying to ask your brother to dance at that Christmas party. Stuttered and spilled my drink and embarrassed myself beyond all hope, but he thought it was cute.” 
“He’s my boss...” 
“And Nines is my boss’s son! Come on, Six. Don’t make excuses. Life’s too short for that shit. Just tell him.” 
“Tell who what?” 
Allen was standing in front of them. A slight smile played on his simple features.
"The fireworks are about to start. You guys should turn down the grill for a bit and come watch.” 
“Yeah, I’ll go get Nines. He’s probably still stressing over which shirt to put on.”
Gavin lowered the flame and flipped open the machine. He flung the charred meat onto a plate and clapped Sixty firmly on the shoulder before leaving. Allen nodded genially at him before turning back to face his SWAT teammate. 
“Shall we?” 
“Grab a spot? I think all the good ones are taken though. The young guns are on the street and the vets have all cornered the porch.” 
“Where does that leave us?” 
Allen smiled wider, his cheeks creasing in well-formed lines. He glanced upwards.
“Where are we usually?” 
Sixty followed his line of sight to the roof.
“Lead the way, Cap.”
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aurora-nerin · 4 years
In defense of RK1K, or why Connor/Markus
I’ve heard from people a lot that RK1K (Connor/Markus) is: A) boring B) Not logical based on canon. I do kinda understand what they mean (don’t unfollow me lmao), even though people that stan our RKs (myself included) tend to get defensive over it.
So let me explain where RK1K stands for me and why it’s good.
I will also be comparing them to HankCon and Reed900 a lot, mostly because those are the most popular ships in the fandom.
When I first played DBH, I didn’t end up shipping anyone, I didn’t see potential of that anywhere. When I replayed it tho, I fell for Markus/Connor hard. That alone is proof enough that you have to really look to see why RK1K.
They are both protagonists (or, maybe Connor could be considered an antagonist or a wild card, depends on how you play) and, therefore, very well flashed out characters. They both go through a lot of trauma, near death experiences, they both know what it’s like to have a lot on your shoulders, to be the only one who can do the thing or else lots of people will suffer. They both have to make difficult choices. They’re both prototypes and their lives are different from other Androids’ They both have to make sacrifices. They both experience survivor’s guilt, they’re both suicidal, lonely and anxious. they’re both protective, both have leadership potential, unique skillset, neither hate humans (as some other Androids do). They both have human family and father figures. They’re both introverts.
But they are different in lots of ways that compliment each-other: Markus is more emotional intelligence driven and Connor is more analytical, Markus is artistic and Connor is logical. There’s a lot they could teach and learn from each-other, which is always great. 
Now, as to why they are boring as people say: they’re not problematic in a way some people like their ships to be. Aside from enemies factor, which could easily be solved, they would not have major communication issues or other disagreements, like HankCon or Reed900: which, mostly comes from them both being Androids. They would understand each-other well. They could resolve most their issues through interfacing and just reading each-other’s feelings. If one of them was injured, the other would know what to do. If one is experiencing panic attack or something, the other would know how to handle it and would notice it. That does take away some of the suspense, but only if miscommunication is the only thing you can think of to make something interesting. Same as for understanding why RK1K has potential, understanding how they could still be interesting takes some work. You would not have to pull angst potential out of your ass for sure, but the issues aren’t that obvious if you don’t look close: lots of people see Markus as this perfect Godlike character that understands everything, has no issues and is a deus-ex-mahina of sorts, which I absolutely disagree with: Markus has issues. Like so many. He would definitely have anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, impostor syndrome. He could get irrationally angry over things, he would be hiding his true feelings most of the time.
Now, from Connor’s side, there’s him feeling like he doesn’t belong with Androids, that all Androids hate him for what he was before, that Markus is too good for him, that he is a danger to Markus and everyone else. That he’s still a machine, that he’s not good with feelings. etc. etc.
So, if you’re looking for issues to make it interesting, there’s LOTS of them.
Now, another point where I think people see RK1K as sorta boring, is the kind of relationship they would have (and do have in most fanfics): soft and loving one. They’re not bickering at each-other, one of them doesnt have to be a nanny and life support for another (lookin at ya, reed900 and hankcon). There’s no imbalance of power in this ship. I understand some people like to have a self-insert disaster human character in their ship (Gavin in reed900 for example) and I like that too, in some cases, but two well developed characters that arent YOU is good as well. If that’s not what you like, its not what you like, that’s fine, but, if you can’t understand a couple unless one of them is you, that’s on you honey. 
So, basically, if you don’t like a well-adjusted couple, that would not ruin their own relationship, you need to reconsider your views on what a healthy relationship looks like.
In conclusion, if your definition of ‘’boring’’ is a mature, healthy relationship between two individuals who compliment and understand each-other, I’m sorry but... Grow up.
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clownkillsyou · 3 years
so i have that browser extension that lets you change y/n to be your actual name, right? it has a feature where you can put replace anything, not just y/n, so I had it replace "Hank" to my name bc Im a dirty DBH fan and there's no good self insert fics with connor, so I'd just read hankcon with my name in Hank's place. i forgot i had it on so when i went to the madness combat wiki i thought i was having a stroke, and it didnt help that when i tried to google "hank madness combat" all the search results would automatically turn into my name. i am not a smart person.
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samswinchesters · 4 years
a lot of white women in dbh fandom either fetishize white gay men. or sometimes they write these tone deaf self insert fics. usually depicting a white human lady who feels sorry for androids, showing how 'woke' she is by quoting mlk or nelson mandela or some other black person. it's like some of these people don't get how offensive it was for david cage to exploit the struggles of black people and they don't care either. they just want to fuck the white cop robot.
a lot of the fandom keep forgetting that their foundation is build on david cage’s exploitation of black people’s trauma, jewish people’s trauma, and profits off history that isn’t for him to tell. whenever a white person thinks they’re saying something by creating stories and films where “imaginary” characters are substitutes for marginalized people (ex. netflix’s “bright” and amazon prime’s “carnival row”). fairies, elves, and orcs go through a type of discrimination that is a lot like racism because of who they are, how they look, and how they are perceived as “other”. this is just a way for white people to digest the meaning of racism but it’s also incredibly harmful because it gives the perception that this doesn’t happen at all today when in reality, it is...and people are dying because of it. gosh not to get emotional but i was rewatching some of dbh because there was a mod for it and just...the way that this game is echoing a lot of what’s happening right now is just...it’s horrible! how can y’all demonize a violent revolution?? how dare a white person think that violence isn’t the answer when there is literal violence coming from the opposing side. then there’s the whole fucking fist symbol, the “i can’t breathe” shit, the “we have a dream”, the “hands up, don’t shoot”...literally getting sick thinking about how the game got away with so much shit and no one batted a fucking eyelash.
seriously, you really did capture this whole fandom in a nutshell. it’s incredibly frustrating when at the end of the day, the only thing the fandom walks away with from playing/watching the game is that connor is hot, nothing else. everyone’s attention is only drawn to connor’s storyline where they only care about him and the characters within his little world. it’s mainly white people (specifically white women) who are out here drooling over hankcon and reed900 as if gay men are some sort of sideshow attraction and say that they care about gay people when they don’t. even with rk1k, the ship between markus and connor, there are some works and fanart that depict a lot of racial stereotypes of markus and that shit ain’t right. people make fanfiction for stale side white characters and for what purpose? why can’t y’all think of headcanons for josh, a history university lecturer who definitely knows that history is repeating itself. what about rose and her son adam? why can’t y’all expand on her story and actually explore why she got into helping androids the that she does? and above all, why don’t y’all white stannies DESPISE markus? he is the literal at the center of dbh, this is his story...how are y’all just gonna brush him aside because you think he’s “boring”? this is not only the fault of DC but also the entire fandom. i have seen fandom literally create a character’s whole ass backstory, complete with fears and wants and dreams, for a side character that doesn’t fucking matter. trust if gavin was actually a man of color, he would be hated and cancelled. if hank was a man of color, he wouldn’t be forgiven for his past prejudices. hell, if connor was a man of color, y’all would NOT be this way with him...that’s on racism.
i did wanted to make this a separate paragraph because as a lot of y’all know, i used (maybe still..who knows) to write for dbh and i have seen firsthand the type of fics you described. the reader is either described as having the same prejudice as hank towards androids or the reader thinks “androids rights!” but it’s so base level activism and fake woke. like come on, girly, i don’t give a shit if you educated yourself by reading things, now what are you gonna do with the knowledge? how are you going to help this population? have you checked your own biases? then...that kinda gets to another thing where it drives me bananas thinking that white authors will write the reader as not having any sympathy towards androids...like what about us people of color who hurt alongside with them? who know what it’s like? it’s so vile to think that an author could write a reader to be so uncaring...it comes from a privileged place and that’s why i literally hate the self-insert dbh fandom. there is no representation whatsoever and whenever something is marketed as “neutral”, it never really is if the reader doesn’t care about androids. if the reader is actually written as neutral and to be “woke”, it’s a big ole bruh moment when they be like “why can’t we all get along :(” like fuck off!! we can’t get along because we still got a fucking police state, racist people in the streets, and the literal production of servants of color WHO STAND AT THE BACK OF THE BUS!! what is the reader doing about it? what are their biases? what are their privileges, if any? that’s why there’s not a single reader insert that is truly “neutral” because we know racism hasn’t been eradicated in the year 2038 (despite what rose said y’all KNOW that shit is deeply rooted and if the same establishments are still in place in detroit, we know racism hasn’t left) so we know that there will still be discrimination towards people of color. we can’t have neutral readers when writing in the dbh universe because that shit goes hand in hand. people of color, more so women of color, are gonna be far more sympathetic/empathetic towards androids and their cause than white people because they see a lot of themselves in them.
that’s why i tried to write for latinx readers while i was actively in the dbh fandom as a way to get the fandom into diversifying the reader. i have been incredibly vocal on my writing blog about these issues and though i was overwhelmed with love, support, and praise, i still wasn’t seeing the change the fandom promised to do. i was still seeing the same white reader being advertised as “neutral” ...and it hurt. neutral readers can’t provide the much needed nuances to discuss racism and discrimination about androids (since they symbolize black people/people of color do not argue this) because there needs to be a deeper understanding. yes, i have some privileges where i haven’t experienced half the shit others have experienced and i am not the spokesperson for people of color everywhere but i just know that we can no longer write neutral readers anymore when it comes to shit like this. it’s like when y’all right for 1940s!bucky barnes, you know damn well a woman of color would NOT be treated fairly during that time. that’s the nuance. you must be able to have the room to talk about it because then the work of fiction caters to white women. out of sight, out of mine and they go back to fucking connor. honestly, clown behavior.
no more “being hank’s daughter”, “gavin reed’s sister”, “reader that doesn’t care about androids/doesn’t believe in rights for androids” and other bullshit like that. society has progressed past being associated with white people!! fuck that shit xx
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fanaticwritings · 6 years
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pairing: connor x reader
word count: 510 (yup it's short})
warnings: implied smut
a/n: this is for @writinginstability's 1k writing challenge! my prompt was Light. I wanted to write something poetic and fluffy and wellll, I tried. I hope you enjoy it!!
If there's one thing about his deviancy that Connor loves, it's how much it thrills him to watch light dance around you.
He adores the moonlight reflecting in your irises when you are standing at the window of your now shared apartment.  He can't ever seem to stop losing himself in them- and he doesn't understand why it is so fascinating, but then again, he doesn't need to. Doesn't want to.
Somethings, he has learned, just are.
He loves the way the amber light of the bedside lamp casts long shadows over your features; the way the light glints off your skin that is beaded with sweat, as his mouth unravels you. He loves how fast it makes his thirium pump- no, heart- beat and he understands, finally, what it is like to feel high and drunk.
He watches placidly, the way the seeping sunlight falls over your eyes, stirring you from your deep slumber. As you rise and stretch, bathed in the golden light, a smile tugs at your lips when you notice him through your sleepy eyes. He smiles back fondly as you turn to him, the sunlight now shaping itself as your aura, curving and wrapping itself around you.
He is entranced.
Light doesn't seem to obey the laws of physics around you at all.
Watching you from the bar as you spin dizzily, he notices again how the reflection of the disco ball and disarray of neon lights paint you in colors he cannot even name. It twists the wires in his brain but it's a welcome feeling.
When you are strolling with him in the woods at night, starlight bathing the green leaves silver, he can't help but be in awe of the way your eyes seem to mirror the twinkling stars. No amount of the enveloping blackness seems to dim your glow.
He doesn't hate darkness, though. No. Even if it greatly troubles him. In the dark, when he holds you as you weep into his chest, he knows why there must, at times, be an absence of light.
He is watching you now, as you sit on the couch, legs tucked underneath, one of your favorite books in hand. Your eyes are shining, really shining. They flick up to him and he attempts to look away, but it's too late.
"What is it?" you ask, and Connor knows that you will not give up until he complies.
"I love you," he confesses, softly. The words feel so familiar now, he doesn't even have to process them before they come tumbling out.
Three words. They are three, simple words and the light that's burning in your eyes as you look at him, makes him want to say them again and again.
And so he does.
Connor loves the way light bends around you, yes.
But, more importantly, he loves the light that you yourself seem to radiate. The light that is in your smile, the curve of your lips and your crinkling eyes.
His light.
His beacon.
His home.
Buy me a coffee? || Masterlist
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