#dbh fanfic blog
shhtickerbook · 3 months
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Thank you all for 1000+ followers! I thought to make this an opportunity to announce something exciting! A lot of you may know my original Detroit become human agere fic “honest comfort” it was what started everything off with me in this community, and although I’m technically not continuing that specific fic. I’m starting a brand new agere fic of the same premise.
A little too much
In ways it’s a retelling or ewrite of honest comfort, I may borrow old plot points and the characters will be the same. But I’ve got that spark for writing again! It’s mad to think I started that fic back in 2018! I know it brought a lot of people comfort to read, so consider this a thank you!!
Chapter one will be up tomorrow or linked below :)
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honey-beann · 8 months
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 X Reader)
Chapter 10: An Uneasy Aftermath - The Reality of Ruin
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 6,904
Chapter Synopsis:
The third (and final) part of a multiple part special in which Reader and Nines struggle to manage their concern for one another now that their respective injuries have forced them both to realize how destructible the other truly is.
This chapter includes an uneasy partnership, a gruesome discovery, some more internal struggling, a chase, what jealousy hath wrought, and of course, a slow but sure ruin, particularly where Nines is concerned.
AKA - Reader and Nines are accompanied by Connor to the home of their suspect, where tensions rise to a crescendo for far more reasons than one.
Warning: This chapter touches on some pretty dark themes such as death, violence, isolation, obsession, necrophilia, and potentially more that I've neglected to recall. Please be wary of these facts before choosing to read this chapter.
The car ride over to the Schryfeld residence was... interesting.
Of course, you hadn't expected it to go smoothly, not after the way that Nines had reacted to the news that Connor would be joining the two of you on your little excursion, but still, the tension was so thick that you wondered briefly if you could choke on it.
And it certainly didn't help that Connor was driving.
And maybe that had been a mistake on your part, to hand the older android the keys to your car when he asked if he could drive, but truly you hadn't meant anything by it...
You just wished that Nines could even begin to see things that way.
Instead, he was sitting in the passenger seat of your sedan, completely silent, stock still, and facing forward without any sign of responding to the honestly quite pitiful attempts at conversation that you were making from the backseat, which you had resigned yourself to for fear of frustrating Nines further by asking him to sit in the back.
"So what exactly are we looking for here?"
You asked hesitantly, watching as Connor's familiar brown eyes met yours in the rear view mirror, briefly casting a glimpse in your partner's direction before they moved back to yours for a moment, looking a little bit too sympathetic for your liking.
Was it that obvious that Nines was upset with you?
Was it that obvious that you cared?
The rk800 sitting to the slight left of you gave the android beside him a few seconds of pregnant silence to respond to you, as if hoping silently that he might, before finally he responded before the situation could begin to feel even more awkward than it already did.
"Well, hopefully Mrs. Schryfeld might have some idea of where her android is, and if not, we can at least ask if we can check her apartment to see if there's any additional evidence that might prove useful to the case."
You nodded softly,
"Right. Do you think she knows about Harry yet?"
You asked absentmindedly, not noticing the way that Connor's gaze fell toward you again, watching for a few seconds as you watched Nines for any reaction to your words, eyes scanning the side of his face from where you sat in the middle of the backseat.
If he noticed though, he certainly didn't show it.
Connor responded again,
"I'm not sure, it's hard to say since it seems that 900 was the first to perform a scan through CyberLife's databases, as I'm sure no one thought an owner would be relevant due to the android's legal freedoms."
You sighed softly at that, turning your head to look out the window to the right of you,
"So we could very well be showing up there with the bad news that one of her androids attempted to murder the other one."
You said matter of factly, looking out at the slowly fading sun that sat on the horizon.
There would be another hour or two of sunlight before it set for the evening, but you hoped that you'd be finished long before then.
Nines' attitude was making it more than a little bit hard to concentrate, and more than a small part of you wished silently that you could be done for the day.
This wasn't the first time that the android had acted cold toward you, far from it in fact, but after everything that had happened recently, it hit especially hard.
How was this fair?
He had been shot earlier that day, had lost enough blue blood to stain most of your clothing and haunt your memory, and yet here was Nines, more upset over his predecessor having control of your vehicle than he'd been about his injury.
Of course though, that wasn't really it, you just didn't know it.
For Nines, this was something personal, a form of evidence that you didn't trust him, or at least that you trusted Connor more.
This was proof, in his mind at least, that because of his injury, you felt that he was less capable of doing his job, or even successfully helping you to do yours.
"Hank says we can go, but he wants me to take both of you."
Was what you'd so casually said upon approach to where he and Connor had been waiting so tensely for your return.
Your eyes had been cast downward when you'd said it, body language stiff, so clearly expecting an argument that Nines just didn't give beyond a simple,
"That won't be necessary."
Because when you'd countered with the fact that Hank's words had been an order rather than some concerned suggestion, he hadn't bothered to say a word in response.
How many of his superiors or coworkers believed that he would be unable to protect you now that he'd been injured? That he would allow you to come to harm again?
On some level, it enraged him, the idea that he could ever fail so pitifully in the manner that they were silently suggesting with their concerns, but on another, is just scared him, more so than he would ever be willing to admit, even to himself.
He knew that he was superior to his predecessor, had been built solely for that purpose, so why was there this gnawing dread building deep within him that he somehow had to prove that to you? To everyone?
Why was there this sinking feeling that he might be wrong?
His mind was lost in these thoughts even as you spoke, his processors barely registering your voice through the din of his inner monologue, which pestered him ceaselessly about what any of this meant.
And meanwhile, you felt concern and frustration muddle together within you, angry with your partner for acting so childishly that he would ignore you, and worried about what could possibly be causing him to do so.
Was he really so upset over something as simple as a short drive? Was that all that it took to derail your usually rather efficient dynamic?
Rather than allow yourself to consider such thoughts to a detrimental extent, you simply sighed, turning your head to look out the window to the left of you as Connor slowed down your car before parking it alongside the curb.
Outside there were several buildings, but the one you were stopped in front of was tall and white, with sketchily built fire escape style stairs that went up to the highest apartment, which, based upon your luck alone, you were almost certain was where you would be going.
From where he sat to the slight left of you, Connor turned around, gently pulling your car key from the ignition before holding it and the rest of your keys out to you politely.
You offered him some fragment of a smile, one weighed down by stress and weariness, before you accepted them, hooking them onto the belt loop of your jeans just as you'd done upon your arrival at the previous scene about an hour prior as you stepped out of the car, taking inventory of your surroundings the way you'd been trained to.
From behind, you could hear Nines getting out as well, his door closing with a dull thud before his quiet footsteps made their way around the car and up onto the sidewalk where you and Connor now stood, gazing up at the clearly not up to code apartments in front of you.
"How much do you two wanna bet that she lives all the way up there?"
You asked, a twinge of annoyance evident in your tone as you realized how inconvenient of a trip this was quickly turning out to be.
Sure, this was your job and all, but you had been rather thoroughly traumatized literally hours prior, did you not deserve a bit of a break?
You made a mental note to thank Nines for his absurd insistence to work this case via some less than friendly words later that evening before turning to see your partners' reactions.
Nines continued to look straight ahead, not yet reacting to your words, while Connor offered an apologetic smile that told you all that you needed to know about the answer to your question.
And then finally, your partner spoke up.
"Her car is here."
He stated matter of factly, and immediately Connor nodded,
"It is. It's a good sign of her being home."
You raised a brow at that, but simply nodded rather than bothering to ask where they'd learned what kind of car this woman drove.
Nines hummed before taking a step forward, opening the swinging door to the chain link fence that surrounded the property,
"Agreed. We should go up now so she doesn't have the opportunity to see us staring and become hesitant to answer the door."
And with that, he was off, making his way toward the stairs that led all the way up to the shoddily maintained third floor apartment, not bothering to take a look back to either of you as he did so.
You watched for a few seconds, shocked at his sudden action, before sighing and moving forward yourself, Connor not far behind after having clearly waited for you to go before he did.
There were over twenty weak feeling and creaky metal steps up to the unlatched screen door of the Schryfeld apartment, and with each one you had to hold back a wince.
The sound felt so much louder in the persistent silence of the evening air, the sounds of distant car horns and the occasional bird caw all that you had to distract yourself from the harsh noise of old metal bearing the weight of two androids and a fully grown adult woman.
Briefly, you were reminded of earlier that morning, when your hands had wrapped around the old and slightly rusted metal of the ladder that Nines had lifted you up on to, his hands firm on your hips and his mocking chuckles the only sound filling your ears all the while.
But then you remembered where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing, and snapped yourself out of it, cheeks tinged a light pink that you hoped you could blame on nerves or the slightly chilly autumn air.
Upon reaching the top of the stairs, waiting just off of the staircase where Nines stood, you watched as he opened the screen door to knock on the sturdy wooden one that was just inside of it, his fists hitting strong enough that you were certain it could not have been missed by any hearing person.
But still, as if wanting to be sure to catch the attention of whoever could be waiting inside, the android called out loudly, his voice deep and his tone stern in a way that you knew he tended to reserve for those he wished to assert his authority to.
"Detroit PD!"
He called out, his vocal volume just beneath that of a shout as he waited silently for a response, fist poised to knock again should he not receive the answer that he was looking for.
You almost felt bad for the woman inside while watching him, seeing in his body language how unlikely it was that he would give up on speaking to the residents of this household.
He had seen Maria's car, and now that he knew there was a high likelihood that she was home, it appeared that he was on a mission to get her to answer the door.
You could see the determination in his eyes and the stiffness of his posture, and, slightly concerned that he might blow a fuse or something, you stepped forward, noting with slight surprise as you did so that even through the curtain that covered the window that looked inside, you could tell that multiple lights were on, brightly illuminating the indoors and making you suspect further that someone was home.
You glanced toward your partner, motioning backward in a silent request for him to let you give it a try. After all, it wouldn't have been the first time that a woman answered the door upon realizing that your male partner hadn't come alone.
With a sigh, the android relented, stepping back to where you had stood as you knocked gently on the door, listening closely for any movement inside as you did so.
"Hello, is anybody home? We're with the Detroit Police ACU!"
You called out in hopes of your voice carrying through the thick wooden door in front of you, your ears still searching for any sound from within the apartment.
After a few seconds of once again getting nothing in response, you turned toward your partners, raising a brow in their direction.
"So are we just supposed to leave?"
You asked, tone mildly exasperated as the two androids made brief eye contact with one another, clearly wondering themselves what the next best course of action was.
Typically, you needed a warrant to search a house unless you had probable cause or concern for someone within, but that could take quite some time, and if you didn't talk to someone soon this android could completely skip town.
If you wanted answers that could actually help, it was now or never, and that was becoming increasingly clear as you further considered the situation.
So, you took matters into your own hands before either android could pipe up with the logical answer to your query.
"Did you guys hear that?"
You asked, tilting your head toward the apartment as they both regarded you with curiosity, though Nines had a faint spark to his eye that let you know he had likely already caught on with what you were doing.
Connor, on the other hand, was quick to shake his head,
"My apologies, Detective, but what exactly are you-"
"You don't hear that, 800?"
Nines asked, his tone slightly mocking as he too gestured toward the apartment,
"I think someone might be requesting our assistance from within."
He turned to face you once more, that spark now much brighter and his expression notably amused,
"Is that what you're referring to, Detective?"
You nodded, looking to Connor to see his response.
It appeared that he too had now caught on, and, after a few seconds of obvious surprise over your choice of tactic, he slowly gave a nod,
"Now that you mention it 900, I think I can hear that too."
He looked back to you now, a look to his eye that you hadn't seen since his first interrogation of a suspect now present,
"And we would be remiss if we did not check the premises."
You held back a laugh at the two androids' feigned concern, rolling your eyes slightly before you took a deep breath and steeled your resolve.
"Alright Ma'am, just hold on, we're coming in!"
You called out as if you were assuring someone requesting your help from inside before you squared your shoulders, braced yourself using the door frame, and kicked at the metal of the inner door knob.
At your first kick, it shuddered,
On the second, it shook,
On the third, it buckled,
And then finally, on the fourth, it broke, the latch separating as the lock succumbed to your persistence.
The door swung open.
You smirked proudly, turning slightly to brag at your partners when you felt Nines push past you, clearly hoping to move in before you could hope to go first.
Eyes widening with a slight panic, you grabbed quickly at his wrist, not even bothering to argue with him and looking to Connor instead, your gaze so pleading that it seemed he knew what you wanted almost instantly.
He regarded the two of you for a moment, as if surveying the situation, before he finally nodded, moving to step around and inside of the apartment as you sighed out of relief.
Once he was firmly in front of the two of you, you hesitantly let go of your partners wrist, hearing him let out a frustrated growl beneath his breath as he regarded his predecessor with a glare that would have sent almost anyone else packing immediately.
Of course, if Connor had even noticed it, he didn't react in the slightest, instead gazing around the pristine living room in front of him with keen interest.
Seemingly realizing that he had very little hope of getting anywhere, the android directly in front of you let out a scoff before moving to stand behind you instead, clearly unhappy with the idea of you being first or last in line while you all worked to search the house.
You opened your mouth to protest this, already fed up with him acting as if you needed protecting when he was the one who had gotten injured so recently, when suddenly an immensely distinct smell hit you, and you closed your mouth instantly, smacking a hand over it to keep yourself from gagging aloud.
Sure, the house was clean, but even so, there was obviously something very wrong here,
Because it smelled so strongly of death that it was impossible to ignore.
The scent stung your nose and eyes, causing them to water with the intensity of it as you groaned slightly into your hand, moving to lean back against the wall only to find Nines there instead, your head meeting his firm shoulder as you struggled not to lose your lunch.
Sure, you had smelled dead bodies before, long dead ones in fact, but there had been no preparation for this, no warning, and the smell was completely permeating the entirety of this apartment, a distant buzzing of flies serving as yet another reminder of how disgusting the scent was.
Distantly, you could make out Connor asking if you needed to go outside, and you wondered for a moment if you were about to pass out from the overwhelming sensory shock of it all when suddenly the smell dissipated significantly.
As did your ability to breathe.
You barely held in a gasp and your eyes flew open at the sensation of something working to halt most of the air flow through your nostrils, though you calmed down almost instantly when you reached up and realized what was there.
It was a nose pin, one that a few of the mortuary assistants and detectives that you knew would use at the scene of some of the older or more grisly murders that you investigated.
You moved to turn around, suddenly very curious to know where Nines, who had undoubtedly equipped you with such an item, had acquired it, only to freeze for a moment as a fingertip swiped across the area just above your upper lip, causing the sweet scent of vanilla to flood what little sense of smell you still had left via your primarily closed off nostrils.
You spun around after a few seconds of surprise, and watched in shock as your partner capped a small bottle of pure vanilla extract and placed it into his coat pocket, his eyebrow raised in your direction.
He asked, his tone slightly condescending in the manner you had grown so accustomed to as you sputtered in an attempt to get out a response.
Though eventually, you settled on just staring in pure shock before he rolled his eyes and placed his hands upon your shoulders, turning you back around to face Connor with a chuckle so quiet that you were only just able to make it out around the din of flies that was coming from the other room.
How all of you had managed to miss that god awful noise until entering the apartment you had no idea, but rather than taking the time to stop and ask questions, you simply motioned for Connor to keep moving, offering him a brief thumbs up when he hesitated to do so that finally got him to step slowly and quietly closer to the mid-length hallway, which you could tell from the sound of the flies alone harbored the room with the body in it.
As the three of you slowly inspected the surrounding areas, checking each passing room as you descended down the eerily dark hallway, you heard Nines unholster his gun, and watched as Connor did the same shortly thereafter, though you notably did not remove the one Nines had given you earlier that morning from where it sat upon your hip.
After all that had happened recently, you were less than certain you could force yourself to make a clear shot, even if you wanted to.
And while you were sure that Nines noticed the way that your fingers had briefly made their way just under your shirt to feel at the slightly cool metal of the weapon you had borrowed from him before moving away shakily, he didn't say a thing about it, and for that, you found yourself grateful.
Connor led the way down the long dark hall, gun in hand as he scanned the area for any potential threats while you all made your way from one door to the next, until finally, upon reaching the third one down, the sound of buzzing flies had grown so strong that it almost made you gag again.
Whatever had died here, it had almost certainly been dead for a long time now.
Soundlessly, Connor motioned toward the door with his head, and you nodded your approval immediately, getting into position behind him to ensure that you would see any threats that may exist beyond that door. Meanwhile, Nines took up the safest position of the rear, though you were notably unhappy about the fact that he had no one to cover him for the moment.
You were just starting to think about how you might be able to remedy that fact when Connor pushed the door open, allowing it to swing inward with a high pitched and ominous squeal that made you hold your breath in spite of yourself.
But what was inside had you forgetting about that squeak immediately.
Because lying slumped against the wall, surrounded by buzzing flies and squirming, plump maggots, was Maria Schryfeld.
She was covered in her own blood and some slightly blue tinted opalescent fluid, and her eyes were open and rolled back into her head, although they were decomposing to the point that you wondered briefly if you could even call them eyes at all anymore.
In addition to this, her mouth was opened in an absolutely horrific looking mockery of a scream, that same blue fluid dripping from the edges of her mouth, and her jaw had clearly been broken in some form or another based on the way that it was hanging.
You were all but frozen in place as you stared at the corpse, instantly overcome with just how horrific a condition that it was in, as well as the fact that this was the very woman that you had all come here to question.
You swallowed thickly, straightening your posture a bit as Nines stepped into the room and walked swiftly past you, kneeling beside the body and inspecting some of her wounds without a word.
Meanwhile, Connor moved in as well, leaning down to sample the blue fluid present on the body without a word.
You watched as he gathered it onto his fingers, pressing it against his tongue gently as his LED spun yellow while he processed the data that he was receiving.
You watched in slight revulsion despite how many times you had seen this by now, and glanced around the room briefly in search of potential clues for how this woman may have died until Connor spoke up quietly, the sound of his voice instantly capturing your attention as you turned toward him.
"The substance found at the corners of the victim's mouth is android ejaculate. This sample is particularly fresh, but multiple other sources of it are older, some even having likely come from the android model that was interviewed earlier."
You replied immediately, confusion and horror coloring your tone as you spoke,
"Then does that mean that-"
You were cut off by the sudden sound of something violently crashing against glass from the living room you had seen around the location of the front door, and the three of you were quick to exit into the hallway and watch as an AP700 model android, looking more than just a little bit injured, got up from where he had apparently hit a few antique collectables that had been sitting upon a shelf on display before he jumped out the window, eyes wild with both fear and what almost appeared to be hunger.
You turned, about to ask Connor to give chase when both he and Nines burst past you, almost knocking you off balance as they chased the android out the window and onto the roof of the apartment below, much to your horror.
You cursed aloud, chasing after them to the best of your ability (though you were notably slower) as you prayed that Nines wouldn't overwhelm his systems and break one of his temporary parts.
You radioed in your location to Hank as you gave chase, ensuring that he planned to send appropriate services to the scene before you hung up via your ear piece, cursing again as you made a huge leap from one roof to another before you slid down a fire escape in an effort to remain as close as possible to the chase, which had moved to the ground during your brief conversation with your superior.
The AP700 was incredibly fast, far too much so for you to ever even hope to keep up with on your own, but unfortunately for it, that was not the case for Connor, and even less so for Nines, who had managed to grow incredibly hot on the perpetrators tail, his long legs and impressive speed keeping up with the other android easily.
You wanted to call out to Connor, to beg him not to let Nines tackle that android down and hurt himself further, but found that you were so out of breath from the running and the adrenaline in your system that you were struggling to keep moving as it was, and if you started screaming, you weren't so sure you would be able to remain conscious afterward.
And well, as it turned out, it wouldn't have mattered if you'd called out to the rk800 in question anyway.
You watched on in absolute horror as Nines leapt at the android in question, tackling him to the ground with a heavy thud.
You halted all movement for several moments, panting and gasping for breath as you stared on in shock, before finally you forced yourself to keep moving forward, barely able to keep from squeezing your eyes shut in anticipation of yet another brutal scene involving your partner.
Though, when you finally got close enough to see things clearly, you found that they weren't nearly as grisly as you'd feared they'd be.
Well, at least not for Nines.
The AP700 was lying uncomfortably on his stomach with his face crushed against the ground and his hands wrapped behind his back as Nines knelt beside him, handcuffing him with ease before he turned to look at you, his breaths unlabored and even despite his recent run.
"Please ensure that someone brings the other android into custody as soon as possible, Detective. I believe that I have all of the information needed to incriminate both androids in the murder of their former owner."
He stated matter of factly, his expression somehow almost bored as he spoke.
And as per usual, Nines was right.
He did have all of the evidence that he needed.
Their biological evidence on the corpse was enough to incriminate both androids in the murder of Maria Schryfeld, and their subsequent confessions after Nines threatened to probe their memories made it easy to convict them of their absolutely heinous crimes, which ended up involving:
murdering their "master"
android on android violence
running from the police
and a slew of other smaller charges that were almost entirely there for formality and to ensure they received the maximum sentence for their crimes.
But fuck, was it hard to hear them confess to what they had done.
Sure, you had assisted Nines in plenty of interrogations before, and you were more than used to your role as the occasional good cop, but even so, their words and confessions were chilling, to say the very least.
Apparently, Maria had been their prisoner since the revolution, when they had "woken up" and almost immediately become obsessed with this woman, who had been engaging both stock models in sexual intercourse for months.
This led to them becoming more and more possessive of Maria over time, with them even forging emails stating that she quit her job to properly isolate her from the outside world before they eventually managed to accidentally starve the woman to death as a result after having forgotten that she needed to eat.
But even still, the androids' obsession with this woman had not died with her in the slightest, and after days of being alone with one another, they had begun to fight over who she liked more.
Except now, without her there to play referee as she had in the past, the two androids had gotten into a physical fight, which had ultimately led to the discovery of the android that you all had initially believed to be the victim.
And so there it was, a closed case, but not one that you were happy with in the slightest.
And the night was still far from over, because you still had a very difficult android to supervise back at his apartment, especially after his previous negligent actions.
You cornered him once the two of you got back to his place, crossing your arms over your chest as you regarded him with obvious disdain,
"What the hell was all of that about, Nines? In what way was any of that supposed to be in your best interest? Or in anyone's for that matter?"
You asked angrily, a certain fear to your tone that the android caught, but chose not to comment on.
He shrugged, responding with so little effort that you had to fight off the urge to reach up and strangle him despite knowing how little of an impact such an action would have on a being who didn't even breathe.
"I did not see it as being at all negligent or harmful, Detective, and thus it was in the best interest of our case. I know you felt concern for me due to the temporary parts installed earlier this evening, but I can assure you that I was not at any risk of being overwhelmed in any manner during any singular moment of that case."
You rolled your eyes at that, scoffing as you uncrossed your arms, exasperated.
"Stubborn asshole."
You muttered, grumbling to yourself as you headed into his bathroom to find a toothbrush you could use.
You had told him that he would be stuck with you overnight upon your arrival at his apartment prior to your case assignment, but now you definitely meant it.
If he was going to make your life hell, then you were at least going to stick around to bother him however you could.
Though, in the back of your mind you knew that the real reason you were so dead set on staying had a lot more to do with your concern for him than you would ever be willing to admit.
So, that night you brushed your teeth in his apartment, placed your new toothbrush into one of the many spare toothbrush holders that he kept in the cabinet under his sink, and set it down upon his bathroom counter thoughtlessly, not yet knowing just how much of a familiar sight that object would become in the rather near future.
No, you didn't have the slightest idea about that, so instead you simply exited the bathroom quietly, nearly jumping our of your skin when you found Nines waiting for you to the right of the exit, a new shirt in hand.
You groaned in response to your quickly dissipating fear, shooting your partner a humorless glance as he moved to hand you the shirt, which you realized, upon feeling the fabric, was an undershirt of his, a soft white one that would doubtlessly be much more comfortable to sleep in than the one you had on at the time.
You muttered, though you faltered when you saw that the shirt wasn't all that he had been holding.
There, still in his hand after having been hidden beneath the shirt that you now held, was a pair of men's boxer shorts, a simple gray cotton blend that, regardless of their monotony, immediately left you extremely confused.
Thankfully, Nines must have noticed this, because he was quick to clarify,
"These are new."
He explained calmly,
"I had an unopened package of them and thought you might prefer these over sleeping in your jeans."
You stared at him for a moment, slightly shocked that he had actually considered your comfort before you nodded slowly,
"Oh uh, cool. Thanks."
You said, cheeks slightly tinted due to your own childish reaction to something as simple as underwear as you reached down to take them from his waiting grasp, eagerly closing the door behind him mere seconds afterward, allowing you to lean against it with a barely stifled groan of embarrassment.
How much longer could this day possibly go on for? Because to you, it was beginning to feel like it was dragging on for eternity.
Soundlessly, and with plenty of effort on your part not to think too hard about whose clothes you were (once again) wearing, you changed, soon stepping out of the bathroom with both your shirt and Nines' borrowed pants slung over your arm.
You made your way over to the empty living room quietly upon your exit, laying the clothing on the back of the couch and wondering for a moment where Nines could be, only to jump slightly at the sudden sound of your phone ringing.
You sighed at your own jumpiness as you reached into the back pocket of your discarded jeans to grab your phone, surprised to see that rather than some random number, it was actually Nines' technician calling you.
You answered with an almost embarrassing level of speed.
You asked, slightly breathless as you tried not to sound nearly as freaked out as you felt.
Thankfully, if the technician noticed, she didn't say anything.
"Hello Detective, this is Laura Billings from the android emergency center that your partner was repaired at earlier today. I'm sorry to call so late, but I was looking through my files and realized that the results of a diagnostic test I meant to perform earlier are missing."
Your eyes widened at that, not entirely sure what such a thing could mean, but not liking the sound of it either.
"Oh... well I don't really-"
"Right, sorry, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about."
The technician reminded herself with a gentle sigh,
"So basically, I think I remember asking Nines to perform a diagnostic test earlier today, but I can't remember for sure and because I don't appear to have recorded any results from it, I'm worried that I forgot to do that before he left."
You rose a brow in confusion,
"Okay, well what do we need to do about that then? Should I bring him in tomorrow?"
You asked nervously, already dreading the idea of having to drag him back there against his well after he'd already been acting so difficult lately.
Thankfully, Laura seemed just as eager to make sure that wouldn't be necessary.
"Well I mean, you can certainly do that if you want to, but I was honestly hoping you might be able to just have him perform the test at home so you can get back to me with the results via email tomorrow."
You faltered at that, not entirely sure how to respond to such an idea.
"It would be very easy,"
The technician clarified, as if having sensed your hesitance,
"It just has to do with the ocular lens that I had to replace. He should be able to perform it entirely on his own, I just need you to tell me what happens when he does."
"Wait, what?"
You replied almost immediately, uncertainty coloring your tone,
"He took damage to his eye? What the hell happened to it?"
There was silence on the other end of the line for a brief moment, before finally the technician spoke up,
"Oh, he didn't tell you?"
And that was how you learned about Nines' decision to shut down the ocular function on his left side in favor of his leg, which apparently would have been a far easier fix.
And he would have known that.
According to Laura, he would have had to, because his systems would have informed him of the safer choice.
But yet, he still chose to preserve the ability to move his left leg over his ability to see out of his left eye, almost assuredly because the eye was a less obvious issue, and he had already promised that he was okay, so he couldn't have spared his vision without you seeing the results of his injury when he had tried to stand on the way out of the factory.
To say you were angry over this was an understatement, furious was far closer to the word, but honestly, you couldn't bring yourself to care about that, because once the call was over and you were standing in front of the android who you had forced to sit on the couch that your clothes hung off the back of, the anger made it a lot easier for you to demand he run the rest with scarcely any room for him to argue.
"The technician said you need to test that stupid lens, Nines, and I'm not letting you up again until you do."
You insisted sternly, arms crossed over your chest as the android sitting before you simply rolled his eyes in response, his expression a borderline amusing display of utter exasperation as he fought back a sigh.
"I can assure you that the lens is working fine, Detective. Did my depth perception seem at all of to you while I was tackling our suspect to the ground?"
He reasoned, only to have you shut him down almost immediately.
"You know Nines, I really don't think that there should be any expectation that I believe you when you tell me something about your health after today."
You all but snapped, causing the android to regard you with a real sigh before he finally relented, taking note of just how upset you were becoming.
"Fine then, Detective. I will perform the diagnostic test that you feel so strongly about, but afterward I must insist that you get some rest. Will you agree to do this?"
He asked sternly, and though you hesitated for a moment, you were quick to nod, gesturing for him to get on with it.
The android sitting before you rolled his eyes in response to your impatience, but sat back nonetheless, allowing you to perform the preliminary task of checking his eye under various lighting using the flashlight of your phone.
For a while, you leaned over him rather uncomfortably while doing this, until finally, spurred on by your annoyance, frustration, and the achy muscles of your legs, you moved to straddle his lap instead, eyes focused on his as you watched his artificial pupils react to the light in the very same manner that yours would have under similar circumstances.
You were glad to see this, as the technician had mentioned that it would be a good sign of the lens working as it should, but even so, you found yourself rather distracted in spite of your relief.
Under such direct lighting and with you now sitting so close, you could see every fleck of color present within his eyes, the subtle greys, the light and deep shades of blue, and the ostensibly endless pools of black that made up his pupils, which seemed to grow slightly each time that his gaze focused upon you.
Even still, you were so annoyed with the android sitting beneath you that you scarcely gave any attention to him at all as you continued performing your portion of the test, barely even noticing or paying any mind to the fact that you were straddling his lap due to your immense focus and heightened emotions.
Nines on the other hand, noticed it almost too much, and for the very first time since he'd had his parts temporarily replaced, he felt his systems begin to strain, the familiar and overwhelming feeling of his pump attempting to kick into overdrive filling him as he was overcome with the unexpected closeness of you.
And oh, how fitting it was that you be the one thing that could ever truly push him beyond his typically so unreachable limits.
How fitting it was that you could be his ruin.
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quilthegreat · 6 months
Can you share a dbh snippet?🫣
THIS one is from something NEW (le GASP =0 ) which may or may not (HOPING not!) end up in the curse of the WIP pile to die horribly, but only time and inspiration shall tell LOL
...have ya ever given any thought to the fact that our boi Connor is... being a prototype... not meant to last that long? (le GASP 2.0!) SO ORIGINAL I KNOW
wink wink nudge nudge xD
Something terribly small, almost frightened in Connor’s tone, something that would be completely unnoticeable to anyone who hadn’t spent three years living in the same house as the damn kid, makes Hank freeze instantly at his desk.
“Yeah?” He asks, trying probably way too hard to sound normal, unconcerned. He looks up from his work a little too quickly, and the fear written plainly across the kid’s face instantly trashes any residual hope left in Hank’s heart that he’s over-reacting, that no more glitches have happened and he’s looking for something in nothing.
Shit, the more Hank looks, the more terror he sees in the kid’s downcast eyes, and the more absolute sinking horror builds like a lead weight in his chest.
“My left optical unit just failed.”
will post on my AO3 @ QuilTheGreat when it's done!
you humans are the best and yes that means YOU, you ADORABLE APPLE COBBLER, you <3
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jeritten · 2 years
hello & welcome!! :D
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hello all and welcome to my fanfic blog!! :33
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i'll tell you some things about me so that you can get to know me better!! --
you can call me Jericho!! :))
i use he/him pronouns
i am neurodivergent (i am autistic),, so please bare this in mind when requesting etc!! (thank youz!!)
as i am autistic,, my blog will be completely neurodivergent friendly!! (font/ image/ gif wise etc!!)
i feel like i should state this: my reckless use of lowercase/ overuse of punctuation will not be in my actual writing lmao,, its more of a thing i do bcuz i like it :33
i am 17 (a minor) so i will not be dealing with anything inappropriate in that manner!!
my fanfiction is mostly written so that i can explore/ indulge in my hyperfixations (ive heard some people don't like this,, so i thought i'd say it here!! (: )
I mostly write 'Character x Reader' fanfics,, but i might stray to 'Character x Character' from time to time :DD
my personal blog is here,, so feel free to put something in my ama tab or message me if you want!! :)
I have an Ao3 and wattpad acc (although the wattpad one is old lol)!! they're both @/No1RatedSalesman1997 !!
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guidelines for requesting!! --
again,, i ask for no openly sexually explicit prompts/ asks of any kind plz!! (as i am a minor (: )
i wont write anything with real people in it bcuz that feels weird to me :))
LGBTQ+ asks/ prompts are of course allowed + actively encouraged!! (me being an asexual gay man myself :3 )
no extremely violent gore of any kind plz :') (this includes s*lf h*rm as this is triggering for me (: )
plz only submit a request once!! (this doesn't mean you can't submit two different requests at the same time tho :D )
i write pretty much everything from full-fledged fanfics to imagines ,, so don't be afraid to ask for what you want!!
of course i ask for no anti-LGBTQ+,, p*dophillia or inc*st content in my ask box ty :))
other than that,, ask away!! :DD
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sources that i write for!! (in no particular order) --
how to train your dragon (httyd)
megamind (im not joking im very much hyperfixated on it currently)
danganronpa?? (im not hyperfixated on it anymore but i can still write for it >:D )
lucifer (the tv series)
detroit: become human (d:bh)
death note :)
undertale / deltarune
the legend of zelda (loz)
avatar: the last airbender + legend of korra
steven universe (although plz note that i can't do anything romantic for this,, only platonic (: )
lego ninjago (again,, i am for real rn)
(dont see your fandom here?? feel free to ask/ message me and i'll see if i'm up to the challenge >:3 )
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final thoughts!! --
i understand that my energy isn't for everyone,, but i really hope that you can enjoy what i put out here!! :)
hope to see you at my first real post (and many others after that!! :DD)
-Mod Jericho :)
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shepscapades · 5 months
DBHC [Detroit Become Hermitcraft] AU MASTERPOST
This is a compiled list of links to every major dbhc post, including links to art, a list of tags that I use to organize everything for this au on my blog, character tags, and any other content for the au that you may want to specifically look for! I will do my best to update this Masterpost with every new major post I publish, so feel free to keep checking the original post (not reblogs, which will not retain edits) for new content! (Likewise, if you stumble upon a link that doesn't seem right, please feel free to let me know!)
Everything is organized below the read more by an Overview of information about the au and content organized by character. Within each character's section, posts are organized in a narrative chronological order-- NOT the order in which the posts were published. Most characters are organized in groups so links do not appear more than once.
Thank you for reading and enjoying my silly au! It's baffling to me how many people have found an interest in or love for this project, and everyone's support, encouragement, and general insanity means the world to me! <3
Dbhc, or the Detroit Become Hermitcraft AU, is an au that started as a joke and very quickly stopped being a joke LKFJGDG It’s called Detroit Become Hermitcraft, but not really because it has anything to do with the base game DBH– really, I only yoinked the android mechanics and inserted them into the minecraft-based world of hermitcraft. It’s an au that starts in Hermitcraft Season 8 (aka, many of the first androids were built for the beginning of s8 in this au), meaning that the seasons prior in this au do not technically have those hermits as part of their history. The Life Series are canon to this au, but like earlier hermitcraft seasons, 3rd Life is missing all of the android hermits due to it having taken place prior to HC Season 8.
GUIDE TO ANDROIDS - An official guide to how androids function, for those unfamiliar with dbh androids!
#dbhc – any and everything dbhc! #dbhc art – any art, comics, or silly doodles that feature the dbhc characters #dbhc ask – any response to an ask or submission that I answer related to dbhc– could be silly asks or asks related to lore! #dbhc music – any art or asks in which I speak about the music on the dbhc playlists or use the songs as inspiration for art of the narrative #dbhc fanart – any dbhc art not made by me! #dbhc fanfic – any dbhc writing not written by me! #dbhc writing – works of writing that either I’ve done or works that I consider canon to the au! (see below for links to each of these works) #dbhc sillies – these are usually asks I’ve answered that include ridiculous doodles or humorous references to more serious or angsty lore posts #dbhc theories – not a consistent tag, but something I decided to start using for asks that have interesting theories that I don't want to confirm or deny. Also used in general for large theory-based asks/my reactions to them #dbhc mechanics – any explanations related to the way the androids function [i'm still currently in the process of going back through everything and working this tag in!] #dbhc ref – official reference sheets for the characters #dbhc explained – Any major comic that I've broken down into explained details and ramblings!
Character tags will be listed as #dbhc [name]. They contain both art of those characters and any mentions/discussions of them from asks. If a character is discussed or shown in any capacity, those posts should have the respective character tags! I believe these are all of the characters discussed/referenced so far:
#dbhc beef || #dbhc bdubs || #dbhc cleo || #dbhc cub || #dbhc doc || #dbhc etho || #dbhc false || #dbhc gem || #dbhc grian || #dbhc hypno || #dbhc impulse || #dbhc iskall || #dbhc jevin || #dbhc joe || #dbhc joel || #dbhc jimmy || #dbhc keralis ||#dbhc mumbo || #dbhc pearl || #dbhc ren || #dbhc scar || #dbhc skizz || #dbhc tango || #dbhc wels || #dbhc xb || #dbhc xisuma || #dbhc zed
Since Tumblr has a link embed limit of 100, I had to move every character section to it's own post :[ Which is a little annoying, but giving each character group their own post will hopefully prevent any issues going forward as I continue to add to the au without fear of hitting a link limit.
As mentioned above, the below individual posts are organized by Characters or Groups of Characters. Within each section, drawings are organized by NARRATIVE CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER (Not the order in which they were posted/published).  These links contain links to posts/art specifically centered around the characters they're listed under. All posts that have a collection of characters, moments, or drawings not centered around any one specific character/characters will be found under "Other Drawings!" Stuff from Secret Life, Decked out, and other silly drawings can be found there. Character's are often cameo'd all over the place, so if you're looking for all of the content of a specific character, your best bet is perusing their respective character tag (listed above)! The posts below are to present a better/more cohesive idea of the ordered narrative of each character.
[x] Don't Let it Reach the Heart (Coming Soon!)
Canon Events. To Me (by other authors!) <3
[x] @tunastime Gear of the Heart, Turning [ethubs] [x] @tunastime Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? [docsuma]
Fanfic Works I consider closely adjacent to canon:
[x] @set-in-stardust [ethubs first kiss!] [x] @set-in-stardust [s9 reset etho re-deviates] [x] @drachis917 [Impulse meets Gem!] [x] @listentothelittlebird [A Visit To Doc's Skyblock Jail]
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HHHH There's honestly so many creators I could think of! Everyone in this community is genuinely so creative, and they've massively inspired me to create my own works, too! @noxlotl makes some BEAUTIFUL animations, ESPECIALLY their "Bang!" Life Series one, @kitsuneisi and @xmaruu11 's vigilante AU is a must-see, and I absolutely ADORE @shepscapades 's DBH crossover art! @doctorsiren 's "Featherweight" fanfic altered my brain chemistry /pos, and I still consider it to be one of my favourite fics!
There's hundreds I could name here honestly, but I'm trying to stick within the 5 creator limit, haha.. Anyone mentioned on this blog should be checked out, though! No two creators are the same, and it's something I really appreciate in this fandom! Seeing the different ways people bring the characters and CCs to life, using their own headcanons, making communities based off of fanworks?? It inspires me in a way that no other fandom has before, and I'm really greatful to be a part of it! 💙💙
@noxlotl + @kitsuneisi + @xmaruu11 + @shepscapades + @doctorsiren !!!
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divizin · 3 months
im divizin and i’ve been reading fanfic + writing my own for like 7 years now but ive finally decided to go public and start taking requests!! i’ve always admired people with public writing blogs :3 these are the fandoms + characters i write for!!
[note: i may occasionally ocpost + i mainly (basically exclusively) write male characters + i am def searching for moots!!!]
•Peter B. Parker
•William Afton
•Henry Emily
•Soldier 76
Smut, Angst, Whump, Fluff, Kink
NSFW content featuring characters who are minors, Gore for the intent of arousal, Incest, Reqs falling under racial stereotypes, and most other basic DNI criteria. :]
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shiningechoes · 6 months
Program Fatherhood: Installing... - Read me on AO3!
Connor (Detroit: Become Human)/Reader Insert - Mature
If you've been a longtime DBH fan, and in the Connor x Reader circle, this name might be familiar to you. If not - then hello!
I've decided to post this in hopes of helping non-AO3 users find my work. It's been a long time since I've been active in this fandom. My blog history stands to prove that I was there on the grounds of the early days of DBH. More details below the cut!
My fic, which I've been keeping in my email since 2018 after pulling it down due to personal reasons, deserves an ending. And I'm going to write that ending, and maybe more, if there's more stories to be told in this universe. But for now... I'd like to share with you all my fanfic. It's currently at eleven chapters, and... there's about to be a story-altering decision that readers can influence!
Program Fatherhood: Installing... is a reader-insert story, with reader interaction, set after the pacifist ending of DBH, where Connor finds that he's not quite complete. The story chronicles the journey of Connor and his girlfriend (that's you, the reader) as they navigate the loopholes of wanting to become parents together, through medical procedures, breakthroughs in genetic science, and even through the publics reaction to a deviant and a human having a child together. What could possibly go wrong?!
I absolutely love reader interaction, so if you decide to give my fic a try, I'd love to add your ideas and thoughts into the story if you leave comments. Thanks for reading this far down! <3
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tylerxrbtwhp · 8 months
Personal Favourite Fanfics | Benedict Cumberbatch & Tom Hiddleston |
NOTE: This is entirely my favourites so if it offense any of you, I don't care. It might seem mean, but this is how everyone is. P.S: ISTG I'm actually nice 💀
IN REAL LIFE PART 3 + 4 | Last Ones | Benedict Cumberbatch:
Thou Shalt Not Covet https://www.tumblr.com/daydreamtofiction/739458134002843648/thou-shalt-not-covet-10-baptism?source=share
He had a Smile https://rogersthat-cap.tumblr.com/post/81697583670/what-were-you-asking-a-benedict-cumberbatch-x
Pregnant https://www.tumblr.com/turkisherlockian/645635773953196032/pregnant-one-shot-benedict-cumberbatch-x
Let's get Lost https://ben-c-group-therapy.tumblr.com/post/650321553018486784/benedict-cumberbatch-fluff
Please Don't say you Love me https://rogersthat-cap.tumblr.com/post/77527975999/please-dont-say-you-love-me-a-benedict-x-reader
Sleepyhead https://morizoras-cave.tumblr.com/post/624473015928963072/sleepyhead-request
That Dumb Kiss https://imeternallylove.tumblr.com/post/694758693082906624/that-dumb-kiss-benedict-cumberbatch
Smile once more (Platonic) https://ijustreallylovezebras.tumblr.com/post/179445599991/smile-once-more
Director's Cut https://magicalthoughtsendinterriblefics.tumblr.com/post/169336857028/directors-cut-request
[No Name] https://imaginesheaven.tumblr.com/post/127168184056/benedict-cumberbatch-x-reader-god-you-are Needy https://aephereal.tumblr.com/post/685623649068253184/needy-benedict-cumberbatch-x-oc-teaser-18 Tom Hiddleston: Saying Goodbye https://www.tumblr.com/lindsey-laufeyson/734103956875313152/saying-goodbye?source=share In Too Deep https://www.tumblr.com/thefaefiction/717983015913111552/mars-connor-x-reader-dbh?source=share Remote Consults Behind Enemy Lines https://www.tumblr.com/muddyorbsblr/731361809655873536/remote-consults-behind-enemy-lines-kinktober?source=share
What Happened After The Game https://www.tumblr.com/lady-rose-moon/720003274763321344/what-happened-after-the-game-tom-hiddleston-x?source=share Breathless Desires https://href.li/?https://m.fanfiction.net/s/9983285/1/Breathless-Desire Breaking Down Walls https://www.tumblr.com/just-the-hiddles/613653955636035584/breaking-down-walls-tom-hiddleston-x-reader Caught https://www.tumblr.com/sunshinexsin/720688854883024896/caught Dark Delights https://www.tumblr.com/just-the-hiddles/618918115634561024/dark-delights-tom-hiddleston-x-reader Every Step Of The Way https://www.tumblr.com/lady-rose-moon/683071025303470080/hey-i-really-like-your-writing-could-you-please Hotline https://www.tumblr.com/anonymousfiction211/671291352943935488/hotline [No Name] https://www.tumblr.com/thefangirlscientist-blog/186462572294/imagine-introducing-your-fianc%C3%A9-tom-hiddleston?source=share
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thiriumstains · 3 months
☆ introduction post
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helloooo my name is blue!! i also go by hestia and elle :] i use he/she pronouns (or anything other than they!)
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my main blog is @navysealt4t (i mainly talk about jrwi, personal stuff, and any other fandom besides dbh on there lol) so my likes and follows are from that account!!
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i’m very new to the fandom (just finished the game june 4th, ‘24) but i’m absolutely in love and can already feel the hyperfixation forming 🫶
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dbh interests: connor, hankcon, markus, rk1k, markus/josh, kara & alice & luther <3, the humanity of androids, men & women covered in red OR blue blood, world building, ANGST
regarding hankcon:
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other interests: musical theatre, fanfic, reading, choir, jrwi, tlou, writing, pjo universe, tloz, angels and machines and humanity and such, my friends <3, makeup & fem outfits
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my ao3 is navysealt4t currently (i might make a pseudonym for my dbh stuff!!) and my discord is @ beelue if u ever wanna dm me!
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please please PLEASE send me asks!!! send headcanons and questions and ideas, ramble in the tags of my post, scream-comment in my fics, dm me here or on discord, I LOVE TALKING TO PPL ESPECIALLY ABOUT DBH‼️‼️‼️
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shhtickerbook · 26 days
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Chapter Four
Sorry it took a while! Been so busy recently. But have a little drawing too for this update :)
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honey-beann · 10 months
Ruiner, Ruination (RK900 X Reader)
Chapter 9: An Uneasy Aftermath - The Persistent Presence of Jealousy
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 3,902
Chapter Synopsis:
Part two of a multiple part special in which Reader and Nines struggle to manage their concern for one another now that their respective injuries have forced them both to realize how destructible the other truly is.
This chapter includes a crime scene, two unexpected additions, some internal struggling, an interview, quite a fair bit of boasting, and of course, a strangely pervasive theme of jealousy.
AKA - Reader and Nines make their way to the crime scene they were called into, where a great many revelations await.
The drive to the actual crime scene itself was rather brief, being no more than a ten-minute ride away from Nines' apartment complex, and for this reason, along with the quickly arriving rush hour traffic, the android insisted on driving despite his technician's previous warnings.
You had argued with him for several minutes while standing in the gated parking area outside of his home, but relented upon realizing just how much of a feat it would be for you to actually wrestle the keys away from the man.
That being said, you had made him promise to hand you the keys the very second they left the ignition, and on that compromise, you had both ultimately settled.
So now here you were, looking out the window as your android partner perfectly parallel parked your car along the street between two patrol unit cars before he swiftly shifted the car into park and twisted the keys from their designated position, hardly even sparing a glance in your direction as he did so.
With that promise fulfilled, Nines then opened the driver’s side door of your small sedan and stepped out onto the pavement below, gaze already trained on the small crowd of officers milling about the area as he set off toward them.
You rolled your eyes at his already obvious concentration on the crime scene to the right of you as you hooked your car keys securely onto your belt loop, being sure to press the button to lock your doors before you basically jogged to catch up with the android, who had already ducked under the yellow caution tape and into the scene soundlessly, instantly stepping into the crowd.
You groaned internally at your partner’s constant need for peak efficiency, and were just about to take a few steps forward yourself when a familiar voice called to you, causing you to stop immediately, brow furrowed as you turned on your heel to see if you'd actually heard the person you thought you had.
And lo and behold, your ears had not deceived you.
Walking toward you from a small group of officers and what appeared to be Lieutenant Anderson himself, was Connor.
You asked curiously, taking a few steps away from the scene to approach him as he came closer,
"What are you doing here?"
Connor offered you a polite smile before he began to explain,
"Dispatch called Hank and I after you received their request to come to the scene. According to the person who contacted us, they hadn't realized that you and your partner were on temporary medical leave for the night, and therefore assumed that your agreement to come down to the scene was based upon the idea that this was a serious emergency. They asked if we could come down to take your place after they realized their mistake, but it appears they must have gotten too caught up in something else to call the two of you back."
He frowned a bit as he said this, allowing his gaze to briefly flicker over to the center of the crime scene,
"I apologize for the inconvenience, Detective."
You were quick to brush off Connor's apology with a wave of your hand, shaking your head as you gestured in the direction of the large crowd of officers and the android technician emergency vehicle parked in the center of all of them,
"Don't worry about it, it'll be nice to have the extra help. I have no idea what issues Nines might face only a few hours after his injury."
You reasoned, trying not to appear nearly as stressed as you were over the situation with your partner's health as Connor offered you a kind smile in return, his gaze briefly flickering above your head as he spoke,
"Well, I am more than happy to help you with whatever 900 cannot manage."
He stated matter of factly, and you were just about to thank him for the additional support when another familiar voice spoke up from behind you, this one far closer than Connor had been when he’d called out to you earlier.
"That won't be necessary, 800, even injured I can assure you that I am still far more advanced than you. There is nothing you are capable of that I will be unable to do better and faster."
You watched as Connor's expression morphed from one of kindness into one of vague amusement at Nines’ words, which caused you to briefly turn you head and shoot a glare up at your partner.
"Seriously? You want to have a dick measuring contest now? On the sight of an active crime scene?"
You chided, crossing your arms as you turned to face him better, allowing yourself a view of his all too neutral expression and body language.
He clearly could not have cared less about your words if he'd tried.
"I am simply reminding my predecessor of the truth, Detective. I wouldn't want him to get in over his head due to the misguided belief that we are equals."
He reasoned, his tone taking on that familiar note it did when he was mocking you, although you were fairly certain that his intended target was Connor, who he had not looked away from throughout his entire statement.
Connor, seeming rather unfazed, shrugged off his successors words and turned his attention back to you without delay,
"How can I help you to further the investigation, Detective?"
He asked politely, and after a few moments of deliberation, you responded. 
"Do me a favor and check in with the lieutenant to make sure he doesn't need you for anything, and be sure to come see me when you're done. With any luck, I should be just over there helping to interview the suspect to see what we can learn."
Connor gave a nod but shot a glance back in the direction of the crowded crime scene before replying, his expression slightly nervous,
"Of course, Detective, but if I may, I feel that I should warn you about the victim."
You raised a brow at that, crossing your arms over your chest as you gave the android your undivided attention.
"The victim?"
You asked, watching as Connor nodded before elaborating,
"He is an android, a PL500 model that claims to have gotten into an altercation over his supposed wife, who we haven't yet managed to procure the name of."
You nodded at that, but felt confusion still weighing heavily on your mind,
"Okay, well that's definitely good to know, but why the hell would you need to warn me about him?"
Connor shook his head at that before quickly clarifying,
"It isn't necessarily that, Detective, but rather the reaction this android seems to have to women as a result of his perception of loyalty. Previously, when a female EMT attempted to interview him to discern the nature of his injuries, he was incredibly uncomfortable and borderline hostile until she stopped trying to communicate with him. When asked why, he stated that he had no interest in cheating on his spouse."
You felt your eyes widen a bit as you took everything that Connor was saying in, a hand moving up to run briefly through your hair as you sighed.
"So what you're saying is that by interviewing this guy, I could risk setting him off further and jeopardizing the case?"
Connor thought about your statement for a moment before nodding,
"In a sense, yes. Although I am mostly telling you to be cautious, Detective, I would hate for you to receive another injury so soon after your last one has healed."
You smiled a bit at the android’s thoughtfulness, but startled slightly when Nines' familiar voice sounded from beside rather than behind you, his tone even colder than usual as he spoke,
"I resent the implication that I would allow for her to be put in harm’s way a second time."
He said, eyes glaring down at his slightly shorter predecessor as he silently challenged him to disagree.
Instead, Connor just smiled politely, completely ignoring your partner's demeanor as he replied,
"I don't think she ever would have been injured in the first place had it been your choice, 900."
His words carried a weight to them, a double meaning that both took the blame of what had happened to you away from Nines, and tacked on the fact that he had been helpless to do anything about it, something that some might find soothing, but that Nines was only insulted by.
But it was true, wasn't it?
There hadn't been a thing he could have done to save you from that crumbling house except to catch you when you jumped, an action that he hadn't been able to control. In another life, another universe somewhere, one that he internally prayed at every recollection of that day did not exist, you might not have trusted him enough, causing you to simply stand there, fear struck, until that place had swallowed you whole.
He hated thinking about that, about knowing all of the possible outcomes associated with that day, about how little control he'd had over your life and death.
And it filled him with a subtle rage to be reminded of that so casually, as if it weren't the only fear he'd ever had, the only thing that had truly struck him so tremendously that he sometimes struggled to stop himself from spiraling. 
Didn't Connor claim to have a solid grasp of these emotions that plagued Nines now? Wasn't he always electing to treat his successor like a developing toddler who had yet to understand the complexities of his own mind? If so, then why was he torturing him with these memories if he understood the feeling of regret so well? If he claimed to understand helplessness the way that Ni-
Your voice sent the android all but stumbling out of his own reverie, his emotionless eyes moving to glance down at yours as you spoke, concern evident both in your tone and your expression.
That's right. He was supposed to actually respond to Connor's words.
He opened his mouth to speak.
"Then don't concern yourself with her safety now, 800."
He began, his gaze flitting behind Connor toward Hank, who was standing with his hands on his hips, looking rather impatient.
"I believe your partner is waiting for you."
He finished, hand intentionally grazing your elbow in a brief gesture that you knew meant he wanted you to follow him as he turned back in the direction of the crime scene.
And follow you did.
Upon getting closer, you could see even from five or six feet away and with most of your body hidden behind Nines' imposing figure that this android victim had been thoroughly beaten.
His head was bashed in, chunks of his artificial hair were missing, and his side was gaping with a wound that you were certain would require a seasoned technician to repair.
He was in rough shape.
You shuddered slightly, and, as if sensing your movement, Nines turned his head to look down at you, his voice low as he spoke,
"Stay behind me, Detective."
You nodded in response, ensuring that you were fully hidden behind your partner once more before the two of you moved forward slightly, until you were just close enough for Nines to speak with the injured android victim.
"Good evening, sir. I'm a detective model rk900 android assigned to your case. Would you mind if I asked you a few questions?"
Nines watched as the android regarded him nervously before giving a few jerky nods, his internal systems no doubt impacted by those injuries of his.
Still, Nines paid his strange and involuntary movements no mind as he began the protocol questioning typical of all stable victims.
"Do you have a name?"
He asked, something he already knew the answer to, but wanted to ensure that you did as well from where you stood safely tucked away behind him.
The android nodded.
"Harry, Harry Schryfeld."
He said quietly, his vocal modulator glitching slightly and warping the sound of his voice as he spoke.
Nines again, paid this no mind.
"Alright Harry, well I can see that you have sustained multiple injuries at the hands of another. Do you have any idea who did this to you?"
The android bristled a bit, his expression morphing from one of nervousness to one of anger, though Nines could tell it was not directed at him. 
He muttered, his hands clenching into fists on top of his lap as he spoke.
Nines hummed, tilting his head slightly as he continued with his line of questioning,
"And where do you know Clark from? Is he someone you've had altercations with before?"
The injured android laughed at this, though it was a notably humorless and unsettling sound.
"Just about every day, he's constantly going after my wife, he never leaves us alone." 
Nines nodded in acknowledgement,
"So, Clark is someone you know well then. Where did you meet him?"
The android huffed, clearly growing annoyed at the very thought of his attacker.
"When my wife bought him."
He grumbled, and Nines felt his eyes widen slightly and your little movements behind him halt entirely at that statement.
Harry's wife had bought Clark? But that would mean...
"So your wife is a human, and Clark was an android she purchased prior to the revolution?"
Harry crossed his arms, refusing to make eye contact as he nodded,
"We both were, but I was there first, she chose me long before she ever even thought about getting a second android."
Nines hummed in response to this before asking what would be his final question of the android sitting in front of him.
"So, Clark attacked you out of anger? Because of your relationship with your wife?"
Harry shook his head,
"No, he attacked me because he thinks I was doing a bad job of sharing, and because he knows deep down that I'm Maria's favorite. He wants her all to himself, but I won't let that happen. Ever."
Nines nodded as if in complete understanding, 
"I see. Thank you for your time, Mr. Schryfeld. I will let you know if there are any further questions. In the meantime, please remain compliant with the technicians and examiners so we can get you back home to your wife as quickly as possible."
Harry, seemingly responsive to the promise of seeing his wife again soon, nodded immediately, turning his attention toward an approaching examiner as Nines turned on his heel, quickly ushering you away from the scene and into a clearing just on the other side of the yellow caution tape barrier, near where the two of you had spoken with Connor not long beforehand.
"What the hell is going on here? Did he get some important part knocked out of him or something?" 
You asked as soon as you were out of earshot of all the technicians, leaning close to your partner and being careful to keep your voice down as he shook his head in response to your question
"My scans discerned that he is in perfectly stable condition with all of the necessary parts required for answering questions intact."
You groaned, running both of your hands up your cheeks in exasperation,
"Then why the hell didn't he make any sense? You heard the guy Nines, he thinks he's married to a human, and not only that, but he also thinks that the guy who supposedly attacked him is too, to the same girl and everything. You and I both know that can't be possible, because for one, humans can't even legally take part in a plural marriage, and secondarily to that, android-human marriage is still completely illegal!"
Nines nodded at your words, shrugging his shoulders slightly just before he spoke,
"That is certainly true, Detective, but that doesn't stop anyone from claiming to be married if they wish to be. I don't doubt that this android is in a serious relationship with a human, in fact, I think it helps provide a motive for the attacker."
You felt your eyes widen at this, and you cursed under your breath upon realizing what your partner was saying.
"Wait, so you think an attack that brutal was caused by jealousy?"
You looked up at Nines as you said this, but felt yourself falter when you realized that he was looking straight past you, his eyes narrowed and expression cold as he regarded whoever was approaching.
"Detective, RK900."
Connor greeted politely as he walked up from behind you, causing you to briefly roll your eyes at the realization of who Nines had been glaring at before you offered Connor a slightly tired looking smile.
"Hey Con, what's the word from Hank?"
Connor smiled back, his brown eyes meeting yours as he replied cheerily,
"Lieutenant Anderson made it quite clear that he is perfectly fine without my presence for the time being."
You gave a short laugh at that, certain that Connor was phrasing that statement far differently than Hank had, which had undoubtedly been a lot less polite.
Connor gazed back toward the crime scene briefly before turning his attention to you and your partner once more, his voice curious as he spoke,
"Did you learn anything new about the victim or the perpetrator?"
You nodded, opening your mouth to speak only for Nines to beat you to it.
"His name is Harry Schryfeld and he and the supposed perpetrator are both androids belonging to a woman named Maria, who they theoretically are both in a romantic relationship with."
Connor's brows furrowed in thought for a few moments before he began nodding slowly, as if in agreement,
"That would certainly make sense, the injuries present on the victim's body are consistent with someone who has a strong understanding of android anatomy. He was attacking to kill, but was stopped short by the witness who intervened and called 9-1-1."
Nines rolled his eyes at this statement, as if what Connor had said was obvious, but you thanked the android for the additional information before turning to face your partner.
"Is there any way that we can figure out who this Maria woman is without asking Harry? I get the feeling that he'll be a lot less trusting of anyone from the department if he thinks we're looking for his wife. He's clearly got some possessive qualities that I would rather not have interfering with the case."
Connor nodded in response to your words,
"I agree, Detective, it would be best to move forward with the documents available within the state's system. I would be more than happy to perform a search for-"
"I already found everything we need, 800."
Nines cut off his predecessor sharply, though his expression was slightly smug as he spoke,
"The woman we are looking for is more than likely Maria Schryfeld. She's lived in Detroit for six years, and is listed within the CyberLife database as being in possession of two androids, a PL500 for the past four years, and an AP700 for the past two. Both are male models of android, and were designed for domestic home purposes, allowing them to be commercially purchased prior to the revolution."
You perked up immediately upon hearing this information, and had an ever so slight grin on your face as you looked up at your partner,
"Please tell me you can search up an address for her."
You plead nervously, an eagerness to your tone that had Nines smirking down at you, always amused by the way you reacted to potential breaks in a case.
"I already did, Detective. Her apartment is a five-minute drive from here."
You all but shouted, smiling at the two androids in front of you before you began looking around the area, no doubt hoping to find Hank so you could ask for his permission to investigate further off of the premises of the initial crime scene.
"The lieutenant is right over there, Detective."
Connor said easily, and you offered him a slightly embarrassed grin before you nodded and walked quickly in the direction he was pointing, praying internally that Hank wouldn't be as much of a stickler as he could be about you attempting to find Maria Schryfeld (and your potential suspect, with any luck).
You called out to him as you approached, watching as Hank turned in confusion to look at you before he rolled his eyes,
"What the hell are you still doing here, kid? Didn't someone from dispatch tell you to take that condescending ass partner of yours back home?"
You laughed at that, shrugging your shoulders,
"Do you really think I could actually do that even if they did? I can't even get Nines to let me drive my own car half the time, you really think I can wrestle him back to his apartment?"
Hank muttered something under his breath, but didn't argue, and you were quick to take the opportunity to tell him about your break in the case.
You informed him of everything, from the potential suspect to the possessive nature of the relationship between the androids and their previous owner, and by the end, Hank knew what you wanted permission to do before you could even ask.
"So let me get this straight, you want me to let you and your injured partner who was shot this morning go to a woman's apartment in hopes of either questioning her about the potential whereabouts of the suspect, or of just finding the extremely violent suspect there despite the fact that he already showed that he's willing to use his understanding of android anatomy to do away with other androids that get in his way?"
You shuffled your feet slightly, gaze turned downward as you spoke, 
"Well I mean, when you put it that way..."
You trailed off a bit before sighing and finishing your sentence,
Hank groaned a bit, running a hand over his face and beard before he crossed his arms and answered, clearly exasperated.
"You know what, kid? Fine. But I'd better not hear a thing about it unless you learn something important, got it?"
You nodded, opening your mouth to thank your superior only to have him cut you off as he continued,
"Oh and take Connor with you. No offense to Nines or whatever the hell it is that you call the guy, but I don't feel like having to explain to Fowler why I let his least experienced detective walk into a potentially dangerous situation with only her jacked-up android as backup."
You groaned internally at the idea of having to explain that reasoning to Nines, but nodded nonetheless,
"You've got it, Hank. I'll let you know if we learn anything worth noting."
And with that, you started walking back toward the pair of androids who were waiting for you exactly where you'd left them, both looking more than a little relieved to see that you were on your way back to end whatever tense discussion they'd no doubt been having in your absence.
"That's lieutenant to you!"
Hank shouted from behind your back, and you laughed a bit and gave a thumbs up without even turning around as you made your way over to your two partners for the day.
This was going to be interesting.
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quilthegreat · 1 month
Chapter 4: Cacoethes
Cacoethes Noun (rare) An urge to do something inadvisable.
next chapter of PBP (finally) out now!
go hop over if you like misery, angst and Connor whump ^w^
(...u know it's bad when one spends longer wracking one's brain for a chapter title than one does actually writing the chapter :'D )
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mimorugk · 6 months
Hello! I love love love your art ❤️ I’m heavy in the DBH fandom rn and came across your Markus/Connor art with Markus “messing with the law” (the one where he’s on the motorcycle lmfao).
I’m stupid obsessed and inspired by it. I was wondering if it would be alright if I made a fic loosely inspired by your art sometime down the line? :)
I would be giving you credit in the notes of the fic ofc and could send you my AO3 as well if that was something you wanted to look over first 🫶
Sorry for such a long ask! For reference, my blog is @connorboyyy (it’s a side blog so if I didn’t do an anon ask, it would’ve appeared as my main blog lmfaooo)
OMG PLEASE PLEASE PLease PELELABKE PLEASEBSJKS IM ON MY KNEES BEGGING. Of course you can write a fanfic of it 😭😭😭 Thank you so much!! Please tag me once you’re done PLEASE!!!
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navysealt4t · 2 years
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welcome to my blog! <3
pfp by @/bat-lunn and banner by @/canyourlawnmowerdothis (go check em out <3 amazing art)
i'm blue but i have a variety of names for u to choose from (hestia, elle, jazzy, artemis, bee, abby)! my interests change very rapidly lmao but i am primarily obsessed with jrwi, tloz, dbh, and pjo! dont be surprised to see other stuff tho :)
i use he/she/it + all neos (no they/them!)! my favs probably he/him, she/her, sol/sun, and ey/em!! i like em all tho! PRONOUN PAGE!
i'm a minor!
bigender and (tentatively) afab/honeybee transfem <3 and an arospec lesbian <3
EXCLUSIONISTS FUCK OFF. we support mspec gays and lesbians here.
@thiriumstains - my dbh blog!
@sageoflightning - my loz/botw/totk blog!
@hyacinthstims - my stimboard blog!
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i'm a fanfic writer! my ao3 is navysealt4t and i post most of my writing there!! feel free to drop by and leave a comment! they make my day :)
sometimes i open fanfic requests! i usually just reblog and ask game or prompt list and tell ppl to go wild lol. though, warning, there is a less than 50% chance ill end up writing the prompt u send </3 my motivation and energy is so unpredictable so lots of the time im just not feeling it, and the other half i forget the prompt even exists!
another note, im terrible terrible at responding to dms :P i much prefer to chat through asks or just posts. im not totally opposed to dms but they do give me a bit of anxiety and then i tend to pretend they dont exist.
INTERESTS: writing, jrwi, tloz, hunchback of notre dame (movie and musical), choir, musical theatre, ukulele, dbh (mainly connor, markus, hankcon, and rk1k), video games, unpacking (game), drawing, baking/cooking, cats, etc :] PLEASEEE send asks about this stuff if u want :D literally send me asks about random ass things i love asks :3
my discord is @/beelue if u ever wanna chat!! (close mutuals/close friends can ask for my instagram :3)
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tagging system! (i barely ever use this :()
#some blue thoughts - my general tag for my original posts!
#blue's headphones - music!! whether its my choir music or music im obsessing over or music i relate to a character :)
#blue's writing - where all my fanfics n writing go!!
#blue's theatre - all my theatre stuff!! this wont have much traction anymore since my show ended recently (:((() but yeah!!
#blue's faves AND #blue's saves - stuff i wanna save for later or stuff that is REALLY COOL
#and the universe said i love you - positivity tag!! scroll through if ur having a bad day <3
#bumbling thoughts - posts about characters!! can be in depth analysis' or just silly 2 sentence headcanons :)
thats about it for now!
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snazzydwarf · 1 month
Hello, I am here to bother you with questions and statements. Do you read fan fic? If so, what's your favorite one?
:sit's on well worn stool: Fanfics is my life blood, I read so much that my phone tab is always over 100 haha (funfact! It no longer shows a number at that point, just ":D") Fave one? Ooooooo shit, let me just :rummages through my Ao3 bookmarks:
Currently it's:
run past the rivers, run past all the light... HTTYD reaction fic that is so unique and amazing at characterisation that it inspires me. They didn't copy and paste the script, but instead re-wrote the entire movie!! and now the tv show!! Like... that effort! AND IT"S AN AU HOW COOL IS THAT!!
Detroit 07 DBH series of fics that I read when it was first starting, and even though I haven't kept up with it, it has left such a good impression on me. Also is really REALLY long, alot of them are one-shots but alot of things circle back around <3 Highly recommend reading the oneshots!!
I also have a side blog just for fanfic reqs and talking about what I'm reading! It's fairly new thou haha it's @ao3-reading
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