#dc Isis
the-might-v · 1 year
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Lilith Clawthrone
Once a great figure in empire society. Lilith had grown into everything she ever wanted, power, status and respect but all that had changed when she unintentionally added in the capture of her younger sister Eda, having to live with the immense guilt possibly forever. Till one day everything changed, the elder sibling became.
Lily ISIS The ancient goddess warrior.
On one mission for the society Lilith was charged with raiding a temple filled to seize any and all mystic artifacts. Her group fought against the hidden traps and spirits within the cavern’s barely surviving and with nothing to return to the empire due to the temple disappearance of strange unknown means. Lilith was left with one prisoner but punished for her failure.
For the next few weeks Lilith was demoted to keeping watch over the prisoner. Trying to gain any sort of information provided useless till the Clawthrone thought she was going mad seeing strange ruins on the walls & transported along with her prisoner back to the temple, were the now unshackled captive revealed to be one of the council of wizards. Who was waiting for centuries to pass the powers of their magic onto an another through
The Amulet of Isis
The wizard while reluctant choose to give the Amulet to Lilith but not without parting words. “You deserve a second chance. Do not waste it Remember who you are!” With that Lilith returned back to the empires castle dungeons alone and the Amulet hidden.
Upon studying the artifact Lilith successfully translated the ancient text inscribed on the item once she spoke the spell
“I Am ISIS!!!”
The clawthrone was transformed into a great powerful figure, she decides to fight against the empire from within but how long can she do so alone?
The powers of ISIS are granted to the one who speaks the spells name. Once done the living lightning bestows the powers from one of the 8 Egyptian figures known as the gods onto the mortal, becoming the mighty champion ISIS. Lilith still has much to learn about her powers as there are some she has yet to unlock.
Unique physiology. Once Lilith speaks the spell needed to transform her whole body is changed into a taller, powerful strong athletic build. This spell adds almost a hundred pounds of impervious godly muscle and tissue to her frame.The amulet of Isis also adds to her body and bones to retain a residual amount of it's energy. The energy was potent enough to invoke a transformation associated with the Powers of Shazam.
Powers of ISIS. The Gods of Egypt's most powerful goddess. She is superhumanly strong and is easily capable of lifting far in excess of 100 tons, Isis is also incredibly durable and cannot be harmed by physical force unless the being she is engaged with is stronger than her. She is also totally bulletproof and bladed weapons shatter against her skin. She is superhumanly fast, capable of moving at speeds past Mach 10 on Earth. Isis also has far superior reflexes and agility when compared to normal humans, witch or even other superbeings . She is also able to mystically fly through the air at incredible speeds and can travel across and around the planet in minutes.
Divine transformation & Empowerment. Like other Champions of Shazam, Lilith’s transformation allows her to empower herself to her physical peak
Super Strength, Speed, Durability, Agility, Reflexes, and Wisdom
Elemental control. possess various elemental powers that enables her to control both the elements and natural phenomena at will.
Weather manipulation
Indomitable will
Powers locked
S for the Stamina of Shu
H for the Swiftness of Heru
A is for the strength ofAmon
Z is for the wisdom of Zheuti
A is for the power of Aton
M is for the courage of Mehen
Vulnerable to magic. Isis is powerful but even so magic can harm or kill her. Such as high order magic.
Unlocked powers. Lilith has yet to unlock the full true powers of Isis.
Amulet of ISIS. ISIS powers are tied to her amulet. The Amulet cannot be destroyed however if it is removed from her the gateway that links her powers is cut leaving Lily powerless.
Speech Impediment: Lilith cannot access this spell if she is gagged or hampered in some way from talking.
Electricity: A powerful enough electric discharge can transform Lily ISIS back into Lilith Clawthrone & vice versa.
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dzasta15 · 1 year
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my true otp....... BrucexSleep
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atomic-chronoscaph · 1 year
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Joanna Cameron - The Secrets of Isis (1975)
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cer-rata · 12 days
Fic WIP: "World War III"
Billy was halfway through taking his shirt off when his phone started ringing.
His work phone. Crap.
“Uh, Sorry, I need to take this real quick–”
“Yeah, sure. I’ll be here.”
Billy offered a grateful smile before turning around and grabbing his phone. He squinted when he realized who was calling.
“Hey, Conrad, this is a really bad time–”
“Yeah, yeah it’s a really bad time actually, fucking catastrophic, that’s exactly why I’m calling you.” Billy opened his mouth to ask a number of questions, but Conrad started up again. “Hey, sorry, that sounded flippant, I am actually concerned about what you’re currently dealing with. What uh…what’re you dealing with?” There was a bit of an echo as he spoke.
“Um.” Billy sputtered. “N-nothing, just uh, just kind of occupied–”
“Conrad!” Billy was sure his face was going to shoot off of his skull from the sudden blood pressure.
“Sorry, I’m just excited for you, I thought I was going to have to set you up or deal with it myself–”
“--so I’m glad you have some game. I am about to ruin it though. Sorry. I bet I can fix it, or again I can just–”
“Conrad, focus! What's going on? What’s so urgent, why's there an echo–”
“Oh that’s just the acoustics in Black Adam’s gulag.”
“Okay, please don’t be mad at me–”
“Conrad, why are you in Kahndaq?!”
“I was trying to do my job! I got an alert that a really powerful and important love was in danger of breaking, and I was like ‘yeah, send me there right now!" And then I was in their throne room.”
Billy resisted the urge to scream. “You blindly teleported into a dangerous situation without thinking? Again?”
Billy could hear the pout in his voice. “Duuuude, c’mon, don’t bully me, I’ll cu–”
“I’m going to let Teth execute you.”
“Oh, I’m not trapped. This is a regular jail. No, I'm more concerned about the fight Adam and Isis started having after he spiked me like a football. He did NOT like my relationship advice. Isis did. Anyway, It sounded like they were about to start World War III or something, and like…”
“...If they split up, who rules Kahndaq…”
“...And what happens when they’re not keeping each other tethered? Yeah Adam is kind of a–well he spiked me like a football cause I said he needed to listen more–but also I think Isis is stronger than him in some ways, and I mean…what WOULD she do if she wasn’t in Kahndaq? Plus Osiris would probably go with her too from what I gleaned about their connection–”
“Amon is there?”
“Yeah, I think he’s coming down to see me, that’s what the proximity scan says. Gosh, he seems dangerous. But he’s also sort of dreamy? Like he’s a real cutie and he’s got that haunted look that I apparently gravitate towards–”
Billy groaned and shook his head. “I’ll be right there, do not flirt with Amon–PLEASE do not flirt with–”
“Skkchchh–I can’t hear you, I think–schkkkksss–his scary magic lighting powers are interfering sksssshhhh. Well, see you when you get here!”
Billy sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, before turning back around and offering a sheepish smile.
“Um…sorry….can we…reschedule…?’‘
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comic-covers · 10 months
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docgold13 · 10 months
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Batman: The Animated Series - Paper Cut-Out Portraits and Profiles
A gray alleycat, Isis was Catwoman’s constant companion and often assisted her on heists, using her feline dexterity and small frame to obtain jewels Catwoman might not otherwise be able to reach.  Isis was as much a free spirit as Catwoman and she enjoyed going off on her own for jaunts about town.  
On one such occasion, the cat was napped by the agents of the deplorable Achilles Milo.  As part of a scheme orchestrated by Rolland Daggat, Dr. Milo was using stray cats and dogs to spread a new and more virulent strain of rabies onto the streets of Gotham.   This strain was highly transmissible to humans and the pharmaceutical wing of Daggat Industries already had the cure made.  As such, the villainous venture would net Daggat and Milo a great fortune.  
Catwoman was able to track down and rescue Isis.  In a delirious state, Isis bit Catwoman, infected her with this terrible virus.  Batman came to Catwoman’s aide.  He was able to hunt down Milo, defeat his minions and prevented a wider spread of the virus.  Batman also obtained the cure which was administered to both Catwoman and Isis.  The two made a full recovery.  
Actor Frank Welker provided the sound effects for Isis’ mews and caterwauls.  The cat first appeared in the debut episode of Batman: The Animated Series, yet featured much more prominently in the thirty-third episode of the first season, ‘Cat Scratch Fever.’  
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onlylonelylatino · 2 months
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Gary Seven, Roberta Lincoln and Isis by George Pérez
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billybatsonmylove · 3 months
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52 Issue #45
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chernobog13 · 3 months
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Black Adam is none too happy with Felix Faust, from Justice Society of America (vol. 3) #23 (March, 2009). Art by Jerry Ordway and Bob Wiacek. Colors by Hi-Fi Design. Letters by Rob Leigh.
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bamjio · 2 years
call me weird but everyone in black adam was so hot
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Round 2 Poll 8
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Isis is the Egyptian goddess of magic, marriage and healing
Artemis is the goddess of wildness, the hunt and the moon
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the-might-v · 1 year
And through a shot of pure thought came a day unlike any other. Where the worlds mightiest heroes came together and formed a League of its own.
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browsethestacks · 1 year
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5 Random Comics
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dc-tournaments · 9 months
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Why do they deserve to win?
Bud & Lou
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milkydraws8 · 1 year
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world's fastest geekazoid
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bad4amficideas · 2 years
Imagine you're playing your DC Online so calmly on the device of your choice and you get a cramp from it and weird but swear you're going blind for a moment.
At the moment everything is GamesRules!Reader x DC
Except you go with the above merits... Wait wait wait, is it with your previous merits not a reboot or something??? Urgent clarification please. You can't go through choosing your starter (specialization) again
And you were proud yourself on the title "Outlaw" which is only given to players who do enough good and bad and civil and neutral enough not to earn "(Super)hero" or "(Super) )villain" which is more difficult than it seems.
On the other hand, you are thankful that you did not participate in the "Joker Gangz Member" event, like, everyone who has played for more than a year has at least one Lantern Corps title of their choice, and sure you have a few suspicious titles in the glove box (though to be fair "Harley Quinn Appearing Patient" is not that bad of a title) but that one and Outlaw could cost you the neck now.
Anyway, everything is better than Market Thief, Sewer Rat, Bootlicker of the Rich, Contributor to Capitalism, Little Civilian's Helper and all those initial titles they gave you in your first missions
Wait, why the affection meter of Good, Bad, Civil and Neutral, are they now all divided into branches and more branches. Oh my god, do you have to be More careful to be liked by everyone??? (Your title 🥲)
Oh my god, and your top batmanesque equipment, your rewards (you just got the weird ultra difficult full pack of cheat the death 1 use tools -only one set per player- and the title "Member of the Council of Inmortals": lazarus pit bath, joker never dies, batman is death, there is one (1) kyptonite for everything, white lantern of life, death deities are nice, a wizard dit it, and; flash rewind for your convenience), your connections *cries a river*
oh. you will never get lost. that is a cool function. and wifi everywhere!!!! and it's like, it's always a bit visible a few meters around you. that's useful. Change of clothes and automatic washing and bandaging where you have been all my life....
Did you see for a moment.. those where the symbols of SIMS care necessities??? Someone, remove that immediately or you'll start talking giglerish.
... now you remember when you had to get the hate of all of Atlantis to get the "good" side of the LoA, damnit "Auntie Sea -and surrogated family- wanna kill me" that was a weird title. Remember you when read "Sky is literally my Daddy" (in Diana and Cassie) and "Mommy Nature favourite" (Swamp Thing and sometimes Poison Ivy) though. Maybe the sea dont try kill you will be nice, shame you can have everything.
Oh, look, be in your house counts as HP recovery!!! although apparently you have to update the house every so often or you'll start to lose HP... how unpleasant and not at all threatening that sounds.
Let's give a minute of silence to bless the child reader who started the tutorial in easy mode because it was their first rpg (so their background is from a rich orphan witn an emprise) and not from just out of jail for something they didn't do, with nothing like in hard mode.
uhm... is it possible that the characters have realized that it's a game? Or that they think you've gone crazy and you think it's a game? you should look it up I don't like how the dcmites look at you.
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