#isis west
milkydraws8 · 1 year
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world's fastest geekazoid
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troythecatfish · 7 months
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doctoremrys · 4 months
Hey there pro palestininans. Just wanted to let you know that today we found out that 2 kidnapped citizens of Thailand (you heard me right, not Israelis, and not jews so people that you don't hate) were murdered by Hamas., and their bodies are still in gaza, kept by Hanas. Those 2 innocent people desreve to be buried in their home, so their family could try to grieve in peace, but they can't, and it is not Israel's fault "this time"
But hey, keep donating money to, and don't worry, I'm sure that it won't go to Hamas, after all, it's not like they control on everything in Gaza. Why do you call then? Freedon fighters? Yeah, kero donating momey to the momsters who kidnapped innocents, arabs abd jews, murdered entire families, burned alive babies.
And just remember, the west is next, and no it's not a threat, it's your future.
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The “Palestinian” authority wants to expel all Jews from their native homeland. A place literally called JUDEA. Everyone’s accusing Israel of carrying an ethnic cleansing, no one is pointing the finger at the people who are actually planning one.
Israel has over 2 million Arabs living in its borders and treats them as equal citizens. Yet in the Palestinian Territories, the story is very different.
The worst part is that the UN would probably vote in favour of the order, because the United Nations is built off of the hatred of Jews
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chernobog13 · 2 months
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Crisis at the Hall of Justice by John Watson.
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A member of the YPJ (Women’s Protection Units), a majority Kurdish force focused on defense against ISIS militants. Photo by Newsha Tavakolian.
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ace-hell · 8 months
Just saw a video of IDF soldiers giving aid to gazan refugees and then one elderly men just stopped and said in HEBREW "may god help you", complaining how UNRWA is useless and cursing them
and then another man came and also in hebrew told the IDF to kill sinwar and that its all bc of hamas "don't get out of here until you kill all the people of hamas, they are horrible people,people don't understand", here is link(it allows only one video per post):
"we don't care about all this, its sinwar and hanyia, eating in a restaurant in turkey and hiding underground. Hit them in the head"(a saying in hebrew means fuck them up)
im in tears why these people had to be under a terrorist group like hamas. oy vey. And the worst part is that you won't see pro palestinians talking about how these people suffer from sinwar and haniya, they turn blind eye to it "fighting for the palestinian cause and freedom" yet push and glorify the terrorist group that oppresses and starve them(israel seds 250 aid trucks A DAY)
Free gaza from hamas
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i-am-aprl · 10 months
Terrorists of Terrorists of
ISIS 2015 IOF 2023
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See any difference?!!
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joyishome · 8 months
𝐖𝐚𝐥𝐤 𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤
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news4dzhozhar · 6 months
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Literally undermining Al Aqsa & now blocking Muslims from accessing the mosque during Ramadan, refusing Christians and Catholics access to church for Palm Sunday (and likely Easter as well) and no one makes a peep. The smallest of the 3 religions that hold Jerusalem sacred are in control by military force and no one sees a problem? I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone sometimes.
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troythecatfish · 25 days
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doctoremrys · 7 days
Is Columbia America's Most Antisemitic University?
I'm seriously tired.
Like, seriously, the amount of people here on Tumblr, and out there, on the US, on the UK, on Europe esc, who think that they know about this war, and this conflict.
It seens to me, that you forgot why this war started. Let me remnd you then!
1200 people were murdered!
This video shows the reality of what beimg a so called "pro pakestinian" really is, a Hanas suppor, a Terror supporter.
Sp take a BIG LOOK in the mirror befire you, beacause this is the truth You are all anti-Semitic terror supporters, congratulations!
I thonk that you might idolize someone who lived pn the 1930,' by the way, he was Gernan, and his started with an H, does it ring a bell?
Muslims, Chiristians, and Jews, they kodnapped everyone without a care for the world.
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secular-jew · 6 months
Oklahoma Hamas Jihadi
Oklahoma-Based Woman, Whose Facebook Posts Indicate Support for Hamas And Jihad, Boasts About FBI Visit And Her Desire To See U.S. Troops Return In Coffins; 'As An American I Pray All Of Them Return…Packed In Wooden Boxes'; 'If We Are Unable To Engage In Physical Jihad Then, Every Single One Of Us…Must Be Engaging In Jihads Of Pen & Tongue!'
An Oklahoma woman posted a video showing a March 29, 2024 visit she received from several agents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. According to the FBI agents, they were sent because she published several posts on Facebook that caused concern. The video of the visit swiftly went viral online. On her Facebook account, A scroll through her Facebook account shows her endorsement of Hamas and of jihad. She posted that Hamas's conduct has been just and compassionate, and cited the group's propaganda video released last year which showed their release of smiling and waving hostages.
Following the March 19 visit by several FBI agents, the woman's video went viral. She published multiple Facebook posts dedicated to the media attention she's received.
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Shortly after the FBI paid her a visit, the woman recounted her version of events on Facebook. Included in her March 19 post is a photo of one of the FBI agents. She wrote: "The FBI just came to my home. They stated that Facebook sent them screenshots of concerning posts. They asked if they could talk to me. I refused and told them my lawyer will contact them. If anything happens to me remember there is no God but, God. God is just and He loves those who speak against evil and uphold truth. Fear no man only God & the hellfire. Take a screenshot Facebook. #FreePalestine."
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In a post on April 1, 2024, she commented on an article published by Fox News titled: "FBI agents question woman over anti-Israel Facebook posts in viral video." She wrote: "Thanks Fox news for the coverage. However, I find it disturbing that, they and other media outlets piggybacking their report, are quoting my post about israhelli terrorist filth out of context. My comment continues on about Ramadan being the strength of Muslims bc it's a direct response to the attached video of an Israhelli terrorist on Israhelli state TV calling for attacking Gaza during Ramadan…"
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In another post on April 1, she shared a screenshot of a Turkish news item reporting on her story: "Even international media is shocked at the attempt to stifle and/or intimidate we Americans away from our right of free speech. Oklahoma reaches Turkiye!"
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On March 31, the woman wrote: "I am humbled that God has allowed me to be targeted. I am honored to fight for Palestine no matter the cost come what may. All thanks and praise be to Allah for everything."
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Facebook Posts Following FBI Visit
The woman has continued to regularly publish posts which are critical of Israel and its supporters on her Facebook page, following the visit by the FBI.
She wrote on March 21: "God destroy Israhell, its backers & its supporters. Ameen."
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On March 28, 2024, she published a Facebook post which discussed using the term, "jihad." "Don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of your Islam or bully you into sugarcoating Islam for 'acceptance.' Don't let them force you into abstaining from usage of Islamic terms like #Jihad/ #SHARIAH etc. You're not responsible for misunderstandings, misinterpretations, nor the false propaganda."
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Facebook Posts Condoning Hamas And Jihad
One day before the FBI paid her a visit, the woman wrote: "God protect & aid all the Mujahideen in the jihad against the foreign apartheid occupation israhell & its backers. May victory come soon."
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zucchinimalfoy · 11 months
I’m not a big person on this platform. I have like ten followers I think? I don’t know, but I don’t care.
I will always use my voice, regardless of how impactful it is, to speak about Palestine.
I will not remain silent, as silence is equivalent to complicity, and I would rather die than sit idly by and watch the israelis slaughter the Palestinians.
This is no new thing. 75 years this has been going on. I don’t know how much I need to repeat myself, because frankly I’m getting sick of saying the same thing.
Because how many times do we need to say genocide before people actually realise that we mean it? How many war crimes need to be committed against the Palestinians for you to know that they’re being slaughtered? How many people need to die for you to finally speak up?
As I have said in previous posts, this isn’t a thing limited to only Muslims. If you are a Muslim, it is your duty to speak up about Palestine, as the Prophet Muhammad PBUH described, the ummah is like the body; when one part is injured, the entire body feels pain. If you are not Muslim, it is your duty to speak up as a human.
This is all a question of humanity, of decency. Can any decent person look at the terrified faces of children and call them terrorists? Say they brought this upon themselves? (which is something an israeli woman actually said about the children in Gaza.)
Do not stay silent.
Do not remain complicit.
Urge your government to demand a ceasefire.
Email your MPs or senators or whoever else you ring. Go to protests, share posts, start discussions.
And most importantly, make dua’a. Make dua’a to Allah SWT for the protection of the Palestinian people. Make dua’a for Him to unite the ummah of the Prophet PBUH in fighting against the occupiers. Make dua’a for all those martyred, and all those suffering. And ask Allah SWT for forgiveness, for He is the Most Merciful.
Free Palestine 🇵🇸
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Before Elon Musk bought Twitter, slurs against Black Americans showed up on the social media service an average of 1,282 times a day. After the billionaire became Twitter’s owner, they jumped to 3,876 times a day.
Slurs against gay men appeared on Twitter 2,506 times a day on average before Mr. Musk took over. Afterward, their use rose to 3,964 times a day.
And antisemitic posts referring to Jews or Judaism soared more than 61% in the two weeks after Mr. Musk acquired the site.
These findings — from the Center for Countering Digital Hate, the Anti-Defamation League and other groups that study online platforms — provide the most comprehensive picture to date of how conversations on Twitter have changed since Mr. Musk completed his $44 billion deal for the company in late October. While the numbers are relatively small, researchers said the increases were atypically high.
The shift in speech is just the tip of a set of changes on the service under Mr. Musk. Accounts that Twitter used to regularly remove — such as those that identify as part of the Islamic State, which were banned after the U.S. government classified ISIS as a terror group — have come roaring back. Accounts associated with QAnon, a vast far-right conspiracy theory, have paid for and received verified status on Twitter, giving them a sheen of legitimacy.
These changes are alarming, researchers said, adding that they had never seen such a sharp increase in hate speech, problematic content and formerly banned accounts in such a short period on a mainstream social media platform.
“Elon Musk sent up the Bat Signal to every kind of racist, misogynist and homophobe that Twitter was open for business,” said Imran Ahmed, the chief executive of the Center for Countering Digital Hate. “They have reacted accordingly.”
Mr. Musk, who did not respond to a request for comment, has been vocal about being a “free speech absolutist” who believes in unfettered discussions online. He has moved swiftly to overhaul Twitter’s practices, allowing former President Donald J. Trump — who was barred for tweets that could incite violence — to return. Last week, Mr. Musk proposed a widespread amnesty for accounts that Twitter’s previous leadership had suspended. And on Tuesday, he ended enforcement of a policy against COVID misinformation.
But Mr. Musk has denied claims that hate speech has increased on Twitter under his watch. Last month, he tweeted a downward-trending graph that he said showed that “hate speech impressions” had dropped by a third since he took over. He did not provide underlying numbers or details of how he was measuring hate speech.
A swift overhaul. Elon Musk has moved quickly to revamp Twitter since he completed his $44 billion buyout of the social media company in October, warning of a bleak financial picture and a need for new products. Here’s a look at some of the changes so far:
• Going private. As part of Mr. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, he is delisting the company’s stock and taking it out of the hands of public shareholders. Making Twitter a private company gives Mr. Musk some advantages, including not having to make quarterly financial disclosures. Private companies are also subject to less regulatory scrutiny.
• Layoffs. Just over a week after closing the deal, Mr. Musk eliminated nearly half of Twitter’s work force, or about 3,700 jobs. The layoffs hit many divisions across the company, including the engineering and machine learning units, the teams that manage content moderation, and the sales and advertising departments.
• Verification subscriptions. Twitter began charging customers $7.99 a month to receive a coveted verification check mark on their profiles. But the subscription service was paused after some users exploited it to create havoc on the platform by pretending to be high-profile brands and sending disruptive tweets.
• Content moderation. Shortly after closing the deal to buy Twitter, Mr. Musk said that the company would form a content moderation council to decide what kinds of posts to keep up and what to take down. But advertisers have paused their spending on Twitter over fears that Mr. Musk will loosen content rules on the platform.
• Other possible changes. As Mr. Musk and his advisers look for ways to generate more revenue at the company, they are said to have discussed adding paid direct messages, which would let users send private messages to high-profile users. The company has also filed registration paperwork to pave the way for it to process payments.
On Thursday, Mr. Musk said the account of Kanye West, which was restricted for a spell in October because of an antisemitic tweet, would be suspended indefinitely after the rapper, known as Ye, tweeted an image of a swastika inside the Star of David. On Friday, Mr. Musk said Twitter would publish “hate speech impressions” every week and agreed with a tweet that said hate speech spiked last week because of Ye’s antisemitic posts.
Changes in Twitter’s content not only have societal implications but also affect the company’s bottom line. Advertisers, which provide about 90% of Twitter’s revenue, have reduced their spending on the platform as they wait to see how it will fare under Mr. Musk. Some have said they are concerned that the quality of discussions on the platform will suffer.
On Wednesday, Twitter sought to reassure advertisers about its commitment to online safety. “Brand safety is only possible when human safety is the top priority,” the company wrote in a blog post. “All of this remains true today.”
The appeal to advertisers coincided with a meeting between Mr. Musk and Thierry Breton, the digital chief of the European Union, in which they discussed content moderation and regulation, according to an E.U. spokesman. Mr. Breton has pressed Mr. Musk to comply with the Digital Services Act, a European law that requires social platforms to reduce online harm or face fines and other penalties.
Mr. Breton plans to visit Twitter’s San Francisco headquarters early next year to perform a “stress test” of its ability to moderate content and combat disinformation, the spokesman said.
On Twitter itself, researchers said the increase in hate speech, antisemitic posts and other troubling content had begun before Mr. Musk loosened the service’s content rules. That suggested that a further surge could be coming, they said.
• An Established Pattern: Firing people. Talking of bankruptcy. Telling workers to be “hard core.” Twitter isn’t the first company that witnessed Elon Musk use those tactics.
• Resolving a ‘Misunderstanding’: After Mr. Musk accused Apple of threatening to pull Twitter from its App Store, it appears that a potential feud between the tech titans has been avoided.
• A ‘War for Talent’: Seeing misinformation as a possibly expensive liability, several companies are angling to hire former Twitter employees with the expertise to keep it in check.
• Unpaid Bills: Mr. Musk and his advisers have scrutinized all types of costs at Twitter, instructing staff to review, renegotiate and in some cases not pay outside vendors at all.
If that happens, it’s unclear whether Mr. Musk will have policies in place to deal with problematic speech or, even if he does, whether Twitter has the employees to keep up with moderation. Mr. Musk laid off, fired or accepted the resignations of more than half the company’s staff last month, including those who worked to remove harassment, foreign interference and disinformation from the service. Yoel Roth, Twitter’s head of trust of safety, was among those who quit.
The Anti-Defamation League, which files regular reports of antisemitic tweets to Twitter and keeps track of which posts are removed, said the company had gone from taking action on 60% of the tweets it reported to only 30%.
“We have advised Musk that Twitter should not just keep the policies it has had in place for years, it should dedicate resources to those policies,” said Yael Eisenstat, a vice president at the Anti-Defamation League, who met with Mr. Musk last month. She said he did not appear interested in taking the advice of civil rights groups and other organizations.
“His actions to date show that he is not committed to a transparent process where he incorporates the best practices we have learned from civil society groups,” Ms. Eisenstat said. “Instead he has emboldened racists, homophobes and antisemites.”
The lack of action extends to new accounts affiliated with terror groups and others that Twitter previously banned. In the first 12 days after Mr. Musk assumed control, 450 accounts associated with ISIS were created, up 69% from the previous 12 days, according to the Institute for Strategic Dialogue, a think tank that studies online platforms.
Other social media companies are also increasingly concerned about how content is being moderated on Twitter.
When Meta, which owns Facebook and Instagram, found accounts associated with Russian and Chinese state-backed influence campaigns on its platforms last month, it tried to alert Twitter, said two members of Meta’s security team, who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to speak publicly. The two companies often communicated on these issues, since foreign influence campaigns typically linked fake accounts on Facebook to Twitter.
But this time was different. The emails to their counterparts at Twitter bounced or went unanswered, the Meta employees said, in a sign that those workers may have been fired.
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The amount of forethought and consideration my friends gave to my dietary restrictions this weekend was so nice. Granted, they’ve never known me any other way, but it was still great. My own family barely put any effort into accommodating me even when I was only vegetarian. I mean, did they really have to put meat into even the sides? No, they didn’t. Or they could’ve left aside a portion sans meat. Instead I’d maybe get a veggie burger... then have a PB&J later. This weekend two people brought non-dairy creamer for our coffee (I brought my own as well because I didn’t assume anyone else would), another brought three meat alternatives for me. One morning someone made vegan pumpkin pancakes. One night we had pasta with red sauce and veggie “meatballs”. Any suspicion I had that they didn’t care about me was pretty well snuffed out. This is also proof that ‘if they wanted to, they would’ and that staying away from my family for the last several years was a wise choice. Seeing them drains me. I didn’t feel the need to fully introvert the whole time. Which is honestly pretty impressive. 
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