#dc give Damian his little sister he deserves to be a big brother
thebatcreature · 9 months
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Damian meets the newest member of the family
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ms-trickster · 3 years
✨ Missy’s Fanfiction Extravaganza✨
A shout out to some fics that I've read, fallen in love with, and believe deserve more recognition. Stories not restricted by fandom or website, though I will stick to either AO3 or Fanfiction.net. Please pay attention to the tags for triggers/squicks!
Arthur Enchanted by platonic_boner (1/1)
Arthur is cursed to obey Merlin’s orders.
Obviously this has very little impact on their lives, since no servant would ever dare give orders to a prince.
Wanted: One Merlin. Big ears. Memory of King Arthur optional. by watchriverdale (1/1)
Merlin had been having quite a good day, actually, until some bloke calling himself King Arthur turned up and tried to get him to run away with him.
Winning A Battle by OhFantasyWorld (1/1)
“Arthur,” he said softly. ”There’s something wrong, isn’t there?”
Arthur nodded slowly, still not looking at him.
Merlin stepped closer to him.
“Will you tell me? I’ve been worried,” he said earnestly. “I promise not to tell anyone.”
Arthur bit his lip. Then he closed his eyes. “No.”
Into the Spider-Verse
refract, reform by puppyblue (1/1)
I should go up there and help him, Miles thinks, and stands up straight to stare at where Green Goblin and the Prowler have Spider-Man pinned down.
And in the five seconds between the thought and the realization that hey, maybe not, all Miles can think is, but I have no way to get up there.
So he throws his phone instead.
Down the Waterspout by Mockingone (9/9)
Peter Parker hightails out of the particle collider with Miles Morales tucked under his arm.
Or: Spider-Man lives, and the consequences thereafter.
It's Not The Violin by copperbadge (1/1)
Somewhere between Alejandro and the fistfight, John Watson became someone Sherlock Holmes would kill for.
The Peter Paradox by Potrix (1/)
“Sherlock has never been good at sharing, so it’s really no wonder that things go a little awry when Mycroft decides to bring a friend home for Christmas.”
In which Sherlock is jealous and not amused, Mycroft has a mysterious ‘friend’, the Holmes parents are not doing a very good job and the author decided it was time for some Christmas fluff in July.
Miraculous Ladybug
Sweet Dreams by SailorChibi (1/1)
Marinette and Adrien kill Gabriel Agreste.
big brother moment by lawltam (1/1)
“Why do you have a Nightwing hoodie and not a Red Hood one?”
“Well, maybe if you stopped killing people, they’d make more merchandise of you.”
Tim and Jason are the self-proclaimed "second-best duo of the family."
if it's all in my head tell me now, tell me i got it wrong somehow by gaysupersoldiers (1/1)
“No one who does that is good.” Fatima insists. “We have to tell Mistress. She won’t stand for it.”
And wasn’t that curious? What had Ra’s done that would inspire such wrath? Fatima had been more than ecstatic to work with ninjas, a youthful excitement prevalent as she was able to watch them train. She had been privy to the carnage Ra’s had left behind- after all she was the one to scrub the throne room just last week. And what could have Ra’s done that she thinks Talia would go directly against him?
Farah gave her companion another sharp glance, “We must do no such thing.”
Fatima sighed, crossing her arms and glaring at her sister, “There is a child in Master Ra’s bedchambers.”
knowing by mipmap (1/1)
In which Damian knows something the rest of his family does not.
can't lose another life by dottie_wan_kenobi (1/1)
Part 25 of Batfam Fics
He tries to move his arm, and pure blazing pain shoots through his whole body. Biting down on a scream, he tells himself he has to get up. Has to move. Jason is waiting for him at the hotel. If he takes too long, then Jason will come searching, and this mess is the last thing he wants his boy to see. Nevermind the fact that Bruce doesn’t have a good grasp on anything about it, he knows it’s bad.
Fire, burning flesh, crying. It’s bad. Not something a child should see.
Reverse Ethiopia AU
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Fictober18 Day 18 “You should have seen it.”
Fandom/Character(s): DC Comics, BatFam - Jason Todd/Robin/Red Hood & Dick Grayson/Nightwing
“You should have seen it!” Jason exclaimed, doing a front flip onto the beanbag. “Scarecrow’s thugs were all, boo-boo-buh-boom!” He mimed gunshots with his hands, beaming. “And Batman was all, ‘Grrr!’ and Scarecrow was like, ‘AAAH! Don’t hurt me!’ And I was all, ‘Goin’ somewhere, doc?’ And Scarecrow was like, ‘Oh sh---’”
“Jason?” Dick asked, poking his head into the library. “Bruce is looking for you.”
“Be right down,” Jason said. Dick left. Jason looked back at me. “I’ll tell the rest of the story later, okay?”
I chuckled. “Okay.”
“Ah it was awesome. You’re gonna love it!” he said as he jogged over to the door and slid out.
I smiled and flopped onto the other beanbag. “He’s so cute,” I muttered.
I didn’t have to wait long for him to come back. Maybe ten minutes. During which time I just sat and read my book.
Jason came hurtling back into the library like an overexcited missile. He dramatically belly-flopped onto the beanbag he’d been on before. “Okay, so, anyway. It was so cool! Like, I’ve been doing patrols for nearly a year now and this was by far the most successful it’s ever been and it was, like, the most awesome night!”
He kept going, giving me a play-by-play of patrol with no inhibitions. He knew I knew everything about the double life just about everyone in this family led, so he didn’t need to hold back.
I listened and nodded and laughed in all the right places, which seemed to encourage him to just keep going. Which he did. He was so small and excited and I really couldn’t help but find it adorable. Between Bruce’s three current adopted children---me, Dick, and Jason---I was fairly certain Jason was the smartest. Dick and I were by no means idiots, but Jason, for being fourteen, already had a better vocabulary than either of us and definitely read more fancy, classic literature than we did. Dick didn’t read for recreation much and I was on a more strict, “Written after 1980″ policy.
He was the best little brother.
“Nuh-uh! When Bruce and Alfred are away, I’m in charge!” I snapped at Dick. “And we are not having cereal for dinner! I already made---”
“Since when are you in charge?” he demanded.
“Since I’m the oldest!”
“By two weeks!”
“Two-and-a-half. And still. The oldest.”
“I was adopted first!”
“And I’m still older than you!”
“Two weeks is negligible in the grand scheme of a human lifetime.”
“Maybe. But I’m also way more mature than you. And I already made dinner. So shut up and eat,” I ordered, shoving his stir fry at him. “It’s healthy and it’ll keep you energized for patrol tonight.”
“Guys can’t we... just all get along?” Jason asked quietly.
“I’m fine with that,” I said, passing him a plate of stir fry. “There you go, kiddo. It’ll keep your strength up for patrol.” I gave Dick a pointed look. “And since I’m not part of B’s crusade at the moment, you are in charge of that. I’ll run comms and ops from the bat-computer but you have to keep an eye on Jason, okay?”
“Aw Tally,” Jason complained. “I’m old enough to handle myself!”
I bounced my eyebrows at him, unconvinced.
“I’ll keep an eye on him,” Dick said. “But I will punt him back to the Batcave if he gets in my way. He’s not as experienced.”
I grunted. “Watch him grow up to be better than both you and Bruce,” I said with a snort.
“As if,” Dick muttered
I shrugged. “Well, you never know.”
I made sure my younger brothers ate their stir fry before getting ready for patrol. It was good to allow at least an hour for digestion before strenuous physical activity (but as long as possible was preferred) so I was lucky that it took them two hours to get ready. Some of that was because of the bickering. Much as Jason tried to get along with the family, sometimes he was too bull-headed from his time on the streets.
“Okay. Watch out for each other. No unnecessary risks. Keep your comms on. Call me if you need help,” I instructed. “And be careful. I don’t want to explain shattered collarbones to Bruce or Alfred. Especially Alfred.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever, Tally,” Dick muttered as he climbed on his motorcycle.
Jason gave me a hug. “We’ll be okay! Promise.”
“Good. Be sure to tell me your stories when you get home.” I ruffled his hair.
“G’aw!” he complained, swatting at my hand. “I will if you stooop!”
I laughed. “Okay. Go out there and save the city, boys.”
Jason beamed. “Okay!”
Six Years Later...
I stared out over the city from the rooftop of some high-rise. It could have been Wayne Tower and I’d have no idea.
I heard a quiet whoosh! and the thud! of a landing.
“Remember how hard you cried when Jason died?” Dick asked. I turned and glanced at him. He approached the edge of the high-rise and sat next to me. “And how hard you cried when he came back?”
I smirked. “Jealous?” I joked.
“Nah. Jason told me how hard you cried at my funeral when I faked my death.”
“Yeah that sucked. You guys really need to stop that.”
Dick snickered under his breath. “No promises, Tal.”
I rolled my eyes. “Is there any reason you’re bringing up such painful memories?”
He shrugged. “I was just wondering if that’s what fueled you to finally join the Bat’s crusade,” he said.
I pursed my lips in thought. “That... and a lot of other things. Our family grew fast and someone had to make sure no one else was going to die by being reckless or irresponsible. And...” I sighed. “I know family isn’t supposed to have favorites but you and Jay are mine. And you’ve spent so many years being there, emotionally, for our siblings that I realized I really sucked at being there for you when I was younger. I was trying so hard to take care of you and Jay physically whenever I was left in charge that I really failed at the emotional part. I know me being part of the crusade doesn’t really change that, but I hoped being out here would give me more time with you and Jay and Tim and Damian and Cass and Duke and... I just want to be a better older sister.”
“Tal, you were exactly what we needed, Jay and I, when we were younger. Firm but kind and trying your best. You shouldn’t have had to be responsible for us. That was a big responsibility to put on your shoulders whenever Bruce was out of town on business. Remember that time he had a League mission that lasted two weeks and you and I were about a month shy of eighteen? You kept Jason and I from dying for that long and we never gave you the credit you deserved.”
“That’s because Alfred was home,” I pointed out.
“Yeah but you watched two idiot teenage boys as well as you possibly could. And you did a great job. You’re still doing a great job.”
I wrapped my arms around Dick’s shoulders, careful to avoid his escrima sticks. He’d been taller than me since we were twelve. “Thanks,” I said. “But I’m still trying to be there for you. To be a better big sister for you.”
He chuckled and hugged me back. “That’s sweet of you,” he said. “So. What are you doing sitting up here anyway?”
“Waiting for Jason,” I said.
“What for?”
Whoosh! Thud!
Dick and I turned to see Jason straightening up from his landing. He jogged over and plopped down onto my other side, yanking his helmet off to reveal the streak of white in his hair from his resurrection and the red domino mask over his eyes. There was a beaming grin on his face. “Oh my word,” he said, landing a heavy hand on my knee. “You should have seen this, Batgirl!”
I laughed and Dick chuckled. “Tell me everything, Hood,” I said with a bright smile.
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cloakedsparrow · 7 years
DC Ficlet: Bat-Cow and Kit-Cow.
After visiting the Kent family farm, Damian became concerned about Bat-Cow. Not in the weak, whiny, worrisome way, of course. Damian just thought about his cow’s welfare to a degree he hadn’t before. He had learned a lot about cows from Jon and his parents, such as the fact that they are herd animals.
It hadn’t occurred to Damian that Bat-Cow might need companionship before. Bat-Cow couldn’t be taken to a park like Titus or go on missions like Goliath. She had to remain in the cave. Alone.
It just wouldn’t do. His cow deserved better.
Not that Damian would ever consider giving up Bat-Cow. No, he just needed to make better arrangements for her and find her some sort of companionship.
The first issue was easy enough. Wayne Manor was build on the sprawling grounds owned by his father, so Damian just announced one day that he needed a pasture and barn for Bat-Cow. Bruce looked a little surprised by the announcement and displeased at the way it was delivered, but he told Damian to go ahead and build it. 
Damian didn’t know how to build a pasture, but Jon’s dad did and once Jon told Clark about it, they invited themselves over for a ‘barn raising’. To Damian’s surprise, all three of his brothers and his sister came to help too. Dick even brought his friends Roy and Wally along. His father took time from work to assist as well.
With all of them working to together, the pasture and barn were up by the end of the day.
Bat-Cow (along with Jerry the Turkey) was moved to the barn that night and she seemed happier over the next few days.
But it still was not enough. Damian knew she needed more than a turkey for companionship. He just wasn’t sure what to do about it at first. Then, he thought of his father.
Bruce had been on the road to a lonely life. Having a secret vigilante identity did that. But his father wasn’t alone. He actually had a rather large circle of friends and a very devoted family.
It had all started with Dick. Damian had heard the story. He knew that taking Dick in had changed the game for Bruce. Having a son meant the world to him, and with Dick came others, friends, girlfriends and associates. People Bruce wouldn’t have let into his world if it hadn’t been for his child. Then had come Damian’s other siblings and with them, more people.
The answer to Damian’s current dilemma came easily then. Bat-Cow needed a child. He immediately called Jon to ask if he had any that would be capable of impregnating her. Fortunately, Jon was used to Damian’s odd manner of communication and simply answered that they had a bull on the Kent farm.
Damian knew his father wasn’t thrilled about all his animals. His brothers had commented about the fact that they’d never been allowed pets and Damian had overheard Dick arguing with Bruce about keeping Bat-Cow after he’d brought her home. He decided the old adage that it was better to beg forgiveness than ask permission applied to the situation.
He and Jon waited until both of their father’s were going to be occupied with the Justice League and Lois was on assignment out of town. He asked if Jon could stay at the manor for the weekend.
Clark and Lois said yes right away but Bruce was immediately suspicious.
Again, Dick came to his brother’s defense, pointing out that he needed friends and Jon was the best sort Bruce could have hoped he befriend. To Damian’s surprise, Tim chimed in that it was important to have friends who understood the whole secret identity thing. Jason commented that if Damian could handle Gotham streets as Robin, then he could handle a sleep over.
“Besides,” Cassandra added, pausing for a moment so each of her brothers could finish with her, “Alfred will be there.”
Damian’s sleep over was approved. The first night, he and Jon let Titus and Krypto play. The next morning, they told Alfred that Bat-Cow should get a play date too. He agreed, but refused to let the boys fly to Jon’s by themselves. Instead they took a private plane Damian hadn’t known his father had purchased; one that had a special stall for transporting Bat-Cow.
They waited until Alfred went into the Kent home to prepare lunch to move Bat-Cow into the pen with the bull. After Jon informed Damian that demanding they hurry up and procreate wasn’t going to help, they had to simply wait and distract Alfred from looking too closely at where they’d put Bat-Cow.
In the end, the plan worked. Bruce was irritated when he learned Bat-Cow was expecting and the Kents were torn between anger and amusement that the boys had bred their own calf. Bruce issued a new rule that there was to be no breeding at Wayne Manor without his approval from then on (the Kents made the same rule at their farm). But he was allowed to keep the calf, so Damian was fine with it.
Damian named the calf Kit-Cow because he didn’t like any of the names suggested and Tim informed him that baby bats were called pups or kits. ‘Pup-Cow’ sounded silly but Damian liked ‘Kit-Cow’. He had to threaten Jason with bodily harm if he didn’t cease to call her ‘Kit-Kat’ and someone kept putting a big bow on her (Damian suspected Dick but couldn’t prove it). Alfred arranged for a vet to come check on mother and baby and both were given a clean bill of health.
Damian was pleased that he had done well by Bat-Cow.
However, he noticed that one of the Kent’s neighbors had turkeys and began to wonder if Jerry was lacking anything due to not having a proper flock...
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