#dc legends of tomorrow fanfiction
drsweetheartsgf · 4 months
when someone asks what book im reading but im actually secretly reading the same fanfic trope about the same sapphic couple for the 17th time but i downloaded the fic on my e-reader so i dont look like a loser
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1-imaginary-girl · 8 months
Happy Birthday
Leonard Snart x Reader
Summary: It's Leonard's birthday, and you have a special gift for him. Reader is gender-neutral. (This takes place in The Flash universe, before Legends).
Warnings: Pure fluff!
Word Count: 1552
A/N: I keep adding new men to my master list but I can't help it! Wentworth Miller is just a beautiful individual and I've been obsessed with him as Captain Cold from the start.
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It wasn’t the sun shining through his windows that woke him up. It wasn’t even the hustle and bustle of Central City. No, instead, Leonard woke up to the feeling of kisses peppering his face.
He immediately smiles before even opening his eyes. “G’morning,” he says in a husky voice. He hears you giggle. He opens his eyes to the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You’re next to him on the bed, leaned over so that your faces are close together. You have the brightest smile on your face, that lights him up from the sight of it. He doesn’t know what he did to deserve you, an angel in human form, but he’ll be damned if he gives you up.
His attention falls back to you as you speak. “Happy birthday!” you say excitedly, trying not to be too loud as he had just woken up. He looks confused before remembering. He had completely forgotten. But it seems as if you hadn’t.
“Thank you, sweetheart.” You lean down and plant a kiss on his lips, thoroughly waking Leonard up. He brings his hand up to hold your head but then you pull away giggling. He’s left looking jokingly dejected which gets him another quick kiss on his pouty lips. “You seem very excited.”
“Well duh! It’s your birthday. Birthdays are fun,” you say cheerfully. 
“As long as you don’t throw me a surprise party, I’ll have fun.” You look offended.
“I think I know my boyfriend a little better than that,” you say which makes him smile. He takes you in, positively vibrating with joy and narrows his eyes.
“What is it?” he asks suspiciously. This only makes you smile wider.
“I got you something,” you say and before he can even comment, you’re off the bed. He instantly misses your warmth.
“You didn’t have to get me anything,” he says, missing you but simultaneously drinking you in as he sits up. Your hair is a little tussled from the night before and he notices that you’re wearing his shirt which looks much better on you.
“Oh hush, of course I did!” you call from the closet. You quickly find what you’re looking for and turn with it behind your back. You’re biting down your grin, trying to contain your excitement now, but it’s all over your face. He thinks it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen.
You make your way back over to the bed and place the gift in his lap. “I have a card for later,” you say. “But I need you to open this first.”
Leonard looks down at the delicately wrapped gift. The wrapping paper is dark blue with white polka dots. As soon as he touches it, he hears you take a sharp intake. When he looks back over at you, your excited energy has turned nervous. You’re rapidly looking from him to the gift. He reaches over to squeeze your hand, trying to help your nerves. It works, as you take a deep breath.
He returns to the gift and begins to unwrap it. Underneath the paper, is a plain white box. He glances over at you again and your eyes are trained on the box. Slowly, he opens it.
There, sitting on a sheet of parchment paper, is a hat. Not just any hat. It’s a dark blue winter hat, and it looks as if it’s been hand-knitted. He’s staring in disbelief, wondering why he’s tearing up at something as simple as a hat.
“Did you make this?” he whispers in awe, slowly reaching in and taking the hat into his hands. It feels comfortable and soft.
You clear your throat. “Y-yeah I did,” you say and Leonard looks at you with stars in his eyes because he can’t believe that his kind-hearted partner took the time to make something for him. You won’t meet his eyes, but if you did, you would see the love he has for you plastered on his face. “I, uh, I tried to match the colour to your coat.” You quickly add, “N-not that you would wear it on the job or anything, but it matches if you wear them together. Or it should.”
He noted that, the choice of colour syncing with his signature coat. “Y/N…” he says, for once at a loss for words. Unfortunately, you take his silence to mean something else.
“I-if you don’t like it, I can get you something else! It’s not that great considering it was my first time knitting, you know I wanted to try something new, but if you don’t like it I would totally under—”
Before your nervous ramblings got worse, Leonard leaned over and pulled you into a fierce kiss. You hesitate, confused for a moment, before leaning into it. You pull away, looking at Leonard for the first time and seeing an absolutely giddy smile, which confuses you even more but puts a smile on your face.
“I love it,” he says, looking into your eyes. You can tell he isn’t lying.
“Really?” you ask with tentative hopefulness. He pulls back to look at it some more.
“Yes!” he says and relief crashes down on you. He sees you smiling again. “In fact…” Leonard takes his new hat and puts it on, instantly warming his head. Your eyes widen.
“You don’t have to wear it—”
“Of course I do, it’s my new favourite hat,” he says with a smile. The thought of wearing something you made special for him warms his heart. He can tell that you’re still not entirely convinced. You set your lips into a straight line before leaning over to take the hat off. But Leonard’s quicker and he leans back, causing you to fall onto his chest. 
You giggle as he says, “Are you trying to steal my hat? On my birthday of all days?” This causes you to giggle harder which makes him chuckle. You look up at him with nothing but love in your eyes and his heart still manages to skip a beat after all this time.
“I’m glad you like it,” you say, finally accepting his words to be true.
“How could I not? It’s from you,” he says softly. You bury your face in his chest as you blush which makes him laugh again. Then you lean up and plant kisses all over his face as you did before. 
You pause as your faces are inches away from one another. “Happy birthday Leonard,” you say again. He smiles and before he can respond, you lean in and press your lips to his. It’s soft and slow and full of love. When it starts to become more passionate, you pull back biting your lip.
He tries to reconnect your lips but you turn away. “We have to save some for later,” you say with a wink. He groans but gives up as you settle on his chest. As he looks at you, he realizes that you’re the best gift he could ever receive. He wonders if that’s too corny to say out loud. Either way, he sighs in content. He could stay like this, the two of you in bed together, for the rest of the day—
You suddenly sit up, taking your warmth away from him. “Time to make your birthday breakfast!” you say excitedly. You start to move off the bed but he wraps his arms around your middle.
“Can’t we just stay like this in bed all day?” he asks, leaning his head against your back and planting a kiss there. But you wriggle your way out of his grip.
“As nice as that sounds, no can do. I have a whole day planned for you.” As much as he protests to getting out of bed, he really appreciates what you’ve done for him. “So up and at ‘em!”
You skip out of the bedroom towards the kitchen and he groans again, hearing your giggle echo from down the hall. But then he smiles and climbs out of bed, slowly following you. He almost forgets he’s wearing the hat but doesn’t want to take it off. He has a feeling this might be his best birthday yet. 
Bonus scene:
The next day at work, one of the rogues is talking with Mick when Leonard walks in. His appearance causes both of them to stop, and not just because he’s in charge.
Along with his infamous blue jacket, Leonard Snart is wearing a new, knitted blue hat. At first, they don’t know what to say. They just stare as he walks by. But then the rogue decides to speak up.
“Hey boss, what the hell are you wearing?” the man asks. Leonard pauses in his tracks and slowly turns to face him with a glare set on his face.
“A hat,” he says, obviously. Then his hand moves to his cold gun and powers it on. “Care to comment on it?”
The man’s eyes widen. “N-no, it looks great,” the man says with a nervous smile. Leonard says nothing more, slowly removing his hand from the gun before walking away. Once he’s out of hearing distance, the man turns to Mick. “You think Y/N made it for him?”
“Oh absolutely,” Mick responds.
From that day on, the hat became a part of Captain Cold’s look.
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blooming-sunrise · 1 year
I am burdened by having too many ideas for fanfics of too many fandoms and no energy whatsoever to write them, also no organization skills or good memory
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petty-d4bblr · 28 days
A short fanfic I wrote for some closure on John Constantine and Zari Tarazi's relationship in Legends of Tomorrow. I incorporated some Hellblazer comic and NBC's Constantine show tidbits in there, too, but you don't really need a good grounding in either to read it.
John Constantine has been in London for 3 months since departing from The Legends, but a spot of Hell-hound trouble leads to him entering the Hell dimension version of the Mansion to escape, where he runs into a grief-stricken Zari, for whom only a week has passed since his departure.
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bi-bard · 2 years
That’s My Ride or Die - Leonard Snart & Mick Rory Imagine (DC's Legends of Tomorrow)
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Title: That’s My Ride or Die
Pairing: Leonard Snart & Mick Rory X Platonic!Reader
Based On: Best Friend
Word Count: 562 words
Warning(s): mentions of break-up
Summary: A collection of moments between Leonard, Mick, and the human equivalent of a puppy, (Y/n). They take the form of the most chaotic trio in the universe.
Author's Note: I think this is quite cute.
I don't think anyone could've guessed the consequences of putting me on a ship with Leonard Snart and Mick Rory.
By all accounts, we should've hated each other. I had dedicated myself to protecting anyone I could... they were thieves with ice and fire guns that seemingly only cared for themselves.
But somehow, the three of us ended up being best friends. While there was a whole team around us, we each seemed more tied to each other than anyone else. Neither one of us could quite explain it. It just kind of worked out that way.
The first memory I have of how close we were was after a particularly embarrassing break-up.
I had been trying to maintain a relationship with someone on Earth that definitely didn't deserve the effort. After they had pulled the plug, I found myself hiding away in the kitchen. I wasn't really doing anything. I was just sitting there, quiet and disconnected.
I barely registered Leonard and Mick coming in to sit with me.
"For what it's worth," Leonard said. "They were a nightmare to be around."
I let out a scoff. "Of course, you would say that."
"I could burn them," Mick offered.
"I... I think I'm alright, thanks," I replied. "Why are you being so nice?"
"Because you're one of the few people on this ship that isn't completely irritating," Leonard shrugged.
"We're friends then," I asked.
"Best friends?"
"Don't push it."
I just chuckled. Yeah, that was the beginning of us being best friends.
My next favorite memory was while we were on a mission.
Rip had sent the three of us off on a task together. Poor choice on his part, but it had all worked out in the end. As we watched everything seemingly fall into place, I got just a little bit excited.
"Oh, hell yeah!"
Leonard and Mick both quickly looked at me. They both seemed a bit shocked. It took me a moment to realize that they were staring.
"I can cuss, y'know."
"It's just strange..."
"Always pictured you as a small... pug," Mick added.
"A pug," I asked.
"Pretty accurate comparison," Leonard added.
"I hate both of you."
"No, you don't," Leonard replied. "Now, come on, Rip doesn't like to be left waiting."
I rolled my eyes but followed close behind them. "I don't hate you guys."
"We know," Mick grumbled.
I chuckled.
It was times like these that I thought about those moments. The ones that made me happy. The ones that never failed to put me in a better mood.
Sometimes I needed them.
It's not because something bad had happened... Mick was just throwing up and I was sitting on the floor next to him. I needed the reminder about why I would choose to do this.
"You alright," Leonard asked as he walked in.
"I'm waiting for him to pass out, so I can make sure he doesn't choke on his own tongue," I shrugged.
"You can go change," he motioned toward the door. "I'll take care of him."
"Thank you."
I stood up and started walking out.
"I love you guys."
"Love you too," Leonard nodded. "And I'm sure Mick would say the same if he were sober."
I gave him a thumbs up before walking out of the room.
It was chaos, but I loved these boys. No matter what.
Masterlist (Includes links to All Writing Challenges)
What I Write For
Some Original Characters
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akariamai · 1 year
Pairing: Ray Palmer x FutureSoldier!Reader
Word Count: 793
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He was the personification of sunshine itself. A man seemingly untouched by the evils of the world with the ability to carry on with such merriness. You envied him. All that surrounded you was darkness and misery. It covers you like a favorite blanket on a cold winter night. The darkness acted as your lifeline because you had nothing else to keep you afloat from the somber abyss you’re exceedingly close to suffocating into. Your nightmares and memories tormented you every single day.
You found yourself watching him tinker with one of his projects. Schematics and a variety of familiar tools covered almost every inch of his workspace. All within reaching distance if he urgently required it. “How do you do it?” It was a question you wondered about since your first meeting. The endless optimism radiated off of his figure like the rays of the sun. A, rather large and muscular, ball of sunshine. 
Once he finished screwing the screw, he looked up into your eyes, face contorting in confusion, “Do what?” It was a very open question and he had no idea what you were referring to. He did not want to bore you to death with the mechanics of the machine he was building in case it was not prevalent to your question. Nor did he want to confuse you even more with the logistics and probability of his machine functioning.
“Your eyes,” You began, “they show loss and heartbreak and yet you are contempt and happy. How do you do it? Staying happy when the darkness knocks on your door.” You both come from different times. He was born and raised into a time with a false security of peace. So fragile it's just waiting to shatter with a push of a button. You were raised in a time of death, war and disease. You’ve seen cities crumble into nothing but ashes. Family and friends perish operating as pawns for someone else’s game.
The team, with the exception of Gideon, was aware of the bare scraps of your past. They did not need to bear the burdens of the future that was set in stone. They did not need to hear the horrific truths of what lies ahead for humanity. That happiness came and went in an instant. Only misery and death lingered on the outskirts of the horizon.
He scrunched his eyebrows together, pondering over his answer thoughtfully. He had no true answer to your question, only speculation and even so you might not find what you intend with said hypothesis. “Admittedly, there’s not much to say. It can be the type of mindset I try to instill within myself. The experience one goes through can remarkably impact one’s frame of mind and outlook on life. While I have had my share of…” He paused for a brief moment, “distressing moments, I wholeheartedly accredit my perspective of life to those moments. Why do you ask?”
 “I’ve never met someone like you. Someone who genuinely cares about others with no ulterior motive. It’s…” You huffed before continuing, “unheard of to be as happy as you’ve shown since I arrived.” There was no place for kindness in war. Merely acceptance of the violence that loomed out into the abyss of politics and billionaires.
An unfamiliar emotion rippled within the drift of what laid ahead for humanity. You had not specified in the horrors you and the rest of your time had faced but Ray was not senseless. There was a slight anguish to your inquiry, a ghastly tragedy harrowing into your soul. It was prominent in the approach you chose to express. Heartbreaking. “I’m not that special. I’m sure there were plenty of people like me that you haven’t met.”
You were thankful that he was not born in your time. He surely would not survive. Whether it is the disease to end him or the unspeakable conviction of war. You were but a number. An asset. You were not special in any accent of the word. You were a soldier. Breathed and trained to be a mindless killing machine. A pawn for someone else to control. Given pretty lies, in all shapes and sizes, to diminish the guilt that ultimately dwelled in your psyche. All in the name of peace. But peace in itself is fragile. True peace was all but a false belief. It would continue to be so as long as greed and power triumphed over appointed leaders. 
You shook your head, “I don’t believe so. You’re too good for my time.” That kindness would dwindle down into nothingness. The extermination of human life was not for the kindhearted and Ray, in all his goodness, did not need to know the long lasting aftermath of doing so.
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jaesincorrectquotes · 2 years
enchanted to meet you🧊
|| Song Fic based on Enchanted by Taylor Swift
|| Pairings: Leonard Snart
|| Note: This is part 1. I'm not gonna finish the song. part 2 will be based on a different song but still somehow connected to this one.
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|| Story under the cut
There I was again tonight, forcing laughter faking smiles, same old tired lonely place
You woke up on a rooftop with a splitting head ache along with a few other people. The only ones you recognized were Ray and Sara. Then you hear a voice "Glad to see your all awake." The man introduced himself as Rip Hunter. He then told us all about Vandal Savage and showed us what the city would look like 150 years from now. He left an address with Professor Stein.
Walls of insincerity,shifting eyes and vacancy, vanished when I saw your face
10 minutes since Rip lied. You were sitting in a corridor with your back to the wall. Until you felt someone sit beside you. You looked up to see him. "Now, what's a pretty thing like you doing all by herself." You lifted a small smile saying "Thinking."
All i can say is, it was enchanting to meet you
He gave a smirk and said "Leonard Snart, nice to meet you." You rolled your eyes, gave a low chuckle and said "I know who you are." And he looked at you and said "And you are Y/n Y/l/n." You looked at him and said "Are you stalking me or something?" He laughed "Just interested, is all."
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zemkzone · 1 year
Welcome to My Fic-Dom!
Since I’ve apparently got more than one ColdFlash fic out on A03 now, I figured I might as well have the individual links up here in one place.
Sparks in the Ice
The Legends broke time, leading to interesting consequences. What if Barry Allen and Leonard Snart had met in a hotel and begun a more-than-casual arrangement two years before canon? And what if Len had been hit by the blast from the particle accelerator too?
When Lightning Hits Ice - a Team ColdFlash take on Season 1
Memories in a Bottle - a lil boozy pre-canon one-shot
That Rare Arctic Thunderstorm - a Team ColdFlash take on Season 2 (WIP!)
Other Masks We Wear - a growing collection of one-shots of Barry and Len letting out thier geeky costume-wearing side
Oh, @notquiteinsane made a Spotify playlist for this. Do check it out!
Perspective: A Regency Romance
A Regency-period tale. Baron Barry (Fitz)Allen rejected Leonard Snart’s proposal eight years ago. Now Barry has lost his fortune and Len is the wealthy Viscount Wynters. Will past affections be rekindled when they meet again at a wedding celebration? Featuring the wonderful art of @hardwiredweird.
And if you’re in the mood for just browsing around, you can head straight to my A03 Profile.
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fanficmaverickpodcast · 8 months
The latest episode of The FanFic Maverick podcast is out! The show is available through the link above and also on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast, Spotify, and iHeartRadio.
In this episode I get to chat with fanfiction writer Thewritingblues about her DC’s Legends of Tomorrow femslash fic ‘License To Kill.’
Thanks for coming on the show, @thewritingblues
Keep on rollin’!
The link for “License To Kill’ is here:https://archiveofourown.org/works/42047199/chapters/105570642
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A List of Avalance Fics Nobody Asked For
I am missing Legends and looking for new fanfics to read. If it isn’t too much trouble, I would appreciate it if you could comment your favorites or plug for your own fics because you deserve all the love on your literary masterpieces! 
And, because I didn’t want to ask and not give anything in return, I have attached some of my favorites for your reading pleasure. 
I tagged the authors AO3 Accounts, but if any are on here and want their Tumblr tagged as well (or have any other requests) just let me know.
Slow Burn-
Off The Record by SharonSharpe
- “This was… a whole journey. An epic adventure. A thrilling saga. An exhilarating experience. A feat. A revelation. A layered and highly exciting performance. Thirteen stars.” I use this Taylor Swift comment because it says it all! This is one of my all-time favorite fics! Ava Sharpe is a professional soccer player who recently started playing for Star City, but little about her past life is known. Sara is a reporter for Waverider Magazine who is supposed to get an exclusive interview with her. *Beware for trigger warnings*
- 112009 Words, 43 Chapters, Complete, Rated Explicit, Archive Warnings: Descriptions of Graphic Violence, Rape/ Non-Con
Nothing But A Memory by Caffinate_me
- This is a slow burn if I ever saw one, but it is totally worth the wait!! This fic was wonderfully executed! Ava Sharpe is a trauma surgeon who takes a job in a rural town. She is staying in the former Lance household and her life changes when Sara Lance shows up on her doorstep.
- 60019 Words, 24 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
i am who you used to love (and you are just a memory) by justpalsbeingals
- ANGST!! ANGST!! ANGST!! But totally worth it! This fic is *Chef’s Kiss* superb.  Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe are married and get into a car crash. This erases Ava’s memory of the last 5 years, including the entirety of their relationship. It is a The Vow AU.
- 68658 Words, 20 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Sparks Fly by MoonwritingFF
- Who doesn’t love a good old doctor AU? The writing is awesome, and storyline kept me hooked! This fic is incomplete, and I am impatiently waiting for the next update (if there is one)! Dr. Ava Sharpe is a psychiatrist who takes a new job at a hospital where she meets the ER chief Dr. Sara Lance. (Moved to Fanfiction.net)
- 49047 Words, 18 Chapters, Incomplete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Paging Doctor Lance by Witchgirl1234
- Angst, Fluff, quality writing, entertaining storyline, this fic has it all! An anachronism changes Sara’s life causing her to never get on the Gambit with Oliver Queen. After seeing how happy she is in her new life, the Legends must decide if they should fix the anachronism or not.
- 49398 Words, 17 Chapters, Complete, Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
You Are Here by stellarose
- Apparently, I have a thing for small town slow bun fics, however this one really stands out. The writing in this story is terrific (I have a few other fics by stellarose in this list as well!!). After Ava’s flight is diverted to a small town, she meets some of the locals including Sara Lance. When she leaves, she looks her up and realizes they have crossed paths before.
- 71220 Words, 28 Chapters, Complete, Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
If Only I had been the one to meet you first by DScully2019
- A fantastic story with an interesting plot! A College AU where Ava is a college athlete and Sara is a bartender and offers to buy Sara a drink and as you can guess romance is on the horizon.
- 140518 Words, 30 Chapters, Complete, Rated Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply
When We Were Young by stellarose
- An awesome HSAU I read in one night that takes place in the early 2000s where Sara and Ava are figuring out their sexuality and working in the school musical.
- 44020 Words, 16 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Boomerang by zipzin
- An adorable story with an epic slowburn about Sara and Ava meeting when they were 11 years old and how they grow up together. Here’s to hoping this one is updated soon!
- 80091 Words, 27 Chapters, Incomplete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
 Enemies to Lovers-
Made Of Iron by TML9115
- Who doesn’t love a good old-fashioned enemies to friends to lovers? I know I do, and this one, did NOT disappoint! The writing is phenomenal, and the plot line is outstanding. This fic is currently not complete and hasn’t been updated in while, but I’m hoping one day it will be. Ava Sharpe is a Firefighter and Sara Lance is a cop. Mick and Laurel introduce them to each other assuming they will instantly become good friends but that ends up not being the case.
- 89318 Words, 26 Chapters, Incomplete, Rated Mature, Archive Warnings: Graphic Descriptions of Violence
(Falling in Love) Surrounded by Sunshine and Grass by ffgirl21
- I see so many HSAU but not many College AU’s and this one is awesome! Sara Lance is the captain of her college Rugby team and Ava is the new transfer student who she is constantly butting heads with.
- 105452 Words, 22 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Maybe This Could Be by ClaraHue
- So many good thigs to say about this story, but I’ll just say, “READ IT!” A high school AU when Ava Sharpe moves to a new town with her family and starts a strange relationship with fellow classmate Sara Lance.
- 21973 Words, 13 Chapters, Complete, Rated General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
don’t you like you, cause i like you by CoffeeAndArrows and Moonlitprincess
- An awesome enemies to lovers HSAU where Sara and Ava have been arch nemesis’s for years but then Ava gets kicked out by her homophobic parents and has no where else to go but to Sara. (This is the first work that is just 1 chapter to introduce that 35-chapter story about what happens after which is also fantastic)
- 8436 Words, 1 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
the girl in the movies by phoebmonster
- I loved the concept and execution of this fic. It is so creative! Sara is a huge fan of a TV show only to discover the actress who plays her favorite character is staring at her school.
- 20335 Words, 8 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
 Kid Fics-
If This Is What It Takes by directorsharpie
- “Honestly this is so next level I’m having a hard time processing it as reality. But you really DID THAT.” Yes, I am using another Taylor Swift comment to describe just how extraordinary a fic is. Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe foster a little girl named Riley when they find her on the Waverider after a mission.
- 82684 Words, 17 Chapters, Complete (first part of a series), Rated G, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
You Are My Greatest Adventure by icedragon822
- I am a sucker for some good fluff and this one hit the spot! Loved the writing and original children characters. It’s a bunch of one shots of Sara and Ava with their children covering from infants to college age.
- 49097 Words, 25 Chapters, Incomplete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
and I will stumble and fall (I’m still learning to love) by lucyliketowrite
- This fic is so good, I read it in one night! Highly recommend!! Almost 10 years ago, Sara Lance gave her baby up for adoption. One day a child knocks on her door claiming to be her daughter, who was adopted by Ava Sharpe.
- 66708 Words, 8 Chapters, Complete (first part of a series), Rated M, No Archive Warnings Apply
baby came home by jesmacallans
- This is the very first Avalance fic I ever read, and it holds a special place in my heart. It has a great balance of fluff and angst, with amazing writing! This story follows Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe as they decide to have a child together.
- 27498 Words, 20 Chapters, Complete, Not Rated, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The Ruins of Love and Chaos by bisexylegend
- I put this under kid fics because Avalance has a daughter, however it is a fantastic slow burn story of Sara and Ava falling in love again after a divorce. The angst is incredible and definitely worth the read!
- 74142 Words, 21 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
Mutual Pining-
all the lives I’ve ever lived (they were leading me here) by TheTruthAboutLove
- ANGST!! ANGST!! ANGST!! Sara just wants to get back home! This story had me hooked from the first chapter! While hunting down magical fugitives, Sara touches an artifact that transports her to different Earths across the multiverse. (Race across the multiverse staring Sara Lance)
- 63845 Words, 15 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
I’m Hooked On All These Feelings by WardenRoot
- This fic is a short and sweet, filled with fluff, good old fashioned first kiss story. What more could you ask for? It’s a high school AU where Sara hears that Ava has never kissed anyone and decides to help her out.
- 10284 Words, 5 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
The Most Wonderful Time by stellarose
- The story is remarkable! Sara Lance Travels with her girlfriend Ava Sharpe to her family’s house for Christmas only to find out she isn’t out to her family. This is a Happiest Season AU. This fic was done very cleverly, follows the movie plot but with more communication (so it’s better than the movie).
- 26651 Words, 10 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
I See My Future In Your Eyes by lizardwriter
- A High School AU where Sara and Ava are assigned to work a physics project together and the mutual pining ensues. It is unbelievably well written, and I love the takes of what Sara and Ava would be like in high school! Witty, Sassy, Smart, basically the whole package.
- 113175 Words, 33 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
What Happens Next? By SuperStitious18 
- A High School AU short fic about Sara and Ava adorably planning their first date together. Also, E1 Laurel’s alive and there is some cute Sara and Laurel scenes if you needed another reason to read this!
- 7636 Words, 4 Chapters, Complete, Rated General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
 Fake Dating-
how to lose a woman in ten dates by TheTruthAboutLove
- I never used to be a fan of fake dating stories, but this fic CHANGED ME! Ava Sharpe’s friends tell her that she should date casually, and Sara Lance’s friends tell her she should date seriously. In order to prove to their friend’s they are capable of such things, they start fake dating each other. Classic move!
- 46578 Words, 13 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
We’ve Got the Whole World at Our Feet by DScully2019
- I Would sell My soul for this fic. It is seriously THAT GOOD!! It is currently incomplete and am hoping one day it will get updated!! A High School AU where Ava Sharpe and her family move to Star City at the beginning of her senior year, and she meets Sara Lance at a sports tryout.
- 65774 Words, 15 Chapters, Incomplete, Rated Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply
the day before you came by Phoebmonster
- Ava hires Sara to be her fake girlfriend when she goes home to her family for the holiday’s, I’m sure you can see where this is going. It’s wonderfully written and definitely worth the read!
-13566 Words, 6 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
The Future Holds a Split in Roads (Where You Gonna Go?) by Fvandomtrvsh and WardenRoot
-This phenomenal story takes place after Ava accidentally tells her parents she has a girlfriend when she in fact does not, and they want to meet her. This prompts Sara to pretend to be her girlfriend. I bet you can see where this is going, wink, wink.
- 37994 Words, 10 Chapters, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
 Arrowverse Crossovers-
Project Restore by ALimeToRemember
- What can I say? 10/10 recommend. I don’t want to spoil anything, but I love the sibling dynamics, (I’ve never seen two of these characters as siblings and it was clever and amazing). When you read it, you’ll know what I’m talking about. Sara Lance is out to dinner with Ava Sharpe and is about to propose when Ava gets a strange phone call. When Sara wakes up the next morning, Ava is gone, and she finds a note telling Sara not to follow her. This is a Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl crossover fanfic.  
- 59848 Words, 27 Chapters, Complete, Rated General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
If It’s Ever Gonna End by yellow_canary
- This story does a clever job of having characters from all over the arrowverse interact, it’s also filled with soft Avalance scenes. After COIE, Sara askes Ava to go with her to Oliver’s Queen’s funeral. Includes characters from Arrow, Supergirl, The Flash, and Batwoman as well.
- 3373 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audience, Archive Warnings: Major Character Death
 Single Chapter-
“Dean is My Hall Pass” by Captxinpantsuit
- The hall pass conversation between Sara and Ava we never got. Need I say more?
- 2097 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Hall Pass by the_nvisiblegirl
- Yet again, the hall pass conversation we never got and this one is the bomb.com!
- 1584 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
I’m Ready (To Love You) by carmillachangedme
- I’ve reread this story so many times!! This fic is about Sara comforting Ava after finding out she is “The C Word”
- 5875 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, General Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
She had survived then and she’ll survive now by FanAddicted2000
- My absolute weakness, a hurt/comfort fic that did not disappoint. This has some trigger warnings but is about Sara being triggered about her time on the Amazo and how Ava helps her through her trauma. *Beware of trigger warnings*
- 4320 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Mature, Rape/ Non- Con
Vacation by sellarose
- If you have ever thought Sara and Ava need a night off from babysitting the Legends, then this fic is for you! Set after “Ship Broken,” when they discover Gideon can’t fix Sara’s blindness, Sara and Ava take a mini vacation to relax.
- 3337 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The Episode by stellarose
- Everything about this fic is wonderful and well written!! After Sara listens to Ava’s podcast, Stabcast, she recognizes one of the cases as a hit by the League of Assassins.
- 2292 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audience, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
say you won’t let go by softiesharpie
- I love me some good hurt/comfort writing! Ava has nightmare’s after seeing Sara die by zombies and Sara is there to help her.
- 1355 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated General Audience, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
the key to finding happiness (lies nowhere else but in your eyes) by LegendaryNonsense
- PURE TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF!!!! What happens after Sara realizes she wants to marry Ava.
- 7010 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated General Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
i just wanna spend the nights with you by moonlitprincess
- Yo, this fic is hysterical, highly recommend! Sometimes, when you see a girl with a 6 pack, you go into shock, fall over, and cut your head open, shit happens.
- 8963 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
I’m treading on a thin line (unsteady on the inside) by A_the_Alien
- A Hurt/Comfort fic (my guilty pleasure) when Ava comes home to find Sara had a rough day that reminded her of everything with the Gambit and the Amazo. Cue Ava comforting Sara.  *None are listed in archive warnings but beware of trigger warnings in the tags*
- Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
The Bet by fvandomtrvsh
- One of the funniest fics I have read. Sara, Constantine, and Nate all see a cute girl while they are out and enter a bet to see who can get her number
- 1776 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply  
Future Imperfect by LochJhessMonster
- I really liked this fic and I think it covers the important topic of being in a relationship with someone and afraid to tell them you don’t want kids. I really enjoyed this one and thought it was really well written.
- 1909 Words, 1 Chapter, Complete, Rated Teen and Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply
Two Sides of The Same Coin by reshop_heda
- This is technically 3 chapters, but I put it in here because it’s very short, however it is really entertaining, and I loved it! It is about Ava working at the bureau and some of the cadets are talking bad about her personal life, but they are in for a wild realization.
- 5054 Words, 3 Chapters, Complete, Rated Mature, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
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brinleyparke · 11 months
Flash and Legends of Tomorrow X-over Ideas/Prompts
John Constantine/Mark Blaine
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Leonard Snart and Mark Blaine become friends when Mark helps Snart fix his cold gun.
Leonard Snart/Mark Blaine
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Mark Blaine/Mick Rory
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Mark meets Ray. They become BFFs.
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soazio · 1 year
Ok here me out, the perfect song for any fanfiction that’s FlashxCaptainCold is criminal by Brittany Spears
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chenfordsrollisi · 1 year
New Fics: 2/19/23 - 2/25/23
2/19/23: Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Avalance Fic: Sometimes You Just Have to Keep Going 2/20/23: Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clexa Fic: Another Chance 2/21/23: Fandom: Degrassi: the Next Generation Pairing: Palex Fic: Cheaper Than Therapy 2/22/23: Fandom: DC's Legends of Tomorrow Pairing: Avalance Fic: Silent Comfort Fandom: The Society Pairing: Grizzam Fic: Finally Found What I’ve Been Looking For  2/23/23: Fandom: Supergirl Pairing: Sanvers Fic: Is This Real Life?  2/24/23: Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clexa Fic: Kiss Me Better  2/25/23: Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Pairing: Tillow Fic: A Welcome Distraction 
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bluelilyh · 11 months
Does anyone still remember the romance between Constantine and Desmond in the fourth season of Legends of Tomorrow? Well, I recently posted a fanfic of them on ao3 about their first night together! It's very gay
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Fanon Whump Prompts
Sometimes I have a bit of fun and compile a list of whump-prompts for a whumpee. (Lists are ongoing, feel free to send your own in!)
Din Djarin (The Mandalorian) [X] Rip Hunter (DC’S Legends of Tomorrow) [X]
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greta--gill · 2 years
it’s a serious thing (to live and to love)
Rating: M
Words: 5.3k
Status: 4/4 (Complete!)
Something is different, now, when they meet up, and both Sara and Ava can sense it, even if they’re both too nervous to comment on it.
Still, their touches linger a little bit longer – Sara holds onto Ava, each of them on a different side of the threshold, for almost a full minute when she answers the door; Ava cradles the back of her head, pressing her nose into her hair – and they enjoy how familiar it all feels. It’s nice to have loved someone long enough that they’ve become familiar.
“I made these for you,” Ava offers up a glass container of snickerdoodles.
Sara’s eyes light up. “My favorite.” She grins. “And the best kind of cookie.”
Rolling her eyes affectionately, Ava groans. “You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
(Or, the final installment. Some things are finally, <i>finally</i> starting to change.)
[read it on ao3]
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