#dear principal from my last school
summercomfort · 9 months
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in my pursuit of ever-increasingly niche comics, I drew a 13 page comic about Tape v Hurley, a court case about Chinese-American school segregation in 1885. The rest of the pages are after the readmore, as well as on AO3 here. More obsure Chinese American court case comics are there, as well.
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Historical Notes
Mary and Joseph Tape were not born in America, but their names and identities were very much formed in America. Joseph Tape was born Jeu Dip in Guangdong, China, immigrated the America when he was twelve, and spent his teenage years working as a house servant in an Irish household. Mary arrived in America at the age of eleven, and was found and raised as Mary McGladery in a Protestant orphanage as the only Chinese child amongst ~80 children. Both Mary and Jeu spent their formative years amongst White Christian families, so when Jeu Dip and Mary married in 1875, little wonder that Jeu picked the English name of Joseph Tape -- Joseph to match with Mary, and the German last name Tape as a nod to his former name of Dip.
The Tape family lived about 14 blocks outside of Chinatown, in a primarily white neighborhood. They dressed in Western clothing, spoke English at home, and Mamie grew up playing with non-Chinese kids. Naturally, they wanted their children to attend the local elementary school, a mere 3 blocks from their home. The principal, Ms. Hurley, denied her entrance, claiming that she was “filthy and diseased.” At the time, there was no public school option for Chinese children -- the 1870 state law stipulated separate schools for “African and Indian children” only, not Chinese. The Tape family, with the help of the Chinese Six Companies, their church, and the Chinese consulate, decided to sue, claiming that the 1880 California school code guaranteed everyone a right to public education and that this was a violation of the 14th Amendment.
They won.
But this was 1885, three years after the passage of the Chinese Exclusion Act and six years before Plessy v Ferguson. Regardless of what the California Supreme Court might decide, public sentiment was on the side of the San Francisco school district. Determined to keep out this “invasion of Mongol barbarism”, the California State Legislature passed a law permitting separate schools for Chinese children, which then allowed Principal Hurley to reject Mamie Tape once more.
While Mamie was rejected from the Spring Valley Elementary School for being Chinese, she also had a hard time fitting in to the Chinese public school. The Chinese merchants saw Western education as something primarily for boys. (Their girl children learned from their mothers at home.) Mamie, a girl dressed in Western clothes, would have stood out like a sore thumb. The final panel of the comic was based on a photo from three years later, and even then, Mamie was the only girl.
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Places where I fudged the history: Frank, Mamie’s younger brother, was actually six years old and should have been more present in the comic, but I wante to keep the focus on Mamie and Mary. Also, Mamie had actually shown up to her first day of school in Western clothes. An earlier draft of the comic had a separate arc involving Mamie feeling rejected at school and Mary buying her some Chinese clothes, but that got too long and complicated.
Much of this was drawn from Mae Ngai’s book about the Tape family and their experiences as 2nd and 3rd generation Chinese Americans, titled “The Lucky Ones.”
Here is Mary Tape's letter to the San Francisco School Board, 1885:
1769 Green Street. San Francisco, April 8, 1885. To the Board of Education - Dear Sirs: I see that you are going to make all sorts of excuses to keep my child out off the Public schools. Dear sirs, Will you please to tell me! Is it a disgrace to be Born a Chinese? Didn’t God make us all!!! What right have you to bar my children out of the school because she is a chinese Decend. They is no other worldly reason that you could keep her out, except that. I suppose, you all goes to churches on Sundays! Do you call that a Christian act to compell my little children to go so far to a school that is made in purpose for them. My children don’t dress like the other Chinese. They look just as phunny amongst them as the Chinese dress in Chinese look amongst you Caucasians. Besides, if I had any wish to send them to a chinese school I could have sent them two years ago without going to all this trouble. You have expended a lot of the Public money foolishly, all because ofa one poor little Child. Her playmates is all Caucasians ever since she could toddle around. If she is good enough to play with them! Then is she not good enough to be in the same room and studie with them? You had better come and see for yourselves. See if the Tape’s is not same as other Caucasians, except in features. It seems no matter how a Chinese may live and dress so long as you know they Chinese. Then they are hated as one. There is not any right or justice for them. You have seen my husband and child. You told him it wasn’t Mamie Tape you object to. If it were not Mamie Tape you object to, then why didn’t you let her attend the school nearest her home! Instead of first making one pre tense Then another pretense of some kind to keep her out? It seems to me Mr. Moulder has a grudge against this Eight-year-old Mamie Tape. I know they is no other child I mean Chinese child! care to go to your public Chinese school. May you Mr. Moulder, never be persecuted like the way you have persecuted little Mamie Tape. Mamie Tape will never attend any of the Chinese schools of your making! Never!!! I will let the world see sir What justice there is When it is govern by the Race prejudice men! Just because she is of the Chinese decend, not because she don’t dress like you because she does. Just because she is descended of Chinese parents I guess she is more of a American then a good many of you that is going to prewent her being Educated. Mrs. M. Tape
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In Your Words
Larissa Weems x Fem!Journalist!Reader
Hiya! I've finally finished this bad boy <3 I'm uploading this lengthy fic cause I'll be having a shit ton of Uni Exams the next few weeks and won't be able to write.
Big thanks to @weemssapphic and some other friends for proofreading this fic <3
Disclaimer: English is not my first language!
Warning: SMUT 18+, minors DNI
Authors Note: Y/N is a newsreporter and wants to write a story about Nevermore and outcasts. What happens if a normie Journalist and an outcast Headmistress work together? (I suck at descriptions, have fun xD)
Words: 9'200+
Ao3 Link
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You sat in your little office at the news station of Jericho, finger hovering over the mouse of your computer. You were hesitating. The cursor sat neatly atop the ‘send’ button, ready to send your email to its recipient. But you hesitated. Why? You didn’t know. 
It’s true that it was frowned upon to interact with the outcasts, but you just couldn’t believe that they were as terrible as everyone said they were. You have seen them plenty of times strolling through the little city, shopping and stopping by the Weathervane for a drink. None of them ever seemed malicious or evil to you. With a deep inhale, you pressed send and quickly shut your computer off. There's no going back now. 
The next day at the office, you were surprised to find that the Headmistress of Nevermore Academy, Larissa Weems, has replied. With a nervous breath, you opened the email:
Dear Miss Y/l/n,
I am pleasantly surprised about learning of your interest in outcasts, my students and the school in general. There are, however, a few things I would like to clarify first.
Now, if I understood correctly, you wish to catch a glimpse into the life of an outcast to then create a report about our differences and similarities with non-outcasts? 
Because of the nature of this request, I have to let you know that I will not tolerate any sort of mockery or bad-mouthing of my students or my school. 
You will have to follow our rules, outcast or not. 
I won’t allow you to follow one of my students around, as this would pose a serious safety hazard for my students and yourself. 
However, you are very welcome to settle yourself into my office and follow me around for however many days you deem necessary. 
If this is alright with you, I would be willing to meet you coming Monday at the Weathervane and take you to the Academy. 
Larissa Weems
You released the breath you were holding and smiled to yourself. You replied to Miss Weems, agreeing to her terms and wishing her a wonderful weekend. 
The following two hours consisted of preparing everything you needed for your report: a few notepads and notebooks, your laptop, a tablet, your camera and some pens. You couldn't help but feel nervous at the prospect of having the opportunity to report about the outcasts. This was not a subject anyone had ever really done research on, and you were adamant to figure out why everyone seemed so fearful of a bunch of teenagers in a school in the woods. 
Over the weekend, you exchanged a few more emails with the Principal, clearing up any last logistical problems you’ve had. 
You asked if you were allowed to stay for a week, to which she replied that it would be no problem if you agreed to stay in one of the empty studios that were meant for teachers at Nevermore. 
Of course, you agreed.
Monday rolled around, and you were standing in front of the Weathervane, waiting for the Principal of Nevermore to pick you up. You have heard descriptions of her, and you knew she frequented the little Café a lot, yet you have never seen her in person before. Absentmindedly, you sipped on your hot chocolate, typing something on your phone, when suddenly:
“Miss Y/l/n I presume?” A soft voice with a wonderful British accent sounded from beside you. You turned your head to be met with a beige coat. Having to look up you finally made eye contact with the woman whose beautiful voice ripped you out of your thoughts.
You smiled up at her, nervousness flooding your chest as you took in the beauty of the woman in front of you.
“Principal Weems. It’s a pleasure to meet you!” you said quietly, nerves completely taking over your logical mind and body. You reached your hand out to shake hers. She took her beige glove off, and took your hand in hers. Her hand was soft, warm and wrapped perfectly around yours. Perfectly manicured red nails decorated her pale skin. 
“Likewise!” She smiled down at you and removed her hand, putting her glove on again, and you immediately missed the feeling of her hand on yours. 
“Are you ready for us to leave, Miss Y/l/n?”
“Oh… yes, of course!” You grabbed your bag with your equipment and personal items and followed her to her car. You set your luggage in the boot and sat in the passenger seat. Larissa sat in the driver's seat and started driving towards the Academy. After some silence, you spoke up again.
“Thank you so much for letting me stay at the Academy for a week.” Larissa smiled to herself and quickly glanced over at you before eyeing the road again.
“I should thank you. My students usually don’t get this sort of… exposure to the outside world. We are used to people avoiding us because of… fear or discrimination… whatever you want to call it.” Her tone shifted to a quieter and more serious one, her hands gripping the steering wheel just a little tighter. You sensed a shift in energy and gave her a reassuring smile. 
“I believe everyone deserves a chance to be understood and seen.” You replied, and that seemed to relax the headmistress. She shot you a thankful smile, then focused back on the road, the rest of the ride being spent in comfortable silence.
Once at Nevermore, Larissa showed you around the grounds, having one of the teachers carry your possessions to the on-campus studio flat, which will be your new home for the following week. 
Roaming the halls, it didn’t seem much different than a school for regular humans (besides it being incredibly fancy, of course) and you found that the students seemed like sweet kids. Truly, you couldn’t understand how there was so much hatred and fear surrounding these kids. 
Larissa led you to her office, offering you a separate desk to work on. You set your laptop bag on the desk and turned to look at the headmistress, who was standing next to her desk.
“Now, Miss Y/l/n, you are free to follow me around the Academy whenever you want, but I trust you understand why I wouldn’t want you roaming the halls on your own.” She looked at you with a raised eyebrow.
“Of course, Miss Weems!” you reassured her quickly. “I understand how important it is for you to protect these kids… but I can assure you there are no ill intentions by me being here! After what I’ve seen thus far, I cannot believe why anyone would be fearful of outcasts. This is why I’m here. I don’t believe that these kids are as dangerous as everyone in Jericho, let alone the rest of the world, believes them to be.” You looked at her, and there was a slight shift of emotion on her face. Hope? Distrust? Surprise? You didn't know. After a few seconds of silence, the headmistress spoke up again.
“Very well,” she said, grinning at you with her million-dollar-winning smile. “If you ever feel like you would like to see more of the school or learn about its history, don’t be afraid to ask.” Her smile softened slightly. She seemed very fond of her students and her Academy. It truly warmed your heart, and you couldn't help but blush slightly. With a slight nod, you thanked her and sat down, getting your things ready to start your research. 
Every now and then throughout the morning, you caught yourself glancing over at the tall woman. She sat in perfect posture, working on her laptop and typing away on some emails or documents. You didn’t realise how long you had been staring at her. The way her eyes flicked over the screen and the way she swiftly moved her fingers over the keyboard had you in a trance-like state. Her perfectly painted red lip curled up on the side, and she raised one of her eyebrows.
“Has no one taught you that staring is rude?” Her eyes flicked over to yours, and you quickly averted your eyes back on your own screen, mumbling a quiet ‘sorry’ her way. Your face felt hot, and you knew you were blushing, hard. Larissa chuckled and shook her head a bit in amusement. She stopped her typing and leaned back against the seat, turning to look at you, studying you as if she were… considering you. Shyly, you moved your gaze back to her. 
“Would you like to have a look at one of the classes? Our subjects can vary drastically from the ones in your schools.” she smiled at you and tilted her head slightly. 
“I-I would appreciate that, yes.” You answered, nodding, and quickly moved to grab your notepad and pen. When you looked back up, Larissa was already standing and walking towards the door of her office, only stopping to wait for you to catch up. 
This morning, the headmistress took you to several classes, telling you about all the different subjects they have. You eagerly took notes, asking questions and listening intently to subjects you’d never heard of. Magic, transformation, siren song, etc. You were fascinated, and that didn’t get lost on Larissa. The longer she watched you, the more fond she grew of you. Your interest and amazement made her heart swell with pride for her school and her students. Even though she was rather careful of what to show you, she felt that this might be the biggest step ever made for outcasts to be accepted into everyday normie lives. 
The day went by way faster than you would have wished for it. You have learned so much and were eager to learn even more. Larissa had taken her time explaining their school system to you and while you saw drastic differences, it still didn’t feel too out of the norm. There was one particular student that caught your eye. A rebel, you thought, someone who likes to prank and go against the rules. Those exist in every school, of course, but this girl seemed different. She did it with such nonchalance and elegance that it was almost invisible to the untrained eye. 
After asking the headmistress, she told you about the student. Not much, just enough to answer your questions. Larissa seemed tense so you decided to change the subject, asking her about her own time at the school, and from then on the two of you got completely lost in conversation. Hours passed, and you shared your school experiences and collectively decided that they weren't all too different. With a heavy sigh, you leaned against the couch and watched Larissa refill yours and her wine glass. 
“I have to be honest, even after just one day I have seen enough to tell you that this,” you waved your hand around, “is definitely nothing to be afraid or weary of. I mean… I always knew that the other… “normies”... are being way too sensitive when it comes to this place and its students but seeing it for myself… I simply can’t understand why there's so much hate and fear towards these poor students.” You sighed and took a sip of wine. “I mean… they're just kids aren't they?” You glanced up at the headmistress to see her smiling at you softly, humming in agreement. 
“I have to be honest, Miss Y/l/n-”
“Y/n! You can call me Y/n if you want to,” you interrupted her with a smile, looking back into your glass as you felt your face blush.
“Y/n… I am surprised and… relieved.” She smiled sweetly at you then looked into the fireplace, a sad expression crossing her face. “I wish more people could see the kids for who they are instead of for what they are.” A sigh left her lips and she took a sip of wine. “It’s not easy being… different… an outcast. You can try all you want, there will always be a hint of fear and doubt in non-outcasts.” She turned to look at you, her icy blues piercing yours. “Are you afraid, Y/n?” she asked, quietly, almost inaudible, but you caught the slight shiver in her voice. It broke your heart to see her like this. You didn’t really know that woman except for what she was willing to tell you, but you knew, without a doubt, that she was the most precious being on the entire planet, and you would move planets just to see her at peace. Without really thinking about it, you set your glass down and moved to hold one of her hands.
“Miss Weems… Larissa… if I may?” you started, gently, and she nodded at you, “I do not claim to know what you and your students have to go through, day by day. Being villainized, misunderstood and what not. But what I do know is that I want to help you make a difference. The kids are nothing but kids… Powers and mutations aside… No matter how different you may seem from me, you are still a person. You don’t deserve to be treated like they treat you… all of you.” You smiled at her with a caring expression on your face and gently squeezed her hand. Larissa looked at you, eyes trained on your face, searching for lies, but she couldn't find any. She inhaled shakily and took a big sip of her wine then squeezed your hands back.
“Thank you,” was all she replied. You didn’t need more. You knew she meant it. You felt it. With a last gentle squeeze, you let go of her hand, grabbing your glass again.
“To my… to our project!” you smirked and raised your glass to her. She chuckled and shook her head slightly, looking back at you endearingly and raised her glass as well. 
“To our project.”
As the week went on, Larissa and you started to develop a little routine. You would meet her in the morning to go to the Weathervane and get some breakfast to-go, spend the morning in her office or with a teacher of her choice (mostly Marilyn Thornhill), have lunch with her and the teachers, writing and researching in Larissas office, a dinner with staff and at the end of the day, a glass (or sometimes a bottle) of her favourite wine on the couch in front of the fireplace. Being around Larissa was incredibly easy. You loved talking to her, listening to her, discussing topics other than schools and outcasts. You felt safe, comfortable… you felt at home. And you weren’t the only one who felt this way. Larissa would catch herself, more than she’d like to admit, looking at you, watching you with adoration as you wrote and researched. She liked you. It wasn't a secret. She loved being around you and was looking forward to the evenings at the fireplace. A refreshing difference she desperately needed. Larissa had grown very fond of you, and she hoped you felt the same. 
When Friday evening rolled around you were already sitting on the couch in Larissa’s office, waiting for her to come back with the wine as it suddenly hit you. It was already Friday… you’ll be leaving again on Monday. You’ll have to go back to your office and finish the report. Would you be able to see her again? Could you stay in contact? Larissa entered, placing the bottle and glasses on the table then saw the light crease between your brows as you stared into the flames of the fireplace, obviously deep in thought. 
“Y/n?” she asked softly, and laid her hand on your shoulder, and you snapped your head towards her, not having heard her appear next to you. “Are you alright dear?” 
“Yeah!..yeah.” You smiled up at her, watching her sit down next to you and opening the wine bottle. “I’ve just realised that it’s already Friday… The week really went by in a flash, huh?” You took the wineglass she held out to you and looked at it, swishing the red liquid around absent-mindedly. Larissa’s heart constricted seeing you like this. 
“It did! But… as upsetting as it is, I am glad to see that you enjoyed your week here!” She took a sip of her wine and watched you closely. “That being said, seeing how my students seemed to like you being around,” and I, she thought, “you are more than welcome to return whenever you feel like it.” She watched you closely, seeing your eyes light up made her feel warm and content. 
“I would love that Larissa. Thank you! And you are always welcome at the news station. I’ll make sure the others behave, don't worry.” you giggled and winked at her which pulled a small laugh from her lips and she shook her head amusedly. “I mean it!” You smiled as you snuggled into the couch and took a sip of wine, humming as the liquid hit your tongue, “If any of your students ever wants to know more about journalism or is interested in it, let me know. Matter of fact…” you sat up and straightened your back, holding your hand out to the blonde, “give me your phone I’ll give you my number so you can just let me know in case there is something.” 
Larissa hesitated. She looked at your hand for a second, then smiled shyly and grabbed her phone, unlocking it and handing it to you to type in your number. She watched fondly as you typed your number in her phone. A slight tingle spread from her chest over her body as she took her phone back after you’ve saved your number. 
“Thank you!” she said quietly, “I- really do appreciate it… everything you do. For us. Me and the students.” A soft pink colour kissed her cheeks and she gave you a truly heartfelt smile. You smiled back at her, butterflies spreading through your whole body. Her smile was the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You knew right there, she had you wrapped around her finger. You have fallen. 
You were able to finish your report on the last day of your stay in Nevermore, handing it in to be reviewed by your boss so it could be printed and released asap. With a heavy sigh, you leaned back into the chair, stretching your arms and back. Larissa smiled over at you and set her paperwork aside.
“I take it you’ve just handed in your story to be reviewed?” she asked with a gentle smile. Her eyes held a hint of sadness at the realisation that her office would be empty once again. You smiled over at her and nodded gently.
“Yes! Just handed it in! If everything goes well, you’ll be able to read it on Tuesday! And Larissa… thank you again… for everything!” 
The blonde stood up, walking over to your side, and placed her hand on your shoulder, squeezing it gently. 
“I should thank you. This… means way more to us than you could ever imagine!” Her smile was warm, eyes soft. You felt a shudder rush down your spine as you realised that you haven’t seen her this soft with anyone but you. All of this vulnerable affection was only directed towards you, only to be seen by your eyes. 
You wanted to tell her… tell her that you like her. Tell her that she is the most beautiful woman you’ve ever had the pleasure to lay your eyes on. Just as you were about to open your mouth, she pulled away. 
“If you want to, I can drive you back. I could drop you off at the Weathervane or.. At your place, if you prefer?” Larissa spoke, closing her laptop and putting her paperwork into a drawer. The headmistress didn’t want you to go, but she knew that if she would let you stay longer, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back. Certainly you wouldn’t feel the same… right?
“That.. that would be nice! Thank you!” you replied, feeling defeated. Maybe it was better to keep your feelings to yourself. Who knows, maybe she wasn’t interested in women.. Or simply normies. You took a deep breath, collecting your things and going to your room to pack the last few things. When you returned to the headmistress’ office, she was already waiting for you. 
The drive back to Jericho was rather quiet. Neither of you knew what to say to the other. You wanted to tell her everything, pour your heart out to her and so did she, but you stayed quiet. Once you arrived at your Flat Complex, Larissa turned to you. 
“It was really nice having you at Nevermore. Again, thank you for doing this for us. And… If you should ever want to come and visit, you are more than welcome to do so! I am sure the Students would love to see you again sometime.” and herself… but she didn't say that.  You gave her a genuine smile, nodding slightly. 
“I enjoyed my week there! You truly have wonderful students. And, I mean, you have my number so… if you or any of the kids should ever need something, just feel free to contact me!” You hoped she would contact you, but only time could tell. 
It has been a month since you’ve last heard from Larissa. Your article got approved, and she complimented you on it, thanking you again profusely. That was the last, and only, time you’ve heard of her after staying at Nevermore. Sure, she was a busy woman, but you couldn’t help but feel upset. And you wouldn’t text her first, no. The anxiety that arose in you every time you tried to do so was enough to completely freeze you. So when you walked into the Weathervane on a Thursday morning to grab a coffee, you were more than delighted to see her there, quickly walking up to her.
“Good morning, Principal Weems” you said softly, watching her turn around and seeing her eyes light up as she saw you. 
“Good morning Y/N!” she replied with a smile. That darn beautiful smile of hers. “Are you also here to grab some breakfast before work?” she asked, turning fully to you, all herattention focused on you, your face, those eyes she came to admire over the time you’ve spent at her school. 
“I am but.. Uhm… if you’re not in a hurry, would you like to have breakfast with me?” you did it, you asked her. The second the question left your lips, you felt your cheeks heat up. Larissa looked at you with adoration and nodded. 
“I would love to, actually!” She smiled and tilted her head slightly. She noticed your blush and couldn’t help but feel giddy about it. Was she the reason you blushed?
“Wonderful! What do you want? It’s my treat!” You smile, feeling a bit more confident now, seeing her soft and happy gaze directed only at you. 
“Oh, you really don’t have to-”
“But I want to!” 
Larissa sighed, shaking her head slightly with a grin, and chuckled at how adamant you were.
“Fine. Next time, it’s my treat!” She gave you her order and went to sit at a booth, waiting for you to join her. You couldn’t believe your ears. Next time? There will be a next time? The smile that spread on your lips could only be described as the smile of a happy fool. Truly, you were a fool. A fool for her. 
After you’ve ordered and paid for your coffees and pastries, you made your way over to her, slipping into the booth. 
“So… how have you been? How have the kids been?” you asked, trying to make small talk. You felt so awkward, but that feeling quickly washed away as you saw Larissa’s soft smile.
“Very well! Your report had quite the impact on how people from Jericho treat my students. I just wanted to thank you again. The effect this has had on our lives is way greater than I could have hoped for. The article… your words… truly left an impact.” She reached her hand out, grabbing yours and squeezing it lightly.
“Thank you!”
Your smile grew tenfold, and you squeezed her hand back. 
“I am so happy to hear that this has worked out so well for you and your students.” You shyly pulled your hand back and thanked the waiter when he placed your drinks and pastries in front of you.
“How have you been y/n?” Larissa asked. She was looking at you… into you… into your soul with those beautiful ice-y blue eyes. You felt your cheeks heat up and grabbed your cup as well, trying to ground yourself. 
“I’ve been well! The Article has caught a lot of attention, so I’ve been rather busy lately…” You smiled at her and took a sip as she watched. 
“Though I do have to say, I miss being around the kids…” and around you, you thought to yourself. The blonde eyed you over her coffee mug and smiled sweetly. 
“In that case, would you like to come to the Rave’N this weekend?” She did it… she asked you. Her heart was beating like crazy but seeing the light blush covering your face she couldn't help but feel proud of herself. 
“The Rave’N? Really?” You asked, not believing your ears. Larissa nodded and tilted her head. 
“Yes really! Our theme this year is ‘Climate crisis meets extinction effect’ and the dress code is white.” She took a bite of her pastry and smiled at you. You thought for a second. You didn’t have any white outfits, so you’d definitely have to buy one, but you’d be damned if you wouldn’t agree to her invitation.
“In that case, I’d love to!” The smile you gave her made Larissa’s heart melt. How were you so precious? She nodded slightly. 
“I’ll have Marilyn pick you up here at around 5:30pm on Saturday. The students will be excited to see you again!” She finished her coffee and snack and stood up.
“I’d love to stay longer, but I have to get back to Nevermore… I’ll see you this Saturday, dear.” and with that, she left your flustered self in the Weathervane.
Shopping for an appropriate but also impressive garment was not easy. You currently had 2 dresses in front of you and couldn’t decide which one to pick. One was made of silk and rather simple but had an extravagant high slit up your right thigh and a very low back, whereas the other covered more of your back and arms but was a bit shorter with a princess gown puff skirt. You sighed and decided to put them on again, took a picture of you wearing them and sent them to Marilyn. You and her had gotten rather close during the week you spent at Nevermore, and you’d kept contact even afterwards. She was such a sweetheart, but she was also a pain in the ass as she has been nagging you about your outfit all afternoon already. 
It didn’t take long for you to be flooded with messages of Marilyn going crazy over the silk dress. 
“Oh, you SO have to get the silky one! Larissa won’t be able to keep her eyes off of you”
“What do you mean? Why would you say that?”
“Oh come ooooon… It is SOOOOOOO obvious that you have the hots for her… just pick the silk one.”
You were sure Marilyn would laugh at you if she could see you right now. Your face was bright red because you’d been found out. Was it really that obvious? Did Larissa know? Was that why she invited you? Could she... no. No, that probably wasn’t the case... Just wishful thinking. With a sigh you looked back on your phone. 
“Fine. I’ll get the silk one. But just because you picked it 😛”
You got dressed again and went to buy the garment. 
Once back at home, you took your time to look for hair and makeup inspiration to complete your look and be ready for Saturday. Marilyn and you had been texting back and forth all day, and she’d helped you pick the perfect hairstyle and makeup for the Rave’N.
You were nervous… of course you were, but there was this little glimmer of hope starting to take hold within you. Maybe Larissa really did like you.
You were waiting in front of the Weathervane for Marilyn to come and pick you up. 
Were you nervous? Absolutely! 
Were you excited? Definitely! 
But you couldn’t help and worry… worry about… you were actually not sure. Your nerves were getting the better of you and there was nothing that could be done against it. Not that you haven’t tried… you definitely did! You went through every trick in the book.
Breathing exercise? No effect.
Meditation? Nothing.
A tea? That just made you worried that you would spill it on your dress, so that wasn’t helping at all. 
So you just stood there… waiting.
“Hey! You good?” you suddenly heard someone call out to you and released a sigh. 
“Marilyn! Hey!” You smiled at your friend and got into the car, leaning over to give her a hug. 
“Not really… my nerves are taking over right now.” You groaned. 
“You’re just making yourself crazy over nothing! Relax! You’ll be fine!” she smirked and turned her gaze back onto the road, starting towards Nevermore. 
“You look amazing by the way!”
You chuckled and looked out of the window. You did look nice… it also took you forever to get ready. You had braided some hair along the sides of your head and pulled everything up into a fluffy space bun, which you decorated with some crystal pins. Your makeup was soft, in nude colours, with a soft peach lip and some sparkly eyeshadow on your eyelids. The dress fit perfectly and hugged every curve of your body, and you had found the perfect off-white heels in your closet. 
“Thank you! Wouldn’t have managed to pull this off without you!” You smile and look over at the redhead. Marilyn was grinning to herself.
“If you two hook up, I deserve to be invited to dinner by you!” Your shocked gasp caused her to laugh out loud.
“Oh come on! I know you want her… and to be quite honest…” She raised an eyebrow and glanced over at you with a mischievous smirk. “I think the feelings are mutual.”
The blush that spread on your face was all Marilyn needed to know she was right.
“You’ll see! She’ll be absolutely smitten with you looking like this.”
“We’ll see…” you reply, watching the scenery outside. 
Marilyn parked the car and ran around to open the door for you with a dramatic bow. 
“M’lady.” she chuckled, and you rolled your eyes amusedly as you got out of the car. 
“You’re an idiot!” 
The teacher smirked and moved to hold her arm out for you to hold. She led you into the building and guided you towards the great hall. 
You weren’t expecting to be swarmed by students the second you entered the ballroom. 
“Hi Y/N! What are you doing here?”
“You look gorgeous! Who invited you?”
“It’s so nice you’re back! Come! Let's go dance!”
“Do you want something to drink? I’ll get you some punch!”
You were being surrounded and swarmed by the students, and it warmed your heart to see how excited they were by your presence. Marilyn slipped away from you without you noticing, the second she realised someone was walking up to the newly formed commotion around your presence. You struggled answering all of their questions when suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder and the students grew quiet. 
“Now, now… dear y/n has just arrived, don’t crowd her like that. You’ll have enough time to have a chat with her tonight.” The smooth British voice echoed from behind you and a pleasant shudder ran down your spine. The students nodded and went back to their friends on the dance floor. You turned around to look up at the principal. 
Larissa couldn’t help but let her eyes roam over your figure. The dress you chose was absolutely exquisite, your makeup complimenting the simplicity of the outfit and your hair that just looked too soft. Vulgar thoughts flooding her mind as she finally caught your eyes. You were looking up at her with big doe eyes, so innocent and sweet. 
“Come in! Want something to drink?” she asked as she gently took your arm and led you into the ballroom. You couldn’t believe your eyes. Larissa looked… She was a goddess. Her hair was up like always but decorated with some intricate curls, her usual red lipstick a wonderful contrast to the silver dress she was wearing. Looking up at her, you saw her eyes scanning you, your heart skipping a beat. Her pupils dilated as she finally landed on your eyes, and you had to suppress a whimper. This woman will be the death of you. It took you a few seconds to register her question and notice her arm intertwined with yours. 
“I- yes… please!” you answered quietly, not being able to suppress the grin gracing your lips. 
Larissa handed you a glass of punch and took one herself. You stood at the edge of the dance floor with her, watching the kids having fun. 
You really wanted to dance with her, but didn’t know how to ask. Should you ask? What if she said no? What if she thought you were weird, and she only wanted to invite you for the kids’ sake? But… What if she said yes? What then? You didn’t know how to dance. Sure, you have visited your fair share of parties, but you didn’t think you were a good dancer. And what if you started dancing, and you didn’t do it right, and she would start laughing and-
“What's going on in that head of yours, darling?” Larissa’s soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You looked up at her just to catch her already looking at you. Her eyes were soft, a hint of concern shimmering in them. She looked so… soft. You just wanted to pull her into an embrace, a kiss, soft and full of affection. Taking a breath in, you set your glass on a table then held your hand out to her.
“Would you like to dance, Larissa?” you asked, heart hammering in your chest as you saw her eyes widen ever so slightly in surprise. A sweet pink hue coloured her cheeks as she blinked at you a few times, registering what you just asked her. Larissa quickly placed her glass on the table next to yours and moved to put her hand into yours, looking up at you with a shy smile, nodding. 
“I would love to!” she said quietly, almost above a whisper. The bright smile that appeared on her face was enough to get her heart racing and head spinning. Your eyes were practically sparkling with glee, and it made her feel so fuzzy and warm inside. To have such happiness and excitement directed towards her was a privilege she’s never experienced before. You giddily pulled her onto the dance floor, not believing your luck. 
Marilyn was watching from the corner, watching as you pulled Larissa onto the dance floor. She smirked at the two of you, but something felt weird… the music!
A mischievous smirk graced her features as she waddled off to the DJ and asked him to play a slow and romantic song. The second the music changed, you and Larissa shot a look over at the DJ, seeing Marilyn standing there, innocently waving at the two of you. Oh, you were so going to get revenge on her for that. Your anxiety started kicking in again, but before you could start overthinking it you felt warm hands on your waist. Larissa was pulling you closer, and she just hoped you wouldn’t pull away. 
“Is this okay?” Her piercing blue orbs held steady eye contact with you, and you felt your face heat up. With a nod, you move to place your arms on her shoulders, hands close to her neck. She smiled and started swaying with you to the rhythm of the song. Seeing you so shy and flustered by her gave her the necessary courage to take a step closer. She leaned her head down to your ear, causing a shiver to run down your spine. 
“You look absolutely delectable tonight, my dear. Have you picked this outfit just for me?” Her hot breath on your skin caused you to bite your lip. You nodded.
“I was hoping you’d like it.” You replied quietly. Larissa tightened her grip on you, squeezing your waist gently, which caused a gasp to leave your lips. 
“Dressing up nicely just for me?” She husked, feeling herself getting more confident. Emboldened by the way your body… you reacted to her. 
“You’re such a good girl!” You could hear the smirk in her voice. Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath, trying to steady yourself.
“It’s a shame this dress will be laying somewhere scattered in my quarters after this ball is over.” 
You tightened your grip on her shoulders, pulling her closer. Your heart felt like it was beating out of your chest. The tension was high, atmosphere thick with desire. You felt your knees tremble, ready to take whatever she was willing to give you. You pulled your head back a bit, just enough to look into her eyes, and what you saw almost made you whimper with anticipation. Her usually so pale blue eyes were dark, lustrous, her breathing heavier than usual and her lips were slightly parted. 
Before either of you could say or do anything, you felt something drip on your cheek. Confusedly, you blinked a few times, and Larissa eyed your cheek in concern.
The drips quickly multiplied, and soon you were showered in, what you believed to be, blood. Your eyes widened as you looked around, unable to move. Everything was getting soaked with this red liquid. What was happening?
Larissa was the first to move. She pulled away from you but grabbed your hand and quickly led you outside, the other staff helping the kids get out of the ballroom as well. Some fled into the courtyard and some into the school halls. There was a big commotion amongst the students, and you and Larissa immediately sprang into action, trying to calm the scared kids. Marilyn came running with a pile of blankets and towels to wrap around the sopping pupils. 
Whatever had happened, it was clearly meant as an attack of sorts. You were fuming.  Even after all the positive feedback you got for your report, there were still some bad apples in the normie bunch. If you ever caught who did that, they would surely regret pulling a stunt like that.
After the, you now knew it to be, red dyed water attack, you helped Larissa, Marilyn and the other employees to bring the kids inside and to their dorm rooms. After the last student was brought to their room, you stood in the foyer, watching Larissa talk to the Sheriff. You could tell she was agitated… mad. But yet she kept her composure, talked calmly and was respectful. A light bump against your shoulder alerted you to the presence of your friend.
“Hey… thanks for your help! You really didn’t have to, you know?” Marilyn smiled defeatedly at you, and you returned the smile. 
“It’s okay! I really didn’t mind… Just wished that this wouldn’t have happened… it’s not like they already have it hard enough and now that… I was really hoping that my report had a bigger impact but-”
“Don’t say that!” Marilyn interrupted, “Your article was eye-opening for so many people in town! It definitely helped! Big time! There’s just always gonna be a few assholes trying to ruin everything again.” She was clearly frustrated as well. You looked at her and chuckled, then shook your head. 
“I guess you’re right..” You sighed and rubbed the back of your neck. The two of you stood in silence for a while until Marilyn noticed you watching Larissa again and smirked. 
“Such a shame the two of you got interrupted! It almost seemed as if you were about to kiss.” She teased and your, admittedly already red, face started blushing furiously. You hit her arm lightly.
“Stop teasing!” You hissed, but Marilyn just laughed and nudged you again. 
“What are we laughing about?” You both turned your head towards the voice and saw the headmistress standing in front of you. One perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised in curiosity. Marilyn just chuckled and smirked at you, then at Larissa. 
“Oh nothing important…” She took a deep breath and then clapped her hands together, “Well… I’ll be off… gotta get that red dye out of my hair somehow. Bye bye.” She waved at the two of you, leaving you alone with Larissa once more. She really had the audacity to leave you in situations like these every single time she had the opportunity to. You sighed and pinched the bridge of your nose. Larissa watched Marilyn in confusion, then turned to you.
“Y/N… thank you for helping out with the students! I- am so sorry you had to experience this…” She sounded… sad, upset, worried? You looked up at her and saw her looking at you. 
“It’s quite alright! I’m just sad they had to experience that! It’s not fair… they’re good kids and I just don't get why anyone would want to harm them in any way…” You gave her a sad smile, then shyly reached out and grabbed her hand to squeeze it lightly. 
“But I did really enjoy dancing with you, Larissa…” she smiled back at you and squeezed your hand back. 
“As did I… uhm… would you like to come back to my quarters and get that paint washed off? Maybe have a glass of wine?” She was nervous. She was nervous and you could tell. The way her hand lightly trembled, and her eyes darted away from yours while asking. It filled your heart with that fuzzy warm feeling. You nodded and stepped to the side, still holding her hand. 
“Lead the way!”
In Larissa’s quarters, she quickly went into the bathroom, returning with a damp cloth and some makeup wipes in the hopes of getting the dye off your skin and hair. You managed to wipe the paint off your face without any issues, but it really stuck to your hair. Larissa went to quickly shower off the paint, and you couldn't help but think about her in the shower. Water streaming down that smooth alabaster skin. You wished you could have joined her. 
As Larissa got out of the shower, your breath got stuck in your throat. Her damp hair framed her face in gentle curls. She wasn’t wearing any makeup now, and you seriously didn’t think that this woman could get any more beautiful, but, alas, it seems you were mistaken. Before you stood a goddess in champagne coloured silk pyjamas. 
Larissa blushed lightly and smiled at you as she saw you staring. She walked up to you and gently examined your hair, your nostrils filling with the scent of her shampoo by the close proximity of her. 
“Seems the dye really stuck to your hair… here.” She handed you a fresh towel and some spare pyjamas. 
“You can take a shower if you want to!” She added quietly. You smiled back at her and nodded, taking the items in your hands. 
“Thank you! I’ll… uhm… I’ll be right back” You stammered out and quickly made your way to the bathroom. It was luxurious, like the rest of her quarters. You weren't surprised that she handed you the probably softest towel ever and the most luxurious pyjama you ever had the honour of wearing. This woman had an immaculate taste, and it was evident in every aspect of her life. 
After your quick shower, you tossed the towel into the laundry hamper in the corner of the room and walked out, your dress in your hands. That was definitely ruined now.
You entered the living room again and saw Larissa sitting on her couch in front of the fireplace, two glasses and a bottle of wine on the small table in front of it. You put your dress in your bag and sat next to her. She looked over and smiled softly, handing you a glass of wine, which you took gratefully. 
“Thank you! And thanks that I got to use your shower and… borrow some clothes! I really appreciate it.” You smiled at her and took a sip of the wine. Holy mother of god… of course, the wine was absolutely spectacular. Larissa smiled. 
“Don’t mention it. It’s the least I could do.. Plus, I do have to admit I like how my Pyjamas look on you.” She smirked and took a sip of her wine. Larissa eyed you as you just looked at her with wide eyes and a bashful look on your face. You sat the glass down and turned to look at her, clearly gathering your courage to say whatever was on your mind. She thought you looked adorable like that. However, what came out of your mouth next was not something she’d expected to hear. 
“It’s truly a shame that you didn’t get to take my dress off and discard it somewhere in your room…” You smirked at her smugly, but before you could continue your teasing, she had you already pressed against the cushion of the couch. Looking at her, you saw her eyes were full of lust, full of hunger. She gently lifted your head with her finger under your chin, forcing you to keep eye contact as she gently pressed her knee between your legs. You inhale sharply and look at her, lust evident in your gaze. 
“If you want me, all you have to do is say it.” She husked, ghosting her lips over yours. Larissa loved the way you trembled underneath her, but every time you tried to close the gap, she would pull away. 
“You have to say it, darling,” she whispered. You were getting restless, a needy whine escaping you. 
“Please Larissa…” You whimper and look at her with your best puppy eyes. 
“Please what, darling?”
“Please… I need you… I want you,” you breathe out. The heat began to build, and you could already feel that you were soaked. Larissa grinned down at you. 
“Good girl!” 
You didn’t have time to react as Larissa finally closed the gap, pulling you into a bruising kiss. It was so full of need and lust. Your lips moved against hers in perfect harmony. Wrapping your arms around her, you pulled her close. 
The kiss quickly grew hot, passionate. Larissa bit your lower lip, causing you to gasp and giving her the perfect opportunity to deepen the kiss. She explored your mouth with her tongue, leaving you in a state of dizzying bliss. Her skilled tongue fought with yours for dominance, kissing you with such fervour that both of you almost ran out of breath. 
You pulled apart just quickly to catch your breaths before Larissa attacked your neck with hot open-mouthed kisses. Trailing her tongue over your pulse point, then latching on to it and sucking hard. Your back arched into her, head tilting to the side to give her better access. 
The aching between your legs became almost unbearable. You wrapped one of your legs around her hips, pulling her closer, but Larissa gently pulled away, causing a pathetic whine to escape. 
“Patience darling!” She husked as she sat up and swiftly picked you up, carrying you to her bedroom and dropping you on the bed. The second you laid there, she was already on you again, her lips continuing their assault on your neck. Larissa moved to slowly unbutton the pyjama shirt you were wearing, but you were too impatient. With a swift motion, you helped her unbutton the rest of the shirt and pulled it off of your body, leaving you with a bare chest. Larissa chuckled darkly. 
“Impatient are we?” she roamed her hands over your soft stomach, cupping one of your breasts. Dipping her head down again, she moved to the other breast and took your hardened nipple in her mouth, teasing it with her teeth and tongue. You moved your hands in her hair, pulling gently at the sensation she was rewarding you with. Larissa moaned against your breast as a reaction which caused you to buck your hips up. You were so desperate for her, and it was so pathetic, but you didn’t care. All you could feel, small, taste, hear, was her. And you needed more.
“Rissa please,” you groaned as you felt her lips travel towards the hem of the pyjama trousers. 
“Need you,” you breathed out. Looking down, you saw her smirk up at you. As she pulled away again you were about to protest but seeing her take her blouse off silenced you immediately. You sat up, reaching out to her and running your fingertips over her body, watching goosebumps spreading over her skin. You cupped her breasts and massaged them, teasing her nipples with your fingers as you leaned in to kiss her. 
Larissa melted into your touch and kiss. Quiet sighs and moans leaving her lips as she laid you back down. 
“I need to taste you darling,” she whispered between kisses, and you whimpered in response, nodding gently. 
“Please! Please…” 
Larissa kissed her way down your body again, pulling the trousers down as she moved her kisses down your legs. She threw the trousers somewhere into the dark of the room, then moved her hands to your knees, spreading your legs gently. She groaned at the sight of a wet spot on your white lace underwear. The blonde looked up at you, watching your reaction as she ran her thumb over the wet spot, pressing down on it gently. Your back arched off the bed and your mouth opened in a quiet moan. 
“P- please Rissa… need you so bad,” you whimpered, rolling your hips against her thumb, needing more friction. In any other situation Larissa would have loved to tease you more, but she was just as desperate to taste you as you were to feel her tongue on you. So without further pause, she swiftly pulled your thong down your legs. She almost moaned at the sight of your glistening cunt in front of her. 
“All of this because of me?” she groaned and moved to kiss the inside of your thigh as you nodded. 
“You’re such a good girl, y/n.'' Larissa couldn't hold back any more. She had to taste you. The smell of your arousal made her mouth water and her head dizzy. The second her tongue made contact with your wet and hot cunt, the breath got stuck in your throat and Larissa let out one of the most vulgar moans you’ve ever heard, causing your eyes to roll to the back of your head. 
Larissa wasted no time in eating you out. Her tongue danced around your clit before she captured it between her lips and sucked. You moaned out loud, her name falling off your lips like a prayer. The way she used her mouth on you made you feel ecstatic, you felt like you were on cloud nine. The world, every responsibility you had, everything that has ever bothered or hurt you, everything that has been on your mind and stressing you out lately was just gone. 
Larissa never slowed her ministrations on you, listening to your cues, noticing how your body reacted to certain things. She loved how easily your body reacted to her. It's like you were made to be pleased by her. 
“R-issa… need more..” you gasped out between moans. You needed more of her, needed her in you. Larissa smirked and ran her tongue over the length of your slit one last time before rubbing two of her fingers against your entrance gently, coating it with your slick. You were so desperate to feel her fill you up, your hips rolling against her, motioning for her to stop teasing you. She easily slipped one finger in as soon as she thought they were wet enough. You let out a low moan and moved against her as she started pumping her finger in and out slowly. After a while, she pushed a second finger in and watched you grip the sheets. 
“You take me so well, my love.” She praised and moved kisses up your body as she picked up speed with her fingers. Larissa managed to hit spots no one ever had, curling her fingers against that soft, spongy spot that made you see stars. Your walls clenched around her fingers, and you felt the coil tighten in your abdomen. 
“M’close… Riss-ah” your moans only spurred her on more. She wanted to hear you, she wanted to see you come undone, she wanted to hear her name on your lips over and over and over again. Larissa picked up her pace again, using her thumb to rub small circles over your sensitive clit. The coil in your abdomen was about to snap, and she felt it. 
“That's it! Cum for me, y/n. Let me hear you,” she husked into your ear as she nibbled on your earlobe. That was all you needed for the coil to snap. Your legs and arms wrapped around her, needing her impossibly close as you came on her hand with a cry of her name. Larissa was gentle. She helped you ride out your orgasm and then very carefully pulled her fingers out. Your limbs went weak and dropped from her. You lay on the bed, breathing heavily and exhausted. You felt a shift on the bed but didn't have the strength to open your eyes. A few minutes later you felt the mattress dip again then felt a soft, damp and warm sensation between your legs. Larissa had gotten some towels to help clean you up. She used the damp one to clean between your legs and used a dry one to dab the sweat off your face. 
A soft smile spread over your lips as the blonde returned the towels, then came back and laid in bed next to you. Pulling her closer, you started to press soft sleepy kisses to her chin and neck, but she stopped you gently. You looked up at her with a pout, and she kissed your forehead gently. 
“Rest!” She whispered and pulled you close. You frowned at her. 
“But I want to make you feel good too,” you whispered back and held tightly onto her. She just shook her head, a content and also sleepy smile gracing her features. 
“You can. Tomorrow! We have all day to ourselves tomorrow,” she replied and stroked your cheek gently, looking into your eyes lovingly. You smiled and nodded, snuggling into her embrace, you let out a quiet and content sigh. This felt right. This felt like home. 
“Good Night Rissa.” 
“Good Night y/n.”
I hope you liked it <3 Comments are greatly appreciated :3
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spookie-bitch · 8 months
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Pairings: Wednesday Addams x Fem!Demon!Reader Contains: 🤷‍♀️ TW: None I can think of, lmk if there is any Word count:716 An: my requests are open :)
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You tossed your bag down by your bed and sat down, "Why in the world does principal Weems think it's a good idea to give me another roommate," you think angrily, "It won't end any different than the last few and she knows it!" Nonetheless you still had taken the time out of your day to clear out half of the room to accommodate for them, even though they won't be there for longer than two weeks. Weems always said it was because I was just more than they were used too, but I think we both know that the're actually scared, everyone is. Your thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock at the door. "That's strange," you thought looking at your watch,"the're not supposed to be here for another hour." You make your way over to the door, opening it to be met my principal Weem's smiling face. "Your early," you say dryly. "Just wanted to check in before they arrive," she says, "But by the looks of it you've already got everything under control," she says in a proud tone, surveying the room. You say nothing, hoping that your silence would imply that you were already done with the conversation. "I know what your probably thinking," she says, " but I believe that you and this girl will become the best of friends." You sigh, slightly annoyed with the conversation, "That's what you said about the other ones too," you remind her. She frowns, "Look y/n, I want you to try your best with this one," she says in a more serious tone, "I usually don't ask that much of you in these situations, so I ask that you just to your best." "Fine," you reply bitterly. She seems satisfied with your answer, "well then, I'll be on my way then," she says turning to leave. "No promises," you yell, closing the door before she has the chance to respond. You sit back down on your bed and put your headphones on, frustrated and annoyed, you tail flicking back and forth viciously as a sign of your annoyance. After a while, their is another knock on the door and you groan, pausing the music coming from your headphones and opening the door. "Wednesday, this is y/n," Weems said giving you her usual smile. "Oh it has horns dear," remarks a tall, pale, woman with long, raven hair. "I am not an it," you growl, your tail wrapping around your legs definitely, causing Weems to look a bit nervous. The girl who you assume is Wednesday gives you a slow look up and down, her expression remaining cold and emotionless. After a few moments of awkward silence, principle Weems breaks the silence, "well why don't we go and get Wednesday's schedule and after Ms. Y/n can give her a tour of the school." Nobody objects to the idea and they turn to leave, but before Weems closes the door she gives you a look that tells you not to do anything stupid while showing the girl around. After a bit, only the girl returned to the room, you had been sitting on your bed listening to music while waiting. "I believe you're supposed to show me around this prison," stated Wednesday, surveying you again. You look back at the pigtailed girl, guy up off the bed and walk towards the door, clearly agitated. "Someone's in a mood," Wednesday comments, following you. Once you finish showing her around, you plop back down on your bed and begin to draw, praying that you will be left alone. Lucky, Wednesday minds her own business and stays on her side of the room doing God knows what when a thought pops into your mind. "Wednesday sure is a weird name," you blirt out almost to quickly, instantly regretting it as all motion in the room stopps. "So I've been told," replies Wednesday. "As far as names go, it's not the most traditional. But that's fine by me, I'm not exactly the most traditional person." "What's your deal anyway, you've barely said a word since you got here and you've just been silently judging everyone," you add, intrigued by the girls unnatural behavior.
"I find social interaction tiresome and pointless," she replies dryly. "Of course you do."
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vioartemis · 2 years
I'll sit with you in the dark
(Wednesday Addams x fem! childhood friend! reader)
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Summary: You first met Wednesday when you were just kids, and eventually became friend with her. Years later, you meet again at Nevermore... Warnings: none (?) (English isn't my first language, I'm sorry if there are mistakes or if something doesn't make sense TvT)
Wednesday was upset. Her parents were forcing her to go to a new school. Their old school, Nevermore. She hadn't planned on staying long though, a few days in and she would mysteriously disappear.
"Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair" principal Weems said
"Howdy roomie!"
The blonde girl tried to hug the ravenette, who took a step back. Physical touch. Disgusting.
"Not a hugger, got it"
"Excuse Wednesday" Morticia started " she's allergic to col-"
She was interrupted by someone bursting through the door.
"Fuck yeah I was right!"
"What did we already told you about swearing, young lady?" principal Weems said "I'm sorry for that Mrs Addams. This is-"
"Y/n L/n."
Hearing Wednesday say your name, your lips curled up into a wild smile.
"So you do remember me uh?"
"How could I not?"
You and Wednesday were childhood friends. You met when you were 5. You were in the same class, but you started talking during one of her birthday parties. The one with the piñata filled up with spiders.
While every other kid ran away, you sat on the floor and played with a spider, letting it climb on you, to everyone's surprise.
"Anyways, I'm not gonna stay long or I'll be in trouble. I just wanted to give you this"
You walked up to her, before mumbling intelligible words. A black dahlia appeared in your hand, which you handed to the ravenette. She looked at it for a second with suspicious eyes.
"You can take it, it won't explode this time. I grew it myself. Just teleported it from my dorm"
She finally took the flower after one more look.
"It seems you have improved dear Y/n" Morticia said
You turned around to face her and Gomez.
"Thanks again for the book you gave me, Mrs Addams. It really helped"
While you talked with her parents, Wednesday's eyes didn't leave the flower you gave her. You remembered it was one of her favorites. You remembered your promise to give one to her when you'd meet again. And, most importantly, you were still wearing that bracelet.
She looked back at you, analyzing how you've changed since the last time she saw you. You were different, back in the days. You were cute. A cute little mouse. But now... She wouldn't say you were cute anymore.
She would rather say beautiful. You looked more like a true witch now. Or at least you had the aura of one.
"I am sorry to interrupt, but Wednesday still has a school to visit." reminded Weems "Miss L/n, don't you have anything to do?"
"Ahh yes yes sorry. I'm glad I could meet you again, Mr and Mrs Addams." you turned to face your friend, still smiling "I'll see you around, Wednesday"
The way you said her name made butterflies spiders grow in the ravenette's stomach. And your smile... That smile she didn't think she could see ever again...
After her new roommate showed her the school, Wednesday came back to her dorm. She was taking off the colorful stuff Enid put on the window when you knocked at the door.
"Want some help?" you asked
"It would be appreciated."
You made your way to the window and took off some of the colorful panels. Enid wouldn't be happy about that, but Wednesday and colors didn't really go together.
"How did you know?"
"You said you were right. Plus you said you grew the dahlia yourself. So I assume you were talking about my arrival here. Am I wrong?"
"I heard someone new was coming. And that they murdered a student in their old school by putting piranhas in the pool. Couldn't be anyone else than you. Plus I had a feeling we'd meet soon."
"I see."
You put the last panel on the floor, not saying a word, as you knew she preferred silence over small talk.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
"Yeah but- if I wanted to do that, how much do you think I'll need?"
"Why would you want to do that in the first place??" Enid asked with disgust
"I say if I wanted to, that's hypothetical. We never know what can happen Enid. Better be prepared"
"In what kind of situation would you need to throw a corpse in an acid bath?"
You waved your hand in the air, like you swept her question away.
"That's not important. I just need to know how much acid I'd need"
"Why don't you ask Wednesday? She sure knows the answer"
"Yeah I know. I just- it's basic murder knowledge.. she will be disappointed I don't know that.."
"Why do you care so much about what she thinks of you? You don't have a crush on her, do you?"
You didn't say anything, looking at your feet in embarrassment. You knew what Wednesday thought about romantic relationships. Pathetic, she would say.
"YOU DO!!"
Enid jumped in excitement, clapping her hands, before shaking you slightly back and forth for a second and hugging you tight.
"Enid- I can't breath- and for fuck's sake please keep your voice low..!"
While you were patting the werewolf's back to calm her down, Wednesday was watching you from afar. Oh how she wanted to rip the blonde's head off at this moment.
She clenched her fist so hard that small drops of blood started to fall onto the ground.
Why was she hugging you like that, her body fully pressed against yours? And most importantly, why weren't you doing anything about that?
You were hers.
You were always hugging Enid or other people. But you never tried to hug her. Not that she'd want to. Of course not.
But, maybe, she wanted to know what your body would feel like. How your lips would taste like.
She never thought she'd ever be romantically attracted to someone. But then she met you again, years after you left with you parents.
Obviously she could just confess to you. But even if she would never admit it, she was scared. Scared that you wouldn't share her feelings. That you would leave her. Again.
She liked being alone. But being alone with you... Now that's what she really wanted. But ask her and she will threaten to skin you alive.
<><><><> ♡ <><><><>
A few days had passed since Wednesday saw Rowan getting killed in the forest. No one believed her, as everyone saw him the day after the attack.
You didn't know why she would lie about that, but you saw him too.
You were thinking about all those events, in your bed, incapable of sleeping, when you heard a knock at your door.
You stood up slowly, half dressed, and opened the door.
"Wednesday..? Wha-"
"I need your help."
"It's 3 am...?"
"I know. May I come in?"
"Uhh... sure"
You step to the side.
"What can I help you with?"
"I need you to go in my mind."
"Find the memory of the attack. I am not lying, Y/n. Plus you could see what the monster looks like."
"I-" you sighed "Okay, let's do that"
You lit some candles and put them into a circle, leaving space in the middle for you to sit. Fortunately, your roommate wasn't here...
You gestured her to sit in front of you.
"I'll need to hold your hands, if that's okay for you"
She nodded, letting you take her hands in yours. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, before entering her mind.
Wow. Her mind was really organized. The memory will be easier to find that way.
You found it pretty quickly, and practically jumped when you saw the monster. God it was ugly. You rewatched the scene a few times, just to be sure Rowan didn't have any chance to survive this.
Having someone looking into her mind was quite strange for Wednesday. She didn't know what to expect before coming, and now that's she was here she didn't know what to think of it.
She could feel where you were looking in her mind. Couldn't explain it, but she felt it. So she was a bit surprised when she felt you looking at what she thought of you.
She didn't let go of your hands though. No. She let you watch whatever you wanted. She wanted you to see what you meant to her. What she would do for you.
You quickly went out of her mind after seeing all of that, trying not to blush and quite ashamed of yourself. Spying on people's thoughts was really not something you approved, but at the moment you just couldn't help it.
"I- I'm sorry I-" you stooped a second "I saw things I wasn't supposed to look at.. I- I saw you were interested in some witchcraft stuff..? What about you go in my mind and look at what you want to know..?"
Oh so you were lying now. Interesting, Wednesday thought.
You weren't aware of the fact that people could feel where you looked in their mind, that's why you lied. Plus you didn't know how she would've reacted if you confronted her directly.
"I only have visions, Y/n. I am not a psychic."
"I know, I'll just project my mind into yours, if you're interested by-"
You blinked twice, surprised by her fast reply, before closing your eyes once again and projecting your mind into her own.
Contrary to Wednesday's mind, yours was a mess. Some thoughts were bigger than others, some were hiding, jumping (?), running away or just lying there like they were dying.
One of the biggest thoughts she could see was your witchcraft knowledge, which wasn't much of a surprise. The other big thought was, to her surprise, her.
Before she could realize it, she was already reviewing memories of you two. But not only that. She saw the moment you realized you fell for her.
On the other hand, you had no idea where she was looking in your mind. As she wasn’t in your mind, but in a projection of your mind, you couldn't feel anything.
Eventually, she came out of your mind, a slight smirk on her face, knowing you wanted her as bad as she wanted you.
She slowly approached you, taking advantage of your still closed eyes, your hands still in hers. Feeling movement, you opened your eyes, just as she sat on your lap.
"Wednesday what are yo-"
"Shh, we've lost enough time, don't you think, Cara Mia?"
You were a blushing mess. She was so close to you your lips almost touched. You could feel her breath on your lips when she murmured:
"Dame un beso, mi amor"
You spoke enough spanish to understand what she wanted, and kissed her within a second. The ravenette cupped your cheeks, lips not leaving yours, as your hands made their way up to her waist.
She pulled away after a moment, staying only inches away from your face, looking directly into your gorgeous e/c eyes.
"I hope you understand that I am not going to bring any light in your life, mi amor”
"I don't need you to light up my world" you smiled "I'll sit with you in the dark."
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writingfanfiction · 3 months
“Ten things I hate about you” - Chapter One
Pair: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern High School AU. Skinny sophomore Steve Rogers is new in school. After meeting fellow sophomore Natasha, he quickly develops a crush on her. However, Steve finds out he can’t ask her out because her dad won’t allow Natasha to date if her older sister, the senior Y/N, doesn’t date first. The only problem is: Y/N has no interest in dating whatsoever. With the help of his new friend Sam Wilson, Steve comes up with a plan to find Y/N a suitable match. The best candidate? The most dreaded senior in school, Bucky Barnes.
A/N: Loosely based on the movie of the same name.
“Ten things I hate about you” masterlist | Main masterlist
You weren’t usually a violent person. Far from it actually. You truly believed violence was the very last resort to deal with any issue. However, John Walker not only wasn’t someone you could reason with, but he also brought the worst in you. Which was why you had barely sat foot in school property when your knee went straight between his legs. You were sure most people wouldn’t blame you even if they didn’t know why you had attacked him. It was John Walker after all. The only problem was that Mr. Coulson wasn’t like most people, so all he saw was you kicking the school’s star running back, and he didn’t bother to learn why you had resorted to violence. “Nothing is an excuse to be violent towards a fellow student, Miss Y/L/N,” he said. And that was the reason why you were on your way to the principal’s office even before your senior year had officially started.
Right outside of Principal Hill’s office, May Parker, the principal’s secretary, sat at her desk typing away in her computer. Upon seeing you, she smiled brightly at you. “Good morning, Y/N! I see we are starting the year at full throttle,” she chuckled. May liked you, and she had said so on multiple occasions. She liked your no nonsense attitude, and believed most of the time you had good reasons to behave like you did. To her that meant that most of the time you shouldn’t have been sent to the principal’s office.
“Always a pleasure, May!” You smiled in greeting.
She adjusted her big frames at the top of her nose and asked you, “How was your summer, Y/N?”
“Oh, you know. Your ordinary teenage summer.” You shrugged.
May smiled knowingly. “I hardly think you had an ordinary teenage summer!”
You chuckled. She knew you too well! “Well, it was my ordinary summer and I’m a teenager, unfortunately, so...” You shrugged. “How was yours?”
“Good! Peter and I went to the beach for a couple of weeks.”
“I’m glad you had a good time.” You smiled at her. You were genuinely happy for May. It was good to see her managing to get back on track after the untimely death of her husband.
“Thank you, dear.” May smiled again, understanding what you left unsaid. Before she could dwell too long on sad thoughts, she continued, “Please, do be seated. Principal Hill will be with you in a moment.” She pointed to the waiting chairs, where you were surprised to find a seated Bucky Barnes.
Bucky had disappeared from school during junior year, never having returned after winter break. Multiple rumours abounded as to the why of that. They went from clearly believable possibilities to the most absurd hypotheses. You were quite sure he had neither become a hair model in Japan nor become part of some motorcycle street racing gang. You weren’t friends with Bucky Barnes, but you knew the guy pretty well not to believe the absurdities you heard through the teenage grapevine.
Bucky had been your classmate ever since kindergarten, and ever since you could remember the two of you had been competing for the title of best student in your class. You were both highly competitive, and had been trying to best each other at everything. Although he was extremely annoying to you due to your competitiveness, just as you were to him, Bucky had been a sweet, sort of golden boy until ninth grade. He had been genuinely nice to everyone, a model student and a model teenage boy. He was like a ray of sunshine, short shiny hair perfectly combed, colourfully but tastefully dressed and all smiles. He had been a star football player who had made it to the varsity team in ninth grade. Even though he had made it as a benchwarmer, no other freshman had made it to varsity. Then, something happened during summer, before sophomore year, and Bucky became this unapproachable loner who let his hair grow, wore a great deal of black and leather, and who was trying to kill himself by smoking too many cigarettes and driving a vintage Harley. After whatever had happened, to most people he was clouded in an aura of mystery that made most people afraid of him, while at the same time most girls fawned over him. The only thing that hadn’t changed, however, was his competitiveness to be the top student in your class. You never understood why. Sure, there were rumours that he was just naturally gifted and didn’t even have to study to get good grades, but you knew that wasn’t true. You were there to witness his presentations, that guy put effort in his school work.
You and Bucky had a strange relationship. While you wanted to best each other, you still didn’t really hate each other. Moreover, you were probably the only person who wasn’t afraid of him, why would you be, and you friendly bantered. There were also times when your competitive nature made you two end up together in Principal Hill’s office.
It seemed he was back from wherever, though, as for some reason he was also waiting for Principal Hill on the first day of senior year. What could he possibly have done so soon? You paid a moment’s attention to him. His already long hair seemed longer, his face had a couple of days stubble, and he looked bigger than before. But what struck you the most was the fact that he looked more man than a teenage boy now. Sure, he was eighteen, lawfully an adult, but most seniors didn’t look manly.
“Y/L/N.” Bucky said by way of greeting and nodded his head at you.
“Barnes.” You sat down next to him, dropping your backpack on the floor.
“Did you miss me?” He smiled mischievously at you and wiggled his eyebrows.
“Every single day!” You answered sarcastically in a high pitched voice and put a hand over your heart.
He laughed at that and you couldn’t help but smile. His genuine laugh had always been lovely. Not that you would ever say that out loud. Bucky continued, “What are you doing here before the first class of the school year had even taken place?”
“I could ask you the same question.”
“Yeah, but I asked you first.” He smirked.
You had no problem sharing what had happened, and you and Bucky had been in those same chairs many a time, so you just let the smirk slide and answered, “Walker.”
“Say no more!” Bucky put his hands up.
You chuckled and asked him, “How about you?”
“Walker.” He winked at you.
“Now, don’t make me wish to best you at that as well, Barnes!” You joked.
He smiled again. “I don’t know… I punched him in the face. How can you best that?” He challenged you.
You were the one smiling mischievously this time. “I kicked Walker’s genitals.” Bucky made a face and squeezed his legs together. You heard May chuckle in her desk and you sent her a smile. She also didn’t like Walker.
“You know, I concede this round. You bested me this time, Y/L/N.”
“How gracious of you!” You smiled sarcastically.
“You know, I thought you were adept of non-violence.” Bucky smirked at you, a mischievous glint in his eyes. He knew all about your opinions. Well, most of the school did, since you were quite vocal about them.
“Well, sometimes violence is the only way, Barnes. Like when a jerk crudely comments on your best friend’s rear.”
“The Carol Danvers wasn’t the one who kicked him in the nuts?” Bucky’s eyes were wide open.
“I was closer to him.” You shrugged.
“Of course.”
After a moment, you asked him, “How about you? Why did you punch Walker? Did he crudely comment on your ass as well?” You smirked.
“Ha. Ha.” Bucky said in a monotone. “Funny, but no. He was harassing some poor freshman in that alley at the other side of the street.”
You put both of your hands over your heart and sarcastically asked him, “The Bucky Barnes protecting the weak and oppressed?!”
Bucky shrugged. “Consider it my good deed of the year.”
“Of course.” Bucky smiled at you and, once again, you couldn’t help but smile back. At that moment, you realised you had kind of missed bantering with him.
You heard Principal Hill’s door open and you looked at it. “… And remember, anything you need, we are here for you.” She took a step out of her room and, upon seeing you and Bucky, she sighed, forgetting all about the scrawny blond boy behind her, effectively preventing him from leaving the office and making him witness your interaction. “I cannot believe this.” Principal Hill threw her arms up. “What are you two up to already? You hadn’t even had your first class of the school year, you can’t possibly have exploded the chemistry lab again!” The blond boy behind her was suddenly scared.
“We didn’t explode the chemistry lab!” You defended yourself.
“Yeah, we exploded a couple of beakers and test tubes…” Bucky shrugged.
“Maybe an Erlenmeyer flask…” You added.
Principal Hill sighed. “What are the two of you doing here?”
“We are here separately. We caused different, totally unconnected ‘problems’” You air quoted the word problems. John Walker was the real problem.
Bucky nodded and added, “Although, we are here coincidentally because of the same object in our acts of violence.” You nodded.
Principal Hill pinched the bridge of her nose. “What. Did. You. Do?”
“John Walker-” You and Bucky started in unison.
Principal Hill lifted her hand to interrupt you. “I see. You are free to go. No matter what you’ve done to Walker, I’m sure he’s also at fault.” The blond boy behind her was shocked the principal was letting trouble makers off the hook. You and Bucky smiled, grabbed your backpacks and got up.
Bucky walked to Principal Hill, and in a low tone said, “You know, Hill, I’ve turned eighteen while I was away. You know what that means, right?” He wiggled his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes. The guy really enjoyed playing with fire.
Principal Hill tilted her head and smiled at him before firmly saying, “James Buchanan Barnes, get your ass off my office before I sent you to detention on your first day back!” Bucky only chuckled.
“Goodbye May!” You waved at her on your way out.
“Always a pleasure, May!” Bucky saluted the secretary before following you.
In the hallway, your friend Carol awaited you. You opened your mouth to talk to her when you heard Bucky behind you. “I’ll see you around, Y/L/N. You won’t have it easy like you had last semester.”
“I’m not worried, Barnes. You’ll just be lagging behind me, exactly like you’ve been since High School started!” You tilted your head to the side and gave him a fake sweet smile. He repeated the gesture and walked away.
“I didn’t know he would be back.” Carol said as you two started walking. You shrugged. She continued, “You know, you two have great OTP potential.”
You looked at your friend as if she had grown another head. “Did you smoke something while I was in there? That’s Barnes you’re talking about.”
“I know.” She smirked at you. “But now that I think about it, you guys had always had this super weird, but strong, chemistry…” You rolled your eyes and pinched your friend. “Ow! What are you doing, Y/N?!”
“I’m just checking if you’re not an alien shapeshifter who’s pretending to be my best friend.” Carol didn’t look amused.
Next chapter coming soon
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In another scenario, if both of them became parents, Bucky would be the one who was excited about everything and allowed their kids to do whatever they wanted. While Y/N shook her head and said, "Oh no, oh no."
Angel, I have an idea based on this 👆👆👆
The story set the same AU with The Gentleman 2024 or not, since I still don't know if Y/N ended up with Eddie or Bucky.
If Bucky and Y/N have ended up together, in my brain they have three kids together.
And their kids are mischievous like their dad. Y/N is angry and want to give their kids a punishment. She turned to Bucky and said "Bucky, this is your turn to back me up."
Instead, Bucky said "Eh? What they did is pretty chill compared to what I did when I was a teenager." Their kids laugh when they heard that, while Y/N have another headache "Oh no."
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Omooo... This is such a cute story, bestie.
It's not just you. Even for me, I still don't know what to decide Y/N ended with Duke Eddie or Mob! Bucky 😭 Should I make a poll?
Back to the story, the scenario is if Y/N ends up with Bucky and their children.
Mischief Makers
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Characters: Mob!Bucky x Female!Reader
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"I can't believe all three of you ended up in detention?" You were shocked when the school principal called you.
Your eldest daughter crossed her arms; when she did this, she looked just like her father. "I can't help it that they don't understand my fanfiction. I wrote 3,000 words, a lot more than my classmates who only wrote 1,000 words."
"Oh yeah? The story about post-apocalyptic zombies, and you insert yourself as the main character, and half of the story is about romance with the hero?" You retorted. You knew your eldest was creative, but still, bringing it to school? Not the right place.
"Hey, stories like this made a box office."
You sighed heavily, then turned to your son, the second child. "And you, do you really have to say to your teacher that he has smelly armpits in front of the class?"
Your son replied, "Everyone knows that this teacher has bad body odor. He was standing near my table. I've been holding my breath for 15 minutes!!! I couldn't stand it anymore. That's why I said that, so he would move."
"Ugh, my head." You massaged your temples.
Then, you addressed the last person, your youngest daughter. "And you, what did you do?"
Your youngest child laughed, showing no guilt. "I drew monkey butts on the board. Haha."
"Hahahaha." Finally, the other adult joined the conversation. It was your husband, Bucky.
You glared at him. "Bucky. You're supposed to back me up."
As always, Bucky would never be mad at his children. He said, "Eh? What they did is pretty chill compared to what I did when I was a teenager."
"Hihihi." Their kids giggled when they heard that, while you felt another headache coming on. "Oh no."
The kids thought they could get away with it since their father didn't give them a warning. So it was your turn, as always, to be the strict parent. "No Wi-Fi for a month for the three of you. I will change the password today."
"NO!!" Then all three of them turned to Bucky. "Dad..."
Bucky raised both of his arms. "I'm sorry, kids. Listen to your mother. And none of you have apologized yet."
"We're sorry."
Bucky nodded. "Good. Go back to your room and reflect on what you did."
The three kids lowered their heads and went back to their rooms with low spirits.
You were still angry until you felt a hand wrap around your waist. Bucky hugged you from behind and rested his head on your right shoulder, his way of trying to calm you down.
"This is all because of you. You spoiled them too much," you said.
Bucky chuckled. "Let them be mischievous for a while. I was the same too."
"Yes, it's because of me that you changed."
"That's right, my dear." Bucky kissed your cheek.
Extra Story:
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If Y/N ended up with Eddie Horniman, their three kids wouldn't make any trouble. Instead, their kids became role model students at their school.
84 notes · View notes
madebycloud · 1 year
I Can't Help Falling in Love With You
wednesday addams x reader — 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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summary: you took your girlfriend on a date, one she will remember for a long time to come. warnings/themes: FLUFF!! softwednesday (???), reader is a simp, (who's not? it's WEDNESDAY ADDAMS) slow dancing, making out. words: 4.5k note: LMAO THIS GOT ME GIGGLING WHILE I WROTE THIS! i think y'all need some fluff before i write another angsty one again.. 🏃
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You raced over to Wednesday's dormitory as the clock struck midnight. You reached to her door, you gently rapped your knuckles against it, patiently waiting for someone to answer. 
After a few long seconds of silence, the door slowly creaked open, revealing Enid, Wednesday's roommate and a dear friend of yours. 
With a sense of urgency in her voice, she greeted you with a "Wednesday, faster! Y/N is here." She flashed you a panicked smile and added, "I told Principal Weems you're both sick, so she won't come looking for you."
You immediately understood the reason for Enid's stress and took a moment to appreciate her for saving your ass. "Thank you, Enid." 
Eventually, Wednesday approached you, and you couldn't help but notice how stunningly beautiful she looked. She noticed your stunned expression and rolled her eyes, breaking the tension.
Enid gave you a wink before closing the door, leaving you on your own. You picked up Wednesday's bag in one hand and offered her your arm. She rolled her eyes again, took your offer, and off you went. Wednesday followed you through the school gates and out into the night.
Wednesday couldn't keep her curiosity at bay any longer, and she asked you, "Okay, where are you taking me?"
With a grin, you replied, "I don't want to ruin the surprise." You could see the cogs turning in her mind, but she decided not to press the matter for now.
You made your way to a car parked on the street. "Where did you get the car? It's not stolen, is it?" She immediately asked, her voice both emotionless and full of underlying curiosity. 
"No, my love. It's my uncle's car. He let me borrow it for our date." Wednesday watched as you placed her bag in the trunk and walked around to open the passenger door for her, leaning your head back to give her room to get inside.
She didn't say anything but rolled her eyes one last time before sliding into the car's leather seat. You climbed into the driver's seat, started the engine, and opened the radio.
"That better not be a pop song." You laughed at her and responded, "Too bad, it is."
The catchy beat of Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift filled the car, and you began singing along at the top of your lungs, your voice sounding surprisingly in tune.
"Come on, love," you teased, leaning over to her and grinning. Wednesday's lips twitched slightly, almost as if she was fighting back a smile. But she didn't give in, just shook her head and rolled her eyes again. 
Despite her lack of enthusiasm, she sat in silence as you sang along to the pop song. 
She was clearly not a fan of the song and was probably wishing she was listening to something else, but she said nothing. She didn't want to insult you or your musical tastes and was willing to listen to whatever music you liked, even if it wasn't her favorite.
You drove on for what seemed like hours, your eyes growing heavy as your eyelids drooped more and more with each passing moment. 
The traffic was at a standstill, and the noise of the engine and the honking of horns from other drivers was starting to grate on your nerves. 
Despite the chaos around you, you couldn't help but feel peaceful and content as you looked over at Wednesday, who slept peacefully next to you.
Her gentle breaths and demeanor were enough to make you forget about the traffic and the stress of the situation, and for a moment, everything seemed okay. 
You couldn't imagine being anywhere else but right here by her side, even if it meant enduring the monotony of the stop-and-go traffic.
You reached over to the backseat and grabbed a pillow, placing it gently under her head. You wanted to make sure she was comfortable and that she was taken care of while she rested.
After enduring the never-ending road and traffic, you arrived at your destination, and then you saw a sight that was well worth the trouble.
You were greeted by a beach house, standing majestically in the middle of the pristine white sand and surrounded by clear blue water. 
You turned to Wednesday, who was still sound asleep beside you. You gently nudged her awake and whispered softly in her ear, "Hey, love, we're here." She stirred slightly, her eyes fluttering open and looking up at you. 
You leaned down and planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. 
She took in her surroundings, a look of confusion flitted across her face. "Where am I?" she murmured, her words still half-awake.
You replied reassuringly, "We're at the beach house I rented for us. I'll get the things, you stay here and rest," you said, and she nodded and leaned back against the headrest, closing her eyes. 
You leaned down one more time to kiss her forehead, stepped outside the car, opened the trunk, and started unloading your belongings.
When you were done, you opened the passenger door and held out your hand to guide Wednesday out of the car. She took your hand, and you helped her step onto the sand. 
You walked toward the beach house together, you noticed a small smirk forming on Wednesday's lips as she took in the scenery before her. 
Even on Wednesday, the often stoic and reserved Addams, couldn't help but be amazed by the beauty of the surroundings.
You led her into the beach house, where you had already set up your bedroom.
Knowing she needed some rest after the long journey, you gently helped Wednesday settle in the bedroom, watching as she lay down on the bed, her eyes closing as soon as her head hit the pillow. 
You couldn't help but admire Wednesday's beauty, even in her slumber. Her dark hair fanned out around her on the pillow, and her pale skin looked even more ivory against the colorful bedding. 
For a moment, you hesitated, wanting nothing more than to jump into the bed next to her and hold her close. You gently covered her with the blankets, whispering, "Sweet dreams, my love."
You went back and finished unloading the rest of your things. When you finished, you took a deep breath and let out a sigh of relief. 
The long and strenuous journey to the beach house was finally over, and now you were both here, safe and sound.
You felt your stomach growl, reminding you that it was time for breakfast. So you steeled yourself and went to the kitchen.
You took a deep breath and began to prepare your meals, pouring the scrambled eggs and toasted bread into two bowls. You added a splash of hot sauce and some grated cheese on top, finishing off the meals with a sprinkle of parsley. 
You set the plates on the table and took a seat, feeling proud of yourself for managing to cook such a delicious meal. 
You were sipping your coffee when you suddenly heard the sound of the bedroom door creaking open. You turned your head to see Wednesday walking towards the table.
"Morning, my love," you said, standing up to greet her. You placed a kiss on her cheek and directed her towards the chair. "Sit down here, and I'll serve you breakfast. I was just about to wake you." She pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. 
You placed a plate of warm food in front of Wednesday, the scent of eggs and toast filling the air. You sat down opposite her, and you both began to dig into your breakfast.
It was simple, but it was everything you needed after such a long drive.
You and Wednesday had spent the day enjoying each other's company at your beach house, playing board games, eating delicious food, and watching movies.
It was a day filled with fun (and perhaps even a little bit of competition), but it was about to get much more interesting. 
The hours ticked by, you noticed it was already 4 PM, and with the scorching heat of the sun bearing down on you, you decided it was time for a dip in the ocean. 
Wasting no time, you hurried to your closet, choosing your favorite two-piece swimsuit, which was a sleek, figure-hugging design that highlighted your curves. On the other hand, Wednesday opted for a more conservative choice, a one-piece swimsuit that covered her body, providing maximum protection from the sun's harmful rays.
You both walked down to the beach, and you couldn't resist taking a jab at Wednesday's swimsuit. "You look like a penguin in that," you teased with a smirk, admiring her graceful poise. 
Wednesday raised an eyebrow and narrowed her eyes. "Say that one more time, and I'll rip your tongue out of your head," she spat back.
Feeling guilty about your comment, you tried to make amends by reaching for her hand, only to have her put it away. 
You tried again, but she pulled it away once more. "Not so fast. You've already offended me once, and I'm not one to forget easily," she said with a stern glare.
You tried to talk to her, but she ignored you, leading you to decide to tread quietly and keep following Wednesday as you both walked into the sea. 
Wednesday's resentment erupted when a random female stranger approached the two of you and asked for your phone number.
Despite the fact that she detests physical intimacy, she swiftly encircled your hand in a display of affection and dominance. 
She then marked her territory and made it known that you were hers and no one else's by giving the girl a death look until she walked away. 
You smirked, enjoying the idea that Wednesday loves you so much, and said, "Come on," as you pulled her closer to you in the water.
You and Wednesday made your way to the water, and you felt the soft sand sinking beneath your toes. The waves crashed against your body, sending a tingle of excitement through every inch of your being.
Wednesday's movements were as graceful as ever as she swam around you, with her black hair billowing behind her like a banner of victory. 
Both of you couldn't help but stare into each other's eyes, lost in the moment. You can't help but admire her features, the curve of her nose, the color of her eyes, and the way her hair flows in the water. 
It felt as though time had stopped, and the only thing that mattered was the two of you, connected by an invisible thread. 
With a mischievous smirk on your face, you couldn't resist the temptation to play around.
You took a handful of water and splashed it in her face. Wednesday's eyes widened with surprise, and you couldn't help but let out a chuckle at her reaction.
“Oh, you wanna play?" She asked, but her tone wasn't threatening or angry. Instead, it was filled with a playful edge, as though she was teasing you back.
Without hesitation, she began splashing you back, and you both were quickly engaged in an all-out water battle.
You tried to one-up each other with your splashes, but no matter how hard you tried, Wednesday seemed to always have the upper hand.
After a few minutes of fighting, you decided to take things up a notch.
Grabbing a hold of Wednesday's waist, you dipped her into the water and pulled her down with you.
She lets out a shriek of surprise as she is dragged beneath the surface. She kicks and thrashes her legs, desperate to reach the surface for air.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, she emerges from the water, gasping for breath.
You couldn't help but let out a laugh at her wicked stare.
You noticed how beautiful she looked in the sunlight as you wiped the water from your eyes, the drops of water glistening on her skin like tiny diamonds.
Without warning, you leaned in and planted a kiss on her jaw, feeling her soft skin beneath your lips. 
"I'm going to kill you, you know that?" she says with a mischievous glint in her eye as you scramble to get away from her. 
You take off running, your heart pounding in your chest as you feel the sand and water beneath your feet.
Wednesday ran like a bolt of lightning, her legs propelling her forward at incredible speeds. You try to keep up, but it's no use, she's just too fast. 
In desperation, you raise your hand in surrender and stop running.
You stumble to a stop and sit down on the sand to catch your breath, gasping for air. 
You look up at Wednesday, still catching your breath, your chest aching with the exertion. “I didn't know penguins were this fast," you manage to gasp out between breaths.
She sits down next to you, still catching her breath as well. "You're not too fast yourself."
You couldn't help but breathe a sigh of awe as the sun dipped beneath the horizon. The sky was a vibrant canvas of color, filled with gradients of pink, purple, and gold. The beauty of the world was all around you, encapsulating every square inch of the beach and even the very air you breathed.
"Oh wow," you muttered under your breath, your eyes fixed on the sky. 
You were so entranced by the breathtaking colors of the sky, the vibrant sound of the waves crashing against the shore, and the soothing rustle of the sand that you almost forgot you were sitting beside Wednesday.
Almost, but not quite, as your peripheral vision took in the fact that she was staring at you with such intensity that you couldn't help but smile. As if she couldn't believe that such a person even existed.
You continued to stare up at the sky as the sun slowly disappeared behind the horizon, casting the sky into a beautiful shade of orange and red.
Despite the beauty of the sunset, it was you who truly captivated her.
The way your eyes mirrored the colors of the sunset was almost hypnotic, your gaze drawing her in and making it impossible to look away. 
Everything else was just noise, but the harmony of the setting sun, the sound of the waves, and your very existence were all perfectly combined. It felt like home, a place of serenity and completeness. 
It was your presence that made her heart skip a beat, your face that kept her awake at night, and your voice that she would hear in her dreams. 
Wednesday had never experienced anything like it before, a feeling so intense and overwhelming that she felt like she was falling through a tunnel, with you being the light at the end of it.
She was so lost in thought that she didn't realize how long she had been staring at you. She only snapped back to reality when you called out to her.
"What are you staring at?" you asked, noticing the intensity of her gaze.
She hesitated for a moment before responding, her voice soft and breathless. "You," she whispered.
You were about to respond when you felt your stomach growl. You looked down at your empty stomach and let out a sigh of frustration. 
Without hesitation, you got up from your seat and turned around to face Wednesday. You silently motioned for her to take your hand, and she immediately reached out and grabbed it.
You both walked along the shore, listening to the sound of the waves crashing against the sand in the distance. You kissed the back of her hand, a simple yet romantic gesture that seemed to speak volumes.
You both stayed silent as you walked back towards the beach house, both of you engrossed in your own private thoughts. 
It was a comfortable silence, one that allowed both of you to simply be in each other's presence without feeling the need to fill the air with trivial conversation.
The soft hum of the radio fills the solitude of the night, and you can't help but feel a deep sense of peace and serenity sweep over you. The sound of the ocean waves crashing against the shore below and the shimmering of the stars in the night sky add to this feeling of calmness.
Suddenly, the sound of the glass door opening takes your attention away from the tranquil surroundings as Wednesday steps onto the balcony. 
With a curious expression on her face, Wednesday walks towards you and asks, "What are you doing up at such a late hour?" 
"Just admiring..." Your response may be short and vague, but it is the truth. You are simply admiring the beauty of the world around you, a world that seems to come alive during these quiet hours of the night.
She walks to the edge of the balcony, taking in the view herself, her figure illuminated by the moonlight, her silhouette framed against the vast ocean.
A/N: (I recommend playing "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" while reading this part.)
As you took in the beauty of the ocean and the night sky, the first notes of the classic Elvis song "Can't Help Falling in Love with You" started playing from the radio, and your heart began to beat a little faster.
You stepped closer to Wednesday, wrapping your arms around her waist. You can feel the warmth of her body against yours and the texture of her clothes as your arms touch them. You can hear the sound of the waves lapping against the shore, a low murmur in the background, as the radio's soft voice fills the silent air. 
She turns her head to look at you, the moonlight catching her features and illuminating her face, making her appear even more beautiful than before. 
You place your chin on her shoulder, humming along to the lyrics of the song. Wednesday, feeling the warmth of your breath in her ear, turns to face the night and the endless ocean in front of you. 
Slowly, you begin to sway her from side to side, the radio and the sound of the ocean providing a beautiful soundtrack to your dance.
The music lulls you both into a trance, and, without thinking, you lean down and kiss the back of her neck, feeling her skin against your lips, soft and warm.
Then, with a swift move, you twirled her around to face you, taking a hold of her hands and pulling her close. You held her left hand up, her right hand on your shoulder, and your left hand around her waist, pulling her closer to you. 
She squeezed your hand, your faces were inches apart. You stared deeply into her eyes, feeling the slivers of light in them reflect the depth of your love.
You didn't say a word, but your eyes told her how much you loved her without needing to speak. Your eyes tell her everything, everything you can't put into words.
The song plays on and the moon shines brightly overhead, Wednesday relaxes against you. You feel the soft warmth of her breath brushing against your skin, and it makes you feel alive in a way you never have before.
The bond that existed between you was as deep as the ocean and as vast as the sky above. You didn't need words to express how you felt, the love you felt for each other went beyond words, beyond the physical.
You lean in to kiss the crown of Wednesday's head, and you take a moment to savor the moment. 
The late-night air is crisp and cool, the sky is clear, and the ocean is sparkling under the light of the moon.
The song continues to play in the background, adding to the romantic atmosphere that you've created together. You close your eyes, feeling Wednesday's heart beating in your chest, and let the moment wash over you. 
For a moment, the rest of the world falls away, and all that exists is the two of you, standing on the balcony, holding each other close.
The day had been perfect from start to finish, filled with memories that would last you both a lifetime. As the sun set over the ocean and the day came to an end, you could feel a sense of melancholy in the air. 
It was time to head back to Nevermore, but a part of you didn't want the day to end.
You hopped into the car, with Wednesday riding shotgun. 
She was sitting in the passenger seat, reading the book she had just bought, her eyes fixed on the pages, oblivious to the world around her. 
You kept your focus on the road, though you couldn't help but steal glances at her as you drove.
Driving along, you couldn't help but let your mind wander, thinking about all the wonderful things that had happened that day. You had spent the morning exploring the shore with Wednesday, feeling the cool ocean breeze on your skin, and taking pictures together that you would treasure forever. You had bought souvenirs for your friends. 
And then there was the car ride back to Nevermore, which seemed to fly by, the traffic moving swiftly for once.
The road was quiet, and you could hear the soft rustling of leaves as the cool night air blew through the open window of your car. 
You felt a gentle tug on your right hand and looked down to see Wednesday's hand holding yours, her eyes still focused on her book. Your heart melted as you squeezed her hand.
Wednesday didn't say a word, but you could see the contented expression on her face as she continued reading, unaware of your gaze. 
The red traffic lights changed to green, and you drove towards Nevermore, your thumb brushing against hers as you took turns on the road.
Once back at Nevermore, you headed directly to Wednesday's dorm, where Enid answered the door, her hair a disheveled mess as if she had just woken up from a deep sleep.
You smiled and handed her your gift, a smile spreading across her face as she took it. "Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, giving you a quick hug. 
"Enid," Wednesday said, and the tone of her voice instantly signaled to you that something was amiss. Enid, clearly not wanting to add fuel to the fire, released her grip and offered an apology as she retreated back inside to help Wednesday unpack her things.
The door closed, leaving you and Wednesday alone in the hallway. You could feel the tension in the air, and a small part of you regretted coming back. You hesitantly stepped forward, afraid of the consequences.
"I'll see you tomorrow," you said, your voice barely more than a whisper.
However, as you were about to leave, Wednesday grabbed your hand. 
She gently caressed your palm with her thumb, and you couldn't help but feel a jolt of energy coursing through your body. 
You leaned in to kiss her cheek, but she pulled you in for a deeper kiss, her lips meeting yours with a passion that took you by surprise.
Her hands roamed over your neck and shoulders, holding you close and pulling you in even further.
You pulled away, taking a deep breath as you smiled at the warmth spreading throughout your body. 
Wednesday leaned in yet again, her lips finding yours for one more blissful moment. You couldn't help but savor the taste of her kisses as she held you close once more.
Once you finally broke apart, you rested your forehead against hers, feeling the connection that you shared. 
It was a moment that felt like it would last an eternity, your bodies pressed against each other, your breath coming in short gasps. 
You could feel the heat building between you, a tension that threatened to tear you apart at any moment.
"I love you."
The words were out of your mouth before you could stop yourself, a whisper that echoed in the silence of the hallway. 
Wednesday's eyes locked onto yours, her breath catching in her throat as she took in your confession. Her lips parted, as if she wanted to say something in response, but the words refused to leave her mouth. Instead, she kissed you once again, this time with a passion that threatened to consume you whole.
You wanted to pull away, to catch your breath, to take in the moment. But you couldn't, your body was consumed by the heat of Wednesday's touch. 
Your hands grasped her back, pulling her close as your lips found hers again and again. The world seemed to melt away, leaving just the two of you in the hallway, lost in a world of your own.
Finally, you pulled away, your chest heaving as you struggled to catch your breath. Wednesday's lips were swollen from your kisses, her eyes shining with anticipation.
"I'll see you tomorrow," you managed to whisper, before you leaned in for one final kiss. 
This time, it was slower, more gentle, as if you both understood that this moment was too precious to be rushed. 
You held each other close, your bodies pressing together, feeling the warmth of each other's touch.
Feeling a tingle in your chest, you pulled away, the warmth of her touch lingering on your cheeks. Her hand slowly released its grip on yours, her fingers lingering for just a moment longer before she let go, her face falling back into its usual stony expression.
The grin on your face persisted as you made your way back to your dorm. You knew that you would forever hold on to the memories of that perfect day. 
Then you sighed, the familiar weight of reality settling back in. 
You walked toward your own dorm, feeling the fatigue of the long drive weigh on your shoulders. As you entered your room, the familiar smell of home beckoning you to rest your weary head on your pillow, you couldn't help but think of the image of Wednesday that was forever imprinted in your mind.
One last look, the sun setting over her shoulder, casting a glow of warmth over her face. 
A moment frozen in time, a dream that would fade soon enough but remain a precious memory for as long as you lived.
And as you drifted off into sleep, the image of her remained seared into your mind. 
The waves crashing against the shore, the smell of salt in the air, the warmth of the sun on your skin. A dream like no other, a reminder of what it meant to be truly alive.
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littledollll · 2 years
Could I please get a Larissa weems X teacher reader?
R is the English teacher at nevermore and Larissa discovers that r writes poetry by finding one of their poems which they dropped after a meeting or something and the content is clearly about Larissa and of explicit nature?
This leads to r being called into Larissa's office to discuss what is appropriate to write about your boss but any sense of an appropriate discussion about work place boundaries goes out the window and they end up having some fun instead.
A writers muse
Larissa weems x fem!teacher!reader
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A/n: this took me like 3 days to start but once I started writing there was no stopping.
Warnings: cunnulings, fingering, office sex, dom Larissa, sub reader
You were freaking out. One of your poems was missing and the last you remember seeing it was during a staff meeting, which was literally your worse nightmare, not only because one of the teachers could find it, it was very explicit and very clearly about a certain Principal who lead those staff meetings.
Oh fuck what if SHE found it- you were already panicking when you got a text from Larissa saying to meet her in her office in 5 minutes. Shit. You couldn’t say no, she’s your boss, you texted her a confirmation. Taking a deep breath you made your way to her office.
You were honestly debating turning around and facing the consequences of ignoring her some other day but you forced yourself to knock, a soft “Come in” welcoming you from inside.
With a shaky hand you twisted the doorknob and quietly made your way in, looking at your feet, as if she wouldn’t notice you after inviting you in, right.
“Thank you for coming darling, why don’t you take a seat?” At least she didn’t sound angry, now you were curious why she called you in, you met her eyes as you tried to read her expression.
“I believe you’ve misplaced something of yours.. I have a few things to say about this so I need you to sit pretty and listen, I’ll tell you when to speak.” Your eyes widened at the mention of something being misplaced.
Yet you just nodded, anxiously playing with your thumbs. She could tell you to set the school on fire and you would, if listening to her was going to soften your punishment then that’s what you’ll do. Though you’d probably follow her every command regardless.
“So obedient..” Larissa muttered under her breath as she rounded her desk to stand in front of you, just slightly leaning back on it, still towering over you. She was just quiet enough for you to hear making you turn red and look away.
“Let’s start then. First I’d like to say you are not in trouble, so calm your worries. Moving on to the issue at hand, I found.. a poem, rather explicit one at that.” You wanted to scramble to apologize, make up some random excuse, but the stern look she gave you was enough to make you reconsider.
“I have no problem with you writing, the poem.. it’s rather flattering if my guess is correct, the only issue would be you misplacing it, dear. You are lucky I out of all people found this, it would be another story if perhaps a staff member did, and it would certainly be an issue if a student did, do you understand?”
You could only nod as you eyes darted anywhere but at her. She was completely right, what if a student found it? you wanted to hit yourself over the head realizing how stupid you’d been. Her hand came to you chin, making you look up at her. “Do you understand?” She repeated, and you swore you could get lost in those beautiful blue eyes forever.
“Yes ma’am..” you’d guess she was pleased with your response by the look on her face. She had moved to lean against the armrests of your chair, effectively caging you in.
“I quite like that, such a well mannered girl.” Suddenly she pulled back and you resisted the urge to follow, letting out a shaky breath.
“Tell me, who’s the muse behind your writing?” She knew. Of course she knew, there’s no way she would’ve gotten so close otherwise. The smile on her face was telling, your struggle to get a word out was telling.
“You already know.” you said, slightly irritated she pulled away, that she was essentially forcing you to confess. “Don’t catch an attitude with me now, you were being such a good girl.. yes, I do know. But I want you to tell me, so you will.”
She didn’t leave room for argument, so you gave in. “you are.” Voice barely above a whisper, yet she was satisfied with your answer and willingness.
“If you continue to behave you and I will have so much fun. Everyone knows how I feel about brats. So, will you be a good girl for me, darling?” The way her thumb over your lip, how she seemed to be getting closer so her lips barely brushed over yours when she spoke.
“I’ll be good” You breathed out, she was so close, so obviously teasing you. Every time you moved an inch forward she’d pull back but just barely. “please- Larissa please..”
“you sound so pretty already begging for me, I wonder what other sounds I can pull from those pouty lips.” A quick peck turned into a heated kiss when your hand desperately pulled her back to you.
A moan escaped you as her tongue ran past your lips, asking for permission in, which you gladly granted. There was no need to fight for dominance, the roles had been chosen the second you walked into her office.
“On my desk.” Larissa demanded through pants as she reluctantly broke away from you. Her hands never left your body as you stood and followed her command. The second you were seated again her mouth was on you, laying wet kisses from your jaw and down your neck.
Her hands smoothed down your sides and to your thighs, making you shift closer to the edge of the desk, Larissa smiled against you skin at your neediness.
Pushing your legs open Larissa lowered onto her knees in front of you. What a fucking sight. “You’re so stunning it hurts.” Your hand cupped her face and you leaned down to kiss her once again.
She undid the buttons of your shirt and the zipper of your skirt with a hum, taking both items off you tantalizingly slow, letting them drop to the floor and continuing her series of kisses down your sternum and stomach. “issa please.. it hurts”
“Mhm? Where does it hurt darling? I remember reading something about..” fuck the way her hand trailed from you knee and between your thighs, fingers teasingly circling the wet patch in your underwear. “here. was it?” you moaned the second she made the slightest contact with your aching clit.
“Please, Riss..” Her smile and tone were so condescending. “What is it love? Tell me what you need. You were so good writing it down.”
As she rubbed you through your ruined underwear, the uncomfortable yet delicious friction was driving you insane. “I need-“ you cut yourself off with a whine. “please Riss I need you.”
She hummed in disapproval. “I’m right here, be a good girl and use your words. What do you need?”
“your mouth- please I need you to touch me..” satisfied with your answer she hooked her thumbs over the waistline of your panties, wasting no time pulling them down.
She trailed love bites into your inner thighs, marking you red and purple, as you withered beneath her, your whimpers and pleas turning into moans as she swirled her tongue against your clit making your hips buck against her face.
Her hand came down on your thigh with a harsh slap, making you whimper as she wrapped her arms around your thighs, forcing you to stay still. Her eyes never left your half lidded ones as she started fucking into you with her tongue.
Your hands made their way into her hair, pushing her against you frantically. Your movements were limited by her hold on you but that didn’t stop you from trying to seek more.
“mh- more” her moved her arms away from your quivering thighs, one hand coming up and cupping your breast making you groan and arch your back closer to her. The other moved between your thighs, replacing her tongue with two fingers and she went back to sucking on your puffy clit.
Now unrestricted you pushed your hips against her, she moaned against your center finally allowing you to grind against her.
Your thighs were shaking and threatening to close around her head, she knew you wouldn’t be able to hold off any longer when a thread of pleas started leaving your mouth, whiny and stuttering.
“Riss- please-!” She briefly parted from you, thumb rubbing circles on your clit to continue working you towards your orgasm. “Cum for me, pretty.”
It felt like electricity shooting through your body. You cried out her name, the grip you had on her hair loosened as you brought your hand over your mouth, muffling your moans.
She kissed up your thighs, slowly making her way up your body, allowing you to ride out your orgasm, her lips met your chest and continued up until you were face to face, she pulled your hand from your mouth, replacing it with her lips.
You hips shifted away from her hand as you kissed and she took it as a sign to pull away. You were completely lost in the afterglow of your orgasm, heavy lidded eyes and a lazy smile on your face when she parted to look at you. “I knew you’d be a good girl for me. What’s got your smiling, pretty?”
You giggled, tilting your head at her. Fucking adorable. “Well I just caught my muse.”
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spicybleach · 5 months
Too Sweet: Melissa Schemmenti x Kassandra (me)
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Prompt: Based off the song Too Sweet by Hozier (This song has me in a chokehold and reminds me of Melissa ❤️) Kassandra wasn’t an early bird, I know why become a teacher since they wake up at the ass crack of dawn. She loved working with kids, especially back in the Bronx where she lived in poverty until college. Her being the honorary big sister to all the neighborhood kids, she found her passion.
Translation of a couple words:
My love/darling: habibi حبيبي (Arabic)
My little sunflower: il mio piccolo girasole (Italian)
Warnings: Fluff,Alcohol consumption.
Philly was a mini Bronx to Kassandra and she felt right at home. She was looking forward to her new neighborhood and teaching second grade this year. Kassandra just finished her degree to be a teacher at Abbot Elementary. When picking what school she was going to be at, her fellow classmates warned her about the questionable school and a certain someone Melissa Schemmenti. According to the others, Melissa was mean, a bully even to any new teacher that walked into the place. Nobody lasted there, ever, well except Janine. The young teacher wasn’t phased by that at all. She decided so was going to move to Philly and be the best damn teacher ever.
Weeks before the kiddos were set to be back in the classroom all buzzing with excitement from their summer break, telling their friends, teachers and anyone who would listen to what shenanigans they got into in the summer. There was rumors a foot going around about a new teacher at Abbot. Ava, the principal sent a group text to the group chat she has with her teacher friends. Ava would use the word friend loosely, Janine being her biggest annoyance thus far.
Anyways, Kassandra arrived at the school to start setting up her classroom. With papers falling out of a box, dropping a couple pens and highlighters on the front step. Kassandra groans turning around to pick everything up, ‘ Please let this go smoothly’ she thought to herself. Suddenly this bright eyed, enthusiastic man grabs the door for you.
“ Oops I’m sorry, let me help you.” The man smiled. Kassandra smiles back, “Thank you.” She heads into the door and stopping in her tracks. Woah, she quietly says to herself but the man behind her still hears her.
“ I know. Amazing isn’t it?. OH!” The man exclaims, “I’m Jacob by the way and you?” He reaches his hand out to shake yours.
“Kassandra.” She said with a smile.
“ Oh my god? You’re the new teacher?!.” Jacob says jumping a little.
“Yes that is me, can you tell?” Kassandra said shyly.
“ Yeah but it’s okay the crew and I will help you with anything you need. Come on, let’s go to the break room!” Jacob grabs her arm guiding her to the noisy room where everyone is at.
“ Guys!” Jacob slams through the door.
“ Oh hello Jacob good to see you hun!.” A much older black teacher turns from the table.
“ Everyone this is our new teacher Kassandra.” Jacob excitedly says and she walks from behind him still struggling to carry all this stuff.
“ Hi everyone it’s nice to meet you.” Kassandra said from behind her box.
“ Oh dear, here put your stuff down. Don’t wanna hurt yourself. I’m Mrs Howard but you can call me Barbra.” The older teacher helps her put your things on the table so she won’t drop any more items.
“ Nice to meet you Barb.” Kassandra smiled and let out a sigh of relief from all that weight.
Two more teachers walk in along with principal Ava.
“ Gregory! Janine! Ava! This is our new teacher Kassandra.” Jacob said enthusiastically as they walked into the room.
“ Nice to meet you.” Gregory and Janine said in unison.
Janine loves to talk and well that’s what she did asking you questions about Kassandra’s life, school ect. Everyone sat and listened to her tell a few stories about her upbringing, school life you name it. Finally, Melissa walks in, “Melissa! There you are sweetheart. Come meet our newest teacher yes?.” Barbra stands from the table greeting the fiery redhead with a hug. Kassandra turns around to face Melissa. Melissa gets a wif of her sweet perfume as she swings her hair around. For a split second, Melissa felt like she was in an episode of the twilight zone. Time stood still, My god, she’s beautiful. Barb nudges her friend in the arm knocking her from her thoughts. “ Come on don’t be rude, say hi.” Barb said with a smile gesturing her friend towards Kassandra. The beautiful young black woman stood before her, also being the same height as Melissa herself but Mel being a little taller especially in heels.
“Hi, I’m Kassandra, it’s nice to finally meet you. I’ve heard things about you.” She reached her hand out and the red head takes it. Melissa gives her a look, scanning her body fairly quickly to where no one but Barb notices.
“Hi, I’m Melissa. Good things I hope.” Melissa smirks taking a step back after they shook hands. What Melissa doesn’t see is her best friend Barb behind her smiling like she was offered a glass of the finest wine.
“Mmm, I’ll be the judge of that.” Kassandra smirks, licking her bottom lip ever so slightly. That draws Melissa’s attention to her lips, a piercing? She thought to herself, it was one of those labret piercings that goes up and down on her lip, ah a horizontal labret; nice.
“ Alright kid, let me show you to your room, it’s just right across the hall from mine.” Melissa says grabbing a heavy box of Kassandra’s things from the table. Kassandra follows gorgeous red head to her new classroom. Melissa wasn’t as mean as Kassandra thought. Kassandra started her tasks already knowing what she wants to do for her classroom.
Melissa tilted her head to the side a bit, “ Sunflowers?” The lovely red said picking up a sunflower decoration from the box.
Kassandra turns around from what she’s doing and flashes a smile, “Yeah, I love sunflowers. See.” The beautiful young teacher showed Melissa her right hand in her ring finger, a sunflower finger tattoo. Melissa lightly grabs the woman’s hand, “Cute.” Oh my god, I’m touching her hand, again. Schemmenti what has gotten into you, Melissa thought to herself.
“ Well, if you need anything I’ll just be in the room across the hall.” Melissa said still holding the younger woman’s hand.
“ Oh I’ll definitely hold that against you, anytime.” Kassandra blushes, turning her face a little so Mel doesn’t see her face. And with that Melissa left, her perfume overtook Kassandra’s nostrils, hammering the scent in her brain; it was intoxicating but in a good way.
Melissa found her way back to the break room where her best friend Barb is. Barb looks up from what she was doing at the table, “mmm.” was all the woman said. Melissa rolled her eyes taking a seat next to her, “ What Barb?.” The red head folded her arms across her chest.
“Oh nothing.” Barb paused for a second, “ You just looked like you were a deer caught in headlights right about now, wanna talk about it?.” Barb gently placed her hand on top of her friends.
“No, thank you. I’m good.” Melissa said nonchalantly but deep down she DOES want to talk about it because what is happening to her? Is this some type of sick prank being pulled or what?. The red head let out the biggest sigh. Barb hits her arm lightly, “ Oh come on dear I know you wanna talk.” Melissa grunts, “Fine.” She gets up from her seat.
“ You know me Barb right.” Melissa said running her hands through her long red locs.
“ Melissa, sweetheart you are scaring me. I’ve never seen you like this except for well if the eagles lost a game and game season is over so what is this about?. “ Barb said frowning going up to her friend holding her hands in hers.
“ Barb I-I don’t know. It’s her.” Melissa said almost a whisper on the last part. Finally Barb clicked two and two together.
“ Sweetheart, I seen the way you looked at her earlier and I only know that look because I get like that with my Gerald.” Barb said with a smile, Melissa’s expression softens.
“ For a moment, it’s like I wasn’t even here you know? I just couldn’t breathe and- and I get this weird pit in my stomach everytime I looked at her.” Melissa said in a panic, Barb pulled her friend into a hug.
“ Look, you might just have a crush on her like you did with that fireman.” Barb shrugs her shoulders, “ Or- maybe you could be developing feelings yes?.” Melissa looked at her friend, “ What? No?. I don’t have a crush Barb you’re reading too much into just one interaction we had.” Barb sighed, shaking her finger at her. “No Melissa, I know what I saw. I’ve known you for how long? You think I can’t read you?” Barb chuckles a bit, “ This isn’t the hard to get Melissa Schemmenti, I don’t know what it is yet but I know you have the biggest heart of any of the people I’ve ever met. Why not have a conversation with her and see where it goes hmm?.” Melissa gives Barb a glare, one that kills. Maybe Barb is right. She does have a crush and boy does Melissa and Barb know it. Unbeknownst to the duo, Mr Johnson and Ava creep outside the hallway getting front row seats to this budding romance.
“ I got 500 that Melissa and Kassandra get together.” Ava whispers, “Deal.” Mr Johnson said quietly and returning to whatever shenanigans he was up too. Nothing gets past Ava in her school.
1 year later and a short flashback:
Melissa became very fond of the young black woman. They have a few things in common like drinking wine, the love of Italian food (especially Melissa’s Italian food when Mel would bring leftovers to work with her reserved especially for her il mio piccolo girasole. That was Melissa’s nickname for Kass, her little sunflower; she brightens up Mel’s day with her radiant smile, her gorgeous brown eyes Mel takes glances of when Kass isn’t looking. Also her nickname in Mel’s phone. Recently Kass called Mel, Habibi meaning my love/darling in Arabic. It took Mel by surprise but nonetheless she loved the cute pet name. Melissa should thank Janine for inviting Kass out for drinks one night with the crew because it made them closer, everyone knows Mel is too prideful to even do so.
On a Saturday night, Melissa invited the young woman over for some homemade lasagna and a good wine to pair the dish with along with a tiramisu for dessert. Melissa has planned this day for weeks, changing the menu a million times to what she thinks Kassandra would like, down to what outfit she was going to wear. Like Melissa told Kass, this isn’t a date it’s just dinner between two friends. Kassandra arrived in a short black dress that hugged her curves in the right places, paired with a black red bottom heel, her dark locs in messy boho braids, her perfume sweet. A bottle of wine tucked under her arm as she fumbled with her purse to get her phone out letting Melissa know she’s here.
The front door swings open revealing a well dressed Melissa. Her signature leather pants tight, a green tank top, that fucking leather jacket, her hair cascading around her, her makeup is soft. Kassandra smelled a familiar scent that overtook her nose. Melissa flashes her famous smile that’d make anyone melt.
“Hey hon. Is that wine I see? You look great.” Melissa smirks her one arm propping her up against the door frame and the other on her hip.
“ Hey habibi. Yes, it’s something I think we’ll both enjoy. Thank you, you as well as always.” Kassandra smiled back handing her the bottle. Melissa steps aside to let her in, closing the door behind the woman.
“ Ha- what?.” Melissa said trying to pronounce the word in her thick Philly accent. Kassandra laughs at the red head trying to pronounce the word.
“ My love/ darling. You gave me a little nickname or whatever so you needed one. After all I’m your il mio piccolo girasole after all.” Kassandra smiled up at the red head. Melissa liked loved the nickname. Melissa sat the wine bottle on the counter, grabbing two wine glasses from the cabinet, pouring two glasses for the both of them. Kassandra took a sip of wine from the glass, a little spilled out of her mouth. Melissa watched the bead of wine drip from her lips, running down her chin and landing on her busty chest. Melissa bit her lip, she knows it’s not the wine since they just opened the bottle.
“ Oops.” Kassandra wiped the bead of wine off her chest. Melissa watching her closely, the way her breast jiggled when she touched them briefly.
“So.” Melissa pauses swirling her finger around the rim of her glass, “ Hungry? I made lasagna and for dessert tiramisu.”
Kassandra’s eyes lit up knowing Melissa knows how much she enjoys her, her food.
“ I could eat.” Kassandra smirks against the glass in her mouth.
Melissa guides her to the dining room where the table is set and the only light in the room is candles. A singular sunflower sits on top of a plate on the table. Melissa takes the glass from Kassandra setting it by the plate with a sunflower.
“ Schemmenti, I thought this wasn’t a date?.” Kassandra said with a raised brow turning to the red head beside her.
“ Hon it’s not. Can’t a friend just give a friend a flower that reminds her of? Come sit I’ll get you a plate of that lasagna. Save room for dessert too.” Melissa gestures to the chair she pulled out for her. Kassandra walks over taking a sit in the chair. Melissa watched as her curves swayed when she walked. Melissa disappeared to the kitchen but not before she stole glances of the beautiful black woman sitting at her table. God she wishes SHE was the dessert for the night. Admiring the sunflower in her hand, Kassandra bring it up to her nose inhaling it’s scent. Melissa reappears with the plates of lasagna.
The conversation flows smoothly between the two women. The Italian music; loud, the laughter; even louder, Melissa’s feelings; electric. “ I’m gonna clean this up real quick and we can get to dessert.” Melissa stands from her chair taking all plates and glasses to the kitchen. Kassandra followed in toe. Melissa places the dishes in the sink.
“ I think I’m ready for dessert. Dinner was delicious.” Kassandra said leaning against the island. Melissa turns from the sink shooting the woman a smile.
“ I’m glad you liked it. Now,.” Melissa smiled, clapping her hands together, “ Let’s get you some of that dessert.” Melissa heads to the fridge bringing out a glass dish of the tiramisu, grabbing two forks as she heads over to the woman at the counter. Melissa hands Kassandra a fork , instantly digging in. “Well?” Melissa said with a raised brow waiting for an answer.
“ Oh my god.” Kassandra said with a mouthful, “ This is incredible habibi.” Melissa smiles taking a bite too. She watched the way the fork hit the young woman’s lips. Her red lipstick sticking to the fork, the way Kassandra’s tongue slide on and around it sent shivers down Mel’s spine. Oh god how pretty she’d look bent over the counter screaming my name, Melissa thought to herself. She’d never take advantage of her friend like that especially since they gone through 3 bottles of wine. “ I’m glad you like it hon.” Just then Melissa noticed a bit of whipped cream on her bottom lip. “ What?” Kassandra caught Mel staring a hole into her. “ Let me get that for you hon.” Melissa points to her lip. Stepping closer to her, their bodies now touching. Melissa takes her thumb wiping away the cream off her lip. Kassandra takes Mel’s hand licking off the whipped cream from her thumb. Melissa rests her hand on her face, it’s warm and soft to the touch. For a moment the world stopped for them both. Looking into each other’s eyes.
“ Thank you Mel.” Kassandra said softly leaning into the older woman’s hand more.
“ You’re welcome.” Melissa rubs her cheek with her thumb. Kassandra blushes hard. It was so quiet in fact, too quiet to where Melissa heard the woman’s heart beating from her touch. Melissa was close enough to kiss her but doesn’t because she respects her too much to do anything with them not being sober.
“ I’m getting sleepy habibi, I think I’m in a food coma.” Kassandra said pulling Melissa closer as if they aren’t close enough, laying her head on the redheads chest listening to her faint heartbeat. Melissa wraps her arms around the young woman. Her hands playing with her boho braids.
“ I’m glad you enjoyed the food il mio piccolo girasole. You aren’t driving home tonight. Come on let’s get you to bed hm?.” Melissa said caressing Kassandra’s face light with her hand, kissing the top of her head. And up the stairs they go, Melissa’s room is just as expected; warm like her hugs, beautiful and bright like her smile. Kassandra takes her dress off, leaving only her matching bra and thong. Melissa looks on, admiring the way her thong just hugs her curves, her bra concealing those soft plumped breasts. Melissa doing the same, going over to her closet looking for a t shirt.
“ Here.” Melissa said, throwing Kassandra a shirt and grabbing another for herself. Melissa turns around already in her shirt, Kassandra is on the other side of the bed struggling to put hers on. Melissa chuckles to herself, “ Hon, let me help you.” She walks over to the tipsy young woman. Her bra still being on, Melissa reaches around her and un clasps it, Kassandra’s breasts falling.
“ Why? I think I got it. Almost.” Kassandra whines still not being able to put the shirt on. Melissa pops her head through the top of the shirt, helping her slip her arms in the holes.
“ There we go. Now you’ve got it. You were struggling hon. You’re welcome. So um, you can sleep here and I’ll just take the couch okay? Goodnight.” Melissa said helping her on the bed. As she was walking away she felt a hand grab her arm.
“ No..” Kassandra choked out, “ Please sleep with me? Please.” Melissa looks at her beautiful brown eyes, damn it those beautiful eyes of hers. “ Yeah, of course.” A smile is painted around the young one’s face. Melissa gets in bed beside her, pulling the covers to let her in. Kassandra gets in, lying on Melissa’s chest with an arm draped over her stomach. Melissa pulls her a bit closer, Kassandra now lying on top of Mel.
“Habibi?” Kassandra spoke softly. That nickname just gets Melissa everytime.
“ Yes, il mio piccolo girasole?” Melissa smiles, caressing her face with one of her hands.
“ I had so much fun tonight, thank you for inviting me over. I love you.” Kassandra kisses Mel’s neck lightly, settling into her as she slowly drifts off to sleep.
“ I love you too.” Melissa kisses her forehead, playing with her hair as they both drift off to sleep.
This was one of many encounters the two unknown lovers had that would lead to their relationship and maybe even a marriage in the future.
HI GUYS! So I decided I’m gonna do this in parts because I’m just too excited about this. FEEDBACK IS MUCH APPRECIATED ❤️❤️❤️ part two is below: ⬇️ ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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petitelepus · 26 days
Hiii🤗 gosh i just love your writing so much, and by far you have been my fav to reader fanfics on here😊 if you can, i would like to ask for a Teacher!Gyomei x reader, where the reader is a new teacher in the academy. (they tech Any subject of your choice.)
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Summary: You're Gyomei's wife and the newest addition to the amazing staff of the Kimetsu Academy! How do students take the news?
Warnings: Cute, Fluff
A/N: Modern!AU, Kimetsu Academy, Female Reader, Reader, Gyomei Himejima, Teacher Gyomei Himejima, Lady Tamayo
It was a big day for you. You were finally accepted to Kimetsu Academy as their newest assisting Health Teacher. Miss Tamayo was an excellent teacher, but she wanted to spend more time in the school's infirmary and you were dying to teach children.
Principal Ubuyashiki happily hired you since you used to be one of many Kimetsu Academy students, who graduated at the top of your class. It also helped a little that you were married to one of the oldest staff members in the school, your gentle giant Gyomei Himejima.
But you were slightly nervous as you checked your hair for the seventh time in the last 15 minutes. Principal noticed this and smiled, "Please don't worry, Miss Himejima. I'm sure that the other teachers are happy to welcome you to the Kimetsu Academy family."
"I know…" You smiled, "I'm just nervous, that's all."
"You're going to do great." The beautiful woman smiled as she knocked on the staff room's door and stepped inside, you following close behind her.
"Everyone, I'm sure you have already heard the news that Miss Tamayo is going to focus on her work at the infirmary; so here we have a new Health Teacher, Miss Himejima herself." The Principal smiled at you, "Won't you introduce yourself?"
"Alright," You nodded with a genuine smile on your face despite being nervous earlier, "Hi there everyone, as some of you may know, I used to be a student here, but now I'm joining you guys as we try to teach kids to survive out there."
You looked around the room and your eyes locked with your dearest husband who gave you a silent thumbs up, giving you more courage to keep on smiling.
"I know I'm new, but please feel free to correct and guide me. Thank you." You bowed humbly and the teachers clapped, and someone even whistled.
You blushed a little at all the nice attention you were given and the Principal nodded, "Well said, Miss Himejima. Please, you can take a seat next to your husband."
"Thank you, Ma'am," You bowed humbly to the kind woman and took a seat next to your husband who immediately turned to congratulate you, "You did well, my dear!"
"Thank you, love!" You smiled excitedly, "All that practicing in front of the mirror paid off!"
"Welcome to the teacher's club young lady!" The art teacher Uzui smiled as he stepped forward to congratulate you. You smiled as you nodded, "Thank you, I'm very excited."
"We have some unruly students here…!" The math teacher Shinazugawa growled from his seat, "So remember to rule with an iron fist!"
"I prefer a gentle approach, but I will try my best to understand and guide students." You nodded happily. Then you noticed the P.E. teacher Tomioka gesturing you to come closer to you and you excused yourself so you could talk with the silent teacher, "Yes, sir Tomioka?"
"Good luck." The man nodded quietly, "Look out for any troublemakers and if you find any rule breakers, you can report them to me."
"My, thank you, sir Tomioka. I make sure to tell you if anyone is giving me a hard time!"
"Speaking of that, classes are starting." Goto the English teacher thought out loud and everyone got their stuff and headed out, you included. You knew the school like the back of your hand and headed toward the classroom where you would be holding your classes.
As expected, the students were already there by their seats, waiting for their new teacher to come. You stopped by the doorway, took a deep breath to still your beating heart, and you stepped inside.
"Hi there everyone," You greeted the students as you walked to the table in front of the classroom and put down your notes. You looked around the room and one or two hands rose up. You nodded, "Yes?"
"Who are you, Miss?"
"Where is Miss Tamayo?"
"Miss Tamayo will be working in the infirmary from now on, so don't worry, she is still here."
"Then who are you?"
"Are you a substitute?"
"Almost, I'm your new Health teacher, Miss-!" You were saying when there was a soft knock on the door and your husband stepped inside, "Dear, you forgot your-!"
"Ah, love, I was just introducing myself to students." You smiled as you motioned the huge man to join you and he did just that.
"Class, this is sir Himejima, the Civics teacher and my husband!" You said cheerfully and the whole class gasped out loud.
You and Gyomei both blushed softly as you nodded happily, "Thank you, everyone. So, remember, if you cause any trouble I can always call my husband here!"
You were kidding, of course you were, but most students took your joke a little more seriously. But despite that, they were happy for their teacher for marrying a kind woman like you.
"I better head out, my own class is starting," Gyomei smiled at you as he handed you, your small pocket mirror, "Have a good day, dear."
"You too, love." You smiled back at him, suppressing your need to kiss him because you didn't want to show such things to your students. So your husband left and you smiled at the students, "Alright everyone, we will start this class by talking about healthy foods and ways of life!"
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Great Results Means a Ten-Year-Old is Stabbable
I got inspired by @flashfictionfridayofficial's prompt 'Great Expectations' and my new WIP. What happens when expectations are fulfilled? Someone takes issue, especially when you're a great hero.
They met when the loading time for the next part declared an hour.
"I don't get it," Myeong said, staring at Principal Hoa's desk like it might've revealed the answer to his thoughts. "If Elpis is thirty back in their original time, then why go back when she's ten? Why make a big production of it?"
Hoa nodded with a hum, tapping his keyboard. Xe looked like xe wasn't paying attention, but Edward knew them better than that. Xe was paying attention and thinking at a speed faster than their own.
"Right now, she has no power beyond her mother's protection and her father..." Tsubasa said. Edward felt his shoulders hitch up at the mention of the man. He hadn't popped up yet, but based on what he had seen, the man was in contact with Amarya. It was a matter of how long he would wait. "She's a girl of color and powerless. Nobody in the police force would've cared much if she suddenly ended up dead." The words were harsh but true.
Edward felt his shoulders hitch up further and he was suddenly twitchy with need. He wanted to leave, to go check on Amarya to make sure she was still coloring and breathing. It was ridiculous how much he cared...but he did.
He did, so much.
Hoa finally pulled their hand away from the keyboard and Edward realized that xe had pulled up the camera feed in the sitting room. Amarya was talking to one of the heroes on guard, smiling brightly and without a care in the world.
The last part ran through his mind, and he winced. That light had dulled in her eyes. Instead, there had just been pain as she stared at her hand, bloody and messy and missing three fingers. The school could fix that, but it didn't erase the fact that in one timeline, it had happened.
Hoa met his eyes and xe nodded.
"I think the production was the point," the principal said, lacing their fingers together and studying them all. "Now, I'm not them, but I have a feeling that our villains don't want to be the ones to assassinate her."
There was a pause.
"...so, you think they're cowards," one of the teachers said. Edward almost didn't hear them. His mind was full of enraged screaming, more of a roar.
He was pretty sure it wasn't just his fury.
"Exactly," Hoa said, their hands clenching tighter together. "Now, I am not in their heads. But I have a feeling we're not deep enough in their little show, since there's so much time between fourteen and thirty, but I have a feeling that our dear girl defeated villains. Villains who might be eager to cut off the source of their defeat now."
Pieces slotted together.
"So," Tsubasa said, her voice tight and tense. "You think they stole some very powerful inventions, traveled back in time, and started showing this in hopes that someone, what, arranges to stab a ten-year-old?"
"To be fair," another teacher said. "Ten-year-olds are kinda easily stabbable."
Edward stood with a screech of his chair.
"Um, where are you-"
"I," Edward said with a pleasantness in his voice that probably didn't match with his expression. "Am going to find Amarya's mother and inform her of this theory."
And if Rosita Mohila wanted to track down and stab the villains that wanted to arrange her daughter's death, well that was between him and her and probably Hoa.
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This is an Original Character fanfiction. All Stranger Things characters and content are owned by Netflix and The Duffer Brothers.
a/n: Enjoy!
Warnings: Officer Callahan tbh.
Word Count: 2062
Thursday, November 10, 1983 - HAWKINS HIGH 
“Now, the three main reasons for The Civil War were one, disagreements over slavery, two, state vs. federal rights…” 
I stare outside the window watching the trees ripple in the wind, drowning out the history lesson. It’s been hard to concentrate and I can’t think about how heavy yesterday was. From finding Barb’s car, the thing with no face in Steve’s backyard, running to Lucas in the front yard after finding out about Will. The events following after Mom and Erica found Lucas and I on the front lawn feels like a fever dream. I remember being led to the front door, Erica calling out to Dad, Dad questioning Mom about what happened. I don’t know how or who took a shower first, but I know Mom was talking to me but I couldn’t hear anything. 
The shock of something happening to Barb and the police finding Will in the Quarry didn’t sink in until I lay in bed. I couldn’t stop crying. I woke up this morning squished between Lucas and Erica. Lucas lying almost horizontal and practically hanging off my bed while Erica snuggles into my back like a baby koala basking in my body heat. It’s been a few years since Erica and Lucas slept in my bed and I’m sure Mom has taken multiple photos of us all sleeping together. She loves taking photos and videos of us. 
The news of Will spread across the entire town like wildfire. Whispers of fear, concern and condolences echo in the hallways. I don’t see Jonathan which makes sense considering. I saw Nancy this morning in first period. Neither of us talk, both too wrapped up in our own thoughts to say anything. Mom dropped me and Erica at school this morning. Lucas stayed home. He hasn’t said much since last night and the family has given him space to grieve. For all of us to grieve. We knew Will too. 
“Diana Sinclair?” 
I blink out of my stupor, perking up in my seat. Principal Higgins stands at the door looking at me. 
“If you’ll come with me, please.” 
Everyone’s eyes are on me and I quickly stand up avoiding their stare as I pack up my books. Principal Higgins escorts me down the hall and I wonder what’s happening. I am led to his office. Janice, the secretary is scribbling on yellow legal pad, her plum-coloured outfit matching her eggplant-coloured nails. She smiles at me, magnified eyeballs warm and kind. 
“Hello, dear,” she greets. 
“Hi, Janice.” 
Principal Higgins nods his head respectfully in greeting and guides me to his office where two officers stand. My eyes widen in alarm and I linger outside the office not wanting to go inside. The two officers look at me through the window and I feel my knees tremble. I don’t know what to expect. I mean who does when it comes to being escorted out of class to speak to police officers. I immediately fear the worse. Barb. Principal Higgins opens his office door. 
“Officer Powell, Callahan. This is Diana Sinclair.” Officer Powell and Callahan peer out the door. Principal Higgins looks behind him and notices I’m not behind and smiles patiently. “It’s okay, Miss Sinclair, you’re not in trouble. Officer Powell and Officer Callahan just want to ask you a few questions.” My heart races. That doesn’t make me feel any better.
I wave half-heartedly with a closed lip smile. “H-Hello.” 
“Good Morning.” 
They answer at the same time. 
I don’t move from my spot in the middle of the office and the officers don’t move from where they stand. The whole encounter is awkward and I really want to run back to class and forget this ever happened. I shift side to side on my feet, playing with a loose thread on my skirt wondering what we’re waiting for. If they wanted to ask me questions, wouldn’t Principal Higgins have ushered me into his office to talk? Everyone was just standing here like they were waiting for something or someone. My ears immediately perk up when I hear soft clacking of heels walk into the office and I turn my head to see who it could be. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. Mom stands by the entrance wearing a sleek black trench coat with small kitten heels. Her hair is styled in a nice bob and looks freshly done, meaning she just got back from the salon. Principal Higgins walks past me to greet her, shaking her hand firmly and mom smiles her classic southern belle smile at him. 
My heart is beating so loud, I can hear it in my ears. I clutch my pendant tightly in my hands fearing I may pass out from overstimulation. Principal Higgins nods to the officers and they walk out his office excusing themselves past me. I blink realizing I’m still standing in the middle of the room like a deer stuck in headlights. The men walk out the door while Mom lingers waiting for me. She extends her arm and on instinct I walk towards her in a trance. Mom wraps her arm around my shoulder and without a word, we walk out the office.  
Principal Higgins brought us to the cafeteria. It was empty, but I know the lunch ladies were in the kitchen preparing the food for lunch. He leaves us to parade the hallways and Mom and I are sitting across Officer Powell and Callahan. They introduce themselves to Mom and tell us both, that they are here to talk to me about Barb. It turns out Mr. and Mrs. Holland went to the station this morning to file a missing person report and told them mine and Nancy’s name as the last people who saw her. I guess they are going to talk to Nancy next which meant, Mrs. Wheeler was going to come to the school too. I wish I could’ve warned Nancy about what was happening, but I can’t. I tell the officers what happened Tuesday night. 
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“So, after this argument—” Officer Powell continued. 
“It wasn’t an argument,” I correct, shaking my head. “It was a…disagreement.” I’ve been talking to Officer Powell and Officer Callahan for the past fifteen minutes answering their questions. Mom sits quietly beside me, listening intently to the conversation. 
“Okay.” Officer Powell said. “After the disagreement, what happened?” 
“I walked home.” 
“You walked all the way home in the middle of the night.” It wasn’t a question. Officer Powell and Officer Callahan both looked skeptical about the thought. It takes almost two hours or more to walk uptown.
“Well, no. I-I got a ride.” 
I can feel Mom looking at me now. At the Wheelers with Barb’s parents, I didn’t get the chance to answer Mrs. Wheeler’s question before Mike stormed inside the house. To be honest, I was hoping I would never have to. Part of me wants to keep Eddie a secret. Not because I was embarrassed of him, the complete opposite. He seemingly was the only good in my life right now and I don’t want it all to be too good to be true. Officer Powell and Officer Callahan glanced at each other, my answer perking newfound interest in my story. 
“From who?” 
“His name is Eddie.” 
“Eddie what?” Officer Powell asks, writing in his notepad. 
“I’m not sure,” I respond, frowning. It never occurred to ask him his full name. The specifics didn’t matter. “He goes to this school and he was on his way home…” I don’t want to say Eddie was on his way from work because he is technically working illegally at a bar downtown and I don’t want to get him in trouble. “He saw me walking past Benny’s Burgers and offered to drive me home.” 
“She must be talking about Munson.” Officer Callahan said to Officer Powell. “Wayne’s nephew.” 
Officer Powell made a face. “Al’s kid?” He shakes his head. 
My eyes dart back and forth between the officers. I may have been born and raised in Hawkins but it didn’t mean I knew everyone in town. Mom and Dad moved to Hawkins from Virginia and we were one of the few families in our neighbourhood who didn’t have grandparents who grew up knowing each other. We didn’t come from generations and generations of Hawkins natives. We are the first in our family to uproot here. 
“You seem like a nice girl, Diana.” Officer Callahan says. “I would keep my distance from Eddie Munson.” 
I frown. “Why?” 
“With a father like Al Munson, take my word for it. He’s trouble.”  
My frown deepens and I clench my hands into tight fists. I don’t like how they’re talking about Eddie especially when the information provided doesn’t have anything to do with what matters. Barb’s disappearance. 
“I don’t think this is an appropriate conversation to be having with my daughter when her best friend is missing.” Mom reminded, her tone hard. 
“Eddie has been nothing but kind to me.” I counter, nostrils flaring. “He drove me all the way across town to make sure I got home safe. That’s more than anybody here has ever done for me.” 
“Do you have any more questions for my daughter about her whereabouts?” Mom asks in her parental voice.
Officer Callahan sits back in his chair while Officer Powell cleared his throat. 
“What happened yesterday?” he asked. 
“Nancy and I went back to Steve’s house to look for Barb and on the way, we saw her car parked in the exact same spot we left it the night before.” 
“When you went back, what did you see?” 
“I don’t know how to explain it, but it was huge, like some sort of animal or something, but,” I pause, licking my bottom lip. “It didn’t have a face.” 
Judgement shoots across Officer Powell’s face. “An animal with no face.” 
“I know it sounds ridiculous but that’s what I saw.” I swallow down the lump forming in my throat and touch my gold pendant on my chest. “I think it took Barb.” 
“We checked the house and there were no signs of any animals.” 
“Did you check the woods?” 
“Check the woods for an animal?” Officer Callahan deadpans. I don’t respond, fixing my chin up. It wasn’t the brightest question to ask, but it was still valid in my opinion. 
“There was no car either.” Officer Powell adds. 
I sit up straight, eyes darting to his. “What? Where did it go?” 
“That’s what we’d like to know, Diana.” He responds, patiently. 
“Nancy and I saw Barb’s car yesterday. I swear to you.” 
“Here’s what we think. We figure that Barb came back last night and then took off somewhere. Has she ever talked to you about running away?” 
I shake my head. “No. Barb wouldn’t do that.” 
“Maybe she was upset, like you, about the fact that Nancy was spending time with Steve.” Officer Callahan surmises. 
I squint at him and his ridiculous deduction. Barb wasn’t like that. I wasn’t like that. Barb and I may have had our worries about Nancy’s relationship with Steve but it wasn’t because of her. It was because of him. 
“I wasn’t upset about that.” I protest. 
“Jealous, perhaps?” 
The subtle tilt of his head conveyed an air of disdainful curiousity as if he were assessing me from a lofty perch. The laugh that comes out my lips is uncharacteristic. The tinge of bitterness and condescension charges the air. I can feel my Mom’s disapproving stare. My manners were unbecoming, I know. But for Officer Callahan to insinuate I am jealous of my best friend for spending time with a boy she likes is comical and proves he clearly wasn’t listening to anything I was saying. There was no motive for Barb to randomly disappear. There was nothing. The only thing that I know is that she is missing and something bad happened to her. 
“No one was jealous of Nancy,” I shoot back, trying to be mindful of my tone. “Not me. Not Barb. No one. I don’t care about Steve. I care about Barb and she’s missing.” 
The officers both watch me slightly taken aback by my firmness. Mom shifts in her seat waiting. Officer Powell closes his notepad, clicking his pen. 
“That’s all the questions we have for you Diana.” 
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general--winter · 2 months
May I please request headcanons for Naoto, Yu, and Kanji reacting to their S/O having anger issues and snapping when a bully goes too far?
author's note: So, hi y'all! i've had quite a year, i'll make a post later. I wanted to clear out the one or two things I had already finished in my WIP folder, though, so this is my return for now.
rating: teen
fandom: persona 4
pairing: shirogane naoto x gn!reader, narukami yu x gn!reader, tatsumi kanji x gn!reader
word count: 1336
summary: you stand up to your bullies! wish i was this brave when i was in high school and college LOL
Naoto Shirogane
For months, Naoto has heard story upon story about how you have been putting up with crap from a group of people in your club. It’s all endless, from how they give you backhanded compliments about your skills to them “accidentally” giving you the broken equipment and watching you fail over and over again for their amusement.
Honestly, you weren’t even aware of half of the incidents being their fault, Naoto had to be the one to sneak into your club room to investigate and find that your stuff was being tampered with in the first place. She absolutely hated breaking the news to you, but she knew she had to tell you the truth. What wasn’t expected, however, was the pure rage that shot through your eyes. Naoto thought there might be sadness, maybe even tears if you were particularly emotionally vulnerable at that moment, but this was so unlike you. “Let me handle it,” is what you told her. She kept her eyes on you from then on.
Which is exactly why she caught the beginning of the incident the next day over lunch. A leader of your club struck up a conversation with you at your desk, and Naoto immediately noticed you were snippy with them. It wasn’t until they dealt a snide comment, however, that you slammed your hands on your desk, sending your empty bento flying to the floor and catching the attention of every student in the room.
What came out of your mouth next could be described by Naoto as… needlessly vulgar. You tore into the leader, listing off bullying incident after incident in cruel detail, as well as what it said about the leader and their deepest insecurities that they actually did those things. It wasn’t for a few moments until Naoto realized that she had helped you put that list together (...sans emotional damage, of course) herself if you ever decided you wanted to go to the principal with the information. Oh, dear, she would think. I really should put a stop to this.
While you were in the process of tearing the club member down with a snide smirk, talking about how “their efforts will only set their own club performance and university admissions back” and “if they wanted attention so badly, well now they’ve got it undivided from the entire room”, Naoto took a hold of your wrist and dragged you out of the room, gently sliding the door shut.
Your breathing haggard from anxiety, she would drag you to a barren corner and tentatively hug you for a long time before pulling back and placing her hands on your shoulders, suggesting with a sigh: “I’m proud of you for sticking up for yourself, but next time do not use my data for your vigilante justice? Please?”
Yu Narukami
The last week of school was rough for everyone, but particularly you. On top of winter semester finals, you had to deal with a… let’s say, cast of characters that leeched on to whatever insecurity you radiated and made it as much of their problem as it was yours. Underhanded compliments, disguising random rude gifts as acts of kindness… Yu especially hated it when they played you into thinking they were your close friends. Couldn’t you see that the Investigation Team was more supportive of you than they could ever be? Couldn’t you see that he was trying his best to lift you up when all they wanted to do was bring you down?
But Yu isn’t about forcing people into their decisions. As much as he has a soft spot for you, he’s going to let you figure this one out yourself, of course with his own support. More times than he could count, Yu listened to your suspicions with an open ear and a sympathetic face, always reminding you of your positive traits. It was the only thing he could think of that would help, but your sorrow turned to anger slowly. Almost too slow for him to notice.
He’ll be clued in real quickly, though, when he sees you flinging a tray of “food” at a group of people crowded around you on the school roof. He’ll be shocked - Yu’s never seen you get violent with anything but Shadows. He seriously thought you didn’t have a mean bone in your body. However, he couldn’t help but feel a little bit of pride for his partner standing up for themselves. Maybe, you could hold back on the string of curses that flow from your mouth, though!
After this event, when the bullies run off covered in whatever mystery substance they had placed in your lunch box, Yu is there to sit beside you as the weight of your actions hit you.
“I… I just threw that shit at them,” you murmured to yourself, barely registering Yu’s presence beside you.
“You stood up for yourself, he clarified, just sitting down to wrap an arm around your shoulders. “I’m proud of you.”
Kanji Tatsumi
Kanji has always wanted to handle the problem himself. Every time he finds you upset or you have yet another problem with a bully, he’s ready to throw his weight around to close their mouths for you. You always refuse though, with a level of grace that sends Kanji into a fit that he has to tamper down. He wished he could take away every single problem in your life, but he trusted you to do it in the way that was best for you. However, that smile on your face was always there when everyone shit on you. Gleaming, wide, mistakenly joyous. But it never reached your eyes. It wasn’t even like Kanji’s own situation. He chose to look and dress and act the way he does. But you were being bullied for something you couldn’t control. It drove him, for lack of a better term, damn crazy. Which is why he was giddy when he caught the scene in front of Yasogami after school that day.
A circle of students were gasping and egging on some sort of event happening in the middle. With his shoulder, Kanji easily wedged into the inner ring, though he seriously couldn’t believe what he was looking at when he got there. You were hammering your knee into the stomach of the ringleader of the group of bullies, propping up their body with a fist in their uniform collar to take more blows. In between the crowd's noises, you cried out, "This is what you get for every. Single. Terrible. Hurtful. Word!" Before he could think anything, he was pulling you off of the bully, arms hooked under your shoulders, feet dragging against the concrete and asphalt as Kanji once again split the crowd. This time, it was his mere presence that had people parting easier than Yaso-Inaba's fields of wild grass in a storm's wind.
You didn't struggle against him at all, your limbs just went limp while Kanji carry-dragged you down the pathway to the Samegawa Floodplain. Kanji was proud of you for standing up for yourself. That was the first thing he told you after he sat you on top of his jacket on one of the walkway's benches, misted from the afternoon rain sputter.
Despite his words, your thoughts swirled. What had you just done? You never thought of yourself as the type of person to just… snap in public like that, but it happened. The lid on your ugly thoughts and feelings came undone, and you'd let them loose. Kanji settled next to you, placing an incredibly stiff arm across your shoulders as you shoved your face into your hands. "I know I'm not—shit… the best person to be lecturin' on this, but," he started, his voice gruff and unsteady, "you stood up for yourself, right? Maybe starting a walloping like that in the school yard might not have been your best moment, but, what I'm trying to say is, y-you did good. In my book, at least." 
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beansnsoup · 1 year
Hey, I was wondering if you can do a sibling, platonic Mario and Luigi x younger sister? Like, they go to get high school graduation and celebrate and whatnot, cause I just got home from my graduation and thought it would be nice. (I’m 18 btw, about to be 19) but I thought it would be a super cute idea seeing the brothers screaming cheering on a littler sibling as they walk the stage
Love this!! Congratulations btw!!!
Cap and Gown
Summary: Mario and Luigi take off from work to come watch their favorite younger sister graduate.
Relationship: Platonic
Warnings: Fluff, fem reader
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"Y/N M/N Mario."
The school gym erupted in cheers, the loudest of them coming from the section where your family was sat.
Mario and Luigi strived to be the loudest in the room when you walked up there.
You grabbed your diploma and used your other hand to shake the super intendants hand. You sent a smile to the crowd then sent them all a wave as you walked off the stage.
You sat back down in your seat, scanning around to see if your brothers were able to make it.
Once you found them, a wide smile was planted on your face. They both sent a thumbs up, giving you huge smiles back.
Once the last name was called and the principal wrapped everything up with a final speech, everyone was sent outside for final pictures where they'd soon meet their families.
You kept looking around, waiting for them to walk through the gate.
"Mario, Luigi! I'm so happy you guys made it!"
You ran up as soon as they walked up, giving them a huge bear hug.
"We almost didn't, we took off two days of work for you, but there was so much traffic."
Your mom came up to smother your face in kisses, and your grandparents came up after to hand you a card that was most likely filled up with a lot of congratulations money. Then your aunts, uncles, and nephews gave you flowers.
"We should get out of here before it gets too crowded. You have a big dinner waiting for you at home." You mom said, squeezing your cheek.
"Thank God, I need to take off this dress and heels."
"Not before pictures you won't."
You groaned, which was followed by Mario and Luigis laughter.
As soon as you all got home, your mom immediately pulled out her camera, making you take pictures with every possible living thing in the area.
Then you finally got to strip of your uncomfortable clothing, quickly joining everyone at the dinner table.
Your aunt didn't let you catch one bite before she started talking, "Y/N, hun, tell me how a catch like you graduated without some arm candy."
"She doesn't need a boyfriend. She needs to focus on her grades. She graduated with honors, you know." Your dad chimed in.
You cringed, "No good suitors go to my school."
"Well promise me dear, when you do get hitched, I'll be the first to know."
You laughed, nodding at your aunt, finally taking a bite of your food.
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
That I may be weak with you
"Do you love me enough that I may be weak with you? Everyone loves strength, but do you love me for my weakness? That is the real test." - Alain de Botton Dorothea Delilah Darcy is a woman in her mid to late twenties, struggling to find her place in the world. A recent job opportunity as a guidance counsellor at Nevermore Academy seems like a godsend, and she could not miss it for the life of her. Still, perhaps more problems will arise than she expected. Between bubbly, extroverted students and an uncharacteristically reactive principal, she'll be forced to overcome the limitations of her abilities or separate herself entirely from the place she'll grow to call home.
Author's note: Poor Larissa, not knowing how to deal with Wednesday after all... that. She was such a badass before but now she almost died and how's she supposed to go back to normal with her? If only there was someone to help her get a grip 👀
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Chapter Three
“I see her pure, pale aura shine, piercing, sweet Sharp as death, or sin” — Marya Zaturrenska
“We’ve established what I was doing outside, but could I ask the same about you?” you looked at her reflection in the window, hoping to hide your eyes long enough that she wouldn’t mistake your awkwardness for discomfort.
You caught her eyes glancing quickly towards you, catching your white-knuckled fists for a quarter of a second before returning to the road, schooling her expression into something serene if a bit serious.
“I had a meeting with the new mayor. Given everything that’s happened in the last three months I didn’t have much time to schedule the Academy’s yearly events and my relationship with Noble was…” she stopped as they approached the school gate, “Let’s just say he was an intelligent man, and his world view suited my plans well enough.”
Sounds ominous, “And the new mayor’s view?” you chanced. Larissa sighed.
“She’s less inclined to cooperate.”
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You were on time for dinner, and it was spent pleasantly talking with some of your colleagues. Ser Barnabas didn't even notice your absence, but after filling his fluffy bum with food he decided to worry a bit about the unmoving lump that was your body over the bed sheets.
“What? The window isn't as comfortable as a living mattress?” you groaned at him settling on your stomach.
He looked wholly unimpressed as if he knew you were grateful for his warm weight on you. Hell, he might feel your spirit purring.
You finally cracked after a few seconds with him looking at you. You knew you were only projecting, but Ser Barnabas was more than accustomed by now to being your excuse to talk to the air.
“There was this student today. Very bright young girl…” he kneaded your ribs a little, “What, too bony for you now?” he didn't seem fazed.
“Anyway; she was lovely, but far too energetic. It's been a while since I talked to other people extensively and she caught me by surprise,” you sighed, feeling the strain of all your muscles at once, “…I think this is going to be hard.”
Ser Barnabas started kneading again, this time purring as well as he came from your stomach to lay on your chest. Sometimes you thought he understood you far better than you gave him credit for.
“Thank you, dear,” you whispered and petted him behind the ears until you fell asleep, which didn't take long with the familiar pressure over your heart.
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From: Larissa Weems <[email protected]> To: Dorothea Delilah Darcy <[email protected]> Sent: Wed, 13th September 2023 16:00:00 (GMT-4)
Dear Miss Darcy,
As the end of your first week as a guidance counsellor approaches, I’d like to invite you for a chat. Nothing too serious, only a short meeting regarding your impressions, your feelings on your work volume, and any other comments you might have. Feel free to bring notes, suggestions and the like. Nevermore has previously favoured the services of an outside therapist for further counsel, so your role is rather new and I hope to facilitate it as much as possible. I expect you on Friday at 18:10h.
Sincerely, Larissa Weems Principal Nevermore Academy (802) 555-0811
You hadn’t checked your e-mail the last two nights, but as you looked through your inbox now the memory of Larissa driving you both to Nevermore came again, as it had done over and over at dinner.
You realized Larissa wasn’t one to attend dinner when reaching the end of the week you’d failed to see her even once. The staff seemed to have adopted the left corner of the expansive hall for themselves and there were always a few vacant seats; hers persistently amongst them.
You had a theory that she was likely locked in her office buried in work, most likely non-urgent things she simply refused to leave for the next day.
The fact was that Principal Weems was not a cold woman. Of all your interactions she had been nothing but pleasant and even playful with people around you and yourself. But she was also the woman who gave you a lift after school hours back from a very school-related appointment and proceeded to part ways with you at the entrance claiming she had “just a few more documents to sort through before coming to dinner”.
As stated previously, she did not attend dinner.
You didn’t have too many things of note to say, though. You liked everything and everyone so far. Of course, there was the small matter of… the incident, but after a good night’s sleep and some getting used to, you were sure this would only help you understand yourself and your abilities better.
“MEOW!” a tail manifested itself in front of your nose as Ser Barnabas got fed up with being ignored.
“Hush, you’re only jealous I have other things to worry about besides brushing you,” you placed your phone back on the nightstand and searched the drawers for the little imp’s brush. The sun streaming through the window was just perfect to warm a chilly morning; maybe you’d have breakfast outside today.
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As your last student left — an adorable little guy whose parents were 10/10 on damage control after trauma — you glanced at the small table clock for the nth time that day. It lazily displayed 17:43. Of course, it wasn’t lazy, it was a clock, but time did seem to be dragging itself onwards today.
You didn’t dare look too deeply into your eagerness to see the principal, but that she had an aura of oddness to her satisfied your mind well enough. It was simply that the air seemed electrically charged wherever she stood; she couldn’t see the hairs of your arms standing but under all the layers you could feel it.
You had almost half an hour to organize your notes and papers. Nothing too profound or insightful, just markers on which students talked about what and how they carried themselves in general. If they were more buoyant or sober, cynical or earnest.
Although everyone went through the terror of a pointed attack, some were closer than others to the whole ordeal, and some had even formed a relationship with their assailant. Of those closest, you had only met Enid and Eugene, but you knew of at least two more who had been into the thick of it. That is when you looked only at the students. The fact that Principal Weems was working barely a month after nearly dying only added to your insatiable workaholic theory.
After a good twenty minutes, everything was neatly filed, and you left the office with your head full. Maybe you should reach out to some students and invite them for a chat. Not everyone seeks comfort on their own, and Wednesday, for instance, didn’t strike you as a person willing to emotionally expose herself.
“Stop meddling in my life,” a cold voice came from the turn of the hall, seeming near the principal’s office. “We are not allies, we weren’t before and nothing has changed. I know there are other rooms and I’m filling out this form,” the voice sounded positively icy by this point, “Don’t try to delay this, it’s my decision.”
When you met eyes with the furious person you weren’t surprised to find Wednesday’s beady black ones. She was leaving Weems’s office, closing the door with a resounding sound. If it was the sheer size of the enormous wooden thing or Wednesday’s strength that produced it, you weren’t sure.
She didn’t say a word, she barely paid attention to you as she stomped past, fuming.
You stood frozen for a second, stunned motionless while processing the end tail of the conversation — or argument — that you had witnessed.
You wished you had worn a watch today, just to check when was appropriate to knock on the door while still being on time. As it was, you didn’t know if it was already 18:10, so you just took a deep breath and braced yourself before softly knocking three times.
After a beat, an even voice said “Come in.”
Weems’s eyes were trained on something on her laptop screen, her expression starkly different from any other you had seen, brutally serious. When she glanced up to find you at the doorstep a shadow crossed her eyes before she schooled her features into something resembling serenity.
You’d have been convinced if you couldn’t feel her heartache from across the room.
“May I-“
“I said come in,” her voice sounded soft, if a bit raw, but quickly normalized as she continued, “I thought I still had a few minutes before you’d appear.”
So you could have waited.
“I wasn’t sure of the time, so I figured it was better to be a bit early than late,” you shrugged sheepishly while making your way to the leather chairs in front of the principal’s desk.
She nodded with a small smile.
“Well, thank you for coming,” she followed your movements as you sat, “I know it seems early for a check-in, but as you’re the first on-site counsellor the school has it’s my priority to make your work as smooth as possible.” She smiled again and leaned her face to the side, looking overwhelmingly kind. It was incredible how her eyes shone in a way that made you believe she wanted nothing more than to be supportive of you.
You choked on air, coughing a bit to recover. What was happening?
“Ecch- hm-” right, very eloquent Dotty, “I mean, sorry…”
Weems’s brow furrowed, “Are you all right?” she sounded unsure and you almost wheezed hiding your face in your hands.
“Yes, I’m perfect, thank you. I just…” you wished for the floor to swallow you, “I’m just a bit emotional, I guess, you know how it is,” you stop hiding, took a deep breath and straightened up to look at her again. Still overwhelming, noted.
“I wouldn’t, but I understand it must be quite something coming from an empath.”
You only nodded, munching on your lower lip.
“I met Eugene today, very lovely child,” you hoped that’d be enough explanation. It seemed to work.
“Ah, yes.” The principal smiled fondly, “He may come across as naïve, but I think he is wiser than we give him credit for. His moms may be the cause of that.”
“Right? Talk about good parenting, those women have it all figured out-” You stopped in your tracks, excitement was the way of crisis, “But we’re not here to talk about that… You said you had questions for me?”
You felt her fondness creeping up your spine and held your breath. Why were you such a mess all of a sudden? Why could you feel her almost seven feet apart?
“It’s all right, I must say I’m glad you met some of the easier ones. Teenagers have a tendency to be a wreak, hell we’ve all been there, but more so after Ms Gates’s… uh- well, the attack.
“Yes…” you hoped your face was closer to sympathy than pity towards the woman. It was very impressive how hers gave away nothing while you felt her restlessness. “So what would you like to know?” you decided to move on.
Weems seemed to agree with your decision, “The first thing I’d like to ask concerns the volume of students you are talking with. I was informed you have already talked to fifteen.”
You nodded matter-of-factly.
“That is a concerning number, I won’t lie.” She closed her laptop, not looking at you for a few seconds while putting it aside, “Do you think you can manage? I’m afraid resources aren’t as abundant this year with a number of parents deciding to forgo their children’s education for a year until the dust settles; so I won’t be able to hire much in the way of assistance.
“Of course, that would be remedied by adjusting your workload.”
You weren’t thinking so much about her question but the caring hum of her words, it was as if her voice adjusted to soothe your worries, and you knew that was possible, you studied it, but it never worked on you before. With her talking like that, you felt like you could handle anything.
You knew you were a people-pleaser, but when you said “I’m sure I’ll manage,” you felt confident.
“Most of them didn’t even reach out because of the last year’s occurrences,” you made yourself comfortable on the chair, “Six or seven wanted to talk about exam anxiety or insecurities relating to their abilities, some danced around the subject they want to broach although I’m fairly sure I know what it is about, and others are just bringing random problems to another person for advice.”
The principal nodded, worrying her upper lip in concentration while she listened.
“And how many came because of Laurel?” the decisiveness with which she said the name gave you pause. Before, she could barely reference her and now she broadcasted protectiveness like a jasmine-filled room.
You inhaled, “One, and I think it was the only one who has it under control.”
She nodded, “Eugene?”
You mimicked her nod. You waited a beat before asking, “How’s Wednesday?”
Larissa Weems had a lot of feelings. You could tell she was near when a foreign sentiment made its way up your limbs, and they never were anything close to uncertain or hesitant. However, when you asked, the cold grip of doubt circled your ankles and made your bones hurt, like the chill of winter on uncovered feet.
“I don’t know what do to with her,” she confessed, “She saw things a young person like her shouldn’t see.” She saw me dead, you could almost hear, it was such a strong emotion you thought it was whispering to you.
“Do you think she’d want to talk to me? Seeing as I wasn’t involved.”
The smallest sniff of hope caught your senses, and you gave her your most sympathetic, understanding smile; the one a bit tight-lipped that made people nod slowly and fight to stop crying because there was someone looking out for them.
“You’re welcome to try. I’d certainly be grateful.” She was telling the truth.
She smiled at you, and you knew you’d do whatever to earn that smile again.
That one took a while, huh? Sorry @alder-saan, hope you like it
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weemsgay · 2 years
Love Notes
My first ~official~ foray into fanfiction not scribbled messily in the confines of my Notes app. Be kind, please.
Larissa Weems x Reader
Summary: You’re a music teacher at Nevermore that makes encouraging handwritten notes and mix CDs for Larissa anonymously. Will Principal Weems ever find out you are her secret admirer?
AO3 link
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Your stomach dropped and panic set in when news spread that Lariss—no, you corrected, Principal Weems has been poisoned and was in critical condition.
Your head swam with fear, despair, confusion, worry, hope. After staring off with your vision blurred for a few minutes as your heart ached, you sprung into action. You wrapped your cardigan around you tighter as you moved quickly to the dormitories. Someone had to ensure panic did not erupt with the news, even if what you wanted most was to run to wherever Principal Weems was. It didn’t take more than a handful of times meeting to understand this school and its inhabitants were the pride and upmost importance for the principal. You knew this would selflessly be on her mind after being poisoned. What twisted priorities, you thought, shaking your head slightly as you made it to the wing of the school that housed students and faculty.
With Bianca’s help, you began ushering students to safety and placating their frantic questions.
In the Burlington hospital waiting room you found yourself jittery and bouncing your legs up and down in your chair. When other professors eyed you, you half-heartedly attempted to groan that the seating was uncomfortable—especially after sitting for hours.
You stood up quickly to escape to the large floor length windows and gaze outside at the early morning sky and birds beginning to chirp and sing a new day. Noticing how your breath was shallow and uneven, you focused on the birds’ songs and tried to deepen and steady your breathing. After a few moments, you were able to calm a bit. You spot a few American robins circling a tree outside seeming so jubilant and free. You let their melody surround you, giving you goosebumps down your arms. Enchanted, you begin to orchestrate a new tune in your head, one to soothe your remaining worries.
Music always had this effect on you and consistently provided an avenue to build or release your feelings. In fact, being able to explore and share your abilities teaching outcasts over the last two years at Nevermore has changed your life. Before you could finish your bird song arrangement, a polite voice spoke out that Principal Weems could now briefly see visitors.
Not everyone could queue to visit the principal, though. Only faculty at this time. Your annoyance flared. You chided, leave it to that woman to negate healing in order to ensure the academy is continuing adequately. You stifled a scoff while thinking about it and made your way with a handful of other members of the staff to Weems’s room through the emergency doors. As you glanced back to the waiting room, you saw a small dark figure with reddened eyes being enveloped comfortingly by blonde, pink, and blue.
Once you reached the doorway to Principal Weems's room and tentatively glanced inside, all your frustration at the situation dissipated. You've never seen the tall, statuesque woman embody anything but poise, control, and confidence. She still looked graceful, but there was a weariness to her form now. It broke your heart to see.
Pulling you from your thoughts was the voice of the person in question. "You may come in, dear. I hardly bite."
At this, your cheeks were set ablaze, and you scurried inside after the other professors once seeing you were the only one still outside her room. “Apologies, Principal Weems,” you muttered, standing in the back behind your colleagues.
Each of us gave our respective reports to the bedridden principal, and we strategized how to move forward with the semester. With a heavy sigh and her long fingers rubbing at the bridge of her nose as if she is staving off a headache, Principal Weems relinquished, “I’m afraid we will be cancelling classes for the rest of the semester.”
Rather than protest the decision, you looked around the room curiously, taking it in. It really was too bland to be connected to someone as exquisite and full of character as Larissa Weems, even in her current state. There was a small TV hung up in the corner of the room, a laminate top table, a strange patterned chair with faux leather accents to the right of her hospital bed, an IV, and machines beeping rhythmically behind her. It was far from her lavish and impeccably designed office. You contemplated to yourself with furrowed brows, Does Principal Weems even watch television? Unbeknownst to you, Principal Weems observed your brows and eyes darting around the room, almost sensing your questioning and dissatisfaction with the space.
At that moment the same nurse from before came to collect the visitors from the room, letting us know that the patient needed adequate rest. Nodding and murmuring, my colleagues began to clear out. I neared the doorway as the last person out when I heard through pursed lips, “It’s a shame that I’ll go mad here recovering without my books or laptop. Think you could fetch them for me tomorrow, dear?” You turned, only to encounter the other woman's inquiring blue eyes, waiting expectantly. You swallowed a large knot in your throat, “Y-yes, ma’am.”
With your mind spinning from your interaction at the hospital the previous evening, you set to work gathering the items Principal Weems requested. After embarrassing yourself twice in front of the woman yesterday, you’re not sure if you’ll make it through this task as you push open her office door to get to her adjoined living quarters. You’ve always found her to be quite desirable, and you typically aren’t a bumbling idiot when it comes to crushes. What makes this different? you plead with yourself.
Regardless, you’ve decided a change is in order. This was your second year at Nevermore Academy, and you have barely had ten conversations with the tall blonde outside of weekly faculty meetings. If it wasn’t for Principal Weems’s history with Garrett Gates’s murder, you’re not sure she would have had the Nightshade antidote on her to confront his sister, Laurel. You almost lost the one person you wanted to pursue all because you didn’t have the courage to speak up. No more. You’re going to woo Larissa Weems even if it’s the last thing you do.
With a duffel open on her magnificent office desk, you begin to collect some books from Weems’ bookshelves. Next is a stack of forms and papers that you’re sure the nurses would forbid you to sneak her if they knew. You head through a large door into her bedroom, a slight blush creeping up your neck. You shake your head to clear it and round the corner to her private bathroom. After a moment searching, you snag her signature red lipstick. You’re sure it’s not technically needed, but you imagine it is a comfort item for the woman. You look down at it almost mesmerized that her lips’ faithful companion is situated in your hand. You can’t help but wonder and hope you might take its place.
This possibility emboldened you. Instead of making your way back the way you came, you simply phase through the bathroom wall into Principal Weems’s large, regal office. Back in her workspace, your eyes fall onto a sleek, walnut vinyl and CD player. Taken aback, you walk over to it to run your finger over the dials. No TV, but this? My, what taste…you muse.
Suddenly, an idea weasels its way into your head. Almost every time you’ve been in Weems’s presence, she hums. She likes music. This you can work with.
After finishing your gift, you gently place it in the otherwise prepared duffel on her desk. If Principal Weems is concerned she’ll be too under-stimulated in recovery, you’ll ensure that is not the case. You’ve prepared a selection of songs for the woman, ranging from the obvious classical tunes to instrumental covers of pop songs—of which you’re sure the principal will like. You even composed your own piece for her to enjoy. Thankfully your powers lend so well to music generation and compiling for others. You think back to the moments where you could hear certain notes coming from the woman in the halls and faculty meetings. Not quite an aura, but a sonic manifestation of her current state or desires.
Now all that is left is to sign your name to the accompanying letter. Your hand stalls on the page, heart beating rapidly in your chest. Name. On. Letter. Easy. You are disrupted by a knock on the large double doors to Weems’s office. No doubt it is Nevermore’s driver waiting to depart to the hospital. Defeated, you scribble on a post-it note hastily, “Found this on your desk. Not sure who from!”
You’ve never lied to Principal Weems before, but the alternative is too terrifying. You’re not sure such advances would be welcomed with everything that has been going on. Nor if she would even bat an eye at you.
Best to tread carefully…
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