#decided to ATTACK ME with the apollo kids
phoenix--flying · 1 year
I like to think that I am funny
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sycamoregirlsworld · 7 months
Stockholm Syndrome- L. Castellan
part two!!!
down bad! luke x fem! reader
loser luke agenda
“baby look what you’ve done to me, baby you’ve got me tied down!” - one direction
lowkey want to make a pt. 2 idk
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Why was he acting like this? Luke had never felt so jealous in his life. Jealousy wasn’t a feeling he had often. Sure, he was always slightly jealous of the kids with actual parents, but this was a different type of jealousy. It was the type of jealousy that made him want to scream into his pillow like a little kid.
And that was so weird for him! He was the counselor of the Hermes cabin. He had a scar on his face from fighting a dragon! Luke Castellan was cool, and he did not let things like girls get under his skin.
“You look like a creep.” Chris scoffed, shaking Luke out of his thoughts.
“I’m not even staring at her.” Luke frowned at his friend as he picked up his sword, deciding that maybe he should actually practice.
He was staring at her, though. But how could he not!? His best friend had impeccable fighting form, he always admired that.
That was why he was staring at (Y/n), nothing else. And he was not glaring at the boy she was sparring with and thinking about running his sword through him. Not at all.
“Y’know, I didn’t even mention her.” Chris raised his brows as he also picked up his sword. “You’ve gotta tell her how you feel, before someone else sweeps her up.”
“I dont love her, Chris.” Luke frowned as he swiped his sword at his friend. “At least not like that.”
But he couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably at Chris’s words. Someone else sweeping up (Y/n)? His (Y/n)? It had always been him and her. (Y/n) and Luke.
He felt gross being so possessive over her, but he didn’t have much in life.
Imagining (Y/n) being gone was….
That thought got him worked up, and he could feel his nonchalant exterior breaking.
He tried not to think about it, but when it came to (Y/n) he was very chalant.
Is that even a word? Doesn’t matter… Luke just knows he’s the opposite of nonchalant when it comes to her.
He tried to ignore it, he really did! She had been his bestfriend since he had gotten to camp, he didn’t want to ruin anything between them.
And sure, maybe it felt like a hellhound was ripping out his insides everytime another boy flirted with her. And yes, he did frequently dream about dropping to his knees in front of her and—
‘Stop it!’ Luke scolded himself as he blocked Chris’s attack. ‘Stop thinking of her like that..’
He couldn’t focus on the fight. The swinging and blocking of his sword was sloppy compared to his usual sharp technique. He just couldn’t pull his eyes away from (Y/n).
His jaw clenched as he watched her sword knock against the boy whose name he couldn’t even remember. Why was she even sparring with this loser? She easily had the upper hand, this boy wasn’t even good!
(Y/n) always said she liked sparring with Luke because of the challenge, their sparring was always playful and fun— but it was hard.
Their skills were equally matched, he was so much better then this random boy—
Luke’s thoughts were broken away as Chris disarmed Luke, backbiter falling to the ground with a thud.
Luke’s thoughts stilled for a moment as he stared at the ground with his jaw agape. How did he—Luke Castellan—get disarmed by Chris Rodriguez?
“She’s got you whipped.” Chris laughed as he looked over at (Y/n).
Right. That’s how’s he got beat.
“Whatever man.” Luke scoffed as he swiped her sword up and stormed away.
The quiet crackling of the fire and the loud singing from the Apollo cabin didn’t to much to lift (Y/n)’s mood. The entire day Luke had been ignoring her, and it was really pissing her off.
He was fine this morning! He had even given her his last bit of eggs during breakfast, but after that he hadn’t talked to her.
Was it because she had chosen Ben as her sparring partner instead of Luke? She guessed that could be the problem, but she didn’t know why he’d be mad!
And Ben had asked her to be his sparring partner, she would’ve felt bad if she said no.
Maybe she had also obliged his request to get her mind off of Luke.
Gods, being in love with your best friend was totally lame! She knew Aphrodite always had a plan, but if this was the Goddess’s idea of a good trope she needed to rethink her tastes.
Reading friends to lovers in a book? Totally fine— amazing even!
Experiencing it in real life? A cruel and unusual punishment.
But she couldn’t help falling for Luke, he was just so kind and funny and strong and he was such a pretty boy.
Like, screw Helen of Troy, try Luke of Connecticut!
But having those thoughts about your best friend was so uncomfortable, especially when you’re supposed to be sparring with him but instead you just want to pin him down and kiss him.
And this is where Ben enters. Ben was blonde, short, and skinny. He was wasn’t very smart nor was he a good fighter. The complete opposite of Luke!
(Y/n) thought that would’ve been good. If he was the complete opposite of Luke, then it would be impossible for her to think about the boy, right?
Turns out, it just made her pick apart everything that made him different from Luke.
Currently, she was sitting next to the blonde boy. It was rather uncomfortable as she could feel his body pressed too close to hers and she could see the seductive look he was sending her from the corner of her eyes.
She enjoyed his attention, sure. But it wasn’t his that she wanted.
It made her feel bad, to nitpick someone like this all because she was hopelessly down bad for her best friend.
But she also couldn’t really find it in her to care. She felt dirty, gross, and disloyal for spending her time with Ben.
It’s not like Luke and her were a thing, but she wasn’t the type to divide her adoration. If she liked someone, it would always be them.
And it had been Luke for awhile.
But she was tired of it now. Selfishly, she wanted affection. She wanted to be adored! And yeah, Luke showed her affection, but it was a ‘best friend’ type of affection.
So here she was, debating on if she should just leave the campfire early.
“What’re you thinking about?” Ben asked as he nudged his shoulder against hers.
‘Luke.’ Her mind immediately answered.
But she couldn’t say that to him, so instead she just answered, “Nothing.”
She could hear Ben hum in response, but she still wasn’t looking at him.
Instead, she was watching Luke from across the fire. The way the flames danced off his skin made him look well— hot!
She smiled shyly as she made eye contact with him and waved, to her luck he actually waved back. He looked like he was about to open his mouth to say something when she felt Ben’s hand grip her chin and turn her head towards him.
“You’re so beautiful..” He mumbled as he tilted her head up.
Her jaw clenched and her body went rigid. This was gross. His hands were smooth and sweaty…
Ben shifted even closer to her, his bony legs pressing up against hers.
“I used to think you and Castellan had something going on, y’know?” He smirked and got closer, “But I guess not.”
(Y/n) furrowed her brows at his words. Why was he bringing up another guy when he looked like he was about to kiss her? She found it weird and territorial, not to mention he was bringing up someone she’d rather be kissing…
(Y/n) could feel her stomach twist up in a gross anticipation, she could just tell by the way he was looking at her they he was about to lean in.
And she really didn’t want his lips on hers.
She pursed her lips as he closed his eyes, his sweaty hands snaking from her chin to her hair as he began to lean closer.
He was so close, she could feel his breath in her face and then—
“Hey.” A deep voice spoke up from next to them.
(Y/n) quickly pulled away and sighed in relief when she spotted Luke standing over them, his dark glare settled onto Ben.
The blonde haired boy looked pissed as he stared up at Luke. “Hey dude!” He smiled tensely. “What’re you uh- what are you doing?”
Ben was obviously trying to look and sound intimidating as he puffed out his chest and made his voice deeper. But as the Luke Castellan stood over them, his brown curls falling slightly in his eyes, Ben just looked so meek.
“I need to talk to my girl.” Luke shrugged as if it wasn’t a big deal and pulled (Y/n) up.
She tried to ignore the fact that he called her his girl. He didn’t mean it, he just knew she was uncomfortable and was trying to get her away from Ben.
But she couldn’t ignore the way she felt when he said it. His words, mixed with the way he held her hand tightly, made her feel like she was about to throw up an entire colony of bees.
She smiled apologetically at Ben as she allowed Luke to pull her away, even though she couldn’t give two fucks.
“Where are we going?” (Y/n) asked curiously as she glanced around at their surroundings. The two had been walking for awhile, (Y/n) trailing after Luke like a lost puppy.
“You’ll see.” Luke’s words were short as he continued to drag her around.
The girl puffed out her cheeks and looked away. He was still mad at her, wasn’t he? She didn’t even know why he’d be mad, and that now was making her mad!
She tugged on his arm and stopped walking.
“Why are you so mad at me?” She frowned.
Luke turned around and raised his brow. “Mad at you?” He scoffed. “You think I’m mad at you?”
(Y/n) puffed out her cheeks as she held her arms up in an exasperated motion. Was he being serious?
“Well I dunno Luke!” Her voice came out high pitched as she jutted her hip out. “After sword practice tonight you ignore me when I come up to you, then you ignore me during arts and crafts, and you also ignored me during dinner!”
During her blow up, (Y/n) had gotten closer to Luke, staring up with him with narrowed eyes as she shoved her finger into his chest.
“I haven’t been ignoring you.” Luke scoffed as he caught her wrist. “I’ve just been—”
“Do you think I’m fucking stupid?” The girl frowned as she ripped her wrist away from his grasp. “You talked to me during breakfast but you’ve ignored me the rest of the day Luke, what did I do?”
The brown haired boy went silent at her words, a pang of guilt hitting his chest as he heard the distress in her voice.
“You didn’t do anything…” Luke sighed as he tugged on his camp necklace.
That was always his tell, whenever he was nervous he’d tug on it.
“Then why am I the victim of your anger?” (Y/n) groaned as she ran a hand through her hair. “You know I hate it when you do that—”
“I was jealous!” Luke blurted out. After a beat of silence, Luke processed what he had confessed and slapped his hand over his mouth.
“You…. were jealous?” (Y/n) tilted her head as she looked up at him.
Luke was acting strange… sure, the pair had many conversations about his jealousy towards children’s whose godly parents actually cared, but this was different.
This was… about her?
“Fuck it…” Luke groaned as he rubbed his hand over his face. “Yeah. I was jealous. You sparred with that blonde kid today and then Chris said something that really got under my skin.”
“What do you mean..?” (Y/n) took a step closer to him, laying a hand on his bicep in concern.
“This is so unlike me— y’know I never let things like this get under my skin, but when it comes to you?” Luke breathed out as he hesitatingly cupped her face with his hands. “You get me so worked up.”
“When I’m with you, all I want to do is kiss you, and worship the ground you walk on, and do all this other shit to you because I just— I love you!” Luke continued with his rant, not giving (Y/n) any time to reply. “And it takes all my self restraint and then some to not do it!”
“Y-you love me?” (Y/n) stammers as she grabbed the hand that Luke was holding her face with.
She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She needed someone to pinch her, because this couldn’t be real!
Luke Castellan—her Luke Castellan—who she never thought she had a chance with, wanted her too??
“So, so, much.” Luke chewed on his bottom lip as he stared down at her. “And when I saw that loser trying to kiss you tonight— I wanted to get violent!”
This elicited a small giggle out of (Y/n). It was gross when Ben was territorial, but it felt right when Luke was.
With Ben it seemed like he was trying to prove he was the man. But Luke was the man. He was the man of her dreams, to be more exact.
“Well— I love you too..” (Y/n) smiled shyly as she looked down at her feet. Her cheeks were flushed and the feeling of Luke’s rough hand against her cheek didn’t help the butterflies that swirled around her stomach.
Luke nudged her chin up and smiled as he met her eyes. (Y/n) always thought he looked good, but something about seeing him after he had confessed his love to her just made him look even better.
“Hey, promise me something?” He requested as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. “Only ever be my sparring partner?”
“Is this your lame way of asking me to be your girlfriend?” Her nose scrunched up in amusement, but she couldn’t stop the fuzzy feeling that surrounded her.
Luke glanced away with flushed cheeks. “Just say yes or no.” He grumbled.
(Y/n)’s eyes twinkled with mischief as she tugged Luke down to her level, their noses brushing as she smiled.
“Yes, of course I will.”
Luke surged forward and pressed his lips against hers in a frenzy, (Y/n) kissing back just as feverishly.
Finally, after years of stupid yearning they were getting to feel each others lips.
(Y/n) quickly had her hands tangled through Luke’s hair, needing something to support herself as he continued his merciless attack against her lips.
Luke gripped her hips tightly with a quiet moan, his fingers sinking into the stiff denim of her shorts as he attempted to pull her closer.
(Y/n) pulled away with flushed cheeks, stumbling slightly as she was tugged forward.
“Everyone should still be at the campfire…” She trailed off as she looked away shyly, hoping Luke would catch her drift.
Luke smirked in response and pulled her into another chaste kiss.
“I like the way you think.”
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hyacinthusmemorial · 20 days
TW: Mentions of SA
In my works, and other places, people have been asking me my opinion on Achilles attacking Troilus. I would just preface I’m not an expert on the Trojan War. I was sick the week we did the Iliad in high school and they made me perform as Odysseus when we read the Odyssey and i had no clue what was happening, but I am in the process of reading it now.
I think if you are studying these events from the perspective of the god Apollo, then Achilles kind of loses his Brad Pitt appeal that the movie Troy (which I have never seen) gives him. So if Achilles is your guy, stop reading. I’m thought dumping.
There is something wicked and powerful about Achilles k*lling and r*ping Apollo’s own son on his own altar in his own temple. Because that is the implication of the iconography and artwork.
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Achilles drags Troilus by his hair to the altar of his father and the story doesn’t say if Achilles r*pes him, but it is implied. For one it talks about Achilles being overcome with lust for Troilus, who is the image of Apollo in human form. A beautiful golden haired, youth.
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Not only is Troilus the son of Hecuba, he’s Apollo’s image. Sources say he is the most beautiful of the Trojans and Greeks. But he has been designated a fate where he represents the city of Troy. Hence the name Troilus. If he reaches adulthood, the city survives. If he dies as a youth, the city will fall.
Athena leads Achilles to Troilus to ensure his death and thus Troy’s fall. She does not account for HOW Achilles kills Troilus.
He sees Troilus on his horse, and he is overcome with lust. I think he probably offers Troilus some sort of deal, come sleep with me and I will let you and your sister go, but Troilus refuses and runs away and hides in his father’s temple. He is a little kid running to his father for help. But, Achilles breaks in, finds Troilus, and enraged kills him either on or near the altar of Apollo.
Troilus is the image of Apollo. He is his son. He is a prince of Troy. I think this is a tipping point for everything—the point of no return.
This seals Troy’s fate, but I think the reason for that are because of Troilus’s death. I think before this point there is the possibility there will be peace. I think Big Bro Hector would have sent Helen back, I think peace would have been sued for and Troy would stand. But Fate has to be accomplished. This is the point where Troy no longer gives a damn—their prince has been m*rdered and r*ped on the altar of their chief god. Priam is upset because he loved Troilus as his own son, and he calls Achilles a child-slaughterer after that. Hecuba is besides herself, and Hector wants to kill Achilles. I think this is the point where they decide that, yes, they are going to die fighting this war, but they have a GOOD REASON to. It’s not about Paris and Helen and Aphrodite and a dumb apple. It’s about a boy being murdered.
But Apollo, Apollo is now vengeance. He is acting as an arm of fate. He’s already peeved at Achilles, who had killed another son Tenes. (A different story about Achilles r*ping someone)
I said this to one of my commenters—an altar is a god’s dinner table. Apollo’s hands are tied by something—either Fate or Thetis or his Father, and he cannot stop Achilles who is savagely attacking his own son on his own table. He has to watch, has to sit there and taste his own son’s blood in his mouth, watch him brutally die.
Achilles’s fate is sealed. Apollo is going to kill Achilles. It’s just nine years later.
In the art, Thetis, Athena, Apollo and Hermes are in the background of this event. Athena and Thetis as support of Achilles, but it makes me curious what Hermes is doing there. Is he holding Apollo back? Has Thetis begged Zeus for Achilles life? Athena regretfully watching as she accomplishes her plan only to realize WHY it worked?
I think in this way you can fashion the Trojan War as a direct conflict between Apollo and Achilles. Everything else is going on around it, but at the heart of it, is Apollo and Achilles. Apollo waiting for his father and the fates to give him the go ahead because Achilles will die, and Apollo is going to take away everything from him in the process. Briseis, Patroclus, and then he’s going to take his life.
Achilles is the villain in Apollo’s story. He’s invulnerable, he’s circumventing fate, he r*pes anything under his power, he disrespects the gods. He is a lesson in what men do when no one can stop them, and the most powerful thing is that the Father wins. He finds and kills his son’s murderer even after all the roadblocks in his way.
Troy is a revenge story, and if I ever get to writing it in my series, it’s going to be written like a revenge story.
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ckret2 · 1 year
✨⚠️ Wasting Away Again in the Goldilocks Zone ⚠️✨
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If you're new here, this is one of those "human Bill in the Mystery Shack" redemption fics, you know the drill: Bill illegally escapes death via reincarnation; the Shack crew imprisons him til they can figure out how to kill him; but they won't, because Bill's gonna make friends with them and literally everybody else in town. Whether they like it or not.
Featuring!! The slowest redemption arc you've ever read; "human" Bill that doesn't decide being trapped in an alien body is fine; show-style episodic plot structure; individual plot arcs for characters you've never even cared about; so canon compatible we even include the dang coloring book; and so TBOB-compatible over a year before TBOB came out that I'm considering taking up a position as the Oracle of Delphi just so Apollo stops barraging me with dodgeballs.
New chapter every Friday, 5pm CST! Yes, that includes this Friday!
For art, doodles, upcoming scene excerpts, and posts about characterization & plot plans, see my #bill goldilocks cipher tag. For the fic itself, the first few chapters are on AO3, but tumblr's 60 chapters ahead:
⛓️ 1 Part 1. Bill returns, in a bedsheet toga.
⛓️ 1 Part 2. Bill tries to murder the Stans & Soos (with time travel).
⛓️ 2. Dipper and Mabel save the day (with time travel).
⛓️ 3. A tense evening as the Pines prepare to get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 4. Plot twist: the Pines physically can't get rid of Bill.
⛓️ 5. The gang goes to a diner at 3 a.m. for hostage negotiations.
⛓️ 6. Bill escapes from Theraprism. [NEW!!!]
⛓️ 7. "How'd Bill get here" flashback; plus, entering his new prison.
💇‍♀️ 8. Bill gives himself a haircut and depression.
💇‍♀️ 9. Bill & Ford grudgingly have a sincere conversation; regret it.
📓🔺📓 TBOB BOUNDARY: Everything above this line has been edited for 100% compatibility with The Book Of Bill and posted to AO3! Everything after this line has not been edited... so it's only 98% TBOB compatible. 📓🔺📓
💇‍♀️ 10. The kids decide Bill won't ruin their summer. Also: Pacifica!
🧚 11. Mabel gives Bill the most beautiful makeover ever. (It's not.)
🧚 12. Pacifica advertises Harry's Hairy Fairy Formula. Bill wants it.
🧚 13. Pacifica refuses to share; the twins discover its side effects.
🧚 14. Mabel wins Bill's eternal friendship with arts & crafts.
💭 15. Bill, Ford, and Dipper have nightmares that are Bill's fault.
💎 16. Ford has a fun day with Mabel but everything goes wrong.
💎 17. The day goes right again thanks to healthy communication.
🎥 18. Mabel's Guide To Local Animals, co-starring Bill Cipher.
🧊 19. Wendy snoops into the weird things happening in the shack.
🧊 20. Wendy meets the weird thing (it's Bill).
🎂 21. Stan & Ford's birthday party! Bill gives evil gifts.
💭 22. Bill "helps" Dipper's nightmares; no one knows his motive.
👁️ 23. Bill's ex is back in town and nobody's happy about it.
👁️ 24. Everyone's even less happy to learn Bill has a sex life.
🧿 25. Mabel and Bill make friendship bracelets! :)
🧿 26. The Pines take Bill to the mall. He wears terrible things.
🧿 27. Bill breaks Mabel's heart (and panics to fix it).
🏳️‍🌈 28. Bill talks his way into going with Wendy to Rainbow Club.
🎃 29. Bill contacts the Henchmaniacs on Summerween morning.
🎃 30. Costume making. Mabel pries into Bill's past, with crayons.
🎃 31. The Trickster's pals trick-or-treat; and Bill terrifies Dipper.
🪮 32. Dipper & Mabel make a poppet to control Bill.
🦷 33. Stan takes Bill to the dentist. In handcuffs.
🦷 34. Dentist & tooth fairy attack. Stan & Bill are still handcuffed.
🦷 35. Bill & Stan reach a painful understanding and stop the fairy.
🛁 36. Anime night; and Mabel makes Bill do community service.
🛁 37. Bill plots escape and runs into Wendy. Dipper panics.
🛁 38. Bill has the worst and stupidest day of his afterlife.
🌅 39. A cultist finds Bill; Bill tries to re-recruit Ford.
🚙 40. Gideon broadcasts car commercials; invokes Bill's wrath.
🚙 41. Bill apologizes for bullying Gideon. lol no he blackmails him.
🌕 42. Bill tells Dipper secrets of the universe; predicts an eclipse.
🌖 43. Gravity is disappearing; Ford and Fiddleford investigate.
🌗 44. Ford & Dipper drag Bill hiking; Bill faces his death.
🌘 45. Ford demands answers Bill can't give as totality looms.
🌑 46. Totality. Bill decides whether Ford lives or dies.
🌒 47. Bill feels rotten but finally explains the eclipse.
🌓 48. Bill has a complete mental breakdown.
🌔 49. The gang limps home. (Plus: a second dimensional eclipse.)
💿 50. Bill finally processes that mental breakdown.
💿 51. Dipper and Mabel try to remember the Axolotl's poem.
📖 52. The gang reads Flatworld. Bill isn't thrilled.
📖 53. Mabel tries to get Bill to talk about his home world.
⚛️ 54. Dipper, Ford, and Fiddleford do paradox physics.
📖 55. Mabel learns college-level geometry.
📖 56. Mabel & Bill have fun; Dipper & Ford prepare for murder.
💀 57. The execution of Bill Cipher.
💀 58. Everything you wondered about how Bill escaped.
💀 59. Everything you didn't wonder about how Bill escaped.
💀 60. Everything you never imagined about how Bill escaped.
📙 62. Soos vacuums the attic (wow exciting)
📙 63. Soos decides how he feels about Bill's treatment.
📙 64. Fixin it with Soos: home redecorating!
⛓️ 6. If you read ch 6 before TBOB, go read it again because I wrote a new ch 6!
🎥 65. The gang makes plans for the night.
🎥 66. Dipper's Guide to the Fremont Nightwigglers
🎥 67. Mabel's Guide to Secret Sleepovers
🎥 68. The aftermath of everybody pulling all-nighters.
🏖️ 69. Beach episode! The Pines fish! Bill tans!
🏖️ 70. Bigfoot, Agent Powers, and the cool teen gang.
🪐 61. The Axolotl Finds The Second Dimension's Corpse.
This post was last updated September 22, 2024! If you're seeing this post as a reblog and it's been a while since then, check back on the original post to see if more's been added!
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yerrmar · 2 months
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Luke Castellan x Daughter Of Apollo Reader
warnings: strong language, parental death, no use of y/n instead the nickname star is used a lot.
summery: it was time to come back to camp for summer, but during break it’s like your body finally decided to mature and it’s hard to ignore.
title is the song Uptown Girl by Billy Joel. Fic is heavily based on the kissing booth on netflix.
if you want to be removed from the tag list let me know.
2.1k words.
YOU AND CHRIS RODRIGUEZ have been best friends since being in the womb, literally. Your moms were BFFs before people even used the term BFF. So you were raised like twins and you’ve been pretty much inseparable ever since. Not even the Gods could tear you apart, turns out both of you are demigods and were sent off to Camp Half-Blood at the age of 8.
You don’t remember a lot at the starting days of Camp, but a lot of stuff has happened between now and then that you do remember. First week at Camp you got claimed by Apollo, Chris didn’t in fact it took Hermes quite a while to claim his son but at least he didn’t have to move cabins!
You learned that archery is harder than it looks even if you are a child of Apollo, but the Infirmary was much easier, and that’s where you learnt you had the power of healing!
You and Chris tried all different activities together, one of those activities being sword fighting where you almost cut off his foot and he sliced a huge cut on your arm. That was before he accidentally let his sword fly out of his hand and hit an older Ares boy on the back. He came storming over to you both ready to attack, but then you got protected by one of Chris’s older brothers, Luke, who scared him off. Chris had to pay protection tax though, and got a huge wedgie that he was walking funny from for a week.
You watched Chris finally get claimed after 5 years, but he wasn’t too excited about it. You also watched Luke get into his first fight, he won. Participated in Capture the Flag for the first time with the Hermes and Athena cabin, you won but had tons of patients afterwards.
You found out that your mom was sick, you went to visit her at the hospital for the first time and at 13 you decided that you didn’t need to stay at Camp all year round, summer was enough. You tried to get used to being at home without Chris and all the other friends you made, but what was especially hard was not being able to talk to anyone about your mom being sick, nobody knew, not even Chris. You just didn’t want anyone to worry or treat you differently, so you just kept your mouth shut.
When you got back during summer your first conversation with Chris was an argument over who was the best fighter, so to show him where you punched him in the face, which he stormed off because of. So to make up for it you gave him your desert that night.
You also got into a fight with Luke for beating up Chris, and made up with Luke by letting him help you with your sword fighting game. He’s so good at sword fighting.
You finally got the hang of archery at 15 after shooting a lot of stray arrows that were never to be seen again. And when you got back home you had a tough talk with your mom, sat with her a while and tried to help her put makeup on like when your where little and used to just look at her in full awe. But this time, you weren’t much help. And when she fell asleep, you held her hand a long time, you only ever cried when she was asleep.
When you got back to Camp you tried to score your first kiss with some random Demeter boy till a ball knocked you unconscious, wasn’t exactly a love connection.
You saw Luke for the first time with his new scar and the best swordsman in 300 years attitude, which strangely made him so much more attractive to you. Then you watched Luke get in another fight, and he won.
Watched Luke teach younger kids how to do some basic training, and watched Chris try to help out but Luke used him as a training dummy and he got knocked out.
You learned that girls can be really mean, especially the ones who pretend to be your friends just to get to Luke.
You played 7 minutes in heaven! But it turned out to be a big fail when you both butted heads, so maybe you weren’t ready for your first kiss yet, that’s fine! Though you did go through a big rabbit hole of wondering why you hadn’t had your first kiss yet, or even gone on a date.
You realised you had a crush on Luke after losing focus on whatever Chris was rambling on about and just stared at him for what seemed like hours as he practised fighting. But you got over it, mostly.
Then at 17 the last year you would ever spend at home, you said goodbye to your mom. You had a lot to say, and told her a lot about Camp, especially about Luke.
I think that’s about it, because you were about to enter Camp again as a year rounder. Which is gonna be hard to explain to Chris. When you walk into Camp all of the worries you had disappeared when that wave of excitement hits you, and so does a ball.
“Ow!” you hiss as the ball collides with the side of your head, you quickly spin around to catch the culprit, and that’s when you laid eyes on your best friend grinning like the devil. “Chris! What the hell, that hurt!”
“Yeah, it was supposed too!” Chris scoffed and ran over to you snatching the ball out of your hands, then he whined “You’re a week late, where the hell have you been?”
“Decided to stay a little longer, it’s no biggie, I’m here now.” you roll at how dramatic he was being.
“Woah. What the hell happened to you, did you have like a body swap or something. Like when did you get hot?” Chris’s eyes widened as he looked you up and down. Over break, it was like your body finally decided to catch up with your age, but the only disadvantage of that was none of your old clothes fit anymore, either your jeans were too tight or your shirts were now crop tops.
“Hey, I’ve always been hot.” you pout and swatted Chris’s hand away when he started to poke you. Your head moves from your best friend in front of you as he starts to ramble on about something that you couldn’t care less to hear about.
Camp has always been breathtaking, on a hot, sunny day, the forest came alive with the brilliance of summer. The beautiful green trees, standing tall and proud, formed a lush canopy that provided a much-needed respite from the sun's fierce rays. Their leaves, vibrant and full, shimmered in the golden light, casting playful shadows on the ground below.
In the heart of this verdant haven, children’s laughter rang out like a symphony of pure joy. Barefoot and carefree, they dashed across the soft, mossy floor, their energy boundless and their spirits high. Some played tag, their gleeful shrieks echoing through the trees, while others wove daisy chains and told stories under the shade of the ancient oaks. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pine and the earthy aroma of sun-warmed soil.
Amidst this lively scene stood the huge vintage cabins, timeless guardians of this enchanted place. Their log walls, weathered by years yet sturdy and strong, told tales of countless summers gone by. Each cabin, adorned with hand-carved details and wide porches, exuded a rustic charm that invited campers to step back in time.
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, casting its warm, golden light over everything, the cabins seemed to glow with a quiet radiance. Their presence was a comforting constant amidst the laughter and play, a reminder of the simple, enduring joys of life. The children, unaware of the passage of time and the dangers of the outside world, continued their games, their laughter mingling with the soft rustling of leaves and the distant call of birds.
It was nice to be home.
And then there he was, Luke Castellan, walking out of the woods and over to the Hermes cabin. The sun seemed to follow him like a spotlight, making the sweat that laced his forehead glisten like glitter.
Chris snapped his fingers in front of your face, “Star, you listening?” your best friend huffed as you hummed staring at him with a blank expression. “Sure you were. As I was saying, this summer I’m going to actually do it. I’m going to”
“Chris,” Luke spoke up behind Chris making the boy jump “You seen my towel?”, he had a smug smirk plastered on his face as he smoothly looked you up and down. The action made your face feel hot as his smirk grew wider when he locked eyes with you again.
You hated yourself for how easily the boy made you feel so weak in the knees, especially since you and Chris had a strict list of friendship rules. And Chris was responsible for rule number 9, which specifically states siblings are totally off-limits.
You didn’t think was fair at all because he’s had the same crush on the same ares girl ever since he made that rule, so it was mainly a rule for you to follow.
“Yes asshat, I used it after my long and hard, sweaty training sesh.” Chris sarcastically nodded rolling his eyes, making you giggle.
“Hey, Star.” Luke smiled his voice reeking of cockiness, he was the one that came up with the nickname that everyone at camp just loved to use, you couldn’t remember how the nickname started you just remember that it was during your first camp party. But then again you can’t remember much about that night anyway.
“Hi, Luke,” you replied in the same cocky tone, he laughed lightly at your attempt to mimic him.
“When did you get the boobs?” He asked pointing at your chest making Chris laugh. You looked down at your chest before crossing your arms and covering them, if your face wasn’t red it definitely was now. You scoffed at him and tried to snap back, but no words came out.
“Whilst she was back at home learning how to get a boy’s attention so she can get her first kiss, it’s almost like you were on human growth hormones or something!” Chris spoke between laughs, really getting a kick out of your frustrated and flustered face.
“Chris! Rule number 2, please!” you snapped at the boy, your nostrils flared and your face hot. Rule number 2, never share our secrets with anyone else.
Chris brushed your displeased face off as he turned back to his older brother, “Whatever, listen. We’re gonna have a party on Friday night if we win capture the flag again, it’s gonna be our 10th time in a row. Don’t invite any jackasses.” Luke sternly pointed at Chris before he started to walk off.
“Does that include you?” Chris asked smugly, and you oooohhed in reply to back up your best friend. Luke stood still for a moment as if thinking about what to do next before he asked a kid who was running past to borrow the ball he had in his hands. Then he lunged it straight at Chris’s head, sending him flying to the ground.
You burst out laughing as Chris cried out in pain, rolling around on the floor and gripping onto his head. “Nice to see your back, Star.” Luke nodded at you, before turning back around and walking away.
“What an ass,” Chris whined standing up beside you, leaning on your shoulder for support as he tried to get find his balance.
You stared as he walked away, your eyes fully worshipping him, “I know.”
“Hey. Hey! Heyyyy. Rule number nine young lady!” Chris pointed at you, shaking his head in disgust as he noticed how you stared at his brother like he was some sort of god.
“Oh come on!” You gasped, denying what he was implying. “As if!”
“Yeah, well you uh, you got a little bit of drool right there on the corner of your mouth.” Chris joked pointing at the corner of his mouth pretending to wipe drool away.
“Oh, do I? Right here? Right here?” You pointed at the same spot he was before quickly picking up the ball from the ground and lunging it into the boy’s stomach making him crawl into a bawl on the floor whilst he cried out in pain.
It was good to be home.
taglist: @rafslytherin @laylasshiftingtonight @lgversrock @1800-love-me @polli05927 @glittervame @ineedrickgrimes @lunemai
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Two Kings and a Heir
Ghost king Nico Di Angelo meets Ghost king Danny Fenton who meets Damain Wayne after some how being launched in to the dc univers ( Nico and Danny that is)
Danny needed a safe place as his univers is nolonger ( reaveal gone wrong)
Nico isn't sure how he got into the dc universe but he's knows that he's not in his new work any more ( takes place before the trils of Apollo)
Because ghost work diifertly in the dc universe Danny would have relearn how to use his powers: ie control over his ice core, intangibility, invisibility, ghostly wail, eco blast ect. His ghost sense is going haywire, half going off. There's no puff of mist leaving his mouth, but is has his entire body tense. Danny learns quickly that the ghost of this world works differently, no one but him can see them, and even then it's hard for him the see them half the time. ( it's just a slivery after image in hisn periphery but they disappear when he tries to look at them head on.)
Hunger still affects Danny, not as much as before the accident, but he's still half human and he still need to eat. Something cheep and greasy. There were no nasty burger here, just a place called bat burger where he clocks an nother kid around his age as being something more then a laminar but close to a halfa like him, developing core maybe?
Nico new that he wasn't in New York anymore when he woke up, and he's quick to learn that he's in jersey, in a city call gotham. A place that didn't exist before. he's half scared that he was placed in the lotus casino again, he knows that's impossable. but the fear lingers. ( it happens once but who's to say that it won't happen again?) Nico needed information, he don't know where he is, when he is , so he plans to summon a ghost. But first he needs a happy meal.
The clost thing to a mc' Donald's is a place called bat burger. There Nico meets Danny, and they both clock each other as pooled who has an extremely association with death, and the underworld. Another child of hades? Maybe.
Silent communication passed he tween the two of them. The cashier clears her throat, and Danny orders first before stepping to the side and lingering awkwardly behind the other boy as he places his order, a kids meal. The kid walks to a booth at the back, one shrouded in shadows. Danny is half compiled to follow, every time he meets a halfa they tried to kill him first and get to know him second. But so far this was going great. He joins the kid at the booth.
Silence lingers between then the boy stared out the window at the few passing cars, Danny decided to pick at napickn, a black stylized bat decorated the corner. How was she supposed to go about this with out fist flying? He's not at his strongest at the moment. He's been doing good so far at ignoring the ach of the vivisection wound. Hastily stitched half healed, sleeping and eating would heald the thing faster, he just need a place to sleep, and stock up kn canned food and granola bars. Maybe he could break into one of the abandon buildings.
" Nico." The boys said suddenly.
Name, name, names. That was his name. He should-
" Danny! Yeah... call me Danny."
This was a good start, names are good. It doesn't matter that he's on the sudden verg of panic, or that he was getting a migraine from the constant half use of his ghost sense.
" son of hades?" Nico asked tentatively as I'd he was sharing a secret.
" what? No my dad isn't-"
" Hecate then, she's your mother right? Your too old not to know who your godly parent is, and you can't be unclaimed." Nico said in a rapid wishper, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting someone to attack.
" No wait, dude calm down, I think I know what's going on." But before he could answer they were called to get food. Looking over his shoulder the cashier looked unimpressed. Right food, the original reason why he's here.
Part two later
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protagonistpolling · 1 year
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Why should you vote for these characters?
Why should you vote for Phoenix Wright? (3)
"Cross examined a parrot, ate a glass necklace containing poison, seemingly immune to death in any form, just an all-around chaotic force of nature dear god"
"He is so so silly. He ate a glass bottle that contained traces of poison (and was fine) on purpose. Look at any of his college days "feenie" sprites (with the pink sweater). He adopted a kid at 26. He was punched into unconsciousness by an 8 year old. He's kind he's annoying he's a bitch. He still uses a Nokia phone, held together by tape. He wears a pendant with his daughters picture in it. Said daughter is a magician who's also a human lie detector. He's bisexual. He's transgender. He fell off a burning bridge. He has it all"
Why should you vote for Layton and Luke? (1)
"You say there's a tournament with all the 'good guys'? How strange. Actually, that reminds me of a puzzle..." *throws a box of matches at your face* *because more than two matchsticks were moved, you lost the puzzle*
Why should you vote for Miles Edgeworth? (1)
because this anon was nice to me
Why should you vote for Apollo Justice? (3)
"he’s transgender and spikes his hair up with gel every morning and accidentally has an incredibly rare male calico cat."
"Hes SO DESPERATE to prove himself. And SO LOUD. He WILL get u acquitted of criminal charges but also have an anxiety attack while court is in session."
!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILERS FOR APOLLO!!!!!!!! "I'm sure plenty of people have submitted Phoenix so I'm putting a word in for Apollo. I saw someone describe him as someone who has invented the "Most Normal Guy" award and is trying his best to win it, and that description is very accurate. He has a magic lie detector bracelet. He shouts a lot to train his "chords of steel". Everyone thinks he's a teenager when he's actually 22. He punched Phoenix Wright in the face once. The detective on most of his cases throws her snacks at him. His best friend is a 15 year old who is actually his sister but neither of them know this. He has at least three backstories that don't TECHNICALLY contradict each other but you can tell they were all made up on the spot. After his three backstories he decided to become a lawyer for some reason. And despite it all, he's STILL the most normal person in the entire series. Nobody is doing it like him."
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aliciavance4228 · 26 days
One thing that I honestly do not understand about some of Hades' fans is the way they claim that they like him because he is a complex figure, yet at the same time they erase all the characteristics that make him complex in order to depict him as the nicest guy possible.
"Hades never had any bastards." Yes, this is absolutely true, yet at the same time nobody is wondering why ancient greeks depicted him as having sexual relationships only with Persephone, or why Leuce and Minthe were added only centuries later by the roman poets. In order to answer to this question we have to understand why other gods are depicted as womanizers in the first place. It's because in this way it was easy for you to pretend that your father is a god, and by extension to receive a certain attention or priviledges.
"Of course I'm great. Don't you know that my father is Zeus himself?"
"How do you know that?"
"He told me in a dream that he disguised himself as an ant and then entered my mother's vagina."
"But then why didn't Hera kill you already?"
"He forgot to tell me why."
Hades, on the other hand, was equally feared and hated by ancient greeks, which is why nobody wanted to claim that they are his offspring. Romans, on the other hand, weren't necessarily afraid nor repulsed by him, which is probably why they were more comfortable writing about him having a dead lover and a mistress on top of Persephone.
"Hades never punished mortals the way other gods do." Are you kidding me, right? When Asclepcius started to bring people back to life he complained to Zeus about how Apollo's son is openly mocking death and asked him to kill him, not to mention that in some versions of the myth the reason why Zeus decided to murder him was because Hades was going to unleash his wrath on Apollo himself or destroy Asclepius' entire city. When Pirithous and Theseus tried to kidnap Persephone he trapped them for years and let them be attacked by the Furies on a daily basis.
Now, people will tell me: "Yeah but both of them were violating his rules so he had all the right to do that." and I'm not contradicting you here. However, there's another myth where he inflicted Thebes with a deadly plague after a king refused to bury some dead warriors or something like that. It is emphasized the fact that many died, and "many" could mean anyone, no matter if they were innocent, quilty, children, elders etc. The only way they managed to appease him was by sacrificing two girls. Sure, he took pity of them in the end and turned them into comets, but was the death of hundreds of mortals so necessary? Why didn't he punish only the king instead of his people? And then his stans are really going to say that Demeter is a monster for causing a global famine, even though this was clearly a result of her grief for her daughter.
Furthermore, I would also like to point out the fact that the main reason why there are few myths where he's directly punishing a living mortal is because he knows that sooner or later everyone will become his subject. Sure, you may not be punished immediately for cursing his name or badmouthing him, but thirty years later when you will be dead quess who will throw you into Tartarus!
"Hades was the least problematic greek god." First of all, there aren't only fifteen deities in Greek Mythology, but hundreds of them. And I doubt that out of hundreds of deities he's the least problematic one. And secondly, even if you think only about the fifteen major gods you cannot say that he's the least problematic one when Hestia exists. I think people are focusing way too much on his qualities and moments where he proves himself to be generous and equitable, and forget the fact that he's literally the King of the Underworld. One of the reasons why there are few to no writings about him nowdays is because a) people were afraid even to write about him and b) we're not sure how many of the few writings about him survived and how many were lost. He might have done even more horrible things that we're not aware of. Also, we do not live in Ancient Greece among people who existed thousands of years ago and had a way more clear perception on their deities. They might had good reasons to fear him other than the ones that we already know.
I do not consider anything wrong in portraying him as having a secret soft side or emphasizing the fact that just because he was the god of the dead that doesn’t mean that he was "pure evil" or "the devil himself", because we're talking about a polytheistic religion where deities are allowed to have complex, multidimensional personalities instead of being only "good" or "bad". But that doesn’t mean that you have to automatically turn him into an innocent guy who never did anything wrong in his entire life and all he wants is to unconditionally love his pastel goth wife and play with his dog Spot.
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nothazellevesque · 8 months
Okay, rereading pjo as an adult made me realize that Luke and the titans really used the geneva conventions as more of a geneva checklist. like bro technically did all but FOUR of the war crimes outlined in the geneva conventions. and he technically attempted summary execution, but he failed. let’s recap and go over what Luke did and where it fits as a war crime:
Willful killing, or causing great suffering or serious injury to body or health- literally all of the shit he does. Luke breaks this one with the pit scorpion in book ONE, and then keeps on breaking it every book.
Torture or inhumane treatment- okay so technically Luke is a victim of torture and inhumane treatment by kronos, and kronos tortures folks with Ominous And Scary Dreams.
Unlawful wanton destruction or appropriation of property- Luke/kronos goes absolutely HAM with the scythe and wrecks olympus. and a lot of Manhattan.
Forcing a prisoner of war to serve in the forces of a hostile power- okay so technically, luke HAS no prisoners of war, but he blackmails silena to serve him as a spy. she is not physically held captive in the traditional sense, but she is forced to serve out of fear for her and her loved ones’ safety. technically not a traditional prisoner of war, but DEFINITELY not a willing member of the titan force (i have no idea how to classify silena, really) also forces annabeth to hold up the sky so atlas can be free, literally forcing her to serve his goals.
Depriving a prisoner of war of a fair trial- technically has no prisoners of war in the traditional sense, but considering percy and his friends are briefly held prisoner by Luke and he tries to kill percy by letting antaeus, ethan, and a dracaena attack him without him being formally accused of a crime, i think this counts in the loosest sense of the law.
Unlawful deportation, confinement or transfer- annabeth in the titan’s curse. while technically not shown in the books, she did NOT make it from that cliff at westover all the way to mount othrys on her own or willingly. sorry girl
Taking hostages- annabeth. all those mortals on the princess andromeda. man took a LOT of hostages
Directing attacks against civilians- he puts all of New York City to sleep. not ONE of those people is a combatant, Luke. those are civilians, Luke. You did a war crime, Luke.
Misusing a flag of truce, a flag or uniform of the enemy- kronos literally wearing Luke as a skin suit. While Luke may have been an enemy combatant to percy and camp half blood, it is VERY apparent that he is fighting for some aspect of control and does not want to be kronos’s skin suit (as exemplified by his conversation with annabeth). or, a more obvious example, Luke masquerading as a normal camper while doing kronos’s bidding in the early days. man DEFINITELY wore the camp shirt while doing his evil deeds.
Settlement of occupied territory- taking over the princess andromeda. does a cruise ship count as territory? Idk. but i don’t think the titans built a whole ass cruise ship JUST for luke and kronos’s coffin and then decided to let a bunch of random mortals on. those folks were most likely already on there.
Deportation of inhabitants of occupied territory- the mortals on the princess andromeda are NOT present after sea of monsters. so where did they go?
Using poison weapons- idk what to classify the lydian drakon as. is that thing a combatant? a weapon? whatever it is, it has poison, and it kills people, which is Not Allowed. also Ethan’s little poison knife stab on annabeth. little war crime bestie
Using civilians as shields- wtf else would you call just leaving all those sleeping mortals on the street in Manhattan if not human shields?
Using child soldiers- okay to be fair EVERYONE in the pjo universe does this war crime. so ill give Luke a slight pass
Firing upon a Combat Medic with clear insignia- the Apollo cabin. those kids are the closest we got to combat medics in these books, and the monsters definitely try and munchity crunchity the fuck out of those kids
Murder, cruel or degrading treatment and torture- um… literally EVERYTHING luke/kronos unleashes upon the campers? idk what you would call a POISON ACID SPITTING DRAGON HITTING YOU IN THE FACE if not torture. also. he murders ethan. that’s definitely a thing he does. if the shard of weapon in Ethan’s body doesn’t kill him before kronos drop kicks him through a pit hundreds of stories above the ground, that drop definitely will. sorry ethan.
Pillaging- technically he does not do MUCH pillaging, but the stealing of the helm of darkness and the lightning bolt, and other minor things counts i think
idk if luke and kronos know about the geneva conventions, but they definitely exist in universe, so… have fun at The Hague with your war crimes mcgrimes headasses
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wordsofasarcast · 3 months
even in death (excerpt)
So I saw this prompt, and I was inspired to write a silly little something:
Will Solace was a chronic workaholic. He constantly worked in the infirmary and refused to take breaks or days off. His whole cabin was worried for him, for his tan skin had taken on a sickly sheen from days under fluorescent lights.
It shouldn't be, but it's almost a relief when Will dies. It was sudden, hopefully painless. He'd gone on a supply run to the local chemist as flu season approached, hoping to stock up their cough syrup supply before the infirmary was inundated with infected campers. A drunk driver - not even a Greek Monster - maybe that was for the better.
At least in death—his family and friends hoped—Will Solace would finally have the chance to relax. The deaths of campers during the wars had always weighed too heavy on him, his failures pressing down on his shoulders, and Will had wondered if that was how it felt to hold up Atlas' sky. He'd worked day after day trying to erase those mistakes—his failures—and then maybe he'd find a way to forgive himself.
So when Will Solace died, he didn't weep; he didn't curl up and wait for whoever would guide his soul to the next destination.
No, Will just went back to work. Because he didn't even stop to realise that his body was in some morgue no longer entwined with his soul, or that his limbs were hazily translucent, or that the sun didn't heat his skin.
No, Will Solace didn't realise he had died. Not even when his siblings didn't wave to him when he walked in for his shift or when Austin didn't bring him lunch for the first time in years when he forgot to eat himself. 'It was just a busy day,' he explained the occurances away, shrugging and returning to the paperwork still strewn across the desk from yesterday.
'Maybe they're having a bad day, ' he told himself when it happened again the next day.
And the next and the next and the next.
'Maybe it's a prank?'
'Definitely a prank,' he decided when Kayla outright screamed at him a week later.
"Holy schist, Austin, this pen is moving on its own!" She yelled, backing herself against the wall across from Will, knocking the height chart down from where Will had hung it on a nail almost six years ago.
"Okay, this has got to stop." Will sighed, pointing the pen at his sister with a frown. "What? Did I not give enough of a reaction when ya'll were ignoring me? You had to step it up, pretend I'm a ghost?"
"Austin? Get in here, right now!" Kayla screamed again, and Will was begrudgingly impressed at her acting skills. But she was a daughter of Apollo, drama was in their blood.
"Argh, whatever, I have work to do." Will turned back to continue scribing notes about Harley's recent asthma attack and subsequent infirmary check-up. He didn't get very far before Austin cracked open the door and stuck his head inside the room. His eyes had a certain far-away quality, but they quickly focused on Kayla's hyperventilating form.
"Kayla, what-" Austin turned to look at Will, "What the Hades?"
Austin closed the door behind him before he approached where Will was sitting at the desk, peering over his shoulder with a nervous look.
"It's doing our paperwork?" Austin sounded dumbfounded.
"Of course, I'm doing paperwork - something you two should be doing instead of bothering me with this nonsense." Will jabbed his pen towards his half-brother, and the boy stumbled back with a panicked shout.
"I don't think it's friendly," Austin said, pulling his weaponised saxophone from his back and holding it out as if he might swing at Will.
Will scowled at their antics, standing to usher them from the room; he had a lot to do, preferably before someone came to find him because the Ares kids decided to try teaching sword fighting again and got a little too competitive.
"Oh my Gods, it's coming over here!" Kayla clutched Austin's arm, "Dude, do you think it's like a demon?
"Doing our paperwork?" Austin raised his dark eyebrows.
Kayla shrugged, but her expression was painted with panic. "What do we do?"
"You could leave?" Will offered, putting the pen down in favour of slipping past the two towards the door.
"Hey, maybe it's gone?" Austin whispered. Oh, how Will wished he could curse his siblings to rhyming for a month. With a scowl, Will opened the door for them, "Go on. Out."
Kayla screamed shrilly, jumping back a foot as she pointed at the door. Austin whirled and took in the open doorway with wide eyes.
Austin sighed, "Yep, we're calling Nico."
a/n this was so silly lol. i will probably write this eventually into an actual oneshot with Ghost King!Nico and Ghost!Will interacting so I guess this is a sneak peek. Ummm it's post-Gaea au but Nico didn't stick around so its pre-Solangelo, Will still has a massive crush though.
and you can read my other works here
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dark-elf-writes · 4 months
Izuku as a child of Apollo just having a million big brothers/sisters and most are heroes is hilarious. None of fhem are letting their baby brother be bullied. Nope.
Oh god, Snipe, Hawks and Hizashi would be the most protective siblings and if you went ‘bad Inko’ i can juat imagine that custody battle. Hizashi ‘married to high school sweetheart’, Hawks ‘commission agent’ and Snipe ‘has a gun and no issue threatning people’. It would be hilarious.
The children of Apollo normally got along.
Okay well that wasn’t exactly true, but very rarely did they try to shoot at each other or scream the other’s eardrums out which put them head and shoulders over some demigod half-siblings. They weren’t Ares kids after all, they could keep it together.
Or they could, until their newest sibling came along.
Izuku Midoriya was an anomaly, a rare inheritor of their father’s knowledge aspect though just hearing them talk Hizashi swore up and down there was some music talent in there somewhere, and the kid always seemed to know exactly where villain or monster attacks would happen like they could see them coming… even if they took that knowledge and used it to run towards the fights rather than away. They didn’t have the usual look of an Apollo kid (Hizashi was the only one of them that had drawn that card) but it was nearly impossible to miss if someone knew what to look for, and the three heroes definitely knew what to look for.
But Izuku different from a typical Apollo kid or not wasn’t the problem. No the problem was that none of them could agree on what to do with them.
“I’m married!” Hizashi hissed, careful to keep their voice at a normal volume. The last time they had let their quirk slip against one of their brothers they had been dodging feathers for a week and they had no desire to repeat the experience. “And I’m a teacher! I have the best claim to a stable home life as any of us.”
Keigo narrowed his eyes, a feather twisting around his fingers as his annoyance grew. “I’m the Number Three Hero! If any one of us could take care of a kid it’s me!”
Snipe (why their brother had decided he preferred his hero name even in the off hours Hizashi would never understand, but they would honor his wishes) toyed with his gun. The fact that the barrel was pointed away from Hizashi at the moment did nothing to comfort them. It didn’t really matter where he pointed the damn things when dear old dad gave him the ability to curve his bullets.
(Hizashi would be more jealous that both of them got some sort of telekinesis while Hizashi could only be considered slightly above average when it came to anything involving projectiles but really they thought Voice was the coolest.)
“I am the only sane one between us.” Debatable, but again Hizashi wasn’t very interested in catching a bullet even if their brother had swapped them out for nonlethal rounds. They had seen the damage he could do with nerf bullets and the rounds he had were a far cry from those. “And I’m also a teacher. So don’t give me that look Zashi.”
They smoothed their face, cursing themself for letting their annoyance show. Normally they were better than this but their brothers knew just how to get under their skin.
“Um,” All three of them jolted having forgotten their sibling was still there watching them with those wide green eyes so full of wonder. “You don’t have to fight over me. I’m fine. Really.”
They weren’t. The kid’s sleeves weren’t nearly long enough to hide the bruises and fresh burns on their arms and Hizashi was pretty sure they had seen the kid limping before they had finished the fight. As much as they wanted to be picking a fight with their brothers right now… healing first.
And Hizashi was the best healer.
“You’re not fine, listener,” Their voice went gentle, low, the soothing rumble under it already encouraging healing raven as they knelt beside Izuku. “Our brothers are just being stupid. It’s pretty common experience.”
They smiled, bright. Blinding to anyone who didn’t also have sunlight in their blood. “C’mon. We can head back to my place and get you patched up. Any other… arrangements can be made after you’re healed.”
“I’m coming too!”
“And me!”
Shouta was going to kill them… but at least Hizashi could shove their brothers at him first for canon fodder.
Izuku looked like they might argue but…
“Ours,” they said. “You said they are our brothers.”
Hizashi ran careful fingers over the kid’s cheek. “Ours. We Apollo kids have to stick together after all… even if some of us are annoying.”
“Coming from Queen annoying that says a lot,” Hawks mumbled. Hizashi made a mental note to curse him into speaking in lyrics later. They were pretty sure he had a meeting coming up where that would be particularly annoying.
Izuku looked between the three of them, eyes burning like the noonday sun as they hunted for something in their expressions. But eventually they smiled. “I’ve always wanted big siblings.”
Shit, Hizashi thought. They were going to end up with the most complicated three way custody agreement they just knew it.
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redactedgender · 4 months
redacted audio headcanons: elliott & sunshine edition
im in my elliott & sunshine era rn it seems. i cant stop thinking abt them. so heres some of my hc for them! the sunshine hc’s are specifically for my oc (charlie, he/they), but im keeping it neutral so others can apply it to their oc’s/sunshine hc’s maybe :0
; t4t elliott & sunshine. i don’t make the rules, i just enforce them
; following that thought, sunshine, geordi & guy were all elliott’s caretakers after he got top surgery
; elliott & aaron’s last name is hawkins, but elliott is technically elliott lewis-hawkins. his last name is hyphenated because ‘lewis’ was the name of his first foster family (they were the best one he had had at that point, but when the mom got pregnant they realized they couldn’t support two kids), so he uses their name to remember them by
; sunshine has a prosthetic leg from their accident. they walk with a forearm crutch or sometimes use a wheelchair during extra bad pain days. they also have lots of small scars from the glass across their body, mostly arms
; elliott has called sunshine “sunshine” since they first met basically. but, when guy heard sunshine call elliott “dreamboat” one random day, he made the joke that their ship name would be “daydream”. since then, whenever guy talks about the two of them, he refers to them as “daydream” (ex: “yeah i’m just in a call with geordi and daydream, what’s up?”)
; they have matching yellow lego charms that make a heart when you put them together (like this but yellow)
; (18+) they both have horrible oral fixations (canon but still). they both could live between each others thighs. the 69 position is one of their favorites because of that
; sunshine and cutie used to go to school together, but after cutie’s powers manifested they kinda stopped hanging out. sunshine never really liked cutie tbh. they aren’t aware that cutie is empowered
; sunshine and treasure are cousins, and treasure was the first person sunshine told about their (completely obvious) crush on eli when they realized they liked him
; eli’s favorite color is lavender, and also loves lavender scented things (he has the lavender & iris spray from bath & body works and practically douses his bed in it. it smells divine btw)
; elliott had a wattpad account. what he read on that site is between him and god
; elliott is a lord of the rings nerd. you mean to tell me the guy who made a whole-ass fantasy d&d session dreamscape with his partner featuring a full-ass dragon isn’t a tolkien nerd??
; elliott also loves d&d. he hasn’t played a lot, but has enjoyed it when he did; he once dm’ed a one shot for his friend group and it was a crazy ass story. he likes worldbuilding and character backstories the most
; sunshine collects cds from thrift stores. even from artists they don’t know anything about
; besides their house, elliott and sunshine have also discussed getting animals together. they decided on a dog named thor and a cat named mercury
; honey is elliott and aaron’s cousin. they don’t know elliott is empowered. honey and aaron are the two cousins who would disappear when they both got overwhelmed at a party
; elliott loves watching competition shows like “blown away”, he eats that shit up
; (18+) sunshine is a big reader, and absolutely eats up all different kinds of genres. sometimes elliott likes to “punish” them for not paying attention to him by using him mouth on them while they read erotica & edge them until they finish a specific number of chapters
; elliott hates tuna. like, haaaaates tuna. can't stand the smell, taste, texture, anything about it. the only thing he can handle about it is when its alive and intact; he can't even handle it in sushi
; in pjo, sunshine would be a child of apollo, and elliott would be a child of hypnos
; sunshine didn’t tell the group about the accident until they had a panic attack over a car crash in a movie. they had told elliott bits and pieces before that (and obviously he had seen their nightmares), but they felt as though they didn’t want to burden elliott and the rest of the group with their trauma
; OK SO. elliott and sunshine’s favorite movie collectively is “tangled”. i mean its their absolute fave. they watched it together on their first official date, it’s their comfort movie, they have matching jewelry of the sun symbol, theyve cosplayed/gone as flynn and rapunzel a bunch of times for halloween, etc. like these guys LOVE tangled. and apparently there’s a new disney ride of the lantern festival in disneyland tokyo. so, in a world where the balance didnt separate them, and theyre together and happy and healing, i like to imagine they decide to visit a disney and go on the ride if they have it there. and id like to imagine that when theyre in the lantern section, they both reach into their pockets and pull out boxes. and, with tears streaming down their faces and the biggest fucking grins imaginable, they propose to each other (and ofc they both say yes) <3
; the couple that are stoners together stay together <3 elliott likes to shotgun sunshine
; elliott is always the big spoon. he likes knowing hes protecting sunshine in both their dreams and in real life
im so normal and regular about these two i promise (<- lying). i will add more as i see fit. also i might have a fic idea based on one of these headcanons, hehe :3c
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livsoulsecrets · 7 months
Annabeth&Percy Fic - Nothing in the world belongs to me, but my love mine, all mine
Annabeth in the aftermath of Luke’s betrayal, dealing with all she lost and finding some solace in what she gained.
““I just wanted to ask you something,” he started, looking to her once more, “and you can call me stupid for that, really, and I’ll probably deserve it, but… Are you okay?”
Annabeth couldn’t help it. She smiled.
“You’re right. It’s stupid,” she agreed.”
Read on AO3.
Annabeth didn’t sleep at all that first night.
She stayed awake in her bed for many hours, even after Malcolm lost his battle to sleep in his armchair across from her.
It had been kind of him to insist on keeping her company after the news about Luke’s betrayal spread through Camp, but there was not much he could do to make things better.
Annabeth did like her siblings and felt like most of them cared about her as well, but she had never felt close to them, not in the way she did with Luke.
She sometimes envied the easy camaraderie the Hermes Cabin shared, the clear affection Apollo’s children showed each other with such ease, or even the ferocious rivalry Ares’ kids had with one another.
Athena’s offspring were much more contained. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust one another. It was simply that they fended for themselves most of the time. They were too attached to their own tastes and beliefs, used to looking after themselves, and very introspective, so much so that it left little for them to bond over, unlike the other campers.
That was why her bond with Luke had always been so precious and permanent, unlike any others. Maybe it was because most of the other kids in her cabin left when summer was over, and Luke stayed all year-round. Perhaps their journey to Camp Half-Blood had just knitted them together in a way the rest of her siblings just couldn’t comprehend.
Before, when she thought of a brother, someone who was trustworthy and kind, she would think of Luke and his sword, cutting through a horde of monsters with one hand while the other held her behind him, protecting her with his own body. She would remember the nights they spent with Thalia around an improvised fire, huddled together for warmth, telling stories until the sun came up.
Now, for as long as she lived, when she thought of a brother, Annabeth would be reminded of Luke’s betrayal. She would be brought back to the exact moment Luke’s eyes flickered in anger as he attacked Percy, his sword descending into him and drawing blood.
Up until that point, she had been frozen, begging all the gods for the scene before her to be a deception, a misunderstanding. Only when Percy fell, clutching his arm against his chest, and grunted in pain did Annabeth snap out of her denial.
All she had was a split second to decide what to do. Who would she protect? Her brother, the hero that she had spent the last five years looking up to? Or the boy she met just a few weeks ago, who was as reckless as he was kind?
She threw the knife Luke had gifted her years ago with the precision he had taught her to have. It landed right across the expanse of his sword, just in time to stop him from slicing into Percy.
The memories came back in full force, and she pushed herself out of bed, desperate to get away from them. She looked out the window and found the sun had already come out.
She changed quickly and left her cabin in a hurry, not knowing where she should go. So, Annabeth just walked aimlessly, avoiding the sight of the packed Hermes Cabin.
She found herself near the lake and was surprised to find she was not the only one seeking its company.
Percy was standing near the riverbank in his orange camp shirt and jeans. She approached him slowly and silently. “Couldn’t sleep?” Annabeth asked once she was close enough to be heard.
Percy startled, turning to face her with a hand over his heart. When he recognized it was just her behind him, Percy lowered his hand with an apologetic smile. “Sorry, long night,” he replied.
She shook her head, crossing the distance between them. “I get it. Same here.”
They remained quiet for some moments, just staring over the expanse of the camp’s lake, shoulder to shoulder.
She felt Percy sneaking glances at her every once in a while, which didn’t help her overwhelmed mind calm down. “Just say it,” she urged finally.
Percy’s cheeks burned scarlet when he was caught in his act, but he was as stubborn as ever when he deflected her question with another, “Say what?”
“That you’re sorry,” she answered, “that you can’t believe Luke could do this, and I should have known it was him sooner–”
His eyes widened. “I wasn’t going to say any of that.”
She turned to face him now, arching an eyebrow in a silent challenge. “What did you want to say, then?”
Percy shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans, averting his gaze for a moment. Annabeth thought she saw some whirlpools forming in the river, but she didn’t have a chance to ask if they were a consequence of Percy’s troubled mind as he started talking again.
“I just wanted to ask you something,” he started, looking to her once more, “and you can call me stupid for that, really, and I’ll probably deserve it, but… Are you okay?”
Annabeth couldn’t help it. She smiled.
“You’re right. It’s stupid,” she agreed. Percy flinched but didn’t seem surprised by her answer. “But thanks for asking, anyway.”
He managed a small smile in return at that. “Sure.”
Annabeth didn’t give him an answer, as she couldn’t even tell how she really felt, but it was enough that he had asked.
“Is your arm okay?”
Percy seemed a bit lost at the sudden change of topic but managed to shake his head. “It’s alright. I took a swim before going to bed, so it helped.”
She nodded her understanding, and they remained quiet for some minutes, just looking at the horizon as the sun climbed higher and higher in the sky.
“Can you help me with something?” Percy blurted out after a while.
She tilted her head and asked, “With what?”
“I wanted to train today. I feel like I’ll need it in the future, you know?” He kept his gaze on her, but it was clear he was nervous.
She knew Percy was dancing around the tricky subject of Luke’s absence, but that request just made it more apparent.
Percy had only ever trained with Luke before. And the reason he would need to train more than ever was Luke’s alliance to Kronos.
The pain that sparkled inside her at those reminders was nonetheless curbed by the satisfaction Percy had come to her to try and mend the gaps Luke left in his life.
He was trusting her to guide him through uncharted territory, seemingly unaware that she was just as clueless as him.
Here was Percy, asking her to train him, to teach him how to fight a friend turned foe. He still believed she had all the answers, even now.
It should terrify her to have that much trust placed upon herself, but it didn’t. For all the people who cultivated high expectations of her — her own mother with her fragile pride, her siblings with their firm belief she was perfect, even Quiron with his cryptic comments, Percy was the only one who seemed to only ever expect Annabeth to be herself.
And, to him, she was someone who could be trusted to find the answers to every problem in the world if she decided it was worth her time.
“I mean, just if you have some free time, like, if you don’t mind,” he added, taking her silence as a negative.
“I don’t mind.” Annabeth cut him off before he descended into nervous mumbling. “Let’s start it now. We still have time until breakfast.”
Percy smiled hesitantly at her, but his grin grew a bit wider when she rolled her eyes at him. It seemed awfully silly of him that he truly believed she wouldn’t spare him all the help he needed to survive after all they had been through.
She started walking towards the training area without looking back at him.
Annabeth still didn’t know how to even start preparing for what was to come or how to live with the gaping hole Luke left behind in their lives.
Her mind often worked on seven different fronts at once every time a problem arose, coming at it from every angle.
That’s what kept her up all night yesterday, and that’s what gave her the push to follow Percy and Luke into the woods when she realized something was off about Luke’s plan.
It had saved her countless times but also drained her in many others.
So, when she picked a celestial bronze sword from the camp’s collection and turned to face Percy, who was already uncapping Riptide, it was a pleasant surprise to find her mind narrowing down to the present moment. Her exhaustion and fear slipped away as she focused on the battle ahead.
Fighting demanded all her concentration, even if it was just training with a friend. It seemed to be the same for Percy, as he aligned his shoulders properly and took a deep breath.
“Ready?” she asked her friend, and the word no longer sounded foreign in her mind when she associated it with Percy.
“Born ready,” he said, as unserious as ever.
She was glad to see that, despite the burden the last few weeks had placed on his shoulders, Percy was still the same maddening boy she observed drooling in his sleep.
Annabeth plunged forward at the same time Percy did, and their swords screeched against one another. She pushed against him and dove, freeing herself from the lock.
Percy chased her when Annabeth was upright again, Riptide slicing in a curt arc that she had a hard time intercepting.
Percy was grinning now, and she had to shove an elbow into his side to distract him, both to gain her some time to attack back and to hide her own smile.
They had both lost so much, but it seemed they had gained something back as well.
“Focus, Seaweed Brain,” she mocked, and lunged at him again.
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ask-princessandromeda · 3 months
I was born at dawn, a warm golden light bathing the temple of Apollo. His arms enveloped me, eyes gleaming with tenderness, my father, the god of prophecy and light, assured of my radiant future. The Muses, Clio, Melpomene, and Calliope, whispered their gentle blessings over me, cooing in delight at my arrival. Now, I'm dying at sunset, the once golden rays replaced by a cold and gloomy twilight. I'm alone, abandoned in the cold, majestic room of the Kronos Palace on Mount Othrys. My father, once full of love for me, has vanished, leaving me to face the cruel hand of fate alone. A fatal blow to the stomach, a poisoned dagger of imperial gold, I knew it would end this way, yet the pain is excruciating. I pull out the blade, blood pooling on the cold stone floor. This is a cruel fate for Apollo's child. My killer is a mere boy, a Roman soldier born of my father's own lineage. I feel a pang of pity for him as I see the fear in his eyes, poor boy, he couldn't have been more than thirteen and the first person he killed was essentially a defenseless girl who, moreover, was crystal clear to be Apollo's child, his distant but relative, the Romans appreciate any family ties, he must feel terribly bad... With my final breath, I try to utter words of forgiveness for my father, knowing that my death will be a festering wound in his heart. I was a prophetess, a bearer of truth, but now my voice is silenced, leaving only the haunting echoes of my pain in this cold and desolate palace.
[She looks at nothing with empty cold eyes, her voice sounds distant] a few additional details of my death - Kronos, get ready to fall with laughter, tried to protect me, I was valuable with my abilities and he thought that I would be safe in his halls... My king, you made a mistake, the green boy with the dagger was found for me after all, and... It's really terrible to see.
Luke: *shifting his weight* So this is how the gods treat us, after everything we’ve done for them.
Luke: *trying to control his voice* This is how they treat you. They trick you with empty affection, so-called blessings, and then they abandon you. They only like you when you’re a freshly polished weapon, ready to bend at their will, and then throw you away. Like a used toy. *clenching his fists* IT’S SUCH A WORTLESS CHARADE, AND I’M SICK OF IT TO THE GUTS! YOU DESERVE BETTER, WE DESERVE BETTER, WE ALL DO…
Luke: *sitting down* …It’s not fair.
Ethan: Nothing is really fair. Not for us.
*Luke glares at Ethan, but Ethan has his eye fixed on Kore.*
Ethan: This is a worthless reassurance to you, it’ll probably make you feel even worse, but just so what’s to say is said… I’ll end up the same. I keep having these strange feelings intruding my dreams, like I’m constantly on the brink of falling. I’m not sure where or what, but there’s always something waiting to swallow me whole. It’s just my fate, I guess, and it’ll happen no matter what I do… We were both born to die, Kore. There’s no escape. And yes, I hate it I hate I hate it. But there’s nothing we can do about it. Only hope that our pathetic little lives and deaths will matter in the end.
Alabaster: They will! They will! Your lives do matter! They have to…
Alabaster: *looks around helplessly. His gaze stops on Kore.*
Alabaster: I’m so sorry, Kore. I… have to help somehow. But if not even Kronos can help you… No, no, I have to try. I’ll make sure there are guards at Othrys in the moment of the assault. I’ll assure you a place to hide. It shouldn’t be that hard protecting you from a mere child, I’m sure there are ways to redirect his attack. And make sure you wear armor at all times! Kore, Kore… Please be safe. I can’t just sit here and do nothing while you tell us about how your death will go. I have to do something about it. I can’t lose you to the knife of a little kid, Kore.
Ethan: *He decides not to speak for a few moments. He places his hand on Alabaster’s shoulder.*
Ethan: Yeah… I’ll try to help you. Tell me what I have to do. I can’t die knowing that I didn’t make a effort to save my friend.
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theslay3d · 2 years
Percy Jackson x Hades! Reader where the reader goes to poseidon's cabin at night to secretly spend time with him?
Percy Jackson x Child of Hades!reader
Gender: Neutral
Warnings: None
Word count: 619
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You sat at the edge of your bed as you tied your shoes. You quickly tied the last one and looked up from where you sat to the bed across the wall. Nico was in it. Which was good he rarely slept but both you and Will have been making him at least get seven hours a night. 
You got up from the bed and slowly walked to the door. You opened it and double-checked Nico was still asleep then walked out. The door shut quietly and you breathed a sigh of relief. Now time to get past the harpies. 
You walked behind the cabin and shielded yourself in darkness. The shadows obeyed and went around you to hide you from the harpies and other campers' vision. 
You slowly walked to Posieneds cabin where Percy was waiting for you. No one really knew you were dating just that you were friends and you and Percy liked to have that secrecy, especially from Nico. 
As you approached the window that Percy kept unlocked you wrapped the shadows tighter around you. It would be a good idea to scare Percy. You made it to the window and stood on the tiny little stool outside then opened the window. Thankfully it was quite enough to not alert Percy. 
You pulled yourself up into the window and dropped to the ground. Percy was on the other side sitting at a desk as he nodded along to whatever was in his headphones. You smirked and moved behind him. 
You took out one headphone and said “Hello” 
He jumped and turned around. Though you were still in shadows so he couldn't see you. “Y/n”
“Yes?” You let the shadows leave and smiled at him. 
“Don't do that to me I could have a heart attack” He said dramatically as he moved a hand to his chest.  
“What are you 50?” you teased and moved to sit down on his bed. 
He rolled his eyes and paused the music he was playing. He got up and sat next to you. 
“How was your day?” You asked as you leaned back onto his pillows. 
“It was good I trained some of the younger campers today they're getting better at swords” 
You smiled at him. He always liked training the younger kids. “That's good. You’re a good teacher Jackson” 
He smiled and moved to lay beside you. “How was your day?” He whispered. 
“My day was also good I spent time with Will and Nico even though Nico hates it when me and Will tease him” You laughed a little as Nico’s face appeared in your head after you and Will ganged up on him again. 
You and Percy just laid there enjoying the time you had until he got up to go grab his headphones. He laid back down and offered one to you. You put it in your ear and he put the other one in his. He pressed play and music played in your ears. 
“Is this the little mermaid soundtrack?” You asked, still staring at the ceiling where little plastic stars were placed. 
You both laughed but still listened to the music. “Can't we just watch the movie?” You questioned
“Oh yeah we can” 
“Then let's just watch the movie”  
You got a projector set up and played the movie. When the movie was finished you both decided to watch a few more disney princess movies until you both fell asleep. 
When you got back to your cabin it was around 6 am. The time a few of the Apollo campers got up so you had to be extra careful getting back. At least Nico was still asleep when you got there. 
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beautifulchris · 1 year
take care
wc: 0,8k
pairing: demigod!jisung x gn demigod!reader
summary: a pair of adhd kids ended up in the same school and got brought to camp together
genres: fluff, little angst, demigod!au, camp half-blood!au, classmates to friends!au, mutual pining!au, son of apollo!jisung, child of hephaestus!reader
tw: physical injury, infirmary
notes: idk why but i’m kinda obsessed with apollo x hephaestus children; anyway enjoy ! i'm reposting the works i posted while shadowbanned, please don't mind me
networks: @kflixnet @k-labels @whipped-kpop-creators
permanent tag list: @badwithten​ send ask/dm/comment to be added!
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Publié à l'origine par han-jisung
It all started in school. You were the hyperactive kid, couldn’t stay still for more than a couple minutes, and Jisung was the comical one, always cracking jokes, playing music and dancing in the hallways.
He was usually fun to watch until he destroyed your science project a mere week before the due date. Sure it was accidental, and he apologized, but it had been so much work, so much sweat and tears poured into that project for months.
You were fairly pissed off.
He proposed to help you rebuild it, but you had dismissed him with a wave, feeling humiliated enough. Plus, it would’ve felt like cheating.
Let’s just say twelve hours of sleep in seven days are not nearly enough but you ended up with the best grade.
You were so exhausted in your next class, free of all the anxiety surrounding your science project, that you fell asleep.
Jisung, the guy responsible for your drastic lack of sleep, that you avoided all week—which turned out to be a not so difficult feat after all—took advantage of your sleeping state. He wrote an apology letter and asked your classmate to slide it under your arm.
At the end of class, after mutturing a few curses about how stupid you were for not being able to stay awake—you need to be more gentle with yourself!—you spotted the letter.
It was surprisingly neat, compared to all the times Jisung wrote on the board. It wasn’t the usual sloppy I-do-not-care writing, it was more of a I-make-efforts-please-forgive-me type. You could tell he was trying, and since your project was a success… You decided to forgive him.
At eleven years old, it was easier to forgive and forget.
A few weeks later that same year, four classmates tried to attack Jisung and you while you were in a classroom alone—nothing weird, you were just the last ones to leave—until your science teacher stopped them.
It was ugly, your classmates disintegrated and turned out your favorite teacher had goat legs. Definitely a normal day in your chaotic life.
Your goat teacher brought both of you into camp half-blood, where you got claimed by Hephaestus while Jisung got claimed by Apollo.
You only saw each other occasionally, being in the forge with your siblings most of the time, and him tending to the injured campers in the infirmary. Not that you became friends of course.
Although, more and more often over the years, you ended up in the infirmary because of some stuff exploding, fire erupting—no, you weren’t immune—, pieces of metal flying and knocking you out.
Yeah, the infirmary was the third place where you spent the most time in, beside the forge and cabin nine.
Wait. No, actually, Jisung deplorably said you were spending more time in the infirmary bed than your own. You had your appointed bed at this point.
Jisung always took care of you, not without complaining, though. Not about having to stitch you up or change your bandages and stuff, no. About how you had to be more careful.
He’d be nag about how some injuries can never fully heal. You’d argue that it wasn’t intentional.
He’d joke and say that you don’t need a reason to come see him. You especially do not need to hurt yourself. Which was essentially right.
You talked a lot when you weren’t passed out, and you had learned lately that he was dreaming of owning a lyre.
After doing some research (read: asking Kevin from the Athena cabin), you had everything you needed to make one. You thought you could repay him this way, even if it felt like not enough.
This time he didn’t see you there for weeks.
After mustering up your courage, you entered the infirmary. Jisung was here as usual, humming while tending to a Nemesis kid’s wound. When he finished and saw you, he rushed to your side.
“Hey, what is it?” he asked as he examined your body for any damage but it was all old scars. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, this time,” you sheepishly smiled.
You took the package that you previously put against an unused bed. Jisung hadn’t even noticed, his attention solely on you. Realizing that, his ears turned a shade of pink.
“It’s for you.”
He stared at the package in your hands. “For me?”
You nodded. “Open it.”
You resisted the urge to bolt away when he took the gift from you. As he opened it, you tugged nervously at your overalls’ suspenders.
“I usually forge weapons but I, uh, made you—”
He beamed. “A lyre! Oh Gods, Y/N, you’re amazing! This is the best gift ever!”
He started playing right away, making everyone stop and stare. The melody was smooth and pretty.
“It’s even tuned! Thank you so much Y/N, how can I ever repay you?”
“Ah no, see, this is me repaying you. But if you want to thank me so badly, you can play for me from time to time.”
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thank you for reading! if you enjoyed, here’s the masterlist <3
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