#definitely burns others
hikaru202 · 8 months
The Ties that Bind - Naveah
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Up next is in our crazy little caravan is Naveah. She’s a wood elf, also a Druid, and she’s got a bit of a temper. To be fair, she’s used to living alone in the trees, so she doesn’t try to set things on fire, she just doesn’t always remember to watch out for other people.
Her tattoos took me a while to design. Super proud of them though.
(Definitely forgot to draw her elf ears sticking out of her hair, but just SHHH okay?)
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breadandblankets · 4 months
ya know the thing is Bruce could try and pull his patented "in worried about you and instead of expressing that I'm going to pull you off of vigilante work" on Duke and it Would Not Work.
Bruce could pull him off the outsiders sure but 100% Bruce could not make Duke stop patrolling
Duke, staring Bruce's lil bat peepers down, with the power of gd and anime on his side: you could call Superman to sit on me and it Still wouldn't keep me from going out
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ibrithir-was-here · 2 months
Some art for @see-arcane 's stupendous Blood of My Blood Novella "Never Loved", which ya'll should go read it first and the come back here and scream like I did
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Bum bum buuuuuuuuuum...
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mintjeru · 2 months
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it probably wasn't the smartest decision to start an ongoing 1000+ chapter webnovel when i know it'll consume my every waking thought but here we are
open for better quality | no reposts
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haunted-xander · 1 year
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Best cure for nightmares is knowing your loved ones are safe
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beeclops · 1 year
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namelesspages · 3 months
y'all. this song is so heavily tma coded that I'm honestly wondering whether they were actually inspired by it
like, look at the album cover and tell me that's not the panopticon
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and then there are the lyrics:
and all that we can do is cast a light / and all that we can do is testify / with ever watching eyes
I'm not crazy right?? this is just straight up tma
anyway, please go listen to this band, they're criminally underrated
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gwaedhannen · 6 months
[Excerpt from Sorrow Beyond Words: Collected Testimony of the War of Wrath, 4th Edition; ed. Elrond Peredhel. Archive of Cîw Annúminas, inaugural collection]
“Simply reaching Menegroth was a struggle. Doriath had become a twisting nightmare of overgrowth and rot and mists, as Morgoth’s power warred with the remains of the Girdle and our old songs. Ai, our home, our haven! I know the name of every holly in Region, before the exile. We found deadfalls surrounded by dozens of animals who’d lain down beside the trees and rotted before they died. Blind moose more antler than flesh staggered towards us even after a dozen arrows. Vines covered in dripping thorns reached for our eyes. The cherry trees were overladen with fruits that smelled like gangrene. Deildhod stumbled into a nest of maddened vipers, and only escaped because their tails were all tangled together into a festering mass and could hardly move. We never saw or heard a single bird. I’m amazed we lost no one in that whole push through Region. No, I speak a lie. I know how we passed through with nothing worse than scrapes. Elrond was with us, and the ghost of Melian’s love still recognized her kin.
“Esgalduin had nearly been dammed by one of Hírilorn’s fallen boles, but the bridge still held. We crossed and reached the ruined gates, wrought twice and broken twice. Within there was only darkness to be seen; we knew not what manner of horrors Morgoth had sent to infest the city, but Ingwion was unwilling to leave them at the rear of his forces as he moved north, if it could be helped. Celeborn stood at Elrond’s right and myself at his left. Far less an honor guard than the heir of Elu Thingol and Melian Besain deserved. Yet in those dark days it was all the honor we could muster. King Dior Eluchíl had known thirty-six summers when he was unrighteously slain. Queen Elwing Nimaew thirty-five when despair took her to the sea. Lord Elrond Peredhel beheld the city of Elu for the first and only time in his twenty-ninth summer.
“Elrond stood before his inheritance and Sang. He sang a lament, for the lost endless years of joy and peace, for deep halls lit by birdsong and echoing with wisdom, for the Forsaken People who awoke the forest and earth with many voices, for the works of beauty never to be seen again on this side of the sea. He sang a promise, that the glory of Menegroth will be remembered in the songs of Middle-Earth for as long as its children endure. He sang thanks, for the protection the halls granted us until it could shelter us no more. As his song at last ceased, I thought I heard nightingales answering him.
“Stars shone on his brow, and his hair glistened as the vault of night, and the memories of our once-eternal bliss in the woods of Thingol’s realm under Elbereth’s gifts arose in my mind. Let Oropher dream of a deep hall for his own; let Celeborn reign where he will at his wife’s side! I knew in my heart, as the echo of nightingale songs faded, that there was no lord or king I would ever stand beside save Elrond Elwingion.
“The living stone in which our kingdom once thrived knew his voice, and at long last laid down its burden and passed. The darkness over Menegroth was lifted, and we went forth into its corpse, and no beast or orc could stand before us. I do not sing of what we found and left behind when we cast down the bridge and gave leave for the river to flood the caves. It is not worth remembering.”
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frosty-tian · 4 months
Can we see what Oaken looked like as a kid?
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Something along the lines of this.
(The holes on the sides of his head are supposed to be for hearing (so similar to owl ears), but still debating about it.)
Fun/Weird fact.:
Due to them being a hybrid, Oaken ages two times faster than an ’average’ human child (this appears to be a staple characteristic of hybrids born from a Cybertronian carrier), but the rapid growth suddenly stopped once they reached 18, where he then ages slower than a constipated snail that’s trying to travel in a snow storm.
He didn’t really manage to make any friends until adulthood due to multiple factors (skipping grades constantly, autism, being a hybrid and trying very hard to hide his identity for a while), and certainly doesn’t miss their childhood that much.
Also, some of his clothing (when he needed to wear them anyways) are hand-me-downs from Cody!
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abandoned-quiche · 1 month
i am in the very small minority that thinks noelle wasn't actually killing darkners in the weird route. snowgrave is specifically labelled as "fatal" while iceshock is not.
they don't work like human beings, where your cells start dying if you're encased in ice. they're COMPUTER PROGRAMS; computer programs freeze. get it?
it still sucks that you did all that. everyone gets frozen and then left behind in the cyber world. but berdly was the only one you KILLED.
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shittopi · 2 years
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harbingerofsoup · 6 months
see, i think the main reason the ineffable divorce has hit us all so hard to the point we’re still devastated after 5 months (and will probably continue to be until s3) is because the show has done an absolutely impeccable job at making us feel exactly how long they’ve known each other, how long they’ve spent loving each other, how long they’ve been aware and couldn’t do anything about it. we can feel the weight of a truly incomprehensible amount of time, which is making the emotions conjured by their separation feel so much more intense and concentrated
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suuho · 8 months
genuinely, i love how they set top up as this cold and uncaring top dog, absolute player and fuckboy stereotype, and then in comes mew and he blows it all to smithereens. instead, top becomes intensely caring and devoted to mew, vying for mew’s love and affection and, most of all, for his forgiveness. and it is never just a hollow act of caring for the sake of appearances or posturing, top cares for mew because he is in love with him, because he wants to care for him and make sure he is alright, because it is his first and foremost way to show affection. the showy dates, the overboard flirting, the pick up lines and come-ons, they all mean nothing. that is all just smoke. at his core, top is a caretaker and with mew, he cannot even help himself. he just has to. mew matters to him more than he would have ever expected in the beginning, when it was all just a game, and there is a certain degree of romance to the care he gives mew. how readily he receives him, all sides of him, how he has learned to accept because the way he loves mew is unconditional, at this point. they might both be unhinged, manipulative to a fault, and focused on appearances and performance, but at their core, topmew are so genuinely in love with each other, they’re a perfect match. and top is just the absolute picture of devotion.
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spacedlexi · 5 months
i forgot how weird people get sometimes when you add minnie to clemvi situations :/
#she is NOT a threat to their relationship. she is barely a blip on the radar#shes literally just here to cause problems#vi makes it ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that clem is her top priority she is so disgustingly painfully in love with clem its embarrassing#like girl i never doubted you for a second dw 😭#but its like people want to see vi hate minnie.. like they cant grasp that shes moved on without her saying she hates her or smth#all the conflicting feelings are just so narratively juicy :) some people cant appreciate this it seems#and then theyll use it as an excuse to say clemvi sucks like okay everybody pack it up#people projecting their insecurities perhaps? (i know the answer)#and like even a captured vi who was manipulated into trusting minnie ends up getting her eyes burned out for it#like they both went down there but only vi got hurt?? and separated from minnie? hm interesting#clem fighting her own trauma of trusting the wrong people with vi continuously reassuring her nothings changed she loves her#clem would appreciate that. i definitely think shes fighting jealously demons but is just good at pretending she doesnt care#she makes too many Faces about it for me to think shes casual about the whole thing#but i think after their conversation in the dorms in ep3 clem isnt worried anymore. and vi proves she can trust her again and again#THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH theyre disgusting its disgusting :)#minnie isnt a threat to their relationship shes just a threat to their lives :)#twdg#it speaks
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Hey yall im back with Fig and the Cig Figs professionally produced Freshman year album (formally known as Detention) track list:
Bad Kid
Sk8er Gurl (yes it is basically just a fantasy version of Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne)
Burn Towns Get Money
Pit Fiend
Corn Cuties
Disguise Self
Closed Book
Seven Maidens
Every Album Needs A Bonus Track (yes that is the name of the song)
Here’s the Junior Year Track List in case you wanna see it!
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who-is-page · 8 months
Life is hard! Consider buying my stuff!
My life isn't quite falling apart, but things have gotten really tricky lately. One housemate (and their super destructive, permanent houseguest) is refusing to pay their share of rent or utilities for the next three months, and another is refusing to pay their full share of rent for that same amount of time and is making us cover around $75 every month, and I'm having to double-up my hours at work while still being a full-time student (and also one of my professors, who we're 99% sure is using ChatGPT to generate her citations because none of them exist and we pointed this out, hates my guts and has been grading me really harshly and forcing me to go full-sail on every assignment to ridiculous degrees in order to pass this required class).
My spouse is working on getting full-time at their job, but it looks like they won't be able to until December, and we also have no idea how much rent is going to increase this year-- my guess is it's going to go up another $500, same as last year, to a total of $3,000, so things are gonna get really fucking bumpy until around January, probably.
So basically, if you like the work I've done, consider throwing me a tip on Ko-Fi or buying my stuff on Itch.io:
(Also I promise we have more stuff lined up that we want to polish and publish, life has just been super-duper fucking busy! There is so much more going on right now than what I've mentioned here, especially in terms of surprise medical bills and other horrible surprises. And we haven't forgotten about Inky Paws issue 2, either, which we're still hoping to have done by December and which will STILL always be entirely 100% free to download, no matter what our living or money situation looks like. That will never ever change, so please don't worry!)
#personal#yells#one of the surprise medical bills was MY TOOTH FUCKIN BROKE#I need to get a whole ass crown!!! wtf I'm anti-monarchy this should be illegal to happen to me#there are other surprise medical bills too but that's the one I'm most like are you FUCKIN srs rn#I love dentists and I think they're the coolest so it's like not scary or anything it's just. it's SO EXPENSIVE.#All the other bills should be at around $600 or below but this definitely won't even with insurance and I'm like whyyyyyyy#I should have gotten the crown like a week or two ago but I literally just cannot afford it rn so I'm trying to just be careful#with the patch the dentist put on it a month or so ago....#sorry I'm just using the tags to SCREAM at this point like oh my god guys#you would not believe some of the bullshit that is going on rn#My housemate's permanent guest? it's their partner with assault charges#Who kidnapped a cat#Burned their last place of residency down#Bite and shanked their mother at 5am while she was asleep in her bedroom#And got my housemate arrested on false charges last year for funsies#And jumped off my roof#And brings stray animals in the house#And makes the hugest messes in the kitchen and living room without cleaning them up#(And I think she's a local drug dealer but that's more just a DO IT IN YOUR OWN FUCKING HOUSE AND NOT MINE thing)#So the whooooole polycule is on high alert that this person is gonna go off the rails and hurt people/pets at any time#I'm so unbelievably stressed out and worried about my cat especially#And like. I have PTSD dudes! This is so unimaginably fucking awful for my mental health!#If it weren't for my support system I would be in PIECES right now. I am so lucky to have partners and friends who care.#Also if some of that list sounds Weirdly Familiar to you it's because I wrote a fictional AITA post for NaNoWriMo '21 based on some of it#Yeah THAT is how long this stuff has been going on and what I've listed here is only Tip Of The Iceberg#Those two people will be gone by the end of November but oh my god I'm so stressed about retaliation and shit#The housemate in question tried to deflect by being like-- oh well she was just off her antipsychotics!#Like dude I don't know how to break this to you but. 1) that's a reason but not a justification for her behavior#2) She's an awful and horrible person both on and off her meds so obviously it is not the sole fault of her psychosis
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