#definitely not restart from scratch
fearamids · 1 month
🧪 why are you so mean??
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"That's a funny question - kinda makes me wonder why you care enough to ask it! Anyways, since you're just so curious, I'll let you in on a secret. I don't think I've ever been nice, and I'm exactly looking to change that either. Sure, maybe not nearly as bad and without anything to back myself up, but that doesn't mean I was nice. As to why that is, well, the only thing rolling over and playing nice gets you is killed. That and if your whole thing is how untouchable and ruthless you are, it's not exactly like you can just decide to not do that!"
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louwhose · 3 months
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Happy Pi Day! Or... is it pie day? White day?
Whatever, today is something and I'm celebrating whatever it is with this ship I'm far too obsessed with for how little screentime they have.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Stan And Barry After The Failed Heist
So, we know how Marcus reacted to Johnny not showing up at the heist, but you know who’s reactions we didn’t see? Stan and Barry’s. Two people who were equally affected by Johnny’s actions. And what’s more, the bit of them that we see after the heist don’t seem mad at Johnny in the slightest, in fact, they willingly ignore Marcus in order to continue watching Johnny’s performance, supporting him from afar.
From the bits of their personalities we can see in the two movies, Stan and Barry are clearly very different from each other. In fact, personality wise at least, Stan acts more like Marcus, with a lot of energy and and an overall confidence. In comparison, Barry acts more like Johnny, both being quieter and seeming to keep their cards closer to their chests. They both act like Marcus’s brothers, but they clearly side with Johnny after the heist. Why?
Well, it’s strongly hinted that they’ve been there for most of Johnny’s life, judging by both their and his comfortability with each other. They are his uncles, even if they aren’t blood related. They watched him grow up. They’ve been there for him. So when Johnny wasn’t there at the end of the heist, I think their reactions (and Marcus’s) probably wouldn’t be betrayal, but worry. Had something happened? Was Johnny hurt? Had he already been arrested?
So, you know what I want? I want a scene of Marcus coming back from visitation early to a very worried Stan and Barry who were expecting the worst. I want to see the yelling match that would have immediately occurred the moment Barry found out what Marcus said to his nephew. I want to see Stan having to separate the two but clearly siding with Barry. I want to see Barry calling Johnny from the prison phone just to make sure he’s ok and that he knows that his uncles are in his corner and being told all about the talent competition. I want to see the two giving Marcus the silent treatment until he and Johnny reconcile. They have Johnny’s back no matter what.
They are his uncles and love him dearly. They were watching his performance and cheering him on even though he’s technically the reason they were currently in jail. Why? Because I think they came to the same conclusion: This was bound to happen eventually. They were gonna be caught one day. And Johnny is a kid. He deserves better than this. It’s not his fault.
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gibbearish · 7 months
dont starve is kicking my ass btw
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rae-writes · 1 year
An Angel...
om demons x reader (+Simeon, Solomon)
wc : 1.k
warnings : simping bois, humor, some sprinkled suggestive comments
synopsis : a deviltok trend has the boys on their knees for you (though that’s nothing new)
a/n : this audio scratches an itch in my brain and I needed to do something with it
angel ver. 
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<Asmodeus> GUYS!!!  YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS!!!! NOW!!!!! LIKE RIGHT NOW!!!!!!
[attachment sent]
Casually clicking on the video file, his interest peaked immediately when he saw you. Clad in your RAD uniform, you were positioned in frame a couple steps back. 
“Who are you?” 
He watched you slowly stalk forward with a smile on your face; it was both reassuring and off putting. Only someone like him would be able to notice. 
“An angel…”
You held out your hand towards the camera gently, as if beckoning someone closer. 
“What’s your name?”
The transition was fast— smooth. In an instant, your hand came up and grabbed the phone, like you were choking someone, causing the frame to shake. 
Once the shaking transition stopped, with your hand still in its previous position, his mouth dropped. You had completely transformed yourself into what he assumed is your version of their demon form. 
Realistic black sheep horns protruded from your head, curling backwards around your ear and ending at your middle jaw. There were light purple extensions added here and there, blending with your hair perfectly. Your free hand had come up to splay over your malicious grin- showing off the fangs you’d added and the sharpness of your new nails. The outfit you wore was revealing- black with shiny accents and shiner jewelry - easily showing the intricate marks you’d drawn over the exposed skin. 
[8 people saved a video attachment] 
His stupidly handsome face forms the most obnoxious smug smirk imaginable 
Don’t get me wrong, he was absolutely flustered. On the inside. 
On the outside though, he radiated pride and smugness 
Like ‘yeah. That’s my Mc. mine. Eat it.’ 
Not that he would ever speak those words. Totally not
Was he also slightly bugged that Asmo seemed to be the only one who had access to this video? Sure. 
Was he gonna make sure his brothers, Diavolo, and Barbatos deleted this from everything they owned? Of course. 
But first, he’s gotta get you to dress up like that for him in person 
Mans was astonished. Eyebrows had shot through the heavens, mouth was dropped down to sea floor level, cheeks were a blazing inferno— he was in awe 
First thought : ‘HELL YEAH, MC, YA LOOK HOT!’ 
Really though, Mammon is just so in awe at how gorgeous you looked 
especially in that gold he knows he bought you
Immediately takes a screenshot of you in that getup and makes it his home screen wallpaper
Then he texts you, begging demanding you dress up like that again because he wants to make videos with you in his demon form too!
I mean, if he doesn’t get to have his hands all over you and his mouth on you like that, how will anyone get the message you’re only for him?
Someone call the equivalent of 911 for the Devildom, Levi might just be coding 
Actually- don’t even worry about it, he’s just a big puddle on the floor! No worries! 
He. Is. FLUSTERED! Flustered doesn’t even begin to cover it really- 
Levi can't breathe, can’t talk, can’t even wave his hands around frantically to express his lost words
Irl version of a windows restart. 
But as soon as he does reboot, he’s doing his best impression of Oprah into his pillow with how high pitched he’s screaming 
Would love to take a picture with you in that outfit while he’s in his demon form or have you sit on him 
He’ll send you a bunch of emojis in show of his approval but his normal skin tone still isn’t visible under the blush for hours
Smug as fuck about the audio itself. Definitely silently bragging
Aside from that, Satan is absolutely willing to kneel for you in that outfit 
He’s studied with you on seductive speechcraft but this? He was not ready
Has to take a minute to get his bearings together and to wipe that blush off his face
Satan’s actually pretty speechless for a good 30 minutes 
Not that he’d let you know. He will, however, be telling you how fucking good you looked
Wants to ask if you’ll walk around town with him in his demon form too so everyone can see 
Power couple ™— Take that Lucifer 
Azzy is on his knees in an instant- pliant and ready for you to fucking step all over him 
The moment he saw the video he was liking, favoriting, commenting, saving, sharing- everything 
He’d suggested something similar for you to do in the past but you just. 
You went light years beyond what he was expecting the outcome to be and he is here for it 
#1 supporter and immediately is coming up with different- sexier -outfits for you to wear
Will ask, beg if he has to, if you’d come have a photo shoot with him (surprisingly he mainly wants to take photos of just you) 
Admitting to anyone who listens that your beauty is absolutely on par with his 
On his way to your room right this instant- but only after he shares the video with the others 
You’d think he hadn’t ate in years with how much he was drooling but no
He was just looking at you in that outfit. Which he thought was amazing. 
You are easily the most delicious thing he’s ever laid eyes on (“Gorgeous too…”) and he can’t wait to tell you to your face 
Wonders if you’d have a tail or wings if you really did have a demon form 
Wants to ask Diavolo if there’s magic to make you a real, temporary demon form to find out
Please come to one of his Fangol games dressed like that. He’d promise to win for the rest of the season- and succeed
Overall flustered with his cute blush present, but unlike Satan or Levi, he doesn’t mind showing you 
Two words : “holy. fuck.” or alternatively : “fuck. me.”
He is sprinting- yes, sprinting- throughout the fucking house and barreling straight through your door
On his knees faster than Asmo was and is ready at light speed to crawl at your feet and wrap his arms around your leg 
All of his usual curt expressions are thrown out the window without a care in the world
No pure thoughts behind those doe eyes. Not a single one. 
Convinces you to let him take a picture from underneath you while you’re choking him to put as his lock screen because he needed it
Will not be letting you go for the next 24 hours or longer
Fakes innocence like a pro when the others accuse him of hogging you to himself (“they are mine” he snips, even though you have the metaphorical leash right now)
Mmmmmm, the silent simping is strong in this one
He was simultaneously so fucking ready and so very much not ready for that
Does not know what to do with himself for the next 2-7 business days
Had to put down shit he was cleaning multiple times before he broke something (because you actually broke him)
Straight up doesn’t even ask to show up in your room this time, he just does and immediately beelines to shove his face into your neck 
No, his ears are not red. I believe you might be color blind Mc…
Won’t outright admit how badly you affected him- he just lets out a small ‘you look lovely’ like yeah, Barb? Just lovely? 
Please wear this to the next formal event you attend to watch him lose his cool for split second intervals all night
If he didn’t have millennia of training on composure, he’d been screaming as loud as Levi 
Instead he settles for slamming his hand on his desk like that meme Asmo showed him 
Concerning his butler a bit, but Diavolo is a proud simp- he ADMITS it
Please come sit on him. Let HIM sit on YOU, for all he cares
You look so good?? What the fuck?? Marry him?? (<<exact texts he sends you)
Tries to find ways to give you a real demon form before getting scolded
Volunteers whole heartedly to let Asmo take pictures of both of you while you’re dressed like that
Ring, ring, Lucifer, he’s coming over ASAP, don’t be alarmed when he shows up at the door
Bonus : 
Fuck this man is so down bad for you
I mean, he knew that before but this is just something else, Mc, what have you done to him? 
Knows you’re still human but god does he crave having your pact mark seared into his body (it’s a guilty pleasure of his)
Maybe you’ll just create one and tattoo it on anyway
No second thoughts, teleports to your room immediately to yank you into a kiss
Door is locked- Solomon refuses to let the brothers snatch you away from him rn
Please get on top of him and show him how real your fake fangs and nails feel
Will actually beg without a fight
Thinks he should not find this as attractive as he does but the heat flooding through his body disagrees
Gets so hot and flustered, it would be concerning if he wasn’t an actual angel 
Drinks a whole ass cup of water in less than 2 seconds 
Personification of ‘hold my mf halo’ as he makes his way to your place once he calms down a bit
Yes, he’ll take pictures with you with his wings on display and yes, he may or may not be into this (and if you start a little roleplay with him? He’s ascending.)
Don’t tease and make fun of him, he can’t help it! He’s not trying to blush- though he isn’t trying to hide it either
Lies through his teeth without hesitation when he gets questioned about the faint lines on his shoulders 
Heaven’s filthiest angel, on brand
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moonlightdreamzz · 10 months
As Mark lies next to you, you can't help but smile adoringly. He's exhausted, yet he's battling the slumber that's attempting to take hold of him, just so he can affectionately gaze into your eyes. Every few minutes, his eyelids close and his head begins to sink into your couch, but he quickly catches himself, startling awake.
His hands are at a respectful place, your left hip, and yours have been caressing his cheek, scalp, and neck since the minute he laid down. This moment, although it won’t last long considering he has to leave in the morning, is so fulfilling.
“Go to sleep.” Your try your best to make your smile warm and inviting. You continue rubbing gentle circles onto him, but on his earlobe now, hoping it will be even more confirmation for him that you’re not upset at his exhaustion. His hand lifts from your hips for a mere second in protest, and you smile deviously as you know his resentment is coming from a place of deep comfort. The longer you rub, the more tired he gets, and he doesn’t want to be tired.
“I’m good. Let me just enjoy this, please. I haven’t seen you in way too long.” He wines, scooting closer to you. Your nose is on his now, and you can’t help but giggle as he begins to wiggle his eyebrows at you, as if that’s going to make you stop your antics.
“Utterly in love” is the term to describe the warm and fuzzy feeling you get whenever he’s around. He’s as perfect as a human being can be, and you’re not sure if he’s in love with you too yet, but you really hope he is. He has to feel something deeper than like with you at this point, considering instead of going back to his dorm and collapsing due to his intense schedules, he called you, begging to lay up with you because “I just wanna feel you in my arms tonight.”
You force him down on the sofa and climb on top of him, pressing his soft cheeks into your palms. In a delicate and encouraging kiss, your lips meet his, and he melts into yours. His breathing is slow and easy as his strong arms wrap around your waist, drawing you in as close as he can.
“Rest.” You giggle once you pull away. Your fingertips try to close his eyelids, and for a brief second, you believe you've won, but his doe eyes open at you again. He swallows hard, as if he had a secret to reveal but doesn't want to be judged for it.
“Say it.” You whisper encouragingly, although you have no idea what he could have on his mind. You know it will be sweet and romantic—definitely along the lines of him telling you how much appreciates you for always being so understanding, but he always says things like that to you. So what can it be?
“I think—I really think I’m in love with you, Y/N.”
Your heart stops for a split second before restarting. You're sweating profusely and itching all over, but you can't scratch because you don't want Mark to see how he's eroding your frigid aura day by day.
"I know I'm head over heels in love with you." You exclaim, exhaling a breath you weren't even aware you were holding.
Nothing else needs to be said after this. Mark smiles at you in a way that you’d never seen him look at anything before, not even himself in a mirror. His hands are on your cheeks now, pulling you in for a kiss that shows you that there is no question about it—he’s in love with you too.
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starrystevie · 8 months
18+ | modern office steddie au | cw: public sex, undernegotiated kinks, unsafe sex | crossposted to ao3 here
eddie doesn't do it often. okay, maybe that's a stretch. frequently might be a better word for it, more accurate. but he wouldn't say he does it everyday or anything. it's just a little break from the day, an escape from the monotony of corporate america.
he's only been in this new tech support job for a few months but he's already comfortable enough that working on his next novel at his desk doesn't give him anxiety anymore. he isn't afraid someone is looking over his shoulder all the time like he did when he first started with the company.
the thing is, eddie's good at tech. he's good at finding the problems, finding even better solutions. half the time all he's doing is updating and restarting people's equipment that hasn't been refreshed in years. so he finds himself with enough free time at his desk to work on the second installment of his fantasy novel when the problems seem to be at a low.
as he waits for his laptop to boot up, eddie cracks his knuckles and grabs his phone to send a text to his editor that may or may not also happen to be his best friend so he could cut back on over exuberant editing fees. he doesn't read the message over, just fires out a text to nancy quickly before pocketing his phone.
he only realizes the typo once he gets a laughing emoji in return and cackles at what he actually sent.
"getting ready to write some smut on the cock!!!!!"
it doesn't take long to send a winky face before correcting himself to say " on the clock obviously", before pocketing his phone and opening the document where his novel is. just as eddie is about to start typing, a voice behind him makes him jump out of his skin.
"what was so funny?" steve asks, arm propped on the top of his flimsy cubicle wall, legs crossed over one another, smirk on his face.
eddie forces himself not to swoon. he takes in the way his white button up stretches across his chest, dress pants oh so snug over his thighs, hair pushed back in the way that only steve harrington could pull off. he may have only been at the office for a few months, but ever since he first saw him, steve very quickly became the only thing eddie could think about.
"i'm sure you wouldn't find it funny," he starts, tilting his laptop screen halfway shut so steve can't catch him doing his other job, his favorite job, while at work.
steve smirks again, his cheek lifting enough to crinkle his eye. "try me, munson."
with a dramatic push, eddie rolls in his wheely chair and stands up so he can keep his voice low. "i sent my editor a dirty text on accident."
if steve's surprised, he doesn't show it.
"editor, hmm? for what?" his voice is as low as eddie's and it makes the cubicle feel even smaller than it is. like everything in the world has zeroed in on their whispers to each other.
"i might be writing a book. well, technically i've already written a book. this is just the sequel."
steve's eyes flick from eddie to his laptop and then back once more. "is it anything i'd know?"
he cackles again, picturing steve reading his smutty fantasy novel, eyebrows furrowed as he tries to make any sense out of the haphazard world map eddie drew for the back page. but then again, he could easily picture steve in the world he made. he'd be a prince- no, scratch that, an elven prince- just like the one he's writing about in this one.
"i do read, you know. i'm not entirely up to date with everything but i do like books." steve says it like he's almost hurt and it makes eddie look back up at him, mellowing out his wide grin into a softer smile.
"oh, i wasn't doubting that. i just doubt you read elf porn in your free time."
whatever hurt was lacing through steve's face is gone, replaced with wide eyes and eyebrows to his hairline and a bright smile pulling at his cheeks.
"yeah," he says a little breathless, "yeah, definitely not the first thing i'd reach for."
eddie gives him a told-you-so head nod and brings a hand up to run through his hair, tracking steve's eyes as he follows the motion for a moment. having his eyes on him rushes through eddie like a wave crashing and he's halfway tempted to do it again if he didn't think it would look forced.
"well you probably don't know mine then."
as he turns to go back to his chair, he hears steve cough to get his attention back, arms crossed over his chest to make his shirt pull taut over his beautiful, gorgeous, annoyingly perfect biceps. "so what was the dirty text?"
"well, it was actually a typo," eddie starts, cocking his head to the side with a smirk as he pulls out his phone, "so an unintentional dirty text. but still funny, none the less. and i don't think i can say it out loud without getting hr called on my ass so-"
he holds up his phone so steve can see the brief conversation between him and nancy, watches his eyebrows shoot back up to his hairline, watches as his mouth drops open for a millisecond before giving eddie another goddamn smirk. steve leans back, drops his arms to put a hand on his hip, and looks eddie less than subtly up and down.
"so... do you want to?"
eddie can feel the moment his heart stutters in his chest. a combination of steve's general... steveness plus the implication of what the text said and his mind travels to a dirty, dirty, not meant for work place until he pieces it somewhat together and asks-
"...are you asking if i'm gay?"
steve huffs out a laugh and takes a step further into eddie's cubicle. there already isn't much room and with him coming in the tiniest bit closer, their toes are almost touching.
"sure," he says like it's the easiest thing to say on a thursday afternoon. "it can be a two-part question if you want."
a few things run through eddie's head all at the same time:
steve's close enough that he can feel the heat radiating off of the arm he now has resting on his desk, and he's really about to come out to a coworker which he normally leaves for at least 6 months into a new job, and that he thinks he's going to pass out if steve is actually asking what he thinks he's asking.
do you want to write smut while you're on my cock?
he doesn't know where he finds the courage, honestly. call it a slow thursday, call it a little extra motivation for his novel. eddie scoots closer and throws caution to the wind.
"then yes to both."
he's never seen steve's office. he's been to the top floors before when some higher up needed him to install a web browser on his new desktop so he has kind of an idea of what the private offices look like.
eddie didn't expect the first time that he got to see steve's office would be spread out, bent over his desk with his novel pulled up on his laptop while steve runs his hands over his ass.
"here's how this is going to work," steve whispers close to his ear while he lays against his back, snaking a hand up to undo the knot of eddie's messy tie, popping open a button on his dress shirt in the process. "you stop writing, i stop fucking you."
with a hum, eddie presses his hips back, up on his tiptoes with his off brand dress shoes pinching his feet tightly. "i think i can manage that."
"i'm not finished," he bites gently at eddie's ear lobe, returning his hands to palm over his ass cheeks. "everything i do to you, and i mean everything, needs to be written down. turn me into a character or something, i don't care, but i expect you to be thorough."
he doesn't mean to moan at the instructions, really he doesn't, but it's so easy to picture steve morphing into a character in his world. his mind races trying to figure out how exactly to write him into the scene that had already started, but with a snap of his fingers as the idea clicks, he writes out a quick line and looks at steve over his shoulder for approval.
"who's sylvar?" steve asks, pronunciation clunky on his tongue.
"sylvar is an elven prince, might as well make you him. besides, you both have an s name."
steve chuckles, his breath ruffling eddie's hair. "okay, fair. prince, huh?"
he doesn't have to look over his shoulder again to know that steve's smirking so he rolls his eyes and finishes the sentence, only breaking away to gasp as steve brings his hand between his thighs to spread them further apart.
"i'm gonna take a wild guess and say that elidyr is supposed to be you?"
eddie nods and pulls his tie off the rest of the way. "let's see, he's one of the prince's newest attendants, known for being a bit out of control, gets chastised for staring at the prince's ass in his khakis too much-"
"you're making that one up, huh?"
he tosses his tie to the side and brings a hand up to tangle in steve's hair, pulling his lips down to his neck and waiting for him to get the hint and start kissing. "steve, i'm making all of it up. that's the way writing a book goes."
"is that so?" he murmurs playfully against his neck, teeth pressing against the skin as he smiles, hands yanking on his hips to get eddie flush against his cock. "...i don't see you writing."
eddie huffs and shakes his head before writing out quickly how sylvar grabbed elidyr by the hips roughly to show him how excited he was. steve takes the typing as the go ahead and quickly undoes both of their pants before running his hands up eddie's now bare thighs.
he didn't really have any idea of how well he'd be able to hold out to steve's ministrations while having to write them out at the same time, but any confidence he had in himself leaves when steve's palm cups his cock through his briefs. eddie cants his hips forward and brings his hand back up to tangle once more in steve's hair.
and just like that, the touch is gone.
"oh, come on!" eddie whines and brings his hands back to the keyboard, typing in random filler words until suddenly he has no underwear and hands pulling his ass cheeks apart.
"gonna fucking take you apart... shit," steve whispers and eddie doesn't think he was supposed to hear it, but he writes it into the scene anyway.
there's a cool dribble of what must be lube on his hole and he fights against the shiver it sends up his spine. "you have lube in your office?"
"no, i have lube in my briefcase. big difference."
eddie doesn't really see how to the two are different, but he laughs to appease steve before getting cut short as a finger starts to enter him. he must whine, must jerk or do something wrong because it's leaving almost as soon as it had arrived.
"steve, i swear to god," eddie groans, head dropping down as he types without looking. poor nancy is going to have a hell of time reading and editing over this draft.
they both sigh when the finger presses into him once more and steve weaves his other hand into eddie's hair to pull him up and look at his screen. "there you go, just keep typing. write about how good it feels."
and shit. that's hotter than he expected it to be.
it goes well for all of a few minutes, eddie typing and steve reading over his shoulder, scissoring his fingers to get him nice and wet and open. they both somehow manage to keep their composure, filthy words being muttered out loud that then end up on the screen.
it's after steve gets him cock in him that it all goes down hill.
"oh fuck-" eddie moans as his leg gets hoisted up for a better angle. steve's grip on his hip is brutal, bound to be leaving bruises, as he pulls eddie back to meet him in the middle.
his chest is rubbing against the pleather desk cover, nipples catching on just the right side of painful when steve pushes his shirt up and out of the way. his dick is flopping against his thigh with every thrust, the lack of friction driving him insane.
he swears he only takes his hands away from the laptop for a second but then steve's pulling out quickly, dropping his leg and getting eddie off balance. he whines like he's throwing a temper tantrum before bringing his fingers back up to type more nonsense, gasping when steve slides back in like no time has passed.
"read it," he huffs next to his ear, "tell me how perfect you make fucking me sound."
"oh my god," eddie croaks, eyes rolling back as steve lets go of his hip once more to pull his head upright. "sylvar fucks wi-without abandon, hitting every right spot possible inside elidyr, the heat of his h-heavy cock punishing him making him mad with lust."
"good, yeah that's good. like when i fuck you hard?" steve grunts out before pistoning his hips even faster, eddie's moans bouncing off the bare office walls. "tell me more, keep going baby."
"the grip he uses to hold onto elidyr's hair is the only thing keeping him upright. this is all he could want, tending to the prince's every desire, being whatever the prince wants him to be." eddie expects it when the fingers in his hair curl even tighter, his back bowing against the desk with the pressure, but he still keens loudly at the pull.
steve chuckles roughly, like he's barely holding on himself, hips stuttering before evening out. "is that what you want?"
"wha-" eddie murmurs, not trusting his voice much more than that, his brain turning into mush. "is what what i want?"
"want to tend to my desires, want to be for me to use however i please?"
and the thing is, realistically, eddie knows this whole thing is weird, blending his two worlds together in a way he's never done before, but it doesn't stop him from forgoing the rules and bringing a hand down to work over his cock. "god, don't stop. please, please, please..."
steve must be tired of the game, too, because he doesn't even attempt to quit what they're doing to punish eddie as he stops writing. he barely has time to appreciate that the game is finally over because the hand in his hair slides around to rest gently around eddie's throat, pulling him up so his back is to steve's chest, every thrust punching out another gasping breath.
"answer the question," he says, punctuating each word with a snap of his hips. "gonna let me use you how i want?"
eddie has died and gone to heaven and the cause of death is a mixture of steve's tongue, hands, and cock. his mind wanders to what else they could do together, what else he'd let steve do, what else he wants steve to do. he sends up a quick thank you to whoever is listening that he saw the job posting for this company so he could be here in this moment with a possible sex god in his midst.
the hand that he had braced on the desk for support makes its way up to cover steve's on his throat, a barely there pressure combined with his quick fingers on his cock that sends him over the edge.
he breathes out a "yes" as he shoots come across the stop of steve's desk and see stars dancing in his eyes. steve fucks him through it, whispers filth of what he wants to do to eddie right into his ear, and when he comes back to himself, he digs his nails in the top of steve's hand.
"want it, want you, however you want me-" he chokes out.
and when steve finally comes inside of him, eddie makes sure he bends back down with his cock still pounding into him to write some line about how nice elidyr thinks it feels to filled up from someone who probably shouldn't be giving him the time of day. he tries not to find parallels as steve kisses up the back of his neck as he rocks his hips for the final time.
eddie's bare ass is in a mixture of their come as they maneuver him around to let him sit up and wrap his legs around steve's hips, pulling their spent cocks together while they lazily make out. steve's hands dance softly over his bare thighs, eddie threads his fingers through steve's hair.
"how does it end?" steve whispers against his lips.
"i don't know yet," eddie says truthfully, his mind wandering as kisses start to trail down his jawline. "how do you want it to end?"
"i don't suppose they have bars in this elf world, do they? one where they can go on an actual date to before going back to the palace or whatever to ravage each other?"
eddie grins, tipping his head back to catch steve's lips one more time in a slow kiss. "i can arrange for them to go to the tavern. i think they'd both like that."
the next morning, slightly hungover and draped over each other in steve's way too large bed, eddie ignores a text from nancy asking why the names change halfway through the draft and wondering who the fuck steve is. eddie silences his phone and goes back to sleep, so glad that he didn't double check his first message yesterday for typos.
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49-ibr · 11 months
Writeblr Ask Game!
There are 49 kinds of magic in 49. So, here's an ask game with a question for each kind. Knowledge of 49 is not necessary to play!
1. AIR - What is your WIP's first sentence?
2. BEASTS - Who is your favourite OC?
3. BLOOD - Which of your OCs would you want to have as your child?
4. CHANGE - If you had to restart your WIP from scratch, what would you change?
5. COSTUME - How much research have you done for your WIP?
6. COURAGE - What's the last word you had to google the definition of?
7. CREATION - What was your first WIP?
8. DARKNESS - Would you rather start a WIP with no plan, or with everything planned to the exact detail?
9. DEATH - What WIP would you want to be remembered for?
10. DESIRE - Have you ever written smut?
11. DESTRUCTION - What draft are you on?
12. DISEASE - If you had to live in a setting of your creation, which would you pick?
13. DREAMS - Have you ever written fanfiction?
14. EARTH - What inspires you most?
15. ENERGY - What song inspires you most?
16. ENVY - Who is your favourite writeblr?
17. EYES - How many planning documents do you have?
18. FATE - Have you always wanted to be a writer?
19. FEAR - What is your greatest fear as a writer?
20. FIRE - What is the worst thing you've ever created?
21. FLESH - Which OC would you most like to look like?
22. FORCE - What do you use to write?
23. GLUTTONY - How many notebooks do you have?
24. GREED - If you could steal a character from any other story, who would you take?
25. GRIEF - Do you regret killing off any characters?
26. HOPE - What would be your dream come true?
27. ICE - Are you cruel to your characters?
28. ILLUSION - What is the best line of description in your WIP?
29. LIGHT - Which OC would you most want to act like?
30. LOVE - What is your best writing advice?
31. LUST - Who is your hottest OC?
32. METAL - Can you write fight scenes?
33. MIND - What book would you most want to forget so you can reread it for the first time?
34. MUNDANE - Would you survive in the shoes of your main character?
35. PAIN - Has your writing ever made you cry?
36. PAST - How much do you foreshadow a plot twist?
37. PLANTS - What is your favourite thing about the world of your WIP?
38. PRIDE - Which famous author do you think you're better than?
39. ROT - Which of your OCs is the best villain?
40. SILENCE - Do you listen to music or watch anything as you write, or do you need silence?
41. SLOTH - What kind of scene are you worst at writing?
42. SOUL - What is your favourite WIP?
43. SPACE - Do you prefer Sci-Fi or Fantasy?
44. STORMS - Do you prefer metaphors or similes?
45. STRENGTH - What kind of scene are you best at?
46. TIME - Would you rather teleport your OC far into the past or far into the future?
47. TRUTH - Do you like your writing?
48. WATER - Do you prefer urban fantasy or high fantasy?
49. WRATH - Do you prefer writing endings or beginnings?
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mindfang-srevenge · 2 months
Homestuck Kids and Which TMA Entity They're Associated With: A Second List By Static, with ADDITIONAL NOTATION That None Of This Is An Insult to Anyone
Read the first of these, featuring the OG troll gang: here
John: Desolation, and hear me out. Much like the argument I made for Sollux, everything gets ripped away from John over and over again. He loses his world, then his house, then his LIFE, then his DAD, then his FRIENDS, then his LIFE (again). John is continually losing everything he cares about, and it forms a weirdly core part of his character, especially considering the fact that he keeps repressing that loss and presenting a chipper face over it.
Rose: Eye. Rose is all about finding secrets (how she fell in with Doc Scratch) and breaking the game in the most interesting way possible. She stumbles across the game because she's looking for information about how to bring Jaspers back. She's constantly looking to shed light on secrets and discover answers, which is definitely eye-aligned. She's even willing to make a pact with the Horrorterrors to find out information about the Green Sun and the end of the game, which makes her an avatar in my book.
Dave: This might just be the overarching entity for all Time players, actually, but Dave-- much like Aradia-- is End aligned due to his reoccurring fascination with dead things. The man outright admits it several times-- he's just as fascinated by death as she is, with perhaps even a more morbid tilt than traditional archaeology. He's also a time traveler, which makes him continually privy to information about how the others will die unless he does something (with Davesprite as a noteable example). If he took on a more passive role (Knights are an active class) I think this might present itself a little more heavily, much like Aradia's connection is more prominent. Basically maybe aradia and dave should just hang outsometime they might be friends ahave we considered this yet hang on wait where are you going---
Jade: Vast, but heavily influenced by the Lonely. We can't talk about Jade without discussing the heavy influences that her isolation has had over her life, but her powers align so heavily with the Vast that that isolation takes on an entirely different context. She's separated from everyone but Bec by vast expanses of ocean. She has the ability to make things Vast or not-Vast by virtue of being a Space player. She is, once again, separated from everyone during the Yard by vast expanses of paradox space. She is continually alone, but in that alone-ness she's physically isolated, which overall pushes her from Lonely to a proper Vast categorization.
Jane: Extinction. In the alpha timeline, Jane is the herald of the end, but she's more than that. She's the heiress to CrockerCorp, the establishment that will eventually fucking TERRAFORM the entire earth-- which, if that doesn't classify as an extinction-level event, I don't know what does. Jane's also our introductory character for a dead session, wherein all of the consorts are literally extinct. Really the CrockerCorp stuff is more important, though-- Jane oftentimes remains loyal to the company, even going as far as to restart it on Earth C, despite what CrockerCorp has previously been responsible. She's constantly a herald of change, and death.
Roxy: Dark. It's low-hanging fruit, sure, but she's heavily textually involved with the obscuring of information. I DISTINCTLY REMEMBER, although I cannot find the text sources for it, that when she's drunk, Calliope can't see her, which is VERY Dark-aligned. Roxy's methods are also obscured, since she's a void player, and she's a Derse dreamer, which means her mental state is . . . also pretty dark, if just metaphorically. Due to her position in the retcon, as well, Roxy's past is obscured, lost to another universe entirely.
Dirk: This motherfucker is hard to sort, but in a pinch I think I'd say Stranger over Web. He does have definite ties to the Web-- if it were a thing in TMA, I'd say he serves both simultaneously, but that's a purely fanon construct so we're gonna play it safe. Dirk is constantly hiding his true self behind layers of masks, mirrors, and splinters. Nobody can every talk to the real Dirk Strider-- instead, they end up talking to Hal or DreamGhostDirk or some other similar entity. The puppet stuff draws into this, as well-- the original Lil Cal is Dirk's, before LE takes over the body, and Lil Cal is a horrorshow of Stranger imagery. (He's also just a horrorshow) Dirk is obsessed with building almost-human constructions (see Squarewave and Sawtooth), as well as hiding behind these constructs to conceal himself or his motives. Overall, Stranger, with heavy ties to the Web.
Jake: Lonely. Even when he's around people, Jake has trouble connecting. Whereas Jade is separated physically, Jake is also separated socially. He can't seem to make the relationship with Dirk ever work out (even if a chunk of that is Dirk's fault). He can't talk to Jane about anything, ever, especially that he's not interested in her.
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pixiemage · 10 months
I haven't seen anyone else talking about this yet, so I'm sharing a little lore bit I found on a wall outside the Glamrock Salon during my last Ruin livestream. I was doing a Bonnie% run (basically the wet floor bot glitch forced me to restart the game from scratch and speedwalk my way through deactivating all the bots in one go askjdnbajkf) and when I got to the end of the Salon section of the game, I happened to look up with the Vanny mask on and found this on the wall by the bathrooms, right before you loop through the Salon again to get into the Foxy flume ride:
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"Gone for a while. Money for food on counter. Emergency contacts on fridge."
Now, this is a level that is very Cassie-focused from the get-go. We already know Roxy is Cassie's favorite, and as the level progresses we are treated to peeks into Cassie's backstory prior to the events of the game. We see her getting her makeup done with Roxy, we see the sad aftermath of her failed birthday, we see Gregory comforting her afterward, and we then see the Missing posters with Gregory's face on them. So we can only assume this sticky note is also specifically related to Cassie's story.
We don't know much about Cassie's dad, but the game does go out of its way to mention him on multiple occasions. We know he is/was an employee at the Pizzaplex. We know he was a technician of some kind. He has a Fazwrench, he "never told Cassie what happened to Bonnie" (implying he would have known that insider information), and we also see mention of Cassie enjoying the Foxy flume ride despite the fact that it closed before it was ever open to the public.
(Granted, that last one is up for debate, because half of it was a flavor text at the bottom of the pause menu, which isn't always reliable as Cassie voice. I also can't really see someone allowing a child to be a ride tester when said ride was later closed before its open due to "safety concerns"...but then again, this is Fazbear Entertainment.)
We know Bonnie is her dad's favorite, and we know he collected the lunchboxes from the old show, meaning he's been a Fazbear fan for years.
(I also love the theory implying that Cassie's dad could be one of Michael Afton's old friends we see in the FNaF 4 crying child cutscenes, because he has the same hair, skin tone, and shirt color as Cassie and is wearing a Bonnie mask to boot...but that's not a theory for this post.)
But the one thing I always wondered was, if Cassie does have a dad back home who cares about her, then why wouldn't she ask for his help in saving Gregory? Or at the very least, why would he have just let her sneak off by herself in the middle of the day when she can't be more then 10-12 year old at best? And then I found this note...
"Gone for a while. Money for food on counter. Emergency contacts on fridge."
I think Dad isn't home right now. I think he's been gone "for a while" and Cassie has been alone. It's possible that this mystery, where he's gone, is attached to the Pizzaplex too, or at least Fazbear Ent., because this franchise never has disconnected characters be mentioned in passing so pointedly like this without it being secretly significant. Though there's not much of a foundation to build a theory on for that one just yet.
But the note and its implications ALSO echo the story that Candy Cadet tells us in the basement of the 'Plex. A single parent and their child live together in their home while a monster is locked away in a basement. The parent leaves the kid home, the monster lures said kid to the basement by mimicking a familiar voice, and then the kid unlocks the door and sets it free. It's not 1-for-1 because obviously it's not Cassie's dad that the monster at the Pizzaplex chose to mimic, but it's a definite parallel that can't be ignored.
I can't help but wonder where Steel Wool plans to go with this in the next installment, since the cliffhanger they left us on can only mean that the story isn't over yet. It's like they say...it always comes back.
[Reblog edit with additional theorizing about Cassie’s dad can be found HERE]
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lemonono69 · 4 months
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My take on Cielo. The journey I went through with this drawing was amazing! It took 3 months, the longest I’ve ever taken on one, yet somehow it didn’t feel that long. At some point, I forgot I started in October and misremembered it as November. Originally, I intended to finish it by the end of December, but eventually decided to just take my time with it. It was a huge challenge for me, and I’m so glad I had the patience to take it on. When I first thought up the concept, I went rushing to my sketchbook in a minute. Normally I take longer to visualize ideas before sketching them, but not in this case.
The initial pose was too stiff, so I asked a friend to help me fix it. It turned out most of the drawing would need to be restarted except for Cielo’s hair, but that didn’t scare me. The same thing happened with my Raidou piece from 2022, except in that case, I had started all over from scratch. I asked for his input on the clouds & rain as well. I’m grateful for his assistance with bringing this to fruition! It definitely wouldn’t have come out the same otherwise.
Time taken: October 21, 2023 - February 1; 81.5 hours total
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otomiyaa · 5 months
Re: Tumblr account termination
So, after a few months since the blog wipe, I can confirm the following pros and cons about losing and restarting a Tumblr blog.
Note: weighing in that my memory is not good / pretty bad.
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Easy to detect whether I already reblogged something before, since I need to only look for dates after Oct 24, 2023.
Fresh start, definitely feels good.
All cringy old posts from younger and less mature me are gone with zero effort.
DMs and all chat history gone. Who was I talking with? What was the last thing we talked about? If since my account loss we no longer talk because of this, I'm sorry for that.
Block list gone and forgot who were on it, but can be a pro as well.. fresh new start.
All fics and posts that had a :readmore: cut from the older editor and were reblogged can no longer be seen fully.
Posts that were not reblogged by anyone are just gone, rip.
My comments, reblogs and asks vanished from everyone's blogs and inboxes as if I never existed. If I ever gushed about your fic or fanart in reblogs and my comments are gone - I'm slowly redoing it all, but it takes a while hah.
I'm still immature and cringe.. but at least I start again from scratch.
Conclusion: Not ideal, could be worse. Have a great day y'all!
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moorishflower · 1 month
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you @landwriter for the tag <3<3<3 Answers under the cut!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 227!
What's your total Ao3 word count? I broken two million this year! :)
What fandoms do you write for? I guess you'd say my "main" fandom is still The Sandman, because that's what really started me writing again, but I'll write for any piece of media that inspires me. I've written for The Terror, the D&D movie, Dungeon Meshi, Supernatural, Sherlock, and Homestuck at various points.
Top five fics by kudos: 1. aulon raid - In which no neonazis are allowed in the New Inn. 2. Curse of the Green Hag - The one where Xenk Yendar is cursed by a hag and he and Edgin have to fuck about it. 3. Ecdysis - Undressing and armor and bathing. 4. That I Should Wedded-Be - This was my first attempt at something longer. It's definitely not one of my better ones at this point but it was one of the first ones so it has a lot more kudos. 5. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow - The one where Hob fucks Dream on his desk.
Do you respond to comments? I would really like to, but I find that I often don't have the energy, and because I want every response to be unique and thoughtful and just for that person, it means that I feel really bad if I give a simple "thanks!" and nothing else. Inevitably the bad feeling of not responding in a meaningful way outweighs the good feeling of getting the comment, so now I really only respond to comments if they address me directly or ask a question.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? the long way down maybe? It has a more open "hopeful" ending. I don't usually let things end on a low note!
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hallmark-Adjacent, I think. Literally ends like a Hallmark movie lol.
Do you get hate on fics? Once or twice it's happened. If it's happened since then I haven't been aware of it. I'm sure a lot of conversation goes on in like, discord channels and such that I don't follow. I'm not particularly interested in debating with people about the intentions or morality of my writing. I try to be as authentic and inclusive and respectful as the setting and story allow me to be, but I'm also human and fallible. *shrug* I grow and learn more every day. Expecting perfection from people is an exercise in frustration and futility.
Do you write smut?
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Craziest crossover: Wrote a BBC Sherlock/Homestuck fusion. That was fun.
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of. If it was like Cocoon or Maybe sprout wings I think I'd be really upset about it because I put so much into those, but I don't know if I'd feel particularly devastated if it was anything else. BSN, maybe. I mean it would suck? That's a shitty thing to do, but also, you're not earning any real clout or money by doing it, lol.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! A number of my fics have been translated, mostly into Russian (thanks chainsmoking and Bonniemary!), and one into Spanish (thanks Dhixi!). I'm incredibly flattered every time someone takes the time and effort to do a translation. It's an incredible art.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, though not recently.
All time favourite ship? Listen I write so much for Sandman but truthfully? Mulder/Scully. Alpha and omega ship. Don't know if anything will ever compare.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? At this point, The Whole of Love Contained is so far removed from my current writing style that I would have to restart from scratch, I think. I'm not counting it out forever, but there are other ideas I've had that I'm more interested in pursuing first.
What are your writing strengths? I really like sentence construction. The flow of it. How you can use punctuation to make it stop -- and then carry on, giving it purposeful structure. I've been told I have a talent for inserting life-altering sentences into the middle of things so that they hit you like a punch. Idk I'm bad at listing my own strengths. I like to research things a lot?
What are your writing weaknesses? Pacing, definitely, and action scenes. I always feel like my action scenes have low-stakes feel to them. And dialogue. I think a lot of people struggle to write realistic dialogue, though, so that might not just be me. Keeping the momentum going. Sometimes I'll be so focused on reaching one specific scene that I'll lose track of how to actually get there, and I'll stall out. I feel like I have a lot more weaknesses but I struggle to articulate them beyond a sense of deep dissatisfaction with my own writing, especially in comparison with other writers whom I greatly admire. I feel often like I'm churning out things that are easily-digestible and entertaining, but not necessarily meaningful, or not conveying what I would like them to do. Logically I know that "entertaining" is a value unto itself, and nothing to scoff at, but still. The writer's hubris, maybe.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? Kind of depends on what you're using it for, I suppose. I tend to stick with one narrator's POV, so it can be useful if the narrator doesn't speak that language, but we, as the readers, can pop the sentence into translate and get the gist. I tend to use that sparingly as a gimmick, though, because I'm not multilingual except in the very most basic of terms and I prefer being correct to being aesthetic, lol.
First fandom you wrote in? If you want to be technical, it was Harry Potter. But the first fandom I wrote seriously for was Heroes.
Favourite fic you've written? I'm still proudest of Maybe sprout wings. Not sure if I'll ever write something like that again, where so much of it just felt right. And it got a compliment from a writer I admired very much in Homestuck fandom, so I reckon I did something right with it.
I'll tag @arialerendeair and @dsudis because I know you've both been in fandom for a while and I want to hear your stats <3
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breachverse · 2 years
Breach: Chicago War Zone - WIP Update 12 - 20th of November 2022
I did it, only took me a few sleepless nights a bunch of head scratching and begging for Ben to come back and help me fix Breach’s coding, but, I did it!
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Breach: Chicago War Zone - 20th of November 2022 - WIP Update 12 has been released. Chapter 2 Part 1 for both routes is FINISHED! Finally, thank god, I can move on from that goddamn chapter… anyways, You may play it on the link below.
Breach: Chicago War Zone (Updated)
DEVELOPMENT LOG#12 (20-November-2022) (Public Testing)
Alpha - 12
Fixes, patches, scripts and typos
Added chapter restart at the end of every chapter (Experimental)
Tweaked relationship scaling in both routes
Finished Chapter 2 Part 1 of The AA branch
Finished Chapter 2 Part 1 of The FBI branch
Very Easy difficulty now heals 2 wounds instead of 1
Tweaked available skill points to 120 spread across 3 days (40 each)
W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The AA branch (15%) W.I.P.: Chapter 2 Part 2 of The FBI branch (10) W.I.P.: AA Hangout (5%) W.I.P.: AA Store system (21%) W.I.P.: FBI Hangout (5) W.I.P.: FBI Store system (21%) W.I.P.: Stat screen upgrade COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The AA branch (100%) COMPLETED: Chapter 2 Part 1 of The FBI branch (100%)
Word Count: 593,471 words including codes (Last update was 544,114)
Been a crazy month for me, not sure how everyone else has been but, I've been very comfortable with this progress. That being said, I need to push myself, I need to get Breach finished soon so that it'll be released next year. That is my ultimate goal.
This update focuses mainly on finishing off the romance scenes in the Archangel route of Chapter 2 Part 1, as well as finishing up the last sequence of the FBI route, finally ending my work on Chapter 2 Part 1… finally. This whole chapter has been a doozy and working on it has had me questioning my own choice of making this game two whole different stories.
… May have my regrets, but I will continue this path and finish my story how I intend to.
Just, finally dawning on me how big of a project this is with just one person. Even if I still had Ben's help, this would definitely be a huge task for me to write two stories at the same time.
That being said, it's turning up great, and the upcoming chapter lets me ease up a bit since the routes will soon converge, before diverging again.
Which means, yes, meeting your old friends. Be it in the FBI route, or in the Archangel route.
Link to the CoG Forums post
I also have a Discord server!
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satancopilotsmytardis · 8 months
In part because I think it could be an interesting combination:
Collaring + Werewolves? (If you don't want to do werewolves, I put forward any sort of monster/supernatural critter you'd like to do.)
Pairing: Shigadabi
Content: Domination/Submission, Collaring, mentions of Overstimulation and Knotting.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." His voice is way too flat to be incredulous. Shigaraki is lucky that the full moon is a week away, because if he had saved this discussion for another couple of days he's likely to have ripped his throat out. 
"I'm not kidding, firefly." And Duster looks completely at ease, the box sitting on the bed simply waits for a response. 
"I'm not your pet." He snaps. Might as well be. It's a good thing he doesn't have a tail in his human form or it would be embarrassing him constantly by wagging any time Tomura gives him his attention for something other than work. 
"No, you're my sub, I'm happy to get you a more traditional collar to wear during the day and while we're playing, but since you're always worried about your teeth, I thought this would be more fitting." His voice is calm and even, his look unwavering, and Dabi has to resist the urge to drop to his knees and bare his neck. Only human and Shigaraki still has the command to make his wolf bow. Which really makes it impossible for him to growl and snarl and flash his fangs. "I'm not trying to insult you, Dabi, if this was out of line, then I'm sorry, you don't have to accept it." Even more annoyed because he's always so good about this. Hadn't blinked about bringing a changeling, doppelganger, full-blooded fey, or werewolf into his pack. Rolled with the punches. Somehow figured out how not to get himself killed and to lead them in the process. How to keep all of them from killing each other too. Dabi hates his level-headedness. 
Doesn't manage to bite back the growl, as he looks back at the box before turning to the door. "I'll wear it on Friday. If my wolf doesn't accept it, then you're shit out of luck you kinky bastard." 
"That's fine, Dabi." Definitely smug now, because if Dabi is leaving anything up to his instincts alone, Shig knows that he's already going to get what he wants. After all, Duster already knows what his wolf thinks of him.
"Alpha," Whining already, tail still wagging against the sheets though. His skin hurts. He wants to take it off, turn into his full form. Hasn't been able to for three months. Not since he joined up with the League. Not since his Alpha said he didn't want to have to lock him up downstairs in the storage room since they didn't have a good location where they could set him loose. But when he's like this, as long as his Alpha is paying attention, he can stay in his room all throughout the full moon without feeling like he's missing out too much on enjoying the night. He can even be good enough that Alpha doesn't have to chain him up anymore, though that's still nice sometimes. 
"I know, puppy, but I wanted to give you a present before anything else." Tomura reaches for him and Dabi is very good. Stays still so that his Alpha can scratch bare fingers through his hair and behind his ear. Dabi's tail wags a little faster, completely distracted while Tomura's hand is in his hair. 
But then it withdraws and Dabi tries to restart his brain. Present? Oh! "Yes please, Alpha." Happy to take anything from him, especially happy to take something that will help keep his mate safe. 
Duster looks a little amused, but turns to retrieve the box that has been waiting on his desk for them. Dabi's tail is making a rapid swish-swish sound fill the room as his it moves against the sheets. Tomura comes back with the pretty muzzle, gleaming gold like his staples, with thick black leather straps to keep it in place. "This will just help make sure you won't bite me. It won't restrain you from talking or anything else."
His ear twitches, "Are you sure you don't want--" 
"I'm sure." Too bad. Tomura would be such a good mate if he were a wolf too. Already good to him, already a good match, but he would be even more powerful if he were a wolf. Can't help wondering if the earth would crack under his paws while they were running together in the moonlight. "Do you want to wear it for me, puppy?" 
He wants to do anything that will make his Alpha happy, but, "Kisses first?" 
Tomura's eyes soften on him. "Of course, come here, baby." Sits up a little straighter, kneeling on the bed for Alpha, so that Tomura can kiss him. He can't have Tomura's tongue in his mouth, can't nip at his lips the way he normally likes to, too risky even if he does try to be careful, but he can lick into the other man's mouth. That's good too, and every touch against his oversensitive skin is wonderful, and his need is so quick and strong when it ignites through his veins. Tries to chase his mouth when Tomura pulls away, but is restrained with four fingers against his throat that make him let out a needy canine whine. But he keeps still as Alpha slides the cold metal over his nose and jaw, the thick leather straps another unfamiliar and solid weight as they wrap around his head. It only takes him a minute or two to get it secured, and once it is Tomura pulls back to take a look at him. "Perfect, how does it feel, sweetheart?" 
If his Alpha likes it, then it's definitely, "Perfect, Alpha." 
Amused red eyes on him, but they're warm and he's smiling, so Dabi doesn't care what was funny. "I'm glad you like it, baby." And Dabi waits. But Tomura doesn't say anything, is just watching him, that amusement growing, when after barely a minute Dabi is already squirming. He wants to hunt, to run, to change. But he has to be here with Alpha, which means-- He squirms a little where he's sitting. He's been good. Surely Alpha won't make him beg? Won't make him wait through half the night before filling him up again. He tries so hard to be patient. But after another minute he's starting to whine again. 
"You're such a needy bitch on the full moon, aren't you?" 
Dabi's face heats, a whimper in his throat, but his tail starts to wag a little faster. 
"Alright, let me see how much you want it, puppy." 
More than happy to show Alpha how much. Readily turns on the bed, stays on his knees, but drops his shoulders low, hips pushed up, tail raised, presenting for his Alpha. Already naked, so when cool fingers touch his overheated skin, just the light drag of them along his bowed back, Dabi immediately spreads his legs a little wider. Lets out a loud, broken moan when Tomura wraps his hand around the base of his tail and strokes his thumb along where it connects to his skin. Only person he lets touch him there, almost took off Toga's head the first time she'd tried when he was half-shifted in a common area. But when Tomura has a hand on his tail it feels so good. Makes him want to stay in his skin for a little longer rather than keep trying to escape it.
"Good boy." Presses his face into the mattress, muzzle cold against his cheek, to raise his ass even higher. Needs his mate so badly, always needs him so badly during a full moon. The hand moves away from his tail, but that's alright because he can hear Tomura moving. Getting the lube, spreading it over his fingers, and then he's back again. Doesn't need that, not really. His healing happens so fast against anything but his flames that he wouldn't even feel it if Tomura took him without it, but Alpha doesn't want to do that. Always insists. He tries to keep being a good boy as cool fingers spread the lube over his hole, as they push inside his needy body even though he wants to rock back against them so badly. He's patient for the few minutes it takes before Alpha is satisfied with how ready he is, and Dabi's cock is already hard and dripping. Gets hard so fast, can cum so much and so often on moon nights, knows his mate won't leave him unsatisfied in spite of not having his supernatural stamina. "I think my puppy has earned a treat."
And that has him moaning and whimpering into the sheets. Means that Tomura is going to keep fucking him, going to stroke his desperate cock until he knots on nothing tonight. Then might wait for it to go down and make him knot again inside a toy. His thighs tremble, he wants it. A hand returns to his tail and gives it a light tug. Manners, oops, he forgot. 
"Thank you, Alpha." 
"Good boy." 
Feels like one when his cock sinks deep inside his ready body.
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swinjeong · 11 days
winrina tkl fic! maybe they play the game where they draw on paper pressed onto the other's back, where MJ finds out JM is ticklish on the back and wrecks her for the first time. but the other members dont know and JM always says that she isn't ticklish, so JM denies it even though that the evidence is there already
Let's Play a Game!
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words: 662
a/n: thanks for the request, anon! i hope you like it. sorry if i couldn't portray it the way you'd like.
c/w: pining (no restraints), back tickling
lee: karina
ler: winter
taglist: @itzsana-kiddingmenow @skznccmlee
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Winter and Karina were both in the living room doing their own things. Jimin was building a 1000 piece puzzle, while Minjeong was watching an entertainment show.
Focusing her eyes on the tv, she watched as the guests started playing that game where you get in line with everyone, their back facing whoever was behind them and have to write something on the person who is in front of you's back.
"Unnie, look!", she instructed Jimin to stare at the television.
"Hm? What is it?", she looked up.
"We should do this! What if a host asks us to do this live?", she worried.
"Chill, let's just do it when the time comes and someone really does ask us to play it", she chuckled and came back to her puzzle.
"No, Unnie. We have to train NOW! What if we embarrass ourselves in national television?"
"Please!", Winter gave her puppy eyes. Jimin sighed. She couldn't say no to the younger girl.
"Fine. Let's do this".
"Yay! I'll start", Minjeong got on the floor and sat with her back facing Karina.
"Okay, I'll start drawing~", she started tracing her finger along the girl's back.
"D... U... M... M... Y...? YAH! Who are you calling a dummy?", Jimin broke into laughter.
"Sorry~ Teasing you is just too funny!"
"Unnie! Come on, do it properly", she pouted, while turning her face to see Karina.
"Okay, okay, darling~"
Minjeong turned again and Jimin restarted scribbling.
"Uh... A... R... M... A... G... E... D... D... O... N... Oh, I know, I know! Armageddon~", Winter excitedly answered.
"Yup! You got it!", Jimin patted her head.
"One more time, please?"
"S... U... P... E... R... N... O... V... A... Ahh! I got it! Supernova?"
"Wait, why are you actually so good at this?"
"We're definitely gonna win this game on tv!", she said proudly.
"Now it's your turn, Unnie!"
"Okay, fine...", they quickly changed their positions.
"Hmmm, what should I write... Oh, okay! I already know"
Minjeong was going to spell the word "Katarina", Jimin's baptism name. As she started tracing the letter "K", the oldest girl twitched and plopped onto the floor.
"What the-"
"Sorry! Restart it, please"
"Wait but are you okay?"
"Yes, I just got startled. I didn't know you were beginning already...", Minjeong just shrugged it off as Jimin got into her position again.
"I'll count to three and start it, okay? 1... 2... 3...", she began drawing the letters again. But Karina just couldn't stay in place. She kept squirming around.
"Are you ticklish on your back or something?", she just blurted it out.
"What? NO! I mean, no, I am not! You know I'm not ticklish"
"Oh you definitely are", she said as she scratched the older's back, making her jump.
"WAIT! Okay, you got me. But please, don't tell the others. They would wreck me!"
"Don't worry, I won't tell them!"
"Thank you so much-", she was interrupted.
"I'll keep this only to my own fun!", Jimin gulped.
"Minjeongie, wai-", she couldn't even finish her sentence before Minjeong had already pinned her down, with her stomach facing the floor. That meant her worst spot was exposed: her back.
"Uhmmm, I wonder if you feel ticklish... here...", she started softly scribbling her lower back.
"wait dohOHOHON'T!", she tried getting away, but Winter knew a way to block her and make it almost impossible for the girl to get out.
"You're so cute! How dare you keep this from me!", she continued to tickle along her spine, making the girl constantly twitch.
"Pleheheheahahse! Nohohot my bahahack!"
"Awee, is it your worst spot, darling?", she teased with a cute voice.
"YEAHAHA! It ihihis! Pleheheahahase, have mehehercy!"
"Did you have mercy when I begged you to stop tickling me all those times? No, you did not. Plus, I'm not even being rough!"
"I knohohow, buhuhut can you behehe softer?"
"Aw, you want soft tickles, darling?"
"Yehehes, plehehease..."
You can say they had fun for a while.
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