#deimos hours are all hours <3
bootlegatreus · 2 years
I love Deimos!!! Here's a piece I finished recently!
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These next images are from April!
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ghostorbz · 9 months
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Hyperfixation merge of the year
I tried my best here to replicate the splatoon art style, I'm not sure if that really shows but I tried! Either way this was really fun, especially doing the shading on Deis hacker jacket. The tentacles were also very fun!!! I love drawing splatoon tentacles :3
When I had this idea I thought it woulldd be a good idea to have like image things AND IT HELPED A LOT!!! I tried making their outfits and stuff match them, this process took 2 hours,,, although I am VERY set on the weapon choices. They would all use these no doubt in my mind. 2B charger main canon and you cannot convince me otherwise!!!!
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You might be thinking where my drawing of 2B and Hank are since I have references of them, so here it is in an unfinished state. I didn't have the energy to finish it as the first drawing took 5 FUCKING HOURS,,,
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2B looks very cunty. At first Hank looked cunty it was so so bad,,,
Here's cunt inkling Hank aand Sanford with his eyes showing more, look how cutie pie he is :3
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I had SO much issue with Hanks tentacles. I mentally debated giving him tentacles for over 30 minutes. Ultimately deciding to give him them but it didn't look right,,, I might not even finish the second drawing anyway though
Here's some more screenshots I took whole drawing, if you're wondering I was watching lavendertownes creepydrawsta series and a video playlist of every deep cut song!
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azrakaban · 4 months
Distractions - Blaise Zabini
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A/N: Hiii! I'm not dead, as it turn out, just procrastinating and forgetting things because yk.. stress. Anyway, lil life update, I've reshuffled my life entirely, and had a lot of both boy and girl drama happen so literally my mind is all over the place! My grades are doing great though which is shocking given that I've been zoning out thinking of potential plotlines sm... I've been thinking of writing another fic, possibly a marvel one? Lemme know if that's something ya'll want to see <333
Request by ilovegilmoregurlsss , sorry it took so long lovely xx
Summary: Blaise realises that endless pining isn't going to get you to go out with him. More of a lil drabble then entire oneshot, but I'm sleep deprived and babysitting my brother so suck it up buttercups <3
Warnings: fluff, angst if you squint, bad spelling, idiots in love <3333
"Mars' moons are Phobos and Deimos, not Ganymede and Callisto. Those two are Jupiters." Blaise says, a little bluntly, peering over your work with a tired smile. You rolled your eyes and crossed them out, him looking slightly apologetic. 
"I'm sorry. I can't remember a thing, Blaise. There's so many distractions!" You gestured around the entirely distraction free library, groaning before looking down at the parchment, which wasn't filling with words magically, much to your disappointment.
"Come on yn. You can do this. You only need twenty more words and then you're done.The bare minimum, complete in a mere..." He checked his watch and frowned. "Three hours? For a two thousand word essay? Merlin we've been here too long..." He trailed off, looking down at you. You had completely passed out on his shoulder, head coming to rest in the crook of his neck. 
He exhaled slowly, trying not to disturb you. Had it been anyone else, he might have pushed them away, or been uncomfortable but... it was you. It felt comforting, warm... and just right. And that scared him even more than having a stranger fall asleep on him.
He wasn't sure how long he sat there, eyes flickering from the snow falling outside the castle, to your sleeping form on his shoulder. Around midnight, Draco and Lorenzo came looking for him, finding him perfectly content with you. 
The two of them walked forwards, opening their mouths to speak before Blaise fixed them both with a glare and waved them away, indicating your current state. They caught on quickly, both side-eyeing each other and smirking at him. 
Lorenzo made a motion like stringing a bow, and then firing it, as Draco clutched at his heart, mocking being hit and falling to the floor. He then kneeled infront of Enzo, practically making heart eyes in his state of drama. 
Blaise rolled his eyes and repeated his shooing motion, watching them walk away before sighing. He knew he had to move you - it couldn't be comfortable, sleeping upright. He almost felt guilty for keeping you there for so long. He looked down at your parchment and sighed. So close. 
Gently, so as not to wake you, he leaned forward and finished off your essay, careful to mimick your handwriting. 
You stirred for a second, before wriggling into a more comfortable position. He sighed in relief, and then grimaced. Now the hard part. Getting you to bed without waking you up. 
He gently shifted his position, letting your head fall onto his chest, He slipped his arm under your knees, and the other around your back, carrying you bridal style. You took kindly to this change in position, smiling softly in your sleep. Blaise smiled down at you, then caught himself and frowned. Smiling? At you? 
Sure, you were his best friend, and he treasured you, but that didn't mean he wanted more did it? Surely not. That just didn't make sense. You were his best friend. His funny, amazing, creative, quirky, gorgeous, beautiful best frie- oh fuck. 
Blaise groaned out loud at the realisation, first at how blindingly obvious it had been, and then second in intense worry. Was he feeling attraction, just pure teenage feelings? Maybe. But then he remembered. He knew everything about you. He noticed every little thing about you. He stored these little tidbits of information away, but why? For when? People didn't do that if all they felt was attraction to someone. He remembered you telling him that earlier in the year, when the two of you had been silently shipping Astoria and Theodore. 
You had organised a 'stake out' of Astoria and Theodore's third date, as Astoria had requested, and naturally, that meant he was coming too. He didn't remember how that date had gone. All he remembered was watching your face as you smiled, your eyes shining slightly as you watched your friend be happy.
He'd been watching you subconsiously for months now... how had it not occured to him? He loved you. But oh Godric, did you love him? Did you feel an ounce of what he felt for you? No, you couldn't that simply wasn't a possibility. And yet...
Who did you ask for help when you needed it? Him. Who's house did you stay at each summer? Granted, his mother loved you, and you loved her, but still! His house. Who did you go with to the yule ball? Him. And it hadn't been for lack of a date, quite a few boys had asked you. He remembered the discomfort he'd brushed aside when they each asked. But, in the end... you'd gone with him. 
Maybe there was a slight chance. Just maybe. Unless he'd been imagining the way you'd looked at his lips a second too long during the ball. Wait...
"What in the name of Merlin's saggy left ball sack-?" Blaise said out liud, stopping in his tracks. He quickly went silent, realising he'd spoken aloud. He looked down to find you still sound asleep, and breathed a sigh of relief. 
He had a feeling. Just a feeling, that you might feel the same. And he hoped that he wasn't wrong. 
(time skip to the next morning)
You walked into the great hall, and were quickly accosted by your favourite person in the world, Cormac McLaggen. Yippee. 
"y/n! Lovely weather isn't it? Those Cumulonimbus clouyds looking fabulous." He said with a smirk, trying to meet your eyes. 
You stopped walking abruptly, looking up at him, giving a fake smile. "You're talking about Cumulonimbus clouds , Cormac, when I'm surprised you can tell your left from your right." You looked down at his hands and sighed. He had left and right tattooed on them. You disguised a laugh as a cough. 
"What do you actually want?" You continued, biting your lip to keep from laughing. You noticed Blaise watching you from the Slytherin table, and made a mental note to go and join him in a minute.
"A chance. Look, I know that you Slytherins lost the Quidditch match, but I'm willing to put that aside and not bring it up so that you can feel better. I mean, it's not like I was surprised, you're a good chaser but just nowhere near my own skill level. Although I've only played against you once, I'll assume that it was your time of the month that made you play so badly." He bragged, puffing out his chest like an overconfident pigeon. 
"The Lion The Witch and The Audacity Of This Bitch..." You said under your breath. 
"Sorry what was that?" Cormac said, zoning back into your conversation. 
"I said I was surprised we could even see the hoops, given that your ego is so big if it was solid it would cover everything in a two mile radius. Gryffindor only won because Potter is a good seeker and you have awesome Chasers." You were stood next to the Gryffindor table, and Ginny looked up at you with a smile, mouthing 'thank you. Sorry about him.' 
You laughed and turned back to Cormac. "Anyway, McLaggen, you're not even Gryffindor chaser! Ron beat you! If it hadn't been for his injury, you wouldn't be playing. So why don't you just pack your ego into a trunk and mail it off to someone who thinks it's endearing that you won't brag over one win?" You retorted. Ginny  and a few of her friends clapped you for a second before turning back to their food, one of them cough-yelling 'misogynist' at McLaggen. You looked back over at the Slyyherin table and noticed Blaise was gone. huh.
McLaggen didn't have a reply for that, just looking infuriated. "Well if you're going to be like that, maybe I won't ask you out in future. You burst into mock tears, overdramatically pretending to cry. Cho turned around and stood up, pretending to console you. 
"There there y/n, it's okay, it's not your fault his ego is choking you alive..." She said soothingly, laughing at the expression on his face. A few other girls joined in, pretending to be overcome by McLaggen's 'manly charm'. It went on for a few minutes before Professor McGonagall told you all to settle down, but there was a fiant smile on her face. 
You sigh, looking upset as you meet his eyes. "You have the confidence of a much taller man, Cormac."
You fake sobbed one last time before hugging Cho and heading back over to the Slytherin table to sit with Pansy, leaving a speechless McLaggen far behind you. 
Pansy smiled and pulled you down onto the bench, looking around to make sure that none of the Slytherin boys were listening to your conversation before taking your hands in hers and stating quite plainly "Blaise likes you." 
You blinked a few times, processing her words before... "WHAT?" 
Pansy laughed and Astoria leaned in. "Yeah, it was kind of obvious. Earlier, he wasn't listening to Draco at all, he was just watching you with McLaggen."
"Maybe he thought McLaggen was harrassing me!" You protested, trying to ignore the rising hope in the back of your mind.
"Sureeeee. Because when you think someone's harrassing your best friend you always say 'Do you think he's asking her out? What if she says yes? I don't care if she says yes, it's up to her, it's just... McLaggen is a dick, isn't he? Not just me who thinks that?'" Astoria imitates Blaise, giggling with Pansy.
You roll your eyes at the two of them, but decide to check on Blaise, to see if he's okay.
You had spent almost an hour looking for Blaise now. Thank god for Saturdays right? And finally found him. You could have sworn you'd checked his dorm, but maybe he'd moved. He was sat on his bed, looking at something.
You crept up behind him, grabbing his shoulders and startling him, causing him to shove whatever he was holding underneath his pillow.
He looked up, seeing it was you and exhaled slowly, before resuming a glare.
"What ya looking at?" you say gently, aware you scared him.
"Doesn't matter to you. Why don't you go get ready for your date with McLaggen?" He spits out, shuffling away from you.
"What?" You look at him confused.
"You heard me. I'm sure you two will get together, and live happily ever after and raise world champion quidditch players. Look, I'm happy for you, yn, just leave me alone okay?" He says, clearly rambling.
You frown. "I'm not going out with McLaggen. After you left the girls and I cussed him out pretty thoroughly. Told him he that the confidence of a much taller man. He didn't like that." you laugh softly to yourself as Blaise turns around, attempting to form normal words but just making weird shapes with his mouth.
You laugh and put a hand under his chin, closing his mouth. "You thought I was going to go out with him?"
Blaise grabs your wrist and gently pulls your hand away from his jaw. "Looked like you wanted to to me." He didn't drop your wrist, surprisingly.
"Nuh uh. Got someone else on my mind." You say, shrugging.
He stiffens. "Who's that?" He asks, deadpan expression on his face.
You sigh. "Blaise, for a smart guy, sometimes you're incredibly dense."
You lean forward and kiss him, pulling back after a second to gauge his reaction.
Again, he's more frozen than Hermione in second year. Then, slowly, he reacts. He pulls you close by your wrist, letting your lips fall onto his again as he kisses you, holding you close. He pulls back after a few seconds.
"Now I know why you've been failing charms." He says with a smirk.
You poke your tongue out at him. "Not my fault you're distracting."
He laughs. "So many distractions yn... and yet I was your favourite one."
You smile, resting your head against his chest. "You'll always be my favourite distraction."
A/N: SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO WRITE! I've had no inspo, but finally once I'm sleep deprived I can write. *sigh* Sorry it's so late, enjoy my first Blaise one shot <3
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deimosed · 2 years
general nsfw headcannons ft. hank . sanford . deimos . doc . phobos .
warnings ; biting (hanks part) , other then that it’s not that bad
authors note ; LOL IMAGINE BEING GONE FOR LIKE 4 WHOLE MONTHS!! ikik im sorry, kinda loss motivation, but tryna get back into it! hope you enjoy <3
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𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐊 is both a sadist and a masochist. you can not tell me this man wouldn’t use his metal jaw at all while you two are goin’ at it, trust me when i say he’s gonna put it to good use.
he gets so heated when he sees his bite marks on you. he wants to show all the others just who you belong too, so expect to be marked everywhere. everywhere. he’s very territorial when it comes to his stuff, and you’re going to be included.
also LOVESS being marked on himself. he wants you to bite him until he bleeds, and he won’t take anything less. he’ll literally cum his pants immediately when you do, he also likes to show who he belongs too.
this is unpopular, but I just feel like hank would love to be bottomed out. you on top of him bouncing on his hard cock is a sight for sore eyes for him, because he knows full well he could take control if he really wanted to. he could quite literally pick you up and flip you over in seconds, but you have him wrapped around your finger so much that he lays there and enjoys himself. another note, he’s known to be quite selfish, so it makes since for him to lay there in lust while you do all the moving.
but don’t get me wrong, that doesn’t mean he’s in it for himself either. hank absolutely adores to see your face in euphoria. when your eyes roll at the back on your head as he fucks into you makes it intoxicating for himself as well. he’s so determined to have you yell out his name, and rivals at the fact that he’s the one making you feel good. it gets him going so much, the fact that you come to him to fuck you raw and no one else, because no one can do it like he can.
speaking of feeling good, this big guy has so much stamina that you both will be goin at it for HOURS. he’ll stop when you stop ofc, but man.. if you refuse so tap out you are GONE by the time he’s finished with you. hank has so much pent up aggression that the only way he can let it out is by killing (ofc) and fucking. when he’s so built up in lust, that’s all he can think about when he sees you. fuck. fuck. fuck.
WEAR HIS STUFF. this will drive him absolutely wild. hank is a very big dude, so seeing you in his jacket that very clearly to big for you does…something for him. not only that, but it transfers his scent onto you, which he adores. swear if he sees you in one of his spare shirts, you will not escape his grasp for a while. loves to fuck you while you wear his clothes, it honestly might be one of his main kinks.
loves to manhandle you, so expect to be tossed around in a lot of places. he won’t be too rough to the point where it’ll hurt you, but just know the both of you won’t stay in the same spot or the same position for long. does not care if you make a ruckus because of this, either. in fact, he wants others to hear what y’all are up to, so that they know not to mess with what’s his <3
𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐃 is a bit more tame out of the group, but don’t let that fool you. he can be an absolute freak if you so wish.
he has such a size kink. man comes in a huge package, so seeing you underneath him as he can quite literally just hold you down with one hand has him feel things he’s never had before. loves the fact he can just bound both your hands with his big one.
speaking of size, san-man loves to see just how well you can take him in, despite you being so small. he praises you and tells you that you do such a good job for him, and seeing the bulge in your tummy as he pushes in all the way has him seeing literal stars. cannot fathom how amazing you look.
this guy lives to serve, lemme tell you. we already know that sanford is a very determined man, so when he has his mind dead set on something, best believe he will get it accomplished. that includes marking you cum as many times as he can! he loves seeing your face and hearing the noises you make.
adores giving you head.. literally could stay down there all day and night if he could. he gets so drunk off the way you taste, and get even harder when you finish in his mouth. he just wants to taste you over and over and over again.
PLEASE suck and play with his chest. dude is big and buff, so he has a lot of body to love and share. he gets so flustered and riled up when you do, it’s one of his sensitive spots. when you lick and squeeze his pecks, he always has to stop you because before long, he could finish right then.
also, if you want to turn sanford on? be soft to him. seriously, seeing you all sweet for him drives him WILD. he’s so vanilla, and he kind of takes pride in that. he doesn’t just want to have sex, he wants to make love. so make sure you kiss him, and whisper to him that he’s doing you so good. hold him tight and close. he will lose his damn mind.
switches up so easily, it’s humorous. we all know sanford to be quite loud and boisterous; always feeling the need to announce himself. be it friend or foe, you know when he’s in the room by the sheer boom his voice develops when he speaks. don’t let such an action fool you, however. when you both are alone, you can tell sanford is feeling lustful by his tone. he gets quiet and, funny enough, a bit shy. also not that loud in bed because of this, but you don’t mind. in fact, it’s actually quite cute how you can make such a loud man go quiet at the sight of you. <3
𝐃𝐄𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐒 is a whore. plain and simple. doesn’t give a shit about it either, everyone likes what they like, right? he may be a cocky and flirtatious dude, but once you get him in the sheets? it’s all fair game from there. that person that was teasing you constantly in front of your co-workers is completely separate once you tend to his needs and wants.
firstly, he his the exact opposite from sanford when it comes too vocals. when he’s out and about, his voice is so raspy and low, which of course comes from all the smoking he does. even when he shouts while he’s on the field, it’ll take once or twice before deimos is heard. but once you get him in bed? that’s a whole nother story.
this guy is so damn loud. to the point where it’s actually a bit concerning. you sometimes have to even cover his mouth or shove your fingers down his throat to get him at least a little quieter, because just telling him is not gonna do it. but hey! it’s not like he minds… perhaps he even gets loud on purpose because of this ;)
just about anything can turn this guy on. does not matter where you are, what time of day it is, he will make sure you KNOW when he wants to get down and dirty. ofc he’s not gonna force you if you ain’t up to it, but if and when you are, best believe he is dragging you to the nearest (semi) secluded place so y’all can take care of business.
speaking of semi secluded places, because of this sluts sex drive, he ADORES quickies. like i said, the bare minimum of what you do can have him hard as a rock in seconds. it’s also the thrill that gets him going, too. the meer fact that someone can walk in as deimos is pounding into you (or the other way around) is both nerve racking and exciting to him. he finds pleasure in someone knowing just how y’all fuck, and that it’s only meant for the two of you. they want of piece of you? well too bad! he has you all to himself.
mutual masturbation is his main kink.. deimos is aware that he has a nice body, and is very aware that you like it. he likes that he can turn you on just as much as you do him. he especially likes the way you ogle at him as he sits in front of you, pants down to his knees and his shirt lifted up, pumping his dick with his hand right in front of you. he likes feeling wanted, but loves knowing what he does to you. he also loves seeing your body too! sit across from him and let him watch as you go at yourself too, he’ll lose his mind.
deimos LOVESSSS to be manhandled. when he does bottom, he wants you to be rough. choke him, edge him, move him around like a rag doll, etc. the sheer amount of times he’s cum in his pants back to back is wild, lemme tell you.
speaking of cum, he cums a lot. so much. he can’t help it, honestly, and he’ll do it just about anywhere. inside you, on you, on himself, he likes em all. deimos is also a somewhat shellfish person in my opinion. i mean, he’s been through so much, you can’t blame him for wanting to feel good, right? you make him feel so good, he just can’t help himself when he cums for the 3rd time in the last 20 minutes. but oh, don’t worry! he’ll make sure he returns the favor
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ninjamasterbcadef · 3 months
Just had a terrifying thought, what if Ordis wasn't being hyperbolic?
In the secret Cephalon fragment recordings Ordis says he's killed enough people to create "a colossal moon of rib and skull". He was probably exaggerating but what if he wasn't?
The mass of the smallest moon in the solar system, Deimos, is roughly 1.5×1015 kg. The average human weighs around 70 kg. Doing the math that's roughly 21 trillion people killed to make this corpse moon.
This is an incredibly large number but honestly isn't entirely impossible.
For starters he wouldn't have had to do this all immediately, people in Warframe live for an incredibly long time. Darvo is 105 and is considered to be a teenager. If we assume Darvo is roughly 18 in our years then it's entirely possible he would've 4 to 5 centuries to complete his genocide rock.
Now about kill counts. During the Solaris United ARG it's stated that the Tenno killed 7 million Corpus in 3 hours. In order to reach 20 trillion corpses in 500 years Ordis would need to double that kill count. It certainly isn't possible for him to do it all personally but given that he was the Commander of a mercenary company distinguished enough to have one of its members offered the kuva it's possible he could've indirectly caused that many deaths with armies, bombs, starvation tactics, and other means.
Since he did this during the Height of the Orokin age which sees the Origin System as severely overpopulated its possible there were this many people around for him to kill.
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saltymongoose · 1 year
player with kitten sneezes
Player with kitten sneezes
Player with K i t t e n S n e e z e s
This, I can do. Hope you like these short hcs, Anon! <333
(Also, just another note, the second set I had planned is gonna be way longer than I thought, so I'll be posting it tomorrow instead of splitting it into parts. :))
The Player Sneezes Like a Kitten ft. The Main 3 + 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, this is quite fluffy)
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Even if you discussed the anatomical difference you had with grunts with your boys from time to time, you never got around to explaining everything about what your body parts do.
If you add this to the fact that grunts don’t exactly have noses like most creatures in your world - so to see or hear anyone doing anything similar to sneezing is incredibly unlikely - it made for a real surprise when your vessels actually heard you do it.
- [2BDAMNED] -
2BDamned had just paused in the middle of sipping his coffee when the noise of your sudden inhale and sneeze reached him, and at first he was met with confusion and slight concern. Your short apology and sheepish look is the only thing that told him that it was from you, and that it wasn’t at all intentional.
(Of course, Doc is always fascinated with little traits and actions that come from humans, so he quickly pulls you into a discussion about what exactly that was. It lasts for many hours, and he now has a full file on his tablet about sneezes and human noses alone, thanks to you.)
However, after that revelation, he realizes that the way you sneeze is honestly really cute. It's enough to make him look at you and chuckle fondly whenever you do it, silently noting how adorable you are before returning to his business. It seems everything about you just makes you more adorable to him.
A part of him is even tempted to record the sound of it, but unless he deliberately makes you sneeze, he knows being given the opportunity to do is unlikely. Plus, he has enough self-awareness to realize that being so entranced by a "sneeze" could be considered sort of foolish.
But the thought is very tempting to him. (He can almost convince himself that it would just be just another resource to use to study your species, but to no real avail.) You always end up making him a lovestruck fool in some way, so he supposes this is no different.
- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos was more confused than anything, and to be honest, he didn't think the noise actually came from you at first so you can't fault him. It also didn't help that he was half asleep when it happened, which only made his disorientation worse.
("-What the hell was that?" You heard his raspy voice call from across the room, thick with sleep as he drowsily rubbed his face and looked at you. You raised a brow, and then he asked you if you'd heard it as well, and you couldn't help but laugh.)
He was stunned when you let him know that it was you that made the noise, and embarrassed by his rather crass reaction. He literally thought it was an animal and now he feels bad for making that mental comparison in the first place.
(Deimos also mentally scolds himself over this long afterward. Lucky for him, you actually thought it was more funny than anything.)
He's quick to point out how cute and kitten-like you sound, cooing and awing over you with an affectionate look on his face. You'd call it teasing, but it's too genuine to be even the slightest bit mean-spirited. Instead, it just makes you blush, which only makes him fawn over you more.
(You really must have no idea how adorable you are to him, he concludes. Otherwise, you'd realize that this is just a fraction of how he feels about you.)
He almost thinks it's unfortunate that these sneezes are relatively uncommon; any chance to compliment you on anything you do is one he'll take as soon as he can. Besides, he knows you appreciate it. Your flushed cheeks tell him all he needs to know.
Sanford falls more into the territory of being concerned, since if you suddenly make an unfamiliar noise, he thinks something must be going wrong with you. It usually wasn't good to jump to the worst conclusion, but if it's your safety at risk, you can bet he's going to.
He saw you sneeze as well, so he was immediately at your side to ask if you were alright, even placing a comforting hand on your shoulder to reassure you. You laughed at his worry and waved him off, explaining that it wasn't unusual for you humans.
Now that he knows it's normal, he's relieved, but this leaves room for him to speculate on how it actually sounds now. He's not surprised to hear that it's a unique trait to you; you're the Player, of course even this sneeze of yours would be special (if anything that makes it even more fitting). What's weirder to him is the fact that he actually finds himself awing over the noise of it so much.
It must be weird to enjoy hearing your sneeze; it's not like you put any effort or anything into it, and it wasn't even that big of a thing to begin with. It was just so cute though, and he catches himself thinking about it later with a dopey grin on his face.
(You're his crush, of course he'd find himself falling further for you with every little thing you do. Or at least that's his justification for doing exactly that.)
Unlike Deimos, who openly fawns over you when you do sneeze again, Sanford won't give a very large reaction. However, if you happen to glance at him shortly after you do, you'll catch him staring at you with a warm smile and an almost love-sick gaze. He can't help it; you've always proven yourself as someone to be admired and loved, even if it's for something as simple as sounding like a little kitten when you sneeze.
Hank, on the other hand, wasn't really that surprised at all. Why? Because he'd already heard you sneeze once before, when you were still separated by that computer screen of yours and you controlled him from afar.
(On that note, he is also one to gloat about being the first to hear it. The others find it insufferable, but he genuinely delights in making it clear just how close you two were before any of them. You've had so many "firsts" together, and he believes it's his right to make it clear that it's just one thing that makes you both so naturally close. Closer than any of the others in your group could ever hope to be with you.)
Hank thought your little sneezes were adorable even before hearing them "in person"; they reminded him a bit of a small cat, and if anything, it's a detail that just makes him fawn over you more. (You have one of the traits of his favorite creatures, if anything this is a sign you were meant for him.)
Hank won't even think about making you sneeze or anything like that, but you will find that he's a tad more affectionate than usual after you do so. He just can't stop himself pulling you into a tight side hug or giving you a quick nuzzle whenever you do something cute, and this is no exception.
You find it hilarious that his hands shake even when you do something so involuntary, and while you do know that your sneeze is "kitten-like" from the many comments of your chat, you'd honestly say that Hank is more comparable to one. He's the one who always seems to loudly purr when you show a reaction to Nevada's dusty buildings, after all.
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gazingstarsabove · 6 months
IDEA I GOT AT 4 AM, SORRY IF GRAMMAR IS MESSED UP– HC's of how the fellas would drive!!
–·Hank is not the best driver, think we all can agree on that. He's either always hitting a hundred miles per hour or he's going slug slow, like there's no in between. Hold onto your seats because this man is probably gonna crash at every turn! Does not have a driver's license, nor the knowledge about anything related to cars tbh
–·Ngl but Sanford would be decent, prolly had been a get away driver a couple of times before. In the SQ they'd always pick him to drive, unless he's drunk, that is. I really do feel like he'd have a driver's license but the cars he drives do NOT have any plate number so uh
–·Deimos uhhhhhhhh, he'd drive a motorcycle more than a car my instincts just tell me this guys trust me. But overall he'd be okay, definitely not any better than Hank though. He smokes even when the windows are closed and the AC is on, while you're just choking beside him. Does not have a license
–·Do I really have to talk about Doc? Look, he might be smart and be a (unlicensed) doctor but man, mf gonna be tripping on the wheel. The trunk is probably gonna be open and he wouldn't NOTICE. Claims he has a license, but obviously does not
–·Tricky doesn't need a car, he can go underground and just zoom. He'll probably eat the tires of the cars though, says their very chewy and the flavors differ from car to car. Will literally just sit on the roof of the car while you're driving, you probably won't even notice. Obv does not have a license.
–Auditor would not be the one driving, he has hired agents and get away drivers incase an ambush or anything else happens. He's usually in one of those long ass black cars that only have 3 or 2 people inside, has his own wine collection inside(and soda's). But he won't give you some. I don't really think him having or not having a license would be any different because- it's not him driving!!!
–·The Sheriff knows how to drive, a little bit better than Sanford since he is the sheriff ykyk. If you were to ever sit on the passengers seat, he'll treat you like a damn passenger princess. Will rest his hand on your thigh, tells you to get stuff from areas he can't reach. But overall is a pretty good driver. He has a driver's license, may or may not have some beers behind the trunk.
–·Jeb would be a nice driver too, just don't expect him to talk much. He gets his priorities straight - fixes the rearview mirror, the gears in the right place, his pace not too fast nor too slow, checking his blind spots when backing up. He can be ur personal driver, if he thinks fondly of you. He's a good driver, but mostly just levitates or floats around. Has a license
–·Director Phobos would be much similar to Auditor, maybe they'd even gossip sometimes when they're in the same car. Though unlike Auditor, Phobos is much more talkative, and he has a lot of sass too like goddamn. It's a friday evening and he STILL complains about either the weather or his "great" plans in Nexus Core. He gets out of the car like a princess, one hand on his cape, one hand on the agent's hand. Careful not to trip on his 6 inch heels.
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Can we get a reader that was born and grew up on an island/archipelago with either the main 3 or 4. For example, Philippines or Hawaii?
People in the madcom x reader section when I post
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Not only that, but the boys are going on vacation or something better (also slight nsfw warning for Deimos cuz he’s a bit of a perv) Hank:
He wonders what your life what like in what is considered to be a paradise according to the majority (perhaps he’d like to go there as well)
If you offer to take him to your home country, he has so many wonders
When you first arrive at a sunny beach, he feels like he just escaped hell and what feels like to him, heaven. Oh wait.
I hope you agree with his pleas to stay (apparently, this scary ass mf tries to act all cute and gives you the puppy eyes cuz he really don’t wanna leave)
Shia LaBeouf voice: DO IT! JUST DO IT!
Sanford always dreamed of leaving Nevada and staying at an expensive apartment by a warm sunny beach for the rest of his life so he’s jelly
If you plan to leave Nevada with him and go to your childhood home, he’ll be the happiest man alive
He flops down on the soft hot sand and breathes out a heavy sigh. He finally had his dreams come true
He’s more playful and enthusiastic. Also splashing you with water when you least expect it and swimming around the shoreline like some professional swimmer (headcanon that this dude’s athletic. After all, he’s jacked up)
After the day ends and you’re both tired. He holds you very close to him and peppers your face with kisses. This is his way of saying “thank you” and that his love for you skyrocketed higher than Snoop Dogg
“Wait if you’re from an island? Could you take me there?! Please! Please! Pleeeeeeease!” (Yea Deimos is the most childlike out of the main four)
If you take him to your home country, he’ll be more ecstatic than a sugar addicted kid who drank 5 bottles of Coca Cola.
Bro saw you in your swimsuit and he’s just there staring at you and drooling like damn (his mind: Lemme smash)
He is very rowdy and wild when you guys visit the beach and he acts like a child all day until the sun sets, then he’s knocked out after his excitement rush
Like Sanford, he’s also jealous. He has to work for 3 annoying, psycho men in a crazy and corrupted environment while you got to relax at a beautiful beach
If you tell him that you and him are gonna leave to go to your home, he’ll love you forever cuz he is so ready to be done with his old job for good
He has a foodgasm when trying exotic foods native to your homeland (he’s tired of eating that stale metallic mush that’s basically the only food he’s allowed to eat in Nevada), and he doesn’t take his eyes off the views of the beaches for more than 2 hours
If you rent an apartment with big cozy beds, best believe he’s holding you extremely tight when you’re sleeping with him
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veryobsessedchild · 2 months
Intro Post:)
So I finally decided to create an intro post:) Maybe I’ll add art of me at some point, who knows.
First of all, what can you call me? So, I’m not really comfortable having my actual name out here on the internet, idk why, maybe so that people I know in real life don’t find me🫣 Anyway I still want my internet friends to have a name to call me, so just call me Amber or Am (I honestly really like the nickname😣) Idk why I explained all of that, but I’d feel bad if I didn’t clarify that Amber isn’t like, my legal name lol😅
Pronouns:) My pronouns are they/she. I think that I prefer they, but if it’s easier for you, I’m ok with she too.
INTERESTS!!!! So my main two overall interests are theatre and space, but I will get into shows and books sometimes too, but they usually have some kind of connection to theatre or space that gets me into them😅
Here’s the theatre part:3 Some musicals that I like are bmc, rtc, beetlejuice, heathers, hamilton, once upon a mattress, the lightning thief as well as literally any Starkid or tcb musical:) If you like theatre you should totally be my friend🤭
Space part!!! So I really need to emphasize just how much I love space. It’s so cool to me, and I could probably talk about it for hours!!! My favorite thing to learn about is probably the different moons in our solar system. Some of my favorite moons are: Titan (absolute favorite<3 please talk to me about the Dragonfly mission🙏), Luna (our moon, please talk to me about the Artemis Missions🙏) Io😻, Triton, Phobos, Deimos, Europa, Enceladus and Charon<3333 Also, it’s not just moons I like, it’s literally ANYTHING space related (like the Voyager Missions too, I loveeee those😻😻😻) so if you like space at all pleaseeeeeeee talk to me🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Some other general interests now:) I really like Percy Jackson so I’m also into mythology, I like dinosaurs and learning about evolution and animals and basically anything cool in science😽 I also like history and geography, and I think that it’s worth mentioning that I memorized all of the country flags of the world as well as where all the countries are on a map just to prove that I could because I’m just oh so normal😅
Erm…so I’ve seen people put their mental disorders on these so yeah, I’ll just say. I’m not diagnosed with anything nor has anyone told me that I should try to seek a diagnosis, but I don’t think that I would be horribly surprised if not everything was working correctly up there😅 Anyway, putting this here so that you guys can educate me if I say something stupid.
Random things now:3 I make art (mostly fanart), and I’d love you forever if you interacted with it🫣 I also wanna start writing fanfiction but I’ve had some trouble being motivated so if I do make anything, it may end up being on the shorter side. I’m also open to my mutuals messaging me so if you wanna be my friend (that’d be so cool😣) please message me!!! I love friends!!!
If you read all of that, I am thoroughly impressed. Ik that I have too much to say about myself but it’s my blog so yeah😅
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can u please do 2bdamned x reader but they have the same music taste? sorry for bad english!! :3
Your English is fine :]
Doc x Reader - tunes n chillin (in other words, yall gonna like MY MUSIC TASTE lol)
Hello there, the angel from my nightmare, the shadow in the background of the morgue.
The base was relatively empty, everyone else off doing who knows what, killing who knows who, leaving you plenty of space to zone out into your own world, music on in the living room while you doodled away in an old sketchbook. A ballpoint pen was the only tool you had on hand now, but the deep black strokes added weight and character to your art.
The unsuspecting victim, of darkness in the valley. We can live like Jack and Sally if we want, where you can always find me.
Scrawling what came to mind, the song inspired you to roughly doodle the main Nightmare Before Christmas characters, the gaunt and oddly handsome Jack Skellington, and his sweet patchwork lover Sally. Oh to have a romance like theirs would be a dream.
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas, and in the night we'll wish this never ends -
"We'll wish this never ends." You looked up from your art, seeing Doc nodding his head along to the music. "Hey, it's a good song." He shrugs when he notices you watching him.
Some weeks later you were in your room, exhausted from dragging around some guy whom Sanford was currently torturing information out of. To drown out the noise, you'd placed a CD into the player and flicked through an old manga, something about a cosmic horror planet coming to devour the earth.
I'm just a normal boy who sank when I fell overboard. My ship would leave the country, but I'd rather swim ashore. Without a life vest, I'd be stuck again. Wish I was much more masculine, maybe then I could learn to swim like fourteen miles away.
Your door was currently non-existent, Hank had ripped out part of the hydraulic seal during a half-MAG rage, so currently only a curtain served as your privacy. Privacy which was often ignored by the lads.
The curtain swayed as Doc stormed in, he wasn't wearing his mask and his displeasure was evident. "Trying to break passed some firewalls is incredibly difficult with all that fucking noise Sanford is making. I'm used to some level but his current toy hasn't stopped screaming his lungs out for two hours straight. I can't even think right now!"
You looked up from your lounging position. "Yeah, that's why I put music on. It's not like I can shut the door." Doc sat on your bed, going back to debugging and unencrypting.
"I'll get it sorted when I have the parts, I promise." You knew why he'd come to your room, it was the furthest from Sanford's makeshift torture chamber in the storage room. Well, that was half of why he'd come. In truth, the old dog had grown rather fond of your company.
You two had a few bits in common, music taste for one, and the differences were good talking points, clashing viewpoints being a discussion rather than an argument. It was nice, yes, he enjoyed being around you.
Now floating up and down, I spin, colliding into sound, like whales beneath me, diving down. I'm sinking to the bottom of my- Everything that freaks me out, the lighthouse beam has just gone out. I'm cold as cold as cold can be... Be...
As you flipped through the gruesome pages of your manga, you paid little attention to your surroundings, the music and all else just melting into background noise.
I wanna swim away but don't know how-
"Sometimes it just feels just like I'm fallin in the ocean." And there it was again, just barely above a whisper, Doc's voice mixing with the vocals.
You couldn't help but smile, his rugged voice was rather lovely when singing, Deimos was right. Dei secretly admitted to you that Doc used to sing him to sleep when he was young, it was nice to finally get to hear it.
"You sing pretty well Doc."
"Hm? Ah." You could see his cheeks turn red, his gaze averting from you. "Thanks. You wanna know something funny? Your playlist seems to have a lot in common with mine. Rather a lot in common."
"Really?" You smiled at him, he seemed to shift uncomfortably under your watchful eyes, his cold exterior slowly giving way to a hidden sweetness. "You'll have to share it with me sometime, we can just listen together for a while."
"Hm," Doc rubbed the back of his neck, giving you a shy smile. "I think I'd like that."
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crossxroads · 2 years
Have you got hcs for main 3 with a s/o that is extremely skilled in melee and unarmed combat, but they find out that its to make up for their sheer incompetence with a firearm? Sorry it was so specific...
And I fired, and then I missed, then I fired again. And I missed—
Can’t Even Hit the Broadside of a Barn Main 3 and Melee!Reader
He knows that you’re very skilled and a capable fighter, able to no-sell and deal with people way more armored and armed with you. He’s also, absolutely in sheer disbelief at how much of a lousy shot you are. Like, seriously, how???
He, at first, thinks you’re pranking him. 
But then it turns out, no matter what firearm you’re given, you just. Can’t hit anything.
“Are you seeing this shit, Sanford?” “Still working on believing it.”
He’s met new recruits that can’t hit a bottle at 5 feet, but somehow, you manage to not hit anything at all, no matter what you aim at. 
It doesn’t matter how close or how far, you somehow manage to shoot 90 degrees while looking forward. 
He ends up trying to science it (I.E. Writing it down, and screwing around, which is pretty much science) and ends up giving up 2 hours in.
It’s okay, he still loves you a lot. Please leave the shooting to him while you go crack skulls together.
So, the Number One Bastard of Nevada™ finds this fucking hilarious. If you’d been anyone else he would’ve laughed in your face and then executed you so goddamn fast. But! As his SO, you are very dear to him, so he’ll just laugh all wheezily and watch the chaos unfold.
He keeps handing you guns.
They really shouldn’t be, but whenever there’s a lull in the fight you can bet like, 3 dollars that Hank’s gonna find some rifle or a shotgun and plonk it into your hands. 
Please keep trying to kill things, this is the best entertainment he’s had since Deimos accidentally lit Sanford’s pants on fire. 
You have like, 0 accuracy. If you aim at something, someone else will die.
He really thinks it’s funny that some poor unsuspecting bastard gets kneecapped or body-shotted by the worst gunperson in the history of Nevada.
They take little notes on the things you’ve hit accidentally.
(40 windows, 33 cars, 16 light poles, etc, etc)
Hanks likes to show it to Doc so the guy can let out the most aggrieved sigh.
Hank prefers to watch you fight anyway, and with you not shooting and fighting purely on melee and hand-to-hand, it allows him to have more bloodshed when it comes to his targets as he’s an all-rounder sort.
The lack of accuracy on your side of things is just a really funny bonus.
Like Deimos, he’s pretty much in disbelief. 
He loves you a whole lot, but seriously, this whole situation is bonkers. At least you keep a lot of melee weapons on your person and can fight back with your punches and kicks, it eases the anxiety..
At least you have good trigger discipline, but at the same time, you are just a walking hazard if you have a gun.
Will you hit a wall? A vehicle? Himself? Yourself? He doesn’t know! You don’t know! The moment you pull that trigger, anyone’s a potential casualty. 
In terms of sheer chaos, you with a gun lives in his nightmares rent-free. 
It’s also funny as fuck, but he’s only laughing until after he gets to a safe cover and doesn’t need to worry about getting accidentally murdered.
He wonders if “A weapon that fires projectiles” counts as a golf club. You can use it as a melee weapon, but what if you tried aiming a grenade at someone?
—The grenade ricochets off two walls.
—Sanford screams.
—Deimos screams.
—You scream.
—It blows up a transport vehicle.
—Don’t do it.
He’ll give you a consoling pat, but just plainly asks that you never pick up a gun ever again, please, and thank you.
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ya-killin-me-smalls · 9 months
2BHankmos headcanons like I promised last night
had stuff going on today so didn't get to this until now
under the cut <3
it's like that one meme about dad not wanting a dog but then dad and the dog
except dad is hank and the dog is a clone
starts out as just 2BHank but Doc gets attached fast
doesn't help that Deimos has a massive crush on both on top of being a Hank fanboy
Hank doesn't care at first because it's not like him and Doc are dating dating (they are), but Doc keeps him in the loop regardless
the turning point for Hank? Doc seems happier. he's more relaxed, smiles more often. him and Deimos connect on an emotional level that Hank can't always keep up with but seeing his partner happy makes him happy
that fondness extending towards Deimos is only natural, and eventually Hank corners him in the hallway to inform him that he is now their shared boyfriend. the flustered excitement is contagious and it leaves Hank's hands shaking even though he does his best to play it cool
as with any relationship, it takes them a little time to learn how to navigate each other. they all have different boundaries and love languages but having Deimos in the mix now helps to pick up where the two were previously lacking
Doc feels less neglected with how his and Hank's lines of work keep them separate so often
Hank enjoys having someone that talks to him constantly out in the field and is always excited when he gets back to base after being gone for a while. he hadn't even realized how lonely it was out in the desert sometimes
Deimos feels secure with the two of them. both offer opportunities for growth physically and mentally while still grounding him and bringing a little peace to his chaos
conversely, Hank's quiet presence is always appreciated in Doc's lab. possibly the only person that can sit for hours on end and not say or more importantly touch anything. Deimos is allowed in too but he is On A Timer because he is Distracting
sleeping arrangements were difficult at first. they tried Hank in the middle first, which ended with one of the other two draped over his torso to reach the third by morning. Doc simply does not want to be in the middle because it's claustrophobic in the dark. and Deimos is a stomach sleeper so that on top of having two grown men on either side was smothering
the solution? Deimos sleeps partially on top of Hank and Doc. which works out great because Nevada is cold at night and Deimos is a walking space heater
there are arguments. almost always about something stupid. Hank breaks things up by just picking up whoever is getting the most heated and moving them to another room. Doc keeps a spray bottle on hand (for mostly comedic purposes). Deimos has no skin in the game and will switch between who he backs up depending on what makes the least amount of sense
they have an unending game of tag going on between them. Hank and Deimos take it beyond seriously but Doc will kiss one of them on the cheek and politely inform them they're It. safe zone is the bedroom because sleep would complicate things
there are two ways to show affection: 1) tender, gentle touches. chaste kisses. praises whispered between them like they're afraid of someone eavesdropping. warmth and safety and peace. 2) sparring matches that leave someone with a limp and the other spitting blood. over-the-top, exaggerated displays of brutality that paint cities red as an act of devotion. constantly putting oneself in harm's way to protect the other two. teeth and claws and violence
Hank likes to listen to Doc and Deimos argue about nerd things
in The Bedroom it's always a battle of wills. Deimos more often than not loses said battle, but it isn't rare for Hank to somehow have even less patience at times. Doc, unwavering, has willingly conceded only a handful of times
I can elaborate more on The Bedroom in another post if people are interested but I like to keep mature topics separate for the most part
Deimos is a clothing thief and getting things back from him is like herding cats. he's lucky he's cute
Hank handles Deimos and Doc like they're made of glass whenever they're having a moment. he'll hold their hands or caress their faces so gently and kiss them until they're flustered and out of breath
Doc flusters easily, possibly more so than Deimos, the difference being that he goes out of his way to not get caught in those situations. it's an unspoken game between Deimos and Hank to see who can get him blushing and stuttering the most before getting shooed out of his office
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
Oh man I just had the funniest thought.
Madness Combat Player au, but the player is a speedrunner.
The boys get taken for a ride through cutting corners and clipping through the map to make it to the end of each levels, practically flying through them by all the bunny jumping and other shenaniganery the Player is making them do.
Gestalt gets one-shot instantly by a physics object and Hank gets launched into the stratosphere. Deimos and Sanford walk through a door and suddenly there are thirteen copies of them filling in by behind. Jeb now has infinite power balls and Tricky is permanently stuck following the crew around.
In a way, it’s true Madness.
You know, I actually thought about this on multiple occasions and how hilarious it would actually be. Funnily enough, I even checked for speedrun records for the 'Madness: Project Nexus' game only to find very few submissions for that category. There's not even a submission for normal mode! But if a Player DID play the game and was sharpening their skills to take all of the crowns in every category, it would be SO thrilling for the vessels. Once the speedrunner takes control, each vessel suddenly feels a powerful burst of adrenaline and their heartbeat skyrockets. They hear the sound of a stopwatch in their ears and the strings that attach to their body just keep screaming into their minds "FASTER FASTER FASTER!!". The vessels obey. They just breeze past all of the enemies, popping them off with practiced accuracy and each item and room is carefully blasted through with practiced routine. They don't even know how they're reflexes have heightened up to a point that they know where everything is and how fast they're moving through Nexus City.
It's fast. It's thrilling. It gives them a rush. It's straight up addicting. The pulse that thunders in their chest as they run through the streets as everything is blazed past them and how fast their enemies are going down. It's like they're in the middle of a high or trance as their body moves with such perfected movements. The Player even makes them break through some sequences and skip some areas entirely. Much to their vessels surprise. Dialogue is skipped over rapidly that the grunts in question could barely utter a word. All the vessels can hear is their own rapid heartbeat and the same word being uttered again and again. "FASTER FASTER FASTER!" The strings feed their minds the demand of the Player and the vessels continue. Bosses fall without as much as a hit on your chosen vessel. Stunlocking and comboing them until they are below a certain range before dodging and reattacking in succession. The vessels can only pant and keep up the assault as the Player guides them with tenacious accuracy. Then...the vessel blinks...and suddenly... Gestalt itself falls. Phobos is slain shortly after that and it feels like the world has passed in a sudden furious blur. A mission that would've taken possibly days to complete...was finished in mere hours. The vessel hears the clock stop ticking the moment Hank falls into a heap in his own blood. The demands for speed suddenly stop and the vessel falls to their knees to catch the breath they lost long ago. They look around in a confused manner. Barely remembering much about what happened on their journey. Their heartbeat finally falls into a natural rhythm as the strings leave the vessel's body and they collapse onto the ground. In the muddle of their mind, they swear they can hear a voice cheering happily...and it sounded familiar...? "Yes! Sub 3 hours! The WR is mine!!" The giddy sounds of the player's voice make the vessel smile in relief as they slump to the ground. Exhausted, but thrilled at the same time. What a rush...
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blazing-dynamo · 2 years
I spent the night making a Listening Guide for the 8th Doctor for my partner, and figured I would share. I made it as a checklist in iOS. The numbers/abbreviations are connected to my Plex Audiobook server so might not line up with the names/numbering of the official releases.
8th Doctor Order
Charley Era
Main Range
- [ ] 16 - Storm Warning
- [ ] 17 - Sword of Orion
- [ ] 18 - Stones of Venice
- [ ] 19 - Minuet in hell
- [ ] 28 - invaders from mars
- [ ] 29 - Chimes of Midnight (Christmas Special!)
- [ ] 30 - Seasons of Fear
- [ ] 31 - Embrace the Darkness
- [ ] 32 - The Time of the Daleks
- [ ] 33 - Neverland
- [ ] 50 - Zagreus (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 52 - Scherzo (best one bring tissue)
- [ ] 53 - Creed of the Kromon (new companion!)
- [ ] 54 - The Natural History of Fear
- [ ] 55 - The Twilight Kingdom
- [ ] 61 - Faith Stealer
- [ ] 62 - The Last
- [ ] 63 - Caerdroia
- [ ] 64 - The Next Life (Season Finale!)
- [ ] 72 - Terror Firma
- [ ] 75 - Scaredy Cat
- [ ] 77 - Other Lives
- [ ] 80 - Time Works
- [ ] 83 - Something Inside
- [ ] 88 - Memory Lane
- [ ] 101 - Absolution
- [ ] 103 - The Girl that Never Was (Season Finale. End of Era.)
Charley Era Bonus content:
Charley is a fan favorite so she has a whole bunch of side content compared to the other eras.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] CPFA1.01 The Mummy Speaks
- [ ] CPFA1.02 Eclipse
- [ ] CPFA1.03 The Slaying of the Writhing Mass
- [ ] CPFA1.04 Heart of Orion
- [ ] 8DA1.00 Living Legend
These are Charley stories made after the end of Charley’s era. Charlotte Pollard the Further Adventuress is brand new. Living Legend was like a year after she left (don’t fact check me)
Main Range
- [ ] 111 - The Doomwood Curse
- [ ] 114 - Brotherhood of the Daleks
- [ ] 116 - The Raincloud Man
- [ ] 124 - Patient Zero
- [ ] 125 - Paper Cuts
- [ ] 126 - Blue Forgotten Planet
This resolves the charley cliffhanger. She travels with the Sixth Doctor for some timey wimey further pissing off of the web of time. If you still don’t have enough Charley she has her own series that follows after her adventures with Sixie.
Main Range
- [ ] 123 - The Company of Friends
- [ ] 153 - The Silver Turk
- [ ] 154 - The Witch from the Well
- [ ] 155 - Army of Death
Eighth doctor in the main range without Charley. 123 is with his comic/book companions. The others are the Mary Shelly companion stories! Fun fact he mentions these travels as just happening in Storm Warning so they are a direct prequel.
Main Range
- [ ] 100 - 100 (technically only in part 4)
- [ ] 275 - End of The Beginning
One offs
- [ ] The Light At The End (50th anniv special)
The Legacy of Time
- [ ] 1 Lies in Ruins
- [ ] 2 The Split Infinitive
- [ ] 3 The Sacrifice of Jo Grant
- [ ] 4 Relative Time
- [ ] 5 The avenues of Possibility
- [ ] 6 Collision Course
This chunk is all big anniversary cross overs that feature charley. Some with 6. Some with 8.
Companion Chronicles
- [ ] 4.12 Solitaire
Short Trips
- [ ] 2.8 Letting Go
- [ ] 5.8 Foreshadowing
- [ ] 6.11 The Man Who Wasn’t There
- [ ] 9.11 Hall of the Ten Thousand
- [ ] 10.8 These Stolen Hours
Classic Doctors, New Monsters
- [ ] 3.4 If I should die before I wake
This last selection is all small short stories that take place during the Charley Era.
Lucie Era
Eighth Doctor Adventures
8DA Season 1
- [ ] 1, 2 Blood of the Daleks
- [ ] 3 Horror of Glam Rock
- [ ] 4 Immortal Beloved
- [ ] 5 Phobos
- [ ] 6 No More Lies
- [ ] 7, 8 Human Resources
8DA Season 2
- [ ] 1 Dead London
- [ ] 2 Max Warp
- [ ] 3 Brave New Town
- [ ] 4 The Skull of Sobek
- [ ] 5 Grand Theft Cosmos
- [ ] 6 The Zygon that Fell to Earth
- [ ] 7 Sisters of the Flame
- [ ] 8 Vengeance of Morbius
8DA Season 3
- [ ] 1 Orbis
- [ ] 2 Hothouse
- [ ] 3 Beast of Orlock
- [ ] 4 Wirrn Dawn
- [ ] 5 Scapegoat
- [ ] 6 The Cannibalists
- [ ] 7 The Eight Truths
- [ ] 8 Worldwide Web
8DA Season 4
- [ ] 1 Death in Blackpool
- [ ] 2 Situation Vacant
- [ ] 3 Nevermore
- [ ] 4 The Book of Kells
- [ ] 5 Deimos
- [ ] 6 The Resurrection of Mars
- [ ] 7 Relative Dimensions
- [ ] 7b An Earthly Child
- [ ] 8 Prisoner of the Sun
- [ ] 9 Lucie Miller
- [ ] 10 To the Death (end of the Era)
Lucie Era Bonus
8DA Season 5
- [ ] 1 The Dalek Trap
- [ ] 2 The Revolution Game
- [ ] 3 The House on the Edge of Chaos
- [ ] 4 Island of the Fendahl
This season is technically not an 8DA release but is called “the further adventures of Lucie miller” and takes place before Human Resources. But I wouldn’t slot it there, and instead just listen as a bonus.
Short Trips
- [ ] 3.8 All the fun of the Fair
- [ ] 6.4 The Curse of the Fugue
- [ ] ST7.7 Flashpoint
- [ ] SST 2014-06 Late Night Shopping
- [ ] SST 2013-03 the Young Lions
- [ ] SST 2015-12 The Caves of Erith
Liv and Helen Era
Yes technically this was the Molly era but she got too famous between dark eyes part 1 and 2 so it’s really Liv’s Era, and Helen joins soon after. This era is a string of box sets so basically just Dark Eyes >Doom Coalition >Ravenous > Stranded, but what follows is a checklist so you can keep track.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Dark Eyes
- [ ] 1.1 The Great War
- [ ] 1.2 Fugutives
- [ ] 1.3 Tangled Web
- [ ] 1.4 X and the Daleks
- [ ] 2.1 The Traitor
- [ ] 2.2 The White Room
- [ ] 2.3 Time’s Horizon (Hello Liv!)
- [ ] 2.4 Eyes of the Master
- [ ] 3.1 The Death of Hope
- [ ] 3.2 The Reviled
- [ ] 3.3 Masterplan
- [ ] 3.4 Rule of the Eminence
- [ ] 4.1 A Life in the Day
- [ ] 4.2 The Monster of Monmarte
- [ ] 4.3 Master of the Daleks
- [ ] 4.4 Eye of Darkness
Doom Coalition
- [ ] 1.1 The Eleven
- [ ] 1.2 The Red Lady
- [ ] 1.3 The Galileo Trap
- [ ] 1.4 The Satanic Mill
- [ ] 2.1 Beachhead Track
- [ ] 2.2 Scenes from Her Life
- [ ] 2.3 The Gift
- [ ] 2.4 The Sonomancer
- [ ] 3.1 Absent Friends
- [ ] 3.2 The Eighth Piece
- [ ] 3.3 The Doomsday Chronometer
- [ ] 3.4 The Crucible of Souls
- [ ] 4.1 Ship in a Bottle
- [ ] 4.2 Songs of Love
- [ ] 4.3 The Side of the Angels
- [ ] 4.4 Stop the Clock
- [ ] 1.1 Their Finest Hour
- [ ] 1.2 How to make a Killing in Time Travel
- [ ] 1.3 World of Damnation
- [ ] 1.4 Sweet Salvation
- [ ] 2.1 Escape from Kaldor
- [ ] 2.2 Better Watch Out
- [ ] 2.3 Fairytale of Salzburg (Another Christmas Special)
- [ ] 2.4 Seizure
- [ ] 3.1 Deeptime Frontier
- [ ] 3.2 Companion Piece***** See Below
- [ ] 3.3 LEGEND
- [ ] 3.4 The Odds Against
- [ ] 4.1 Whisper
- [ ] 4.2 Planet of Dust
- [ ] 4.3 Day of the Master 1
- [ ] 4.4 Day of the Master 2
I highly recommend skipping to the Bliss Era before Companion Piece. They were released simultaneously and have a crossover in companion piece and it makes it better. But you could always “Spoilers sweetie” and find it out later.
- [ ] 1.1 Lost Property
- [ ] 1.2 Wild Animals
- [ ] 1.3 Must-See TV
- [ ] 1.4 Divine Intervention
- [ ] 2.1 Dead Time
- [ ] 2.2 Unit Dating
- [ ] 2.3 Baker Street Irregulars
- [ ] 2.4 The Long Way Round
- [ ] 3.1 Patience
- [ ] 3.2 Twisted Folklore
- [ ] 3.3 Snow
- [ ] 3.4 What Just Happened
- [ ] 4.1 Crossed Lines
- [ ] 4.2 Get Andy
- [ ] 4.3 The Keys of Baker Street
- [ ] 4.4 Best Year Ever
Liv and Helen continue into What Lies Inside and Connections, but I don’t have it yet so I don’t know the episode names.
Liv Era Bonus Content
Main Range
- [ ] 149. Robophobia
Liv was actually an almost-companion for the 7th doctor. She told him no, and kicked herself until the 8th Doctor showed back up.
The Robots
Liv’s Spin off. Takes place during Ravenous 2 when the doctor has to leave her for a year. I haven’t listened yet so I don’t know the titles but there are 6 seasons of 3 episodes
Ninth Doctor Adventures
- [ ] 2.3 Hidden Depths
Crossover with the Ninth Doctor Range.
Short Trips
- [ ] 7.1 The World Beyond the Trees
Bliss Era
Aka the Time War! Can technically be listened to whenever because it doesn’t directly reference things but it’s best after Doom Coalition, but Before Ravenous.
Eighth Doctor Adventures
Time War
- [ ] 1.1 The Starship of Theseus
- [ ] 1.2 Echoes of War
- [ ] 1.3 The Conscript
- [ ] 1.4 One Life
- [ ] 2.1 The Lords of Terror
- [ ] 2.2 Planet of the Ogrons
- [ ] 2.3 In the Garden of Death
- [ ] 2.4 Jonah
- [ ] 3.1 State of Bliss
- [ ] 3.2 The Famished Lands
- [ ] 3.3 Fugutive in Time
- [ ] 3.4 The War Valeyard
- [ ] 4.1 Palindrome 1
- [ ] 4.2 Palindrome 2
- [ ] 4.3 Dreadshade
- [ ] 4.4 Restoration of the Daleks
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mochidom · 10 days
FAIRIES HEIRS (The Mikazuchi)
Masterpost here!
Both the children of Kagura were adopted. She has dedicated her life to Mermaid Heel and then later her kids and she just never saw the purpose of a long relationship, a marriage even less;
In X80X, as Kagura was on a mission following the traces of a new prominent dark guild, she stumbled upon a burnt village in ruins; As she was about to leave, she heard cries and followed the sound, and they lead to a toddler and a baby in nursery;
Her initial plan was to save the babies and bring them to the orphanage, but the journey changed her mind. Taking care of them for the three days from Deimos to Margaret City unveiled a maternal spirit in her she did not think she had. She ended up keeping them when she realized they were all crying when the lady of the orphanage wanted to separate them. She adopted them formally a few months later;
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The toddler who was not older than 3 when she found him was a little boy with dark hair just like hers. She had found him hugging tightly the other baby, trying to protect her the best he could;
Kagura named him Malachi Simon Mikazuchi after her brother who just like Mal had tried to protect her;
Malachi is very calm and logical. A very talented mage and even better tactician. He is very plan-oriented and will not do anything out of spontaneity;
100% introverted, speaking to anyone that is not in his close circle is basically a death sentence for him;
Also, whenever people talk to him, they think he is being facetious or even sarcastic but no most of the time, he is dead serious;
Kagura is the exact definition of Mama bear. She forced him to wear a Lacrima-camera for the duration of his first mission and she was also watching the live feed sitting on a tree on the literal location of the mission;
They’re very close to each other and there’s not a thing Mal would not tell his mother.
When he grew up old enough to wield his magic correctly and commit to a guild, Kagura decided to let him reluctantly go to Crime Sorciere and entrusted his care and training to Jellal. (Mermaid Heel being a women's guild only, Kagura as headmaster could not let him join the guild. Mal is still an honorary member and everyone there considers him a nephew.)
Even though he lived in Magnolia with the Scarlet-Fernandes when he was younger and now in an apartment with his roommate Hayeis Cobra, Mal makes it a point to go visit his mother whenever he can;
Him and Minaelle are blood siblings and seeing the hardships they both went through, it's not surprising that they are very close;
*His birthday is not exactly accurate so it was decided that the day of his adoption would be his birthday.
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Erza always say that Minaelle stole Kagura's looks and personality to a point, Kagura might as well birthed her;
Minaelle takes a lot of pride in that comment because in her eyes, no one is better than her mother. The girl almost idolizes Kagura;
Just like her brother, she is very introverted, maybe a bit more than him;
She is a perfectionist and strives to be the perfect swordsman. Kagura offered to her a katana named Raiak when she was 10 years old and she never leaves the house without it;
So so so diligent, she trains exactly 3 hours a day without fail and has a routine that she respects dutifully;
Kagura, sometimes worry about the fact that she is so serious and won't make a lot of friends but that worry is quickly forgotten when Minaelle makes besties with Siegria Scarlet-Fernandes;
Sierra is an anarchist but Mina thinks she is cool and just happily follows her around;
Her nickname is Minnie but only Siegria, her mom, brother and maybe Erza and Minerva occasionally are allowed to call her that;
Kagura is over the moon that hers, Ezra's and Minerva's children get along so well;
Any other guild than Mermaid Heel was never an option for her;
*birthday is not exactly accurate but based on the doctor’s examination, she couldn’t have been born more than three days before Kagura found her September 8th;
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saltymongoose · 2 years
This has been on my mind so much lately, what if Player in fancy clothes? like... maybe a suit or those fancy dresses with a slit on the side(s)? How would the boys react?
I can just imagine Deimos being extra flirty bc of it and Hank just having to stand there and control himself before he overheats from flusteredness, as well as Sanford's going all shy n stuff about it and Doc is basically speachless...
Heres a drawing of what I mean
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Also lil bonus with my take of their reactions, added the two other quartets <3
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Omg, this looks so good! The Player is definitely gonna turn some heads all dressed up like that. And the three quartet's reactions are really cute too, I love how much character you portrayed in each little iteration of them. Excellent job on this, I love it! :D <3333
I also believe that, considering how having to dress up for anything in Nevada is extremely rare, most of its denizens don't really think about something like that very often. (Perhaps only when imagining your possible wedding?) So when you do actually decide to dress up for whatever reason, it's even more surprising. There's that additional question of how and why you did it, combined with the realization of just how stunning you look. It's a little overwhelming for them, as you can tell by the way they go red when you reveal your new outfit to them.
You're definitely right about how Deimos would be very flirty with you at that moment, but I also think Doc would give his own little comments after he's gotten over his surprise. Nothing as obvious (or borderline indecent) as Deimos' flirts might end up, but with how you can feel him gazing at you like you're the only person in the world, it's hard not to feel a tiny bit flustered. You're spot on with Sanford and Hank as well; any compliments that Sanford makes are given in almost a whisper until he figures out what exactly to say, with almost a hesitant undertone. It makes you giggle, and if you tease him he'll probably get even worse. (Even if making you laugh makes him feel a lot brighter. Especially when the others give him a pointed glare for it.)
Hank doesn't speak at all, content to simply stare and admire you. (Though he will stand next to you protectively if anyone tries to touch you. This includes people in his own group.)
Since you brought him up in your second pic, I think Phobos would have the exact opposite reaction; he wouldn't shut up about how good you look. It seems that all he speaks are elaborate compliments, even bragging about you to any Nexus worker who's close and having them acknowledge your beauty as well. But he also gets weirdly angry when they look at you for too long, which is another thing. Jeb is a lot like 2B in his genuine compliments, though he's probably very reverent in his words if that makes sense. Hofnarr is even more shy than Sanford would be though, probably not even approaching you until hours after he first sees your outfit, just so he has time to compose himself and compliment you properly.
(Also, you've provided a new outfit for the Nexus Agents to make art of you in, which causes quite the stir in your dedicated fanclub lol.)
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