#delete trending topics
hivepixels · 4 months
a good rule of thumb is that if an artist has been on tumblr for over 6 years they probably were a homestuck. i still get whiplash seeing old hs art from big names like worthikids and shelby cragg lmao
SO AWESOMEE mimiadraws asianartiste timsel-fanarts sticksandsharks and japhers were huge inspos to me as a teen I LOOOVE THIS PIPELINE
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I'm an A-Level student and so many of my classmates use ChatGPT for essays in Law and RS and stuff - like, they sound proud of themselves, as if they're cheating the system and being clever? Just makes me feel very bleak. What are we doing man
Well, the unfortunate news for them is that they are going to struggle if they make it to uni.
This is the big problem with AI - it cannot analyse a single thing. If I were to say to you "What are the features Tumblr users would most want and why?", you are a human being with a brain and experiences and decision-making skills, and you could probably sit and come up with an answer. You would base that answer on things you personally find lacking, or want to see; you would also base it in things you have seen others bemoaning on the site.
For example, I reckon I'd say something like:
The permanent ability to boop people with a cat paw, which is implemented as opt-in. Also customisable, so you can choose whether you want a random cat paw to appear on your screen each time it happens to you. Also a different animation for super boop/evil boop, and maybe more boop options than those two, and maybe also different paw colours.
Actual enforcement of hate speech rules. We all agree to them when we join, so it's perfectly legal to delete someone for spouting Nazi shit AND YET.
No more banning or censoring queer folks' accounts
More ability to adjust the interface for disabled bloggers, e.g. colour and contrast, font, layout, switching off moving GIFs or other animations by default, etc.
Tag editing, it's frustrating having to delete whole tags.
Tag memory! Where have my tags gone??? For a year now I have slightly better luck on desktop, but for the most part, which of my tags are remembered by autofill and which are never, ever offered to me has been wholly divorced from how often I've used them. And my tags are often lengthy and odd, so it's become much harder to use mobile.
No data scraping. This is the anti-cap site thank you. Also on that note, get rid of the For You section and any other algorithmic tracking, because it's just as likely to show you a Nazi blog as an anti-Nazi one as long as you have spent any time at all discussing Nazism.
Better blocking ability, on that note.
Better search function
I could go on, but you get the idea. That's analysis that I've done, based on discussions I have seen and taken part in, and my own experiences.
I just asked ChatGPT. Here's what it had to say:
"Tumblr users have diverse preferences, but there are several features that many users would likely appreciate: 1. Improved Content Discovery: Tumblr is known for its vast array of content, so improving content discovery mechanisms such as personalized recommendations, trending topics, and enhanced search functionality can help users find more of the content they enjoy. 2. Enhanced Customization Options: Tumblr users value the ability to customize their blogs extensively. Providing more themes, layout options, and customization tools can empower users to express themselves creatively and make their blogs unique. 3. Integration of Multimedia Formats: Tumblr is a platform where users share various types of multimedia content, including images, GIFs, videos, and audio. Enhancing support for different media formats, improving media upload and management features, and optimizing the viewing experience can enhance user engagement. 4. Improved Mobile Experience: Many Tumblr users access the platform via mobile devices. Therefore, optimizing the mobile app for better performance, usability, and feature parity with the desktop version can greatly enhance the user experience. 5. Community Engagement Features: Tumblr has a vibrant community, so features that facilitate interaction among users, such as improved messaging, reblogging, tagging, and commenting functionalities, can foster a sense of community and increase user engagement. 6. Content Moderation Tools: Given the diverse content on Tumblr, providing users with robust content moderation tools, including options for filtering, blocking, and reporting inappropriate content, can help ensure a safer and more enjoyable experience for all users. 7. Monetization Options for Creators: Many Tumblr users are content creators who would appreciate opportunities to monetize their content. Introducing features such as ad revenue sharing, subscription-based content, or integrated e-commerce capabilities can incentivize creators to produce high-quality content and invest more in their Tumblr presence. 8. Accessibility Features: Improving accessibility features such as alt text support for images, screen reader compatibility, and customizable text sizes and color schemes can make Tumblr more inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities. 9. Privacy and Security Enhancements: Enhancing privacy controls, data protection measures, and account security features can help users feel more confident and secure when using the platform, which is especially important given concerns about online privacy and security. 10. API and Third-Party Integration: Opening up Tumblr's API and allowing for easier integration with third-party services and apps can encourage innovation and development within the Tumblr ecosystem, providing users with more options and flexibility in how they use the platform. Overall, focusing on improving content discovery, customization options, community engagement, and user safety while also providing opportunities for creators to monetize their content can help Tumblr retain and attract users in a competitive social media landscape."
It's possible that feels alright, on first glance. But take a closer look.
Every point made is vague, and disconnected from any real life examples. In the very first point, it thinks we want better search functions (yes!) but also more algorithmic recommendations (no!). It wants us to have personalised recommendations AND better security, in fact, which are incompatible - but an LLM doesn't and can't know that. Monetisation of the platform is something that has historically faced appalling backlash from users, and this thing is suggesting ad revenue sharing and subscription services.
Because, its suggestions are generic suggestions. These are not Tumblr-specific. No mention of queerphobia, no mention of Nazis, and absolutely zero understanding of what the specific users on this site actually want.
... all of which is to say...
It's what is academically known as descriptive work. It lays out some facts, but there's no depth, no analysis, no interpretation of those facts at all. Why would we want third party integration? What apps are we calling for? Give examples. Would that aid ad-blocking? Search functions? In that case, wouldn't third-party integration be tackling the symptoms and not the cause? Shouldn't we work better ad-blocking and search functions into Tumblr at a base level?
And in school - even up to A Level - that's okay. You won't get top marks for that, because it's all too vague and too descriptive, but it's fine. School-level assignments tend to be more broad and less applied, too, which LLMs fare better with.
But in university, you start with descriptive facts, and then you are expected to analyse. If you cannot analyse, you run a very real risk of failing. Which means if you've spent your GCSEs and A Levels not bothering to learn those analytical skills and letting ChatGPT do the work for you, you are going to face an extremely uphill struggle when the expectations of study increase.
So, to round off, try not to get too discouraged. You know you aren't doing it, which means you are the one actually learning and developing and growing. Others will learn eventually, and probably more painfully. You do you!
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aces-and-angels · 3 months
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edit: i hit the image limit for this post, so any new additions will be included here
the tag is starting to get kinda crowded (great problem, dw). i just thought compiling them all here would make things easier for everyone to find! all of the art displayed below is free to use for the purposes of promoting vetted gfm's here on tumblr. no credit is needed unless specified (marked = ***). if you have any questions regarding how to craft a post using any of the art provided -> please do not hesitate to reach out to me! note: please press follow post as i will most likely need to update this masterlist from time to time.
some info is below the cut on how to best utilize this material. please read it in its entirety before using any artwork. thank you 🖤
learn how to make art for this project here:
this project has gained a lot of momentum and has shown very promising results. the level of engagement once art is attached to a vetted gfm increases significantly. you will see what i mean as i have linked example posts of how to best use these pieces to help families in need.
i currently have a list of over 20+ families that i am spotlighting in my own personal progress tracker (the list has gotten so long that i now need to make a second version to accommodate all the families trying to get in contact with me).
this art campaign boost is truly meant to be utilized by anyone. i would sincerely appreciate it if y'all could take some time and pick maybe 1-2 people from this list and use the art below to create your own signal boost posts on the families' behalf. as someone who is periodically tracking their progress- i know that donation rates have slowed for a number of them. i am one person and can only do so much on my own. the essence of this initiative is to get more people to mobilize as a collective. it will take everyone to get on board in order for these families to be able to reach their goals. that means spotlighting their accounts/campaigns periodically.
you need to keep up the momentum.
the individuals you are helping currently live in areas with minimal internet connection, meaning it is very difficult to spotlight themselves on their own. especially since this site is continuously suppressing/deleting their accounts. they need you to interact with their content. tumblr isn't like other social media sites. it's known for being very 'anti-algorithm' and it's common culture for many of us to not really care about our levels of engagement (i.e. follower count/amount of notes per post). it's very hard for your own content to "break" your inner circle of followers and gain traction if the topic of the post is not "popular" or "trending" these families are not operating on this site the same way you are. you may be using this platform as a means to "just vibe" but they are using it as a desperate attempt to raise essential funding to save their lives. the importance that their posts be elevated cannot be overstated. anyone who has ever created any sort of og content here knows how quickly a post can die out if no one interacts with it. this cannot happen with them.
tips for making your own signal boost post* (*for vetted campaigns):
-> make it easy to read + eye-catching: the problem i am seeing when you search many of these families' accounts is that their "tag" (username of their account) is full of the same types of posts (i.e. a generic response to their initial message to another person on tumblr) <- aka it is very easy for people to tune out which is the opposite of what we want to happen. creating your OWN posts in response to their asks allows the art to appear FIRST when people look up someone's account via tumblr's search bar, which will attract more attention to their accounts. it also forces people who are making these posts to actually sit down and read the stories they are sharing with the rest of their mutuals/lurkers alike -> include verification sources: the main reason people are searching for these accounts is b/c they are trying to see if it is okay to reblog/share their campaign with their own following. if you address this plainly and early on in your post that includes artwork -> people are more likely to interact -> tag the account you are promoting: please include the families' account as one of your #'s so it will appear when you search for their names on tumblr. also try @'ing their account in your post so it'll be easier for these families to find your work. some of them are incredibly new to the platform and may not be aware of all its features. something that you may find intuitive may not be as easily understood for these individuals. your role is to make them as easy as possible to find for others so they can gain more support. --- don't have time to type out a whole post for a family on their behalf? -> interact with one of theirs! attach something nice/helpful to their posts so it is more readily available for others to share. the same rules apply from above. as i said before, some of these accounts are brand spanking new and are not formatted in the same ways as others that may be more well-versed on how tumblr operates in terms of promoting their campaigns. (for example: even if the account has been vetted/verified by multiple trusted individuals- the owners of that account may not know to include that info in their posts about their campaign every single time they post. you can make their lives easier by including that info for them by reblogging one of their og posts and adding the necessary info on their behalf)
you can also find a more comprehensive list of vetted campaigns by el-shab-hussein/nabulsi here <- their list is now over 200+ with several campaigns that are "in the red" (very low in funding). please do not hesitate to try to spotlight anyone from this list as well!
el-shab-hussein also has a masterpost pinned here with additional campaigns (including those for other countries like sudan)
alright i've explained enough- time for the art!
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artist: @rhq274 | @rhq2744 *** free to use, credit required meet raghad (read and share full post here) Hello, I am Raghad Qanou, a medical student from Gaza City. My people and I have been subjected to genocide for more than 230 days. My family and I have lived through various types of torture and inhumane conditions. This link is my only chance for me and my family to escape death and try to start over. This is not easy. But we are trying, and we would be happy to have you help save our lives and our future. instructions to utilize artwork: those who wish to share raghad's art MUST do ALL of the following: -> follow raghad on tumblr @rhq274 | @rhq2744 -> like + reblog one or more of her posts seen on her account that promotes her fundraiser (you may also include additional art shown below to help further boost her campaign; see example) once those actions detailed above are completed, you may use raghad's art to promote her campaign. *if you are utilizing this art for another campaign that is not raghad's -> you must also mention + link her fundraiser as well /// for those able: please consider donating to raghad's campaign here (vetted; no 221 on el-shab-hussein/nabulsi's sheet)
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artist: me lol free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @lampyri free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @aria-ashryver free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @monmonp0k free to use, credit not required- but if given, is appreciated example
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artist: @juudaimes-true-form free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @gaiuskamilah free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @marnota free to use on all social media platforms (i.e. tumblr, insta, twitter, etc), no credit required example
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artist: @marquainequeen free to use, no credit required example
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artist: @palms-upturned free to use, no credit required example
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artisit: @inkyswampbones free to use, no credit required example
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kinopio-writes · 7 months
Request: A one-shot with Vox and a Fem!Reader who is an Overlord that deemed a less high position but kept being her chaotic neutral self nonetheless. She and the Vees were playing a game and she won in the worst way possible. (tried to remember all the things @matrixbearer2024 told me so, uh, sorry if this wasn’t what you meant)
A/N: I accidentally posted this completely unfinished and deleted it as soon as possible so I lost the request. Vox is one of the harder characters to write because most of the time he’s on screen, he’s shitting on Alastor. Hopefully he gets more developed in season 2. I used his controlled and controlling characteristics a lot here.
Um, this turned out neither platonic nor romantic. I was focused on establishing their dynamic here, so this might turn into a series. Enjoy! I liked how the story turned out to be (although the pacing might be rough).
Words: 1,569 (edited)
Warnings: Valentino (he’s not acting like how he does around Angel, mostly because Vel’s your friend and you’re not a worker in his studio)
Vox x Fem Overlord!Reader who had taken the backseat
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The doors to his office slid open, allowing the bright light from the other room to pour into his TV-adorned space. The light blocked him from seeing the other side of the screens, and the suit-clad demon sitting on his swivel chair jerked back from whatever he was paying close attention to, bringing him back to reality.
“Um, Sir?” A nasally voice piped up from the light.
His boss quietly groaned in irritation, not bothering to turn around to look at him. “What is it?”
“We have a problem.” Of course, there was. Ever since that old prick suddenly came back, things have been not going well for him. Well, it was mostly because he let that piece of shit get to him. “We’ve been receiving numerous complaints about our new voyeur scopes.”
Vox merely waved a dismissive hand, eyes glued to the screen in front of him. “That happens all the time. If the protests persist, get someone to start on a new draft.”
His assistant left right after, and as Vox heard the doors close, he let out a heavy sigh, deciding to change the setting of his screens to watch over his district.
“Let’s see what the fuss is all about, shall we?”
You had smashed another one of the flying drones.
You’d been doing that for quite a while, settling that as your first order in business after letting someone take over your district for you, granting you more freedom. There wasn’t much thought in the decision. You had just grown tired of being a leader and gaining more power. You liked being laid-back, but it wasn’t as if you’d settle on the retirement (after)life. Now that would be just plain boring.
VoxTek Enterprises was a brand you were familiar with. Not as a customer, but as a friend to someone who was close to the man behind the title: Vox.
You didn’t have anything against the guy—Vox was a charming fellow when you first met him. When he approached you, you were happy to disclose any questions he had, although you noticed that his left eye started to swirl as you spoke. It went back to normal quickly, however, so you went back to your usual talking pace. He ended the conversation briefly after that, and you were approached by more overlords during that event. (heavily edited this paragraph)
Now, you were hanging out with two of the three Vees. Velvette immediately invited you to chat about your new position after she heard while Valentino was lying on the other couch beside yours, on his phone.
She pried for an answer as to why you’d done what you did. When you gave her the direct answer of simply getting tired of it, she changed the topic to new fashion trends. You agreed to be her temporary model for her newest drafts, and Val piped in if you wanted a photo shoot for a magazine for an entirely different cause. Vel swatted his head away, rejecting his offer for you.
When the chatter had slowed down to silence, you explored around the spacious room as the others scrolled through their phone. You managed to find a video game that was unsurprisingly made by VoxTek. It was quite an old product, but it looked interesting enough, so you called out to the other overlords in the room if they wanted to play. They agreed.
Vox’s eye twitched, snarling as he watched you get all buddy-buddy with Valentino and Velvette. And playing his game, no less? The fucking disrespect!
Initially, Vox liked you the moment he laid his eyes on you. That was one of the reasons why he made conversation with you, even if he had non-amicable intentions. You also had been gaining more power at the time and the other stronger overlords noticed, including him. He speculated on your potential to grow more influential and wanted to be acquainted with you for future use. However, you were instantly on his watchlist when he realized he couldn’t hypnotize you.
During the conversation you two had, he managed to get you to tell him how you got into your position, which didn’t even need much prying. You didn’t like business and politics, you hated forethought, and you didn’t even know there was such a thing as a hierarchy in Hell—you thought everyone just did their thing and be their worst, which was just fucking stupid.
You were reckless, an oversharer, unprofessional, passive, and unpredictable. In other words, you were an uncontrollable freak who had too much power. He didn’t understand how you were still alive.
Vox felt threatened when you made friends with Velvette before she even joined the Vees. He knew he couldn’t convince her to stop being in contact with you, so every time you two hung out, he would watch you two closely from his monitors. So far, he managed to keep you as far away from him as possible.
Until now. You were literally in the same building he was in. You were closer to him than you’ve been in years.
Velvette’s voicemail echoed throughout his office. She wasn’t answering any of his calls.
He cursed out loud. What a pain. It seemed he had to deal with you himself.
“Val! What the fuck are you doing in last place?”
You three were playing Mario Kart (Wii), or at least, the rip-off version of it. It was still pretty decent, though. You all decided that doing all thirty-two races would be a fun way to pass the time until the Vees had to do their separate things.
“How the fuck am I supposed to know? The buttons don’t do shit!”
“Use the rocket (Bullet Bill), shithead! Press the arrow key!”
“What the fuck is an arrow key—! Oh, there we go. I’m in second place! Ha! Eat shit, Princess Bitch!”
“Valentino! You blind ass, you’re blocking the screen!”
“I’m winning!”
“Taking my first place, you fucking won’t!”
You ignored their bickering and used two out of your three red shells to hit Rosalina and Toadette, a shit-eating grin on your face as you won first place.
A series of shouts and yells followed right after.
“Wait, what the fuck!”
“Who did that!”
“I did.” The two Vees turned their heads from the screen to see you comfortably lying upside down on the couch, legs hanging on the headrest.
Velvette’s shoulders relaxed. Valentino, on the other hand, flipped…the table. The TV was disconnected from its wires.
“What the—Valentino!” Velvette watched him stomp his way out of the room. “Valentino, where are you going? You better not be thinking about—…”
Velvette’s words fell silent as they both got farther from the room.
You placed the remote on the couch and finally sat upright, examining the space around you as chaos erupted from downstairs. It didn’t seem like they were coming back soon.
Hmm. Now you had the room all to yourself.
You were busy rearranging the snacks and mixing their places into different cupboards when the double doors burst off their hinges and harshly hit the wall. You snapped your head to the entrance to catch a glimpse of a TV head before the doors closed back on themselves.
You snorted, going back to messing with Valentino’s stuff.
A moment of silence passed, and you stopped snooping around to check if Vox was still there, leaning down as you opened one of the two doors slightly. You saw his hands form into fists in front of you, and you immediately stood back to your height with a grin.
“The man himself!” You took a step away and opened both doors entirely, lifting your arms as a gesture of welcome even though he owned the place, and that irked him. “You know, Val and Vel and I played a game. You should’ve joined—”
“I know.”
“Oh, then the two are downstairs causing chaos.” You skipped over to the couch and sat on the headrest, falling back on the seat as you kicked your legs. “Usually that would be my thing, but—”
“I know.”
“And sorry for breaking those drones of yours. It was just—” you curled in yourself as you grabbed at your hands, “—in front of me, y’know—?”
“I know.”
“Wow, you know a lot.” He didn’t know if you meant that sarcastically or not. And that alone pissed him off further. “I’m assuming you also know that I stopped being an overlord?” You heard static in his direction.
“You…stopped being an overlord? No one just…stops being one.”
“Ooh, worded that wrong, huh?” You lifted your upper half to see the TV head still standing in the same spot. “I’m still technically one, I suppose, but I’m more, like, second in command? I’m just letting someone take over for me. The overlord life was too restricting, y’know?”
No, he didn’t know.
“Anyway, good talk.” You raised your legs and pushed them forward to stand up, making your way over to him. “I think I had an appointment with the guy who’s taking over. Thank Vel and Val for letting me hang out here. Actually, maybe go apologize to Val for me; I rearranged his cupboards.”
You patted his shoulder as you walked past. “See you soon, Vox!”
The man in question had his mouth slightly parted, his eyes still glued inside the room.
Shit. He was going to see you a lot often now, wasn’t he?
Fuck his life.
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linkspooky · 3 months
Okay, so I received an ask in response to an MHA critical post I received last night that I originally responded to, but then decided to delete the ask and the original post because I didn't want to get into an argument.
However, I feel like I should address one of their complaints about a post I made last night. That I was being too dismissive on the cultural reasons for some of the writing choices Horikoshi made because I am obviously not a part of the culture that Horikoshi grew up in and is commenting on in his piece of work.
I tried not to dismiss the cultural reasons entirely in the post though, I just said I don't think you can entirely blame Hori's writing choices on them. My cited example was there are other shonen jump mangas that don't go out of their way to gruesomely kill their villains (which is what I'm taking fault with.) I understand that the death penalty is a common response to murder in japan, but within the realm of fiction of shonen manga doesn't have a trend of killing all their villains.
But yeah, that might have been a shallow argument.
So there are different lenses of fiction you can criticize Horikoshi's writing on, because every piece of fiction is in fact influenced by the culture it's in, as well as obviously the author's personal life and unconscious biases but that's not all. There's also genre to consider, and influences / inspiration the author might have taken from other works.
For example, there is also genre in particular MHA is written as a response / commentary to both western comics and classic shonen jump manga. Horikoshi said in an interview:
“Probably have to be Goku and Spiderman. To me, when mentioning heroes, these two are the ones that I think of. In Goku’s case, it’s the reassurance that everything is going to be fine he brings when arriving.” 
There are multiple critical analysis lenses that you can analyze a story from. If you're talking about MHA from a feminist lens then you're likely to stick to topics relevant to that, like say japanese feminist movements. If you're talking from the sociopolitical angle then it's relevant to discuss collectivism, and especially how it inspired the Todoroki Family. However, my intent wasn't to dismiss sociopolitical reasons as why Horikoshi chose to write the story this way, but to say it's not the only reason that informs Hori's storytelling choices. MHA isn't just one thing it's multiple thing, me deliberately choosing to talk about MHA as a response to both eastern shonen manga and western comics is a valid critical lens to apply to the manga. You can talk about both obviously, but that was a pretty short post. Perhaps I didn't word my post the best but please try to be understanding that I can't make a post covering all of my bases on leaks night.
For a manga where Horikoshi cited his concept of heroism comes from Goku and Spiderman, they both don't kill their villains, Goku specifically let Vegeta live so if those are his inspirations the choice to kill every villain is weird to say the least.
I can make the argument that MHA fails as any kind of meaningful commentary on comics in general because it doesn't seem to understand the comics it is taking inspiration from. The X-Men are the underdogs in their story, not members of the privileged class they are the outcasts. Batman doesn't kill people because he believes that most of his mentally ill victims turned villains deserve a second chance and he can't dictate who deserves recovery and who doesn't.
If anyone reading this post is curious, here are posts by @siflshonen that discuss both the manga influences and comic infleunces easter and western infleunces on MHA, and also the cultural ones. They are also really long posts because those topics require a great length to discuss critically. This one is about MHA's manga DNA in regards to Bakugo's character, and specifically references Yu-Gi-Oh and Kaiba's character as well as Jonouchi as response for Bakugo's development arc from bully to best friend. This one discusses more about the nuances of collectivism. This one is in reference to the Todoroki family, it discusses both collectivism / japanese family roles / honnae and tatamae concepts that the Todofam is critiqueig, and also how Enji is inspired by eastern ideas of heroes while All Might is inspired by western ones. (Therefore it's not a wrong critical lens to compare MHA to other shonen manga and western comics because that is literally what the manga is taking inspiration from and commenting on).
Here's a powerpoint presentation by @sans-san that discussed Hegemonic Masculinity in Tokyo Ghoul in terms of work culture and how the CCG is inspired by that, which I think also applies to Enji's character as well.
This post by @bnhaobservation spoke about how the Todorokis decision for not disavowing or abandoning Toya after he was sentenced to life in prison would still be a progressive ending to the TODOFAM arc, and while I still wouldn't have been satisfied by that ending I'd at least be able to accept it. That is however, not what we got, we got Toya dying a slow agonizing death while hooked up to life support. So we could have still gotten a slightly softer ending where Toya's at least allowed to live that would have still been in line with the values of the culture that produced MHA.
This post by @bnhaobservation also talks about how the Todofam plotline can still be seen as progressive in some ways in regards to his criticism of Enji's parenting, because of certain outdated attitudes of parenting that still exist about Enji pushing Shoto to his absolute limits.
However, I don't want to debate the person who sent the ask, I just wanted to clarify I'm not trying to make a reductive statement that sociopolitical circumstances have nothing to do with Hori's writing choices, but that you can also analyze it from a lens of genre, commentary on comics and shonen manga, and also the predecessors he's taking inspiration from. All of these things have an inspiration on Hori's storytelling choices.
Since I'd rather not debate, now that I've gotten clarifying things out of the way I'm actually going to use this post as a book reccommendation.
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Here's Shigaraki with Underground, one of my favorite books. It is a non-fiction work from famed fiction author Haruki Murakami about the Saren Gas attacks.
On a clear spring day in 1995 five members of a religious cult unleashed poison gas in the Tokyo Subway system. In an attempt to discover why, Haruki Murakami talks to the people who lived through the catasrophe and lays bare the Japanese Psyche.
For those who are unaware the Saren Gas attacks were a terrorist attack where members of the Aum Shirikyo cult released saren gas in the public subway system. It is the biggest japanese terrorist attack in modern japanese history and at the time and even the modern day it was a great shock to them as a whole.
The book consists of several interviews with the victims of the attack, and they are incredibly harrowing to read I remember crying while reading this book multiple times. However, at the end of the book after giving considerable time to let the victims share their stories Haruki Murakami also devotes space in the book to interviewing former members of the Aum Shirikyo cult.
Haruki clarifies his intent in his decision to include testimonial from the cult in the afterword of the novel. "As I worked on this book I attended several of the trials of the defendants of the Tokyo Gas attack. I wanted to see and hear those people with my own eyes ad ears, in order to come to some understanding of who they were. I also wanted to know what they were thinking now. What I found there was a dismal, gloomy, hopeless scene. The court was like a room with no exit. There must have been a way out in the beginning, but now it had become a nightmarish chamber from which there was no escape. [...] To all of them I posed the same question, that is, whether they regretted having joined Aum. Almost everyone answered: "No, I have no regrets. I don't think those years are wasted" Why is that? THe answer is simple - because in Aum they found a purity of purpose theycould not find in ordinary society. Even if in the end it became something monstrous, the radiant, warm memory of the peace they originally found remains inside them and nothing else can replace it. [...] However, as I went through the process of interviewing these Aum members and former members, one thing I felt quite strongly was that it was't spite of being part of the elite that they went in that direction, but because they were a part of the elite. [...] However, we need tor ealize that most of the people who join cults are not abnormal; they're not disadvantaged; they're not eccentrics. They are people who live average lives (and nmaybe from the outside, more than average lives), who live in my neighborhood and yours.
Haruki interviews members of Aum Shirikiyo because he wants to make the point that the people in these cult aren't from a dangerous fringe element of japanese society, but rather they are normal people, some of them even highly educated. The capacity to commit those crimes exists in normal people, and also the capacity to fall victim to a cult.
The Ikuhara anime Mawaru Penguindrum is heavily inspired by both the Saren Gas attacks and the questions that Haruki Murakami asked in the Underground. Fully covered here in this article: Exploring Mawaru Penguindrum 2011 from a historical, cultural and literary perspective here.
Underground was Murakami’s attempt to interview survivors of the Sarin Subway Attack. Apart from learning the perspectives of ordinary citizens involved in that shocking incident, he also managed to interview several members of Aum Shinrikyo and tried to get their point of view on the matter. (In the Japanese edition of the book, the interview with the cult members were published in a separate book, titled The Place that was Promised.) It was an important piece of journalistic work that criticized the public’s attitude of questioning what happened, instead of asking the proper question of why it had happened. In the anime, viewers knew that an event took place in 1995 that affected all the characters, but what exactly was the event about? Why did the people do that? What social factors attributed to the occurrence of such event? These are the questions that Mawaru Penguindrum asked, and one that we were left to ponder on.
Ikuhara and Murakami both exist in the same culture as Horikoshi, Haruki is an incredibly prolific japanese author and he was born in 1945 but both of them are able to ask more meaningful questions about the society they live in then Horikoshi accomplishes with the league of villains and the todoroki family. Haruki Murakami emphasizes the humanity of the aum shirikyo members and that they are not lunatic fringe members, and Mawaru Penguindrum is about the extreme social pressures that people especially children can be a victim of.
Literature is influenced by the culture it takes place in, but it's also a response to that influence and the piece of art that Horikoshi wrote just isn't as thoughtful of a response than what was written by both Ikuhara and Murakami.
More book recommendations if you're interested. The Setting Sun, by Osamu Dazai. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee. How do you Live? by Genzaburo Yoshino. In the Miso Soup by Ryo Murakami. People who Eat Darkness by Richard Lloyd Perry. Night on the Galactic Railroad by Kenji Miyazawa (I'd argue this is an example of good collectivism). The Memory Police by Yuko Ogawa. Out by Natsuo Kirino. There was a couple more I wanted to include but they had cannibalism in them so I thought it better not to reccommend them.
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lemotmo · 3 months
I think parts of that fandom are kind of in a tailspin of reality at the moment. Her ask box is still closed but this is OUCH
My friend received an ask telling him that he can't hold that deleted clip against Tommy because it's not technically canon since it was deleted. In the same ask they told him he had to give Tommy credit for letting Buck set the pace. Sweetie, you can't pick and choose what parts of a deleted clip you can claim are canon and what parts you can ignore. That's not how it works. The part of that clip that is absolutely canon is the repeated pattern, in non deleted scenes, of blatant dismissal on Tommy's part regarding any type of conversational depth when it comes to the topic of Buck and their relationship. I don't need a deleted clip to prove that's what's happening.
A couple of things are fairly obvious here. The traffic on that post is not what it would have been even 3 weeks ago. That's the first thing. Yes the numbers were decent but not great and certainly not impressive. They are representative of a small fandom, which is what you are. The second thing is they didn't trend on Twitter or Tumblr following the post, something that definitely would have happened a few weeks ago, and a barometer his fans constantly like to use as 'proof' of popularity. So something has shifted/happened. It could be that all the people screaming that they had been blocked by the official show account were being honest and the account moderators figured out their spamming game. Something that was always going to happen eventually given the kind of things they were openly admitting they were saying and sending. The Buddie fandom figured it out weeks ago and quickly started making up the commenting ground on the posts, they also, wisely, stopped engaging with the Buck/Tommy comments on those same posts. So it was only a matter of time before they became drowned out anyway. Meaning the numbers were always artificially inflated and once they weeded out the duplicate accounts the numbers naturally decreased. Or the more likely scenario, the hype faded. Something that was also always going to happen.
Anytime a show has 2 men kissing it's going to be talked about. People will watch it. Get excited over it. Want more of it. But if the show doesn't provide content of some kind, the excitement from the wider group at large, dwindles. My ask box, along with my friend groups ask boxes, pretty much confirm that the die hard shippers don't really care about the couple. They ship Lou. Buck and Oliver are just the character/actor Lou is paired with. Look at their behavior towards Oliver. He didn't engage with them, he doesn't promote the pair, and he doesn't follow Lou, so they openly turned against him. That was never going to be sustainable from a large numbers perspective. The audience cares about Buck not Tommy. It was never a smart strategy. Making it almost exclusively about Lou was never going to end well. The frantic posting following the release of the clip trying to explain why it was actually a good thing that Tommy doesn't care what the 118 thinks of him, when anyone with just a passing knowledge of the show knows it's actually a very bad sign, tells me all I need to know. You're aware of the reality of what the show, THUS FAR, is doing. Only it doesn't match the content you paid $200 to hear, my apologies $169 to hear, so you feel cheated. That's not Oliver's fault. That's not the show's fault. And it's why I'm more certain each day that Tim put a stop to it. Those videos created an unmitigated disaster for everyone not named Lou.
I also think some people genuinely don't understand the size difference between the two fandoms. The Buddie fandom makes up a significant number of their audience as a whole. Their fans are not all on Tumblr and Twitter. They have general audience fans. That is not an exaggeration. And it's something the show is more than aware of. Do not try to pretend the show doesn't know that. The general audience/passive fans, like them as a unit. It's just a fact. And never, until now, has a group tried so hard to pretend they aren't an audience favorite. They are. I also think there's quite a few fans like me. I don't classify myself as a shipper. I want the best story for the characters I love, Buck and Eddie. I like Tommy for the larger Buck and Eddie story I think they're using his character to set up. Once it's been set, I don't need or care to have Tommy stick around. Once the newness of the Buck/Tommy pair settled lots of casual shippers were always going to make their way back to the Buddie side. It's the side with all the context. It's also the side the actor/character the show cares about is on. And I promise you Oliver gets a say. Ryan gets a say. Lou doesn't get a say. Paid for headcanons don't get a say.
Ooooof, well--
Nothing to add to this one I think, so I'll wisely stay quiet. Thank you anonymous OP for being so based in reality. :)
Thank you for sending this to me Nonny. It's appreciated, as always.
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
time to make lemonades again 🍋🍋
inspired by a previous post i made because something similar happened and here we are. i think that the negative take on these similarities is that the other person/brand is “copying” the other. or one is trying to rub off the popularity of xx. which is a common source of conflict between fans, not just xz’s or wyb’s. and since the topic is trending we have more information of these alleged brand traitors who feed the cpf machine. lol.
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this post made by jeanswest with the kadian 10:05 for xz even if their endorser is wyb. tho i went to their weibo and didn’t see this post all when i was trying to confirm. so maybe it was deleted? the next one is hilarious cause they are implying that JW is taking inspiration from xz for their designs like the little prince and tennis. even if the whole line yibo is endorsing have nothing to do with these styles. AHHHH! they are so much better in connecting things that have no relation at all. 😂
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and it’s so embarrassing how confident they are that this is copying. xz does not own TLP or the sport of Tennis. no matter how much they associate those things with him. atleast with cpfs, we can give disclaimers but solos being so sure that there is just no other way that an international brand can come up with these designs — other than them wanting to leech from xz is next level unhinged.
but still thanks for the candy i guess?
next up is, p1 a li-ning cap that has 85 on it. but it’s actually a back to the future themed drop. a film that was released in 1985. tho maybe they are angry cause li-ning is a repeat offender. p2 is opening of li-ning’s store and the lottery includes a chance to win a casio watch which wyb was endorsing at the time.
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for xz’s zwiling endorsement before, one of the things highlighted by the brand is this machine. idk what. but it said something about brewing coffee at 97 and tea at 85. lol and who are associated with those numbers? wyb!!!! hahahahahahaha!!!!
sometimes i wonder who is the real candy lovin cpf.
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moving on….
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p1 is by kaixiaozao brand, they posted about a product that has dandan noodles that will make you think of the ancient times. dandan being something that is nicknamed for wyb, and ancient times pertaining to lwj and wyb. p2 is absurd, they are so angry at mengniu cause they replied to a cpf. yes it was xposted on the supertopic, but the account was asking a genuine question of how to purchase. so they answered. as much as so/os want the loyalty of these brands, their main goal is money. they will follow the money. that means more people buying their products. they didn’t choose xx or xxx out of the goodness of their hearts, their teams do research on who to hire and who can bring in more 💰.
another problematic thing done by mengniu before ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
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#strawberrymilkbobocup# I know this question! Strawberry and milk go together. It’s the most amazing combination. Let me tell you secretly, add some oats and the taste will be amazing. Someone: I want a strawberry custard cup, but not strawberry. No custard, just...
bobo cup 👀
and what that someone said. they don’t want the strawberry nor the custard/milk. so what does that leave us? Bobo 🤯🤯🤯
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this post by i don’t know who that said for roborock, there are a lot of consumers, both peter pan and passion fruit. no lies tho. we do contribute to their sales. it has been that way for a very long time. all these talk of cpfs only love xx or xxx is brainless so/o agenda. they just don’t understand the fact that we can support both and we’ve been doing so for years now. they cannot comprehend it, so they twist it into a narrative that fits them.
lastly, p1 is by bubly and on the can has 85. p2 is zhenguoli and on the poster, they used lwj’s famous tagline ( i wanna take someone back… yep, the same one he said in ttxs )
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i’m even seeing one shared the fact that xz allegedly rented a car that has 805 on the license plate. so he must be promoting cp right? 😂😂😂 idk.. maybe it caught his eye because of his boyfriend and didn’t think people will take photos of his car and license plate to speculate on. and their hateful interpretation of what we would say is CPN:
1. The license plate number chosen when renting a car is Wang Yibo’s birthday “805”
2. The name of the shoes worn has Wang Yibo’s abbreviation “Web” ( this refers to gucci re-web )
3. The photo XZ posted on that day ( when he was in Milan and only took photos of his shoes ) imitated Wang Yibo’s photo from last year’s GQ Gala.
Summary: If there is only a single factor, it can be explained as coincidence together, but so many "coincidences" gathered on the same day, it must be "intentional"! XZ has been using this method for the past 5 years … Hype male-male CP in a “both subtle and obvious” way!
I don’t usually post anti or solo rhetoric here unless it’s amusing and this is an example of that. lol. so they do believe those things are connected? that it’s too much of a coincidence???? it’s just that their conclusion is way off compared to a cpf’s. 🤣🤣🤣
that’s all i have for now. i skipped the others, and surprisingly a good number is how angry they are at li ning’s skateboard series. lol.
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nenelonomh · 4 months
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organization 101
organization is about how we gather stimuli in our environment to complete tasks quickly and more effectively. it's about arranging our surroundings, providing order, and structuring items and activities around us.
this topic can be applied in so many instances - including physical spaces, digital files, schedules, and mental clarity.
staying organized offers several benefits:
★ when you're organized, you waste less time searching for things or figuring out what to do next. this efficiency leads to increased productivity
★ clutter and chaos can contribute to stress. an organized environment promotes a sense of calm and control.
★ organization helps you allocate time effectively. you can prioritize tasks and allocate resources efficiently.
★ a clutter-free workspace (or living space) allows you to concentrate better on the task at hand.
★ organized spaces encourage healthier habits, such as regular exercise, balanced meals, and adequate rest.
but how can you stay organized?
★ start with one area of focus (e.g. closet, desk, documents, ...) and gradually expand. focusing on one area allows you to see tangible progress, and as you declutter or organize, you'll build momentum to tackle other spaces.
trying to organize everything at once can be overwhelming. by narrowing your focus, you can prevent feeling swamped. concentrating on a specific area also allows you to learn effective strategies,, which you can apply to other parts of your life!
★ keep a to-do list. you can use a planner or digital tools to track tasks - and prioritize and sort tasks by urgency. write things down promptly to avoid forgetting them.
by freeing your mind from trying to remember all of your tasks, this mental offloading allows you to focus on the present moment. you can also assign urgency and importance, ensuring you will tackle what matters most.
★ give everything a home. clutter happens when items lack designated spaces. organize your physical and digital spaces intentionally.
★ once organized, maintain order consistently by building habits and systems. regularly review and adjust your systems when needed.
maintaining daily habits can significantly contribute to staying organized.
digital files
personally, the biggest issue i have with organization is building (and maintaining) a good system for digital files. it is crucial for me to learn how to organize these well, however, as a digital creator.
here is the process:
★ create a folder structure,, and design a clear hierarchy of folders that reflect your workflow. organize files logically based on projects, departments, dates, or file types.
at the moment i sort my files as content home < links, content plan, instagram, pinterest, tumblr, youtube < scheduling, post ideas
however, sometimes i find myself with documents that don't fit any of these sections. my plan for the future is to reorganize this to be the most effective it can.
★ use descriptive file names,, and name files clearly and concisely. include relevant keywords to make searching easier
★ consider using tags to categorize files across multiple dimensions. tags enhance searchability and allow flexible organization.
this is something that i am looking to employ!
★ utilize cloud services like google drive or dropbox for easy access from anywhere.
i will forever be a notion girl,, even though it is not quite a cloud service, it allows me a similar experience.
★ make decluttering a routine. delete duplicate or unnecessary files.
��� pin essential folders to your sidebar for quick access.
physical decluttering
writing this, i was reminded of the (horrid) bedrotting trend, especially those videos where people would show their rooms with shit everywhere and mould growing on stuff. i'm aware that some people find it super hard to maintain organization or declutter - hoarding is a very real issue.
the benefits of staying organized were previously mentioned, but decluttering specifically has its own little set of positives. this includes reduced stress, improved focus, enhanced productivity, and more positive overall wellbeing.
here are some essential tips if you are struggling to get started:
choose a small area or category to begin decluttering. set a timer (15-30 minutes) and sort items in that area into 'keep', 'donate', 'trash', or 'unsure' piles.
you could also attempt a room-by-room approach, by tackling one room at a time. focus on completing each room fully before moving on to the next.
try to organize your belongings into categories (keep, donate, sell, discard) to make decisions easier.
remember - progress comes from consistent effort, and small steps lead to a clutter-free space.
further reading
i hope today's post was helpful!
as for further reading, check out these sites: ★ How to Declutter Your Home: 6 Best Room-by-Room Methods (thespruce.com) ★ First Steps to Decluttering - Understanding the Clutter - Being Minimalist ★ Productivity, Organization & Personal-Development | 101 Planners ★ Executive Functioning Skills 101: Organization | Life Skills Advocate ★ How to Be Organized - 10+ Habits - Organized 31 ★ How to Be More Organized & Productive | 10 Habits for Life Organization (youtube.com) ★ How to Be More Organized (verywellmind.com) ★ How to Organize Your Digital Files | Reviews by Wirecutter (nytimes.com) ★ Master How to Organize Digital File Management (riverfy.com)
❤️ nene
image source: pinterest
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andy-wm · 1 year
I have thoughts about the Tiktok JK deleted
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<<I realise its a few days ago now and you might be wondering 'what tiktok?' but I've been writing in snatches when I have a few minutes so it took a while. Anyway, here it is...>>
A few posts I've read have suggested JK did the silly>sexy Tiktok challenge backwards. That he did sexy>silly instead. That he was being random and funny.
I disagree.
What he did was unexpected, a little left of centre, and for the people who can read subtext, not random at all but very very clever.
I'll tell you why, (It may not be what you think) but first I need to vent about two things:
1. Give the man some credit. He knows what he's doing.
There are some who love JK but who see him as a naive innocent. He is not. He isn't a child or a himbo.
Saying he did the challenge just because it's trending, and he reversed the order of the content for a bit of a joke, is insulting to him as an artist. It would suggest he has no forethought or understanding of himself or his (global) audience, and his decisions are made on impulse with no idea of the consequences.
He's very intelligent and has plenty of experience with digital media and creating content. Besides being involved in producing complex visual narratives as part of BTS for the last ten years, he has directed and produced seven highly polished and professional GFC videos. And don't forget the MVs for Life Goes On. For the October issue of Vogue Korea he took on the role of Creative Director. That's a pretty big deal. So we can assume he knows what he's doing.
If he produces content in a particular way, it's because it enables him to communicate what he wants to communicate.
2. You may not understand the message. That doesn't mean there's nothing to understand.
A heads up to people who can't work it out... your inability to grasp meaning doesn't equate to 'no meaning exists'. Suggesting that people who recognise what he's doing are reaching or delusional is an insult to both the audience who can read this situation, and to Jungkook, who is sharing his message.
Consider a system of writing you can't decode. Lack of comprehension doesnt mean the writing is meaningless, it means you don't understand the language.
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Even if you believe you understand what's being said, please recognise that context may play a role too, that it could reveal a richer and deeper message. Don't just assume the easiest (laziest) interpretation is correct.
(You may have guessed, someone suggested I was 'behaving like the cult' when I pointed out that JK's tiktok was more than being funny ... and now I'm mad 🤣)
Vent over. Now back to he topic at hand...
What was he was really doing? And why is it not at all random?
Let's take a step back to recall what army has been saying about this...
Almost every interpretation i read suggests he reversed the order (silly>sexy becomes sexy>silly). The reason given is that his tiktok only makes sense if the order is reversed, and this idea is backed up by the caption saying "I go the other way".
But the 'reversed order' theory is based on a hereronormative perspective of what's sexy (and a stereotypical perspective of silly.)
So consider the content of his tiktok from a queer point of view...
For a man in a relationship with another man, the idea that he's with all those women is silly.
It's silly to believe he's got a girlfriend - or several. It's silly to think the womens' names in the song are relevant to him.
He posted this tiktok at a time when he's releasing music that fits the western pop norm of boy + girl, and when rumours of him dating several women at once are rife. The timing is not a coincidence and nor is the choice of background song for this.
All these assumptions and rumours are pretty silly, JK is telling us.
Now let's talk about the second part, the sexy part. Yes it may look silly on the surface, but we have seen him and Jimin make dorky faces at one another when they're flirting. It seems to be the visual equivalent of calling Jimin 'Jiminssssi'.
It's just another way they create distance and avoid 'getting caught'.
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Maybe sexy for Jungkook actually is lying on the couch in your sweatpants making corny faces at your boyfriend.
Remember that he puts out 'stereotypical sexy' on command as part of his job so maybe that doesn't feel very sexy to him. Maybe that's work.
In my view (I know this is subject to interpretation) they've been together for years now. This is not the first flush of love. When you've been with a partner for a while, sex is (hopefully) more fun and less serious. Maybe it's about having the confidence to be wholly unselfconscious.
(My partner makes a Pepé Le Pew face at me when he's goofing. No, i don't know why either... 🤣🤷)
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But wait, what about that caption?
What about 난반대로 간다?
My beautiful Korean friend (who sadly has zero interest or care about jikook) confirmed the literal translation:
"I go the other way"
"I take the opposite direction".
It's not "it goes the other way" or "this goes the opposite direction". He's referring specifically to HIMSELF.
Jungkook goes the other way.
But it's more than that according to my friend.
It's a bold statement:
"I don't follow the mainstream."
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It reminds me of his tattoo ...
He doesn't do things just because everyone else is doing them.
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"I don't follow the mainstream."
This is where it gets interesting.
Then why would he do something as mainstream as a trending tiktok challenge? Especially something as vapid as this challenge?
And why would he tell us DURING that Tiktok challenge that he DOESN'T follow the mainstream?
And then delete it.
Creating content takes time.
And we know he's a busy man.
He's about to release an album. He's doing live performances. He's prerecording for music shows. He's overseas right now... for the fourth time in a month! Does he have time for this??
And he DELETED it...
Did he just WASTE all that time?
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No, he did not.
He deliberately chose to do this.
He did it knowing ARMY studies every action, every video, and every media release.
He did it knowing ARMY would already have copied the video before he took it off his profile.
He said on Stationhead that he knows ARMY has it, and is sharing and posting it. He's FINE with that.
So he took the time to create and upload that video. He wants it out there.
He just doesn't want it on HIS page. That's an important part of the story.
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So lets go back to the caption.
"I take the opposite direction"
"I go the other way"
"I don't follow the mainstream."
*Said boldly* remember. It's a loud statement, captioning an otherwise pointless very mainstream trending challenge.
So if he's not referring to tiktok itself, or to uploading challenges, what could he be referring to?
There's only one thing left: Himself.
I take the opposite direction
I go the other way
I don't follow the mainstream
Essentially... I swing the other way.
There's no way a queer man would make that statement and not fully recognise the message he's sending.
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As for deleting the video, I'd say he knew it was too risky to leave on his profile, being a celebrity in Korea. He's managing his brand. Deleting it also gives him plausible deniability. He can say he made an error. As I said, he's very intelligent. He knows ARMY will see it and share it. He knows that those of us with a queer eye will hear the message loud and clear.
🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈 And we do hear it. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
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monoclesnapple · 6 months
Bungo Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara X Gender Neutral Reader Beginning Note: The stream clips are taken from RussainBadger on YouTube, he's really entertaining. Hint of Rockstar!Chuuya. Word Count: 1096 (Fluff/Little crack)
Of course, he’s very popular by the time he’s 22. All those streams about the new and trending topics eventually led to his popularity. Also the fact that he’s a rockstar, so that helped.
But back when he was 15, he didn’t have that reputation of a singer, and he started his streaming first before moving to a new occupation, but still maintaining the previous one.
He had very few viewers, and he was kinda cringe. But at least you were there! 
(Background information now) You had befriended him in your freshman year of high school along with a guy named Dazai. The three of you had a lot of fun, the two guys always being chaotic and yelling at each other while you tried to calm them down.
Although you kinda got in trouble often, you still continued being stupid. You’ll grow out of it! (Debatable)
Chuuya had at some point expressed his goals of being a streamer or singer, so you and Dazai encouraged him to start with the former, so he did.
Initially, he did gameplays with commentary, but those games were first person shooters or anything online that included fighting in a team against another. Simply put, he raged a lot.
And now in the present, he still does, but it’s gotten a little more expressive since he doesn’t have anyone to scold him about what he’s saying aside from you.
He has a variety of content on his page now, like gameplays (still), just talking, random challenges, IRL streaming, etc. The different forms of entertainment really helps with maintaining his popularity.
Sometimes during streams, he would tell his viewers that he’s gonna do something for a minute until he returns. That minute is used to check on you.
“Are you hungry? We can order take out”, “You alright?”, “We can cuddle and watch a movie after I’m done”, all that is concluded with a kiss on your face.
You do like to mess with him sometimes. Sitting under his desk while he’s gaming and watching him (Just don’t screw his playthrough, he won’t talk to you for a while), going in his chat and sending a message (That shows up highlighted/on screen) about some chore he still has to do, and the like.
Anything harmless because you care about him and he appreciates that.
One time, you were making dinner and he suddenly started screaming loudly. You ensured the kitchen wouldn’t burn before knocking lightly on his door and asking if he was okay.
In response, he comes to the door and opens it a little. “Shit, sorry. Don’t worry, everything’s fine. I’ll make it up to you later,” and he takes your hand, placing a gentle kiss on it, then going back to his chair.
When he uploaded some clips of his stream to his channel on YouTube or the equivalent of the site, you saw that the reason for his scream was because he was arguing with a friend? And the microphone couldn’t capture the high volume so the yell came out quieter than it really was and the mic just cut off.
Another time, he was talking with his friends about something that had happened, and Dazai (who was playing with him, of course) just muted Chuuya’s mic midsentence. After that he went offline, ended the stream, and went to your shared bedroom to cuddle with you, pout on his face. He recounted what happened and you chuckled lightly, embracing him.
Eventually, his old streams from when he was in high school were found (He deleted the clips after saving them on a drive because they were precious memories) and uploaded.
The video included the time where he was playing a multiplayer game (Just Call of Duty, really) and there was an after death mic that allowed the dead player to say something for a second to their killer before respawning. The things he said included, “You’re so mean!”, “Hahah, pendejo!” (asshole in Spanish), “I don’t even wanna play anymore” (In a whiny voice. He said that to you and Dazai, but the mic was on.)
He barked at someone in the game results screen
At the discovery of his old streams, Chuuya panicked before laughing at them. Sure, they were embarrassing, but the comments loved it. He decided to upload the rest of his saved ones so everyone can enjoy them.
Akutagawa, his friend, sometimes play with Chuuya’s group, and when the former plays and does well, Chuuya just yells out “That’s my boy! THAT’S MY BOY! GAHDAM-” and he’s cut off. He’s a huge supporter for Aku and will cheer him on whenever he plays.
After his streams, Chuuya goes to spend time with you. It’s always wholesome and you both would never trade it for anything in the world. You scratch at his scalp while he buries his face in your chest, complaining about Dazai bullying him, or how he was getting dominated by the other players. He always has fun things to tell to you.
What you always love is that while on stream, he seems tough, loud, and in general very entertaining. But when he’s alone with you, no cameras or anything, he’s so soft and cute. Just your cute little boyfriend.
Although he can catch you off guard with his loudness, he always apologizes and makes you forget it. Despite the two of you sharing the fact that you’re both in a relationship, there’s still people prying into his life, wanting to know more. Chuuya did say that it may be uncomfortable, but you still have a large support system consisting of his fans.
A couple of his streams include you. Mainly the IRL ones, but you sometimes join him in his games. The viewers love seeing you two together and always request for more of you.
Sometimes, he practices with his guitar on stream, playing any requests from viewers, and you’re off to the side and out of the camera’s view. If there’s ever a romantic song, he dedicates it to you. A lot of love songs are asked for.
Going back to streams with Aku, he once had a coughing fit while on mic, and someone rigged it to have a voice effect. His coughs were so screwed up, it just sounded like a weird echo into the abyss.
Overall, he’s very fun to be with. You’re blessed to be the one he trusts to show his soft side to. Anyone who’s able to be his friend at least is lucky to have that title (at least in the present time).
End Note: Here are the clips used
(Edit, here's the Aku inspired one)
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imagination-mess · 11 months
Imagine Pro Hero Deku at the Hero Expo signing, taking pictures, and talking to fans. He kept seeing the book repeatedly when fans were asking him to sign it for them. Curiosity got to him, and he asked what this book was about to get a recommendation to read it himself because it is an incredible story to read.
Later, he found the book being sold from one of the little shops set up in the plaza. They were selling specifically three books with a similar appearance to himself and his friends on the cover. He found out by conversing with some fans who hadn’t seen him yet and thought he was a cosplayer. The three books were connected: The Demon Prince, The Dragon King, and The Mage.
He ended up getting all three books for free. He just asked to sign the Mage book and take a picture with them since the seller refused to take money from him.
However, once he could recover from spending three days at the expo with fans. He started to read the book during his time off for the week.
You better believe Izuku read all of those books within a week because they were fascinating and detailed. It was a coincidence that parallels his life story. It was much later, after he finished the book, that it left him on a cliffhanger from the last book, which was The Mage. He went online to find out if there was another book coming out.
To find out, these books have come from a fanfiction website. Someone else had taken the original work and changed their names on the physical copy. Izuku assumed that it was the person he interacted with back at the Hero Expo.
The original creator of three books took all of their work down immediately after finding out that their work was being sold at the HeroExpo. The last post on their Twitter account was:
“Sorry for the inconvenience. I will not be uploading my work again. I would like not to be sued by the three biggest heroes of our generation.
Most of all, those books were published without my permission. Those physical copies of books sold at the Hero Expo weren’t by me."
To the horror of the original author of the books, they were trending on all social media platforms.
The fans wanted to know what the hype was about behind the books that had been taken down. People were sharing summaries about it and talking about it. Others expressed sadness that someone ruined it for everyone who would have loved to read it.
It didn’t help with the viral picture of Shoto reading ‘his’ book, The Demon Prince, at his favorite cat cafe while drinking tea.
The Deku, Dynamight, and Shoto fanbase are terrifying. Many people were harassing them to put it back on the website because they wanted to read it.
Within a couple of hours, the original author deleted their account.
However, it stayed in topic of conversation for a long time.
Next Pro Hero Dynamight
Later Pro Hero Shoto
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not-alien-girl-v · 1 year
Okay, the mbav fandom is pretty dry, so I wanna request some headcanons for Ethan, Benny, and Rory with a fairy s/o. Like Winx Club style fairies who look like humans, but transform in a flash of light. I mean they have vampires, mummies, and sirens, so fairies aren’t too out of place.
note: sorry to do this to you but i don’t think i’m gonna write for ethan as a character just cuz he’s ugly to me anyway i hope this makes up for the fact that he’s not included
warning: none i kept it pg
i think that rory is definitely a big ‘doodles in class kind of guy’ and sometimes he’d draw cute little stick figures of you and him and he was his fangs and you have your wings. you two have obvious built in halloween costumes so i think that because of that, you try to avoid being a vampire and a fairy for halloween, instead doing some cute couple costume like coraline and wybie or the other mother and the other father (can you tell i’m dressing as coraline for halloween lol). i feel like if someone touched your wings it would leave a tingly kind of shimmery feeling on their fingers and he would love it so much like he’d like stroke your wings to help you fall asleep. the two of you go on late night flys together and you always joke about how one day you’ll leave town in the night and fly away and save a fuckton of money on gas. but that will have to wait until you’re both out of high school, at least. in a modern au i think he definitely keeps getting you to do that ‘she was a fairy’ trend on tiktok and every time you just aren’t having it so he tries to catch you in the act of doing fairy stuff and record it on camera and you have to wrestle him over deleting the footage because you have a secret to keep.
there was an amount of time in your relationship with benny when he didn’t know about you and you were scared to tell him. you waited for a long time until it came out somehow and you were terrified of how he would react but he was just like ‘🤯🤯 that’s so freaking cool why didn’t you tell me sooner we could be magic buddies’ and then you have to go into a long conversation about how you’re not that kind of fairy, you can’t cast spells and you don’t have a wand but you do have wings and you have distant cousins telling rides at bridges and he’s a little confused but he’s nothing if not committed so he reads every single word etched into his grandma’s books on the topic of fairies and he learns everything there is to know about you. and sure, he could have just asked but somehow you like his commitment a little bit more. sometimes when you two get into an argument or he does something to irritate you he’ll just pour out a salt shaker and run knowing you’d be far behind by the time he barricades himself in his closet.
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luvyeni · 8 months
the topic of jackson wang throwing a party in every fanfic universe is trending again on tiktok and it made me think of now deleted nct 127 fic where jackson wang was in fact throwing a party 😭😭😭
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kyra45 · 6 months
Some things to consider when you get an ask for money:
What time was the pinned post made?
How would the account find you outside of searching tags?
Is the blog themed around a certain topic or trending issue?
How many posts does the account have?
Have they proved their legitimacy via any of their posts?
What happens if you ask them for something to show they’re not stealing someone’s photographs or story? Do they block you or get defensive or never reply?
What do you find if you search the ask?
What do you find if you search parts of their post?
Are there any hidden comments on the pinned post?
How often do you get asks for money coming from new accounts who interact with you?
How likely is it that someone would want money from you on the internet and send you an ask out of nowhere that isn’t someone you know at all or have seen before?
Do you share posts around trending topics that have gotten you asks similar to what you have been sent?
Did the ask get sent to you before from a different blog entirely?
Bonus poll:
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tolkiens · 1 year
hate this whole ‘inactive accounts will be deleted’ trend because so much is about to just disappear faster than we can actually preserve things. yeah there is tonnes of incredible creative work out there that is also important and invaluable, but also the sheer amount of free to access educational resources on so many different topics on there that will be gone by the end of the year...?
*btw i’m talking about the recent changes to google accounts which extends to youtube
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ophernelia · 3 months
How would you teach a new simmer how to deal with hate comments/general negativity?
You can't take it seriously. I have received my fair share of comments, been a brief topic of discussion amongst the masses before too. Couldn't take any of it to heart, because I genuinely didn't care. I couldn't care. I didn't create my accounts to be liked and beloved. I made them so I could share the things that I made. It's always been about doing what I want to do. Hence why there's been no break or pause in Lykaia, because it is still what I wanna do and I wouldn't allow anyone outside of myself to deter that. I will safeguard my work however I see fit. I will create my work in whichever way brings me the most enjoyment. I do what I wanna do. If you wanna get online and share your sims, then do it. And continue to do it because you want to. Build up your self confidence to the point where it becomes easy to allow hate comments and negativity to roll off. When I tell you that these people do not matter! They are so unserious and fickle, it's laughable. They can loathe you one day and as soon as you put out something they like, they'll be cool with you the next. People just talk to talk! They jump on a bandwagon. A lot of them think if they disparage you then they'll inherit your following or something. Like you just have to learn to laugh about it because they don't even care fr either. It's easier to be snarky online. That's just what people do.
You get on here and you have a goddamn ball. Share you sims, share your stories, play your game in whichever we it brings you the most joy, follow whatever trend you want, whatever aesthetic you want, and just have a good ole time. Take part in the community and make friends with the people you vibe with. Practice ignoring all that other chatter. Don't let a single one of these randos online steal your fun and enjoyment from you. Block, delete, vent, do whatever you need to do that will bring you some peace and don't let anyone make you feel bad for doing it.
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