zegalba · 5 months
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Emily Bates: 'Depilator' (1994) dresses hand woven from human hair
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culiehua · 5 months
the fact that jem was born in the qing dynasty is still so fucking wild to me like imagine if he wasn't british that man would have gotten a tonsure 😭
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mockva · 4 months
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mayamistake · 10 months
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raksh-writes · 2 months
It was 36 degrees C (in the shade) at the peak point today, humid as hell and I could pretty much Feel my skin sizzling in the sun, like actual physical sensation, and now its 7pm and its still 32C and there's no air to breath inside and my room's gotta be like at least 26 degrees with Nothing external adding to the temp (haven’t even powered up my PC today bcs of the heat wave) and Im dying over here. I hate it so much ;_;
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rosymiel · 8 months
i've been searching for replacement buttons for my folklore cardigan because the bottom one fell off forever ago and i lost it, but now after another button fell off i was able to finally able to find an exact replacement for the buttons!!
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Thank fuck, I weighed myself yesterday and I'm under the first BMI threshold. So I can make a GP appointment & get back on the list.
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aeide-thea · 2 years
i had a one-reply-per-person, civil-on-both-sides disagreement with a stranger in someone else's comments recently, after which i subsequently became aware that my interlocutor had blocked me, and honestly—i'm pleased about it? because we did fundamentally disagree, we weren't going to convince each other, and while i personally could've lived with seeing them around (they weren't insulting, just wrong!), it's also honestly reassuring to know that at least one person who has me blocked did so on the basis of an interaction where i'm totally comfortable with what i was saying and how i comported myself! really takes the sting out of blocking tbh. ☺️
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franzias-cave · 11 months
white musk and amber for the meme
to my knowledge there is not a specific note for white musk; but there are many massively popular perfumes called white musk, including one by the Body Shop which includes an amber base note and is apparently driving people to practice thelema and fuck nasty. See below:
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purple-petrichor · 9 months
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gayluigi · 11 months
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I’m not so sure about this new guy… 😅
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fauvester · 2 years
@ everyone who has weighed in on the extremely important question as to whether cardassians have eyelashes: I appreciate your input, have considered and cogitated, and am making the authorial (artistic?) decision to keep drawing them with some form of eyelashes because at this point in my artistic development its an important surrogate for indicating the 3d orientation of the eyeball
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they should invent a pill that makes all your body hair fall off
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rosymiel · 9 months
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some before and afters of using a depiller on my sweater… i’m obsessed with doing this now
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anxietlockedup · 2 years
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brunetteaura · 1 year
woke up nauseous
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