Hey, I hope everything is going well with you, and I just noticed that your requests are currently open! Out of curiosity, what is a surprising habit you'd think: Bakugo, Tetsutetsu, and Sero would have?
Awww, thanks 💕 idk if there’s such thing as overappreciation, but it definitely feels like I’m over appreciating whenever someone asks how I’m doing XD And, y e s, even though this was from ages ago, yes, they are open 😌😂
ANYWAY, I should stop rambling- let’s get the show started!!
A Surprising Habit:
Warning(s): mentions of trauma, soft Bakugou 😌, destruction of leaves :(
Bakugou -
We all know that Bakugou has been trying his entire life to come across as powerful, strong and fierce, and it’s perfectly believable with his generally aloof and/or hostile behaviour.
It’s easy to believe that nothing can throw him off or catch him off-guard; he is the almighty King Explosion Murder, after all.
He’s brave, strong and-
Is that...trauma I see, peeking out from behind a carefully constructed mask and barrier of aggression and hostility? Am I seeing things?
Well, anyway, I think it’s been fanonly (and should be in canon as well, or if it’s already there, put more emphasis on it) established that the Sludge Villain attack left pretty significant mental scars on Bakugou, and I really think it reflects in his behaviours/habits.
When in a more vulnerable mindset (maybe during the day after a nightmare, or a triggering situation), he incessantly cracks his knuckles and fidgets with his hands a lot.
He’s not even subtle about it, the cracks from his knuckles are loud and sharp; they’re not there to be ignored, but not exactly noticed either.
He stretches and twists his fingers, and he tries to make them appear intimidating with a few pops from his quirk, but honestly, he doesn’t look anything more than a scared, guarded teen.
Okay, that’s enough serious stuff.
This is kinda a habit that grew on him after witnessing several lunches with his...Bakusquad...
Okay, so, while the food at UA is dirt-cheap, it still costs money, and, knowing the dumbasses that make up Bakugou’s group of borderline lunatics, there’s going to be times when at least one of them forgets to bring enough yen to the cafeteria.
This is where Bakugou comes in.
Muttering something along the lines of “go get yourself a kiddie meal or some crap” among...other profanities...he’ll throw a few coins at the dumbasses in question.
If they ask, he most certainly won’t tell them anything about the small bag of change that jingles whenever he walks.
If they ask, he’ll brush off the coins that he keeps after every purchase, slipping them into the same small bag that definitely does not appear whenever one of his idiots happens to need money.
Shut up.
He doesn’t have a habit of saving money or keeping money for when one of his dumbasses need it.
You must be imagining things.
Sero -
Okay, not as deep as a Bakugou’s surprising habits XD but Sero absolutely quotes old sayings wherever he sees fit.
He doesn’t have to think about it, the words just slip out.
Sometimes he’s embarrassed, but more often then not, he just thinks he sounds really cool 😎
If you ever take the last bit of a pizza or eat the crumps out of a chip packet, without even giving you a glance, he’ll mutter, disgruntled, to himself:
“Gluttony kills more than the sword.”
Not many people know what the sayings mean, and he sorta vibes with the enigmatic energy some people say he gives off when quoting things.
I’m not sure if it was just me, but did any of y’all have that one friend (or multiple) that, if you sat them down somewhere like a park or something, they’d leave behind a destroyed pile of leaves?
Like, did you ever have that friend that literally vacuumed every leaf in the vicinity and tore them up absent-mindlessly while they talked?
Well, that’s Sero.
The Bakusquad has commented on it several times, and they’ve joked that he’s the Leaf Destroyer, and that tress quiver in his presence.
It’s gotten to the point that he’s saved under that name, ‘Leaf Destroyer’, in all of the Bakusquad’s contacts (yes, even Bakugou, he couldn’t resist the chance to insult one of his friends classmates).
Tetsutetsu - 
It’s not a very useful or even healthy habit, but Tetsutetsu wakes up at around 2 am every night to eat a small something with lots of iron in it.
Look, it sounds weird...like, really weird, but, realistically speaking, with his quirk being iron-oriented, he’s going to need an external supply of iron and not just his own body’s stock of it.
So, he probably came up with this idea on his own, he thought that maybe he should just have some iron-rich food every couple of hours to make up for that loss/usage of iron.
And he’s not complaining that he gets to eat something at 2 am; he thinks it’s cool and likes to scare people when they come down to get a glass of water.
He’s just sitting there at the counter, eating, say, a boiled egg, and Monoma stumbles in, groaning something along the lines of, “...frickin’...water...thirsty...beech...” Tetsutetsu just continues to stare at the guy as he grabs and cup and fills it, muttering profanities and nonsense as he does.
He lives for Monoma’s screams when he sees glinting eyes in the dark with something suspiciously round being inserted into a mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth.
I also think he brushes his teeth after lunch as well as after the normal breakfast and dinner.
He says, “I gotta keep them squeaky clean if I wanna be a manly Hero!”
This took so long to finish T^T It’s not that I didn’t enjoy writing this (I absolutely loved writing it ^^), it just...I just wasn’t happy with how it was written, and how it still is. But, ah, well, they’re just headcanons, and I can’t keep this in drafts forever ;-;
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skekiss · 5 years
Alright I've only seen the first couple of episodes sp far but SkekSo trying to look strong when he's slowly deteriorating and only accepting help and looking vunerable to a few is such a mood to me
honestly they did skekso and his development SO WELL in age of resistance and I mean, can you blame him? who wants to go from shiny, glorious swag to this
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chaifootsteps · 5 years
depressed-changeling replied to your post: SkekEkt.
Ok for real though SkekEkt would totally train birds to dress him and follow him around though
SkekEkt: I have a beak, I have talons, this should be no trouble at all!
Several minutes later:
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Bull, Sera, Cullen, Solas, Vivienne, and Varric react to a Inquisitor that's half dwarf and half dalish?
Varric: Varric thinks Orzammar would find the Inquisitor to be a better dwarf than him. They might actually be less likely to avoid the Merchants guild. Joking aside, he knows how some people can be. Should the Inquisitor ever need an ear, he’s glad to listen. Despite popular belief (mostly Cassandra), Varric can stop talking long enough to listen.
Solas: Solas sees the Dalish as little more than children blindly grasping at their past. Something similar could be said for the dwarves. However, Solas cannot afford to give much regard to their heritage. The Inquisitor’s hand contains his magic. In order to have any hope of bringing down the veil, Solas must focus simply on helping the Inquisition.
Iron Bull: Bull admits the elfy eyes coupled with the body hair is a weird combination when you first see it. It’s quickly pushed aside for the job. The boss paid them good money and the Chargers always deliver. Others aren’t as willing to ignore their heritage, but he has to give the Inquisitor credit. The Inquisitor hides it well. To the well trained eye, it looks like the comments don’t even phase them. But, of course, he’s a trained Qunari spy. Bull can see the toll the comments take. So if the Inquisitor ever needs to talk, the drinks are on him.
Vivienne: “It certainly will draw ire from those in Orlais, but if anyone so much as sneers at you my dear, let me know.” Vivienne will not stand for those speaking ill of the Inquisitor in such a way. She would personally see to it that they were taken care of if they did.
Cullen: He cares little of the Inquisitor’s hertiage. What matters instead is that they are a very competent leader who trusted in Cullen as leader of the Inquisition’s forces even when he didn’t trust himself. Should anyone make any rushed judgements based on such a factor, Cullen is not above throwing a punch or too. Much to the ire of Josephine.
Sera: “Who friggin cares about your parents, yeah? We’re more than just are pointy ears and your fuzziness,” Sera exclaimed. “I mean you’re the bloody Inquisitor and honorary Red Jenny member so fuck ‘em.” She’ll ready some arrows should someone decide not to leave the Inquisitor the hell alone.
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goryhorroor · 2 years
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grief in horror
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r00bmeister · 2 years
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No one's ever gonna love me like that again I don't wanna get over it I wanna rip the stars to shreds I don't wanna feel better
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salt-hag · 2 years
Do you ever wanna write a book and share it with the world and have it be read and discussed but with absolutely no explanation on your part. No marketing. Just here you go, enjoy, extrapolate what I meant and thought from the text itself, no questions being taken at this time, thankss
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oplishin · 3 years
In my first changeling run, I ended up using console commands to get the last shmowder for the Bound, and then I spent the rest of day 12 dicking around with them. So in my canon timeline, the Changeling really did ascend to have magic, reality breaking powers.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
What do you think would happen if Wraith died? (Servo, preparing the memorial)
A funeral, for one. But if you're asking about the ghosts, they just welcome Wraith into their numbers and go find the next nearest necromancer. They've still got unfinished business to attend to, after all.
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plsbyallmeans · 3 years
Watching Children of Men followed by the last episode of Lisey's Story yesterday was not a good idea.
I feel bleak today like my innards are out of place. The movie is just so haunting and so depressing, but I felt a twinge of hope for a destroyed humanity in the end. The feeling died too soon however. I just keep remembering what Theo (Clive) said and what happened to his character.
Lisey's story's ending just totally killed me. The truth of Scott's past, Lisey letting go, and how Scott prepared Lisey to go on with her life alone is just too much for my soft heart.
I am lying here still unable to forget. Partially wanting to weep when I replay them in my mind and then partially thinking that I have lost my mind for being too into it.
There are movies/series/show that stays with you, that haunts you even after the credits roll. This two did it for me.
Damn, and it's only 9AM.
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m0bscenexqueen · 3 years
Transformation is necessary. Evolve or die.
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For the drinking ask game: Schweppes, Mountain Dew, and Banana Milkshake? Also I hope you're doing well!
Hiiiii, thank you for the ask :D And I’m doing well, thanks! Way better than about a month ago, at least 😂 I hope you’re doing well as well ✨💕
Schweppes - What do you wish you were really good at?
So, so many things!
While I do realise that I am kinda gifted when it comes to talents (ahsjndjaha, it’s true T^T) I wish I was really good at drawing. Like, insanely good...it just seems so nice to be able to effortlessly draw because I love drawing, myself, but I’m not particularly good...
(Oh, also mathematics, but I know that’s not gonna happen any time soon 🤪)
Mountain Dew - Have you ever disliked something and then changed your mind?
I...actually really didn’t like writing when I was younger 😂 The words just didn’t flow and I could never express myself in a concise and efficient way. It got to the point where I just dove into writing to see what it was like when I actually tried, and I came to really enjoy doing it! It’s one of my most effective ways to communicate and convey emotions now, and I don’t think I’d ever go back to the times when I didn’t write!
Banana Milkshake - What “Old Person” things do you do?
Hmm...is going to bed early an old person thing to do? I think it is...
Well, anyway, I go to bed at usually around 8:30pm (yes, shut up, I know I’m like Bakugou), but recently I’ve been getting to bed around like 11 afksjbdnfjsba-
Oh, I also bring around spare stuff of things if I go out with friends, just in case someone else forgot it or something...
- Chance ⌛️
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dailydccomics · 4 years
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this is some heavy shit
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
THEORY: the line between fear-monster and fear-avatar is not as clean as we pretend. as in, can we really be sure that the so-called monsters were never human (or animal, or bits of human/animal)?
yes, creatures like the not-them and the monster pig and the angler fish seemed essentially unkillable (leitner said the not-them could not be killed, only contained; gertrude had the pig encased in concrete bcos supposedly it couldn’t be killed; daisy shot at ‘sarah baldwin’ and didn’t kill her). but how does that differ from avatars like oliver banks, who comes back to life, or john amherst, who had to be likewise encased in cement, or jonathan archivist himself, who is p much undead? there are different rules for different avatars, so who’s to say the monsters aren’t like them? and, well, the angler fish seems to have died at the unknowing, and it turns out the not-them can be killed.
and jonny mentioned in a q&a that the monster pig was a monster bcos it just appeared rather than being made from existing pigs. sure, that’s word of god, but i’m killing the author: if, say, annabelle cane just fucking showed up somewhere and started doing spider shit, to the outside observer she would seem to have Just Appeared, even tho she was human before and then became monstrous and then showed up somewhere else. we can’t know the monster pig was not a normal pig like, a hundred years ago, became a flesh avatar, and has been wandering around sneaking into pig pens and terrorizing people for ages. we just never got its origin story bcos survivor’s bias.
there’s also been discussion that becoming an avatar requires a choice. where does that put someone like agnes? she made no choice. she wasn’t a traditional fear monster as we’ve come to know them; she also didn’t fit into the avatar mold. we could say fear-touched, but the desolation did more than touch her, it was her. so what was she?
and simon fairchild, when asked about the monsters, responds initially with ‘what monsters?’ he only comes up with his response about ‘imagine a hand’ when martin elaborates that he means ‘things like the distortion’ (which is interesting, since michael and helen both specifically were human once, and became the distortion through a choice, unaware and unknowing the consequences as they were, and thus would be both traditionally be avatars.) (simon is a liar and a conman, i’m saying. simon told martin what he thought martin was prepared to hear and understand. simon’s also older than smirke’s fourteen and prolly would have some shit to say about that, perhaps.)
what i’m saying is, join me in my new concept, partially inspired by 165, of the not-them starting out as a human, cast out in some way by society, who stole identities, took on new names, wore costumes and makeup and disguises, and gradually became the monster we now know.
in 165 the not-them was furious at being known. and i think the poem-statement jon spoke, the experiences of the riders on the merry go round, might have originally belonged to the not-them.
‘a world where if you’d wish to have a name it must be stolen, carved and pulled full-bloody from the frame of others who would wish in vain to hold their selfness close. you want a face? take it. there are so many here, and those who cannot hold them, well, whoever chose to give them such a gift must take the blame, knowing they could never keep it in a world of so much thieving strangeness.’
‘and soon enough they will forget they ever had one.’
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fantomal · 3 years
i’ve been thinking abt fairytale-esque things again </3
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kunoiichi · 4 years
I was wondering, for ALAIW-- why does Clara end up mute?
Ahh I’m afraid it isn’t as interesting as you might expect..
Selective mutism. In Changeling route it is established that her powers come from a part of Simon’s soul, and the Kains are working to transfer his soul entirely to Eva Yan. After the Polyhedron falls, Clara has ‘lost’ - not only the game, but her chance to prove she should be allowed to keep the portion of Simon’s soul that empowers her. Changeling route has a theme of identity and loss; while she struggles to understand who she is if Simon is a part of her, she also struggles to understand who she would be without Simon. 
I think Clara is completely crushed by her loss. She woke up in a grave with saint-like abilities, failed to save everyone and even killed a man. What was the point? What is her purpose? She spends ages 16-19 in a sort of transience, travelling across the country and trying to reconcile her feelings. She crumples within herself to the point that she becomes mute, and eventually comes to the conclusion that her healing can only begin in the place where her pain started. 
And so she returns to Gorkhon. 
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