#desteni process
lokbobpop · 2 years
How am i going i ask myself ? Well i see that today that my slight pictures of another with my comparison challenge has got smaller not in the way they’re not so many but in the was they have got short to the point im not sure if i did or not it was like it was there the faintest presence of a though. Strange really as i have to question was that it i felt something within me but not sure. So i did SF when it happened and a spoke to myself how awesome its going to be when i find my true sell the person that doesn’t have to compare to be someone and i just be myself… which would be so much better than the person that has to compare myself to be someone and just be my real self it seems so ridiculous that i would want to be anybody else when you think about it. Why do i need to judge myself through another when i just treasure who i am at all times now thats very special hey. Im great in fact I’m perfect :)
Im thinking after this thought of why have I waited for myself after so long for myself why did i allow myself to be blinded and let my mind do every thought for myself why? Because it was easy that why it seemed right i suppose at the time and justified but it doesn’t anymore its just feels awful did it alway feel awful? Yes i thing so but i didn’t know what to do, and just carried on as normal. I wouldn’t want to be anyone else anyway lol its taken a lot of myself to get to the point I’m at right now and fuck that starting again. So yes why don’t i just love me self love because i am pretty awesome and don’t need to compare this awesome person with anyone else :) so i wonder whats it going to be like completely loving myself and not gauging it to another ?? Just good old me as me and not in some race that invisible and make believe, and wasn’t supporting me in fact was a living nightmare.
A little be of doubt come up as in you’ll never get rid of it which is my mind grasping onto any stings it can to stay in place, but mind i have to tell you the mind you are going to become is going to be the best version of you… oh a comparison came up while writing this i just compared myself through ego of writing this to another in desteni as i might be better than them now or they can’t realist how amazing I am now SF applied here. I love my comparison its helping me see me for real I embrace my comparison and all thoughts that come up showing me what i should do and direct myself. Oh a slight thought of people at home and i compared myself to then who now nothing of this process and seeing myself as better.
Great day :0
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marlenlife · 4 years
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647. The Birthing Process: Patience and Perseverance After we had made our decision to give birth at home, we continued to get educated on the topic watching documentaries and learning from other couples that had gone through the same process recently, which gave us further strength and trust in ourselves and in our capacity to do it.
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josephberta · 6 years
Day 391 - Death as equalizer - or is it Life?
Day 391 – Death as equalizer – or is it Life?
There is this saying that Death is the true equalizer of war, meaning no matter if you are poor or rich, dumb or smart, young or old – you can die in any given moment without any deus ex machina and that is especially true on the battlefield, where people’s profession, hobby and obsession is to kill each other. It is true, regardless of wars actually – everyone will end up being in a grave(or…
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moonlit-imagines · 2 years
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a/n: i have never once done a skincare routine so this is absolutely based off random tiktoks
requested by @petersgroupie
“Peter, oh my god, stop touching your face.” You commanded while he slyly tried picking his exfoliating face mask off. “You wear a mask all the time, how different could it feel?”
“This one is practically glued to my face. It’s very different.” Peter replied as you checked the time, which showed it was just about ready to get peeled off. “Ow…ow…ow…” Peter said for just about each individual pore.
“Shhhh…just a little more.” You wet down a washcloth and wiped his face, dried it off, and squeezed another goo into your hand. “Okay, this won’t peel, it’s gonna soak in.” The cold gel startled him upon contact, but he let you rub it all over his face because you were so adamant about the process.
“I don’t see why I need this if my powers keep my skin healthy.” He closed his eyelids as you ran your fingers over them and you shushed him again, beginning to massage his face with a crystal roller. His eyes flickered open and he smiled at your concentration. “You look really nice.”
“You look kind of scary.” You countered his compliment and carried on with your whim.
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @johnmurphyisqueer // @captainshazamerica // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @summersimmerus // @scarthefangirl // @bad4amficideas // @sheridans-dynamos // @simsrecs // @prettysbliss // @popeheywardssecretgf // @skdkdkckfk // @simp-legend // @zoeyserpentluck // @wild-rose-35 // @confessions-of-a-adhd-teen // @itachisdangos //
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Two Sides of the Coin (18)
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Chapter 18: Altering It Further | Jidné Sheedra x Cal Kestis
Summary: Hell-bent on exacting revenge and retrieving the Holocron, the dreaded Darth Vader is now on the hunt for the young Jedi Knight, Cal Kestis. Under the assumption that he still possessed the artifact, while fueled by the intrigue of the boy’s strength and skill with the Force, the dark lord hires the bounty hunter, Jidné Sheedra, to track him down and have him delivered alive. However, the task becomes a trial for young Jidné, as she faces a conflict that tests her beliefs of a scarred past she had hidden for so long.
A/N: Look it @berenilion another Vader chapter ;w;
Also tagging @silver-is-in-too-many-fandoms @stellar-trinity @justtinfoley @peterwandaparker @calgasm @queen-destenie @ayamenimthiriel @calsponchoemporium​ @fallenjedii @cal-jestis​ @sweeetteaa​
Also in AO3
Tags: Fem OC, Jidné Sheedra, Force-Sensitive! Fem OC, Bounty Hunter! Fem OC, Jedi! Fem OC
Chapters: 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10 – 11 – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 – 16 | Previous: Part 17 | Next: Part 19 | Masterlist
18 of ?
A black, high pyramid tapering upwards marked the desolate, volcanic landfill that is Mustafar.
Jidné piloted the Scarab close to the transport shuttle’s tail, led by the Sixth Sister in her specialized TIE Fighter.
Jidné didn’t even realize that she’s held her breath even after getting through the atmosphere, the turbulence on her end was light, but the eeriness of the landscape captivated and frightened her at the same time—concentrating all her attention to the castle sitting by the edge of the black plateau. A single stream of glowing, red-hot lava resembling a waterfall accentuated the structure’s ominousness.
All three ships occupied the open hangar, albeit being a wide space. Jidné alights the Scarab and joins Cal’s side while he’s held by one Stormtrooper in the other.
Subtly using the Force, Jidné curled her fingers and willed the hool of Cal’s poncho to rise and cover his head. She was careful enough to make it go unnoticed by the Stormtrooper, but of course, it took Cal by surprise to feel his hood suddenly moving on its own. He turned his head to the only possible culprit—though she still didn’t look back to him, she couldn’t.
“The hot air here’s gonna make your head feel like it’s scorching,” Jidné mumbled through her cowl with the coil covering the bottom half of her face. She bobbed her head closer so her voice is still within the redhead’s earshot, making her more audible over the sound of the geysers spewing the said hot air.
Not once did she turn her head to face him as she spoke.
There was no response from him. She isn’t expecting one anyway. Understandably so, she immediately put herself in the mindset that Cal was furious with her. Though, he himself seems to contradict. His gentle surprise caused his eyes to remain on her, studying her feature and expression—the languidness on her face gave off the illusion that her laughter was a thing of the past, her dejected eyes slowly blinking and her head panning by the inch as she surveyed the castle and the landscape around it.
Cal, Jidné, and the rest of the Stormtroopers followed the Sixth Sister to the main door unprompted.
“Inform Lord Vader that we have the boy and that the bounty hunter is with us,” the Sixth Sister commanded the scout trooper manning the terminal.
The scout trooper presses the button and spoke through the microphone head, relaying the exact words of the Sixth Sister. The door rumbled open seconds after the scout trooper concludes his announcement and they continued to follow.
The outside of the castle was one thing, but the inside was another story. Something about the interior made Cal and Jidné’s skins crawl—an alien feeling that they can’t describe, but somehow know of.
The Dark side of the Force.
The Sixth Sister has led them to the receiving chamber where Darth Vader meets those who wish to see him; on one side, there was a large rectangular slit on the wall facing the volcanic view outside, and in the other, was the door connecting the foyer and Darth Vader’s chamber.
All of them waited there. Even Jidné and Cal can feel the red Twi’lek tensing up.
The heavy creaking of the door caused everyone in the foyer to turn away from the window, smoke was spilling through once it went ajar, from a thin slit to a gradually gaping space until it revealed the tall figure, darker than the obsidian on which his fortress stands.
There mere sight of him shook the two young Jedi to their very cores. The monotonous breathing that filed the room has pierced its way to the hearts of everyone present and made their stomachs sink as if anchors had been tethered to them. The cool, poised façade of the Sixth Sister seemed to ebb, both Cal and Jidné sensed it, but the feeling’s mutual.
Darth Vader acknowledges the Inquisitor, Jidné—who he still believes to be a bounty hunter—and the prize in question, the Jedi boy Cal. He marched along the narrow bridge connecting the door and the foyer. As per custom, the Sixth Sister lowered herself to her knees as the dark lord approaches them. The closer he got, the more profuse the trembling became for the two young Jedi; only then did both of them truly have processed just how lumbering Vader was in size and the authority he imposed in his every step, in the slightest tilts of his helmet, and the blood-red glint of his mask’s eye sockets.
“My lord,” greets the Inquisitor.
“Rise,” he lowed rather disinterestedly. A slow sideways wave of his hand and the Twi’lek was quick to obey.
The Sixth Sister stepped aside to present the Jedi boy and the bounty hunter by his side. The Sith Lord stepped closer, Jidné’s elbows buckled closer to her sides while Cal’s already-clenched fists closed even tighter. As much as they wanted to avert their eyes to spare themselves from the terrifying sight of his mask, they couldn’t. In the end, they had to roll their eyes up in order to look at him in the eye, or at least through the pair of convex bumps that gleaned red when the light hits.
“Well done, Jidné,” Vader hummed.
Vader gestures at one of his personal bodyguards in that foyer—a Shadowtrooper: their armor was a glossy, jet black, perfectly blending in with the background whilst having a cloaking device that will mask their entire person. The Shadowtrooper approached one side of the room and what sounded like the latch of a trunk opening, he produced a storage canister—same as the one Jidné received for her upfront payment—he then activated a podium that erected from the floor at the touch of a button of his gauntlet for him to settle the container down. Performing a series of button patterns, he set off the lock to reveal that only a half filled the inside.
“That could only cover my fee, not the bounty price,” Jidné pointed out, maintaining character.
“Were you expecting a thicker stack? Or a second canister?”
“You don’t hear me complaining, m’lord,” Jidné blurted. “I was just stating the obvious.”
“Do not concern yourself over something that’s been considered done and covered. After all, you have accomplished what my two Inquisitors failed to do,”
She didn’t respond to the commendation, though Vader perceived her head hung low as she drew a heave of breath as a reaction. He then turns to the boy. The tension at Nur ran fresh in both of their minds—however, Vader was fueled by his recollection of the entire inconvenience that transpired in that stronghold.
Cal gets himself hauled forward to Vader, the Stormtrooper struggles to push the boy towards the large, lumbering figure that is the dark lord of the Sith.
For once, the dark lord has the opportunity to examine Cal without any lightsabers clashing angrily against one another. His blank, empty eyes stared right into the boy’s eyes—more alive than his could ever be—and Cal attempted to keep a brave face, despite repressing the shuddering that’s trying to break free from his body.
“Now, you will surrender the Holocron,”
In Cal’s mind, everything made better sense now. He turned to Jidné, and then to Vader. He managed a small smirk right in front of the dark lord.
“I don’t have it,” he muttered.
Cal shakes his head whilst the smirk on his face grew.
“I really don’t,”
Vader’s head jerked to the girl, searching confirmation from her indifferent expression—he sensed that Jidné knew something as she continued to keep her head low and her eyes away.
“Then you’re hiding it somewhere,” insinuated the Sith lord. He looks at Jidné. “Tell me what he has done with the Holocron.”
Silence spoke on Jidné’s behalf. She rolled her eyes to Cal’s direction, avoiding Vader’s.
His short-lived patience is now spent. He hoisted his hand in level with Jidné’s neck, the air rumbled within the two Jedi’s radius, a heavy glom wrapped around them—Cal could feel its weight on him, but it was Jidné who had more of the receiving end.
She started to struggle in breathing, the gulps that she swallowed all lodged in the middle of her throat, the veins on her neck were pulsing as the muscles around it tightened. Jidné clutched her neck, hoping that rubbing it would make it go away—instead, she continued to gag, short breaths did not sate her lungs. Her eyes finally trailed up and found the root cause—Vader’s gloved hand is positioned into an open grapple directed in front of her. It didn’t take long for her to submit on her knees—in a moment, on one knee, and then the second in the next—her hand was still on her neck, clawing off a non-existent grasp asphyxiating her.
Darth Vader doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon… not until either of them talks.
“LET HER GO, SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!!!” Cal raised his voice against Vader, though that didn’t convince him and continued to strangle the girl.
Again, Cal took his voice to its peak, so much so that the words strained his chords, “THE HOLOCRON IS DESTROYED!!! I DESTROYED IT—NOW LET HER GO!!!”
The suffocating ripple of the Force coiled around her neck finally vanished into thin air. Jidné inhaled the deepest that her lungs could take—the biggest one she’s ever done in her entire life! She exhaled in coughs and fully collapses to the ground as she felt like her spine had turned into liquid. She breathed a few more time to reset her pattern before pulling herself back, little by little.
“Jidné…? Are you okay?”
It was a subtle nod that she did to reply to Cal. Her panicked heart still raced until she mentally willed it that she’s still alive and breathing.
“You…” Vader trailed off. “Destroyed it?”
“I’ve seen and remembered enough names when I opened that Holocron. If you kill me now, you will never get a single one of them!” Cal snarled.
Perhaps in a way to rub it in his face, Vader leaned closer to Cal until a mere inch of space divides the two of them.
Vader purred, proud of himself that he had outwitted the boy, “But I can get it out of you.”
“What are you going to do with him?” Jidné inquired, still trying to keep in character.
“That is not of your concern. You should concern yourself more with the second half of the bargain,”
Darth Vader promised the second payment to Jidné if she stays until Cal is brought to the torture chamber. The simple mention of that word made Cal’s heart beat twice at a time. He has only seen the machine when inactive in real life, he’s seen it at work but only in his Force vision of Trilla’s memory—he could think of a hundred ways how it would feel if it was he himself strapped to the machine.
The Shadowtrooper adjusting the canister an inch forward was supposedly a prompt for Jidné to take the money, but she didn’t want to take it. Blood money, she thought. Seconds later, Vader notices her hesitation.
“Is there something else, child?” Vader inquired.
“N-No… my lord,”
“Then take it,”
She clenched her fist to eradicate the trembling. His invitation for the girl to take the money was a trick challenge he’s imposed—should the Sith lord notice the fumble in her hands, his suspicions would immediately be proven true.
Eventually, Jidné’s fingers wrapped around the handle and pulled it away from the podium. She still could not will herself to look at Cal in the eye, presuming that she had truly betrayed him—if only she could freeze time, she would’ve shouted it until her voice reaches the very foundation of the building that she has fallen for him and that she doesn’t want to do this anymore.
Jidné slowly turns around, her back against everyone else, as she was dismissed by Vader himself so she can return to the hangar to hide away her bounty.
“I shall expect you in the torture chamber soon, Sheedra,”
That stopped Jidné in her tracks. Her grip around the handle tightened until her palms swelled. Ever so slightly, she bobbed her head to the side, one inch shy of showing her face over her shoulder.
“Understood.” She huskily replied, a dreary tone rasped as she spoke.
Eager to leave, she continued to walk away and succeeded in hiding the tears streaming down her cheeks as she takes every step.
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vanquishedvaliant · 4 years
Do you think something similar, as in taking on the identity, is here regarding the name 'Babel'? (that sort of name has... unfortunate implications in terms of "agenda of this organization must be a form of great arrogance because Tower of Babel was destroyed because it tried to reach the Heavens and God and in the process to prevent it, the tongues were mixed up" and in "Tower of Babel is something always destenied to fall from the beginning"
There’s definitely a connection in the sense of Babel being meant to fail from the onset; I’m not exactly clear on the specifics but it seems to me as if the upcoming failure and death of it’s leaders was well known by at least the Doctor and Theresa, and this is why so many Sarkaz characters like Shining, W, and Flamebringer have mixed feelings about the Old Doctor. There’s a very strong possibility that he orchestrated or was complicit in the loss of that conflict on the short term in order to further later goals, destroying the lives and hope of much of the Kazdel Sarkaz in the process.
How that represents arrogance and defiance of god I am less specifically clear on, as we don’t even truly understand what Babel’s and the Doctor’s true motives at the time were beyond the resolution of the Kazdel Civil war, a war which as mentioned above they were both fated and prepared to lose. Further connections to the monstrous skeleton they were transporting, the truth of Originium, the Doctor’s identity, and the ancient sarcophagus etc are all far off clues we have to consider broadly to piece something together.  
However, the collapse of Babel and the loss of the war also directly lead to the scattering of the Sarkaz people as their national identity under their true king was thrown into disarray, and their personal identity as free roaming nomads and mercenaries was destroyed by the Usurper Regent’s drafting them into a central army. A shattering and corrupting of their unifying language.
So where do the formation of Rhodes Island, the Doctor’s plans, Theresa’s Legacy, and Amiya’s Inheritance fall among that? Well, we are clearly the scions of that conflict, dealing with the fallout of a worldwide societal collapse in communication and understanding. The inability of people, to empathize and connect with each other is a great deal of what Rhodes Island is seeking to correct and fight against, whether from different nations or creeds or organizations, Infected and uninfected, Reunion and Rhodes, this is one of the great struggle that Terra finds itself in, tearing itself apart as nations and cities isolate themselves, focusing populations on Arks and cities to escape Catastrophes. 
As a successor to Babel, Rhodes Island are not only taking on Babel’s remaining strengths, but also their greatest failures as we are now forced to deal with the fallout of the original Doctor and company’s decisions, sins and virtue of that time alike while we try to move forward with Amiya’s dream.
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breathehere · 5 years
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(via Day 411 - Why EQAFE and Desteni I Process are essential?)
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vizix84 · 3 years
My Closing of the Desteni File
My Closing of the Desteni File
On Desteni, the cult from south Africa, I have put out some writing over the years. I have been with this group for some time and I have visited them at their location at the time and I have met Bernard Poolman and Sunette Spies and others. My writings are exactly that and show a process of rejection, shame and bitterness of my involvement in it. When it comes to “teaching” others or formulating…
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cerisepoolman · 6 years
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One of our supporters, Gabriel Zamora Moreno was kind enough to sponsor a new computer for us, which was allocated to Gian as his computer had tragically died of old age. It's so much easier to get things done when you have the right, functional equipment/tools (just like the Desteni Process for the our inner workings!)
Thank you Gabriel, your donation makes a big difference!
If you would like to make a donation, or sponsor a new piece of equipment (we have a list!) then please contact us :)
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egg-o-matic · 4 years
I made a story with AI dungeon
You are Shaggy in the distant land of ANIME, you are hunting the king of this land to end WW3, you enter the kingdom and defeat the king. You have won! The war is over! But then your life changes when a strange man appears on screen and tells you that he can help you... I ask him "help me with what man?" "To be the greatest heroy EVER! "I am alredy that" "I can make you more powerful than anyone ever was!" "Why would you want to do that?" "Because I'm an EVIL Felinoide" "What does that even mean" "I do not serve evil man, and I am a god man, prepare to die man" You don't quite get what this all means, but the man seems very serious, so much so that you begin to get scared. Then a picture of a cat appears on the screen. I send the man to the shadow realm and begin to talk to the cat. "Who are you? "I am Shaggy man, I am the hero and god of the land" "Great, what are you doing here?" "I've been sent here to guide you man, so that you may learn the ways of being a god and help you on your quest to kill all evil" "now it is time to train to beat the meat ball man" You see yourself standing before a hungry Felinoide, but you feel no pain, you feel more power within you, you smash the Felinoide in half with one punch, destroying his helmet in the process. I revive him to make him stronger. The Felinoide angrily smashes you in the side of the head, you fall to the ground. You can feel your organs liquefying inside your body. "good you are stronger, but you can not kill me" You try to stand up, but a second Felinoide smashes you in the side of the head, knocking you out. "You must become strong man, only then shall you win" You awake again, in a daze. "time for you to have a weapon man" You look down and see your arm transformed into a sharp claw. You look again and see that you are now a Felinoide, standing on four clawed feet. "Now let's test this out!" I slash at him and smash through his thick carapace, killing him instantly. He didn't see it coming at all. Now with confidence I walk up to the next one and feel no fear. I feel a great satisfaction after killing my first monster. My father would be proud if he saw me now. I revive him once more "you can not die yet, it is your destiny to kill the meatballman, man" I pick him up with one hand "and now for number 5!" I walk past him and outside. I smell the air and something smells really good. It's the air above the village where the women and children are being held. "I will call you Jeremy, Jeremy, it is your desteny to kill the meatballman, now go man you are ready" I transform back into my normal self and walk into the village to kill the last two. It's night time now, but there is still light because of all the fires burning down the centre of the village. "Go now, save the people from him Jeremy" I hear Shaggy's voice in my head as I run down the path towards the village. Jeremy arrives at the village and sees his evil clone JOE lying dead on the ground. He picks him up by his shell and head and brings him back to his home "It's time to kill the real one!" He transforms back into his human form and runs into the center of town screaming "IT'S TIME!". JOE stands up and starts firing dark magic missiles from his eye-stalk. These hit Jeremy but he doesn't seem bothered by them "I'm stronger than him, I will kill him." He runs up to JOE and punches him in the jaw breaking it, then punches him again, and again, and again... Jeremy manifests a Ghost like entity known as a stand that he can call at any time during battle, His stand is known as DRAGONS HEART, it is a man with a dragons head who breathes fire and punches fast enough to turn metal into dust. "It's powers are best used during fighting and focusing on your enemy, as it takes over more and more of your thinking process" he explains to you as he manifests it. JOE is turned to dust by DRAGONS HEART as it punches holes into his chest "It's not enough though..." he says as he turns to face you. You both punch each other in the face, breaking several teeth and dentals each. JOE's remaining form falls to the ground. JOE uses the last of his strength to pull out a demon from hell out it is Shadow Shaggy "Now kill this pathetic loser before I take back what is mine!" You punch him in the face too and DRAGONS HEART dissapears inside his body, he falls down on the ground unable to move. You walk up to him and stab him multiple times in his chest. DRAGONS HEART burst out of the body of Shadow Shaggy "The punishment for using a demonic creature is death" You hear the voice of Sinthinia say inside your head "No matter who wins or loses". You walk away from the scene and sit down beside one of the many village fires. Shadow Shaggy screams in pain as he burns in the remains of the ruined village "He was going to take my life-experience! I had my future planned out!" "Sorry about that" You hear Sinthinia say "But if you are interested he will be able to experience life after death, along with everyone else." "I must now go to save the people" says Jeremy "I know what you must be feeling" You watch as he runs towards the village entrance, telling you to wait as he enters alone. The screams of terror coming from within tell you what you need to know... After an hour has passed you head towards the village yourself. As I enter the village I discover my rival Shadow Shaggy is trying to kill Jeremy, I Shaggy kill Shadow Shaddy in one blow "Sorry about this." He says "I couldn't let him kill the Father of the New World before me." "what the hell are you talking about man, you are a demon you have no family man" "The only family I need is standing right here" A woman appears beside you "And yes, I am your family" She embraces you as a brother would do another and a kiss is shared between you two. "wait man, are you my brother?" "Yes" you and your Sister both reply. "So um, does this mean you can explain what is happening?" Jeremy leaves to Kill the MeatballMan while You tell Your sister everything, including how you know her. "You see me in a new light since you got saved" she says "And I see you in a new light since you met your sister." You smile at that comment "So what is going on?" Shaggy dissapeers with his fammily and Jeremy reaches MeatballMan's Tower of Death. He meets the God Killer Xenophon in person. The result is unknown, but everyone (including Sinthinia) hopes that he will win. After a battle told in legends Jeremy wins and take Xenophon's weapon, the legendary Sword of Dragon's Heart, against all logic he will most probably kill Xenophon with it! Later Jeremy manifests DRAGONS HEART and then uses the power of the sword and his stand to finish the battle off, killing Xenophon. He turns to you "Now what? "I will now finish the job, I will kill the Meatball Man" I head into the tower and see the Meatball Man I am at the end of my quest! The monster that destroyed my old world has been destroyed, the world is ready for its next evolution! I attack the Meatball Man with all my might, he dies in one blow sending me falling from the tower due to its height, I break my fall with Stand while laughing "Ha ha! Finally dead!" Then suddenly Sinthinia appears in front of me "Finally we meet again, but this time you die!" "what do you mean?" She grabs my hand and your powers increase once more as you are teleported to your final battle, where you will have to face all your enemies in one final battle... Thanos appears and snaps all of them away from you before throwing them into the distance, you head to your stand and begin to prepare yourself for the final battle. You need to kill: Your enemies are closer than ever before, there is no escape and death is near... But before I can do anything Shaggy appears to help, he says "You did your job man, now time I do mine, run I will sacrifice myself so you can live" He gives you a big smile and runs into battle, right into the center of the enemy's forces. As you watch him fight you think about how you should deal with him. "NO SHAGGY, DON'T DO IT" You yell "YOU MUST STAY WITH THE MAIDENS!" But it's too late he is already in the middle of the fighting leaving you no choice but to enter the middle of the battlefield to face your enemies yourself. Shaggy teleports you very far away, you hear him say in your head "Goodbye... Kid... Take care of the world for me..." You teleport behind your enemies and kill them one by one, making sure to keep track of your surroundings. The battle is far from over yet though. but it was an illusion, the tower is gone and all of them dead, you have won... but at what cost? Suddenly Sinthinia rose out of the ashes in an angelic form, this is the true FINALE: a beautiful angelic Sinthinia attempts to kill you while singing a lullaby. The battle causes the two of you to fall off the side of a mountain. I grab my sword and using all I've got and all of Shaggy's power I seal her away in the sword so she can never hurt anyone ever again. Then I realize I have to finish the fight with the MeatballMan who attacked me out of nowhere while I was dealing with Sinthinia. This fight will be close... Then I realize it was an illusion and the battle is finally over, I look down at the ground. I see my sword stuck in a giant pillar made of stone. I don't see Shaggy though, maybe he won, but I sure didn't.
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booksbroadwaybbc · 6 years
Biting the Bullet, Working in the System via /r/selfimprovement
Biting the Bullet, Working in the System
Working in the system and having to be in it is difficult sometimes. I find especially after walking my process for some years and having developed skills of interacting with and seeing people as equals it is still difficult for me to be treated as less than or allow my bosses to project blame/avoid responsibility of their mistakes.
I have to be careful because sometimes I do blurt out or share what I see and I can see it kind of stirs them up. For example – I was able to show my boss how it was everyone’s collective fault on a point (because it was new and we never reached this form of territory) instead of allowing my boss to make it seem as if they were not responsible for it.
I realize as a Destonian and being involved in the Desteni group we do have opportunities and a space to share what we see and point out where we see another is projecting blame onto another. It is one thing to do in the group and another to apply it in the “real world”/system when many people have not yet learned what it means to own their mistakes and faults because of ego or fear of vulnerability.
I feel like as Destonians we really have to figure out how to work in the system and get along in it. For a while I could not understand “Be in the system but not of the system” means. Now I do – for me I define it as being able to with what I learned and applied in my process see where I can assist and direct me and others in the system/in my job that is best for everyone and doesn’t compromise me at the same time.
It is a lot of learning and figuring out which I do enjoy. I am starting to pick up where I went too far and/or what to correct next time in my job. Because I am not the boss and yet serving them, I have to be careful how I interact as to not threaten my position.
Tonight I would honestly not like to go to a work function because I have intense menstrual cramps and honestly don’t want to go but I know that I require to go to keep a good reputation at work. I am sure it would be consequential if I drop out of this event so I push to go tonight.
I know there are some sacrifices to make when it comes to working in the system, but sometimes you have to do things to keep a stable reputation and continue to get money coming in. It sucks but it’s something we have to do now. Just like having to hear your bosses talk shit about other people but you don’t have the authority or stand to direct it in a supportive way because it could harm your rep. It sucks but this also allows me to bring that stand in other projects and ventures I’m involved in where I don’t become a gossiper but can show another way of living/being to others.
Submitted October 21, 2018 at 11:31AM by virgosjourneytolife via reddit https://ift.tt/2Pb1Vn2
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lokbobpop · 3 years
transitive verb. 1 : to cease to feel resentment against (an offender) : pardon forgive one's enemies. 2a : to give up resentment of or claim to requital (see requital sense 1) for forgive an insult. b : to grant relief from payment of forgive a debt.
Forgive” never meant “untie.” The root of “forgive” is the Latin word “perdonare,” meaning “to give completely, without reservation.” (That “perdonare” is also the source of our English “pardon
Forgive for give forge ive for gave for g ive
Writing forgive
I have written this word a million times it feels but of cause i haven’t it just feels that lets say one thousand within my process to life as this is how it is said. ‘I forgive myself for allowing and accepting’ this is it this has changed my whole life as it were by forgiving myself many many times ive actually let go of what it is that has been keeping me down it wa s only myself anchoring me down im pulling up the weight the mind has give me to carry to the burdens i think are real but never was real to be able to let them go so i cant live life fully.
Reading forgive
I first came to know about forgiving myself was after a book i read by a don someone it said to write out al you want to forgive about yourself or another so i did i went under my favorite tree when had now been bulldozes down and lent up against it and write then all out one by one and yes after the were all done i was great i felt lighter better but it wasnt until i found Desteni i really found out what self forgiveness could really do for me it has changed my life it has given me the opportunity to live this life to be the best life i could have to be happy to not be weighed by my mind every little even means something like the bus ride home just now where i old guy was angry at me for not wearing my mask properly so I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the anger to come up with me today on the bus when an elderly man got upset at me for not wearing my mask properly i see now his fear of catching covid was very valid and my refusal was just out of my ego being knocked by i guy i felt had no right to speak to me in that manor and not realizing how selfish and spiteful i was being by not obeying his right to be scared of me with having my mask down low and all my being upset was just ego of how dare you do that to me like who do you think you are talking to me this white women and you are just some old guy you don’t even know me came up within me which is to totally unacceptable i see realize and understand now that i should respect others whether its in fear or not this is there right and i have no place to put them or another in danger.
I think I definitely dont forgive enough i should definitely forgive myself much more than i do its like ok ive go this I understand what i have done wrong so i don’t need to forgive it but i do it just ends the problem better by forgiving it should i say.
How it has been hard to forgive some people like my alcoholic father ive been hanging on to not forgiving him like i think or should i say feel that as i dont do it he will be punished in some why but its not him at all being punished it me punishing myself only by even doing this he has nothing ot to with my hate for him he’s fine where ever he is in life its only me with the problem he’s Scott free as it were lol im missing the point of of freeing myself from him and what he did to me i missing me in this and only see in its him and my blame my blame doesnt hurt him at all no but it hurts me yes it hurts me big time so I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the blame to com up within towards my father for who the was as a parent to wards me and how i blame him for the way i feel now and for many years that the was a bad father yes he was a bad father but who i am within that is whats that matters so im forgiving myself for carrying blame towards him for what i feel he did to my childhood because i did see realize and understand i am exactly the same as him angry pissed off with life and that all i need to have done was take my own responsibility for my own thoughts and feeling towards him to heal me because thats all that is left is thoughts nothing real just thoughts of the past which need not affect me now in any way what so ever.
Well I think i could spend days writing out self forgiveness hey yes maybe i could do a self forgiveness day or just do more as i go along i think this would be better idea.
To forgive is to release your self from yourself your mind which you have come to believe is you
A what i called a mean girl just came to mind she was angry and I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the fear and revenge i have for her and towards her to come up within me as an energy that is is nt real that really i do love her and i see that she is in anger just like me and we were stuck in anger energy I forgive my fear towards her and revenge i held against her.
I forgive myself of so many things in my life all the trial and tribulations i have had that i have inflected to my physical over and over again that i feel sometimes despot works and i can’t see myself heal and think shit why am i not getting better a;l that has got better is one growth under my eye and wanting more things to so within me to feel normal heathy me I forgive myself for allowing and accepting the disappointment within myself right now that ive not done better and have judged myself to be still back of the pack within comparison to others within process that i want I stand gratification as most do now without seeing i need to clear pathways within me to move better and that i am getting there i am doing it and its ok where i am as this is where i am meant to be right here.
Saying forgive
There’s this warmth from the word within me like i forgive me im sorry for what i do and i will learn from what i ahve done wrong to be a the best version of me yes this is a process and im in it.
The thought of having ot forgive people i dont want to forgive because i think they deserve my anger but they no nothing of my anger they feel nothing of my anger so its only myself that suffers hey so why do i do this to myself why would I punish myself when i havent done anything wrong its fucking nuts to even think i do that lol
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to feel down in the dumps right now to see myself as not good enough and putting myself down with my process i will get there i will do this this is but the mind this is not me I couldn’t possibly ever get down this would be a complete impossibility for me as my real self doesn do this get down so it has to be the mind then bringing in a poor me lol Yep hell o mind i will find you hunt you down a kill you lol.
Does this definition support me no and yes a bit of both going on here i could definitely do better than i am doing with my self forgiveness and see where i am living in the mind more often but the more i do the more i will heel im sure of this i need to apply myself and just keep doing it :) go girl
Forgive to give
To release my from my mind to be able to live my best life ever
To release mechanism the keys to my upmost freedom and to help others see there potential within themselves.
I will and do use this word to live the best possible life in this my last life on this earth in my physical
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marlenlife · 5 years
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638. A Redefined Spirituality The following is inspired by the writings of a life colleague - as I am now deciding to define him – who shared a lengthy letter to me as a response to something that I wrote him in an intent to assist in seeing the blueprint of the points that I consider were veiling him from seeing through the steps to get back into an ownership of his self creation and self awareness, which he has walked in his very own set of paths of ways - but interestingly enough, we have found each other having the same intent and purpose in our lives which we will be joining in an common project where we can share more of our personal experiences and processes with many more that might find themselves in the same kind of ‘holes’ in our creative processes that we have both acknowledged having been limited by in our creative paths of inner and outer creations.
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josephberta · 4 years
Day 441 - The feral mind
Day 441 – The feral mind
Seeing my Shadow
This is about the feral mind humans, what have never been domesticated. Yet we live with it, as it every day, no break.
  Sometimes it is even cryptic – when I look at my stance towards a specific person, who I judge as ‘not cool’ – simply because of my interest connecting me to that person, all I do is that I judge, box and define the person based on that interest of mine.
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moonlit-imagines · 3 years
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warnings: razor
requested by anonymous
“Sam?” You called from the bathroom with shaving cream smeared across the bottom half of your face and a good old fashioned straight razor in hand.
“Yeah?” He asked upon approaching the door and stifled laughter as he caught sight of you. “What’s up?” Sam chuckled.
“I need help. You know how to use this guy? ‘Cause I do not. It’s all we’ve got right now.” You explained with shaving cream threatening to drip down your chin. “Stop staring at me, I know I look handsome.”
“Whatever,” he laughed and reached for your piece, “hand it over. And stay very still, I mean it.” Sam lifted your chin up and carefully dragged the sharp blade against your jaw at an angle, wiping it off on a towel nearby and repeating the process as he guided your neck every which way. Not a single nick by the time he was done, you were impressed.
“Wow, Sam,” you wiped your face with a wet rag and traced your finger along your cheek, “what do I owe you?” You joked with him, complimenting his work.
“This one’s on the house.” He joked back and set the razor down on the counter. “I’ll teach you how to do it yourself next time.”
“No way! You’re too good at this, I could never.”
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @rorybutnotgilmore // @locke-writes // @sweetheartlizzie07 // @queen-destenie // @natasha-danvers // @johnmurphyisqueer // @pappydaddy // @captainshazamerica // @freya-xo // @ravenmoore14 // @canarypoint // @zoeyserpentluck // @randomawesomeperson102 // @brutal-out-here // @wonderful-writer // @of-a-chaotic-mind // @resplendentlady // @procrastinatingsapphictrash // @lxncelot // @swanimagines // @randomfandomimagine // @petersgroupie // @dindjarinsspouse // @werewolf-himbo // @lost-fantasy // @moobrvoobl-moobmoob-oobmpoobroom // @summersimmerus // @cipheress-to-k-pop // @augustvandyne // @spoodermans // @the-did-i-ask // @glxwingrxse // @scarthefangirl // @cyanide-mustard // @druigmybelovedone // @beth-gallagher22 // @bad4amficideas // @magnificentzombiebasement // @sheridans-dynamos // @seraphinevalentine //
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kennethlilagan-blog · 13 years
It is the process of the ‘I’ in this world. As Humans we exist as the ‘I’ – the “who am ‘I’”, the “how am ‘I’”, the “why am ‘I’”, the “what am ‘I’”, the “where am ‘I’” – All the questions about the ‘I’.
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